Enhanced Hole Transport in Short-Channel Strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs Please share

Enhanced Hole Transport in Short-Channel Strained-SiGe
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Gomez, L., P. Hashemi, and J.L. Hoyt. “Enhanced Hole
Transport in Short-Channel Strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs.”
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 56.11 (2009): 26442651. © 2009 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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Enhanced Hole Transport in Short-Channel
Strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs
Leonardo Gomez, Pouya Hashemi, Student Member, IEEE, and Judy L. Hoyt, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Hole mobility and velocity are extracted from scaled
strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel p-MOSFETs on insulator. Devices
have been fabricated with sub-100-nm gate lengths, demonstrating
hole mobility and velocity enhancements in strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55
channel devices relative to Si. The effective hole mobility is
extracted utilizing the dR/dL method. A hole mobility enhancement is observed relative to Si hole universal mobility for shortchannel devices with gate lengths ranging from 65 to 150 nm. Hole
velocities extracted using several different methods are compared.
The hole velocity of strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs is enhanced over
comparable Si control devices. The hole velocity enhancements
extracted are on the order of 30%. Ballistic velocity simulations
suggest that the addition of 110 uniaxial compressive strain to
Si0.45 Ge0.55 can result in a more substantial increase in velocity
relative to relaxed Si.
Index Terms—Hole mobility, hole velocity, p-MOSFET, silicon
germanium, uniaxial stress.
CALING of device dimensions alone can no longer provide the necessary current drive enhancements required to
continue historic performance gains. Novel channel materials
are being explored as a means to supplement the performance
gains provided by geometric scaling. Starting at the 90-nm
CMOS technology node, embedded SiGe source/drains (S/Ds)
were used to introduce uniaxial compressive strain into the
channel as a means to increase the p-MOSFET drive current [1].
The uniaxial strain imparted by the embedded SiGe S/D regions
alters the intrinsic electrical properties of the channel, making it
favorable for hole transport [2], [3]. The hole velocity in stateof-the-art strained-Si p-MOSFETs has been extracted, and a
velocity enhancement is observed over comparable relaxed-Si
devices [4]. The transport benefits provided by uniaxial
strain are expected to saturate in Si, requiring the introduction of other high-mobility/low-carrier effective mass channel
materials [2], [5].
SiGe and Ge are under investigation as Si channel replacement technologies. Substantial hole mobility enhancements
have been reported for long-channel biaxial compressive
strained-Ge p-MOSFETs [6], [7]. Sub-100-nm strained-Ge
Manuscript received February 26, 2009; revised May 27, 2009. First published September 29, 2009; current version published October 21, 2009. The
review of this paper was arranged by Editor D. Esseni.
The authors are with the Microsystems Technology Laboratories,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA, and
also with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2009.2031043
p-MOSFETs have also been fabricated, which demonstrate
enhanced drive current over comparable Si control devices
[8]–[11]. The intrinsic transport properties of bulk Ge make
it an attractive material for n- and p-MOSFETs, but process
integration issues and degradation of transistor performance
characteristics (e.g., formation of a high-quality gate dielectric
and increased OFF-state leakage due to bandgap narrowing) are
making Ge CMOS a challenging endeavor. SiGe can provide
transport performance gain for the p-MOSFET without the
same magnitude of challenges. Long-channel bulk strainedSiGe p-MOSFETs have been fabricated, which exhibit substantial hole mobility enhancements relative to relaxed-Si controls
[7], [12]. Enhanced drive currents have also been reported
in sub-100-nm strained-SiGe channel p-MOSFETs [13]–[15].
These studies have focused most of their efforts in examining
the transistor performance characteristics, while the fundamental hole transport metrics (e.g., carrier velocity) for a strainedSiGe channel have yet to be studied as extensively.
