dissertations theses and 1943-1959

theses and
A Departmental and Author Index
of 2,075 Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations
Accepted by the Graduate School, Oregon State College
with the assistance of VIRGINIA FOLLOWELL
Oregon state college
corvallis, Oregon
Bibliographic Series Number 6
theses and
Compiled by
with the assistance of
Oregon state college
corvallis, Oregon
Bibliographic Series Number 6
published a list of graduate theses accepted at the University of Ore-
gon, the University of Oregon Medical School, and Oregon State
College during 1932-42, the first decade of the System. The present
compilation, prepared by the Oregon State College Library as a contribution to the graduate program of the College, brings this earlier
listing up through 1959 for Oregon State College.
The arrangement is alphabetical by subject fields, and under each
field chronological by years, in separate sequences for Doctors and
Masters theses. Under each year, arrangement is alphabetical by
author. An author index refers to each thesis by consecutive citation
number. Liberal cross references for subject fields have been used.
All theses here listed have been compiled under the direction,
first of Dr. Willibald Weniger, Graduate Dean, 1933-49, and second
under Dr. Henry P. Hansen, Graduate Dean since 1949. Comparison
of this present listing with the compilation for Oregon State during
the 1932-42 period demonstrates dramatically the great increase in the
graduate program of the College and particularly the growing number of doctoral dissertations.
The 1932-42 compilation has grown dog-eared and worn in service. We know that this present compilation, which we believe will be
somewhat more easily used through its citation indexing and cross
referencing, will be even more extensively used. We present it as a
significant addition to the Bibliographic Series published by the
Director of Libraries
Agricultural Economics --------------------_------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Agricultural Education ---------------------------------------------------------------------8
Agricultural Engineering --------------------------------------------------------------------- _. ------------- 9
Analytical Chemistry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Animal Husbandry ------------------------------------_-------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Bacteriology and Hygiene
----------------------------- ._----------- .----- --------
Business Education
--------------------------------------- ----
------------------------------------------------- .
Chemical Engineering .
------------------------------------------------------------------------.--Chemistry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clothing, Textiles, and Related Arts ----- ...... ...----------------------------------------------------Colloid Chemistry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..
Dairy and Animal Husbandry --------------------------------------------------------------Dairy Husbandry ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------
Dairy Manufacturing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dairy Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34
Education ...................... ........................... .......
-------------------------------- .......... ....... 34
Electrical Engineering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
Family Life and Home Administration --------------------------------------- ------------------------- 48
Farm Crops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
Fish and Game Management ----------------------------------------------------------------
Fisheries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food and Dairy Technology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Industries
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Technology ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foods and Nutrition -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Forest Engineering ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forest Management ------------------------------------------------------ __ -------------------------------------Forest Products -----------------------------------------Forest Products Chemistry ...---------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------- --Forestry -----------------------------------------------------------------General Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_
General Studies
._--------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----
Geology ----------------- -------------- -------- ..-------
----------- -....
------------------------------------------------ .......
Guidance and Personnel ------------------- ------ ---------------------------------- --------
Health Education
Home Economics Education -------------------- ----- -------- -------------------------------------------
Horticulture ..-...----------------------------------------
Household Administration
---- --......
------- ------------ ... 80
---------------------------------Industrial Arts Education ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 81
Industrial Education
Industrial Engineering ------------------------------------ _ --------------------------------------------------- 86
Inorganic Chemistry
Institution Management
Mechanical Engineering ----------------------------------------------------------------90
Natural Resources
Organic Chemistry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pharmacy -------------------------------------------------------------------102
----------------------------------------- -----Physical Chemistry
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. -----------------------
Plant Anatomy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plant Ecology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plant Morphology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plant Pathology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
Plant Physiology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
Poultry Husbandry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
Systematic Botany (Taxonomy) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
Veterinary Medicine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
Wildlife Management ------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
Zoology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
Theses and Dissertations
SEE Mechanical Engineering
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1944 - Masters
Fang, Sheng Chung. The Chemical Study of Bracken Fern Pteridium
aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. var pubescens Underw.
