Center of Forest Ecosystem Assessment At Alabama A&M University 2010 Annual Report

Center of Forest Ecosystem Assessment
At Alabama A&M University
2010 Annual Report
Submitted to National Science Foundation
March 1, 2010
Final Report: 0420541
Final Report for Period: 08/2009 - 07/2010
Principal Investigator: Wang, Yong .
Organization: Alabama A&M University
Submitted By:
Wang, Yong - Principal Investigator
Submitted on: 09/07/2010
Award ID: 0420541
CREST Center for Forest Ecosystems Assessment (CFEA)
Project Participants
Senior Personnel
Name: Zipf, Allan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Zipf died shortly after the submission of the proposal. The project office was informed of his untimely death.
Name: Wang, Yong
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Wang is a PI on subproject II the fauna. He is leading the avian study as well as the herpeto-fauna study funded by the USDA
Forest Service. He assists in the statistical design and implementation of the project.
Name: Senwo, Zachary
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Senwo is working on the Soils subproject III. He is conducting a study of the soil microbiological community in collaboration
with Dr. Elica Moss (Objectives 1-3).
Name: Wang, Yong
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Wang is the Co-PI of the initial CREST-CFEA proposal, and was given the responsibility of serving as PI and Center Director
in March 2007. He has been coordinating the Center functions and managing the budgets. On behalf of CREST-CFEA, he worked
on several initiatives during the past year. (1) Established a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at AAMU with
the financial support from NSF and AAMU. This new initiative involved co-PIs of the CREST-CFEA and faculty members across
the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Science (NRES). (2) Collaboration with the North Alabama Center for
Educational Excellence (NACEE), a private organization working to increase the minority participation in STEM fields, to recruit
high school students to participate CREST related research activities. A supplement proposal submitted to NSF to fund two
minority high school students to join the summer research programs has been awarded. (3) A supplement proposal in collaboration
with the Chemistry Department of AAMU to initiate the research of 'Effects of Forest Land Cover Changes on the Carbon
Dynamics in Ambient Air and Soil in the Bankhead National Forest' was submitted to NSF. (4) Initiation of research on the plant
invasion by working with faculty members and research staff of the CREST-CFEA to submit a proposal 'Effect of Forest
Management on the Establishment of Invasive Plants (Paulownia and Ailanthus) in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region'
to USDA CSREES. (5) Enhancement of recruitment effort by collaborating with the recruitment director of the School of
Agricultural and Environmental Science (SAES) to submitted a proposal of 'Developing Online Dual Credit Partnerships and
Recruiting for 21st Century Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science' to CSREES' Capacity Building Grant. (6) Worked
with partners from Bankhead National Forest, a private consultant, and other organizations on establishing a research and
education center at Bankhead National Forest. (7) Worked with NSF Program Director and University and School administrators
to resolve CREST-CFEA budget issues related to the unexpected faculty staff salary, benefits, and transportation cost increase.
Dr. Wang is also in charge of the herpetofaunal and avian research of the subproject II. As a biometrician, Dr. Wang assisted
the faculty and students in research design and statistical analyses. Dr. Wang's four graduate students (Zachary Felix, Ph.D., John
Carpenter, MS., Florence Chan, MS., and Jill Wick, MS) successfully completed their research projects and degree programs and
graduated in 2008. Most of these students and their research activities were funded by external funds, but benefited from
CREST-CFEA directly or indirectly. All these students are now hired by other universities and organizations working on their
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specialties. The other three students (William Sutton, Ph.D. candidate and Chelsea Scot and Lisa Gardner, MS candidates) have
been making good progress on studies of herpetofaunal responses to canopy reduction and prescribed burning, vernal pool
salamander breeding ecology, and fall stopover ecology of migratory songbirds, respectively. Dr. Wang recruited a new minority
Ph.D. student: Timothy Baldwin last year, who is studying the pond breeding amphibian ecology using local and landscape
approaches. Dr. Wang helped him to submit research proposals to various organizations, and has received three research grants
including the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) Diversity Award, Alabama Space Grant Consortium Fellowship
Award, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Amphibian Specialist Group Seed Grant. Dr. Wang
published six manuscripts in peer-reviewed professional journals, 4 manuscripts in USDA proceedings, and >20 abstracts for local,
regional, national, and international conferences. Working with his graduate students, he has >15 manuscripts submitted or in
preparation. Dr. Wang presented CFEA related research at international, national, and regional conferences. He submitted > 10
proposals and has been funded by research grants from agencies including EPA, NSF, USDA Forest Service, and USDI Fish and
Wildlife Service though Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resource to support CFEA related research initiatives.
He participated several recruitment initiatives specifically targeted to minorities during the year. He is serving on the editorial
boards of three professional journals. His outreach activities also included international collaborations with several universities in
China and the Chinese Academy of Science. Last summer, one of his MS students (John Carpenter) participated NSF's EPSI
program in New Zealand. He was awarded the Outstanding Researcher of the Year of AAMU in 2007 and Outstanding Researcher
of the School of Agricultural and Environmental Science in spring 2008. Four of his graduate students received awards during the
Name: Mbila, Monday
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Mbila coordinates the Thrust III (Soils) project with administrative responsibilities for budgeting, progress reports, and project
planning. He serves with other faculty members on the Core Steering Committee (CSC). He directs investigations on the
biogeochemical nutrient cycling dynamics in fire the managed ecosystem, and the clay mineralogy studies to address Objectives
5&6. Dr Mbila supervised the work of an MS graduate student (Wallace Dillon) who graduated in December 2006. Wallaces
research focused on soil Objective #6. Two manuscripts from his research are in the works; one is in the review process, the other
is in preparation. Dr Mbila serves on the graduate committee for another CFEA-CREST graduate student (Mr. Thomas Mbeli
Tenya) and advises Dr. Maria Nobles, Post Doc. Research Associate on the Thrust III (soils) project.
During the past one year Dr. Mbila has worked on several initiatives as part of CREST-CFEA educational and outreach projects to
local public schools and the community. He and other members of the faculty collaboratively launched a college access program at
AAMU ? the EnvironMentors Program, that prepares high school students from under-represented backgrounds for college degree
programs in environmental and related science fields for a one-on-one mentoring. The program also forms a pipeline for
recruitment of students to our program. The program is being run in partnership with Johnson High School, and a minority
education advocates group- North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence (NACEE), and Alabama A&M University.
Dr. Mbila advises the Environmental Science Club, a student organization that encourages, educates, and shares about issues in soil
and water conservation and other science and environmental matters with the public. Every year this club organizes an
environmental awareness conference. This year, the conference was held on Friday, April 21, 2008 with the theme 'Conserving
Global Air, Water, and Soil Resources: Challenges that face us' The event was well attended by faculty, staff, students, and the
Huntsville, Alabama Community and addressed by speakers from AAMU, University of Alabama, and the Nature Conservancy.
Dr. Mbila also participates in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at AAMU with the financial support of NSF and
AAMU. This new initiative involves Co-PIs of the CREST-CFEA and faculty members across the Department of Natural
Resource and Environmental Science (NRES). He participated actively as a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) Committee member and sponsor of the 2008 AAMU STEM Day Events. The STEM Program is a means of promoting
science, technology, engineering, and math interest and skills among Alabama A&M University and other Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in order to broaden the participation of minority serving institutions in the Nation's STEM
Name: Kantety, Ramesh
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Primary advisor for the graduate student involved in this project. He supervised the dissertation research, identified collaboration
opportunities, edited and presented oral presentations, helped in the organization of Spring Conference, and assisted in the analysis
of molecular genetic data. He taught Genomics and Bioinformatics courses and developed middle & high school science teacher
training programs for teachers from 30 schools from under-represented minority dominated areas and black-belt counties in
Alabama. Dr. Kantety participated in NSF-REU program and currently has one minority student enrolled for this Summer.
Name: Schweitzer, Callie
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Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Schweitzer is leading the Vegetation Thrust Area and woody vegetation data collection effort at the BNF. Dr. Schweitzer led
the development of the silvicultural treatments in the planning stages of the proposal, the selection of the stands, and
communication with the BNF collaborators. Dr. Schweitzer has an active role in the CFEA and she is a valuable member on
several graduate student committees. She works with many CFEA PIs on a large number of research projects related to vegetation
and wildlife dynamics in response to silvicultural treatments.
Name: Stone, William
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Stone coordinates the Thrust II (Fauna) project with administrative responsibilities for budgeting, progress reports, and project
planning. He serves with other faculty members on the Core Steering Committee (CSC) and chairs the Teambuilding Leadership
Committee (TLC). He directs assessment of small mammal community responses to forest ecosystem disturbances and directly
supervised one NSF-CREST funded graduate student (Kelvin Young) that graduated in December 2007. He served on the
graduate committee of another graduate student, supported by the USDA Forest Service, conducting research on bats (April Hart)
Miss Hart graduated in May 2007. Two manuscripts on this research are in preparation on these projects this year. He also serves
on the graduate committees for three other CFEA-CREST graduate students. In 2008, Dr. Stone taught the first wildlife graduate
course (Wildlife Techniques) offered at AAMU in support of CFEA. He and Heather Howell, CFEA Wildlife Research Associate,
successfully sought additional capacity building funds from USDA CSREES in 2006 and 2009 to develop teaching capacity in
terrestrial and aquatic wildlife ecology, hire and train additional undergraduate students in CFEA disciplines, and expand CFEA
objectives to include objectives in aquatic ecology. They taught two new courses in fisheries this year. Dr. Stone advises Heather
Howell who is a doctoral student at AAMU. She received a fellowship from the EPA-GRO program to conduct research on aquatic
communities in northern Alabama. With other CFEA colleagues and students, Dr. Stone conducted several community outreach
projects to local public schools and community groups this year.
Name: Ward, Kenneth
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Ward coordinates the arthropod research for the Thrust II (fauna) project. He chairs the Educational Leadership Committee
for CFEA which has overseen the development of several new graduate courses, a major goal of CFEA. Dr. Ward directs the
monitoring of responses of components of the arthropod community to forest ecosystem disturbances. He is a major co-advisor for
Mohamed Soumare, a CREST-funded dissertation student studying the leaf litter ant community. Dr. Ward also serves on the
graduate committees of Ashantye Williams, a CREST-funded dissertation student who is studying genetic diversity among red oak
species, and Jill Wick, a CREST student funded on an EPA Star Fellowship, who is completing her master's thesis, studying
songbird breeding ecology in response to forest management practices. Dr. Ward served on the planning committee for the CFEA
conference that was held in June 2007. Dr. Ward presented a poster for the CFEA conference in June 2007, comparing carabid
beetle assemblages between two forest sites in the Cumberland Plateau. A related manuscript is in preparation, which investigates
abundance and diversity of carabid assemblages in response to canopy retention treatments on one of these sites. Dr. Ward has
also been directly involved in the servicing of traps and collection of trap catches, as well as some of the taxonomic and curation
work in the laboratory. Dr. Ward has and will continue to provide expertise to some of the wildlife students associated with
CREST who are interested in assessing arthropods as a food source for birds.
Name: Ward, Rufina
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. R. Ward assists in monitoring arthropod communities for Thrust II (fauna) project. She is involved in servicing traps and
collection of insect samples in experimental plots in Bankhead National Forest. She collaborated in the study of how ground
dwelling insects such as carabid beetles and ants were impacted by tree canopy reduction in Miller Mountain and Jack's Gap in
Jackson County. She is a co-advisor for a PhD student, Mohamed Soumare who tied with April Hart for best student poster at the
CFEA conference in June 2007. Rufina provided editing assistance for the CREST newsletter. She also provided substantial
assistance to Mohamed in the preparation of his posters for last summer's conference and the poster he presented at the meeting he
attended in Starkville (and at the NSF STEM conference this year). As a co-Chair of the Outreach Leadership Team for CFEA, Dr.
R. Ward prepared an action plan for the team. She is actively involved in outreach/recruitment of undergraduate minority students
and participated in several events within and outside the county. She also assisted in the preparation of department brochures used
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in recruitment. Dr. Ward is involved in the bioassessment of aquatic insects in north Alabama watersheds. One of the sampling
locations is in the Bankhead National Forest. She and her student, Allison Bohlman (not supported by CREST), are building a
reference collection for use in aquatic insect identification.
Name: Naka, Kozma
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Naka directs research on environmental impact of forest operations and supervises two graduate students, Thomas Tenyah and
Xavier Ndona-Makusa. He also serves in the graduate committee of another graduate student, Nevia Brown.
He searched and reviewed literature, advised and helped students for collecting harvesting impact data in the field, interviewed and
advised loggers, helped students in conducting statistical analysis and in preparing reports, presentations and posters, He also
advised about five undergraduate students who were helping the graduate students collecting data in the field and processing the
information in the computer lab. He recruited two undergraduate students from regional technical colleges.
Dr. Naka teaches the Field Forestry Techniques Course, usually taken by students after sophomore year. This course helps
students get familiar with CFEA research activities. This is important because most of them will be involved directly in the
research during their junior and senior years. During Summer, they camp out in the forest and are guided by faculty and graduate
students to different research plots. They also meet stakeholders of the forest such us Forest Service employees, Native Americans,
and local environmentalists.
Name: Tadesse, Wubishet
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
: Dr Tadesse advises graduate and undergraduate students, serve as a committee member, analyze and create remote sensing and
GIS geodatabase for study area. He has served the Thrust V (Human dimensions) group as a budget manager as well as serve as
graduate student committee member (Thomas Tenyah and Nevia Brown) and co-advisor (Syzmanski Fields). Dr. Tadesse also
contributed to the research component related to the following objectives: (a) To establish and maintain a dynamic digital database
for forest ecosystems in the Southern Cumberland Plateau and in Alabama's Black Belt, identify the land use and land cover
changes and the human drivers of change. (b) To use digital database to understand the impact of disturbances in the Southern
Cumberland and Black Belt landscapes.
Dr. Tadesse major research and educational activities include developing land use/ cover maps, in addition to the 1974, 1995, and
2005 temporal periods, additional land use/cover (1986) data have been developed using Landsat TM imageries for BNF. The
completed vegetation map will be added to the previous database on CREST server and will be available to all CREST faculty and
students. We are continuing with the color infrared (CIR) classification using the object-based classification method. Object-based
classifier groups image pixels into objects using the multi-resolution image segmentation process. During this process contiguous
and homogeneous image pixels are aggregated into regions. These image regions (objects) correspond to the approximations of
real world objects which can be characterized by shape and texture. This classification approach will be compared to the traditional
pixel-based method. The percent accuracy of object-based classification is expected to be higher compared to the pixel-based.
Initial result from the above classification was presented at the Annual American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
in Portland, OR, April 28-may 2, 2008.
Dr. Tadesse also contributes to research component of Sub-project 1 (Vegetation). The objective of this research is to investigate
the feasibility of using LiDAR data to assess future changes in the stand structure and composition of CREST research plots.
Ground plot measurements of will be used for comparison to the LiDAR data. Preliminary result from this study was presented at
the 16th Central Hardwood Forest Conference and Rocket City Geospatial Conference.
Name: Chen, Xiongwen
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Chen is working with Dr. Fraser in the process of developing an ecological model for the project.
Name: Moss, Elica
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Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Moss is working with Dr. Senwo on the microbiological community in objectives 1-3. Dr. Moss also helped Dr. Wang to
coordinate the REU program at AAMU funded by NSF.
Name: Clark, Stacy
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Clark is not a CREST PI, but carries out some of her research on the study plots at the BNF. Dr. Clark has taken the lead on a
number of aspects of the study, including the evaluation of the fuels before and after the treatments. She served on the graduate
committee of Joel Zak, a student who graduated in May 2008 with a Master's degree.
Name: Dimov, Luben
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Advised graduate students, undergraduate students, and technicians. He graduated one of the students, Joel Zak, who is now
continuing with his PhD at the University of Florida. Dr. Dimov also serves as member of the CFEA steering committee. He is a
Co-PI on the newly funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at AAMU (supported by the NSF and AAMU). He
has worked with CREST PIs Dr. Wang and Dr. Schweitzer and CREST research assistant Dawn Lemke on a proposal 'Effect of
Forest Management on the Establishment of Invasive Plants (Paulownia and Ailanthus) in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain
Region' to USDA CSREES.
Name: Soliman, Khairy
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Soliman is a Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences and a collaborator for subproject
IV. He serves as co-Major advisor and participated in the CREST seminars. He also provided Ms. Williams with molecular
training in techniques such as DNA Capillary Electrophoresis.
Name: Sharma, Govind
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Sharma is working on the Molecular Biology subproject IV.
Name: Ranatunga, Thilini
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Contribution to Project: Dr. Ranatunga works with Dr. Taylor in the area of soil chemistry on the Soils subproject III Characterization of Organic Phosphorus (P) Forms (Objective 4) in soils using spectroscopic methods. She carried out all
experimental work pertaining to study of organic phosphorus forms in forest soil. This area of study involved developing methods
to extract organic phosphorus from forest soils and analysis using 31P NMR spectroscopy. This work was carried out in
collaboration with Dr. William F. Bleam at University of Wisconsin. She was also involved in preparation of progress report for
this portion of study.
Name: Christian, Colmore
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Worked with in the Human Dimensions thrust area, not funded from CREST.
Name: Fraser, Rory
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Has severed as center director now involved only in human dimensions thrust.
Name: Ruark, Greg
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Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
USFS SRS Assistant Station Director based at AAMU, has given valuable feed back on research.
Name: Taylor, Robert
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dean of School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, previous center director and researcher on soils thrust.
Name: Tsegaye, Teferi
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Department Chair of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, has given valuable feed back on research.
Name: Stewart, Chadwick
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Chadwick is a freshman in Forestry who helped collect fish and aquatic community data in streams.
Name: Hamilton, James
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Green, Thomas
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Nobles, Maria
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Nobles is working with Dr. Mbila on the Soils subproject III ?Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling (Objectives 1-6). She
participates in the research on biogeochemical cycling of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, base cations and others, as affected by
use of prescribed burning and logging in Bankhead National Forest. She also studies the impact of such treatments on
mineralogical and micromorphological composition of fire and thinning-affected soils. Dr. Nobles coordinates and conducts
replicated field soil sampling at the research plots in Bankhead National Forest. She also conducts laboratory sample analysis for
general soil characterization, mineralogical composition, C, N and S. Dr. Nobles worked closely with Wallace Dillon Jr., who
graduated with a Master's degree in December 2006. Together with Dr. Monday Mbila and Wallace Dillon Jr., Dr. Nobles
published 12 abstracts for local, national and international conferences and presented the results of CREST research at Annual Soil
Science Society of America Meetings, UDSA Greenhouse Gas Conference, 18th World Soil Science Congress and 1st CFA
Conference. She currently has one manuscript in review in peer-reviewed professional journal, and another one in preparation.
Name: Jyoti, Jawahar
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dr. Jyoti worked with Dr. Wang and assisted in CFEA Proposal submission.
Graduate Student
Name: Wick, Jill
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jill is a MS candidate working with Dr. Yong Wang on the avian community portion of the project. She was awarded an EPA
Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowship in August 2006. During past year, he completed all data collection including
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bird surveys using line transect surveys, banding target species on blocks two and three, radio tracking 24 males of the target
species: worm-eating warbler and hooded warbler, conducting nest search, surveying habitat, analyzing data, and completing the
thesis. She also presented at 14th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference, Cooper Ornithological Society Conference,
and the Wilson Ornithological Society/Association of Field Ornithologists Conference. She published an article published in Wild
South, submitted a manuscript for publishing in the proceedings of the 14th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference,
and completed a draft manuscript for submission to Southeastern Naturalist. She was an invited speaker at the Alabama
Ornithological Society annual meeting. She successfully completed and defended thesis in April 2008. She has accepted position
as a biologist with Ecosystem Management, Inc., Albuquerque, NM.
Name: Young, Kelvin
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Kelvin conducted field research on small and medium-sized mammal communities to determine their abundance and diversity
responses to forest disturbance treatments. With the help of Seward Hamilton and Dr. Stone, Kelvin completed trapping of small
mammals in 16 post-treatment research sites. He presented his research at the CFE conference in June 2007, and successfully
defended his thesis during the Fall. He graduated in December 2007. He and Dr. Stone are preparing a manuscript for publication
in the Southeastern Naturalist.
Name: Gardner, Lisa
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
: Lisa was initially hired as a research associate for the insect research and currently is a MS graduate student of Dr. Yong Wang.
She is working on 'Stopover ecology of migratory land birds at an inland site in Alabama during autumn migration.' Thus far she
has conducted two field seasons of research. This fall will be her final field season. She has captured a total of 3,462 new birds
combined (1,770 in 2007), and a total of 84 species combined (74 in 2007). She sampled for arthropods each year. In 2007, she
placed two pitfall transects (100m) at each site as well as two Malaise traps per site (in 2006, there was only one of each), one
located within the associated forest and the other within the associated field/wetland. She has decided not to clip branches for
Lepidopteran larvae, but will collect fecal matter (frass) instead, as it is a less time-consuming process. She has performed some
preliminary data analyses and presented result at Alabama Ornithological Society tri-annual meeting; Alabama Chapter of the
Wildlife Society annual meeting; AAMU Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Day; and Wilson
Ornithological Society / Association of Field Ornithologists (WOS-AFO) annual meeting. She received second place Award for
STEM day presentation. She submitted 2 proposals and has been serving as the secretary of the Flint River Conservation
Association (FRCA), a non-profit organization committed to educating the local public about our watershed, and encouraging them
to participate in maintaining its health. As a member, she has helped with the yearly Flint River Clean-ups and wrote articles for
the FRCA Currents newsletter. While conducting field research, Lisa encouraged the local public including hikers, Boy scout
troops, and campers to learn about migratory birds, and she taught them about her research and why this area is important for
migratory birds.
Name: Soumare, Mohamed
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Soumare is a dissertation student whose project involves the study of responses of the leaf-litter ant community to thinning and
fire disturbances. He is using the Ants of the Leaf Litter (ALL) protocol, a standardized method for sampling leaf litter ant
communities, and baiting studies in our treatment plots in Bankhead National Forest. He completed his first field season last year
and has initiated his field work for this year, which will involve sampling all of the treatment plots he will use in the study for the
first time. Mr. Soumare anticipates graduation in 2009, by which time he will have completed two field seasons of data collection.
Mr. Soumare has worked closely with Dr. Rufina Ward in identifying ant species collected as part of another CREST-related
research project (funded by USDA Forest Service) in Jackson County, Alabama. This work allowed Mohamed to develop his
skills in ant taxonomy and also resulted in production of a poster display that has won awards at the 2007 Forest Ecosystems
Conference and at the STEM conference at Alabama A&M University' Effects of Prescribed Fire, Canopy Tree Reduction and
Their Interaction on Diversity and Abundance of Litter-Dwelling Ant Communities in Pine-Hardwood Forests of the Southern
Cumberland Plateau.' Mr Soumare will be finished his field work the end of 2008. Ant identification is the most difficult part in
this study. It occupies about 80% of my research. In this academic year, I will still be going to the field to collect my data, as I
continue to identify last year's collection.
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Name: Arrington, Alicia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Alicia works on genetics portion of Subproject 4 (Molecular Biology).
Name: Cantrell, Andrew
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Andrew has assisted Subproject 1 (Flora) with data collection and field activities. In 2009 became a masters student in the wildlife
Name: Scott, Chelsea
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Chelsea works with Dr. Wang to conduct research primarily on comparing the use of natural and artificial vernal pools by
semi-aquatic salamanders at Cumberland Region of Jackson County, Alabama. During the fall semester of 2007 and spring
semester of 2008, she has continued monitoring the 20 pools included in her study through drift fence arrays, minnow trapping, and
monthly and biweekly environmental parameter surveys. She has captured a total of 8924 individuals from 21 species. Data entry
is completed on a continuous basis and is up to date at this time. On January 30, 2008, she successfully defended her proposal and
submitted a final draft to graduate school. Chelsea is currently supervising one technician who she trained to assist in her field
work (maintenance and up-keep of drift fence arrays and pit fall traps), data collection (running of drift fence arrays, setting an
checking of minnow traps, procedures for biweekly and monthly surveys, and animal work-up procedures), and data entry. In
February of 2008, she attended and made a poster presentation at the Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Annual Meeting and in April of 2008, she attended the Alabama Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting 30th Anniversary
Name: Randolph, Reginald
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Mr. Randolph was developing his thesis proposal but was not able to finish within time allowed. He is not currently associated
with CREST and not getting fund. He has assisted in image rectification and classification, and ground truthing for accuracy
Name: Dillion, Wallace
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Wallace assisted Subproject 3 (Soils) with field data collection.
Name: Thompson, Meiko
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Meiko assisted Subproject 3 (Soils) with field data collection.
Name: Thomas, Mbeli
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Thomas carried out field research on cut-to-length and tree-length logging systems to determine which method causes less soil and
residual tree damage and at the same time, yields more profits and becomes cost effective to the loggers. With the assistance of
Latoya Smith, Melvin Wallis, Henry Cosby, Reginald Foster, Brian Norris, and Dr. Naka, Thomas measured surface soil
disturbance, soil compaction, residual tree damage, and machine productivity in 6 treatments in the research sites. This was done
from spring 2006 through spring 2008. He has completed data collection.
Name: Zack, Joel
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Joel is the project botanist who studied the response of the ground layer vegetation to the selected treatments under Dr. Luben
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Dimov. Joel graduated in May 2008 and has accepted a research assistantship at the University of Florida, where he will be
pursuing his Doctorate.
Name: Hart, April
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
April was a wildlife graduate student at Oklahoma State University and a multicultural initiative student completing a SCEP with
the USDA Forest Service with the National Forests in Alabama. She completed her data collection on bat use of thinned loblolly
pine stands with help from Dr. Stone and students in CFEA. She presented a portion of that research at the 2007 meeting of the
Southeast Bat Diversity Network workshop at the Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States She
also presented her research at the CFEA conference in June 2007 and her poster tied for First Place Student Poster with Mohamed
Soumare. She graduated from Oklahoma State University in the Spring of 2007 in Wildlife Ecology. She now works for the USDA
Forest Service in Alabama.
Name: Gyawali, Buddhi
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Buddhi Gyawali assisted the PIs (Dr. Rory Fraser and Dr. Wubishet Tadesse) in creating and analyzing the socioeconomic and
satellite imagery data required for the achievement of the objectives # 1 and 2 for the Black Belt region of Alabama. He was
funded through a grant from the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station. Buddhi Gyawali completed his doctorate from
the department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences in December 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Rory Fraser. He
defended his dissertation on November 14, 2007. His dissertation title was: 'Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Human
Well-being, Land Cover Types, Community Capitals, and Income Growth in the Black Belt Region of Alabama.'. Since February
2008, he has been working as a Research Associate in the Center for Forest Ecology and Wildlife. He assists Dr. Fraser for
managing the outreach research projects and analyzing socioeconomic, GIS and remote sensing data for the Black Belt and
Bankhead National Forest regions. During August-December 2007 period, he spent most of his time in writing the dissertation and
preparation for his dissertation defense. During the period, he submitted two articles from the body of his dissertation for
publication. The first article 'Income Convergence in a Rural, Majority African American Region' is now in the second round of
review process in The Review of Regional Studies. Dr. Gyawali is currently revising the second article 'Relationship between
Human Well-being and Land Cover types in the Forest Dependent Counties of the Alabama's Black Belt Region: Evidence from
the Census Block Group Data' in response to the reviewers' comments from Southern Rural Sociology journal. His third paper
'Relationship between Human Well-being and Community Capital in the West-Central Black Belt Counties of Alabama' is under
review by a Journal of Rural Studies. Currently, he is analyzing time series socioeconomic and land cover data for a comparative
study of the income convergence, human well-being and land cover types between Black Belt region and Bankhead National
Forest. In September 2007, Dr. Gyawali received a travel grant from Meridian Institute to attend the 'Roundtable in Sustainable
Forest National Workshop' Madison, Wisconsin. He was the only student among the HBCUs' students to receive the travel award.
Dr. Gyawali has been assisting Nevia Broun in analyzing survey data and the U.S. census and remotely sensed data for the
Southern Cumberland region. In addition, in the months of May and June 2008, Dr. Gyawali will continue to assist Dr. Fraser and
Dr. Colmore Christian to conduct two Land Management Training (LMT) workshops and establish agroforestry demonstration
sites in the private properties of limited resources landowners in Alabama. Dr. Gyawali is a member of Rural Sociological Society
(RSS), Society of American Foresters (SAF), International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR), and American
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS).
Name: Brown, Nevia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Nevia conducts field research where she surveys the local communities around the Bankhead National Forest (BNF) to determine
how trust impacts forest plan implementation. Her project divides the study area participants into two main categories: constituents
and non-constituents. Constituents are classified as people who have a established interest in the management actions on the BNF
and non-constituents are people who have no pre-established interest in the BNF. The survey measures trust by developing
questions based on trust theories in social psychology. Data collection began in June of this year and will continue until April of
Nevia has obtained some landownership information from each study county within the study area. This information will be used
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in three ways; first, the landownership information will be downloaded and projected into maps that will determine the sample of
participants by geographic location. Second, the landownership maps will be combined with the US Census Data to examine
socio-economic variables that will help understand the human well-being of the area. Lastly, the landownership and survey
information will be combined and used to understand is spatial distribution effects survey response. Nevia has also obtained US
Census data to conduct research on social and community capital variables of limited resource communities. In this research,
Nevia uses the US Census CBG data to determine if there is a relationship between Land Cover Change, and Socio Economic
Nevia pre-pared a poster presentation of proposed actions of her project in September 2006 for the Southeastern Society of
American Foresters meeting in the student poster competition. Nevia has also made oral presentation of her research project to our
CFEA external advisory board and internal executive committee. She participated in our CFEA- sponsored workshop for training
in Geographic Information Systems. Nevia participated in the first Annual CFEA conference in June 2007, where she made an oral
presentation on Human well-being and ecosystem change comparison in the Southern Cumberland Plateau.
Name: White, Lesley
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Leslie worked on Subproject 5 (Human Dimensions) and a water quality subproject.
Name: Selvaraj, Rufus
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Rufus assisted the CREST project with computer setup, repairs, and maintenance.
Name: Sutton, Bill
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Bill is a doctoral student of Dr. Yong Wang currently working on the research 'Response of forest herpetofaunal communities to
thinning and prescribed burning in mixed pine-hardwood forests in the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.' Bill is
currently a recipient of a US EPA STAR Fellowship. Over the past year Bill has been working on his dissertation research which
will provide data regarding herpetofaunal response to forest disturbances. He is finishing up his last complete field season and the
following activities are under-way: 1. Coverboards and artificial pools have been checked weekly (all three blocks) from the
second week in January to current. 2. Began opening drift-fences consistently around the mid part of March and have captured
approximately 100 individuals so far this season. 3. In regards to copperhead telemetry, he has already implanted three new
individuals with transmitters and plan to track these individuals throughout the active season. He began an additional portion of his
pools study this year which is illustrating that chorus frog and gray tree frog larvae grow faster in thinned forest stands. He has
been training a field technician (Ed Larrivee) who will assist Bill throughout the remainder of this field season. Bill has led several
field tours for students participating in wildlife techniques courses. Bill has submitted three manuscripts during the year, one of
them has been accept for publishing. He is currently working on an additional manuscript of 'Evaluation of Snake Radio-telemetry
in Eastern North America' to be submitted to Journal of Wildlife Management. He attended two national professional meetings
and has planned to attend and present at Society for Conservation Biology (Chattanooga TN, 2008), Wildlife Society Meeting
(Miami FL, 2008), and Biennial Southern Silvicultural Conference (Hot Springs AR, 2008).
Name: Williams, Ashantye
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Ashantye work on Subproject4 (Molecular Biology).
Name: Chen, Florence
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Florence was a graduate student of Dr. Yong Wang. She worked on the project of 'Monitoring Program for Biodiversity of
Terrestrial Vertebrates on Conservation Lands within the Cumberland Plateau Region of Alabama,' a collaborative research among
the Land Division of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resource (ALDCNR), Auburn University, and Alabama
A&M University, funded by USFWS through ALDCNR. Florence was in charge of the herpetofauna part of the research. During
the past year, she performed field surveys using line transects, worked on the GIS database, and performed analyses. She also
helped Chelsea to establish thesis research of pool breeding salamander ecology at Jackson County. She graduated in the fall 2007
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and is currently working as a field crew leader of a herpetofaunal research project at Las Vegas of Nevada. She presented her result
at several meetings and conferences.
Name: Carpenter, John
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
John was a graduate student of Dr. Yong Wang. He worked a project investigate the Distribution, relative abundance, and habitat
requirements of Cerulean Warblers (Dendroica cerulea) in northern Alabama supported by USFWS' Section 6 Endangered species
grant through Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resource. During 2007, his research efforts were concentrated in
the ADCNR's Forever Wild Walls of Jericho tract in northwest Jackson County, AL. This site was selected due to its accessibility
and population size, which provided us with the largest sample size available for completing our objectives in a timely manner.
Single surveys were also performed for singing males along Larkin Fork, Jackson County, and in Bankhead National Forest. An
intensive mist-netting effort was carried out at Walls of Jericho. Transmitters were used to track the captured birds. He graduated
in May 2007 and accepted a position in November 2007 to work for University of Georgia. He presented his research results at
several regional and national conferences, and is preparing three manuscripts based on his thesis research.
Name: Nwaneri, Sam
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
No longer on project
Name: Katel, Shambhu
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Shambhu is working on his PhD under a ALGA Grant.
Name: Parajuli, Shanta
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Shanta work on forest type and land classification in NE Alabama under a USFS, AAMU Grant.
Name: Felix, Zack
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Zach was a Ph. D student of Dr. Yong Wang and graduated in May 2007. His dissertation research was on the effect of canopy
removal on herpetofaunal community at Cumberland region of Jackson County, AL. During the last year, Zach's research
activities have been mostly limited to preparing manuscripts, proposals, and helping other researchers with design and
implementation of their research. He has also prepared two applications for post doctoral fellowships with the National Science
Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program and the World Wildlife Funds' Fuller Foundation Program. During the fall
of 2007, Zach assisted Yong Wang with two of his graduate level courses. Zach helped a new Ph.D. student, Timothy Baldwin,
develop his doctoral dissertation project and a proposal for EPA STAR Fellowship funds. This project is partially a spin-off from
Zach's research completed during his doctoral dissertation. Zach participated in a workshop featuring reptiles and amphibians and
their use for education in April 2008, and the workshop was attended by > 20 teachers from various schools and environmental
education centers from throughout Alabama. During the year, Zach published four manuscripts, currently has three manuscript
submitted or in revision, and five in preparation. Zach attended and presented at Annual Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and
Herpetologists. St. Louis, MO; and was invited speaker at the 2008 annual meeting of Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and
Reptile Conservation and the annual meeting of the Alabama Chapter of The Wildlife Society.
Name: Ndoma-Makusa, Xavier
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Contribution to project: Xavier has begun his MS program and he is working now on 'Woody biomass harvesting impact on
sustainable forest management'. His study is on preliminary stage. However he has already made couple of visits at forest biomass
harvesting field. He is expected to submit his thesis proposal to the thesis advisory committee by the end of spring semester. He is
supported by a CREST assistantship and in spring 2008 completed 9 credits hour's courses ? Natural Resources Polity, Forest
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Ecological Management and SAS Programming. He participated in the 51st Annual Forestry Conclave hosted by University of
Florida in Gainesville from March 6 to 8, 2008, where about 200 forestry major students from 15 Southern universities had
participated. Xavier also attended several seminars related to forest issues.
Name: Baldwin, Timothy
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Tim is a new Ph.D. student of Dr. Yong Wang. His research will be focusing on the local and landscape factors that affect
breeding success of vernal pool breeding amphibians. This research will involve several agencies including Alabama DNRC,
USFW, USFS, and NASA. He is currently planning and implementing his project, and began field data collection this summer.
Thus far he has applied to numerous funding sources and received award from Alabama Space Grant Consortium Fellowship,
Amphibian Specialist Group Seed Grant, and he attended the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists at St. Louis
University, the Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Conference at University of Georgia, and the
Alabama Chapter of The Wildlife Society at Auburn University. He received 1st Place award in the poster session for Wildlife and
Forestry Section during Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Day (STEM) at Alabama A&M University in
Normal, AL (April 11, 2008), and an American Institute of Biological Sciences Diversity Award.
Name: Fields II, Szymanski
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
: Szymanski is currently composing drafts of his master's thesis proposal that pertains to the use of LIDAR in delineating and
describing vegetation characteristics within the Bankhead National Forest. His final proposal will be completed before May 26th,
2008. Szymanski has completed an updating of the soil survey of Bankhead National Forest via aerial photography from 1972.
Szymanski has also performed rectification, subseting and mosaicking of the Alabama Sipsey Wilderness area using 1991 aerial
photography. He has also actively participated as a mentor in the upward bound program that has been taking place on our campus
to encourage high school seniors to continue on to college. Szymanski recently attended a LIDAR seminar in Nashville, TN hosted
by SANBORN, the seminar summarized and discussed topics including: the basics of LIDAR, data processing, delivery formats,
and software/hardware developments.
Name: Jaja, Ngowari
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Ms Ngowari Jaja assists the Subproject #3 (Soils) group. Her Ph.D. dissertation proposal is 'Biogeochemistry of trace metals in
altered ecosystems' Part of her dissertation is based on the study at the disturbed (fire-managed) sites at the Bankhead National
Forest. She has collected soil and litter samples from both treated and control sites at the BNF, analyzed the samples for trace
metals distribution, and is currently analyzing and writing up her work. She will be finishing her program in the summer of 2008.
She expects that her research will indicate whether that altered ecosystem has had any impacts on trace metal biogeochemistry
because of the management. Ms Jaja's findings will contribute towards addressing objectives #5 and #6 of subproject #3 (Soils)
Name: Stephens, Jeffery
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jeff was a doctoral student who resigned in the Fall of 2007. He worked with the LiDAR and CIR data and was instrumental in his
contribution to the project. Jeff had given two presentations, presented one poster, and published a paper in the Proceedings of the
Central Hardwood Forestry Conference by the time he left the project.
Name: Virone, Dana
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Dana joined the research team at the beginning of the summer 2008 to continue with the work on ground layer vegetation
dynamics following the silvicultural treatments on the BNF. She takes over from Joel Zak, who graduated with a MS degree.
Name: Roberson, Tiffany
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
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Name: Shelton, Erica
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Undergraduate Student
Name: Norris, Brian
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Brian is a Senior majoring in Forest Science who graduated in Spring 2008. He worked in the field with Bill and Chelsea capturing
and handling reptiles and amphibians. He also assisted in human dimensions. He was funded from NSF-CREST
Name: Smith, Latoya
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
She is a senior majoring in Forestry. She assisted Thomas in the field to set up his sub plot and collect data. In the lab, she also
assisted me in data entry.
Name: Cook, Santries
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Santries assisted Subproject 1 (Flora) with data collection and database entry.
Name: Jorden, Michael
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Michael assisted Subproject 1 (Flora) with field data collection.
Name: Weaver, Anthony
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Davis, Cataria
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Augustine, DeAnte
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Benson, John
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Smith, Kendra
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: McGarity, Kimothy
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
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Name: Gaines, Marvin
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Bell, Toia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Bracy, Earlene
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Brown, Andrew
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Graham, Joseph
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Merriweather, Juan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Daniel, April
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Patrick, Raqchell
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Roberts, Vernon
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Fletcher, Terrance
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Soto, Raphael
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Assisted in developing geodatabase for the Blackbelt. Specifically building a developing land parcel data for the region.
Name: Robinson, Jonathan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Pugh, Marcus
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Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Assisted in developing geodatabase for the Blackbelt. Specifically building a developing land parcel data for the region.
Name: Perry, Ayikwei
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Assisted in developing geodatabase for the Blackbelt. Specifically building a developing land parcel data for the region.
Name: Bracy, Darlene
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Bacchus, Lyndon
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Lyndon is a senior in Communications. He worked in the insect lab in 2007 and 2008. He sorted and pinned pitfall and Malaise
trap samples. He was funded from a federal USDA/CSREES grant for teaching capacity enhancement.
Name: Barron, Latoric
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Latoric is a freshman majoring in Forest Science. He worked in the wildlife lab preparing taxidermy mounts of collected wildlife
specimens in 2007 and 2008. He was funded from NSF-CREST
Name: Edwards, Sherice
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Sherice Edwards is a senior in Education. She worked in the insect lab in 2007. She also sorted and pinned pitfall and Malaise trap
samples. She was funded from a federal USDA/CSREES grant for teaching capacity enhancement.
Name: France, Cordero
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Foster, Reginald
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
He was a graduate student majoring in Urban Planning. He assisted me in the summer of 2007 to install the MultiDat on the
harvesting machines and collect data in the field
Name: Hamilton, Seward
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Seward is a Senior majoring in Forest Science. He worked in the wildlife lab preparing taxidermy mounts of collected wildlife
specimens in 2007 and 2008. He also helped conduct data collection on the small mammal trapping project in the field and on
aquatic communities in streams. He was funded from NSF-CREST
Name: Harper, Christina
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Herdsman, Saundria
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
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Contribution to Project:
Saundria Herdsmen sorted and pinned pitfall and Malaise trap samples and assisted in preparation/identification in the lab the lab
during 2007. She is a freshman in Education. She is paid off of a federal USDA/CSREES teaching capacity grant.
Name: Jackson, Bobby
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Bobby is a senior in Forestry who helped to taxidermy vertebrate animal specimens for use in wildlife courses. He also helped
collect fish and aquatic community data in streams.
Name: Lee, Derrick
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Derrick is a sophomore in Abribusiness who helped to taxidermy vertebrate animal specimens for use in wildlife courses.
Name: Poppe, Nichalas
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Sharafkhanova, Lamiya
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Lamiya is a graduate student in Sociology that assisted in the lab by sorting, pinning and identifying insect specimens and in the
field by helping collect data on stream quality and aquatic communities.
Name: Toney, Kwesi
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Kwesi is a senior in Engineering. He worked in the insect lab in 2007 and 2008. He sorted and pinned pitfall and Malaise trap
samples. He was funded from a federal USDA/CSREES grant for teaching capacity enhancement.
Name: Williams, Jeanette
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jeanette is a Junior majoring Forest Science with a Wildlife Biology minor. She assisted Mohamed Soumare in ant community data
preparation/identification in the lab in 2007 and 2008. She was funded from NSF-CREST.
Name: Black, Jemaine
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Undergraduate student majoring in Forestry who worked as student-worker for Thrust Area 1 ? Vegetation.
Name: Bonner, Antoine
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Antoine is a senior in Forestry who helped to taxidermy vertebrate animal specimens for use in wildlife courses.
Name: Cole, Trecina
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Trecina is a sophomore majoring in Environmental Science and minor in Remote Sensing/GIS. She worked in the Geospatial
Analysis Laboratory scanning and rectifying historical aerial photographs for our study area.
Name: Farr, Ryan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
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Contribution to Project:
Ryan is a junior in Forestry who helped to taxidermy vertebrate animal specimens for use in wildlife courses. He also helped
collect fish and aquatic community data in streams.
Name: Lewis, Jamie
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jamie is a senior majoring in Urban Planning and minor in Remote Sensing/GIS. She worked in the Geospatial Analysis
Laboratory scanning, rectifying historical aerial photographs, and developing geodatabase for our study area.
Name: Miller, Monique
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Monique is a sophomore majoring in Communications and minor in Remote Sensing/GIS. She worked in the Geospatial Analysis
Laboratory scanning and rectifying historical aerial photographs for our study area.
Name: Mitchell, Kathryn
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Pittman, Jamila
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jamila is a senior majoring in Urban Planning and minor in Remote Sensing/GIS. She worked in the Geospatial Analysis
Laboratory scanning, rectifying historical aerial photographs, and developing geodatabase for our study area.
Name: Pule, Marcus
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Marcus is a sophomore in Biology Education who helped collect fish and aquatic community data in streams.
Name: Sima, Meseret
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Meseret is a sophomore majoring in Civil Engineering. She worked in the Geospatial Analysis Laboratory scanning, rectifying
historical aerial photographs, and developing geodatabase for our study area.
Name: Williams, Courtney
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Courtney is a sophomore majoring in Chemistry. She worked in the Geospatial Analysis Laboratory scanning, and rectifying
historical aerial photographs, for our study area. Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Sledge, Alisha
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Jackson, Jonjala
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Ellis, Na-Asia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
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Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Davis, Theobald
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Thomas, Jelisa
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Bryant, Tashundra
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Kobe, Paul
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Vitelli, Sarah
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Searcy, Samantha
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Burton, Stephen
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Morales-Vega, Esther
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Molloy, Kelsey
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Brown, India
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Participated in the REU program for 2009.
Name: Artis, Kimberly
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Kim worked for CFEA as a graphic designer, assisting with newsletters, posters, and other publications.
Name: Musoke, Paul
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Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Paul is a senior majoring in Agribusiness. He worked with the Soil Biogeochemical Cycling Group assisting in fieldwork as well as
helping in sample preparation in the Pedology Laboratory.
Name: Lampley, Johnathan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Morris, Henry
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Reed, Napoleon
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Williams, Tashunda
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Harris, Melvin
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Cosby, Henry
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Christie, Darren
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Jones, Jonathan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Diop, Seydou
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Wheeler, Chris
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Cates, Gabrielle
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Johnson, Adrienne
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Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Hemstey, Derek
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Garther, Steven
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Holmes, Christopher
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Anang, Alberta
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Howard, Sherman
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Opal-Gomez, Mary
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Jobe, Bryan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Montgomery, Shaw
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Lambda, Ganga
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Bowers, Campbell
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Blue, Kendron
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Shaw, Shunta
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
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Name: Watson, Jamal
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Green, Hollicia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Ellis, NaAsia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Thomas, Shayla
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Rogers, Latithia
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Wright, Vernon
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Flowers, Marshun
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Daniels, Sharrodd
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Owen, James
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Smith, William
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Technician, Programmer
Name: Howell, Heather
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
: Her research activities include sorting, pinning, and curating insect samples from Jackson County, Alabama and the Bankhead
National Forest. She also installed traps and collected insect samples from the Bankhead National Forest. She identifies most
insects to family, morphospecies and functional groups and further identifies carabid beetles and lepidopterans to species. She
maintains and adds to the insect database and analyzes data. She makes additions to and curates reference collections for most
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insect families and morphospecies, local lepidopteran species, and carabid species. She coordinates students, faculty and staff in
the collection and processing of insect samples and the entry and analysis of insect data. She assisted in refining study directions
and focus. She is also working on the identification of terrestrial snails. She trains students in insect sample curation and
preservation techniques, and also trains students in how to identify insects to order, family, and morphospecies. Heather also
assists with data collection on small mammal, avian, and herpetofaunal research in the Bankhead National Forest and Jackson
County, Alabama. She orders equipment and supplies necessary for thrust area research.
She is Co-PI on a USDA-CSREES capacity building grant to develop a fisheries minor and aquatic ecology research experience
for undergraduates. She co-authored a grant proposal with Dawn Lemke to the Birmingham Water Works Board to monitor the
response of aquatic communities in Inland Lake and its tributaries to land cover and climate changes. She is also co-authoring a
USDA-CSREES watershed level proposal with integrated research, education, and extension activities in the Flint River
Her educational activities include developing and teaching two fisheries courses with Dr. Stone to enhance the opportunity for
aquatic hands-on research training of undergraduate students at a minority serving institution. She participated in an Alabama
Water Watch Living Streams Workshop to develop skills in teaching about water-related issues to a broad range of age groups. She
trained students in the use of water quality testing equipment and assisted in the training of students in fish collection techniques.
She also tutors students in entomology identification, ecology and lab techniques. She guest lecturers for wildlife and entomology
classes at AAMU. Heather presented an overview of the invertebrate study to the external advisory board and the internal
executive committee. She also co-authored a poster presented at the 2007 CFEA Conference comparing the carabid beetle fauna of
Jackson County, Alabama to that of the Bankhead National Forest.
Her outreach/collaborative activities include assisting in the collection of herpetofaunal data in Jackson County, Alabama and the
MAPS survey of birds at the Walls of Jericho in Jackson County. She also assisted in the collection, identification, and counting of
aquatic macroinvertebrates and the evaluation of sampling sites in collaboration with HsCARs. She participates in Flint River
Conservation Association meetings and assists them in activities to educate the community about and conserve the habitat for the
Slackwater Darter in the Flint River Watershed. She also gave presentations about wildlife, fisheries, entomology, and
bioasessment to several high school groups that toured the research lab facilities at AAMU. In addition, she presented on fish
sampling techniques, native mussels, and macroinvertebrates to the Birmingham Water Works Board high school student Water
Name: Lemke, Dawn
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Contribution to Project: Ms. Lemke supports students and faculty from all thrust areas in an effort to build synergy throughout
CFEA and increase integration of GIS and remotely sensed information. She maintains the website and produces quarterly
newsletters. Her responsibilities include data management for the project, both spatial and non spatial. This has included
development of geodatabases for the Blackbelt, Bankhead National Forest and the Cumberland Plateau as well as non-spatial
databases for the large datasets collected by the flora thrust area. She was involved in the logistics and planning of the CFEA
conference. Ms Lemke supports Dr Tadesse in management of Thrust Area V (Human Dimension), including reporting and
coordination of research activities. She assists in the collection of the information for progress reports and CREST website and
serves on the Core Steering Committee (CSC). She has developed collaboration with Canterbury University (New Zealand) on
invasive plant research and submitted a USDA CRESSE proposal to further develop this research. Some exploratory work on
modeling invasive plants using the Cumberland Plateau geodatabase and the Forest Service Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data
was presented at the Weed Science Society meeting. Ms. Lemke is very involved in local environmental community groups and
has trained both community and local school groups in the use of technology in environmental endeavors. This has included
community based habitat assessment and mapping of outdoor classrooms.
Name: Lawson, Daryl
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
: Daryl manages the day to day operations of the Center, oversee budget expenditures, and assist CFEA researchers with securing
resources. He reports to Dr. Wang the Center Director, and assist him with logistics for Center meetings, the CFEA Conference,
and annual reporting for both NSF FastLane and CRESTWeb. In Addition he assist CFEA faculty by managing vehicle usage and
fuel reporting. He supports students by advising them on field techniques in timber cruising, forest fire management and integrated
GPS hand held use. Attended Local Society of American Foresters chapter meeting and assisted with Teacher Conservation
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Final Report: 0420541
workshop, Forestry Awareness Week Now (FAWN) tour in Decatur at the USFWS Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. 350 fifth
and sixth graders from Morgan County and Decatur city public schools were rotated between 6 stations which featured tree
identification, wood products, Wildlife habitat, water quality, stand management, and timber harvesting. Served on Young Forester
of the Year search and judging team for Alabama Chapter of SAF.
Serve as President of ATFA for Jackson County from 2005-2008. This landowner group meets once a quarter in Scottsboro to
educate small private landowners in forest and natural resource management issues and practices. Conduct landowner tours twice a
year in the spring and fall.
Mr. Lawson received a grant with the Birmingham Water Works Board in 2007, to secure 3 months of salary for constructing a
forest resource Management plan of the BWWB property. Grant awarded: $37,528. This grant funding will cover three months of
CFEA Project Manager and free up salary money for the Soils Trust Area 2 subproject.
Two Additional grants have been submitted to the BWWB: A Communication Grant: to help cover cost of publications and travel
for recruitment efforts for CFEA and highlight the partnership between AAMU and BWWB. -$30,000. A Water Quality study on
Lake Purdy in Jefferson County, Alabama which will cover one month salary for two CFEA technicians as well as supplies and
materials cost for CFEA Wildlife and Human Dimensions Thrust areas, subprojects 2 and 5.- $25,000
Bankhead Center for Education and Research: Mr. Lawson served as a liaison between AAMU and the Bankhead Education
Foundation, Inc. to secure a new research and education facility on the Bankhead National Forest. This facility will house a field
lab, classrooms, office space, conference rooms and living quarters for the CFEA staff, faculty, and students while conducting
research on site that is funded primarily by NSF CREST grant.
Name: Sisk, Ryan
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Ryan is a USFS SRS RWU employee, he is not funded under CREST. He is providing technical assistance to the CREST project as
a collaborator. His funding comes directly from the USFS.
Ryan established the original plot centers for Block 1-4 Treatment areas. He also supervised the initial data collection of
Subproject 1 (Flora). Ryan trained CREST workers on how to collect data. He set up the GIS database and maps for the Treatment
area locations.
Name: Rice, Jennifer
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jennifer is a USFS SRS RWU employee, she is not funded under CREST. She worked as a collaborator and is paid directly by the
Jennifer worked with CREST Workers and RWU staff in data collection. She also maintained the Subproject 1 (Flora) database.
Name: Bohlman, Allison
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Allison worked on the insect portion of Subproject 2 (Fauna). She collected field data, and identified and pinned species.
Name: Bolus, Matthew
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Works for Dr. Yong Wang and Bill Sutton assisting herp research at Bankhead National Forest.
Name: Bru, Rachel
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Rachel's main duty as a research technician is to assist graduate students with data collection. She has assisted with Jill Wick's,
Lisa Gardener-Barillas', and Chelsea Scott's research. See above entries for more detail.
Name: Sangalng, Kimi
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
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Contribution to Project:
Mila Kimi Sangalang
Budget Analysis
Monitor and input all budget and accounting for CFEA-CREST for all 5 Thrust areas and Main account.
Summarizes the monthly budget reports and reconciles the 'Requisition Log' against the AAMU mainframe report.
Assist all CFEA personal, students, staff, and faculty in ordering, processing and follow through for supplies and expenses through
the AAMU system.
Works with all thrust area budget mangers for changes in object code funds and tracks all fund balances to ensure accuracy and
policy and guideline compliance.
Receives and directs all phone calls within the Center.
Prepare and processes document for hiring student worker for CREST Project.
Created monthly and yearly spreadsheet and documents reports for Time and Effort to AAMU Grants and Contracts.
Coordinates fuel purchase receipts and reporting to AAMU Physical Facilities on a monthly and yearly basis.
Check and balance internal system maintenance and cross check with AAMU reporting requirements.
Accounting system was reported as exceeding standards during 2007 NSF audit and site visit.
Awarded two CFEA-CREST Associate of the year certificates by her peers.
Name: Cseke, Sarah
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Sarah Cseke is a technician in the Center for Molecular Biology and responsible for maintaining the laboratories and various
instruments. She also trains students on the DNA sequencing, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, and Imaging instrumentation.
Name: Pahl, Leela
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Works for Dr. Yong Wang and assisted Cerulean Warbler research and MAPS program in Jackson County, Alabama
Name: Larrivee, Edward
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Works for Dr. Yong Wang and William Sutton on herpetofaunal research component at Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.
Name: Petty, James
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Trey worked as technician on the Vegetation Thrust Area and his responsibilities included collection of data and samples, data
entry, processing of fuel samples, setting up fire rate of spread and fire intensity monitoring, and most other aspects of the work
related to Vegetation sampling. Trey also supervised undergraduate students and worked closely with graduate students and other
Name: Hardman, Rebecca
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Rebecca's main duty as a research technician was to assist graduate students with data collection. She assisted Bill Sutton and
Chelsea Scott's research of herpetofaunal ecology.
Name: Ganapthy, Vanarj
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Metcalfe, Hugh
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
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Name: Brown, James
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Hildebrandt, Drew
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Johnson, Damica
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Qiu, Lei
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Other Participant
Name: Cheong, Sydney
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Sydney is a student from Singapore and has been helping Dr. Yong Wang to collect wildlife related data since April 2008.
Name: Fowler, Drew
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Drew assisted Jill Wick and Dr. Yong Wang to collect avian research data at Bankhead National Forest during the summer 2007.
Name: Graves, Brian
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Brain worked for Dr. Yong Wang and Lisa Gardner as an intern and assisted the research of stopover ecology of migratory bird
during fall 2007
Name: Haslick, Brandon
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Brandon has been working as an intern technician since November 2007. He has been helping Chelsea Scott for the amphibian
pool use study. He also helped to identify insects for Lisa Gardner's migratory bird study, and assisted Tim Baldwin to implement
a new amphibian ecology study.
Name: Thompson, Nicholas
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Nick worked for Dr. Yong Wang and Lisa Gardner as an intern and assisted the research of stopover ecology of migratory bird
during fall 2007
Name: Riley, Bobby
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Bobby was an intern who worked on the molecular subproject during the summer of 2009. He is seeking an opportunity to become
a graduate student. The intern position gave him an opportunity to get to know the CREST program.
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Name: Carter, Adam
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: VanderHam, Ashley
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Ashley helped the project investigating the effect of forest management on herpetofaunal communities
Name: Zwach, Serica
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Serica participated a research project of amphibian breeding ecology
Name: MacKeil, Haley
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Haley worked on a project investigating the effect of forest management on herpetofaunal communities.
Name: Xu, Jian
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Jian worked a pool breeding amphibian ecology project in the summer of 2009.
Name: Jervis, Kim
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Name: Nobb, Phill
Worked for more than 160 Hours:
Contribution to Project:
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Organizational Partners
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station
The Bent Creek Work Unit of the SRS have been instrumental in identifying and laying out research plots as well as collecting baseline data on
USDA Forest Service National Forest of A
The Bankhead National Forest Staff have been a major contributor this project. They have worked with our scientists in identifying research
plots and marking them on the ground.
Alabama Dept of Consv. and Nat. Res.
Alabama Department of Conservation and Nature Resources (ADCNR) - has provided research grants and technical assistance for several
wildlife related research of CREST-CFEA projects
Auburn University
Auburn University (AU)- is one of AAMU partners along with Tuskegee University (TU) in the Alabama Agricultural Land Grant Alliance
(AALGA). They are conducting related research and educational efforts that address similar issues in natural resource management and public
education. We collaborate on many research projects in the Bankhead National Forest (BNF) and in Forestry Summer Camp ; two examples of
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Final Report: 0420541
our mutually beneficial partnership. Graeme Lockaby, associate dean and professor in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, and head
of AU's newly created Water Resources Center (WRC) is one of the CFEA External Advisory Board (EAB) members.
Bankhead Education Foundation
Bankhead Education Foundation is a private, nonprofit (501c3) organization partnered with AAMU, Auburn University, Tuskegee University
(all members of Alabama Agricultural Land Grant Association (AALGA)) to plan, fund and build the Bankhead Center for Education and
Research (BCER). This center will provide onsite research labs, housing, and classrooms for the CFEA research team of faculty, staff and
Bankhead National Forest Citizen Liaison
A citizen's advisory board to the Bankhead National Forest District Ranger( BNFRD). The liaison panel plays an important advisory and
monitoring role in the planning and implementation of the Bankhead's management activities including the Restoration Plan which is a
foundation of much of the CFEA research. CFEA attends their quarterly meetings to provide information about research findings, receive
information regarding their monitoring of the implementation of restoration treatments, and build support for the Bankhead interpretive center
and research field station.
Birmingham Water Works Board
Birmingham Water Works Board (BWWB): The water services for City of Birmingham and the intermediate urbanized area in Central
Alabama. A public authority that was established in 1951, the BWWB serves all of Jefferson, northern Shelby, western St. Clair counties. The
BWWB has partnered with AAMU to provide funding to support student scholarships, supplies, and staff salary to supplement the NSF CREST
funding. In return, AAMU will provide natural resource planning and research on their 14,000-acre forestland ownership. This is a 15-year
commitment between the partners that will provide forested sites for research and educational opportunities in all CFEA and CFEW projects
EPA STAR and GRO Fellowship Program
EPA STAR and GRO Fellowship Program ? These competitive research fellowship programs which are sponsored by the environmental
Protection agencies have been acquired by four graduate students (Felix, Howell, Sutton, and Wick) working with two of the faculty members
in Thrust 2 (Fauna) to expand their research and supplement CFEA-funded objectives.
Mississippi State University (MSU)
Provided access to entomological museum specimens and training in entomological identification to faculty, staff and students.
Oklahoma State University (OSU)
Funded April Hart's teaching assistantship and sponsored part of her research costs to conduct CFEA related research on bats with Dr. Stone.
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
- has collaborated in developing a proposal funded by USFWS/ALDCNR for a wildlife inventory study of the properties recently acquired by
USDA Forest Service (USFS), Bankhead Nat
is the Forest Unit that manages the Bankhead study sites. They have assisted throughout all phases of the research conducted on the Bankhead
National Forest working with research in site selection, harvesting logistics and burn timing.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Research S
The main participants are the Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management Research Unit's Dr. Callie Schweitzer and Dr. Stacy Clark assisted
by their technicians Ryan Sisk and Nathan Brown. Drs. Schweitzer and Clark work closely with AAMU PIs, students, and technicians on this
project. Dr. Schweitzer is leading the Vegetation Thrust Area and woody vegetation data collection effort at the BNF. Dr. Schweitzer led the
development of the silvicultural treatments in the planning stages of the proposal, the selection of the stands, and communication with the BNF
collaborators. Dr. Schweitzer has an active role in the CFEA and she is a valuable member on several graduate student committees. She works
with many CFEA PIs on a large number of research projects related to vegetation and wildlife dynamics in response to silvicultural treatments.
Dr. Clark is not a CREST PI, but carries out some of her research in the stands studied by CREST researchers. Dr. Clark has taken the lead on a
number of aspects of the study, including the evaluation of the forest fuels before and after the treatments and logging damage on the residual
trees. She served on the graduate committee of Joel Zak, a student who graduated in May 2008 with a Master's degree.
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Other Collaborators or Contacts
Frank Allen, is a wildlife manager of Alabama DCNR. Frank has provided assistance in the development and implement of the wildlife
research in Jackson County, Alabama.
Allison Bohlman ? is a research associate of the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Science at AAMU. She contributes her
time assisting in entomological field collections and helping to train students in aquatic bio-assessment protocol and identification of benthic
macroinvertebrates. She was a research associate with the arthropod group during the first year of CFEA.
Dr. James Brown ? is a retired entomologist. He has graciously offered to assist the arthropod group with some of its taxonomic chores and has
been spending a few hours per month identifying hymenopterans collected from our treatment plots.
Dr. Jennifer Brown ? is the Associate Director of the Biomathematics Research Centre and Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics at the
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. She is working with CFEA in developing an invasive plant research program.
Allison Cochran ? is a wildlife biologist for the Bankhead National Forest and serves as our Liaison with this essential partner. She serves on
the CFEA Core Steering Committee, and provides important communication about treatment operations and other relevant Forest Service news
that affects our research. She helps coordinate visits to the forest by internal and external CFEA research, education, and outreach groups.
Dr. C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. - is a Zoologist (Research) of the Florida Integrated Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Gainesville, FL. Dr.
Dodd is also the Project Leader, USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI), Southeastern US. Dr. Dodd has been assisting
several CREST graduate students to develop and implement their herpetofaunal research. He also serves on graduate committee, and also
helped review manuscripts.
Joe Gardinski ?is a GIS specialist with USDA-NRCS North Alabama Regional Soil Survey Office located on the campus of AAMU. He assists
undergraduate and graduate students as well as research scientists in the area of GIS analysis. Mr. Gardinski has also provided vector and raster
data for of CREST study area.
Dr. Paul Hamel - is a wildlife biologist of the Southern Research Station of USDA Forest Service. Dr. Paul Hamel has assisted and guided
several avian related research projects
Dr. Drew Hildebrandt - Contribution to Project: Dr. Drew Hildebrandt, a medical researcher in Jackson MS, has expertise in carabid beetle
taxonomy and has provided essential help in species identification of this important indicator group for study sites in Jackson County and
Bankhead National Forest.
Dr. J Drew Lanham ? is an associate professor of Wildlife Biology of the Clemson University. With his minority background, Dr. Lanham has
been helping to mentor the minority graduate students associated with CREST. Dr. Lanham serves on graduate committee, and has provided
guidance and technical assistance to several graduate students for their research project. Dr. Lanham also helped reviewing manuscripts.
Dr. Robert O. Lawton - is a professor of ecology of University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH). Dr. Lawton has assisted and guided several
graduate students to develop their research projects.
Joe MacGown - Contribution to Project: Mr. MacGown is a full-time technical staff person with the Mississippi Entomological Museum,
Mississippi State University. He has provided essential taxonomic services in ant identification for the project, including working closely with
and providing some training for Mohamed Soumare, our dissertation student working with leaf litter ants.
Dr. Thomas Pauley is a professor from the Biological Department of Marshall University. Dr. Pauley is a herpetofaunal expert and has assisted
several graduate students for their herpetofaunal research. He also helped to recruit a minority graduate student.
Jim Schrenkel, - The manager for the Skyline State Wildlife Management Area and adjacent Forever Wild lands where some of the research is
conducted. He is a wildlife biologist of AL DNR and has assisted in developing and implementing wildlife research on state properties in
Jackson County, Alabama.
Nick Sharpe, Alabama DCNR - is a land stewardship office of AL DNCR. Nick has provided assistance, guidance, and collaboration for the
wildlife research at Jackson County, Alabama.
