Document 11880158

Psoas major – O: Transverse processes and
intervertebral discs of thoracic and lumbar vert.
I: lesser trochanter of femur A: Flexes and
laterally rotates hip
Iliacus – O: Iliac fossa I: lesser trochanter of
femur A: Flexes and laterally rotates hip
*Gluteus maximus – O: ilium, sacrum,
I: posterior femur & fascia lata A:
extends and laterally rotates hip
Fascia lata - deep fascia of the thigh. It is
attached proximally to the back of the sacrum
and coccyx, the iliac crest, the inguinal ligament,
superior and inferior pubic rami and the the
ischial ramus and tuberosity.
*Gluteus medius – O: lateral surface of ilium
I: greater trochanter A: Abducts and
medially rotates hip. Tilts pelvis on walking
Tensor fascia lata –
O: Outer surface of anterior iliac crest
between tubercle of the iliac crest and
anterior superior iliac spine
I: Iliotibial tract (anterior surface of lateral
condyle of tibia)
A: Maintains knee extended (assists
gluteus maximus) and abducts hip
Adductors of Hip: Adductor longus, Adductor magnus, Adductor brevis
O: Inferior ramus, ischiopubic ramus, posterior surface of ischial tuberosity and body of
pubis I: linea aspera A: adducts hip
Quadriceps Femoris Group: Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, rectus
*Rectus femoris – O: anterior inferior iliac
spine I: patella to tibial tuberosity A: flex hip
and extends knee
*Vastus lateralis – O: posterior femur I:
patella to tibial tuberosity A: extend knee
*Vastus medialis – O: medial femur I: patella
to tibial tuberosity A: extend knee
*Vastus intermedius –
O: anterior femur
I: patella to tibial
A: extends knee
Sartorius – O: anterior superior of iliac
spine I: medial surface of shaft of tibia
A: flex and abduct at hip, flex at knee
Gracilis – O: ischiopubic ramus I: medial
shaft of tibia below sartorius A: adduction
at hip, flex at knee
Hamstring Group – Biceps femoris,
semitendinosus and semimembranosus
O: ischial tuberosity
*Biceps femoris – I: head of fibula, lateral
condyle of tibia A: extend at hip, flex at knee
*Semitendinosus – I: upper medial surface of
tibia A: extend at hip, flex at knee
*Semimembranosus – I: medial condyle of
tibia A: extend at hip, flex at knee
*Gastrocnemius – O:
condyles of femur I: achilles
tend to calcaneus A:
plantarflexion at ankle
Soleus – O: posterior border of
tibia and upper quarter of
posterior shaft of fibula
including neck I: calcaneus
A: plantarflexion at ankle
Tibialis posterior –
O: posterior shaft of tibia
and upper half of fibula
I: Tuberosity of navicular
bone and all tarsal bones
A: plantarflexion and
inversion at ankle
Flexor hallucis longus –
O: posterior fibula
I: distal phalanx of big toe
A: flex at big toe (hallux) and
flex at ankle
Flexor digitorum longus –
O: Posterior shaft of tibia
I: Base of distal phalanges
of lateral four toes
A: plantarflexion at ankle
and flex at digits 2-5 (lateral
4 toes)
*Tibialis anterior –
O: upper lateral tibia
I: underside of cuneiform and
1st metatarsal
A: dorsiflexion and inversion
at ankle
Extensor hallucis longus –
O: anterior shaft of fibula
I: Base of distal phalanx of great toe
A: extend at big toe (hallux)
Extensor digitorum longus –
O: shaft of fibula, interosseous
membrane and superior tibiofibular
I: lateral four toes
A: dorsiflexion at ankle and extends at
digits 2-5 (4 lateral toes)
Fibularis longus – O: lateral shaft of fibula ,
head of fibula and superior tibiofibular joint
I: base of 1st metatarsal and medial
cuneiform A: plantarflexion and eversion
at ankle
Fibularis brevis – O: lower lateral shaft of
fibula I: base of 5th metatarsal A:
plantarflexion and eversion at ankle
*Masseter O: zygomatic arch I: ramus of mandible A: elevates mandible
*Temporalis O: temporal fossa I: coronoid process A: elevates mandible