1953 - Masters
2. Baldwin, Roger Edwin. The Mode of Action of O-Isopropyl N-Phenyl
Carbamate as an Herbicide.
Chinn, Clarence Edward. The Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the
Electron-Transport in Plants.
1943 - Masters
Inskeep, John Jerry. Observations on Forage and Seed Production of
Pasture Grasses Grown Alone and in Association With Subterranean
Clover With and Without Phosphate Fertilizer.
1944 - Masters
Shao, Bing Kun. Government Credit in Rural Relief and Rehabilitation.
Tuttle, Winfield Joseph. Price Risk in Farm Credits.
1947 - Masters
1948 - Masters
Becker, Manning Henry. Some Aspects of Sprinkler Irrigation Costs for
Vegetable Crops in the Willamette Valley.
8. Dunsdon, Rollin Orel. An Analysis of Oregon's Competitive Position in
Producing and Marketing Turkeys.
9. Hennigh, David Edgerton. Membership Relations of the Dairy Cooperative Association.
1949 - Masters
Hoobler, Sharon Quinten. Trends in the Integration of Cooperative Dairy
Products Marketing Channels in the Pacific Northwest.
11. Loh, Shih Kuen, Land-Use Problems in Shun Te County, Kwangtung,
1950 - Masters
12. Meyer, Frederick Gordon. Membership Relations of the Lower Columbia Cooperative Dairy Association.
13. Pih, Dueh Chang. Economic Function and Organization of Pacific Wool
14. Rowell, John David. Williamette Valley Consumer Attitude Toward
Canned Fresh Prunes.
15. VanWinkle, Alfred Eugene. Capital Used in the Development of Newly
Irrigated Farms on the North Unit, Deschutes Project, Oregon.
1951 - Masters
16. Conroy, Robert Leland. Economic Effect of Increased Frozen Orange
Concentrate Sales on the Orange Industry of Southern California.
17. Kalberg, Erick Ronald. Some Economic Aspects of Turkey Hatching
Egg Production in Western Oregon, 1949, with Special Reference to
18. Osborn, Howard Arthur. Land Use and Farm Organization on a New
Irrigation Project, Jefferson County, Oregon.
19. Rosenblum, Morton Tully. The Competitive Position of the Oregon Market Turkey Producers.
1951 - Doctors
20. MacPherson, Donavon Dale. Cost Analysis of Milk Distribution in the
Portland, Oregon, Market.
1952 - Masters
21. Gish, Norville Ray. An Appraisal of Economic Information Published by
Selected Colleges for Agricultural Readers.
22. Gustafson, Richard Frank. An Economic Study of the Portland Wholesale Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market.
23. Michael, Lawrence Wesley, The Development of Grazing on Cut-Over
Lands of Western Oregon and Factors Relative to Their Use.
24. Moberg, Leon Ernest. Some Economic Aspects of Shifting to Conservation Farming in the Columbia Basin Wheat Area.
1954 - Masters
25. Dahl, Frederick Henry. Use of Alternative Costs in Determining the
Economic Rotation Age of Douglas-Fir.
26. McAlexander, Robert Hubert. Economics of Dry Lot Cattle Finishing
Operations with Particular Reference to Cattle Feeding in Oregon.
27. Shah, Said Ahmad. Economic and Social Aspects of Land Reform in
28. Troute, Foye Marion. Utilization of Electricity on Selected Willamette
Valley Farms.
29. Wilson, Brewster Anderson. Equilization of Opportunities Among Settlers on the Columbia Basin Project.
1955 - Masters
30. Benedict, Russell Archie. Scale of Operation on Farms in a New Irrigation District, Jefferson County, Oregon, 1949-1953.
Jernstedt, Gordon Keith. Economic Considerations in the Marketing of
Oregon Wool.
32. McGlothlin, Robert Seldon. Factors Affecting Oregon Farm Prices.
33. Nairn, John. Economic Comparisons of Alternative Land-Use Systems
on Selected Farms in the Oregon Wheat-Summerfallow Area.
34. Quincy, Walter Levi. An Evaluation of Methods of Estimating 1953
Costs of Producing Strawberries.
35. Sahota, Joginder Singh. Factors Affecting Farmer Cooperative Discontinuances with Some Applications to Indian Agriculture.
1956 - Masters
Fortner, Leland Upton. Labor Requirements of Different Methods of
Using Polyethylene in Pear Packing Operations.
37. Wallace, Luther Tompkins, Jr. A Comparative Study of Beef Production
Systems on Eastern Oregon Ranches.
1956 - Doctors
Caldwell, Harvey Wilbur. The Impact of Supplemental Irrigation on
Farm Organizations in Polk County, Oregon.
1957 - Masters
Barker, Randolph. Economic Alternatives of Beef Enterprises on Oregon
Wheat-Fallow Farms.
Ferries, Clarke Hunter. Economic Comparisons of Selected Methods of
Harvesting Forage on Dairy Farms in Western Oregon.
Jernstedt, Maurice Luther. Economic Aspects of Chemical Application
by Licensed Custom Applicators in Oregon.
Neely, William Vernon. An Appraisal of Current Farm Management
Data in Their Application to the Low Income Farm Problem.
43. Warrick, Harvey Keith. Economic Implications of the Oregon Ground
Water Laws.
44. Weisgerber, Pius. Participation of Oregon Wheat Farmers in the 1957
Soil Bank.
45. Wyckoff, Jean Bratton. Practices and Costs in Marketing Sheep and
Lambs in Oregon.
1957 - Doctors
46. Gray, James Robert. Management Decisions During Drought Periods on
Eastern Oregon Cattle Ranches.
47. Nelson, Michael. Economics of Increased Hay Production by Use of
Nitrogen Fertilizer on Mountain Meadows in the Harney Basin,
Strain, James Robert. Relationships Between Plant Size and Costs of
Processing Fluid Milk in Oregon.
1958 - Masters
49. Colburn, Jerry Lee. Costs of Serving Coffee and Milk in Selected Oregon
Restaurants, June-July, 1957.
50. Couston, John William. Economic Analysis of Barley-Fertilizer Experiments at Different Locations in the Willamette Valley, 1953-1955.
51. Fowler, William Young III. An Experiment in Reporting Country Sales
of Livestock in Oregon.
52. Mo, Yu Hsuen. The Effect of Diversification on Income Variability of
Oregon Farmers.
53. Nakajud, Arb. Potential Agricultural Resources of Thailand.
54. Oldenstadt, Dennis Lee. The Impact of Retail Dry Milk Sales on Fluid
Milk Markets.
55. Rogers, LeRoy Francis. Analysis of Potential Economic Feasibility of
the All-Silage Forage Harvesting Method for Willamette Valley Dairy
1959 - Masters
Barkley, Paul Weston. The Economic Effect of the Acreage Allotment
Conklin, Frank Sidney. Some Factors Contributing to the Success and
on Specialized Wheat-Fallow Farms in Oregon.
Failure of Farms in the North Unit Deschutes Irrigation District,
Jefferson County, Oregon.
58. Young, Ronald Edwin. The Impact of Transportation Rates on the Competitive Position of Oregon's Green Bean Industry.
1959 - Doctors
59. Lindeborg, Karl Hartvig. Economic Effects of Different Allocations of
Ground Water Within Agriculture in the Milton-Freewater Area of
1947 - Masters
60. Green, Stanley Adair. Development of an Educational Program in Soil
Fertility for the Redmond Community.
1949 - Masters
Bell, Ralph Rogers. The History and Development of Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools of the United States, With Implications
for a Program of Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools of
62. Ten Pas, Henry Arnold. Professional Preparation of Beginning Teachers
of Agriculture in Oregon.
1949 - Doctors
Vrooman, Charles William. Joint major: see number 122.
1950 - Masters
63. Lee, Allen. A Plan for Adult Education in Agriculture for Oregon.
1951 - Doctors
64. MacGregor, Hugh Alton. A Proposal for Canadian Federal-Provincial
Participation plan in Vocational Agriculture.
1955 - Masters
Morris, William Robert. A Follow-Up Study of the Institutional OnFarm Training Program in Oregon.
1957 - Masters
66. Bowman, Quentin Groves. Establishment and Operation of a TwoTeacher Department of Vocational Agriculture.
1958 - Masters
Hendricks, Roland Anthony. Program Emphasis as Determined by Time
Utilization of Oregon Vocational Agriculture Instructors.
68. Long, James Stephen. Scholastic Achievement of High School Vocational
Agriculture Students in College Engineering Curriculum.
69. McCluskey, William Harry. The Poultry Curriculum in Departments of
Vocational Agriculture in Oregon.
1959 - Masters
Etzel, Nat Rudy. Application of Adult Education Principles to the Eagle
Point Adult-Farmer Program.
71. Leach, Alvin Monroe. Using an Advisory Council to Develop a Course
of Study.
72. McCollum, Earl Wesley. A Follow-up Study of Agricultural Education
Graduates of Oregon State College to Determine Occupational Choices.
73. Reif, Raymond Roger. Integrating an FFA Machinery Cooperative Into
the Vocational Agriculture Instructional Program.
74. Schmidt, Richard Wallace. A Comparison of High School and College
Grades of 131 College Agricultural Students.
1949 - Masters
Campbell, John Carl. Practical Housing for the Deschutes Irrigation
Project in Central Oregon.
1951 - Masters
76. Long, David Robert. Testing and Developing of an Efficient Forage Plot
1952 - Masters
77. Doughty, Robert Edward. Harvesting and Processing of an Aquatic
Weed, Anacharis densa.
1956 - Masters
Booster, Dean Emerson. Application of Electrostatic Separation Principles to Cleaning Seeds of Certain Field Crops.
79. Henson, Keith Turner. The Design and Development of a ManuallyOperated Broadcasting Machine for Forest Tree Seeds.
80. Jenson, Clifford Leo. Crop Evaporation-Transpiration Losses Related, to
Weather Data.
1957 - Masters
Said, Nasir. Farm Mechanization in West Pakistan.
Chen, Tsu-Fang. The Effect of Soil Moisture Tension on the Transpiration Rate of a Young Sunflower when Irrigated by a Condensation
1959 - Masters
1945 - Masters
83. Kirsch, Theodore Timothy. Operation Replacements and Youth Opportunities on Dairy Farms in the Myrtle Point Community.
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1943 - Masters
Clauss, James Kilbourn. A Ferrocyanide-Ceriometric Method for the
Determination of Zinc in Ores.
Shepherd, Maurice Joseph, Jr. A Spectrophotometric Method for the
Determination of Iron with Thioglycolic Acid.
Buell, Bruce Edward. An Arsenate-Ceriometric Determination of Mag-
1945 - Masters
1949 - Masters
87. Durst, Dorothy Elizabeth. The Application of Salicylaldoxime to the
Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron in Ores.
1951 - Masters
88. Gruzensky, Paul Milnore. The Use of 1,10-Phenanthroline in a Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Copper in Ores.
89. Guill, Albert Pembrooke. The Use of Dithizone as an Indicator in the
Titrimetric Determination of Zinc with Ferrocyanide.
90. Koehmstedt, Paul Leon. Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper in
Ores with 2,21 Bipyridyl.
91. Lee, Eugene Edward. The Separation of Zirconium and Magnesium by
Means of Ion Exchange.