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Eric Soehren - Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Forever Wild Program. Eric is a biologist with the Alabama
Natural History Survey that has provided surveying help to several graduate students in the Walls of Jericho, Jackson Co. Forever Wild lands,
Skyline Wildlife Management Area, and Bankhead National Forest study areas.
Activities and Findings
Research and Education Activities: (See PDF version submitted by PI at the end of the report)
See attached PDF
Major Research and Education Activities
Findings: (See PDF version submitted by PI at the end of the report)
See Attached PDF
Major Findings
Training and Development:
Please summarize the contributions to the research and teaching skills and experience of those who have worked on the project, including
undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, college faculty, and K-12 teachers. If your project supported postdoctoral researchers then
you must include a summary of the mentoring activities conducted.
Research scientists, staff and graduate and undergraduate students actively participate annually in a regional, national, and international
conferences and workshops related to their scientific disciplines by making presentations of their research results. Below is a list of some of
these conferences and workshops.
Poster and Presentations at Conferences and Workshops lead by senor personal:
Connor, K., Dimov, L.D., Barlow, R., Smith, M., Kirkland, E. Conversion of an oak seed orchard to oak silvopasture. Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics Conference. 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Hot Springs, AR. November 17-20,
Dimov, L.D.2008. Spatial continuity of tree basal area: ecological and silvicultural implications. Ecological Society of America annual
meeting. Milwaukee, WI. Aug 2-8, 2008.
Mbila, M., M. Nobles, Ngowari Jaja and T. Coleman. 2006. Clay mineral distribution and transformation patterns in fire-managed Ultisols in
Northern Alabama. CSA/ASA/SSSA 2006 Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN. Nov. 12-16, 2006.
Moss, E.M., Y. Tilahun, M. M. Thompson, and Z. Senwo. 2006. Microbial Community Structure and Diversity of an Agricultural Soil.
Association of Research Directors (ARD) Symposium. Atlanta, GA. April 1-5.
Moss, E.M., Y. Tilahun, M. M. Thompson, and Z. Senwo. 'Microbial Community Structure and Diversity of an Agricultural Soil'. Alabama
Water Resources Conference, Auburn University, South Beach Alabama. September 6-8, 2006.
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Naka, K. April 23, 2009. Services Available to Forest Landowners in Alabama. 28th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Forest Owners'
Association, Inc. Cheaha State Park, Alabama
Naka, K. November 15, 2008. Understanding Bioenergy Resources. Bioenergy Production and Carbon Credit Workshop. Federation of
Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund. Epes, AL
Naka, K. September 29, 2008. State of the Forest Products Industry and Biomass Potential in Alabama. Woody Biomass for Energy Workshop.
Hartselle, AL.
Naka, K. September 20, 2008. Using Biomass for Energy. Alabama Loggers Council Vulcan district Conference, Dodge City, AL.
Wang, Y. and W. Stone. 2009. Developing wildlife research and educational capacity at Alabama A&M University ? A minority University.
Alabama Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Clanton, AL. March 31-April 1, 2009.
Wang, Y., J. Wick, and C. Schweitzer. 2009. Avian community response to prescribed burning and logging at Bankhead National Forest of
northern Alabama. 70th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists. Birmingham, AL. April 1-4, 2009.
Wang, Y., J. Wick, and C. Schweitzer. 2009. Immediate effect of forest burning and logging treatments on the avian biodiversity at Bankhead
National Forest of Northern Alabama. 15th Biennial Research Symposium of Association of Research Directors. Atlanta, GA. March
28-Aprial 1, 2009.
Mentoring Activities
- EnvironMentors
- AAMU Changing Lanes Program
- Advisor for the Alabama A&M University Environmental Science Club
- Earn and Learn Program, Summer 2006-present
- Agricultural symposium for high school students in the North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence
- Outreach coordinator for the National Science Foundation's Plant Genome Project at AAMU
- Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Consultant with Project Awake-Environmental Justice Organization, Sumter County, AL
Other professional development and leadership activities
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, NSF
- Reviewer of the undergraduate applications for travel awards to the ESA Annual Meeting
- Reviewer, Forest Ecology and Management
- Reviewer, Southern Journal of Applied Forestry
- Panel member, USDA National Research Initiative (NRI). Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES),
Washington, DC,
- Ad hoc reviewer for proposals to the Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Panel member, EPA STAR Fellowships - Terrestrial Systems Ecology: Soils, Plants and Animals. Washington, DC
- Faculty Advisor, Ecological Society of America student chapter at Alabama A&M University,
- Faculty Co-Advisor, Society of American Foresters Student Chapter
- Chair, Library Committee, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Board Member, Tennessee Valley Weed Management Area Organization
- Chair, Southeastern Hardwood Forestry Group
- Chair, Communications Committee, Society of American Foresters Mountain lakes Chapter
CFEA Project Manager attended five Certified Burn Manager Courses to receive a license to construct and execute prescribed burn plans in
February at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Also trained a student in Fire Ecology class to plan and execute burns on the Winfred Thomas Agricultural
Farm in Hazel Green, Alabama in March, 2009.
Poster and Presentations at Conferences and Workshops lead by post docs and staff:
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Final Report: 0420541
Lawson, D. S., 2008. CFEA Forestry Career Choices Opportunities, Epps Forestry Summer camp. Epps, AL. June 2008.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. CFEA Annual report highlights was made at the AAMU Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Faculty Meeting, Normal, AL. August 2008.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. CFEA Status Update to Forestry, Ecology and Wildlife Program faculty and staff at Annual retreat at the AAMU Farm
Complex, Hazel Green, AL. January 2009
Lawson, D. S., 2009. Southern Pine Beetle outbreaks and the result of the Natural Resource Plan for 1,000 acres of BWWB Dean Ferry
Property in Blount County, Alabama. Birmingham Water Woks Board Meeting. Birmingham, AL. October 2008.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. Southern Pine Beetle outbreaks and the result of the Natural Resource Plan for 1,000 acres of Locust Fork BWWB
Property in Blount County, Alabama. Birmingham Water Works Board Meeting. Birmingham, AL. April 2009.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. Southern Pine Beetle outbreaks and the result of the Natural Resource Plan for 1,000 acres of Standridge Bend BWWB
Property in Blount County, Alabama. Birmingham Water Woks Board Meeting. Birmingham, AL. June 2009.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. Status of CFEA Research on the Bankhead National Forest .Bankhead National Forest Liaison Panel Meeting. Moulton,
AL. March 2009.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. CFEA the future direction of Research in Forest Ecosystem Assessment. National Forest in Alabama Partnership
Meeting. USFS National Forest in Alabama Leadership Team, January
2009 Double Spring, AL.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. CFEA the future direction of Research in Forest Ecosystem Assessment. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce,
February 2009, Moulton, AL.
Lawson, D. S., 2009. CFEA the future direction of Research in Forest Ecosystem Assessment. AALGA Meeting with Auburn School of
Forestry, Tuskegee University School of Agriculture March 2009. Auburn University, AL
Lawson, D. S., 2009.CFEA the future direction of Research in Forest Ecosystem Assessment., North Alabama State Legislative Delegation and
the North Alabama National Congressional Delegation. April 2009. Moulton, AL
Lemke, D., P. Hulme, J. Brown, W. Tadesse, 2008.Predicting Japanese Honeysuckle: Integration of GIS and statistical modeling tools. Rocket
City Geospatial Conference. November, 18-20, Huntsville, AL
Lemke, D., P. Hulme, J. Brown, W. Tadesse, 2009. Integrating GIS and Statistical Modeling in Assessing Invasive Plants. ESRI International
User Conference. San Diego, CA. July 13-17, 2009.
Lemke, D., P. Hulme, J. Brown, W. Tadesse, 2009. Predicting the occurrence of invasive plants in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain
Region: integration of forestry inventory data, geospatial information system and statistical modelling tools. Southern Forestry and Natural
Resources Management GIS Conference December 7-9, Athens, GA
Lemke, D., W. Tadesse, 2008. Integrating remote sensing and GIS in developing geodatabase for Winfred Thomas Agricultural Research
Station. Rocket City Geospatial Conference. November, 18-20 Huntsville, AL
Lemke, D., W. Tadesse, T. Colman, J. Brown, 2009. Probability mapping for species conservation on Alabama's Gulf Coast. Southern Forestry
and Natural Resources, Management GIS Conference. Athens, GA. December 7-9.
Nobles, M.M., and M. Mbila. 2008. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in fire- and logging-affected soils in the first stages of Southern
Appalachian forest ecosystem study. 2008 Joint Annual Meetings, Houston, TX, Oct 5-9.
Nobles, M.M., and M. Mbila. 2008. Clay mineral transformation in fire-affected soils of Northern Alabama. 2008 Joint Annual Meetings,
Houston, TX, Oct 5-9.
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon Jr. and M. Mbila. 2005. Biogeochemical nutrient distribution in disturbed forest ecosystem of Northern Alabama.
CSA/ASA/SSSA 2005 Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 6-10.
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Final Report: 0420541
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon, and M. Mbila. 2006. Changes in selected soil properties immediately following prescribed treatments in a disturbed
forest ecosystem of Northern Alabama. CSA/ASA/SSSA 2006 Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN. Nov. 12-16.
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon, and M. Mbila. 2006. Impact of prescribed management treatments on selected soil properties in a disturbed forest
ecosystem of Northern Alabama. 18th World Soil Science Congress, Philadelphia, PA. July 9-15.
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon, and M. Mbila. 2007. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil following prescribed burning and thinning in the first
stages of Southern Appalachian forest ecosystem study. CSA/ASA/SSSA 2007 Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Nov. 4-8.
Nobles, M.M., W. Dillon, and M. Mbila. 2007. Nutrient distribution in soil immediately following prescribed treatments in disturbed forest
ecosystem of Northern Alabama. 4th UDSA Greenhouse Gas Conference, Baltimore, MD. Feb. 6-8.
As this report has already documented above, all of our graduate students have been active in participating in professional meetings and have
had success in competing for presentation awards at scientific conferences they have attended. The CFEA seminar series has brought nationally
and internationally recognized scientific experts to our campus to present research findings and ideas to our graduate students. Most of our
students have taken advantage of the GIS workshop that was conducted by CFEA personnel. Several of our students have traveled to Auburn,
Mississippi State, and other universities to learn research methods from other professionals. Students have been active in grant writing and
manuscript preparation. Furthermore, graduate and undergraduates have been active in presenting research findings to the Bankhead N.F.
Citizens Liaison panel participating in other community outreach projects to educate our community about forest and wildlife ecology.
Several undergraduate students were involved in soil sampling, analyses, data collections, and analyses. The students also took part in
instrumentation training, conferences, workshops, and classes related to the project. With this project we have strengthened our collaboration
with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) working with them to update soils maps of the state to maintain an accurate soil
database and continued correlation activities to meet national standards. The project is also benefiting the NRCS in developing clay mineralogy
database for the State. The 2009 USDA Soil Geomorphology Institute, 3-week intensive training program for USDA employees took place
from June 9 to 25.
Poster and Presentations at Conferences and Workshops lead by students:
Baldwin, T.E., F. Chan, Y. Wang. 2009. Methods for predicting the occurrence of amphibians in oak hickory forests along an environmental
gradient in the Mid Cumberland Plateau. Association of Southeastern Biologists. Birmingham, Alabama. April 1-4, 2009.
Baldwin, T.E., F. Chan, Y. Wang. 2009. Methods for predicting the occurrence of amphibians in oak hickory forests along an environmental
gradient in the Mid Cumberland Plateau. National Science Foundation Joint Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.. June 8-11, 2009.
Baldwin, T.E., F. Chan, Y. Wang. 2009. Methods for predicting the occurrence of amphibians in oak hickory forests along an environmental
gradient in the Mid Cumberland Plateau. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Conference. Portland, Oregon. July 22-27, 2009.
Baldwin, T.E., F. Chan, Y. Wang. 2009. The effect of moisture related habitat features on amphibian occurrence in the southern Cumberland
Plateau in Northern Alabama. Alabama Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Clanton, Alabama. March 31- April 1, 2009.
Barlow, R., Dimov, L.D., Connor, K., and M .Smith. 2008. First year survival and growth of fertilized slash pine in south Alabama. 15th
Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Hot Springs, AR. November 17-20, 2008.
Barillas, L. G., and Y. Wang. 2008. Forest edge habitat as the stopover site of landbird migrants during fall migration at Walls of Jericho
Management Area of northeastern Alabama. 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference (BSSRC). Hot Springs, Arkansas.
November 17-20, 2008.
Barillas, L. M. G. and Y. Wang. 2009. Age-related stopover ecology of songbird species during fall migration at an inland site of the
Cumberland Plateau of northern Alabama. 70th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists. Birmingham, AL. April 1-4,
Dillon Jr., W., M.M. Nobles and M. Mbila. 2006. Measuring soil carbon storage under different forest ecosystem management practices in
North Alabama. Association of Research Directors, Inc. 14th Biannual Research Symposium. Atlanta, GA. April 1-5, 2006.
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Hupp, N., Dimov, L.D. 2008. Black cohosh presence and abundance relative to environmental gradients. Research Experience for
Undergraduates, School of Ag and Environmental Sciences, Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL July 25, 2008.
Patterson, C.T., Dimov, L.D.2009. American Chestnut Restoration: Progress and Direction. Third Annual Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) day. Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL. April 3, 2009. Third Place Award.
Soumare, M. K., K. E. Ward and R. N. Ward. 2009. Effects of prescribed fire, canopy tree reduction and their interaction on the diversity of
litter-dwelling ants. Entomological Society of America Southeastern Branch meeting, (PhD student oral competition). Montgomery, AL, March
Sutton, W.B., and Y. Wang. 2009. Habitat Use and Spatial Ecology of Agkistrodon contortrix in Disturbed Pine-Hardwood Forests. Biennial
Southern Silviculture Research Conference. Hot Springs, AR. November 17-20, 2008.
Sutton, W.B., and Y. Wang. 2009. Habitat Use and Spatial Ecology of Agkistrodon contortrix in Disturbed Pine-Hardwood Forests.
Southeastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation annual meeting. Montreat, NC. February 19-22, 2009.
Thompson, M. M. and E.M. Moss. 2008. Prescribed Burning Effects on Selected Enzyme Activities. National Black Graduate Student
Association Conference.
Thompson, M. M., E. Moss, Y. Tilahun, A. M. Ibekwe, and Z. Senwo. 2006. Soil Microbial Diversity after Forest Land Management Changes.
Alabama Water Resources Conference, Auburn University, South Beach Alabama.
Thompson, M. M., E. Moss, Y. Tilahun, A. M. Ibekwe, and Z. Senwo. 2007. Microbial Community Shifts after Fire Disturbances. Proceedings
of the 107th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology.
Virone, D., Dimov, L.D., Schweitzer, C.J., and W. Tadesse. 2008. CREST Subproject 1: effect of fire frequency and stand density on
vegetation dynamics. Second Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment Conference. Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL. Oct 15-17, 2008
Virone, D., Dimov, L.D., and Zak, J.C. 2008. Ground vegetation response to silvicultural treatments on the Southern Cumberland Plateau,
Alabama. Second Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment Conference. Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL. Oct 15-17, 2008
Wick, J. M., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer. 2008. Immediate effect of burning and logging treatments on the avian community at Bankhead
National Forest of northern Alabama. 15th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference (BSSRC), Hot Springs, Arkansas. November
17-20, 2008.
Wick, J., Y. Wang, and C. Schweitzer. 2008. Short-term effects of disturbance on breeding birds in an upland pine-hardwood forest. Society of
Conservation Biology annual meeting, Chattanooga, TN, July 13-17, 2008.
Zak, J.Z., Dimov, L.D. 2008. Flowering synchrony, fecundity, and spatial distribution of Frasera caroliniensis (Gentianaceae) in North
Alabama. Poster at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI, Aug 2-8, 2008.
Other Workshop and Conferences attended:
- Advanced bird banding course, taught by Danielle Kaschube, at Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center, North Carolina (May 6-10).
- Training from Alan (Bruce) Hitch on preparing bird study skins on two occasions during spring 2008, Auburn University, AL (prepared
Eastern Meadowlark, Baltimore Oriole).
Outreach Activities:
Outreach Activities
We strongly believe that the dissemination of the results of CFEA
research and educational outreach activities is imperative to our
success and is considered as an integral part of the CFEA mission. We
have therefore taken an aggressive posture to inform the scientific
and educational community of our research findings. The Bankhead
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Liaison Panel is one of the best forums available for us to
communicate our research findings to the interested community. We have
also hosted numerous on campus activities to engage students within
the university and local area high schools. The activities include GIS
day, Earth day, Science Exploration Day, and STEM day. Off-campus
activities have also included the Young Water Ambassadors, school
visits and community workshops.
Community Workshops and Meetings
Interaction with the community in and around the study area, through
workshops, meetings and casual interactions are very important part of
the outreach work we do. All students and faculty members are
encouraged to spend time discussing their ongoing research with the
local communities and utilize the center's resources to expose the
community to new technology and ideas.
An example of community training events conducted is community based
habitat assessment training. This was held in coordination with the
Flint River Conservation Association. This activity included an hourlong training session on the slackwater darter (a threatened species),
its habitat requirements, and about using GPS. Other examples included
Huntsville Botanical Garden Bug Day where several Cornell boxes of
insects collected from BNF were on display, fascinating many children
and adults. Alabama's Living Streams Teacher's Workshop and Bankhead
National Forest 'Bat Blitz' workshops were sponsored by the
Southeastern Bat Diversity Network.
Graduate students are required to participate in outreach activities
assisted by faculty and staff. This assisted students in developing
communication skills essential to their long term career. Nevia Brown,
a master's student in the human dimensions sub-project was an
outstanding example of this. She interacted with community-based
environmental and recreational organizations and people within her
study area counties. She attended many environmental and recreation
meetings, explaining the objectives of the CREST project and
discussing the importance and scope of her research project. She also
answered many questions raised by communities about the policies and
management practices on the BNF. Giving this information has informed
many people within those communities about the current management
status, and cleared up a lot of community uncertainty and lack of
trustworthiness with the BNF. She explained the relevance of the CREST
project within the management plan, and how the studies would help
develop a more productive forest in the future.
Other students, who have a large portion of field work also interacted
with the community every day. While Lisa Gardner-Barillas was in the
Walls of Jericho, her study area, she encouraged the locals including
hikers, Boy Scout Troops, and campers to learn about migratory birds.
She introduced them to her research, and why the study area was
important to migratory birds. William Sutton and Jill Wick, the two
graduate students worked at BNF on wildlife related projects, each
wrote an article about their research and wildlife diversity at BNF
which published in the Wild South. This journal is widely circulated
among land owner, different organizations, and government agencies.
CFEA affiliated faculty members have collaborated with the Alabama
Treasure Forest Association either in organizing workshop sessions or
making presentations at the Association's annual meetings. CFEA staff
will partner with the Jackson County Chapter of the TREASURE Forest
Association to present a seminar and one field day event in September
2010. The seminar will feature speakers in the topics of Timber Theft
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and How to Conduct a Timber Sale. CFEA staff will provide timber sale
expertise in this forum. CFEA students, AAMU FireDawgs, and staff will
provide services such as field demonstration of Prescribed Fire and
man a booth on the benefits of fire in ecosystem restoration during
the field tour. Packets of educational material and discussion of the
proper application of fire will be provided as part of the student
involvement in the field tour.
CFEA and FEWP students and staff assisted five landowners in the
development of Natural Resource Management Plans (NRMP) on 650 acres.
Four of the five landowners were minorities with family farms that had
been in the family for over one hundred years. The landowners were
provided guidance on utilizing Federal Cost Share Programs to
accomplish the activities as prescribed in NRMP.
CFEA and FEWP students, as a class project for their Introduction to
GIS class, conducted resource inventories on 330 acres of forestland
owned by AAMU near the campus. This forestland had never been
inventoried or managed by the University; the resulting NRMP will
provide the University with an additional income stream from the land
and additional funds to the Forestry Program. Students also
constructed a GIS database which included the resource inventory data
along with maps of the roads, timber stands, wildlife openings and
land line boundaries. Students and staff will make a formal
presentation to the AAMU President in the fall with the hope of
obtaining permission to conduct activities recommended in the NRMP.
Field tours
Field tours are an excellent tool for decimating our research findings
and engaging the community. We have been running field tours for
different community and technical groups for throughout the CFEA
project. Some of the examples of these field tours are listed below.
We have been conducting an annual field tour for undergraduate
students from Alabama A&M University's forestry program and for highschool students from the North Alabama Center for Educational
Excellence (NACEE). The students met graduate students working in the
project and some of the PIs, and then visited stands where different
treatments have been carried out. The students compared the treated
stands in terms of overstory and understory vegetation abundance and
composition, wildlife composition (arthropods and small mammals
captured in advance of the field trip), and microclimatic conditions.
The field tours for the AAMU and the NACEE students have reached over
150 over the study period.
With the help of undergraduate students, we conducted mensuration and
silviculture for high school students at Roanoke-Randolph Career
Developing Center in Wedowee, Alabama . We also helped organize and
present Green Living expo by the Environmental club and sponsored by
the Alabama Cooperative extension service and brought student
participants at the venue of the event. Dr. Dimov conducted a forestry
eco-hike for the public at Hayes Nature Preserve and lead an
Agroforestry Demonstration Site Project training session on the
thinning of sweetgum plantations.
Bankhead Liaison Panel Meetings
Center members have attended all bi-monthly meetings as liaison for
CFEA-CREST research projects and AAMU FEWP. The main emphasis was to
ensure the use and dissemination of CFEA-CREST research results
conducted at BNF. Additionally, Daryl Lawson, project manager and Dr.
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William Stone participated in a recent liaison meeting to help present
information on the proposed Bankhead Interpretive Center and Research
Field Station. Dr Schweitzer also led field tours of the BNF for the
liaison panel and staff.
Numerous CFEA-CREST graduate students, staff and faculty presented
results of their respective research to the Panel, including:
?Bill Sutton who presented findings on herpetofauna species
richness, range locations and habitat requirements, and the occurrence
of several species that had not previously been found in the BNF.
?Nevia Brown presented landowner and forest users group surveys
conducted in and around the BNF. In addition, she polled the BNFLP on
issues of concern and how to improve relations between environmental
groups and the USFS.
?Daryl Lawson presented updates and presentations at each of
the bi-monthly BNFLP meetings.
Published popular articles
The Center has initiated a quarterly newsletter. Six newsletters have
been produced. The newsletter is a tool to disseminate current
research to the interested community, keep those within CFEA informed
of activities, and help in building partnerships. Recipients of the
newsletter include local high schools, NGO's, Colleges, State and
Federal Agencies, and Funding Agencies. Newsletters are available on
the CFEA web site. Additional published works included two by Dr.
Dimov; 'Promoting Forestry in North Alabama', and 'Walk in the woods
tour ? Mtn. Lakes Chapter', both published in The Southeastern
Forester. Dr. Sutton was published in Wild South for 'The incredible
diversity of the Bankhead National Forest: survey reveals surprises'.
Dr. Wick had 'Birds in plight' published in Wild South.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Day Activities
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Day event is a
day dedicated to promoting science, technology, engineering, and math
interest and skills among college students for many science-teaching
institutions. It is also a day for AAMU to celebrate the
accomplishments of their students in research and senior science
projects. The goal of the program is to strive to build the science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and research
capacity at AAMU alongside other Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs) as a means to broaden participation in the
nation's STEM workforce.
CFEA students, staff, and faculty have been a driving force behind
STEM Day for the last three years. During the events, about eighty
students participated in science poster presentations from any STEM
related research projects, including current on-going projects at
AAMU, or projects completed on campus through summer research
experiences. Scientists from outside AAMU were recruited to judge the
posters. The STEM Day event received full participation from the CREST
PIs and Collaborators either as STEM Committee members, advisors and
mentors of students' research and senior projects, science poster
judges, fundraisers, and support staff. Dr. Monday Mbila served on the
STEM Committee as the Award Chair on behalf of the CFEA-CREST Project.
Several graduate students received awards for their research posters
in every year. For example, Lisa Gardner Barillas won the First Place
Award in 2007 for her study of Stopover Ecology of Migratory Landbirds
at an Inland Site in Alabama during Autumn Migration.
GIS day
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Worldwide GIS Day is a day set aside during National Geography
Awareness Week for Geo-Spatial Science professionals to reach out and
educate people of all ages about the important contributions that GeoSpatial Science related technologies make in our lives. Worldwide GIS
Day is principally sponsored by the National Geographic Society,
Association of American Geographers, University Consortium for
Geographic Information Science, United States Geological Survey, the
Library of Congress, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett?Packard, and ESRI. The
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at AAMU
hosted GIS day for the last couple of years. Invited guests to this
year's GIS Day event included area high school junior and senior
students, Geo-Spatial Science professionals, university students, and
members of the general public. Exhibitors who made the event
successful were - Magnolia River Services, Inc, Intergraph
Corporation, US Army Corps of Engineers, City of Huntsville GIS
Department, and USDA-NRCS NARSSO. In 2008 we adjusted the format by
taking AAMU students to second Annual Rocket City Geospatial
Conference in Huntsville, AL. As the premier GIS conference in the
southeast, the event included over 60 presentations on key issues of
importance to the region and participation of 21 premier geospatial
exhibitors. AAMU's School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
(SAES) was one of the exhibitors which highlighted our Environmental
Science degree program, as well as our course offerings toward a minor
in remote sensing and GIS certificate program. The conference was held
with Alabama GIS Symposium. The keynote speakers were Jack Dangermond,
President and Founder, ESRI (ArcGIS) and Mark Doherty, Executive
Director, Technology Architecture and Strategy, Security, Government
and Infrastructure Division, Intergraph Corporation. We had students
presenting their research to the community through oral presentations
and posters. AAMU was the only university to have students present in
the general sessions. Alisa Potter, senior from the Department of
Community Planning and Urban Studies, gave an excellent oral
presentation on her senior project 'Highway Development and Land-Use
Change: A Study in Madison County, Alabama.' We also had four poster
presentations in the student poster competition section and made a
clean sweep of first, second and third places with Dawn Lemke
receiving first and second places for her posters titled 'Predicting
Japanese Honeysuckle: Integration of GIS and Statistical Modeling
Tools' and 'Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS in Developing
Geodatabase for Winfred Thomas Agricultural Research Station,'
respectively. Third place went to Allison Bohlman (AAMU) and Jennifer
Schade (UAH) for their joint work on habitat mapping of the slack
water darter. Conference organizers (Joe Francica, Jane Elliot, and
Nora Parker of Direction Media) gave special permission for Dr.
Tadesse's Introduction to GIS (NRE 365) class to attend the keynote
speech by Jack Dangermond (President, ESRI) as well as visit the
exhibitors' booths. The students got a chance to meet Jack Dangermond,
experience a professional conference environment, and meet prospective
employers. The Geospatial Lab (Dr. Tadesse) had a booth in the
exhibitor hall to recruit students for our new certificate program and
minor in remote sensing and GIS. Our booth received great interest
with many professions very excited to see the certificate available in
the local area. Joe Gardinski (USDA-NRCS) also assisted with the
exhibit, highlighting the USDA-NRCS soil data viewer to the conference
attendees. The highlight of the conference was when 150 students from
Endeavor Elementary School visited the exhibit hall and learned about
different elements of GIS and its contributions in their community.
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Earth Day
Earth day is a day to focus on our natural world and the things which
must be done to protect and preserve it. Drs. Dimov, Naka, and Stone,
as well as several undergraduate students representing USDA-Forest
Service, AAMU, and the Society of American Foresters, presented
forestry and natural resource management tools, information, and
samples at Earth Day each year at Hayes Nature Reserve. There are
normally over 500 attendees. Dr. Dimov and students also led eco-hikes
through the forested preserve.
The Environmental Science Club, advised by Drs. Mbila and Naka,
organized a conference on 'Conserving Global Air, Water, and Soil
Resources: Challenges that face us' for AAMU community and the general
public (Friday, April 21, 2008). The conference was addressed by
speakers from AAMU, University of Alabama, and the Nature Conservancy.
The event was well attended by faculty, staff, students, and the
Huntsville, Alabama community.
The Environmental Awareness Conference (2008 Earth Day Celebrations)
event provided an opportunity for the student members of the club to
encourage, educate, and share about issues in soil and water
conservation and other science and environmental matters. The Club
works towards attaining these goals not only on our campus, but also
within the local communities.
Membership is open to matriculated, currently enrolled students,
faculty, and staff at AAMU. Currently, the club is affiliated with the
National Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS), as well as with
the Student Activities Subdivision, American Society of Agronomy (SASASA) and associated professionally with other Agronomy/ Soils/
Environmental Science students across the United States.
Pre-K and K through 12 Programs
We run a number of programs for children and young adults that were
based on CFEA research. During the summer AAMU conducted a program for
three to eight year olds. The graduate students and staff involved in
CFEA organized an environmental science day for these children. There
were six different stations where the children learned about
everything from ecosystems to pollution. We have been involved in
developing a number of outdoor classrooms at local schools including
one constructed for forest ecology education at Flamingo Park in
Triana, Alabama. This has been a successful project for our forestry
students and faculty. A picnic pavilion was renovated three years ago
by our Society of American Foresters student chapter and this past
year we erected two large interpretive display boards on forest
ecosystems of our area. Our students created the posters, added bird
houses, erected tree information signs along three trails, and added
other information about the park. Another outdoor classroom was build
at Stone Middle School, Huntsville, AL. We collaborated on a multigroup effort that included several colleagues on CFEA and forestry
students preceding Earth Day to create an outdoor classroom at a local
middle school that is predominantly African-American. Other activities
included - construction of a waterfall and creek, planting of large
flowerbed and trees along constructed trails, and construction of a
small pagoda-style classroom with benches for outdoor learning. We
helped design the classroom, advised the school on what plants to use,
and provided some of the materials.
GPS training was given to three Environmental Sciences classes at
Columbia high School. Students learned skills to map and spatially
monitor their outdoor classroom. They learned the basic principles of
how GPS work, find a prerecorded point, and record a point and a path.
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Students are using these skills to record invasive plants, map trails,
and map regeneration plots.
Birmingham Water Works Board (BWWB)
The Birmingham Water Works Young Water Ambassadors program consists of
100 area high school juniors and seniors who spend their summer
working and learning about the Birmingham Water Works and its
operations. On February 1, 2006, a three member team from BWWB led by
Mr. Jones had a return visit to AAMU. A team of fourteen faculty
members and staff including the Chair of Plant and Soil Science
Department and faculty members from CFE, Center for Hydrology, Soil
Climatology and Remote Sensing (HSCARS), Plant Science Center (PSC),
and USDA Forest Service researchers met with them on AAMU campus. The
discussion was focused on our collaboration and to initiate the first
year proposal of a five-year plan and the five areas that AAMU faculty
suggested in the letter sent to BWWB on December 20, 2005.
We identified faculty members from AAMU and personnel from BWWB who
will work together for each of the five areas we identified and the
potential costs. We found out a specific opportunity that AAMU can
potentially take advantage of outreaching and recruiting. BWWB
organized an 8-week summer 'Water Ambassador' program for inner-city
minority high school students each year. About 100 students from 1012th grade attend this program annually. BWWB pays the students
$10/hr. AAMU organizes an AAMU Day and a visit to the campus for
presentations and hands-on demonstrations to expose them to natural
resource management and environmental sciences and then attempt to
recruit students for various programs at AAMU.
We conducted recruitment effort through BWWB's 'Water Ambassador'
summer program in June 2007. BWWB organized an 8-week summer 'Water
Ambassador' program for inner-city minority high school students
during June and July of 2007. About 100 students from 10-12th grade
attended this program. AAMU team worked with the BWWB partners for
this summer program. Initially, we planned to have all the
participants come to AAMU for a three day program that would include
visiting various departments and facilities and participating in
hands-on research activities. However, this plan was cancelled by BWWB
partners because of potential liabilities. We decided to organize a
one day AAMU field day at Birmingham Water Works. We had about 20
faculty members, staff, and graduate students to host the program at
Cahaba Museum of BWWB and set up field stations that included
molecular science, hydrology, soil science, silviculture, wildlife,
and plant science. The immediate feedbacks from the participants both
from AAMU and BWWB were very good about this initiative, they were
impressed by our diverse programs, professionalism, skills, and the
way we communicated with the high school students. This effort also
included some of our earlier graduates from AAMU. A student survey was
performed, and used to further improve the program.
CFEA hosted the third Young Water Ambassadors Campus Visit and Lake
Purdy Field Day. A new class of 100 high school students and 12 high
school teachers participated in the two day event. At the college and
career day 19 students signed commitment cards to attend AAMU in 2012.
Most of these students will attend AAMU seeking a degree in
Agriculture. Several have committed to seek a degree in Environmental
Science or Forestry, Ecology and Wildlife Program. At the conclusion
of the summer program 50 of the YWA presented a program to the BWWB on
the AAMU experience. As a result of the program presentation the BWWB
made a commitment to fund the 2012 YWA for a two full day campus
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experience to include an overnight stay in the dorms, a one day campus
tour, and a one day CFEA lab tour. The USFS Southern Research Station
has committed to funding a three day visit for all twelve teachers
along with the CFEA Project Manager to tour the Bent Creek Experiment
Station and the Coweta Hydrological Lab in Asheville, North Carolina.
In the BWWB YWA program we have partnered with the twelve teachers to
provide additional opportunities to conduct outreach with their
individual schools. Most of these schools are located in the
Birmingham Metro area and provide opportunities to engage their
students and expose them to natural resource issues and solutions
within their urban environment. The immediate feedbacks from the
participants both from AAMU and BWWB were very good about this
initiative, they were impressed by the diversity of our programs,
professionalism, skills, and the way we communicated with the high
school students. This effort also included some of our earlier
graduates from AAMU. A student survey was performed and is being used
for further improvement of the program. We are planning to continue
our effort of recruitment during this year's BWWB's Summer Water
Ambassadors Program.
2009 USDA Soil Geomorphology Institute at Alabama A&M
The Biogeochemical Cycling Group (Subproject III) organized a 3-week
intensive Soil Science Training Institute for Natural Resources
workers for the United States Department of Agriculture (June 9 - 25,
The purpose of the program was to integrate earth science approach to
soil science, and to expand the skills and conceptual knowledge needed
to generate and deliver soil survey and soil inventory products for
field scientists. The training involved lectures and fieldtrips. The
lectures were held at the Agricultural Research Center (ARC)
Auditorium, Alabama A&M University. Seven field trips that covered the
physiographic regions of the state were organized to complement class
Thirty participants (twenty-nine NRCS employees and one AAMU staff)
registered and completed the training. The participants came from 15
states. Attendance of NRCS employees required nomination by their
State Soil Scientist or MLRA Office Leader and the concurrence of the
State Conservationist. The course was open to the public, however the
target audience was soil scientists since the course provided new
techniques to help assess, complete, and update soil survey
inventories. The training program provided opportunities for more indepth studies of soils at the William Bankhead National Forest, by
different groups of the training participants focusing on different
soil aspects at the research site.
Alabama Academy of Science Annual conference
During spring 2010, CREST successfully hosted the 87th Annual
Conference of the Alabama Academy of Science at Alabama A&M
University. This was the pioneering AAS conference at AAMU; over 500
faculty members and students across the State attended this meeting,
this is the largest meeting AAS ever had. AAS leadership and members
have expressed their great satisfaction with being able to have the
meeting at AAMU and for such high quality local arrangements. We also
successfully instituted the highly successful joint AAMU STEM DAY/AAS
poster session, providing opportunities to show AAMU's excellent
research capacities and accomplishments and to inspire collaborations
with faculty and students of other universities. The Executive Board
of the AAS expressed great appreciation of our work and suggested that
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AAMU 'local arrangements and university efforts should be a model for
future AAS meetings.'
Journal Publications
Chen X., "Ecophysiological and growth responses of Elm, Ulmus pumila, to different water tables.", Journal of Biological Sciences, p.
813-819, vol. 5, (2005). Published,
Chen X., Fraser, R., "Quantifying impacts of land ownerships on forest NDVI dynamics at the Bankhead National Forest of Alabama, USA",
Forest Economics and Policy, p. , vol. , ( ). Submitted,
Chen X., Li B-L., "Spatial distribution of forest biome energetics in China", Forestry, p. 0, vol. 78, (2005). Published,
Chen, X . W., and Y. Wang., "Emergent spatial pattern of herpetofauna in Alabama, USA. Biodiversity & Conservation", N/A, p. 0, vol. , (
). In Prep,
Dimov, L.D., Chambers, J.L., Lockhart, B.R., "Spatial continuity of tree attributes in bottomland hardwood forests in the southeastern USA",
Forest Science, p. 532, vol. 51, (2005). Published,
Dimov, L.D., Schweitzer, C.J., "Walk-in-the-Woods", The Southeastern Forester, p. 10, vol. 25, (2006). Published,
Felix, Z., Y. Wang, and C. Schweitzer., "Effect of canopy removal on the abundance of juvenile eastern box turtles.", Chelonian conservation
and Biology., p. , vol. , ( ). Submitted,
Fraser R., B. Gyawali, and J. Schelhas, "Blacks in Space: Land Tenure and Well-being in Perry County, Alabama.", Small-Scale Forest
Economics, Management and Policy, p. 21, vol. 4, (2005). Published,
Keim, R.F., Chambers, J.L, Hughes, M.S., Dimov, L.D., Conner, W.H., Shaffer, G.P., Gardiner, E.S., Day, J.W., "Long-Term Success of
Stump Sprouts in Cutover High-Graded Baldcypress/Water Tupelo Swamps in the Mississippi Delta.", Forest Ecology and Management., p. ,
vol. , (2006). Accepted,
Wang, Y., A. Lesak, Z. Felix, and C. Schweitzer., "Relationship between avian community and forest habitat after the canopy cover reduction
for oak-hickory forest regeneration at the Southern Cumberland Plateau of Alabama.", N/A, p. 0, vol. , ( ). In Prep,
Carpenter, J., Wang, Y., Schweitzer, C., "Status of the Cerulean Warbler in northern Alabama: Current population estimates and habitat
characteristics.", Association of Southeastern Biologist Bulletin, p. 231, vol. 53, (2006). Published,
Clark, S.L., Torreano, S.J., Loftis, D.L., Dimov, L.D., "Changes in regeneration potential 22 years after Quercus and Carya mortality in a
mixed-mesophytic old-growth forest.", Peer reviewed proceedings of the 15th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, p. , vol. , (2006).
Dimov, L.D., Schweitzer, C.J., "Overstory and regeneration structure and relationships in mixed stands on the southern Cumberland Plateau.",
Peer reviewed proceedings of the 15th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, p. , vol. , (2006). Accepted,
Dimov, L.D., Stelzer, E.L, Wharton, K., Meadows, J.S, Chambers, J.L., Ribbeck, K., Moser, E.B., "Effects of thinning intensity and crown
class on cherrybark oak epicormic branching five years after treatment.", Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research
Conference. Connor, K.F. (ed.). Gen. Tech. Rep., p. , vol. , (2006). Accepted,
Gyawali, Buddhi R., R. Fraser and J. Schelhas., "Relationship between Human Well-being and Ecosystem Changes In the Black-belt Region of
Alabama.", Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, p. , vol. , (2005). Accepted,
Keim, R.F., Chambers, J.L, Hughes, M.S., Gardiner, E.S., Conner, W.H., Day, J.W., Faulkner, S.P., King, S.L., McCleod, K.W., Miller, C.A.,
Nyman, J.A., Shaffer, G.P., Dimov, L.D., "Long-term success of baldcypress stump sprouts.", Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Southern
Silvicultural Research Conference. Connor, K.F. (ed.). Gen. Tech. Rep., p. , vol. , ( ). Accepted,
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Final Report: 0420541
Parajuli, S., Wang, Y., Tadesse, W. and Schweitzer, C., "Forest site classification of northeastern Alabama using remote sensing and
geographical information system.", Association of Southeastern Biologist Bulletin, p. 203, vol. 53, (2006). Published,
Schweitzer, C. J., A. A. Lesak, Y. Wang., "Predicting oak density with ecological, physical, and soil indicators.", Proceedings of the 13th
biennial southern silvicultural research conference., p. , vol. , ( ). Accepted,
Schweitzer, C.J., "Oak regeneration response to moderate and heavy traffic under mechanical harvesting in an oak-hickory forest on the
Cumberland Plateau.", Proceedings of the fiftheenth central hardwood forestry conference. Gen. Tech. Rep., p. , vol. , ( ). Accepted,
Schweitzer, C.J., Gardiner, E.S. and Loftis, D.L., "Response of Sun-grown and Shade-Grown Northern Red Oak Seedlings to Outplanting in
Clearcuts and Shelterwoods in North Alabama.", Proceedings of the thirteenth biennial southern silviculture research conference. Gen. Tech.
Rep., p. , vol. , ( ). Accepted,
Sutton, W., Wang, Y. and Schweitzer, C., "Amphibian and reptile habitat relationships in forest stands scheduled for disturbance: pre-treatment
results.", Association of Southeastern Biologist Bulletin, p. 228, vol. 53, (2006). Published,
Sutton, W., Y. Wang, and C. Schweitzer., "Habitat associations of herpetofaunal community at Bankhead National Forest", Southeastern
Ecology and Evolution Conference, p. , vol. , (2006). Accepted,
Wang, Y., "An introduction of bird population monitory techniques and national bird monitoring programs of the United States of America.",
Proceedings of the 8th National Congress of China Ornithological Society and the 6th Ornithological Symposium of the Mainland and Taiwan
in China., p. 0, vol. , (2005). Published,
Wang, Y., A. A. Lesak, and C. J. Schweitzer., "Response of avian bark-foragers and cavity-nesters to the regeneration treatments in the
oak-hickory forest of northern Alabama.", Proceedings of the 13th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. General Technical
Report., p. , vol. , ( ). Accepted,
Wang, Y., A. Lesak, Z. Felix, and C. J. Schweitzer., "Response of avian community to the forest regeneration treatments in the oak-hickory
forest of the southern Cumberland Plateau, USA.", Proceedings of XIXth International Zoology Congress, p. , vol. , ( ). Submitted,
Wang, Y., A. Lesak, Z. Felix, and C. Schweitzer., "Relationship between avian community and forest habitat after the canopy cover reduction
for oak-hickory forest regeneration at the Southern Cumberland Plateau of Alabama.", Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of American, p. ,
vol. , (2006). Submitted,
Wang, Y., S. Parajuli, C. Schweitzer, D. Lemke, and W. Tedesse., "Classification of forest land of Mid-Cumberland Plateau of northern
Alabama with isoclustering and rule-based logic approaches: an exploratory analysis.", 5th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS
Conference., p. , vol. , ( ). Submitted,
Wang, Y., Schweitzer, C.J. and Lesak, A.A., "Response of Avian Bark Foragers and Cavity Nesters to the Regeneration Treatments in the
Oak-Hickory Forest of North Alabama.", Proceedings of the thirteenth biennial southern silviculture research conference. Gen. Tech. Rep., p. ,
vol. , (2006). Accepted,
Wick, J., and Y. Wang., "Breeding bird communities of pine-hardwood forests in Bankhead National Forest, AL.", Southeastern Biology, p.
232, vol. 53, (2006). Published,
Zak, J., "Ground vegetation response to environmental conditions and silvicultural treatments on the Southern Cumberland Plateau, Alabama.",
MSc Thesis, p. 112 p., vol. , (2008). Theses,
Clark, S.L., Schweitzer, C.J., Schlarbaum, S.E., Dimov, L.D., Herbard, F.V., "American chestnut (Castanea dentata) restoration research: a
genetic and silvicultural approach.", Tree Planter's Notes. (In press), p. , vol. , (2009). Published,
Felix, Z.I.; Wang, Y.; Schweitzer, C.J., "Abundance and population structure of eastern worm snakes in forest stands with various levels of
overstory tree retention.", 14th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. 2007, Feb 26-Mar 1. Athens, GA. Gen Tech Rep.
SRS-XX. Asheville, NC. U.S., p. , vol. , (2008). Published,
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Final Report: 0420541
Felix, Z., L. J. Gatens, Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer., "First Records of the Smoky Shrew (Sore fumeus) in Alabama.", Southeastern
Naturalist., p. , vol. 8, (2010). Published,
Felix, Z., Y. Wang, and C. Schweitzer., "Experimental canopy manipulation affects amphibian reproductive dynamics in the Cumberland
Plateau of Alabama.", Journal of Wildlife Management., p. , vol. , (2009). Accepted,
Gyawali, B; R. Fraser; J. Schelhas; W. Tadesse; Y. Wang; J. Bukenya, "Human Well-being and Land Cover Types in the Forest-Dependent
Region of Southern United States: Evidence from Population Census and Satellite Imagery Data", International Journal of Ecology &
Development, p. 81-94, vol. 14, (2009). Published,
Gyawali, B.; R. Fraser; J. Bukenya; J. Schelhas, "Regional Growth and Income Convergence in the Western Black Belt Counties of Alabama:
Evidence from Census Block Group Data.", Proceedings of the 64th Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, p. , vol. , (2006).
Gyawali, B.; R. Fraser; J. Bukenya; J. Schelhas, "Income Convergence in a Rural, Majority African American Region.", The Review of
Regional Studies, p. , vol. 38, (2009). Accepted,
Gyawali, B.; R. Fraser; J. Schelhas; W. Tadesse; Y. Wang; J. Bukenya., "Human Wellbeing and Land Cover Types in the Forest-Dependent
Region of Southern United States: Evidence from Census and Satellite Imagery Data", Journal of Ecology & Development, p. 81-94, vol. 14,
(2009). Published,
Gyawali, B.; R., Fraser; Y. Wang; W. Tadesse; J. Bukenya; J. Schelhas, "Spatial analysis of the Change in Land Cover and Human Well-being
in the Black Belt Counties of Alabama", Proceedings of the 5th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference, p. 37-49, vol. ,
(2008). Published,
Li, J.; Q., S. T. Lin; Y. Wang; Z. W. Zhang., "Nest-dismantling behavior of the hair-crested drongo in central China: an adaptive behavior for
increasing fitness?", Condor, p. 197-201, vol. 111, (2009). Published,
Hart-Crawley, A., K.McBee, and W. Stone., "Effects of Thinning on Bats in Bankhead National Forest, Alabama", Southeastern Naturalist, p. ,
vol. , (2009). Accepted,
Ma, Z. J.; Y. Wang; X.J. Gan; B. Li; K. Jing; S. M. Tang; and J. K. Chen, "Change and loss of wetland habitats and waterbird population trends
at Chongming Dongtan of the Yangtze River estuary, China.", Environmental Management, p. 1187-1200, vol. 43, (2009). Published,
Moss, E.M.; Y. Tilahun, M; M. Thompson; Z. Senwo., "Microbial Diversity of an Agricultural Soil under Various Agronomic Conditions by
PCR-Denaturant Gradient Gel Electrophoresis", Soil Science Society of America Tri-Society Proceedings, p. , vol. , (2006). Published,
Nobles, M. M.; W. Dillon, Jr.; M. Mbila, "Initial response of soil nutrient pools to prescribed burning and thinning in a managed forest
ecosystem of Northern Alabama", Journal of Soil Science of America, p. 285-292, vol. 73, (2009). Published,
Ranatunga, T. D.; R. W. Taylor; W. F. Bleam, "Organic Phosphorus in Forest Soils Impacted by Prescribed Burning and Logging",
Proceedings of the Soil Society of America, p. , vol. , (2008). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J.; Clark, S.L.; Gaines, G.; Finke, P.; Gottschalk, K.; Loftis, D., "Integrating Land and Resource Management Plans and Applied
Large-Scale Research on Two National Forests.", Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-733. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station., p. 127-134, vol. , (2008). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J., "Hickory regeneration under five silviculture prescriptions in an oak-hickory forest in northern Alabama.", Proceedings 14th
Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. 2007, Feb 26-Mar 1. Athens, GA. Gen Tech Rep. SRS-XX. Asheville, NC. U.S., p. , vol. ,
(2008). Published,
Stephens, J.; Dimov, L.D.; Schweitzer, C.J.; Tadesse, W., "Using LiDAR and color infrared imagery to successfully measure stand
characteristics on the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama", proceedings of the 16th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, p.
366-372, vol. , (2008). Published,
Page 43 of 58
Final Report: 0420541
Sutton, W.B.; Wang, Y.; Schweitzer, C.J., "Amphibian and reptile response to prescribed burning and thinning in pine-hardwood forests:
pre-treatment results.", 14th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. 2007, Feb 26-Mar 1. Athens, GA. Gen Tech Rep. SRS-XX.
Asheville, NC. U.S., p. , vol. , (2008). Published,
Sutton, W.B.; M.G. Bolus; and Y. Wang, "Predation", Herpetological Review, p. , vol. , (2009). Accepted,
Thompson, M. M; E. Moss, "Influence of Land Management on Selected Enzyme Activity.", Soil Science Society of America Tri-Society
Meeting Proceedings, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Thompson, M. M.; E.M. Moss; Y. Tilahun; A.M. Ibekwe; Z.N. Senwo, "Soil Microbial Diversity along a Forest Profile Using PCR-DGGE",
Soil Science Society of America Tri-Society Proceedings., p. , vol. , (2006). Published,
Wang, Y.; Parajuli, S.; Schweitzer, C.J.; Smalley, G.; Lemke, D.; Tadesse, W.; Chen, X, "Forested land cover classification on the Cumberland
Plateau, Jackson County, Alabama: a comparison of Landsat ETM+ and SPOT5 images", 14th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research
Conference. 2007, Feb 26-Mar 1. Athens, GA. Gen Tech Rep. SRS-XX. Asheville, NC. U.S., p. , vol. , (2008). Accepted,
Xu, J. L.; X. H. Zhang; Q. H. Sun; Z. W. Zhang; and Y. Wang, "Home range, mobility, and site fidelity of male Reeves???s Pheasants in a
managed reserve in the Dabie Mountains of Central China.", Wildlife Biology, p. , vol. 15, (2009). Published,
Zak, J.C.; Dimov, L.D.; Schweitzer, C.J.; Clark, S.L, "Herbaceous layer composition and relations to stand and site variables in mixed upland
stands of the Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.", 14th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. 2007, Feb 26-Mar 1. Athens,
GA. Gen Tech Rep. SRS-XX. Asheville, NC. U.S., p. , vol. , (2008). Accepted,
Dimov, L.D., "Spatial continuity of tree basal area: ecological and silvicultural implications.", Proceedings of Ecological Society of America, p.
106, vol. , (2008). Published,
Zak, J.Z.; Dimov, L.D., "Flowering synchrony, fecundity, and spatial distribution of Frasera caroliniensis (Gentianaceae) in North Alabama.",
Proceedings of Ecological Society of America, p. 66, vol. , (2008). Published,
Scott, C., "The use of natural and artificial vernal pools by semi-aquatic salamanders in the Cumberland region of Jackson County, Alabama",
MSc Thesis, p. , vol. , (2008). Published,
Tenyah, T.M, "Environmental Impact of Different Logging Methods in the Bankhead National Forest, Alabama: A Comparative Analysis",
MSc Thesis, p. , vol. , (2009). Published,
Dimov, L.D, "Spatial continuity of tree basal area: ecological and silvicultural implications", Abstract, Annual Meeting of the Ecological
Society of America, p. , vol. , (2008). Published,
Thompson, M., "STEM Education: The Basis for an R&D Edge", CSA News, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Brown, N, "Understanding Collaborative Community Involvement in the Forest Policy Implementation Process", MSc Thesis, p. , vol. , (2009).
Carpenter, J, "Distribution, relative abundance, and habitat requirements of Cerulean Warblers (Dendroica cerulea) in northern Alabama.",
Master???s Thesis , Alabama A&M University. Normal, AL., p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Chan, F., "An Inventory of Herpetofauna of the State Conservation Lands in the Cumberland Plateau of Northern Alabama.", Master???s Thesis,
Alabama A&M University. Normal, AL., p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Deng, HL; Zhang, ZW; Chang, CY; Wang, Y, "Trace metal concentration in Great Tit (Parus major) and Greenfinch (Carduelis sinica) at the
Western Mountains of Beijing, China", ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, p. 620, vol. 148, (2007). Published, 10.1016/j.envpol.2006.11.01
Chen, W. X., and Y. Wang, "Spatial Pattern of Herpetofauna in Alabama, USA", Acta Herpetological, p. 97, vol. 2, (2007). Published,
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Final Report: 0420541
Dimov, L.D., J.L. Chambers, B.R. Lockhart, "Five year radial growth of red oaks in mixed bottomland hardwood stands", Forest Ecology and
Management, p. 2790, vol. 255, (2008). Published,
Felix, Z. I., "Response of forest herpetofauna to varying levels of overstory tree retention n northern Alabama", Ph.D. Dissertation. Alabama
A&M University. Normal, AL, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Felix, Z., Y. Wang and C.J. Schweitzer, "The effect of changing canopy cover on amphibian on oviposition rates", Southeastern Biology, p.
154, vol. 52, (2005). Published,
Felix, Z.I., Y. Wang and C.J. Schweitzer, "Relationships Between Herpetofaunal Community Structure and Varying Levels of Overstory Tree
Retention in Northern Alabama: First-Year Results. In: Connor, Kristina (ed.). 2004. Proceedings of the twelfth biennial southern silviculture
research conference", Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 71. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, p.
7, vol. , (2004). Published,
Gyawali, B, "Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Human Well???being, Land Cover Types, Community Capital, and Income Growth in the
Black Belt Region of Alabama", PhD Dissertation, Alabama A&M University, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Lesak, A.A., Y. Wang and C.J. Schweitzer, "Songbird Community Variation Among Five Levels of Overstory Retention in Northern Alabama.
In: Connor, Kristina (ed.). 2004. Proceedings of the twelfth biennial southern silviculture research conference", Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 71.
Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, p. 11, vol. , (2004). Published,
McGee, G.G., M.J. Mitchell, D.J. Leopold, M. Mbila and D.J. Raynal, "Forest age and composition influence elemental dynamics of
Adirondack northern hardwood forests", Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, p. 253, vol. 134, (2007). Published,
McNab, W.H., D.L. Loftis, C.J. Schweitzer and R.M. Sheffield, "A Pilot Test of Indicator Species to Assess Uniqueness of Oak-Dominated
Ecoregions in Central Tennessee. In: Spetich, Martin (ed). Upland oak ecology symposium: history, current conditions and sustainability", Gen.
Tech. Rep. SRS - 73. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, p. 88, vol. , (2004). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J, "First Year Response of an Upland Hardwood Forest to Five Levels of Overstory Tree Retention. In: Connor, Kristina (ed.).
2004. Proceedings of the twelfth biennial southern silviculture research conference.", Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 71. Asheville, NC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station., p. 287, vol. , (2004). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J., "Monitoring and Assessment of Tree Establishment in the Wetland Reserve Program in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain.
In: Connor, Kristina (ed.). 2004. Proceedings of the twelfth biennial southern silviculture research conference", Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 71.
Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, p. 586, vol. , (2004). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J., D.L. Loftis, Y. Wang and G.C. Janzen, "Regeneration Potential of Selected Forested Stands on the Cumberland Plateau of
North Alabama. In: Spetich, Martin (ed). Upland oak ecology symposium: history, current conditions and sustainability", Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS
- 73. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, p. 269, vol. , (2004). Published,
Stone, W.E., and Y. Wang, "Training Minorities in Wildlife Biology", The Wildlife Professional, p. 36, vol. 1, (2007). Published,
Sutton, W, "The incredible diversity of the Bankhead National Forest: survey reveals surprises", Wild South, p. 38, vol. , (2007). Published,
Sutton, W. B., Y. Wang and C.J. Schweitzer, "Response of forest herpetofauna communities to thinning and prescribed burning in mixed
pine-hardwood stands in the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama: study site description and methods.", Southeastern Biologist, p.
186, vol. 52, (2005). Published,
Sutton, W.B., Y. Wang, and C.J. Schweitzer, "An alternative drift???fence trapping method for capturing large???bodied snakes", Herpetological
Conservation and Biology, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Wang, Y., J. C. Chang, F. R. Moore, L. Y. Su, L. M. Cui, and X. F. Yang, "Stopover ecology of red-flanked bush robin at Maoershan of
northeast China", Acta Ecologia Sinica, p. 638, vol. 26, (2006). Published,
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Final Report: 0420541
Wick, J, "Birds in plight", Wild South, p. 40, vol. 30, (2008). Published,
Wick, J, "Songbird Breeding Ecology. Response to Forest Management", Master???s Thesis. Alabama A&M University, Normal AL, p. , vol. ,
(2008). Published,
Yin Q., Z. Felix, D. Qiang, Y. Wang, B. Wang, Y. Yang, and Y. Wang, "Post-breeding movements, home range, and microhabitat use of
plateau brown frogs, Rana kukunoris, in Zoige Alpine Wetland, China", Acta Zoologica Sinica, p. 974, vol. 53, (2007). Published,
Yin Q., Z. Felix, D. Qiang, Y. Wang, L. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, "Summer and autumn activity of Rana kukunoris around a seasonal pond in
the Zoige alpine peatland", Zoological Research, p. 526, vol. 5, (2007). Published,
Young, K.W, "Effects of Forest Disturbance on Small Mammal Communities at Bankhead National Forest on the Cumberland Plateau", .
Master???s Thesis, Alabama A&M University. Normal, AL, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Zak, J., L.D. Dimov, C.J. Schweitzer, S.L. Clark, "Relationship between herbaceous layer, stand, and site variables in the Bankhead National
Forest, Alabama", Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Athens, Georgia, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Zak, J.C, "Ground vegetation response to environmental conditions and silvicultural treatments on the southern Cumberland Plateau, Alabama",
Master???s Thesis, p. 112, vol. , (2008). Published,
Carpenter, J., Y. Wang, A.A. Lesak., C.J. Schweitzer, E.C. Soehren and M. Sasser., "Status of the cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulean) in
northern Alabama.", Southeastern Biology, p. 117, vol. 52, (2005). Published,
Chen, X, "Topological properties of amphibian distribution in Alabama of USA for large scale conservation.", Animal Biodiversity &
Conservation, p. 1, vol. 31, (2008). Published,
Chen, X, "Comparison of the recent precipitation variation at three locations in China.", Journal of Applied Sciences, p. 144, vol. 6, (2006).
Chen, X, "Leaf anatomical acclimation of six tree species to low soil water content.", International Journal of Botany, p. 212, vol. 1, (2006).
Chen, X, "Spatial pattern of wildfire occurrences in Alabama, USA.", International Journal of Environmental Studies, p. 229, vol. 64, (2007).
Chen, X, "Characterizing forest dynamics in Northeast China Transect", International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Research, p. 331,
vol. 31, (2005). Published,
Chen, X, "Tree diversity, carbon storage and soil nutrient in an old-growth forest at Changbai Mountain, Northeast China.", Communications in
Soil Science & Plant Analysis, p. 363, vol. 37, (2006). Published,
Chen, X, "Fishes pattern of Alabama", Wildlife Biology & Practices, p. 38, vol. 2, (2007). Published,
Chen, X, "Carbon Storage Traits of Main Tree Species in Natural Forests in Northeast China.", Journal of Sustainable Forestry, p. 67, vol. 23,
(2006). Published,
Chen, X, "Using production/biomass ratio as an indicator for forest ecosystem assessment and management.", International Journal of Ecology
and Environmental Science, p. , vol. 32, (2006). Published,
Chen, X, "Monitoring multispecies interactions: a case study of 16 main tree species along the Northeast China Transect", Applied Ecology and
Environmental Research, p. , vol. , (2006). Published,
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Chen, X, Barrows C. W., Li B.-L., "Is the coachella valley fringe-toed lizard (uma inornata) on the edge of extinction at thousand palms
preserve in California of U.S.A.?", Southwestern Naturalist, p. 28, vol. 51, (2006). Published,
Chen, X., Barrows, C. W., Li, B.-L., "Phase coupling and spatial synchrony of an endangered dune lizard species.", Landscape Ecology, p.
1185, vol. 8, (2006). Published,
Chen, X., Li, B.-L., "Assessing the relative importance of intrinsic and extrinsic influence on sheep population dynamics on Hirta island, UK.",
Journal for Nature Conservation, p. 54, vol. 15, (2007). Published,
Chen, X., Li, B.-L., Allen, F. M., "Characterizing urbanization, conservation and agricultural land use change in Riverside County, California,
USA.", Annual Review of New York Academy of Sciences, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Chen, X., Li, B.-L., Scott, T., Allen, M.F., "Tolerance analysis of habitat loss for multispecies conservation in western Riverside County,
California, USA.", International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management, p. 87, vol. 2, (2006). Published,
Chen, X., Li, B.-L., Zhang, X.-S., "Using spatial analysis to monitor tree diversity at a large scale: a case study in Northeast China Transect.",
Journal of Plant Ecology, p. 137, vol. 1, (2008). Published,
Chen, X., Roberts, K.A., "Roadless areas and biodiversity: a case study in Alabama. Biodiversity & Conservation", Biodiversity &
Conservation, p. 2013, vol. 17, (2008). Published,
Chen, X., Zhang, X-S., "CCM2 modeling on the effects on Tibetan Plateau on arid and semi-arid areas in East Asia", Annals of Arid Zone, p. ,
vol. , (2006). Published,
Dillon, W, "Carbon sequestration in a disturbed forest ecosystem of Northern Alabama", Maters Thesis, Alabama A&M University. Normal,
AL, p. , vol. , (2006). Published,
Fraser, Rory, Buddhi Gyawali, Shambu Katel, and John Schelhas., "The Geography of Race in Alabama??s Black Belt", International Society
for Social and Resource Management (ISSRM) Panel on Race and Natural Resources in the United States, p. , vol. , (2005). Published,
Gyawali, B., R. Fraser, W. Tadesse, J. Bukenya, and J. Schelhas, "Relationship between Human Well-being and Ecosystems Changes in the
Black Belt Region of Alabama", N.O. Tackie, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill (eds.), Strategies to Influence the 2007 Farm Bill and
Rural Policies: Impact on Diverse Cultures, Rural Communities and Underserved Farmers. Tuskegee University, AL., p. 57, vol. , (2007).
Hammett, A. L., K. Naka and B. Parsons., "Changes in Appalachian hardwood lumber exporter practices, 1989-2002", Forest Product Journal.,
p. 47, vol. 59, (2007). Published,
Jaja, Ngowari, "Biogeochemistry of trace metals in altered ecosystems.", PhD Dissertaion Alabama A&M University. Normal AL., p. , vol. ,
(2008). Published,
Mbila, M., "Tropical Soils.", Dig It: The Secret Life of Soil, edited by David Lindbo. Soil Science Society of America., p. , vol. , (2008).
Mbila, M., D. Clendenon, G. Martin, and T. Tsegaye., "Monitoring Wells and Piezometers.", In Sally Logsdon (ed.) Soil Field Methods. Soil
Sci Soc. Am Book Ser., p. , vol. , (2008). Published,
Naka, K and S. Cela., "Timber price, diameter, sale method, and logging conditions in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia", Southern Journal of
Applied Forestry, p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Parsons B.. K. Naka and A. L. Hammett, "Hardwood lumber industry in the Appalachian region: focus on exportation", Forestry Chronicles, p.
, vol. 85, (2007). Published,
Page 47 of 58
Final Report: 0420541
Schoenholtz, S.H., J.A. Stanturf, J.A. Allen and C.J. Schweitzer., "Afforestation of agricultural lands in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley:
The state of our understanding", Book, p. , vol. , (2005). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J., D.L. Loftis, Y. Wang and G.C. Janzen, "Regeneration Potential of Selected Forested Stands on the Cumberland Plateau of
North Alabama", Upland oak ecology symposium: history, current conditions and sustainability. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 73, Asheville, NC:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station., p. 269, vol. , (2004). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J., E.S. Gardiner and D.L. Loftis, "Response of outplanted northern red oak seedlings under two silvicultural prescriptions in
north Alabama.", Proceedings of the Thirteenth Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS, Asheville, NC:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station., p. , vol. , (2005). Published,
Schweitzer, C.J., Gardiner, E., Love, S. and Green, T, "Response of outplanted northern red oak seedlings under two silvicultural prescriptions
in north Alabama.", Ninth Workshop on Seedling Physiology and Growth Problems In Oak Plantings. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-262., p. , vol. ,
(2005). Published,
Wang, Y., A. A. Lesak, Z. Felix, and C. J. Schweitzer., "Initial response of an avian community to silvicultural treatments in the southern
Cumberland Plateau, Alabama, USA.", Integrative Zoology, p. 126, vol. 3, (2006). Published,
Wick, J. and Y. Wang., "Habitat use of two songbird species in pine-hardwood forests treated with prescribed burning and thinning in
Bankhead National Forest, AL: 1st year results.", Proceedings of the 14th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. Gen. Tech. Rep.
SRS, Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station., p. , vol. , (2007). Published,
Moss, E.M., Y. Tilahun, M. M. Thompson, and Z. Senwo, "Microbial Community Structure and Diversity of an Agricultural Soil", Association
of Research Directors (ARD) Symposium, p. , vol. , (2006). Published,
Moss, E.M.,Y. Tilahun, M, M. Thompson, Z. Senwo, "Microbial Diversity of an Agricultural Soil under Various Agronomic Conditions by
PCR-Denaturant Gradient Gel Electrophoresis", Soil Science Society of America Tri-Society Proceedings., p. , vol. , (2006). Published,
Stanturf, JA; Gardiner, ES; Shepard, JP; Schweitzer, CJ; Portwood, CJ; Dorris, LC, "Restoration of bottomland hardwood forests across a
treatment intensity gradient", FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, p. 1803, vol. 257, (2009). Published, 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.01.05
Sutton, W., Wang, Y., Schweitzer, C., "Habitat Relationships of Reptiles in Pine Beetle Disturbed Forests of Alabama, U.S.A., with guidelines
for a modified drift-fence sampling method.", Current Zoology, p. 411, vol. 56, (2010). Published,
Clark, S.L.; Schweitzer, C.J.; Schlarbaum, S.E.; Dimov, L.D.; Hebard, F.V., "Nursery quality and first-year response of American chestnut
(Castanea dentata) seedlings planted in southeastern United States.", Tree Planters??? Notes, p. 13, vol. 53, (2010). Published,
Felix, Z., Wang, Y., Schweitzer, C., "Effects of Experimental Canopy Manipulation on Amphibian Egg Deposition.", Journal of Wildlife
Management, p. 496, vol. 74, (2010). Published,
Wang, Naijiang; Tong, Jinzia, Zhang, Wenhui, Fan, Shaohui, Lu, Yuanchang, Schweitzer, Callie., "Forest Quality Evaluation Based on
Hierarchical Analytical Process for Caijiachuan State Forest Farm of Yan???an on Loess Plateau.", Scientia Silvae Sinicae, p. , vol. , (2010).
Sutton, W.B.; Wang, Y.; Schweitzer, C.J., "Amphibian and reptile response to prescribed burning and thinning in pine-hardwood forests:
pre-treatment results.", Gen. Tech Rep, p. 495, vol. 121, (2010). Published,
Wick, J., Wang, Y., Schweitzer, C., "Immediate effect of burning and logging treatments o the avian community at Bankhead National Forest
of northern Alabama.", Gen. Tech. Rep, p. , vol. , (2009). Submitted,
Clark, S., Schweitzer, C., "Red maple (Acer rubrum) response to prescribed burning on the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.",
Gen. Tech. Rep., p. , vol. , (2009). Submitted,
Page 48 of 58
Final Report: 0420541
Baldwin, T., Chan, F., Wang, Y., Schweitzer, C., "Predicting amphibian communities using habitat variables in forested landscapes in the
southern Cumberland Plateau.", Gen. Tech. Rep, p. , vol. , (2009). Submitted,
Schweitzer, C.J., Wang, Y., "Overstory tree status following thinning and burning treatments in mixed pine-hardwood stands on the William B.
Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.", Gen. Tech. Rep., p. , vol. , (2009). Submitted,
Grayson, S.F., Buckley, D.S., Henning, J.G., Schweitzer, C.J, Clark, S.L., "Influence of Alternative Silvicultural Treatmetns on Spatial
Variability in Light in Central Hardwood Stands on the Cumberland Plateau.", Gen. Tech. Rep, p. , vol. , (2010). Submitted,
Wang, N.; Wang, Y.; Schweitzer, C., "The Shade Tolerance of the Selected Afforestation Species on Loess Plateau of China.", Gen. Tech.
Rep., p. , vol. , (2010). Submitted,
Thompson, J.D., Rummer, R. and Schweitzer, C.J., "Harvesting Productivity and Disturbance Estimates of Three Silvicultural Prescriptions in
an Eastern Kentucky Hardwood Forest", Gen. Tech. Rep, p. , vol. , (2010). Submitted,
Schweitzer, C.J., Gottschalk, K., Stringer, J., Clark, S. and Loftis, D., "Using Silviculture to Sustain Upland Oak Forests Under Stress on the
Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky.", Gen. Tech. Rep., p. , vol. , (2010). Submitted,
Virone, D.A., "Response of ground layer vegetation to silvicultural treatments on the southern Cumberland Plateau, Alabama.", Thesis, p. ,
vol. , (2010). Master's Thesis (to be completed Fall 2010).,
Thompson, J.D.; Rummer, R.; Schweitzer, C., "Estimating harvesting productivity in an upland hardwood forest in Kentucky.", Proceedings.
SAF National Convention Oct. 4, 2009, p. , vol. , (2009). Published,
Sutton, William., "Forest herpetofaunal response to prescribed burning and thinning in pine-hardwood forests.", Ph.D. Dissertation, p. , vol. ,
(2010). PhD Dissertation,
Wang, N., Z. Liu, Z. Xu, W. Zhang, Y. Lu, S. Fan, Y. Wang, and L. Zhou., "Gray correlation analysis of the naturalness of the primary forest
types on Losses Plateau.", Acta Ecologia Sinica, p. , vol. , (2010). Accepted,
Li, J., N. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Lin, Q. Li, Y. Liu, X. Ruan, J. Zhu, B. Xi, and Z. Zhang., "Sexual size dimorphism and sex identification using
morphological traits of two Aegithalidae species.", Zoological Science, p. , vol. , (2010). Accepted,
Sutton, W. B., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer., "Habitat Relationships of Reptile Community in Pine-Hardwood Forests of Alabama, U.S.A.
with Guidelines for a Modified Drift-Fence Sampling Method.", Current Zoology, p. , vol. , (2010). Accepted,
Wen, L., T. Chen, M. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Duan, L. An, Q. Jian, and R. Peng., "Seasonal changes in anthocyanin contents and in
activities of xanthophyll and ascorbate glutathione cycles in Sabina species derived from different environments.", Acta Physiologiae
Plantarum, p. , vol. , (2010). Accepted,
Gan, X., C. Choi, Y. Wang, Z Ma, J. Chen, and B. Li., "Alteration of habitat and food resources by invasive smooth cordgrass affects habitat
use by wintering saltmarsh birds at Chongming Dongtan of east China.", The Auk, p. 317, vol. 127, (2010). Published,
Sutton, W.B., M.G. Bolus, and Y. Wang, "Predation", Herpetological Review, p. , vol. , (2009). Accepted,
Wang, Y. and E. Moss., "Preparing for the future. Proceedings of the 2009 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program at
Alabama A&M University.", Center of Forest Ecosystem Assessment of AAMU, p. , vol. , (2010). Published,
Felix, Z., Y. Wang, and C. Schweitzer, "Experimental canopy manipulation affects amphibian reproductive dynamics in the Cumberland
Plateau of Alabama", Journal of Wildlife Management, p. 496, vol. 74, (2010). Published,
Books or Other One-time Publications
Page 49 of 58
Final Report: 0420541
Schoenholtz, S.H., J.A. Stanturf, J.A. Allen and C.J. Schweitzer., "Afforestation of agricultural lands in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley:
The state of our understanding.", (2005). Book, Published
Editor(s): L.H. Frederickson, S.L. King and R.M. Kaminski, eds.
Collection: Ecology and Management of Bottomland Hardwood Systems: The State of our Understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia.
Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO.
Bibliography: N/A
Schweitzer, C.J., Gardiner, E., Love, S. and Green, T., "Response of outplanted northern red oak seedlings under two silvicultural prescriptions
in north Alabama. Ninth Workshop on Seedling Physiology and Growth Problems In Oak Plantings.", (2005). Tech. Rep., Published
Collection: Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-262. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station.
Bibliography: N/A
Wang, Y, "Migration and Orientation", (2010). Book, Accepted
Editor(s): Guangmei Zheng
Collection: Ornithology
Bibliography: Book chapter
Web/Internet Site
?The CFEA website continues to be maintained ( This has included updating students, information
on the conference and adding reports. A new website was developed for the REU program (
?Dr. Kantety?s laboratory developed a web-based molecular genetic and sequence analysis site which is hosted on the 48-processor
high-performance computing cluster (
?Co-created the Alabama A&M University?s National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates:
?Society of American Foresters Mountain Lakes Chapter:
?Old-Growth Dynamics and Dendroecology Lab (OLDD Lab):
?Addressing local needs for information on prescribed fire and thinning at the Bankhead National Forest, Alabama:
?American chestnut restoration study:
(Around July 1 the server crashed and since then these websites have been unaccessible)
Other Specific Products
Product Type:
Data or databases
Product Description:
Geodatabases have been established for all areas of interest and have been extended to cover the full Cumberland Plateau. The data are
available to all thrust areas, scientists, and students through our server and have been utilized by all thrust areas participants. Some of the
specific uses are identifying differing physiographic characteristics of the Bankhead study stands, identity home range habitat, and produce
study site maps.
Three geodatabase have been developed; Blackbelt, Cumberland and Bankhead. The Cumberland and Bankhead overlap spatially however the
Bankhead geodatabase contains greater detail.
Digital databases have been developed for most datasets. The focal point of our data is the geodatabases. They store numerous data on the
Black Belt and Cumberland Plateau study area including topological maps, aerial photos, Landsat images, roads, rivers, elevation land use and
census data. Other databases include herbaceous, trees and regeneration. All databases can be linked though geographical coordinates.
Sharing Information:
All thrust area have access to this information. In the near future some of this information will be placed on an IMS server and served out
through the website.
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Final Report: 0420541
Product Type:
Data or databases
Product Description:
A relatively recent accomplishment of our fauna teaching and research program at AAMU has seen the rapid development of our specimen
collection. This was a specific objective of a previous grant to Drs. Stone and Wang from USDA CSREES that was completed in the Fall of
2006. Starting with nothing only a few years ago, the number of preserved (via taxidermy or alcohol) terrestrial animal specimens in the
collection has grown into the hundreds. Specimens include bats, mice, songbirds, snakes, salamanders, turtles, frogs, medium-sized mammals
(e.g., raccoon, opossum, skunk, rabbit, armadillo, beaver, and mink), hawks, turkey, geese, wild hog, and deer. Most of these specimens have
been prepared by undergraduate students. This rapid expansion is partly due to the contribution of NSF-CREST and related research projects.
No animals are killed specifically for the collection, but when animals expire in traps or are found dead in the forest, they do not go to waste.
This past year we began adding aquatic species as well.
The reference specimen collection for insects and other arthropods has grown at an even more astonishing rate, requiring more storage cabinets
and space to store voucher specimens and collections. These include reference collections for lepidopteran species, carabid beetle species, and
other beetle families, and morphospecies from Jackson County and Bankhead National Forest; a pinned collection of coleopteran, dipteran,
heteropteran, and hymenopteran representatives from Malaise trapping in Bankhead National Forest, with the duplicates preserved but
unpinned, totaling approximately sixteen to thirty-two pounds wet weight and tens of thousands of individuals; a pinned collection of
coleopteran representatives from pitfall trapping in Bankhead National Forest; a collection of unpinned, preserved invertebrate specimens
totaling approximately forty-eight pounds wet weight and thousands of individuals; pinned carabid beetle specimens from 350 trapping
instances in Jackson County, Alabama; and a pinned, pointed, and double-mounted beetle collection from Lindgren funnel trapping in
Bankhead National Forest.
Sharing Information:
This information will be utilized in synergistic projects.
Product Type:
Physical collection (samples, etc.)
Product Description:
A large collection has been assembled as a result of arthropod monitoring activities associated with CFEA, through litter sampling, Lindgren
funnel trapping and pitfall trapping. Certain groups, including especially ants, carabid beetles, parasitoids, bark beetles and various xylophages,
have been targeted as major indicators to assess the effects of thinning and burning disturbances. Beyond this, these collections are cataloguing
some of the more important components of the insect communities within the stand types studied. Additionally, the materials collected can be
used by others conducting ecological and taxonomic work in the southern Cumberland Plateau. Some of our collection will eventually be
housed in the Mississippi Entomological Museum, Mississippi State University. As mentioned above, this collection also serves as a reference
tool for our students in forestry and other disciplines and will be used for outreach purposes to better educate the public on insects in general
and within our region.
Additionally, both forestry and plant science students have had access to the growing CFEA arthropod collection as a reference tool for their
own collection activities as requirements for the insect pest management courses that are curriculum requirements. CFEA personnel (H.
Howell and various undergraduate students working with the insect collection) have graciously offered their expertise to students struggling
with their collections.
Sharing Information:
This collection represent a reference collection of the Bankhead area.
Product Type:
Teaching aids
Product Description:
- Safety Training guide for CFEA field workers
- Insect Identification Training Manual
- Spreadsheet based key to beetle families
- Field tours resources
- Procedures for recruiting and training undergraduate work-study students
Sharing Information:
These resources are used with students and general public.
Product Type:
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Final Report: 0420541
Product Description:
The Center has initiated a quarterly newsletter. As of June 2009, five newsletters have been produced. The newsletter is a tool to disseminate
current research to the interested community, keep those with in CFEA informed of activities and help in building partnerships.
Sharing Information:
Recipients of the newsletter include local high schools, NGO?s, Colleges, State and Federal Agencies, and Funding Agencies. Newsletters are
available on the CFEA web site.
Product Type:
Product Description:
o Co-created the Alabama A&M University?s National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates:
o Society of American Foresters Mountain Lakes Chapter:
o Old-Growth Dynamics and Dendroecology Lab (OLDD Lab):
o Websites in support of research projects:
1. Addressing local needs for information on prescribed fire and thinning at the Bankhead National Forest, Alabama:
2. American chestnut restoration study:
(Around July 1 the server crashed and since then these websites have been inaccessible)
?The CFEA website continues to be maintained ( This has included updating students, information
on the conference and adding reports. A new website was developed for the REU program (
?Dr. Kantety?s laboratory developed a web-based molecular genetic and sequence analysis site which is hosted on the 48-processor
high-performance computing cluster (
Sharing Information:
Through the Internet, Newsletter, personal contact and other CFEA publications and correspondence
Product Type:
Physical collection (samples, etc.)
Product Description:
We collected, pressed, and deposited voucher plant specimens at Alabama A&M University (duplicates to other herbaria in Alabama ?
Jacksonville State University, West Alabama University, University of Alabama) for validation of all recorded species. The herbarium contains
at present approximately 150 herbaceous and 50 woody species.
We also established database with ground vegetation metrics so that future data sets can be easily entered, edited, and analyzed.
The treated stands have been a useful tool in the undergraduate course Silviculture (NRE 375). Our undergraduate students majoring in Forest
Science and Forest Management, as well as our REU students and non-student visitors can observe on the ground, the different outcomes from
the nine different silvicultural treatments on the studied stands at the Bankhead National Forest.
Sharing Information:
Used as teaching and research aids
Product Type:
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Final Report: 0420541
Product Description:
A CFEA Logo and letterhead were developed and distributed to CFEA personnel for use in email and written correspondence. Magnetic Logos
were distributed to place on bumpers and vehicles for use in the field. Tote bags, pencils, key chains, rulers, and lanyards were given to each
attendee of the CFEA Summer conference. In addition, visitors to the Center and Partners were provided with these items in appreciation for
their support of CFEA.
Sharing Information:
Available to everyone
Product Type:
Product Description:
CFEA brochures were developed and CFEA logo materials were provided at all recruitment efforts. CFEA graduate students who went on
recruitment trips were reimbursed through matching funds and the BWWB Grant.
Sharing Information:
conferences and recruitment
Contributions within Discipline:
CFEA investigators were successful during last six years in seeking funds to develop additional areas of research related to impacts of forest
management on the forest ecosystem in northern Alabama. These areas include water quality, invasive plants, outdoor recreation, forest
fragmentation, harvesting impacts on humans, forest site mapping and classification, and impacts on additional animal communities including
aquatic communities.
The knowledge gained about vegetation dynamics and the information anticipated to be gained after the subsequent growing seasons is likely to
strengthen the ability to manage the forest at the ecosystem level. It will also provide us the means to quantitatively anticipate the impact of
silvicultural operations on plant succession and the change in plant cover, richness, diversity, and other vegetation characteristics of importance
to the ecosystem functioning. The results will enable us to design and use the most effective treatments when we aim for bringing back the
native vegetation and with it, the birds, reptiles, amphibians, and other organisms that used to occur on those sites prior to conversion to pasture
and later to pine plantation.
Our work resulted in a number of findings that are important contributions to our knowledge in the field of plant ecology. Analysis of date from
the ground layer vegetation showed that a total of at least 70 systematically distributed plots, 1 meter sqaure each, are sufficient to capture at
least 90% of the species in a forest ecosystems of the type studied. Additionally, our analyses demonstrated that explaining the compositional
variation of the three studied life forms (vines, herbs, and graminoids) was better accomplished using non-linear methods.
The studied treatments (thinning, burning, and a combination of the two) have different effects on the ground layer plant community.
Moreover, they have a different impact on the cover, richness, and diversity of the plants, depending on the plant life form. The treatments also
interacted with each other, resulting in an increase complexity of the vegetation response.
Our research revealed that the season in which the sampling occurred had a significant effect on the vegetation cover and richness, but not on
diversity. Therefore, season of sampling is a crucial consideration of in studies that aim to examine plant cover and richness, regardless of the
treatments applied. Additionally, it is important to also account for the significant interaction between the season of sampling and the treatment
that was observed in our study.
The fauna thrust area has contributed much to our understanding of the ecosystem response to the forest disturbance we are studying. The
animal communities are early indicators of the effects of forest disturbance in the ecosystem. Our results suggest that the thinning disturbance
had a greater impact, with few exceptions, than prescribed burning, thus far. The intensity of the thinning treatments may be responsible for our
observations, but the frequency of the prescribed burning may still combine with thinning to produce different results than either disturbance
alone. Our data collection must continue to detect the potential divergence of the animal communities under different disturbance regimes.
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Final Report: 0420541
Previous studies of animal community responses to these types of disturbances are rather limited because of the difficulty of conducting a large
replicated field experiment with pretreatment data and controls. Thus, our findings for particular animal taxonomic groups will make significant
contributions to those disciplines because of the comprehensive experimental design we have chosen. We are even finding that some of the
creatures we are studying were thought to be rare in the State are fairly common once we began to conduct our intensive surveys and studies.
We are confident that, in the long term, we will be able to contribute information on recovery period, threshold dynamics, and causal
mechanisms to the disturbance ecology literature that is rare or lacking for some animal groups that are important components of the forest
Our search for mechanisms in observed responses has been mostly successful thus far, but not completely satisfactory. Some animal
community groups have less certainty about causal factors in explaining the ecological effects of the disturbances. Also, long term effects of
disturbance may negate initial positive responses as environmental conditions change and weaken our perceived causal relationships. Our
incomplete understanding is not surprising given the complex nature of ecological relationships and our relatively short investigation of this
disturbance regime.
Beyond this view of our contribution to other disciplines, our Center has made some concrete contributions by expanding the scope of our
research to additional faunal components of the ecosystem to include the disciplines of herpetology and aquatic ecology. We anticipate that
these will further add to our own internal synergy between taxonomic groups as we seek to determine the patterns of faunal response to forest
ecosystem disturbances and the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for those patterns. As our Center develops further, it is likely that
additional animal communities may be represented that will fill in missing links and further our understanding of the deeper ecological patterns
and processes regarding the dynamics of competition, predation, regeneration, migration, and other ecological areas of scientific exploration.
Forest ecosystems play critical roles in the global C management, which is thought to affect green house gases and global warming. Since the
capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester C depends to a large extent on the ecosystem management practices, this research addresses one of
the critical issues of our time ??'global soil C sequestration.
Prescribed fire has been a forest management tool for hundreds of years for very good reasons: Native Americans used fire to create distinct
landscape patterns; forest managers have used low intensity burns to maintain fire dependant species, improve wildlife habitat, and prepare sites
for seeding. But in spite of the wealth of knowledge that is currently available regarding forest management (specifically prescribed fires), and
soil C sequestration, there are still uncertainties due to current methods of assessing C sequestration in soils. This problem has led to different
conclusions in the literature. Many studies have suggested that frequent fires can deplete the organic litter layer and leave the mineral soil
vulnerable to soil degradation and that forest harvesting on average has little or no effect on soil C and N. But other studies have not found
significant differences in C sequestration.
Our research employs a pedological approach that analyzes research sites based on climate, organisms, topography, parent material, and time
(clorpt). The approach also studies entire soil profiles by examining soil pits to determine the smallest C changes in the soil layers. Therefore
this study is contributing significantly to our current knowledge of ecosystem management and global C accumulation studies.
Several research presentations in national and international meetings and conferences have been and will continually be done. A MS level
based entirely on the data generated from this study. One manuscript titled 'INITIAL RESPONSE OF SOIL NUTRIENT POOLS TO
in the highly rated Soil Science Society of America Journal (Soil Sci. Am. J. 73: 285-292). Another is being prepared for the highly rated Soil
Science Journal. Part of a PhD dissertation titled 'SOIL BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OF TRACE METALS IN ALTERED ECOSYSTEMS' was
completed based on data from Objective #7 of the Biogeochemical Group. That PhD work evaluated the impacts of prescribed forest fires and
logging on trace metal release and redistribution in the ecosystem. In all, this research is making great contributions in the discipline of soil and
environmental sciences.
The findings from this research help us in identifying genetic bottlenecks, while developing diagnostic genetic markers for detection of
individual species. As the inter-specific hybridization within red oaks is very common, we may be able to set up large-scale population genetics
experiments to determine the significant locations in the oak genome that influence the important traits. Our current collaborations are already
working to develop additional markers using next generation sequencing and bioinformatics for developing detailed genetic maps of red oak
This research addressed one of the emerging themes in the global research-human dimensions of natural resources management by utilizing the
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Final Report: 0420541
indicators of socioeconomic and landscape disturbances in relation to the socioeconomic development of the Alabama's Black Belt. This
research presented an innovative spatial data-based approach to understanding the relationship between economic development and
disturbances in the demographic and natural base such as changes in different types of land covers. The exploration of the spatial aspects of the
disturbances in social, economic and landscape change is an innovative one. The study provided interesting results on objectives, grounded
squarely in the human dimensions of natural resources???literature, the use of the longitudinal data, and the importance of examining the three
themes at the Census Block Group (CBG) level. The use of satellite images and sub-county units is an innovative methodological approach that
goes beyond the previous research effort in the west-central Black Belt region of Alabama.
This research addressed some of the methodological limitations of previous studies in the natural resource dependency. Previous studies did
not well address the issues of rural restructuring, spatial arrangement of landscape, and the role of endogeneity. The findings of this research
will add to the spatial-temporal explanations of how the communities have responded to the disturbances in demographic and landscape
attributes. The integration of the social and landscape science, economics, spatial dynamics theories and the application of a spatial analytical
framework for analyzing cross-temporal primary, and secondary data is useful for understanding the evolving pattern of human-environment
relationships in the resource-dependent communities.
Further research should be interdisciplinary and multi-scale and should combine spatial analysis of both historical and cross-sectional data with
interviews. Many researchers address questions on pattern and process in the ecological and human world from within the boundaries of a
single discipline, neglecting the relationships between ecological and social systems. Emphasis is needed on the integration of the social
sciences for long-term ecological research. Also, the longer time frame data will assist in fully understanding landscape change patterns and the
effects of other endogenous and exogenous forces. The methodology adopted by this study could be one way to explore the important role of
endogenous and exogenous disturbances operating at finer to coarser geographical scale.
Contributions to Other Disciplines:
Areas of interest that have developed since this project was initiated are air and water quality, forest fragmentation, harvesting impacts, forest
site mapping and classification, and impacts on additional animal communities, among others.
The knowledge gained to date about vegetation dynamics and the data we are collecting in subsequent growing seasons will strengthen the
ability to manage the forest at the ecosystem level. Historically, human development forced people to focus on the sustainable production of
wood as it used to be the main source of heating and energy. But as society has advanced, the importance of the multiple uses of forest
resources has emerged and so has our understanding of the importance of biodiversity. The interconnectedness among organisms and their
environment has required us to recognize ecosystem-based management is most appropriate. Our study is one of very few in the country that is
positioned to answer ecosystem level responses to common silvicultural treatments. Most other studies focus on limited components of the
ecosystem, e.g., only vegetation or only avian community. Studies integrate the response of multiple communities, but none have done this to
the same extent as in our study. Our study examines the response of the woody and herbaceous vegetation, amphibians, reptiles, birds, small
mammals, soil micro fauna, and soil chemistry to disturbance. Our work also provides the means to quantitatively estimate the impact of
silvicultural operations on plant succession and on the change in plant cover, richness, diversity, and other vegetation characteristics of
importance to ecosystem functioning. These results will enable us to design and use more effective treatments in our effort to restore the native
vegetation and with it, the birds, reptiles, amphibians, and other organisms that once occupied these sites before they were converted to pasture
and pine plantations.
Our findings have wider implications than the field of plant ecology. The vegetation dynamics following thinning, burning and combinations of
the two treatments, as well as the vegetation dynamics within a growing season, has implications for the dynamics of other organisms that
depend on the plants for shelter and forage.
Treating the forest stands or not treating them at all, has an impact on the plant community by altering overall cover, richness, and diversity, as
well as the proportion of the different species and life forms that are present on the site. Altering these forest ecosystem attributes is bound to
impact the availability of food for native pollinators, vertebrate and invertebrate wildlife, and have an impact on the higher trophic levels.
Additionally, the change in the cover and species composition following the treatments modified the amount of shade on the forest floor and the
amount of exposed bare soil. These changes influence the soil chemistry, flora, and fauna, as well as soil erosion and the hydrology in the
treated stands.
The faunal studies, like all other research efforts in CFEA, has contributed to the other disciplines by connecting their findings with the findings
of other field research efforts. This interdisciplinary approach has inherent benefits since each discipline can make substantial contributions to
other disciplines and overall synergistic comprehension of disciplines as well as related phenomena. For example, wildlife research benefits soil
science and forestry because our data is ecologically connected to their data and our results are their results in an ecological context.
Beyond this, we have extended our contribution to other disciplines; it is worth noting that we have expanded some contributions by adding
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Final Report: 0420541
studies in herpetology, invasive plants, and aquatic ecology. We anticipate that these will further internal synergy between taxonomic groups,
as we all seek to understand the patterns of responses to forest ecosystem disturbances and the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for
those patterns. As our Center develops further, it is likely that additional fauna will be included in our research. They will enable us to further
our understanding of the deeper ecological patterns and processes explaining the dynamics of competition, predation, regeneration, migration,
and other areas of forest ecology.
Contributions to Human Resource Development:
A primary objective of the Center is to increase the number of trained professionals, especially African-Americans, engaged in research,
teaching, and management of renewable natural resources. We have made great headway toward this goal by involving both graduate and
undergraduate students in all aspects of the research project conducted by different scientists. After graduation these students will be well
equipped to lead in research and teaching fields and in the job market with state and federal agencies, private consulting, and industrial forestry.
During last six years, CFEA has provided numerous opportunities to enhance the technical skills and professional training of faculty, staff, and
both graduate and undergraduate students. One such example was the PC-ORD statistics workshop held in conjunction with our annual
meeting. Faculty, graduate students, and professional conservation partners participated in this opportunity to strengthen our analytical skills.
This workshop should also improve access and retention for our mostly African-American graduate student population in the research and
teaching workforce. Hosting a GIS Day demonstration and workshop allowed CFEA personnel to maintain current knowledge of mapping
software and applications to our research. The faculty and students attended local, regional, national and international conferences, and
workshops. CFEA seminars brought in scientists from a range of forestry and biological disciplines to share ideas with faculty and students.
Our students have shown great interest and dedication to this project and many of them have worked in more than one Thrust Area. One of the
most beneficial aspects of this Project is the 'on the ground' training that students receive while working in the individual Thrust Areas. They
are encouraged to study field samples and enter raw data, so that they can understand and apply the science beyond the data collection level.
Many students are now developing their own hypotheses that will complement the present research being conducted in this project. Some of the
research outputs were utilized as educational materials (for instance, land cover and socioeconomic maps) was utilized in the land management
training workshops for the underserved landowners in the study area. Such activity helped them to understand the demographic and landscape
transformation in their vicinity.
Many of our students have received assistantships and scholarships through the CFEA CREST project. They have also been able to apply and
receive other grants, scholarships, and assistance ships through EPA STAR and EPA GRO Fellowships, USDA/CSREES and USDA/Forest
Service, State Wildlife Grants, Private industry and public Utilities (Birmingham Water Works Board) work study programs, Cooperative
programs (Alabama Forestry Commission) etc. (See list of Graduate students working on CFEA objectives)
One of the key goals of the CREST Project has been to educate future natural resource scientists, especially students from groups currently
underrepresented in science and technology fields. One of the strategies that CFEA has adopted to achieve this goal is to form partnerships with
neighboring High Schools, and other educational organizations in a program called 'EnvironMentors'.
The program is being carried out with collaborations of the following organizations: Alabama A&M University (AAMU), The North Alabama
Center for Educational Excellence (NACEE), and Johnson High School (JHS).
The goals of the program are a) to increase opportunities for minority students to be involved in science and the environment; b) to help in the
development of future leaders in agricultural and environmental sciences through research and educational experience; and c) to help in student
recruitment efforts of the Department of NRES, especially the AAMU Environmental Science program.
Contributions to Resources for Research and Education:
The development of our GIS lab has contributed significantly to the sharing of information with other research areas within the University. The
GIS lab is utilized by students, professors, and staff to create a common database and mapping system. This shared database allows each Thrust
Area to access baseline information to assist them with their phase of the project. The use of this shared database has also assisted faculty, staff,
and students working on other projects and grants within the School of Agriculture and Environmental Science and the Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Sciences at AAMU. With the addition of new GPS and inventory software, we will also be able to share
databases from Private industry, municipal, state and federal agencies, and private consultants. Some of these groups have agreed to share their
databases with AAMU and as the research results are completed our findings will be shared with natural resource managers and private
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Final Report: 0420541
The proposed Bankhead National Forest Interpretive Center and Laboratory will be a valuable facility for CFEA research, education, and
outreach when it is completed. The Bankhead National Forest Citizen's Liaison Panel and the general public are eager to establish this facility
to showcase CFEA research and facilitate transfer of research technology and knowledge about our forest ecosystems to the community. The
initiative has forged some new partnerships in the State and will be a concrete contribution for years to come toward the research of forest
ecosystems and the education of ecologists and the public.
CFEA has continued to maintain a webpage ( for the project. Currently, the webpage provides information on the
project, participants, activities, and outcomes. It also contains information for current and prospective students, a calendar and links to other
resources. The project experimental design and implementation is also available on the web, so that other researchers with similar research
goals and objectives can access our methods and protocols.
Dr. Dimov developed and maintains several websites that are also accessible from his personal webpage
( They include the website of the Society of American Foresters Mountain Lakes
Chapter (, and of the Southeastern Hardwood Forestry Group
( The members of this Chapter of the Society of American Foresters have
great interest in the research funded by CREST.
Our facilities, laboratories, and instruments are open for use by other disciplines within the University system. Portions of our facilities and
equipment were maintained, purchased, or repaired utilizing University funds and is thereby available for use by other researchers within the
University system. Most of the personnel within the project are housed in the same building and freely exchange ideas, concepts, and problems,
so that common solutions can be reached with such concentration of resources.
We have also employed students from other disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Business, Engineering and Computer Science) in field data
collection, research outreach, and database entry. The students along with support from The Department of Natural Resources and
Environmental Sciences, and CFEA Faculty have initiated a Graduate Student Association that allows for review of publications and journals,
advice on thesis development and implementation, and peer review.
Using funds from the BWWB grant, CFEA was able to purchase various equipment shared online with FEWP and CFEA. Serveral additional
work trucks have been purchased with leverage funds and will be shared with CFEA researchers. Another SUV and one 15-passenger van on
loan to CFEA were secured from the BWWB grant. Also secured with BWWB monies are two integrated hand held GPS units with SoloForest
mapping software and TCruise timber inventory software; one Garmin stand alone GPS unit; and one laptop computer, complete with wide
screen monitor, and additional external hard drive for backing up CFEA Main files.
The project assisted to create digital databases (both unprocessed and processed) for socioeconomic and landscape disturbances of the study
region. These databases will be available for public through the campus server. Three papers were developed from this dissertation project and
are in review in scholarly journals. Two papers are being developed to send for publication. These scholarly works are expected to contribute to
the theories of human dimensions of natural resource management in the resource dependent communities. Five oral presentations and two
posters have been made available online for public access.
Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering:
Forest managers are increasingly interested in considering the impacts of forest management practices on ecosystem structure and functions
such as biodiversity. The response of various forest component to forest management has received much attention because their
interrelationships and dependence. For example, forest management activities that result in canopy removal can lead to lower biodiversity by
reducing the survival rates and smaller body sizes of wildlife species. One of the major advantages and strengths of our Center is the close
relationship and collaboration with USDA Forest Service including the Bankhead National Forest, the agency with the task of managing the
public forest in the study area. The research result will be immediately available to the forest landowner, resource managers, and concerned
groups. These groups are looking for ways to implement management plans that meet their goals and objectives in an ecologically sustainable
and cost effective manner. The findings of CFEA research will provide several different burning and thinning regimes, which will allow
landowners and managers more options in implementing management activities that are more sensitive to the environment. Development of
brochures, pamphlets, and presentations materials to disseminate at landowner and concern group field day and state wide meetings will
provide resource managers with real world solutions based on sound science to better manage all natural resources for future generations. One
important need is to continue this research so that the long term impact of forest disturbance can be studied to help understand the long term
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Final Report: 0420541
impacts of natural resource management decisions. These findings will also for encourage greater participation by user groups in the decision
and policy making process, especially on federal lands. It will also provide a forum for common ground discussions between landowners and
resource managers to better interact with concern groups that may be opposed to forest management practices.
With the collaborations with the Bankhead Liaison Panel, we have established a medium for information sharing and technology transfer that
provide a much needed outlet for the people with varied interest in the Bankhead National Forest. This group provided valuable input into the
Bankhead Management Plan and gave full support to the establishment of CFEA_CREST. Daryl Lawson is a facilitator for this group at their
bi-monthly meeting. We have presented some of our initial education and research findings to the BFLP at these meetings. These presentations
were well received and plans are to continue these efforts on a regular basis. The information produced by the CFEA CREST Project has been
shared with other public outlets as well. (See Publications and Presentations)
Another contribution beyond science and engineering is the training of minorities in science areas where they are underrepresented. CFEA is
only beginning to graduate its first cohort of students, but the impact will soon be noticeable in the various ecological disciplines where black
scientists can be counted on a single hand. With continued growth in the research and education goals of the CFEA, greater numbers of
minorities will be aware of career opportunities in nonmedical scientific disciplines, be attracted to the type of work that we do, and increase
recruitment success. Successful alumni of our Center are the best recruiters for future minority researchers and educators in these disciplines.
As these minority scientists become recognized in their disciplines and their communities, a growing recognition of the relevance and
importance of ecological research and education by an increasing segment of our society is likely to gain greater political and economic support
for environmental quality and ecological research in the future.
The human dimension research at the Black-belt region provides empirical perspectives that are relevant to public policy for the resource
dependent communities and insights for socioeconomic development strategies for rural communities. For example, we found that forest
growth trends were not evenly distributed and did not show a consistent pattern in all areas within the west-central Black Belt region of
Alabama, which raises some interesting questions about natural resource-based economic development. The classification maps showed that
forest growth occurred in certain geographic areas (such as in and around industrial or corporate lands, outskirts of major highways, industrial
zones, etc). Such unique pattern of resource concentration or expansion may relate to the existing resource distribution policy at the county or
state level. These findings provide much needed information to policy makers and administers for making natural resource and economic
development decisions and strategic planning.
The Center teams have carried out many outreach activities such as Earth Day and Landowner Education and Assistance programs. These
outreach activities educate the public about the fast changing natural resource and environment related issues that the society is facing, and
raise the public awareness of the urgency to protect these resources for our future generations.
Conference Proceedings
Categories for which nothing is reported:
Any Conference
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Research Activities
The multi-disciplinary team at the Center for Forest Ecosystem Assessment (CFEA) has coordinated its
research efforts mostly at a common site and on an integrated problem related to the forest ecosystem.
The research is based on the concept that characteristics of an ecosystem are determined by several
relatively independent "external state factors" (global climate, geology, time, etc.) and by interactive
controls (regional climate, disturbance regime, human activities, etc.) that both effect, and are affected
by, ecosystem processes. Similarly, the characteristics of a social system are affected by both external
factors (international markets, state and federal regulations, history, etc.) and by interactive controls
(institutions, businesses, environment, etc.). The research teams of the five thrust areas of CFEA have
continuing their effort of collaborative research in the BNF, a part of the upland hardwood forests of the
Southern Cumberland Plateau. Each research team at CFEA has been examining a component of the
forest ecosystem. The emphasis of the research focused on sustaining short and long-term forest
health and restoration of native upland forest communities, including selected plant and wildlife
Thrust Area I – Flora
Objectives 1-3: Determine the effects of fire frequency, overstory stand density
reduction, and their interaction on plant community structure, composition,
productivity and dynamics in mixed stands in the Southern Cumberland Plateau
The research activities at the start of the project involved work related to the selection of the stands to
be treated. Planning began in the spring of 2004 and took into account the Final Environmental Impact
statement. The design took into account the constraints in assigning treatments to stands as outlined in
Management Bulletin R-8MB 110B, as well as the needs of scientists in other disciplines who worked in
the treatment stands. In particular, it was requested from the wildlife scientists that minimum stand size
be 25-acres, and that stand shape be nearly rectangular.
The thinning was carried out during the growing season of 2005 (block 1), 2006 (blocks 2 and 3), and
2007 (block 4). When thinning and burning were applied to the same stand, the burning was carried out
between February and March of the dormant season following the thinning (Table 1).
Table 1: Thinning and burning treatment implementation schedule, by block, for study stands on the William B. Bankhead
National Forest, Alabama
Woody vegetation data collection was initiated in June 2004 and is ongoing. The re-measurements are
carried our annually. Five vegetation measurement plots were established within each stand. A
rectangle approximating 25-acres was delineated on each stand map. Five measurement plots consisting
of three concentric sub-plots each were systematically arranged within each treatment stand using GIS,
with one plot located in the center of the rectangle and the other four equal distance from the center
plot towards each corner. Measurement plot centers were monumented with rebar and flagging and
GPS coordinates were recorded. Plot locations were described on the data record sheet. Detailed maps
were generated and are currently being maintained by Forest Service researchers. The smallest
measurement plot, 0.01 acre, 11.8-ft radius, was used to collect regeneration data. Every tree within its
boundary was recorded by size class (one-foot height classes for all seedlings up to 4.5 feet, and height
and diameter for all larger trees) and species; a select number of seedlings representing the species
mixture and size distribution on the regeneration plot were tagged with a numbered identification tag
(brass tags nailed into the ground at the base of each seedling). These select regeneration trees were
mapped (azimuth and distance from plot center) and species, height, and basal diameter were recorded.
These seedlings provided an opportunity to assess relative mortality by species and size class for the
various disturbance regimes. The understory plot, 0.025-acre, 18.6-foot radius, was established to
document all vegetation that is at least 1.5 inches diameter at breast height (dbh; diameter at 4.5 feet
above the ground). Tags were positioned so that they face plot center, and were located at ground level,
nailed into the tree. All arborescent vegetation 1.5-inch dbh and larger was mapped (azimuth and
distance recorded from plot center), and species, height, and dbh were recorded. On the overstory plot,
0.2-acre (52.7 feet radius) all trees 5.6 inches dbh and larger were sampled. These trees were
permanently marked, mapped, and documented as described above. Tree grades were also assigned to
all sample trees in the overstory plot. Usually hardwood trees of sawlog size (11 inches dbh, top of the
sawlog section ends with a diameter of the outside bark of 9 inches) are assigned a quality assessment
or tree grade. For this study, we assigned a tree grade to all sample hardwood trees 11-inches dbh and
greater, and assigned a potential grade to those trees less than 11-inches dbh. Tree grade for
hardwoods is designed to fully assess the best 12-foot section in the butt 16-foot log. Minimum length
of clear feet in a 12-foot section for grade 1 is 10 feet, for grade 2, 8 feet and for grade 3, 6 feet. Final
tree grade was based upon dbh, scaling diameter and number of feet without defects on the best three
sides. Common defects include epicormic branches, cankers, holes, knots and knot overgrowths, log
crook and sweep and heart rot.
All plots were measured prior to treatments, and revisited as soon as possible after completion of the
initial treatment for determination of initial mortality due to treatment. Fire and logging scars were
noted on all tagged trees. All plots were re-measured at the end of the first growing season, and at the
end of each growing season thereafter for determination of growth of residual stand, continuing
mortality, ingrowth and recruitment. The ground layer vegetation sampling occurred three times during
the growing season before treatment and during the first posttreatment growing season. In subsequent
years it was carried out twice in each growing season. There were 4 subplots of 3 different sizes (0.25
m2, 1.0 m2, and 4 m2) upon each of the woody vegetation plots (Figure 1).
We divided the 4 m2 subplot into four 1 m2 sections and sampled each 1 m2 section separately. The area
sampled for ground vegetation in each of the 0.08 woody vegetation plots totaled 21 m2. We sampled a
total of 100 1 m2 subplots and 20 0.25 m2 in each stand. Cover was determined by visual estimation to
the nearest 1% and totaled 100% since overlap in this layer was uncommon. Species richness (S’) was
the total number of species in each plot. Diversity was represented by the Shannon-Weiner index (H’)
calculated with the formula.
subplot size
( > 9 ha)
Plot Center (PC)
1 m2
0.25 m2
0.08 ha vegetation plots
3.5 m
4.0 m
0.08 ha
vegetation plot
Distances to PC from
Figure 1: Plot layout. Left: Schematic drawing of treatment stand with five 0.08 ha plots. Right: Schematic drawing of the
0.08 ha vegetation plots with sample square layout, area, and distance from the plot center.
We collected, pressed, and deposited voucher specimens at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical
University (AAMU) (duplicates to other herbaria in Alabama – Jacksonville State University, West
Alabama University, and University of Alabama) for validation of all recorded species. Specimens were
collected and pressed by Joel Zak and Dana Virone and some have been laminated. They will also be
used to train new graduate or undergraduate students on the project.
Light intensity was measured several times per growing season at ground level and at 4.5 feet above the
ground using a LI-190SA quantum sensor (LI-COR Corporation). Hemispherical photographs were taken
at the center of each plot before treatment and annually thereafter. We also measured and recorded
canopy cover with a densitometer in four directions from each plot center, plot topography, slope, and
Sampling of load was conducted on line transects located just outside the vegetation plots. The farthest
sample tree in each fifth acre vegetation plot, in the direction of the random azimuth, was identified,
and two transects, one at plus-90 degrees from random azimuth, the other at negative 90-degrees from
the random azimuth. The sample tree number was recorded and it is used as the reference point for
relocating fuel loading data transects. Transect sampling followed the system described by Brown and
measured parameters such as downed, dead woody material segregated into different fuel type (1, 10,
100 and 1000-hour fuels). Duff litter depth, litter and herbaceous vegetation were also measured and
recorded. A square-foot sample of litter and of duff material were also collected at 15 and 65 feet along
each transect. Litter and duff samples were be separated into five categories: 1-hour fuels (0-0.24-inch
width), 10-hour fuels (0.25-1.0-inch width), bark, fruit and leaves. Samples were dried and then weighed
to estimate the fuel load.
Prescribed burns were conducted between December 20 and March 4 using a combination of flanking,
backing, and strip-head fires with hand ignition. Fire behavior were recorded by BNF personnel during
prescribed burns, and flame lengths were estimated to average 1.2 feet (range 0.6-1.8 feet) and rate of
spread was estimated to average 1.4 chains per hour (range 1.1-2.0 chains per hour) across the eight
prescribed burns. Fires were characterized by BNF personnel as cool burns with low risk of escaping
across fire-line boundaries. Objectives of burning included fuels reduction, enhancement of wildlife
habitat, and enhancement of hardwood natural regeneration.
To document fire variability within stands and to determine if fire characteristics can be correlated to
vegetation response, we installed fire-monitoring devices at each of the five vegetation plots within the
frequent burn regime burn units (stands to be burned every 3-5 years). In Block 1, maximum fire
temperature was measured using aluminum tags painted with five levels of temperature sensitive paints
(Tempil®) that melt at 175º, 200º, 300º, 400º and 575º F. We positioned aluminum tags horizontally on
an aluminum pin flag 10 inches above the ground so that each of the five paints had equal opportunity
to melt during the prescribed burn. One tag was placed at plot center, and 4 tags were placed 12 feet in
each cardinal direction from plot center, resulting in 25 tags per burn unit in Block 1. For Blocks 2, 3 and
4, we used Type-K thermocouple probes attached to Hobo® data loggers to record fire behavior data.
The probe tips record temperature and they were placed in an upward position 10 inches above the
ground. A 6 foot cable extended from the probe to the data logger was buried in a 3 inch trench of bare
mineral soil. Prior to transportation to the field, the data logger was covered in an anti-static bag to
prevent a build-up of static electricity, placed inside a PVC casing, and buried in a 6 inch hole in the
ground. We installed data loggers and probes on the morning of the burns and we programmed them to
record temperature every 2 seconds. Care was taken to minimize disturbance to fuels around the probe
tip, and the litter layer was repositioned over the trench of the buried cable. We positioned three
probes 12 feet from plot center in the north, east and west cardinal direction. We recorded a plot as
burned if one of the paint tags or one of the data loggers obtained a minimum temperature of at least
175º F or 90º F, respectively. If the paint tag or data logger did not reach this minimum temperature, we
excluded it from the analysis.
We examined response to fire at the tree-level scale by recording maximum fire temperature and red
maple responses for 42 red maple saplings (1.5-5.4 in dbh) in the Block 4 frequent burn regime unit. We
placed two aluminum tags painted with temperature sensitive paint (as described above) just above the
litter layer at the base of each tree. Prior to the burns, we measured dbh and tallied number of sprouts
(> 1 foot in height, < 1.5 inch dbh) for each red maple sapling. We also recorded volume (height, width,
and depth to nearest 0.1 inch) of existing cambium wounds on the tree. The day following the burns, we
measured maximum height of the charred surface (i.e., char height) on each red maple sapling to the
nearest 0.1 foot. In late May following the prescribed burn, we documented tree mortality, and if the
tree was alive, we documented dieback to the main stem and counted number of sprouts.
Objective 4: Test current and emerging remote sensing technology to determine its
ability characterize forest structure and composition as well as detect natural and
anthropogenic disturbances and the subsequent recovery of forest ecosystems
A myriad of remotely sensed data was collected for the study plots. This included first and last return
LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data was collected from an altitude of 1000 meters with 50% overlap
between lines for some of the study area described above. The LiDAR data from the venrod had the
following technical specifications:
1. Fully processed LiDAR data for portions of Bankhead National Forest (~ 226 square mile) in
ASPRS approved format, both Bare-Earth and First-Return, with a point density of greater than 1
point per square meter.
2. Fully mosaiced color infrared imagery, ortho-rectified using available USGS DEM and output to 1
foot pixel resolution for the 543.6 square mile contiguous area of Bankhead National Forest
delivered in TIFF format
3. Contour lines at 2-foot interval in ESRI-Shape file
This flight plan provided a per line point density of 2 meters by 2 meters with overlapping lines
producing a final point density of approximately 1 meter.
Color Infrared (CIR) imagery was obtained at an altitude of 3290 m such that a photo scale of 1:21600
was achieved with a spatial resolution of 0.50 m. To determine tree heights and locations it was
necessary to classify the LiDAR points into two different categories. The result of classifying the LiDAR
data was two sorted point clouds: bare earth returns, which represented the ground topography
because the points were reflected by the ground, and first return, which depicted vegetation heights
because they were reflected by vegetation. Once the vegetation and the bare earth point clouds were
sorted based on elevation above an ellipsoid, both point clouds were used to create the interpolated
terrain models (raster images) that allowed us to calculate tree heights. We tested for the best
interpolation method (from among the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), Universal Kriging (UK), and
Ordinary Kriging (OK) based on the amount of error between the predicted and the measured points for
IDW, UK, and OK. A digital terrain model (DTM) was created from the bare earth and first returns such
that each 0.5 m pixel represented the ground elevation. A digital surface model (DSM) was then
developed to represent the above ground vegetation with a 0.5 m spatial resolution. Both the DSM and
DTM images were interpolated using the OK method. The canopy height model (CHM) was produced by
subtracting the DTM image from the DSM image to obtain the vegetation heights for the study area.
This created the CHM raster image that contained the vegetation heights that were used to obtain tree
locations, heights, and crown dimensions in Treevaw (Tree Variable Window (Treevaw), an ENVI
application developed by A.U.Kini and S.C.Popescu. The tree heights calculated in Treevaw were
compared to the field height measurements. Field data was collected by using a ForestPro laser range
finder (Laser Technology, Inc., Centennial, Colorado) to obtain 75 tree heights. The trees whose heights
were collected were selected by establishing five plots in a systematic manner and measuring the 15
trees in each plot that were closest to plot center and had diameter at breast height over 1.5 inches. The
field measured tree height average was compared to the average LiDAR derived tree heights. Treevaw
was used to identify tree location and tree height. The Treevaw algorithm is based on the local
maximum filtering technique that uses a search window of variable size. Two separate Treevaw
processes were run to identify coniferous and deciduous trees. The coniferous trees were set to a
smaller crown width size (3.00‐5.00 m) that was determined by measuring the crown width in the
classified coniferous CIR image. For the deciduous trees, we used a larger crown width (7.50‐10.00 m)
that was also determined by measuring the crowns in the area classified as deciduous.
The project concerning the vegetation thrust area allowed us to provide excellent research experience
for over 30 undergraduate students, nearly all of whom were African Americans.
Thrust Area II – Fauna
The research efforts of the fauna thrust area were designed to meet similar objectives with differing
taxonomic groups. These original objectives are to determine how a variety of animal community groups
respond to forest disturbances from thinning and prescribed burning. Although these remain our
primary objectives, the growth of this thrust area since the establishment of the CFEA allowed us to
broaden our activities to help accomplish Center-wide goals. Specifically, we have used NSF-CREST
funding to leverage more research and teaching capacity enhancement for our Center and expanded its
programmatic areas into new scientific disciplines (e.g., herpetology and aquatic ecology research)
identified by the CFEA External Advisory Board. In addition to broadening our interests, these new
objectives also seek to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms (i.e., breeding ecology success,
movement patterns, and resource acquisition and use) involved in the animal community responses that
our team has detected thus far. The activities described below have yielded major findings and
advanced our understanding of the role that anthropogenic forest disturbance is having on our forest
1. Determine the effects of different levels of fire frequency and canopy reduction and
their interaction on the species richness, relative abundance, and diversity of
arthropod communities.
We have collected one‐year pretreatment and one‐year post‐treatment data of the arthropod, avian,
and mammal communities from the forest stands of this research. The data allowed us to examine the
spatial of variability these faunal community across the landscape and their responses to the prescribed
burning and thinning treatments.
Ant Leaf Litter Community
Study Design: Based in the design described in the Flora thurst
Sampling of the Leaf Litter Ant Community: The ALL protocol was used to obtain baseline information
and assess treatment impacts on the leaf litter ant community within the study area. The ALL (Ants of
the Leaf Litter) protocol uses a combination of litter sampling and pitfall trapping. It is a standardized
procedure used in ant diversity studies worldwide. Each ALL sample consisted of two litter and two
pitfall trap samples. These were collected near one of five subplots previously established within each
treatment plot for vegetation assessments. Each plot location was flagged and georeferenced. All
sampling of treatment plots was conducted three times per year, in spring, summer and fall. During each
sampling period, samples were collected sequentially by block over a period of approximately one
month. A total of 90 ALL samples were collected per sampling period (5 samples/trt x 6 trt combinations
x 3 blocks).
Litter Sampling: The two litter sample per ALL sample was combined and extracted using a mini-Winkler
apparatus. Two 0.5m² quadrats of moist leaf litter were collected 20 meters north and south of each
vegetation subplot center. After sifting through a 1 cm2 wire mesh screen, samples were combined and
placed into a mini-Winkler extractor. Samples were left in extractors in the laboratory for seven days to
allow ants to migrate from the litter to a collecting chamber, as the litter dries out. The sample was
shaken gently after 24 hours in order to disturb ants that had settled down in the center of the litter to
facilitate movement into the collecting container. Collected ants were placed in 70% ethanol and held
until pointing, then identified to species.
Pitfall Traps: Pitfall traps are generally used to sample ants and other ground dwelling arthropods. They
are effective for estimating species richness, species composition, and ant relative abundance. Pitfall
traps used for ALL protocol sampling consisted of two 473 ml plastic cups placed in the ground. The
lower cup acted as a sleeve, with the bottom removed. The top cup was filled to a depth of
approximately 5 cm with a mix of 95% ethanol and propylene glycol. Each pitfall trap had a transparent
plastic rain cover to prevent flooding and reduce animal damage. Pitfall traps were placed near areas
where litter samples were collected. Each trap was opened when litter samples were collected and left
open for seven days, as litter samples were processed in the laboratory. All collected ants were washed
with soapy water and placed in 70% ethanol before pinning and identification.
Baiting Studies: Baiting experiments were used to obtain additional information on the composition,
abundance and diversity of the leaf litter ant community and to assess treatment impacts on foraging
behavior. Treatment impacts on ant foraging behavior in turn should help us to better understand
observed differences in leaf litter ant community composition and diversity among treatments. Baiting
uses food to attract foraging ants for collection or observation. Data collected by this method is
generally used to estimate species richness, composition, activity, and community structure. Food rich
in protein, such as tuna and sardines, or rich in carbohydrates, such as peanut butter, cookies, sugar
solutions and honey, are commonly used as baits. In this study, tuna (in water) and peanut butter baits
were used. Peanut butter or tuna was placed in whirl-pak bags with wire at the opening to allow ants
easy access to the bait. Three paired sets of baits (tuna and peanut butter), set on laminated quadrat
paper (which facilitates observation, counting and collection of ants), were placed ca 20 meters apart
near vegetation subplots. In order to record the species succession at each location, bait sets with ants
were collected at 45 minute intervals and replaced with new sets three times. Baiting was conducted,
by treatment plot, between 0800 and 1200 hours. The collected ants were stored in the freezer and
preserved in 70% ethanol (v/v) before identification.
General Arthropod Sampling
Several trapping/collection methods were used within experimental plots to sample arthropod fauna
representing a variety of important functional roles in the community, including herbivores,
predators/parasitoids, xylophages and scavengers within experimental plots. Samples collected were
stored in 70% ethanol prior to sorting and pinning. Samples of selected groups (primarily carabid
beetles) were sorted to order, then to family and morphospecies. The experimental design for insect
sampling was the same as for mammal and avian studies, except that we used only two burning
frequencies (none and 2-5 years) and two levels of canopy reduction (none and 50%) for a total of four
treatment combinations. Each treatment combination was to be replicated four times for a total of 16
experimental plots.
Malaise Traps: Malaise traps are tent-like structures made of fine mesh fabric netting. They are effective
as 24-hour passive collectors of flying insects. Insects encounter netting sides of the trap during normal
flight and are directed to crawl upward into a collecting chamber; a sloping top prevents escape from
the upper area. We used a Townes style trap with green netting. Collecting jars were filled with 95%
ethanol. Three traps were placed near three vegetation subplots in each treatment plot. Insects were
collected for 1 week in spring, summer and fall of each year of the study.
Pitfall Traps: Pitfall traps are useful for sampling surface-dwelling (epigeal) arthropods, especially mobile
predators such as ground beetles and wolf spiders and scavengers such as rove beetles. The pitfall
trapping method was the same as that used for ant sampling described above.
Lindgren Traps: These traps consist of a series of connected black plastic funnels with a collecting
container attached at the bottom (containing propylene glycol). They are primarily designed to attract a
variety of xylophagous species (cerambycids, tenebrionids, buprestids, scolytids, etc.) and bark beetles,
and are usually used with some sort of chemical lure (alcohol or terpine). We placed 2 Lindgren traps
near each of 3 vegetation plots per treatment plot, one baited with an alcohol lure to attract hardwoodfeeding species and one baited with turpentine to attract conifer-feeding species. Traps were set for
one-week intervals once in spring, summer and fall for each year of the study.
2. Determine the effects of different levels of fire frequency and canopy reduction and
their interaction on the species richness, species composition, relative abundance,
spatial distribution, and habitat use on avian communities.
Many migratory bird species have experienced population declines in the past four decades, primarily
due to loss of suitable habitat from anthropogenic environmental disturbances. One of the factors
contributing to the loss of suitable habitat for many bird species in the United States is the prevention
of disturbances, such as fire, wind throw, beaver activity, floods, and forest management, which create
and sustain early successional forests.
Canopy reduction and prescribed burning have been used to simulate natural disturbance. Early
research shows that such disturbance can affect the abundance and availability of the resources on
which birds rely. Disturbance can trigger changes in microclimate, habitat structure, food and nest-site
availability, predation, and nest-parasitism. Such alterations in turn affect the likelihood of breeding
success and fitness (an individual's contribution to the breeding population in the next generation) of
We studied the effect of forest disturbances, specifically thinning and prescribed burning, on the avian
community. We examined the effects of these disturbances on avian species richness and abundance.
In addition, we observed the mechanisms (microclimate, habitat structure and composition, food
availability, and brood parasitism) responsible for changes in avian population demographics. Our
objectives were to (1) examine differences in microclimate and microhabitat among disturbance levels,
(2) determine relationships between microhabitat and avian community structure, (3) determine the
effect of forest disturbance on food availability, (4) determine relationships between forest disturbance
and avian territory size, and (5) determine the relationship between forest disturbance and avian
breeding success.
Microclimate: Microclimate data was collected with Hobo dataloggers (Onset Corp., Bourne, MA). One
data logger was placed in each stand and recorded ambient temperature (to tenth of a degree
Centigrade [C]) and relative humidity every four hours from May 15 – June 13. Each data logger was
attached to the top of a wooden stake and covered by a 1 liter plastic container with the bottom
removed to allow for access and ventilation.
Microhabitat: We performed line transect habitat surveys at the end of the breeding season (July –
August) to assess the microhabitat within each stand. Placement of three habitat plots was determined
during pre-treatment data collection by a random compass bearing and distance (30 – 50 m) from a
central point in the stand. The central point was marked with a metal stake during pre-treatment data
collection and the same distance and compass bearing were used to locate posttreatment habitat plots.
Two 20 m perpendicular transects placed north-south and east-west from the center of the habitat plot
formed the structure for the survey. We recorded presence or absence of the following parameters at
0.5 m intervals along each transect: litter, bare ground, herbaceous cover, and woody cover. We
measured litter depth (to nearest mm) at the center point and at 2 m intervals along each transect. At 5
m intervals, we recorded percent canopy cover (using a convex spherical densitometer, to nearest
percent) and the presence of each vertical forest layer. We assigned vertical forest layers a value of 1-4,
with the following designations: 1) ground cover (< 2 m); 2) understory (> 2 m - < 4 m); 3) mid-story (> 4
m - < 6 m); and 4) overstory (>6 m). We also recorded basal area (BA) at the center of each habitat plot
using a 10 factor basal area prism.
Arthropod availability: To sample the arthropod abundance in each stand, we used the branch clipping
method. Samples were collected at 50 m intervals along each bird transect survey. A branch clip
(approximately 25 cm), included the terminal leaf cluster and was collected from either an oak or red
maple (Quercus spp. and Acer rubrum), alternating species at each sampling point. These two species
were selected because they are common hardwood species in the stand and commonly used for
foraging by songbirds. Each branch was randomly clipped from either 0-3 m or 3-6 m. Each branch clip
was collected using pruning sheers and collected in a white plastic garbage bag. Once inside the bag, the
leaves were sprayed with an insecticide to kill all insects. After a minimum of 5 h, the leaves were
removed from the bag, all arthropods extracted, identified to Order, and lengths were measured to the
nearest 0.05 cm. Each branch was de-leafed, the leaves were air dried in paper bags, and the dry weight
recorded. Each stand was sampled monthly throughout the breeding season (April - July) between 1200
h and 1600 h.
Bird Sampling: We sampled the bird community using line-transect surveys and distance sampling
methods. Line transects were established on each of the stands and flagged every 25 m. Each transect
was 50 m from the edge of the stand and 100 m wide; the observer slowly walked down the middle of
the transect and recorded all birds heard or seen within 50 m on either side. The observer recorded the
following: species, sex, age, the location of the bird in relation to the transect.
All stands were surveyed three times during the breeding season (15 May – 30 June) between 530 and
1030 Central Daylight Savings Time. Surveys were done in random order and the transects walked in a
different order at each visit. We conducted all surveys to avoid observer bias.
Data Analysis
Microclimate data collected concurrently from all stands was used for comparisons. Each 24-hour
period was divided into day and night time periods (daytime = 6:00, 10:00, 14:00; nighttime = 18:00,
22:00, 2:00), and variables included in the analysis were mean day and night time air temperature and
relative humidity. Data was lost (due to computer crash) from three stands in block one. In these cases,
the average from the remaining two blocks was substituted for the lost data. We averaged microhabitat
characteristics for the three habitat plots in each stand for comparison. We calculated an average basal
area for the five tree plots using equation given below. Basal area was calculated in English
measurements and then converted to metric. We inspected all microclimate and microhabitat variables
for normality visually and statistically using a Shapiro-Wilks test. Daytime May relative humidity and
bare ground cover were square root transformed, litter cover was arcsine transformed, and nighttime
June temperature and tree species richness were log transformed to meet normality assumptions. We
used principle components analysis (PCA, SPSS v. 15.0) to group the original variables. Arthropod
biomass was estimated based on length using regression models (SPSS v. 15.0). Ganihar calculated beta
coefficients for each arthropod Order. We used these coefficients as well as the recommended model
to predict total biomass per sample (by stand and month). We calculated relative biomass index by
dividing the total biomass by dry leaf weight. To create a relative bird abundance index, we divided the
number of detections by the transect length for each stand. Stands differed in size and shape and
transect lengths differed among stands as well. We used the greatest number of individuals detected
among the three surveys to estimate the relative abundance of each species. We grouped species into
four guilds based on their migration patterns, nesting location, foraging location, and habitat
association. To evaluate similarity among the stands and across years, we calculated Morisita’s similarity
index. Morisita’s index is recommended as the best overall measure of similarity for ecological use. The
index ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 representing pairs of sites with no species in common and values of 1
representing complete overlap in sites. We used the Shannon-Weiner diversity index, evenness, and
species richness to describe the community in each stand. To standardize species richness because
transect lengths differed among plots, we used rarefaction. We inspected all variables for normality
visually and statistically using Shapiro-Wilks tests and all variables met assumptions. We used two-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with thin, burn, and block as factors to test for differences among
treatments in the posttreatment bird community, microclimate, microhabitat, and arthropod
availability. We also calculated the differences between pre- and posttreatment for bird community,
microclimate principle components, and microhabitat principle components and tested these
differences using a two-way ANOVA with thin, burn, and block as main factors. Tukey’s multiple
comparisons test was preformed based on the results of the ANOVA. To investigate variation in
abundance of species and guilds as they relate to microhabitat measures and arthropod availability, we
used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA, CANOCO v. 4.5). We eliminated variables with high
correlation (Pearson correlation > 0.7) to avoid redundancy and over-fitting the model and used only
species that had greater than five detections in the analysis. CCA is a direct gradient analysis technique
that compares community composition directly to environmental variables across a gradient. This
procedure is a type of ordination, and therefore not a hypothesis testing technique. CCA is appropriate
to use when there are no differences among stands because it evaluates gradients on a different scale;
it examines the trends and variability within stands.
3. Determine the effects of different levels of fire frequency and canopy reduction and
their interaction on the species richness, relative abundance, and diversity of small
mammal communities.
Data collection was initiated in May 2005 and continued through 2009 with a brief interruption in May
2007 when a helicopter crashed into one of the stands we were trapping at the beginning of the
trapping season, setting it on fire and destroying approximately 100 of our traps. However, we were
able to trap all (n=36) of the Block 1-4 stands posttreatment for the first time that year by extending the
trapping season into the Fall and early Winter.
Small mammals were trapped in standard, large-folding Sherman live traps. Medium-sized mammals
were trapped in Tomahawk wire-cage traps. Sherman traps were baited with peanut butter and oats.
Wire-cage traps were primarily baited with sardines, but occasionally with hamburger, sliced apples, or a
commercially-available predator scent lure. All traps were placed in a web design with 8 lines of 20 traps
per line spaced 3 m apart for Sherman traps and one wire cage trap at the end of each line. Each web
occupied an area of approximately 1 ha. Each plot was sampled once during the summer with this
combined trap web. Traps were opened continuously for 4 nights/web. Traps were checked daily in the
morning. Trapped animals were marked (toe-clip for rodents, ear tag for all others), identified to
species, weighed, sexed, and then released. Recaptured animals were tallied, but not included in an
estimate of population size. Densities of small mammals and selected individual species were computed
using program DISTANCE modified for the web design. The web modification of DISTANCE assumes an
open population of animals and adjusts density estimates accordingly. Data for captured small and
medium-sized mammals was also tabulated to compute the species richness and relative densities in
each plot.
Bat species presence/absence and number of audio detections were primarily surveyed using electronic
detection (ANABAT II) of their ultrasonic echolocation calls in each treatment stand once during the
summer from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm CDT. Recorded calls were processed using Analook software and
disciminant function analysis for comparison with known bat echolocation calls in a call library
composed of some local species as well as some from Tennessee and Arkansas. Species richness and
detection frequency were compared between treatment types. In addition, during the first two years of
the study (2005-2006), bats were netted in selected stands where we also recorded echolocation calls.
During this investigation, three replicates of three treatments were selected to determine effects of
thinning: unthinned, light thin, and heavy thin. We hypothesized that bats would be most abundant in
heavy thinned sites and least abundant in unthinned sites and that insects would be most abundant in
unthinned sites and least abundant in heavy thinned sites. Mist netting and acoustic sampling were used
to determine bat diversity and abundance. Each site was sampled 4 nights in 2005 and 2006 from June
to September. In order to standardize sampling across the treatment sites, nets were placed at each end
of two perpendicular transects measuring 60 m each for a total of 4 nets per night at each site. When
site characteristics allowed, one transect was placed on a road or trail so that two nets were across a
potential flyway, and two nets were in interior forest. Nets were opened at 2000h (CDT), checked every
20 min., and closed by 2300h (CDT). Acoustic sampling was conducted using Anabat II detectors (Titley
Electronics, Ballina, Australia) interfaced with a laptop computer with a zero-crossing analysis interface
module (ZCAIM). Files were automatically saved to the laptop for later analysis. Anabat detectors were
placed at the intersection of the two transects and turned on for the total duration of netting. All bats
were handled following methods approved by the AAMU IACUC. Each bat was identified to species and
sex was determined. Ear, tragus, and forearm length, as well as body mass were recorded for each
individual. Age class was categorized by the degree of ossification of the finger bones and length of
forearms. Each individual was marked using a small amount of nail polish on the dorsal side and then
released at the site of capture. Echolocation calls were analyzed using the software program Analook.
Files not containing bat activity (i.e., insects) were discarded. Activity was assessed in two ways. First by
counting the number of files recorded each night. The Anabat software automatically saves files based
on two primary criteria: completion of a 5-s pause in detection of sound or after 15 s of continuous
recording. Because this method can produce a disproportionately large number of files in an area of
intermittent activity and a comparatively small number of files in an area of continuous activity, activity
also was assessed by counting the number of pulses (individual detection calls) each night per species.
Both number of files and pulses were quantified as an average per night for each treatment type.
Added funding has led to additional, but related, wildlife objectives:
4. Determine the effects of different levels of fire frequency and canopy reduction and
their interaction on the species richness, relative abundance, and diversity of
herpetofaunal (reptiles and amphibians) communities
Habitat disturbances have the potential to effect species composition and can be either beneficial or
detrimental for a given species. Understanding the relationships between disturbance regimes and
wildlife responses is important for the conservation of these species. Amphibians and reptiles,
collectively known as herpetofauna, have high diversity and often form a large portion of the vertebrate
biomass in areas of eastern North America. Many of these species, especially in southeastern forests,
occupy habitats that have a distinct disturbance regime. Anthropogenic disturbances such as forest
fragmentation and conversion of historical forest types have altered disturbance regimes so severely
that historical disturbance events no longer occur with the same frequency. Forest disturbances such as
burning and canopy removal are essential for the maintenance of these processes in forest ecosystems
and must be adapted to mimic the effects of naturally occurring disturbance patterns. Forest
management practices affect large forested areas and can vary greatly in scale and disturbance
intensity. Because these disturbances potentially affect large areas of the landscape, there has been
much controversy regarding the effects of forest management on the flora and fauna inhabiting these
areas. As herpetofauna play key roles in forest ecosystems along with evidence of worldwide
herpetofaunal declines, there has been much interest in the response of these organismal groups to
forest management.
We sought to evaluate herpetofaunal response to forest management practices (thinning and
prescribed burning) as part of a larger study evaluating ecosystem response to large-scale forest
restoration treatments. We took a large scale, replicated, stand-level approach to evaluate disturbance
response of herpetofauna inhabiting these ecosystems. We assumed that reptile population parameters
(e.g., counts and species richness) would increase after treatment and would be highest in thin-only
plots, whereas amphibian population parameters would decline most precipitously in thin and burn
plots after treatments. We hypothesized that reptile population parameters would be correlated with
increased thermoregulation sites and structural diversity, whereas amphibian population parameters
would decline in highly disturbed plots due to cumulative disturbance interactions (i.e., simultaneous
reduction of litter and reduction of canopy coverage). Because we were able to identify changes in
population parameters for many species, we examined correlations between herpetofaunal population
changes and environmental characteristics to evaluate potential mechanisms responsible for structuring
upland pine-hardwood herpetofaunal communities. We assumed that the measured habitat and
climate mechanisms would be responsible for causing the observed changes in amphibian and reptile
population parameters.
Amphibian and Reptile Sampling: We collected lizard capture data over a period of four years (2005–
2008). Due to the staggered nature of the treatments, this resulted in three total years of herpetofaunal
capture data (one year pre–treatment; two years post–treatment). We were able to collect pretreatment data over a period of three months (April–June 2005) for block one and six months (May
2005–August 2005; March 2006–May 2006) for blocks two and three. We constrained all analyses to
trapping periods that were directly comparable between pre- and posttreatment data. To correct for
differences in sampling effort between years, we divided count data by the number of trap nights and
multiplied this data by 1000 to standardize data across all years.
We employed a trapping method consisting of three drift fences (aluminum flashing) 15 m in length
radiating 120⁰ from a central triangular box trap. Trapping units also included one large box trap at the
terminus of each drift fence (three per array) and two pitfall traps at the midpoint of each drift fence
(six per array). We chose this design because large box traps have been proven successful for capturing
and sampling medium–large snake species. We installed one drift-fence array in each study plot by
dividing each study plot to quadrants corresponding to the four cardinal directions and randomly
assigned the drift-fence array to one of these quadrants.
After the completion of pre-treatment surveys, we removed all drift-fence arrays to avoid damage from
tree harvesting and prescribed burning procedures. To locate trap locations after treatments, we sunk
fluorescent stake whiskers (Forestry Suppliers, Jackson, Mississippi) into the ground with large steel
nails to mark the location of each box trap. Once all forest treatments were completed, we re-installed
traps in the same location where pre-treatment surveys were completed.
We began sampling intermittently throughout March and April and began continuous sampling by the
beginning of May. Sampling ended by September during each year. During sampling periods, we opened
traps by block(s) depending on weather conditions and manpower, with the replication number and
order of traps randomly determined a priori. We checked traps daily between 0700-1400 hours (CST) to
minimize animal mortality. After recording demographic data (e.g., snout-vent length and mass), we
marked each individual with a plot-specific mark through toe-clips (lizards), scale clips (snakes), and
scute etching (turtles) to ensure that recaptured individuals would not be counted in subsequent
captures. We released all marked individuals at a minimum of 10 m on the side of the drift fence in
which they were captured.
Environmental Parameters: One HOBO© (Onset Computer Corp.) datalogger was installed at each
trapping array to record air temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity.
Dataloggers were programmed to record measurements every four hours starting at 10:00 AM. Due to
limitations during pre-treatment surveys, we collected climate data May 15-July 15 during all survey
years. We also installed rain gauges (Taylor Precision Products, Oak Brook, Illinois, U.S.A.) to monitor
precipitation events only during trapping events.
Habitat Parameters: We recorded pre– and post–treatment habitat complexity and heterogeneity data
via three yearly line–transect surveys at each treatment plot. We determined plot placement a priori via
a random compass bearing (0–360°) and distance (30–50 m) originating from the center of each
trapping array. We restricted habitat surveys to these distances in order to avoid any habitat
disturbance created during trap installation. To quantify the degree of habitat disturbance, we
completed habitat surveys in the same location for each year. Each habitat survey consisted of two 20
m perpendicular transects placed north–south and east–west from the habitat plot center. We used a
two meter piece of 1.9 cm diameter polyvinyl chloride pipe as a transect marker and recorded the
presence or absence of microhabitat variables every 0.5 m. We also measured CWD volume (m3), litter
depth (%), and percent forest cover and determined vertical forest structure values. We collected forest
structure measurements to establish a vertical vegetative profile for each study plot.
Data Analysis
To explore forest management impacts on amphibian and reptile species diversity at multiple scales, we
compared herpetofaunal alpha diversity, beta diversity, and gamma diversity patterns. Alpha diversity
represents diversity within individual sample units (i.e., diversity at the stand level), whereas gamma
diversity represents the diversity in a collection of sample units (i.e., landscape level diversity. Beta
diversity represents the amount of composition variation among sample units and is calculated as β = γ
/ α, where β is the beta diversity, γ is the landscape level diversity (i.e., gamma diversity), and α is the
average diversity in a sample unit (i.e., alpha diversity; McCune and Grace 2002). We determined alpha
and gamma level species diversity by constructing rarefaction curves using estimateS v. 8.2.0. To do this,
we reconstructed the yearly sampling history for all herpetofaunal captures and amphibian and reptile
captures separately, and constructed three sets of rarefaction curves (i.e., one pre-treatment and two
posttreatment) for each taxonomic group. For all species richness calculations, we chose the Chao 2
estimator, because this method results in species accumulation curves that reach near-maximum values
with very few samples. The Chao 2 estimator calculates species richness by adjusting for species
captured only once or twice, which is advantageous when errors associated with lack of detection are
likely. The Chao 2 estimator is calculated as SChao2 = Sobs + Q12 / 2Q2, where Sobs equals the total number
of species detected in a given area and Q1 and Q2 equals the number of species detected one and two
times, respectively. We also calculated species heterogeneity via the Shannon-Wiener diversity index
using EstimateS v. 8.2.0 and Morisita’s similarity index using Ecological Methodology v 6.1.1. The
Shannon-Wiener index takes into account species richness and evenness with greater values indicating
greater overall diversity, whereas Morisita’s index calculates overall species similarity between samples
and assigns a similarity value ranging from 0 (no similarity) to 1 (complete similarity).
The primary focus of this research was to explore the response of amphibians and reptiles to forest
management practices. We used mixed models (PROC MIXED) analysis of variance (ANOVA; SAS v. 9.3)
to test changes in herpetofaunal counts and biodiversity measures (e.g., average estimated species
richness, heterogeneity, and similarity) between pre- and posttreatment surveys among the treatments.
Mixed models permit the analysis of random effects (i.e., block) along with fixed effects (i.e.,
treatment), while controlling for repeated samples (i.e., year). For individual species and species group
comparisons, we divided the total number of individuals by the total number of trap nights (one trap
night = one trap opened for 24 hours) to correct for differences in trapping effort among years. We then
multiplied the trap-night corrected count by 1000 to estimate the number of animals captured per 1000
trap nights. To explore relationships among amphibian and reptile community and microhabitat and
microclimate variables, we used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), which is a direct gradient
analysis technique where the ordination procedure is constrained by a set of a priori covariates (e.g.,
habitat and climate data) that are predicted to influence the observed distribution of the organismal
groups in question. To control for rare species effects on the ordination output, we only included
species with at least four captures. To select habitat variables for the analysis, we examined
relationships among habitat variables with a correlation matrix. In cases where variables were
correlated ≥ 0.80, we retained the variable with greatest biological relevance. This process excluded soil
temperature, light intensity, relative humidity, and percent bare ground from further analyses. We
constructed CCA plots for each treatment year and compared the changes in species and habitat
relationships. Because amphibians and reptiles have different life history characteristics, we chose to
examine each group separately. We used principal components analysis (PCA) to examine relationships
among habitat and climate parameters. Upon confirming the biological relevance of the generated
components, we examined overall changes of the habitat and climate components between pre- and
posttreatment surveys using mixed models ANOVA (PROC MIXED; SAS v. 9.3).
5. Terrestrial salamander usage of natural and artificial pools in Jackson County, Alabama
Vernal or temporary pools are seasonal wetlands which are covered for variable periods during the
winter and spring by shallow waters, but may be completely dry during the summer and fall. They occur
naturally in most forests, but can also be man-made. Vernal pools are ideal for studying the relationship
between salamanders and the environment because many semi-aquatic salamanders congregate in
them during breeding seasons.
Only a few studies compared the use of natural and artificial pools by breeding amphibians in other
parts of the country and a study of this kind has yet to be conducted on the southern Cumberland
Plateau in Jackson County, AL. Results from a study conducted on wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and
spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in Maine suggested that natural pools produce larger
emerging metamorphs which results in salamanders reaching sexual maturity at an earlier age. Their
study also suggested that some species have the ability to successfully colonize artificial pools, and
though metamorphs may have to emerge earlier, they were able to adjust to the altered conditions of
man-made pools. Another study which evaluated vernal pools as a basis for conservation strategies,
also conducted in Maine, showed that in highly disturbed areas where over seventy percent of the pools
are artificial, amphibians bred in less favorable conditions.
Our objectives were 1) determine the species richness, relative abundance, and breeding phenology of
vernal pool breeding salamanders in natural and artificial vernal pools in Jackson County, AL; 2) examine
the breeding ecology of vernal pool breeding salamanders in natural and artificial pools in Jackson
County, AL; 3) determine the effectiveness of artificial pools as salamander breeding habitat and
possible conservation strategies in Jackson County, AL.
Study Site
We conducted the study at the James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and the
Walls of Jericho Forever Wild property on the southern extent of Cumberland Plateau in Jackson County,
Alabama. The Skyline WMA is 10,914 ha in area and is currently used for recreation by the public and by
researchers from Alabama A&M University, the Tennessee Valley Authority and other government
organizations. The Walls of Jericho Forever Wild tract was formerly a property of the Nature
Conservancy and consists of 8,682 ha that are spread over northern Alabama and southern Tennessee
and was purchased by the Alabama State Lands Division in early 2004. Overall, the landscape is
composed of primarily deciduous forests with common species including: Sweetgum (Liqiudambar
styraciflua), Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), Hickory (Carya spp.), Maple (Acer spp.), and Oak
(Quercus spp.) species and a few Pine (Pinus spp.) species. The areas immediately surrounding most of
the artificial study pools are used for hunting, hiking, and horseback riding. Most of the natural pools are
located away from areas with hunting activities, though some are located near gravel roads and trails
used for recreation.
To perform a baseline inventory of salamander usage of the pools in the study area, we selected twenty
vernal pools, ten natural and ten artificial, to monitor biophysical parameters and salamander activity
through monthly and bi-weekly surveys. The twenty pools were selected from twenty-seven previously
identified pools and several other pools identified by the current land manager (Frank Allen, ALDCNR,
personal communication). These pools are representative of the vernal pools in the area that could be
accessed and monitored with the resources available for this study. The age of most artificial pools in
this study ranged from five to eight years, except Poplar Man 1 (11 years) and Poplar Spring 1 (12
years). To assess the effectiveness of the artificial pools as amphibian breeding habitat, we selected six
pools, three artificial and three natural, for intensive monitoring based on two criteria. The first was the
surrounding environment. The artificial pools are all situated with food plots parallel to one bank, a dam
at one end, and bordered by forest on the two remaining banks. The natural pools are all surrounded by
forest and situated at least 100 m from any clear cuts, agricultural development, or paved roads. The
second criterion was the size of the pools, measured as the surface area (m2) and perimeter (m) at the
maximum fullness. Pools of similar size were selected to reduce possible confounding data due to
variation in pool size.
Measurement of water Chemistry and Environmental Variables: We conducted bi-weekly surveys as
long as pools retained water, which was primarily between November and June. We measured water
conditions (dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, and salinity), air temperature and relative humidity, and
soil temperature at all twenty pools. We had no specific time of day in which we carried out surveys,
though most were completed in the morning and early afternoon of survey days. Dissolved Oxygen
(mg/L) was measured using an EcoSense DO 200 Dissolved Oxygen/Temperature meter (YSI
Incorporated, Yellow Springs, OH). Salinity (ppm), conductivity (µS), and water temperature (ºC) were
measured using an ExStix II pH/Conductivity meter (ExTech Instruments, Waltham, MO). pH was
measured using a pH10 pH & Temperature Pen (YSI Incorporated, Yellow Springs, OH). Each aquatic
measurement was taken at one point in the pool, chosen haphazardly, one time per survey and there
was no specific spot used at any pool for measurement taking. The cord and probe used for dissolved
oxygen (DO) allowed measurements to be taken approximately four meters from shore so
measurements were taken between the shore and that distance. Salinity, conductivity, water
temperature and pH were taken up to one meter from shore depending on the depth of the pool at that
time. Soil temperature (ºC) was measured at a random point four to five inches below the surface
during monthly surveys using a Taylor Soil thermometer. Relative humidity (%) and air temperature was
recorded using a Digital Min/Max Thermohygrometer (Oakton Instruments, Vernon Hills, Illinois).
Other vernal pool features including pool characteristics (perimeter, area, depth, and distance to forest
edge) and microhabitat variables (percent coverage of canopy, aquatic plants, floating leaves,
submerged and emergent vegetation, leaf litter, downed logs, and rocks) were measured on a monthly
basis. These variables were selected based on earlier studies of their importance to pool breeding
amphibians. The perimeter and area of pools were measured via a walk of the outer edge of the pool
with a Garmin Etrex Legend C GPS unit (Garmin International Inc., Olathe, Kansas). Elevation and the
universal transverse mercator (UTM) coordinate of each pool location was also taken using a Garmin
GPS unit. Distance to forest edge was measured using a one hundred meter measuring tape. A pool was
classified as being within a forest if it was within one meter of intact, mature forest on all sides. Depth,
drying, and filling rates were determined monthly by placing a metrically delineated PVC pipe in the
deepest accessible area of the pool and approximating the water level. Using ocular estimation, the
density (percent coverage) of vegetation in and around the pools was observed and a class rating was
recorded during the monthly visual survey of each pool via a walk of the pool perimeter. Vegetation
inside of pools was not identified, but instead, grouped into several microhabitat categories. Based on
their presence or absence, we rated canopy cover, aquatic vegetation, floating leaves, submerged and
emergent vegetation, leaf litter, downed logs, and rocks on a scale of one to five with ratings increasing
in increments of 20%. A score of one represented the lowest possible percentage of coverage and a
score of five represented the highest possible percentage. Aquatic vegetation was classified as plants
which require water to survive (i.e. algae) and would not be present or alive during the dry seasons.
Submerged and emergent vegetation were classified as land plants which would be present and alive
during the dry seasons and though they may have remained during the wet season, were not
necessarily alive.
Monitoring Salamanders: Drift fences were erected at the six selected pools to monitor the traffic of
amphibians to and from these pools. At the artificial pools, one fence was placed parallel to the forest,
one parallel to the food plot, one parallel to the dammed shore, and one on the remaining bank, which
was also forested. At natural pools, using midpoint of the pool as the origin, one fence was placed on
the north, south, east and west face of the pool. Each fence was installed approximately three meters
from the high water mark at each pool and provided 45- to 49% coverage; i.e. 45- to 49% of the pool
was encircled by drift fence. The drift fences we used were pre-assembled with wooden stakes in
increments of six meters apart. When pounded in to the ground, each fence was approximately one
meter in height. Nineteen-liter white plastic buckets were placed at both ends and on either side of the
drift fence as pitfall traps. With the exception of one smaller pool (Albert Man 3) where each fence had
three pitfall traps, there were four pitfall traps at each fence. In traps located at the ends of the fence,
Plexiglas was used to divide the pitfall trap. This allowed the determination of the direction animals
were traveling at the time of capture. Pitfall traps were placed by excavating a hole, positioning a
bucket in that hole, filling in any extra space with soil, and leveling the rim of the bucket flush with the
ground surface. Drift fences were opened during breeding seasons from early-September to December
to sample fall and winter breeding species and from January until pools were completely dry to sample
spring breeding and emerging individuals. Drift fences were also opened during the summer months
during rain events to track the movement of salamander metamorphs between breeding seasons.
Traps were opened one day prior to each forecasted rain event and checked daily to sample peak
salamander movements and avoid trapping when there was little to no salamander movement. Traps
were left open an additional day during wet conditions to maximize captures. Because the study
concentrated on semi-aquatic salamanders, the capture of other amphibians was noted only. The
direction of travel, species, sex (when possible), body mass, snout-vent length (SVL), tail length and
approximate developmental stage (larvae, metamorph, emergent, or adult) of each captured
salamander was recorded. Direction of travel was determined based upon the side of the fence the
animal was captured. Animals were weighed to the nearest tenth of a gram using a hand held scale
(Ohaus Model HH 120D, Pine Brook, NJ) and length was measured to the nearest tenth of a millimeter
using a plastic dial caliper (Swiss Precision, Switzerland). Approximate developmental stage was based
upon an examination of the animal or reference to a taxonomic key when needed. After measurement,
animals were released on the opposite side of the drift fence from their capture point. Most semiaquatic salamanders only use vernal pools for breeding and spend most of their lives in the surrounding
forests, making it difficult to determine which species are present outside of the breeding season. Drift
fences allowed for the cataloging of species and quantifying of individuals in a species using the pools
for breeding and in turn identify which species reside in that area year-round.
Minnow traps facilitated the monitoring of larval salamander presence and development in the pools.
Animals swam into the nets to seek refuge allowing me to track the progress of developing
salamanders. Weekly, four to eight minnow traps were placed at random points throughout the pools
with drift fence arrays. The number of traps used in each pool was dependent on the area (m2) of the
pool at that time. The species, SVL, tail length, weight, and approximate stage of development of each
animal was recorded. The minnow trap data provided an estimation of the length of their larval stage
and their growth rates via their physical condition (length and weight) at the time of capture. We
attempted to determine if the development of larval salamanders was affected by the pool’s status as
artificial or natural and if water quality (e.g. pH and DO) or the presence of aquatic vegetation played a
role in salamander development. Visual surveys were conducted at all twenty study pools. Bi-weekly
visual surveys of pools were used to count egg masses. Egg-laying is an important stage in a
salamander’s life cycle, and the number of masses in a pool can be an important indicator of a
population’s breeding success. The absence of egg masses or large numbers of unsuccessful egg masses
or high levels of larval mortality not directly related to pool drying could indicate that an environment is
conducive to egg-laying but not to the healthy development of salamanders and such habitat may be
‘sink’ or a trap in which the reproductive effort of individuals is wasted. Again by comparing the survey
results at artificial and natural pools, we attempted to determine the effectiveness of artificial pools as
breeding habitat for various salamander species.
Data Analysis
Species diversity between artificial and natural pools was calculated using the Shannon-Wiener diversity
index. Species diversity within pools was calculated using Simpson’s Index. Morisita’s Index of Similarity
(Programs for Ecological Methodology, 2nd Ed. © 2003) was used to evaluate the similarities of
salamander communities among vernal pools. Species richness and relative abundance were calculated
using individual capture numbers. We used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (SPSS 10.0 for
Windows © 1989-1999) to test the differences in salamander community variables and habitat features
between natural and artificial pools. When the MANOVA was significant, the analysis of variance
(ANOVA) (SPSS 10.0 for Windows © 1989-1999) was used to determine which variable was the source
of significance. Using MANOVA allowed the control of potential inflation of the Type I error rate caused
by the use of many variables. We visually examined the univariate normality and equal variance
between the two types of pools, and found most variables tended to be normally distributed and their
variances were similar. Relationships between richness and abundance of breeding salamanders and
habitat and water quality variables were examined with correlation analysis. Canonical Correspondence
Analysis (CCA) (PCORD 5.0 © 1995-2005) was used to evaluate the relationship between species and
various environmental parameters and habitat variables. CCA is a reciprocal averaging eigenanalysis
method that uses multiple regression on the environmental matrix to constrain the ordination. The
objective is to find ordination axes that maximally reveal the joint structure of the two matrices. CCA
assumes unimodality of species responses, linearity of environmental effects, and the orthogonality
(lack of correlation) of the underlying gradients. CCA in PCORD is most efficient for testing the
hypothesis of no linear relationship between species and environmental variables and the relationship
among sites or species (Jeri Peck, Penn State University, personal communication).
6. Stopover ecology of fall migratory birds at an inland site of northern Alabama
Migration is one of the most hazardous periods in a migratory bird’s life – occupying up to one-third of
each year and with high levels of mortality occurring during and just after migration. Many landbird
species do not fly nonstop between their breeding and wintering sites but alternate between flights and
rest, usually flying at night while resting and feeding during the day. The places that birds choose to stop
and rest in are called stopover sites. During stopover, birds regain fat stores and rest before their next
flight. The time spent in a stopover site can be a few hours or a few days, depending on migrant physical
condition and prevailing weather conditions. For migration to be successful, migratory birds need to use
stopover sites along their route that provide both a secure resting ground and plentiful food resources
such as arthropods and fruits.
Inland sites like the Walls of Jericho Management Area (WJMA) differ from coastal sites in several key
aspects. In the eastern United States, many inland areas are heavily forested and provide a diverse array
of habitats within and around these forests, from high-altitude mountain scrub to bottomland forest.
This array of habitats tends to offer migrating birds more choice during migration stopovers than the
relatively simply structured coastal stopover sites, which may reduce competition. Although resource
availability of coastal stopover sites in the eastern United States can be irregular and often limited,
those coastal areas that are known to be good stopover sites tend to have locally abundant resources
that attract huge numbers of migrants to the area. Even so, the high concentration of birds gathered in
a small area creates a highly competitive inter- and intra-specific dynamic.
The overall objective of this study was to assess the use of the inland stopover habitat by stopover
songbird migrants. Specifically, we addressed following questions: 1) do different species show variation
in use of different habitat types available at a stopover site as they do on the breeding grounds? 2) Do
stopover parameters such as timing of use, weight gain, and recapture rate vary by habitat type? 3)
How experience (age) affects the habitat use? and 4) how within-site habitat variation affects the use by
different species?
Study Area
This study was conducted within the Hurricane Creek watershed in the WJMA (Figure 2), located on the
mid-Cumberland Plateau in northeastern Alabama. The WJMA covers 8,498 ha (21,435 acres), spanning
the border between Jackson County in northeastern Alabama and Franklin County in Tennessee
(34°58’30” N, 86°5’30” W). The region encompassing the WJMA, called the Cumberland Plateau and
Mountain region (CPMR), is considered an area of special interest due to its high biological diversity.
The Walls of Jericho was initially recognized and
subsequently purchased by the Nature
Conservancy because of its high biological
diversity and ecological importance. The midCumberland Plateau region in northeastern
Alabama was categorized by Braun (1950) as oak
and oak-hickory forests with mixed mesophytic
communities within the valley and cove regions.
The forests within the WJMA are comprised of
second or third growth mixed mesophytic
communities along the creek bottoms. Some
common tree species include Boxelder Maple
(Acer negundo), Black Walnut (Juglans nigra),
American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), and
Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Hurricane
Creek, which is part of the headwaters of the
Paint Rock River, flows south from Tennessee
along a relatively narrow floodplain within the
management area. Elevation in the floodplain is
~200 m (600 ft), while the surrounding plateau
ridges are ~500 m (1,700 ft). To assess the
variations in habitat selection by stopover
migrants, two sites were chosen for the study.
The first site was a beaver-maintained wetland Figure 2: Aerial view of a portion of the Walls of Jericho
(wetland site) that had been previously chosen Management Area, Alabama, U.S.A. Orange points
represent individual nets, and the star in the middle
as a Monitoring Avian Productivity and
represents the banding station, separating the wetland
Survivorship (MAPS, Institute for Bird
site (below) from the open-canopy forested site (above).
Populations) site. The second site was a
forested site. The natural history of the region surrounding the WJMA is not well documented, thus a
fall migration study for this large, inland, contiguous forest can provide insight into the ecology and
inland stopover site use. As wetlands are known arthropod accumulators, we chose it as a potential
valuable stopover site. A non-wetland site in the same physiographic forest area was chosen to provide
contrast to the wetland.
Bird sampling: Mist-netting was used to sample the migrants frequenting the two study sites described
above. Data collection took place between August and October for three consecutive years (2006 [19
Aug-21 Oct], 2007 [12 Aug-17 Oct], 2008 [11 Aug-18 Oct]). Fifteen standard mist-nets (12 x 2.6m) were
established at each habitat site, according to the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS)
protocol. Mist-nets were opened daily at sunrise and left open for six hours, weather permitting. To
prevent injury to birds, nets were not opened under weather conditions that were deemed (in the field)
as potentially dangerous for entangled birds (temperatures >32°C or <0°C, precipitation [either
continuous or the threat of a storm], and high winds [> 3 on the Beaufort Wind Scale]). Nets were
checked and cleared of birds every thirty to forty-five minutes, and were closed when the capture rate
of birds was so high as to prevent their timely removal. Capture effort was measured in mist-net hours
(mnh), where one mnh hour equals one mist-net opened for one hour. Bird captures were divided by
net hours to standardize effort between nets and years. All identified birds were banded with a uniquely
numbered aluminum ring from the U.S. Geological Survey/Biological Resources Division (USGS/BRD)
Bird Banding Laboratory. Species, age, and sex were recorded for each bird according to the criteria set
by Pyle . To avoid the effect of rare and accidental birds captured, we excluded the bird species that had
total captures < 35 across three years from habitat use analysis
Microclimate: In 2007, microclimate data was collected with Hobo Data Loggers (Onset Corp., Bourne,
MA). Two data loggers were placed in each site, one in the adjacent open area and one in the
surrounding forest. In the wetland site, HOBO 1 was placed in middle of the wetland, which was not
adjacent to any nets, and HOBO 2 was placed in the forest nearest net A07. In the open-canopy forest
site, HOBO 1 was placed in a field nearest net 19 and HOBO 2 was placed in the forest nearest net B03.
The loggers recorded ambient temperature (to one-tenth of a degree Centigrade [C]) and relative
humidity every half hour from mid-August to mid-October. Each data logger was attached to the top of
a 1 m metal stake and covered by a 1 liter plastic container with the bottom removed to protect it from
rain and to allow for access and ventilation.
Microhabitat: Microhabitat data assessment was modified from other researchers. The area around
each mist-net was assessed independently for habitat characteristics. The center of each net was
considered the center of a circular plot. Each microhabitat plot had a radius of 10 m, for a total area of
~314 m2. A 10 m radius because each net is 12 m in length, and we wanted to include habitat
characteristics immediately outside the net area that might affect bird capture rates. For trees and
shrubs greater than 2 m tall, the following characteristics were taken from each plot: species and
diameter at breast height (DBH, ~1.37-m, measured using a diameter tape to the nearest whole
number), azimuth and distance of trees from plot center (using a compass and range finder), and
percent canopy cover. Percent canopy cover was assessed in the beginning of the 2007 field season
(mid-August) and again at the end of the field season (mid-October) using a spherical densitometer.
Four densitometer readings were taken from each net along its length, which were averaged; these
figures were then averaged readings. Shrub density was assessed using a 2 m2 canvas tarp with 25
alternately painted smaller squares within. The canvas tarp was held perpendicular to the ground and
10 m from plot center at all four cardinal directions. The number of visible squares were counted and
multiplied by four to estimate percent shrub density. All four measurements were averaged together.
Canopy height was estimated for each site using a Suunto PM-5/1520 clinometer.
Data Analysis
Microclimate data collected from each site were used to compare sites. The high and low temperatures
were recorded for each 24 h period in 2007, and the relative humidity from those times was also
recorded. Average high and low temperatures and relative humidity were compared between sites
using t-tests. To investigate with site habitat use variation, we quantify the habitat features by each net
location. Habitat measures were averaged and treated as a single net location when two nets were
adjacent to each other. Trees and shrubs were classified to 3 size classes based on the dbh: 1 = 1.5-3.9
cm; 2 = 4.0-19.9 cm; and 3 = ≥ 20.0 cm, where size class 1 represents the understory, size class 2
represents the mid-story, and size class 3 represents the canopy. Dominant canopy tree species was
determined by amount of basal area relative to that of other canopy trees. Habitat variables were
visually examined for normality, using histograms, and for correlations using scatter plots, with one
habitat variable plotted against another. Most habitat variables appeared non-normal, and had very
high standard deviations, indicating high variability within the sites. For these reasons, high standard
deviations distribution used nonparametric analyses to examine methods were used for, including
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the Mann-Whitney U test. Spearman’s rank correlation
coefficient was used to examine correlations among variables. Variable sets with an R value ≥0.8 were
considered highly correlated and were further examined, with only one of the variables chosen based
on convenience for measurement to be used in subsequent analyses. The Mann-Whitney U test (SPSS v.
15.0) was used to examine possible differences between each habitat variable and the two sites.
Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to examine the associations among bird species and
their associations with habitat features using CANOCO v. 4.5. CCA is a direct gradient analysis technique
that reveals the association among bird groups by constraining the ordination procedure with a set of a
priori covariates, such as habitat and climate data. Five CCA were performed. CCA 1 was based on birds
captured from the three years; CCA 2, 3, and 4 were based on bird captures in each year of 2006, 2007,
and 2008, respectively; CCA 5 was based on all bird captured from three years and the seven most
abundant canopy tree species. The program EstimateS v. 8.2.0 was used to determine species richness
and diversity of each net and each site by year. Rarefaction curves were created for each net by plotting
species by sampling date for each year. Optimal values for Chao2 were selected from the EstimateS
outputs by visually examining the results and choosing the maximum value for the Chao2. Shannon and
Simpson diversity indices values were chosen based on the optimal Chao2 values. These outputs were
then averaged together to show a basic rarefaction curve. Linear mixed ANOVA models were used to
determine how habitat variables might affect species richness, with the optimal Chao2 values
representing species richness.
7. Scale dependent habitat and landscape effect on breeding success vernal pool amphibians
Forest management practices may affect individual amphibian fitness by altering the breeding success
and survivorship, as well as, the abundance and diversity at population and community levels. Logging
or stand manipulation for various reasons often result in the reduction of canopy cover which increases
light penetration in terrestrial habitats that surround breeding pools, and directly affects the suitability
of vernal pools for amphibian breeding. Forest management activities that result in canopy removal can
lead to lower survival rates over two years posttreatment and smaller body sizes of juvenile and adult
pool breeding amphibians. These demographic changes may contribute to reduced abundance of pool
breeding amphibians in clearcuts. Additionally, adult amphibians may avoid clearcut areas due to
increased mortality from dessication. A combination of fewer breeding adults and reduced suitable
habitat within clearcuts could result in fewer breeding events and egg masses at breeding pools.
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of tree disturbance on breeding success of
amphibians in breeding pools. A unique approach to understanding how environment changes,
specifically forest disturbances, affect amphibian breeding ecology will be employed. The study was
comprised of three scales: 1) landscape, 2) forest stand, and 3) breeding pool. The study utilizes two
compatible components, 1) a large-scale landscape observation study and 2) a smaller-scale
experimental study.
Study site
The experimental component took place in the Southern Cumberland Plateau, in southern Tennessee in
Grundy County. The area is composed of loamy soils formed in colluvium from sandstone, siltstone, and
shale. Slope ranges from 5 to 70 percent. The surface is covered primarily with sandstone boulders and
fragments. The textures of the soils include: gravelly or cobbly loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, or clay
loam. The forest type of this area is primarily oak and maple hardwood forests (Smalley, 1982). The
Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management Research Work Unit of The Southern Research Station of
the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA FS) implemented an oak regeneration
study on Grundy County. Treatments include: (1) Shelterwood/ burn, (2) Oak shelterwood, (3)
Prescribed fire, and (4) Control.
Experimental design
A three-factor split plot design with disturbance treatment as the main factor and distance from forest
edge and shading as split-plot factors was used. Artificial pools within three treatments at three
distances from the forest stand edge were used. The three treatments implemented include: 1) an oak
shelterwood (herbicide application) with 70-75% retention of canopy tree basal area, 2) a shelterwood
with 35-40% tree basal area retained, and 3) a control with gaps treatment. Each treatment will be five
hectares in area and have five replications. The treatments were implemented in 2008 and 2010. Within
each treatment, there was one pool array, consisting of three pools, at 10 m, 50 m, and 100 m from the
treatment’s edge. Each pool array consisted of three small (91 cm X 61 cm X 46 cm) plastic pools
receiving one of the three shading treatments; light levels were manipulated to approximate those at
control pools, half of control pool levels, and light levels in open.
Monitoring breeding success: One four minute visual encounter survey was conducted at each artificial
pond. During this survey, the egg masses were counted and identified to species. The number of eggs
within each mass was counted as well. 4” x 5” aquarium nets were used to sample for amphibian larvae.
50 swipes within the ponds were used to calculate the larval amphibian total captures during each
sample event. A subsample of animals was processed for size metrics such as snout to vent length, tail
length, and weight. The number of egg masses and larval amphibians were tallied to provide a measure
of reproductive output and survival of larval amphibians within each pool.
Monitoring pool conditions: A suite of environmental variables were measured at each pool including
water and soil temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. To measure the hot and
dry conditions, we took soil moisture measurements throughout the treatments. Soil moisture was
taken at 15 locations within the treatment. Six measurements were taken at the top of the treatment,
while six measurements were taken at the bottom of the treatment. Three measurements were taken
at the center of the treatment at 10 meters, 50 meters, and 100 meters from treatment edge. The soil
moisture was estimated using kriging in order to calculate and predict soil moisture across the
treatment. Ground surface temperatures were calculated using the thermal band of Landsat TM
imagery in order to determine the ground temperature different between different forest treatments.
Landscape level monitoring: The landscape level study was carried out on the Cumberland Plateau
between Jackson County and Bankhead National Forest in northern Alabama. Twenty four study pools
filled by rain water or groundwater sources and exhibiting an 8-11 month hydroperiod were selected
based on their ability to become inundated between January and May, during peak amphibian breeding
seasons. The performance and survival of larval amphibians were assessed using a combination of
standard techniques. Twenty four study pools were selected for a landscape scale observational study
analysis from four localities in north Alabama, including James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management
Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area is
approximately 114 km2 (28,167 acres). The Bankhead National Forest occupies 182,000 acres which are
broadly classified as 51% southern pines and 49% hardwoods. Different localities allow us to study
various land-use managements using aerial photography and satellite imagery as a way to determine
how terrestrial habitat is affecting the ovipositioning of breeding amphibians and potentially the
survival of larval amphibians to the metamorphosis stage.
Assessment of breeding use, breeding performance, and survival of larval amphibians: An assessment
protocol based on a combination of standard techniques was employed. Minnow trapping at varying
distances were used to sample larval amphibians at each pool. The larval amphibian measurements
recorded were the snout-vent length (mm), tail length (mm), species, weight (grams) development
stage (Gosner stages), and if the animal is a recapture (Y/N). Biophysical data was taken at the pools
including algal photosynthetic production, dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature, and pH.
In addition morphology measurements of each pool including surface area, perimeter, maximum depth,
rate of change, and total volume were taken. Canopy cover and percentage of the pools’ perimeter that
is forested were measured as indications of disturbance at the pool level. The habitat surrounding the
breeding pools were quantified at a 195 m buffer zone (five hectare area corresponding to the
treatment size in the experimental component) to estimate forest disturbance at the intermediate, or
stand level. Others buffer zones of 50, 100, 600 and 1000 meters were used for examining dispersal
distances of various amphibian groups (bufonids, treefrogs, ambystomatid salamanders, and ranids) at
the landscape level. Land-use types were quantified around each pool using Landsat and ASTER Satellite
Assessment of the landscape variables and patterns and predictive component
Remotely sensed data was used to generate land-use and land cover by applying maximum likelihood
algorithm to satellite imagery. The breeding pools were ground-truthed using a GPS unit in field visits,
topographic maps, and other map sources. Digital coverages such as soil, roads, and wetlands were
included in a geodatabase. A GIS and remote sensing tools were used to explore the possibility of
identifying the locations of amphibian breeding pools across northern Alabama’s landscape. These pools
were predicted using digital elevation models, color infrared imagery, Landsat satellite imagery (30m x
30m), and aerial photography in ArcGIS 9.2 and ERDAS 9. The following four counties were used to
identify potential isolated wetlands: Jackson, Lawrence, Winston, and Marshall Counties. Once these
pools were located, a subset of these locations was ground-truthed using minnow trapping and visual
encounter egg surveys. Landscape variables such as degree of fragmentation, total forest area, number
of wetlands, total agricultural and residential area, canopy cover, percentage of the pools’ perimeter
that were forested, distances to the nearest road, and landscape disturbances at 100 m, 200 m, 500 m,
1 km, and 2km buffer zones were developed. These buffer zones represent the potential dispersal
distance of various families and group adaptations of amphibian fauna (hylids, bufonids,
ambystomatids, and ranids). NASA experts were consulted in the development of the GIS data layers
and particular variables that were relevant for predicting vernal pools and the landscape variables for
modeling the relationships and potential impacts of landscape disturbances. Vegetation, disturbance,
and terrain indices were executed and compared between 1995 and 2006 to assess vegetation change
within the buffer zones surrounding potential isolated wetlands.
8. Determine the effects of urban and rural forest management on the species
richness, relative abundance, and diversity of freshwater aquatic (fishes, mussels,
arthropods) communities.
This on-going investigation seeks to link the ridgetop pine stands to the riparian and aquatic areas in a
watershed-level study design. Many of the loblolly pine study stands are sufficiently isolated to allow
the relationship of stream headwaters to a particular treatment type. Treatment types, particularly
burning, are also somewhat spatially clumped, allowing for significant influence of treated areas upon
study sites further downstream. Study sites include reaches and riparian areas of headwaters of streams
that drain treated and control areas, treated and control stands that the aforementioned headwater
drain, and reaches and riparian areas of streams downstream of the headwaters where there are fish
and mussels present. These sites represent sites influenced by clumped areas of a particular treatment
type. The treatment types selected for data collection are control, thinning only, and both thinning and
burning. There are three replicates for each treatment type.
Benthic macroinvertebrates are important diagnostic tools in measuring impact of environmental stress
in aquatic ecosystems. Their rapid generation time and small home range allow detection of small scale
habitat changes over short periods of time (DeBano and Wooster 2003). Aquatic insects vary in their
sensitivity and tolerance to environmental changes, thus they serve as excellent and reliable indicators
of stream degradation. Pollution-sensitive insects such as Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera
(stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies) are susceptible to chemical and physical changes in the stream.
Their abundance indicates good water quality and their absence suggests water impairment, whereas
pollution-tolerant organisms increase in abundance in polluted streams. Invertebrates form vital links in
the aquatic food web connecting macrophytes, algae, leaf litter and fish. Thus, they play critical roles in
nutrient and energy cycles and other ecosystem processes, and their interactions with other biotic
stream dwellers influence shifts in the composition of fresh water stream communities. The suite of
macroinvertebrates and their differing functional groups (shredders, filter-feeders, etc.) are directly
related to the habitat and water quality characteristics within a stream. Anthropogenic activities
contribute to biodegradation of water quality that may result in changes in invertebrate community
composition and structure over time. Fish, aquatic snails, and mussels (Unionidea) serve as
bioindicators of the quality of habitat in a similar manner to insects, but in a way that is related to larger
geographic and temporal scales than to which insect community compositions are related.
Our overall goal is to determine the composition, structure and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates
and fish in selected watersheds within managed (thinned and burned) and unmanaged areas of the
BNF. Specific objectives are to (1) determine seasonal changes in the distribution and abundance of
aquatic communities; (2) measure seasonal changes in aquatic habitats (e.g., variability in quantity and
quality of water flow, sediment transport; water turbidity, pH, habitat structure, litter and large woody
debris, etc.); (3) determine correlation between shifts in composition and structure of aquatic
communities and changes in habitat characteristics.
Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish sampling occurs on twelve 150 m reaches within nine stream
catchments in the BNF. Sampling sites with representative habitat conditions were scouted and
selected. Sites were characterized according to forest cover, large woody debris, substrate
composition/embeddedness, surface flow and riparian land use/land cover. Physicochemical
characteristics (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH) of water were measured in situ.
Sampling of aquatic insects occurs seasonally using kick net (500 µm, 1m2) and dip net methods (Dframe net, 500-µm mesh). Leaf packs were also collected. Sampling of mussels and snails occurs
annually and consists of transects excavated with a dredge and hand-sorted on-site. Sampling of fish
was to occur annually and consist of multiple-pass backpack electrofishing. However, the presence of
endangered fish in some of the streams has forced us to postpone that. Reference specimens or
question specimens were preserved in 10% formalin or 70% EtOH. Composite macroinvertebrate
samples collected were preserved in 80% ethanol until taxa identification. Influences of hydrologic
conditions (e.g. stream flow variability, water flow regimes, velocity, and sediment transport), habitat,
land use/land cover and water quality on macroinvertebrate communities were determined with the
assistance of the Landscape and Ecological Process Thrust Area of CREST-CFEA.
Metrics used in the evaluation of biologic integrity include taxa richness, Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity
Index, relative abundance, %EPT (for insects), functional groups, Morisita-Horn’s Index of Similarity, and
dominance. Diversity indices were determined and statistical comparisons between watersheds,
sampling locations and time are currently being conducted. The importance of abiotic factors to aquatic
community composition will be examined through PCA, DCA, and CCA. Spatial analysis of biotic and
abiotic data will be undertaken using a GIS with the assistance of the Landscape and Ecological Process
Thrust Area of CREST-CFEA.
Thrust Area III – Soils
Forest management practices such as prescribed burning and thinning are commonly used to restore
degraded forest communities in the Southern Appalachians. Prescribed treatments influence physical
and chemical properties of soils and change the balance of nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen. They
also effect soil mineralogy. The study was conducted to investigate the impacts of prescribed burning,
thinning, and a combination of prescribed thinning and burning on organic and mineralogical
composition in soil and forest floor. Effects of these disturbance regimes were studied on Typic
Hapludults at the Bankhead National Forest in Northern Alabama.
1. To assess the impact of fire disturbance on various forms of N and N processes in
forest ecosystems (Objectives I & II are merged in this study)
Nitrification Potential
Responses of microbes to forest management practices are also dependent on soil disturbances. Most
studies on soil microbial ecology over the last three decades have largely focused on analysis of
microbial processes. In any given environment, the biological diversity data obtained for example by the
analysis of 16S RNA suggests that only a small fraction of organisms present can be cultivated. This
complexity varies from only a few taxonomic groups in non-organic environments characterized by a
limited amount of energy sources to several thousands of taxa in soils and oceans where a large amount
of carbon molecules are available.
In forestry two primary management techniques used are prescribed burning and stand thinning. These
applications used both independently and in combination, are used to help reduce litter cover and tree
stems. Although there is a considerable amount of literature that exist on the impact of high intensity
timber harvest (e.g. clear-cutting and whole-tree harvesting) on forest floor and soil properties, little is
known of the effects of mechanical treatments at intensities useful for ecosystem restoration and
wildfire hazard mitigation. The generalizations that have been developed from the clear-cutting
literature seem unlikely to be applicable to the more modest mechanical treatments involved in
restoration efforts.
3. To study the impact of fire disturbance on the structural and functional diversity of
soil microorganisms associated with N mineralization in forest soils.
All life on Earth requires nitrogen. Since there are only certain amounts of nitrogen on the planet,
nitrogen has to be cycled through various systems and the subsystems therein. In the atmosphere,
nitrogen exists in a variety of molecular forms, redox states and phases, but only some, collectively
known as ‘fixed nitrogen’, can be utilized by marine and terrestrial organisms. They include ammonium,
nitrite, nitrate and organic nitrogen. Nitrogen availability often limits plant productivity in terrestrial
ecosystems. Factors controlling N mineralization and nitrification have been studied because these
processes determine the availability of N for plant and microbial uptake.
Nitrogen retention within forests is influenced by abiotic and biotic processes that control the
consumption or release within the soil and export along hydrologic flow-paths. Although undisturbed
temperate forests are typically N limited, inorganic N retention has been reported to be high in some
forested regions but low in others. Interactions between vegetation uptake and N deposition rates may
be important in controlling inorganic-N leaching losses in regions receiving high N deposition. Positive
net rates of N mineralization and subsequent nitrification in the soil profile also provide considerable
NO3 for export. Studies suggest that production and plant uptake of dissolved organic N (DON) may also
be important in N retention in forested systems. Small-catchment comparative studies reveal that there
are significant contrasts in soil N mineralization and nitrification among different forest communities in
response to variations in substrate quality, soil temperature, moisture, and C and N availability and
The fate of excess N in the terrestrial landscape is not well understood, though the possibilities of
outcome include being taken up in forest vegetation, stored in forest soils or groundwater, converted
and lost to atmospheric forms through denitrification, or exported from the system in streamflow.
Production of ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) in the forest floor by the microbial processes of gross
ammonification and gross nitrification is of crucial importance for plant nutrient supply. However, net
nitrification, comprising the process of gross nitrification and NO3- consuming processes including
microbial immobilization, dissimilatory NO3- reduction to NH4, and denitrification, is critical for the
regulation of N losses from the ecosystem along both hydrological and gaseous flow paths. Nitrogen
losses from forest ecosystems are not only considered to be undesirable since they reduce nutrient
stocks, but also can affect groundwater and stream water quality by means of NO3 leaching and
atmospheric chemistry and radiative properties by means of emission of the primarily radiatively active
greenhouse gas N2O. Nitrous oxide loss can occur during microbial NO3- production (gross nitrification)
and microbial NO3 reduction (denitrification, dissimilatory NO3- reduction to NH4+. In addition,
nitrification can promote soil acidification.
Mineralization and nitrification are influenced by environmental factors that affect biological activity
such as temperature, moisture, aeration and pH. Nitrification, for example, occurs very slowly at cold
temperatures and ceases once the temperature declines below freezing. The rate increases with
increasing temperature until the point at which bacterial viability is reduced, (around 95o F to 100o F)
and then nitrification begins to decline with increasing temperature. Moisture is necessary for microbial
function in both the mineralization and nitrification processes. Excessive moisture limits oxygen
availability, reducing mineralization and nitrification rates, which, perhaps lead to anaerobic conditions
in the soil. Rates of mineralization and nitrification proceed most rapidly at pH levels near neutral, and
decline as soils become either excessively acid or alkaline.
Incubation Study
Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification potentials were measured by forty-five day aerobic 250 C
incubations in the laboratory. Temperature and moisture conditions were kept uniform through the
incubation period; thus, differences in ammonium and nitrate production between samples were due to
activity of bacteria and quality and amount of substrate initially present in the soil. At the end of the
incubation period the samples were extracted and analyzed for NH4-N and NO3-N.
4. To use cutting edge synchrotron-based techniques (XANES, micro-SXRF, microXANES and micro-XPS) to study the impact of fire disturbance on nutrient, C, N, P, S,
and heavy metal cycling dynamics in forest soil ecosystems. (Due to technical
logistic this objective was changed to study the organic phosphorus transformation
in forest soils as affected by prescribed burning and logging)
Objectives of this investigation were to study the impact of prescribed burning and logging treatments
on transformation of organic phosphorus (OP) pools in forest soils using chemical extraction methods
and identification of OP compounds using 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (31P NMR).
Disturbances caused by fire and logging in forest ecosystems are believed to affect the type of organic
compounds of C, N, S, and P that prevails in the soil which determine important physical and chemical
characteristics of forest soil. Organically bound P usually accounts for about 20-60% of total P in top
soils. Major OP forms in soil generally consist of orthophosphate monoesters, orthophosphate diesters,
phosphonates, nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), phospholipids, humic acid and fulvic acid bound P.
We used 31P NMR spectroscopy as a tool to identify organic P forms in forest soil since the technique has
been recognized as an important method to characterize organic P pools in soil extracts. The major
forms of P in extracts were identified using 31P NMR signals that fall between a chemical shift range of
25 and -25 ppm in the 31P NMR spectra. The major limitations of obtaining 31P NMR of soil extracts is the
low concentration of P present and presence of P bound to paramagnetic ions such as Fe and Mn that
interferes with NMR signal resulting in broad peaks with poor resolution. We have developed methods
to extract and posttreatment the extracts to remove paramagnetic ions present to obtain good quality
P NMR spectra to identify forms of organic P in forest soils subjected to prescribed burning and logging
Several chemical extraction methods were employed to extract organic P forms from soils from areas
subjected to logging and burning treatments. List of treatments are as follows: Treatment 1 (Control);
Treatment 3 (No thinning and 3 year burn); Treatment 4 (Thin to 50 ft2/acre-No burn); Treatment 5
(Thin to 75 ft2/acre-No burn); Treatment 6 (Thin to 50 ft2/acre-3 year burn). The following chemical
extraction methods were used to extract P forms from soils.
Extraction with 0.5 M Sodium bicarbonate (extraction of labile phosphorus forms)
Extraction using of 0.25M NaOH, 0.05M EDTA (extraction of total organic P)
Sequential extraction of P forms
Separation of humic acid
Phosphorus forms in extracts were characterized by 31P NMR Spectroscopy.
5. To document the clay mineral suites and characterize the charge properties of the
dominant minerals.
This aspect of the study investigated the mineralogy suites and transformation patterns in soils at the
Bankhead National Forest that were routinely managed with prescribed burning.
Soil samples were collected from representative sites at the BNF in order to assess the response of soil
mineralogical composition to prescribed burning. Prior to and after the burning, soil samples were
gathered from four depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20 cm), allowing for the characterization of the
mineralogical response on a finer scale. The samples were air-dried, ground to pass through a 2-mm
mesh sieve, and were used for routine characterization, soil C dynamics, and mineralogical analyses. The
soil samples were prepared for further clay mineralogical studies according to standard practice, and
analyzed by XRD using a Panalytical X’Pert Pro MPD diffraction system with CuKα radiation and a
graphite crystal monochromator. Treatments for XRD analysis include Mg and K saturation and heating
k-clay to 350 and 550 ºC.
Soil surface temperatures at the sites of the prescribed burn were recorded by means of temperature
lacquers buried very near the soils surface to document the temperature increase due to the treatment.
6. To investigate the effects of burning treatment of forests on soil mineralogical
properties and nutrient cycling dynamics.
This aspect of the study was aimed at a) identifying the sinks and sources of nutrients such as C and N
prior to prescribed fires and logging in a long-term forest ecosystem management study, and b) to
create baseline data for evaluating C and N redistribution following prescribed fires and logging
treatments in forest ecosystems.
We conducted pre-treatment and posttreatment sampling of the treatment-sites at the BNF.
Posttreatment sampling was conducted in all sites of Block 1. Second-year posttreatment samples were
collected after prescribed burning and thinning treatments were applied in order to evaluate further
forest ecosystem recovery. Pre-treatment sampling was conducted in Block 2 in order to collect soil
baseline characterization data. Posttreatment samples were collected one month after prescribed
treatments were applied in order to evaluate immediate ecosystem response. Pre and posttreatment
sampling was conducted in Block 4 to add to the data pool evaluating immediate soil ecosystem
Laboratory analyses including C, N and S analyses and mineralogical analyses were conducted on preand posttreatment samples of Blocks 1, 2, and 4.
Field soil descriptions and soil characterization data was shared with North Alabama NRCS Office to
facilitate collaboration between CREST and NRCS.
Additional Research Initiatives for Objective
7. To evaluate the impacts of prescribed forest fires and logging on trace metal
release and redistribution in the ecosystem
The treatments at the sites of this study consisted of two burning patterns (no-burn and 3 year-burn)
and three levels of thinning (no thin, 25%, and 50% thin). We sampled soils from the control soils
(treatment 1) that were neither burned nor thinned; treatment 3 that was a burn-only treatment;
treatment 4, a thin-only treatment; and Treatment 6, a Burned, and thinned treatment.
The soil samples were air-dried, gently ground and made to pass through a 2mm sieve according to
standard procedures and used for analyses. The samples were analyzed for trace metal contents by
utilizing modified techniques, and the Microwave Accelerated Reaction System (MARS) using the EPA
method #3052 for complete digestion. The samples were cooled and filtered through #42 Ashless
Whatmann Filter paper and stored for analysis. The trace elemental concentrations of the extracts from
the soil samples were determined with a Perkin Elmer 2100 ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma –
optical emission spectroscopy).
Thrust Area IV – Molecular
The overall objective of this study was to tackle two questions in assessing the population genetics of
ecologically important red oak species of the Southern Cumberland Plateau – a distinct physiographic
and ecologic region: 1) What is the population diversity of these red oak species; have they developed
genetic bottlenecks? And 2) what is the intra- and inter-specific gene flow for these species.
This study employs various molecular markers in surveying the genetic profiles of red oak species of the
Southern Cumberland Plateau, specifically, northern red oak (Quercus rubra), black oak (Q. velutina),
southern red oak (Q. falcata), scarlet oak (Q. coccinea). The markers include nuclear simple sequence
repeats (SSRs), and amplified sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCARs). Initial phase of the
project includes the characterization of each of the targeted species for their unique DNA marker
profiles. Such profiles will be used at later stages to characterize the red oak populations in the Southern
Cumberland Plateau and to determine intra- and inter-specific hybridization and establishment patterns.
1. Establish a panel of PCR markers for screening red oak individuals and populations
of the Southern Cumberland Plateau.
Ms. Ashyntye Williams has actively optimized the DNA
extraction protocols as well as the amplification of
various oak species using primers developed based on red
oak DNA sequences. With the assistance of vegetative
group (subproject I), Ms. Williams collected samples of
the red oak species from five locations along the
Cumberland Plateau. A catalog of the identification of red
oak species was established by Dr. Schweitzer which
aided in the location of each species. Samples were
collected manually from the cambial layer of each tree
(Figure 3). Ms. Williams also traveled to Purdue University
to collect samples to use as a control. The locations along
the plateau are Bear Den Point, Jack Gap, Hayes Nature
Preserve, Bankhead National Forest and forest areas
surrounding AAMU campus. In Indiana she collected
Figure 3: A representation of the quality of the
samples from Davis Forest. Unfortunately, all five species DNA isolated from cambial tissue of various oak
of red oak were not evenly collected from each site due to species collected from the Cumberland Plateau.
The ladder is a 1 Kb ladder. Row 1 represents
the preference of each species. Bear Den Point had
Northern Red Oak, Southern Red Oak and Black Oak. Jack samples from Bear Den Point. Row 2 represents
samples from Hayes Nature
Gap contained Northern Red Oak and Black Oak. Shumard
Oak was mainly at Hayes Nature Preserve. Bankhead National Forest consisted of Northern Red Oak,
Southern Red Oak, Scarlet Oak and Black Oak. In total 200 samples of the red oak species has been
collected within the six locations.
With the optimized protocols for extraction and primer amplification, all 200 samples were extracted
and quality and quantity checked. They were carefully screened the five oak species from the 200
samples, using 60 microsatellite markers that were developed from several research scientists at Purdue
University. She obtained amplified fragments that separated on 2% agarose gels in order to assess the
quality of the amplification. Any primers that generated a clear PCR product band of the predicted size
will be characterized.
2. Develop molecular fingerprints for potential “parental” northern red oaks, hybrids
and individual trees and red oak populations of the Southern Cumberland Plateau
Cambium tissue was collected manually with a chisel and hammer from the base of the fifty tree
samples for genotypic classification (Figure 4). The trees were identified using the whole-tree silvic
method by the US Forestry personnel; leaf shape, bark characteristics, acorn shape, location, High land,
Low land, soil moisture, etc.
Figure 4: Sampling the Cambium tissue
Cambial tissue was ground using the SPEX 6850 Freezer/Mill (Fisher Scientific).DNA will be extracted
according to the Kohel with modification for optimization of oak species. DNA  quantified using
NanoDrop ND-1000 , DNA  quality using agarose/ethidium bromide (0.8 %) gel electrophoresis in 1X
TBE electrolyte buffer. Electrophoresed DNA fragments were visualized and photographed using a
AlphaImager v5.5 2000 . Screening of 30 primer pairs were used to amplify genomic DNA samples 30
SSR developed by others. Different PCR profiles were carried out in 25 µL volumes. Reactions were
performed on a Tetrad™ 2 thermal cycler (BioRad). Unlabeled PCR primer pairs were separated on a 6%
polyacrylamide gels prepared in 1x TBE buffer. Population genetic parameters were estimated using
several software packages; Genetic Data Analysis, FSTAT and POPGENE v. 1.31.
3. Determine intra- and inter-specific gene flow among progeny
The methodology for this objective is essentially the same as described above for objectives 1 &2
Thrust Area V – Human Dimensions
This thrust area is examining the relationships between forestland owners and stakeholders and how
they influence or respond to disturbances of the ecosystem. Initially, the research focused on two
regions (Southern Cumberland Plateau and the Western Black Belt region of Alabama) with five
objectives in mind: linking human disturbances in the ecosystem with changes in the land use and land
cover, projecting the impact of human disturbances on the ecosystem, evaluating the evolving
relationship between stakeholders in the region, and evaluating the ecological and economic impacts of
forest-based activities. Digital images for six periods between 1975 and 2005 are being analyzed by
image processing software and are being entered into Land-Use Change Analysis Model (LUCAS) and
Landscape Management System (LMS) models. A five-year panel (repeat survey) study of stakeholders
will explore the issue of trust and collaboration. Questionnaires, focus groups and interviews as well as
secondary data analyses are being used to estimate the economic impact of forest-based activities. The
ecological and economic impacts of different harvesting systems are being evaluated. The relevancy and
importance of this thrust area is the integration of our understanding of how individual and group
behaviors impact changes in the landscape, by focusing on how the land cover and the social systems
are being influenced by human disturbances in the forest. This thrust area demonstrates the University's
and CFEA's mission to develop socially engaged research, relevant to the communities we serve. A
number of synergies with the other thrust area are integral to this study.
1. To establish and maintain a dynamic digital database for forest ecosystems in the
Southern Cumberland Plateau and in Alabama's Black Belt, identify the land use
and land cover changes and the human drivers of change.
In the first year 2004-2005, land use/cover changes of the Bankhead National Forest (BNF) and the
Western Black Belt were developed from historical aerial photographs, as well as medium and highresolution satellite data such as Landsat TM (15-30m), MODIS (250-500m), and IKONOS (1-3m). Satellite
and aerial platform imagery were used to provide a viable source of data from which updated land cover
information was extracted in order to inventory and monitor changes in vegetation cover. The digital
images were analyzed using the ERDAS Imagine 8.6 image processing software. Dr. Tadesse established
and maintained a dynamic digital database for forest ecosystems capable of incorporating current and
future satellite imagery, GIS maps, Population and Industry Censuses, and GPS information on field
experiments and other remotely sensed bio-physical data. Vector and raster digital data for BNF were
acquired. At this time the list included: TIGER 2002 Road, TIGER 2000 Water, National Hydrography,
Dataset 1:24,000, 8-Digit Watershed Boundary Dataset 1:24,000, 8-Digit Hydrologic Units 1: 250,000,
Digital Raster Graphic County Mosaic, Digital Raster Graphic at 1:24,000, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000
Scale, Digital Ortho Quad County Mosaic, National Land Cover Dataset, Annual & monthly Average
Precipitation, TIGER 2002 Hydrography, Census data for 1970, 1980, 1990, & 2000, Landsat MSS 1977,
and 1980 and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer).
In 2005-2006, historical information on the Bankhead National Forest was obtained. The Forest Service
had black and white aerial photographs: hard copy for 6 years (1950, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1964 and 1972),
color photographs for 5 years (1976, 1981, 1991, 1992, and 1999), and color infrared photographs of
1984. The black and white aerial photos of the years 1941/1942 for the northern portion of the BNF
were scanned at 300 dpi, georeferenced in ArcGIS and mosaiced using the ERDAS Imagine Image
processing software. A geodatabase was developed for the Sipsey Watershed (this included the BNF).
The geodatabase includes information on management boundaries, census blocks, elevation, geology
and soils, streams, transportation, vegetation, and sampling points for CREST research. The information
is available to all sub projects and was utilized to develop field maps for all sites and identify appropriate
sampling locations. Other digital data acquired for BNF and Sipsey Fork Watershed included: U.S. Census
Bureau block statistics data from 1980, 1990, and 2000 census; Digital-Ortho photo Quadrangles
(DOQs), and Color Infrared data for the entire BNF at one foot resolution; Soil data from the USDANRCS, and Digital Elevation Model (DEM, 10 meter resolution) has been processed to extract aspect,
hillshade and slope layers. At the same time, data was acquired and a GIS geodatabase for landowners’
parcel data from Alabama’s Black Belt region was developed by seven graduate and undergraduate
students who were trained in digitization, georeferencing, and rectification. A geodatabase was
completed for landowners in Greene County and partially completed for Marengo county. Students
compiled a report, presentation, and lab manual for developing geodatabase for the other six Black Belt
In 2004-2005, the Landsat imagery archives were searched for suitable imagery from mid 1970’s to 2005
at 5 years intervals. Preprocessing of satellite imageries included atmospheric correction or
normalization, image registration, geometric correction, and masking (e.g., for clouds, water, irrelevant
features) prior to image classification and change detection. All data (raster & vector) including field
spatial data collected by the different sub-projects were projected to UTM with World Geodetic System
of 1984 datum in order to compare them analytically. The imageries included Landsat MSS for 1977,
1980 and Landsat 5 for 1987. These imageries were made available for use by other projects. The
remaining imageries for 1985, 1990, 2000, 2004, and 2005 were ordered. The conventional Maximum
likelihood classification algorithm and object based segmentation were used to classify the
preprocessed images.
In 2005-2006, preliminary land use and vegetation of Bankhead and Sipsey Fork watershed was
completed for 1974, 1995, and 2005 time period. The land use/cover and vegetation information
extracted were utilized by the Flora group (Thrust Area 1). We also started to develop a component in
aquatic ecology in 2005-2006. The aquatic component of this work was not considered in the original
proposal and was later moved to the Wildlife thrust area.
In 2006-2007, color infrared (CIR) for Bankhead with 0.5 m resolution were classified by the objectbased classification method which groups image pixels into objects using the multi-resolution image
segmentation process. During this process contiguous and homogeneous image pixels are aggregated
into regions. These image regions (objects) correspond to the approximations of real world objects
which were characterized by shape and texture. This classification approach was being used to compare
with the traditional classes. The percent accuracy of object-based classification was expected to be
higher compared to the pixel-based.
In 2006-2007, land use/cover maps were completed from Landsat TM imageries for the BNF and Sipsey
Fork watershed for the year 1974, 1995, and 2005. The pixel-based image classification algorithm was
applied for feature extraction. Accuracy assessment was conducted by groundtruthing and also using
digital orthophotos that were developed from historical aerial photographs.
In 2007-2008, GIS and Remote Sensing and spatial analysis techniques provided data and tools to
explore the temporal, spatial, and attribute components of the research questions in an integrated
manner. GIS allowed creating a database of spatially referenced data for further manipulation, analysis
and mapping. Likewise, time series remotely sensed imagery was used to create multi‐temporal dataset
showing place/pixel specific dynamics of disturbances to regional dynamics. Geodatabases have been
established for all areas of interest and have been extended to cover the full Cumberland Plateau. The
data is available to all thrust areas scientist and students through our server and have been utilized by
all thrust areas participants. Some of the specific uses were identifying differing physiographic
characteristics of the Bankhead study stands, identify home range habitat, and produce study site maps.
Three geodatabases were developed; Blackbelt, Cumberland, and Bankhead. The Cumberland and
Bankhead overlap spatially however the Bankhead geodatabase contains greater detail. Datasets for
each geodatabase developed during the entire reporting period will be listed and described.
Data was obtained and processed for the Black Belt study area: a. Demography of the area that relates
to changes in population, households, race, education, employment, and age groups. b. Socioeconomic
data that relates to per capita income, median household income, gross household income, and
employment in farms and manufacturing industries. c. Human well‐being index that is based on the
combination of income, employment and education data derived from the US Census for 1980 and
2000. d. Community capitals data that includes: cultural, (church, parks, landmarks), political
(government offices) , social (clubs, cooperatives, NGOs) , human (schools, college, training centers),
infrastructure (roads, power lines, railway lines, waterways), manufacture (industries), and financial
(banks, insurance companies). e. Land cover change data derived from the Landsat TM and Landsat
ETM+ imageries for 1980 and 2000 that covers eight counties (Dallas, Greene, Hale, Lowndes, Marengo,
Perry, Sumter, and Wilcox) in the study region. These terrain corrected data (Geographic, Radiomatric
and Topographic correction) with less than 10% cloud cover and with the close anniversary date
(acquired in the month of January) in 1980 and 2000 were purchased from USGS/EROS data center. f.
Ancillary or reference data was used as reference maps to help classification of the remotely sensed
data. These data include: Aerial Photographs, Plat Maps, and Topographic Maps, US TIGER data for road,
water and towns. Groundtruth sample data collected randomly across the study region was used for
accuracy assessment of the classified image. Human Well‐being Index was created by using income,
education, and employment data. Indexes of income, high school and graduate education, and
employment were created. These index values were computed in order to normalize the values of the
variables that are included in the Human Well‐being Index (HWBI), so that all values fall between 0 and
1. Then, the four indexes were averaged to obtain the HWBI for each CBG. Community Capital Indicators
were created from the US Economic Census data compiled as a directory of all credit approved Alabama
establishments, updated for 2000 by University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Community capital
is the tangible and intangible assets or resources that exist in a community. They exist in the form of
social and cultural organizations, government or financial agencies, infrastructures and other entities to
assist or retain community capability for various socioeconomic, political, and infrastructural
developments. Eight forms of community capital (cultural, human, social, political, financial, built,
industrial and natural) were included. The data was standardized by computing community capital per
1,000 populations in a Census Block Group (CBG).
Data obtained and processed for the Cumberland Plateau study area: (1) The Cumberland Plateau has
five distinct spatial definitions assigned by different federal agencies and nonprofit organizations (US
Geological Service, Environmental Protection Agency, USDA Forest Service, Nature Conservancy,
Smalley). Boundary files for each definition were evaluated. Smalley’s was selected, as it was regionally
derived and based on local information. The other classifications were based on national information.
Smalley’s was also one of the broadest classifications and thus the others can be extracted if needed. (2)
Long‐term climate data from Parameter‐elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM)
was obtained for mean annual rainfall, maximum, minimum and annual temperature. This was based on
data from 1971 to 2000. (3)30m digital elevation data was obtained from the USGS and mosaicked to
cover the study region. From this data curvature, slope, hill shade and aspect were derived. (4) National
Land Cover for 1990 and 2001 was derived from Landsat imagery by the Multi Resolution Land
Characteristics Consortium. (5) Landsat images for 1970’s, 1990’s and 2000’s for the study area were
cataloged and mosaicked. Ten scenes for each year are required to cover the study area.
Data obtained and processed for the BNF in addition to the Cumberland Plateau geodatabase: (1)
moisture indices including wetness index and integrated moisture index were derived from previously
described data sets including digital elevation data and soils information. A wetness index was derived
for the full study area. However, integrated moisture index was only calculated in the Lawrence county
part of the study area due to limited soils information. (2) Human well‐being index and income growth
indices were created for the Bankhead region for 1980 and 2000. (3) Land use/cover (LULC) data for the
period of 1974, 1995, and 2005 was developed using Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ imageries for BNF
as well as Sipsey Fork watershed. Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) for the same time
period has also been developed. We are currently extracting LULC information for 1985, 1990, and 2000.
(4) 1991 Color aerial photographs of Sipsey Wilderness, located within BNF, were scanned, rectified, and
mosaicked. This digital data was used as high resolution reference data (5) The color infrared (CIR)
imageries for Bankhead with 0.5 m resolution are being classified by using the object‐based
classification method (Definiens eCognition). Priority was given to classify the CREST study blocks
because of the amount of time it takes to classify the entire BNF area. This was because of the high
resolution characteristics of the data (6) LiDAR data analysis – Dr. Tadesse (Thrust Area 5) in
collaboration with Dr. Dimov (Thrust Area 1) contributed to the LiDAR data analysis (Refer to Trust Area
1 section) and advising of the graduate student who was involved in the project. (7) Landownership
parcel information was obtained from seven counties: Cullman, Franklin, Lawrence, Morgan, Marion,
Walker, and Winston, that make up portions of the study area. Partial county information from
Lawrence, Morgan, Franklin, and Cullman counties was obtained from the respective county offices. Full
count information for Marion, Walker, and Winston were obtained from the Flagship Company, this
geodatabase company establishes online digital mapping information for several counties in Alabama
and Georgia. Parcel information contains information about the current and previous landowners,
parcel acres, and its location within the county. Some counties provide information on the appraised
value of the land, the acres of timber, and its appraised value.
During the 2008-2009 reporting period, most of the geodatabase work was based on integration of
datasets with other research currently being undertaken in the study areas, data sharing, and assisting
with geospatial analysis. There were 3 areas in which the geodatabases were extended: historical color
infrared imagery from 1980’s were scanned and georeferenced for BNF study area; a moisture index
developed using remotely sensed data and GIS was groundtruthed and modeled for the Lawrence
county portion of the BNF; and tree height values were extracted from LiDAR data for all study stands as
part of an MS thesis research.
In 2005-2006, a Master level graduate student, Reginald Randolph, was recruited to work with Dr.
Tadesse. The land use/cover information extracted from time series Landsat imageries was used to
detect and identify causes of forest fragmentation. The title of Randolph’s thesis proposal was -Using
GIS/Remote Sensing to Detect and Identify Causes of Forest Fragmentation in the William B. Bankhead
National Forest.
2. To use digital database to understand the impact of disturbances in the Southern
Cumberland and Black Belt landscapes.
In 2005-2006, historical information on fire and disturbances has been identified with some integration
into a digital database. Additional literature review of historical work in the Bankhead National Forest
found eleven historical vegetation studies and reports in the Bankhead, nine aquatic studies and
reports, three sociology studies, and five on animals. These were incorporated into the database.
In 2006-2007, the ArcGIS model builder solar radiation index and integrated soil moisture index was
developed for CREST study blocks. The results were made available to all CREST scientist and students.
In 2007-2008, a proposal was submitted to the USDA to complete an analysis of invasive species in the
Cumberland Plateau while preliminary analysis using the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and
Analysis (FIA) data was carried out. This preliminary work was presented at the Weed Science Society
America Annual Meeting in Chicago. The majority of the activities for this work are noted under
objective one, geodatabase development. Along with the spatial data, USDA Forest Service FIA
information was extracted from the main Forest Inventory and Analysis database housed in Knoxville,
TN. For each plot (3000) additional environmental and remotely sensed data was derived including
information on aspect, elevation, hillshade, slope, Landsat bands, NDVI, and DI.
In 2008-2009 this objective was extended from its original methodology to examine the impact of a
human altered landscape on the invasion of non-native plant spices in the Cumberland Plateau. A
proposal submitted to the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) was funded and research is in progress to
integrate the above objective. The research also utilizes the USDA-Forest Service FIA data. The research
explores the integration of GIS and remote sensing with statistical analysis to assist in species
distribution modeling. It is applicable to both native and non-native communities and has the ability to
assist land managers in identifying both areas of importance and areas of threat. It was suggested that
Maximum Entropy models can better assess possible species distribution, while logistic regression was
more representative of the current species distribution. A publication was submitted to the
International Journal of GIS and presentation was made at the 2009 ESRI International User Conference.
The paper explored regional probability distribution envelopes for Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera
japonica), a vine invasive to forests in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region. The influence of
disturbance, spatial and temporal heterogeneity, and other landscape characteristics were assessed by
creating regional level models based on occurrence records from the United States Department of
Agriculture Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis database. Traditional and entropy based models
were assessed independently and evaluated as tools. This approach assessed the possible and probable
distribution of species of concern and their likely long-term impact on forestry industry. At the regional
level, plant invasion mechanisms were examined in relation to land cover patterns, land use and its
changes, and other human population and economic development drivers.
3. To understand the evolution of trust over a five year period in collaborative
groups as well as other stakeholders in the ecosystem.
In 2005-2006, Dr. Fraser recruited Nevia Brown, a M.Sc. graduate student, and begun scoping work for
human social interactions. Ms. Brown submitted a pre-proposal entitled - Understanding collaborative
community involvement in the forest implementation process. Dr. Fraser and his student began work on
twenty Minority Landownership Workshops across eight southeastern states. The workshop focused on
educating farmers and landowners on implementing forest practices, and the benefits of forest practices
such as silvopasture, agroforestry, and forest land conversion.
In 2006-2007, Dr. Fraser and Nevia Brown attended Bankhead Liaison Panel meetings. The Bankhead
Liaison Panel is one of the focus groups for her thesis research. At these meetings, Brown presented her
research proposal and made contacts with members of the panel. Brown was sponsored by the South
Eastern Society of Fish and Wildlife Agencies to attend the Minorities in Natural Resource Council Annual
Meeting/ Annual Conference. During the conference a leadership meeting was held to educate
minorities about the field of fisheries and wildlife and help equip students with leadership skills to
support the students’ future careers. Brown was invited to attend Tuskegee University’s Forestry and
Natural Resources Council Meetings in December 2006 and April 2007 to help improve the Tuskegee
University Forestry and Natural Resource Program, and also to serve as a representative of the Alabama
A&M University in the process of negotiating to become a partner university. Brown attended the
Southeastern Society of American Foresters Conference, Auburn University, AL and presented a paper
entitled Understanding collaborative community involvement in the forest implementation process.
In 2007-2008, Brown selected 120 people living within ten miles of the BNF using stratified random
sampling and surveyed them. A mail questionnaire survey was conducted based on the five theories:
rational choice, social capital, socio‐cognitive, social psychology, and behavioral decision theories all
aimed at understanding trust relationship within the community. A trial survey was created and pretest
interviews carried out with members of constituents groups. This enabled us to minimize the study
variables and alleviate potential flaws in the data analysis and conclusion. Once the survey was finalized,
a structured and detailed survey was sent out as a trial to access response rates, of the area. Thirty
randomly selected individuals with a constituent group were issued surveys, and given two weeks to
respond; the overall response rate was 30 percent. Based on the response rate the research method
was changed to person‐to‐person surveys with structured interviews with the expectation of
significantly increasing the response rate. Survey data collection started in June 2007. Since then
approximately 279 participants were solicited for interviews, of which 100 individuals have been
surveyed, with a survey response rate of 36 percent. Obtaining the survey response of non‐constituents
was difficult. The original design was to randomly select landowners within ten‐miles of the BNF and
telephone each selected landowner to request participation. However, after 100 telephone solicitations
with only two respondents, alternative methods were sought. Telephone solicitation was replaced with
the direct door‐ to‐door approach. This method improved the response rate. To help further improve
the response we also utilized the snow‐ball approach. Brown also visited and talked with several local
environmental and community organizations. At these meetings she answered questions related to the
National Forest Health and Restoration Initiative and the role of her project. The meetings were also
used as another venue to solicit survey participants.
In 2008-2009, Nevia Brown, a Master’s student graduated. Her work was based on the premise that
building solid collaborative relationships between stakeholders depends on three factors: trust,
perception, and expectation. The strongest and easiest measurable tool of these three factors is trust.
This study examined how trust influences the abilities of policymakers on the BNF, located in north
central Alabama, and develops collaborative public involvement and perspectives on decisions around
the adoption of the BNF’s National Forest Health and Restoration Initiative.
4. To evaluate the social and economic impacts of forest based activities in forest
In 2004-2005, Dr. Fraser and his Ph.D. student, Buddhi Gyawali, began work on the social and economic
impacts of land management in the Black Belt region. A digital database of landownership maps of Perry
and Greene Counties was created based on the 2000 Platt maps. African American landowners in both
counties were identified based on information drawn from electoral lists provided by Alabama Forestry
Commission in combination with the county property tax records. These databases were used as case
studies in preparation of a Ph. D. dissertation on the changes in the land covers and community
dynamics based on the different types of ownerships.
Compatible time series GIS maps for physical (soil, river, roads etc), socio-economic (income,
employment, education, inequality, population change) and community capitals (e.g. infrastructure,
natural, political, social, cultural, etc.) of eight black belt counties were created using U.S. Census data of
1980, 1990, and 2000 and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) data of 2000. Satellite
Imagery of Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM were purchased for both summer and winter seasons from
USGS/EROS Data Center, ND for 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000 respectively. These data was used to
examine the relationship between ecosystem change and human well-being. Two papers were
presented in the national conferences based on the time series analysis.
In 2005-2006, one paper was published in a peer reviewed journal (Small-Scale Forest Economics,
Management and Policy), four papers were presented and published in the conference proceedings of
Rural Sociological Society (RSS), American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and International Union
of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). One
paper was being published in a conference proceeding of Professional Agricultural Workers Conference
(PAWC). Four other papers and two posters were presented in regional, national and international
conferences in Nashville, TN, Pullman, WA, San Diego, CA, Sacramento, CA, Athens, GA, Atlanta, GA,
Tampa, Fl, Tuskegee, AL and Ostrund, Sweden in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Two oral presentation in
International Society for Social and Resource Management (ISSRM) and Southern Forestry and Natural
Resources (SOFOR) GIS Conference in Vancouver and Ashville, NC respectively, were made in June 2006.
In 2006-2007, Brown also presented a paper entitled Human Well Being in the Southern Cumberland
Plateau of Alabama in the Professional Agriculture Workers Conference (PAWC), the Southern Rural
Sociological Association Meeting, and AAMU’s Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology
Summer Forestry and Ecosystem Assessment Conference.
In 2007-2008, Dr. Gyawali completed his dissertation which assessed disturbances as changes in the
indicators of demographic, socioeconomic, community capital, and land cover types. He addressed the
specific research question of how changes in human well‐being relate to land cover changes. To answer
this question, the Blackbelt geodatabase described under objective one was used. Three papers were
developed from his dissertation on this objective and are in review by scholarly journals. Two oral
presentations and one poster have also been made available online for public access. Dr Gyawali’s
research also considered social and economic impacts. Specific objectives were (1) what is the
relationship between the different forms of community capital and human wellbeing? (2) what are the
major factors influencing income growth? (3) what is the magnitude of the spatial effects on the
relationship between human well‐being and land cover types, distribution of community capital, and
income growth?
In 2008-2009, Dr. Gyawali published two scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, made two oral
presentations, and had one poster made available online for public access. The third paper from his
dissertation is accepted for publication in the next issue of the Journal of Agricultural Extension and
Rural Development.
5. To compare the ecological and economic consequences of conventional and cut-tolength harvesting system in the upland hardwood forest ecosystems of the Southern
Cumberland Plateau under different fire disturbance regimes.
In 2005-2006, Dr. Naka recruited M.Sc. graduate student, Thomas Tenyah to compare harvesting
systems. Tenyah developed his research methodology and started collecting preliminary data from the
study site. His research topic is Productivity and Impact of different Logging Methods in the Bankhead
National Forest, Alabama. The research evaluates the impact of different forest operations on site
characteristics. Comparison was made to understand the effects of the cut-to-length (CTL) and the treelength (TL) logging methods on the soil surface and physical properties and identify which of these
methods causes less disturbance and least residual tree damage.
In 2006-2007, Dr. Naka and Thomas Tenyah completed collecting data on the second cut-to-length plot
in Somerville, the third plot in May 2007, and finished all data collection by August 2007. Tenyah
defended his proposal in May 2007. Dr. Naka attended the Forestry Commission Meeting in
Montgomery, the SESAF Conference in Auburn, Alabama, and the SAF Convention in Pittsburgh where
he presented the poster entitled the Impact of Different Logging Methods in the Bankhead National
Forest, Alabama: A Comparative Analysis.
In 2007-2008, Tenyah worked on this as his thesis research “Environmental Impact of Different Logging
Methods in the BNF, Alabama: A Comparative Analysis”. Soil disturbance data was collected through
visual inspection on line transects space 20 x 20 m apart. At each intersection (point), measurements
were taken 10 m in each direction to determine the nature of disturbance. Six sampling plots were
located in each treatment and each of these plots had 9 points measured. A total of 324 points were
measured and 1,296 measurements were collected and classified into undisturbed, disturbed with litter,
mineral soil, rutting/secondary roads, rock/stump, slash, and main roads for analysis. Soil compaction
data was collected using a cone penetrometer. Cone pentrometer readings were taken every 10 m along
line transects. A total of 270 points were taken. After harvesting, the number of damaged residual trees
was counted. Furthermore, productivity data was collected using the MultiDat (multi‐purpose data
logger). Two of these devices were connected on the cut‐to‐length harvesting machines, one on the
harvester and the other on the forwarder for duration of one week. The data was then downloaded and
the same devices were placed on the total length harvesting machines, one on the skidder and the other
on the feller buncher for the duration of one week. This data combined with interview with the loggers
was used to calculate machine productivity based on utilization per hour data cost, wages/salaries, gas
consumption, tons of wood per day, level of operator’s experience and price. All data collection was
completed in the six treatment sites. In spring of 2008, a new master’s student, Xavier Ndona‐Makusa
was recruited. His preliminary thesis title is “Woody biomass harvesting impact on sustainable forest
management”. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the economics of woody biomass, in
term of cost and benefit, market and valued‐added; (2) to assess the environmental advantages and
disturbances on forest ecology resulting from removal of logging residues; (3) to assess the social impact
of harvesting woody biomass. The study location was northern Alabama. Thomas Tenyah (MS student)
graduated in May 2009. Manuscripts are currently being developed from the three MS students for peer
review publications.
Educational Activities
Educational activities are a fundamental component of CFEA. The CFEA research has been integrated
into all levels of our educational activities, from graduate to high school. Competitive research
assistantships and an expanded graduate curriculum that integrates CFEA research have been
fundamental in the recruitment and education of the graduate level students. The work-study
opportunities and practical projects such as the Birmingham Water Works Board Resource Management
Plan have become integral components of the undergraduate program, exposing students to research
and practical professional experiences. With the addition of the Research Experience for Undergraduate
(REU) students we are now exposing students, not only from AAMU, but students from all round the US
to CFEA research. The REU program has also integrated high school students in academic research. This
is in addition to the ongoing EnvironMentors program. We have been awarded a grant to support the
Undergraduate Research Mentoring project recently by NSF to expand our REU program to a year-round
program. We will be able to training 20 undergraduate students in next five years to conduct CFEA
related research. This program will provide a bridge for these students to pursue graduate degrees in
STEM fields. We have also expended our educational activities into the international arena by recently
initiating a China international program.
A major educational activity of CFEA has been the development and implementation of a CFEA annual
conference. The first conference was held in June 2007 on our campus. Approximately 100 registered
guests from federal and state agencies, private companies, consultants, and nonprofit organizations
joined CFEA faculty, staff and students to discuss a wide range of topics related to forest ecosystems.
The conference was an opportunity to showcase student research projects and provide a forum to
discuss assessment approaches and areas of synergy between thrust disciplines. All thrust areas
participated in the planning and presentation of the conference. Abstracts of the presentations and full
poster presentations are available to the public and scientific community on the CFEA website.
A second annual conference was held October 15‐17, 2008, and focused on assessment and restoration
of ecosystems that are managed for natural resources. Specifically, the Natural Resources Management:
Assessment and Restoration conference at AAMU was a regional conference to address information and
issues related to assessment and restoration of natural resources. Natural resources managers and
environmental researchers must be able to assess the condition of natural resources and the strategies
for restoration of ecosystems. This conference offered a forum for exchange of ideas and discussion
among experts in the field of ecosystem management and restoration. A big part of the conference was
a special session at the end of the last day, which focused on feedback and future plans for CFEA
research. Conference participants were asked to help plan the areas of research that CFEA would
concentrate and expand on if refunded by NSF for a second cycle of funding. Plenary and concurrent
sessions, workshops, posters and symposia included assessment and restoration topics in areas of
forestry, wildlife, soils, water quality, genetic diversity, and socio‐economic dimensions of
environmental management. The program also focused on educational issues related to the
The planning committee structured the conference announcement and call for papers, as well as a
solicitation for vendors and exhibitors. The advertisement of the conference was posted on our CFEA
website and included a special effort to reach other HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities)
with natural resources and agricultural academic programs. The committee invited participation by
members of other NSF‐CREST centers that focused on ecological research. Workshops in natural
resources assessment and ecosystem restoration were a highlight of that year’s conference. This was
followed by invited and contributed presentations and posters of research and education findings on
various topics related to natural resources management. The conference ended with a tour of research
sites used by CFEA and mini workshops in our laboratories where CFEA research and education is also
conducted. Proceedings of this conference was generated electronically and forwarded to all
participants and was also posted on our website.
Expanded Curriculum
Five new graduate courses (1) NRE 488/588 Wildlife Techniques, 2) NRE 731 Advances in Ecological
Research, 3) NRE 701 Applied Forest Ecology, are 4) Landscape Ecology, and (5) GIS, Spatial Analysis and
Modeling were developed and approved by our University to expand the curricula in support of CFEA
graduate student training. The addition of the doctoral level courses (NRE 701 and 731) was a critical
need identified by our graduate students in CFEA. The Wildlife Techniques course is further supported
by the USDA-CSREES teaching capacity grant awarded to Dr. Stone and Heather Howell in 2006. The
Applied forest ecology, a doctoral level course developed by Dr. Dimov in the fall of 2006, is offered in
the fall of every even year. A new online course, Hardwood Forest Ecosystem Restoration (NRE 586), has
been developed and offered by Dr. Dimov. It is a part of an Online MSc Certificate Program lead by the
University of Florida and funded by the USDACSREES Higher Education Challenge Grant Program. The
study sites, research findings, students, and PIs from the CREST will be used in this course.
We will develop several new courses including NRE732 Design and Analysis of Ecological Research in the
near future. Dr. Chen has developed a graduate level Landscape Ecology course, and he is also working
on GIS-Applications in Forestry course. We expect to further develop the CREST Seminar Series as a
Colloquia to which eminent scientists in ecosystems dynamics are invited as guest lecturers.
Contributed material from other academic institutions has helped shape the capstone course in the
forestry program. It is now named Forest Ecological Management Project and was offered for the first
time in the spring of 2009. The now modified capstone course is 4 credits (up from 3 credits) and
consists of two lectures and a 5-hour lab (up
from just three lectures and no labs). The class
met one day a week, Friday, rather than the
three days a week in the past, and was from 8:00
a.m. to 3:00 pm to allow for visiting properties
and carrying out inventory, mapping,
communication with the landowner, etc.(Fig. 5).
The Silvics course (3 credits, fall semester) has
been restricted and renamed Forest Ecological
Management (2 credits) and will be taught this
fall for the first time. It will cover much of the
theory needed for writing a management plan
and successfully completing the capstone course.
Figure 5: CFEA undergrads visit Lawson Tree Farm to view pine and
hardwood plantings as part of the siliviculture class in February 2010.
Developing Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for 21st Century
Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science
In collaboration with the recruitment team of the School of Agricultural and Environmental Science of
AAMU, the Center developed a proposal “Developing Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for
21st Century Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science” and has been funded by the USDA
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). We have established
recruitment/on-line dual credit partnerships with local and statewide high schools and initiated a series
of recruitment activities. These initiatives are critically needed because (1) a significant underrepresentation of minorities in the professional occupations of food and agriculture and an expected
high demanding for workforce in these fields during the next decade, (2) more than 30% decline of
student enrollment at the School of Agricultural and Environmental Science of Alabama A&M University
during past few years, (3) online courses attract traditional and non-traditional students, (4) dual credit
programs facilitate a seamless transition from high school to college, and (5) the need to overcome the
stigma and legacy of the historical image of agriculture by marketing the diverse career opportunities to
parents, students, and teachers. We have developed five online dual credit courses; established
databases of student contacts for follow up and assignment of faculty advisors; identified key
recruitment advisors including alumni, counselors, teachers, and administrators; developed a list server
and recruitment website to facilitate communications, effort tracking, and bi-directional updating of
prospective students’ information; initiated a “Professors at High Schools” program to bring professors
to high schools; brought teachers and prospective students to our campus for summer apprenticeship
programs or in-service training; developed a recruitment CD and I-Port track for student downloading.
During the 2010 fall semester, 15 undergraduate students, all African Americans, have signed up for at
one of these courses. This program has attracted high school students to food and agricultural science
professions, helped their transition from high school to college life, enhanced the program viability of
AAMU, and are likely to enhance and diversify the nation’s work force of food and agricultural
The School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences established a recruitment effort with a focus
strictly on agriculturally related fields. These recruitment efforts for the past six-years have included
visits to various high schools and colleges in and out of the state of Alabama through cooperation with
the Admissions Office. Professors and graduate students traveled to schools for their high school senior
days to speak with students and faculty and distribute information. Each thrust area was well
documented in the recruitment material presented. The professors attended conferences such as
MANNRS (minorities in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences) and community college fairs
to recruit talented minority graduate students. For the REU program, information pamphlets were sent
to HBCU's (historically black colleges and universities) and other institutions with limited research
capacity to find the best qualified and highly motivated students. For the years of the REU program
(2007-2010), there were over 70 institutions represented by student applications. Our recruitment
efforts were very successful with the steady increase of both undergraduate and graduate students in
the various programs.
An example of how involved the faculties are in recruitment is given by Forestry, Ecology and Wildlife
(FEWP) personnel. In the early part of 2009 they were actively involved in recruitment and retention
related activities. The range of activities included campus hosting of students, teachers, chaperones, and
family members (from McAdroy High School [40]; Miles Community College in Birmingham [3], Young
Water Ambassadors from Birmingham catchment [105], Science Exploration Day [50]).
Off-campus activities during the early part of 2009 included a presentation to members of the youth
arm of the Winston County Self Help Cooperative in Greensboro, NC; presentations by FEWP personnel
to participants at the Alabama Forestry Commission’s annual summer camp program; organized six
workshops (Forestry, Aquatics/Fisheries, Wildlife, Insects/Entomology and Forest Recreation) for the
benefit of the ‘Young Water Ambassadors’ from the Birmingham area; assisted in hosting 300 high
school students from many parts of Alabama, and joined the SAES Recruitment Team on recruitment
visits to Demopolis, AL.
A lecturer in Biology at Miles Community College who has referred prospective students to FEWP in the
past is interested and committed to strengthening the relationship between her Department and FEWP.
In this regard FEWP personnel will be periodically invited in the future to speak to Biology students
about our Program.
Alabama A&M University was part in a southeastern initiative. Members of Southern National
Association of University Forest Resources Programs (NAUFRP) have been for some time now discussing
the need to identify the factors contributing to reduced enrollment in forestry/natural resource
programs as well as the need to increase forestry enrollment numbers, diversity, and quality in the
southern region. To address these NAUFRP’s concerns FEWP coordinated an on campus focus group
discussion among forestry majors. A total of 10 students (males and females, freshmen, sophomores,
juniors, and seniors) participated in the focus group discussion which was led by Mrs Laura Lehotka, a
post-doctoral scholar at University of Kentucky. Alabama A&M University was one of six southeastern
universities where these focus group discussions were held. It is anticipated that the findings from these
focus group discussions will inform and lead to the formulation of strategies and programs to address
the problem of declining enrollment.
During 2006-2007 the average number of students enrolled in the Introduction to Forestry course (NRE
281) was approximately 11 per semester. That number has been on the increase. However, FEWP
faculty was pleasantly surprised and encouraged by the relatively large number (22) of students who
were registered in NRE 281 in Fall 2009. Also encouraging was the fact that this cohort of students
included four females. This increased enrollment in NRE 281 may be partly due to the focused and
coordinated recruitment efforts of the Program since Spring 2007. Obviously, the continued
collaboration with and support from the US Forest Service’s MWSI team must have made and continues
to make a positive contribution in this regard.
At the request of the NRES’ Chair a member of FEWP’s faculty established contact with the authorities at
Legacy Elementary School in Madison to explore possible avenues for collaboration in the school’s
efforts to develop an Outdoor Classroom. Students, parents, and volunteers spent Wednesday
November 2009 building and developing the Outdoor Classroom. A FEWP faculty member was present.
Much work was accomplished on that day. Legacy Elementary School would welcome contribution with
Alabama A&M University.
Alabama A&M University’s Office of Admissions has been able to secure some a desk at Calhoun
Community College – Huntsville Campus to facilitate recruitment efforts. Two FEWP/NRES faculty
members have committed to man the desk once a week. The hope is that this will provide a great
avenue for recruitment of many transfer students, considering that Calhoun Community College is the
largest community college in the state.
FEWP/NRES’ off-campus recruitment efforts in 2010 include visits to Northeast Alabama Community
College in Rainsville; Fairfield Civic Center, Fairfield; and Shelton State Community College. On campus
and other outreach efforts for 2010 to date include welcoming approximately 15 students and advisors
from Wallace Community College –Dothan Campus, Science Exploration Day (SED) as part of Ag-Week,
participation in Alabama Forestry Commission’s Annual Summer Camp at Epes, AL, mentoring of two
students from the North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence (NACEE) Upward Bound Program,
hosting of Young Water Ambassadors and Field Day on campus and on Field day, presentation to
approximately 18 Science Teachers, interacting with in-coming freshmen and their parents at four
Student Orientation and Retention sessions, presentation at 2010 Teens and Tweens Empowerment
Conference, and presentation to approximately 15 advisors from The Alabama College Transfer Advising
Corps (ACTAC).
FEWP’s recruitment and recruitment efforts continue. Indications are that the focused and coordinated
recruitment efforts during the last 36 months are having positive effects on FEWP’s student population,
as evidenced by the increase in the number of students registering for Introduction to Forestry class
every semester since 2008. If this forestry enrollment trend continues the future viability of our program
seems assured. Mentoring of our forestry students will be critical to ensuring that students remain in
the program and complete their degree within the recommended timeframe. Through direct
participation in the different recruitment-related activities approximately 450 potential students and 75
science teachers/counselors were reached.
FEWP responded to several telephone enquiries received from interested students and/or their parents,
guardians, counselors, and faculty advisors. Furthermore, individual letters and items of literature have
been sent to more than 250 prospective students over the last three years.
Finally, the continued support and collaboration of faculty colleagues, other relevant units within the
Alabama A&M University family, as well as external partners such as the USDA Forestry Service are
recognized and greatly appreciated. Most FEWP faculty members continue to support and participate
in recruitment and retention activities whenever the opportunity arises.
Competitive Research Assistantships
Fourteen NSF-CREST funded graduate students were supported by CFEA. Competitive stipends of
$20K/year for M.S. students and $25K/year for Ph.D. students have allowed us to recruit and retain
excellent minority students. Four additional graduate students are currently engaged in CFEA wildlife
research (Thrust Area II). Others are involved in related forest wildlife assessment research projects
funded by other agencies. CFEA students have been able to compete for competitive fellowships with
EPA and for graduate student funding through grants with federal and state agencies. Graduate students
have been recruited from CFEA support staff and from other universities to work with us as well. One
lingering problem in our ability to continue to recruit high quality graduate students is the University’s
lack of commitment to waiving the out-of -state portion of the graduate students’ tuition. We have had
to use some CFEA funds to retain out-of–state students while they sought Alabama residency. The
former President indicated that University funds would no longer be available to pay out-of-state tuition
for CFEA graduate students in the 2009/2010 year which concerned our entire research personnel. He
was fired in April of 2008. A new University President, Dr. Andrew Hugiene has been hired and the CFEA
management met with him and his support staff to discuss the new proposal submission for the second
cohort of funding for CFEA from NSF. We strongly suggested that the support of CFEA from the
University was paramount to the success and future of CFEA. We secured commitments to share the inkind match that the University would receive if the CFEA is funded again by NSF. \
Lab Meetings
Monthly Ecology, Forestry and Wildlife reading group meetings continued similar activities (critical
discussion of recent journal articles) as last year. However, this has served as a forerunner of a new
graduate course (NRE 731 Advances in Ecological Research) developed by Dr. Wang that was offered
first time in the fall of 2008.
Human Dimension thrust area holds monthly meetings with graduate students, staff and faculty. This is
used as an opportunity to discuss needs, concerns and achievements. It has helped in develop stronger
synergy within the group and build a solid support structure for students. Other thrust areas hold similar
lab meetings to discuss recent advances in their field, especially new technology and research findings in
the literature.
Engagement of Undergraduate Students in Research
Over 62 undergraduate students have been hired as work-study students to work on CFEA projects since
its inception in 2005. Over the last year 22 students have worked on CFEA projects as work-study
Vegetation thrust area addressed educational goals and objectives by engaging five undergraduate
students (for the past year) in research as student work-study and a total of over 30 undergraduate
students since the inception of the project. Some of these students were excited about being part of the
research and have gone on to work on their graduate degrees. The students were mostly forestry and
biology majors. The students gained valuable research experience by assisting the PIs and the technical
staff in collecting vegetation data in the field, using laser hypsometer-rangefinder as well as sonic
distance measuring equipment and digital and analog clinometers to measure tree heights, ceptometer
to measure photosynthetically active radiation under the forest canopy, and other specialized tools and
equipment. Field data collection included collection of forest fuels and subsequent sorting in laboratory
condition in various classes: 1, 10, 100, 1000-hour fuels, leaf litter, fruit, and bark fuels. The
undergraduate students also used a digital camera mounted on a monopod with fish-eye lens for taking
hemispherical photos under the forest canopy.
Wildlife thrust initially planned to hire three undergraduate students for seasonal research help in the
field, but last year we employed eight undergraduate students to assist us during the academic year and
during the summer in the field and lab to accomplish CFEA research objectives. These students have
been a valuable part of the research team and we began to formally recognize their contribution with an
undergraduate student research award. One of our Thrust Area II student workers received that award.
Additional funds from a USDA CSREES grant to Dr. Stone and Heather Howell were used to expand CFEA
objectives to include aquatic research as well as to accomplish objectives related to arthropods, small
mammals, and herpetofaunal communities.
The geospatial lab is setup to build mentoring relationships between students, faculty and staff. All
undergraduate students involved in the lab had exposure to CFEA research, interacting with professors
and graduate students. Six students were directly involved in CFEA research assisting in scanning,
digitizing and georeferencing historical aerial photographs. These students range from freshman to
seniors allowing for mentoring within undergraduate students working as a team. Students with
experience train those new to GIS and remote sensing. During the summer 2009 one student selected to
participate in the REU program. The student developed a soil moisture index for one of the CFEA study
areas as research requiremnet. Undergraduate students were directly involved in capturing, handling,
and marking wild animals. Many learned how to measure vegetation and other habitat variables.
Undergraduate students were trained in the sorting and preparation of animal and insect samples for
identification. Students were trained to use taxonomic keys and reference collections to identify wildlife
and insect specimens. Students gained experience in the identification of insects to order and family and
animals to genus and species. Some students were also involved in the collection and entry of data.
Students were taught the reasoning behind and structure of sampling methodology used in entomology
and wildlife studies. The ecological roles and functional groups of animals and insects encountered in
this thrust area were emphasized to students. Students were also taught the use of water quality
monitoring equipment.
Research staff was also heavily involved in integrating undergraduates in to CFEA, through mentoring
and teaching. By involving research staff in the teaching program it exposes students to practical
applications. Mr. Lawson, CFEA CREST,Project Manager taught a number of undergraduate classes
highlighting integration of CFEA research and practical experience into the curriculum to better prepare
the students for future employment, increase their involvement in CFEA research, and encourage
graduate level coursework.
Undergraduate students have been encouraged to attend nationals and regional scientific conferences.
Five undergraduate students attended the Southeastern Society of American Foresters annual meeting,
Pine Mountain, GA September 21-23, 2008. Others attended Mentoring of Diversity Undergraduate
Students at the Ecological Society of America’s annual meetings, Milwaukee, WI, Aug 2-8, 2008.
In 2010 a formal agreement between AAMU
Forestry, Wildlife and Ecology Program,
Alabama Forestry Commission and the US
Forest Service Southern region resulted in
the formation of a Wildland Fire Crew
known as the FireDawgs(Fig. 6). This is the
first USFS recognized Wildland fire crew
from a HBCU in the US. It has resulted in
additional employment opportunities for
both our graduate and undergraduate
Figure 6: AAMU FireDawgs safety meeting before executing Thomas
Farm Burn March 2010.
students to secure employment in Wildland Fire Agencies across the entire US. We are also seeking
partnership with the University of Florida Fire Lab (research into the effects of prescribed fire on
forested ecosystems), and the Alabama Nature Conservancy (Long Leaf Pine Restoration project) as well
as the Alabama Prescribed Fire Council (Mr. Lawson serves on the state board) to promote the use of
prescribed fire as a management tool to restore fire dependent forest ecosystems. The FireDawgs were
able to secure two grants totaling $50,000 from the USFS Southern Region to purchase the latest forest
fire equipment as well as Professional Liability and Workmen’s Compensation Insurance for the
students. In the first year of operation the FireDawgs were able to conduct seven prescribed fires on
private land totaling 310 acres. In 2011 the FireDawgs MOU with AFC and USFS will expand our coverage
area to 13 counties in north Alabama and will be on call for special fire details with both AFC and USFS
on a priority basis.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Another major educational activity of the CFEA was to implement NSF-REU program, “Mentoring Future
21st Century Researchers in the Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences”. CREST-CFEA was funded
by NSF to establish a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at AAMU in 2007. This
initiative involved co-PIs and research staff of the CREST-CFEA and the faculty members across the
Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Science (NRES) and a faculty member from
Department of Education. Each year during the summers of 2008-2010, students participated in various
research areas such as water quality, soil science, molecular biology, wildlife biology, plant
biotechnology, food microbiology, and microbial ecology. We had over 100 total applications from
around the country (Fig. 7), 32 were accepted with an average of eleven (11) students participating each
year. There were over 70 institutions represented through the applications during the three years of the
program and 20 different institutions that we collaborated with as their students were a part our REU
program. On average, more females (28) applied each year with about eight participating. This was
compared to an average of only ten males applying and 2.5 participating each year (Fig. 8). For the
duration of the program, we had an average of one freshman, four sophomores, two juniors and three
seniors each year (Fig. 8). Also each year, the REU program was comprised of an average of seven
African-Americans, three
Caucasians, and one Hispanics,
which made our program truly
diverse (Fig. 8).
The AAMU REU program was
unique in that each year, we had an
additional two students to
participate as part of a
supplemental grant that we
received from the NSF. These
students were either high school
juniors or seniors from Huntsville
area high schools. These students
were a part of the North Alabama
Center for Educational Excellence
(NACEE) and would be firstgeneration college students. Therefore, fostering their interest in our program and our university was
Each year the students were trained in scientific writing and ethics courses, as well as geographic
information systems and statistics. All of these programs were instrumental in preparing them to write
their required research papers and
Figure 6: Geographical Distribution of Applicants for AAMU REU Program.
present their research in a research
Green-REU Applicants for 2008, Orange-REU Applicants for 2009, Blue-REU
symposium. The students were also
Applicants for 2010.
required to take a web design class so
that they could construct their own web pages with information and pictures relating to their research
and all activities in which they were involved. After each year, the PI and Co-Pi published a document
that included all student papers from that year.
The AAMU REU program has had many successes and accomplishments. Several students have enrolled
in graduate school, two here at AAMU. Many of the students are still enrolled in their home institutions.
Three high school students have graduated; one is enrolled at Tuskegee University, one at Stillman
College and the other, here at AAMU. At AAMU, our motto is "Service is Sovereignty", and we believe
that our program has indeed provided a worthwhile learning experience to our REU participants that
they will carry with them throughout their lives.
Figure 7: Summary Graphs for REU
Student Organizations: Forestry Club, Environmental Science Club and ESASEEDS Chapter
The AAMU Forestry Club is open to undergraduate and graduate students. The Forestry Club is a student
chapter of the Society of American Foresters, a SEEDS Campus Ecology chapter of the Ecological Society
of America, and a member of the Association of Southern Forestry Clubs (ASFC). The Forestry Club has
numerous professional and service activities throughout the year. CFEA graduate and undergraduate
students traveled to professional forestry meetings to present their research as well as to compete in
quiz bowls, technical forestry events, and physical forestry events. Some of these occur at the annual
Southern Forestry Conclave. The AAMU Forestry Club hosted the Southern Forestry Conclave in March
2009. This event showcased our forestry program and facilities to the other 15 ASFC member
institutions, the large land‐grant universities in the southeastern US. It also provided our students with
numerous opportunities for leadership in planning and preparing for the event. Also, it created
excitement about forestry‐related activities and careers among our student body and enhanced our
recruitment efforts.
Over 250 participants witnessed the growing capacity of our forestry program at AAMU to sponsor such
an event. It also provided our students with numerous opportunities for leadership in planning and
preparing for the event. The event created excitement about forestry-related activities and careers
among our student body and enhanced our recruitment efforts. Drs. Stone, Naka, and Dimov, all
involved in implementing CFEA education goals, played important roles during the conclave as the club’s
faculty advisors.
Dr. Dimov and two undergraduate students that have worked for CFEA this year travelled to the Harvard
Forest long-term ecological research station this year to participate with minority students from other
universities in this week-long training program sponsored by the Ecological Society of America – SEEDS
program. When they returned, the students both gave oral presentations to the other members of our
forestry club about their trip.
Birmingham Water Works Board (BWWB)
In 2009 and 2010 the timber and natural resource inventory was completed on 2,000 acres of forestland
owned by the BWWB in Blount, Jefferson and Shelby Counties in Alabama. CFEA students were trained
in field exercises on timber cruising, timber marking, and boundary and harvest area location marking.
The inventory data was summarized and entered into T-Cruise software for generating reports and
recommendations on natural resource management to BWWB for implementation. CFEA Students
completed the wildlife survey of the property to include recommendations for leasing hunting rights,
managing trespass, and poaching issues. In addition a habitat improvement plan was submitted for
approval and implementation.
Environment Mentors Program
The CREST project has formed partnerships with a local high school –Johnson High School (JHS), the
National Council of Science and the Environment, and North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence
to carry out a national college access program known as the Environmentors Program. The
Environmentors Program prepares high school students from under-represented backgrounds for
college degree programs in environmental and related science fields.
To carry out this college access program, we identified a local high school (Johnson High School in
Huntsville, AL) where the majority of the students are from underrepresented communities. Students
from such demographics are considered to be more likely to have less access to college education, and
may not have interest in science and the environment as a career.
We reached an agreement with JHS administration to make arrangements for students from the 11th
and 12th Grade to be mentored by Alabama A&M University professors, many of whom are PIs or
Collaborators of the CREST Project.
We then teamed with a minority education advocate group - North Alabama Center for Educational
Excellence, NACEE, to help with the logistics of transporting the students to and from their school to
Alabama A&M University campus.
We matched minority high school students with our CREST PIs and Collaborators in one-to-one
mentoring relationships. Working together, the students and their mentors developed science research
projects over the course of the four months that we ran the program.
Accreditation Review
The FEWP underwent its re-accreditation review by the Society of American Foresters in April 2008.
Most of the faculty in FEWP, including the CFEA Director (Wang), FEWP Coordinator (K. Ward) and
Assistant Coordinator (Stone) are major faculty participants in CFEA. Additionally, Mr. Daryl Lawson,
CFEA manager, is a member of FEWP. During the review, FEWP’s role in CFEA was discussed, in
particular the contribution by CFEA toward undergraduate training of forestry students. Several forestry
majors have supported CFEA projects, through lab and field work, which has in turn contributed to the
quality of their educational experiences (see undergraduate personnel). The review team commented
positively on CFEA and recognized it as an important contributor to the vitality and strength of FEWP.
During the CFEW SAF Accreditation audit, many of our graduates returned to give evidence of the
quality of education received and the type and quality of their research projects experienced while
attending AAMU. The reports from the graduates were very positive, with many of them already in
middle management positions. Our partners testified of the quality of the graduates and many of them
having completed research before the NSF CREST funding was awarded to CFEA. Our current students
were also interviewed and they testified to the quality of their experiences here at AAMU. The FEWP
was re-accredited for an additional five years in November, 2008.
Acquire New Equipment and Facilities
CFEA has allowed us acquire additional equipment and facilities over the last six years by leveraging
other grants and capital support. Recently, we acquired a large motor boat (and related water sampling
equipment) to assist the rapidly growing fisheries and aquatic ecology program. Additional storage
cabinets have been purchased by the state to house our expanding wildlife specimen collections.
The purchase of a large capacity full color printer, copier, and scanner has greatly increased our capacity
to produce brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, press releases, etc. This printer was purchased through
the BWWB grant and is available online to all CFEW and CFEA personnel. A small highly portable
computer projector for use in recruiting efforts, outreach presentations, and thesis defenses has been
purchased through the BWWB grant. This unit is available for check out by any student, staff, or faculty
within the Department of Natural Resources at AAMU for use when traveling or for use in one of the
smaller conference rooms not equipped with a projection system. We purchased a 4-wheel drive field
vehicle whose cost was shared by the CREST-Vegetation thrust area ($12,100, or about 70% of the
vehicle cost) and from a USDA grant led by Dr. Wang ($5,917, or about 30% of the vehicle cost).
In a related effort, CFEA partnered with the Bankhead National Forest to secure two Federal Emergency
Management Agency surplus trailers for housing students, faculty and staff while conducting CREST and
related research and educational efforts on the Bankhead National Forest. These trailers now provide
for housing for CFEA researchers and help to reduce the cost of travel as well as providing a place to get
out of the elements and provide refreshment and rest. To provide a permanent solution to the housing
and lab space requirements, we have parented with the Bankhead National Forest Liaison Panel and the
Nature Conservancy to secure land and construct a field station on private land in the Bankhead
National Forest. We have made application for an NSF planning grant to provide additional funds to
make this project a reality.
The Center continued to sponsor and coordinates the CREST-CFEA-USDA-FS seminar series. These
seminars are designed to bring in research leaders and experts in forestry, ecology, soil science,
molecular science, and wildlife research to promote the scholastics and research collaborations with
researchers from other universities and agencies, and among faculty members on AAMU campus. As
the results of these communications and exchanges, several research and educational collaborations
were initiated including proposals developed jointly by faculty members at AAMU and some of the
seminar speakers. Several seminar speakers are currently advising graduate students supported by the
center by serving as the members of graduate committees. Following is a list of seminars organized by
CREST during the past fiscal year (Table 2).
Table 2: CREST seminars
March 6, 2009
Feb. 6, 2009
Dec. 5, 2008
Nov. 21, 2008
Oct. 31, 2008
Effects of climate change and landcover change on terrestrial carbon
dynamics at multiple spatial scales:
experiments and simulation modeling
Biotic and abiotic controls on
ecosystem structure and function in a
changing world
Population and Community
Responses of Birds to Urbanization
Dr. H. Chen
University of Illinois at
Dr. A. Classen
University of Tennessee,
Dr. John Marzluff
Diversity in Urban Forestry: A
Canadian Perspective
Large-scale spread of exotic plants:
the joint effects of biodiversity and
human activity
Dr. Mike Rosen
University of Washington
(Due to airplane problem He
failed to present at AAMU)
President of Tree Canada
Dr. Q. Guo
Eastern Forest Environmental
Threat Assessment Center, US
Forest Service
Global Climate Change and Chinese
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Conservation Science, planning and
Prof. G. Zhou
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof. Thomas E.
Lacher Jr
Texas A & M University
Mar 14, 2008
Complexity of Coupled Dynamics of
Human and Natural Ecosystems:
Linking science to society
Prof. Larry Li
Univ. of California, Riverside
Feb 8, 2008
Ecohydrology in a changing world
Dr. J. Warren
Oak Ridge National Lab
Nov. 30, 2007
Research at Coweeta Hydrologic
Laboratory: Long‐term Effects of
Forest Management on Soil Carbon
and Nutrients
Dr. Jennifer D.
USDA Forest Service‐SRS,
Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory
April 25, 2008
April 11, 2008
Sept 14, 2007
Oct 28, 2005
Oct 21, 2005
Sept 30, 2005
Challenges for Avian Conservation in
South Carolina – A Retrospective on a
Decade of Nongame Bird Research
Habitat restoration and herpetofauna
Dr. J. Drew
Kenneth Dod
Clemson University,
Department of Forestry and
Natural Resources
Aldrich Preston
Michael Roberts
Benedictine College
Michigan State University
Nov 4, 2005
Molecular ecology/biology
Graduate Experience/career
Research at Coweeta LTER
James Vose
USDA Forest Service SRS
Nov 18, 2005
Hardwood Forest Management
John Hodges
Mississippi State University
Jan 28, 2006
Forest Fire Ecology
Mary Authur
University of Kentucky
April 28, 2006
DNA sequencing for red oaks and
implications to forest management
Winds, clouds, and cloud forest
Jeanne Romero
Robert Lawton
University of Notre Dame
University of Alabama
May 19, 2006
Computational Ecology
Louis Gross
University of Tennessee
International Exchange Program in China
Under the leadership of CFEA faculty members Drs. Yong Wang, Zachary Senwo, and Xiongwen Chen,
the proposal “Strengthening Minority Global Perspectives: Collaborative Partnerships with China in
Agricultural Research and Education” was funded by the International Science Education Program of
the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture in 2009. The program is designed to develop an
international program with China in agricultural and environmental sciences at Alabama A&M University
(AAMU). The goal is to provide opportunities for faculty and students through cultural, educational, and
research interactions with Chinese students and faculty at Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) and other
institutions and to strengthen AAMU’s capacities to develop globally competent faculty and students.
The objectives are to 1) provide opportunities to develop students’ global awareness, perspectives and
experiential learning to enhance their
competitiveness and 2) enhance scientific
research and teaching capabilities of AAMU
faculty via exposures to international
resources and technologies. The program is
envisioned to assist in attracting students and
enhance recruitment in agricultural and
environmental majors. Research conducted
jointly will establish critical links for solutions
to agricultural and environmental problems
facing both countries.
Six faculty members and three students
associated with CFEA visited and acquired
research, educational, cultural, and language
experience in China from June 18 to July 14,
2010. This year's trip had the participations of Drs. Yong Wang (Project Director), Zachary Senwo,
Xiongwen Chen, Robert Taylor, Govind Sharma, Wubishet Tadesse and students Dawn Lemke, Na-Asia
Ellis, and Jasmine Mitchell. A memorandum of understanding was developed between the College of
Forestry and Environment Science of Nanjing Forestry University and the School of Agricultural and
Figure 8: AAMU and NFU meeting
Environmental Sciences of AAMU (Fig. 9). Dr. Robert Taylor was also awarded the honorary
professorship by the Nanjing Forestry University. Several research and teaching initiatives are currently
on going and includes development of a REU-China program with NSF funding. This trip also featured
visits to other universities and research institutions including Beijing Forestry University, China
Agricultural University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Institute of Botany of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Soil Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai
Research Institute of Landscape Gardening. The team also visited several research sites and several
companies which focus on developing and manufacturing wood and bamboo products. To better
understand China’s history, culture and recent developments, the team also visited some historical sites
such as the Great Wall, Ming's Tomb, Summer Palace, Forbidden City, and the City of Shanghai.
Project of Undergraduate Research Mentoring in Environmental Biology
Under the leadership of Drs. Govind Sharma, Yong Wang and Elica Moss, a proposal of establishing a
Undergraduate Research Mentoring site at AAMU was submitted to NSF early this year. NSF has
approved the funding. This project further strengthens and expands CFEA’s capacity in educational
leadership and will train future biological scientists with focus on environmental biology (EB@aamu).
Environmental Biology as addressed includes the interactive study of biological organisms and their
environments. The students and their mentors will participate in diverse sub-organismal, organismal,
community and landscape ecological projects. Their research will be hypothesis-driven and will have an
interdisciplinary component. The examples of research spheres selected include metagenomics of forest
soils, plant nematode interactions in the rhizosphere, landscape analysis of plant communities and
wildlife habitats utilizing Lidar and GIS techniques; migratory nature of birds (12 such projects). Daily
student contact with the academic research advisor as well as the students and graduate students in the
research and mentoring group is anticipated. The mentors will receive training in mentoring. Students
will be engaged from their freshmen level in the URM sponsored activities include guest and student
seminars/ journal club and research group meetings, informal get-togethers with the research and
academic mentors. Students from eight degree programs and four junior colleges will be selected to
enter in the URM effort in the summer following their sophomore year and will remain in the program
for 24 consecutive months. Initially they will be observed and engaged in a lab rotation prior to their
formal entry in the URM effort. We anticipate 75% of our students to be African Americans because of
the composition of AAMU’s undergraduate student body but strategies to attract other minority and
majority students are outlined. Broadening participation to us also refers to broadening of our students
who are mostly from rural high schools. This will be attained through exposure to our diverse graduate
students and to equally diverse faculty members. We are proposing a staggered entry of cohort groups;
each experiencing two summer terms and four academic semesters each. Student will also receive
assistance from the two advisors in identifying future graduate training, assistantship and fellowship
opportunities. We are currently conducting preparation work and student selections.
Major Research Findings
During the last six years, CFEA has strategically brought our diverse faculty expertise to
focus on hardwood forest ecosystem responses to disturbances in five multi-disciplinary
thrusts: Vegetative Community (VC), Macro-invertebrate and Vertebrate Communities
(MVC), Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling (BNC), Molecular Biology (MB), and Human
Dimensions (HD). Each was composed of faculty, students, research staff, and external
collaborators and emphasized research of sustaining short- and long-term forest health
and restoration of native upland forest communities. We used NSF-CREST funding to
leverage more research and grants and achieved greater capacity and outcomes
enabling us to initiate novel scientific disciplines such as herpetology and fishery
research. The teams worked at a common site in the Bankhead National Forest (BNF),
microcosm of the upland hardwood forests of the southern Cumberland Plateau. Forest
manipulation treatments consisted of three thinning levels and three burn levels (9
treatments). These treatments affected the overstory and understory structures and
composition. We were able to applying some new technologies such as LiDaR) and color
infrared (CIR) remotely sensed data to determine forest characteristics. Forest thinning
treatment created a microclimate gradient from warm and dry conditions on thinning
sites to cooler and more humid controls. The most species-rich plots of wildlife were
consistently those with intermediate tree thinning. For examples, there was an
abundance increase of shrub nesting and foliage foraging birds and bats and other small
mammals at the thinning treatments. Radiotelemetry data revealed that while some
wildlife movement patterns and home-range sizes were not affected by tree removal,
but microhabitat use was. Soil samples suggested that soil microbial community
structure and composition were affected more by the burning treatments. For
examples, prescribed burning alone led to increases in total C, N, and pH values, while
thinning increased Na and decreased K concentrations in rhizosphere. In addition,
burning affect soil physical structures and property: the clay fraction of the burned soil
showed signs of mineral weathering, probably because the interlayered-hydroxy
vermiculite had collapsed. The molecular them established a panel of PCR markers for
screening red oak individuals and populations of the southern Cumberland Plateau. A
total of 3,499 Northern Red Oak expressed sequence tags (ESTs) was submitted to the
GenBank. A preliminary screening of 50 nuclear SSR markers was performed using highthroughput PCR and resolution through polyacrylamide gels (PAGE); of the 50 markers,
25 were selected for their ability to amplify putative allelic fragments in three or more
species. Human Dimensions (HD) team developed databases containing population and
census data, Digital-Ortho photo quadrangles, soil data, aerial photographs, digital
elevation models, LiDaR and geological data for CFEA’s three study. These data were
used by scientists of all thrust areas through a server for projects such as identifying
physiographic characteristics of the BNF, wildlife home range, producing specific site
maps, and developed annual rainfall and soil moisture indices. These indices are being
utilized for predicting forest productivity and amphibian and other wildlife distributions.
The team explored the relationships of human actors and social choices that influenced
ecosystem processes and policies. Two different classes of interest groups influenced
collaborative community relationships: the constituent groups, and the non-constituent
groups. The team examined the social and economic impacts of activities on forest
ecosystem and compared the ecological and economic consequences of conventional
and cut-to-length harvesting system in the upland hardwood forest ecosystems of the
southern Cumberland Plateau under different fire disturbance.
The major findings advanced our understanding of the impact of anthropogenic forest
disturbances on forest ecosystem as a whole and its individual components. The
research activities have greatly enhanced CFEA’s research capacities. Some of the
indications included (1) faculty members are now conducting research in areas that
were not possible before the CFEA; (2) they are more effectively leveraging extramural
funds to extend CFEA’s research and educational mission, ~$2.7 million/year were
awarded to faculty affiliated with the Center by agencies such as USDA, EPA, DOE, NASA,
the State of Alabama, and NSF, (3) pursuing active collaborations within AAMU and
with external organizations, and (4) increasing research outputs as reflected by active
presentation of research results at international, national, and regional conferences and
publishing in peer-reviewed journals and other targeted outlets. The examples of
significant grants include: “Genomic resources for the study of cotton‐reniform
nematode Interactions” (2007, NSF >$1million), “Using biochemical and molecular
techniques to investigate nitrogen transformations” (2008, USDA ~$1million),
“Cumulative effects of drought and urbanization on the Flint River watershed ecosystem”
(2008, USDA $0.5 million). Through these projects, CFEA has established strategic
collaborations with federal and state agencies, private industries, and nongovernment
organizations. For example, the collaboration with FS is integral to CFEA’s research
initiatives for experimentally testing research hypotheses related to disturbance
ecology; the SRS’s Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management Research Unit, under
the leadership of Dr. Callie Schweitzer, worked closely with AAMU PIs, students, and
Thrust Area I – Flora
Thrust Area 1 examined the woody and herbaceous species dynamics in response to the
silvicultural restoration treatments. The data is collected in the field and through remote
sensing. It includes species composition, species abundance, tree dimensions and locations, and
tree regeneration, among many others.
The objectives of Thrust Area 1, as listed in the proposal, were to:
1. Determine the effects of fire frequency on plant community structure, composition,
productivity and dynamics in mixed stands in the Southern Cumberland Plateau.
2. Determine the effects of overstory stand density on plant community structure,
composition, productivity and dynamics in mixed stands in the Southern Cumberland
3. Determine the interaction of fire frequency and overstory stand density on plant community
structure, composition, productivity and dynamics in mixed stands in the Southern
Cumberland Plateau.
4. Test current and emerging remote sensing technology to determine its ability characterize
forest structure and composition as well as detect natural and anthropogenic disturbances
and the subsequent recovery of forest ecosystems.
Overall there was significant interaction effect of prescribed burn and thinning on the overall
plant cover, diversity, and on herbaceous species cover after the first post-treatment growing
season. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and color infrared (CIR) remotely-sensed data
allowed us to determine some stand characteristics such as height and gaps, and to spatially
separate pines and hardwoods.
The experimental design is a 2 x 2 factorial randomized complete block design with 9
replications grouped in 4 blocks. The nine treatments were combinations of thinning and
burning (Table 1).
Table 1: Experimental treatments.
Treatment Number
Prescribed Burning
Burn 8-10 years
Burn 3-5 years
Overstory Removal
Reduce to 17 m /ha
Burn 3-5 years
Reduce to 11m /ha
Burn 3-5 years
Reduce to 17 m /ha
Burn 8-10 years
Reduce to 11 m /ha
Burn 8-10 years
Reduce to 17 m /ha
Reduce to 11m /ha
The thinning was carried out during the growing season of 2005 (block 1), 2006 (blocks 2 and 3),
and 2007 (block 4). When thinning and burning were applied to the same stand, the burning was
carried out between February and March of the dormant season following the thinning.
The measurements we carry out involve the collection of a wide range of biotic and abiotic
variables. Woody vegetation plots, each 0.08 ha in size, were established in 2005 and 2006 by
the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station Research Work Unit with support from
researchers at Alabama A&M University and were systematically placed throughout each of the
stands (Figure 1) to measure woody vegetation response, especially hardwood regeneration.
Plot locations were recorded with a GPS and were permanently marked at their center with
rebar. The tree regeneration was tallied by species and size class (0-1 feet, 1-2 feet, 2-3 feet, 3-4
feet, and taller than 4 feet, but less than 1.5 inch diameter at breast height (d.b.h. – 4.5 feet
above ground)) on 0.01 acre plots (regeneration plot). Species and diameter of both mid-story
trees (d.b.h. - 1.5 to 5.6 inches) and the over-story trees (d.b.h. > 5.6 inches) were recorded on
0.025 acre plots. The over-story trees were measured on the largest plot (0.2 acre). There were
a total of 36 stands with 5 such plots per stand (Figure 1), for a total of 180 plots. All mid-story
and over-story trees were tagged and their location was mapped by measuring the distance and
azimuth from plot center to the tree. This allowed the trees stumps to be relocated, even if they
were cut or the stump was removed or covered by debris. Additional measurements included
tree height of selected trees, slope, aspect, canopy cover, damage to the residual trees, as well
as amount and type of forest fuels.
The ground layer vegetation sampling was carried out in subplots located inside the 0.08 ha
plots as show on Figure 1.
3 m2
( > 9 ha)
square area
Plot Center (PC)
1 m2
0.08 ha vegetation plots
0.08 ha
vegetation plot
Distances to PC from sample
Figure 1: Schematic drawing of treatment stand with
five 0.08 ha plots (left) and the ground layer vegetation sampling plots
square area
and distance from the plot center (right).
Sampling within each plot followed the sampling procedures initially developed by Joel Zak (Zak,
2008). The sampling area per plot was 105 m2 during the first two seasons, but was decreased to
80 m2 following Zak’s findings that 70m2 is sufficient to capture 90% of species in an average
stand (Zak, 2008).
The ground layer vegetation studies involved quantifying the percent foliar cover for all vascular
plants occurring below 1.4 m over an area of 16 m2 systematically located within the vegetation
plots. Within each plot, one 1.0 m2 subplot is located at 3.0 m and three 1.0 m2 subplots are
located at 15.0 m from plot center in each cardinal direction. The inner subplots that are north,
east, south, and west from plot center are arranged with the lower left, upper left, upper right,
and lower right corners, respectively, laying over the point that is 3.0 m from the plot center
(Figure 1). For the outer suplots, we divided a 4.0 m2 square area whose center lies over a point
15.0 m from the plot center into 4 equal squares. We located a subplot in 3 of those squares,
excluding the lower left, upper left, upper right and lower right 1 m2 square plot from the 4 m2
plots located to the north, east, south, and west of plot center, respectively (Figure 1). Every
vascular plant present in the subplot was recorded for foliar cover regardless of whether or not
it was rooted in the subplot. Ground cover variables such as pine and broadleaf litter, down
woody debris (where the diameter is over 2.5cm), tree bole, mineral soil, nonvascular plants,
and old skid rows were given a cover estimate after foliar cover was estimated. All plants were
identified to species whenever possible.
