Emilio Desalvo Via della Mola Vecchia, 7 00061 Anguillara Sabazia RM Italia Tel. +39-06-9995636 MC4187@mclink.it PERSONAL DATA Nationality: Italian Birth place: Enna Birth date: 13 December 1967 WORK EXPERIENCE Re.Si.Inform. March 2000- March 2002 Roma Analyst-programmer, detached as consultant to Consulsistemi S.p.A. assigned with tasks of analysis, development and maintenance in ADABAS/Natural on IBM mainframes for ACI (Automobile Club d’Italia) Informatica. Re.Si.Inform. April 1998 - February 2000 Roma Analyst-programmer, detached as consultant to EDS Italy, assigned with tasks of reverse engineering, analysis, development and maintenance in ADABAS/Natural on IBM mainframes for Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni. Sinter & Net December 1996 - April 1998 Monte Carlo Analyst-programmer, assigned with tasks of development, reverse engineering and adaptation on behalf of Banca della Svizzera Italiana, Gérance S.A.M., in ADABAS/Natural on HP-UX systems. Sinter & Net May 1996 - November 1996 Lugano, Switzerland Analyst-programmer, detached as consultant to BossLab SA of Manno, Switzerland, working in a banking environment, assigned with tasks of reverse engineering, analysis and development in ADABAS/Natural on IBM mainframes. CRM June 1995 - May 1996 Roma Analyst-programmer, detached as consultant to EDS Italy, assigned with tasks of analysis, development and maintenance in Predict/CASE and ADABAS/Natural on IBM mainframes for Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni. Edizioni del Lago 1994 - 1995 Anguillara Desk top publishing with Quark Xpress, CorelDRAW! and Adobe Photoshop for the local magazine Oltre. INDI s.r.l. (Consulsistemi S.p.A.) 1991 - 1994 Roma Senior programmer, detached to various projects for the major clients of the firm, including SIAE (Società Italiana Autori ed Editori), Agip Petroli and Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, in ADABAS/Natural and Predict/CASE on IBM mainframes. INDI s.r.l. (Consulsistemi S.p.A.) 1989 - 1991 Roma Junior programmer, detached to various projects for the major clients of the firm, including ENEA (Ente Nazionale Energia Atomica), Agip Petroli and Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, in ADABAS/Natural and Predict/CASE on IBM mainframes. MAIN AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE • Database Administration on Oracle 9i, deep theorical knowledge. • Technical Analysis, development, maintenance and reverse engineering in ADABAS/Natural, deep theorical knowledge and practical experience. FOREIGN LANGUAGES English: excellent, both written and spoken; French: good verbal skills; Spanish: basic knowledge. CERTIFICATIONS Oracle 9i Database Administrator Certified Professional EDUCATION Oracle Corporation December 2003 Roma Oracle University Course: Oracle 9i Database Performance Tuning. Oracle Corporation October 2003 Roma Oracle University Course: Oracle 9i Database Administration Fundamentals II R2. Oracle Corporation August 2003 Roma Oracle University Course: Oracle 9i Database Administration Fundamentals I R2. Oracle Corporation July 2003 Roma Oracle University Course: Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL. Consulsistemi S.p.A. Roma In-company in-depth and refresher courses on the ADABAS/Natural environment, including: Recovery/Restart Techniques, Natural Advanced Facilities, ADABAS Architecture, ADABAS/Natural Interfacing, ADABAS Commands. Consulsistemi S.p.A. September 1988 - February 1989 Roma In-company courses on: EDP Fundamentals, Warnier Programming Method, COBOL programming, Test Techniques, DB/DC Technology, the MVS Operating System, the ADABAS DBMS and the Natural Data Manipulation Language. Computer School November 1987 - May 1988 Roma “Diploma di Programmatore/Operatore in COBOL su sistemi IBM S/36, rilasciato dalla Regione Lazio” (Diploma as Programmer/Operator in COBOL, issued by the Lazio Regional Authority) with courses on Structured Programming and COBOL. Istituto Tecnico Industriale Parificato “Karl F. Gauss” 1984 - 1987 Roma “Diploma di Maturità Tecnica di Perito Industriale Capotecnico - Specializzazione Informatica ” (Senior High School Diploma in Computer Sciences) with subjects in various computing related fields. Istituto Professionale Turistico “Stendhal” 1981 - 1984 Roma “Diploma di Qualifica di Accompagnatore Turistico ” (Professional Diploma as tour guide). Subjects included: English, French and Spanish Languages, business and finance, typing.