92. Levitt, Arnold Edwin. The Colorimetric Determination of Niobium with
93. Mosen, Arthur Walter. A Conductometric Investigation of the Titration
of Aqueous Zirconium Solutions with Fluoride.
94. Zeagas, George James. Spectrophotometric Determination of Cobalt as
the Trioxalatocobaltate (III).
1952 - Masters
Baird, Stephen Sydney. The Separation and Determination of Phosphate
by Precipitation of Zirconium Phosphate from Homogeneous Solution.
96. Hammill, Kenneth Howard. The Colorimetric Determination of Tantalum with Gallic Acid.
97. Newby, Bill Joe. Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel in Steel
with Potassium Dithio-oxalate.
98. Robertson, Dean Moore. Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron in
Ores with Dimethylglyoxime.
1954 - Masters
Metzler, Richard Kenneth. Determination of Magnesium in Zirconium
Based on Ion Exchange Separation and Titration with Versene.
1954 - Doctors
100. Moser, James Howard. A Study of the Decomposition of Murexide.
1955 - Doctors
Clauss, James Kilbourn. Polarographic Investigation of Niobium and
Tantalum With Special Reference to the Niobium-Phosphate System.
102. Kanzelmeyer, James Herbert. A Spectrophotometric Study of Niobium
(V) in Hydrochloric Acid Solution.
103. Levitt, Arnold Edwin. Solvent Extraction of Zirconium with Tributyl
104. Miner, Frend John. Polarography of Fluoride Complexes.
1956 - Masters
105. Ryan, Jack Lewis. Characterization of Chloride Complexes of Niobium
1956 - Doctors
Bird, Floyd Weston. Polarography in Glacial Acetic Acid.
107. Pennington, Lloyd Drew. Preparation and Analytical Application of
Some Chelating Ion Exchange Resins.
1957 - Masters
108. Crawford, Roger Allen. Colorimetric Determination of Chloride.
Soine, Tyler Sylvester. Utilization of Potassium Cyanide as a Spectrophotometric Reagent with Particular Application to the Determination
of Nickel.
1957 - Doctors
110. Pease, Burton Frank. Spectrophotometric Investigation of the Analytical
Reagent, 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-Naphthol, PAN, and its Copper, Nickel,
and Palladium Chelates.
1958 - Masters
111. Kubeck, Edmund. Colorimetric Determination of Copper with 1- (2Pyridylazo)-2-Naphthol, PAN.
1959 - Masters
Stevens, Dorothy Gertrude. Identification of Amino Compounds by Means
of the Decomposition Temperature and Fusion Characteristics of the
Diliturates (5-Nitrobarbiturates).
1959 - Doctors
113. Jones, Carl Trainer. A Spectrophotometric Investigation of "Arsenzao,"
3- (2-Arsonophenylazo) -4, 5-Dihydroxy-2, 7-Naphthalene-desulfonic
Acid and its Uranium, Aluminum and Calcium Complexes.
SEE Animal Husbandry
Dairy Husbandry
Dairy and Animal Husbandry
SEE ALSO Dairy and Animal Husbandry
Dairy Husbandry
1946 - Masters
Oltra, Jorge Bravo. The Adequacy of Testicular Biopsy in Evaluating
Potential Fertility in the Bull.
1947 - Masters
115. Cadmus, Walter George. The Estrual Cycle in Romney Ewes of High
and Low Fertility.
116. Fallan, Edmund. The Economic Development of the Oregon Meat Packing Industry.
1948 - Masters
117. Johnson, Joe Bonner. Heritabilities of Several Important Beef Cattle
1949 - Masters
118. Adams, Charles C., Jr. The Effects of Thiouracil and Thyroprotein on
Growth, Wool Production and Fertility of Rams.
119. Ousterhout, William Kimball. Wood Molasses as Compared to Cane
Molasses in Fattening Rations for Swine.
