Scott Jensen Botanist UDSA RMRS GSD Collect Harvest Plant Seed Increase Bloom Weed Control Uncover Cold hardiness zones Eco-region maps level III – broadly circumscribed level IV – narrowly circumscribed Merging of Eco-regions with USDA cold hardiness zones Merging of temperature and precipitation models Focal point biogeochemical modeling Johnson 2010 Pool seed from the same ecosystem more than 50 unrelated parents at least 5 locations If environmental uncertainty is anticipated Include material from other ecosystems similar to anticipated future environment (composite provenances) Johnson 2010 Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University, Stock Seed Lots 165 sources with over 200 grams of seed 43 species Sources Under Increase 138 sources 33 species Evolutionary paradigm (Jones & Monaco 2009) Supermarket generation (Roundy 1999) Conservation Biology (Jones 2009) Resource Paradigm (Jones & Monaco 2009) Agrarian Society Agriculture-resource extraction Do the generic zones represent acceptable partitions of selective gradients the species is responding to and thereby appropriately partition populations into adaptive zones? Are the zones effective? Performance - are results of this approach (PSZ) acceptable compared to results obtained when using cultivar materials developed following the agricultural model. Will the seed perform? Provisional Seed Zone Distribution of Great Basin Populations of Basin Wildrye n=107 34.6% 35.0% 29.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 11.2% 8.4% 10.0% 5.0% 3.7% 0.9% 0.9% 1.9% 1.9% 0.0% 5-10 Deg F / 5-10 Deg F / 10-15 Deg F 10-15 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 3-6 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 12-30 / 3-6 / 6-12 Distribution of Great Basin Populations of Basin Wildrye by Provisional Seed Zone 34.6% 35.0% 29.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 11.2% 8.4% 10.0% 5.0% 3.7% 0.9% 1.9% 0.9% 1.9% 0.0% 5-10 Deg F / 5-10 Deg F / 10-15 Deg F 10-15 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 3-6 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 12-30 / 3-6 / 6-12 Orovada Nephi Spanish Fork Fountain Green 34.6% 35.0% 29.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 11.2% 8.4% 10.0% 5.0% 3.7% 0.9% 1.9% 0.9% 1.9% 0.0% 5-10 Deg F / 3-6 5-10 Deg F / 6-12 10-15 Deg F 10-15 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 20-25 Deg F / 3-6 / 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 12-30 / 3-6 / 6-12 Orovada Nephi Spanish Fork Fountain Green 32 Seed Sources Source Certification Category Ploidy Populations/Parents Magnar Cultivar - Manipulated Octoploid 1/? Trailhead Continent al Tetra Cultivar - Natural Cultivar - Manipulated Tetraploid Octoploid 1/? 2/? Selected Class Natural Selection within a single source Single source Manipulated recombination Broad genetic base, broad geography Tetraploid 31 / 750+ Tetraploid 10-15 Deg. / 6-12 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Tetraploid 3 / 150+ Octoploid 10-15 Deg. / 6-12 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Octoploid 5 / 250+ Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. / 3-6 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Tetraploid 5 / 250+ Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. / 6-12 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Tetraploid 5 / 250+ Octoploid 15-20 Deg. / 6-12 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Octoploid 5 / 250+ Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. / 6-12 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Tetraploid 3 / 150+ Octoploid 20-25 Deg. / 6-12 Selected Class Natural Broad genetic base, narrow geography Octoploid 1 / 55 Magnar Trailhead Washoe Continental Tetra Fremont Other SI 102,270 52,950 - - 600 2,300 7,400 Magnar Breeding Method Description Selection of vigorous types during several generations. Adapted to the Northwest and Intermountain Regions of the Western United States where precipitation averages 8 inches or above. It has survived in plantings with 7 inches annual rainfall. It prefers deep clayey to loamy to sandy soils and can be found in weakly saline conditions. It is noted for blue foliage, fair seedling vigor and establishment, high forage production, good winter cover, fair winter forage, and ability to survive and thrive under very dry conditions. Robust, vigorous, blue, tall-growing, leafy. Broad, coarse leaves. Large stems and seed heads; good seed production; seed grows rapidly. Trailhead-1991 Breeding Method Direct increase of field collection. Selected from among 125 accessions representing native collections in Montana and Wyoming. Description Vigorous, disease-free, dark green, excellent earlyspring forage production. Abundant broad, semi-lax, leaves. Good seedling vigor. Seed production fair. It is adapted to the Northern Great Plains and Intermountain Regions of the Western United States where precipitation averages 8 inches or above (tested in MLRA's 32, 34, 44, and 58). It has survived in plantings with 5 inches annual rainfall. More drought tolerant than other cultivars of basin wildrye. Selected for its stand longevity and drought tolerance as compared to other basin wildrye accessions. It prefers deep clayey to loamy to sandy soils and tolerates weakly saline conditions. Can be used as a tall species for improving wildlife habitat; tested on elk feeding grounds and for upland game bird nesting cover. Breeding Method Description A Magnar -Trailhead octaploid hybrid developed to address the issue of inadequate germination and seedling vigor common to Basin wildrye. A tertiary restoration gene pool material. Similar or superior stand establishment to Magnar and Trailhead. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Outside GB 20-25 Deg.F. 6-12 20-25 Deg.F. 3-6 15-20 Deg.F. 6-12 15-20 Deg.F. 3-6 10-15 Deg.F. 6-12 10-15 Deg.F. 3-6 Tetra - Adaptation 34.6% 35.0% 29.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 11.2% 8.4% 10.0% 3.7% 5.0% 0.9% 0.9% 1.9% 1.9% 0.0% 5-10 Deg F / 5-10 Deg F / 10-15 Deg F 10-15 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 15-20 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 20-25 Deg F 3-6 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 3-6 / 6-12 / 12-30 / 3-6 / 6-12 32 Seed Sources 10 blocks 2 Treatments 25 PLS / foot 4 test sites – each representing a PSZ Establishment Thanks to Great Basin Native Plant Project and USDA FS RMRS for funding this work.