Mathematics of the Tree of Life From Genomes to Phylogenetic Trees and Beyond Sébastien Roch Department of Mathematics UW-Madison Darwin’s finches Right figure by Nature Education Darwin’s finches Right figure by Nature Education Phylogenetic X-trees Figure from Semple & Steel, Phylogenetics (2003). Phylogenetic X-trees Figure from Baum et al. (2003). Science 310 (5750):979-980. So how is the Tree of Life inferred? I. From Darwin’s finches to HIV evolution II. Pre-genomics era III. Transition: How much data do I need? IV. More data, more problems V. Is the Tree of Life even a tree? Pre-genomics era Strolling down the Tree of Life Strolling down the Tree of Life Strolling down the Tree of Life Strolling down the Tree of Life Compatible splits Figure from Salerno, Curatti, Trends Plant Sci. 2003 Feb;8(2):63-9. Compatible splits Figure from Salerno, Curatti, Trends Plant Sci. 2003 Feb;8(2):63-9. Synapomorphies & homoplasies Figures by University of California Museum of Paleontology's Understanding Evolution Synapomorphies & homoplasies Figures by University of California Museum of Paleontology's Understanding Evolution Molecular systematics Snapshot from Mesquite Molecular systematics Snapshot from Mesquite Molecular systematics Snapshot from Mesquite Tree metrics Figure from Semple & Steel, Phylogenetics (2003). Tree metrics a b a d c a d c b c b d Tree metrics a b a d c a d c b c b d Tree metrics a b a d c a d c b c b d Markov process on a tree ρ π A P(e2) P(e1) A P(e3) P(e4) G A G Ho Pa Go Markov process on a tree ρ π A P(e2) P(e1) A P(e3) P(e4) G A G Ho Pa Go Markov process on a tree Markov process on a tree k columns = k i.i.d. samples Back to tree metrics a c b d Back to Darwin’s finches NJ tree of combined cytb and cr sequences. (From: Akie Sato et al. PNAS 1999;96:5101-5106) Identifiability Identifiability pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Likelihood-based inference How much data do I need? Adaptive radiation Genome-scale phylogeny of birds. (From: Erich D. Jarvis et al. Science 2014;346:1320-1331) Short branches c a b a f f b d c a c f d b d Short branches pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Short branches pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Short branches pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Short branches pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Short branches pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Depth Correlation decay Correlation decay Correlation decay 30mya 20mya 10mya today Correlation decay 30mya 20mya 10mya today Correlation decay 30mya 20mya 10mya today More data, more problems Next-generation sequencing Concatenating genes Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene m Concatenating genes Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3of Supergene Gene 4 mk length Gene m ML Concatenating genes Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3of Supergene Gene 4 mk length Gene m Mixed-up trees Mixed-up trees Mixed-up trees pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Mixed-up trees pT(Θ) pT’(Θ) Back to the birds Genome-scale phylogeny of birds. (From: Erich D. Jarvis et al. Science 2014;346:1320-1331) Species tree v. “gene” trees Figures from Maddison, Syst. Biol. (1997). A source of discordance: Deep coalescence Figures by Luay Nakhleh Anomaly zone > A B C D E F An extra layer • Species tree: S • Two-stage hierarchical model: for each gene g (independently and identically), - Generate a gene tree Tg for g using the multispecies coalescent on S - Generate sequence data of length k on Tg using a Markov model • Goal: recover S from sequences S T1 T2 T3 T4 … Tm An extra layer • Species tree: S • Two-stage hierarchical model: for each gene g (independently and identically), - Generate a gene tree Tg for g using the multispecies coalescent on S - Generate sequence data of length k on Tg using a Markov model • Goal: recover S from sequences S T1 T2 T3 T4 … Tm Question: How much data is needed? ? k m k k k k k 1 2 3 4 m S log10 k An unexpected trade-off log10 m A source of discordance: Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) Figure from Gogarten & Townsend Nature Reviews Microbiology 3, 679-687 (2005). Cyanobacteria Quartet decomposition analysis of cyanobacteria. (From: Olga Zhaxybayeva et al. Genome Res. 2006;16:1099-1108) Subtree-prune-regraft Figure from Bansal et al., Journal of Computational Biology, 8(9): 1087-1114 (2011). HGT as combinatorial noise • Species tree: T • Galtier’s model: for each gene g (independently and identically), - HGTs occur at random positions with average number ρ of HGTs per gene - Receivers are chosen at random among contemporaneous positions • Goal: recover T from gene trees Figures from Galtier, Syst. Biol. (2007). Question: How much HGT is too much? Figure from Doolittle WF (1999). Science 284:2124-2128. Is the Tree of Life even a tree? Hybridization Hybridization Beyond trees Phylogenetic net work Beyond trees Phylogenetic net work Beyond trees Split net work Phylogenetic net work Work supported by: For more: Thanks Work supported by: For more: