Annual Report: 1036600 CREST CFEA 2011 Annual Report: 1036600 Senior Personnel

Annual Report: 1036600
CREST CFEA 2011 Annual Report: 1036600
Senior Personnel
Name: Wang, Yong Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Wang is the PI of the CREST-CFEA proposal, and has been serving as the Center Director since 2007. He has been
coordinating the Center functions and managing the budgets. On behalf of CREST-CFEA, he worked on several initiatives
during the past year: (1) Leading the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site program at AAMU with the
financial support from NSF and AAMU. (2) Collaboration with the North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence
(NACEE), a private organization working to increase the minority participation in STEM fields, to recruit high school students
to participate CREST related research activities. A supplement proposal submitted to NSF to fund two minority high school
students to join the summer research programs has been awarded. (3) A co-PI on Undergraduate Research Mentoring project
funded by NSF. (4) PI of research on the plant invasion, and worked with faculty members and research staff of the CRESTCFEA on the project funded by US Office of Surface Mining. (5) Enhancement of recruitment effort by collaborating with the
recruitment director of the School of Agricultural and Environmental Science (SAES) to work as a PI on the project of
'Developing Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for 21st Century Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science'
to CSREES' Capacity Building Grant. (6) Worked with partners from Bankhead National Forest, a private consultant, and
other rganizations on establishing a research and education center at Bankhead National Forest. (7) Worked with NSF Program
Director and University and School administrators to resolve CREST-CFEA budget issues related to the unexpected faculty
staff salary, benefits, and transportation cost increase. (8) Lead the AAMU China initiative funded by USDA. Dr. Wang is
also in charge of the herpetofaunal and avian research of the subproject II. As a biometrician, Dr. Wang assisted the faculty
and students in research design and statistical analyses. Dr. Wang currently has five graduate students working on CRESTCFEA related project. Most of these students and their research activities have been funded by external funds, but benefited
from CREST-CFEA directly or indirectly.
Name: Senwo, Zachary Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Senwo is the interim Assistant Dean of the School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and is Director of the
SAES Research Program. In 2010, Dr. Senwo traveled to China with the research group (on a NIFA grant), to Nanjing
Forestry University, to establish long-term research ties to that university.
Name: Tadesse, Wubishet Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Tadesse coordinates the Center of Forest Ecosystem Assessment's Subproject III - Coupled Dynamics of Human and
Landscape (CD) with administrative responsibilities including budgeting, developing progress reports, and project planning
with monthly meetings. He is involved in the investigations on Component 1: Impact of watershed level forest management on
hydrological processes, forest structure, and carbon stocks, and Component 2: Land-use strategies and forest land cover
changes influence on the provision of ecological services. He was also a major advisor to three graduate students (two Ph.D.
and a MS student, funded through CFEA-CREST) who graduated on May 13, 2011. Their dissertation and thesis topics are
related to our current funded project. Students are currently preparing manuscripts for publication in peer review journal from
their dissertation and thesis research. In addition to his research assignment, Dr. Tadesse also teaches both undergraduate and
graduate courses: Remote Sensing of Environment I; Remote Sensing of Environment II; Quantitative Approach to Remote
Sensing; Introduction to Geographic Information Systems; GIS, Spatial Analysis and Modeling; and Advanced Principles of
Geographic Information Systems. He also coordinates the Environmentors program with local high schools, which is an
effective tool for recruiting minority and underrepresented students into STEM.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Chen, Xiongwen Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Chen's work during this reporting time period was primarily related to recruitment of a graduate student and the
implemention of the proposed activities. He visited the study area to implement field surveys from last winter. He has collected
relevant field information for ecological services and air quality at Bankhead National Forest with students using field surveys
and monitoring. He advised one graduate student (James Fountain) and one intern (Emily Summers) for the CFEA sub-project
Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD). He published two peer-reviewed journal papers. At same time, Dr. Chen
also serves as a major advisor for two Ph.D. students.
Name: Christian, Colmore Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Christian directs Component 3 of the Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD) sub-project: Environmental and
aesthetics impacts of outdoor recreation and biomass harvesting on forest ecosystem. Dr. Christian has not yet identified a
graduate student to be involved in this component, but he is making use of every opportunity (meetings, conferences, and
through personal network) to recruit. The Graduate Assistantship opportunity has been shared at professional conferences, with
members of his professional network, and has also been posted on campus. The student to be recruited is expected to support
the Outdoor Recreation Evaluation and Monitoring component of the CREST project. In the meantime, undergraduate students
are currently engaged in the project. Dr. Christian is also the PI for a similar research project (funded by McIntire Stennis ) that
seeks to identify the constraints and barriers to residents (particularly minorities) of communities adjacent to the Bankhead
National Forest (BNF) that limit their use and participation in the range of services and opportunities available at BNF. He is
also working on other related projects and currently collecting data to identify existing and potential nature-based outdoor
recreation enterprises operating in the Alabama's Black Belt. This project is funded under the Evans-Allen initiative. Both
projects share the study area that is being used for CFEA-CREST project.
Dr. Christian was a member of Ms. Anquinette Hill's Graduate Advisory Committee. Ms Hill, a MS student in the Department
of Agribusiness graduated in May 2011. Her thesis was 'Exploring Population and Income Change Dynamics in Southeastern
United States'. Dr. Christian currently serves on three other Graduate Advisory Committees in the School of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences.
Name: Dimov, Luben Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Luben Dimov Advised the environmental group Wild South. Two persons, February 2011. Luben Dimov advised the Land
Trust of Huntsville and north Alabama. Recourse Committee member, monthly meetings, about eight members and Land Trust
staff. Luben Dimov advised private landowners on the restoration of American chestnut.
Name: Fraser, Rory Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Fraser works on human dimension component of the Subproject three.
Name: Gyawali, Buddhi Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Gyawali's work for this reporting period was primarily related to preparatory work for the implementation of the
proposed activities for Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD). He was involved in identifying digital data
base and collecting potential landowners from eight Black Belt counties for survey, and drafting survey questionnaire. In
addition, he was involved in outreach and recruitment activities by visiting high schools in the Black Belt region, and
Annual Report: 1036600
mentoring summer camp high school students at AAMU, writing grants, presenting papers and posters, participated in
USDA peer review panels, advising graduate students in the Department of Agribusiness etc. He does not have any
graduate student yet working in the CREST related project, but has made several recruitment efforts. Dr Gyawali was
major advisor for Ms. Anquinette Hill, a MS student in the Department of Agribusiness. She graduated in May 2011. Her
thesis, 'Exploring population and Income Change Dynamics in Southeastern United States,' explored the socioeconomic,
industry and land use change dynamics in 1070 counties including 67 counties in Alabama. Her work partially relates to
CFEA/CDHL objectives. Two manuscripts are currently being developed from her thesis for publication. Currently, Dr.
Gyawali is an advisor for two MS students in the Department of Agribusiness and co-advisor or thesis advisor committee
member for eight graduate students from Agribusiness and NRES departments.
Name: Mbila, Monday Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Monday Mbila is a pedologist, and has been working with soils of several northern Alabama study sites (including
Bankhead National Forest) to characterize the soil mineralogy, and soil organic matter of the ecosystem. Currently, he directs
investigations on ecosystem functions and processes in disturbed forest ecosystem to address clay mineral changes and organic
matter interaction patterns in the forest ecosystem. Dr. Mbila was an adviser for the AAMU Environmental Science Club. he
was also a judge for the North Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair (March 2-4, 2011) and for the Alabama State
Science and Engineering Fair (March 31-April 2, 2011), in the School of Engineering at the University of Alabama in
Dr. Mbila attended the following meetings/conferences:
· The Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Society's Annual Meeting, held June 8-10, 2011, at Five Rivers Delta
Resource Center in Spanish Fort, Alabama.
· The Alabama USDA-NRES Soil Survey Work Planning Conference, held March 8-9, 2011, at Auburn University in
Name: Moss, Elica Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Elica M. Moss received her Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Chemistry at Alabama A&M
University. After which, she obtained her Ph. D in Crop and Soil Science/Environmental Toxicology from Michigan State
University. Dr. Moss currently works in Sub-project II - Ecosystem Functions and Processes in Disturbed Forest Ecosystem:
Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling Dynamics. Dr. Moss, along with other members of sub-project II, works collaboratively
with the US Forest Service to assess the long-term study sites at the Bankhead National Forest. During this past year, she
traveled to Long Beach, California to attend the Soil Science Society of America meeting (October 31-November 4, 2010).
She brought ten (10) students with her to attend this meeting. She is planning on attending this year's SSSA international
meeting in San Antonio, Texas (October 16-19, 2011), and will bring nine (9) students with her to this meeting as well. Dr.
Moss is a mentor and Co-PI for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences Program (REU). She is also PI
and mentor of the NSF Undergraduate Research and Mentoring Program, the first of its kind at Alabama A&M University
Recently a new REU proposal was also accepted by the NSF, for an international program that will bring
undergraduate students to China to conduct research for ecological and environmental sciences in an urbanizing
Dr. Moss advised Ph.D. candidate and CFEA-CREST student Meiko Thompson who graduated in 2010 (and who is now a
post-doc at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville). She is the coordinator of the only accredited Environmental Health
Science program in the state of Alabama. She is advisor to many students with an interest in ecological studies and teaches
several courses in Environmental Science, Environmental Health Science, Epidemiology and Environmental Toxicology. Dr.
Moss is advisor to the Environmental Science Club, which focuses on improving environmental awareness and stewardship
Annual Report: 1036600
across campus. She also serves on the planning committee for the annual AAMU STEM Day in hopes of attracting more
students to the STEM disciplines and increasing the awareness of the wonderful/significant research that occurs on campus.
Dr. Moss is also a proponent of sharing with the community the tremendous opportunities in natural resources and
environmental science areas. She has established a relationship with the Birmingham Water Works Student Ambassadors
program, the Sumter County Board of Education and the North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence through which
AAMU has established an EnvironMentor program where she serves as a mentor.
Name: Naka, Kozma Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Naka directs research on environmental impact of forest operations. He searched and reviewed literature, advised and
helped students for collecting harvesting impact data in the field, helped students in conducting statistical analysis and in
preparing reports, presentations and posters, Dr. Naka teaches the Field Forestry Techniques Course, usually taken by students
after sophomore year. This course helps students get familiar with CFEA research activities. This is important because most of
them will be involved directly in the research during their junior and senior years. He is also very actively involved in the
summer forestry camp for undergraduates, and travels with students around the southeastern United States to attend different
activities. During summer, they camp out in the forest and are guided by faculty and graduate students to different research
plots. They also meet stakeholders of the forest such us Forest Service employees, Native Americans, and local
Name: Nyakatawa, Ermson Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Nyakatawa is affiliated with sub-project two: Forest Ecosystem Functions and Processes in Disturbed Forest
Ecosystem?Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling Dynamics. Within this ub-project, Dr. Nyakatawa is studying the carbon
sequestration aspects of component 3 (Carbon sequestration and energy flux balance in disturbed forest ecosystem) to improve
our understanding of the role orests play in global carbon sequestration. Specifically, Dr. Nyakatawa's research is
concentrating on investigating the effects of forest management practices such as prescribed burning and tree harvesting on
soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and C sequestration. Quantitative impacts of soil temperature and soil moisture
conditions under the different forest management practices on soil C dynamics will be developed by performing regression and
correlation analyses on soil CO2 fluxes and soil C storage data.
Dr. Nyakatawa currently trains and supervises Ms. Bahja Anderson, an undergraduate student in the Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Sciences. He is currently working on recruiting an MS graduate student to conduct research on
the effects of fire and tree harvesting forest management practices on soil C dynamics in the Bankhead National Forest
ecosystem. Dr. Nyakatawa is a thesis committee member for a CFEA-CREST sponsored graduate student, Ms. Angela Reedy,
who is working towards her MS degree, studying the effects of forest management practices on soil organic phosphorus
transformations. Last summer, Dr. Nyakatawa participated in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in
the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. This is an NSF funded program within the CFEA, whose
activities are closely related to the CREST project. As an REU program mentor, Dr. Nyakatawa trained an undergraduate
student from Florida A&M University on laboratory instrumentation aspects of measuring and quantifying ammonium and
nitrate nitrogen in forest soils exposed to prescribed burning forest management practice.
Name: Ranatunga, Thilini Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Thilini Ranatunga serves as a Co-PI for the CFEA Sub-project: Ecosystem Functions and Processes in Disturbed Forest
Ecosystem? Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling Dynamics. Her research is specifically focused on investigation of phosphorus
(P) transformation in forest soils subjected to prescribed burning and thinning treatments. Dr. Ranatunga is currently advising
one MS graduate student, Angela Reedy, who joined the CREST Program in January 2011. Thus far, Ms. Reedy has been
Annual Report: 1036600
trained in the following: literature review, soil chemical analysis, and other experimental procedures required for her thesis
research. Dr. Ranatunga has also actively participated in experimental design, budget management, preparation of reports, and
CFEA group meeting discussions. Her other research activities include investigation of structural transformation of soil
organic matter in forest soils subjected to prescribed burning and logging treatments. She serves as a member of several MS
and Ph.D. thesis advisory committees. In addition, she served on the Alabama A&M University STEM day organizing
committee (May 2011) and actively participated in abstract editing and awards committee activities. She also served in abstract
and organizing committees for the 2nd Annual Conference of the American Council for Medicinally Active Plants (July, 2011)
held in Huntsville, Alabama. She has also attended scientific meetings, conferences, and faculty development activities. She is
an active member in scientific societies, including: Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop
Science Society of America, and Association of Women Soil Scientists.
Name: Schweitzer, Callie Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Schweitzer leads the USFS SRS research unit in Huntsville. She is working on both sub-projects one and three and is a
fundamental part of the ongoing collaboration between subprojects and external partners. During the last year her focus has
been on data collection within the BNF, including fire and fuels data, assessment of tornado damage and preparation of field
tours. Dr Schweitzer has also assisted in developing proposal to build on the current research.
Name: Soliman, Khairy Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Tsegaye, Teferi Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Wagaw, Mezemir Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Wagaw's work in this reporting period was primarily advising a newly recruited graduate student, Bobby Riley. Mr. Riley
has been preparing his research thesis proposal in one of Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD) research
component project since February 2011. His thesis topic is 'Impact of watershed level forest management on hydrological
processes'. Dr Wagaw has obtained all field equipment necessary for the project. He communicates frequently, and works in
close cooperation with Ms. J. Allison Cochran, CWB District Wildlife Biologist of the U.S. Forest Service Region 8, Southern
Region? Bankhead RD National Forests in Alabama. The U.S. Forest Service is currently moving forward with the processing
of a Special Use Permit as requested by Dr. Wagaw; see the USDA Forest Service 'request for comments' dated June 30, 2011.
Name: Tazisong, Irenus Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Tazisong coordinates the Thrust II (Soils) project with responsibilities for progress reports, experimental design and
project planning. He directs investigations on the biogeochemical nutrient cycling dynamics in disturbed managed ecosystem,
and the soil microbial biodiversity studies to address component 1. Dr Tazisong supervises Shelley Baltar (a field and lab
technician for the soil sub project) who was hired in June 2011. Shelley Baltar has mapped and taken GPS points of all the
treatments. She has ordered most of the supplies needed for soil sampling and collection. She is also responsible for data
entering into spread sheet, prepare molar solutions in the lab, operate and trouble shoot instruments, and assist graduate and
undergraduate students working in the soil sub project. She has received training in forest safety from Allison Cochran, the
Bankhead National Forest wildlife biologist. This training has prepared her to do her job effectively.
Annual Report: 1036600
Dr. Tazisong is a CO-PI for two grants awarded and two pending (See Table 1). The two grants awarded are: ( 1 ) Increasing
Adoption of Organic Farming Practices in Alabama through Teaching and Educational Extension Activities. This was an
integrated proposal jointly submitted by Tuskegee University and Alabama A&M University. This grant was funded by the
USDA in July 2011 for the amount of $600,000.00 with AAMU to receive $240,000.00 of the total amount. My collaborators
in this grant are:- Desmond Mortley; Eunice Bonsi; Adelia Bovell-Benjamin; Leonard Githinji; Franklin Quarcoo; Wendell
McElhenney; Youssouf Diabete; Leopold Nyochembeng; Regine Mankolo; and Rufina Ward; and ( 2 ) Trends and Emerging
Issues in Soil Microbial Ecology: Challenges and Opportunities, funded by the USDA for the amount of $10,000.00.
Collaborators in this grant include Dr. Zachary Senwo and Dr. Ramble Ankumah. The grants pending are ( 1 ) NSF REUChina Site for Ecological and Environmental Sciences in Urbanizing Landscape. This grant is a Research Experience for
Undergraduates (REU) at AAMU with the financial support requested from NSF. My collaborators in this grant include: Drs.
Yong Wang, Elica Moss, Zachary Senwo, Goang Liaw, Yuanchun Yu, Haibo Wu, Zhongjun Jia, Jianzhi Niu; and ( 2 )
Understanding the Interaction of the Root Endophyte Piriformospora indica with Tomato Plants and Effects of Different Soils
on its Colonization of Tomato Roots, submitted to USDA-AFRI in June 2011, for the requested amount of $499,814.
Collaborators for this grant include: Dr. Leopold Nyochembeng, Dr. Regine Mankolo, and Dr. M. S. Reddy.
Dr. Tazisong works in collaboration with Co-PIs of the CREST-CFEA and faculty members across the Department of Natural
Resource and Environmental Science (NRES). He attended and presented at the 16th Biennial Research Symposium held in
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Atlanta, Georgia, from April 9 ? 13, 2011. This symposium was organized by the Association of
Research Directors, Inc. During this symposium Dr. Tazisong also serve as a moderator for the concurrent graduate students
oral presentations, in the Renewable Resources, Bioenergy and Environmental Stewardship session. Dr. Tazisong has authored
two publications and a presentation as listed elsewhere in this Report.
Name: Stone, William Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Stone serves with other faculty members on the Core Steering Committee (CSC) and chairs the Teambuilding Leadership
Committee (TLC). Dr. Stone (along with Dr. Ken Ward) are PIs on the McIntire-Stenis grant looking at effects of timber
harvesting techniques on freshwater ecosystems. He is major advisor to Heather Howell (Ph.D. candidate), who is the primary
researcher on freshwater ecosystem response to timber harvesting techniques and other anthropogenic disturbances in urban
areas. Both teach two courses in fisheries. With other CFEA colleagues and students, Dr. Stone has conducted several
community outreach projects at local public schools and community groups this year.
Name: Taylor, Robert Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Taylor is Dean of the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. He has also worked with Dr. Ranatunga on a
number of research projects, including 'Identification of Organic Phosphorus Forms in Forest Soil Using 31P NMR Nuclear
magnetic Spectroscopy,' which was presented at the Soil Science Society of America'a annual meeting in Long Beach,
California last year.
Graduate Student
Name: Williams, Jeanette Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Ojha, Santosh Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Stringer, Brandie Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Stringer is a Masters student on Subproject 1 (Wildlife). Dr. Yong Wang is her major advisor. Her research topic is: Effect
of forest management on the songbird breeding success in Northeastern Alabama. A better understanding of disturbance
ecology is crucial to the conservation of Neotropical migratory songbirds, as many of them are sensitivity to anthropogenic
environmental changes. Many Neotropical migrants, such as Dendroica discolor, the Prairie Warbler (PRAW), are dependent
upon periodic disturbance for their habitat needs and have suffered recent declines due to loss of early successional habitat.
Most land in southeastern US are forested and are owned privately. Alabama contains the third largest commercial forest and
the second largest private forest in the nation. Timber production is a major economic driving force, which affect the forest
structure and availability across the landscape. These disturbances may create early successional habitats that are beneficial to
some avian species that rely on these habitats. However, little work has been done to examine the mechanisms such as the
individual fecundity and population level productivity that affect these avian species. The logging practice creates earlier
successional habitat that will accommodate more breeding territories of earlier successional avian species at the forest stand
level, the practice also increases the risk of predation and parasitism by the Brown-headed Cowbird. The tradeoff between the
increased breeding habitat (opportunity for breeding, territories) at a forest stand and the negative effect on individual
fecundity due to predation and parasitism may change temporarily with forest successional changes. We may expect a
particular forest stand going through the process of 'sink' - 'source' habitat dynamics. The study examines songbird response to
anthropogenic disturbance from forest logging practices by examining: (1) individual level reproductive success (nest level)
and (2) population level reproductive success (forest stand level).
Ms. Stringer gave three presentations at different conferences/ meetings, including: Alabama A&M University Stem Day
2011, Normal, AL (April 20), where she gave a poster presentation (Forest Disturbance and a Songbird Community: Temporal
Response), the ASB 2010 Annual Conference in Huntsville, AL (April 13-16), where she gave a poster presentation (Forest
Disturbance and a Songbird Community: Temporal Response), and at the ACTWS 2011 Annual Meeting in Prattville, AL
(March 3-5), where she gave a poster presentation (Forest Disturbance and a Songbird Community: Temporal Response).
Name: Messenger, Kevin Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Conner, Padraic Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Diggs, Elliot Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Fields, Szymanski Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Advisor: Dr. Wubishet Tadesse Major: Plant and Soil Science Graduated May 13, 2011
MS Thesis title: The use of LiDar and color infrared imagery to measure forest characteristics in the William B. Bankhead
Mr.Fields' research focused on incorporating light detection and ranging (LiDaR) and color infrared imagery to quantify forest
Annual Report: 1036600
structures and to distinguish tree species groups (pines and hardwoods) for selected stands within the William B. Bankhead
National Forest, Alabama. The broader focus of this study was contribute to the state of knowledge in applying LiDaR data for
forest vertical structure quantification. The specific objectives of this study were to ( 1 ) test and evaluate the ability of a small
footprint Discrete LiDaR system in measuring individual tree heights at a plot level for selected stands within the Bankhead
National Forest; ( 2 ) further canvas pine-hardwood species differentiation along with the tree location and identification
capabilities of color infrared imagery (CIR) when used in conjunction with LiDaR. Tree species groups were assigned through
object-based classification and statistical analysis of CIR via ENVI Feature Extraction? software. Tree species group
classification accuracy was then statistically evaluated and validated through comparison to concurrent ground collected
species data followed by the implementation of user and producer accuracy calculations. The ability of modeled LiDaR return
data to accurately measure individual tree heights was carried out through Ordinary Kriging interpolation of LiDaR point
clouds for the creation of Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) rasters of selected study area
stands. Tree locations and heights in the form of Canopy Height Models (CHM) were derived from subtraction modeling of
DTM from DSM. The LiDaR CHMs were processed using TreeVaW? software package to yield individual tree heights.
LiDaR modeled tree heights were compared with concurrent ground measured tree heights from each corresponding tree
through regression analysis. A paired t-test conducted upon all sampled trees (n=97, p-value < 0.00) indicated a significant
difference between LiDaR and ground measured average heights with an average difference of 1.0 m. Linear regression
modeling of the LiDaR and field measured height showed that aerial platform discrete LiDaR derived measurements slightly
underestimated individual tree heights compared to traditional in-situ measurements [LiDaR Ht.All= 0.98x], suppressedintercept model, LiDaR?dependent variable). When separated into pine and hardwood species groups, paired T-tests revealed a
significant difference between ground and LiDaR heights of conifers (n=69, p-value < 0.01) and a mean difference of 1.7 m
[LiDaR Ht.Pine=0.93x]. However, no significant difference was found between ground and LiDaR heights of hardwoods
(n=28, p-value=0.05) and a mean difference < 0.1 m [LiDaR Ht.Hwood=1.03x]. LiDaR derived measurements closely rivaled
in-situ height measurements in accuracy and may exceed in-situ methods in cost effectiveness and data collection time when
applied across large scales. However, the proportion of remotely identified trees to the actual number of trees within the study
area suggests that the individual tree delineation abilities of the LiDaR system and data processing methods of this study were
hindered by interlaced crowns and close proximity trees, eluding that this method is best suited for well distributed pine tree
environments such as pine plantations. Object-based classification of study area CIR successfully located 73% of targeted midstory and over-story trees. The object-oriented classification method was conducted with an overall accuracy of 87%.The OBC
user accuracy for pines and hardwoods are 100% and 70% respectively. OBC producer accuracy is 84% for pines and 90% for
hardwoods. Results of the object-based classification of CIR imagery demonstrate this method of image classification has the
ability to reasonably discriminated pine-hardwood within a mixed forest environment when applied to 0.5m multispectral
Name: Virone, Dana Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Virone was also an independent consultant (forestry technician) for the 3rd sub-project (HD). The main task, as a forestry
technician was to conduct vegetation surveys on reclaimed mines in north Alabama with the assistance of an intern/research
associate (Shelley Baltar). Work included locating sites using topographic maps and other aids, identifying native trees and
invasive plants, conducting a general assessment of lower story and ground cover and collecting of soil samples. Office work
included data entry, soil analysis with opportunities to assist in report writing, GIS and statistical analysis.
Name: Fountain, James Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Fountain was recruited as a graduate student in major of natural resources and environmental sciences in March 2011 and
he decided to change major to education in May. Mr. Fountain was advised by Dr. Chen. During this short time period, Mr.
Fountain was engaged in reading relevant literature on forest ecological services and air quality. He participated in the field
survey of air quality at Bankhead National Forest during April.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Riley, Robert (Bobby) Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Advisor: Dr. Mezemir F. Wagaw Major: Plant and Soil Science Expected graduation date: December 2012 MS Thesis title:
Research Impact of watershed level forest management on hydrological processes.
Mr. Riley started with this project in spring of 2011, and is a recent graduate (BS) of the environmental science program at
Alabama A&M University. The objective of his research is to: ( 1 ) study and map the intermittent head water/perennial
streams, vernal pools, seepages, springs, and their interrelationship with the predominant karst underground water flow of the
areas surrounding the BNF-Southern Research Station's research sites in the William B. Bankhead National Forest; ( 2 ) create
baseline data to understand the impact of forest management practices (a combination of prescribed burning and thinning) and
the climate change trend; and to ( 3 ) perform paired watershed investigation using BASIN modeling package, primarily the
SWAT component. In the past semester Mr. Riley has undertaken preliminary surveys, completed literature reviews and has
started on preparing his thesis proposal. He proposes to apply the SWAT model to the four sub-watersheds within the Black
Warrior Basin to study disturbance and climate impact induced changes. The SWAT model will first be applied to the adjacent
upper Sipsey Fork Parker Branch and Border Creek sub-watersheds. A sensitivity analysis using 10 selected input parameters
will be performed to investigate the most and least sensitive ones. Further, detailed sensitivity analysis will be performed for
the three most sensitive parameters: Curve Number (CN), Evaporation Compensation Factor (ESCO), and Soil Water Capacity
(SOL_AWC), the generation of detailed current hydrologic thematic maps on the intermittent head water, perennial streams,
vernal pools, seepages, springs, and their interrelationship with the karst underground water flow will create the baseline
information. Calibration and validation of SWAT, facilitated by the above analysis, will be performed for stream flow on
annual and monthly basis. Model performance will be evaluated by two statistical measures: the coefficient of determination
(R2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe simulation efficiency (E). The impact of future climate change will then be explored for the stream
flow by using two 20 year scenarios (starting from 1980's and 2050's) generated by introducing the regionally down scaled
global model (HadCM2) results. To this point availability of data has been assessed, including the identification of
aerial/satellite based images and watershed scale data. Further, the South East Climate Center records, USGS river/stream flow
gage historical measurements, USDA NRCS SSURGO/STATSGO soil database, geological and other thematic maps, and
thematic outputs of multi-spatial/temporal satellite images and aerial photos have been identified. Field work has started this
summer with repetitive water quality parameter measurements on a monthly base with a hand held YSI instrument. One
permanent stream water level measurement, eight soil profile stations at 10 inch below the surface, and one weather station
will be placed for half hourly measurement of various physic-chemical parameters. Currently, permission for installation of
equipment is underway with the USGS-FS.
Name: Lampley, Johnathan Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Advisor: Dr. Colmore Christian Major: Plant and Soil Science Expected graduation date: n/a (dropped out of program) MS
Thesis title: n/a
Mr. Lampley joined the Forestry, Ecology and Wildlife Program (FEWP) in Fall 2010. During the course of that semester
he assisted with a 'Visitor Use Pattern Study' at the Bankhead National Forest under a McIntire-Stennis funded initiative.
Unfortunately, Mr. Lampley dropped out of school after one semester to continue fulltime employment with the US Forest
Mr. Lampley currently works as part of the USFS SRS crew, under the guidance of Dr. Schweitzer and Mr. Sisk.
Name: Gomez, Mary Opal Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Advisor: Dr. Colmore Christian
Major: Plant and Soil Science Expected graduation date: n/a (dropped out of program) MS Thesis title: n/a
Ms Gomez spent one semester working on an Evans-Allen funded project. That project is looking at the 'Status and
Enhancement of Private Sector Outdoor Recreation-based Enterprises; in Alabama's Black Belt' during Fall 2010.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Gill, Bonita Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Advisor: Dr. Colmore Christian Major: Plant and Soil Science Expected graduation date: n/a (dropped out of program) MS
Thesis title: n/a
Ms Gill spent one semester working on an Evans-Allen funded project. That project is looking at the 'Status and Enhancement
of Private Sector Outdoor Recreation-based Enterprises in Alabama's Black Belt,' during Spring 2011.
Name: Reedy, Angela Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Reedy is a MS student under Dr. Ranatunga, in the FE thrust area, recruited in spring 2011. Her research focus will be on
phosphorus transformation in forest soils due to silvicultural treatments. So far, she has completed the following courses: Soil
Microbiology (NRE 506), Hazardous Waste Management (NRE 553), and thesis credit hours (3 credit hours) this summer. Ms.
Reedy has received training in the following areas: basic chemical analyses, safety training for conducting research at the
BNF, how to conduct literature review. Ms. Reedy has already attended two meetings. The first, AAMU's Fifth Annual STEM
Day, and she also presented a poster on sub-project research, and attended meetings at the 2011 NSF Joint Annual Meeting.
Name: Washington, Douglas Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Washington is a master's student under Dr. Monday Mbila. He is studying differences in soil characteristics based on
landscape position on a small toposequence at the Winifred Thomas Research Station (AAMU's research farm). Mr.
Washington helps in the lab by cleaning glassware, mixing reagents, performing the tests needed for his own experiments, and
helping with undergraduate lab classes.
Mr. Washington went to China in summer 2011 with Dr. Regina Mankolo, and a group of other students and faculty, through
a USGS NIFA grant. In China, Mr. Washington worked with Dr. Yu of Nanjing Forestry University in his laboratory. Mr.
Washington was unable to participate directly with much research due to the fact that students from the lab were busy with
finals or thesis defense, and were therefore unable to train him properly in the lab. He did, however, make good connections
within China and in the University.
Name: Polius, Jemilia Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Polius is a master's student under Dr. Mbila. She is doing a comparative analysis of the pipette and hydrometer methods
for soil particle size distribution in northern Alabama.
Name: Williams, Ashantye Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
As of summer 2011, Ms. Williams performed DNA extractions and species amplification of target oak species using primers
based on red oak DNA sequences. With the assistance of the vegetative group (subproject I of the first CREST funding
period), Ms. Williams collected red oak samples from five locations along the Cumberland Plateau. She used an identification
catalog of red oak species, established by Dr. Callie Jo Schweitzer (USGS-FS SRS) that aided in locating individuals of each
species. DNA samples were collected manually from the cambial layer of each tree (fig.1). Ms. Williams also collected
samples from the campus of Purdue University' Davis Research Forest to use as controls. Samples were collected from the
following locations on the Cumberland Plateau: Bear Den Point and Jack Gap (Jackson County); Bankhead National Forest
(Franklin, Lawrence, and Winston counties); and Hayes Nature Preserve and forest areas surrounding AAMU campus
(Madison County). Due to the variability in species ranges and habitat preferences, the red oak species sampled were not
evenly distributed across all sites. Therefore,Ms. Williams was not able to collect the same number of samples per species per
site. In total 200 samples of the red oak species has been collected within the six locations.
Annual Report: 1036600
Using the optimized protocols for extraction and primer amplification, all 200 samples were extracted and quality and
quantity checked (fig 2). She carefully screened the five oak species from the 200 samples, using 60 microsatellite markers
developed from several research scientists at Purdue University. She obtained amplified fragments that separated on 2%
agarose gels in order to assess the quality of the amplification. Any primers that generated a clear polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) product band of the predicted size were characterized.
The results of screening the simple sequence repeats (SSR) primers developed from northern red oak in four other species
revealed that most of the primer pairs produced amplification products of the expected size in the majority of the species
tested. In 10 out of the 30 primers all species had amplification products of the expected size from the locations. There was a
case where five primer pairs did not amplify on any of the species and were therefore eliminated from further studies. Since 25
samples per species were tested, information about the level of polymorphism was assessed. The amplified products were
separated using polyacrylamide (6%) gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and visualized by ethidium bromide to determine
polymorphism (figure 3). Polymorphism information content (PIC) provided an estimate of the discriminatory power of the
locus. The marker profiles of different SSRs on different species were analyzed using cluster analysis to reveal a phylogenetic
relationship with the help of the Genetic Data Analysis software.
We examined cross-species amplification within the SSRs developed based on the northern red oak genome. Seventeen of the
30 SSRs transferred from northern red oak to three or more of the five other species. Ten loci amplified successfully in all five
species (quru-GA-2H18, -1M18, -1iO6, -2NO3, -1FO2, -1LO5, -1G13, -1H14, -2H14 and ?OC21). These rates of successful
transfer are conservative compared to other reports for these and related species. Our findings showed that 57% of the Q. rubra
SSRs transferred to Q. falcata, Q. coccinea, Q. velutina and Q. shumardii. The PIC values for SSR loci ranged from 0.78 to
0.35 with a mean of 0.58.
Based upon preliminary data observed in this study, it was determined that the primers that amplified well outside of Q. rubra
also revealed high levels of genetic variation. All loci were variable in Q. rubra, and those that amplified in Q. falcata, Q.
coccinea, Q. velutina and Q. shumardii were also variable. The overall success rate of amplification across the red oak species
was high.
Based on cluster analysis using the primers, there is a close relationship between the northern red oak and the shumard oak as
well as the black oak (fig. 4). The tree indicates that the northern red oak, shumard oak and black oak may be homologous to
that of the southern red oak species. Further analysis will be conducted to explain this phenomenon.
Identification of pure species vs. hybrids is an important attribute for understanding the population dynamics of oaks and for
the economic reasons as well. Therefore, categorization of genetic diversity within and among the oak species with the use of
molecular markers may facilitate unambiguous identification of trees. A majority of the SSRs exhibited cross-species
amplification and thus have the potential for use in detecting molecular phylogeography of the red oaks. These markers will be
used to help in establishing the genetic diversity of Quercus spp. in the Southern Cumberland Plateau.
At the suggestion of collaborators, 56 new DNA markers were added to the study: 33 SSR markers developed from
Steinkellner et al. (1997) and 23 Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) markers developed from Bod?n?s et al.
(1997) have been purchased. These markers have been added to help establish a panel of DNA markers to assess the diversity
of the red oak species. Ms. Williams has also retrieved 1233 EST sequences of Northern Red Oak from the GenBank database
in hopes to develop her own set of markers to add to the panel.
Ms. Williams presented her preliminary data to the Proceedings of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations
(IUFRO) Conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin on September 24- 27, 2009. She also attended a GIS workshop sponsored
by the CREST center. She also traveled to Purdue to learn molecular techniques and data analysis. She has just been awarded
a travel grant to go present at the American Society of Plant Biologist Conference this summer in Chicago, Illinois. Ms.
Williams has presented her proposal to her committee member and has maintained a GPA of 3.9. The continued financial
support of this student is a great investment in her future as well as the future of the Center for Molecular Biology and the
Center for Forest Ecosystems Assessment.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Gardner, Lisa Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Gardner completed her thesis and graduated in December 2010. She participated in the wildlife component. Her thesis was
titled 'Stopover Ecology of Migratory Landbirds at an Inland Site in Alabama During Autumn Migration.' She spent all of
2010 working on her thesis. She is planning on preparing manuscripts to submit to a peer-reviewed journal for publishing. As
of January 2011, Ms. Gardner has been working as the Technical Manager of the Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment
(listed in Participants twice - see other for information on her current role within CFEA). Ms. Gardner presented at several
conferences/meetings, including: COS/AOU/SCO 2010 Joint Meeting in San Diego, CA (February 7-10), where she gave a
poster presentation (Habitat Associations of Fall Migrating Songbirds at an Inland Mixed Bottomland Forest in Northeastern
Alabama); The ACTWS 2011 meeting, Prattville, AL (March 3-4), where she gave an oral presentation (Fall Stopover
Migrants at the Walls of Jericho); and the ASB 2011 Annual meeting in Huntsville, AL (April 13-16), where she gave an oral
presentation (Age-related Habitat Associations of Fall Migrating Songbirds in a Mixed Bottomland Forest in Northeastern
Name: Howell, Heather Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Patterson, Clint Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Patterson worked under Dr. Dimov, and studied the effects of a fertilizer on American chestnut and various oak species.
He graduated in May 2011. During his last semester, he taught a large portion of the SAS class for Dr. Wang. During that time,
he also attended the SAS Global Forum in Las Vegas (April 4-7, 2011) and attended several workshops (How to Become a
Top SAS Programmer, and A Generalized Linear Mixed Model Perspective on the Design and Analysis of Experiments;
funded through the Office of Surface Mining grant [Dawn Lemke, PI]). Upon graduating, Mr. Patterson began working for Ms.
Lemke as an independent contractor, and is currently helping her with data formatting, SAS programming, statistical analyses,
and tables/graphs. (he is posted in her twice - he is also under 'Other - Consultant')
Name: Baldwin, Timothy Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Baldwin is a doctoral candidate working with subproject 1 (wildlife). His research is on the effects of multi-scale forest
disturbance on pool-breeding amphibian ecology. Research on the effects of forest management practices on amphibian
communities focused mostly on monitoring amphibian species richness and abundance. While a few researchers have tried to
identify the biological and physiological mechanisms that affect amphibian breeding success and individual fitness, these
studies were often conducted under isolated experimental conditions. Few studies have examined the effect of forest
management practice on the amphibian breeding success at varying spatial scales. The proposed study will identify
mechanisms affected by forest management practices that may influence amphibian breeding success and examine how these
mechanisms vary spatially. Two complimentary approaches will be used for the study: 1) a smaller-scale experimental
component and 2) a large-scale landscape observational study. The experimental design for the first approach will follow a
three-factor split plot design with disturbance treatment as the main factor and distance from forest edge and shading as splitplot factors. The forest disturbance treatments are two levels of oak shelterwood; a 35-40% retention of canopy trees with an
oak shelterwood treatment (commercial harvest), 70-75% retention of canopy trees (midstory herbicide injection), and a
control. Each treatment area will be five hectares in size and have five replicates. Within each treatment, pool arrays will be
located along a distance gradient with three shading treatments: 1) closed canopy pools, 2) 50% closed canopy levels, and 3)
open canopy levels. For the landscape level study, thirty ephemeral pools across northern Alabama will be selected. To
monitor the larval amphibian development and population dynamics, three sampling techniques will be used: 1) dip-netting, 2)
minnow trapping, and 3) leaf litter bags. Habitat and environmental conditions including light, water temperature, pH, salinity,
dissolved oxygen, algal production, and vegetative cover will be measured at each experimental pool and all thirty ephemeral
pools across the landscape. Landscape habitat variations surrounding the breeding pool will be quantified using remote sensing
Annual Report: 1036600
data and geographic information system technology. Results from this study will improve the understanding of how forest
management practices affect habitat and environmental conditions, and how these factors affect amphibian population
dynamics by affecting the mechanisms related to the breeding success. The results will help forest resource managers to
choose the forest management options to minimize negative impacts from the forest disturbances on amphibian breeding at
various spatial scales.
Mr. Baldwin presented at seven conferences/meetings in the 2010-2011 year. At the National Science Foundation Joint
Annual 2010 Meeting in Washington, D.C. (June 7-9), Coweta Long Term Ecological Research 2010 Summer Symposium in
Otto, NC (June 29), and ESA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (August 1-6), he presented a poster titled 'Relationship of
Pool Breeding Amphibian Diversity with Local and Landscape Forest Cover around Temporary Wetlands in Northern
Alabama.' At the Southern Hardwoods Forest Research Group 2011 Meeting in Stoneville, MS (March 15), ASB 2011
meeting in Huntsville, AL (April 13-16), and at the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles 2011 Conference in
Minneapolis, MN (July 6-11), he presented 'The Effect of Forest Management Practices on Pool Breeding Amphibian
Reproductive Fitness in the Cumberland Plateau in southern Tennessee.' He will present this poster also 2011 ESA meeting in
Austin, TX (August 7-12).
Name: Cantrell, Andrew Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Cantrell was a Masters candidate working with subproject 1 (wildlife). He graduated in May 2011. Mr. Cantrell was
awarded an NSF EAPSI fellowship, and has been in China studying the hair-crested drongo at Dongzhai National Nature
Reserve in the Henan Province. He will return in August.
His Masters research was on the herpetofaunal response to oak-regenerating silvicultural practices in the mid-Cumberland
Plateau of southern Tennessee. Sufficient knowledge is lacking concerning the impact of silvicultural practices on
herpetofaunal (reptile and amphibian) communities in the eastern United States, particularly in response to oak-regenerating
silvicultural practices. Understanding herpetofaunal responses to forest management practices is important because these
animals can be susceptible to habitat alteration caused by such practices and because they play an important role in the overall
function of the forest ecosystem. Major global declines of amphibian species (Stuart and others 2004) and reptile species
(Gibbons and others 2000) increase the need to study these communities. Many herpetofaunal species use structural features of
forests, ranging from the tree canopy to the forest floor, as habitat. Complex vegetation structure, such as multiple tree strata
(canopy, understory, and shrub layers) and dead standing trees (snags), provides habitat and foraging sources for many wildlife
species (Lanham and Guynn 1996). Changes in the availability of these forest features may affect the density and species
composition of wildlife communities and individual species (Felix and others 2009, Wang and others 2006). Forest
management techniques that affect forest structure, microhabitat, and microclimate have the potential to affect plant and
animal community composition and abundance. Wildlife response to forest disturbance may vary with the type and intensity of
disturbance, the forest type and associated edaphic conditions, such as moisture, or across their geographic range.
Understanding vertebrate community responses to changes in forest conditions is important in predicting impacts of forest
management. The USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management Research
Work Unit 4157 implemented a regional oak study (ROS) (Greenberg and others 2008, Keyser and others 2008) with partners
to address how three recommended, but not widely tested, oak regeneration treatments affect oak and other hardwood species
regeneration and wildlife communities across three areas within the southern Central Hardwood Region of USA. In the ROS,
effects of the following forest management treatments are being examined: 1) Shelterwood with prescribed fire, 2) OakShelterwood, and 3) Prescribed fire. All three regeneration prescriptions will have any residual trees removed 11 years after
initial implementation. Studying herpetofaunal response to these treatments is one of many components in this
multidisciplinary research. The herpetofaunal study examined how these disturbances affected herpetofaunal species
abundance, and the mechanisms (e.g. microhabitat features) possibly responsible for influencing such communities. This study
examined the short-term differences (two year after treatment) detected in microhabitat variables among shelterwood, oakshelterwood, and control stands, and the variation of herpetofauna in relationship to treatments and habitat conditions.
Mr. Cantrell presented at three conferences/meetings, including: the 16th Biannual Southern Silviculture Research Conference,
Charleston, SC, where he presented 'Herpetofaunal and Small Mammal Response to Oak-Regeneration Silvicultural Practices
in the Mid-Cumberland Plateau of Southern Tennessee'; the Association of Southeastern Biologists 2011 Annual Conference
Annual Report: 1036600
in Huntsville, AL, where he presented 'Herpetofaunal Response to Oak-Regenerating Silviculture Treatments on the MidCumberland Plateau of Southern Tennessee'; and the 2011 AAMU STEM Day, where he presented 'Variations of Reptilian
Communities among Forest Stands under Different Silvicultural Treatments on the Mid-Cumberland Plateau of Southern
Undergraduate Students
Name: Ellis, NaAsia Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Shelton, Erica Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Thomas, Shayla Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Rogers, Letithia Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Wright, Vernon Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Flowers, Marshun Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Daniels, Sharodd Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Owen, James Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Smith, William Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Smith, Shandreka Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Dowdy, Joshua Worked for more than 160 Hours: No
Contribution to Project:
Name: Black, Jermaine Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Black, a sophomore and Forestry major, is a recent transfer from Florida A&M University, and is new to the geospatial
field and spent the spring semester of 2011 becoming familiar with the GIS software under the guidance of Ms. Long. He has
gained basic digitizing and attributing spatial data. He will continue to work in the geospatial lab in the coming semesters. He
is expected to graduate in the Spring of 2013.
Name: Cobb, Breana Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Cobb, a sophomore and a Social Work major, has worked as part of the team focusing on the impact of mine reclamation
on invasive plant distribution since spring 2010. She had been responsible for data entry. She has assisted in developing
QA/QC procedures. Ms. Cobb has also assisted in soils analysis on this project, preparing samples for analysis and
maintaining records for the results. She is expected to graduate in the Spring of 2013.
Name: Franks, Joshua Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Franks, a sophomore and Forestry major, is a recent transfer from Florida A&M University and has shown a keen interest
in the geospatial field, with a strong aptitude for new technology. He worked on digitizing historical land class maps during
the spring of 2011. He has gained experience in basic data collection and display skills. Mr. Franks has become, at his own
initiative, the lab expert in GPS units, assisting student and staff in setting up their GPS units. Mr. Franks has shown a keen
interest in graduate studies in the geospatial field. He is expecting to graduate in the Spring of 2013.