In this paper, the merits of a biaxial compressive strainedSiGe channel are explored experimentally from the perspective of carrier transport. The hole mobility and velocity
are measured in sub-100-nm strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel
p-MOSFETs on insulator. The goal is to assess the scalability
of these transport metrics. An ultrathin-body architecture is
utilized to improve electrostatics at shorter gate lengths without
the requirement of halo or body implants, which may impact
the channel strain or degrade carrier mobility by introducing
coulombic scattering centers [16]. Process steps, which might
disrupt the channel strain, were modified or eliminated in an
attempt to examine the intrinsic transport performance gains
independent of process conditions. Band structure and ballistic
velocity simulations are also presented to explore the benefits
of introducing uniaxial compressive stress to an already biaxial
compressive strained-SiGe channel. This paper is organized
as follows. The device fabrication sequence is discussed in
Section II. Then, the electrical measurements, as well as the
mobility and velocity extraction methods, are described in
Section III. Finally, the extracted transport metrics, as well as
simulated velocity results, are discussed in Section IV.
Device fabrication began by growing a 7-nm-thick strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 film on a 15-nm-thick (100) SOI film. After
Si0.45 Ge0.55 growth, the structure was capped with 5 nm of Si.
This structure was grown in an Applied Materials Epi Centura
LPCVD reactor. The Si0.45 Ge0.55 layer in this structure is
under biaxial compressive strain due to the lattice mismatch
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Fig. 2. Transfer characteristics for 80-nm strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFET.
The measured subthreshold swing is 170 mV/dec.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic view of the device structure. The channel consists of
a 7-nm-thick biaxial compressive strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 layer pseudomorphic
to a 15-nm-thick relaxed SOI. The structure is capped with 3 nm of Si.
(b) Cross-sectional SEM micrograph of an 80-nm-long strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55
p-MOSFET. The total channel thickness is 25 nm. Heavily boron doped Ge of
60 nm was selectively grown in the S/D region.
that is present between the Si0.45 Ge0.55 and the underlying
relaxed SOI film. A mesa isolation scheme oriented in the 110
direction was used to electrically isolate devices from one
another. The gate stack was subsequently formed by thermally
oxidizing the Si cap at 600 ◦ C to form a 3.6-nm gate oxide and
depositing 100 nm of heavily n-doped polycrystalline silicon.
Hybrid e− -beam and photolithography were used to pattern a
nitride hard mask on the gate. Gate lengths down to 65 nm were
patterned using XR-1541 (Dow Corning) e− -beam resist. The
extension region was then formed by implanting boron into
the substrate (boron, 6 keV, 2 × 1014 cm−2 ). A medium-dose
extension implant was utilized to minimize strain relaxation in
the Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel. Retaining the strain along the 110
transport direction is critical to observe enhanced hole transport
characteristics. LTO of 120 nm was then deposited, and spacers
were formed. The deep S/D implant was omitted from this
process to avoid strain relaxation. Boron-doped germanium was
selectively grown in the S/D region to reduce the parasitic series
resistance. Dopants were activated with a rapid thermal anneal
consisting of 30 s at 650 ◦ C followed by 5 s at 700 ◦ C. A conservative thermal budget was maintained to minimize Ge outdiffusion from the strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 layer. Silicon control
devices were also fabricated in parallel for comparison. Fig. 1(a)
shows a depiction of the channel structure, and Fig. 1(b) shows
a cross-sectional scanning electron micrograph of a completed
MOSFET with an 80-nm polysilicon gate length.
Fig. 3. (a) DIBL versus LGate comparison between strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55
and Si control p-MOSFETs. (b) Subthreshold swing versus LGate comparison between strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 and Si control devices. The strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 channel devices exhibit improved electrostatic behavior at shorter
gate lengths due to a thinner body. DIBL was measured using the constant current method in the subthreshold regime. The subthreshold swing was measured
at VDS = −50 mV.
A. Electrical Measurements
Standard IDS –VGS curves are shown in Fig. 2 for an 80-nm
gate-length strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFET. The DIBL and
subthreshold swing characteristics versus gate length (LGate )
are shown in Fig. 3. Reasonable electrostatic behavior is
observed down to a gate length of 100 nm for strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 devices and 120 nm for the Si control. The
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Fig. 4. Total device resistance RTotal versus gate length at various gate
overdrives. The slope of each line is utilized to determine the extrinsic series
resistance and hole effective mobility.
difference in electrostatic behavior can be attributed to the difference in body thickness between these devices. The strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 devices have a total body thickness of 25 nm,
which includes a 3-nm Si cap, 7-nm buried Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel, and 15-nm underlying SOI film. The Si control devices
have a body thickness of 40 nm.