Objectives 1-3 Responses of forest vegetation
Overstory trees following thinning and burning treatments
Overstory Composition and Structure. We measured 10,448 trees with diameters that ranged
from 5.6 inches to 24.3 inches. Twenty-three different species were identified in these plots.
There were three pine species, dominated by loblolly, with a smaller portion of Virginia (P.
virginiana Mill.) and shortleaf (P. echinata Mill.). Other species included upland oaks (chestnut
oak, white oak, northern red oak, scarlet oak, black oak and southern red oak), yellow-poplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera L.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), and black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.).
We found no significant differences for basal area (BA) (P=0.31) and stems per acre (SPA)
(P=0.5801) among the 9 treatments prior to treatment implementation. Basal area in the study
stands ranged from 122 feet2acre-1 to 139 feet2acre-1 (standard deviation 10.8-21.4), and SPA
were 265-306 stem acre-1 (std 27-75) (See Tables 2 and 3). Pretreatment stand BA was
dominated by loblolly pine, which accounted for 87 percent of the BA and 85 percent of the
SPA. Data are presented by block to assist research partners who are engaged in other aspects
of this large study. The percent of total BA and SPA for upland oaks was 7 and 8, for yellowpoplar 6 and 5, and for red maple and black cherry, 2 and 3, respectively.
Table 2: Basal area (feet2acre-1) for trees greater than 5.5 inches dbh, pre- and post-treatment averages by block
Basal areapretreatment
Block2 Block3 Block4
Basal areaposttreatment
Block2 Block3 Block4
The prescribed burning had no effect on overstory composition and structure (P=0.67), and
there were no burn by thinning interactions (P=0.70). Only one fire has been implemented to
date. Fires burned 70 percent of our plots, had a mean maximum temperature of 220 °F, spread
at a rate of 10 feet per minute, and were not intense (heat index, the sum of temperature above
90 °F averaged 21,000°F). The thinning treatments resulted in three significant different BA and
SPA. Unthinned stands had 132 feet2acre-1 of BA and 286 SPA, the light thinned had 68
feet2acre-1 and 113 SPA, and the heavy thinned stands had 51 feet2acre-1 and 84 SPA. Although
the light thinned stands resulted in 7 less BA than was the goal, the overall objective of creating
three distinct residual BA was achieved. The majority of the reduction in BA came from the
removal of pine; in the light thinning, pine BA was reduced from 118 to 85 feet2acre-1, and in the
heavy thinning from 113 to 40 feet2acre-1. Some hardwood BA was also affected by the thinning
treatments. For the upland oaks, light thinning reduced total BA from 8 to 7 feet2acre-1, and
heavy thinning from 9 to 7 feet2acre-1. Yellow-poplar BA was similarly reduced, from 8 to 4
feet2acre-1 in light thinned stands and from 8 to 2 feet2acre-1 in heavy thinned stands.
Table 3: Stems per acre of trees greater than 5.5 inches dbh, pre- and post-treatment averages by block
Stems per acrepretreatment
Block2 Block3 Block4
Stems per acrePost-treatment
Block2 Block3 Block4
These young stands contained predominately smaller diameter trees, and thinning targeted
those trees in the 6 to 12 inch diameter classes. There were few tallied trees of any species with
a d.b.h greater than 18 inches for the 24 stands that were thinned. For both the heavy and light
thinned treatments, pine SPA in the 6-inch d.b.h class was reduced 90 percent and 6-inch oak by
38 percent. There was a 78 percent reduction in 8-inch pine and a 65 percent reduction in 10inch pines (Figure 2). Oak in the 8-inch class declined 17 percent and 10-inch oak was reduced
by 42 percent (Figure 3).
Stems per acre
50_pre Heavy
75_pre Light
50_post heavy
75_post Light
Diameter classes in inches
Figure 2: Pre- and post-treatment pine stems per acre for light (75 feet2acre-1 retention goal) and heavy (50
feet2acre-1) thinning treatments.
Stems per acre
Diameter classes in inches
Figure 3: Pre- and post-treatment oak stems per acre for light (75 feet2acre-1 retention goal) and heavy (50
feet2acre-1) thinning treatments.
Damage. In the thinned stands, 12 percent of the residual trees had damage attributable to
logging activities. There was no difference in the frequency of damage between the light and
heavy thinned stands, with the light thinned stands having an average of 12 wounded residual
SPA and the heavy having 10 wounded residual SPA (P=0.13). Epicormic branching was assessed
for the residual hardwood species only. There was no significant difference among the three
harvest treatments for the number of residual hardwood SPA that displayed epicorminc
branching (P=0.70). In the light thinned treatment, 24 percent of the residuals had some
epicormic branching, which averaged 21 branches per tree. In the heavy thinned treatment, 41
percent of hardwood residuals epicormically branched, averaging 18 branches per tree. On
average, 57 percent of hardwood stumps sprouted after one growing season; sprouting stumps
averaged 11 sprouts with an average height of 3 feet.
Canopy Cover. We estimated the change in the light environment in the understory using three
methods. Densiometer-derived canopy cover estimates, averaging 93 percent, did not differ
among the stands prior to harvest (P=0.34). Postharvest cover for the control stands (93
percent) was significantly greater than the light (68 percent) and heavy thinned (66 percent)
stands (P=0.002). The amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) penetrating these
canopies showed a similar trend. Ceptometer data, representing the amount of full sun
penetrating the canopy relative to readings obtained in the open, showed that PAR was similar
for the light (43 percent of full sun) and heavy thinned stands (52 percent of full sun)
posttreatment, and the treated stands differed from the control (9 percent of full sun)
(P<0.001). A global site factor (GSF) was obtained from analysis of hemispherical photographs
taken at each vegetation plot center. The GSF also corresponds with the percentage of total
PAR reaching a site relative to a site in the open. There were no GSF differences among
treatments prior to harvest (P=0.09). Post-harvest GSF was greater for the light (33 percent)
and heavy (38 percent) thinned stands compared to the control (23 percent) (P=0.004).
Dormant season fires had no effect on the over-story species composition or structure, and
there were no interactions among fire and thinning for over-story attributes. Fire and fuel
characteristics were documented at each vegetation subplot. Eighty percent of the plots in the
prescribed burn treatments were burned, and mean maximum temperatures ranged from 61.1-
157.8 °C. Heat index levels, a measure of intensity, were low, and the fire rate of spread was 0.320.1 m per minute.
Red maple (Acer rubrum) response to prescribed burning
For many years, researchers and natural resource managers have promoted fire as a tool that
will restore the oak component to upland hardwood forests. However, empirical evidence is
often conflicting due to differences in study design among experiments, and long-term studies
are rare. Results from several studies suggest that prescribed burning alone, without additional
disturbances involving overstory tree harvesting, will not significantly promote oak regeneration
over the short-term. These studies indicate prescribed burning is an inefficient tool for altering
species composition in the understory; however, site-specific research needs to be conducted
before broad recommendations can be made regarding the applicability of prescribed burning
as a management tool to enhance the oak component in upland hardwood forests. The
objective of this study was to examine if the prescribed burning treatments were effective at
reducing competition from a primary oak competitor, red maple (Acer rubrum L.).
The prescribed burns were relatively similar in mean maximum temperature across blocks, but
were highly variable within stands. The overall mean of fire temperature was 181ºF, but plots
ranged in mean maximum temperature from 98º F to 308º F across all blocks. Block 1 had the
most consistent burn pattern with all plots burning, and this block had higher maximum fire
temperatures than all other blocks. Block 2 had the lowest recorded temperatures and the
fewest number of plots that burned (n=2) (Table 4).
Table 4: Mean maximum temperature, standard error, and range for each block and across blocks.
Mean maximum
temperature (ºF)
Standard error
Range (ºF)
We did not detect any pre-treatment differences in red maple midstory or understory tree
density between control and prescribed burn treatments. Stands had approximately 1460 trees
per acre of small seedlings (< 1 foot height), and density changes between the prescribed burn
and control units following treatment implementation was not significant. Large seedlings (> 1
foot, < 4 feet height) increased 930 trees per acre after prescribed burning in the burn
treatment and increased 10 trees per acre in the control treatment; however, difference in
density changes between treatments were not significant at the 0.05 level (P=0.07). Prescribed
burning decreased the abundance of small saplings (> 4 feet height, < 1.5 inches dbh) by 120
trees per acre, and the control treatments showed an increase of 95 small saplings per acre;
however, differences in small sapling density changes between prescribed burn and control
treatments was not significant (P=0.11). Large sapling (1.5-5.5 inches dbh) density was
approximately 200 trees per acre after treatment implement on both control and prescribed
burn treatments, and density changes between treatments were not significant.
Within the 0.025 plots, we could not use maximum fire temperature to significantly explain the
variation in density changes for red maple in any size class (R2< 0.22, P>0.28) or to explain
variation in large sapling mortality and sprouting occurrence (R2=0.06 and 0.0005, respectively,
P=0.41 and 0.94, respectively). Char height was selected as the only significant variable that
explained variation in number of new sprouts from saplings after prescribed burning (R2=0.24,
P=0.01). The model predicts that number of new sprouts following burning was positively
related to char height using the equation given below.
yˆ = -7.3 + 20.2b
Of the 42 saplings that we tallied, 20 percent had crown dieback and 43 percent produced new
sprouts following the burn. Average number of new sprouts following prescribed burning was 10
per tree, but could be as high as 97. Using logistic regression, sapling dbh, wound volume, char
height, and maximum fire temperature around the base of the tree could not be used to explain
the probably of sapling mortality (P>0.45) or occurrence of crown dieback (P>0.34).
Forest regeneration
Of the examined species and species groups, red maple was the most common seedling with an
average of almost 1473 stems/ac and 642 stems/ac in the < 1 ft and > 1 ft sizes, respectively.
This is hardly surprising, considering that red maple, one of the most abundant trees in eastern
North America, is relatively more shade tolerant than the majority of the species it associates
with. The oak seedlings were just over a half as many as the red maple seedlings (53 percent) in
the < 1 ft size class, but 71 percent in the > 1 ft and dbh < 1.5 in. indicating the oaks’ relatively
higher survival, faster growth in the current conditions, or both. Although blackgum is
considered shade tolerant, while oaks are considered to be relatively intolerant, there were
fewer blackgum seedlings than there were oaks. Blackgum and hickory seedlings were the third
and fourth, respectively, most abundant seedling on the studied plots. Yellow poplar seedlings
were found on only 20 of the 45 plots and averaged 96 stems/ac. The oak seedlings in the
understory (advance regeneration) represent a desirable stand component and together with
the stump and root sprouts are the main source for oak following overstory removal.
An ordination (we used non-metric multidimensional scaling) represented 88 percent of the
dataset variation. The analysis resulted in a three-dimensional solution (i.e., three axes) with
thirty-eight percent loaded on axis 1, 23 percent on axis 2, and 27 percent on axis 3. The first
and strongest ordination axis was negatively related to the abundance of oaks, regardless of
their species, grouping, or size class. Of the other variables most also showed a negative
relation, although a weaker one, while ACRU<1 (red maples under 1 ft tall), ACRU>1, and
NYSY>1 (Nyssa silvatica) had some positive correlation with axis 1. The second ordination axis
was positively related to the abundance of the hickory regeneration, regardless of regeneration
size class. NYSY<1 and LITU (Liriodendron tulipifera) were also positively correlated with axis 2,
though not as strongly as the hickories. ACRU>1 had a stronger relationship with axis 2 than
with axis 1 and it was in the opposite direction. The oaks were all negatively, though much
weakly, correlated with axis 2 than they were with axis 1. The third axis was dominated by a
positive relationship with ACRU<1. The oaks and hickories were generally negatively correlated
to axis 3.
The gradients in regeneration abundance and composition were related to the forest structure
as described by the overstory species and basal area. The first axis was positively correlated with
the overstory pine basal area in the 0.025 ac plots, 0.2 ac plots, and the proportion of basal area
in pine. The total tree basal area on the plots of these sizes was also positively related to axis 1.
The hardwood basal area, however, showed a negative relationship with this axis. The second
and third axes were less closely related to forest overstory structure than axis 1 was. Most
notably, the second axis was most strongly (and negatively) correlated with SN_0.025 and SN_P,
while the third axis showed some negative correlation with both ACRU_0.025 and ACRU_0.2.
The gradient in regeneration abundance of hardwood species, especially the oak regeneration,
appeared to be highly negatively related to the amount of basal area in pine that was within and
immediately surrounding the 0.01 ac plots. Additionally, the high proportion of the basal area in
pine appeared to be detrimental to the successful regeneration and growth of oaks and other
hardwoods. The proportion of basal area in pine was even more negatively correlated with
hardwood regeneration than was the total basal area. This suggests that it is not only the
overstory density, but also the overstory composition that seems to be important for the
successful regeneration and survival of natural hardwood regeneration. The higher the
proportion of hardwood basal area, at least within the range examined in this study, the better
the chance for an abundant oak and other hardwood regeneration. An exception was the
relatively shade tolerant and light-seeded red maple, whose regeneration did not appear to be
negatively related to the higher pine basal area. The overstory basal area, whether pine or
hardwood, in the 0.025 ac plots was more related to the regeneration abundance than was the
basal area in the larger 0.2 ac plots indicating that the overstory composition and density within
and immediately outside of the regeneration plots is more important for the regeneration
abundance than are the same overstory variables in the larger plots. Therefore, microsite
conditions appear to be of more importance for hardwood natural regeneration survival and
growth than overall stand averages. The observed relationships with the weaker second and
third axes raise some interesting questions regarding the negative association of the snag basal
area on the 0.025 ac plots and the proportion of the basal area in snags with the second axis,
which turns out to be related to the abundance of hickory regeneration. The association of the
number of ACRU>1 with the second axis, however, does appear easier to explain, as the high
amount of snag basal means more open overstory and better red maple seedling survival.
Another interesting result is the strong correlation of ACRU<1 with axis 3, which appears to be
negatively correlated with the red maple basal area. These relationships are somewhat difficult
to interpret, considering that the forest structure does not seem to be as strongly correlated
with the second and third ordination axes. Further examination of aspect, microtopographic
position, and other abiotic factors will be considered for addition and is expected to provide
further insight into the forces that drive the presence and abundance of regeneration from
valuable hardwood species.
Herbaceous vegetation
The average cover and frequency for the five most frequently occurring species of three life
forms in the studied 25 mixed pine-hardwood stands at the Bankhead National Forest are listed
in below.
Table 5: Cover and frequency of the five most frequently occurring plant species.
Life form and scientific name
Berchemia scandens (Hill) K.Koch
Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) Ait.
Smilax rotundifolia L.
Rhus radicans L.
Vitis rotundifolia Michx.
Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh
Lespedeza procumbens Michx.
Mitchella repens L.
Polystichum acrostichoides (Mich.) Schott
Solidago arguta Ait.
Carex picta Steud. *
Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Ex Roemer & J.A.
Scleria oligantha Michx.
Stipa avenacea L.
Chasmanthium sessiliflorum (Poir.) Yates
Common name
yellow jessamine
roundleaf greenbrier
poison ivy
creeping bush clover
partridge berry
christmas fern
Atlantic goldenrod
Boott’s sedge
poverty oat-grass
nut rush
/* not found in Radford and others (1968); accepted by ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System)
Zak (2008 CFEA masters student) reported on the major findings related to the ground layer
vegetation. Capturing at least 90% of the species within a stand could be accomplished by
sampling 70 subplots of 1 m2 each and locating them systematically throughout the stand.
Approximately 40% of the herb species in the ground layer occurred in fewer than 3 stands in
this study, making them infrequent and patchy. The total number of species, average cover, and
ground layer diversity was relatively low in the study stands, similarly to findings for other xeric
mixed hardwood and pine-hardwood stands in the southern Appalachians and where species
richness was approximately 200. Although burn history, aspect, and moisture were reported to
be strongly related to ground vegetation prior to any silvicultural treatments, they were poor
predictors of overall cover, species richness and diversity in the stands at BNF. Aspect varied
little and slope was typically less than 7 degrees. Because of the gentle slopes, the differences in
solar radiation on in the different stands may not be large enough to influence species richness,
cover, and composition enough to be reliable predictors of them. Slope, basal area, and the
ratio of pine basal area to hardwood basal area were not important predictors of species
richness and cover. Likewise, aspect and the ratio of pine to hardwood basal area were not
important predictors of species diversity. The low fit of the models suggests that any
relationships between the studied dependent and independent variables may be non-linear or
that other variables more precisely measured on the ground may have stronger influence on
richness and cover. The community-level measurements of species richness, cover, or diversity
were difficult to predict when several different life forms, influenced by different environmental
variables, are considered together. Non-linear methods (we used non-metric multidimensional
scaling, NMS) were more effective in explaining compositional variation of the three life forms
when related to six site variables: slope, aspect, basal area, moisture index, ratio of pine basal
area to hardwood basal area, and burn history. For example, the herbs Chimaphila maculata (L.)
Pursh, Mitchella repens L., and Solidago arguta Ait. Have been shown to be strongly associated
with the ratio of pine basal area to hardwood basal area, which is related to the amount of
acidic pine litter abundance in a given area. These three species are typically associated with
dry, acidic conditions. Similarly, three grass species particularly noted for their occurrence on
xeric sites (Dichanthelium dichotomum (L.) Gould, Danthonia sericea Nutt., Chasmanthium
sessiliflorum (Poir.) Yates), were inversely associated with the moisture index. Gradient analysis
using NMS was more appropriate in these stands because it does not assume linearity or low
heteroscedasticity and can be effective using site variables that are non-continuous or on
arbitrary axes (i.e., aspect). In addition, NMS explains variation at the species level instead of a
broadly quantified community metric, such as overall species cover.
Herb cover was affected by an interaction between burn and thin treatments (F(1,21.9)=6.93,
p=0.015) in the first post-treatment growing season (Figure 4). The cover of herbs remained low
following treatments relative to the other sampled life forms. On average, it did not change
significantly in burned (F(1,22.7)=2.36, p=0.138) or thinned stands (F(1,21.8)=0.20, p=0.660). The
richness of herbs was not significantly affected by thinning, burning, or their interaction. The
change in graminoid cover after treatments was highly significant, increasing by an average of
2% (SE ±0.51), which is approximately double the original cover of graminoids, in stands that
were thinned (F(1,104)=19.68, p<0.001) and by approximately 0.5% of absolute cover (SE ±0.55) in
stands that were burned (F(1,105)=7.63, p=0.007) (Figure 5), equivalent to a 25% increase from
pretreatment conditions. No significant interaction of thinning and burning was found for
graminoid cover (F(1,104)=3.61, p=0.060). Graminoid richness significantly increased in stands that
were thinned (F(1,75)=43.84, p<0.001) but not in burned stands (F(1,75)=0.14, p=0.710). No
interaction was observed for graminoid richness (F(1,75)=0.14, p=0.710) (Figure 5).
The change in vine cover was significant in burned stands (F(1,105)=4.77, p=0.037) but not in
thinned stands (F(1,105)=3.76, p=0.055). In thinned stands, average vine cover decreased by
approximately 4% (SE ± 0.81), or approximately a 30% decrease from the pretreatment level.
There was no burn by thin interaction effect on the cover of vines (Figure 6). Vine richness did
not significantly change in response to burning, thinning, or the interaction of burning and
thinning. The change in cover, richness, and diversity after the first post-treatment growing
season can be seen in a summary form in Table 6.
Cover % of Herb Species
Herb Species Richness
Mean Species Richness Change
no thin
Mean Cover Change %
no thin
No Burn
No Burn
Figure 4: Burn and thin treatment interaction effect on the mean difference in herb cover (left) and richness (right).
Cover % of Vine Species
Vine Species Richness
Mean Species Richness Change
Mean Cover Change %
no thin
no thin
No Burn
No Burn
Figure 5: Burn and thin treatment interaction effect on the mean difference in graminoid cover (left) and richness
Cover % of Graminoid Species
Graminoid Species Richness
Mean Species Richness Change
Mean Cover Change %
no thin
no thin
No Burn
No Burn
Figure 6: Burn and thin treatment interaction effect on the mean difference in vine cover (left) and richness (right).
Table 6: Marginal mean estimates of the change of dependent variables in the first growing season following
treatments. Negative values mean reduction; positive values mean increase. Tukey-Kramer adjustment for multiple
comparisons of significant treatment
Richness (S’)
Diversity (H’)
Herb Cover%
Graminoid Cover%
Vine Cover%
Herb Richness (SH’)
Graminoid Richness(SG’)
Vine Richness(SV’)
Burn only
Thin only
Season had a significant effect on the cover of all species in the first year following the
treatments (F(2,217)=25.21; p<0.0001), regardless of the treatment type (Figure 7). There was a
significant interaction between the season of sampling and the treatment (F(6,217)=5.91;
p<0.0001). The cover was relatively constant in control stands and in burn only stands across the
growing season. Ground vegetation cover in stands that were thinned and those that were
thinned and burned increased significantly. By the summer, average cover had reached the
same level as in the control stands. Species richness was also significantly affected by the
sample period (F(2,217)=6.87; p=0.0013), but mainly in those stands that were thinned and
especially those that were thinned and burned (Figure 7). As with cover, species richness
remained approximately the same in control stands and in those stands that were burned. There
was no interaction effect between season and the treatment on species richness. Similarly,
species diversity was not significantly affected by season or any interaction between the season
and treatment. Species diversity in thinned plus burned stands had changed the most relative to
other treatments, increasing from 2.08 to 2.29.
Cover % of All Species
control a
burn only b
thin only a
burn*thin a
control b
burn only b
thin only b
burn*thin a
Species Richness (S')
Mean Stand-Level Species Richness
Mean Cover %
Spring b
Summer a
Fall a
Spring b
Summer a
Fall a
Figure 7: Least square mean estimates for change in ground vegetation cover (top) and richness (bottom) across
the first post treatment season at the Bankhead National Forest, AL. Different letters represent significantly
different means (α = 0.05).
There was a significant interaction of treatment by season effect on herb cover (F(6,217)=3.42;
p=0.003). Therefore, the direction of the herb cover response over the growing season depends
on which treatment was applied. The mean cover of herbs was significantly different across the
growing season (F(2,217)=3.29; p=0.039) and in the different treatments (F(3,41)=8.63; p<0.0001).
Herb cover was greatest in the stands that were both thinned and burned, while it remained
relatively even in the stands that were only thinned, only burned, and the control. A similar
pattern was observed for graminoid species - cover increased the most and was highest ( x = 4.1
± 0.61SE) at the end of the growing season in stands that were thinned and burned. Only season
had a statistically significant effect on graminoid cover (F(2,217)=4.50; p=0.012).
Unlike cover, the richness of the three life forms did not vary significantly across the growing
season. Season did not have a significant effect on the richness of any of the groups. The mean
herb richness was significantly different among the treatments during the first post treatment
growing season (F(3,41)=10.29; p<0.0001), but there was no significant interaction. As was the
case with herb cover, the burned and thinned stands had the highest number of herb species
during each sample period during the growing season. Graminoid richness was also significantly
different between the treatments throughout the growing season (F(3,41)=14.92; p<0.0001), but
there was no significant season effect (F(2,217)=2.58; p=0.078). Graminoid richness was again
highest in those stands that received the combination of burning and thinning. Those stands
that were only thinned also showed an increase in graminoid richness as the season progressed.
The richness of vines remained relatively constant across the growing season and was not
significantly different among treatments.
Both thinning and burning treatments significantly reduced vine cover (F(3,41)=8.13; p=0.0002).
The cover of vines was significantly affected by season as well (F(2,217)=8.83; p=0.0002). Vine
cover was the highest in control stands and remained approximately the same throughout the
growing season. The initial level of vine cover in treated stands was at least 50% lower in the
spring. However, the cover in thinned stands steadily increased throughout the growing season
and was near pretreatment levels by the end of the first growing season.
In summary, the cover of all species and overall species richness was significantly different
across the growing season among all treatments combined, while species diversity was not.
Between-treatment variation was also significant across the growing season for cover and
richness, suggesting that the different treatments in this study may have different successional
trajectories. Species diversity did not vary as widely among treatments as cover and richness
did. Differences in stand-level diversity are difficult to detect because many species are so
infrequently distributed within stands.
Stands that were treated with combinations of burning and thinning usually had the highest
mean values for both the overall cover and richness in addition to the cover and richness of
herbs and graminoids, especially by the end of the growing season. This suggests that
silvicultural treatment combinations on these sites may work best at increasing the number of
species and the amount of space covered or occupied in the ground layer and that there may be
an additive effect on cover and richness.
The presence of ruderal, annual herb species (vegetation growing on, and or showing a
preference for disturbed ground) may be a large part of the reason that overall richness, herb
richness, and herb cover increased in thinned only and thinned plus burned plots. The weedy
annuals Ambrosia artemisifolia L., Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC., Erigeron annus (L.)
Pers., and Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam.) Small were rarely encountered in the pretreatment
condition. Following the treatments however, they were some of the most frequently occurring
The season in which sampling takes place is an important variable to consider, especially
following silvicultural treatments when ground vegetation cover, richness, and composition
typically shift. In this study, the differences between the spring and fall sampling periods were
greater than those between spring and summer or between summer and fall. Therefore, for
overall cover, herbaceous species cover, graminoid cover, vine cover, and species richness, two
periods with distinct plant communities are spring and fall. We feel that only two sampling
periods are sufficient during post-treatment sampling at the BNF - one period during the late
spring and one during the late summer or early fall.
Compared to pre-treatment conditions, control stands (no treatment) and stands that were
burned alone displayed no significant change in overall cover or the cover of forbs, graminoids
and vines (Table 7).
Table 7: Marginal mean estimates of the change of dependent variables in the second growing season following
treatment. Tukey-Kramer adjustment for multiple comparisons of significant treatment effects (α = 0.05). Means in
the same row with same letter are not
Light Thin
Heavy Thin
Burn+ Light
Burn+ Heavy
Forb Cover%
Gram Cover%
Vine Cover%
Richness (S’)
Forb Rich (SF’)
Gram Rich(SG’)
Vine Rich(SV’)
Diversity (H’)
Stands that were treated with the light thin alone, burn and light thin, and burn and heavy thin
all experienced significant increases in overall cover, forb cover, graminoid cover, and vine cover
compared to pre-treatment. Interestingly, the heavy thin alone did not result in significant
differences compared to pre-treatment in any category except graminoid cover.
Stands that were treated with the light thin alone showed significant differences from the
control stands in overall cover (24.57%), graminoid cover (13.82%), and vine cover (8.25%).
Stands that were heavily thinned alone did not show differences from control in any of these
categories. Neither light thin alone nor heavy thin alone resulted in a significantly different
change in forb cover compared to the control. The two combination treatments (burn and light
thin, burn and heavy thin) showed significant differences from the control stands for overall
cover and graminoid cover, but not vine cover. Change in forb cover was significantly different
from the control stands for the burn and light thin (3.34%) but not for the burn and heavy thin
There was a significant change in overall species richness from pre-treatment in all treatments
except the heavy thin alone and the burn and heavy thin. Overall richness decreased
significantly in the control (-4.47) and burn alone (-7.73) stands and increased in the light thin
alone (3.53) and burn and light thin (3.50) stands.
There was a significant change from pre-treatment in forb richness only in the burn and light
thin stands where there was an increase of 2.63. Post-treatment graminiod richness increased
significantly in all treatments except the control and burn alone. Post-treatment graminiod
richness was the significantly larger than the richness in the control for the light thin alone
(3.92), heavy thin alone (3.59) and burn and heavy thin (3.31) stands. Vine richness showed no
change from pre-treatment numbers and from the control for any of the treatments.
Post-treatment diversity increased significantly in the light thin alone (0.27) and burn and light
thin stands (0.48). Both of these treatments caused changes that were significantly different
than changes in the control stands, whose diversity did not change significantly.
Measurements in the third season post-treatment (Table 8) were very similar to the second
season post-treatment. The only changes were that change in diversity for the light thin alone
treatment (0.28) was no longer statistically different than the change in the control stand (-0.10)
and the change in forb cover in the burn and light thin (0.68%) was no longer statistically
different than the change in the control (-0.06%).
Table 8: Marginal mean estimates of the change of dependent variables in the third growing season following
treatment. Tukey-Kramer adjustment for multiple comparisons of significant treatment effects (α = 0.05). Means in
the same row with same letter are not different. A * symbol indicates that the mean estimate is significantly
different from zero.
Forb Cover%
Gram Cover%
Vine Cover%
Richness (S’)
Forb Rich (SF’)
Gram Rich(SG’)
Vine Rich(SV’)
Diversity (H’)
Light Thin
Thin Only
Burn+ Light
Objective 4 – Remote sensing
The LiDAR data was sorted into two point clouds: bare earth returns, which represent the
ground topography, and first return, which depict vegetation heights. A digital terrain model
(DTM) was created for the bare earth topography such that each pixel represented an elevation;
a digital surface model (DSM) was developed to represent the above ground surface. A canopy
height model (CHM) was also produced to store the elevation values for the vegetation. The
DTM was interpolated using three different methods: Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW),
Ordinary Kriging (OK), and Universal Kriging (UK).
The OK interpolated points were used to create the DSM and DTM images. The OK interpolated
DSM image was subtracted from the OK interpolated DTM to obtain the vegetation heights for
the study area. This created the CHM raster image that contained the vegetation heights that
were used to obtain tree locations, heights, and crown dimensions in Treevaw. The tree heights
calculated in Treevaw were compared to the field height measurements.
The CIR study area image was classified into two categories - deciduous and coniferous. This was
done by iteratively selecting representative groupings of coniferous and deciduous trees into
two respectively separate classes. The deciduous class was dominated by the Quercus spp. and
the coniferous class was dominated by loblolly pine and Virginia pine. Supervised classification
was used to classify the entire CIR image. The result of the supervised classification was an
image that identified the locations of deciduous and coniferous trees with an accuracy of 95
percent. The 95 percent accuracy obtained from the CIR image allowed us to separate the
coniferous trees from the deciduous trees, so the tree height algorithm could model each
category separately.
Field data was collected by using a ForestPro laser range finder (Laser Technology, Inc.,
Centennial, Colorado) to obtain 75 tree heights. The study area (25 acres) composition was
dominated by even aged pine. The field measured tree heights were considered to be the
correct measurement thus allowing the accuracy of the computer modeled derived tree heights
to be assessed.
Treevaw was used to identify tree location and tree height. The Treevaw algorithm is based on
the local maximum filtering technique that uses a search window of variable size. The local
maximum uses the greatest reflection point which is usually the apex of the tree as the basis for
identification. This method has been used with Lidar CHM data because elevation values are
analogous to the reflection pixels in multispectral imagery.
IDW had the highest measure of predicted error and a root-mean-square of 0.24 m. IDW is a
simple interpolation method that does not allow a standardized error, such as kriging, to be
computed. IDW interpolation produced a generalized image for the bare ground and the
predicted error was comparable to UK. The UK method had a predicted error of 0.00 (if using
only two significant digits) and root-meansquare standardized error of 1.25 m. UK produced an
image that was similar in error to the IDW image, but the IDW and UK results were not as close
to the actual values when compared to the OK results. OK had a mean closest to zero and a
root-mean-square standardized value of 0.98 m, meaning that the predicted values were close
to the actual values. The OK image was selected to calculate the bare earth because the
predicted error was near zero and the standardized error value was closest to 1. The vegetation
returns were interpolated with OK because of the low error values for the predicted locations.
The accuracy assessment of the CIR image (Table 9) had a consumer’s accuracy, or the chance of
correctly determining what is actually on the ground, of 95.12 percent for deciduous and 96.76
percent for pine trees. Producer’s accuracy, the probability the map is correctly classified, was
98.63 percent for deciduous and 88.94 percent for pine. Commission error, the chance of
including a pixel in a class when it should have been excluded, was 4.87 percent for deciduous
and 3.24 percent for pine. Lastly, omission error, the probability of excluding a pixel that should
have been included in the class, was 1.36 percent for deciduous and 11.05 percent for pine. The
overall accuracy of the CIR image was 95.59 percent with a Kappa statistic of 89.55 percent. The
resulting classified CIR photograph shows the location of the deciduous and coniferous trees in
the study area. TreeVaw identified 739 deciduous trees with an average tree height of 17.78 m
and a standard deviation of 2.96 m. The tallest deciduous tree generated from TreeVaw was
29.50 m and the shortest was 12.03 m. The coniferous tree results from TreeVaW were based
on 2875 trees with a mean height of 17.99 m and a standard deviation of 2.29 m. The tallest
coniferous tree detected with TreeVaw was 28.80 m and the shortest was 12.02 m. Twenty-five
deciduous trees and 38 coniferous trees were measured in the field. The average field measured
deciduous tree height was 13.74 m (standard deviation 3.86 m) and the average coniferous tree
height was 18.43 m (standard deviation 2.72 m). A t-test for difference in means revealed that
the deciduous TreeVaw derived heights were statistically the same as the field-measured
deciduous tree heights. A t-test for difference in means between the coniferous field-measured
tree heights and the TreeVaw tree heights showed that they were not significantly different.
These results are in accordance with other studies that have found no major difference between
field-measured deciduous tree heights and the Lidar-derived deciduous tree heights. The results
indicate that it is possible to accurately measure codominant and dominant tree heights using
Lidar data in mixed pine-hardwood southeastern forests of the type in this study.
Table 9: Accuracy assessment for the classified CIR image. Note that the percentage correct equals the sum of the
diagonal divided by the total observations (1737/1817 = 95.5 percent).
Classified Data
Deciduous Pixels
Coniferous Pixels
Column Total
Consumer's Accuracy
Commission Error
Thrust Area II – Fauna
The three objectives of this thrust are to determine the effects of different levels of fire
frequency and canopy reduction and their interactions on the species richness, relative
abundance, and diversity of 1) arthropod communities, 2) avian communities, and 3)
small mammal communities. These objectives are designed to determine relationships
between forest habitat disturbances and arthropod, avian, and mammalian
communities. Animal communities are fundamental components of forest ecosystems
that affect seed distribution and germination; plant species composition, survival and
growth; mineral and energy transfer dynamics; organic matter decomposition and
distribution of mycorrhizae and other microflora; and use and enjoyment of forest
resources by people. Animal communities are, in turn, affected by forest disturbances
that alter habitat quality and resource availability. The investigation of forest
disturbance is inherently integrative and multi-disciplinary because of the numerous
ecological impacts on the plant and animal communities. We used NSF-CREST funding
to leverage more research and teaching grants and achieved greater capacity and
outcomes enabling us to initiate novel scientific disciplines at CFEA sites (e.g.,
herpetology and fishery research). Such expansion was critically reviewed and
supported by our CFEA Internal and External Advisory Boards. The new initiatives
deepened our understanding of the mechanisms of animal community responses (i.e.,
breeding ecology, movement patterns, and resource use).
1. Arthropod communities
Some general trends observed include apparently higher carabid beetle diversity and activity in
upland hardwood forests in Jackson Co, AL, relative to pine‐hardwood forests in BNF;
heterogeneous activity and diversity of sampled insect communities in pre‐treatment plots in
BNF; much greater scolytid beetle activity in the second and third year of sampling than in year
1 (pre‐treatment) in treatment plots in BNF. Additionally, in year‐2 and 3 of sampling, posttreatment thin and burn sites in BNF appear to have the highest insect diversity and activity for
those groups collected by malaise and Lindgren trap sampling. Overall arthropod catch in 2007,
perhaps due to the extreme drought conditions, seemed markedly less than that of previous
years. At the Jackson County over-story retention study site, ANOVA’s of community diversity
and dominance indices showed no relationship to overstory retention treatments. However, a
detrended correspondence analysis across site and carabid species showed a shift in carabid
community composition between the 75 and 100% retention sites and the 0, 25, and 50%
retention sites. Small mammals were observed to increase in abundance following thinning in
the BNF
Litter-Dwelling Ant Community Studies (Soumare – Dissertation Student). Following
information taken from display presented at several meetings:
Little information exists on ant communities in the upland mixed pine-hardwood forests of the
southern Cumberland Plateau. This study aspires to better understand the ant community in
these systems, as well as provide some predictive capabilities to ascertain how they may
respond to fire and canopy reduction disturbances. The results of this investigation will be useful
in the synergistic assessment of the response of the entire ecosystem, as it is one part of a much
larger study. The complex relationship between ants and other animals makes them vital to
environmental monitoring as well as detecting changes in species diversity in response to
disturbances in the ecosystem. The long term goal of this study is to document how these
insects respond to disturbances and make predictions on those responses to assist natural
resource managers in better understanding the role ants play in these systems. The preliminary
information presented here represents one block of treatments, thus the data is largely
descriptive, with limited statistical analysis possible.
A total of 29 species were identified from a collected sample of 4775 individual ants. Numbers
of ants collected by each sampling method were similar. However, litter sampling showed the
highest species richness (27 species 55%, Figures 8 and 9), when compared with pitfall trapping
(22 species, 45%). Only 10 species were common to both sampling methods (Table 10).
Table 10: List of identified ant species collected in pitfall traps and litter samples
Species in Winkler
Amblyopone lamellidens
Amblyopone pallipes
Aphaenogaster floridana
Brachymymex obscurior
Hypoponera opaciceps
Monomorium floricola
Paratrechina vividula
Paratrechina wojciki
Pheidole floridana
Pheidole dentata
Pheidole morrisi
Prenolepis imparis
Ponera pennsylvanica
Pyramica pilinasis
Pyramica talpa
Pyramica ohioensis
Solenopsis molesta
Species in Pitfall
Brachymymex musculus
Camponotus americanus
Camponotus castaneus
Camponotus chromaiodes
Crematogaster lineolata
Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Crematogaster cerasi
Crematogaster verniculata
Formica subsericea
Formica pallidefulva
Mirmica americana
Pheidole lamia
Common species to both
Aphaenogaster fulva
Aphaenogaster rudis
Brachymymex depilis
Crematogaster ashmeadi
Crematogaster pilosa
Cryptopone gilva
Hypoponera inexorata
Monomorium pharaonis
Monomorium minimum
Myrmecina americana
Number of ants/Trt
number ants
25 T
Figure 8: Number of ants collected in each treatment
Number of ant species /Trt
number species
25 T
Figure 9: Ant species richness in each treatment
Carabid Beetle Community
The ordination diagram (Figure 10) indicates substantial overlap between the 100% and 75%
canopy retention treatments; there is also substantial overlap among the 50%, 25%, and 0%
canopy retention treatments. However, there is a definite separation between the two groups
of treatments. Among the carabid species, those preferring or tolerating open habitats are in
proximity to the 50%/25%/0% group of canopy retention treatments. The distribution of carabid
species in relationship to the environmental data vectors in the ordination plot is more spread
out for the carabids associated with the 50%/25%/0% canopy retention treatments. Both the
carabid species preferring dry habitats and those preferring very moist habitats were in
proximity to the 50%/25%/0% group of treatments. These treatments may have habitats that
are more variable in moisture compared to the 100%/75% retention treatments, or moisture
may not be one of the underlying gradients that constitute the differences between the
treatments. All of the carabid species that prefer cover of grass/dense vegetation, woody debris,
and stones, as opposed to leaf litter, were arranged in proximity to the 50%/25%/0%
treatments. Both Chlaenius species showed a strong positive relationship to the amount of
woody vegetation covered area. Galerita bicolor showed a strong positive relationship to the
area covered by slash. In conclusion, there are shifts in carabid community structure with
different treatments. Carabid communities are similar between 100% and 75% canopy cover
retention treatments, and similar among 50%, 25%, and 0% canopy cover retention levels. The
difference in the carabid community in sites with a canopy retention level less than 75% may
represent the existence a threshold level in canopy cover that affects carabid beetle community
4 4 CAGO
Abbreviations of Carabid Species in the Ordination
CAGO Carabis goryi
CHSP Chlaenius emarginatus
CIUN Cicindela unipunctata
CYCO Cyclotrachelus convivus
CYFR Cyclotrachelus frietagi
CYFU Cyclotracelus
CYSO Cyclotrachelus sodalis
DIDI Dicaelus dilatatus
DIFU Dicaelus
DIPO Dicaelus politus
DIPU Dicaelus purpuratus
DITE Dicaelus teter
Galerita bicolor
HASP Harpalus pennsylvaticus MYCO Myas coracinus
PASP Pasimachus punctulatus
SPST Spaeroderus stenophilus
Sites in the Ordination
100% Retention: 1,9,15; 75% Retention: 2,10,11; 50% Retention: 4,6,12;
25% Retention: 5,7,13; 0% Retention: 3,8,14
100% 75% Canopy
Figure 10: Canonical Correspondence Analysis Ordination Triplot of Carabid Beetle Species, Sites and Forest Environmental
Variables in Mixed Pine-hardwood Forest of northern Alabama .
2. Songbird Breeding Ecology
We studied the effect of forest disturbances, specifically thinning and prescribed burning, on the
avian community. We examined the effects of these disturbances on avian species richness and
abundance. In addition, we observed the mechanisms (microclimate, habitat structure and
composition, food availability, and brood parasitism) responsible for changes in avian
population demographics. Our objectives were to (1) examine differences in microclimate and
microhabitat among disturbance levels, (2) determine relationships between microhabitat and
avian community structure, (3) determine the effect of forest disturbance on food availability,
(4) determine relationships between forest disturbance and avian territory size, and (5)
determine the relationship between forest disturbance and avian breeding success.
There were no interactions between burning and thinning for microclimate one year after
treatment or for changes following treatment. Daytime May humidity was higher on burned
stands than on burned/thinned stands. The change in daytime May and June temperature
following the treatment was significant. The change in daytime temperature was greater on
thinned/burned stands than burned stands in both May and June.
The original eight microhabitat difference variables showed low multivariate correlation (KaiserMeyer-Olkin [KMO] Measure of Sampling Adequacy = 0.423) so we removed the variable with
the lowest multivariate correlation (nighttime May relative humidity) from the principle
component analysis to increase the KMO measure of sampling adequacy to 0.55. The remaining
seven variables were condensed to 2 principle components (PCs), the first representing daytime
climate and the second representing nighttime climate . All components with eigenvalues
greater than 1 were retained. The two components retained approximately 84% of the original
There was an interaction between burning and thinning for litter depth and presence of forest
level three and four one year after treatment. Thinning reduces the amount of litter depth and
the presence of forest levels three and four regardless of whether they were burned or not
(Figure 11, 12, 13). However, when burning is not combined with thinning, it results in a less
litter depth and lower presence of forest levels three and four (Figure 12,13,14). There was an
interaction between burning and thinning in the change in forest level three presence following
treatment . Burning resulted in a decreased presence of forest level three when combined with
thinning, but when only burning was performed, the presence of forest level three increased.
One year after treatment, all microhabitat variables except percent herbaceous cover and
presence of forest level one differed among the treatments. Thinned and thinned/burned
stands had higher percentage of woody ground cover (17% and 19%, respectively) than the
untreated or burned stands (7% and 9% respectively). Litter cover was highest on untreated
stands (99%), whereas bare ground was highest on thinned/burned stands (6%). As expected,
canopy cover and BA were lowest on stands that had been thinned (63% and 67 ft2/acre). The
BA of pines and snags was higher on the control (119 ft2/acre and 9 ft2/acre, respectively) than
on the thinned stands (97 ft2/acre and 4 ft2/acre, respectively). Presence of forest level two was
greatest on the control and the burn. Burned stands had the greatest presence of forest level
three (22 %).
Figure 11: Litter depth interaction between burning and
thinning in the Bankhead National Forest, AL, 20062007.
Figure 12: Presence of forest level 3 interaction
between burning and thinning in the Bankhead National
Forest, AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 13: Interaction between burning and thinning of
presence of forest level 4 in the Bankhead National
Forest, AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 14: Interaction between burning and thinning in
the change in presence of forest level 3 following
silvicultural treatment in the Bankhead National Forest,
AL, 2006-2007.
The change in percent litter cover, percent bare ground, litter depth, canopy cover, and
presence of forest levels two and four were different across treatments. The change in litter
ground cover and bare ground cover was greatest on the thinned/burned stands. Litter depth
decreased on the thinned/burned stands and increased slightly on burned, thinned, and
untreated stands. As expected, the change in canopy cover was greatest on the stands that had
been thinned. The presence of forest level two decreased on all treated stands; the greatest
decrease was on thinned and thinned/burned stands. The presence of forest level four
decreased on the untreated, thinned, and thinned/burned stands, and increased on the burned
We grouped the original thirteen difference variables into 4 principle components (PCs), the first
representing ground cover, the second representing understory cover, the third representing
midstory cover, and the fourth representing overstory cover. All components with an eigenvalue
greater than 1 were retained. The 4 components retained approximately 85% of the original
variation (Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity χ2 = 194.02, df = 78, p = 0.001). PC1 (ground cover) and
PC2 (understory cover) differed among the treatments. PC1 (ground cover) decreased on the
thinned and thinned/burned stands and it increased on the untreated and burned stands . The
increase in PC2 understory cover) was greater on control stands than on the thinned/burned
Arthropod availability.
There were no differences in arthropod biomass index among treatments, nor were there any
interactions between the treatments.
Bird community.
A total of 983 birds were detected one year after treatment, representing 40 species. The most
abundant species were the red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus Linnaeus), comprising 16.5% (162
detections) of total individuals, and the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus Wilson), comprising
14.0% (138 detections) of total individuals. Species detected post treatment that were not
detected before treatment were the brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla Latham), eastern
phoebe (Sayornis phoebe Latham), eastern towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus Linnaeus), eastern
wood-pewee (Contopus virens Linnaeus), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura Linnaeus), rubythroated hummingbird (Archilochus coulbris Linnaeus), and yellow-throated vireo (Vireo
flavifrons Vieillot). Two species (blue grosbeak [Guiraca caerulea Linnaeus] and red-bellied
woodpecker [Melanerpes carolinus Linnaeus]) detected before treatments were not detected
There was an interaction in Shannon-Weiner diversity index between burning and thinning one
year after treatment. When combined with thinning, burning results in lower diversity, but
burning alone results in higher bird diversity (Figure 19). There was an interaction between the
two treatments in changes in Shannon-Weiner diversity index, cavity nesting species abundance,
foliage foraging species abundance, and resident species abundance following the treatment .
For all four variables, when thinning is combined with burning the result is a smaller change in
the variable (Figures 15 - 18). However, when burning is done alone, there is a larger change in
the variable.
Parasite nesting species abundance (i.e. brown-headed cowbirds), and edge/open habitat
species abundance differed among the treatments. Parasite nesting species abundance was
highest on thinned and thinned/burned stands, and edge/open habitat species abundance was
higher on thinned and thinned/burned stands than untreated or burned stands.
Figure 16: Interaction between burning and thinning in
the change in Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index
following silvicultural treatment in the Bankhead
National Forest, AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 15: Interaction between burning and thinning in
the Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index following
silvicultural treatment in the Bankhead National Forest,
AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 17: Interaction between burning and thinning in
the change in cavity nesting bird abundance following
silvicultural treatment in the Bankhead National Forest,
AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 18: Interaction between burning and thinning in
the change in foliage foraging bird abundance following
silvicultural treatment in the Bankhead National Forest,
AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 19: Interaction between burning and thinning in the change in resident bird abundance following
silvicultural treatment in the Bankhead National Forest, AL, 2006-2007.
Following silviculture treatment, the change in abundance of tree and cavity nesting species,
interior/edge species, and edge/open species differed among the treatments. The greatest
decrease in tree nesting species was on burned stands, whereas there was an increase on
thinned stands. Cavity nesting species increased on burned and thinned stands and decreased
on untreated and thinned/burned stands. Foliage foraging species decreased on all stands, but
the greatest change was on thinned/burned stands. Interior edge species decreased on all
stands; the biggest decrease was on burned and thinned/burned stands. Edge/open species
increased the most on thinned and thinned/burned stands.
The post treatment bird community included fifteen species listed in Partners in Flight’s (PIF)
North American Landbird Conservation Plan as Species of Continental. Three new species of
concern were detected after treatment. PIF lists species in two categories; WatchList species are
species that have multiple reasons (restricted distribution, low population size, widespread
population declines, high threats to habitat, etc.) for conservation concern across their entire
range. Stewardship species are species which have a high percentage of their global population
within a single North American biome.
Morisita’s similarity indices indicate that species composition on the untreated stands is most
similar to the burned stands and least similar to the thinned stands. Species composition was
similar before and after treatment on all stands, with a small change on the burned and thinned
Canonical correspondence analysis. The CCA of microhabitat characteristics, arthropod
availability, and species abundance explained 48.8 % (total inertia = 0.847) of the variation in the
first three axes. Axis one explained 21.1% of the variation (Eigenvalue = 0.178), the second axis
15.3% (Eigenvalue = 0.130), and the third axis 12.4% (Eigenvalue = 0.104). Based on the CCA of
microhabitat characteristics, arthropod availability, and nesting guild abundance, the first three
axes explained 74.9% (total inertia = 0.119) of the variation in guild abundance. The first axis
explained 39.9% (Eigenvalue = 0.048) of the variation, the second 21.9% (Eigenvalue = 0.026),
and the third 13.1% (Eigenvalue = 0.016). The CCA of the microhabitat characteristics, arthropod
availability and foraging guild abundance explained 90.9% (total inertia = 0.069) of the variation
in the first three axes. Axis one explained 37.2% (Eigenvalue = 0.026), the second axis 31.5%
(Eigenvalue = 0.022), and the third 22.2% (Eigenvalue = 0.015).
The CCA of microhabitat characteristics, arthropod availability, and species abundance revealed
a gradient in microhabitat characteristics apparent in the position of variables along the axes of
the ordination plots (Figure 20). On one end of the gradient is canopy cover and presence of
forest level four, on the other is woody and herbaceous ground cover and presence of forest
level one. Another gradient from tree species richness, basal area, and presence of forest level
three to a blank area on the ordination indicates that open areas were not represented by any
of the habitat variables collected. Open habitat species (yellow-breasted chat [Icteria vierns
Linnaeus], eastern wood-pewee, and mourning dove) and generalist species (eastern tufted
titmouse [Baeolophous bicolor Linnaeus], Carolina chickadee [Poecile carolinensis Audubon],
and summer tanager [Piranga rubra Linnaeus]) are found in this area of the ordination plot
(Figure 20). Early successional species (Kentucky warbler [Oporornis formosus Wilson], indigo
bunting [Passerina cyanea Linnaeus], and prairie warbler[Dendroica discolor Vieillot]) were
associated with herbaceous and woody ground cover and presence of forest level one, whereas
more interior species (worm-eating warbler [Helmitheros vermivorus Gmelin], acadian flycatcher
[Empidonax virescens Vieillot], and blackthroated green warbler [Dendroica virens
Gmelin]) were on the other end of the gradient,
associated with the presence of forest level
three, basal area, basal area of hardwoods and
snags, and litter depth (Figure 20)
A similar gradient was revealed in the CCA of
habitat characteristics, arthropod availability and
nesting guild associations. The ordination plot
revealed a gradient from basal area and presence
of forest level four to herbaceous and woody
ground cover and presence of forest level one,
and also a gradient from canopy cover and
presence of forest level three to litter depth,
litter ground cover, and tree species richness
(Figure 21). Parasite nesting guild was on the
edge of the plot, indicating that there were no
strong associations with the environmental
variables. Ground nesting species were
associated with high litter ground cover; cavity
nesting species were associated with basal area
of snags and presence of forest level four; and
tree nesting species were associated with
Figure 20: First and second canonical
correspondence axes for microhabitat
characteristics, arthropod availability, and bird
species abundance one year after silvicultural
treatments, Bankhead National Forest, AL, 20062007.
presence of forest level three and canopy cover (Figure 21).
The CCA of microhabitat characteristics, arthropod availability, and foraging guild associations
revealed a gradient that was different from the first two analyses. On one end of the gradient
was the presence of forest level one and four, tree species richness, basal area, and woody and
herbaceous ground cover; on the other end was canopy cover, basal area of snags, litter ground
cover, litter depth, and the presence of species was associated with litter cover, snag BA, and
hardwoods BA (Figure 22). In the center of the plot was foliage foraging species, indicating that
they are more generalist species, and on the far edges of the plot, opposite one another, were
aerial feeding species, and ground foraging species (Figure 22).
Figure 21: First and second canonical correspondence axes for microhabitat characteristics, arthropod availability,
and foraging guild abundance one year after silvicultural treatments, Bankhead National Forest, AL, 2006-2007.
Figure 22: First and second canonical correspondence axes for microhabitat characteristics, arthropod availability,
and nesting guild abundance one year after silvicultural treatments, Bankhead National Forest, AL, 2006-2007.
3. Small mammals
With the help of grad students, undergraduates, technicians, and volunteers, we deployed
Sherman traps using a circular trapping web for 70,400 trap-nights and Tomahawk wire cage
traps for 3,520 trap-nights in 36 middle-aged loblolly pine stands for four years and captured a
total of 520 individual mammals. White-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) dominated the
mammalian community, composing 72% (n=375) of all first time captures. Other small mammals
that were captured included 30 cotton mice (P. gossypinus), 22 golden mice (P. nuttali), 25
short-tailed shrews, (Blarina brevicauda), 7 rice rats (Oryzomys palustris), 2 Hispid cotton rats
(Sigmodon hispidis), 1 northern wood rat (Neotoma floridana), 13 raccoons (Procyon lotor), 29
opossums (Didelphis virginiana), 8 spotted skunks (Spilogale putorious,), and 8 eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus).
We compared small mammal capture data from the Sherman trap webs between treatment
stands with the same treatment status (pre-treatment, 1 year post treatment, 2 years post
treatment, and 3 years post treatment) for abundance and richness. Species richness was low in
most stands and therefore we did not compute a stand level diversity index or compare mean
diversity between treatments. Mean mammal abundance (Table 11) was not significantly
different (p= 0.796) in pre-treatments stands. However, mammal abundance was higher in
stands that were thinned one-year post-treatment for all nine treatments (Table11). This
difference became insignificant (p=0.106) by the second year following treatments (Table 11).
Table 11: Mean abundance for small mammals (excluding bats) captured in forest stands with nine treatment
Mean ± SE
(4 replicates)
No Thin-No burn
No thin - 3 year burn
No thin- 10 year burn
50% Thin - no burn
25% Thin - no burn
50% Thin – 3 year burn
25% Thin – 3 year burn
50% Thin – 10 year burn
25% Thin – 10 year burn
0.75 ± 0.48
2.0 ± 1.41
1.25 ± 1.25
2.5 ± 1.19
2.75 ± 1.80
3.25 ± 2.14
1.0 ± 0
3.5 ± 1.44
1.5 ± 0.87
1 year Posttreatment Mean
± SE
(4 replicates)
1 ± 0.41
2.25 ±0.95
2.25 ± 1.32
10.5 ± 2.90
9.25 ± 2.46
10.75 ± 2.46
6.5 ± 0.87
6.25 ± 2.46
3.5 ± 0.87
2 year Posttreatment
Mean ± SE
(3 replicates)
2.67 ± 1.20
1.33 ± 0.33
2.33 ± 0.88
6.33 ± 5.33
5.33 ± 1.67
14.67 ± 4.98
9.67 ± 2.73
7.0 ± 3.79
2.67 ± 1.67
3 year Posttreatment
(1 replicate)
Because the 3-year burn and the 10-year burn frequency treatments were essentially the same
treatment when we trapped these stands, we combined stands that had the same thinning
treatment and the 3-year burning frequency and the 10-year burning frequency to create six
treatment types. Once again, we found that thinned stands had significantly more (p= 0.001)
mammals than unthinned stands, but this response became insignificant (p=0.163) two years
after treatment (Table 12). As the Flora team has eluded too, the two thinning treatments (25%
thin and 50% thin) were very similar when implemented, so we further combined these two thin
treatments for a total of four treatments types (no thin and no burn, thin and burn, no burn and
thin, and thin and burn) and analyzed these data for treatment response. Once again, thinned
stands had significantly more mammals (p= 0.005) one year after treatment, but not two years
(p = 0.1121) after treatment (Table 13).
Table 12: Mean abundance for small mammals captured in forest stands with six treatment combinations
(combining 3 and 10 year burns)
No Thin-No burn
No thin-burn
50% Thin-no burn
25% Thin-no burn
50% Thin - burn
25% Thin - burn
Post-Treatment Year 1
Mean ± SE
1 ± 0.41
2.25 ± 1.06
9.25 ± 2.46
10.5 ± 2.90
8.5 ± 2.58
5.0 ± 1.13
Post-treatment (Year 2)
Mean ± SE
2.67 ± 1.20
1.83 ± 0.67
5.33 ± 1.67
6.33 ± 5.33
10.83 ± 4.64
6.17 ± 3.00
Table 13: Mean abundance for small mammals captured in forest stands with four treatment combinations
(combining 3 and 10 year burns and 25% and 50% thins).
No Thin-No burn
No thin - Burn
Thin - no burn
Thin - burn
Post-treatment Year 1
Mean ± SE
1 ± 0.41
2.25 ± 1.06
9.88 ± 2.51
7.07 ± 2.1
Post-Treatment Year 2
Mean ± SE
2.67 ± 1.20
1.83 ± 0.67
5.83 ± 3.55
8.5 ± 3.98
Mammal species richness (excluding bats) was low in most stands due to the dominance of
white footed mice. Species richness was not significantly different between treatment types
prior to treatment implementation (Table 14). However, it nearly became significantly different
(p = 0.069) one year after treatment with thinned stands having the highest mean richness.
However, this richness response faded away (p = 0.416) two-years following treatment (Table
14). Thinned stand tended to have the most medium-sized mammals captured.
Table 14: Mean Species Richness for all mammals captured (excluding bats) in forest stands with nine treatment
No Thin-No burn
No thin - 3 yr burn
No thin- 10 yr burn
50% Thin - no burn
25% Thin - no burn
50% Thin – 3 yr burn
25% Thin – 3 yr burn
50% Thin – 10 yr burn
25% Thin – 10 yr burn
Mean ± SE
(4 replicates)
1.0 ± 0.71
1.5 ± 0.50
0.5 ± 0.29
1.0 ± 0.0
1.25 ± 0.25
1.25 ± 0.63
1.25 ± 0.25
2.25 ± 0.25
1.25 ± 0.25
1 year Posttreatment Mean ± SE
(4 replicates)
0.75 ± 0.25
1.5 ± 0.29
1.0 ± 0
2.75 ± 0.85
2.5 ± 0.65
2.5 ± 0.5
2.0 ± 0.41
2.5 ± 0.65
1.75 ± 0.25
2 year Posttreatment Mean ± SE
(3 replicates)
1.0 ± 0
1.67 ± 0.33
1.33 ± 0.33
2.33 ± 0.89
2.33 ± 0.67
3.67 ± 1.45
2.67 ± 0.89
2.67 ± 0.89
1.67 ± 0.67
3 year Posttreatment
(1 replicate)
Small Mammals (2005-2007)
We also examined the impact of Landscape variables on small mammal abundance. Landscape
variables (edge density, stream density, and southern pine beetle spots) were measured in a 10ha circle around the trapping web location using a geographic information system GIS and
inventory data CISC from the national forest. However, linear regression of these variables failed
to explain the variation in abundance of small mammals among sixteen stands that were treated
during the first two years. Landscape-level characteristics had no detectable affect on small
mammal communities suggesting that microhabitat factors need to be examined to explain
community patterns.
We compared number and species of echolocation detections (calls/hour) recorded in each
stand by treatment using ANOVA. Overall, red bats (Lasiurus borealis) were detected the most
and composed 42% of all identifiable detections. Tri-colored bats (Pipistrellus subflavus) were
also commonly detected in the research stands (28% of all detections) although they were not
captured in nets during 2005 and 2006. Myotis spp. composed the next most numerous group of
detections (14%). Big Brown bats (Eptescus fuscus) and Evening bats (Nycticeus humeralis)
composed 6% and 2% of the detections, respectively. The remaining calls were unknown or
unidentifiable. Most stands had only one or two species detected in them.
Bat abundance did not differ (p=0.642) by treatment prior to thinning and burning treatments
(Table 15). Thinning appeared to have the most impact on bat detections one year and two
years after the treatments were implemented (Table 15). Total bat abundance was highest (P<
0.0001) in the heavily-thinned stands (Table 16).
Table 15: Mean detection rate (calls/hour) for all bats recorded in forest stands with nine treatment combinations.
No Thin-No burn
No thin - 3 yr burn
No thin- 10 yr burn
50% Thin - no burn
25% Thin - no burn
50% Thin – 3 yr burn
25% Thin – 3 yr burn
50% Thin – 10 yr burn
25% Thin – 10 yr burn
Mean ± SE
(4 replicates)
11.75 ± 1.75
8.5 ± 2.22
12.75 ± 3.57
12.25 ± 3.35
13.75 ± 2.72
13.75 ± 2.29
12.75 ± 3.35
18.25 ± 4.6
16.25 ± 3.63
1 year Post-treatment
Mean ± SE
(4 replicates)
10.75 ± 0.41
10.5 ±0.95
13.0 ± 1.32
37.75 ± 2.90
28.25 ± 2.46
43.5 ± 2.46
23.0 ± 0.87
41.25 ± 2.46
20.75 ± 0.87
2 year Posttreatment Mean ± SE
(3 replicates)
14.33 ± 3.93
11.0 ± 3.61
17.67 ± 3.85
30.67 ± 4.91
23.0 ± 4.73
38.67 ± 6.57
26.0 ± 1.73
37.33 ± 5.61
17.33 ± 5.24
3 year Posttreatment
(1 replicate)
Table 16: Mean detection rate (calls/hour) for bats recorded in forest stands with three treatment combinations .
No Thin
25% Thin
50% Thin
Post-Treatment yr 1, Mean ± SE
11.4 ± 2.59
24.0 ± 3.34
40.8 ± 3.41
66.43 (12 df)
> 0.0001
Post-treatment yr 2, Mean ± SE
2.67 ± 1.20
6.33 ± 5.33
10.83 ± 4.64
17.04 (9 df)
> 0.0001
Bat netting (2005 and 2006)
Bat captures using mist nets revealed some surprises in treatment effects. In a total of 58 net
nights, 18 individuals of three different species were captured (Myotis septentrionalis, Eptesicus
fuscus, and Lasiurus borealis). Total bats captured did not differ between stands that were not
(25-28 m2/ha basal area) thinned (3 bats) and heavily (11m2/ha/basal area retention) thinned
stands (1 bat), but was significantly higher in the lightly (17m2/ha basal area retention) thinned
stands (14 bats). The only captures of species other than M. septentrionalis occurred in the
lightly thinned sites. Canopy height of the midstory and overstory, canopy depth, total number
of snags, basal area of hardwood and litter depth did not differ among sites. Compared to no
harvest sites, the harvested sites contained fewer stems/ha in both canopy and midstory, lower
basal area of pine, and less canopy cover, but did not differ significantly among lightly thinned
and heavily thinned stands. Bats in our study sites appear to prefer stands with more basal area
retention, although the structural characteristics did not appear to differ between the lightly
thinned and heavily thinned treatments. Differences in food availability or susceptibility to mist
nets may be contributing factors explaining our results
4. Herpetofaunal
Overall Captures
We captured 2,662 amphibians and reptiles representing 47 species during 2,862 trap nights
(i.e., block 1 [672 total trap nights], block 2 [1134 total trap nights], and block 3 [1056 total trap
nights]) over a four-year survey period (2005–2008). The most commonly captured lizard and
snake species were Green Anoles (Anolis carolinensis; n = 283) and Copperheads (Agistrodon
contortrix; n = 178), respectively, whereas Mississippi Slimy Salamanders (Plethodon mississippi;
n = 674) and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus fowleri; n = 177) represented the most commonly
captures salamander and anuran species, respectively . Eastern box turtles (Terrapene c.
carolina) were the most commonly captured turtle species (n = 8). A total of 371 individuals
were recaptures, with green anoles being the most commonly recaptured reptile species (146
recaptures) and the Fowler’s toad being the most commonly recaptured amphibians species (65
Species Diversity
The overall herpetofauna and reptile alpha diversity tended to be the greatest two years after
treatment in light thin treatments and were generally the lowest in control plots (Table 17).
There was a significant effect of year on alpha diversity for all herpetofauna (F2, 34 = 4.68; p =
0.016) and reptiles only (F2, 34 = 14.10; p < 0.0001; Table 18). Overall alpha diversity of
amphibians was greatest in heavy thin plots, but we only detected a statistically significant
effect of thin and burn (F2, 34 = 4.07; p = 0.026) and a marginally significant year effect (F2, 34 =
3.08; p = 0.059) on amphibian alpha diversity (Table 17). Gamma diversity for all herpetofauna
two years after treatment increased the greatest from pre-treatment levels in burn, light thin,
and light thin & burn plots, whereas gamma diversity for reptiles increased the greatest in burn,
light thin, and heavy thin & burn plots (Table 17). Gamma diversity of amphibians increased the
greatest from pre-treatment levels in light thin plots (Table 17). Overall beta diversity values
were similar among all treatment plots, with little change among years (Table 17). Species
rarefaction plots indicate that species accumulation rates were similar for all herpetofauna ,
amphibians only, and reptiles only between all treatment years. However, more reptiles were
captured in plots that received a thinning treatment when compared to control and burn plots
during the second year post-treatment.