Name: Long, Bashia Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Long, an Environmental Science majoy and a junior, worked in the GIS/Remote Sensing Lab during spring and summer
of 2011. Her primary duties included managing a small team of students to digitize historical land class maps, assist in training
these students and assess and maintain high standard of digitizing. Ms. Long is currently preparing a poster presentation on
this work for a regional GIS conference in October. Her works has allowed her to gain a good perspective of the integration of
geospatial sciences with forestry research and an appreciation for the use of historical data in current research. Upon
graduation, Ms. Long is interested in pursuing a graduate degree. She is expecting to graduate in the spring of 2012.
Name: Mitchell, Jasmine Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Mitchell, a Management Information Systems major and a (now graduated) senior, worked in the GIS/Remote Sensing
Lab and for NRES, assisting with setting up the department's server, helping students, faculty and staff who may have
computer issues and maintaining/repairing computers for the computer labs in the department. Ms. Mitchell graduated in
December 2010 with a
B.S. in Business Administration ? Management Information System Concentration. She will start graduate school in the
fall of 2011.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Pearson, Tyler Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Pearson, a Community Planning and Urban Studies major and a junior, was hired primarily to assist in acquiring and
digitizing parcel maps of six Black Belt counties, one of CFEA's primary study sites. He is involved in collecting information
on parcel maps, digitizing maps, and understanding historical perspectives land cover and land ownership change in the Black
Belt counties. He also prepared and presented a poster at AAMU's STEM Day, titled 'Spatial Analysis of Greene County.' He
resigned on April 1 to spend more time on his course work and class projects.
Name: Anderson, Bahja Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Anderson is a junior, and transferred to AAMU from Florida A&M University (?) in fall 2010 (Or 2009?). Ms. Anderson
is working with Dr. Nyakatawa with the FE sub-project.
Since Spring, Ms. Anderson's activities have focused on basic training in routine protocols involved in performing soil
analyses, including the following: training in field collection of soil samples; preparation of soil samples prior to analyses,
including processing the samples by grinding and sieving; training in extraction of soil nutrients before analysis, including
chemical extractant preparation; filtration of soil/extractant mixtures to prepare the samples for chemical analyses; making
standard solutions of chemicals to use in performing nutrient analyses; developing standard curves for soil nutrient analysis;
and in performing actual analyses on the Bio-Rad 550 micro-plate reader; and using the LECO TruSpech CN analyser for
measuring carbon and nitrogen in soil samples. Other equipment/instruments in line for her to be trained to operate include the
EasyChem colorimetic nitrate and phosphate analyser and the LI-COR LI-6400 soil CO2 flux measurement system. The above
analytical and instrumental protocols are essential in carrying out the soil analytical procedures to investigate soil carbon
dynamics in the Bankhead National Forest.
Name: Belingheri, Kaisha Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Belingheri worked as a research team member on projects investigating the effect forest management on wildlife
communities (amphibians, reptiles, birds, or small mammals). She assisted with the collection of wildlife and habitat field
data; she entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; and completed other
responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Hill, Johnathan Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Hill worked as a research team member on projects investigating the effect forest management on wildlife communities
(amphibians, reptiles, birds, or small mammals). He assisted with the collection of wildlife and habitat field data; he entered
data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; and completed other responsibilities assigned
by team leader or supervisor.
Technician, Programmer
Name: Gardner, Lisa Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
As of January 2011, Ms. Gardner has taken over the role of Technical Manager for CFEA. Her duties include: facilitating
meetings; establishing and updating the website; providing assistance to students; helping with travel arrangements for visitors
and individuals heading to meetings/conferences; facilitating communication between Forest Service and CFEA; helping to
organize and arrange for travel to China; collating information from individuals and each thrust area to submit to NSF for
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Sangalang, Mila Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Sangalang is the Budget Analyst for CFEA. Fifty percent of her annual salary comes from CREST, and she performed the
following tasks for CFEA: monitored the operating budget accounts of all CREST projects; processed and followed through
with all requisitions and encumbrances in the university's Banner system; provided budget reports to the respective PIs and coPIs; assisted co-PIs with problems associated with the Banner system; contacted vendors for invoices, quotes, and other
information required for processing requisitions; received and distributed items ordered from various vendors to the personnel
that ordered them; and requested gas cards for CREST and in-charge for submission of gas monthly expenses to Physical
Facilities. Other miscellaneous duties included: filing, data input, minimal repair/maintenance of copy machine, mail
distribution, and other
Name: Smith, Shelly Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Baltar, Shelley Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes Contribution to Project:
Ms. Baltar started as in intern on June, 2010 to assist with an invasive species mapping, monitoring, on reclaimed mines in
northwest Alabama. Her main tasks are to assist in vegetation surveys on reclaimed mines, including locating sites using
topographic maps and GPS units, walking transects, identifying native trees and invasive plants, conducting a general
assessment of lower story and ground cover and collecting of soil samples. She has now taken a full time position as the soils
technician with CFEA subproject two.
Name: Mitchell, Jasmine Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Mitchell is a recent graduate of Alabama A&M University. She holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration ?
Management Information System Concentration. The NRES department at Alabama A&M University hired her as a Program
Assistant to assist in setting up the department's server so that outside research partners and students can access the server to
download different data. She also maintains and repairs the computers in the computer labs for the department, and assists
student, faculty, and staff that who may have computer problems. Ms. Mitchell will be pursuing her Master's degree in
Computer Science Fall of 2011 and plans to get her certification in A+, Security+ and Network + in the Fall of 2011.
Name: Ruffin, Nashondra Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Ruffin is a graduate student working in consultation with Dr. Wagaw over the time-frame from June 1, 2011-July 31,
2011. Her work will focus on: pre-model handling of raw measured hydrologic data and generation of diagram outputs using
the tools statistica, and Arc-GIS; capturing data on water use in north AL cities over the past 100 years (intensive contact with
state/federal agencies); accessing TVA library to get historical Tennessee River water use/regulation dam construction records,
(intensive contact with TVA), USGS river gage records for the 13 north AL counties and the BNF; and Download satellite
image data to create teaching/research database. Based on her performance and evaluation by the CFEA faculty members, she
might be accepted to work with Dr. Wagaw as a graduate student.
Name: Summers, Emily Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Summers graduated from Auburn University and holds B.S. degree in Zoology. She was recruited for internship from June
Annual Report: 1036600
to August. Ms. Summers was engaged in reading relevant literatures in ecological services and air quality. She applied for
graduate school at AAMU for the fall admission to work with Dr. Chen. She also started to prepare her thesis proposal. She
will participate in field surveys on air quality at Bankhead National Forest in July-August.
Name: Zirbel, Matthew Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Zirbel started as in intern in April, 2011 to assist with an invasive species mapping, monitoring, on reclaimed mines in
northwest Alabama. His main tasks are to assist in vegetation surveys on reclaimed mines, including locating sites using
topographic maps and GPS units, walking transects and identifying invasive plants. Mr. Zirbel is also assisting the USFS in
data collection.
Name: Lemke, Dawn Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Lemke serves as the Research Associate for Subproject III - Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD). Her role
is to assist in geospatial data collection and analysis. She works with student and faculty members in scouring data, identifying
appropriate analytical procedures and training in the geospatial technology. Ms. Lemke has gone on to use the geospatial data
collected for the broader project to assess the impact of invasive plants on a local, regional and now global level. She has
extended the work through a grant with the Office of Surface mining to assess the impact of invasive plants on the reclaimed
mines of the southern Cumberland Plateau and, with a grant through the USFS, to assess the impact of invasive plats across the
southern region of the United States. She is also a part time PhD student pursuing her doctorate in Applied Statistics. Ms.
Lemke assists Dr. Tadesse in the day-to-day management of the Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD) group,
facilitating reporting and monthly meetings. She also works closely with the CFEA technical manager, assisting in
communication between subgroups and general communication strategies.
Name: Sisk, Ryan Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Sisk is the lead technician with the Huntsville USFS work unit. Under the guidance of Dr Schweitzer, he manages the
USFS SRS crew. They have collected fire and fuels data in January ? April 2011. Additional work was done (April 18, 20 and
May 12, 2011) to prepare for field tours on April 21 and Mary 16, 2011. On May 17, tornado damage was assessed on Block 1
treatment 1, Block 2 treatments 1 and 6. Block 4 vegetation data was collected in May-June, 2011.
Name: Petty, James (Trey) Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Petty works as part of the USFS SRS crew, under the guidance of Dr. Schweitzer and Mr. Sisk. His duties include
collection of data and samples, data entry, processing of fuel samples, setting up fire rate of spread and fire intensity
monitoring systems, and most other aspects of the field and lab work associated with vegetation sampling.
Name: Bastin, Nancy Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Bastin assists with data base entry, literature searches, maintenance of training and work logs under the guidance of
Dr. Schweitzer.
Name: Lawson, Daryl Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
In 2010-11, Mr. Lawson served as Treasurer on the North Alabama Reforestation Committee in Jackson County, Alabama.
Annual Report: 1036600
The Committee hosted the North Alabama Regional TREASURE Forest landowner tour which featured demonstration
stops on wetland habitat sites, hardwood plantation establishments, wildlife food plot layout and construction, forest soils
suitability for forest management and prescribed burning for timber stand improvement.
Mr. Lawson was selected to serve on the Alabama Tornado Forest Recovery Task Force. He represents forestry interests in
north Alabama and serves on the reforestation committee, which is working to secure funding for replanting forested areas
destroyed in the April 27th tornado outbreak. In addition AAMU students and staff have been assisting landowners with
forest inventory of damage stands for causality loss under FEMA and homeowners policies. In response to the tornado
cleanup efforts the AAMU FireDawgs chainsaw crew participated in 10 days of volunteer services, removing downed timber
to reopen roads in heavy damaged areas.
Mr. Lawson was selected to serve on the Alabama Prescribed Burning Council as chair-elect and serves on the outreach and
implementation subcommittees. This is a statewide committee that works to increase the acreage of forestland that is
prescription burned for wildfire hazard reduction and to promote forest health.
In 2010 he was selected to serve on the Bankhead National Forest Liaison panel as the AAMU CFEA representative. This
panel meets once every quarter to promote cooperation between the USFS and numerous user groups in the Bankhead National
Forest. Forest demonstration areas and CFEA research plots are utilized to educate small forestland owners and forest user
groups in environmentally sound resource management practices as part of the USFS and CFEA tech transfer.
Mr. Lawson also attended a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager refresher course as part of the continuing education
requirement for his CPBM license in 2010. In addition five AAMU Forestry undergraduate students and one CFEA graduate
student attend the CPBM 32 hour course and received their Alabama Burn Manager license. The course was hosted by FEWP,
COE, and CFEA and was held in the Forestry Building Auditorium. A total of 36 forest landowners, natural resource
managers, and volunteer fireman also attended and received their Burn Managers certificate.
In April 2011 the AAMU FireDawgs chainsaw crew was activated as a tornado response team by the Alabama Forestry
Commission. FireDawgs crew members, which are all CFEA FEWP undergraduate students, spent over 10 days in recovery
and cleanup efforts in Guntersville, Harvest and Cullman. Well over 360 hours of community service were provided at the
request of AFC. Crews worked in coordination with AFC dozer units to rescue stranded homeowners and to clear access paths
for rescue workers in the heavily damaged areas. AAMU forestry students have also assisted several homeowners with tree
damage assessment and valuation as well as tree removal for safety on and around home sites.
In 2010 Mr. Lawson was elected as Board member to the BNFLP. He has attended and participated in each of the quarterly
Board meeting and provided updates and serve on outreach field tours and monitoring trips in the BNF CFEA study sites. In
2011 a day-long Hardwood Restoration tour was planned but canceled due to the tornado outbreak of April. The tour has been
rescheduled for September 2011 and attendance is estimated to be 75-100 landowners, agency representatives and natural
resources managers, based upon RSVP request responses. In addition three harvest and burn monitoring tours were conducted
within the study area for the USFS, BNFLP, local landowners, and resource managers.
In 2010 Mr. Lawson was elected as Board member to the BNFLP. He has attended and participated in each of the quarterly
Board meeting and provided updates and serve on outreach field tours and monitoring trips in the BNF CFEA study sites. In
2011 a day-long Hardwood Restoration tour was planned but canceled due to the tornado outbreak of April. The tour has been
rescheduled for September 2011 and attendance is estimated to be 75-100 landowners, agency representatives and natural
resources managers, based upon RSVP request responses. In addition three harvest and burn monitoring tours were conducted
within the study area for the USFS, BNFLP, local landowners, and resource managers.
In 2010 the Bankhead Center Committee met (AAMU reps, Dr. Robert Taylor, Daryl Lawson and Ms Dee Dee Martin with
the Bankhead Foundation) with the Nature Conservancy of Alabama in Wren, Alabama. We were joined by a landowner who
was offering his family property for sale; he took us on a tour of the 123 acre site. The site is seriously being considered as
possible location for the Bankhead Center. The nature conservancy made an offer on the tract and has the option to purchase
the land for the Bankhead Center. In 2011 the AAMU administration formed a task force to study the feasibility of the tract
and to make recommendations for financial obligations and partnership formation to move forward with the proposed Center.
The task force has complied with the AAMU administration's request and submitted a white paper to the AAMU President and
Annual Report: 1036600
his administration with formal recommendations to proceed. At the time of this report we are awaiting a formal response from
the AAMU administration before we can proceed with Center plans.
Name: Howell, Heather Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Czeke, Sarah Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Other Participants
Name: Farid, Rashidah Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Name: Stone, Penny Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Stone is a consultant not paid through CREST at all. That said, she helps all staff and students in CFEA through the
following tasks: ( 1 ) processed requisitions and encumbrances for faculty and staff on the Crest project, which includes
researching budgets for available funds, processing budget transfers if necessary, monitoring approval queues, following up on
receipt of goods/services, contacting the company for invoices for payment, and filing the paperwork once payment has been
processed; ( 2 ) reserved meeting rooms and research vehicles as needed; ( 3 ) made travel arrangements for faculty and staff;
and ( 4 ) has contacted companies for quotes and invoices.
Name: Patterson, Clinton Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
The main task of the statistics technician was data analysis and reporting on invasive species occurrence on reclaimed mines in
north Alabama. Work included performing correlation, canonical correspondence analysis, logistic regression, data resampling, and species distribution modeling. Reporting work included generating tables and figures, writing and editing, and
disseminating results at conferences.
Name: Taylor, Robert Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Taylor traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, he represented AAMU
and experienced Chinese culture.
Name: Workman, Alisha Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Workman worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on bird
communities at Bankhead National Forest. She conducted bird surveys and assisted with the collection of habitat and other
related research data. Other tasks that she performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote
sensing data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned
by team leader or supervisor.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Hollander, Frankie Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Hollander worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on bird
communities at Bankhead National Forest. He conducted bird surveys and assisted with the collection of habitat and other
related research data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote
sensing data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned
by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Thomas, Noel Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Thomas worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on herpetofaunal
and small mammal communities in southern Tennessee in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest
Service. He conducted herpetofaunal and small mammal surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research
data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data
layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team
leader or supervisor.
Name: Beir, Jarrod Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Beir worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on herpetofaunal and
small mammal communities in southern Tennessee in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest
Service. He conducted herpetofaunal and small mammal surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research
data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data
layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team
leader or supervisor.
Name: Oliver, Matthew Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Oliver worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on bird
communities in Jackson County, northern Alabama. He conducted bird surveys, bird nest searches, and monitored nests for
success rate. He assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered
data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and
other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Miller, Mark Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Miller worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on bird
communities in Jackson County, northern Alabama. He conducted bird surveys, bird nest searches, and monitored nests for
success rate. He assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered
data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and
other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Ambrose, Deborah Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Ambrose worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on amphibian
breeding success in northern Alabama in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest Service. She
Annual Report: 1036600
conducted amphibian surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that she
performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA
Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Loscalzo, Samantha Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Loscalzo worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on amphibian
breeding success in northern Alabama in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest Service. She
conducted amphibian surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that she
performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA
Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Ng, Stacy Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Ng worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on amphibian
breeding success in northern Alabama in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest Service. She
conducted amphibian surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that she
performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with
USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Schneider, Jacquelyn Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Schneider worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on amphibian
breeding success in northern Alabama in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest Service. She
conducted amphibian surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that she
performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA
Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Cox, Kaysie Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Cox worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on amphibian
breeding success in northern Alabama in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest Service. She
conducted amphibian surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that she
performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with
USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Vinci, John Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Vinci worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on bird
communities in Jackson County, northern Alabama. He conducted bird surveys, bird nest searches, and monitored nests for
success rate. He assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered
data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and
other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Brinkman, Leslie Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Brinkman worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on bird
communities in Jackson County, northern Alabama. She conducted bird surveys, bird nest searches, and monitored nests for
success rate. She assisted with collecting habitat and other related research data. Other tasks that she performed were: entered
data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other
landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team leader or supervisor.
Name: Burdick, Caroline Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Burdick worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on herpetofaunal
and small mammal communities in southern Tennessee in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest
Service. She conducted herpetofaunal and small mammal surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related
research data. Other tasks that she performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing
data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by team
leader or supervisor.
Name: Ohanlon, Bradley Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Ohanlon worked as a research team member on a project investigating the effects of forest management on herpetofaunal
and small mammal communities in southern Tennessee in collaboration with the Southern Research Station - USDA Forest
Service. He conducted herpetofaunal and small mammal surveys and assisted with collecting habitat and other related
research data. Other tasks that he performed were: entered data into a computer database; developed GIS and remote sensing
data layers; interacted with USDA Forest Service and other landowners; and completed other responsibilities assigned by
team leader or supervisor.
Name: Senwo, Evelyn Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. (Yimga Nchako) Senwo traveled to China with her husband, Dr. Zachary Senwo, as an AAMU delegate. While
there, she experienced Chinese culture and helped to represent AAMU during this early stage of establishing a long-term
research and exchange relationship with Nanjing Forestry University.
Name: Taylor, Beverly Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Taylor traveled to China with her husband, Dr. Robert Taylor, as an AAMU delegate. While there, she experienced
Chinese culture and helped to represent AAMU during this early stage of establishing a long-term research and exchange
relationship with Nanjing Forestry University.
Name: Sharma, Prabha Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Sharma traveled to China with her husband, Dr. Govind Sharma, as an AAMU delegate. While there, she experienced
Chinese culture and helped to represent AAMU during this early stage of establishing a long-term research and exchange
relationship with Nanjing Forestry University.
Name: Mitchell, Jasmine Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Annual Report: 1036600
Ms. Mitchell traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties
with Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, she
represented AAMU and experienced Chinese culture. She was a senior at the time.
Name: Ellis, NaAsia Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Ellis traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, she represented
AAMU and experienced Chinese culture.
Name: Senwo, Zachary Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Senwo traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, he represented AAMU
and experienced Chinese culture.
Name: Sharma, Govind Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Sharma traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, he represented AAMU
and experienced Chinese culture.
Name: Lemke, Dawn Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Lemke traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties
with Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, she
represented AAMU and experienced Chinese culture.
Name: Wang, Yong Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Wang traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. Dr. Wang is PI on the NIFA grant
that has provided funding to build this relationship. He organized the visit, along with the Chinese hosts at NFU.
Name: Tadesse, Wubishet Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Tadesse traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, he represented AAMU
and experienced Chinese culture.
Name: Chen, Xiongwen Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Chen traveled to China as an AAMU delegate with the NIFA-funded group, whose purpose was to strengthen ties with
Annual Report: 1036600
Nanjing Forestry University, and establish a long-term research and exchange relationship. While there, he represented AAMU
and experienced Chinese culture.
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Name: Rigsby, Courtney Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Rigsby was a 2010 REU student (Junior) from Reinhart College, majoring in biology. She worked with Timothy
Baldwin, a graduate student, and Dr. Yong Wang on a project entitled 'Terrestrial Habitat Environmental Influence on
Amphibian Larvae and Metamorphs within Temporary Wetlands.' ESA meeting?
Name: Steelman, Roxann Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Steelman was a 2010 REU student (Junior) from Frostburg State University, majoring in wildlife and fisheries. She
worked with Dr. Dimov and Dr. Stone on the project titled 'Invasive Vegetation Effects on Small Mammal Abundance.'
ESA meeting?
Name: Scales, Rakeyta Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Scales was a 2010 REU student (Freshman) from Alabama A&M University, majoring in environmental science/health.
She worked with Dr. Moss on a project titled 'Evaluating the Variation in the Enumeration of Fecal Contaminants between
Agricultural and Commercial Watersheds in Madison County, Alabama.'
Name: Bazile, Cassandra Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Bazile was a 2010 REU student (Sophomore) from Morgan State University, majoring in biology. She worked
with Dr. Kantety on a project titled 'Analysis of the Resistance and Susceptability to Reniform Nematodes in Upland
Name: Tadesse, Brittany Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Tadesse was a 2010 REU student (Freshman) from the University of Alabama, majoring in pre-medicine. She worked
with Dr. Kantety on a project titled 'REPLI G Amplification Advances New Technology of 454 Sequencing.'
Name: Harvey, Andre Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Harvey was a 2010 REU student (Junior) from Morehouse College, majoring in biology. He worked with Dr. Banerjee
and Dr. Mentreddy on a project titled 'Antibacterial Activity of Jatropha curcas on Three Food-borne Pathogens.'
Name: Treusch, Nicholas Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Treusch was a 2010 REU student (Junior) from Northwestern Louisiana State University, majoring in biology. He
worked with Dr. Stone on a project titled 'Abundance and Behavioral Responses of Peromyscus mice and Riparian Habitats
Downstream from Forest Treatments: Fight of Flight?'
Annual Report: 1036600
Name: Williams, Arnesha Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes
Contribution to Project:
Ms. Williams was a 2010 REU student (Junior) from Grambling State University, majoring in biology. She worked with ?
on a project titled 'Greene County, Alabama: The Inter-relationship Between Land Tenure, Land Cover, and Well-being.'
Organizational Partners
USDA Forest Service
The Bankhead National Forest Staff have been a major contributor of this project. They have worked with our scientists and
students in every phase of this project including identifying research plots, applying the treatments, accommodating students
and faculty, and providing logistic support.
AL Dept of Cons and Nat Resources
(ADCNR) has provided research grants and technical assistance for several CFEA wildlife related research projects. Eric
Soehren, a state biologist for ADCNR, has helped with technical assistance and field related research in Jackson County and in
BNF. Brandon Hunnicutt, the land stewardship officer in Jackson County, has provided assistance and guidance for the
wildlife research in that area.
Auburn University
Auburn University (AU)- is one of AAMU partners along with Tuskegee University (TU) in the Alabama Agricultural Land
Grant Alliance (AALGA). They are conducting related research and educational efforts that address similar issues in natural
resource management and public education. We collaborate on many research projects in the Bankhead National Forest (BNF)
and in Forestry Summer Camp; two examples of our mutually beneficial partnership. Faculty from both campus also worked
on proposals, research project, and student mentoring.
Bankhead Education Foundation
(BEF) is a private, nonprofit (501c3) organization partnered with AAMU, Auburn University, Tuskegee University (all
members of Alabama Agricultural Land Grant Association (AALGA)) to plan, fund and build the Bankhead Center for
Education and Research (BCER). This center will provide onsite research labs, housing, and classrooms for the CFEA research
team of faculty, staff and students.
Bankhead National Forest Citizen Liaison
A citizen's advisory board to the Bankhead National Forest District Ranger (BNFRD). The liaison panel plays an important
advisory and monitoring role in the planning and implementation of the Bankhead's management activities including the
Restoration Plan which is a foundation of much of the CFEA research. CFEA attends their quarterly meetings to provide
information about research findings, receive information regarding their monitoring of the implementation of restoration
treatments, and build support for the Bankhead interpretive center and research field station.
The Nature Conservancy
(TNC) has collaborated in developing a proposal funded by USFWS/ADCNR for a wildlife inventory study of the properties
recently acquired by TNC. TNC is also working with AAMU to establish Bankhead Research and Education Center. It has
identified a property that could be used for the site of the Center.
USDA-FS Wm. B. Bankhead National Forest
(USFS-BNF) is the Forest Unit that manages the Bankhead study sites.
They have assisted throughout all phases of the research conducted on the Bankhead National Forest working with research
Annual Report: 1036600
in site selection, harvesting logistics and burn timing.
USDA-FS Southern Research Station
The main participants are the Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management Research Unit's Dr. Callie Schweitzer, assisted by
her technicians Ryan Sisk and Trey Petty. Dr. Schweitzer work closely with AAMU PIs, students, and technicians on this
project. She is leading the vegetation and woody vegetation data collection effort at the BNF (part of Thrust Area I). Dr.
Schweitzer led the development of the silvicultural treatments in the planning stages of the proposal, the selection of the
stands, and communication with the BNF collaborators. She has an active role in the CFEA and is a valuable member on
several graduate student committees. She works with many CFEA PIs on a large number of research projects related to
vegetation and wildlife dynamics in response to silvicultural treatments.
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee University is one of AAMU partners along with Auburn University (AU) in the Alabama Agricultural Land Grant
Alliance (AALGA). We have a long history of collaboration in CFEA related research and student advising. We also had a
few graduate students coming from Tuskegee University. We currently have several collaborative research projects between
the two institutions including the Costa Rica International Program that we initiated in 2010.
Clemson University
With his minority background, Dr. J Drew Lanham from Clemson University, has been helping to mentor the minority
graduate students associated with CREST. Dr. Lanham serves on graduate committee, and has provided guidance and
technical assistance to several graduate students for their research project. Dr. Lanham also helped reviewing manuscripts.
Dr. Wang also have been invited several time to give presentations at Clemson about his research in China and explored
possibility for collaborations.
Marshall University
We have had a long history of collaborating with Marshall University for conducting herpetologically related research. Dr.
Thomas Pauley is a professor from the Biological Department of Marshall University. Dr. Pauley is a herpetofaunal expert and
has assisted several graduate students for their herpetofaunal research. He also helped to recruit a minority graduate student for
Mississippi State University
Several students and faculty have got helps from Mississippi State for their research projects. Provided access to
entomological museum specimens and training in entomological identification to faculty, staff and students.
Nanjing Forestry University
Nanjing Forestry University (NFU), located in Nanjing, China, is a partner with Alabama A&M University. We are in the
process of establishing a long-term research relationship with this university. In the past two years (2009-2010), we have had a
mixed team of students and faculty visit NFU to establish long-term working relationships with faculty there. During our first
visit to NFU in summer 2009, the President of the university signed an MOU, indicating his commitment to establishing a
strong relationship with AAMU. During 2011, a delegation from NFU visited AAMU and met with President Hugine to
discuss our relationship. President Hugine made a verbal promise to visit NFU and sign an MOU there. Recently, we were
awarded an international REU grant to bring undergraduate students to NFU to conduct research abroad and to experience the
Chinese culture. We are currently advertising for students to apply.
City of Huntsville, Alabama
CFEA are currently working with the City of Huntsville on a variety of projects such climate, water, and air monitoring. We
also collaborated on student training.
Annual Report: 1036600
University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus
Dr. Wang is currently collaborating with researchers at the University of Alaska, along with researchers from China, on
a migratory bird project.
Northwest A&F University
CFEA is collaborating with Northwest A&F University in China on educational and research initiaties. A delegate of
students and faculty visited their campus this year. A visiting scholar from NWAFU also worked at AAMU for one year.
Beijing Normal University
CFEA has strong ties to Beijing Normal University in China. Dr Wang He is serving as a visiting professor at this
university and also collaborates with Dr. Zhengwang Zhang and others on different research projects. Serveral graudate
students has worked in China with the students and faculty of Beijing Normal University through National Science
Foundation EAPSI program.
Beijing Forestry University
We are collaborates with Beijing Forestry University in China on educational and research initiatives. Dr. Xiongwen Chen
currently has several projects working with the faculty from this university. A delegate of students and faculty members visited
this university in 2010 to explore possibilities of collaborations.
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
We are collaborateing with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China on several aspects including Dr. Wang's wildlife
related research and Dr. Chen's plant science and ecosystem work. There staff have visited and worked at AAMU, our students
and faculty have worked with research staff from this leading research institution in China.
Dongzhai National Nature Reserve
We have collaborates with researchers at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve in China. Serveral students have been there
working on various collaborative research projects.
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation provides funding and other resources to faculty and students of the center.
N. AL Center for Educational Excellence
Collaborate with CFEA on recruiting and mentoring minority high school students.
AL Agricultural Land Grant Association
This association includes Alabama A& M University, Tuskegee University, and Auburn University. It provides critical
role in leadship the collaborative research and education among land grant universities. It also provided funding
opportunities through the Government of Alabama.
US Army Engineer R and D Center
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center ? Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, Illinois.
Dr. Nyakatwa collaborates with Heidi R. Howard and Niels G. Svendsen of the US Army Engineer Research and Development
Annual Report: 1036600
Center ? Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL in a research project studying temporary landscaping
of military ranges using composted materials for erosion control and training land restoration. Dr. Nyakatawa's research
focuses on evaluating surface runoff, sediment, and nutrient transport from compost consisting of various organic materials in
combination with each other and with soil on a simulated military training landscape.
Federation of Southern Cooperatives
Dr. Nyakatawa recently completed a USDA-NIFA funded five year research project studying C sequestration in an
agroforestry ecosystem in South Alabama. The project was conducted on the property of the Federation of Southern
Cooperatives' Rural Research, Training, and Extension Center at Epes, Alabama.
Birmingham Water Works Board (BWWB)
The water services for the City of Birmingham and the intermediate urbanized area in Central Alabama has partnered with
AAMU to provide funding for the support of students through scholarships; and staff through salary supplements and supplies.
The BWWB supplements the NSF CREST funding. In return, AAMU is providing natural resource planning and research on
their 14,000-acre forestland ownership. This is a 15-year commitment between the partners.
Other Collaborators or Contacts
Frank Allen: Mr. Allen is a wildlife manager of Alabama DCNR. Frank has provided assistance in the development and
implement of the wildlife research in Jackson County, Alabama.
Allison Bohlman: Ms. Bohlman is a research associate of the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Science
at AAMU. She contributes her time assisting in entomological field collections and helping to train students in aquatic bioassessment protocol and identification of benthic macroinvertebrates. She was a research associate with the arthropod
group during the first year of CFEA.
Dr. Jennifer Brown: Dr. Brown is the Associate Director of the Biomathematics Research Centre and Senior Lecturer in
Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. She is working with CFEA in
developing an invasive plant research program.
Allison Cochran: Ms. Cochran is a wildlife biologist for the Bankhead National Forest and serves as our Liaison with this
essential partner. She serves on the CFEA Core Steering Committee, and provides important communication about
treatment operations and other relevant Forest Service news that affects our research. She helps coordinate visits to the
forest by internal and external CFEA research, education, and outreach groups.
Dr. C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr.: Dr. Dodd is a Zoologist (Research) of the Florida Integrated Science Center, U.S. Geological
Survey, Gainesville, FL. Dr. Dodd is also the Project Leader, USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative
(ARMI), Southeastern US. Dr. Dodd has been assisting several CREST graduate students to develop and implement their
herpetofaunal research. He also serves on graduate committee, and also helped review manuscripts.
Dr. Drew Hildebrandt: Dr. Hildebrandt is a medical researcher in Jackson, Mississippi, and has expertise in carabid beetle
taxonomy. He has provided essential help in species identification of this important indicator group for study sites in Jackson
County and Bankhead National Forest.
Dr. J. Drew Lanham: Dr. Lanham is an associate professor of Wildlife Biology of the Clemson University. With his
minority background, Dr. Lanham has been helping to mentor the minority graduate students associated with CREST. Dr.
Lanham serves on graduate committee, and has provided guidance and technical assistance to several graduate students for
their research project. Dr. Lanham has also helped to review manuscripts.
Dr. Robert O. Lawton: Dr. Lawton is a professor of ecology of University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH). Dr. Lawton
has assisted and guided several graduate students to develop their research projects and has served on several graduate
Annual Report: 1036600
student committees. Many of CFEA's students take his classes at UAH (Population and Community Ecology;
Biogeography; Evolutionary Biology), through a mutual agreement between the universities.
Dr. Thomas Pauley: Dr. Pauley is a professor from the Biological Department of Marshall University. Dr. Pauley is a
herpetofaunal expert and has assisted several graduate students with their herpetofaunal research. He has also helped to recruit
a minority graduate student.
Brandon Hunnicutt: Mr. Hunnicutt is a land stewardship officer of ADNCR. Brandon has provided assistance, guidance, and
collaboration for the wildlife research in Jackson County, Alabama.
Dr. William F. Bleam: Dr. Bleam, from the Department of Soil Science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, is a
consultant for Dr. Ranatunga, advising her in proper analyses for the 31P-NMR analysis of soil organic phosphorus
Dr. Veronica Acosta-Martinez: Dr. Acosta-Mart?nez is a soil microbiologist and biochemist at the SDA Agriculture
Research Service in Lubbock, Texas. She collaborates with Dr. Zachary Senwo.
Dr. Zhongqi He: Dr. He is a researcher for the USDA/ARS Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Dr. He collaborates with Dr. Ranatunga, and serves as a collaborator for a USDA/NIFA/Evans Allen funded project:
Heat?induced Structural Changes in Soil Organic Matter and Black Carbon Distribution in a Prescribed Burned Forest
Ecosystem and Effects on Climate Change. Dr. He is helping to characterize organic matter and black carbon particles
utilizing Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and 13C Nuclear Magnetic
Spectroscopy (NMR) to study these components.
Gary Bentrup: Mr. Bentrup works at the USDA National Agroforestry Center. He has collaborated on develop Chinese
version of Guideline of Conservation Buffer and organizing workshops of 'Designing multi-functionality in local landscapes.'
Mike Dosskey: Mr. Dosskey works at the USDA National Agroforestry Center. He collaborated on the development of the
Chinese version of Guideline of Conservation Buffer and organizing workshops of 'Designing multi-functionality in local
Dr. Kathryn Greenburg: Dr. Greenburg works for the USDA Forest Service. She has collaborated on research
projects related to effect of forest management on wildlife communities.
Mark Sasser: Mr. Sasser works for the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Wildlife conservation
John Carpenter: Mr. Carpenter works at the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, 1751 Varsity Drive, Raleigh,
NC 27606. Former graduate student. Collaborated on publishing a manuscript related to Cerulean Warbler habitat
Dr. Zachary Felix: Dr. Felix is a professor at Reinhardt University, and a former graduate student. He
collaborated on publishing manuscripts related to forest management effect on herpetofaunal community.
Zhengwang Zhang: Dr. Zhang is a professor at Beijing Normal University. He collaborated on avian research in China and
co-advising graduate students in China and USA.
Jiliang Xu: Associate Professor and Deputy Dean of College of Natural conservation of the Beijing Forestry University.
Collaborated on avian research in China and co-advising graduate students in China and USA.
Dr. Jianqian Li: Dr. Li is a post-doctoral researcher at AAMU (beginning in September). He collaborated on avian research in
Dr. Zhijiun Ma: Dr. Ma is Associate Professor at the College of Natural Conservation of Fudan University. Collaborated on
Annual Report: 1036600
avian research and co-advising graduate students in China and USA.
Dr. Yuming Guo: Dr. Guo is Assistant Professor at the College of Natural conservation of the Beijing Forestry University.
Collaborated on avian research in China and co-advising graduate students in China and USA.
Qingyu Wang: Mr. Wang is Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange at Nanjing Forestry University,
Nanjing, China. Collaborated on the China exchange program between AAMU and Nanjing Forestry University.
Dr. Naijiang Wang: Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor at the College of Forestry in the Northwest A&F University, Shanxi,
China. Dr. Naijiang Wang worked in my lab as a visiting professor for one year and collaborated on research related to forest
Falk Huettmann: Dr. Huettmannn is an Associate Professor in the Biology and Wildlife Department at the Institute of Arctic
Biology of the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. He has collaborated on avian research in China.
Dr. Paul Hamel: Dr. Hamel is a wildlife biologist of the Southern Research Station of USDA Forest Service. Dr. Hamel has
assisted and guided several avian related research projects.
Lisa J. Gatens: Ms. Gatens is a curator of mammals at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North
Carolina. She collaborated on a publication of the Smoky Shrew in northern Alabama.
Taylor Bryd: Mr. Byrd works in the Department of Agribusiness at Alabama A&M University. He collaborated on a
recruitment project funded by USA by developing dual credit on-line courses.
Dr. Sha Li: Dr. Li is a professor in the School of Education at Alabama A&M University. He has collaborated with us on the
evaluation of REU program and publishing one manuscript based on REU program.
Heidi R. Howard: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory,
Champaign, Illinois. Dr. Nyakatawa collaborates with Dr. Howard and Dr. Svendsen on a research project studying temporary
landscaping of military ranges using composted materials for erosion control and training land restoration. Dr. Nyakatawa's
research focuses on evaluating surface runoff, sediment, and nutrient transport from compost consisting of various organic
materials in combination with each other and with soil on a simulated military training landscape.
Niels G. Svendsen: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory,
Champaign, Illinois. Dr. Nyakatawa collaborates with Dr. Svendsen and Dr. Howard on a research project studying temporary
landscaping of military ranges using composted materials for erosion control and training land restoration. Dr. Nyakatawa's
research focuses on evaluating surface runoff, sediment, and nutrient transport from compost consisting of various organic
materials in combination with each other and with soil on a simulated military training landscape.
Benedict C. Okeke: Dr. Okeke is an associate professor of biology at Auburn University -Montgomery (Alabama). He
collaborated with Dr. Elica Moss on esearch and the peer-reviewed publication (as first author) 'Occurrence, molecular
characterization and antibiogram of water quality indicator bacteria in river water serving a water treatment plant.' Science of
the Total Environment.
Sue Thompson: Dr. Thompson collaborated with Dr. Elica Moss on research and the peer-reviewed publication 'Occurrence,
molecular characterization and antibiogram of water quality indicator bacteria in river water serving a water treatment plant.'
Science of the Total Environment.
Annual Report: 1036600
Activities and Findings
Research and Education Activities: (See PDF version submitted by PI at the end of the report)
See attached PDF.
Findings: (See PDF version submitted by PI at the end of the report)
See attached PDF
Training and Development:
Prescribed Burn Manager Refresher Course:
CFEA staff member Daryl Lawson attended certified Prescribed Burn Manager refresher course as part of the continuing
education requirement for his CPBM license in 2010. In addition, five AAMU Forestry undergraduates and one CFEA
graduate student attend the CPBM 32 hour course and received their Alabama Burn Manager license. The course was hosted
by FEWP, COE, and CFEA and was held in the Forestry Building Auditorium. A total of 36 forest landowners, natural
resource managers, and volunteer fireman also attended and received their Burn Managers certificate.
The 1890 Agroforestry Consortium Workshop, Greensboro, North Carolina (May 16-19, 2011):
Dr. Gyawali participated in this workshop. The workshop was attended by 12 HBCU representatives. Collaborative research
and outreach ideas and strategies were discussed during the meeting. The workshop was helpful to understand effective
strategies for participation of minority landowners in agricultural and forestry based income earning activities. Field trips in
the various agroforestry research sites helped to understand the connection between people, landscape and environment for the
sustainable use and management of natural resources.
During the year, many faculty members in the Center participated in professional trainings to improve their professional skills.
For example: Dr. Monday Mbila attended an X-ray Diffraction Workshop on Basic Diffraction Techniques organized by
PANalytical, Inc. at Westborough, Massachusetts during June 27-30, 2011 to improve his ability to perform diffraction
techniques. Dr. Yong Wang attended SAS training given by SAS Inc. to update his knowledge and skills for teaching and
using the SAS program. Dr. Gyawali was involved in various educational activities through Department of Agribusiness. He
attended three recruitment fairs for high school and transfer students in Selma, Rainsville, and Alabama A&M University. He
was also actively involved in STEM day activities, advised graduate and undergraduate students, taught three courses and
other educational activities as a part of research grants. As a co-PI of Reaching out Building Bridges(ROBB) project, Dr.
Gyawali actively participated in organizing a two week summer camp for high school students at Alabama A&M University.
Eighteen high school junior and senior students from Robert C. Hatch High school, Union Town, Alabama and Butler High
School, Huntsville, Alabama participated in the summer camp. Dr. Gyawali provided a lecture 'Use of Computer Technology
in Agriculture' to the high school students and led two field trips for them. These students received information on agricultural
research activities at AAMU and exposures to various on-site agricultural production and processing activities through
multiple field trips. At least 10 students are expected to join college education at AAMU.
Conferences and Meetings:
Faculty in CFEA encourage both graduate and undergraduate students to attend meetings and conferences, in order to learn
about the process of disseminating information to their peers and to make contacts outside of the university that might
Annual Report: 1036600
positively affect their future career path. Students conducting research are encouraged to give oral and poster presentations and
this is apparent in the Publications section of this report. Most conferences and meetings were attended by both faculty and
students. Participation at these meetings gives students a sense of community and professionalism, and provides a reminder to
graduate students about the opportunities available to them and in which direction they want to head.
During 2011, Dr. Elica Moss brought nine undergraduate students to the Soil Science Society of America meeting in Long
Beach, California. Last year, Dr. Luben Dimov brought two of his graduate students, plus several REU students to the
Ecological Society Association meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and will be attending this year's meeting in Austin,
Texas as well, with graduate students. Most students and faculty gave oral or poster presentations (or both) at the
Association of Southeastern Biologists meeting held in Huntsville earlier this year. We had a stronger showing at the
meeting than the host institution, University of Alabama at Huntsville!
The EnvironMentors Chapter at Alabama A&M University (AAMU) continue to initiate a pipeline for attracting and training
underrepresented minority students from nearby high schools to attend AAMU, and help in providing opportunities for
minorities to be involved in science and environmental studies. EnvironMentors Chapter fits into the overall goal of AAMU by
contributing to the development of future leaders in the environmental sciences discipline. This program serves as a vehicle in
addressing some of the major environmental issues of our time at the high school level. It will also develop synergies with
other mentoring programs at AAMU. Johnson High School (JHS), whose general cultural and socio-economic make-up
reflects that of AAMU, has existing partnership with our university. The Chapter provides a pipeline of high school students
from under?represented communities to AAMU's environmental science program and other areas. This program is used to
address some of the major environmental issues of our time at the high school level. Such environmental problems include but
are not limited to the buildup of green house gases and global warming, water quality issues, as well as issues of sustainability
in agricultural and environmental management. Today's major global environmental issues are yet to be adequately introduced
at the high school level to start preparing students for future leadership in those areas.
At the beginning of fall 2010 semester the students listed below from Johnson High School were recruited to participate in our
program. The students have to participate in the program for both fall 2010 and spring 2011 semesters in order to receive their
stipends of $750.00. Most of the students were involved in different after school activities and were not able to stay in the
program. Ryan Brazelton, Sidney Clark, Antonio Fletcher, and David Glasgow completed their research with the advice of
their mentors, Eddie Davis, Joe Gardinski (USDA-NRCS), and Wubishet Tadesse (NRES). The students were exposed to the
use of ArcGIS software, 3d-visualization using ArcExplorer, and soil survey mapping. Their project was related to
environmental planning using the above software. Antonio Fletcher is now a freshman at AAMU.
The mentors and their students for 2010 are: Dr. William Stone / Kyla Johnson Dr. Elica Moss / Alexis Greathouse and
Parijeana Alexander Dr. Yong Wang / Edward Leslie Dr Wubishet Tadesse / Ryan Brazelton Mr. Joe Gardinski / Sidney Clack
Mr. Eddie Davis / Antonio Fletcher and David Glasgow Dr. Rufina Ward / Vandella Ford and Evelyn Crutcher Dr. Ramesh
Kantety / Charlisha Simpson and Cierra James Dr. Rao Mentreddy / Grayson Lockhart
We have also participated in mentoring high school students in the 'Earn and Learn Program' for summer of 2011.
During this funding period, we had two major REU compnents sponsored by CFEA faculty. The first was our own REU
program. AAMU is an REU site funded by NSF for the last three years. Ten students, including two high school students,
participated in the 2010 program. These students were from across the country, with diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. They
attended an eight week program, and the CFEA faculty and graduate students served as mentors.
The Center faculty, along with Dr. Tim White of Pennsylvania State University, also coordinated and led a one week field
excursion across the state of Alabama for twelve REU students from June 16-20, 2011. These students had an extended
summer field trip to Alabama A&M University to study primarily the geologic processes in shell transects in our state. The
students visited long-time observation installations in the field, Alabama MesoNet weather and soil profile stations which are
Annual Report: 1036600
operated and managed by AAMU under prior funding from NSF. UPWARD BOUND Math and Science Program: CFEA
faculty mentored high school students involved in the 'UPWARD BOUND Math and Science Program' summer mentoring
In 2010 the Bankhead Center Committee met (AAMU reps, Dr. Robert Taylor, Daryl Lawson and Ms Dee Dee Martin with
the Bankhead Foundation) with the Nature Conservancy of Alabama in Wren, Alabama. We were joined by a landowner who
was offering his family property for sale; he took us on a tour of the 123 acre site. The site is seriously
being considered as a possible location for the Bankhead Center. The Nature Conservancy made an offered on the tract and
has the option of purchasing the land for the Bankhead Center.
In 2011 the AAMU administration formed a task force to study the feasibility of the tract and to make recommendations for
financial obligations and partnership formation to move forward with the proposed Center. The task force has complied with
the AAMU administration's request and submitted a 'white paper' to the AAMU President and his administration with formal
recommendations to proceed. At the time of this report we are awaiting a formal response from the AAMU administration
before we can proceed with our plans.
Feasibility of Staffing and Managing the Proposed Bankhead Center for Research and Education (BCRE) by Alabama
A&M University (AAMU)
The Bankhead Center for Research and Education is a proposed multi-use facility designed for forestry/natural resource
management field research, educational and outreach activities, including lodging for faculty, staff and students working
remotely in the vicinity of Bankhead National Forest (BNF). The concept of such a facility has been in place for several years,
including architectural plans envisioning a $4-5 m complex. Originally it was envisioned that such a facility might be realized
by pursuing a similar concept to that of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Consortium, with dues-paying membership and annual
state funding to support the facility. The Bankhead Educational Foundation was established in 2008 to support this effort. The
Lawrence County Industrial Board (the county within which the BCRE is proposed) recently passed a resolution in support of
the establishment of a research and educational facility near Bankhead NF.
In 2010 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) placed an option on a piece of property, approximately 130 acres in size, consisting
mostly of pastureland and mixed hardwood/pine forest and contiguous with the northern border of the Bankhead National
Forest, located on the west side of Hwy 33, just south of Wren, Alabama (see aerial photos, appended). The cost of the
property is $300K and TNC has the option of purchasing all (or none) of the property by Fall 2011. If TNC purchases the
property it is proposing that the BCRE field facility be built there and that AAMU manage it. Initially, the facility is
envisioned as a modest one, designed primarily to meet the immediate needs of AAMU faculty, staff and students who are
conducting research in and near BNF. Currently, field facilities in support of AAMU personnel near Bankhead are sorely
lacking (we have limited access to the FS Work Center, 2 FEMA trailers and tents), making it necessary for students, faculty
and staff to live in the field for long periods of time, usually during the summer and/or traverse between campus and BNF on a
regular basis, which is time-consuming and costly (90 minute drive, one-way, usually in a 4x4 field truck). Funds necessary to
build a modest research field facility with lodging would be in the range of $200-300K. NSF has a competitive field station
grant program that could be the source of the funding needed to build such a facility. Grant proposals are due in March each
year. AAMU has already submitted a proposal which could serve as the model for development of a second and improved
document and could draw initial construction cost.
The facility initially constructed would be consistent with the long-term vision of the BCRE, such that it could be expanded to
realize the additional functions originally conceived.
Annual Report: 1036600
Such potential functions include:
Service as a hub for ongoing AAMU research efforts supported by the National Science Foundation, USDA National
Institute for Food and Agriculture and others, including lodging and field support facilities for AAMU faculty, staff and
Service as a hub for heritage-based tourism and recreation activities;
Supports partnering with other institutions and agencies (and expand existing partnerships) on cutting edge research, e.g.,
connecting with larger national and global earth monitoring projects, developing the capacity to track climate change and
its current and potential impacts on Alabama, study of the the headwaters and watersheds of vital importance to Alabama's
fresh water systems, advancing agroforestry techniques to support economies of underserved communities, etc.;
Supports preparation of cadres of scientists (especially from underrepresented groups) involved in new and emerging
fields via such programs as the NSF-supported Center for Forest Ecosystems Assessment (CFEA);
Outreach/extension functions to the local community, state and public-at-large via such activities as demonstration
projects, training workshops, educational displays, interpretive trails, etc. Up to now the resources we have outlined in this
'white paper' are from non-AAMU resources (e.g. land to be acquired by TNC and initial construction funds will be
solicited from NSF). However, in order for AAMU to show leadership in the natural resources area, it needs to provide a
modest sum to maintain the facility after it has been built. Such a commitment will make our application for funding to
build a facility more convincing and will be essential to attracting the partnerships we are going to need to obviate
management costs, sustain our efforts and realize the potential of the BCRE.
Benefits to AAMU and, by extension, the state of Alabama:
See potential functions above, all of which support AAMU's land grant mission;
AAMU will be positioned as the 1st/only HBCU with a biological field research station in the US;
BCRE would position AAMU for high visibility marketing;
Major new opportunities for corporate & foundation giving (e.g., 3M corporation, which has a local plant in Decatur, is a
major donor to TNC);
Fruitful partnership with the largest private conservation organization in the world (TNC);
Increased recognition of AAMU as a center of excellence in teaching, research & extension re natural resource
management and conservation.
Assuming purchase of property and funds to build a facility are attained over the next two years, resources will then be needed
in about three years to maintain it. The remainder of this document includes an estimated annual budget for BCRE staffing and
management and some possible sources of the resources needed, including in-kind, partnerships and generation of revenue.
Resources for Management of BCRE:
The $60,900 annual budget may be funded by splitting the costs between existing McIntire-Stennis federal funds and the
required match by the State of Alabama/AAMU. This would require that $30,450 be dedicated annually from the existing
McIntire-Stennis funds and $30,450 be matched by AAMU. This would be above the cash match amount currently provided
by the state to AAMU, via AALGA, which currently covers 66% of AAMU's federal allocation. Other federal funds cannot
be used for this match, as the program requires a minimum 1:1 match by the receiving state. As our federal funding level has
been increasing, our ability to produce the match is being strained. Since the McIntire-Stennis funds are awarded to each
state, if AAMU is unable to produce the required match, the federal funds will revert back to Auburn University, which
Annual Report: 1036600
currently matches their allocation at 7:1. Therefore the $30,450 requested from AAMU will serve multiple purposes ? funding
the BCRE, which will bring credit and exposure to AAMU, greatly enhancing our research and education capabilities,
fulfilling the match requirements and, as explained above, better positioning AAMU to compete for funds to build a facility
and to acquire partners vital to the sustained, cost-effective functioning of the BCRE into the future.
Outreach Activities:
We strongly believe that the dissemination of the results of CFEA research and educational outreach activities is imperative to
our success and is considered as an integral part of the CFEA mission. We have therefore taken an aggressive posture to
inform the scientific and educational community of our research findings. The Bankhead Liaison Panel is one of the best
forums available for us to communicate our research findings to the interested community. We have also hosted several on
campus activities to engage students within the university and local area high schools. The activities include the annual STEM
Day and an educational visit by the Birmingham Water Works Board (BWWB) Young Water Ambassadors, which is also a
good recruiting activity. Off-campus activities have also included the BWWB Young Water Ambassadors as well as
community workshops.
Bankhead National Forest Liaison Panel:
In 2010, Daryl Lawson was selected to serve on the Bankhead National Forest Liaison panel as the AAMU CFEA
representative. This panel meets once every quarter to promote cooperation between the USFS and numerous user groups in
the BNF. Forest demonstration areas and CFEA research plots are utilized to educate small forestland owners and forest user
groups in environmentally sound resource management practices as part of the USFS and CFEA tech transfer.
He attended and participated in each of the quarterly Board meetings and provided updates and serve on outreach field tours
and monitoring trips in the BNF CFEA study sites. In 2011 a day long Hardwood Restoration tour was planned but canceled
due to the tornado outbreak of April. The tour has been rescheduled to September 2011 and attendance has been estimated at
75-100 landowners, agency representatives and natural resources managers based upon responses to RSVP. In addition, three
harvesting and burning monitoring tours were conducted within the study area with the USFS, BNFLP, local landowners, and
resource managers.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Day 2011:
The daylong Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Day event is dedicated to promoting interest and skills in
the STEM fields among college students for many science-teaching institutions. It is also a day for AAMU to celebrate the
accomplishments of their students in research and senior science projects. The goal of the program is to build the STEM
education and research capacity at AAMU alongside other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) as a means
of broadening interest and participation in the nation's STEM workforce. CFEA students, staff, and faculty have been a driving
force behind STEM Day since its inception here five years ago. During this year's event (2011), about 120 students
participated in scientific poster presentations from any STEM related research, including on-going research at AAMU, or
projects completed on campus through summer research experiences. Scientists from outside AAMU were recruited to judge
the posters. The STEM Day event received full participation from the CREST PIs and collaborators, either as STEM
Committee members,advisors and mentors of students' research and senior projects, science poster judges, fundraisers, and
support staff. Dr. Monday Mbila served on the STEM Committee as the Award Chair on behalf of the CFEA-CREST Project.
Several graduate students received awards for their research posters in every year. For example, Brandie Stringer won the first
place award this year for her study of bird breeding populations in thinned forests and edge habitat.
Annual Report: 1036600
Forest Fair Day:
In March 2011, a total of 150 fifth and sixth grade students from the north Huntsville area participated in this event cosponsored by the US Forest Service and AAMU, and held on the AAMU Campus. We worked alongside the USFS, the
AAMU Forestry Club and other agencies in this outreach event. The students were taught the use of good fire in forest health
and restoration and how damaging wildfire can be in the rural urban interface; animal identification was by Allison Cochran,
the USFS Wildlife Biologist; and students had fun cheering on the AAMU Forestry students who were displaying the use of a
variety of tools used in forestry, including a two-man saw and ax throwing.
Alabama Tornado Forest Recovery Task Force:
Daryl Lawson was selected to serve on the Alabama Tornado Forest Recovery Task Force. He represents forestry interest in
north Alabama and serves on the reforestation committee which is working to secure funding for replanting forested areas
destroyed in the April 27th tornado outbreak. In addition AAMU students and staff have been assisting landowners with forest
inventory of damage stands for causality loss under FEMA and homeowners policies. In response to the tornado cleanup
efforts the AAMU FireDawgs chainsaw crew participated in 10 days of volunteer services removing downed timber to reopen
roads in heavy damaged areas.
In April of 2011 the AAMU FireDawgs chainsaw crew was activated to a tornado response team by the Alabama Forestry
Commission. FireDawgs crew members which are all CFEA FEWP undergraduate students spent over 10 days in recovery and
cleanup efforts in Guntersville, Harvest and Cullman. Well over 360 hours of community service were provided at the request
of AFC. Crews worked in coordination with AFC dozer units to rescue stranded homeowners and to clear access paths for
rescue workers in the heavily damaged areas. AAMU forestry students have also assisted several homeowners with tree
damage assessment and valuation as well as tree removal for safety on and around home sites.
Alabama Prescribed Burning Council:
Daryl Lawson was selected to serve on the Alabama Prescribed Burning Council as chair-elect and serves on the outreach and
implementation subcommittees. This is a statewide committee that works to increase the acreage of forestland that is
prescribed burned for wildfire hazard reduction and to promote forest health.
Minority Landowner Workshops, 2011:
Two workshops were organized and held by Drs. Buddhi Gyawali and Colmore Christian in Luverne (June 7-8) and Selma
(July 1-2), Alabama. These workshops were aimed at socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, with the goals of educating
minority forest landowners about the government's cost share programs, and assisting in the development of sound forest
management plans, Estate planning and other best land management practices. About 20 landowners participated in both
Reaching Out Building Bridges Project (ROBB):
Dr. Buddhi Gyawali participated actively in organizing a two week summer camp for high school students at Alabama A&M
University. Eighteen high school junior and senior students from Robert C. Hatch High school, Union Town, Alabama and
Butler High School, Huntsville, Alabama participated in the summer camp. Dr. Gyawali lectured on the 'use of computer
technology in agriculture' to the students and led two field trips for them. These students received information on agricultural
research activities at AAMU and exposures to various on-site agricultural production and processing activities through
multiple field trips. At least 10 students are expected to join the program at AAMU as a result of participation in this program.
1890 Agro-forestry consortium workshop in Greensboro NC from May 16-19, 2011. Dr. Gyawali participated in this
workshop, which was attended by twelve HBCU representatives. Collaborative research and outreach ideas and strategies were
discussed during the meeting. The workshop was helpful for identifying effective strategies for participation of minority
landowners in agricultural and forestry based income earning activities. Field trips in the various agro-forestry research sites
helped to understand the connection between people, landscape and environment for the sustainable use and management of
Annual Report: 1036600
natural resources.
Southern Hardwood Forestry Group Meeting:
The Southern Hardwood Forestry Group is over 70 years old and meets twice a year. It is composed of private forest
landowners, practicing foresters, forestry consultants, forest land managers, academics, and industry. At every meeting the
group visits sites of various forest management activates, and learn from the successes and failures of their colleagues and the
researchers. This year's meeting was hosted by Dr. Callie Schweitzer and was held at the Bankhead National Forest. During
this meeting, the attending members of the group learned about the forest ecosystem responses to the forest treatments.
Specific results that were presented concerned the response of the overstory, tree regeneration, the ground layer vegetation
(forbs, graminoids, and vines), amphibians, reptiles, and avian communities 1 to 4 years after treatment. The researchers from
AAMU and their Forest Service cooperators compared and contrasted the nine different forest treatments. The following four
individuals gave presentations to the meeting attendants.
Dimov, L. 2011. Vegetation dynamics three years after application of nice silvicultural treatments. Southern Hardwood
Forestry Group Meeting, William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. April 21. Audience: 40 people.
Schweitzer, C. J. 2011. Tree response to nine forest management treatments. Southern Hardwood Forestry Group Meeting,
William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. April 21. Audience: 40 people.
Sutton, W. 2011. Response of the reptile and amphibian communities to thinning and prescribed fire. Southern Hardwood
Forestry Group Meeting, William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. April 21. Audience: 40 people.
Wang, Y. 2011. Response of the avian community to forest treatments. Southern Hardwood Forestry Group Meeting, William
B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. April 21. Audience: 40 people.
Birmingham Water Works Board Young Water Ambassadors Program:
In 2010 we formalized our commitment to the BWWB YWA program by presenting our results of this partnership to the
Board at their July meeting at the Cahaba Pumping Station. AAMU received a resolution from the Board in appreciation for
our partnership in education for the rural youth of the Birmingham Metro area. In addition we received a letter of
commendation from the BWWB presented to AAMU in July 2011 at the annual board meeting at Birmingham Works Board
Main office. The BWWB NRMP Service agreement was extended for 2010-2011 with an award of $65,000 to continue to
provide natural resource management assistance and advice. We have reapplied for 2011-2012 for another one year service
agreement for FY 2011-2012. The BWWB has assured that this service agreement will be renewed in light of the acceptance
of the USFS grant application. A USFS grant application has been submitted to fund the teacher coordinator trip to the Bent
Creek and Coweta Experimental forest. Along with the twelve teachers, four BWWB land management employees will be
going on this tour the goal is to demonstrate to the participant's proper road building techniques, best management practices for
timber harvesting in forested watersheds, and the potential for employment for YWA in natural resource careers. Another
aspect of the USFS proposal is to increase the participation of CFEA students in the natural resource inventory and
management recommendations for the 12,000 acre BWWB property. In addition the proposal established a research
partnership between CFEA, FEWP, COE and BWWB as a long term study area for impacts of thinning and prescribed burning
on the BWWB property.
The FireDawg Crew was mobilized in April 2011 to assist in recovery and cleanup on the tornado damaged areas in and
Annual Report: 1036600
around Guntersville, Harvest, and Cullman Alabama. We also assisted AFC and small private landowners with seven
Prescribed Burns on 369 acres of forestland. In March of 2011 the FireDawg crew set up a booth and fire demonstration at the
Forest Fair day on the AAMU Campus. In the summer of 2010 ten FireDawg crew members were employed for internships
with USFS, BLM, NPS, and USFWS on various fire details thought-out the US. Summer 2011 these same agencies are
employing 16 FireDawg students in fire crews in several western states and in the wildfires in South Georgia and North
Florida. Employer response to the success of the FireDawg program has been extremely positive and we have secured an
additional $20,000 USFS grant for equipment, supplies and training. In addition we have secured a $14,000 grant for 2010-11
from the Alabama Forestry Commission to compensate FireDawgs for activation to various details during the school year. To
date $7,000 of this grant has been paid to individual FireDawgs crew members that have been activated to fire and tornado
details. We are scheduled to expend the remaining $7,000 in the fall semester for prescribed burn details in the tornado timber
damage areas. The AFC has committed to renewing this grant for FY 2011-12 and has made a state funding request to
increase the grant amount due to past successes.
Other related activities:
Thinning and Burning to Restore Upland Hardwood Stands on the William B. Bankhead National Forest meeting hold at BNF
with their staff, along with AAMU CREST research partner on Nov 15, 2010 at Double Springs, AL. The meeting reviewed
the progress to date of research activities involving the 36 treatment stands, and presented data on the fire and fuels, and
discussed on continuing research and new research partners was included. Upland Hardwood Silviculture Research on the
Cumberland Plateau meeting on March 8, 2011 at Asheville, NC. The participants Included USFS Southern Research Station
employees, it high-lightened the partnerships, including those via CREST and the National Forest System.
Alabama A&M University and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture China Exchange Program:
Alabama A&M University (AAMU) currently has a collaborative program with Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) that
emphasizes international research and education in agricultural and environmental sciences, thanks to a grant through the
National Institute of Food and Agriculture program (NIFA, under the United States Department of Agriculture, USDA). The
goal of this program is to provide an opportunity for faculty and students to gain first-hand research experience, as well as
become acquainted with the culture and scientific research currently underway in China. Alabama A&M University students
and faculty will work with Chinese students and faculty at NFU to strengthen the capacity of both universities to compete on a
global scale.
Another goal of the program is to develop courses with international content / contexts, to prepare and mentor students for
international agricultural and environmental science career opportunities. Existing courses will be enhanced with global
perspectives, and a new seminar course, 'Global Issues in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences ? an internal internship'
will be developed in the near future. The University will also enhance the scientific research and teaching capabilities of
AAMU faculty through exposure to facilities run by researchers of a different culture, thereby encouraging them to think about
issues from a different perspective.
A fact-finding trip was made in 2009to develop the logistics. In 2010, the first team of three students and six faculty members
participated in the program and signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) between the College of Forest Resources and
Environment of NFU and the School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of AAMU, which laid the foundation for
future long-term collaborative efforts. In spring 2011 a team of faculty members from Nanjing Forestry University, led by their
Vice President, paid a reverse visit to AAMU. Four faculty (Yong Wang, Xiongwen Chen, Wubishet Tadesse, and Regine
Mankolo) and four students (Kathleen Roberts [doctoral candidate], Douglas Washington [MS candidate], Stefanie Gresham
[undergraduate], Stephanie Whitaker [MS candidate] traveled to China to make or reinforce research connections, and to
conduct research relevant to common interests. Faculty and students stayed at Nanjing Forestry University, where each faculty
member had an established research relationship. Each faculty member chose a student to mentor, and brought that student
with him or her.
During their time in China, faculty and students also traveled to X'ian and to Beijing. They experienced Chinese culture and
Annual Report: 1036600
learned some Chinese history.
Alabama A&M University and Tuskegee University Summer Enrichment Program at EARTH University of Costa Rica:
Alabama A&M and Tuskegee Universities in partnership with EARTH University of Costa Rica initiated a summer internship
and experiential learning program in Costa Rica in 2010. The goal of the program is to broaden and strengthen faculty and
students' global competence in agricultural and natural resource sciences, provide them with cultural, social, international
education and research opportunities. The program strengthens both universities' capacities and capabilities in developing
globally competent students and faculty in food, agriculture, natural resources and environmental sciences. The program
activities include to (1) promote the development and enhancement of new curricula and related materials to meet changes
anticipated within domestic and international agriculture, natural resources, environmental sciences, and food systems; (2)
strengthen faculty knowledge base to enable better preparation and mentoring of students for international career opportunities
in a global competitive environment; (3) expose students to the implications of agriculture, natural resources and environment
in Central America and specifically in Costa Rica; (4) provide the practical context for understanding Costa Rica's agriculture
and natural resource base; (5) broaden students' breadth and understanding of the global agricultural community; (6) compare
the agricultural, social and cultural values of Costa Rica with those of the United States; (7) develop an international research
and education exchange and scholars program with EARTH University of Costa Rica for our mutual benefits; (8) develop a
consortium among 1890 institutions to explore international research and education opportunities. Our long-term goal is to
have an international internship exchange and education program at AAMU and TU. Costa Rica is renown world-wide for its
impressive diversity of flora, fauna, array of landscapes, tropical and subtropical climate, vast rainforest and rich biodiversity.
During 2010, a proposal was funded by USDA Capacity Building Grant with CFEA personnel as co-PIs (Drs. Zachary Senwo
and Yong Wang). We then developed brochures and application materials. We recruited students from across both AAMU and
Tuskegee campuses and four students were selected for the program. These students went on a four week internship program
at EARTH University. The program was very successful: the students gained firsthand experience in natural resource and
agricultural sciences in a third-world country. Based on this year's experience, we will send more students to EARTH
University next year and will develop two courses for the internship in the near future.
Many CFEA faculty members served in the offices of professional societies; some are playing critical roles in these
international, national and regional societies. Other faculty are serving on various government committees, councils or boards
providing important advices to the government agencies for establishing and implementing policies and procedures. Many
faculty members served on proposal review panels for agencies such as NSF, US DA, NASA, and EPA. Many of the Center
faculty served as reviewers for professional journals and organized workshops, sessions, discussions, and poster sessions at
professional meetings.
Journal Publications
Patterson, C. T., and L. D. Dimov, "American chestnut restoration: effect of overstory density and fertilizer supplement on
first year survival and growth.", Forest Science, p. , vol. , (2011). Submitted,
Gyawali, B., R. Fraser, J. Bukenya, and S. Banerjee, "Spatial relationship between human well-being and community capital in
the west-central Black Belt counties of Alabama.", Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, p. 167, vol. 2,
(2010). Published, ISSN-2141-2170
Bukenya, J. O., C. Davis, S. Banerjee, and B. Gyawali, "Analysis of regional disparities and wage convergence in
Alabama.", African Journal of Agricultural Research, p. 363, vol. 6, (2011). Published, ISSN 1991-637X
Lemke, D., P. E. Hulme, J. A. Brown, and W. Tadesse, "Distribution modelling of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera
Annual Report: 1036600
japonica) invasion in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region, USA.", Forest Ecology and Management, p. 139, vol.
262, (2011). Published, doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.03.014
Carpenter, J., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Avian community associations and microhabitat associations of Cerulean
Warblers (Dendroica cerulea) in Alabama.", Wilson Journal of Ornithology, p. 206, vol. 123, (2011). Published, 10.1676/10038.1
Chen, X., "Spatial geometry of amphibian distribution in Alabama, USA.", Wildlife Biology in Practice, p. 57, vol. 2,
(2010). Published, 10.2461/wbp.2010.6.5
Chen, X., "Trends of forest inventory data in Alabama, USA during the last seven decades.", Forestry, p. 517, vol. 83, (2010).
Published, 10.1093/forestry/cpq034
Ngowari, J., M. Mbila, T. Tsegaye, and J. Odutola, "Landscape variability of the riparian buffers and its impact on soil and
water chemistry of a northern Alabama urbanized watershed.", Soil, Water and Air Pollution, p. , vol. , (2011). Submitted,
Ngowari, J., M. Mbila, T. Tsegaye, and J. Odutola, "Trace metal Redistribution in Ultisols of a North Alabama
Urbanized Watershed.", unknown, p. , vol. , (2011). In preparation,
Tazisong, I., Z. N. Senwo, and M. Williams, "Mercury speciation and effects on soil microbial activities.", The Journal
of Environmental Science and Health, p. , vol. , (2011). Submitted,
Nyakatawa, E. Z., D. A. Mays, K. Naka, and J. O. Bukenya, "Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus dynamics in a loblolly pinegoat silvopasture system in the Southeast USA.", Agroforestry Systems, p. , vol. , (2011). Submitted,
Nyakatawa, E. Z., D. A. Mays, H. R. Howard, G. Svendsen, R. Britton, and R. P. Pacumbaba, Jr., "Runoff and sediment
transport from compost mulch berms on a simulated military training landscape.", Soil and Sediment Contamination: An
International Journal, p. 307, vol. 19, (2010). Published, 10.1080/15320381003695231
Nyakatawa, E. Z., D. A. Mays, H. R. Howard, G. Svendsen, R. Britton, and R. P. Pacumbaba, Jr., "Nitrogen and phosphorus
transport in runoff from compost berms for simulating military training landscapes", Waste Management and Research, p. 188,
vol. 29, (2011). Published, 10.1177/0734242X10368304
Carpenter, J. P., Y. Wang, C. Schweitzer, and P. Hamel, "Avian community and microhabitat associations of Cerulean
Warblers in Alabama", Wilson Journal of Ornithology, p. , vol. , (2011). Accepted,
Li, J., L. Lv, Y. Wang, and Z. W. Zhang, "Breeding biology of two sympatric Aegithalos tits with helpers at the nest.", Journal
of Ornithology, p. , vol. , (2011). Accepted,
Xu, J. L., Z. W. Zhang, Y. Wang, and J. W. Connelly, "Spatial-temporal responses of male Reeves Pheasants Syrmaticus
reevesii to forest edges in the Dabie Mountains, central China.", Journal of Wildlife Biology, p. , vol. , (2011). Accepted,
Li, S., Y. Wang, and E. Moss, "The effectiveness of the REU program among novice undergraduates.", The Business
Review, p. 334, vol. 16, (2010). Published,
Annual Report: 1036600
Cantrell, A., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Herpetofaunal New County Records of Grundy County, Tennessee.",
Herpetological Review, p. , vol. , (2011). Submitted,
Wang., Y., J. Carpenter, J. L. Xu, Z. W. Zhang, G. M. Zheng, "Home-ranges estimation of Reeves Pheasant Syrmaticus
Reevesii: effects of sample size and information-theoretic based model selection", Ibis, p. , vol. , (2011). In preparation,
Sutton, W., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Amphibian and reptile response to thinning and prescribed burning in
mixed pine-hardwood forests of northwestern Alabama, USA.", unknown, p. , vol. , (2011). In review,
Sutton, W., Y. Wanga, C. J. Schweitzer, and D. A. Steen, "Relationships of microhabitat and microclimate conditions and
lizard community in pine-hardwood forests with prescribed burning and thinning in southeast USA.", unknown, p. , vol. ,
(2011). In review,
Wang, N., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "A review of forest vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau of China: current
status and future strategies.", unknown, p. , vol. , (2011). In review,
Okeke, B. C., S. Thompson, and E. Moss, "Occurrence, molecular characterization and antibiogram of water quality indicator
bacteria in river water serving a water treatment plant.", Science of the Total Environment, p. , vol. , (2011). Submitted,
Books or Other One-time Publications
Schweitzer, C. J., L. W. Gottschalk, J. W. Stringer, S. lark, and D. Loftis, "Using silviculture to sustain upland oak forests
under stress on the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky.", (2011). General Technical Report, Published Editor(s): S. Fei,
J. M. Lhotka, J. W. Stringer, K. W. Gottschalk, and G. W. Miller Collection: Proceedings of the 17th Central Hardwood Forest
Conference; 2010 April 5-8; Lexington, Kentucky. GTR NRS-P-78 Bibliography: Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 467-489. [Peer Reviewed]
Thompson, J. D., R. Rummer, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Harvesting productivity and disturbance estimates of three silvicultural
prescriptions in an eastern Kentucky hardwood forest.", (2011). General Technical Report, Published Editor(s): In: S. Fei, J.
M. Lhotka, J. W. Stringer, K. W. Gottschalk, nd G. W. Miller (eds.) Collection: Proceedings of the 17th Central Hardwood
Forest Conference; 2010 April 5-8; Lexington, Kentucky. GTR NRS-P-78. Bibliography: Newtown Square, Pennsylvania,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 398-408. [Peer Reviewed]
Grayson, S. F., D. S. Buckley, J. G. Henning, C. J. Schweitzer, and S. L. Clark, "Influence of alternative silvicultural
treatments on spatial variability in light in central hardwood stands on the Cumberland Plateau.", (2011). General Technical
Report, Published Editor(s): In: S. Fei, J. M. Lhotka, J. W. Stringer, K. W. Gottschalk, and G. W. Miller (eds.) Collection:
Proceedings of the 17th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 2010 April 5-8; Lexington, Kentucky. GTR NRS-P-78.
Bibliography: Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station:
467-489. [Extended Abstract]
Schweitzer, C. J., and S. L. Clark, "Thinning and prescribed fire impacts on duff and litter weights from mixed pine-hardwood
stands on the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.", (2011). Abstract, Submitted Collection: Proceedings of the 4th
Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference, May 16-19. Bibliography: Springfield, Missouri.
Schweitzer, C. J., and Y. Wang, "Overstory tree status following thinning and burning treatments in mixed pine-hardwood
stands on the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.", (2010). General Technical Report, Submitted Editor(s): In: J.
Guldin and D. Bragg (eds.) Collection: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 2009
Annual Report: 1036600
November 17-20; Hot Springs, Arkansas. Bibliography: GTR SRS-XX. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: X-X.
Clark, S. L., and C. J. Schweitzer, "Red maple (Acer rubrum) response to prescribed burning on the William B. Bankhead
National Forest, Alabama.", (2010). General Technical Report, Submitted Editor(s): In: J. Guldin and D. Bragg (eds.)
Collection: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 2009 November 17-20; Hot Springs,
Arkansas. Bibliography: GTR SRS-XX. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern
Research Station: X-X.
Wick, J., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Immediate effect of burning and logging treatments on the avian community at
Bankhead National Forest of northern Alabama.", (2010). General Technical Report, Submitted Editor(s): In: J. Guldin and D.
Bragg (eds.) Collection: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 2009 November 17-20;
Hot Springs, Arkansas. Bibliography: GTR SRS-XX. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Southern Research Station: X-X.
Baldwin, T., F. Chan, Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Predicting amphibian communities using habitat variables in forested
landscapes in the southern Cumberland Plateau.", (2010). General Technical Report, Submitted Editor(s): In: J. Guldin and D.
Bragg (eds.) Collection: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 2009 November 17-20;
Hot Springs, Arkansas. Bibliography: GTR SRS-XX. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Southern Research Station: X-X.
Miller, J. H., D. Lemke, and J. Coulston, "The invasion of southern forests by nonnative plants: current and future occupation
with impacts, management strategies, and mitigation approaches.", (2011). General Technical Report, Submitted Editor(s): In:
D. N. Wear and J. G. Greis (eds.) Collection: The Southern Forest Futures Project: Technical Report. Bibliography: GTR
SRS-XX. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station: X-X.
Schweitzer, C. J., G. Janzen, and D. C. Dey, "Regenerating Oak the Natural Way: A Practical Guide to Managing Oak Forests
in the Eastern United States.", (2011). Technical report, Accepted Editor(s): P. Keyser, T. Burhans, and C. Harper (eds.)
Bibliography: Not available.
Tazisong, I. A., Z. N. Senwo, R. W. Taylor, and Z. He, "Mercury in manures and toxicity to environmental health.", (2010).
Book, Published Editor(s): Zhongqi He (ed.) Collection: Environmental Chemistry of Animal Manure. Bibliography: Nova
Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York.
Williams, A., K. M. Soliman, P. Aldrich, and C. Michler, "Molecular analysis of genetic diversity of red oak species (Quercus
spp.).", (2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the American Society of Plant Biologists Bibliography:
Chicago, Illinois.
Ranatunga, T. D. R. W. Taylor, and W. F. Bleam, "Identification of organic phosphorus forms in forest soil using 31P NMR
nuclear magnetic spectroscopy.", (2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Soil
Science Society of America, Oct 31-Nov 4 Bibliography: Long Beach, California.
A. Cantrell, Y. Wang, C.J. Schweitzer, and C. Greenberg, "Herpetofaunal and small mammal response to oak-regeneration
silvicultural practices in the mid-Cumberland Plateau of southern Tennessee.", (2011). Conference Proceedings, Submitted
Collection: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Technical Report, Feb 14-17.
Bibliography: Charleston, South Carolina.
Annual Report: 1036600
Baldwin, T. E., and Y. Wang, "The effect of forest management practices on pool breeding amphibian reproductive fitness in
the Cumberland Plateau in southern Tennessee.", (2011). Published Abstract, Published Collection: Bottomland Hardwood
Forest Management Meeting, March 14-15 Bibliography: Stoneville, Mississippi.
T. E. Baldwin and Y. Wang, "Survivorship and the influence of varying spatial environmental factors on spotted salamander,
Ambystoma maculatum, egg masses in northern Alabama.", (2011). Published Abstract, Published Collection: The 72nd
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16 Bibliography: Huntsville, Alabama.
Baldwin, T. E., and Y. Wang, "Use of mole salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) life stages to assess local and landscape
influences on reproductive fitness along the Cumberland Plateau in northern Alabama.", (2011). Published Abstract, Published
Collection: The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16. Bibliography: Huntsville,
Baldwin, T. E., and Y. Wang, "Use of mole salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) life stages to assess local and landscape
influences on reproductive fitness along the Cumberland Plateau in northern Alabama.", (2010). Abstract, Published
Collection: Alabama A&M University's 5th Annual Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Day, April
20. Bibliography: Normal, Alabama.
Cantrell, A., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, and C. Greenberg, "Herpetofaunal response to oak-regenerating silviculture
treatments on the mid-Cumberland Plateau of southern Tennessee.", (2011). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the
72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16. Bibliography: Huntsville, Alabama.
Cantrell, A., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, and C. Greenberg, "Variations of reptilian communities among forest stands under
different silvicultural treatments on the mid-Cumberland Plateau of southern Tennessee.", (2011). Abstract, Published
Collection: Proceedings of the Alabama A&M University's 5th Annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) Day. April 20. Bibliography: Normal, Alabama.
Gardner, L., and Y. Wang, "Stopover ecology of migrating songbirds at an inland site in northeastern Alabama.", (2011).
Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April
13-16. Bibliography: Huntsville, Alabama.
Lemke, D., J. Brown, and Y. Wang, "Application of adaptive sampling with a generalized random tessellation stratified
design: A case study of invasive plants at reclaimed mines on the southern Cumberland Plateau.", (2011). Abstract, Published
Collection: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16. Bibliography:
Huntsville, Alabama.
Lemke, D., C. J. Schweitzer, and Y. Wang, "Impact of invasive plants on mine reclamation revegetation goals on the southern
Cumberland Plateau.", (2011). Abstract, Published Collection: Joint Meeting of the 2nd Kentucky Invasive Species
Conference and the 13th Annual Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Conference, May 3-5. Bibliography: Lexington,
Rigsby, C., T. Baldwin, and Y. Wang, "Terrestrial Habitat Environmental influence on amphibian larvae and metamorphs
within temporary wetlands.", (2011). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the
Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16. Bibliography: Huntsville, Alabama.
Stringer, B., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Forest disturbance and songbird community: temporal response.", (2011).
Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the Alabama A&M University's 5th Annual Science, Technology, Engineering
Annual Report: 1036600
and Mathematics (STEM) Day, April 20. Bibliography: Normal, Alabama.
Stringer, B., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Forest disturbance and songbird community: temporal response.", (2011).
Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April
13-16. Bibliography: Huntsville, Alabama.
Stringer, B., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer, "Forest disturbance and songbird community: temporal response.", (2011).
Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the Alabama Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5.
Bibliography: Prattville, Alabama.
Sutton, W., Y. Wang and C. J. Schweitzer, "Lizard habitat relationships in managed forests of the Southeast.", (2010).
Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the Alabama Chapter of Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation,
November 5-7. Bibliography: Andalusia, Alabama.
Williams, J., L. Dimov, R. Lawton, K. Naka1, and Y. Wang, "Effect of high-intensity directed fire in different seasons on
survival of three invasive species: Paulownia tomentosa (royal paulownia), Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet), and Lonicera
spp (honeysuckle).", (2011). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of
Southeastern Biologists, April 13-16. Bibliography: Huntsville, Alabama.
Wang, Y., "Effect of forest management on the wildlife community.", (2011). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of
the Southern Hardwood Forestry Group field workshop at Bankhead National Forest, April 21. Bibliography: Bankhead
National Forest, Alabama.
Wang, Y., Z. Senwo, X. Chen, and R. Taylor, "Strengthening minority global perspectives in agricultural research and
education.", (2011). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Research Symposium of the Association
of Research Directors, Inc., April 9-12. Bibliography: Atlanta, Georgia.
Wang, Y., Z. Senwo, X. Chen, and R. Taylor, "Strengthening minority global perspectives in agricultural research and
education.", (2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 68th Annual Professional Agricultural Workers
Conference, December 5-7. Bibliography: Tuskegee, Alabama.
Wang, Y., "Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment.", (2011). Booklet, Published Collection: CREST Internal Advisory
Board Meeting, February 15. Bibliography: Normal, Alabama.
Wang, Y., "Stopover ecology: an east andwest perspective.", (2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the
Symposium on Migratory Bird Study, October 9-16. Bibliography: Republic of Korea.
Xu, J., X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, G. Zheng, and Y. Wang, "Spatial and temporal association of male Reeves Pheasants to different
forest edges in the Dabie Mountains of Central China.", (2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists, August 12-14. Bibliography: Ogden, Utah.
Molloy, K., W. Sutton, and Y. Wang, "Avian response to land use practices in the City of Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A.",
(2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings of the 95th Ecological Society Annual Meeting, August 1-6.
Bibliography: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Morales-Vega, E., Y. Wang, and T. Baldwin, "The influence of urbanization and canopy cover on vernal pool biophysical
Annual Report: 1036600
conditions and breeding amphibian communities in northern Alabama.", (2010). Abstract, Published Collection: Proceedings
of the 95th Ecological Society Annual Meeting, August 1-6. Bibliography: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Thompson, M., "Thinning and Prescribed Burning Effects on the Structural Microbial Diversity and Nutrient Cycling of a
Forest Ecosystem", (2010). Thesis, Published Bibliography: Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama.
Gardner, L., "Stopover Ecology of Migratory Landbirds at an Inland Site in Alabama During Autumn Migration", (2010).
Thesis, Published Bibliography: Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama.
Patterson, C. T., "Restoration of Hardwoods: Effects of Fertilizer Supplement on Oak and of Overstory Density and Fertilizer
Supplement on American Chestnut Seedlings", (2011). Thesis, Published Bibliography: Alabama A&M University, Normal,
Virone, D. A., "Effect of Silvicultural Treatments on the Ground Layer Vegetation in Pine-hardwood Stands of the Southern
Appalachian Plateau", (2010). Thesis, Published Bibliography: Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama.
Sutton, W. B., "Herpetofaunal Response to Prescribed Burning and Thinning in Pine-hardwood Forests", (2010). Thesis,
Published Bibliography: Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama.
Cantrell, A. W., "Herpetofaunal and Small Mammal Response to Oak Regeneration Treatments on the Mid-Cumberland
Plateau of Southern Tennessee", (2011). Thesis, Published Bibliography: Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama.
Web/Internet Site
URL(s): px
This is the new homepage for the Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment. Within are links for specific information related to
the Center.
Other Specific Products
Within the last year, CFEA investigators have worked to continue building upon the research of the previous six years. CFEA
researchers also obtained external funds to develop additional areas of research related to forest management impacts on forest
ecosystems in northern Alabama. These areas include water quality, invasive plants, outdoor recreation, forest fragmentation,
harvesting impacts on humans, forest site mapping and classification, and impacts on additional animal communities including
aquatic communities.
Annual Report: 1036600
Component 1: Vegetation. The studied treatments (thinning, burning, and a combination of the two) have different effects on
the ground layer plant community. Moreover, they have a different impact on the cover, richness, and diversity of the plants,
depending on the plant life form. The treatments also interacted with each other, resulting in an increased complexity of the
vegetation response (Zak et al. 2007, Zak 2008). The effects of burning and thinning on vegetation varied according to the
intensity and type of disturbance introduced. Overall cover and the cover of graminoids were the highest in the stands treated
with the heavy thin alone and the two combination treatments. These results indicate that the most beneficial conditions for
increasing the cover of ground layer vegetation occurred in stands that were most heavily disturbed: stands treated with the
heavy thin alone and the combination treatments. Thinning appears to be the main factor in these changes with burning having
an additive effect. In forests where conservation of biodiversity is a targeted management goal, it appears that burning and
thinning can be implemented without causing significant decreases in species richness or diversity. If a management goal is to
increase graminoid richness managers should utilize a heavy thin or a burn and either light or heavy thin. A combination of
burning and heavy thinning will increase forb richness and overall species diversity.
Burning alone and in conjunction with thinning had minimal effects on fine fuels and duff. Thinning produced more of a
reduction in fine fuels than did burning, likely due to higher decomposition rates related to increased sunlight hitting the forest
floor. Based on these results, we do not recommend prescribed fire in these stands to reduce fine fuel and duff loads, but
recognize fire has other benefits not measured in this study for vegetation diversity and wildlife habitat.
The knowledge gained about vegetation dynamics and the information anticipated to be gained after the subsequent growing
seasons will likely strengthen a manager's ability to manage a forest at the ecosystem level. It will also provide us with the
means to quantitatively anticipate the impact of silvicultural operations on plant succession and the change in plant cover,
richness, diversity, and other vegetation characteristics of importance to the ecosystem functioning. The results will enable us
to design and use the most effective treatments when we aim to bring back native vegetation and with it, the native birds,
reptiles, amphibians, and other organisms that occur on those sites prior to pasture and pine plantation conversion.
Component 2: Wildlife. The fauna thrust area has contributed much to our understanding of the ecosystem response to the
forest disturbance we are studying. The animal communities are early indicators of the effects of forest disturbance on the
ecosystem. Thus far, our results suggest that the thinning disturbances have a greater impact on animal communities?with few
exceptions?than prescribed burning. The intensity of the thinning treatments may be responsible for our observations, but the
frequency of the prescribed burning may still combine with thinning to produce different results than either disturbance alone.
Our data collection must continue in order to detect the potential divergence of the animal communities under different
disturbance regimes.
Previous studies of animal community responses to these types of disturbances are rather limited because of the difficulty of
conducting a large replicated field experiment with pre-treatment data and controls. Thus, our findings for particular animal
taxonomic groups will make significant contributions to those disciplines because of the comprehensive experimental design
we have chosen. We are even finding that some of the species we are studying that were thought to be rare in the State are
relatively common, at least on a local level, once we began to conduct our intensive surveys and studies. We are confident that,
in the long term, we will be able to contribute information on recovery period, threshold dynamics, and causal mechanisms to
the disturbance ecology literature that is rare or lacking for some animal groups that are important components of the forest
Our search for mechanisms in observed responses has been mostly successful thus far, but not completely satisfactory. Some
animal community groups have less certainty about causal factors in explaining the ecological effects of the disturbances.
Also, long term effects of disturbance may negate initial positive responses as environmental conditions change and weaken
our perceived causal relationships. Our incomplete understanding is not surprising given the complex nature of ecological
relationships and our relatively short investigation of this disturbance regime.
Annual Report: 1036600
Beyond this view of our contribution to other disciplines, our Center has made some concrete contributions by expanding the
scope of our research to additional faunal components of the ecosystem to include the disciplines of herpetology and aquatic
ecology. We anticipate that these will further add to our own internal synergy between taxonomic groups as we seek to
determine the patterns of faunal response to forest ecosystem disturbances and the underlying mechanisms that are responsible
for those patterns. As our Center develops further, it is likely that additional animal communities may be represented that will
fill in missing links and further our understanding of the deeper ecological patterns and processes regarding the dynamics of
competition, predation, regeneration, migration, and other ecological areas of scientific exploration.
Component 3: Genetics. Despite the rich diversity and wide distribution of red oaks in the United States, relatively few
molecular genetic studies have been conducted on their diversity and phylogeny. We are expanding our study of the first phase
of CREST where we focused on studying the genetic processes that control variation in forest trees to answer questions related
to the population genetics of red oak species and pool breeding amphibians of the southern Cumberland Plateau. The findings
from this research will help us to identify genetic bottlenecks, while also developing diagnostic genetic markers for detection
of individual species. As the inter-specific hybridization within red oaks is very common, we may be able to set up large-scale
population genetics experiments to determine the significant locations in the oak genome that influence the important traits.
Our current collaborations are already working to develop additional markers using next generation sequencing and
bioinformatics for developing detailed genetic maps of red oak genomes. Our new initiative will not only expand our research
activities from vegetation to animals, but also provide a more complete assessment of the effect of forest disturbance on
biodiversity through molecular and genetic levels.
Forest ecosystems play an important role in fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) via the process of photosynthesis.
Anthropogenic activities such as increasing use of fossil fuels have resulted in increased atmospheric CO2 levels from preindustrial levels of 280 ppm to current levels around 380 ppm. In addition to supplying atmospheric oxygen supplies, forest
ecosystems play a key role in sequestering carbon (C) in the form of above- and below-ground woody biomass, some of
which can further be sequestered as soil organic C. The subject of C sequestration is gaining momentum worldwide due to
increasing atmospheric CO2 levels associated with global warming. Climate change due to global warming may have far
reaching undesirable effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The process of soil respiration which releases C back to the
atmosphere after decomposition of soil organic matter by soil microorganisms is a critical step in the overall balance of C in
the environment. Therefore, forest management practices such as thinning and burning can affect the natural C cycle in forest
ecosystems, which may in turn impact C sequestration. In addition to destroying C stored in organic plant material on the
forest surface, forest fires and thinning may affect the soil physical and chemical characteristics which affect soil C
mineralization and CO2 emission processes. Our studies have been examining how such forest management practices affect
soil C mineralization, CO2 emission and C sequestration in the Bankhead National Forest, in addition to their potential impact
on global climate change. Forest management practices that make use of forest burning and logging for maintaining a healthy
forest ecosystem traditionally fail to consider the implications of such practices to soil quality with respect to nutrient cycling
and availability. To the extent that such practices could directly impact soil physical, biochemical, and mineralogical
properties that determine global element cycling patterns, investigating them is an essential first step towards devising better
forest ecosystem management strategies. Our research is elucidating basic biochemical, physical, and mineralogical processes
that control nutrient cycling dynamics in response to management approaches that affect forest ecosystems. Our work will
lead to a better understanding of these relationships, which will result in management practices to enhance long-term forest
This sub-project represents the biochemical, physical and mineralogical relationships of nutrient transformations and cycling.