Series resistance extraction was performed using the L-array
method [17]. Fig. 4 shows the total device resistance plotted
for a variety of gate lengths and gate overdrive values. The
series resistance is the value at which the various lines converge.
Cross-sectional SEM imaging at LGate = 135 nm and LGate =
80 nm was utilized to determine the offset between the target
and physical gate length. This offset was used to determine the
physical gate length of the devices in this paper. The extracted
S/D extrinsic series resistances (RSD ’s) for strained-SiGe and
Si control devices are 2000 and 2500 Ω · μm, respectively. The
high series resistance is due to the large distance between the
gate edge and S/D contact plugs (2 μm) and the absence of a
silicide or germanide process. In addition, some contribution
to RSD may be expected from the S/D extension process
(moderate-dose and low-temperature activation) which largely
preserved the channel strain, as shown in the next sections.
For incorporation of SiGe in state-of-the-art p-MOSFETs,
processes must be developed which preserve the channel strain
while minimizing the impact on series resistance.
The measured gate capacitance–voltage (C–V ) curves for
long-channel Si and strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel p-MOSFETs
are shown in Fig. 5 and were used in the mobility and velocity
extractions discussed in the following section. The measurement frequency was 5 kHz. The large series resistance of these
devices prevented the measurement at higher frequencies.
Fig. 5. Measured gate C–V curves for long-channel (4 μm long × 50 μm
wide) Si control and strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel p-MOSFETs. The measurement frequency was 5 kHz.
Fig. 6. Comparison between the long-channel (gD /Qinv ) and shortchannel dR/dL extracted mobilities for Si and strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs. A
3× enhancement over the Si hole universal mobility is observed for strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 channel p-MOSFETs with LGate ranging from 0.2 to 50 μm.
Devices with gate lengths ranging from 65 to 150 nm show a 2.4× enhancement. The dR/dL mobility curve for Si p-MOSFETs with gate lengths ranging
from 80 to 155 nm is also plotted for comparison.
series resistance, is constant for devices in a given range. The
dR/dL hole effective mobility was calculated as follows:
μeff =
W Qinv dRdL
where W is the device width, Qinv is the inversion charge
density, and dRTotal /dL is the slope of the linear fit to the
data in Fig. 4. The inversion charge density is estimated from
the C–V curves measured on large-area MOSFETs with a gate
length of 4 μm and a device width of 50 μm (Fig. 6). The longchannel hole effective mobility was extracted using both the
dRTotal /dL and the more conventional (gD /Qinv ) approach
B. Hole Effective Mobility Extraction
Hole effective mobility was measured in short-channel
strained-SiGe and Si control devices using the dR/dL method
[18]. The dR/dL mobility is calculated using the slope of the
total device resistance versus gate length as shown in Fig. 4.
This extraction method is a measure of the mobility over a range
of gate lengths and assumes that the mobility, as well as the
μeff =
gD L
Qinv W
where gD is the output conductance measured at low VDS ,
L is the gate length, W is the device width, and Qinv is
the inversion charge density [17]. The dR/dL mobility was
calculated for strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 devices with gate lengths
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ranging from 65 to 150 nm, 200 to 400 nm, and 1 to 50 μm. The
conventional gD /Qinv effective mobility was extracted from a
100-μm-long strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel mobility extraction
MOSFET [19]. The extracted effective hole mobility curves are
shown in Fig. 6. The Si hole universal mobility and dR/dL
mobility for Si p-MOSFETs with gate lengths ranging from 80
to 155 nm are also plotted for comparison. The reported mobilities for both long- and short-channel strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55
p-MOSFETs are higher than the Si control and hole universal
mobility curves. These results are discussed in more detail in
Section IV.
C. Hole Velocity Calculation
Hole velocity has been extracted utilizing various methods
on both strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 and Si channel p-MOSFETs. The
velocities examined in this paper are defined as follows:
υid =
W Cinv
υxo =
1 − W Cinv RS (1 + 2δ)υ
Fig. 7. Comparison of (a) υgmi and υid versus LGate , (b) υxo versus LGate ,
(c) υgmi and υid versus DIBL, and (d) υxo versus DIBL between strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 and Si control devices. The open symbols represent strained-SiGe
channel devices, while the closed symbols represent the Si control devices.
where ID is the drive current, VGS is the gate-to-source voltage,
W is the device width, ΔVt is the threshold voltage difference
due to roll-off and DIBL at a given gate length, CGSD is the
gate-to-S/D capacitance, gmi is the intrinsic transconductance
correcting for the source resistance [20], υ is the average velocity of carriers (υ = ID /W Qinv ), Cinv is the gate capacitance
at inversion, RS is the source resistance which is assumed to
be half of RSD , and δ is the DIBL coefficient [4], [21]. Energy
balance simulations performed by Lochtefeld and Antoniadis
indicate that the υid and υgmi extraction methods estimate the
carrier velocity at different points along the channel [21]. The
virtual source velocity (υxo ) as defined by (5) has been utilized
by Khakifirooz et al. to extract the carrier velocity near the
source injection point [4]. Both υxo and υid estimate the carrier
velocity near the source injection point, while υgmi tends to
estimate the velocity deeper into the channel.
The bias conditions at which υid , υgmi , and υxo were calculated correspond to the peak transconductance (gm ), where
VDS = −1.5 V. The inversion charge density was estimated by
integrating the C–V characteristics of large-area MOSFETs.
The inversion capacitance was also estimated from large-area
C–V characteristics. Corrections were made for Vt roll-off and
DIBL in estimating the inversion charge density and capacitance. The average gate overdrive at which υid , υgmi , and υxo
were calculated is −1.4 V. This corresponds to an inversion
charge density of ∼ 6 × 1012 cm−2 .
The calculated hole velocities are shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b)
versus gate length and in Fig. 7(c) and (d) versus DIBL.
The reported velocities are higher in the strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55
channel p-MOSFETs relative to the Si control. This will be
discussed further in the following section.
A. Hole Mobility in Scaled Strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs
Hole mobility is dependent upon the scattering rate of carriers and their effective mass. The hole mobility benefits derived
from adding biaxial compressive strain to Si1−x Gex result from
a reduction in phonon scattering and a reduction in the hole
effective mass [2], [22]. For 110-oriented devices, a reduction
in carrier effective mass stems from both the presence of Ge in
the channel and the biaxial compressive strain present in the
material. The biaxial compressive strain also works to lift the
degeneracy between the light and heavy hole valence bands,
reducing the phonon scattering rate. If significant strain loss occurs during processing, then the transport benefits derived from
a strained-SiGe channel can be lost. Preserving the channel
strain can be difficult as gate lengths are scaled. While process
steps like extension and halo implants are critical for ensuring
electrostatic integrity at shorter gate lengths, they can alter or
reduce the strain in the channel.
The extracted effective hole mobilities for long- and shortchannel strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFETs are shown in Fig. 6.
For devices with gate lengths larger than 200 nm, the conventional gD /Qinv and dR/dL extraction methods are in good
agreement, particularly at higher inversion charge densities. A
3× mobility enhancement over the Si hole universal mobility
curve is observed for this device set. The dR/dL mobility
extracted from devices with gate lengths ranging from 65 to
150 nm is also shown in Fig. 6 along with the dR/dL hole
mobility for Si control devices with gate lengths ranging from
80 to 155 nm. A 2.5× hole mobility enhancement is observed
relative to the Si control mobility for strained-SiGe channel
p-MOSFET with gate lengths ranging from 65 to 150 nm. A
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slight reduction in mobility is seen as the gate length is reduced,
but the enhancement provided over the Si control mobility is
still substantial. The observed mobility drop may result from
partial relaxation of the longitudinal strain in the channel.
While attempts were made to minimize strain relaxation in the
channel, some strain loss may have occurred through the course
of fabricating these devices.