*Sternocleidomastoid O: sternum, clavicle I: mastoid process A: flex, rotate,
lateral flexion
Splenius captius
O: cervical vertebra I: mastoid process A: extension, rotate neck
*Trapezius O: occipital bone, cervical and thoracic spine I: clavicle, scap. spine
A: elevate, depress, adduction, upward and downward rotate of scapula
Levator scapulae O: transverse process of cervical spine I: medial border of scapula
A: elevation of scapula
Rhomboids (major & minor) O: spine I: medial border of scapula A: elevation,
adduction and downward rotation of scapula
*Deltoid O: clavicle, acromion spine of scapula I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A: flex, extension, abduction at shoulder
Latissimus dorsi O: thoracic and lumbar spine, iliac crest, last 4 ribs I: humerus
biciptal groove A: extends, adducts, rotates at shoulder
*Pectoralis major O: clavicle, sternum, upper ribs I: intertubercular groove of
humerus A: flex, adduction, medial rotation at shoulder
Coracobrachialis O: corocoid process of scapula I: upper half medial border of
humerus A: flex, adduction at shoulder
Serratus anterior O: ribs I: inner medial border of scapula A: lateral/upward rotation
of scapula
*Teres major O: lateral border of scapula (low)
I: intertubercular groove A: extends, adducts,
medial rotation at shoulder
*Teres minor O: lateral border of scapula
I: greater tubericle A: lateral roration at
*Supraspinatus O: supraspinous fossa I:
greater tubericle A: abduction at shoulder
*Infraspinatus O: infraspinous fossa I: greater
tubricle A: lateral rotation at shoulder
Subscapularis O: subscapular fossa medial border I: lesser tuberosity of humerus
A: medial rotation at shoulder
Brachialis O: anterior lower half of humerus I: coronoid process and tuberosity of ulna
A: flex at elbow
*Biceps brachii O: coracoid process above glenoid cavity I: radial tuberosity
at elbow, supination of forearm
A: flex
*Triceps brachii O: lateral border of
scapula, posterior humerus I: olecranon
process A: extension at elbow
Flexors of Wrist O: ulna, humerus,
radius I: metacarpals A: flex, abduct,
adduct of wrist
Pronator teres O: humerus head
I: radius A: pronation of forearm
Supinator O: lateral epicondyle
I: radius A: supination of forearm
Extensors of Wrist O: typically ulna and radius I: metacarpals, carpals, phalanges
A: extend, abduct, adduction of wrist
Sacrospinalis (erector spinae)
O: spinous processes, iliac crest,
sacrum, lumbar vert., transverse
processes, I: transverse
processes, ribs
A: extension
of vertebral column
*Rectus abdominus O: symphysis pubis
and pubic crest I: costal cartilage and
posterior aspect of xiphoid A: flexion of
vertebral column also aids forced
expiration and raise intra-abdominal
External oblique, Internal oblique,
transverse abdominus all have similar
action A: Supports abdominal wall,
assists forced respiration, aids raising
intra-abdominal pressure and, with
muscles of other side , abducts and
rotates trunk.
O: costal margin, lumbar fascia, iliac
crest, lower ribs
I: various places but all insert in some
fashion with aponeurosis
Diaphragm – broad, thin muscle
spanning the thoracoabdominal cavity.
O: vertebral column (lumbar), ribs,
xiphoid process I: central tendon
A: increases size of thoracic cavity
External intercostals – most superficial O: Inferior border of ribs I: superior border of
ribs below, passing obliquely downwards and backwards A: Fix intercostal spaces
during respiration. Aids forced inspiration by elevating ribs. Increases size of thoracic
Internal intercostals – O: inferior border of ribs I: superior border of ribs below, passing
obliquely downwards and backwards A: Fix intercostal spaces during espiration.
Decreases size of thoracic cavity.