Prescribed fires and logging treatments applied to forest ecosystems is considered to have short and long-term effects on
changes in forest soil chemical and physical properties that impact the soil nutrient cycle essential to the long-term
sustainability of forest ecosystems. Phosphorus (P) is an important plant nutrient in forest ecosystems, specifically in highly
weathered soils such as ultisols and oxisols, where P is considered a major limiting nutrient. Changes in P dynamics observed
Annual Report: 1036600
in soils followed by fire treatments may relate to heat-induced changes in soil texture, soil organic matter, and mineralogy. Our
research so far has involved investigation of heat-induced changes in inorganic P forms in forest soils using inorganic P
fractionation methods, studying the effects of burning on transformation of amorphous iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) oxide and
their effects on inorganic P retention and release over time studying the changes in soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) as
affected by heat induced treatments, investigating the composition of charred organic material black carbon) deposited during
burning treatments and explores the possibility of P retention/release on formation of black carbon.
Forest ecosystems play a critical role in global C management, which is thought to affect green house gases and global
warming. Since the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester C depends to a large extent on the ecosystem management
practices, this research addresses one of the critical issues of our time global soil C sequestration. Prescribed fire has been a
forest management tool for hundreds of years, for very good reasons: Native Americans used fire to create distinct landscape
patterns; forest managers have used low intensity burns to maintain fire dependant species, improve wildlife habitat, and
prepare sites for seeding. But in spite of the wealth of knowledge that is currently available regarding forest management
(specifically prescribed fires), and soil C sequestration, there are still uncertainties due to current methods of assessing C
sequestration in soils. This problem has led to different conclusions in the literature. Many studies have suggested that frequent
fires can deplete the organic litter layer and leave the mineral soil vulnerable to soil degradation and that forest harvesting on
average has little or no effect on soil C and N. But other studies have not found significant differences in C sequestration.
Our research has also employed a pedological approach that analyzes research sites based on Clorpt (mnemonic for: climate,
organisms, topography, parent material, and time). The approach also studies entire soil profiles by examining soil pits to
determine the smallest C changes in the soil layers. Therefore this study is contributing significantly to our current knowledge
of ecosystem management and global C accumulation studies.
This research has addressed one of the emerging themes in the global research-human dimensions of natural resources
management by utilizing the indicators of socioeconomic and landscape disturbances in relation to the socioeconomic
development of the Alabama's Black Belt. This research presented an innovative spatial, data-based approach to understanding
the relationship between economic development and disturbances in the demographic and natural base such as changes in
different types of land covers. The exploration of the spatial aspects of the disturbances in social, economic and landscape
change is an innovative one. The study provided interesting results on objectives, grounded squarely in the human dimensions
of natural resources literature, the use of the longitudinal data, and the importance of examining the three themes at the Census
Block Group (CBG) level. The use of satellite images and sub-county units is an innovative methodological approach that goes
beyond the previous research effort in the west-central Black Belt region of Alabama.
Some of the methodological limitations of previous studies in natural resource dependency were addressed in our research.
Previous studies have not adequately addressed the issues of rural restructuring, spatial arrangement of landscape, and the
role of endogeneity. The findings of this research will add to the spatial-temporal explanations of how the communities have
responded to the disturbances in demographic and landscape attributes. The integration of the social and landscape science,
economics, spatial dynamics theories and the application of a spatial analytical framework for analyzing cross-temporal
primary, and secondary data is useful for understanding the evolving pattern of human-environment relationships in the
resource-dependent communities.
Further research should be interdisciplinary and multi-scale and should combine spatial analysis of both historical and crosssectional data with interviews. Many researchers address questions on pattern and process in the ecological and human world
from within the boundaries of a single discipline, neglecting the relationships between ecological and social systems. Emphasis
is needed on the integration of the social sciences for long-term ecological research. Also, the longer time frame data will
assist in fully understanding landscape change patterns and the effects of other endogenous and exogenous forces. The
methodology adopted by this study could be one way to explore the important role of endogenous and exogenous disturbances
operating at finer to coarser geographical scale.
Annual Report: 1036600
Contributions to Other Disciplines:
Areas of interest that have developed since this project was initiated are air and water quality, forest fragmentation,
harvesting impacts, forest site mapping and classification, invasive plants, outdoor recreation, and impacts on additional
animal communities, among others.
The knowledge gained to date about vegetation dynamics and the data we are collecting in subsequent growing seasons will
strengthen the ability to manage the forest at the ecosystem level. Historically, human development forced people to focus on
the sustainable production of wood as it used to be the main source of heating and energy. But as society has advanced, the
importance of the multiple uses of forest resources has emerged and so has our understanding of the importance of
biodiversity. The interconnectedness among organisms and between them and their environments has required us to recognize
ecosystem-based management is most appropriate. Our study is one of very few in the country that is positioned to answer
ecosystem level responses to common silvicultural treatments. Most other studies focus on limited components of the
ecosystem, e.g., only vegetation or only avian community. Studies integrate the response of multiple communities, but none
have done this to the same extent as in our study. Our study examines the response of the woody and herbaceous vegetation,
amphibians, reptiles, birds, small mammals, soil micro-fauna, and soil chemistry to disturbance. Our work also provides the
means to quantitatively estimate the impact of silvicultural operations on plant succession and on the change in plant cover,
richness, diversity, and other vegetation characteristics of importance to ecosystem functioning. These results will enable us to
design and use more effective treatments in our effort to restore the native vegetation and with it, the birds, reptiles,
amphibians, and other organisms that once occupied these sites before they were converted to pasture and pine plantations.
Our findings have wider implications than the field of plant ecology. The vegetation dynamics following thinning, burning and
combinations of the two treatments, as well as the vegetation dynamics within a growing season, has implications for the
dynamics of other organisms that depend on the plants for shelter and forage. Treating the forest stands or not treating them at
all has an impact on the plant community by altering overall cover, richness, and diversity, as well as the proportion of the
different species and life forms that are present on the site. Altering these forest ecosystem attributes is bound to impact the
availability of food for native pollinators, vertebrate and invertebrate wildlife, and have an impact on the higher trophic levels.
Additionally, the change in the cover and species composition following the treatments modified the amount of sun reaching
the forest floor and the amount of exposed bare soil. These changes influence the soil chemistry, flora, and fauna, as well as
soil erosion and the hydrology in the treated stands.
The faunal studies, like all other research efforts in CFEA, have contributed to the other disciplines by connecting their
findings with the findings of other field research efforts. This interdisciplinary approach has inherent benefits since each
discipline can make substantial contributions to other disciplines and overall synergistic comprehension of disciplines as well
as related phenomena. For example, wildlife research benefits soil science and forestry because of the ecological
connectedness to their data; thus our results are their results, in an ecological context.
A new research initiative for the Center is examining factors that lead to the establishment of invasive species at mined sites in
northern Alabama, funded through the U.S. Office of Surface Mining. Surface mining has disturbed over 2.4 million hectares
of terrestrial habitat in the United States since 1930. The disturbances caused by surface mining include land transformation
and ecosystem alteration. This leads to the interruption and change of energy flow, food webs, biodiversity, successional
patterns, and biogeochemical cycling. Though law requires restoration back to equal or higher value, this has predominantly
focused only on soil and hydrological characteristics. We have been assessing the impact of reclamation on the abundance and
composition of invasive plants in the southern Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region (CPMR). We have been using
innovative methods for identifying and assessing invasive plants. We are identifying areas of success and concern that will
allow resource use efficacy in field assessment; we are also identifying areas of concern and areas that require further
management consideration.
Interactions with landowners provide educational and outreach opportunities focusing on hardwood forest management and
invasive plant impact on their lands.Beyond this, we have extended our contribution to other disciplines; it is worth noting that
we have expanded some contributions by adding studies in herpetology, invasive plants, and aquatic ecology. We anticipate
that these will further internal synergy between taxonomic groups, as we all seek to understand the patterns of responses to
Annual Report: 1036600
forest ecosystem disturbances and the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for those patterns. As our Center develops
further, it is likely that additional fauna will be included in our research. They will enable us to further our understanding of
the deeper ecological patterns and processes explaining the dynamics of competition, predation, regeneration, migration, and
other areas of forest ecology.
Contributions to Human Resource Development:
A primary objective of the Center is to increase the number of trained professionals, especially African-Americans, engaged in
research, teaching, and management of renewable natural resources. We have made great headway toward this goal by
involving both graduate and undergraduate students in all aspects of the research project conducted by different scientists.
After graduation these students will be well equipped to lead in research and teaching fields and in the job market with state
and federal agencies, private consulting, and industrial forestry. During last six years, CFEA has provided numerous
opportunities to enhance the technical skills and professional training of faculty, staff, and both graduate and undergraduate
students. One such example was the PC-ORD statistics workshop held in conjunction with our annual meeting. Faculty,
graduate students, and professional conservation partners participated in this opportunity to strengthen our analytical skills.
This workshop should also improve access and retention for our mostly African-American graduate student population in the
research and teaching workforce. Hosting a GIS Day demonstration and workshop allowed CFEA personnel to maintain
current knowledge of mapping software and applications to our research. The faculty and students attended local, regional,
national and international conferences, and workshops. CFEA seminars brought in scientists from a range of forestry and
biological disciplines to share ideas with faculty and students.
Our students have shown great interest and dedication to this project and many of them have worked in more than one thrust
area. One of the most beneficial aspects of this Project is the 'on the ground' training that students receive while working in the
individual thrust areas. They are encouraged to study field samples and enter raw data, so that they can understand and apply
the science beyond the data collection level. Many students are now developing their own hypotheses that will complement the
present research being conducted in this project. Some of the research outputs were utilized as educational materials (for
instance, land cover and socioeconomic maps) in land management training workshops for the underserved landowners in the
study area. Such activities helped them to understand the demographic and landscape transformation in their vicinity.
Many of our students have received assistantships and scholarships through the CFEA CREST project. They have also
received other grants, scholarships, and assistantships through EPA STAR and EPA GRO fellowships, USDA/CSREES and
USDA/Forest Service, State Wildlife grants, private industry and public utilities (Birmingham Water Works Board) work
study programs, cooperative programs (Alabama Forestry Commission) etc. (See list of Graduate students working on CFEA
objectives). One of the key goals of the Center has been to educate future natural resource scientists, especially students from
groups currently under-represented in science and technology fields. One of the strategies that CFEA has adopted to achieve
this goal is to form partnerships with neighboring high schools and other educational organizations in a program called
'EnvironMentors'. This program is being carried out in collaboration with the The North Alabama Center for Educational
Excellence (NACEE) and Johnson High School (JHS).The goals of the program are: ( a ) to increase opportunities for minority
students to be involved in science and the environment; ( b ) to help in the development of future leaders in agricultural and
environmental sciences through research and educational experience; and ( c ) to help in student recruitment efforts for the
Department of NRES, especially the AAMU Environmental Science program, Expanding Alabama A&M University's Global
Research, Education, and Engagement. One of the major initiatives of the Center was to enhance its international collaboration
in research and education. We successfully secured a grant from the International Science and Education Program of
USDA?National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). This three-year project aims to strengthen AAMU's capacity and
capability to develop globally competent students and faculty through collaborative partnerships with universities and research
organizations in China, in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences. We organized the first trip to China by the
faculty and students associated with the center, including Drs. Yong Wang (Project Director), Zachary Senwo, Xiongwen
Chen, Robert Taylor, Govind Sharma, Wubishet Tadessee and students Dawn Lemke, Na-Asia Ellis, and Jasmine Mitchell.
The team acquired research, educational, cultural, and language experiences in China from June 18 to July 14, 2010 through a
faculty and student exchange program with Nanjing Forestry University. A memorandum of understanding was developed
Annual Report: 1036600
between the College of Forestry and Environment Science of Nanjing Forestry University and the School of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences of AAMU. Dr. Robert Taylor was also awarded the honorary professorship by the Nanjing Forestry
University. Several research and teaching initiatives are currently on going and includes development of a REU-China
program with NSF funding. This trip also featured visits to other universities and research institutions including Beijing
Forestry University, China Agricultural University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Institute of
Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Soil Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Research
Institute of Landscape Gardening. The team also visited several research sites and several companies which focus on
developing and manufacturing wood and bamboo products. To better understand China's history, culture and recent
developments, the team also visited some historical sites such as the Great Wall, Ming's Tomb, Summer Palace, Forbidden
City, and the City of Shanghai. The visit laid a solid foundation for our future collaborations in research and education in
The Center secured funding from and was a site for an NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program from
2008-2010. Each year, students participated in various research areas such as water quality, soil science, molecular biology,
wildlife biology, plant biotechnology, food microbiology, and microbial ecology. We had over 100 applications from around
the country; 32 were accepted, with an average of eleven students participating each year. Over 70 institutions were
represented through the applications across the three years of the program, and we collaborated with 20 different institutions as
their students were a part our REU program. On average, 28 females applied each year with eight participating in the program,
compared to an average of ten male applicants and three participating each year. For the duration of the program, we had an
average of one freshman, four sophomores, two juniors and three seniors each year. Across years, the REU program was
comprised of an average of seven African-Americans, three Caucasians, and one Hispanic, which made our program truly
diverse. The AAMU REU program was unique in that each year we had an additional two students participating as part of a
supplemental grant received from the NSF. These students were either high school juniors or seniors from Huntsville area high
schools. These students were a part of the North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence (NACEE) and would be firstgeneration college students. This program was an excellent introduction to the potential that college holds for these young
students and it helped to foster an interest in our program and university. Each year the students were trained in scientific
writing and ethics courses, geographic information systems and statistics. All of these programs were instrumental in preparing
them to write their required research papers and present their research in a research symposium. The students were also
required to take a web design class so that they could construct their own web pages with information and pictures relating to
their research and all activities in which they were involved. After each year, the PI and co-PI published a document that
included all student papers from that year. The AAMU REU program has had many successes and accomplishments. Several
students have enrolled in graduate school, two here at AAMU. Many of the students are still enrolled in their home
institutions. Three high school students have graduated; one is enrolled at Tuskegee University, one at Stillman College and
the other, here at AAMU. At AAMU, our motto is 'Service is Sovereignty,' and we believe that our program has indeed
provided a worthwhile learning experience to our REU participants that they will carry with them throughout their lives.
Contributions to Resources for Research and Education:
CFEA's webpage has been updated as of July 1, 2011. The university recently changed website management programs; the
previous program had made it difficult to maintain due to the difficulty in using it
( The new webpages
provide information on the project, participants, activities, and outcomes. It also contains information for current and
prospective students, a calendar, and resources for field going students and technicians, as well as links to outside resources.
The project's experimental design and implementation is also contained within the webpages, so that other researchers with
similar research goals and objectives can emulate our methods and protocols. We plan to continuously update this website to
make it a major portal for communication within the Center and to the public.
Annual Report: 1036600
A portion of our facility and equipment maintenance, purchases, and repairs were obtained using University funds, and are
therefore available for use by other researchers in other disciplines within the University. Most of the personnel within the
project are housed in the same building and freely exchange ideas, concepts, and problems, so that common solutions can be
reached with such concentration of resources. For example, the acquisition of gene expressing arrays, RT-PCR and high
throughput DNA sequencing equipment by the University has great enhance our capability of conducting molecular and
genetic related research in several fields such as vegetation, animal wildlife, and soil micro-organisms.
Using funds from the BWWB grant, CFEA was able to purchase equipment, shared between FEWP and CFEA. Several
additional work trucks have been purchased with leveraged funds and are being shared with CFEA researchers. Another SUV
and one 15-passenger van on loan to CFEA were secured from the BWWB grant, as well. Also secured with BWWB monies
were two integrated hand held GPS units with SoloForest mapping software and TCruise timber inventory software; one
Garmin stand alone GPS unit; and one laptop computer, complete with wide screen monitor, and additional external hard
drives for backing up CFEA Main files. Our GIS lab was updated and moved and is now called the Remote Sensing lab. This
lab has contributed significantly to the sharing of information with other research areas within the University. The Remote
Sensing lab has been used by students, professors, and staff to create a common database and mapping system. This shared
database allows each Thrust Area to access baseline information to assist them with their phase of the project. The use of this
shared database has also assisted faculty, staff, and students working on other projects and grants within the School of
Agriculture and Environmental Science and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at AAMU.
We are also sharing databases from private industry; municipal, state and federal agencies; and private consultants since we
added new GPS and inventory software. Some of these groups have agreed to share their databases with AAMU and as the
research results are completed our findings will be shared with natural resource managers and private landowners. The Center
assisted to create digital databases (both unprocessed and processed) for socioeconomic and landscape disturbances of the
study region. These databases will be available for public through the campus server. Faculty and students have developed
manuscripts and other publications based on their research and presented extensively at international, national and regional
professional conferences (see list of publications and conference presentations). Several workshops to forest landowners and
resource managers have been conducted based on our research findings. For example, CFEA researchers led the 'Walk in the
Woods,' sponsored by the North Alabama Land Trust, Sierra Club of Alabama and Extension Services on October 24, 2010 at
Monte Sano State Park; a workshop titled Thinning and Burning to Restore Upland Hardwood Stands on the William B.
Bankhead National Forest, Alabama was conducted on November 15, 2010 at Bankhead National Forest. These hands-on,
scholarly works are expected to contribute to the theories of human dimensions of natural resource management in the
resource dependent communities. We are planning to put all oral presentations and posters online for public access.
We have employed students from other disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Business, Engineering and Computer Science) in
field data collection, research outreach, and database entry. Some of these students are now interested in pursuing graduate
degrees in natural resource and ecology related fields. The Graduate Student Association (GSA) of NRES is a place for
students to seek advice and to receive peer reviews on thesis development and implementation as well as manuscripts. It also
is a way for them to share ideas and maintain a community. Lisa Gardner has been assisting GSA in organizing meetings and
social functions, getting their website updated (, and in disseminating ideas and
sharing information among the graduate students.
Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering:
Forest managers are increasingly interested in considering the impacts of forest management practices on ecosystem structure
and functions such as biodiversity. The response of various forest components to forest management has received much
attention because of their interrelationships and dependence. For example, forest management activities that result in canopy
removal can lead to lower biodiversity by reducing the survival rates and contributing to smaller body sizes of wildlife species.
One of the major advantages and strengths of our Center is its close relationship and collaboration with USDA Forest Service,
the agency tasked with managing the public forests in many of our study areas. The research results will be immediately
available to the forest landowner, resource managers, and concerned groups. These groups are looking for ways to implement
Annual Report: 1036600
management plans that meet their goals and objectives in an ecologically sustainable and cost effective manner. The findings
of CFEA research will provide several different burning and thinning regimes, which will allow landowners and managers
more options in implementing management activities that are more sensitive to the environment.
Development of brochures, pamphlets, and presentations materials to disseminate at landowner and concern group field day
and state wide meetings will provide resource managers with real world solutions based on sound science to better manage all
natural resources for future generations. One important need is to continue this research so that the long term impact of forest
disturbance can be studied to help understand the long term impacts of natural resource management decisions. These findings
will also for encourage greater participation by user groups in the decision and policy making process, especially on federal
lands. It will also provide a forum for common ground discussions between landowners and resource managers to better
interact with concern groups that may be opposed to forest management practices.
In collaborating with the Bankhead Liaison Panel, we have established a medium for information sharing and technology
transfer that provide a much needed outlet for the people with varied interest in the Bankhead National Forest. This group
continues to provide valuable input into the Bankhead Management Plan and continues to provide full support of the
establishment of the Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment. Though Daryl Lawson is no longer directly funded through
CFEA, he is still is a facilitator for this group at their bi-monthly meetings.
The Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment continues to graduate students, the majority of whom are minorities, and
primarily African American. As the Center continues to grow, more minorities will become aware of the career opportunities
in non-medical scientific disciplines, be attracted to the type of work that we do, thereby increasing our success through our
graduates. Successful alumni of our Center are the best recruiters for future minority researchers and educators in these
disciplines. As these minority scientists become recognized in their disciplines and their communities, a growing recognition
of the relevance and importance of ecological research and education by an increasing segment of our society is likely to gain
greater political and economic support for environmental quality and ecological research in the future.
The human dimension research in the Black-belt region continues to provide empirical data that can influence public policy for
the resource dependent communities, as well as insight into the socioeconomic developmental strategies of rural communities.
For example, we found that forest growth trends were not evenly distributed and did not show a consistent pattern in all areas
within the west-central Black Belt region of Alabama, which raises some interesting questions about natural resource-based
economic development. The classification maps showed that forest growth occurred in certain geographic areas (such as in and
around industrial or corporate lands, outskirts of major highways, industrial zones, etc). Such unique pattern of resource
concentration or expansion may relate to the existing resource distribution policy at the county or state level. These findings
provide much needed information to policy makers and administers for making natural resource and economic development
decisions and strategic planning. The Center's teams continue to participate in outreach activities, from Earth Day to the
Landowner Education and Assistance programs. We also advised the environmental group Wild South on various aspects of
upland hardwood forest restoration methods and goals. These outreach activities educate the public about the fast changing
natural resources and environment-related issues that society is facing, and also helps to raise public awareness of the
importance of protecting these resources for future generations. The Center has been working with the USDA Forest Service
and The Natural Conservancy (TNC) to establish the Bankhead Center for Research and Education (BCRE) within Bankhead
National Forest. BCRE is a proposed multi-use facility designed for forestry and natural resource management field research,
educational and outreach activities, including lodging for faculty, staff and students working remotely in the vicinity of
Bankhead National Forest. The concept for such a facility has been in place for several years, including architectural plans
envisioning a $4-5 million complex. It was originally envisioned that such a facility might be realized by pursuing a similar
concept to that of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab Consortium, with dues-paying membership and annual state funding to support
the facility. The Bankhead Educational Foundation was established in 2008 to support this effort. The Lawrence County
Industrial Board (the county within which the BCRE is proposed) recently passed a resolution in support of the establishment
of a research and educational facility near Bankhead NF (appended).
In 2010 TNC placed an option on a piece of property, approximately 130 acres in size, consisting mostly of pastureland and
mixed hardwood and pine forest and contiguous with the northern border of Bankhead National Forest, located on the west
side of Highway 33 just south of Wren, Alabama. The cost of the property is $300,000 and TNC has the option of purchasing
Annual Report: 1036600
all (or none) of the property by fall 2011. If TNC purchases the property, it is proposing that the BCRE field facility be built
there and that AAMU manage it. The initial facility is envisioned as a modest, designed primarily to meet the immediate needs
of AAMU faculty, staff and students who are conducting research in and near BNF.
The potential functions of BCRE include: being a hub for ongoing AAMU research efforts supported by NSF, USDA
National Institute for Food and Agriculture, etc.; provide lodging and field support facilities for AAMU faculty, staff and
students; service as a hub for heritage-based tourism and recreation activities; support partnering with other institutions and
agencies (and expand existing partnerships) on cutting edge research, e.g., connecting with larger national and global earth
monitoring projects, developing the capacity to track climate change and its current and potential impacts on Alabama,
studying the headwaters and watersheds of vital importance to Alabama's freshwater systems, advancing agroforestry
techniques to support economies of underserved communities, etc; support the preparation of cadres of scientists (especially
from under-represented groups) involved in new and emerging fields via such programs as the NSF-supported Center for
Forest Ecosystems Assessment (CFEA); and outreach/extension functions to the local community, state and public-at-large
via activities such as: demonstration projects, training workshops, educational displays, interpretive trails, etc.
Conference Proceedings
Special Requirements
Special reporting requirements: None
Change in Objectives or Scope: None
Animal, Human Subjects, Biohazards: None
Categories for which nothing is reported:
Any Product
Any Conference
Annual Report: 1036600
Research and Educational Activities
The multi-disciplinary team at the Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment (CFEA) continues to coordinate
most of its research efforts at a common site and on an integrated problem related to the forest ecosystem. Our
research is based on the concept that characteristics of an ecosystem are determined by several relatively
independent "external state factors" (global climate, geology, time, etc.) and by interactive controls (regional
climate, disturbance regime, human activities, etc.) that both effect, and are affected by, ecosystem processes.
Similarly, the characteristics of a social system are affected by both external factors (international markets,
state and federal regulations, history, etc.) and by interactive controls (institutions, businesses, environment,
etc.). The research teams of the five thrust areas of CFEA have continuing their effort of collaborative
research in the BNF, a part of the upland hardwood forests of the Southern Cumberland Plateau. Each
research team at CFEA has been examining a component of the forest ecosystem. The emphasis of the
research focused on sustaining short and long-term forest health and restoration of native upland forest
communities, including selected plant and wildlife species.
This subproject is an essential element of the entire research of the Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment
(CFEA). Research objectives of this subproject focus on determining ( 1 ) the impacts of forest disturbance
on vegetation and wildlife biodiversity and community structure and dynamics, ( 2 ) the causal mechanisms
including habitat change, wildlife browsing, reproductive success, competition, survivorship, and genetic
variation, and ( 3 ) response patterns with the spatial scale from treatment stands to forest landscape and the
temporal scale from immediate responses up to 10 years. This subproject complements a suite of other
research areas in the Center, which focus on the effects of forest manipulation on biodiversity, soil, and
carbon dynamics, and the landscape and social interactions. We take a synergistic and multidisciplinary
approach within the subproject (vegetation, wildlife, and molecular genetics) because it allows a more
holistic view of how forest restoration treatments affect forest ecosystem dynamics. Forest disturbances alter
habitat conditions and the change in habitat conditions, which in turn affects wildlife and vegetation
population dynamics, species composition, diversity, and structure, and modifies genetic make-up at
individual, population, and community levels. Changes in genetic composition will affect the future forest
structure and conditions. Three research areas (vegetation, wildlife, and molecular genetics) are nested in this
subproject, and collect data and support each other to answer questions related to these dynamics.
The research activities during the 2010-2011 funding period have been continuing and expanding our findings
from the last funding period, focusing on synergy, and determining the processes driving the observed
patterns. We are currently working on three components: ( 1 ) forest vegetation response to anthropogenic
disturbances, wildlife browsing, and microclimatic conditions; ( 2 ) response of avian and herpetofaunal
communities to the forest disturbances; and ( 3 ) genetic diversity and dynamics of oaks and pool breeding
Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 1: Forest Vegetation Responses to Prescribed Burning and Thinning and Effects of
Within subproject synergy
Wildlife Browsing and Microclimate (Drs. L. Dimov and C. Schweitzer)
Significance and background:
The William Bankhead National Forest’s (BNF) history over the previous century represents much of the
development and succession that occurred throughout the South (Barrett 1995, Rauscher and Johnsen 2004).
After initially clearing much of the original mixed hardwood forest and converting it to agricultural fields and
pastures, its agricultural use gradually decreased (USDAFS BNF 2003). The USDA Forest Service (FS)
purchased much of it and reforested it with loblolly pine, a fast-growing species, excellent for erosion control
and quality timbers. The pine plantations are now approximately 25-80 years old and are very dense and
stagnated. The severe intra-specific competition in these stands is stressful for the trees on the drier plateau
tops. As a result, southern pine beetle infestations have been taking an increasingly heavy toll on the pines on
these sites. About 10% of BNF area has been affected (USDAFS BNF 2003). Natural regeneration of native
hardwood species such as oaks, red maple, black gum, and yellow poplar has been persisting and growing
under the broken canopy. As a result of public demand, the potential loss of additional forest, and increased
fire risk, the BNF seeks ecologically sound approaches to restore the native hardwood forest ecosystem. The
BNF uses thinning and prescribed burning to: ( 1 ) reduce the density and increase the vigor of the overstory
and shifts it to hardwoods, ( 2 ) provide more favorable growing conditions for oak (Quercus spp.), hickory
(Carya spp.), and other hardwood species, and ( 3 ) increase plant diversity (USDAFS BNF 2003). Those
treatments have given us an opportunity to study the forest restoration and succession and the ways in which it
can be accelerated and influenced.
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Results from previous studies:
Previous studies suggest that repeated forest fire influences the establishment and dominance of oaks
throughout most of the central hardwood forests (Abrams and Nowacki 1992, Van Leer and Watt 1992,
Mikan et al. 1994). Pollen records indicate positive correlations between oak abundance and fire presence
(Delcourt and Delcourt 1998). Positive impact on oak regeneration competitiveness following infrequent fires,
however, is much less certain (Lorimer 1992). Loftis (1992) proposed a method for increasing the amount of
competitive oaks in understory on highquality sites in the southern Appalachians – herbicide injection
midstory tree stems. On the BNF however, there is an abundance of another oak competitor that is more shade
tolerant – red maple. Red maple is also a prolific sprouter following fire or severing of the stem (Walters and
Yawney 1990) and along with sugar maple it has been replacing formerly oak dominated forest (Lorimer
1984, Abrams 1998, Stephenson and Fortney 1998). The presence of red maple and the complexities
involving its complex relative competitiveness with oaks after single and repeated fires (Arthur et al. 1998,
Blankenship and Arthur 2006, Alexander et al. 2008) make it hard to apply existing hardwood restoration
models to our conditions.
A particular strength of the proposed study is that it will answer questions related to the impact on all flora of
fires of varying frequency and fires combined with overstory removal. An additional impediment of oak
restoration is the possible negative effect of wildlife browsing, e.g., deer. Deer browsing causes recruitment
failure at a smaller, local scale (Hough 1965, Alverson et al. 1988) and affects plant size, flowering, and
density (Rooney 1997). Beguin et al. (2009) showed that with high deer populations, none of the forest
treatments tested could prevent the successful regeneration of palatable species. The microclimate in various
parts of forest openings is different depending on the distance and direction of the forest edge (Smith et al.
1996). Forest regeneration is likely influenced by these factors. Our earlier work has helped determine that
there is an interaction between prescribed fire and thinning on the plant cover and diversity (Zak et al. 2007,
Zak 2008). One year after treatments, the overall plant cover and the vine and herb cover declined in thinned
and burned stands. Additionally, the graminoid cover and richness increased, while vine richness did not
change. Vine cover decreased after burning, but not after thinning. Ground layer vegetation cover and richness
also changed with growing season, but not the diversity. The herb and graminoid cover increased during the
growing season and reached a peak following thinning and burning.
Overstory composition appeared important for growth and survival of natural hardwood regeneration (Dimov
and Schweitzer 2006). Our measurements of the fire behavior and the fuel characteristics at each vegetation
plot showed that only 80% of the plots in the prescribed burn treatments did burn. Additionally, initial
analysis indicates that the low intensity, cool burns did not have a significant impact on the overstory or tree
regeneration layer (Schweitzer and Wang 2008). We hypothesized that ( 1 ) the combined effect of heavy
thinning and frequent prescribed burning will result in the fastest conversion to oak-red maple-dominated
stands, ( 2 ) the intermediate intensity disturbances, such as the light thin and infrequent burning, will result
in the highest herbaceous species diversity, and ( 3 ) variables such as distance to the forest edge and
herbivory will impact on tree regeneration.
Annual Report: 1036600
Proposed research:
We propose to investigate the vegetation dynamics resulting from the burning and thinning treatments. We
will also examine biotic and abiotic variables that may influence and drive the variability in forest
vegetation dynamics. The specific objectives are:
Determine the effects of the burning and thinning treatments from 5 to 10 years after treatment on the
change in woody (including overstory and regeneration) and herbaceous vegetation composition, growth,
competitive status, richness, cover, and diversity.
Determine the effect of forest edge direction on vegetation dynamics and competitive status.
Quantify the effect of deer browsing on tree regeneration.
Use the information from objectives 1-3 to develop guidelines for achieving the desired vegetation
composition and structure.
This year’s (October 1 – July 31, 2011) activities related to each specific objective are described below:
Objective 1: Determine the effects of the burning and thinning treatments from 5 to 10 years after treatment
on the change in woody (including overstory and regeneration) and herbaceous vegetation composition,
growth, competitive status, richness, cover, and diversity.
Specific Activities under this objective include:
An objective of our research was to quantifying the impacts of understory prescribed fire on forest structure
and composition, and to establish baseline metrics for characterizing the effects that these fires were having on
fuels (downed, dead, fine and coarse woody debris). An extensive sampling protocol has been followed for
each fire. On each of the five permanent vegetation sample plots in each treatment, fuels data was collected
prior to the burn and immediately after the burn was implemented. For this reporting period, these units
included Block 4, treatments 3, 6 and 7. Treatments scheduled for prescribed fire were burned on March 18,
2011 (treatment 3) and March 22, 2011 (treatments 6 and 7). Data collection methods included Brown’s
planar transect intersect method for down and dead woody debris, fire characterization and behavior including
general weather conditions, fire intensity, duration and rate of spread, residual stand damage, litter and duff
dynamics, and intensive assessment of forest floor fuels.
Fuels data were collected at all five measurement plots in each stand and two transects were established per
plot. Data were collected in January 2011, prior to the burn, and again in March-April 2011, post-burn.
Transect sampling follows the system described by Brown (1974). The transect slope was measured using a
clinometer and recorded to the nearest 5%. At 15 feet-21 feet along the transect, 1 hour (0 to 0.25 inches) and
10 hour (0.26 to 1 inch) fuels were counted. At 15 feet-27 feet, 100 hour (1.01 inches-3 inches) fuels were
counted. Needles, cones, vines, grass, bark and living or dead pieces still attached to the plant from which
they grew were not counted. At 15 feet-65 feet, 1000 hour (>3 inches) fuels were counted and measured if
the piece was <45° from horizontal. The measurements on the 1000 hour fuels included diameter (nearest
0.1 inch), decay class (1 = least decayed; 3 = mostly decayed) and species. Fuel depth of dead fuel was
measured at three intervals: 25 feet, 40 feet and 55 feet. At the 3 intervals, the sampling cylinder was a 3 foot
radius to a height of 6 feet and the height of the tallest fuel was measured to the nearest inch. A 1 foot²
wooden frame was then placed on both sides of the transect line at designated distances for litter and duff
collection. Litter and duff were collected in separate plastic bags labeled with block, stand, plot, transect,
distance and orientation (left or right). Only litter that was <=10 hour fuel was collected. Litter and duff
Annual Report: 1036600
depths were measured on all four sides of the wooden frame to the nearest 0.1 inches. A spade was used to
obtain a profile of the litter and duff for measurement. Litter and duff samples collected in the field were
transported back to the lab for analysis. Each litter bag was sorted by hand on individual trays into 1 hour, 10
hour, fruit (cones, seeds, berries, etc.), bark and leaves categories. Each category was placed in paper bags and
labeled with block, plot, transect, distance, orientation and category. All the duff bags were transferred into
paper bags as well and labeled appropriately. Once the sorting was completed, all the labeled paper litter bags
were placed into an oven at 80° Celsius for 48 hours or longer as needed until dry. The labeled paper duff
bags were dried in an oven at 80° Celsius for 72 hours or longer as needed until dry. Immediately after drying,
the paper bags were weighed to 0.01 grams using an Ohaus 810g precision scale.
Annual Report: 1036600
The photos below show some of the steps involved with the data processing for the fuel collections.
Dormant season fire
1 x 1 foot grid used to sample surface fuels
Laboratory sorting of litter samples.
Litter separated into fruit, 10-hr fuels, 1-hr fuels, bark, and
Sorted litter and duff samples in oven.
Weighing litter and duff samples in the lab.
Annual Report: 1036600
We used Type-K thermocouple probes attached to Hobo® data loggers to record fire behavior data. The probe
tips record temperature and they were placed in an upward position 10 inches above the ground. A 6 foot
cable extended from the probe to the data logger was buried in a 3 inch trench of bare mineral soil. Prior to
transportation to the field, the data logger was covered in an anti-static bag to prevent a build-up of static
electricity (Iverson et al. 2004), placed inside a PVC casing, and buried in a 6 inch hole in the ground. All
holes were pre-excavated to expedite installation on the morning of each prescribed burn. We installed data
loggers and probes on the morning of the burns and we programmed them to record temperature every 2
seconds. Care was taken to minimize disturbance to fuels around the probe tip, and the litter layer was
repositioned over the trench of the buried cable. We positioned three probes 12 feet from plot center in the
north, east and west cardinal direction. We recorded a plot as burned if one of the data loggers obtained a
minimum temperature of at least 175º F or 90º F, respectively. Probes were removed 24-hours post-burn. The
photo below shows USFS Forestry Technician Ryan Sisk installing one of the probes prior to a fire.
On the established five 0.2-acre vegetation measurement plots in each treatment unit (stand) we remeasured
plots after the 2011 fire treatment. We permanently tagged all trees greater than 5.5 inches diameter at breast
height (dbh) with aluminum tags. Tree distance and azimuth to plot center were recorded. We measured and
recorded tree species, dbh (diameter tape, to the nearest 0.1 inch), canopy cover (hand-held spherical
densitometer, five measurements at each plot, one 10 feet from plot center in each cardinal direction and one
at plot center), and damage (enumerated number of epicormic branches; recorded number of wounds on the
lower bole and measured length and height of each wound with a ruler to the nearest inch).
Photosynthetically active radiation was measured using two synchronized ceptometers (AccuPar LP-80,
Decagon Devices, Pullman, CA). One ceptometer was placed in full sunlight, and the second ceptometer was
used to recorded light in each stand along pre-designated transects. Additional canopy characteristics were
assessed using hemispherical photographs taken at plot centers and analyzed using Hemiview Version 2.1
(Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, UK). All vegetation data will also be collected for Blocks 2 and 3 during
summer 2011, prior to the next scheduled burn in winter 2012.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 2: Determine the effect of forest edge direction on vegetation dynamics and competitive status.
Objective 3: Quantify the effect of deer browsing on tree regeneration.
Specific Activities under these two objectives include:
We have acquired part of the fencing material necessary for the deer exclosures and have been in discussion
with the forest managers and planners at the USDA William B. Bankhead National Forest potential sites for
their construction and additional requirements. For example, as per existing regulations, the fence posts cannot
be cemented in the ground, no soil can be moved, and all materials must be fire resistant. We visited some
potential sites in the planning stages for the construction. Undergraduate students have been getting training
for the project and should be available to help with installation as soon as all sites are planned and all material
is purchased. We have also simultaneously been carrying out literature reviews and a search for interested
minority graduate students for the project.
Objective 4: Use the information from objectives 1-3 to develop guidelines for achieving the desired
vegetation composition and structure.
Due to the nature of this objective, the activities for it are the combination of all the activities for the previous
three objectives. Additionally, we summarized the available information from our research results.
Other research activities: In addition to the research components of the CREST-CFEA, we have been working
a couple of the projects that are related to CREST-CFEA research objectives.
a. Control of non-native invasive forest tree and shrub species without the use of synthetic chemicals
Invasive woody species are of growing concern, because of the negative impact they have on ecosystems.
Most non-native species were brought into this country for forage or for ornamental purposes, while
others were brought here accidently. These species can hinder forest use, regeneration, and other
management activities, as well as reduce biodiversity and habitat for native species.
After habitat destruction, invasion by non-native species ranks second as a threat to biodiversity of
imperiled groups of plants, mammals, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, and amphibians (Wilcove et al. 1998).
Invasive species are expensive to control once established – their detrimental effects are estimated to cost
$138 billion per year (Pimentel et al. 1999). There are numerous management techniques for control of
unwanted woody species including: mechanical control, herbicidal control, prescribed fire, soil solarization,
and grazing by goats (Davies and Sheley 2007; Green and Newell 1982; Hartman and McCarthy 2004;
Miller 2003; Tu et al. 2001). Of these methods the use of herbicides poses the most negative effects on
human health and the environment. These toxic effects can cause reduction of nutrients to non-target
species, mortality in tadpoles, deformation of fish, and reduced fertility and sexual development in frogs,
among many other negative effects. Less toxic control measures are expensive to apply and less effective.
A more environmentally friendly and cost effective method of controlling invasive species may be the use
of high intensity fire. We are testing this method with three species: Royal paulownia, Chinese privet, and
bush honeysuckle. This high-intensity directed fire should kill basal buds and prevent or minimize future
stump sprouting. Because the fire source is external (propane-powered flame) and does not depend on the
Annual Report: 1036600
presence of forest fuels, this method is different from prescribed burning in a number of way, including that
it requires only one to three workers instead of a full crew, does not require the use of expensive fire control
equipment (e.g. bulldozers), and can be applied anytime when there is no risk of starting a wildfire (i.e. it
can be applied during or soon after rain when humidity and moisture are high).
The currently available control methods have a number of shortcomings. Herbicide use poses many known
and potential health risks to humans and wildlife, and contaminates the environment (Neumann et al. 2006
and Acquavella et al. 2004). Some of the most commonly used herbicides are glyphosate-based. The toxicity
of the active ingredient and especially of the inactive ingredients, adjuvants, and surfactants are now well
known and documented (Peluso et al. 1998). Other herbicides are less extensively studied, but it is possible
that as studies accumulate, their toxicity effects will become known. The major disadvantages of prescribed
burning are:
Fire may have been suppressed for so long that the fuel buildup is very large and a prescribed fire will
burn too intensely and cause mortality in desired species (Stephens and Ruth 2005);
Prescribed burning raises public concern (McCaffrey 2006);
Prescribed burning requires a crew of qualified personnel, expensive equipment, construction of fire
breaks, and poses risk to human property and life (Hanby 2005);
Fire from a prescribed burn can indiscriminately kill non-target native species even at low intensity and
often stimulates vigorous sprouting from the invasive species (Heffernan 1998);
Mechanical control methods are expensive and generally ineffective (Tu et al. 2001) and disturb the soil
(Evans et al. 2006). This type of control has many advantages but is often time consuming and not as
effective when used without other measures of control such as herbicide application or burning (Miller
We have been examining the effectiveness of high-intensity fire directed at the base of the stem to kill and
prevent stump resprouting in the three non-native invasive plant species: royal paulownia, Chinese privet, and
bush honeysuckle. We aim to contract the effectiveness of the treatments when they are applied in different
seasons (winter, spring, and summer) and compare the effectiveness of the treatments for different burn time
High-intensity directed fire was applied at the base of the stems to test its effectiveness in killing the above
ground portion of the plant, its basal buds, and preventing it from resprouting from the stump. The source of
fire is a torch with propane-powered flame. The flame width is on average 7 cm. The flame is directed to the
stem from two or more directions depending on the stem size. The flame is kept at unburned parts of the stem
for 5 seconds for honeysuckle, 10 and 20 seconds for small diameter privet (1.3 to 5 cm), 30 and 40 seconds
for large diameter privet (5.1-10.2 cm), 15 and 30 seconds for small diameter paulownia (10-20 cm), and 40
and 60 seconds for large diameter paulownia (over 20.1 cm).
We are testing the effectiveness of this technique three times during the year: 1) late winter, 2) early spring
(immediately after leaves emerge), and 3) late summer. We record stem mortality and the number of new
sprouts from the stump after treatment. We will repeat the treatment in all cases where resprouting occurred
and will inventory any new sprouts. There are unburned plants that we left as control. All treatment plants
Annual Report: 1036600
were selected using a randomization procedure. Treatment of honeysuckle are done on 30 plots per year, ten
in each season. Within each plot, 20 honeysuckle bushes closest to the plot center are be treated by burning
them for 5 seconds. The bushes may be with single or multiple stems. There are 4 control plots with 10
honeysuckle bushes (plants) per plot for a total of 40 bushes.
For privet, we used 15 plots for year 2010 and 21 plots for year 2011. Five of the 15 plots treated in 2010 were
treated in each of the three seasons -winter, spring, and summer. And of the 21 plots treated in 2011, 7 plots
are treated each season. Each plot contains 20 experimental plants. Within each plot there are two treatments
(burn time of 10s and 20s) for diameter class of 1.27-5.0 cm, and two treatments (burn time of 30s and 40s)
for diameter class of 5.1-10.2 cm. Each of the treatments is applied to 5 experimental units (plants) per plot.
There are 4 control plots with 10 privet trees per plot, 5 of which are in the 1.27-5.0 diameter class and 5 in
the 5.1-10.2 diameter class totaling 40 control trees. There will be a total of 720 treated Chinese privet plants
and 40 control plants. Therefore, there are 100 plants burned during each of three seasons in 2010, 50 from
each diameter class, and 25 for each of the 4 lengths of time. During the winter, spring, and summer 2011
however, 140 instead of 100 trees are burned per season. This results from an increase to 35 from 25 plants
per burn-length per size class. The increase in replications is to increase the sample size and be able to apply
two treatments to new stump sprouts. Where sprouting occurs, half of the trees with sprouts will be left
untreated to observe if they will die on their own, and the other half will be treated with a second burn. A 2
mm thick metal sheet is placed between the main stem and the sprout during burning so restrict the main stem
from being re-burned.
There are a total of 258 royal paulownia trees that will be treated and 23 trees to serve as control. Another part
of the experiment examines the effect of cutting the stems of non-native woody species and subsequent high
intensity fire on the survival and resprouting of the plants. We cleared 15 square plots sized 10 m by 10 m of
all non-native woody species. We burned the resulting sprouts on a subsample of these plots 3-4 weeks after
b. Restoration of native species: effect of shade level and new fertilizer supplement on American chestnut
and of the supplement on bottomland oaks
Restoration of hardwood forest ecosystems usually involves planting oak species and more recently
American chestnut (Castanea dentata). American chestnut is currently a rare understory component of
forests where it once dominated the overstory. An introduced fungal pathogen, chestnut blight
(Cryphonectria parasitica), decimated the species last century. Hybrids that are resistant to this pathogen
have been developed and are expected to be widely released within 10 years. This research project aims to
improve establishment of several hardwood species. American chestnut seedlings were planted in the open,
light shade, and heavy shade. They were also treated with foliar fertilizer supplement different number of
times. Cherrybark, Nuttall, and swamp chestnut oak seedlings planted in the open were treated either one,
two times, or not treated at all. Survival and growth of the chestnuts was followed over the growing season.
c. Use of LiDaR and color infrared imagery to measure forest characteristics in the William B. Bankhead
Forest, Alabama
We incorporated Light detection and ranging (LiDaR) and color infrared imagery to quantify forest structures
and to distinguish tree species groups (pine and hardwood) for selected stands within the William B.
Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. The broader focus of this study was contribute to the state of knowledge
Annual Report: 1036600
in applying LiDaR data for forest vertical structure quantification The specific objectives of this study were
to: ( 1 ) test and evaluate the ability of a small footprint Discrete LiDaR system in measuring individual tree
heights at a plot level for selected stands within the Bankhead National Forest; and ( 2 ) further canvas pinehardwood species differentiation along with the tree location and identification capabilities of color infrared
imagery (CIR) when used in conjunction with LiDaR. Tree species groups were assigned through objectbased classification and statistical analysis of CIR via ENVI Feature Extraction© software. Tree species group
classification accuracy was then statistically evaluated and validated through comparison to concurrent ground
collected species data and the implementation of user and producer accuracy calculations. The ability of
modeled LiDaR return data to accurately measure individual tree heights was carried out through Ordinary
Kriging interpolation of LiDaR point clouds for the creation of Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital
Surface Models (DSM) rasters of selected study area stands. Tree locations and heights in the form of Canopy
Height Models (CHM) were derived from subtraction modeling of DTM from DSM. The LiDaR CHMs were
processed using TreeVaW© software package to yield individual tree heights. LiDaR modeled tree heights
were compared with concurrent ground measured tree heights from each corresponding tree through
regression analysis.
COMPONENT 2. Response of Avian and Herpetofaunal Communities to Anthropogenic Disturbances in
Forested Landscapes (Drs. Y. Wang, L. Dimov, and C. Schweitzer)
Many wildlife species experienced population declines, in some cases disappearance, in the past few decades
(Robbins et al. 1989, Alford and Richards 1999, Donovan and Flather 2002). Most documented population
declines have been attributed to habitat destruction, fragmentation, and alteration, environmental pollution,
and competition with invasive and non-native species, climatic changes, and diseases (Beebee 1996, Marks
2006). Existing research on wildlife responses to forest disturbances focuses on species richness and
Proposed mechanisms linking forest composition to wildlife population viability.
Bottom line represents the route of conventional studies. Adapted from Marzluff et
al. 2000.
abundance (Chambers et al. 1999, Harrison and Kilgo 2004, Blake 2005), but richness and abundance are not
necessarily good indicators of habitat quality since they may not reflect individual fitness and “sink” or
“source” population (Van Horne 1983, Vickery et al. 1992, Donovan et al. 1995). To know how and why
forest disturbance affect wildlife ecology, the mechanisms that cause these changes and parameters, which are
directly related to the individual fitness, must be evaluated (Marzluff et al. 2000) (Fig. 4). An accumulating
body of empirical evidence suggests that habitat selection by animals is a scale-dependent, hierarchical
process; hierarchy theory predicts that habitat suitability to wildlife species is influenced by the interaction of
factors at multiple spatial scales from the microsite to the landscape and that higher-order factors impose
constraints at lower levels (George and Zack 2001). However, existing results are often inconsistent and too
Annual Report: 1036600
simplified because of the difficulties in conducting large-scale ecological research in “true” experimental and
replicated fashion (Marzluff et al., 2000).
Result from previous study:
Anthropogenic disturbances can directly and indirectly affect the wildlife resources through microclimate,
habitat structures, food and breeding site availability, and predation (Wiens 1989, Wang et al. 2006, Wick and
Wang 2006, 2007, Wick et al. 2008). Our study over the last five years confirmed that such alternations in
turn affect the fitness of animals. The responses of herpetofaunal and birds to habitat disturbances also often
vary by the degree of disturbance (Chambers et al. 1999, Duguay et al. 2001, Harrison and Kilgo 2004, Felix
2007, Felix et al. 2008, 2010). White et al. (1999) found burned sites to be preferred nesting habitat, but found
no differences in bird species richness or evenness. Two-age harvests resulted in higher abundance of Brownheaded Cowbirds, Molothrus ater (Chambers et al. 1999, Duguay et al. 2001) although predation appears to
be the major cause limiting productivity in managed forests (White et al. 1999, Duguay et al. 2001).
Proposed research:
We propose to study the effect of forest disturbances, specifically prescribed thinning and burning, on animal
communities focusing on birds and herpetofauna. We are interested in examining the effect of these
treatments and their interactions on species richness and abundance, and more importantly, we now focus on
the mechanisms (microclimate, vegetation structure, food availability, density of competitors, vernal pool
hydrology, and metapopulation dynamics) responsible for the changes in population demographics. We will
examine such effect by experimentally examining the specific habitat features, landscape level changes, and
metapopulation genetic dynamics and structures.
Our specific research hypotheses are 1) microhabitat and microclimate parameters will be affected by changes
in canopy density, 2) herpetofaunal and avian species richness, biomass, and relative abundance will vary
throughout treatments and be correlated with habitat heterogeneity, 3) microhabitat, microclimate, and avian
and herpetofaunal population (species richness, biomass, and relative abundance) will vary temporally, and 4)
pond breeding amphibians will be affected by thinning and burning treatments and land use and land cover
surrounding vernal pools. Our specific objectives are:
Determine the relationship between microhabitat complexity and animal community structure.
Determine the effect of forest disturbances upon resources availability for animals.
Determine the change of territory size and density of selected animal species.
Assess the reproductive success of selected animal species.
This year’s (October 1 – July 31, 2011) activities related to each specific objective are described below:
Objective 1:
Determine the relationship between microhabitat complexity and animal community structure.
Objective 2:
Determine the effect of forest disturbances upon resources availability for animals.
Specific Activities under these two objectives:
Annual Report: 1036600
The two objectives above are the continuation of the research work we initiated during the first funding
period and have been enhance during the current funding period. We report these two objectives together as
they are closely related.
a. Determine the effects of different levels of fire frequency and canopy reduction and their interaction
on the species richness, relative abundance, and diversity of herpetofaunal (reptiles and amphibians)
Habitat disturbances have the potential to effect species composition and can be either beneficial or
detrimental for a given species. Understanding the relationships between disturbance regimes and wildlife
responses is important for the conservation of these species. Amphibians and reptiles, collectively known as
herpetofauna, have high diversity and often form a large portion of the vertebrate biomass in areas of eastern
North America. Many of these species, especially in southeastern forests, occupy habitats that have a distinct
disturbance regime. Anthropogenic disturbances such as forest fragmentation and conversion of historical
forest types have altered disturbance regimes so severely that historical disturbance events no longer occur
with the same frequency. Forest disturbances such as burning and canopy removal are essential for the
maintenance of these processes in forest ecosystems and must be adapted to mimic the effects of naturally
occurring disturbance patterns. Forest management practices affect large forested areas and can vary greatly in
scale and disturbance intensity. Because these disturbances potentially affect large areas of the landscape,
there has been much controversy regarding the effects of forest management on the flora and fauna inhabiting
these areas. As herpetofauna play key roles in forest ecosystems along with evidence of worldwide
herpetofaunal declines, there has been much interest in the response of these organismal groups to forest
management. We sought to evaluate herpetofaunal response to forest management practices (thinning and
prescribed burning) as part of a larger study evaluating ecosystem response to large-scale forest restoration
treatments. We took a large scale, replicated, stand-level approach to evaluate disturbance response of
herpetofauna inhabiting these ecosystems. We assumed that reptile population parameters (e.g., counts and
species richness) would increase after treatment and would be highest in thin-only plots, whereas amphibian
population parameters would decline most precipitously in thin and burn plots after treatments. We
hypothesized that reptile population parameters would be correlated with increased thermoregulation sites and
structural diversity, whereas amphibian population parameters would decline in highly disturbed plots due to
cumulative disturbance interactions (i.e., simultaneous reduction of litter and reduction of canopy coverage).
Because we were able to identify changes in population parameters for many species, we examined
correlations between herpetofaunal population changes and environmental characteristics to evaluate potential
mechanisms responsible for structuring upland pine-hardwood herpetofaunal communities. We assumed that
the measured habitat and climate mechanisms would be responsible for causing the observed changes in
amphibian and reptile population parameters.
Sampling: Amphibian and Reptile Sampling ~ We collected lizard capture data over a period of four years
(2005–2008). Due to the staggered nature of the treatments, this resulted in three total years of herpetofaunal
capture data (one year pre–treatment; two years post–treatment). We were able to collect pre-treatment data
over a period of three months (April–June 2005) for block one and six months (May 2005–August 2005;
March 2006–May 2006) for blocks two and three. We constrained all analyses to trapping periods that were
directly comparable between pre-and post-treatment data. To correct for differences in sampling effort
between years, we divided count data by the number of trap nights and multiplied this data by 1000 to
standardize data across all years.
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We employed a trapping method consisting of three drift fences (aluminum flashing) 15 m in length radiating
120° from a central triangular box trap. Trapping units also included one large box trap at the terminus of each
drift fence (three per array) and two pitfall traps at the midpoint of each drift fence (six per array). We chose
this design because large box traps have been proven successful for capturing and sampling medium–large
snake species. We installed one drift-fence array in each study plot by dividing each study plot to quadrants
corresponding to the four cardinal directions and randomly assigned the drift-fence array to one of these
quadrants. After the completion of pre-treatment surveys, we removed all drift-fence arrays to avoid damage
from tree harvesting and prescribed burning procedures. To locate trap locations after treatments, we sunk
fluorescent stake whiskers (Forestry Suppliers, Jackson, Mississippi) into the ground with large steel nails to
mark the location of each box trap. Once all forest treatments were completed, we re-installed traps in the
same location where pre-treatment surveys were completed.
We began sampling intermittently throughout March and April and began continuous sampling by the
beginning of May. Sampling ended by September during each year. During sampling periods, we opened
traps by block(s) depending on weather conditions and manpower, with the replication number and order of
traps randomly determined a priori. We checked traps daily between 0700-1400 hours (CST) to minimize
animal mortality. After recording demographic data (e.g., snout-vent length and mass), we marked each
individual with a plot-specific mark through toe-clips (lizards), scale clips (snakes), and scute etching
(turtles) to ensure that recaptured individuals would not be counted in subsequent captures. We released all
marked individuals at a minimum of 10 m on the side of the drift fence in which they were captured.
Environmental Parameters ~ One HOBO© (Onset Computer Corp.) data logger was installed at each
trapping array to record air temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity. Data loggers
were programmed to record measurements every four hours starting at
10:00 AM. Due to limitations during pre-treatment surveys, we collected climate data May 15July 15 during
all survey years. We also installed rain gauges (Taylor Precision Products, Oak Brook, Illinois, U.S.A.) to
monitor precipitation events only during trapping events.
Habitat Parameters ~ We recorded pre– and post–treatment habitat complexity and heterogeneity data via
three yearly line–transect surveys at each treatment plot. We determined plot placement a priori via a random
compass bearing (0–360°) and distance (30– 50 m) originating from the center of each trapping array. We
restricted habitat surveys to these distances in order to avoid any habitat disturbance created during trap
installation. To quantify the degree of habitat disturbance, we completed habitat surveys in the same location
for each year. Each habitat survey consisted of two 20 m perpendicular transects placed north–south and east–
west from the habitat plot center. We used a two meter piece of 1.9 cm diameter polyvinyl chloride pipe as a
transect marker and recorded the presence or absence of microhabitat variables every 0.5 m. We also
measured CWD volume (m ), litter depth (%), and percent forest cover and determined vertical forest
structure values. We collected forest structure measurements to establish a vertical vegetative profile for each
study plot.
Data Analysis:
To explore forest management impacts on amphibian and reptile species diversity at multiple scales, we
compared herpetofaunal alpha diversity, beta diversity, and gamma diversity patterns. Alpha diversity
represents diversity within individual sample units (i.e., diversity at the stand level), whereas gamma
diversity represents the diversity in a collection of sample units (i.e., landscape level diversity. Beta
Annual Report: 1036600
diversity represents the amount of composition variation among sample units and is calculated as β = γ / α,
where β is the beta diversity, γ is the landscape level diversity (i.e., gamma diversity), and α is the average
diversity in a sample unit (i.e., alpha diversity; McCune and Grace 2002). We determined alpha and gamma
level species diversity by constructing rarefaction curves using estimateS v. 8.2.0. To do this, we
reconstructed the yearly sampling history for all herpetofaunal captures and amphibian and reptile captures
separately, and constructed three sets of rarefaction curves (i.e., one pretreatment and two post treatment)
for each taxonomic group. For all species richness calculations, we chose the Chao 2 estimator, because this
method results in species accumulation curves that reach near-maximum values with very few samples. The
Chao 2 estimator calculates species richness by adjusting for species captured only once or twice, which is
advantageous when errors associated with lack of detection are likely. The Chao 2 estimator is calculated as
SChao2 = Sobs + Q1 / 2Q2, where Sobs equals the total number of species detected in a given area and Q1 and
Q2 equals the number of species detected one and two times, respectively. We also calculated species
heterogeneity via the Shannon-Wiener diversity index using EstimateS v. 8.2.0 and Morisot’s similarity
index using Ecological Methodology v 6.1.1. The Shannon-Wiener index takes into account species richness
and evenness with greater values indicating greater overall diversity, whereas Morisot’s index calculates
overall species similarity between samples and assigns a similarity value ranging from 0 (no similarity) to 1
(complete similarity).
The primary focus of this research was to explore the response of amphibians and reptiles to forest
management practices. We used mixed models (PROC MIXED) analysis of variance (ANOVA; SAS v. 9.1.3)
to test changes in herpetofaunal counts and biodiversity measures (e.g., average estimated species richness,
heterogeneity, and similarity) between pre-and posttreatment surveys among the treatments. Mixed models
permit the analysis of random effects (i.e., block) along with fixed effects (i.e., treatment), while controlling
for repeated samples (i.e., year). For individual species and species group comparisons, we divided the total
number of individuals by the total number of trap nights (one trap night = one trap opened for 24 hours) to
correct for differences in trapping effort among years. We then multiplied the trap-night corrected count by
1000 to estimate the number of animals captured per 1000 trap nights. To explore relationships among
amphibian and reptile community and microhabitat and microclimate variables, we used canonical
correspondence analysis (CCA), which is a direct gradient analysis technique where the ordination procedure
is constrained by a set of a priori covariates (e.g., habitat and climate data) that are predicted to influence the
observed distribution of the organismal groups in question. To control for rare species effects on the
ordination output, we only included species with at least four captures. To select habitat variables for the
analysis, we examined relationships among habitat variables with a correlation matrix. In cases where
variables were correlated ≥ 0.80, we retained the variable with greatest biological relevance. This process
excluded soil temperature, light intensity, relative humidity, and percent bare ground from further analyses.
We constructed CCA plots for each treatment year and compared the changes in species and habitat
relationships. Because amphibians and reptiles have different life history characteristics, we chose to examine
each group separately. We used principal components analysis (PCA) to examine relationships among habitat
and climate parameters. Upon confirming the biological relevance of the generated components, we examined
overall changes of the habitat and climate components between pre-and post-treatment surveys using mixed
models ANOVA (PROC MIXED; SAS v. 9.1.3).
b. Herpetofaunal and small mammal response to oak regenerating treatments on the mid-Cumberland
Plateau of southern Tennessee
Sufficient knowledge is lacking concerning the impact of silvicultural practices on herpetofaunal (reptile
Annual Report: 1036600
and amphibian) and small mammal communities in the eastern United States, particularly in response to
oak-regenerating silvicultural practices. Understanding herpetofaunal and small mammal responses to
forest management practices is important because they can be susceptible to habitat alteration caused by
such practices and because they play an important role in the overall health of the forest ecosystem.
Many herpetofaunal and small mammal species use structural features of forests, ranging from the tree
canopy to the forest floor, as habitat. Complex vegetation structure, such as multiple tree strata (canopy,
understory, and shrub layers) and dead standing trees (snags), also provide habitat and foraging sources for
many wildlife species (Lanham and Guynn 1996). Changes in the availability of these forest features may
affect the density and species composition of wildlife communities and individual species (Wang et al.
2006, Felix et al. 2010). Because the dietary needs of many wildlife species include eating seeds this makes
them possible seed dispersers, and shifts in their populations may affect forest ecosystem dynamics and the
survival of seeds and seedlings for tree regeneration. Forest management techniques that affect forest
structure, microhabitat, and microclimate have the potential to affect plant and animal community
composition and abundance. Wildlife response to forest disturbance may vary with the type and intensity of
disturbance, the forest type and associated edaphic conditions, such as moisture, or across their geographic
range. Understanding vertebrate community responses to changes in forest conditions is important in
predicting impacts of forest management.
The USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management
Research Work Unit 4157 implemented a regional oak study (ROS) (Greenberg et al., 2008; Keyser et al.,
2008) with partners to address how three recommended but not widely tested oak regeneration treatments
affect oak and other hardwood species regeneration and wildlife communities across three areas within the
southern Central Hardwood Region. In the ROS, effects of the following forest management treatments are
being examined: ( 1 ) shelterwood with prescribed fire; ( 2 ) oak-shelterwood; and ( 3 ) prescribed fire. All
three treatment types will have all residual trees cut 11 years after initial implementation. I studied the
response of herpetofaunal and small mammal communities to these silvicultural treatments on the midCumberland plateau. This project is one of many components comprised in this multidisciplinary research;
other researchers have been evaluating effects of forest management on avian communities, vegetation
composition and structure, and soil characteristics. The project examined how these disturbances affect
herpetofaunal and small mammal species richness and relative abundance, and the mechanisms (e.g.
microhabitat features) responsible for causing diversity and population fluctuations. The objectives of this
study were to examine: ( 1 ) changes in microclimate and microhabitat variables after disturbances caused
by treatments; ( 2 ) changes in the composition of herpetofauna and small mammal species; ( 3 ) the
relationship between microhabitat features and herpetofaunal and small mammal community structure; and
( 4 ) temporal changes in herpetofaunal and small mammal communities.
The herpetofaunal community was assessed using drift fences with pitfall and box funnel traps (Greenberg
et al., 2008). Two drift fences were installed in the lower slope region (bottom 1/3 of the unit) and two drift
fences were installed in the upper slope region (top 1/3 of the unit) to test if a moisture gradient exists, and
if so, the response of herpetofaunal species along this gradient. Pitfall traps (a 19 L bucket) were installed at
each end of the drift fence with the opening edge being flush with the bottom of the fence and the
surrounding terrain. Each pitfall had three 0.32 cm holes drilled at the bottom to drain water and to
minimize mortality. Each drift fence also had a double funnel box trap at the center along each side of the
fence. Trapping was conducted from mid-May till the end of September in 2009 and 2010. Traps were open
Annual Report: 1036600
continuously except for a few days at the end of August and beginning of September. All traps were
checked daily for 4-6 days a week. Each time a single drift fence was checked it was recorded as being a
single trap night. The small mammal community was assessed using Sherman live traps (7.7 X 9.0 X 23.3
cm) (Greenberg et al. 2008). Sherman live trapping was initiated in June and extended through August in
2009 and 2010. Each sampled stand had 60 Sherman live traps placed 10 m apart along a 50 x 90 m grid.
All traps were baited with peanut butter and were re-baited when needed during the sampling period. To
avoid potential bias of sampling time, one stand of each treatment type (control, Shelterwood, oakShelterwood, and pre-burn), was sampled concurrently for each trapping period. All traps set were opened
continuously for 5 nights and checked every morning. After the 5 night trapping period, all traps were
removed and deployed in the next set of stands. After all 20 stands had been sampled this rotation was
repeated for a second time, resulting in each stand being sampled for a total of 10 nights. Additionally,
small mammals were sampled using drift fences equipped with pitfall and funnel traps. Data collected using
both SLT and drift fences were combined in analyses. Each check of a Sherman live trap or a drift fence
was considered a single trap night or array night.
Objective 3:
Determine the change of territory size and density of selected animal species.
Objective 4:
Assess the reproductive success of selected animal species.
Specific Activities under these two objectives:
The two objectives above are the continuation of the research work we initiated during the first funding
period and have been enhance during the current funding period. We report these two objectives together as
they are closely related.
a. Response of Songbird in territory, density, and reproductive success to Forest Disturbance
in Northeastern Alabama
A better understanding of disturbance ecology is crucial to the conservation of Neotropical migratory
songbirds, as many of them are sensitivity to anthropogenic environmental changes (Maurer and Heywood,
1993). Many Neotropical migrants, such as Dendroica discolor, the Prairie Warbler (PRAW), are dependent
upon periodic disturbance for their habitat needs (Askins 2000) and have suffered recent declines due to loss
of early successional habitat (Partners in Flight 2010). Over 60% of the land in southeastern US are forested
and most are owned privately. Alabama contains the third largest commercial forest and the second largest
private forest in the nation (Alabama Forestry Commission 2009). Timber production is a major economic
driving force, which affect the forest structure and availability across the landscape. These disturbances may
create early successional habitats that are beneficial to some avian species that rely on these habitats (Lesak et
al. 2004). However, little work has been done to examine the mechanisms such as the individual fecundity and
population level productivity that affect these avian species. the logging practice creates earlier successional
habitat that will accommodate more breeding territories of earlier successional avian species such PRAW at
the forest stand level, the practice also increases the risk of predation and parasitism by the Brown-headed
Cowbird. The tradeoffs between the increased breeding habitat (opportunity for breeding, territories) at a
forest stand and the negative effect on individual fecundity due to predation and parasitism may change
temporarily with forest successional changes. We may expect a particular forest stand going through the
Annual Report: 1036600
process of ‘sink – source’ habitat dynamics.
This study examines response of songbirds to anthropogenic disturbance from forest logging practices by
examining: ( 1 ) individual level reproductive success (nest level); and ( 2 ) population level reproductive
success (forest stand level). Research hypotheses (Ha) are as follows:
1. After immediate logging disturbance, there will be more breeding habitat for PRAW suggested by the
increase of breeding territories on a forest stand compared to undisturbed forest stands. However,
average nest level mortality rate will also be high due to increased predation and parasitism (Pease and
Grzybowski, 1995). These habitats could be population sink because net population level production
cannot sustain the population breeding in these stands.
2. With some successional growth of vegetation, net population productivity (delta P) may increase as
the nest level mortality rate declines because vegetation cover increases while available breeding
habitat are still abundant. The habitat will become a source.
3. With more successional growth, stand level net production rate will decline with decreased suitable
breeding habitat as canopy become closed and availability of territories declines although predation
and parasitism are low.
Original disturbance occurred in 2001 (Lesak et al. 2004) and subsequent disturbance will be taking place
during late 2010. In alignment with current needs (Partners in Flight, 2010), the recovery process of the
PRAW in relation to other early successional species will be examined. The study area is located in the MidCumberland Plateau of the southern Appalachian Mountains in northern Jackson County, Alabama. Two
sites have been used, one located at Miller Mountain, Alabama and one at Jack Gap, Alabama. Upland
hardwood is the primary forested land cover type, composed of oak-hickory (Quercus spp. and Carya spp.)
with yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), red maple (Acer rubrum), and
American beech (Fagus grandifolia). The study consists of three randomized complete block replicates. Jack
Gap contains two blocks (ten plots) and Miller Mountain has one (five plots), for a total of three blocks
(fifteen plots). Each unit is fairly square in shape and is approximately four hectares in size, making a total of
sixty hectares for the entire study area. All units are arranged adjacently within each block (Lesak et al.,
The songbird community has been monitored using territory spot mapping and nest monitoring techniques
(Ralph et al. 1993) between April-July 2010 and April-July 2011. Bird nests are randomly selected for video
surveillance. All depredation encounters are recorded and reviewed. Vegetation assessment will be
conducted during the summer of 2011 and combined with all ground tree data collected by USDA Forest
Service (Lesak et al. 2004). All vegetation data will be compiled into database, using ENVI software for
vegetation classification. Alpha, beta and gamma diversity will be compared, as well as evenness and
similarities. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used to compare results between units. Regression
analysis will be used. Three previously untreated stands were selected as control plots; two units are from
Jack Gap and one unit is from Miller Mountain.
b. Scale dependent habitat and landscape effect on breeding success vernal pool amphibians
Forest management practices may affect individual amphibian fitness by altering the breeding success and
Annual Report: 1036600
survivorship, as well as, the abundance and diversity at population and community levels. Logging or stand
manipulation for various reasons often result in the reduction of canopy cover which increases light
penetration in terrestrial habitats that surround breeding pools, and directly affects the suitability of vernal
pools for amphibian breeding. Forest management activities that result in canopy removal can lead to lower
survival rates post-treatment and smaller body sizes of juvenile and adult pool breeding amphibians. These
demographic changes may contribute to reduced abundance of pool breeding amphibians in clear-cuts.
Additionally, adult amphibians may avoid clear-cut areas due to increased mortality from desiccation. A
combination of fewer breeding adults and reduced suitable habitat within clear-cuts could result in fewer
breeding events and egg masses at breeding pools.
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of tree disturbance on breeding success of amphibians in
breeding pools. A unique approach to understanding how environment changes, specifically forest
disturbances, affect amphibian breeding ecology will be employed. The study was comprised of three scales:
1) landscape, 2) forest stand, and 3) breeding pool. The study utilizes two compatible components, 1) a largescale landscape observational study and 2) a smaller-scale experimental study.
Study site:
The experimental component took place in the Southern Cumberland Plateau, in southern Tennessee in
Grundy County. The area is composed of loamy soils formed in colluvium from sandstone, siltstone, and
shale. Slope ranges from 5 to 70 percent. The surface is covered primarily with sandstone boulders and
fragments. The textures of the soils include: gravelly or cobbly loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam.
The forest type of this area is primarily oak and maple hardwood forests (Smalley, 1982). The Upland
Hardwood Ecology and Management Research Work Unit of The Southern Research Station of the United
States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA FS) implemented an oak regeneration study on
Grundy County. Treatments include: (1) Shelterwood/ burn, (2) Oak shelterwood, (3) Prescribed fire, and (4)
Experimental design:
A three-factor split plot design with disturbance treatment as the main factor and distance from forest edge
and shading as split-plot factors was used. Artificial pools within three treatments at three distances from the
forest stand edge were used. The three treatments implemented include: 1) an oak shelterwood (herbicide
application) with a 70-75% retention of canopy tree basal area, 2) a shelterwood with 35-40% tree basal area
retained, and 3) a control with gaps treatment. Each treatment will be five hectares in area and have five
replications. The treatments were implemented from 2008-2010. Within each treatment, there was one pool
array, consisting of three pools, at 10 m, 50 m, and 100 m from the treatment’s edge. Each pool array
consisted of three small (91 cm X 61 cm X 46 cm) plastic pools receiving one of the three shading treatments;
light levels were manipulated to approximate those at control pools, half of control pool levels, and light
levels in open.
Sampling: Monitoring breeding success ~ One four minute visual encounter survey was conducted at each
artificial pond. During this survey, the egg masses were counted and identified to species. The number of eggs
within each mass was counted as well. 4” x 5” aquarium nets were used to sample for amphibian larvae. 50
swipes within the ponds were used to calculate the larval amphibian total captures during each sample event.
A subsample of animals was processed for size metrics such as snout to vent length, tail length, and weight.
The number of egg masses and larval amphibians were tallied to provide a measure of reproductive output and
survival of larval amphibians within each pool.
Annual Report: 1036600
Monitoring pool conditions ~ A suite of environmental variables were measured at each pool including water
and soil temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. To measure the hot and dry
conditions, we took soil moisture measurements throughout the treatments. Soil moisture measurements were
taken at 15 locations within the treatment. Six measurements were taken at the top of the treatment, while six
measurements were taken at the bottom of the treatment. Three measurements were taken at the center of the
treatment at 10 meters, 50 meters, and 100 meters from treatment edge. The soil moisture was estimated
using kriging in order to calculate and predict soil moisture across the treatment. Ground surface temperature
was calculated using the thermal band of Landsat TM imagery in order to determine the ground temperature
different between different forest treatments.
Landscape level monitoring ~ The landscape level study was carried out on the Cumberland Plateau between
Jackson County and Bankhead National Forest in northern Alabama. Twenty four study pools filled by rain
water or groundwater sources and exhibiting an 8-11 month hydroperiod were selected based on their ability
to become inundated between January and May, during peak amphibian breeding seasons. The performance
and survival of larval amphibians were assessed using a combination of standard techniques. Twenty four
study pools were selected for a landscape scale observational study analysis from four localities in north
Alabama, including James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William
B. Bankhead National Forest. James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area is approximately 114 km
(28,167 acres). The Bankhead National Forest occupies 182,000 acres which are broadly classified as 51%
southern pines and 49% hardwoods. Different localities allow us to study various land-use managements
using aerial photography and satellite imagery as a way to determine how terrestrial habitat is affecting the
ovipositioning of breeding amphibians and potentially the survival of larval amphibians to the
metamorphosis stage.
Assessment of breeding use, breeding performance, and survival of larval amphibians ~ An assessment
protocol based on a combination of standard techniques were employed. Minnow trapping at varying
distances were used to sample larval amphibians at each pool. The larval amphibian measurements recorded
were the snout-vent length (mm), tail length (mm), species, weight (grams) development stage (Gosner
stages), and if the animal is a recapture (Y/N). Biophysical data was taken at the pools including algal
photosynthetic production, dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature, and pH. In addition
morphology measurements of each pool including surface area, perimeter, maximum depth, rate of change,
and total volume were taken. Canopy cover and percentage of the pools’ perimeter that is forested were
measured as indications of disturbance at the pool level. The habitat surrounding the breeding pools were
quantified at a 195 m buffer zone (five hectare area corresponding to the treatment size in the experimental
component) to estimate forest disturbance at the intermediate, or stand level. Others buffer zones of 50, 100,
600 and 1000 meters were used for examining dispersal distances of various amphibian groups (bufonids,
treefrogs, ambystomatid salamanders, and ranids) at the landscape level. Land-use types were quantified
around each pool using Landsat and ASTER Satellite imagery.
Assessment of the landscape variables and patterns and predictive component:
Remotely sensed data was used to generate land-use and land cover by applying maximum likelihood
algorithm to satellite imagery. The breeding pools were ground-truthed using a GPS unit in field visits,
topographic maps, and other map sources. Digital coverages such as soil, roads, and wetlands were included
in a geodatabase. A GIS and remote sensing tools were used to explore the possibility of identifying the
locations of amphibian breeding pools across northern Alabama’s landscape. These pools were predicted
Annual Report: 1036600
using digital elevation models, color infrared imagery, Landsat satellite imagery (30m x 30m), and aerial
photography in ArcGIS 9.2 and ERDAS 9. The following four counties were used to identify potential
isolated wetlands: Jackson, Lawrence, Winston, and Marshall Counties. Once these pools were located, a
subset of these locations were ground-truthed using minnow trapping and visual encounter egg surveys.
Landscape variables such as degree of fragmentation, total forest area, number of wetlands, total agricultural
and residential area, canopy cover, percentage of the pools’ perimeter that were forested, distances to the
nearest road, and landscape disturbances at 100 m, 200 m, 500 m, 1 km, and 2km buffer zones were
developed. These buffer zones represent the potential dispersal distance of various families and group
adaptations of amphibian fauna (hylids, bufonids, ambystomatids, and ranids). NASA experts were consulted
in the development of the GIS data layers and particular variables that were relevant for predicting vernal
pools and the landscape variables for modeling the relationships and potential impacts of landscape
disturbances. Vegetation, disturbance, and terrain indices were executed and compared between 1995 and
2006 to assess vegetation change within the buffer zones surrounding potential isolated wetlands.
COMPONENT 3. Genetic Diversity and Dynamics of Oaks and Pool Breeding Amphibians (Drs. K.
Soliman, Y.Wang, L. Dimov, and C. Schweitzer)
Oaks are renowned for difficulties in defining species boundaries. One example is the ease of interior live oak
complex that is usually taken to include two varieties of Quercus wislizeni from the coast ranges of California
and Sierra Nevada and Q. parvula var. shreveii from the central coast of California. Characteristics such as
high level of phenotypic plasticity (Jensen, 1988, Jensen et al., 1984) and genetic variation contribute to the
success of the genus Quercus. However, these features pose difficulties in estimating genetic differentiation
between species, genetic architecture of population, and definitive ruling on taxonomic relationship among
species (Guttman and Weight, 1988). Studies on European white oaks show that more genetic variation is
found within population rather than between populations or between species. Schnabel and Hammrick (1990)
and Zanetto and others (1993) not only demonstrated that most genetic variation is found within populations,
it also showed high genetic identity between populations and species. Although many amphibian adults are
faithful to their breeding pools across breeding seasons, they may be forced to move to more suitable pools for
breeding due to increased probability of mortality (Gibbs, 1998, Chan-Mcleod, 2003). The combination of
fewer breeding adults and reduced pool suitability could result in fewer breeding events and egg masses at
these breeding pools. These demographic changes may lead to increasingly smaller population size of some
pool breeding amphibians in the areas being impacted by forest canopy reduction practices (Renken et al.,
2004, Patrick et al., 2006). With smaller population or more isolation, gene frequencies can drift dramatically
by chance effect. A population that is maintained at a small size for several generations will have different
genetic characteristics than it had prior to the reduction in size (bottleneck effect).
Results from previous studies:
In the first funding cycle we developed a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) protocol for screening red oak
individuals and populations of the southern Cumberland Plateau. We were also successful in establishing a
diagnostic marker system that shows variability between species. Furthermore, we developed molecular
fingerprints that allow us to determine the genetic profile of red oaks as well as gene flow among different
species of red oaks in the area of study. We demonstrated that molecular tools used thus far have not been
fully utilized in tracking gene flow in natural hybrids of sympatric species that frequently grow intermixed
over large part of their range. Our results raised new questions that we will address in the new study, including
Annual Report: 1036600
substantiating species status and identifying genetic bottlenecks, while developing diagnostic genetic markers
for detection of individual species other than red oaks. As the inter-specific hybridization within red oaks is
common, we plan to set up large-scale population genetics experiments to substantiate species status and
assess the congruence between morphological and molecular variation. Furthermore, the genetic relationship
of red oaks of the Cumberland Plateau with other oak species will be examined. Single Nucleotide
Polymorphism (SNP) is the most abundant form of genetic variation. According to recent estimates, one SNP
occurs every 100300 bp in any genome (Gupta et al. 2001). Our current collaborators from the FS at Purdue
University are already working to develop additional markers (SNP) using next generation sequencing and
bioinformatics for developing detailed genetic maps of red oak genomes. The average number of genes at
which an individual is heterozygous is expected to decrease if a population remains small because the
frequency of mating between relatives will increase (Oyler-McCance and Leberg 2005). The pool specific
survivorship and reproductive success set the stage for spatial variations of genetic structure among the pools
across landscape and lead to source-sink dynamics (Pulliam 1988): population growth rate are positive (birth
rates exceed death rates) in some pools (sources) but are negative in others (sinks) for a particular amphibian
species. The relative amount of source and sink habitat on a landscape may thus affect persistence of the
metapopulations at the landscape scale (Hanski and Gaggiotti 2004).
Proposed research:
Despite the rich diversity and wide distribution of red oaks in the United States, relatively few molecular
genetic studies have been conducted on their diversity and phylogeny. We will continue and expand our study
of the first phase of CREST where we focused on studying the genetic processes that control variation in
forest trees to answer questions related to the population genetics of red oak species and pool breeding
amphibians of the southern Cumberland Plateau. Our main questions are: 1) what is the population genetic
make-up diversity of the selected red oaks species and amphibian populations across space in a forested
landscape? 2) What is the intra-and inter-specific gene flow among oak species and among amphibian
populations associated with different vernal pools across landscape? and 3) How genetic variation and gene
flow related to the forest disturbances at local and landscape levels. It is only recently that fine dissection of
the genes controlling adaptive variations can be undertaken using combination of Mendelian, molecular,
quantitative, cytogenetics and bioinformatics. We have already used molecular tools successfully to determine
intra and inter-specific gene flow for oak species. We have established a very strong partnership with private
and public agencies at two Cumberland Plateau sites and in Jackson County, AL. Furthermore, a recent
acquisition of high throughput 454 FLX sequencer system by our molecular biology laboratory will afford us
the opportunity to obtain genomic sequence of a large portion of the oak genome. The acquisition of the next
generation sequencer will further enhance our ability for gene discovery and facilitate SSR and SNP
Our research objectives of this component include:
Determine the genetic variation existing within and among red oak species using combinations of
polymorphic noncoding region of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA);
Detect variation in single nucleotide polymorphisms among individual and within individuals of
different oak species;
Construct phylogenetic tree based on information obtained from Objectives 1 and 2 above;
Construct cDNA libraries from different tissues and species and use the results for gene, SSR
discovery, and SNP discoveries;
Investigate the forest disturbance effect on population genetic makeup of vernal pool breeding
Annual Report: 1036600
Specific Activities under these objectives include:
We have made modest progress in the first year of this funding period due to great deal of difficulties
recruiting qualified African American students to carry out the project objectives outlined above. However,
our efforts have finally paid off. Two graduate students have been recruited, and one of them has joined the
program on March 9, 2011 and the second will be on board on August 15, 2011
Rashidah Farid, an African American female student with a B. S. degree in biology, has good field experience
in wildlife ecology. She is interested in carrying out the research objective 5: investigating the forest
disturbance effect on population genetics make up of vernal pool breeding amphibians. Ms. Farid was giving
an internship for 2011 summer period with the intention of helping us with our sample collection and DNA
isolation. In the meantime we have submitted her application for admission to the graduate study starting fall
2011 and continue the amphibian research. Although she has been in the program for approximately four
months, we have made a great deal of progress, as summarized below:
a) We have applied and received permit to collect amphibian samples from Alabama Department of
conservation and Natural resources;
b) We have applied for a permit to use animals for scientific research as dictated by federal and state
agencies. Her request still under consideration;
c) We made several trips to Bankhead national forest to familiarize with the layout of experimental areas
being used in this research. We have been able to identify 10 vernal pools for sample collection and
determined the different species existing in each pool;
d) We have made one collection from 50% of the pools identified for the study;
e) We also has purchased and received the necessary supplies to isolate DNA from individual species to
be used in the study;
f) We have attempted to isolate DNA from several individuals for further genetic studies. Her initial
efforts have not been successful , however, we has identified the factors limiting her success and we
is the process of refining her extraction technique;
g) The student has enrolled in graduate class this summer and her grade has been excellent thus far;
h) The student has taking the GRE exam and her score was 200 points above what is required for
admission to the graduate program at AAMU. She has submitted her application for admission to
our graduate program and we anticipate we will be granted admission starting fall 2011;
i) We participated in outreach activities (Birmingham Waterworks Board -EnvironMentors campus visit)
as well as participating in the Lake Purdy outreach;
j) We have constructed two primers (5-CGGATCCCCATAGACTCCCAT-3 AND 5CTCTAG
AAACAGGGTTAGCTT-3) consisting of S1a and S1b ( satellite DNA ) that will be used to amplify
Annual Report: 1036600
similar sequences existing within and among individuals of amphibian species once one the DNA
isolation protocol has been perfected;
k) We have collected all the current literature available on amphibian genetics and are in the process of
getting familiar with ongoing research in this area. This effort will be helpful in her the design and the
execution of the experiments related to the project.
For the oak work we identified Mr. Fetun Desta who holds permanent residence in the united stated and
is originally from Ethiopia. Mr. Desta has been granted admission to our graduate program starting this
fall. He will carry out research objectives 1 through 4. The progresses related to the oak section include:
a) We developed molecular finger prints that allow us to determine the genetic profile of oak species
as well as gene flow among different species;
b) We developed very successful single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) protocol to be used to carry out
objective 4;
c) We have constructed 200 new primers based on the latest published information in GENBANK
related to oak. These primers will be used to carry out objectives 2 and 4;
d) We collected leaf tissue from 400 individual trees from the study sites. These samples are being stored
in -70 for future use to isolate DNA to carry out objectives 1, 2, 4;
e) We have also collected samples from different tissues of two species that will be used construct
cDNA libraries as described objective 4;
f) We have also developed a successful protocol for isolating chloroplast DNA that will be utilized as
outlined in objective 1.
Other research activities of Subproject 1
Determine the effects of urban and rural forest management on the species richness, relative abundance, and
diversity of freshwater aquatic (fishes, mussels, arthropods) communities. This is a project initiated in 2009
and currently supported by leverage funds from USDA. It seeks to link the ecology and disturbance at
ridgetop pine stands to that at the riparian and aquatic areas in a watershed-level study design. Many of the
loblolly pine study stands are sufficiently isolated to allow the relationship of stream headwaters to a
particular treatment type. Treatment types, particularly burning, are also somewhat spatially clumped,
allowing for significant influence of treated areas upon study sites further downstream. Study sites include
reaches and riparian areas of headwaters of streams that drain treated and control areas, treated and control
stands that the aforementioned headwater drain, and reaches and riparian areas of streams downstream of the
headwaters where there are fish and mussels present. These sites represent sites influenced by clumped areas
of a particular treatment type. The treatment types selected for data collection are control, thinning only, and
both thinning and burning. There are three replicates for each treatment type.
Benthic macroinvertebrates are important diagnostic tools in measuring impact of environmental stress in
Annual Report: 1036600
aquatic ecosystems. Their rapid generation time and small home range allow detection of small scale habitat
changes over short periods of time (DeBano and Wooster 2003). Aquatic insects vary in their sensitivity and
tolerance to environmental changes, thus they serve as excellent and reliable indicators of stream degradation.
Pollution-sensitive insects such as Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera
(caddisflies) are susceptible to chemical and physical changes in the stream. Their abundance indicates good
water quality and their absence suggests water impairment, whereas pollution-tolerant organisms increase in
abundance in polluted streams. Invertebrates form vital links in the aquatic food web connecting macrophytes,
algae, leaf litter and fish. Thus, they play critical roles in nutrient and energy cycles and other ecosystem
processes, and their interactions with other biotic stream dwellers influence shifts in the composition of fresh
water stream communities. The suite of macroinvertebrates and their differing functional groups (shredders,
filter-feeders, etc.) are directly related to the habitat and water quality characteristics within a stream.
Anthropogenic activities contribute to biodegradation of water quality that may result in changes in
invertebrate community composition and structure over time. Fish, aquatic snails, and mussels (Unionidea)
serve as bioindicators of the quality of habitat in a similar manner to insects, but in a way that is related to
larger geographic and temporal scales than to which insect community compositions are related.
The project’s overall goal is to determine the composition, structure and diversity of benthic
macroinvertebrates and fish in selected watersheds within managed (thinned and burned) and unmanaged
areas of the BNF. Specific objectives are to (1) determine seasonal changes in the distribution and
abundance of aquatic communities; (2) measure seasonal changes in aquatic habitats (e.g., variability in
quantity and quality of water flow, sediment transport; water turbidity, pH, habitat structure, litter and
large woody debris, etc.); (3) determine correlation between shifts in composition and structure of aquatic
communities and changes in habitat characteristics.
Sampling Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish sampling occurs on twelve 150 m reaches within nine stream
catchments in the BNF. Sampling sites with representative habitat conditions were scouted and selected. Sites
were characterized according to forest cover, large woody debris, substrate composition/embeddedness,
surface flow and riparian land use/land cover. Physicochemical characteristics (e.g., temperature, dissolved
oxygen, turbidity, pH) of water were measured in situ. Sampling of aquatic insects occurs seasonally using
kick net (500 m, 1m2) and dip net methods (D-frame net, 500-mmesh). Leaf packs were also
collected. Sampling of mussels and snails occurs annually and consists of transects excavated with a dredge
and hand-sorted on-site. Sampling of fish was to occur annually and consist of multiple-pass backpack
electrofishing. However, the presence of endangered fish in some of the streams has forced us to postpone
that. Reference specimens or question specimens were preserved in 10% formalin or 70% EtOH. Composite
macroinvertebrate samples collected were preserved in 80% ethanol until taxa identification. Influences of
hydrologic conditions (e.g. stream flow variability, water flow regimes, velocity, sediment transport), habitat,
land use/land cover and water quality on macroinvertebrate communities were determined with the assistance
of the Landscape and Ecological Process Thrust Area of CREST-CFEA.
Metrics used in the evaluation of biologic integrity include taxa richness, Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity Index,
Annual Report: 1036600
relative abundance, %EPT (for insects), functional groups, Morisita-Horn’s Index of Similarity, and
dominance. Diversity indices were determined and statistical comparisons between watersheds, sampling
locations and time are currently being conducted. The importance of abiotic factors to aquatic community
composition will be examined through PCA, DCA, and CCA. Spatial analysis of biotic and abiotic data will
be undertaken using a GIS with the assistance of the Subproject II and III of CREST-CFEA.
With large amount of forest in Alabama under restoration management and given the impact of forest
ecosystems on global biogeochemical cycles, continued understanding of Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N),
Phosphorus (P), Sulfur (S), and mineral constituents, transformations and cycling is of prime importance.