B. Hole Velocity in Scaled Strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs
Carrier velocity increases for smaller carrier effective mass
[2], [4]. Theoretical calculations indicate that the hole effective
mass in relaxed Si1−x Gex is lower than that in relaxed Si
[22]. With the introduction of biaxial compressive strain, the
effective mass is reduced further. The lower hole effective
mass of strained SiGe should translate to improved velocity
characteristics relative to relaxed Si.
Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows the gate-length dependence of υid ,
υgmi , and υxo extracted for the devices in this paper. An
increase in velocity is observed as the gate length decreases.
The velocity’s dependence on DIBL shown in Fig. 7(c) and (d)
is less dramatic for values greater than 0.1 V/V. A slight
increase in velocity is observed as DIBL increases. This relation
is a result of the drain’s influence on the channel potential.
As DIBL increases, the channel potential drops more abruptly
from source to drain, which increases carrier velocity. There
is also evidence to suggest that device design influences the
velocity–DIBL relation [23]. In Fig. 8(a), a comparison of
the extracted velocities is made between strained-SiGe and
Si p-MOSFETs with similar DIBL and gate-length values, i.e.,
140 mV/V and 150 nm, respectively. This provides the best
basis for comparison since velocity is dependent on DIBL, gate
length, and other device design parameters [23].
As mentioned previously, the velocity extraction methods
employed estimate the carrier velocity at different points in
the channel. In Fig. 8(a), the extracted velocities are arranged
in order of increasing distance from the source, where υid is
closest to the source injection point and υgmi estimates the
velocity furthest into the channel. We observe the expected
trend of increasing velocity at points further from the source
(i.e., further into the channel). The velocity enhancement is
also observed to be largest near the source. The hole velocity
enhancement shown in Fig. 8(b) for various extraction methods
ranges from 1.1× to 1.3×. The velocity gains reported for
a biaxial compressive strained-SiGe channel are modest due
to the limited effective mass reduction resulting from biaxial
compressive strain. A more substantial increase in velocity is
expected with the addition of uniaxial compressive strain along
the 110 direction of transport.
C. Uniaxial Strain in SiGe Channel p-MOSFETs
As mentioned previously, hole velocity is correlated to
the carrier effective mass. Velocity calculations performed by
Uchida et al. [2] and Antoniadis and Khakifirooz [5] indicate
that uniaxial compressive stress when applied to (100) Si or
Ge along the 110 direction is more effective than biaxial
compressive strain in reducing the hole effective mass and
Fig. 8. (a) Comparison of the average υid , υgmi , and υxo extracted hole
velocities. The strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 and Si control devices examined here
have an average LGate = 150 nm and DIBL = 140 mV/V. (b) Enhancement
relative to the Si control for the average υid , υgmi , and υxo extracted hole
velocities. The strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFETs exhibit an enhancement
over Si control devices ranging from 1.13× to 1.27×. All devices have an
average LGate = 150 nm and DIBL = 140 mV/V.
thus increasing the hole velocity. Fig. 9 shows simulated k • p
dispersion calculations performed in this paper in the 110 direction for relaxed Si, biaxial compressive strained Si0.45 Ge0.55
pseudomorphic to relaxed Si, relaxed Ge, and biaxial compressive strained Ge pseudomorphic to relaxed Si0.6 Ge0.4 , all with
uniaxial stress ranging from 0 to −3 GPa added along the 110
direction. These k • p band calculations were performed using
nextnano3 [24]. For the material systems examined in Fig. 9,
carriers preferentially occupy the HH band due to a lifting of
the degeneracy between the LH and HH valence bands. The
applied uniaxial stress increases the curvature associated with
the HH band and thus reduces the effective mass. This type of
HH band deformation is favorable toward increasing the carrier
velocity [2], [5], [25].
