Indicator 60. Capacity To Measure and Monitor Changes in the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests, Including Availability and Extent of Up-To-Date Data, Statistics, and Other Information Important to Measuring or Describing Indicators Associated with Criteria 1-7 Measured, national scale 4 Partial measures, national scale 22 Estimated national scale Number of indicators by data availability, criterion 7 8 Data available national scale 5 7 Partial measures, estimated national scale Measured subnational scale 23 Estimated subnational 1 17 Partial data at national scale No data 0 5 10 15 20 25 Number of indicators 31 30 35 0 5 10 15 Number of indicators 20 Figure 60-1. Number of indicators by data availability, criteria 1-6. Figure 60-2. Number of indicators by data availability, criterion 7. What Is the Indicator and Why Is It Important? the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program across all forest land, measured data will be available at a national scale for several more indicators. An indicator can be classed in more than one category. For example, the indicator—value and quantities of production of nonwood forest products—has partial measures at a national scale, partial measures at a subnational scale, and no data for some parts. This indicator assesses the availability of information needed to measure or describe the indicators associated with criteria 1 through 7. Successful implementation of the criteria and indicator concept requires the availability of information to report on the indicators. What Does the Indicator Show? For criterion 7, 5 indicators have enough data to make a statement at a national scale, while 17 indicators have data to make a partial statement at a national scale. For criteria 1 through 6, three indicators have measured data reported at a national scale. This data is for area of forest, by forest type, wood and wood products production, and supply and consumption of wood and wood products. As the USDA Forest Service implements The state of the data indicates that much work needs to be done in the area of data collection. 74