Herpetofaunal (amphibians and reptiles together) similarity indices generally decreased after
treatment in most treatment plots (Table 17) with a significant effect of year (F = 12.87; p <
0.0001) and thin & year (F2, 36 = 5.64; p = 0.0013). Reptile similarity indices generally increased in
thinned plots after harvest (F2, 34 = 14.47; p = 0.0001), with an additional significant interaction
of thin & year (F4, 34 = 3.34; p = 0.021; Table 18), whereas reptile similarity indices were also high
in thin & burn plots (F2, 34 = 3.19; p = 0.054), with a marginally significant effect of thin & burn &
year interactions (F4, 34 = 2.57; p = 0.056; Table 18). We did not detect a treatment effect on
similarity indexes of amphibians, but did find an overall year effect (F2, 36 = 6.69; p = 0.003; Table
Although herpetofaunal heterogeneity increased greatest in light thin & burn plots, and reptile
heterogeneity increased the greatest in burn and light thin plots. We did not detect a treatment
effect (Table 17). Amphibian heterogeneity was similar among all treatment plots and treatment
years, with no detectable treatment effect (Table 17).
Species Responses
Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) counts were greatest in thin & burn plots two years
after treatment, with an overall positive thin effect (F2, 36 = 6.70; p = 0.0034) and an additional
year & burn effect (F2, 36 = 6.22; p = 0.0048). Green Anole counts were greatest in thinned plots
two years after treatment with an overall thin effect (F = 11.64; p = 0.0001). Little Brown Skink
counts were much higher across all treatments during pre-treatment surveys when compared to
first year post-treatment surveys, indicating a considerable year effect (F2, 36 = 6.11; p = 0.0034).
Total heliothermic lizard counts were greatest two years after treatment in all thinned plots and
lowest in burned stands, indicating an overall positive thin effect (F2, 34 = 9.35; p = 0.0006).
Northern Black Racer (Coluber c. constrictor) counts were greatest in thin plots and thin & burn
plots two years after treatment indicating an overall positive thin effect (F2, 36 = 3.68; p = 0.035)
and thin & burn effect (F2, 36 = 7.15; p = 0.002), with an additional thin & year interaction (F4, 36 =
2.94; p = 0.034). Copperhead counts varied greatly among all years with no detectable
treatment effect. Total large snake counts tended to be greatest in thin only plots, but there was
only a burn effect for these species (F1, 36 = 8.50; p = 0.0061).
Mississippi Slimy Salamander counts simultaneously declined across all treatments through all
years indicating a significant year effect (F2, 36 = 4.72; p = 0.015), with an additionally marginal
negative thin & burn effect (F2, 36 = 3.16; p = 0.054). There was no detectable treatment effect on
Fowler’s Toad and true frog (genus Lithobates) counts. However, true frog counts increased
considerably and were highest during the second year post-treatment in control plots.
Table 17: Community diversity of all herpetofauna, amphibians only, and reptiles only in managed forest stands of
the William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama.
α–Diversity a β–Diversity b γ–Diversity c Heterogeneity d % Similarity e % Exclusive Speciesf
All He rpe tofauna
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Heavy T hin
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Light T hin
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Heavy T hin & Burn
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Light T hin & Burn
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Heavy T hin
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Light T hin
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Heavy T hin & Burn
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Light T hin & Burn
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Re ptile s
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Heavv T hin
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Light T hin
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Heavy T hin & Burn
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
Light T hin & Burn
Pre-T reatment
Post-T reatment Year
Post-T reatment Year
T wo
12.2 ± 2.7
15.0 ± 2.7
13.7 ± 2.9
1.7 ± 0.2
2.1 ± 0.2
1.9 ± 0.2
75.0 ± 37.4
72.3 ± 1.2
35.3 ± 5.9
1.7 ± 1.7
0.8 ± 0.8
T wo
9.9 ± 1.5
15.4 ± 2.8
16.9 ± 1.1
1.6 ± 0.1
2.0 ± 0.1
2.1 ± 0.1
69.3 ± 24.2
72.3 ± 1.5
36.7 ± 4.1
3.8 ± 2.5
2.6 ± 2.6
2.4 ± 1.4
T wo
15.6 ± 3.0
16.7 ± 1.7
16.5 ± 4.2
2.0 ± 0.1
2.1 ± 0.1
2.3 ± 0.2
75.0 ± 26.3
70.7 ± 5.4
58.3 ± 3.3
1.9 ± 1.0
0.9 ± 0.9
0.8 ± 0.8
T wo
9.0 ± 1.6
11.9 ± 0.9
18.7 ± 4.2
1.6 ± 0.3
1.8 ± 0.1
2.2 ± 0.3
51.3 ± 39.6
87.3 ± 3.0
55.3 ± 16.5
T wo
13.1 ± 3.5
12.4 ± 0.8
14.5 ± 2.6
1.7 ± 0.3
1.9 ± 0.1
2.1 ± 0.2
47.7 ± 31.6
73.7 ± 9.1
76.0 ± 2.9
1.0 ± 1.0
1.7 ± 0.9
T wo
11.5 ± 0.7
15.5 ± 3.2
17.3 ± 5.3
1.5 ± 0.1
2.0 ± 0.04
2.2 ± 0.3
81.3 ± 31.4
61.3 ± 6.9
61.7 ± 5.7
1.9 ± 1.0
0.9 ± 0.9
4.0 ± 2.9
T wo
3.5 ± 1.3
3.4 ± 0.8
4.1 ± 1.3
0.7 ± 0.4
1.0 ± 0.2
1.1 ± 0.3
80.7 ± 0.9
83.3 ± 4.8
43.0 ± 19.0
T wo
4.9 ± 1.8
7.0 ± 1.9
4.2 ± 1.2
0.9 ± 0.3
1.3 ± 0.2
1.1 ± 0.3
69.0 ± 1.7
79.0 ± 2.3
54.7 ± 13.7
6.7 ± 3.8
3.7 ± 3.7
T wo
5.5 ± 1.0
6.4 ± 1.3
9.2 ± 2.7
1.2 ± 0.1
1.1 ± 0.1
1.5 ± 0.3
83.0 ± 4.3
73.0 ± 5.5
72.0 ± 10.8
T wo
2.6 ± 0.5
3.6 ± 0.7
6.7 ± 3.2
0.6 ± 0.1
0.6 ± 0.04
0.9 ± 0.4
62.7 ± 17.7
97.3 ± 1.3
33.0 ± 30.0
2.2 ± 2.2
T wo
4.1 ± 0.9
3.0 ± 0.2
5.3 ± 1.7
0.9 ± 0.2
0.8 ± 0.05
1.1 ± 0.3
62.0 ± 14.2
73.7 ± 9.3
73.7 ± 6.2
2.2 ± 2.2
1.9 ± 1.9
T wo
3.9 ± 1.1
5.4 ± 3.0
7.2 ± 3.5
0.7 ± 0.1
1.0 ± 0.4
1.1 ± 0.6
94.0 ± 2.1
75.0 ± 1.5
66.7 ± 8.7
2.2 ± 2.2
1.9 ± 1.9
3.9 ± 3.9
T wo
7.1 ± 0.5
9.5 ± 0.9
8.4 ± 1.3
1.3 ± 0.05
1.7 ± 0.1
1.5 ± 0.1
54.3 ± 19.2
65.0 ± 2.1
30.1 ± 4.5
3.2 ± 3.2
1.3 ± 1.3
T wo
4.0 ± 0.4
5.5 ± 0.5
10.5 ± 0.9
1.0 ± 0.1
1.2 ± 0.1
1.7 ± 0.1
31.0 ± 2.1
34.0 ± 5.6
49.7 ± 4.6
1.8 ± 1.8
1.6 ± 1.6
4.0 ± 2.3
T wo
8.1 ± 2.4
9.2 ± 0.6
10.0 ± 1.8
1.5 ± 0.3
1.6 ± 0.07
1.7 ± 0.1
43.0 ± 9.6
73.3 ± 2.1
72.3 ± 7.5
3.5 ± 1.8
1.6 ± 1.6
1.3 ± 1.3
T wo
4.6 ± 1.4
8.9 ± 1.4
11.7 ± 1.2
1.2 ± 0.3
1.6 ± 0.1
1.9 ± 0.2
53.7 ± 5.8
63.0 ± 9.5
67.0 ± 5.9
T wo
5.2 ± 1.5
9.5 ± 1.4
8.0 ± 1.1
1.3 ± 0.3
1.6 ± 0.07
1.7 ± 0.1
43.3 ± 18.3
94.0 ± 0.6
88.3 ± 2.8
1.6 ± 1.6
T wo
6.9 ± 1.0
8.5 ± 0.4
10.3 ± 2.1
1.4 0.1
1.6 ± 0.07
1.8 0.2
40.3 ± 13.5
83.3 ± 3.8
65.7 ± 8.4
1.8 ± 1.8
4.0 ± 2.3
n = 3 sites per category
a Number of species estimated to be present in each treatment plot based on the Chao 2 estimator
b Represents change in species diversity along a gradient. Determined as β = γ / α
c Number of species estimated to be present within a treatment level based on the Chao 2 estimator
d Derived using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index
e Derived using Morisita's index. Values were obtained by comparing index for a given treatment against other replicates
f Number of species not found elswhere as a percentage of the landscape total
Figure 23: Total heliothermic lizard captures in managed forest stands of the William B. Bankhead
National Forest. Little Brown Skinks and Coal Skinks were excluded from this analysis because they do
not display heliothermic behaviors (Vitt et al. 1998). Bottom pie chart illustrates percent composition of
sampled lizard species.
Figure 24: Total large snake captures in managed forest stands of the William B. Bankhead National Forest. Bottom
pie chart illustrates percent composition of sampled snake species.
Figure 25: Total frog captures of the genus Lithobates in managed forest stands of the William B. Bankhead
National Forest (2005–2008). Bottom pie chart illustrates percent composition of each anuran species.
Habitat Response
Throughout three field seasons, we completed 162 total habitat surveys (three at each plot for
each year). Using PCA we were able to extract five components that accounted for 80.6% of the
overall variance in the original habitat dataset. Component one accounted for 46.8% of the
overall variance and described a gradient ranging from sites with greater canopy cover, lower
temperatures, greater relative humidity, and greater percent coverage of litter to sites with less
canopy cover, greater light intensity, higher temperatures, and greater percent bare ground
coverage, whereas component two accounted for 13.7% of the overall variance and described a
gradient ranging from sites with greater percent bare ground cover to sites with greater percent
coverage of litter, woody, and herbaceous growth. Component three accounted for 8.5% of the
overall variance and described CWD coverage and volume, whereas components four and five
described 11.5% of the overall variance associated with rock and overstory percent coverage,
Habitat gradient values for principal component one were greatest in thin only and thin & burn
plots, illustrating an overall significant effect of thin (F2, 34 = 175; p < 0.0001) and burn (F1, 34 = 15;
p = 0.0005), with additional effects of thin & year (F4, 34 = 32; p < 0.0001) and burn*year (F2, 34 =
11; p = 0.0002). Habitat gradient values for principal component decreased in all treated stands
during post-treatment yr 1 and stayed low in burn only treatments during post-treatment yr 2,
indicating overall effects of both thin (F2, 34 = 5.9; p = 0.0062) and burn (F1, 34 = 9.4; p = 0.0042).
Species and Habitat Relationships
Canonical correspondence analysis indicated changes in species and habitat relationships
between pre-treatment and post-treatment years for amphibians (Figures 26,27,28) and reptiles
(Figures 29, 30, 31). We found distinct increases in variance explained for species relationships
of amphibians during both post-treatment years and for reptiles during the first year posttreatment compared to pre-treatment values (Table 18).
Amphibian CCA diagrams for pre-treatment (Figure 26) and post-treatment year one (Figure 27)
did not reveal any obvious habitat gradients or species associations. However, the CCA diagram
for the second year post-treatment amphibian data (Figure 28) reveals a habitat gradient
ranging from sites with greater canopy cover and greater litter depth to sites with greater air
temperature and greater percent coverage of slash and herbaceous cover. Anuran species such
as Cope’s Grey Treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) and Green Treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) were associated
with greater CWD and herbaceous cover on highly disturbed sites, whereas the Red
Salamanders (Pseudotriton r. ruber) and permanent pool-breeding frog species (e.g., Southern
Leopard Frogs [Lithobates sphenocephalus] and Northern Green Frogs [Lithobates clamitans
melanota]) were associated with greater canopy cover and litter depth (Figure 28). There was a
distinct separation of sites that received a thin treatment versus burn and control sites along the
canopy cover, air temperature, groundcover, and tree canopy gradient (Figure 28).
The CCA diagrams for reptiles illustrate that habitat gradients ranged from sites with greater
canopy cover and litter depth to sites with greater slash, CWD, and herbaceous cover (Figures
29, 30, 31). Air temperature and percent litter coverage played a larger role in the observed
habitat gradients during the post-treatment analyses (Figures 29, 30). Habitat gradients were
longer and more well-defined during post-treatment year one (Figure 29) and appeared to lose
definition during post-treatment year two (Figure 30). Eastern Five-lined Skinks (Plestiodon
fasciatus), Broad-headed Skinks (P. laticeps), Green Anoles, and Eastern Fence Lizards were
associated with disturbed sites that possessed greater CWD, slash, and herbaceous cover and
warmer air temperatures in post-treatment CCA diagrams (Figures 29,30). These species
changed locations greatly within the post-treatment ordination plots when compared to the
pre-treatment analysis (Figure 29). Eastern Worm Snakes (Carphophis amoenus) and Little
Brown Skinks were consistently associated with sites possessing greater percent canopy cover
and greater litter depth during pre-treatment and post-treatment analyses. There was a greater
separation of sites that received a thin treatment from control and burn sites in first year posttreatment CCA diagram (Figure 29) when compared to the second year post-treatment CCA
diagram (Figure 30) along the canopy cover, air temperature, and groundcover gradient.
Total Inertia
Total Percent Species Variance
Total Percent Species-Environment Variance
Output Results
Axis One
Percent Species Variance
Species-Environment Variance
Axis Two
Percent Species Variance
Species-Environment Variance
Axis Three
Percent Species Variance
Species-Environment Variance
Post Year One Post Year Two
Post Year One Post Year Two
Table 18: Overall canonical correspondence analysis results describing relationships between herpetofauna and habitat variables in managed stands of the
William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama
Figure 26: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying pre-treatment A) amphibian and habitat
relationships and B) plot and habitat relationships. In diagram A, species are designated with four-lettered
Figure 27: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying post-treatment year one results for A)
amphibian and habitat relationships and B) plot and habitat relationships. In diagram A, species are designated
with four- lettered abbreviations
Figure 28: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying post-treatment year two results for A)
amphibian and habitat relationships and B) plot and habitat relationships. In diagram A, species are designated
with four- lettered abbreviations
Figure 29: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying pre-treatment results for A) reptile and
habitat relationships and B) plot and habitat relationships. In diagram A, species are designated with four-lettered
abbreviations. In diagram B treatment plots are designated as follows: C- control, B- burn, HT- heavy thin, LT- light
thin, HTB- heavy thin and burn, and LTB- light thin and burn. Habitat relationships are indicated by arrowed lines.
Figure 30: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying post-treatment year one results for A)
amphibian and habitat relationships and B) plot and habitat relationships. In diagram A, species are designated
with four-lettered abbreviations. In diagram B, treatment plots are designated as follows: C- control, B- burn, HTheavy thin, LT- light thin, HTB- heavy thin and burn, and LTB- light thin and burn. Habitat relationships are indicated
by arrowed lines.
Figure 31: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying post-treatment year two results for A)
reptile and habitat relationships and B) plot and habitat relationships. In diagram A, species are designated with
four-lettered abbreviations. In diagram B, treatment plots are designated as follows: C- control, B- burn, HT- heavy
thin, LT- light thin, HTB- heavy thin and burn, and LTB- light thin and burn. Habitat relationships are indicated by
arrowed lines
5. Terrestrial salamander
Characteristics of Natural and Artificial Pools
Overall, biophysical features of natural pools differed from that of artificial pools (MANOVA
Pillai’s Trace= 0.820, F= 6.28, p= 0.003) based on the 20 pools sampled (Table 19). Distance to
the edge of forest (p= 0.01), elevation (p = 0.001), pool depth (p= 0.002), and pH (p< 0.001) were
significantly different between natural and artificial pools. Artificial pools tended to be located
at a lower elevation, were deeper, and had a higher pH than natural pools. Although the
artificial pools, on average, tended to be larger (1,450 m2 and 216 m) than natural pools (1,094
m2 and 204 m) measured by maximum pool area and maximum perimeter, respectively, the
difference was not significant because of large variations within each category (Table 19). The
conductivity (p= 0.58) and mean water temperature (p= 0.88) were also not different between
the two pool types. Dissolved oxygen and salinity were measured intermittently throughout the
study, but due to faulty equipment, measurements were not used in the final analysis.
Table 19: Comparisons of biophysical features (mean ± SD) of artificial and natural vernal pools at the James D.
Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and the Walls of Jericho Forever Wild property on the southern extent of
Cumberland Plateau in Jackson County
Distance to forest (m)
Maximum perimeter(m)
Area (m2)
Maximum depth (m)
Conductivity (µS)
Mean water temperature (ºC)
Elevation (m)
6.6± 7.4
215.7 ± 203.4
1450.5 ± 1015.5
2.3 ± 0.8
5.8 ± 0.6
21.7 ± 19.3
14.9± 1.9
1696.9 ± 44.9
0 ± 0.0
204.0 ± 130.3
1093.9 ± 715.4
1.3 ± 0.4
4.9 ± 0.3
25.4 ± 7.2
14.8 ± 1.0
1766.8 ± 35.3
We began surveying pools in early January 2007. Several pools, three artificial and two natural
were already retaining water. The remaining natural and artificial pools inundated around the
same period of time. Overall, most pools began retaining water in February. There were two
natural pools, which did not become inundated until March. Water levels varied throughout the
first season but we did not observe any pools completely dried and refilled. Some pools receded
to the point where depth markers were no longer submerged and depth had to be determined
via ocular estimation. Pools began to lose water in May and most natural pools were dry by
June. Hiking Trail was the only natural pool to retain water past June and fully dried in August.
Artificial pools, however, retained water further into the summer months. Only Albert Man 2
and Albert Man 3 were fully dry by June, followed by Horse Trail 1, which dried in July. The
remaining artificial pools, with the exception of Albert Man and Letson Point 2, became
desiccated in August. Albert Man and Letson Point 2 retained water until the second season of
trapping and while levels receded, they never completely dried.
Pools began to fill again as early as November 2007 (Figures 32 and 33). The only natural pool to
begin filling in 2007 was Albert Parker 1. Artificial pools Albert Man 2, Albert Man 3, Poplar Man
3 and Poplar Spring 1 also began filling in November. All remaining pools, natural and artificial
Hydroperiods of Natural Pools
Depth (m)
began filling in January and February. Pools dried earlier during the second season than the first
season. Most natural pools and three artificial pools were dry by May 2008. Letson Point 3
retained water until June and Tate Cove and Hiking Trail held water until July. With the
exception of Albert Man 2, Albert Man 3, and Ollie, artificial pools also held water until July. At
the close of the second survey season, Letson Point 2 and Albert Man were still inundated.
Time (Months)
Albert Parker 1
Albert Parker 2
Letson Point 3
Letson Point 1
Hiking Trail
Poplar Spring 2
Horse Trail 2
Horse Trail 3
Tate Cove
Figure 32: Hydroperiod of natural vernal pools in Jackson County, Alabama between January 2007 and July 2008.
Hydroperiods of Artificial Pools
Depth (m)
Time (M onths)
Albert Man
Letson Point 2
Albert Man 2
Albert Man 3
Poplar Man 1
Albert Man 4
Poplar Man 3
Horse Trail 1
Poplar Spring 1
Figure 33: Hydroperiod of artificial vernal pools in Jackson County, Alabama between January 2007 and July 2008.
Natural and artificial pools were similar in their tree species composition. Species commonly
observed within the immediate area surrounding both types of pools include: Red Maple (Acer
rubrum), Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica), Yellow Poplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera), Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), and several Hickory (Carya) and Oak
(Quercus) species. There was a significant difference in overall vegetative cover between natural
and artificial pools (Pillai’s Trace= 0.83, F= 6.64, p= 0.003) (Table 20). When an ANOVA was
conducted to examine the significance of each category, submerged vegetation, canopy cover,
floating leaves, leaf litter, and the amount of rocks were all significantly different between
natural and artificial pools. Artificial pools had significantly more submerged vegetation (p=
0.015) and rocks (p= 0.025), while natural pools had significantly more tree canopy cover (p=
0.004) over and leaf litter (p< 0.001) within them. But when the categories of vegetation were
compared at the six fenced pools, as with the environmental conditions, there was no significant
difference between natural and artificial pools (Pillai’s Trace= 0.67, F= 0.50, p= 0.77) (Table 21).
Table 20: Comparison of microhabitat variables (percent coverage) (mean ± SD) between natural and artificial
vernal pools in Jackson County, Alabama. MANOVA Pillai’s Trace= 0.83, F= 6.64, Hypothesis df= 8, Error df= 11, p=
Aquatic vegetation
Submerged vegetation
Emergent vegetation
Downed trees and logs
Canopy cover
Floating leaves
Leaf litter on pool floor
Mean ± SD
1.6 ± 0.7
2.5 ± 1.1
2.0 ± 0.7
1.6 ± 0.7
1.4 ± 0.5
1.0 ± 0.0
1.0 ± 0.0
2.2 ± 1.1
Mean ± SD
1.6 ± 1.0
1.4 ± 0.7
2.5 ± 1.1
1.3 ± 0.5
1.0 ± 0.0
2.0 ± 0.9
1.3 ± 0.5
5.0 ± 0.0
Table 21: Comparison of microhabitat variables (percent coverage) (mean ± 1 SD) between natural and artificial
vernal pools selected for intensive drift fence trapping in Jackson County, Alabama. MANOVA Pillai’s Trace= 0.667,
F = 0.500, Hypothesis df =4, Error df=1, p=0.770.
Aquatic vegetation
Submerged vegetation
Emergent vegetation
Downed trees and logs
Canopy cover
Floating leaves
Leaf litter on pool floor
1.3 ± 0.6
2.3 ± 1.5
2.0 ± 1.0
1.3 ± 0.6
1.3 ± 0.6
1.3 ± 0.6
1.0 ± 0.0
3.0 ± 2.0
1.7 ± 1.2
2.0 ± 1.0
2.0 ± 0.0
1.0 ± 0.0
1.3 ± 0.6
1.3 ± 0.6
1.3 ± 0.5
4.0 ± 1.7
Species Richness and Abundance
There were fifty-eight successful trap nights where individuals were captured. Over this
course of time, a total of 8850 captures from nine species were encountered in either pitfall
or minnow traps (Table 22). Of those captures, 2627 individuals were adults captured
traveling into pools and 2854 individuals were adults captured exiting pools. Of the remaining
1085 adult individuals, 836 were captured in minnow traps and there were 249 whose
direction of travel was not clear. Emergents were either captured leaving the pools or their
direction of travel was unclear but it is assumed that they were also leaving the pools. Of the
1459 captured, 656 were clearly exiting the pool. Metamorphs numbered 825 and were only
captured in minnow traps. Ninety-seven percent of the individuals we captured in traps were
alive. Three percent of individuals were lost to predation and desiccation.
The most abundant and commonly encountered species were the spotted, mole, and
marbled salamanders (42.7%, 23.0%, and 22.7% of total captures respectively) (Table 23).
Red-spotted newts and Four-toed salamanders were a common occurrence at Poplar Spring 1
pools but were not very abundant across the entire study area (9.1% and 2.0%, respectively).
Several terrestrial species were also observed (Zig-zag, Green, Red, and Slimy salamanders)
but were not frequently encountered. Overall, species were most abundant between
February and May in both 2007 and 2008 at both natural and artificial pools (Figures 34 and
45). Hiking Trail consistently had the most captures in 2007 and 2008 for natural pools.
Horse/Letson had the highest abundance of salamanders in 2007 but Poplar Spring1 had the
highest abundance in 2008 among artificial pools. The total number of captures of
encountered species, excluding Green, Red, Zig-zag, and Slimy salamanders because of their
extremely low presence, were compared using a MANOVA and based on the total abundance
of commonly encountered semi-aquatic species (Red-spotted newts, Spotted, Mole, Marbled,
and Four-toed salamanders), there was no significant difference between natural and
artificial pools (Pillai's Trace= 1.00, F= 48.11, p= 0.11) (Table 24). To account for the possibility
of individuals being counted twice when captured in drift fences, analyses were performed
on totals excluding the captures of adult leaving pools (Table 24). When these totals were
compared in a MANOVA there was still no significant difference between natural and artificial
pools (Pillai's Trace= 0.58, F= 0.35, p= 0.83).
Adults were the most commonly captured life stage, accounting for 74.2% of the total
captures. Emergents accounted for 16.5% of captures and metamorphs accounted for 9.3% of
captures. With the exception of one, most species demonstrated the pattern of adults
representing the largest proportion of individuals captured. In the Marbled salamander, the
emergent life stage was the most commonly encountered, accounting for 1335 of the
species’ 2040 captures. Metamorph captures also accounted for more captures than adults in
this species with 542 of the total captures. Adults only represented 6.9% of captures, with
140 individuals in this species.
Table 22: Species richness and relative abundance of drift fence and minnow trap captures between February
2007 and July 2008 (8,850 total captures).
Scientific Name
Common Name
Ambystoma maculatum
Ambystoma opacum
Ambystoma talpoideum
Spotted salamander
Marbled salamander
Mole salamander
Notophthalmus v. viridescens
Hemidactylium scutatum
Plethodon d. dorsalis
Aneides aeneus
Pseudotriton ruber
Plethodon glutinosis
Captures Per Month at Natural Pools
Total Captured
Red-spotted newt
Four-toed salamander
Zig-zag salamander
Green salamander
Red salamander
Slimy salamander
Time (Months)
Albert Parker 2
Hiking Trail
Letson Point 3
Figure 34: Total salamander captures per month between February 2007 and July 2008 at fenced natural pools
in Jackson County, Alabama.
Captures Per Month at Artificial Pools
Total Captured
Time (Months)
Albert Man 3
Poplar Spring 1
Figure 35: Total salamander captures per month between February 2007 and July 2008 at fenced artificial pools
in Jackson County, Alabama.
Table 23: Comparisons of total captures (mean ± SD) at artificial and natural vernal pools at the James D. Martin
Skyline Wildlife Management Area and the Walls of Jericho Forever Wild property on the southern extent of
Cumberland Plateau in Jackson County, Alabama. MANOVA Pillai’s Trace= 1.00, F= 48.11, Hypothesis df= 4, Error
df =1, p=0.11.
Total Captures (All Species)
Spotted salamander
Mole salamander
Red-spotted newt
Four-toed salamander
Marbled salamander
1024.0 ± 943.0
160.0 ± 142.0
273.7 ± 233.0
210.0 ± 336.0
44.0 ± 38.0
335.0 ± 479.0
1927.0 ± 1605.0
1100.0 ± 1215.0
395.0 ± 283.0
58.0 ± 52.0
17.0 ± 14.0
345.0 ± 98.0
Table 24: Comparisons of individual captures (total captures excluding adults traveling out) (mean ± SD) at
artificial and natural vernal pools at the James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and the Walls of
Jericho Forever Wild property on the southern extent of Cumberland Plateau in Jackson County, Alabama.
MANOVA Pillai's Trace= 0.58, F= 0.35, Hypothesis df= 4, Error df= 1, p=0.83.
Total Captures (All Species) 697.0 ± 847.0
Spotted salamander
47.0 ± 37.0
Mole salamander
90.0 ± 92.0
Red-spotted newt
205.0 ± 330.0
Four-toed salamander
26.0 ± 27.0
Marbled salamander
329.0 ± 472.0
1184.0 ± 834.0
614.0 ± 674.0
206.0 ± 56.0
33.0 ± 53.0
9.0 ± 7.0
322.0 ± 97.0
Species Diversity
Species richness and relative abundance calculations were used to examine species diversity
within and between natural and artificial pools. We used both the Shannon-Wiener Index and
the Simpson’s Diversity Index to examine the species compositions at fenced pools. The
Shannon-Wiener Index takes into account the number of species and the evenness of their
abundances. Higher numbers signify a more diverse group, whereas, lower numbers indicate
fewer species or an uneven distributions of species caused by large gaps in species numbers
or rare species. Simpson’s Index (1-D) characterizes species diversity as the probability that
two randomly selected individuals will be of the same species. In this index, a value of one
represents infinite diversity and a value closer to zero represents low species diversity.
A MANOVA was conducted on pool diversity index scores to determine if there was a
significant difference in the species diversity at pools. The species diversity was not different
between in natural and artificial pools (Pillai's Trace= 0.82, F= 1.14, p= 0.60) (Table 25 and
26). When each index was compared in a separate ANOVA there was still no significant
difference. This was also the case when only adults traveling out of pools were excluded
(Pillai's Trace= 0.56, F= 0.32, p= 0.85) (Table 26).
Table 25: Diversity indices of the fenced natural and artificial pools using total captures. MANOVA Pillai's Trace=
0.82, F= 1.14, Hypothesis df= 4 Error df= 1, p= 0.60.
Albert Man 3
Poplar Spring 1
Mean ± SD
Albert Parker 2
Hiking Trail
Letson Point 3
Mean ± SD
Shannon-Wiener Index
1.2 ± 0.15
1.1 ± 0.1
Simpson's Index
0.6 ± 0.05
0.6 ± 0.07
Table 26: Diversity indices of the fenced natural and artificial pools using only adults traveling into pools,
emergent, and metamorph captures. MANOVA Pillai's Trace= 0.56, F= 0.32, Hypothesis df= 4, Error df= 1, p=
Albert Man 3
Poplar Spring 1
Mean ± SD
Albert Parker 2
Hiking Trail
Letson Point 3
Mean ± SD
Shannon-Wiener Index
1.0 ± 0.23
1.1 ± .11
Simpson's Index
0.5 ± 0.16
0.6 ± 0.06
Spatial Distribution and Temporal Patterns
Red-spotted newts, Spotted, Mole, Marbled and Four-toed salamanders were present at all
six of the fenced pools (Figure 36). Zig-zag salamanders were only present in one artificial
(Horse/Letson) pool and in two natural (Hiking Trail and Letson Point 3) pools. Red, Green,
and Slimy salamanders were present at only one of the fenced pools. Red and Slimy
salamanders were captured only at Horse/Letson and Green salamanders were captured only
at the natural pool Albert Parker 2. Hiking Trail had the most captures at a natural pool, as
well as among all the pools, with 3709 total. Poplar Spring 1 had the most captures of the
artificial pools with 2012 total and the least amount of captures occurred at the artificial pool
Albert Man 3.
During the first field season, which began on February 2007, most pools had a minimum of
one species observed after the first trap night. Red-spotted Newt were only captured on one
occasion and that was after the first trap night and Red Salamanders were also only captured
on one occasion. Zig-zag Salamanders were not captured until early March 2007. Additionally,
Mole Salamanders were not seen until March at Albert Man 3 and Four-toed Salamanders
were not seen until March at Albert Man 3 or Hiking Trail. Marbled Salamanders were only
observed in May at three (Albert Man 3, Poplar Springs 1, and Letson Point 3) of the five
pools at which they were present. All species, with the exception of those seen on only one
date, were observed in at least one pool until early to mid April. Spotted, Zig-zag, Green, and
Four-toed Salamanders were the first species to stop coming into the pools. Marbled and
Mole salamanders were the only species to persist into May in several pools (Horse Trail 1,
Hiking Trail, and Albert Parker 2).
Captures by Pool
Total Captured
Albert Man 3
Poplar Spring 1
Albert Parker 2
Hiking Trail
Letson Point 3
Fenced Pools
Figure 36: Drift fence and minnow trap captures by pool in Jackson County, Alabama. Includes total adult,
emergent, and metamorph captures.
The second trap season began in October of 2007. Red-spotted Newts and Marbled
Salamanders were the only species seen at all but one pool in the month of October (Letson
Point 2 and Letson Point 3, respectively). Mole Salamanders occurred at Poplar Spring 1
during October and proceeded to appear in one pool at a time through the month of March
as opposed to simultaneously at several pools in a short period of time. Spotted Salamanders
appeared in Letson Point 3 in November but did not start moving into any other pools until
January and were not present at Albert Man 3 at all during the second season. Zig-zag
salamanders were observed in two different pools during two different months, November in
Hiking Trail and April in Letson Point 3. Four-toed salamanders did not move into pools until
January and February and were completely absent from Albert Man 3 and Letson Point 2
during the second season. With the exception of Spotted Salamanders, which were last seen
in May, all species accounted for in the second season were present in at least one pool until
July 2008. Marbled Salamanders persisted in the greatest number of pools for the longest
amount of time with individuals being present in three (Albert Man 2, Letson Point 2, and
Letson Point 3) out of six pools until June.
6. Stopover ecology of fall migratory birds
There were no differences in mean temperatures and relative humidity between the two
sites (p > 0.05) (Table 27). However, maximum temperature and maximum relative humidity
were significantly higher in the wetland site (p< 0.05), Temperature and relative humidity
decreased over the season similarly for both sites (Table 28), as expected.
Table 27: Results of independent t-test for microclimate variables between two sites within the Walls of Jericho
Management Area, Jackson County, Alabama, 2007.
t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean difference
Table 28: Mean microclimate and standard error for microclimate characteristics in mixed bottomland
hardwood forests, Walls of Jericho Management Area, Jackson County, AL, 2007.
August Day
August Night
September Day
September Night
October Day
October Night
Temperature Co
20.6 ± 0.6
17.9 ± 0.5
23.5 ± 0.5
21.2 ± 0.4
24.2 ± 0.9
22.1 ± 0.8
Relative Humidity %
65.1 ± 2.1
73.1 ± 2.5
76.1 ± 2.1
84.1 ± 2.4
80.1 ± 2.7
86.7 ± 1.6
Significant differences between the two sites were apparent in four habitat variables:
distance to edge (DistEdge_m; p=.024), basal area of Flowering Dogwood (COFL_BA; p=.044),
basal area of Boxelder Maple (ACNE_BA; p=.008), and basal area of Honey Locust (GLTR_BA;
p=.018). No other habitat variables were statistically different between sites.
Habitat/species relationships
There was a habitat gradient ranging from open edge habitat to more densely wooded
habitat characterized by greater distance from the edge, greater diversity of tree species and
greater numbers of fruiting shrubs (Figure 37). Indigo Bunting (INBU), Tennessee Warbler
(TEWA), Eastern Wood-pewee (EAWP), Common Yellowthroat (COYE), and Rose-breasted
Grosbeak (RBGR) were associated with the edge habitat while Wood Thrush (WOTH) and
Veery (VEER) were strongly associated with more densely wooded habitat. Other species
associated with the densely wooded habitat were Gray-cheeked Thrush (GRCA), Swainson’s
Thrush (SWTH), Hooded Warbler (HOWA), Ovenbird (OVEN), Red-eyed Vireo (REVI), Kentucky
Warbler (KEWA), Canada Warbler (CAWA), and Gray Catbird (GRCA). All species on this end of
the gradient exhibit some degree of frugivory. A second gradient orthogonal to the first
represented higher percent canopy cover (%CanCov) and more larger trees (SizeCl3 = canopy
trees) to lower percent canopy cover and with smaller dbh trees. A number of species
strongly associated with high canopy cover ,includingREVI, EAWP, BAWW, OVEN, KEWA, and
CSWA. The only species strongly associated with otherlow canopy cover and smaller trees
was COYE. Magnolia Warbler (MAWA) and “Traill’s” Flycatcher (TRFL) were found near the
ordination center, indicating their ability to utilize all microhabitats within the study area.
In the year-by-year CCAs, bird relationships along habitat gradients were less clear (see Table
29). In 2006 (Figure 38), the Monte Carlo simulation significance values were non-significant
for all canonical axes (p=0.382) and for the first canonical axis (p=0.110). Both 2007 and 2008
(Figure 38, 40) had significant Monte Carlo simulation significance values for all canonical
axes (p=0.028 for both), but non-significant values for the first axis (p=0.334 and 0.166,
respectively). Visual inspection of the biplots revealed outliers for 2006 and 2007 that
appeared to affect the distribution of the other bird species. Outliers were removed and data
was reanalyzed. For 2006, cumulative percent of explained variance for species data was
33.7% for first three axes, and for species-environment relations it was 53.9% for the first
three axes. For 2007, cumulative percent of explained variance for species data was 37.7% for
the first three axes, and for species-environment relations it was 53.5% for the first three
axes. The differences in the Monte Carlo simulation tests did not change the significance of
the p-values.
Table 29: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination statistical results. Species and species-habitat
relationship values represent the percent of variance explained by each axis. Total inertia is equal to the total
value of the eigenvalues. Monte Carlo Simulation test was significant at <0.05.
Total Inertia
Monte Carlo
All Years
Tree Species
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
Total Explained Variance
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
Total Explained Variance
p-value (all canonical
p-value (1st canonical
Relationships between bird relative abundance and the presence of tree species were
examined. Along Axis 1 in Figure 37, a gradient dominated on one end by Black Walnut and
Eastern Red-cedar and on the other end by Boxelder Maple was evident. Gray Catbird
appeared to be strongly associated with Black Walnut, while Tennessee Warbler, Eastern
Wood-pewee, and Indigo Bunting were strongly associated with Boxelder Maple. Ovenbird
appeared to be associated with location dominated by elm and Hackberry. Magnolia Warbler
and “Traill’s” Flycatcher were both found in the center of the ordination graph, indicating no
strong preference for any of the habitat types found at the site. White-eyed Vireo and Rosebreasted Grosbeak were both found in the periphery. White-eyed Vireo on the opposite end
of the ordination center from elm, while Rose-breasted Grosbeak was situated on the
opposite end of the ordination center from Eastern Red-cedar. All thrush species and Gray
Catbird were found on the Black Walnut – Eastern Red-cedar side of Axis 1, while species
preferring fields and edge habitat tended toward the opposite end, associating more strongly
with Boxelder.
Tree species and sites were plotted in ordination space together to see if bird-tree
relationships could be validated. This biplot showed Yellow Poplar to be strongly associated
with A07 and B04-05; Eastern Red-cedar to be strongly associated with B01, B17, and A05-06;
Ash to be most strongly associated with B03; and Hickory, Elms, and Hackberry to be
associated with A08, B08, B10, B12, and B15. All other nets and tree species appeared to be
clumped together.
Figure 37: Bi-plot based on canonical correspondence analysis of bird species and habitat features in the Walls of
Jericho Management Area, Alabama, U.S.A, 2006-2008 data combined.
Figure 38: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying bird species and habitat relationships
(CCA2) in the Walls of Jericho Management Area, Alabama, U.S.A. 2006 data.
Figure 39: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying bird species and habitat relationships
(CCA3) in the Walls of Jericho Management Area, Alabama, U.S.A. 2007 data.
Figure 40: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination plot displaying bird species and habitat relationships
(CCA4) in the Walls of Jericho Management Area, Alabama, U.S.A. 2008 data.
Figure 41: Canonical correspondence analysis ordination
60plot displaying bird and tree species
relationships (CCA5) in the Walls of Jericho Management Area, Alabama, U.S.A. 2006-2008.
7. Aquatic Resources
Data collection began last year, and now it appears that aquatic communities in urban
streams are not as diverse and abundant as streams in rural areas of northern Alabama. Also,
freshwater mussel communities appear to be restricted to streams in the least developed
watersheds sampled to date, primarily in the Bankhead N.F. and in the Paintrook River.
Several endangered species of mussels have been found in the Bankhead N.F. to date.
Thrust Area III – Soils
1. & 2. N processes
The rates of nitrification during day periods 1–7 and 21–28 were preceded by a burst of
microbial activity and followed by lower rates as the incubation of the soils proceeded (Figs.
57 a, b, c, d, and e). This pattern was consistent with the general hypothesis that incubation
period affected the nitrification potential of samples, but no significant relationships were
found between the gross nitrification and immobilization rates and the microbial
biomass/activity in the soils. This may be due to displacement of peaks for microbial activity
and N transformations. The gross nitrification rate was inversely proportional (p< 0.05, LSD)
to the C/N ratio in the multiple regression analysis (Table 30). Since rapid immobilization of
nitrogen in the samples occurred before the nitrification rate reached its maximum, the
dependence of immobilization on mineralization was broken up in these samples. In the soil
samples, a time lag of approximately 14 days was observed between the peaks of the
nitrification and immobilization rates (Figs. 57 a, b, c, d, and e).
In all treatment plots, nitrification potentials were highly significant (p< 0.00, LSD) with the
time at which the samples were taken (expect day 45) but not with the treatment that was
applied to the system. The correlation of the time after treatments were applied with days of
incubation was negative, but had a positive correlation with C/N ratio (p<0.05, LSD) (Figs. 57
Understanding spatial variability in N processing has important practical applications. These
include predicting the response of soil N to disturbance and the challenge of sustainable
management of N-saturated forest stands concluded that sites with low rates of N
processing would be highly resistant to disturbance, whereas sites with high rates would be
much less resistant. Thus, we would expect a disturbance (e.g., wind damage, forest
harvesting) involving only the low-N to bring about few changes in soil N.
The nitrification may also be underestimated because it declines markedly below pH 6 and
becomes negligible below pH 4). NO3- production in acid forest soils has been attributed to
heterotrophic microorganism nitrification, but the evidence is vague . Acidophilic autotrophic
nitrifiers may contribute more than 90% of the NO3- production in acid forest soils and it has
been suggested that the character and availability of substrates are more important than soil
pH to control the extent of heterotrophic nitrification.
The pattern of the variations of the gross nitrification rates was consistent with the
hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between the nitrification rates and the C/N
ratio (Table 30). It is also in agreement with earlier findings of negative relationships between
the net nitrification rates and the C/N ratio of the forest floor. This information taken
together with the observation that the amount of NH4+ immobilized far exceeded the amount
that was nitrified suggests that high heterotrophic activity in a forest soil coincides with low
nitrification rates, possibly because nitrifiers are poor competitors for NH4+ . However, in
post-treatment and post-post treatment samples, the nitrification rate remained constant
and even increased. This supports the idea that heterotrophs assimilate most of the available
NH4+ when the demand for N is high due to rapid growth and organism recovery after
treatment application.
Concentration NH 3 (mg/L)
Days of Incubation
post treatment
postpost treatment
Concentration NH 3 (mg/L)
Treatment 3- Burn Only
Days of INcubation
post treatment
postpost treatment
Concentration NH 3 (mg/L)
Treatment 4- Thin Only
days of incubation
post treatment
postpost treatment
Concentration NH 3 (mg/L)
Treatment 6- Burn and 25% Thin
Concentration NH 3 (mg/L)
Treatment 7- Burn and 50% Thin
Incubation Time
post treatment
postpost treatment
Figure 42 a-e: Mean potential nitrification rates (mg/Kg soil ) for treatment plots (Treatment 1- control ,
Treatment 3- burn only, Treatment 4- 50% thin, Treatment 6- burn with 25% thin, and Treatment 7 - burn with
50% thin) after days of incubation. Error bars represent standard error.
Table 30: Mean nitification rates (mg/Kg soil) of treatment plots in relation to the C/N ratio with respect to incubation time
and time of treatment application. Treatment 1- control, Treatment 3- burn only, Treatment 4- 50% thin, Treatment 6- burn
with 25% thin, and Treatment 7 - burn with 50% thin.
C/N Ratio
7 days
14 days
21 days
28 days
45 days
Post treatment
C/N Ratio
7 days
14 days
21 days
28 days
45 days
Post-Post treatment
C/N Ratio
7 days
14 days
21 days
28 days
45 days
The low concentration of NO3- found in forest soils has often been attributed to low rates of nitrification.
This interpretation is supported by observations of low net nitrification rates during incubation assays of
soil samples. However, intermittent measurements of gross nitrification suggest a rapid turnover of
small NO3- pools in forest soils and that the dominant fate of NO3- as well as NH4+, is immobilized in the
soil organic matter pool. This way, immobilization may prevent nitrogen leakage to ground and surface
The influence of soil physical characteristics on differences in nitrification between sites is minimal. The
soil manipulations (sieving, mixing) in the laboratory create more-aerated conditions compared with the
field samples. The interaction of constant temperature and soil manipulation of samples may have
affected nitrification in laboratory incubations compared to what would have been obtained if samples
had been taken in situ with the buried bags methods, with similar effects on all soils. Site temperature
did not appear to influence differences in nitrification between sites, because the same magnitudes of
differences were found in the samples (Figs. 57 a-e). Results of the laboratory incubations and the
correlation analyses suggest that nitrification is controlled by ammonification rates in pine/mixed forest.
The leaching of mineral and organic N, cations, and P from the forest-floor may stimulate nitrification in
the mineral soil. PO4-P has been demonstrated to influence nitrification. Inputs of dissolved organic N
from forest-floor leaching may also stimulate ammonification and nitrification.
Finally, if sampling-induced disturbance stimulates net N transformations, intact soil cores should
provide a closer estimate of in situ rates than bulked sample measurements. However, there is still a
degree of disturbance that occurs in the core samples, for example roots are severed and plant uptake
of nutrients cease. These conditions may increase the NH4+ supply to microorganisms (through a
decrease in plant consumption) and cause net nitrification increases that would not be observed in situ,
yet would still be lower than found in bulked samples. From this study, the disturbance, regardless of
treatment, affects the rates of both nitrification and mineralization enough to give rise to net negative
nitrification rates (mineralization rates higher that nitrification rates). Additionally, potential nitrification
and potential mineralization is more correlated with C/N ratio than treatment or time, meaning that
information received from these types of studies is limited at best.
Figure 43: Amount of acid hydrolysable organic nitrogen present in soil after treatments of prescribed burns and thins. Error
bars show standard errors.
The amount of hydrolysable nitrogen increased in all post-treatment samples and decreased in postpost treatment samples for all treatments plots except those for plots 3 (burn only) and 6 (25% thin and
burn) (Figure 44). Although all concentration reanges fell between the mean of 0.57 to 0.93 mg/L there
were no significant differences amoung the treatment plots (p>0.05, HSD). In all soils, hydrolysable N,
particularly labile hydrolysable N, increased in the months following fire. It must be taken into account
that the increase in hydrolysable N was observed mainly in the 0–5 cm layer of the soil and that
hydrolysable N is abundant in plant leaves, as well as in some N2 fixing microorganisms . The
replenishment of the hydrolysable N may take place mainly by N2 fixation from the atmosphere or by
soil N cycling through the plants and microorganisms. Nevertheless, during the first year after burning,
the N solubilized under strong hydrolytic conditions increased, particularly in soil in which residual N
decreased and organic N varied little. This suggests that part of the residual N is slowly transformed into
hydrolysable N. The residual N is considered to be much more recalcitrant to microbial attack than the
hydrolysable N ; therefore, this process can be a consequence of abiotic reactions. The microbial
transformation of residual N in burned soils cannot be discarded given that it has been shown that the N
resistant to acid hydrolysis from non-burned soils can be biologically transformed.
Figure 44: Amount of acid insoluble organic nitrogen present in soil after treatments of prescribed burns and thins. Error bars
show standard errors.
The amount of acid insoluble nitrogen is determined from the difference between total soil nitrogen and
the amount of acid hydrolysable acid. Acid insoluble nitrogen is most likely bound tightly to soil clay
particles and held tightly to humic substances such as humic and fulvic acids. This form of nitrogen was
the lowest of all of the different forms with a mean range of 0.34 to 0.76 mg/L (Figure 45). Although this
was the lowest concentration of all organic nitrogen forms, it was not significantly different (p>0.05,
HSD) from other forms of organic nitrogen.
The results are comparable to results previously reported for acid hydrolysates of soil samples.
Additional research is needed to provide a more detailed description of the unidentified organic
nitrogen compounds.
Figure 45: Amount of amino acid nitrogen present in soil after treatments of prescribed burns and thins. Error bars show
mean standard errors.
The concentration of amino acid nitrogen was the highest among all forms of organic nitrogen, with a
mean range of 1.96 to 2.48 mg/L pre-treatment, 2.24 to 2.35 mg/L post-treatment, and 2.19 to
2.37mg/L post-post treatment (Figure 46). Although the numerical value of the amino acid–N increased,
which is consistent with the increase in N organisms after treatments were applied, it was not significant
(p> 0.05, HSD) when compared to all other organic nitrogen forms. This lack of significance may be to
the fact that the pH of the soil hydrolysate was not low enough for all or even the majority of the amino
acid -NH3 to be released. The acidity produced by the addition of citric acid did not provide adequate
acidity, as would have been provided if another acid such as H2SO4 had been used.
The origin and fate of biologically active compounds, such as free amino acids in soils are very complex.
They may originate in soils from: i) being leached by biological tissues (plant, animal and microbial
remains), ii) being released during the conversion of protein N to NH3+ (proteins → peptides → amino
acids → NH3+) by heterotrophic organisms, or iii) being excreted by plant roots or microorganisms
present. Once amino acids are released in soils, many factors affect their abundance, including synthesis
and destruction by various biota, adsorption to clay minerals and reactions with quinines and reducing
sugars. In soils, the ratio of N in hydrolysable protein to total soil N (Nt) remains almost constant despite
increases or decreases in SOM due to different management practices, e.g. manuring and fertilization.
However, land management practices often show mixed effects on amino acid distribution and
The predominant amino acids in the solid-phase soil are often those contained in the cell walls of
microorganisms, such as alanine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. These amino acids are also among the
dominant amino acids found in the dissolved organic nitrogen.
Figure 46: Amount of ammonia nitrogen present in the soil after treatments of prescribed burns and thins. Error bars show
mean standard errors.
After treatments were applied, the ammonia content decreased in treatments plots 3 (burn only), 4
(thin only) and 6 (burn and 25% thin), but increased in treatment plots 1 (control; 1.77 to 1.79 mg/L) and
7 (burn and 50% thin; 1.81 to 2.00 mg/L) (Figure 47). Two years after burning, NH4 +-N in the surface
layer of soils followed similar trends within the same groups. In the months following, ammonium
decreased and, 2 years after fire, NH4+-N in the burned soils was similar or slightly lower than in the
unburned (control) soils. In the top layer of the burned soils, the decrease in NH4+-N was not constant.
Samples taken 1 year after fire had values similar or even higher than those in the recently burned soils.
From this, time verses treatment had the most significant effect on ammonium-N found in soil (p<0.00,
HSD). In general, ammonium-N was negatively affected during the first year after burning except in the
control and burn and 50% thin treatments.
Figure 47: Amount of ammonia-amino sugar nitrogen present in the soil after treatments of prescribed burns and thins. Error
bars show standard errors.
The increase in ammonia + amino sugar-N detected immediately after treatments were applied is
common and is mainly attributed to the chemical mineralization of soil organic matter and to the
deposition of ashes on the soil surface (Figure 47). As with ammonium-N, the significant differences
were found based on the time that the samples were taken rather than the application of a particular
treatment (p<0.00, HSD). As in the soils studied, numerous authors have observed that the positive
effect of burning on inorganic N availability generally lasts for several months. This effect could be
related to the short-term stimulation of N mineralization after fires and to a reduced absorption of N
because of the lack of vegetation in recently burned areas. The high ammonia + amino sugar-N content
in burned samples taken 12-18 months after treatments suggests that ammonification was enhanced
during the summer, probably because the lack of vegetation cover and the blackening of the soil surface
induced rise in soil temperature. The low or undetectable amount of nitrite and nitrate in most of the
burned and unburned soils studied is attributed to reduced nitrification and to the scarce number of
nitrifying microorganisms that can compete with the heterotrophic microbial population. Moreover
nitrifying microorganisms are frequently disfavoured by burning, particularly if the soil pH is not
increased by burning.
Figure 48: Amount of amino sugar nitrogen present in the soil after treatments of prescribed burns and thins. Bars show
standard errors.
Nitrogen in the hydrophilic fraction generally consists of non-bound proteins and peptides, free amino
acids, nucleic acid bases and amino sugars, along with any of these compounds associated with
hydrophilic dissolved organic carbon compounds. The decrease in the amino sugar- N found in soil after
treatments were applied is in agreement with other researchers who have reported losses of soil N by
volatilization. The variation in soil N in the soil was attributed mainly to the deposition of partially
burned vegetation on the soil surface. This deposition of burned material can also explain why the loss
of organic N was lower in the surface layer, which reaches higher temperatures during the fire, than in
the 5–10 cm layer (Figure 48). A relative enrichment in N due to the loss of important amounts of C, H,
and O by heating in form of compounds like H2O, CO, CO2, CH4 may have contributed to the increase in
organic N in the soil. There was a continual drop over time in the amount of amino sugar that was
available in the soil, however the only statistically significant difference was found among the post-post
treatment samples that were taken. No difference was found within the treatment groups.
Soil pH, Total N, Total C, and C/N Ratio
There was not a large difference in soil acidity between or within the treatment plots and the time after
treatments were applied. Total nitrogen concentrations ranged from 0.08 to 0.25 mg/L. Thus, dissolved
organic nitrogen was the dominant nitrogen form in the soil, accounting for more than 90% of the
nitrogen forms in the soil. The dominance of dissolved organic nitrogen relative to mineral nitrogen
suggests that this form of nitrogen may be an important nitrogen source for biota in forest ecosystem.
The C/N ratio of virgin soils formed under grass vegetation is normally lower than that for soils formed
under forest vegetation, and for the latter, the C/N ratio of the humus layers is usually higher than that
for the mineral soil properties. Also the C/N ratio of a well-decomposed muck soil is lower than for a
fibrous peat. As a general rule, it can be said that conditions which encourage decomposition of organic
matter result in a narrowing of the C/N ratio. The ratio nearly always narrows sharply with depth in the
profile; for certain subsurface soils, C/N ratios lower than 5 are not uncommon.
The productivity gradient was fundamentally characterized by substrate availability (increasing N
concentration and total N content of the profile) and quality (decreasing C/N ratios that reduce N
immobilization), consistent with a variety of ecosystems. This enhanced N availability reflects the
improved soil moisture regime and related geochemical effects (base cation supply, pH) down slopes or
across landforms that influence key processes such as microbial activity, ion diffusion, disturbance
severity, rates of N fixation and litter quality. Microbial C/N ratios were quite low, perhaps due to the
season of sampling. The decline in this ratio suggested more humus forms on sites where fungus
dominated, shifting to more bacteria biomass in moder humus forms on richer sites. Microbial-N of the
profile was not correlated to nitrogen availability on these sites, which is the opposite of what has been
generally found, perhaps because mycorrhizal fungi contribute substantial biomass to the soil profile
across all these forest types.
There were several correlations found with respect to time and form of organic nitrogen found in the
soil. The time at which the sample was taken (pre-treatment, post-treatment, or post-post treatment)
positively correlated with hydrolysable nitrogen, acid insoluble nitrogen, ammonium- amino sugar
nitrogen, and carbon: nitrogen ration (p<0.05, HSD). Conversely, ammonia nitrogen, amino sugar, total
nitrogen, total carbon, and soil pH were all negatively correlated with time.
3. Microbiology
PCR-DGGE-Polymerase Chain Reaction-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
The control plot was located in the Sipsy Wilderness area of the Bankhead National Forest. It is a 74year-old mixed hardwood of predominately oak that has never been prescribed thinned or burned
(Figure 49). The organisms that were identified in the summer of 2005 were used to establish the
baseline for the control and a reference point for the other treatment plots. A total of 32 were detected
in this study and of these 12 occurred in the control site, over the course of the study. Of the 12, two
bacteria identified were known ammonium oxidizers, Nitrosospria and Roseiflexus. In addition to these
bacteria, Creanachaea, an ammonium oxidizing Achaea was also found in the samples. There was also
one organism, Sphingobacteria, which did not show up in the control, or pretreatment in any treatment
plot but did show up in every plot after treatments had been applied.
In the burn only plot had the highest number of organisms found (Figure 50). Of the 32 organisms
identified 15 were found in the plot, a significant difference (p < 0.05, HSD) when analyzed with every
other treatment plot. There were ammonium oxidizing bacteria found including Nitrosospira,
Nitrosococcus, and Roseiflexus. In addition to these organisms both nitrifying and nitrogen fixing
communities were also identified including Burkholderia and Calditrix. The identification of the
Nitrosococcus and Nitrososprira only after the treatment had been applied suggest that the burn had a
positive effect on these groups of organisms. Again the persistence of the ammonium oxidizing Achaea,
Crenachaea, was seen pre, post, and post-post treatment.
The treatment plot which was 25% thin only (Figure 51) had the lowest diversity of all treatment plots.
Of the possible 32 organisms that were identified only 11 organisms were found, making this treatment
significantly different from all other treatment plots (p<0.05, HSD). Of the organisms identified only one
organisms that has the ability to oxidize ammonium was identified, Roseiflexus. However, the nitrogen
fixing bacteria Burkholderia did emerge in the system after the treatment application. Although the
more common ammonium oxidizing genus, Nitrosospira and Nitrosococcus were not found the
ammonium oxidizing Archaea genus Crenarchaea was identified pretreatment and recovered two years
after treatment application. The disturbance of thinning only did affect the presence of this organism
one year after the treatment application.
The treatment plot that was 25% thin and burn in combination (Figure 52) had the third highest diversity
of organisms, making it statistically different (p<0.05, HSD) from the control and burn only plots and
statistically similar to the 50% thin and burn in combination plots (p>0.05, HSD). Thirteen organisms
were identified in this treatment plot over the course of the experiment. After the treatment
application the bacteria that are known ammonium oxidizing organisms, Nitrosospira and Nitrosococcus,
were both identified. In addition to these groups the genus Roseiflexus, which also has the ability to
oxidize ammonium, was also found. Organisms associated with nitrogen fixing such as Rhizobium were
also identified. Again it can be seen the presence of the Creanarchaea genus pre-, post- and post-post
treatment. Although the number of bands excised linked with this organism was lower post-treatment
and post-post treatment the differences was not significant (p>0.05, HSD).
The 50% thin and burn in combination plot had the second highest diversity with 14 of the possible 32
organisms identified (Figure 53). Of the samples, Nitrosospira, Nitrosococcus, and Roseiflexus were
found. All three have the ability to oxidize ammonia. In addition to the ammonium oxidizing bacteria,
the ammonium oxidizing Crenarchaea was also found. Many other interesting species were also
identified in the samples including Theromoprotei, Methylomonas, and Cynobacteria. Theromoprotei is
a class of Crenarchea, Methylomonas is an organism that gets its energy from methyl groups in the
environment, and Cynobacteria are a group that are capable of fixing both carbon and nitrogen.
As shown, there is not a significant difference between pre-treatment, post-treatment, or post-post
treatment samples (p >0.05, HSD). Between the pre-treatment and post-treatment samples there were
eight organisms in common and three organisms in common between the pre-treatment and post-post
treatment samples. Between the post treatment and post-post treatment samples there were 3
organisms in common.
In the thin only plot of 15 organisms were identified. Between the pretreatment, post treatment, and
post-post treatment plots there was only one common organism (Flavobacterium and Crenarchaea,
respectively). Between the post treatment and post-post treatment organisms there were two
organisms that were shared, Burkholderia and Cynobacteria. Both of these groups have species that are
able to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.
For the burn only plot 25 organisms were identified. Again post treatment samples had the highest
diversity (p<0.05), followed by post-post treatment, then pre-treatment. In both the pre-treatment
relationship to post- and post-post treatment samples three organisms were common. Of those the one
of most interest was the ammonium oxidizing archaea, Crenarchaea. There were seven common
organisms between post treatment and post-post treatment samples including the nitrogen fixing
communities such as Calitrix and again the ammonium oxidizing archaea, Crenarchaea.
There are diversity shifts seen in the treatment plots after treatment application. The burn only, the
25% thin and burn, and the 50% thin and burn (Figures 50,52, 54) treatments had the highest increase in
diversity, and the populations found were a range of nitrogen related organisms, including, nitrogen
fixers such as Caldithrix and Rhizobia, as opposed to the ammonia oxidizers that were expecting to be
identified. There was an increase in diversity in the thin only treatment (Figure 51) in comparison to the
control and pretreatment samples but the change was not as high as the treatments that were burned.
This is consistent with other studys who found that thinning, which can lead to soil compaction, had an
impact on physical indices and did not have an impact on soil microbial diversity and viability. This may
be because that compaction increases the number of micro-habitats in the soil, which increases the
surface areas for microbes to flourish. This work found that both treatment application, time of
sampling, and the interaction between the two had a highly significant effect on microbial diversity (p <
0.00). Although some soil properties (soil texture and nutrient status) significantly differed across landuse types, other edaphic factors, such as pH, did not vary consistently with land-use. Archaea –bacteria
ratios were not significantly different across the treatments applications and did not necessarily harbor
distinct soil archael or bacterial communities. The results from comparing the treatment application and
the time of sampling suggest that specific changes in soil properties, such as changes in pH or more
atmospheric interaction from reducing litter and over story, all need to be indicators for predicting shifts
in microbial community composition.
Predominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria identified in this study are Nitrosospira-like species and
Roseiflexus-like spp. Dominate nitrogen-fixing communities were Burkholderia and Cynobacterium.
More work should be conducted to identify the species of Burkholderia present as some species can be
pathogenic. Interesting genus include Anaerolinea, which is an anaerobic organisms and cannot use
nitrates as an electron donor, Xanthomonas (a nitrogen reducer), Thermovibrio (nitrate ammonifier),
and Methylomonas, a methyl oxidizer which does not fix nitrogen or oxidize ammonia. All were found
post-treatment and have the opposite effect of the type of action expected for the treatment that is
In addition to the ammonium oxidizing bacteria a group of ammonium oxidizing archaea, mainly
Crenarchaeota was also found. Initially, the Crenarchaeota were thought to be extremophiles (e.g.,
thermophilic and psychrophilic organisms) but recent studies have identified them as the most
abundant archaea in the marine and soil environments. However, Creanarchaeota are now recognized
to be an important fraction of the free-living microbial communities in non-extreme environments. In
addition, the study of the amoA gene, involved in ammonia oxidation to nitrite, from different terrestrial
environments has provided about the first step of archaeal nitrification, and points to Creanarchaeota as
active nitrifiers in water and soils.
Fire can have various effects on different groups of bacteria in the soil community. The immediate
effect of fire on the soil microbial biomass depends on the intensity and duration of the fire and can
range from complete sterilization to no effect. In this study it was shown that the fire that was applied
to the system did effect the microbial composition of the soil. Numerical changes were apparent in the
microbial communities after treatments were applied, 77 pre-treatment bands were excised compared
to 108 post-treatment, and 81 post-post treatment. Additionally, there were less ammonia oxidizing
communities present in the post- treated soils, based on band excision and sequence analysis.
PLFA (Phospholipid fatty acid analysis)
Phospholipid fatty acid analysis, used to estimate the diversity of microbial communities, was useful in
monitoring changes in microbial populations in relation to treatment application and time of sampling.
Data are presented in units of percent of total Fatty Acid Methyl Ethers (FAME) within the samples. The
protocol adapted to the whole soil samples is reproducible; i.e. the standard deviations for two
subsamples taken from well-mixed sample from the treatment plots were very low compared to the
On average, 5 different FAME’s were detected in each whole soil sample and 199 FAME’s were
identified in total (Figures 54-56) ) and more than half were detected in the post-post treatment
samples, indicating that most of the diversity in this study was present as the system recovered over
time. The PLFAs that were identified in these samples were typical of those found in other forest soils,
with the highest fatty acid levels being those of saturated fatty acids (predominantly sum in feature 1
(13:0 3OH/15:1i); but also including PLFAs with chain lengths of C16 and polyunsaturated fatty acids
(predominantly 14:0 Ante ISO and 15:1 ISO G) fatty acids, although fungus typically has a higher diversity
and abundance in forest soils they were not studied as they tend to degrade less rapidly than bacteria .
The ability to identify many of the PLFAs derived from soils, from all treatments sites and times of
treatments, was very interesting because phospholipids have the tendency to degrade over time and
some soils had been stored for long periods of time (pretreatment samples up to 4 years). The
possibility of identifying fatty acids again shows that microorganisms have a resiliency over time.
Many PLFAs, including 13:0 2OH, 14:0 Ante ISO, i15:1, and 13:0 3OH/15:1 i, were abundant (i.e.
represented >60% of total PLFA) in samples. The PLFAs 14:0 Ante ISO, i15:1 was particularly well
represented indicating that many organisms show resiliency even after being removed from the native
environment. These compounds are generally considered bacterial in origin and are found in anaerobic
bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria. Since Gram-positive bacteria are usually not abundant in coastal
marine sediments. It can be considered that these compounds are derived primarily from anaerobic
bacteria. This view is supported by the prevalence of several additional PLFAs. Among the monosaturated PLFAs, 15:1 ISO G, 17:1 ISO ANTE, 17:1 w5c and ISO 17:1 w10c were all abundant compounds.
