Graduate Assistant Position Description (Revised November 2015) The McNair Scholars program is federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education to provide eligible students with support and preparation for graduate school. McNair Scholars must either be low-income, first-generation college students AND/OR be members of a traditionally underrepresented group in their academic discipline (usually African American, Latino/a, Native American and/or American Pacific Islander). A McNair Scholars assistantship will require flexibility, curiosity, and self-direction. Please contact us at 608-785-6913 or for more information, or to schedule a time to meet. MAJOR DUTIES Assist with recruitment of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 graduating cohorts, as needed: o Planning & publicizing recruitment sessions and application priority deadlines; o Scheduling & presenting programming information to classrooms & student organizations; and o Being available for scheduled & walk-in appointments with prospective applicants. Facilitate Scholars’ active participation in academic and cultural activities: o Organize and attend monthly social gatherings for Scholars, alumni & applicants; o Assist with coordination of Spring semester Research Seminar series; and o Notify students of upcoming events related to graduate school preparation. Serve as primary staff person on overnight conference trips & cultural events: o Lead a delegation to the TRIO Senior Retreat in late September, the McNair National Conference in November (both in WI), and other campus visits or conferences, as needed; o Manage registrations, lodging, and transportation details for attendees; o Distribute cash for meals and provide complete accounting for trip expenses; o Fully participate in and document (photos, newsletter article) conference and cultural events; o Communicate details of the trip and properly prepare Scholars who will attend; and o Provide the program staff and students with updates, ideas, and suggestions that come from conference attendance. Mentor, advise & assist currently enrolled students: o Help students set & achieve short-term and intermediate goals related to their McNair Academic Achievement Plans (MAAPs), as directed; o Maintain referral lists for campus tutoring, honors programs, and advising resources; o Assist students with funding, design & completion of undergraduate research projects; o Conduct one-on-one and small group meetings with students to help them succeed. Maintain communication with students and the campus community: o Update the McNair Scholars D2L site and contribute material to the McNair newsletter and website, as directed; o Attend McNair Advisory Committee meetings, and take & distribute minutes; o Create displays and publicity materials promoting the program. Staff the McNair office, as needed. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This position is a one-year, renewable position. The McNair Scholars’ program GA will have the opportunity to supplement his/her regular salary by staffing the following summer graduate school campus visits: o o A four-day trip to the University of Michigan and Michigan State University in June; and Day trips to the University of Wisconsin at Madison & Milwaukee, the University of MinnesotaTwin Cities in July and August. We offer a flexible schedule, a supportive work environment, and the opportunity to build meaningful collaborative relationships with students from diverse backgrounds. We welcome interested applicants of all backgrounds and perspectives who share our dedication to increasing educational access and opportunity. For more information: Jessica Thill, Program Coordinator, 608.785.6913 106 Graff Main Hall