The E−k dispersion relations for relaxed Si and biaxial
compressive strained Si0.45 Ge0.55 , in Fig. 9(a) and (b), respectively, show that, with 3 GPa of applied compressive uniaxial
stress, the strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 HH band has a higher degree
of curvature. Improved velocity characteristics are expected
for strained Si0.45 Ge0.55 over Si as a result. Examining the
dispersion relations for relaxed Ge and biaxial compressive
strained Ge, in Fig. 9(c) and (d), respectively, we notice that the
initial shapes of the HH bands are dissimilar, but as uniaxial
stress is applied to these systems, the HH bands begin to
follow the same trajectory. As a result, similar hole velocity
characteristics would be expected with added uniaxial stress,
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Fig. 9. 110 E−k dispersion relation for (a) Si, (b) strained Si0.45 Ge0.55 pseudomorphic to relaxed Si (Si0.45 Ge0.55 /Si), (c) Ge, and (d) strained Ge
pseudomorphic to relaxed Si0.6 Ge0.4 (Ge/Si0.6 Ge0.4 ) with 0, −1, and −3 GPa of uniaxial stress applied in the 110 direction. The curves, which correspond
to these stress levels, are marked 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The solid lines represent the HH band, and the dashed lines represent the LH band. The arrows point in
the direction of increasing uniaxial stress going from 0 to −3 GPa. The addition of uniaxial stress increases the curvature of HH band. An increase in curvature is
strongly correlated to a reduction in effective mass, which results in an increase in velocity. Simulations were performed using nextnano3 [24].
Fig. 10. Simulated ballistic velocity enhancement relative to relaxed Si
with applied compressive uniaxial stress for Si, biaxial compressive strained
Si0.45 Ge0.55 pseudomorphic to relaxed Si (Si0.45 Ge0.55 /Si), Ge, and
biaxial compressive strained Ge pseudomorphic to relaxed Si0.6 Ge0.4
(Ge/Si0.6 Ge0.4 ). Simulations were performed using nextnano3 and
FETtoy [24], [26].
irrespective of whether one begins with relaxed or biaxially
strained Ge.
In Fig. 10, the simulated ballistic velocity enhancement
relative to relaxed Si is provided for Si, biaxial compressive
strained Si0.45 Ge0.55 pseudomorphic to relaxed Si, Ge, and
biaxial compressive strained Ge pseudomorphic to relaxed
Si0.45 Ge0.55 , all with added uniaxial strain. Simulations were
performed by calculating the 2-D E−k dispersion relation
using nextnano3 . The simulated band structure was used as an
input to FETtoy which calculates the ballistic current [26]. The
calculated ballistic current and Qinv were used to determine the
ballistic velocity (υθ ) according to υθ = Iballistic /W Qinv .
The virtual source velocity (υxo ) is related to the ballistic
velocity (υθ ) according to υxo = Bυθ , where B is the ballistic
efficiency [4]. A comparison of the relative velocity enhancement can be made between υid , υxo , and υθ due to this linear
relation. Examining the ballistic velocity simulations in Fig. 10,
we see that a biaxial compressive strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel
with no applied uniaxial stress provides a 1.4× ballistic velocity
enhancement over unstrained Si. This is of the same order as
the measured velocity enhancement for biaxial compressive
strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 in Fig. 8(b) for υid and υxo , i.e., 1.3×
and 1.2×, respectively. This indicates that biaxial compressive
strain is not as beneficial for hole velocity as it is for hole
mobility. In the context of hole velocity, the simulated result
in Fig. 10 predicts that uniaxial stress in SiGe is required to
significantly outperform relaxed Si.
Enhanced hole velocity characteristics have been reported
for Si channel p-MOSFETs with applied uniaxial compressive
stress [4]. The simulation results in Fig. 10 predict that the
ballistic velocity enhancement for Si will saturate around 2.7×.
A substantial increase in the ballistic velocity is predicted with
the incorporation of Ge into the channel and the application of
compressive uniaxial stress in the 110 direction. From Fig. 10,
a strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel is expected to provide a 4.3×
velocity enhancement over relaxed Si with the application of
−5 GPa of uniaxial stress. A pure Ge channel is predicted to
outperform relaxed Si by 5.2×. This result indicates that, with
appropriate strain, even a moderate concentration of Ge in the
channel (50 at. %), which could ease integration issues relative
to pure Ge, may provide substantial velocity improvement
relative to a Si channel p-MOSFET.
