AA-T or AS-T Application Summary Application Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission

AA-T or AS-T Application Summary
Proposed Program Title: The title must adhere to the following format:
Associate in Arts in [subject] degree for Transfer (AA-T)
Associates in Science in [subject] degree for Transfer (AS-T)
Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission
1. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives
A statement must be submitted that defines the goal(s) of the proposed program. On the basis of the
program goals, objectives appropriate to these goals, and a program design consistent with these
objectives, the determination is made as to whether the proposed program is appropriate to the
mission of the community colleges. This section should be in bullet format.
2. Catalog Description
The catalog description of the proposed program should be entered exactly as it will appear in the
catalog. The description should be consistent with the rest of the proposal, convey the program’s goal(s)
and objectives, and suggest how they differ from the goals and objectives of other programs. The
description should convey also what students may expect as an outcome.
Additionally, please include the following statement in the catalog description:
Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the
California State University, including both of the following:
o The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the
California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements.
o A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of
emphasis, as determined by the community college district.
Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
3. Program Requirements
The program requirements should be consistent with the catalog description. Display a list of all courses
required for completion of the program, including core requirements, restricted electives, and other
requirements. For each course indicate the course number, course title, and unit values. The total
number of units for the proposed program must be shown.
The total units required for the degree should also be shown, including the major requirements or area
of emphasis, general education, and electives.
Proposals for AA-T and AS-T degrees must require that students complete either the CSU-GE or IGETC
pattern and state the number of units required for each pattern. It’s important to note that CEC section
66746 requires a maximum of 60 semester units, and all required courses must be transferable to CSU.
If more than 18 semester units are required for the major, then the program requirements must show
whether each course may also be used to fulfill a CSU-GE or IGETC requirement. The counseling
department and articulation officer will address which courses may be double counted for CSUGE/IGETC requirements.
AA-T or AS-T Application Summary
*Please note: CEC section 66746 subdivision (b) prohibits a community college district from imposing
any additional course requirements, in addition to these requirements, for a student to be eligible for
the AA-T, and subdivision (e) prohibits allowing remedial non-collegiate level coursework to be counted
toward the units required for the AA-T.
Please follow the sample program requirement outline as below:
Associate in Arts in English Degree for Transfer
ENGL 1600 Critical Thinking through Literature
List A-Select two courses:
ENGL 2400 American Literature since 1865
ENGL 2600 World Literature
ENGL 2700 British Literature
List B-Select one course:
ENGL 1700 Creative Writing
Whichever course from List A not used above
List C-Select one or more courses:
Any course from List A or B not used above
ENGL 2200 California Literature and the Great Central Valley
ENGL 2300 Women’s Literature through the Ages
ENGL 2500 Chicano Literature
AMSL 2001 Intermediate Sign Language
SPAN 1601 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1602 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish III
SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish IV
ENGL 1507/ECEF 1621 Introduction to Children’s
JRNL 1605 Reporting and News Writing
BUSN 1510 Business Communication
HUM 1500 Introduction to Humanities
DRAM 1510 Introduction to Theater
Total Major Units Required
CSU GE Breadth/IGETC Pattern
Total Units
60 Units
AA-T or AS-T Application Summary
4. Background and Rationale
This section explains, at a general conceptual level:
 What role the proposed program will fulfill in the curriculum, given the stated goals and
 It may include some history of how the program proposal came about, what is different about
the program and its importance and why the program is especially appropriate for the region
and for the college, including reference to appropriate community support.
 Please also include how developing an AA-T or AS-T will benefit students.
It is not necessary to repeat information covered elsewhere in the proposal, as long as the developer
includes a cross-reference to a page number or section number.
Additionally, the section of the narrative should briefly describe how discipline faculty determined
whether to align the major requirements with the TMC.
Criteria B. Need
5. Enrollment and Completer Projections
DO NOT COMPLETE: This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the
6. Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs
This section must indicate if the program replaces any existing program(s) on the college’s inventory.
The proposer should specify any existing inventory entries that need to be removed or modified in
connection with the approval of the program. If there are any questions, contact the Academic Affairs
Division of the Chancellor’s Office.
This narrative should address questions, such as:
 What related programs are offered by the college?
 Will this new program fulfill a current need?
 What enrollment changes will this program create? Will it accommodate an overflow or attract
a new market? Will it be possible for students to move between this program and another
 Will programs share resources?
 Where will the AA-T be placed in relation to existing programs?
7. Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area
This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC.
8. Labor Market Information and Analysis (CTE only)
When proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC in a CTE discipline, the labor market
analysis is not required. However, the labor market projection for available jobs in the discipline in the
college service are must be provided.
Attachment: Labor/Job Market Data (for CTE only)
AA-T or AS-T Application Summary
This information is required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that aligns with a TMC in a CTE discipline.
However, the employment projection data from the Labor Market Information (LMI) website
(www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/) can be pasted into the narrative instead of submitted as an
It is important to highlight the data that are applicable to the proposed program with a marker (or other
visible method) on the printout of data from the LMI. Job Market data may be provided by attaching
relevant job announcements and advertisements.
**For further information, please see Instruction for Credit Programs Proposals (CCC-501 revised)
published by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.
9. Employer Survey (CTE only)
This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC unless the CTE
discipline has never been offered at the college in the past.
10. Explanation of Employer Relationship (CTE only)
This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC unless the CTE
discipline has never been offered at the college in the past.
11. List of Members of Advisory Committee (CTE only)
This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC unless the CTE
discipline has never been offered at the college in the past.
12. Recommendation of Advisory Committee (CTE only)
This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC unless the CTE
discipline has never been offered at the college in the past.
Criteria C. Curriculum Standards
13. Display of Proposed Sequence
This item is not required when proposing an AA-T or AS-T that is aligned with the TMC.
14. Transfer Applicability
When the proposed AA-T or AS-T is aligned with the TMC, the only transfer documentation required will
be the completion of the TMC template. For courses that do not have an approved C-ID designation, an
appropriate report from ASSIST showing the required transferability status (e.g. CSU transferable,
general education, or major preparation at CSU) needs to be submitted.
AA-T or AS-T Application Summary
Criteria D. Adequate Resources
When proposing an AA-T or AS-T degree that is aligned with the TMC, a response to each item (15-18) is
not required. Instead, you should include a brief statement about the availability of resources for
existing courses that will now be required for the new degree. The statement should include reference
to library and learning resources, facilities and equipment, financial support and faculty qualifications
and availability.
Below is a general statement addressing adequate resources provided by the Chancellor’s Office:
(e.g. “No additional resources will be required beyond the college’s current resources.
This includes: library and learning resources, facilities and equipment, and financial
support. All faculty that teach in this program meet the State minimum qualifications.”)
Criteria E. Compliance
When proposing an AA-T or AS-T degree that is aligned with the TMC, a response to each item (19-21) in
this criterion is not required. Instead, you should include a brief statement about any compliance issues
as noted below for licensing or accreditation standards.
Below is a general statement addressing adequate resources provided by the Chancellor’s Office:
(e.g. “There are no licensing or accrediting standards that apply to this program; no
additional student selection criteria are required; this program complies with California
Code of Regulations, title 5 section 55201 and 58106; and, there are no additional fees
beyond those identified in California Education Code section 76300.”)