Restoration management activities may impact microbial communities, soil mineralogy, hydrology, and
organic and inorganic nutrient chemistry and distribution. Prescribed fires and logging treatments have
important implications to soil biogeochemical nutrient cycling process, essential for long-term soil
sustainability (Kim et al. 1999). Factors affecting soil physical and chemical properties after burning and
logging include coarsening in soil texture, reduced water infiltration rates, changes in soil pH and
mineralogy, and formation of recalcitrant forms of organic C (black C) (Ketterings 2002). These changes
may have direct or indirect effects on the rates of certain chemical processes that might influence short-or
long-term soil nutrient transformations and cycling and nutrient losses via runoff or leaching (Arocena and
Opio 2003). Generally, a rapid increase in soil nutrient availability has been observed during slash and burn
processes caused by transfer of nutrients contained in slashed biomass to soil following biomass conversion
to nutrient rich ash (Tiessen et al. 1992, Giardina et al. 2000). Forest ecosystem research has a rich tradition
of integrating across soil disciplines. While our understanding of the microbial populations and ecology of
agro-ecosystems has improved, it is limited for forest ecosystems. Studies continue to demonstrate that
microbial biomass is dependent on available organic matter, macro-flora, and fauna. The components in this
subproject are synergistically related with the common theme to examine the soil microbial and nutrient
cycle and dynamics. This subproject is important to the Forest Community Responses and Dynamics (FC)
subproject to determine the dynamics and responses of microbial, plant, and animal communities and their
interactions to forest disturbance and supports the Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD)
subproject to characterize patterns and ecological responses of forest ecosystems across spatial and temporal
scales in relation to landscape dynamics and anthropogenic activities. We have organized our research under
four synergistic and integrative components: ( 1 ) microbial and fungi dynamics; ( 2 ) Phosphorus
transformation; ( 3 ) C sequestration and exchange and energy flux balance; and ( 4 ) soil mineralogy and
organic nutrients.
A field and lab technician was recruited in June to assist in the activities of this sub-project. Due to the late
implementation of the second funding period of the CREST project, we were unable to begin earlier. Efforts
are underway to accomplish our proposed research objectives outlined in the proposal. Between June and May
2011, feasibility studies on all treatments plots were carried out. Planning meetings for soil sampling were
held in June, and sampling is scheduled to begin September 1 2011. The reason to begin soil sampling in
September is because it is early fall, and we could not sample in the middle of summer.
Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 1: Soil Microbial Biodiversity of Bankhead National Forest Ecosystems
Significance and Background
Because C is central to global climate change, we will focus on the chemolithotrophs and fungi specifically
white rot fungi (WRF) (Phanerochaete spp.). Chemolithotrophs are organisms that obtain their energy from
the oxidation of chemical compounds and fixes carbon dioxide (CO2) for cell biosynthesis. These organisms
have been placed in two categories, obligate lithotrophs (e.g., sulfur, ammonium, and nitrite-oxidizing) and
facultative lithotrophs (e.g., CO and hydrogen oxidizers). Both groups of chemolithotrophs collectively
comprise a phylogenetically diverse functional group that contributes significantly to soil C and N cycles and
plays important roles in trace gas evolution (e.g., carbon monoxide and nitrous and nitric oxides) (Tolli and
King 2005). N-fixing bacteria contribute to organic matter mineralization and long-term productivity of forest
ecosystems (King 2000). A majority of the chemolithotrophic bacteria use the CalvinBenson-Bassham
pathway to incorporate CO2 because it is the major and most abundant pathway for CO2 fixation (Selesi et al.
2005). The enzyme rubisCO catalyzes the carboxylation of Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate
carboxylase/oxygenase. RubisCO is a well-studied enzyme because of its extensive agricultural and
environmental significance. Thus applying this type of analysis here would represent a novel approach leading
to a greater understanding of cbbL gene diversity and provide an overview understanding of the sustainability
of the BNF. White rot fungi (WRF) are basiodiomycetes capable of producing an array of enzymes that
degrade various biomass components. Enzymes are secreted externally to digest food for their growth and
proliferation. Most WRF use lignocellulosic substrate, composed of biopolymers (lignin, hemicelluloses,
cellulose) in various proportions depending on the plant material. Degradation of lignocellulosic biomass is
undertaken by a combination of enzymes (lignin peroxidase, laccase, xylanase, βglucosidase, manganesedependent and independent peroxidases) (Morais et al. 2005). This degradation depends on the biodegradation
efficiency of the secreted enzyme. Unlike bacteria which are regulated by predators, fungal growth is
regulated more by substrate quantity and quality, and the type and quantity of secreted enzymes. Fungi use an
organic C source for their growth and development. Therefore, fungi are not—surprisingly—closely
associated with lignocellulosic biomass (most abundant in forest ecosystems), which is considered the most
abundant on earth.
Results from previous studies:
Over the years we have developed considerable expertise and trained students in soil enzymology, soil
biology and microbial biochemistry (Moss et al. 2006, Moss et al. 2007, Mfombep et al. 2007, Ntoko et al.
2007, Senwo et al. 2007, Tazisong et al. 2008, He et al. 2009). During the first phase of the CFEA, we studied
soil microbial status and N-enzymes responses to the forest fire and thinning (Thompson et al. 2006,
Tabatabai et al. 2010, Thompson 2010). We found that fire disturbed soil had increased levels of nitrate-N
concentration but lower levels of microbial biomass C, potential mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) and
ammonium-N than the control (unpublished data). The first comparisons of bacterial cbbL diversity in
agroecosystem and forest soils indicated distinct cbbL clone libraries which implied lithotrophic community
structure likely responds to impacts of land usage (Tolli and King 2005). Mushrooms, especially WRF,
produce enzymes important in degrading plant materials. Numerous mushroom-forming fungi have economic
importance and been noted in medicine (Wasser 2002), biodegradation of environmental wastes (Hadar et al.
1993), and pollutants (Bezalel et al. 1996, Isikhuemhen et al. 2003, D’Annibale et al. 2005). Degradation of
lignocellulosic biomass is undertaken by a combination of enzymes (lignin peroxidase, laccase, xylanase, βglucosidase, manganese-dependent and independent peroxidases) (Morais et al. 2004, 2005). Mfombep et al.
(2007) assayed β-glucosidase activities of Pleurotus, Grifola, Auricularia, Polyporus, Trametes, and
Annual Report: 1036600
lentinula. While the activities were negatively correlated with WRF-carbohydrate content, there was no
correlation with protein content. The potential of fungi enzymes need to be evaluated because particular
enzymes are important in different fungi systems. Pleurotus ostreatus for example degrades lignin, but does
not produce lignin peroxidase (Kerem et al. 1992, Bezalel et al. 1996, Morais et al. 2004). Some studies on
white rot fungal species and fungi imperfecti have shown the rapid colonization of fire-killed root tissues
within two years after a fire (Littke and Gara 1986). Fungal research at the Duke Forest since the 1930s
indicate huge diversity of major fungi groups inhabiting the forest ecosystem, some of which might be new
discovery that might impact science someday. Other studies have also documented rich fungal diversity in
forest ecosystems (Mueller and Mata 2001, Esqueda et al. 2003, Gilbertoni and Calvacanti 2003, Ricardi and
Bashore 2003).
We are studying the relationship between forest land use, ecological services and human settlement
patterns in the BNF and Black Belt region. Two objectives will be pursued:
Study microbial and community diversity in response to forest management treatments;
Inventory WRF diversity, their molecular phylogenetic profiles and biomass-degrading enzymatic
potentials in support of our bioenergy program initiatives.
This year’s activities (October 1 – July 31, 2011) related to each specific objective are as follow:
Objective 1: Study microbial and community diversity in response to forest management treatments
A significant amount of literature necessary for the work has been collected. Stock solutions and standards
needed have been prepared and currently being stored at 4 C. No graduate students have been hired for this
project as of yet. Significant measures have been made to recruit students from here at Alabama A&M
University as well as from other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Additionally,
recruiting efforts were made at the National Agronomy Society (ASA) meeting in Long Beach, California
last October.
Preliminary quantification of amidohydrolase (amidase, glutaminase, urease, asparaginase, and aspartase)
activity in the soil samples collected five years ago from four treatments at Bankhead National Forest has been
conducted. Efforts are underway to obtain preliminary data on phosphatase activities in these soils. Other
effort has focused on a project related to biogeochemical cycling with an emphasis in arsenite
oxidizing/resistance genes in soils. So far, this research has determined the DNA profiles of soil samples
collected from agricultural fields that were treated with pesticides and/or amended with poultry litter. Soil
samples collected from Huntsville and Sumter County, Alabama contain small amounts of arsenic (as arsenate
and arsenite). Arsenic is mainly found in pesticides and naturally in rocks and minerals, which may make it
prevalent in soils and groundwater. High levels of arsenic in soil decrease the diversity of microorganisms,
which can transform arsenic into arsenite, turning it into an organic substance. Arsenic is less toxic in an
organic state. Therefore, when it is oxidized it is easier to adsorb and remove arsenic from the environment. In
this preliminary study, the pH was determined, and the DNA was extracted from each of the experimental
soils containing pesticides during this study. We will continue how pH is related to the arsenite during the
next phase.
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Objective 2: Inventory WRF diversity, their molecular phylogenetic profiles and biomass-degrading
enzymatic potentials in support of our bioenergy program initiatives
This objective will be accomplished in years 3 through 5 as stipulated in the proposal.
COMPONENT 2: Phosphorus (P) Transformation
Significance & background:
We will assess changes of soil chemical properties and P transformation in a forest ecosystem subjected to
prescribed burning and logging. P is an important plant nutrient, especially in highly weathered soils such as
ultisols and oxisols where P is considered as a major limiting nutrient. Previous studies indicate that forest
thinning and burning practices alter soil P cycle in forest ecosystems. Soil P pools show an initial post-burn
increase in soil P caused by incorporation of nutrient rich ash into soil or by release of P from the residual
unburned or incompletely burned slashed biomass (Tiessen et al. 1992, Garcia-Montiel et al.2000, Giardina et
al. 2000). In addition to incorporating P into ash deposited soil, P bound to the burnt biomass may get
deposited on top of soil as charred or partly combusted organic material (black C) which may release P
through decomposition over time (Ketterings 2002). Although, black C is considered to have a condensed
aromatic structure resistant to decomposition, some studies show that it is susceptible to microbial degradation
(Hamer et al. 2004). Black C generated from biomass burning and its effects on retention of soil nutrients are
identified to play key roles in a wide range of biogeochemical processes in soil, especially for nutrient
transformations and cycling (Liang et al. 2006). However, little information is available on how formation of
black C can affect the P cycle. Phosphate sorption in the presence of organic anions is proposed to occur by
several mechanisms which include processes such as competition for adsorption sites or creation of new
adsorption sites through adsorption of metal ions such as Al and Fe (Borggard et al. 2005). Liang et al.
(2006) found that incorporating charred organic materials or black C to soils might increase soil cation
exchange capacity (CEC). Changes in P dynamics have been related to heat-induced changes in soil texture,
soil organic matter, and mineralogy. Phosphate sorption in soils depends on several factors including nature,
amounts, and changes in the distribution of crystalline/non-crystalline Fe and Al (of dithionite and oxalate
extractable Fe and Al) in soils as affected by burning treatments (Agbenin 2003, Borggaard et al. 2005).
Results from previous studies:
Our studies from BNF so far indicate that total P and total C in soils vary by treatments and soil depths
indicating that logging and fire treatments impacted these changes (Ranatunga et al. 2008). Some treatments
resulted in significant increase in total P, which may have been caused by the incorporation of nutrient rich
ash into the soil or by the release of P from the residual unburned or incompletely burned slashed biomass
(Tiessen et al. 1992, Giardina et al. 2000). A summary of our research conducted at BNF from previous
CREST CFEA funding period is provided in Section 7. Other studies indicate that initially released P in fire
disturbed soils is rapidly incorporated into the soil as plant available P forms, sorbed to Fe and Al oxide
surfaces, or precipitated as relatively insoluble Fe and Al phosphate (Garcia-Montiel 2000, Ketterings 2002).
The black C generated during biomass burning may impact soil biogeochemcal processes (Liang et al. 2006).
Trompowesky et al. (2005) found that plant material derived black C contains large amounts of extractable
Annual Report: 1036600
humic and fulvic acids in addition to high concentration of carboxylic acids. Characterization of back C has
been carried out using elemental analysis, chemical extraction methods, and spectroscopic methods such as
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and C Nuclear magnetic resonance ( C NMR) spectroscopy
(Trompowsky et al. 2005; Rumpel et al. 2007). Phosphate binding to humic substances is documented and
suggested to comprise moderately to highly resistant P pool in soil (Makarov et al. 1997; Benites 2005).
Appreciable amounts of humic acid bound labile P pools accumulated in mountain soils with limited
microbial activity observed (Makarov et al. 1997). Recent study indicates that adsorption of orthophosphate to
humic substances is greatly enhanced by higher concentrations of organically complexed Fe(III) in substrate
showing the possibility of binding of orthophosphate to humic surfaces via metal bridging (Gerke et al. 2007,
Gerke and Hermann 2007).
There are four main objectives of this component:
Investigate heat-induced changes in inorganic P forms in forest soils;
Study the effects of burning on transformation of amorphous Fe and Al oxide and its effect on
inorganic P retention and release over time;
Study the changes in soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) as affected by heat induced treatments;
Investigate the composition of charred organic material (black C) deposited during burning
treatments and explores the possibility of P retention/release on the formation of black C.
This year’s activities (October 1 – July 31, 2011) related to each specific objective are as follow:
Objective 1: Investigate heat-induced changes in inorganic P forms in forest soils:
Researchers from the EF sub-project agreed to begin soil sampling September 1, 2011. An MS graduate
student (Angela Reedy) was recruited in January 2011 by Dr. Thilini Ranatunga to work on this objective.
The student has been trained in processes such as how to review literature, perform soil chemical analysis,
instrumentation techniques, and other experimental procedures required for her thesis research. She has also
been trained on preparation of molar and buffered solutions.
Objective 2: Study the effects of burning on transformation of amorphous Fe and Al oxide and its effect on
inorganic P retention and release over time
This objective will be carried out in the third year of the project.
Objective 3: Study the changes in soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) as affected by heat induced treatments
This objective will be carried out in years 3-4 of the project.
Objective 4: Investigate the composition of charred organic material (black C) deposited during burning
treatments and explore the possibility of P retention/release on the formation of black C
Annual Report: 1036600
This objective will be carried out in years 4-5 of the project.
COMPONENT 3: Carbon Sequestration and Energy Flux Balance in Disturbed Forest Ecosystems
Significance and Background:
Anthropogenic activities such as increased use of fossil fuels and agriculture have resulted in increased
atmospheric CO2 levels from the pre-industrial levels of 280 ppm to the present levels of around 380 ppm.
This increase in atmospheric CO2 has been associated with a significant increase in global temperature over
the past several decades (Oelkers and Cole 2008). Climate change due to global warming may have far
reaching undesirable effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In addition to supplying oxygen to the
atmosphere, forest ecosystems play a key role in sequestering C in the form of above and below ground
woody biomass, some of which can further be sequestered as soil organic C. The effect of forest
management on soil C is important to our understanding of the role of forest soil as a C source or sink on a
global scale (Johnson and Curtis 2001). The process of soil respiration which releases C back to the
atmosphere after soil organic matter decomposition by soil microorganisms is a critical step in the overall C
balance in the environment. Thus, CO2 fluxes from soils are part of the terrestrial C budget as well as the
global C cycle. Therefore, forest management practices such as thinning and burning can significantly
affect the natural C cycle in forest ecosystems which may in turn, impact C sequestration. Studies have
reported that the effects of fire on soil C were highly dependent on fire intensity and the invasion of Nfixing vegetation after the fire (Wells 1971; Johnson 1992). In addition to destroying C stored in organic
plant materials on the forest surface, forest fires and thinning may affect the soil chemical characteristics
and nutrient budgets (Neary et al. 1999). This may affect CO 2 emissions and C sequestration in forest
soils. CO2 fluxes between the atmosphere and the soil are an important link in the C cycle (Ussiri and Lal
2009). The processes which drive CO 2 fluxes ultimately affect the atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It is
therefore important to study how forest management practices such as thinning and burning affect soil
emissions of CO2 and C sequestration in the BNF and their potential impact to climate change. Studying the
C balance of a forest presents opportunities to examine effects of human land management practices on C
balance and allows us to identify the role forests play in atmospheric C sequestration. Flux measurements
will provide several insights 1) the impact climate and land use change on surface-atmosphere CO2
exchange, 2) key mechanistic processes underlying the exchange, 3) plant and soil CO2 flux contribution to
the atmosphere, 4) environmental factors regulating plant-soil-atmosphere CO2 exchange processes and 5)
major forest feedbacks in altering future climate trajectories. Measurements of long term C exchange over a
forest ecosystem will enable us to define long-term C balance for BNF and the surrounding region.
Results from previous study:
Forest soils play a major role as C sinks or sources. The main sources of CO2 fluxes from the soil are
decomposition of organic matter and respiration from roots and associated soil fauna. Removal of trees from
the forest has a potential to impact CO2 emissions from all the above sources. According to Pypker and
Fredeen (2003), removal of trees will result in at least a temporary decrease in root respiration. However,
this could be offset by a subsequent release of CO2 from root decomposition and respiration. Burning may
remove soil organic layer and kill soil micro-organisms which play a significant role in CO2 emissions and
soil C storage (Pietikainen and Fritze 1993). Soil temperature and moisture are the primary environmental
factors that influence soil CO2 fluxes (Peng et al. 2008). C is released from the soil in the form of CO2 under
aerobic conditions (Bajracharya et al. 2000) while warmer temperatures tend to increase soil CO2 fluxes
Annual Report: 1036600
(Galik and Jackson 2009). Measurements of long term C exchange over a forest ecosystem provide data
which enable us to define long-term C balance for the region. Compared to other states in the USA, the
potential of southeastern forest in terms of atmospheric C sequestration (source/sink potential) is relatively
unknown. Across Alabama, studies of long-term CO2 exchange for various forest ecosystems are lacking. In
the past few years, a wide range of studies around the globe have demonstrated that C budgets of the major
forests can be assessed using the Eddy-Covariance (EC) method (
This component has two main objectives:
To examine C sequestration and energy flux balance and to model C flux in disturbed forest
To improve our understanding of the role that forests play in global C sequestration.
This year’s activities (October 1 – July 31, 2011) related to each specific objective are as follow:
Objective 1: Examine C sequestration and energy flux balance and model C flux in disturbed forest
To measure soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and quantify soil carbon (C) sequestration under the
different forest management practices, the following activities have been accomplished. Soil collars to be
used for soil CO2 flux measurements have been made. These were made by cutting a 4 inch (10 cm) diameter
PVC pipe into 10 cm long sections. The soil collars will be installed permanently into the plots and used as
soil anchor bases during measurements of CO2 fluxes using the LI-6400 Infrared Gas Analyzer with the LI009 soil flux chamber. Installation of the anchor bases in the forest plots at the Bankhead National forest has
been scheduled for fall 2011. Equipment and supplies for soil temperature and moisture measurements in the
forest plots have since been ordered but delivery is still pending. These include the following: soil
thermometers, soil moisture access tubes, and others. Soil temperature and moisture measurements will be
used to assess quantitative impacts of soil temperature and soil moisture conditions under the different forest
management practices on soil C dynamics.
Objective 2: Improve our understanding of the role forests play in global C sequestration
This objective will be done in year 3-5 as stipulated in the proposal.
Other research activities: In addition to the research components of the CREST-CFEA, we have been working
a couple of the projects that are related to CREST-CFEA research objectives.
At present, we are working with a graduate student to determine a better method for characterizing the particle
sizes of soils and organic matter from the research sites. Our experience from previous work at the research
sites shows that the soils developed in sandstone and shale/siltstone. Such soil parent materials are usually
high in calcium carbonates and in some cases Fe, and organic matter. An appropriate method of analyzing the
soil samples will take into consideration the flocculating/aggregation characteristics of such agents. This
Annual Report: 1036600
student that is being paid from another project is comparing the pipette, and the hydrometer methods of
mechanical analysis using sampling preparation methods that remove cementing agents in the soils. That
study will show what method best suits mineral soil and organic particle size characterization of the research
COMPONENT 4: Clay Mineral Changes and Organic Matter Interaction Patterns in a Disturbed
Forest Ecosystem (Dr. Monday Mbila)
Significance and background:
Forest fire and logging can cause important changes in soil properties through oxidation of organic matter
(Raison et al. 1990, Certini 2005) and soil mineralogical features (Ketterings et al. 2000, 2002), which impact
forest productivity and C sequestration capacity. Forest thinning can also affect physical and chemical
properties of forest soil through incorporation of logging residues and forest floor cover reduction due to
intensified harvesting (Edwards and Ross-Todd 1983; Pennock and van Kessel 1997). Changes in soil
mineralogy and organic matter can persist for decades following fire disturbance (Pennock and van Kessel
1997, Carter and Foster 2004), with even longer recovery times in ecosystems subjected to repeated burns
(Ojima et al. 1994). Long-term studies of changes in soil properties as influenced by fire and thinning are
crucial to understanding forest ecosystem recovery from disturbance.
Results from previous studies:
Our study at BNF this far has revealed that prescribed burning alone appear to have a stronger initial
impact on total C than a combination of prescribed thinning and burning (Nobles et al. 2008). Prescribed
burning and a combination of thinning and burning also led to changes in exchangeable K and Na pools.
While prescribed thinning alone did not have any effect on total C stored in soil and forest floor (Nobles et
al. 2008). However, studies carried out elsewhere indicate that future changes in soil elements are to be
expected as the ecosystem recovers from thinning disturbance (Pennock and van Kessel 1997). Based on
X-ray diffraction techniques, we found that Kaolinite, halloysite, vermiculite-hydroxy-interlayered
vermiculites, mica, and quartz are common components of the soils of the study area. Due to burning,
certain minerals such asmica partially collapsed to a 10.1 Å mineral (Mbila et al. 2008). Our work also
indicated that K and Ca increases post burning treatment (Mbila et al. 2008). Low activity of K in the soils
could be a factor accelerating transformation to hydrobiotite and further to vermiculites/smectites. How
these preliminarily observed changes in soil property relate to more vital and wider ecological problems
for many Alabama soils need be further investigated. For instance, many Alabama soils are classified as
Ultisols that are poor in soil nutrients and low in organic matter. Do these mineralogical changes indicate
certain patterns of clay mineral transformations, which ultimately affect soil nutrients? Do they provide
clues as to the low capacity of the soils to accumulate organic matter through mineral–organic matter
binding that stabilizes soil organic matter? Since the geochemical composition of the minerals in the soil
depends on the elemental composition of the soil; and the clay mineral types determine the mineral-organic
matter interactions, results of the preliminary studies need to be further investigated to determine the
impact of the management practices on soil mineralogy and nutrition and soil organic matter accumulation.
Thus the goal of the proposed study is to improve our understanding of the response of soil minerals, and
soil organic matter to the disturbance caused by management practices that change ecosystem temperatures
and to provide further and continuous training opportunity for AAMU students in soil, water, and
environmental sciences.
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This component has two main objectives:
Investigate the soil clay mineral transformation pathways and mechanisms of highly weathered soils
that are managed with prescribed burning;
Investigate the long-term effects of prescribed burning on soil clay mineral-organic interaction
This year’s activities (October 1 – July 31, 2011) related to each specific objective are as follow:
Objective 1: Investigate the soil clay mineral transformation pathways and mechanisms of highly weathered
soils that are managed with prescribed burning
We had previously reported that prescribed burning seems to play a role in mineral weathering at the research
site. That suggestion was based on our identification of x-ray diffraction peaks at22.5, 7.92 angstroms (Å),
indicating presence of a mica-vermiculite-layered mineral, possibly, hydrobiotite; a weathering product of
mica in pre-and post-burn soil samples. Pre-burn soilsamples showed 10.17Å peaks that were absent in the xray patterns of the post-burn samples suggesting the transformation of the mineral at the treatment sites. This
year, we are preparing to collect more pre-treatment soil and organic matter samples from the prescribed
burning sites one or two weeks before the next burning treatment is applied. We are also preparing to collect
posttreatment samples one or two weeks after the treatments have been applied. The sampling will be
coordinated with the BNF management who applies the treatment. Temperature lacquers have been acquired
for monitoring the intensity of the burning during the actual burning treatment application. The temperature
lacquers will be installed at the sites during the burning treatment exercise in order to investigate temperaturetransformation conditions of the soil minerals. We are in the process of procuring both field and laboratory
materials that will be needed to carry out this objective.
Objective 2: Investigate the long-term effects of prescribed burning on soil clay mineral-organic interaction
This objective is being planned to be carried out I stages throughout the life of the project. We are making
efforts to recruit a minority student that will be trained to assist in carrying out the objective. That student
will be trained on how to carry out fieldwork to collect material samples for this type of research. The
student will also be trained to perform laboratory analysis and data collection as well as data interpretation.
We are making arrangements to collect pre-treatment forest floor and soil samples from burning sites just
before the treatment is applied, when the Bankhead National Forest management is ready for the next
treatment. We plan to collect both pre-and post-treatment samples from soil profiles with soil bucket augers.
Once the samples are collected, we will: ( 1 ) prepare the samples for analysis to determine the type of soil
organic matter accumulating in the soil horizons with depth; ( 2 ) assess interactions between soil minerals
and the organic matter; and ( 3 ) assess the possible mechanisms for soil organic matter (SOM)
accumulation. We are in the process of acquiring the equipment and supplies that are needed to carry out the
work. Significant supplies will be needed to for running organic matter analysis as well as more specialized
analysis for clay mineral-organic matter interactions.
Annual Report: 1036600
The Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD) subproject is an integral part of our NSF-CREST’s
CFEA program at AAMU. Understanding the dynamics of landscape changes in response to disturbances and
the resulting socioeconomic and ecological impacts have enormous significance for ecology, biodiversity,
carbon (C) stock and land cover change research (Lambin et al. 2001, Rindfuss et al. 2004). The fundamental
goal of the CD subproject is to further understand the two-way interaction between the forested landscape and
humans at varying scale. The research objectives are organized in three interrelated components: 1) Impact of
watershed-level forest management on hydrological processes, forest structure, and C stocks, 2) Land use
strategies and forest land cover changes influence on the provision of ecological services, and 3)
Environmental and aesthetics impacts of outdoor recreation and biomass harvesting on the forest ecosystem.
We are also continuing to collect, develop, and analyze relevant spatial and temporal data on forestry land-use
strategies and the associated land-cover changes. In this phase of the research these data are examined through
the lens of landowners, community organizations, and institutions while capturing the interaction of these
groups, and how their perceptions, management strategies, and land-uses have changed provisional,
functional, and recreational ecosystems goods and services in the southern Cumberland and Black Belt region
of Alabama, important national hotspots for forestry resources, biodiversity and divergent socioeconomic
attributes. This research is capturing the human-ecological knowledge of landscape changes such as
hydrological systems and C sequestration not explicitly explored during the research effort in the first cycle of
the project. The importance of this information became very evident during the first cycle with the growing
realization that there is a very limited understanding of the relationship between global climate change, local
ecological zones and the provision of ecological goods and services. The importance of this phase of the
research is our ability to continue to add to the body of knowledge and by integration of data for example on
C, Nitrogen and water fluxes collected by the other two Forest Community Responses and Dynamics (FC),
and Forest Ecosystem Function and Process (FE) subproject teams on the Bankhead National Forest (BNF)
into a spatially-explicit dataset for improved understanding of coupled human-ecosystem relationship.
Analyses of these anthropogenic and other factors will allow our group to provide insights on how finer scale
human induced landscape modifying activities can be linked to a broader understanding of forest ecosystems
in the Black Belt and southern Cumberland regions. This study will fill theoretical and methodological gaps in
“Coupled Human and Natural System” research, in a forest context.
COMPONENT 1: Impact of Watershed Level Forest Management on Hydrological Processes, Forest
Structure, and Carbon Stocks
Significance and background:
In the southeastern U.S. forests make up 69 percent of the land area. Forest land management strategies can
play an important role in maintaining the biodiversity, hydrological integrity, and C cycle and sequestration
(Skole and Tucker 1993, Kauffman et al. 2009). However, forest biodiversity is increasingly threatened due to
deforestation, fragmentation, climate change, and other stressors. This makes them an important player in
regional C budget, a major component of the regions biodiversity and a fundament part of the hydrological
systems. This component is first assessing forest communities, hydrological systems and land management,
then through synergistic activities with FC and FE groups will evaluate the effect on forest structure and C.
The hydrology component is new to CFEA and is an integral part of the subprojects, landscape and
community. Our study area is a vital fresh water source and home for diverse unique aquatic species in the
Annual Report: 1036600
region. Maintaining an intact forest floor and promoting rapid vegetation recovery is critical for minimizing
the magnitude and duration of sediment transport (surface erosion), and downstream sediment delivery
(delivery of suspended solids), (Dale and Joyce 2000).
Understanding the interactions between climate variance, disturbances, and forest systems may be critical in
determining how regional climate trend expresses its effect on forest hydrology (Zhanga and Oswald 1999,
Flanigan and Stocks 2000, Hanson and Weltzin 2000). Another important contribution to CFEA’s overall
effort is the assessment of the watershed level biomass and C stock. To accurately assess and derive these
parameters and develop accurate forest community maps, current techniques such as per-pixel, textural,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and object-oriented classification algorithms will be used (Halounová
2003, Hay et al. 2005, Hájek 2006). Spectral analysis, combined with additional information, e.g., terrestrial
measurements, and the integration of GIS within the automated classification procedures, is the current
approach used for mapping forest structures (Förster and Kleinschmit 2006). This will lead to more effective
spatially, and temporally detailed land cover and C stock estimates. The need for reliable and accurate
measurement of C is increasingly important, particularly for sustainable forest management, monitoring
global climate change and forest productivity (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007). The
narrowing of the uncertainties and potential errors associated with the quantification of forest biomass are
needed to improve the accuracy of C estimates (Kauffman et al. 2009). The application of contemporary
remote sensing techniques and development of more accurate forest communities’ data at a watershed level is
thus important for long-term monitoring of changes in forest structure and changes in the C account.
Traditional tools such as maps, diagrams, tables or texts often fail to communicate scientific results to the
general public. Three dimensional (3-D) visualization can display forest changes over time, including changes
caused by management activities (timber harvesting, planting, and thinning) and disturbances (fire, wind,
disease), and it can also demonstrate future development based on existing data and modeling (Wang et al.
2006, and Wissen et al. 2008). Integration of remote sensing techniques and landscape level forest community
models need to be followed with tools like 3-D visualization to integrate the science to the management.
Temporal and 3-D visualization tools allow forest managers to use these models in their long-term planning
and assist in communicating to non-technical users including politicians and the general public.
Results from previous studies:
In the first phase of CFEA research we examined the relationships between forestland owners and
stakeholders and how they influence or respond to disturbances of the ecosystem. Geodatabase have been
developed for the Black Belt and southern Cumberland Plateau study areas. These databases have been shared
with other Center participants (faculty, students, and staff) and community stakeholders, and have assisted in
creating synergy among the groups in the CFEA. Research conducted at BNF also included classification of
multi-temporal (19752005) Landsat to illustrate changes in forest cover over time (Nwaneri et al. 2006,
Tadesse et al. 2006). Stephens et al. (2008) investigated the use if LiDaR and color infrared image to measure
forest stand characteristics at BNF. Gyawali (2007) and Brown (2009) also investigated the impact of human
disturbances on land cover change by assessing changes in demographic, socioeconomic, community capital,
and land cover types. Disturbance was evaluated the Cumberland Plateau by estimating disturbance indices
from Landsat imagery. This work has been integrated into models of the distribution of regional invasive
plants (Lemke et al. 2009). A Ph.D. student (graduation May 2010) has utilized the Land Transformation
Model (Pijanowski et al. 2000), which integrates GIS, remote sensing techniques, geostatistics and Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) to study the past, current and forecast the future land use changes of north Alabama.
We have also studied the potentials and opportunities of wet-season rain harvesting to make better use of
Annual Report: 1036600
water resource across the state of Alabama for extensive agricultural use (Wagaw et al. 2009). In the above
referenced research, a regional approach, which would take the localized long-term land cover,
geomorphology and ground water bearing capacity into account, was proposed.
For the current funding period, this component is focusing on integration of digital data with field-based
measurements to develop more accurate forest assessment tools with the following specific objectives:
Assess carbon stock through modeling of forest communities and improve forest vegetation mapping;
Develop geospatial-based virtual forest landscape using 3D visualization applications as a
communication and decision making tool;
Study the long-term hydrologic store/flux process in the BNF.
This year’s (October 1 – July 31, 2011) activities related to each specific objective are described below:
Objective 1: Assess carbon stock through modeling of forest communities and improve forest vegetation
Specific activities under this objective include:
In the first year, the focus for objective 1 was on data collection and collation. Data collection of vegetation
plots at BNF was done by the USFS under the supervision of Dr. Schweitzer. This work is described under
subproject one (Ecological Community Responses and Dynamics (EC). Geospatial database was further
developed as described under objective 2. All base data has been collected and classification of imageries for
additional temporal period will start later this year.
Under the above objective, two additional projects are currently underway that also assess forest structure at
a regional level. The first project is funded through the USFS and integrates geospatial data and information
from forest inventory analysis (FIA) to model potential distribution of invasive plants at regional scale. The
second project is funded through the Office of Surface Mining and the objective is to assess the impact
mining reclamation may have on the nonnative species component of forest in the southern Cumberland
Activities for the first project, assessing of nonnative plants at a regional level, included two trips to the USFS
Southern Research Station FIA office in Knoxville TN and data extraction from their data warehouse for
model development. A large scale geodatabase was developed for the Southern region including climate,
topographical and anthropogenic variables. Two publications have come from this work with a third nearly
Activities for the second project include field sampling from June through October 2010 in the shale hills
region of the southern Cumberland Plateau. One hundred and twelve, 405 m (1/10acre) plots were surveyed.
GPS coordinates, date, time, forest type (pine, mixed or hardwood), regeneration type (natural or planted),
distance to established forest, and forest age was recorded. All trees with > 25 mm diameter at breast height
(DBH, ca 1.4 m above ground level) were recorded for species and categorical DBH (25 to 75 mm, 75 to 150
Annual Report: 1036600
mm, 150 to 225 mm, 225 to 375 mm, or greater than 375 mm). An increment borer was used to obtain a tree
core from the largest accessible tree in each plot. Additional data was collected at two circular, 1.8 m radius,
sub points, 3.7 m north and south from the plot center. Percentages of overstory, midstory, and understory
cover were determined and the dominate species in each story was identified. Ground variables were recorded
as percent cover of rock, bare soil, litter (tree and grass were estimated separately), non-vascular plants and
fungi, and downed woody debris. A hand-held spherical densitometer was used to determine the density of the
forest canopy. Leaf litter and humus depth was measured via a ruler to the nearest mm at each sub-point. Soil
samples were taken at each sub plot using a soil auger after removing unconsolidated materials from the soil
surface. Soil sample was collected from the top 125 mm (rooting zone). If invasive species were present at the
plot level they were recorded categorically as either few, abundant or profuse. Further, adaptive sampling was
undertaken 33.5 m in each cardinal direction from the plot center when invasives were found in the main plot,
resulting in a total of 377 plots.
Lab analysis of soil samples was conducted for available micronutrients and macronutrients. Soil pH was
measured in water at a soil to solution ratio of 1:2, and the filtered extract was used for electrical conductivity
measurements using an Orion conductivity meter (model 160). Available micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn)
were extracted using DTPA method (Lindsay and Norvell 1978), while macronutrients (K, Ca, Mg, P, Na)
were extracted using Mehlich 3 solution (Mehlich 1984). The first manuscript from this work is currently
under preparation, with another two to follow. Work from both of the projects has been presented at several
conferences though out the year.
Objective 2: Develop geospatial-based virtual forest landscape using 3D visualization applications as a
communication and decision making tool
The initial focus for the 3-D visualization objective is to extract and develop the relevant digital database and
acquire the necessary hardware and software that will allow us to complete the task. We will also utilize the
digital database that was developed during the first funding period.
Data sets and software needed to construct BNF visualizations at landscape, stand, and plot level The 3-D
visualization objective will be accomplished by generating realistic tree images from two sources: field
photographs edited using advanced computer photo-editing techniques, and tree images designed using
TreeProfessional software (Onyx Computing, Inc, Cambridge, Massachusetts).
Additional activity that contributed to the geospatial data development was the completion of MS thesis by
Mr. Szymanski Fields in May 2011. Aerial platform discrete Light Detection and Ranging (LiDaR) and Color
Infrared imagery (CIR) was incorporated to quantify forest structures and distinguish coniferous trees from
deciduous trees for selected stands within the BNF. The broader focus of this study was to provide
information and models to advance some forestry inventory methods as many agencies and companies
transition from labor-intensive, field-derived stand characteristics to more cost-effective and punctual systems
of using remotely sensed data. The ability of LiDaR to accurately measure individual tree heights was
assessed through interpolation of LiDaR point clouds for the selected stands. Tree species was classified using
object-based classification of CIR via ENVI EX© software. The classification accuracy was statistically
evaluated and validated through the implementation of commission and omission error, user and producer
error calculations. Tree locations and heights in the form of a Canopy Height Model were derived from LiDaR
Annual Report: 1036600
bear earth returns, processed by a Digital Terrain Model; vegetation point clouds were processed via a Digital
Surface Model. The resulting LiDaR tree height measurements were then modeled using TreeVaW© software
package and compared with ground measured tree heights from each corresponding plot. An independent Ttest was applied to assess the measurement accuracy of LiDaR. The results suggest that LiDaR derived
measurements rival traditional in-situ methods in tree parameter estimation accuracy, and can exceed in-situ
methods in cost-effectiveness and data collection time.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 3: Study the long-term hydrologic store/flux process in the BNF
The hydrology objective requires two main data inputs: multi-scale high resolution satellite and aerial
imageries to extract forest cover and land use, stream measurement, and soil moisture. To date imagery has
been obtained, equipment for stream and soils moisture measurement have been purchased and currently the
process for installation permission is being undertaken. The installation of permanent equipment on Federal
lands requires an open public permitting process and currently this is out for public review, no issues are
foreseen. This has been accomplished by regular e-mail communications and office visits by Dr. Wagaw and
graduate student Bobby Riley with Forest Service personnel. Detail discussion on the location of
instrumentation, giving preference to sites based on immediate merit, types of instruments allowed to be
placed in the US Forest Service managed federal land, and compliance needs were discussed in detail to get
the permission of field instrumentation at BNF. Currently all paper work had been submitted and citizen
hearing on our intent is underway.
Geological Survey of Alabama (GSA) office has been visited to acquire available analog and digital data of
the study area and the larger southeastern U.S. region. We have acquired over two hundred monographs,
reports, circulars from the GSA—which stands very close to our research interest and geographic area; this
includes both current and historical information. Further, to establish a baseline data for our research, we have
obtained over two hundred scanned maps of different scales from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
By initiating request to get historical flow records from the Tennessee Valley Authority, ADECA, and
Alabama Office of Water Resources, we are in the process of getting detailed water use for the Bankhead
National forest and the State of Alabama at large.
Bobby Riley has been recruited as a MS student and has been working on the hydrology component since
February, 2011. He has done most of the work in developing his MS thesis proposal outline on tentatively
titled “Quantitative Study of the Long-Term Hydrologic Process in the Bankhead National Forest.” In
addition, he is also working with his advisor, Dr. Wagaw, , and gaining experience on acquiring
instrumentation from vendors, including first contact, internal performance and price comparison check-up,
follow-up, requisition initiation, purchasing order issuing and the eventual receiving of research instruments.
Work-study undergraduate students, Feron Washington and Abraham Kassaye, have also been engaged in this
component. Together with Dr. Wagaw they undertook soil profile investigation at three various locations in
the study region to further narrow down the location where our long-term measurement sensor will be
installed, figure given below.
Characterizing soil for identifying and selecting permanent sensor placement sites.
Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 2: Land-use strategies and forest land cover changes influence on the provision of
ecological services
Significance and background:
This component’s contribution to CFEA’s research is examining a universal problem, the conversion of landcover, the effects of these changes on ecological services, and the associated ecological issues (Alig et al.
2004). Economic expansion in the 20th century had taxed natural resources severely, and these demands will
continue to increase. This research will provide some answers to the perplexing question, “How can we wisely
utilize natural resources (e.g., forest land) and at the same time protect the environment and maintain a high
quality of ecological services and sustain economic growth?” The role of anthropogenic drivers is becoming
more important as landowners adopt a wider variety of land-use strategies to match the variability of their
resources and their needs (Fox et al. 2003). Such interventions cause both land-cover fragmentation and
consolidation. Human land use strategies at micro level affect land-cover change through conversion,
modification, or maintenance activities that may lead to landscape fragmentation or consolidation and cause
broader impacts on forest ecosystem. Exogenous forces may also play a role in land cover changes at the
micro scale, or even at larger scales. Linking finer scale land use strategies with broader scale land-cover
change patterns may provide more accurate explanations of the processes and their driving forces (Lambin et
al. 2001, Fox et al. 2003). Studies have shown the importance of linking household and remote sensing data at
the parcel level for the accurate interpretation of the land cover change and forest fragmentation and wildlife
habitat in Northern Vietnam (Fox et al. 2003), Africa (Lambin 2003), China (Liu et al. 2003), Thailand
(Rindfuss et al. 2003) and Amazon Basin (Moran et al. 2003). For forest ecosystem research, micro-scale data
that represent human response and feedback to land-cover change and forest ecosystems are needed (Fox et al.
2003, Wu and Hobbs 2007). Therefore, future research requires collection of more robust and empirical data
to better understand the impacts of human land-use strategies on forest ecosystems.
Results from previous studies:
This component builds on the results and an understanding of the limitations developed during the first phase
of the CFEA/CREST. Initial studies identified available secondary data, establishing some of the baseline
information of the regions, and preliminary analyses of socioeconomic conditions, level of stakeholder’s trust,
timber harvesting, land clearing, urbanization, and transformation of agricultural land to forest or other land
uses (Fraser et al. 2005, Tadesse et al. 2006, Brown and Fraser 2008, Gyawali et al. 2009). We learned that
there was differential forest growth across the regions (Gyawali 2007), landowners level of trust is a major
influence on forest management decisions (Brown 2009, Fraser et al. 2009), and there was early evidence of
land cover fragmentation in the Black Belt region (Gyawali 2007). Detailed analysis of some counties of the
Black Belt region also showed that the majority of forestlands were owned by absentee landowners or
corporate owners whose land-use strategies were different from other landowners (Fraser et al. 2005).
However, these studies show a weak relationship between human driving forces and land cover changes in the
study region (CFEA 2008). A possible reason for this is the secondary data used did not truly capture the
landowners’ land-use strategies. Variation and changes in the landownership is another important factor
contributing to land cover type (Bliss and Bailey 2005, Fraser et al. 2005, Gyawali 2007). The lack of
digitized landownership data limited this type of analysis. It has become apparent in moving forward with this
research that digital parcel data for the regions and information on landowner decision making strategies are
critical to understanding landscape fragmentation and land cover change. Chen and Fraser (2009) indicated
that increasing private lands in the BNF causes spatial complexity for regional forest dynamics. The spatial
and temporal dynamics of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at three adjacent areas with
different proportions of private land (6%, 20% and 55%) in the Bankhead National Forest from 1998 to 2004
Annual Report: 1036600
were examined to identify the impacts of human activities on local and regional ecological processes. A
higher proportion of private land (e.g., 55%) resulted in decrease of annual mean, coefficient of variance,
seasonal maximum, and absolute value of rate of increase/decrease for NDVI values as well as increase in
seasonal minimum NDVI and decrease in spatial coupling and synchrony of NDVI dynamics. Chen (2008)
also studied topological properties in the spatial distribution of amphibians in Alabama for the purpose of
large-scale conservation. In this study, we would like to further understand the topological relationship
between land change and biodiversity and ecological services.
Proposed research:
We are studying the relationship between forest land use, ecological services and human settlement
patterns in the BNF and Black Belt region. Three objectives will be pursued:
Extend the land-cover change geodatabase for 1950-2010 for the BNF and Black Belt region of
Alabama and characterize the general trends of landscape change in the study areas;
Determine the effects of landowner strategies and ownership types on the patterns of land cover types
change, forest composition change and forest fragmentation and consolidation;
Identify the relationships between forest landscape structure and major ecological functions.
This year’s (October 1 – July 31, 2011) activities related to each specific objective are described below:
Objective 1: Extend the land-cover change geodatabase for 1950-2010 for the BNF and Black Belt region of
Alabama and characterize the general trends of landscape change in the study areas
Continuous efforts have been made to collect historical aerial photos of the Black Belt region. Multiple
contacts were made with county offices of Natural Resources conservation services (NRCS), and Farm
Service Agencies (FSA). Available online acquisition of raw aerial photos, 2010 Landsat TM and other high
resolution data for some areas of eight Black Belt counties are in progress. Currently, internal inventory of
all geospatial data is being developed and updated and the data which is not available in the Geospatial Lab
are being acquired from public or private sources, such as NAIP/NCAAP, University of Alabama-Map
library or other private companies.
Graduate and undergraduate work study students will be trained for preprocessing and classification of
Landsat and other high resolution imageries beginning September 2011. Landsat 2010 will be classified first
followed by 1975 data and both will be considered as benchmark data for comparison and change detection.
Then the five years interval data from 2005, 1995, 1985, and 1975 will be classified. Classification of 1980,
1990, and 2000 maps have been completed in the first CFEA project cycle.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Description of data and current status for Black Belt counties.
Objective 2: Determine the effects of landowner strategies and ownership types on the patterns of land cover
types change, forest composition change and forest fragmentation and consolidation
Major activities pursued in the first year relate to the preparation of landowners database and survey
questionnaire to explore variations in landowners’ strategies on different patterns of land cover and
landownership change. Collection of landowners’ information from eight counties and verifying their
residential address are being conducted for sampling purpose. The verification of addresses is done using
Google Earth. The addresses are collected from various sources, such as AAMU’s small farms research
center, sign in sheets of the participants who attended previous land management workshops and parcel maps.
