Document 11884000

A collection of 322 full text journals, from the first issue
of a title to the year 2000. Limit your search to the Education section before searching for articles. Subject Specialists Librarians
Research Instruction
(936) 261-1535
Project Muse A collec on of 200+ full text journals, including The High
School Journal and Journal of Higher EducaƟon. Kimberly Gay, Reference and
Instruction Librarian
(Agriculture, Business, Communications, Education, History, Human Sciences, Journalism,
Juvenile Justice, Languages & Literature, Nursing, Political Science,
Sociology & Social Work, and University College)
(936) 261-1506
John B. Coleman Library
Social Science Journals database contains >100 titles
dealing with education is all areas and specialties.
Chieko Sato
Reference and Instruction
Wilson Omnifile
Full Text, a multi-disciplinary database providing the complete content — indexing, abstracts, and full text — from 6
of Wilson’s full-text databases: Education Full Text, General Science Full Text, Humanities Full Text, Readers’
Guide Full Text, Social Sciences Full Text, and Wilson
Business Full Text. Full-text articles from five additional
periodical databases are also included when available: Applied Science & Technology Full Text, Art Full Text, Biological & Agricultural Index, Index to Legal Periodicals &
Books, and Library Literature & Information Science Full
Text. Indexing begins in 1982, abstracts in 1984, and fulltext coverage in 1994. Each database has its own start
dates for indexing, abstracting, and full text; start dates for
full-text rights to individual journals vary within a database.
(Art and Architecture, Community
Development, Mathematics, Physics,
Engineering, Biology, Chemistry,
Government Docs, and ROTC )
ProQuest (including ProQuest DissertaƟons & Theses) A comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses and
the database of record for graduate research, over 2.3M
dissertations and theses included from around the world.
The database includes bibliographic citations for materials
dating from the first U.S. dissertation, accepted in 1861, to
those accepted as recently as last semester. The full text of
over 1 M titles is available in paper and microform formats. Bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1861, and more than 60K new citations
are added annually.
(936) 261-1507
Elizabeth Brumfield
Distance Services Librarian
(Northwest Houston Campus
and other distance programs) (713) 790-7282
Dr. Rosie L. Albritton
Director of Library Services
John B. Coleman Library
Prairie View A&M University
12/07 rla
Information Services (936) 261-1535
Suggested Library of Congress Subject Heading
Find Articles
African Americans—Education
Multicultural education—United States
Action research in education
School management and organization
Educational leadership—United States
Educational counseling
Full length journal, magazine and newspaper articles can
be found in our online article collections. If a book or
article cannot be found in PVAMU’s resources, it can
usually be borrowed from another library. Fill out the
Interlibrary Loan form, and please note that it may take
several weeks to receive the item.
Education Databases
Find Books
Search the PVAMU Libraries Online Catalog for
“education”. Most of the books on education that can
be checked out are on the third floor in the L section.
You’ll find useful statistics and background information in these books, which are located on the first
floor of the library in the Reference department:
College experience for men of color LC2781.7 .C65
Qualitative research in education : a user's guide
LB1028 .L436 2013
Action research for school leaders LB1028.24 .S73
Reading diagnosis for teachers : an instructional approach LB1050.46 .B37 2013
Selected Reference Books
Encyclopedia of African American education
LC2771 .E63 2010
Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent
LC3993.2 .E53 2009
Sage handbook of African American education
LC2717 .S34 2009
Dictionary of education LB15 .D483 2008
Encyclopedia of bilingual education LC3707 .E523
Academic Universe (LEXIS NEXIS)
Basic source for legal information includes full text of
state and federal legal cases, articles from law reviews
and newspapers, federal and state codes. The section on
Education Law includes: Selected Education law cases
from the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeal, all U.S. Federal District Courts, and from the state
courts and the District of Columbia.
EBSCO Host Includes:
Academic Search Complete a comprehensive scholarly,
multi-disciplinary full-text database with 5.3K full-text
periodicals, including 4.4K peer-reviewed journals. Indexing and abstracts for 9.3K journals and a total of
10.9K publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features content
going back to 1865. Updated daily.
EJS E-Journals provides article-level access for ~10K
E-Journals available through EBSCO’s Electronic Journal Service with links directly to publishers’ content.
ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) includes bibliographic records (citations, abstracts, and
other pertinent data) for 1.2M items including journal
articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers,
technical reports, policy papers, and other educationrelated materials indexed from 1996 and full text of
2.2K digests with references and citations and abstracts
from 1K education-related journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in
Education Index.
Humanities International Index is a comprehensive
database covering journals, books and other important
reference sources in the humanities providing cover-tocover indexing and abstracting for 2K and contains 2M
Legal Collection (1965-date) provides information centered on the legal and law-related disciplines such as
criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor and human resource law,
ethics, the environment and more from a collection of
respected, scholarly peer-reviewed publications including full text for 250 of the world’s best law journals,
documents, and case studies.
Professional Development Collection is a comprehensive collection of full text education journals with a
highly specialized collection of 550 high quality education journals, including 350 peer-reviewed titles and
200 educational reports.
PsychARTICLES (1894 to date) is a definitive source
of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology with 100K full-text articles from 59
journals including 48 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and allied organizations.
PsycINFO (1887-date) contains ~2.3 MM citations and
summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters,
books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related
disciplines with 97% of the covered material being
peer-reviewed. Journal coverage (1887-date) includes
international material selected from more than 2,100
periodicals in 25 languages.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection is a
comprehensive database providing 550 full text publications, including 500 peer-reviewed journals. The database covers topics such as emotional and behavioral
characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. Indexing and abstracts are provided
for all journals in the collection.