Biaxial compressive strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFETs with
gate lengths down to 65 nm have been fabricated to explore
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the merits of a strained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 channel. Care was taken to
avoid process steps that might alter or eliminate the strain in the
channel. Hole mobility and velocity have been extracted and are
benchmarked against a comparable Si control device. Devices
with gate lengths in the range of 65–150 nm are observed to
exhibit a 2.5× hole effective mobility enhancement over the Si
control mobility. While a slight drop in mobility is observed as
the gate length is reduced, the observed mobility enhancement
is still substantial. Three velocity extraction methods were
employed, and the velocity characteristics of scaled strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFETs have been documented. A modest
1.3× velocity enhancement is observed in biaxial compressive
stained-Si0.45 Ge0.55 p-MOSFETs over control devices with a
similar gate length and DIBL. While biaxial compressive strain
in SiGe is very beneficial in providing a substantial mobility
enhancement, it does not prove to be as beneficial to the carrier
velocity. Band structure and ballistic velocity calculations indicate that a substantial enhancement in velocity can be expected
with the incorporation of Ge into the channel and the addition
of uniaxial stress. While the velocity enhancement provided
by uniaxial compressive stress in Si is expected to saturate at
2.7× relative to relaxed Si, simulations predict that a strainedSi0.45 Ge0.55 channel will outperform relaxed Si by 4.3×. Moving to a pure Ge channel is predicted to provide a slightly higher
performance gain at 5.2×. This suggests that even moderate
amounts of Ge incorporated into the channel and combined
with uniaxial compressive stress can provide a significant velocity enhancement over relaxed-Si channel p-MOSFETs.
The authors would like to thank G. Riggott, A. Khakifirooz,
and J.-K. Lee for their assistance in completing this paper.
The authors would also like to thank the Microsystems Technology Laboratory at MIT, Lemelson foundation, NSF, and
[1] S. Thompson, N. Anand, M. Armstrong, C. Auth, B. Arcot, M. Alavi,
P. Bai, J. Bielefeld, R. Bigwood, J. Brandenburg, M. Buehler, S. Cea,
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Leonardo Gomez received the B.S. degree in
electrical engineering from the University of South
Florida, Tampa, in 2004. He has been working
toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Cambridge, since 2004.
He has been a Graduate Research Fellow with the
National Science Foundation and a Presidential Fellow with MIT. He is currently with the Microsystems
Technology Laboratories, MIT. His primary research
interests are in the areas of carrier transport in Si/Ge-based MOSFETs, Si/Ge
epitaxy, and advanced CMOS processing techniques.
Pouya Hashemi (S’05) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
degrees in electrical engineering (both with highest
honors) from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,
in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
and computer science at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT), Cambridge.
From 2002 to 2005, he was with the Thin-Film Research Laboratories, University of Tehran, working
on electrical and optical properties of nanocrystalline
silicon and fabrication of low-temperature silicon
and germanium thin-film transistors on flexible substrates. In 2005, he joined
the MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories, where his current research
focuses on fabrication and investigation of carrier transport in nanoscale
strained SOI, silicon germanium, and germanium channel CMOS devices with
planar and nanowire architectures. In summer 2009, he was with the IBM
T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, working on multicrystalline silicon-based photovoltaics.
Mr. Hashemi is a Student Member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society
and the Material Research Society. He was the recipient of the IBM Ph.D.
Fellowship award in 2008.
Judy L. Hoyt (M’83–SM’06–F’08) received the
B.S. degree in physics and applied mathematics from
the University of California, Berkeley, in 1981 and
the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, in December 1987.
From 1988 to 1999, she was a member of the
Research Staff with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University. Since January
2000, she has been with the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Cambridge. She is also currently with the Microsystems Technology Laboratories, MIT. Her primary research interests are in the areas of siliconbased heterostructure devices and technology, Si epitaxy, and CMOS front-end
processing. She has authored or coauthored over 130 publications in these areas
and is the holder of six patents.
Dr. Hoyt is a member of the American Physical Society and the Materials
Research Society. She has served as the General Chair of the IEEE International
Electron Devices Meeting in 2001.
Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT Libraries. Downloaded on December 7, 2009 at 10:43 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.