First the landowners’ addresses are located in the Google Earth and their address point locations are converted
to a vector shapefile using ‘Kmi2Shp Online’ extension. Then ‘Network Analysis’ will be used to compute
distance from the city centers, rivers, properties (if they live off the farm), and other landscape, household and
parcel level attributes for further analysis. This work has begun for Greene, Dallas, Crenshaw and Perry
Counties. Undergraduate student Tyler Pearson was involved in identifying and categorizing landowners into
small, medium and large landowners in Greene County and selecting samples for survey. Tyler Pearson was
also involved in reviewing literatures on land use strategies for developing survey. A draft version of the
survey has been developed which will be finalized and pretested once a new graduate student is hired in Fall
2011. Graduate and undergraduate students will be hired in fall 2011 and continuously work on stratifying
landowners based on different ownership types and other variations and finalize samples. Questionnaire will
be sent out to the selected landowners in early Spring 2012.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 3: Identify the relationships between forest landscape structure and major ecological functions.
Work has begun in collecting historical data related to land use, forest coverage, water and air condition at
Bankhead National Forest (BNF) and the surrounding area. Initial field monitoring for air quality across
BNF and the surrounding area was conducted in May, 2011. Spatially explicit air temperature, humidity,
CO2, CH4, aerosol and other information were measured. Exploring the relationship between society and
forestry, the forest plantation change in the all counties across the State of Alabama was investigated with
its relationship to local human population and economic development during the past seven decades. Forests
also provide habitats for wildlife, such as amphibians. Based on the historical information, the spatial
geometry of amphibian distribution across Alabama was also studied.
A graduate student (Mr. James Fountain) was recruited to work on this project and participated during
January and April, 2011. However, Mr. Fountain is more interested in pursuing an education major and gave
up this position in May, 2011. Ms. Emily Summers is currently working as a research intern. She has applied
to graduate school and is interested in working on our project. She is currently reading literature and writing
her proposal while conducting field measurement on air quality.
COMPONENT 3: Environmental and aesthetics impacts of outdoor recreation and biomass harvesting
on forest ecosystem
Significance and background:
This component is contributing to the overall CFEA’s research efforts by examining the use of forest
resources for timber production and outdoor recreation and the resulting social, ecological, and economic
benefits (Collins and Brown, 2007, Marion and Rogers, 1994). The fact that today’s loggers and outdoor
recreationists have larger and faster equipment and less outdoor skills than loggers and outdoor recreationists
did 100 years ago no doubt complicate the problem of minimizing ecological impacts resulting from
harvesting and recreation (Collins and Brown 2007). Research on outdoor recreation is a new, yet important
part of the CFEA project. Several forms of outdoor recreation activities are pursued within the BNF. These
activities do impact trails, campsites, and other natural resource components and could have implications for
biological diversity as well as the potential for the introduction of invasive species. Information on the nature
and extent of such impacts as well as the potential long-term implications on ecosystem health are critical for
the formulation of sound management decisions. With few exceptions, outdoor recreation related ecological
impact studies have been undertaken in the western U.S. (Marion and Cole 1996). A few studies have been
undertaken in the northeastern region of the country but there is no evidence in the literature to indicate that
similar empirical studies have been completed in the southeastern USA (Marion and Cole, 1996). The fact that
the “Piedmont Crescent” defined as the corridor from north-central North Carolina to the Birmingham area in
Alabama has been identified as an area where there is heavy recreation pressures on forest resources (Cordell
and Tarrant 2002) lends further justification for the proposed study. The US-Forest Service continuously
collects visitor satisfaction information as well as periodic studies of visitor activities (Cordell and Tarrant
2002). However, very little analyses of these data are available. Primary research is needed to determine
specific information about the recreational visitors, their preferred sites and activities. Outdoor recreationists
are very active members of the Bankhead Liaison Panel (BLP) and they influence management decisions
about the forestland uses such as timber harvesting, prescribe burning, and outdoor recreation (Brown 2009).
Obviously, the degradation of the resources of the BNF could possibly result in significant socioeconomic
Annual Report: 1036600
challenges for Alabama and could have a profound impact on the recreational experience and satisfaction of
visitors. Very limited data is available on the ecological impacts of outdoor recreation at the BNF. There is no
research on timber harvesting aesthetic impact at the BNF, either. The proposed study will help to fill these
gaps. Tenyah (2009) conducted his research on impact of different harvesting methods in the treatment blocks.
These blocks were thinned during 2005-2007 and no harvesting will occur in the next five years. We will
continue to monitor and assess harvesting operations at a larger scale (outside the treatment blocks) to capture
watershed effects. Furthermore, we intend to include harvesting biomass for energy in our study. The Forest
Service has begun harvesting for biomass at the Talladega National Forest, and it seems very likely that BNF
may be included as biomass harvesting site, considering that the International Paper plant located nearby in
Courtland, AL is already buying biomass for energy production.
Research from previous studies:
Many trail studies have concluded that soil loss is one of the ecological impacts resulting from trail use (Cole
1983, Christian 1996, Marion and Olive 2006). A small number of similar studies have shown that in a few
instances “steady state” trail conditions were maintained in the short-term. In an analysis of spatial patterns of
recreational impacts at campsites Cole and Monz (2004) concluded that intermediate use levels resulted in a
radial pattern of impacts, the highest level of impacts being concentrated close to the camp’s center. This
conclusion is consistent with our findings (Christian 1996) which investigated ecological impacts along nature
trails on the island of Dominica. Soil disturbances also result from road or trail construction, equipment
traffic, and the dragging of material on the forest floor. The effects of these actions include physical
dislocation of and loosening of the soil, litter and topsoil removal, soil compaction, and disruption of activities
of soil microorganisms. Evidence suggests that there is a positive relationship between amount of use and
intensity of outdoor recreation ecological impacts (Hammitt and Cole 1987, Marion and Cole 1996). Studies
have also shown that trail slope and soil loss exhibit a strong positive relationship (Leung and Marion 1996).
This study will investigate some of these variables and relationships, thus helping to fill the void in the
literature (Marion and Cole 1996). Changes in resource conditions may be very obvious to users of impacted
sites, and subjective perceptions of such impacts do apparently influence recreation demand and use in respect
of the impacted sites (Siderelis et al. 2000, Hall and Cole 2007). Our studies have also shown that male and
female outdoor recreationists have different perceptions of changes in resource conditions (Christian 2010).
We also showed that park users’ perceptions of resource conditions were different in some respects to
prevailing site conditions. Commercial logging has also been identified as an issue by the public in relation to
the proposed Forest Health and Restoration Project of the BNF (USDA Forest Service 2003). There are two
primary ways to harvest timber -the conventional, tree-length (TL) harvesting method and the more
ecologically friendly methods such cut-to-length (CTL) harvesting. The latter 11 method is infrequently used
in north Alabama but it potentially has less impact on the soil and vegetation. However, this is a less cost
effective method and may explain why the method is not preferred. Our previous CFEA study (Tenyah 2009)
investigated impacts of different forest harvesting methods on the soil surface and compaction. Data loggers,
GPS units, and DMEs were used to record machine location and movement, plot locations and measuring
distances. We compared CTL and TL harvesting methods and found a significant difference in slash
distribution (higher in TL) and production costs (higher in CTL) and a significant difference in soil
compaction between trafficked and undisturbed areas. We also found a significantly higher number of residual
trees damaged during the TL harvesting method. Another CFEA study (Ndona-Makusa 2009) evaluated
protocols for producing woody biomass as an added-value production for renewable, cleaner energy. Different
aspects of woody biomass production were evaluated including cost of production, yield per acre, and
efficiency to produce electricity. Data were collected from six in-wood chipping operations in four different
Annual Report: 1036600
counties in Alabama. The chipping operations were integrated within traditional logging operations. The
specific elements of woody biomass production monitored were collecting, loading, and chipping of logging
residues. A significant difference in cost was found between producing hardwood-chips ($9.68/ton) and
producing pine-chips ($7.26/ton). The difference was explained by temporal factors in chipping hardwood.
Proposed research:
Four objectives have been pursued under this component:
To explore the relationship between visitors’ perceptions of resource conditions and actual resource
conditions at the BNF;
To evaluate and monitor the environmental and ecological impacts of outdoor recreation activities at
the BNF;
To monitor quantitatively timber and biomass harvesting activities at the BNF;
Assess harvesting environmental and ecological impacts on soil surface and compaction, residual
vegetation, and hydrologic processes at the BNF.
This year’s activities (October 1 – July 31, 2011) related to this component are as follows:
We are continuing our effort of recruiting a minority, master’s level student to support this component of the
overall CREST project. Notice of the available Graduate Assistantship opportunity has been shared at
professional conferences, with members of professional networks, and posted on campus. A draft survey
instrument to assess visitor perception of resource conditions at the BNF is being developed in anticipation of
the availability of a graduate student to assist with data collection in the near future.
In addition to the CREST Project Dr. Christian is currently working on a couple other projects, one of which
(Visitor Use Patterns at the Bankhead National Forest) is directly related to the CREST project whereas the
other (Status and Enhancement of Outdoor Recreation Private Sector Enterprises in Alabama’s Black Belt) is
somewhat less directly related. The primary objectives of Phase I of the Visitor Use Patterns at the Bankhead
National Forest study were to: ( a ) investigate the ethnicity, race, and other characteristics of visitors to the
Bankhead National Forest/Sipsey Wilderness Area (BNF/SWA); ( b ) introduce undergraduate students at an
HBCU to outdoor recreation research techniques; and ( c ) undertake outreach and extension for the purpose
of disseminating the results of the study and building community support for public land management efforts
in the State. Visitors to eight outdoor recreation sites within BNF/SWA were surveyed. An analysis of the site
characteristics, outdoor recreation opportunities, and range of available services were the parameters used in
guiding final survey site selection. Prior to the commencement of field work, Dr. Christian made a PowerPoint
presentation to the meeting of the Bankhead Liaison Panel (BLP). One senior undergraduate minority workstudy student participated in the different aspects of the project. Questionnaires were administered for three
days at each site. Adult visitors (i.e. persons 19 years or older) were invited to participate in the study. A total
of 227 completed questionnaires were returned. Whites/Caucasians (206 [90.7%]) were the largest racial
group, followed by American Indian/Alaskan natives (11 [4.8%]), Asians (3 [1.3%]), and Blacks/African
American (2 [0.9%]). American Indian (69 [30.4%]) was the largest ethnic group, followed by the Irish (17
[7.5%]), and Germans (14 [6.2%]). Whites/Caucasians participated in a range of outdoor recreation activities,
whereas the two Blacks/African Americans surveyed only participated in hiking and picnicking activities.
Preliminary study results have been shared with members of the BLP.
Annual Report: 1036600
Educational activities are a fundamental component of CFEA. Research at the Center has been integrated
into all levels of our educational activities, from kindergarten through to graduate school. Center faculty and
students visited kindergarten, elementary, and high school students in their classrooms throughout the year to
assist in teaching environmental and natural resource related subjects and to promote AAMU’s programs in
these areas. The CFEA faculty have formed partnerships—with a local high school (Johnson High School
[JHS]), the National Council of Science and the Environment, and North Alabama Center for Educational
Excellence—to carry out a national college access program known as the EnvironMentors Program. The
EnvironMentors Program prepares high school students from under-represented backgrounds for college
degree programs in environmental and related science fields. We matched minority high school students with
CFEA faculty mentors in one-to-one mentoring relationships. Working together, the students and their
mentors developed and worked science research projects. Additionally, every year we have collaborated with
Birmingham Water Work’s 'Water Ambassador' summer program to conduct a day-long field education
program to give over 100 students hands-on experience in molecular science, hydrology, soil science,
silviculture, wildlife, and plant science.
We were awarded an NSF grant to host an REU program for the past three years. Additionally, through a
supplement NSF grant, we were able to initiate a research experience for high school student programs, to
run parallel with the REU program. During the three year period, about 40 students from all over the
country spent 9-10 weeks at AAMU in the summer working with CFEA mentors on projects related to
CFEA research, and received training in research methodology, computer applications, scientific writing,
and ethics. Many of these students are pursuing or will pursue graduate degrees in STEM related fields. In
2010 we were awarded an NSF Undergraduate Research Mentoring (URM) grant, which expands our REU
program to a year-round program. We will be able to training 20 undergraduate students in next five years
to conduct CFEA related research. This program will provide a bridge for these students to pursue graduate
degrees in STEM fields. CFEA also provided work-study opportunities and practical projects for
undergraduate students to work on CFEA related research. Competitive research assistantships and an
expanded graduate curriculum that integrates CFEA research have been fundamental to the recruitment and
education of the graduate level students. We have also expended our educational activities into the
international arena by recently initiating China and Costa Rica international programs.
Curriculum development:
During the first funding period, five new graduate courses were added to the curriculum: ( 1 ) NRE 488/588
Wildlife Techniques, ( 2 ) NRE 731 Advances in Ecological Research, ( 3 ) NRE 701 Applied Forest Ecology,
( 4 ) Landscape Ecology, and ( 5 ) GIS -Spatial Analysis and Modeling were developed and approved by our
University to expand the curricula in support of CFEA graduate student training. A new online course,
Hardwood Forest Ecosystem Restoration (NRE 586), has been developed and offered by Dr. Dimov. It is a
part of an Online MS Certificate Program lead by the University of Florida and funded by the
USDA/CSREES Higher Education Challenge Grant Program. The study sites, research findings, students, and
PIs from the Center will be used to supplement this course. We are considering the development of several
new courses, including Design and Analysis of Ecological Research (700 level), and a Summer International
Internship in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. The other course to be developed is Introduction
to Chinese, to supporting our China initiative and meeting general interest of learning Chinese by students.
We expect to further develop the CREST Seminar Series, as a colloquia to which eminent scientists in
ecosystems dynamics are invited as guest lecturers.
Annual Report: 1036600
CFEA faculty has been actively involved with the recruitment effort of School of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences established with a focus on minorities, particularly graduate students in STEM
related fields. These recruitment efforts have included visits to various high schools and colleges in and out of
the state of Alabama through cooperation with the Admissions Office. Professors and graduate students
traveled to schools for their high school senior days to speak with students and faculty and distribute
information. Each thrust area was well documented in the recruitment material presented. The professors
attended conferences such as MANNRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences)
and community college fairs to recruit talented minority graduate students. For the REU program, information
pamphlets were sent to HBCU's (historically black colleges and universities) and other institutions with
limited research capacity to find the best qualified and highly motivated students. For the years of the REU
program (2007-2010), there were over 70 institutions represented by student applications. Our recruitment
efforts were very successful with the steady increase of both undergraduate and graduate students in the
various programs.
Development of the Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for 21st Century
Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science:
In collaboration with the recruitment team of the School of Agricultural and Environmental Science of
AAMU, the Center developed a proposal “Developing Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for
21st Century Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science” and has been funded by the USDA Cooperative
State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). We have established recruitment/on-line dual
credit partnerships with local and statewide high schools and initiated a series of recruitment activities. These
initiatives are critically needed because: ( 1 ) a significant underrepresentation of minorities in the professional
occupations of food and agriculture and an expected high demanding for workforce in these fields during the
next decade; ( 2 ) more than 30% decline of student enrolment at the School of Agricultural and
Environmental Science of Alabama A&M University during past few years; ( 3 ) online courses attract
traditional and non-traditional students; ( 4 ) dual credit programs facilitate a seamless transition from high
school to college; and ( 5 ) the need to overcome the stigma and legacy of the historical image of agriculture
by marketing the diverse career opportunities to parents, students, and teachers. Thus far, we have: developed
five online dual credit courses; established a databases of student contacts for follow up and assignment of
faculty advisors; identified key recruitment advisors including alumni, counselors, teachers, and
administrators; developed a list server and recruitment website to facilitate communication, effort tracking,
and bi-directional updating of prospective students’ information; initiated a ‘Professors at High Schools’
program to bring professors to high schools; brought teachers and prospective students to our campus for
summer apprenticeship programs or in-service training; and developed a recruitment CD and I-Port track for
student downloading. During the 2010 fall semester, 15 undergraduate students, all African Americans, signed
up for at least one of these courses. This program has attracted high school students to food and agricultural
science professions, helped their transition from high school to college life, enhanced the program viability of
AAMU, and are likely to enhance and diversify the nation’s work force of natural resources, agricultural, and
environmental professions. In 2011, AAMU’s President has agreed to waive all fees and tuitions for high
school students to sign up for these courses. We expect we will have more students signing up for these
courses in the fall of 2011.
Annual Report: 1036600
Competitive Research Assistantships:
Fourteen NSF-CREST funded graduate students were supported by CFEA. Competitive stipends of $20K/year
for M.S. students and $25K/year for Ph.D. students have allowed us to recruit and retain excellent minority
students. Four additional graduate students are currently engaged in CFEA wildlife research (Thrust Area II).
Others are involved in related forest wildlife assessment research projects funded by other agencies. Graduate
students have been recruited by CFEA support staff and from other universities to work with us as well. One
lingering problem in our ability to continue to recruit high quality graduate students is the University’s lack of
commitment to waiving the out-of-state portion of the graduate students’ tuition. We have had to use some
CFEA funds to retain out-of–state students while they sought Alabama residency.
Lab Meetings:
Lab meetings have been organized by faculty and graduate students within the Center. These are used as an
opportunity to discuss needs, concerns and achievements. It has helped to develop stronger synergy within
the group and build a solid support structure for students. These meetings are also used to discuss recent
advances in their field, especially new technology and research findings in the literature.
The FireDawg Crew was mobilized in April 2011 to assist in recovery and clean-up in the tornado damaged
areas in and around Guntersville, Harvest, and Cullman, Alabama. We also assisted AFC and small private
landowners with seven prescribed burns on 369 acres of forestland. In March of 2011 the FireDawg crew set
up a booth and fire demonstration at the Forest Fair day on the AAMU Campus. In the summer of 2010 ten
FireDawg crew members were employed for internships with USFS, BLM, NPS, and USFWS on various fire
details thought-out the US. Summer 2011 these same agencies are employing 16 FireDawg students in fire
crews in several western states and in the wildfires in South Georgia and North Florida. Employer response to
the success of the FireDawg program has been extremely positive and we have secured an additional $20,000
USFS grant for equipment, supplies and training. Additionally, we secured a $14,000 grant for 2010-2011
from the Alabama Forestry Commission to compensate FireDawgs for activation to various details during the
school year. To date, $7,000 of this grant has been paid to individual FireDawgs crew members that have been
activated to fire and tornado details. We are scheduled to expend the remaining $7,000 in the fall semester for
prescribed burn details in the tornado timber damage areas. The AFC has committed to renewing this grant for
FY 2011-12 and has made a state funding request to increase the grant amount due to past successes.
Other related activities include: Thinning and Burning to Restore Upland Hardwood Stands on the William B.
Bankhead National Forest meeting hold at BNF with their staff, along with AAMU CREST research partner
on Nov 15, 2010 at Double Springs, Alabama. The meeting reviewed the progress to date of research
activities involving the 36 treatment stands, and presented data on the fire and fuels, and discussed continuing
research and new research partners. Upland Hardwood Silviculture Research on the Cumberland Plateau
meeting on March 8, 2011 at Asheville, NC. The participants Included USFS Southern Research Station
employees, it high-lightened the partnerships, including those via CREST and the National Forest System.
Annual Report: 1036600
Alabama A&M University China Exchange Program:
Alabama A&M faculty and students of the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences acquired
research, educational, cultural, and language experiences in China from June 18 to July 14, 2010 through a
faculty and student exchange program with Nanjing Forestry University. Funded by the USDA -NIFA
International Science and Education Program, this three year project aims to strengthen AAMU's capacity
and capabilities to develop globally competent students and faculty through collaborative partnerships with
universities and research organizations in China, in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences.
Specifically, the program aims to: ( 1 ) provide opportunities to develop faculty and students' global
awareness, perspectives and experiential learning to enhance their competitiveness in an increasingly global
economy and environment; ( 2 ) enhance courses with international contexts to prepare and mentor students
for international opportunities in agricultural and environmental sciences; and ( 3 ) enhance scientific
research and teaching capabilities of AAMU faculty via exposures to international resources and
Participants of the 2010 trip were: Drs. Yong Wang (Project Director), Zachary Senwo, Xiongwen Chen,
Robert Taylor, Govind Sharma, Wubishet Tadessee and students Dawn Lemke, Na-Asia Ellis, and Jasmine
Mitchell. A memorandum of understanding was developed between the College of Forestry and Environment
Science of Nanjing Forestry University and the School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of
AAMU. Dr. Robert Taylor was also awarded the honorary professorship by the Nanjing Forestry University.
Several research and teaching initiatives are currently on going and includes development of a REU-China
program with NSF funding.
This trip also featured visits to other universities and research institutions including Beijing Forestry
University, China Agricultural University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing Agricultural University,
Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Soil Science of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, and Shanghai Research Institute of Landscape Gardening. The team also visited several research
sites and several companies focused on developing and manufacturing wood and bamboo products. To better
understand China’s history, culture and recent developments, the team also visited some historical sites such
as the Great Wall, Ming's Tomb, Summer Palace, Forbidden City, and the City of Shanghai.
Alabama A&M University and Tuskegee University Summer Enrichment Program at EARTH University
of Costa Rica :
Alabama A&M and Tuskegee Universities, in partnership with EARTH University of Costa Rica, initiated a
summer internship and experiential learning program in Costa Rica in 2010. The goal of the program is to
broaden and strengthen faculty and students’ global competence in agricultural and natural resource sciences,
and provide them with cultural, social, international education and research opportunities. The program
strengthens both universities’ capacities and capabilities in developing globally competent students and
faculty in food, agriculture, natural resources and environmental sciences. The program activities include to: (
1 ) promote the development and enhancement of new curricula and related materials to meet changes
anticipated within domestic and international agriculture, natural resources, environmental sciences, and food
systems; ( 2 ) strengthen faculty knowledge base to enable better preparation and mentoring of students for
international career opportunities in a global competitive environment; ( 3 ) expose students to the
Annual Report: 1036600
implications of agriculture, natural resources and environment in Central America, specifically in Costa Rica;
( 4 ) provide the practical context for understanding Costa Rica's agriculture and natural resource base; ( 5 )
broaden students' breadth and understanding of the global agricultural community; ( 6 ) compare the
agricultural, social and cultural values of Costa Rica with those of the United States; ( 7 ) develop an
international research and education exchange and scholars program with EARTH University of Costa Rica
for our mutual benefit; ( 8 ) develop a consortium among 1890 institutions to explore international research
and education opportunities. Our long-term goal is to have an international internship exchange and education
program at AAMU and TU. Costa Rica is renowned worldwide for its impressive diversity of flora, fauna,
array of landscapes, tropical and subtropical climate, vast rainforest and rich biodiversity.
During 2010, a proposal was funded by USDA Capacity Building Grant with CFEA personnel as co-PIs (Drs.
Zachary Senwo and Yong Wang). We then developed brochures and application materials. We recruited
students across both AAMU and Tuskegee campuses and four students were selected for the program. These
students went on a four week internship program at EARTH University. The program was very successful,
and the students gained firsthand experience in natural resource and agricultural sciences in a third-world
country. Based on this year’s experience, we will send more students to EARTH University next year and will
develop two courses for the internship in the near future.
Annual Report: 1036600
Research and Educational Findings
COMPONENT 1: Forest Vegetation Responses to Prescribed Burning and Thinning and Effects of
Wildlife Browsing and Microclimate (Drs. L. Dimov and C. Schweitzer)
Objective 1: Determine the effects of the burning and thinning treatments from 5 to 10 years after treatment
on the change in woody (including overstory and regeneration) and herbaceous vegetation composition,
growth, competitive status, richness, cover, and diversity.
To date, all thinning treatments have been implemented, and all two cycles of prescribed burning (see Table
below). The Bankhead National Forest staff has done an outstanding job at implemented the study burns as
scheduled, and this is the only large-scale, replicated thin and burn study of its type in the Cumberland
Plateau. The tree basal area in the stands was on average 122 ft /ac to 139 ft /ac. Harvesting reduced basal
areas to 51 ft /ac in the treatment whose target was 50, and to 68 ft /ac in the treatment with target of 75 ft /ac.
Annual Report: 1036600
Current Results Related to Fuel Data:
The main effect of thinning was significant for duff, 10-hour, 1-hour, and bark immediately after thinning.
Compared to controls, thinning increased duff (+4.3 and +5.7 tons acre for 50 feet acre and 75 feet acre ,
respectively), 1-hour (+0.2 tons acre for both thinning treatments), 10hour (+1.6 and +1.4 tons acre for 50
feet acre and 75 feet acre , respectively), and bark loads (+0.4 and +0.3 tons acre for 50 feet acre and 75
feet acre , respectively). Three years following thinning, only leaf litter had significant differences with a
reduction of -1.1 and -0.8 tons acre in 50 feet acre and 75 feet acre treatments respectively. Burning and its
interaction with thinning was not significant after the first burn. After the second burn, leaf litter decreased by
0.5 tons acre , compared to controls, and bark increased by 0.1 tons acre . Duff, 1-hour, 10-hour, and fruit
Annual Report: 1036600
were not affected by the first or second burn.
Burning alone and in conjunction with thinning as applied in this study had minimal effects on fine fuels and
duff. Thinning produced more of a reduction in fine fuels than did burning, likely due to higher
decomposition rates related to increased sunlight hitting the forest floor. Based on these results, we do not
recommend prescribed fire in these stands to reduce fine fuel and duff loads, but recognize fire has other
benefits not measured in this study for vegetation diversity and wildlife habitat. Analysis is ongoing to better
understand how fire may alter species composition and plant growth and establishment.
Objective 2: Determine the effect of forest edge direction on vegetation dynamics and competitive status.
Objective 3: Quantify the effect of deer browsing on tree regeneration.
The work concerning objectives 2 and 3 are still in the initial stages of planning, recruitment,
development, and installation and no research findings are available at this time.
Objective 4: Use the information from objectives 1-3 to develop guidelines for achieving the desired
vegetation composition and structure.
The results from our work with the thinning and prescribed burning treatments suggested that three growing
season after treatment there is a greater number of non-woody species (n=67) than woody species (n=45) over
the subset of treatment stands. We recorded thirty forb species, seventeen vine species, and fourteen
graminoid species.
The most common species in the third growing season post-treatment were similar to the most common
species in the second season post-treatment. The most frequently occurring species overall were, Vitis
rotundifolia, Smilax rotundifolia, Rhus radicans, and Carex picta. They occurred in 100% of the stands. V.
rotundifolia had the highest average percent cover at 8.3 percent.
After C. picta, Stipa avenacea and Dicanthelium boscii were the most frequently occurring graminoids
and were found in 92% of the stands with an average cover of 2.1% and 1.00% respectively.
Forbs were much less common overall. The most frequently occurring forbs were Solidago arguta and
Chamaecrista fasciculata which both occurred in 58% of stands and had an average percent cover of 0.08%
and 0.05% respectively. Polystichum acrostichoides, Desmodium rotundifolium, and Euphorbia corollata
were found in 50% of stands and had average covers of 0.07%, 0.04% and 0.03% respectively. Relative
cover, richness and diversity in the different treatments after three growing seasons were very similar to
those after two growing seasons. Our similarity analyses showed that in the third growing season after
treatment, the stands subjected to a heavy thin alone were most similar to stands that received the
combination treatments (burn and thin). The stands that were burned alone were the most similar to the
control stands, and vice versa, but most dissimilar with the heavy and light thins alone, as well as the
combination treatments. The only vines to show a decrease in cover due to treatment implementation were
S. rotundifolia which decreased 1.43% in the burn alone stands, R. radicans, which decreased 1.05% in the
Annual Report: 1036600
burn and heavy thin stands, and B. scadens, which decreased 0.40% on the heavy thin alone stands. Our
indicator species analysis for the third post-treatment season helped us identify eight species for the heavy
thin, but none for the burn or no burn stands. Of the eight species identified for the heavy thin two were
vines (B. scandens, R. argutus), three were forbs (E. hieraciifolia, H. hypercoides, C. fasciculata), and three
were graminoids (C. picta, C. sessiliflorum, D. commutatum). The effects of burning and thinning on ground
layer vegetation varied according to the intensity and type of disturbance introduced. Overall cover and the
cover of graminoids were the highest in the stands treated with the heavy thin alone and the two
combination treatments. Vine cover increased the most in stands that were heavily thinned and these stands
should be monitored for V. rotundifolia growth to ensure negative impacts on tree regeneration are
mitigated. The stands treated with the burn alone had no change in overall cover or the cover of the
individual life form groups in either season. The only cover category that changed due to the light thin alone
was graminoid cover which increased in the second season, but returned to pre-treatment levels by the third
These results indicate that the most beneficial conditions for increasing the cover of ground layer vegetation
occurred in stands that were most heavily disturbed: stands treated with the heavy thin alone and the
combination treatments. Thinning appears to be the main factor in these changes with burning having an
additive effect. If a management goal is to increase graminoid richness managers should utilize a heavy thin or
a burn and either light or heavy thin. A combination of burning and heavy thinning will increase forb richness
and overall species diversity.
Other results: In addition to the research components of the CREST-CFEA, we have been working on a
couple of other projects that are related to CREST-CFEA research objectives.
a. Control of non-native invasive forest tree and shrub species without the use of synthetic chemicals
Main student working on this project: Jeanette Williams.
Preliminary results indicate that there is a highly significant difference in mortality when bush honeysuckle
is burned in winter or spring than when not burned at all (P<0.001). There is 93.3% greater mortality when
burning in winter and a 93.4% greater mortality when burning in spring compared to when the plants are
not burned. Overall, burning honeysuckle by this method increases mortality than not burning at all. There
was no significant difference found in mortality when burning in winter or spring (P<0.100) (see table
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: There was a positive correlation among the original number of stems and the amount of sprout growth
after a treatment, Adjusted R =0.48 (P<0.001):
Annual Report: 1036600
Above: Honeysuckle mortality after fire (left) and resprouting (right).
As the number of plant stems increases, the amount of stump sprouts also increases; thus it is recommended to
control the growth of honeysuckle before multiple stems can develop to reduce the amount of sprouts when
treatment of fire is applied. Stump sprouts grow in abundance after fire application on the main stems but
over time natural mortality from self-thinning occurs in the sprouts without burning them. This can be due to
competition between sprouts or a lapse in response to the original fire application on the stem. Although
burning honeysuckle in winter or spring causes a similar amount of mortality and it makes no difference when
burning should take place, it is recommended that burning should occur in the spring on young honeysuckle
plants that have not established multiple stems to reduce the amount of stump sprouting, and because spring is
the beginning of the growing season.
Preliminary analysis of the results for the smaller size class Chinese privet showed that when burning for 10
s and 20 s in spring results in 96% greater mortality for both burn times when compared to not burning at all
(P<0.001). Burning in winter for 10 s and 20 s resulted in 88% and 96% greater mortality, respectively, than
in the control (P<0.001). No significant difference in mortality was found between burning in winter for 10 s
versus in spring for 10 s (P=0.77). There was also no significant difference found when burning in winter for
20 s versus spring for 20 s (P=1.000). Similarly, no significant difference in mortality was found between
burning for 10 s or for 20 s in winter (P=0.750).
However, the results for the larger size class privet indicated that there was no significant difference between
mortality in the control versus mortality after a spring burn for 30 s, nor between control and mortality after
Annual Report: 1036600
spring burn for 40 s (P=0.413 and P=0.141, respectively with means at 36% mortality and 52%). Similarly,
no significant difference in mortality was found between control and winter 30 s burn (P=0.628), (mortality
at 28% for 30 s) as well as 40 s burn (P=0.841), (mortality at 20%). No significant difference in mortality
was found when burning for 30 or 40 s in spring (P=0.643), (mortality at 16% for 40 s) when burning for 30
s in winter or 30 s in spring (P= 0.992), (mortality at 8% spring 30 s), and when burning for 40 s in spring or
winter (P=0.465), (mortality at 32% for spring 40 s). No significant difference was found when burning in
winter for 30 seconds and 40 seconds (P=0.951), (mortality at 8% for winter 30 s).
The results so far indicate that high-intensity directed fire causes mortality in each of these invasive species
and that so far season of burn and length of burn generally have no effect on mortality. Therefore the
treatments can be applied for the shorter of the two burn times and over an extended period of the year. This
is especially important in controlling the spread of and ultimately eradicating invasive species near or around
sensitive species where other methods of control are incapable or unacceptable. The methods in this
experiment may be useful for ecological restoration of native species without the use of potentially toxic
b. Restoration of native species: effect of shade level and new fertilizer supplement on American
chestnut and of the supplement on bottomland oaks
Main student working on this project: Clint Patterson.
At the end of the second growing season the average American chestnut mortality in the open was
significantly higher, 88% (p≤0.01), than in the light and heavy shade where it was 22% and 29%,
respectively (the shaded portion is mortality that occurred during the second year and the open portion is
mortality that occurred during the first year; see table below):
Annual Report: 1036600
When compared to seedlings in the light shade, those in the heavy shade had similar hazard ratios and those
in the open were 10.5 times greater (see table below). The original height and RCD were significantly
different among the seedlings that survived in each treatment combination by the end of the first growing
season. However, neither of those measures of initial size were different for the survivors at the end of the
second year (all p>0.49). Seedlings grew more in the second growing season than the first. The percent
growth of the seedlings in RCD was greater than in height:
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Height marginal means of each fertilizer level within each shade level. The bars show the height at
planting, the first year growth increment, and the second year growth increment.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: RCD marginal means of each fertilizer level within each shade level. The bars show the RCD at
planting, the first year growth increment, and the second year growth increment. The two shade levels did not
have a different effect on any of the growth measures (all p>0.11):
Annual Report: 1036600
Seedlings that were sprayed multiple times (twice in 2009 and five times in 2010) had intermediate growth
values and were not significantly different from either of the other two groups. There was a significant shade
by fertilizer interaction effect on the absolute and relative RCD. For the seedlings in the light shade, those
treated once grew 72% in relative RCD, which was more than the growth of 45% for non-fertilized seedlings,
but was not different from the 52% growth of seedlings receiving multiple fertilizations.
Unfertilized seedlings in the heavy shade and seedlings in the heavy shade sprayed once grew at about the
same rate in absolute and relative RCD. Additionally, these seedlings both grew less in absolute and relative
RCD than the seedlings in the light shade treated once. Linear regression with each measure of growth after
two years as the dependent variable and the initial seedling measurements as predictors (height, RCD, number
of first order lateral roots) showed that number of first order lateral roots was a significant predictor only of
height growth (p=0.09) and relative height growth (p=0.07). For the first year growth, the number of first
order lateral roots was not a significant predictor for any of the variables (all p>0.16).
Below: Marginal means of each fertilizer level within each shade level for the four measures of rowth.
Relative growth is the growth as a proportion of the original size. Letters indicate significant difference with
Tukey-Kramer adjustment for multiple comparisons (α = 0.1).
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Marginal mean estimates of the change (growth) in dependent variables at the end of the second
growing season following treatments. Relative growth is the growth as a proportion of the original size.
Tukey-Kramer adjustment was used for multiple comparisons of significant treatment effects (α = 0.1). Means
in the same row with same letter are not
c. Use of LiDaR and color infrared imagery to measure forest characteristics in the William B.
Bankhead Forest, Alabama
Main student on this project: Szymanski Fields. A paired t-for all sampled trees (n=97, p-value < 0.00)
indicated a significant difference between LiDaR and ground measured average heights with an average
difference of 1.0 m. Linear regression modeling of the LiDaR and field measured height showed that aerial
platform discrete LiDaR derived measurements slightly underestimated individual tree heights traditional
compared to in-situ measurements [LiDaR Ht.All= 0.98x], suppressed-intercept model, LiDaR–dependent
variable). When separated into pine and hardwood species groups, paired T-tests revealed a significant
difference between ground and LiDaR heights of conifers (n=69, p-value < 0.01) and a mean difference of 1.7
m [LiDaR Ht.Pine=0.93x]. However, no significant difference was found between ground and LiDaR heights
of hardwoods (n=28, p-value=0.05) and a mean difference < 0.1 m [LiDaR Ht.Hwood=1.03x]. LiDaR derived
measurements closely rivaled in-situ height measurements in accuracy and may exceed in-situ methods in cost
effectiveness and data collection time when applied across large scales. However, the proportion of remotely
identified trees to the actual number of trees within the study area suggests that the individual tree delineation
abilities of the LiDaR system and data processing methods of this study were hindered by interlaced crowns
and close proximity trees, eluding that this method is best suited for well distributed pine tree environments
such as pine plantations. Object-based classification of study area CIR successfully located 68.75% of
targeted mid-story and over-story trees. The object-oriented classification method was conducted with an
overall accuracy of 87.69%.The OBC user accuracy for pines and hardwoods are 100% and 65% respectively.
OBC producer accuracy is 84% for pines and 100% for hardwoods. Results of the object-based classification
of CIR imagery demonstrate this method of image classification has the ability to reasonably discriminated
Annual Report: 1036600
pine-hardwood within a mixed forest environment when applied to 0.5m multispectral imagery.
COMPONENT 2. Response of Avian and Herpetofaunal Communities to Anthropogenic
Disturbances in Forested Landscapes (Drs. Y. Wang, L. Dimov, and C. Schweitzer)
Objective 1: Determine the relationship between microhabitat complexity and animal community structure
Objective 2: Determine the effect of forest disturbances upon resources availability for animals
The two objectives above are the continuation of the research work we initiated during the first funding
period and have been enhance during the current funding period. We report these two components together
as they are closely related.
a. Determine the effects of different levels of fire frequency and canopy reduction and their interaction
on the species richness, relative abundance, and diversity of herpetofaunal (reptiles and
amphibians) communities.
We captured 2,643 individual amphibians and reptiles representing 47 species (20 amphibians and 27
reptiles). Alpha level species richness for reptiles tended to be higher in thin-only plots. . Beta and gamma
level species richness along with overall diversity were not different among treatments, whereas thin-only and
thin-and-burn treatments were more similar in overall reptile species composition after treatment. Lizards
exhibited species-specific responses to forest treatments with Eastern Fence Lizards (Sceloporus undulatus)
increased in thin-and-burn treatment, and Green Anoles (Anolis carolinensis) and total heliothermic lizards
increased in thin-only and thin-and-burn plots. Eastern Black Racers (Coluber c. constrictor) and total large
snakes increased in thin-only plots. Amphibians were generally unaffected by forest treatments, with anuran
counts greatest in treatment plots close to breeding pools. Over four years, we captured 718 individual lizards
representing seven species. Lizard community exhibited species-specific responses to forest management:
Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) and Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) increased in thin-only
and thin with burn treatment stands. Large skink (Plestiodon sp.) was not affected whereas Little Brown
Skinks (Scincella lateralis) showed an initial negative response to all treatments, but abundances rebounded
two years following treatment. Using an information-theoretic approach, we identified the microhabitat and
microclimatic variables that might responsible for the lizard species responses. Although we identified
species-specific responses to prescribed burning and thinning, we believe that the preexisting disturbances due
to Southern Pine Beetle infestations were important for the observed herpetofaunal community composition
and structure. Our study illustrates that tree thinning used to improve forest health can positively influence
certain reptile species without causing negative impacts to amphibians at the study area.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Total captures of amphibian and reptile captures in the William B. Bankhead National Forest,
Alabama, U.S.A. (2005–2008).
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Below: Regressions of Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) captures with variables from the
highest supported models (ΔAIC < 2.0) evaluating habitat use and treatment response in forest
stands treated with prescribed burning and thinning in the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.
b. Herpetofaunal and Small Mammal Response to Oak Regenerating Treatments on the MidCumberland Plateau of Southern Tennessee.
We trapped 97 days during the 2009 field season, which resulted in 6,984 trap nights with a total of 29
herpetofaunal species of 1,661 individuals (excluding recaptures). We had 96 days of trapping during the
2010 field season, which resulted in 6,912 trap nights with 28 herpetofaunal species of 4,108 individuals. A
total of 33 herpetofaunal species were captured during the two years combined: 18 reptilian and 15 amphibian.
The top five most abundant species for amphibians were American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus), Green Frog
(Lithobates c. melanota), Northern Slimy Salamander (Plethodon glutinosus), Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus
fowleri), and Pickerel Frog (Lithobates paulustris) and for reptiles were Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis s.
sirtalis), Eastern Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus), Northern Copperhead (Agkistrodon c. mokasen),
Midwest Worm Snake (Carphophis a. helenae), and Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulates). American
Toad, Fowler’s Toad, Eastern Spadefoot Toad (Scaphiopus holbrookii), and Pickerel Frog species had the
highest recapture rates in 2009, while Eastern Spadefoot Toad, Broad-headed Skink (Plestiodon laticeps),
Eastern Fence Lizard and American Toad in 2010, respectively. There was a total 8 % mortality rate of all
Annual Report: 1036600
species in 2009 and 10.5 % in 2010, which was concentrated in American toads. Species specific mortality
rates were highest in Northern Slimy Salamanders, Pickerel frogs, Eastern Red-spotted Newts, and Midwest
Worm Snakes in 2009, and Eastern Red-spotted Newts (Notophtalmus v. viridescens), Pickerel Frogs,
Midwest Worm Snakes, and Green Frogs in 2010, respectively.
There were no significant differences among forest treatment types in herpetofaunal diversity and richness for
amphibians and reptiles in 2009. In 2010, amphibian and reptile species richness was significantly higher in
shelterwood treatment units than that in oak-shelterwood and control units. Shannon diversity for amphibians
was also higher in shelterwood treatment units. The same pattern was apparent for reptiles regarding species
richness and diversity, with significantly higher species richness and marginally higher, but not significant,
diversity in shelterwood treatments.
In 2009, the abundance of eight herpetofaunal species was significantly different among treatment types.
American Toad, Fowler’s Toad, Northern Black Racer (Coluber c. constrictor), Northern Red-bellied Snake
(Storeria o. occipitomaculata), Queen Snake (Regenia septemvittata), Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad,
(Gastrophryne carolinensis), Northern Slimy Salamander, Smooth Earth Snake (Virginia valeriae), and
Eastern Fence Lizard all were significantly more abundant in shelterwood treatments in comparison to control
and oakshelterwood treatment stands.
In 2010, the abundance of 11 hereptofaunal species differed among treatment types. Eastern Fence Lizards
and Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toads continued to be higher in abundance in shelterwood treatments along
with Eastern Five-lined Skink, Little Brown Skink (Scincella lateralis), Red Salamander (Pseudotriton r.
ruber), Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum), Eastern Hognose Snake (Heterodon platirhinos), Black
Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula nigra), Eastern Milksnake (Lampropeltis t. triangulum), and Fowler’s Toad.
Broad-headed Skink was the only species to be significantly more abundant in oak-shelterwood units.
The shelterwood treatment in this research supported a higher herpetofaunal species richness and diversity
that other treatments. The shelterwood method provided more open area and light availability. These
increases were beneficial for species that depend on sunlight for thermoregulation, and the greater availability
of CWD and slash piles provided cover not found in the other treatments. Coarse woody debris and slash
provides cover for herpetofaunal and small mammal species but also for possible prey. The oak-shelterwood
showed a slightly higher species diversity and richness for small mammals compared to the other treatments.
This suggests that certain species prefer areas with lesser disturbance than provided in shelterwood stands, but
these species can be detected in stands with larger amounts of canopy removal.
For small mammals, there were 97 days (10,800 trap nights and 6,984 array nights) during the 2009 field
season, capturing a total of 443 individuals of 12 species. There were also a total of 72 unidentified shrews
due to errors in data collection. We had 96 days (10,800 trap nights and 6,912 array nights) of trapping during
the 2010 field season, capturing 407 individuals of 12 species. A total of 14 small mammal species were
detected cumulatively. In 2009, the five most abundant species included White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus
leucopus), Southern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina carolinensis), Masked Shrew (Sorex cinereus), Pigmy Shrew
(Sorex hoyi), and Woodland Vole (Microtus pinetorum). In 2010, the five most abundant species included
White-footed Mouse, Southern Short-tailed Shrew, Masked Shrew, Pigmy Shrew, and Southeastern Shrew
(Sorex longirostris). The average mortality rate was 36.6% and 36.9% in 2009 and 2010, which is mainly due
to the high mortality of shrews within pitfall traps. White-footed Mouse was the only species to be
recaptured; recapture rates being 35% in 2009 and 49% in 2010.
Annual Report: 1036600
Species richness and diversity did not differ among treatment types in 2009. Species richness and diversity
tended to increase in 2010 in both shelterwood and oak-shelterwood treatment stands. Morisita’s similarity
index for 2009 showed that the species making up the community composition from were more similar in
control stands to oak-shelterwood than shelterwood treatment stands. In 2010, all three treatment types were
similar in community structure. In 2009, two species: Long-tailed Shrew (Sorex dispar) and Smoky Shrew
(Sorex fumeus) were captured only in control and oak-shelterwood treatments. It appeared that the abundance
of each species among treatments was relatively similar, and within-treatment variation was relatively large,
which made it difficult to detect any statistical difference. However, abundance of the Masked Shrew was
higher in control stands and tended to decrease with the reduction of canopy cover in 2010.
For 2009 and 2010, post-treatment sampling periods, the composition and abundances of species differed
between years, as well as the response given by certain species to certain treatments. This suggests that
certain species respond to treatments either by initially reacting to habitat alteration, or could exhibit a delayed
response. Inference on how these species actually respond to treatment types can be misinterpreted. For
example, one may determine a species has a positive interaction with the conditions created by a particular
forest prescription because the species was found within. However, it could be that this species had an
increase in detection due to increased movement while trying to seek other habitat conditions. Long-term
research is needed to better understand these patterns of response given by both herpetofaunal and small
mammal species.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Component loadings based on principal component analysis for microhabitat variables of three
management treatments in Grundy County, TN, 2010.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot representing the relationship between amphibian
species and microhabitat variables at Burrow Cove in Grundy County, TN, 2010. Four-lettered abbreviations
accompanied with triangles represent the Garrison code of species scientific names and arrowed lines
represent microhabitat variables.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot representing the relationship between reptile
species and microhabitat variables at Burrow Cove in Grundy County, TN, 2010. Four-lettered abbreviations
accompanied with triangles represent the Garrison code of species scientific names and arrowed lines
represent microhabitat variables.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 3: Determine the change of territory size and density of selected animal species.