All have been observed in bacteria and the -OH branched PLFAs are strongly associated with gramnegative bacteria. Additionally, these branched PLFA are typically abundant in coastal marine sediments
and is derived from both bacterial and microeukaryotic sources. Of the common and expected soil
PLFAs, 16:0 was present at levels <1% in some samples. Among the other PLFAs, the unknown fatty
acids could be considered an abundant compound, constituting approximately 13% of PLFA in all
samples. All of these compounds are considered to stem from bacteria and both i17:1 has been
designated as signature PLFAs for sulfate reducing bacteria (i17:1 Desulfovibrio). The PLFA profiles
recovered, reflect a microbial community that was primarily bacterial and contained a substantial
quantity of anaerobes. It should be noted that the analysis used did recover the ether-linked lipids of the
Archaea, and thus the data does account for the presence and can permit for the estimation of the
abundance of these organisms in soils.
There were statistically significant differences among PLFA profiles from the treatment application and
time for sampling prior to and after treatment applications were made (p < 0.01) (Figures 54, 55, 56).
Five compounds accounted for approximately 50% of this temporal variability, 13:0 2OH, 14:0 ANTEISO,
14:0 ISO, 15:1 w8c, and 15:1 ISO. Significantly greater quantities of 15:1 w8c, and 15:1 ISO G were
recovered from the long-term sampling plots compared to the pretreatment plots (p<0.05). The
phospholipids identified as gram positive were increased significantly (p<0.05) in pretreatment samples
when compared with both port treatment and post-post treatment sample times. With the exception of
the compounds noted above, there were only minor differences in compound representations in the
profiles and little variability among treatments.
The stability of the PLFA profiles among different manipulative treatments and across a treatment
duration spanning substantial changes in key edaphic parameters indicates little quantitative change in
the microbial community in response to either natural (control) or experimentally manipulated
environmental variability. The variable conditions experienced by the microbiota included substantial
increases in the quantity of soluble nutrients, available in the soil alterations in plant debris movement
away from the litter and incorporation into the soil organic matter pool. All of these changes might be
expected to have important impacts on the soil ecology. The apparent stability of the rhizosphere
microbial community that we observed is consistent with the results of other studies. While these data
do not exclude the possibility that replacement of some species by others having similar PLFA
compositions might have occurred, there were generalized changes in the composition of the soil
microbial community. Based on these findings it seems likely that stability of the microbial community
fatty acids that were derived from the samples are due in part to that fact that microbes are well
adapted to their environment, and that the soil has some inherent stable physical structures even in
Bands Excised
Figure 49: Organisms identified as present from control. Abundance of organisms as related
to the number of bands excised pre-reatment, post-treatment, and post-post treatment.
Error bars repersent standard error.
Bands Excised
Figure 50: Organisms identified as present based from burn only plot. Abundance of organisms as related to the number of
bands excised pre-reatment, post-treatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard error.
Figure 51: Organisms identified as present from 25% thin only plots. Abundance of organisms as related to the number of
bands excised pre-reatment, post-treatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard error.
25% Thin- Burn
Figure 52: Organisms identified as present from the burn-25% thin only plot. Abundance of organisms as related to the
number of bands excised pre-reatment, post-treatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard error.
Figure 53: Organisms identified as present 50% thin only plots. Abundance of organisms as related to the number of bands
excised pre-reatment, post-treatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard error
3: 0
ISO i 2O
ow .531
kn 13. 9
n1 7
4. 2
6. 5
15 G
Precent weight
Fatty Acids
Figure 54: Fatty acids identified as present from control plots. Percent weight of fatty acids normalized pre-treatment, posttreatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard error.
ISO :1 w
3: 0
ISO i 2O
n1 1
3. 9
ow . 263
6. 5
15 G
Percent Weight
Burn Only
Fatty Acids
Figure 55: Fatty acids identified as present based from control (6), burn only (7), 25% thin only (8). Percent weight of fatty
acids normalized pre-treatment, post-treatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard error.
ISO :1 w
n1 1
. 95
n1 3
6. 5
15 G
Percent Weight
25% Thin
Fatty Acids
Figure 56: Fatty acids identified as present from burn only plots. Percent weight of fatty acids normalized pre-treatment,
post-treatment, and post-post treatment. Error bars repersent standard
Table 31: Composite look at number of organisms that were found in common in the control, thin only, and burn only
treatments. Number of organisms on the diagonal is the different genus identified pre-treatment, post treatment, and postpost treatment, and those below the diagonal are the number of genus common for that time interval.
Control PRT
While many factors may contribute to the differentiation of soil microbial communities, the decrease in
microbial ammonia oxidizing populations (such as Nitrosospira spp. and Roseiflexus spp.) is attributed to
the increase in available inorganic resources after fire is applied. Although there were many species of
ammonium-oxidizing bacteria identified (Nitrosospira spp., Roseiflexus spp. Nitrosococcus spp.) in this
experiment, there was another organism that was identified that may contribute to nitrogen turnover in
the soil. Autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) of the β- and γ-subgroups of proteobacteria
have so far been considered the most important contributors to aerobic ammonia oxidation. These
organisms usually comprise only a small fraction of the microbiota. Also, genes encoding subunits of a
potential ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), the key enzyme of AOB, on a metagenomic soil clone
alongside a ribosomal RNA operon of Archaea, affiliated with the phylum Crenarchaeota . The existence
of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) was ultimately confirmed by sequence alignment which helped to
identify organisms that use ammonia as sole energy source and also produced nitrite in nitrogen
These data provide evidence for high abundance of AOA in soils, and extrapolation suggests that they
represent the most abundant ammonia-oxidizing organisms in forest soil. Their high numbers in various
ecosystems and at greater soil depths indicate that these organisms are adapted to a broad range of
growth conditions and might therefore have a more versatile metabolism than AOB, perhaps being able
to grow over a large range of ecosystems. Although numerically abundant and transcriptionally active, it
remains to be shown whether archaea in soil also dominate with respect to their nitrification activities.
It will be important to identify the parameters influencing AOA and AOB populations in soils and to
quantify and compare their specific activities under varying environmental conditions. If archaea
contribute significantly to nitrification, as their abundance now suggests, estimates of the ecological
impact of ammonia oxidation (including greenhouse gas emissions) based on bacterial ammoniaoxidizing activity will need to be re-assessed.
4. Phosphorus Forms
Results from the chemical extraction involving NaOH/EDTA, 0.5M NaHCO3 extractions, and P forms
obtained from sequential P extraction are discussed in this section.
In general, NaOH/EDTA extractions solubalized more organic P than the NaHCO3 extracts indicating the
presence of very low amounts of labile organic P in these soils in general (Figure 57a, b). The labile
organic P content varied with burning and logging treatments and a significant reduction in labile
organic P forms relative to the control were observed for all treatments studied.
Sequential extraction of P forms were carried out using a previously described method designed to
separate water soluble P, bicarbonate/dithionite extractable P (free Fe-bound P), organic P,
polyphosphates and P bound to Al (NaOH extractable P), Ca-bound P (HCl extractable P), and residual P.
Amount of P in each fraction is given in Table 46 for soils obtained from selected treatment sites.
Figure 57: (a) Bicarbonate extractable OP (0-5 cm depth); (b) EDTA/NaOH extractable OP (0-5 cm depth soil)
Sequential extraction of P indicates that the largest P pool consists of NaOH extractable P in all
treatments. Significantly lower NaOH extractable P was observed in soils subjected to 3 year burn cycle
(no logging) relative to control or logging/burning treatments. Results from this extraction also indicate
that higher percentage of OP is available as stable OP in these soils that is bound to Fe or Al-oxides and
may remain as fixed P unavailable to vegetation.
Table 32: Sequential extraction of P forms
Burning (3 yr cycle)
Thin & Burning (3 yr cycle)
dithionite P (mg/kg)
Characterization of P forms in soil extracts using 31P NMR and Development of method for sample
preparation for 31P NMR analysis
The major limitation of obtaining 31P NMR of these extracts are having high amounts of paramagnetic
ions (Fe/Mn) in extracts that cause peak broadening and distortion of 31P NMR spectra. Therefore, we
had to employ pre and post-extraction procedures to remove Fe from the extracts prior to analyzing the
extracts using 31P NMR spectroscopy. The methods developed in this study for post-treatment of the
organic P (OP) extracts for 31P NMR analysis involves a chelex extraction or a dialysis method (MWCO
500) which resulted in removal of significant amount of Fe from extracts thus reducing the paramagnetic
ion interference in 31P NMR analysis. This allowed us to obtain high quality 31P NMR spectra. All samples
were freeze dried and dissolved in 0.5M NaOH for 31P NMR analysis. Identification of OP compounds in
soil extracts were based on using chemical shift assignment references for biological phosphorus
compounds in solution 31P NMR. Chemical shift assignments for some of the major OP compounds in soil
extracts are given as follows: Phosphonates (+20 ppm), phosphate (+5.7 to +6.1 ppm), phosphate
monoesters (+3 to +6 ppm), phosphate diesters (-0.8 to -2.5 ppm), pyrophosphates (-5 ppm),
polyphosphates (-19 to -21 ppm)
P NMR of Bicarbonate and NaOH/EDTA Extracts
The 31P NMR spectra of 0.5M Sodium bicarbonate and NaOH/EDTA extracts are shown in Figures 58 and
59. The 31P NMR spectra of these extracts showed some differences in the organic P forms present in
bicarbonate and NaOH-EDTA/dithionite extracts. The NaOH/EDTA extracts contained substantially
higher fraction of phosphate monoesters and DNA phosphate diesters relative to bicarbonate extracts.
Thus, it can be assumed that bicarbonate extracts may contain more labile OP forms relative to
NaOH/EDTA extracts. Generally, the inorganic P fraction in NaOH/EDTA extracts was lower than the
inorganic P fraction in bicarbonate extracts. Pyrophosphate was present in most bicarbonate extracts
(Treatments 3, 4, 5, and 6) and polyphosphates are present in the bicarbonate extracts of soils from
Treatments 5 and 7. Some of the 31P NMR spectra indicative of major P forms present in extracts are
shown below.
Figure 58: Phosphorus forms in 0.5M sodium bicarbonate extract of control soils (0-5 cm)
Figure 59: Phosphorus forms in NaOH/EDTA extract of control soils (0-5 cm)
31P NMR Spectra of Phosphorus forms in Sequential Extracts
Spectra for bicarbonate/dithionite, NaOH extract, and HA bound P is given in the following sections. We
were unable to obtain spectra for water and HCl fractions (Ca-P) due to very low concentrations of P
extracted. The water extractable and HCl extractable P forms were very low in the soils studied
indicating low abundance of water soluble and Ca-bound P in these soils.
Bicarbonate/dithionite extractable-P
Bicarbonate buffered dithionite extraction yields free iron bound P in soils. As shown in NMR spectra,
differences can be seen in the ratios of monoester P (+3.5 to +5.0 ppm) and diester P (-0.8 ppm) in these
spectra (Figure 60 a-c). Treatment 6 contains relatively low concentration of monoester-P suggesting
transformation of monoester P fraction to orthophosphate-P due to logging and burning treatments.
The actual amount of inorganic P is not reflected in the spectra since some inorganic P is lost during the
dialysis process.
Control (a)
Treatment 3 (b)
Treatment 6 (c)
Figure 60: P NMR Spectra of P forms in bicarbonate/dithionite Extracts: (a) Control; (b) Treatment 3; (c) Treatment 6
NaOH extractable P
The NaOH extraction is expected to remove major part of biogenic P including organic P and
polyphosphates along with reactive P bound to aluminum hydroxides. In the NaOH fraction, some
changes can be seen between ratios of different P forms in control and treated soils suggesting possible
P transformation during the burning or burning and logging treatments. The NaOH extractable P mainly
consists of monoester-P compounds. However, this fraction also consists of other P forms including
phosphonates (+20 ppm) and pyrophosphates (-5 ppm) which was not observed in
bicarbonate/dithionite extractable fraction obtained from the sequential extraction processes.
Phosphonates and pyrophosphates are more abundant in control soils relative to soils subjected to
burning or logging/burning treatments. Higher proportion of pyrophosphates is an indicator of presence
of fungal compounds. In addition, DNA-P is more abundant in control soils relative to treated soils
showing that treatments may have affected the microbial biomass in these soils.
Control (a)
Treatment 3 (b)
Treatment 6 (c)
Figure 61: P NMR of P forms in NaOH extract : (a) Controll; (b) Treatment 3; (c) Treatment 6
Humic Acid bound P
Phosphorous associated with humic acid (HA) was separated by acidifying the NaOH extract with 2M
sulfuric acid. 31P NMR of HA fractions are shown in Figure 62 (a-c). Similar to other fractions, monoester
P predominates in all HA fractions. However, control and Treatment 6 spectra shows that both
monoester and diester-P forms are relatively high in these fractions compared to Treatment 3. A
significant decrease in diester P can be observed in humic acid fraction of soils subjected burning
treatment alone. Control and Treatment 6 also contains peaks that corresponds to phosphonates (+20
ppm) and minor amounts of pyrophosphates (-5 ppm) which are only present in minor amounts in soils
subjected burning treatment alone.
Treatment 3 (b)
Control (a)
Treatment 6 (c)
Figure 62:
NMR Spectra of Humic Acid Forms: (a) Control; (b) Treatment 3; (c) Treatment 6
Generally, most predominant form of organic P in soils consists of monoesters which may form relatively
insoluble complexes with metal ions such as Fe and Al, and are thus, considered as somewhat resistant
to degradation. Diester phosphates (nucleic acids, phospholipids) are of relatively low abundance in soils
and have been categorized as chemically labile forms of organic P in soils that are often subjected to
microbial and enzyme attack relative to monoester P (inositol phosphates, sugar phosphates). In some
instance, the ratio of diester: monoester P is used as a measure of amount of labile organic P present in
In conclusion we can suggest that burning and logging have some effect on changing the percent P
forms in soil. The main observation is that the dominant OP form in these soils is monoester-P which
comprises mainly of inositol phosphates and minor amounts of sugar phosphates, phospho-proteins,
and mononucleotides. Relatively high concentration of monoester P forms present in control soils
relative to treated soils suggests the possibility of fire-induced transformation of some of the monoester
forms to orthophosphates.
Most prominent form of diester P observed in the soils studied was from DNA-P. Diester P forms that
mainly consist of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), phospholipids, and teichioic acids are considered to be
incorporated into soils from plants and microbes. Previous studies indicate that changes in diester P is
an indicator of changes in microbial P forms where decrease in DNA-P may attribute to decrease of
microbial biomass by burning or decrease of plant residue present in soil. In our study a decrease in
DNA-P was observed in soils subjected to burning or burning and logging treatments relative to control
soils indicating the possibility of changes in microbial biomass in treated soils or due to decrease of plant
residues in soils during burning process. The NMR results also indicate decrease in pyrophosphates in
treated soils which is an indicative of changes in fungal compounds as affected by logging and burning
5. Mineralogy
Our mineralogy data shows that kaolinite, halloysite, vermiculite-hydroxy-interlayered vermiculites, and
quartz are common components of soils of the Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. Kaolinite was
identified in the Mg- and K-saturated clays by XRD peaks of 7.2 and 3.58 Å. When k-saturated samples
were heated to 500 ºC, the 001 reflection of kaolinite disappeared but the 10 Å Halloysite peak
collapsed to 7.2 Å. Vermiculites first order peak at 14.2 Å in K-saturated samples collapsed and shifted to
10.2 Å when heated at 500 ºC. Quartz was identified with the 3.34 Å peak (Figure 63).
Vermiculite, kaolinte, and quartz were identified in both the unburned and the burned soils.
Vermiculites in the unburned soil appeared to maintain its structural integrity with a sharp peak at 14.2
Å. Absence of a peak at between 10-14 Å in K-saturated samples suggest that there was no collapse or
shift in vermiculite d-spacing in the unburned soil.
In the burned soils, K-saturated soil samples (at 25 ºC) showed the presence of vermiculites (14.2 Å),
that may have partially collapsed, and shifted to 10.1 Å d-spacing. Very strong peaks at 7.2 Å in Ksaturated samples at 500 ºC suggests that halloysite was present in dehydrated form and remained
collapsed in the burned soils. Thus the clay fraction of the burned soil showed a 10.1 Å XRD peak
probably because the interlayered-hydroxy vermiculite collapsed during burning. Burning may also have
induced dehydration of halloysite in the surface horizon of the soils.
On further analyses of samples from other sites, other less well identified peaks at 22.5, 7.92 Å, were
suspected to be reflections of a mica-vermiculite-layered mineral (hydrobiotite), a weathering product
of mica (Figure 64).
Pre-burn soil samples showed 9º 2Ө (10.17Å) peaks that were absent in the x-ray patterns of the postburn samples. It is not clear which mineral that the peak reflects or how burning resulted in the peaks
(Figure 64).
We hypothesize that relative K depletion could be accelerating the interlayer K replacement of biotite by
other exchangeable cations such as Ca to form vermiculites, mica-vermiculites, and possibly smectites,
resulting in the complex mineralogy of the soils.
Current elemental data (presented elsewhere) indicated that the post-burned soils showed no K
increase but significant Ca increases due to the prescribed burning. Low activity of K in the soils could be
a factor accelerating the transformation of mica minerals to hydrobiotite and further to
Intensity (counts)
Clay mineralogy of soils of the BNF prior to and after presecibed-burning
Unburned Soil
14.2 A
10.0 A
7.2 A
3.57 A
2 Soil O/A (0-5 cm)
Treatment 2 Soil O/A (0-26 cm)
3.34 A
K 25 C
K 350 C
K 500 C
Burned Soil
2 SoilO/A
O/A (0-12
2 Soil
K 25 C
K 350 C
K 500 C
2Theta (°)
K300 C
K25 C
Mg Sat
Comparing Pre- and Post-Burned Soil Samples (10-20 cm)
Intensity (counts)
Figure 63: XRD patterns of prescribed burned and unburned soils at the Treatment Sites
K550 K
Mg Sat
K25 C
K300 C
K550 C
Figure 64: XRD patterns of prescribed burned and unburned soils at the Treatment Sites
2Theta (°)
6. Total C and N
Prescribed burning and thinning impacts on soil nutrient pools appeared to be highly variable and
depended strongly on spatial variability of soils and forest floor, inputs of logging slash, climatic
conditions and fire intensity.
Prescribed burning alone led to significant increases in total C and N contents in soil surface horizons.
Burning alone also resulted in changes in exchangeable Na pools and significant increases in pH values
throughout the study sites (Figures 65 and 66).
Prescribed thinning alone did not appear to impact total C and total N concentrations, soil acidity and
exchangeable Ca and Mg concentrations. It caused significant increases in Na and decreases in K
concentrations. Future reduction in soil carbon and exchangeable cation contents, as well as decreases
in pH, is expected as these forest systems recover from the effects of logging (Figures 68 and 69).
Combination of prescribed thinning and burning did not result in significant changes in total C and N
pools transformations. However, significant increases in K and Na concentrations and decreases in pH
were observed in these sites (Figures 65 and 66).
7. Trace Metals
In the Control sites, there was no clear trend about the vertical distribution of the trace metals in the
soil profile, but the metals generally tended to decrease with depth. The levels of the trace metals in the
untreated soils were within the range previously reported for forest soils. The distribution of the metals
in the sites prior to treatments was highly variable in concentrations, and according to the different
elements, but indicated a general trend of higher concentrations below the soil surface. Arsenic in
particular exhibited sharp decreases in soil surface concentration with depth in the Control Soils, but
showed very sharp increases in concentrations with soil depth in the pretreatment soil samples.
There were significant differences in the concentration of As, Pb, and Ni in the pretreatment and post
treatment samples that suggest a major loading of the trace metals at the research sites probably due to
organic matter combustion and ash addition during the fire that possibly contained trace metals that
were redistributed in the soil profile. Trace metal enrichment calculations, based on the assumption that
the Control (No-Burning, and No-Thinning) soil contained the background concentrations of the metals,
showed the degree of enrichment of the treated soils is in the order of Burn-only > Thin-only > Burn and
Thin sites (Figure 67). These observations suggest that trace metal dynamics at the sites depended on
the management practices as well as the vegetation biogeochemical cycling patterns.
Figure 65: Mean total C concentration distributions (g kg–1) with depth in soils of study sites located in Bankhead
National Forest, AL. Values represent the means of eight sample replicates (B, T50B, and T75B) or four sample replicates
(R, T50, and T75). Error b
Figure 66: Mean total N concentration distributions (g kg–1) with depth in soils of study sites located in Bankhead
National Forest, AL. Values represent the means of eight sample replicates (B, T50B, and T75B) or four sample replicates
(R, T50, and T75). Error b
Thinned-only Soil
Enrichment Factor
Enrichment Factor
Depth (cm)
Burned and Thinned Soil
Enrichment Factor
Figure 67: Metal Enrichment of a) Burn-Only Site, b)
Thinned-Only Site, and c) Burned and Thinned Site
Thrust Area IV – Molecular
1. PCR
Of the 30 SSRs, 15 transferred successfully to Northern Red Oak, Shumard Oak and Black Oak. The 15
SSRs were highly polymorphic with 6- 21 alleles per locus (mean A=13.8). Effective number of alleles per
locus averaged 7.2. Each species had up to 8.9 alleles per locus (mean Na= 7.5), of which up to 5.5 were
effective alleles (mean Ne=3.7). High level of polymorphism was reflected in the observed and expected
heterozygosity in each species (mean Ho= 0.75; mean He=0.85)
Figure 68: Screening of SSR primer 0E09 derived from northern red oak genomic sequences for their ablity to
amplify northern red oak, black oak and shumard oak templates.
2. Molecular fingerprints
The results of screening the SSR primers developed from northern red oak in 4 other species revealed
that most of the primer pairs produced amplification products of the expected size in the majority of the
species tested. In 10 out of the 30 primers all species had amplification products of the expected size
from the locations. There was a case where 5 primer pairs did not amplify on any of the species and was
eliminated from further studies. Since 25 samples per species were tested, information about the level
of polymorphism was assessed. The amplified products were separated using polyacrylamide (6%) gel
electrophoresis (PAGE) and visualized by ethidium bromide to determine polymorphism (Figure 69).
Polymorphism information content (PIC) provided an estimate of the discriminatory power of the locus.
The marker profiles of different SSRs on different species were analyzed using cluster analysis to reveal a
phylogenetic relationship with the help of the Genetic Data Analysis software.
1000 bp
500 bp
200 bp
Figure 69: Screened SSR primers for polymorphism using 6% PAGE
We examined cross-species amplification within the SSRs developed based on the northern red oak
genome. 24 of the 47 SSRs transferred from northern red oak to 2 or 3 of the 4 other species. 18 loci
amplified successfully in all 4 species. These rates of successful transfer are conservative compared to
other reports for these and related species. Our findings showed that 51% of the Q. rubra SSRs
transferred to Q. falcata, Q. coccinea, and Q. velutina which were slightly higher than the 47% (8 of 17)
transfer rate reported by Steinkellner et al. (1997) for Q. petraea SSRs amplified in Q. rubra. The PIC
values for SSR loci ranged from 0.78 to 0.35 with a mean of 0.58. Based upon data observed in this
study, it was determined that the primers that amplified well outside of Q. rubra also revealed high
levels of genetic variation. All loci were variable in Q. rubra, and those that amplified in Q. falcata, Q.
coccinea, and Q. velutina were also variable. The overall success rate of amplification across the red oak
species was high.
The 18 microsatellite loci used in this study were highly polymorphic. The total amount of genetic
variation for the whole population was high. In individual species, the mean observed number of alleles
per locus varied from 6.4 to 14.9, with a mean of 10.2. Each species had up to 15 alleles per locus (mean
Na= 10.2; Table 33). The high level of polymorphism was reflected in the observed and expected
heterozygosity in each species (mean Ho= 0.71; mean He= 0.75; Table 33). The mean Fis of 0.03
indicates an overall non-excess of homozygosity within species compared with that expected under
random mating.
Table 33: Genetic diversity for species based on 7 primer loci.
3. Intra- and inter-specific gene flow
A panel of 23 SCARs was used to check whether the primer sets were easy to score and to compare
reproducibility between the red oak species. Five samples per species were tested to evaluate
information about the level of polymorphism. The results of testing SCAR primers developed for
northern red in three other red oak species of genus Quercus revealed that most of the primer pairs did
not produced amplification products of the expected size in the majority of the species tested.
The effectiveness of SCAR markers in terms of their cross-amplification in four red oak species was
tested (Figure 70). Of the 23 SCAR primers, 7 yielded band amplification across 2 or more red oak
species. The amplified products of the 4 SCARs were first separated on an agarose gel and visualized
with ethidium bromide, and then those products were sequenced to detect any variation within the
sequences of the species. Bioinformatics was used to analyze and interpret the genetic data produced.
Of the 7 SCAR primers, 4 primers (A1-500, I74-400, F14-700 and I14-780) amplified different alleles in 2
or more of the red oak species. The amplified bands produced predictable banding patterns across
multiple reactions. The number of bands per primer ranges from 1-6, with an average of approximately
3 per primer. There were a total of 13 polymorphic bands in the 20 samples. Variation was low in the
southern red oak individuals, where only 4 of the total 13 bands appeared in southern red oak. Three of
the SCAR loci were polymorphic; A1-500 was the only monomorphic primer.
F14-700 Black Oak
1 2
3 4
6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
F14-700 Scarlet Oak
1 2
3 4
6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Figure 70: Screening of SCAR primer pairs derived from northern red oak genomic sequences for their ability to amplify in
black oak, and scarlet oak. The PCR products were electrophoresed using a 1% agarose gel with primer F14-700.
These markers established a panel of DNA markers to assess the diversity of the red oak species. Based
on microsatellite analysis, there is a close relationship between the northern red oak and the black oak.
The tree indicates that the northern red oak and black oak may be homologous to that of the southern
red oak species (Figure 71). With the information gathered thus far, the markers on the panel were
fluorescently labeled and capillary electrophoresis was performed to verify the PAGE system. This
technique has aided in the detection of genetic variation between the species.
Figure 71: Unweighted pair group method arithmetic average phenogram based on Nei's genetic distances.
In summary the genetic diversity statistics at the population level showed that expected heterozygosity
(He) ranged from 0.78 in Jack Gap to 0.91 in Bear Den Point. The genetic diversity statistics at the
species level showed that expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.52 in Shumard Oak to 0.99 in
Northern Red Oak. The genetic diversity statistics at the population level showed that expected
heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.78 in Jack Gap to 0.91 in Bear Den Point. The genetic diversity
statistics at the species level showed that expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.52 in Shumard
Oak to 0.99 in Northern Red Oak. The population of Red Oak in Northern Alabama are genetically
diverse. The SSRs markers revealed genetic relationships among the species that correlated well with
the geographic location. DNA markers play a role in constructing a useful species classification, as well as
providing important baseline information for gene pool management. The future direction of this
project is to incorporate the genetic data with the ecological aspects. ArcGIS 8.1 will be used to
determine the area of each red oak population and to measure the pairwise geographical distances
between the populations within the stands. The spatial extent of each population will be determined
with a digital elevation model using areas within the Southern Cumberland Plateau Assessment’s forest
data layer. Also the sequencing of the SCAR primers will be done in order to determine the extent of the
variation within each species of red oak. The objective is to see if the sequencing information will
support the microsatellite data analysis
Thrust Area V – Human Dimensions
Project Description:
The overall goal of this thrust area was to examine the relationships between forestland owners and
stakeholders and how they influence or respond to disturbances of the ecosystem. Initially, the research
focused on two regions (Southern Cumberland Plateau and the Western Black Belt) with five objectives
in mind: linking human disturbances in the ecosystem with changes in the land use and land cover,
projecting the impact of human disturbances on the ecosystem, evaluating the evolving relationship
between stakeholders in the region, and evaluating the ecological and economic impacts of forest-based
activities. The relevancy and importance of this thrust area was the integration of our understanding of
how individual and group behaviors impact changes in the landscape, by focusing on how the land cover
and the social systems are being influenced by human disturbances in the forest. This thrust area
demonstrated the University‘s and CFEA‘s mission to develop socially engaged research, relevant to the
communities we serve. A number of synergies with the other thrust areas were integral to the
accomplishments of this Thrust Area.
The long term research goal of Thrust area V – Human Dimension was to determine efficacy of using
remotely sensed data, GIS technology, and interviews in understanding how forestland stakeholders
influence or respond to disturbances of the ecosystems with the following five specific objectives.
1. Geodatabase
Dr. Tadesse and Dawn Lemke established and maintained a dynamic digital database for forest
ecosystems capable of incorporating current and future satellite imagery, GIS maps, Population and
Industry Censuses, and GPS information on field experiments and other remotely sensed bio-physical
data. Under this objective, vector and raster digital data for BNF have been acquired. These imageries
were made available for use from another project. The Landsat imagery archives were searched for
suitable imagery from mid 1970’s to 2005. Bankhead National Forest boundary and Sipsey watershed
overlayed on 2003 Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery. Time series socioeconomic maps for socioeconomic
(income, employment, education, inequality, population change) and community capitals (e.g.
infrastructure, natural, political, social, cultural, etc.) of eight black belt counties were created using U.S.
Census data of 1980, 1990, and 2000, National Historic GIS data and Economic Census of 1980, 1990 and
2000. These data were utilized to prepare three papers (1) change in human well-being index, (2)
Income convergence, and (3) distribution of community capitals in the Black Belt region of Alabama.
Three different geodatabase sets were developed for use in this study: Blackbelt, Cumberland, and
Bankhead National Forest. The Cumberland and Bankhead overlap spatially while the Bankhead
geodatabase contained greater detail. Data from this objective was related to findings in all other
Human Dimension objectives and many findings of the other thrust areas.
2. Disturbance and land use change
Dr. Chen developed a method in quantifying impacts of land ownerships on forest Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) dynamics at the Bankhead National Forest. By using satellite image
data of three adjacent forested areas with same forest type but different proportions of private land at
the Bankhead National Forest (forested area a, b, and c is covered by 6%, 20% and 55% of private land,
respectively). The results indicated that higher proportion of private land (e.g., 55%) among public land
can decrease annual mean NDVI values, coefficient of variance, seasonal maximum NDVI values and
absolute value of rate of NDVI increase/ rate of decrease, but increase seasonal minimum NDVI. The
spatial synchrony of NDVI dynamics is interrupted by increasing percentage of private land. The
implication of our results is that a higher proportion of private forest land could affect the regional
forest NDVI dynamics in complex and ecologically significant ways. Maintaining proper proportion of
private forest land at regional level could optimize ecological functions of forests. This manuscript is in
review by Forest Economics and Policy.
Dr. Tadesse and other Co‐PIs of CFEA had extended this objective to consider the impact of human
disturbance on the invasion of non native plants. Preliminary findings were presented by Dawn Lemke at
the North American Weed Society meeting. The USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis data
on non native species showed some strong correlation with digitally derived environmental variables.
Models for Japanese Honeysuckle were developed using regression techniques. Variables used included
temperature, rivers, elevation, slope, land use and vegetation indices. These findings come from the
invasive plant work for the Cumberland Plateau and mountain region. Of the 28 variables used in
development of the models only 10 were used in any of the final models. Elevation, minimum
temperature, main road distance, and slope were used in both final models. Overall, the elevation had
the greatest impact on the models, not only being selected in all models but also being the dominant
variable (in MaxEnt a direct measure of variable contribution is given, for logistic regression the
proportion of the equation dominated by elevation can be calculated). Elevation influences
temperature, rainfall, and soils in the region and these have been shown to be a controlling factor for
many species worldwide. The prevalence of elevation in these models shows its value in any predict
model. MaxEnt and logistic regression had very similar kappa and AUC, however, MaxEnt had a lower
omission rate and the logistic regression had a much smaller area of occurrence.
One of the objectives of this work was to assess the value of remotely sensed data in modeling invasive
plants. Remote sensing has been identified as an emerging tool for biodiversity science and
conservation, however, in this work, introduction of remotely sensed medium resolution data had little
value in the overall model developments. The variables derived from remotely sensed medium
resolution data did not add much value to the models, with logistic regression Landsat sub-model being
little better than a random Logistic regression model with a kappa of 0.14. MaxEnt Landsat sub-model
was a little better with a kappa of 0.39. In both cases the NDVI for 1990 and 2000 were selected for the
Landsat sub-models, suggesting that traditional NDVI may be more relevant to the model than the more
recent DI. Given the complexity in calculating DI, this is valuable information. None of the best models
used Landsat variables. Given the size of the study area (59,000 square kilometers) it was not viable to
use any finer resolution remotely sensed data, which is a limitation of current computer processing
3. Human disturbance
Most of the findings under this objective come from research completed by Dr. Gyawali (Alabama’s
BlackBelt region) as part of his doctoral research and Nevia Brown, as MS thesis at BNF.
Dr. Gyawali’s PhD dissertation explored this objective by assessing disturbances as changes in the
indicators of demographic, socioeconomic, and land cover types. Blackbelt geodatabase described under
objective one was used. Dr. Gyawali completed his dissertation in Fall 2007 and published two scientific
papers in peer-reviewed journals; one paper is accepted for publication in a scientific journal. Two oral
presentations and one poster have also been made available online for public access. Dr. Gyawali is
currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Agribusiness where he teaches
agribusiness related courses and is actively pursuing research in his discipline area.
This is the brief highlights of what was found in the Black-belt Region based on the preliminary analysis
in 2005-2006 of 1980 and 2000 data. The ecosystems in the study area had undergone major changes
between 1980 and 2000(Figure 77, 78 and Table 34). There had been significant conversion of pastures
to other land uses such as pine plantations and urbanized spaces, as well as the reversion of some areas
to hardwood forests. At the same time, hardwood forests were replacing some pine stands and mixed
forests. Pine plantations were replacing mixed forests, which were declining over the region.
Urbanization was occurring at a rapid pace as some forest and cultivated ecosystems were being
developed into residential and industrial spaces. Inland water systems were increasing as more and
more fish ponds became evident over the landscape. Cropland areas were increasing and more
concentrated in some areas. Finally, transitional lands were decreasing as clear-cuts have grown into
forests, planted into pines, or developed into urbanized spaces.
Human Well-Being Indexes had increased on average across the region. There had been significant
improvements in incomes, employment & education across the CBGs with some areas seeing large
positive changes. However, there was a widening gap between the 'haves' and 'have-nots'. In 51 CBGs
the Human Well-Being Index declined between 1980 and 2000. The range of Human Well-Being Index
was wider (minimum lower and maximum higher) in 2000 than in 1980 and there seems to be some
spatial pattern developing with areas in and around Demopolis (Marengo County) doing exceedingly
well while some areas in next door Sumter and Wilcox Counties were in deep decline. Human WellBeing Index changes were highly correlated with the racial composition of the CBG. There was evidence
of significant segregation of the region with increasing concentration of ethnicities in the CBGs. A
disturbing aspect of these changes is the greater level of decline in predominantly African-American
CBGs as against the higher level of well-being in communities that are becoming increasingly majority,
white populations. These results point to the development of pockets of wealth and higher well-being in
landscape marked by poverty and lower well-being. These results also identified areas of significant
growth and decline.
A regression model was used to understand the impact of disturbances (socioeconomic and land cover
changes) on the socioeconomic development of the region, specifically the relationship between human
well‐being and land cover change between 1980 and 2000 in Black Belt region.
There was a significant relationship between changes in human well‐being and land cover types in the
study region. However, the relationship was constrained by the initial socioeconomic, well‐being, and
land cover type conditions. These results suggested that Census Block Groups (CBGs) in the study area
with socioeconomic and land cover disturbances such as growth in populations of African‐Americans
and dependents, and increased agricultural and manufacturing firms, mixed forests, and croplands
experienced a decline in the human well-being index over the twenty‐year period. On the other hand,
the results indicated an increase in the human well‐being index in the areas that experienced increased
income inequality, manufacturing jobs, hardwood forests, and inland water areas. These relationships
occurred where there were a lower percentage of African Americans, agricultural farms and mixed
forests, and low human well‐being index in 1980. The results indicated that changes in human
well‐being over the twenty‐year period was not robustly affected by endogenous disturbances such as
changes in local land cover types alone as expected by policy makers and researchers in the study
region. The dynamics of the racial population, income distribution, family and industry structures as well
as policies of the county‐level agencies are equally important in enhancing human well‐being.
Figure 72: Land Cover Types Showing Seven Classes in 1980 and 2000.
Table 34:The percentage for 1980, 2000, and change are computed using the area covered by each land cover types in the
study region and total area of the study region.
Developed land
Pasture land
Mixed Forests
Total Forests
Total Agriculture
(000 ac)
(000 ac)
(20 years)
Total Forests = Deciduous + Evergreen + Mixed, Total Agriculture = Cropland + Pasture
Conversion < 5% are not shown. Bolded arrows shows =>20%
Figure 73: Major Land Cover Conversions from 1980 to 2000
These findings are a result of further efforts completed by Dr. Gyawali who developed two regression
models to understand socioeconomic development of the region, i.e.: (1) the relationship between
human well‐being and different forms of community capital and (2) the relationship between income
convergence over time and the factors that conditioned income growth in the study region. There was a
significant relationship between human well‐being and community capitals and the results suggested a
significant relationship between human well‐being and a major form of community capital, social
capital. However, this relationship was conditioned by socioeconomic and spatial factors. The results
suggest that the increasing amount of social capital – such as social networks, social and cultural clubs,
farmers’ associations, and non‐government organizations ‐ have had positive effects on the human
well‐being index of the study region. The study also found significant neighborhood or clustering effects
on human well‐being.
Forest growth trends were not evenly distributed and did not show a consistent pattern in all areas
within the west-central Black Belt region of Alabama. The classification maps showed that forest growth
occurred in certain geographic areas (such as in and around industrial or corporate lands, outskirt of
major highways, industrial zones, etc). Such unique patterns of resource concentration or expansion
may be a reason for a lack of perfect or linear relationship with the human well-being.
Nevia Brown explored the relationship between the forest cover and people in and around the
Bankhead National Forest. Human well-being in the area had increased from 1990 to 2000 especially in
income and education. There were significant changes in land cover in developed lands, hardwoods, and
mixed forest. The data showed a significant correlation between changes in human well-being and
developed lands, mixed forest, and hardwoods forest land covers types as well as changes in the mixed
forest land cover for the study area. There was a small but weak relationship showing that 17% of the
change in human well-being is explained by the model but only 3% was explained by land cover. This
result was not expected because several of the counties within the study rely on forest resources. The
fact that only 17% of the overall change in well-being of the study area is dependent upon the change in
land cover could explain the low level of participation in forest management issues.
4. Stakeholders
In 2004-2005, Drs. Fraser and Naka collaborated with Ms. Mary Lou Addor of the North Carolina
Extension Service on developing the questionnaire to be completed by a representative sample of the
stakeholders in the BNF and the Black-Belt regions. A list of names and addresses of people involved in
forestry sector in and around the forest was compiled. Census of Manufacturers, Employment Statistics,
Alabama Forestry Commission Data, Yellow Pages Directories for the Counties, Local and Regional
Economic Development Lists Chamber of Commerce listings as well as snowball survey techniques were
used to identify and locate the people, businesses and industries involved in the forestry sector in the
regions. Efforts were initiated in digitizing landowner maps, census data and other bio-physical maps,
which were supplemented by interviews and surveys of the forest industry, private landowners, and
people directly or indirectly involved in the forest-based economy. Recreation providers, hunting and
fishing supply stores, loggers, sawmills, secondary wood manufacturing facilities, non-timber products
harvesters, forest crafts people etc. were identified. Nevia Brown used these data and survey for her
Nevia Brown divided her study of the Bankhead Forest region into two main objectives. The first
objective was to explore the relationship between the USDA Forest Service and the surrounding public.
The second objective was to utilize five theories to understand trust. To help understand the first
section, demographic and socio‐economic data were analyzed, specifically to help understand the
participants’ human well‐being within the study area. Information about population trends, income,
employment, and education between 1990 and 2000 was obtained. The analysis indicated that
population, education and poverty levels had improved in the area, which had become more diverse,
but available employment had declined. Computing and evaluating well‐being in done by creating
indexes. The Human Well‐Being Index for each CBG was computed and analyzed. The average HWBI
increased 7 points overall from an average of 0.38 to 0.45. However, some CBGs experienced as much as
a 28 point decline while others experienced as much as a 23 point improvement. Education, income, and
employment increased. Education increased by 4 points; income by 7 points; and employment by 12
points. Improvements in education, income, and employment contributed to the improvement in wellbeing. However, the drastic declines in employment (by as much as 75 points) in some CBGs indicated
that all was not well across the area.
Nevia Brown’s (MS student) preliminary analysis in 2007-2008 indicated that interpersonal trust was
significantly and positively correlated with the rational choice theory (.322, p<.01), specifically the
evidence of trustworthiness. Based on this she surmised that group participation was more likely when
people knew the people who were involved and if they felt that the group was working towards building
a stable positive relationship. She found Socio‐Cognitive theory significantly and positively correlated
with interpersonal trust (.343, p<.01) and explained the amount of trust the individual derived from
belief‐based trust (i.e. the participants believe that goals can be achieved because their partners can be
trusted to fulfill them). Social capital theory was also significantly and negatively correlated with
interpersonal trust (‐.488, p<.01). Social capital evaluates the nature and nurture attributes of trust. She
concluded from that 75 that older respondents were less likely to be involved in any type of partnership
group, because they trust people less.
The objectives of her thesis were to answer the following six overarching questions:
What is the relationship between the forest cover and people in and around the Bankhead National
Findings: Human well-being in the area had increased from 1990 to 2000 especially in income and
education. There were significant changes in land cover in developed lands, hardwoods, and mixed
forest. The data showed a significant correlation between changes in human well-being and developed
lands, mixed forest, and hardwoods forest land covers types as well as changes in the mixed forest land
cover for the study area. There was a small but weak relationship showing that 17% of the change in
human well-being is explained by the model but only 3% was explained by land cover. This result was
not expected because several of the counties within the study rely on forest resources. The fact that
only 17% of the overall change in well-being of the study area is dependent upon the change in land
cover could explain the low level of participation in forest management issues.
What are the public’s perceptions of the USDA Forest Service and their implementation of the Bankhead
Forest Health and Restoration Initiative?
Findings: BNF respondents had a low perception of the Forest Service and the FHRI implementation
because the respondents felt the forest managers did not address all of the BNF issues. They were
uncertain about the forest managers’ commitment to addressing their issues and incorporating their
goals during plan implementation. Respondents also feared that allowing government intervention
would take away the public’s essential liberties and freedoms. For most of the respondents, their land
and the forest had intrinsic values that could not be replaced and damaging either of them would make
respondents feel robbed of their freedom to own land, and enjoy the national forest. Overall there
seem to be general satisfaction with what is being done with the FHRI, faith that the FHRI would be
implemented with the public goals in mind, and the public interest will be included in future
management. This result suggests that even though respondents have uncertainty about whether or not
their issues are included, there is some faith in the decision making process.
Bankhead respondents were willing to accept the BLP as representative because of their perception of
the BLP. More than half of the BNF respondents agreed that if the procedures were fair and if the idea
of the community were included they could support decisions. The social psychology theory of
procedural fairness explains why being fair and considerate of others in the groups helped to develop a
positive perception of the BLP and BLP’s decision making process. Rational choice theory explains why
trustworthiness, i.e. proof of past positive outcomes and willingness to compromise, also explains this
positive perception. This was borne out in conversations with several of the respondents who said that
although they knew very little about the BLP and their actions on the forest, the fact that nothing
negative about the group had surfaced in the media, was enough evidence for them to have a positive
perception about the BLP. This proves that respondents don’t necessary have to agree with all of the
decisions the forest mangers make to have a high perception of them, but respondents have to witness
that promises are honored. Although the perception of the BLP by Bankhead respondents was high,
many respondents also felt like there was too much influence by certain interest groups, and questioned
the BLPs effectiveness in communicating changes about forest decisions.
How representative is the Bankhead Liaison Panel of the community?
Findings: A Comparison of BNF and BLP respondents based on participation and commitment indicated
that BLP respondents were more likely than BNF respondents to consider themselves as participants in
the BLP, and identified that their welfare was dependent on the FHRI process. This result can be
connected to their higher level of education, and greater involvement in formal groups. This strong
delegation of trust was expressed by several of the BLP respondents who said that their feeling about
the importance of environmental conservation was obtained by reading about participation of
community and environmental organizations in ecological intervention.
A comparison between BLP and BNF attitudes and beliefs found BLP respondents placed a higher value
on government regulations ensuring the prosperity of business, while Bankhead respondents placed
higher value on protecting private property rights. BLP respondents place a higher value on government
because they have more confidence that government can complete the task and have some assurance
that the government has checks and balances, but if the government failed, respondents can hold them
responsible through legal actions. Several groups (WildSouth, The Nature Conversancy, and Smith Lake
Advocacy) represented on the BLP have gone into litigations with the BNF to resolve management
issues. For example, representatives of WildSouth feel that they have recourse to legal actions if the
Forest Service did not honor its commitments. BLP respondents were also much more likely to
cooperate when they know outcomes will favor their interests, whereas BNF respondents were more
likely to cooperate when they were informed about the subject matter. BLP respondents’ level of
cooperation is determined by making rational choices, but their group’s interests sometimes conflicted
with their personal interest.
A comparison between BNF and BLP based on expectations and outcomes were similar, however BNF
respondents seemed to think they benefited more from the process. They also viewed the BLP process
as fairer, more civil, and more respectful than BLP respondents did. This can be explained by their (BNF)
higher level of satisfaction with the process, and their higher amount of trust of the BLP groups. More
than half of the BNF respondents had very limited exposure to the BLP, however, all of the BLP groups
had been a part of the process for several years. Many of the BLP groups at some point had identified
issues with the management decisions made through the BLP decision process, so they had experienced
more opportunities than BNF respondents to alter (lower) their satisfaction level over time.
What are the expectations of the Bankhead Liaison Panel and how has the activities on the BNF matched
these expectations?
Findings: BLP were very committed to the panel and its process but they had apprehensions about
trusting the decisions made by the forest managers. Many of the respondents said that their trust in
individuals was higher than their trust in groups. This is especially true in regards to the government,
because of the government’s negative or low-level results in past collaboration’s and lack of unbiased
participation in decision making. In order to change this idea, BNF staff have to be more inclusive and
reliable in honoring their commitments.
BLP members became involved because they expected to improve the forest outcome; however, many
of them expressed more eco-centric and private property views about forest management. Although
they had strong sentiments about the limited role of government and the negative impacts of forest
planning, they believed that decisions should be made by consensus-based negotiations among all the
parties involved. This result indicates that changes in the ideas of many BLP groups have occurred. In
the beginning, most interest groups participated so that their personal groups’ goals would be included
in BNF decisions mostly because they felt that it would improve the outcome of the forest but as time
has progressed they realized that having a consensus would be the best way to make decisions about
the forest.
Participation in BLP activities were personally rewarding for most of the members, because they
established new friendships and relationships. At the beginning there was limited trust for other panel
members but responses to certain relationship questions suggest there have been some personal and
group progress, and some satisfaction in the panel because there was some satisfaction with: the
treatment of all groups, their civility, their representation of the local community, and their
collaboration efforts.
The BLP respondents were not very complimentary in their assessment of the outcomes of the FHRI todate. Many of the respondents had weak feeling about the amount of trust and agreement with any
part of the BNFHRI, with the management procedures and practices that the BNFHRI were
implementing, and the amount of participation in future management. This is because the panel hasn’t
achieved many of its stated goals due to clashes between critical stakeholders. The logger respondent
group had the highest expectation and were the most satisfied with the BLP. Only two respondent
groups were dissatisfied with the BLP based on their participation, the Trail Rider, and the Horseback
Rider groups. Both groups’ participation in the BLP had lowered since the beginning of the project in
2000, because they felt the BLP did not consider their interest in the FHRI management actions, and
they believed the BLP was biased and was influenced by environmental groups. Five out of six
respondent groups felt BLP was biased and favored certain respondent groups. Most of the weak
assessment of the FHRI is attributed to two things: the lack of trust in the forest managers, and the
amount of bias interest groups perceive to exist within the BLP.
Even though there is not much satisfaction with what has transpired on the ground, there is some
satisfaction with the BLP process and a sense that the respondents interest would be served in the
longer-term. Respondents were satisfied with what is being done with the FHRI, and faith that their
goals will be included in future management. There is a strong indication that some trust in the BNFHRI
exist and most of the BLP respondents utilize the socio-cognitive principle of belief-based trust, because
they believe that their interests will be served over time. Respondents have found that faith in the
reliability and productivity of the panel can eventually lead to the FHRI working in their interest.
What is the relationship between public perception, expectation, and policy implementation and level of
Findings: Trusting respondents felt the panel represent the interest of the local community and rated
the panel members as more honest with reasonable motives and concerns. However, respondents with
no general trust expected little consideration of their interest on FHRI and expected to have a negative
impact on the efforts of the Panel objectives.
Making rational choices was the most significant component of trust. This outcome was expected,
rational choice explains bounded rationality, i.e. individuals allow their personal interests to supersede
the need of the group. Being bounded rationally simply means to require evidence that the project was
working. Choosing behavioral decisions and making rational choices were significantly related to
concepts. This relationship is as expected. Maguire, (1999) describes this relationship in the
description of certainty bias, specifically using the precautionary principle which states (forest)
managers will choose to minimize the outcome and take the lowest level of risk because this supports a
more positive outcome that will satisfy the public. The downside to using precautionary principle is the
result usually only provide a short-term solution to a continual problem. Rational choice and behavioral
decision theories share the self-interested gain principle, whereby participants allow their personal
needs to supersede the goals of the group. The advantage of this is persuasion because it can influence
individual decisions which may be good or bad for the forests.
Respondents that minimized forest management to minimize negative outcomes also favored making
rational choices. This relationship is expected, precautionary principle and biased of cumulative
probabilities have similar characteristics; both prefer low disturbance without considering all aspects of
the long-term consequences. Collective action supports groups working together through active
communication, increasing levels of cooperation, and seeking positive results.
Respondents having evidence of trustworthiness favored using belief-based trust for decision making.
Expectation that a task or an individual’s interest be include in the group objective implies that
respondents feel their interest are being included even when they are not present to witness the policy
adaptation or implementation. Building solid relationships and working towards collective action are
connected to belief-based trust. Solid relationship and collective action determine success in
collaboration by building a stable relationship through creating a history of group decision-making.
Belief-based trust support reliability in group collaboration by past situations where the participants
used good decision-making skills to identify a resolution to past collaborative issues. This means that if
the respondent got involved in the FHRI and there is evidence that the forest managers are reliable and
have their interest in mind, they can trust that plans will be implemented.
Social psychology principles and belief-based trust favored dealing with belief conflicts and having
fairness in procedures. In social psychology, respondents experience belief conflicts when they try to
develop new attitudes about situations when there is pre-existing ideas about that same situation. This
means respondents try to use trade-off relationships to identify the trustworthiness and reliability of
information. This information indicates BNF respondent’s willingness to focus, when necessary, on the
importance of the FHRI issues and minimize their personal biases.
The final BNF respondent model indicated that respondents have trust in the BNFHRI and the BLP when
respondents could build stable and reliable relationship. When respondents can trust other individuals
within a group to fulfill their promise and include their opinions then there is a belief that other
participants can be trusted to collaborate on group decision.
How much is the trust model explained by the five psychology theories?
Findings: BLP respondents that used discounting on forest issues also made rational choices. This result
was unexpected. Many BLP respondents indicated that their participation in the BLP was to see longterm sustainability in the forest.
Respondents that made rational choices were more educated, shared common values, generally trusted
people, and were sociable. Their primary objective was to come together and created a collective
collaborative agreement, with the understanding that all of the groups’ individual goals cannot be
achieved. Reputation is the secondary objective; social network density and core relationship rely on
reputation to build long-term collaboration. BLP respondents all agreed that they had to learn to
compromise their interest to achieve a common goal, based mostly on the belief that eventually their
interest would be included in future management. This is a positive indication that BLP interest groups
become involved for the primary purpose of improving the BNF’s sustainability.
Making sure that policy agreements have been reached and having belief-based trust was important to
BLP respondents. This outcome was expected, while conducting preliminary interviews several of the
BLP respondents indicated that negotiations between their respective organization and the BNF forest
managers have improved. Rational choice theory explains how collective actions signify the importance
of developing core relationships. In order for policy agreements to occur, collective action and core
relationships must be met, because they build collaborative relationship based on the amount of trust in
individuals, the evidence of past successful collaborations, and the idea that the benefits of the
relationship will accrue to all parties. BLP respondents have generalized trust in public officials. This was
unexpected because often environmental related groups have trouble trusting public officials because
they feel that their issues and concerns are not being considered. Having generalized trust in public
officials would support generalized trust in the BNF forest managers because they represent a known
sector of the federal government.
BLP respondents did not use risky management because of its lack of certainty, the fear of regret, the
use of discounting, and trying to have the least negative effects. All of this indicates two things; first, BLP
respondents utilize risk aversion to help keep the current forest structure, even if it results in suboptimal results. Second, BLP respondents use risk aversion to explain the need to incorporate fewer
intensive forest management actions. This result was expected, several of the interest groups that
favored more intensive management practices complained that their interests were not being carried
out because the environmental groups restricted the goal and objectives they wanted addressed as part
of BLP participation. This identifies the disparity in forest plan implementation, the lower levels of BLP
respondent’s involvement, and evidence that trust is not yet established with all respondent groups of
the BLP. If participants feel their interests are being ignored and the BLP is only favoring certain groups,
then participation becomes limited.
The social capital analysis indicated that BLP respondents were more likely to trust the BNFRHI and the
BLP actions when there was evidence of trustworthiness from other groups and the Forest Service.
When BLP respondents could collaborate with other groups interested in long-term BNF improvements,
the educational status of the participants did not affect the outcome of other respondent groups
decision-making. Although the amount of education did help increase the understanding of FHRI
policies, it often biased the groups’ decision because BLP respondents allowed theory to influence the
risk adverse management practices selected.
The strongest conclusion that can be drawn from the data is that rational choice variables identify some
of the best predictors of how individuals develop trusting relationships and help determine what factors
inhibit trust in group participation. In the BLP and BNF community, respondent groups, social dilemmas,
collective action, and core relationship explained the amount of importance respondents gave to
strangers and the actions respondents would take to establish reciprocity in the group.
In this study BNF community respondents were more trusting than BLP respondents. BNF respondents
did not require evidence of trustworthiness or past collaboration to be involved with group
participation, but they did prefer involvement with individuals that have common values. Both
respondents groups were satisfied with the action of the BLP toward improving FHRI implementation.
Both groups also considered the BLP as fair and inclusive, but they were less trusting of the Forest
Service and the FHRI outcome because each respondent group questioned the Forest Service
commitment to resolving FHRI issues. This relationship indicates the Forest Service still has a lot to do in
order to improve their relationship with the public.
Nevia Brown graduated May 2009 and is currently employed by the US-Forest Service in San Bernadino,
5. Forest Activities
In 2004-2005, Dr. Naka assisted in selecting the logging sites to be included in the experiment. He also
had discussions with loggers who have the required equipment (for cut-to-length operations) to perform
the study. He also visited and observed timber operation (similar to that to be performed in the
Bankhead National Forest) at Guntersville state park. At the same time he arranged for the unimpeded
flow of the material to the IP paper mill in Courtland by arranging for the logger’s exemption from
Pre‐harvest soil disturbance data indicated that most of the area was undisturbed before logging began
except for a few spots scattered throughout the treatment sites. In the Cut to Length treatments, 97.69
% of the area was undisturbed. The only disturbances that could be seen were bare spots caused by
horses or erosion and slash from fallen trees infected by the SPB. The total length pre‐harvest
treatments were not much different from the cut‐to‐length except for slightly more areas of slash, litter,
and rutting/secondary roads. Post‐harvest data shows that the area was highly disturbed after
harvesting 78.51 % for cut-to‐length and 79.52 % for total length. Disturbed with litter was the most
visible disturbance class in both harvesting systems with 50.44 % and 49.94 % in cut‐to‐length and total
length, respectively. Disturbance caused by road construction was the least in both cut‐to‐length and
total length, 0.43 % and 0.62 % respectively. We found more exposed soils and more slash in the total
length than cut‐to‐length because of the dragging (skidding) of trees on the forest floor to the landing
area and the slash was piled in heaps in the total length system. However, these were minor differences.
There is no overall significant difference in the level soil disturbance between the two harvesting
The number of residual trees damaged in the cut‐to‐length harvesting method was 27.7 % while 72.3 %
of total length was damaged. This shows a significant difference (p = 0.002) in the number of trees
damaged between the two harvesting methods. In the total length system, most of the damaged trees
were found along the major trails. Out of the 642 residual trees damaged in total length harvesting
system, 461 of them were found along the major tails. This represented about 71.81 % of the total tree
damage in this system. This high number can be explained by the act of dragging of the felled trees by
the skidder to the landing area. Soil compaction, productivity and cost data had not been analyzed.
Thomas Tenyah tried to answer the fundamental question: which of these two harvesting methods
causes less soil disturbances, least residual tree damage, and was more productive and cost effective
than the other? This question was answered by examining the following specific objectives: (1) compare
the effects of the tree-length and cut-to-length harvesting methods on the soil surface and physical
properties of the harvested areas, (2) compare the residual tree damage between these two harvesting
systems, and (3) compare the productivity, and cost-effectiveness of the two harvesting systems.
To attain these objectives, the environmental impacts caused by these harvesting operations were
measured and compared through statistical analysis. A visual inspection was conducted before and after
harvesting. Pre-harvest data indicated about 98 percent of the treatment area was undisturbed while
post-harvest analysis showed about 79 percent was disturbed. However, statistical analysis using
Generalized Linear Model (GLM) showed no significant difference in the soil disturbance between the
two logging methods. But there was significant variation in the plot to plot disturbance among the
various soil disturbance classes disturbed with litter (DC2), disturbed with soil exposed (DC3), disturbed
with rock and stumps (DC5), and disturbed with slash (DC6). There was also subplot variation in the
amount of undisturbed area (DC1), disturbed with litter (DC2), and disturbed with slash (DC6).
Soil compaction analysis did not indicate any significant difference between the two harvesting methods
but there was a significant difference between the heavily and lightly impacted areas within the
treatments and there was significant difference between the disturbed and undisturbed areas.
Residual stand damage was determined, by counting the number of injured trees, and assigning a
damage classification before and after harvesting. Statistical analysis results obtained indicated a
significant difference between the two systems. The cut-to-length (CTL) harvesting system had a higher
incident of residual tree damage than the tree-length (TL) harvesting system.
There was a considerable difference in the productivity and costs analysis of the two harvesting
methods with the CTL system costing less to own and operate than the TL system but the TL machines
had a higher productivity rate per productive machine hour (PMH) than those of the CTL system.
However, the TL harvesting method yielded a higher net gain to the operator than the CTL system.
A new MS student, Xavier Ndona-Makusa, advised by Dr. K. Naka started in Spring 2008. His thesis title
was “Woody biomass harvesting impact on sustainable forest management”. He presented his thesis
proposal to his committee members and started his research. The objectives of his study were (1) to
evaluate the economics of woody biomass, in term of cost and benefit, market and valued-added; (2) to
assess the environmental advantages and disturbances on forest ecology resulting from removal of
logging residues; (3) to assess the social impact of harvesting woody biomass. The study location will be
assigned in Northern Alabama.
Based on the result of this research, the following recommendations should be taken into consideration
in order to ensure that any forest operation will mitigate its impact on the environments and also
ensure sustainability.
Since in statistical analysis of soil disturbance, the orientation (direction of harvesting) was significant,
directional felling of trees should be taken seriously. This is a situation whereby trees are felled to fall
perpendicular to the main direction of the slope as this will reduce the impact of raindrops and runoff.
Directional felling is important not only because it increases production but it also reduces residual
stand damage. This will entail the need for pre-harvest planning. During pre-harvest planning, the skid
trails should be laid out to reduce residual tree damage, increase efficiency and reduce overall skid
distance, property boundaries, and stream management zones (SMZs) or any other control points
should be located so they can be avoided without slowing the operation down. More importantly in this
pre-harvesting planning process, the researcher should be able to communicate with the operators as
what kind of measurements are to be carried out, equipment to be placed on the machines, and also
make sure all bid deals have been finalized. This will prevent the situation we ran into where the CTL
contractor pulled out. Finally, based on the results of this study, even though the CTL harvesting system
has a higher initial investment and operating cost, and reduced productivity, it is still highly
recommendable because: 1) it is more suitable for directional tree felling and minimizes residual stand
damage than the TL harvesting system, 2) the harvester in the CTL system is highly flexible in that it can
be used as a feller-buncher where whole trees are felled and bunched to an open location for delimbing,
thereby avoiding much crown damage, and 3) the CTL system can be programmed to process trees into
specific log lengths that meet specific factory-grade log requirements or pulpwood length.
In conclusion, the decision as to which harvesting method ought to be used should be based on the
management goals. This should be factored into the management plan before a bid is offered. In this
way, this very important management decision is not left in the hands of the highest bidder. If this
happens, then obviously the TL contractor will take precedence as seen by the results of our analysis.
However, any management decision should seriously consider the environmental consequences of any
forest operation as the obvious goal should be environmental sustainability.
Thomas Tenyah (MS student) graduated in May 2009 and is currently working with US-Forest service in
Montgomery, AL
Education Findings
Our educational activities have greatly enhanced our research, student participation and knowledge. It
has been through conferences, student involvement and faculty dedication that the education
component of CFEA has been such a success. We found conferences are an effective approach, which
not only provided opportunities for communication between CFEA faculty members and students, but
also promotes collaborations with researchers, faculty, and students from other institutions and
organizations and communications with land owners.
Graduate students have been very helpful in identifying needed curriculum adjustments and
recommending equipment and facility improvements to improve the functioning of the Center. We
determined that our graduate program in the area of forest ecology and wildlife biology required
substantial curriculum development, particularly at the doctoral level. CFEA helped to expand the
graduate curriculum by adding 5 new courses in the fields of forestry and ecology. Because our forestry
and ecology graduate program is relatively new and the number of graduate students are low compared
to other more well-developed programs in the nation, the enrollment in these classes has been
relatively low, which suggests that if we want to sustain our graduate program at AAMU, we need to
further enhance our effort of recruitment and securing additional funding to support the program. Lab
meetings have been an effective approach for communications and group-learning. We need to further
promote this approach. We need to explore the possibilities of joint lab meetings, which involves
several labs associated with CFEA. It may further enhance the collaborations among different thrust
areas and among faculty members and students. Students also need to take leadership roles in these
events. Undergraduate student involvement in conducting research has proven to be essential. In
addition, we are beginning to see the benefits in recruitment of undergraduate students into graduate
study through early involvement in research.
Our effort of recruiting minorities, particular African Americans, to natural resource and ecological
related fields has been successful. However, a couple of graduate students dropped out our program.
Our experience suggested that the recruitment effort needs be enhanced by a strong mentoring process
to ensure these students will join the future research team in STEM fields. Many minority families have
limited experience about graduate degree, not to mention the complication of graduate research,
particular those studies that involve multiple parties, in large scale, and field oriented. Faculty mentors
need to invest more time and effort with these students and provide constant and effective guidance for
their educational and research activities, even day to day routines. Recruitment of qualified minority
graduate students in ecological disciplines must be pursued using several approaches. Personal contact
with faculty is most effective. Attractive recruitment packages are a must to secure high quality students
in these disciplines. The CREST funds allowed us to provide competitive research assistantships to our
graduate students during the earlier years. However, recently the university started to charge out-ofstate tuition to the graduate students who are from other states and there is a 25% tuition increase in
2010 alone. Our assistantship again became not very competitive. We need to find a solution for this.
We are discussing with administrations and seeking additional funds.
The Online Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for 21st Century Professionals in Food and
Agricultural Science Program has been very successful as far as course development and high school
student participation. We will continue to monitor how this program affects the enrollment at AAMU
for the agricultural and environmental science related programs. We need to further explore the
potential of the on-line course and programs to strengthen our teaching programs related to CFEA’s
We are very successful in engaging undergraduate students in our research, particularly through the
EnvironMentor program, which targets high school students, and REU program, which targets
undergraduate students. With the support from NSF-URM program, we will expand our REU effort to a
year-round undergraduate research mentoring program. We recently also submitted a new proposal to
NSF to expand our REU effort by establishing an international exchange program in China. We believe
with these persistent and coordinate efforts, AAMU will play a leadership role in diversifying the
workforce of STEM related fields in the nation.
Although we have sustained a vigorous outreach effort to several community groups, we must do more
to involve the local middle and high schools in our research and to continue to recruit two year college
transfers from our sister colleges with two year pre-forestry degrees.