Objective 4: Assess the reproductive success of selected animal species.
These objectives are reported collectively below as they are closely related.
a. Response of Songbird in territory, density, and reproductive success to Forest Disturbance
in Northeastern Alabama.
The study is currently on going. Below is a summary of findings from 2010. Stem abundance (d > 3.8 cm)
decreased in 2003 following treatments except controls. In 2009, there was a significant increase in 0-50%
retention treatments, indicating understory regrowth. Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea, Fig. 3A) increased on
the clear-cut, 25% and 50% retention stands immediately after treatment, but decreased in 2010 on these
stands; this demonstrates the species’ preference for disturbed edge habitat. Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis
formosus) increased over time and was more abundant in 25-50% retention treatment levels, suggesting the
species’ preference of the forest stands with intermediate disturbance, providing abundant understory
regrowth and structure. Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor) increased in clear-cut and 25-50% retention
treatments, and was more abundant in 2010, suggesting the species depends forest disturbance. Worm-eating
Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus) showed a noticeable increase in 2010, and negatively impacted by
removing of upstory trees. Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens) increased immediately after the treatment in
stands with clear-cut or 25-50% retention. In 2010, abundance decreased in clear-cut and 25% retention stands
compared to 2003, demonstrating this species’ dependence on regular disturbance. The responses of
songbirds to regeneration treatments were species-specific. These responses changed temporally: some
treatments became more favorable for some bird species, but not for other treatments or other bird species.
More detailed breeding success and nesting data are needed for assessing ‘source-sink’ habitat dynamics.
Annual Report: 1036600
Annual Report: 1036600
b. Scale dependent habitat and landscape effect on breeding success vernal pool amphibians
This study is on-going. We have been inventorying the vernal pools at William B. Bankhead National
Forest and monitoring breeding activities of amphibians at these pools. Below are some findings.
Three types of pools were identified based on landscape features around pools.
1. Closed Canopy
a. Wetlands that are completely surrounded by forest and contain canopy trees within the
wetland perimeter
2. Open Canopy
a. Wetlands that are in open areas with no canopy trees within 10 meters of the
wetland shoreline OR
b. Wetlands that are in open areas, but are surrounded by a thin layer (3-10 meters) of canopy
3. Perimeter Canopya. Wetlands in open areas but are completely surrounded by canopy trees (more than 10 meters)
Species occurrences:
1.) Bankhead Pool 10 (BaPo10), also known as Gum Pond: GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone
16N), Northing: 460157, Easting: 3803749
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum)
2.) Bankhead Pool 9 (BaPo9): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing: 460132, Easting:
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans
melanota), Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens), Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c.
3.) Bankhead Pool 8 (BaPo8): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing: 462472, Easting:
Species present: Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma opacum), Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla
chrysoscelis), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota), Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates
sphenocephalus utricularius), Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens)
Annual Report: 1036600
4.) Bankhead Pool 1 (BaPo1): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing:
464882, Easting: 3803153
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma
opacum), Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis), Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrophryne
carolinensis), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota), Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates
sphenocephalus utricularius), Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens), Spring Peeper
(Pseudacris c. crucifer), Eastern Spadefoot Toad (Scaphiopus holbrookii)
5.) Bankhead Pool 17 (BaPo17): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing:
473723, Easting: 3794731
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma
opacum), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota), Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens),
Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c.crucifer), Eastern Spadefoot Toad (Scaphiopus holbrookii).
6.) Bankhead Pool 6 (BaPo6): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing:
468671, Easting: 3796393
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma
opacum), Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota),
Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius), Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c.crucifer)
7.) Bankhead Pool 2 (BaPo2): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing:
468732, Easting: 3796698
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma
opacum), Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota),
Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius), Pickerel Frog (Lithobates palustris),
Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens)
8.) Bankhead Pool 4 (BaPo4): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing:
469577, Easting: 3802590
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma
opacum), Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrophryne carolinensis), Cope’s Grey Treefrog (Hyla
chrysoscelis), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota), Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates
sphenocephalus utricularius)
Annual Report: 1036600
9.) Bankhead Pool 3 (BaPo3): GPS Coordinates (UTM NAD1983 Zone 16N), Northing:
468422, Easting: 3800310
Species present: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma
opacum), Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrophryne carolinensis), Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla
chrysoscelis), Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota), Pickerel Frog (Lithobates palustris), Red
Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens), Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c. crucifer)
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Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 3. Genetic Diversity and Dynamics of Oaks and Pool Breeding Amphibians (Drs. K.
Soliman, Y.Wang, L. Dimov, and C. Schweitzer)
As of summer 2011, we have actively optimized the DNA extraction protocols as well as the amplification of
various oak species using primers developed based on red oak DNA sequences. With the assistance of the
vegetative group (subproject I), we collected samples from different red oak species in five locations along the
Cumberland Plateau. A catalog of the identification of red oak species was established by Dr. Schweitzer
which aided in the location of each species. Samples were collected manually from the cambial layer of each
tree (fig.1). We also traveled to Purdue University to collect samples to use as a control. The locations along
the plateau are Bear Den Point, Jack Gap, Hayes Nature Preserve, Bankhead National Forest and forest areas
surrounding AAMU campus. In Indiana she collected samples from Davis Forest. Unfortunately, all five
species of red oak were not evenly collected from each site due to the preference of each species. Bear Den
Point had Northern Red Oak, Southern Red Oak and Black Oak. Jack Gap contained Northern Red Oak and
Black Oak. Shumard Oak was mainly at Hayes Nature Preserve. Bankhead National Forest consisted of
Northern Red Oak, Southern Red Oak, Scarlet Oak and Black Oak. In total 200 samples of the red oak
species has been collected within the six locations.
With the optimized protocols for extraction and primer amplification, all 200 samples were extracted and
quality and quantity checked (fig 2). We carefully screened the five oak species from the 200 samples, using
60 microsatellite markers that were developed from several research scientists at Purdue University. We
obtained amplified fragments that separated on 2% agarose gels in order to assess the quality of the
amplification. Any primers that generated a clear PCR product band of the predicted size will be
The results of screening the SSR primers developed from northern red oak in 4 other species revealed that
Annual Report: 1036600
most of the primer pairs produced amplification products of the expected size in the majority of the species
tested. In 10 out of the 30 primers all species had amplification products of the expected size from the
locations. There was a case where 5 primer pairs did not amplify on any of the species and was eliminated
from further studies. Since 25 samples per species were tested, information about the level of polymorphism
was assessed. The amplified products were separated using polyacrylamide (6%) gel electrophoresis (PAGE)
and visualized by ethidium bromide to determine polymorphism. Polymorphism information content (PIC)
provided an estimate of the discriminatory power of the locus. The marker profiles of different SSRs on
different species were analyzed using cluster analysis to reveal a phylogenetic relationship with the help of the
Genetic Data Analysis software.
Annual Report: 1036600
We examined cross-species amplification within the SSRs developed based on the northern red oak genome.
17 of the 30 SSRs transferred from northern red oak to 3 or more of the 5 other species. 10 loci amplified
successfully in all 5 species (quru-GA-2H18, -1M18, -1iO6, -2NO3, 1FO2, -1LO5, -1G13, -1H14, -2H14
and –OC21). These rates of successful transfer are conservative compared to other reports for these and
related species. Our findings showed that 57% of the Q. rubra SSRs transferred to Q. falcata, Q. coccinea,
Q. velutina and Q. shumardii. The PIC values for SSR loci ranged from 0.78 to 0.35 with a mean of 0.58.
Based upon preliminary data observed in this study, it was determined that the primers that amplified well
outside of Q. rubra also revealed high levels of genetic variation. All loci were variable in Q. rubra, and those
that amplified in Q. falcata, Q. coccinea, Q. velutina and Q. shumardii were also variable. The overall success
rate of amplification across the red oak species was high.
Based on the cluster analysis using the primers, there is a close relationship between the northern red oak and
the shumard oak as well as the black oak (fig. 4). The tree indicates that the northern red oak, shumard oak
and black oak may be homologous to that of the southern red oak species. Further analysis will be conducted
to explain this phenomenon.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Phylogenetic tree of the five red oak species based on cluster analysis of the SSR primers from 200
samples and six locations in our study.
Identification of pure species vs. hybrids is an important attribute for understanding the population dynamics
of oaks and for the economic reasons as well. Therefore, categorization of genetic diversity within and among
the oak species with the use of molecular markers may facilitate unambiguous identification of trees. A
majority of the SSRs exhibited cross-species amplification and thus have the potential for use in detecting
molecular phylogeography of the red oaks. These markers will be used to help in establishing the genetic
diversity of Quercus spp. in the Southern Cumberland Plateau.
With the suggestion of collaborators, 56 new DNA markers have been added to the study. 33 SSR markers
developed from Steinkellner et al. (1997) and 23 Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) markers
developed from Bodénès et al. (1997) have been purchased. These markers have been added to help establish
a panel of DNA markers to assess the diversity of the red oak species. Ms. Williams has also retrieved 1233
EST sequences of Northern Red Oak from the GenBank database in hopes to develop her own set of markers
to add o the panel.
The student had the opportunity to present her preliminary data to the Proceedings of the International Union
of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin on September 24-27,
2009. She also attended a GIS workshop sponsored by the CREST center. She also traveled to Purdue to
learn molecular techniques and data analysis. She has just been awarded a travel grant to go present at the
American Society of Plant Biologist Conference this summer in Chicago, Illinois. The student has presented
her proposal to her committee member and has continued to establish a GPA of 3.9. The continuous financial
support of this student is a great investment in her future as well as the future of the Center for Molecular
Biology and the Center for Forest Ecosystems Assessment.
Annual Report: 1036600
Other research findings of Subproject 1
Determine the effects of urban and rural forest management on the species richness, relative abundance,
and diversity of freshwater aquatic (fishes, mussels, arthropods) communities.
We investigated nine study sites downstream from CREST forest stands that have been previously thinned or
thinned and burned (or control) to examine aquatic and riparian community responses to these forest
management methods. Stream habitat assessments, basic water quality parameters and sampling of organisms
including insects, small mammals and bats have been conducted at all of these sites. Currently, all of last
year’s, and part of this year’s macroinvertebrate samples have been identified to Genus or Family. Twenty
four genera of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in 7 families, 24 genera of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in 8 families, and
18 genera of caddisflies (Trichoptera) in 10 families have been identified from aquatic insects collected across
locations in 2009. EPT distributions varied widely across watersheds. The highest percent mayflies was
recorded for Basin Creek, while Borden Creek and West Flint Creek yielded the highest percent stoneflies and
caddisflies, respectively. Watersheds downstream from unmanaged areas yielded higher EPT ratio to other
taxa than all other study sites except Borden Creek. Pooled average EPTs across treatments showed highest
percentage (40.12%) in watersheds associated with unmanaged areas (control) compared to those downstream
from thinned (23.76%), and thinned and burned (21.67%) plots. Rock and Flannigan Creeks sustained the
lowest population of EPT throughout the year. There was no significant difference in percent EPT across
seasons. Sampling of mussels and fish was conducted this year. Fish diversity was highest in the one control
stream that has water this fall. A moderate drought dried up two of the three control streams this summer and
fall. Refugia from drought for aquatic invertebrates were discovered under rocks along the stream bank. Bat
capture numbers have, so far, been unaffected by white-nose syndrome. Small mammal abundance and
diversity are higher in the control stands and lower below thinned stands (burned or not). However, control
stands are not significantly different from thinned stands or thinned and burned stands. We presented
numerous posters or oral presentations at scientific meetings and published an article. We trained seven
undergraduate students and three High School students in water quality and aquatic and terrestrial wildlife
sampling techniques. One graduate student is partially supported on the grant. We are currently in pursuit of
another outstanding minority female graduate student to assist us on this project next year.
Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 1: Soil Microbial Biodiversity of Bankhead National Forest Ecosystems Significance
and Background
Objective 1: Study microbial and community diversity in response to forest management treatments
Preliminary results on the effects of thinning and burning on the activities of amidohydrolases is shown in
figure below. The results suggest that thinning and burning do have effect on amidohydrolases activities (see
graphs below).
Amidohydrolases are enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of native and added organic N to soil, and they act
on C-N bonds other than peptide bond in linear amides releasing NH4 . They are mostly microbial in nature,
thus burning and thinning may affect their activity.
Preliminary DNA results revealed significant difference among soils with different treatment. Further
analysis by PCR and sequencing will identify the presence of arsenite oxidase genes in the soil that are
responsible for easily removing toxic amounts of arsenic from soil.
Amidohydrolases are enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of native and added organic N to soil, and they act
on C-N bonds other than peptide bond in linear amides releasing NH4+. They are mostly microbial in nature,
thus burning and thinning may affect their activity.
Annual Report: 1036600
Annual Report: 1036600
Preliminary DNA results revealed significant difference among soils with different treatment. Further analysis
by PCR and sequencing will identify the presence of arsenite oxidase genes in the soil that are responsible for
easily removing toxic amounts of arsenic from soil.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 2: Inventory WRF diversity, their molecular phylogenetic profiles and biomass-degrading enzymatic
potentials in support of our bioenergy program initiatives
Findings to be presented in year 3 through 4.
COMPONENT 2: Phosphorus (P) Transformation
Objective 1:
Investigate heat-induced changes in inorganic P forms in forest soils
Objective 2: Study the effects of burning on transformation of amorphous Fe and Al oxide and its effect on
inorganic P retention and release over time
Findings to be presented in year 3 through 4.
Objective 3: Study the changes in soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) as affected by heat induced treatments
This objective will be carried out in the 3-4 year of the project.
Objective 4: Investigate the composition of charred organic material (black C) deposited during burning
treatments and explore the possibility of P retention/release on the formation of black C
Findings to be presented in year 5.
COMPONENT 3: Carbon Sequestration and Energy Flux Balance in Disturbed Forest Ecosystems
Objective 1: Examine C sequestration and energy flux balance and model C flux in disturbed forest ecosystems
We are currently focusing on carrying out data collection and analyses, which will continue for at least nine to
twelve months before we will be able to determine possible patterns or trends in the collected data. Plans are
underway to recruit a graduate student to conduct research leading to an MS degree on the effects of fire and
tree harvesting forest management practices on soil C dynamics in the Bankhead National Forest ecosystem.
Objective 2: Improve our understanding of the role of forests in global C sequestration.
Findings to be presented in year 3 through 4.
Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 4: Clay Mineral Changes and Organic Matter Interaction Patterns in a Disturbed
Forest Ecosystem (Dr. Mbila)
Objective 1: Investigate the soil clay mineral transformation pathways and mechanisms of highly weathered soils
that are managed with prescribed burning
As previously found, Kaolinite, halloysite, vermiculite-hydroxy-interlayered vermiculites, and quartz are common
components of soils of the Bankhead National Forest, Alabama (See figure below).Kaolinite was identified in the
Mg-and K-saturated clays by XRD peaks of 7.2 and 3.58 angstroms (Å). When k-saturated samples were heated to
500 ºC, the 001 reflection of kaolinite disappeared but the 10 ÅHalloysite peak collapsed to 7.2 Å (See figure
below). Vermiculites first order peak at 14.2 Å in K-saturated samples collapsed and shifted to 10.2 Å when heated
at 500 ºC. Quartz was identified with the
3.34 Å peak.
Clay mineral distribution of the different horizons in the soil profile was similar except for a slight increase of
vermiculites in the BE and Bt horizon of the soils. Vermiculite, kaolinte, and quartz were identified in both the
unburned and the burned soils (See figure below). Vermiculites in the unburned soilappear to maintain its structural
integrity with a sharp peak at 14.2 Å. Absence of a peak at between 10-14 Å in K-saturated samples suggest that
there was no collapse or shift in vermiculite d-spacing in the unburned soil.
On the other hand, in the burned soils, K-saturated soil samples ( at 25 ºC) showed the presence ofvermiculites
(14.2 Å), that may have partially collapsed, and shifted to 10.1 Å d-spacing. In addition, thevery strong peaks at
7.2 Å in K-saturated samples at 500 ºC suggests that halloysite was present in dehydrated form and remained
collapsed in the burned soils. Thus the clay fraction of the burned soilshowed a 10.1 Å XRD peak probably
because the interlayered-hydroxy vermiculite collapsed during burning. Burning may also have induced
dehydration of halloysite in the surface horizon of the soils.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 2: Investigate the long-term effects of prescribed burning on soil clay mineral-organic interaction
Our preliminary findings suggest that soils of the research site range from very strongly acid to moderately
acid soils with physico-chemical and morphological properties that are consistent with Hapludults of the
Sipsey series (Fine-loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic Typic) (see Table below).
Soil organic matter results show wide variability in soil organic C and N within the Bankhead National Forest
with soil organic C (SOC) density (calculation of soil carbon on the basis of horizon thickness) ranging from
4.2 to 13.5 kg C/m2. Soil organic carbon (SOC) density was calculated for soil profile pits to the depth of 1 m
or lithological contact. The SOC density for Treatments 6 and 9 were the highest, while Treatments 1 and 7
had the lowest SOC density. The highest SOC density values were detected primarily in O, A, and E horizons.
In general, Total carbon and total nitrogen contents were the highest in the litter layer of all forest soils
studied, with C and N content gradients that decreased with depth. Weight of the litter was highest in
Treatment 1, which was never subjected to either controlled burning or logging treatments.
Total C concentrations increased in all of the treatments following burning and logging are due to more leaf
litter input following pretreatment sampling. The litter input may have slowed mineral decomposition by
protecting soil minerals from the intense heat of the prescribed burning.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: SOC density distribution in nine treatment sites.
Annual Report: 1036600
Annual Report: 1036600
We will now continue investigations of the possible soil clay mineral-organic matter interaction patterns to
reveal whether litter input may be slowing down mineral decomposition by protecting soil minerals from the
heat of the prescribed burning.
The Coupled Dynamics of Human and Landscape (CD) subproject is an integral part of our NSF-CREST’s
CFEA program at AAMU. The fundamental goal of the CD subproject is to further understand the two-way
interaction between the forested landscape and humans at varying scale. The research objectives are organized
in three interrelated components: 1) Impact of watershed-level forest management on hydrological processes,
forest structure, and C stocks, 2) Land use strategies and forest land cover changes influence on the provision
of ecological services, and 3) Environmental and aesthetics impacts of outdoor recreation and biomass
harvesting on the forest ecosystem.
COMPONENT 1: Impact of Watershed Level Forest Management on Hydrological Processes, Forest
Structure, and Carbon Stocks
This component focuses on integration of digital data with field-based measurements to develop more
accurate forest assessment tools under three objectives. Findings for each objective are presented below.
Objective 1: Assess carbon stock through modeling of forest communities and improve forest vegetation
This reporting period (October –July, 2011), the focus was on data collection and collation. Thus no findings
directly related to this objective have been made. However, initial data collection of vegetation plots at BNF
has been completed by the USFS under the supervision of Dr. Schweitzer. The PI and Co-PIs of the CD and
FE Components have been involved on two related projects which are based on modeling of non-native forest
communities and mapping of nonnative vegetation, both of which are near completion. The first project is
funded through the USFS and integrates geospatial data and information from forest inventory analysis (FIA)
to model potential distribution of invasive plants at regional scale. The second project is funded through the
Office of Surface Mining and the objective is to assess the impact mining reclamation may have on the nonnative species component of forest in the southern Cumberland Plateau. One of the project focuses on regional
and global modeling of invasive species. They both focus on the potential distribution of invasive plants at
differing scales. This is pivotal to planning effective management but is challenged by attempting to model
expanding populations that are rarely at equilibrium with their environment.
For the first project, we adopted an ensemble modeling approach to assess the potential distribution of
Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), a vine invasive to forests of the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain
Region in the southeast of USA. The influence of disturbance, spatial and temporal heterogeneity and other
landscape characteristics were assessed by creating regional level models based on occurrence records from
the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (FS), Forest Inventory and Analysis
(FIA) database. Logistic regression and maximum entropy (MaxEnt) models were assessed independently and
evaluated as predictive tools to test the value of presence/absence and presence only data in predicting species
Annual Report: 1036600
distributions. Ensemble models were also developed that combined the predictions of the two modeling
approaches to obtain a more robust prediction. While logistic and MaxEnt models were similar in their
predictive ability and dominant input variables, the ensemble approach derived the best fit model overall. The
regional distribution of Japanese honeysuckle was influenced greatly by environmental conditions such as
elevation, slope, and temperature with anthropogenic activity having significant, though lesser, influence. The
ensemble models predict that Japanese honeysuckle has nearly reached its potential distribution. However,
given the critical role of minimum temperature on Japanese honeysuckle distribution, future occupancy at
higher elevations is likely to increase since January temperatures for this region are predicted to rise by 1–4◦C
over the next 100 years. The models also gave some indication of the likely effect of land cover change on its
distribution. Japanese honeysuckle tended to be associated with a high component of farming or low
component of forest within the local neighborhood. This suggests that disturbed forest and/or high
fragmentation has a higher invasion potential and given past trends and expected continued population growth
this disturbance and fragmentation will only increase. The models can be integrated into forest management
decision support systems and assist in the development of long term management plans, integrating the impact
of potential climate and land cover change scenarios.
We also attempted to understand the factors responsible for shaping Japanese honeysuckle distributions in
the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region (CMPR) and to identify the area most vulnerable to invasion.
To accomplish this task, we used different types of modeling techniques and assessed their value, both
ecologically and statistically. Models such as those developed by this research can be used as tools for
landscape management, forest stand assessment, and long term forest monitoring programs. In the context
of Japanese honeysuckle, we have been able to identify areas of probable invasion as give in the figure
One of the greatest benefits of large-scale GIS models is that they can outline the main characteristics of these
species’ distribution areas and be used to predict environmental favorability in areas where their distribution is
less documented (Barbosa et al., 2009). In this project we took 1907 forested survey location and estimated
the distribution for over 40,000 km . Models such as these can be integrated into forest management decision
support systems (Ducheyne et al., 2006) and assist in the development of long term management plans,
integrating the impact of potential climate change scenario (Rose and Burton, 2009).
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Maps of model predictions for Japanese honeysuckle (A – MaxEnt, B – logistic, C – weighted
ensemble, D – unweighted ensemble).
A further paper followed on with the aim to assess the global and regional distribution of five most prevalent
invasive trees in the forest of the Southern United States. Environmental and anthropogenic geospatial data
was combined with location information for five invasive trees to develop probability distribution maps using
maximum entropy modeling. This was undertaken at two scales, global and regional. Evaluation of models
was undertaken and a hotspot analysis was used to assess the Southern forests potential of invasion by nonnative trees.
A second project focused on vegetation modeling on a local level, assessing the impact of mining reclamation
on the distribution of invasive plants. This research focused on the Shale Hills region of the southern
Cumberland Plateau. Vegetation surveys were conducted on both mined and the surrounding un-mined
landscape. Invasive plants, native trees and a range of environmental parameters were assessed at 373 sites as
given in the tables below.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Summary Occurrence of Invasive Plants.
Eight invasive species were found at more than ten sites: tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum), shrubby
lespedeza (Lespedeza bicolor), Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera
japonica), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), mimosa (Albizia
julibrissin), and princesstree (Paulownia tomentosa). Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to assess
the relationship between forest vegetation community structures, biophysical conditions and the invasive
community. Logistic regressions were used to assess individual species with more than 50 occurrences. The
final CCA explained 24% of the invasive community with forest composition dominating the environmental
explanatory variables. There was positive association of diversity, shade, older forest, high basal area and
overstory with Chinese privet, autumn olive, princesstree and Japanese honeysuckle. Chinese lespedeza had a
strong association with grass litter and shrubby lespedeza with calcium magnesium ratio (Given in figure
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Relationship between environmental components and the invasive community as assessed through
Canonical Correlation analysis, a – soils, b – ground cover, c – trees, d – final (note shrubby lespedeza in ‘a’
has reduced for display)
Three species had more than 50 occurrences—Chinese lespedeza, Japanese honeysuckle and Chinese privet—
which were used for occurrence modeling with logistic regression. Chinese lespedeza had a positive
relationship with soil magnesium and a negative relationship with downed woody debris, midstory cover and
hardwood density (see table below). This suggests that Chinese lespedeza is more likely found in open or pine
Annual Report: 1036600
areas with higher magnesium levels in the soil and little or no midstory and downed woody debris. Japanese
honeysuckle had a positive relationship with shade, soil magnesium and Simpson’s and a negative relationship
with hardwood density and midstory (see table below). Japanese honeysuckle was found in shade with little
midstory, low density of hardwoods, areas of high soil magnesium and higher diversity. Chinese privet had a
positive relationship with shade and soil nitrate (see table below). Chinese privet was found in shade area
where the soil was higher in nitrates.
Below: Logistic regression significant variables and contributions of the final models.
Objective 2: Develop geospatial-based virtual forest landscape using 3D visualization applications as a
communication and decision making tool
In the proposal, this was identified as a research objective for year 3 through 5. It will be based on dataset
developed in other objectives. However, activities related to data and software acquisition are discussed in
the activities section of this annual report.
Objective 3: Study the long-term hydrologic store/flux process in the BNF
Hydrologic objective is a new component of this research, thus much of the time was invested acquiring field
instruments, permission to deploy instruments at BNF, recruiting a graduate student with the research interest
in the area of forest hydrology. As part of a preliminary study, a digital geological map of the BNF with the 10
meter DEM overlay was created. This created map is helping the investigators in pinpointing the specific
locations for our long-term hydrologic field measurements, figures given following. The findings indicate that
BNF is dominated by Mississippian and Pennsylvanian-Mississippian unit age geologic material. The top
layer is primarily sandstone, and in locations of deep cuts, carbonate and shale outcrops are abundant. Six of
the eight soil processes sensors will be buried in the Pennsylvanian geologic material. During ground truthing
field trips, observation was made on frequent immediate surface water disappearance at the tops of the
mountains indicating an extended development of karsted flow system.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Figures a and b showing the various geologic outcrops in the BNF study area.
Annual Report: 1036600
COMPONENT 2: Land-use strategies and forest land cover changes influence on the provision of
ecological services
This component’s contribution to CFEA’s research is examining a universal problem, the conversion of landcover, the effects of these changes on ecological services, and the associated ecological issues. The
relationship between forest land use, ecological services and human settlement patterns in the BNF and Black
Belt region is examined under three objectives. The findings for this reporting period are described below.
Objective 1: Extend the land-cover change geodatabase for 1950-2010 for the BNF and Black Belt region of
Alabama and characterize the general trends of landscape change in the study areas
Since most of the time in this reporting period (October –July, 2011) was utilized in the project set-up and
collection of geodatabase, no specific findings are available to report. However, utilizing the preliminary
data, a paper was published and two posters were presented using some of the geospatial and census data
developed in the first cycle.
Some of the findings corresponding to the first objective are described here: The results of the paper on
relationship between human well-being and community capital in the eight Black Belt counties indicate that
natural capital and other infrastructures are unevenly distributed in the Black Belt region, that have affected
landscape change in different proportions. The geographic space is highly segregated in these counties in
terms of socioeconomic, soil and land ownership types. However, there is poor relationship between human
capital natural resources. African Americans are less likely to be found in areas high in built, natural, and
political capital (Figure below). Service-providing entities such as financial, industrial, and social capital are
located more in urbanized centers.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Distribution of various forms of community capital in the Black Belt counties
Objective 2: Determine the effects of landowner strategies and ownership types on the patterns of land cover
types change, forest composition change and forest fragmentation and consolidation
In relation to the objective two, a case study was developed utilizing socioeconomic, land cover and
landownership data between 1980 and 2000 from Greene County and a manuscript is being prepared for
publication in a peer reviewed journal. The following is the background of Greene County and preliminary
findings. The paper will explore the relationship between ownership types and its fragmentation and land
cover types and human well-being indices (based on income, education and employment) utilizing 2010 U.S.
census data.
Greene County is located in the west central portion of the state of Alabama and is a part of Alabama’s
western black belt region. Greene County encompasses 645.87 square miles of area (413,356 acres). It
includes the cities of Boligee, Crawford Fork, Eutaw, Forkland, and Union.
Annual Report: 1036600
Greene County is bordered by the Tombigbee and Sipsey rivers. Interstate 59, Interstate 20, U.S. Highway 43,
and U.S. Highway 11 are some major roads that intersect Greene County.
Below. Topographic Map of Greene County (Source:
According the U.S. Census, the population of Greene County is 9,974 with 20.8% being white and 78.5%
being African American of which 34.30% live below poverty line. The major agricultural produce of Greene
County includes catfish, timber and beef cattle. Some other crops include cotton, soybeans, corn and other
vegetables. Located in the city of Eutaw, the timber industry is a major industry in Greene County. Greene
County’s workforce consists of 25.7% of its population working in production, transportation, and material
moving. Greene County has a13.5% unemployment rate. Only 10.5% of the population over the age of 25 has
completed college. The per capita income for Greene County is $13,686.
Greene County has 47% farmland. In Greene County, about 2.7% of land is privately owned. There are 316
farms. The average size of a farm is 429 acres. The median size of a farm is 146 acres. The findings of this
study show that the land located in Greene County, Alabama is heavily fragmented. As a result of
fragmentation, most of the landowners of Greene County were unable to afford forest plantation. Also, Greene
County’s land cover trend shows an increasing trend of forest plantation in some of isolated areas, which has
mainly occurred in the land owned by larger farmers. This study shows a strong linkage between farmland,
land cover, and human well-being in Greene County. Similar case studies will be developed for other seven
counties of the Black Belt region utilizing latest land ownership, land cover, and socioeconomic data.
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Forest species in Greene County between 1990 and 2000 (Source: Hartsell and
Vissage1990 and 2000).
The table above shows total acres and percentages covered by different forest species in Greene County
between 1990 and 200. There was a 5% decrease in oak-pine from 1990 to 2000, and a 3% increase in oakhickory from 1990 to 2000. The Pine stands declined suggested a slowing of tree-planting in Greene County
and the change of cropland to mixed hardwood. Oak-cypress has the highest percentage in the forests of
Greene County. The table below shows the forest ownership in Greene County for 1982, 1990, and 2000.
There was a decrease in private corporation ownership from 1982 to 2000. Greene County’s forested area has
increased on private individual’s land from 1982 to 2000. There are no national forests in Greene County.
Below. Forest Ownership in Greene County, 1982, 1990, 2000 (Source: Hartsell and Vissage 1990 and
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: Land Cover types in Greene County between 1980 and 2000.
According to the table above, the land cover of Greene County Alabama consists mostly of forest land. The
total forestland accounts for over half of the percentage of land cover in Greene County. There was a decrease
in the cropland from 1980 to 2000. There was also a decrease in the mixed forest land. An increase occurred
in water, developed land, pasture land, evergreen forest, and deciduous forest.
Below: Number and Size of Landholdings by Category of Owners based on data extracted from digitized
Platt map.
The table above provides landownership information by types of ownership categories based on parcel data of
2000. Nine thousand five hundred and five parcels covering 420,742 acres were identified as private lands in
the Plat map of Greene County. The largest number (87%) of holdings was the 8,241 categorized as small
parcels of less than 100 acres with an average size was 16 acres. These parcels accounted for over a quarter of
the land area. There were 238 parcels owned by African Americans which are very small and fragmented (See
Figure below). Over half of the parcels owned by African Americans were categorized as small private out of
a total of 1,622 small parcels. African Americans don’t own any timber industries in Green County as of year
Annual Report: 1036600
Below: African American owned parcels in Greene County, Alabama.
The findings of this study show that the land located in Greene County, Alabama is heavily fragmented. As a
result of fragmentation, most of the landowners of Greene County were unable to afford forest plantation.
Also, Greene County’s land cover trend shows an increasing trend of forest plantation in some of isolated
areas, which has mainly occurred in the land owned by larger farmers. Preliminary results indicate
relationship between farmland, land cover, and human well-being in Greene County. The paper will be
finalized in Fall 2011 after completion of remaining analysis, which relates to the statistical analysis of land
ownership and land cover data. Similar case studies will be developed for other seven counties of the Black
Belt region in the second year.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 3: Identify the relationships between forest landscape structure and major ecological functions
Forests provide multiple ecological functions based on the spatial distribution, forest structure and spatial
configuration. During this time period, the functions for forest timber resource and amphibians habitats were
studied across all counties of Alabama through historical and spatial information. Two papers were published
by peer-reviewed journals. Based on forest inventory data and related human population information in
Alabama’s 67 counties for the past seven decades, we found that in Alabama the area of commercial forest
increased from about 7.6 million ha in 1935 to 9.2 million ha in 2005 (Figure a, next page). For the entire state
the area of commercial forest also exhibited a positive linear relationship with human population (Figure b,
next page). For all 67 counties, the evenness index (EI) of commercial forest coverage increased with time
except for the period between the 1960s and the 1980s (Figure c, next page). This means that the commercial
forest coverage in counties of different size became more evenly distributed from 1935 to 2000. However, the
relationship between EI of commercial forest coverage and evenness of human population was negative
(Figure d, next page). The proportional area of softwood forest (mainly pine) decreased from about 70% in the
1950s to around 50% in the 1980s while the area of hardwood forest increased. Our results indicate that (i)
only two counties had increased human population and decreased commercial forest area, (ii) commercial
forest coverage increased in counties with a relatively poor economy, and (iii) counties with more commercial
forest coverage had fewer roads.
Below: The commercial forest change in Alabama, (a) Area, (b) Forest area and human population, (c)
EI of commercial forests coverage in Alabama counties, and (d) correlation between EI of forest
coverage and EI of human population.
Annual Report: 1036600
Among 67 Alabama counties from 1935 to 2000, Bullock County had the largest increase in commercial
forest land (~113 per cent), while Baldwin County had the largest decrease (about
−19 per cent). Only two counties (Baldwin and Mobile counties) had increased human
population and decreased commercial forest land. There were 12 counties (~18 per cent of all counties) with
increased human population and increased commercial forest land; 16 counties (~24 per cent of all counties)
had decreased human population and increased forest land, while 37 counties (~55 per cent of all counties)
had no obvious relationship between human population and forest land. Among 16 counties with decreased
human population and increased forest land from 1969 to 2000, 12 were the poorest counties (the lowest
PCPI) in Alabama although the general relationship between the change of PCPI and change of forest cover
from 1959 to 1999 is not significant (Table on next page).
Another significant change in Alabama forest during the last several decades is the change of structure in the
forest resource. Due to increased demand for hardwood timber, the percentage of hardwood forest increased,
while the percentage of softwood remained more or less constant (Figure a and b, next page). The volume of
hardwood over took softwood around 1990. Due to the difference in price and demand for sawtimber and
poletimber, forest land for sawtimber was relatively stable after 1972, while land for poletimber decreased
after 1972 (Figure c below). Under the influence of economical interest, the volume of several major tree
species also changed during the last several decades. Loblolly pine had the most volume and increased
quickly but the volume of longleaf pine was relatively low (Figure d). One possible reason is that loblolly
pine can grow fast and needs less silvicultural management, such as prescribed burning. The distribution of
tree number of growing stock trees is also interesting (Figure f). First, both softwood and hardwood trees
have similar distribution patterns in that tree number decreased with an increase in tree diameter. This might
be the result of forest harvest, tree death and natural disturbances, such as wind break or disease. Local
Annual Report: 1036600
natural disturbances (e.g. hurricanes) and forest loss (e.g. Li et al., 2009) did not change this pattern. Second,
the slope changes little for the distribution of trees with a d.b.h. greater than 50 cm and less than 60 cm. This
may be partially related to the preservation of old growth forests for recreation, scenic beauty and water
resource protection in state and federal forests.
Below: The change of forest resource in Alabama (a) Percentages of softwood and hardwood forest area in
Alabama, (b) total timber volume, (c) area of forest for sawtimber, poletimber and others, (d) storage volume
of major tree species, (e) distribution of forest at different site classes and (f) distribution of estimated tree
number with diameter (S-1963: softwood trees in the year of 1963 and H-1963: hardwood trees in the year of
1963 etc.).
Annual Report: 1036600
There was a strong correlation between roadless volume and commercial forest area among Alabama
counties (Figure on the next page), which means that there were fewer roads in the counties with more
commercial forested area. Also, the correlation between fraction of forest area and roadless volume/total area
(equal to horizontal distance to the nearest road at unit area) is positive, which means a county with high
commercial forest coverage usually has a long horizontal distance to the nearest road.
Below: Correlation between commercial forest area and roadless volume in Alabama counties in the year of
2000 (a). Correlation between commercial forest fraction and roadless volume/total area in Alabama counties
in the year of 2000 (b).
The distances to the nearest neighbor among thousands of historical locality records of subpopulations from
60 amphibian species in 12 families at Alabama, USA were studied using a computational approach to
characterize their spatial geometry. The results indicated that the distances to the nearest subpopulations
Annual Report: 1036600
follow a power-law distribution and that the nearest neighbors formed similar triangles in the distribution of
subpopulations for the majority of amphibian species. The results may provide a new understanding of
amphibian spatial structure from a geometric perspective and these geometric characteristics may have
implications for ecological conservation of declining amphibians at a large scale.
COMPONENT 3: Environmental and aesthetics impacts of outdoor recreation and biomass harvesting
on forest ecosystem
Objective 1: To explore the relationship between visitors’ perceptions of resource conditions and actual
resource conditions at the BNF
Efforts during the course of the last two semesters to recruit a minority, master’s level student to support this
component of the overall CREST project have been unsuccessful so far. These efforts are continuing, Notice
of the available Graduate Assistantship opportunity has been shared at professional conferences, with
members of my professional network, and posted on campus.
A draft survey instrument to assess visitor perception of resource conditions at the BNF is being developed in
anticipation of the availability of a graduate student to assist with data collection in the near future.
In addition to the CREST Project Dr. Christian is currently working on a couple other projects, one of which
(Visitor Use Patterns at the Bankhead National Forest) is directly related to the CREST project whereas the
other (Status and Enhancement of Outdoor Recreation Private Sector Enterprises in Alabama’s Black Belt) is
somewhat less directly related.
The primary objectives of Phase I of the Visitor Use Patterns at the Bankhead National Forest study were (a)
to investigate the ethnicity, race, and other characteristics of visitors to the Bankhead National Forest/Sipsey
Wilderness Area (BNF/SWA); (b) to introduce undergraduate students at an HBCU to outdoor recreation
research techniques; and (c) to undertake outreach and extension for the purpose of disseminating the results
of the study and building community support for public land management efforts in the State. Visitors to
eight outdoor recreation sites within BNF/SWA were surveyed. An analysis of the site characteristics, outdoor
recreation opportunities, and range of available services were the parameters used in guiding final survey site
selection. Prior to the commencement of field work the PI made a PowerPoint presentation to the meeting of
the Bankhead Liaison Panel (BLP). One senior undergraduate minority work-study student participated in the
different aspects of the project. Questionnaires were administered for three days at each site. Adult visitors
(i.e. persons 19 years or older) were invited to participate in the study. A total of 227 completed
questionnaires were returned. Whites/Caucasians [206 (90.7%)] were the largest racial group, followed by
American Indian/Alaskan natives [11 (4.8%)], Asians [3 (1.3%), and Blacks/African American 2 (0.9%).
American Indian [69 (30.4%)] was the largest ethnic group, followed by the Irish [17 (7.5%)], and Germans
[14 (6.2%)]. Whites/Caucasians participated in a range of outdoor recreation activities, whereas the two
Blacks/African Americans surveyed only participated in hiking and picnicking activities. Preliminary study
results have been shared with members of the BLP.
Annual Report: 1036600
Objective 2: To evaluate and monitor the environmental and ecological impacts of outdoor recreation
activities at the BNF
This component’s overall project has also been impacted by our unsuccessful efforts to date at recruiting a
graduate student. It is anticipated, however, that a student will be recruited during the course of fall 2011 so
that filed work can be commenced.
Site selection of areas to be studied in detail will be influenced in part by the recommendations of focus
groups convened to consider the matter. Focus groups will consist of 10-12 representatives from resource
professionals, BNF management, users/stakeholders, youth, and adjacent community groups. Detailed
assessments of trail resource condition will be conducted along the entire trails selected for study and the
level of impact evaluated.
This study will have both ‘research’ and ‘monitoring’ dimensions based on Steidl and Powell (2006)
classification of such ecological studies. The study will not only aim at answering specific research questions
but will also seek to quantify changes in selected resource characteristics, both temporally and spatially. The
actual procedures and techniques to be employed will be a modification of Cole’s (1989) seven step process
for wilderness campsite monitoring. Data collection will be based on point sampling methods and provide
continuous data on trail and plot characteristics such as slope, width, and depth as recommended by Marion &
Leung (2001). Assessments of resource conditions will be done at fixed intervals along the selected trails over
time. Trail cross-sectional profiles will be developed and monitored throughout the study for the purposes of
determining and monitoring soil loss along trails. Photo point photography from relatively permanent
landmarks and locations will be used to supplement the overall documentation of conditions at fixed interval
points as recommended by Moore and Driver (2005). GPS units will be used to track the movement of
visitors, ATVs and harvesting machines. These positions will be geo-referenced for future identification on
the ground and maps. In collaboration with other teams in the Center, we will correlate the data from outdoor
recreation and timber harvesting activities with data collected on fauna, flora, water quality, soil biology and
chemistry in the study sites.
Objective 3: To monitor quantitatively timber and biomass harvesting activities at the BNF
In the proposal this was identified as a research objective for years 3 through 5.
Objective 4: Assess harvesting environmental and ecological impacts on soil surface and compaction,
residual vegetation, and hydrologic processes at the BNF
In the proposal this was identified as a research objective for years 3 through 5.
Annual Report: 1036600
Our educational activities have greatly enhanced our research, student participation and knowledge. It has
been through conferences, student involvement and faculty dedication that the education component of CFEA
has been such a success. We found conferences are an effective approach to encouraging active student
participation. Conferences and meetings have provided opportunities, not only for communication between
CFEA faculty members and students, but also to promote collaborations with researchers, faculty, and
students from other institutions and organizations, as well as facilitating communication with landowners.
Graduate students have been very helpful in identifying needed curriculum adjustments and recommending
equipment and facility improvements to improve the functioning of the Center. We determined that our
graduate program in the area of forest ecology and wildlife biology required substantial curriculum
development, particularly at the doctoral level. CFEA helped to expand the graduate curriculum by adding
five new courses in the fields of forestry and ecology Because our forestry and ecology graduate program is
relatively new and the number of graduate students are low compared to other more well-developed programs
in the nation, the enrollment in these classes has been relatively low, which suggests that if we want to sustain
our graduate program at AAMU, we need to further enhance our recruitment efforts and secure additional
funding to support the program. Lab meetings have also been an effective approach for communication and
group-learning. We need to further promote this approach. We need to explore the possibilities of joint lab
meetings, which involves several labs associated with CFEA. It may further enhance the collaborations among
different thrust areas and among faculty members and students. Students also need to take leadership roles in
these events. Undergraduate student involvement in conducting research has proven to be essential. In
addition, we are beginning to see the benefits in recruitment of undergraduate students into graduate study
through early involvement in research.
Our efforts to recruit minorities, particularly African Americans, to natural resource and ecological related
fields have been successful. However, a couple of graduate students have dropped out our program. Our
experience suggests that recruitment efforts need to be enhanced by a strong mentoring process to ensure
these students will join the future research team in STEM fields. Many minority families have limited
experience with the pursuit of a graduate degree— not to mention the complications of graduate research—
particularly large-scale studies that are field-oriented and that may involve multiple parties. Faculty mentors
need to invest more time and effort with these students and provide continuous and effective guidance for
their educational and research activities, even day-to-day routines. Recruitment of qualified minority graduate
students in ecological disciplines must be pursued using several approaches. Personal contact with faculty is
most effective. Attractive recruitment packages are a must to secure high quality students in these disciplines.
The CREST funds allowed us to provide competitive research assistantships to our graduate students during
the earlier years. However, recently the university started to charge out-of state tuition to graduate students
who are from other states and there is a 25% tuition increase in 2010 alone. Our assistantship again became
not very competitive. We need to find a solution for this. We are discussing with administrations and seeking
additional funds. The Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for 21st Century Professionals in the
Food and Agricultural Science Program has been very successful with regards to course development and high
school student participation. We will continue to monitor how this program affects the enrollment at AAMU
for the agricultural and environmental science related programs. We need to further explore the potential of
on-line courses and programs to strengthen our teaching programs related to CFEA’s mission.
We continue to be successful in engaging undergraduate students in our research, particularly through the
Annual Report: 1036600
EnvironMentor program, which targets high school students; and the REU program, which targets
undergraduate college students. With support from the NSF-URM program, we will be expanding our REU
efforts to a year-round undergraduate research mentoring program. We were recently informed by NSF that
we have likely been awarded a new REU grant, in which we proposed to expand our REU efforts by
establishing an international exchange program in China. This will be one of the very few China programs
funded by NSF and the first one at an HBCU institution. We believe that with these persistent and
coordinated efforts, AAMU will play a leadership role in diversifying the workforce of STEM related fields
in the nation. Although we have sustained a vigorous outreach effort to several community groups, we must
do more to involve the local middle and high schools in our research and to continue to recruit two year
college transfers from our sister colleges with two year pre-forestry degrees.
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