120. Wu, Szu Hsiao. Bovine Semen Characters and Their Relation to
Fertilizing Capacity in Artificial Insemination.
121. Young, Sing Sze. The Inheritance of Medullation in Wool.
1949 - Doctors
122. Vrooman, Charles William. Economic and Marketing Functions in the
Livestock and Meat Trade at Portland, Oregon.
1950 - Masters
123. Day, Wylie Ford. Sulphur Fertilization of Legumes in Relation to Animal Nutrition.
124. Young, William Nelson, Jr. The Value of Wood-Sugar Molasses as a
Feed for Fattening Swine.
1950 - Doctors
125. Oloufa, Mohamed Mohamed. Environmental Temperature and the Thyroid Gland Involvement in Fertility of Male Rabbits.
1951 - Masters
Blackwell, Robert Leighton., Relation of Rate of Gain to Feed Efficiency
in Beef Cattle.
127. Johnston, Elbert Felton. The Inheritance of DDT Resistance in House
Parthenis, Alexander John. Semen Production of Beef Bulls, and Certain
Factors Affecting Survival of Sperm During Storage.
Starr, Chris Helmer. Potential Fertility of the Romney Ram as Affected
by Season.
1952 - Masters
130. Dahmen, Jerome John. Some Factors Affecting Rate and Economy of
Gains in Beef Cattle.
Geiss, Almon Lewis. The Effect of Livestock Production on Reforestation of Western Oregon Marginal Land.
132. Holloway, William Herbert. A Livestock Program on a School Farm.
133. McEwen, Wesley Charles. Effectiveness of Selection for Productive
Characteristics in Developing the Montana No. 1 Hogs.
1952 - Doctors
134. McLeroy, George Bernard. Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting
Certain Productive Characters in Sheep.
135. Oldfield, James Edmund. Iron Deficiency Anemia as a Contributory
Cause of Early Mortality in Swine.
136. Warren, Edward Perrin. Reproductive Performance in the Rat in Relation to Selection for Time of Puberty.
137. Wu, Szu-Hsiao. Microorganisms in Semen as Related to Potential Fertility.
1953 - Masters
138. Hardie, Earl Eugene. A Comparison of Different Feeds With and Without Aureomycin for Fattening Lambs.
1954 - Masters
139. Hitchcock, Glen Henry. Effectiveness of Selection for Gains in Body
Weight in Beef Cattle.
140. Johnson, Thomas Keith. Management Practices for the Control of
Atrophic Rhinitis in a Purebred Swine Herd.
Tether, Robert Sloat. Breed Differences in Nitrogen Metabolism of
1954 - Doctors
142. Hale, Otho Marion. A Possible Conditioning Effect of Methionine and
Vitamin B12 in Growth Stimulation by Antibiotics.
143. Heinemann, Wilton Walter. The Calcium and Phosphorus Composition
of the Animal Body as Influenced by the Chemical Composition of
Plants Grown on Soils of Varying Phosphorus Levels.
1955 - Masters
144. Anglemier, Allen Francis. Supplementing Grass Silage and Grass Hay
in Rations for Fattening Lambs.
145. Wheeler, Robert Roderick. Levels of Carotene and Vitamin A in Blood
and Colostrum of Hereford and Aberdeen-Angus Cattle.
146. Williams, Lloyd Grainger. Performance in Relation to Weaning Response in Production-Tested Beef Cattle.
1955 - Doctors
147. Rasheed, Ahmed Adel. Sex Hormone Influence on Rate and Efficiency of
Gains, Endocrines and Carcass Characteristics of Rabbits.
1956 - Masters
148. Rose, Carlas Desmond. The Effect of Isolation on the Breeding Habits
of Boars.
1956 - Doctors
Schubert, John Rockwell. Characterization of Biochemical and Microbiological Changes during Grass Silage Making.
1957 - Doctors
150. Anglemier, Allen Francis. Menhaden and Pilchard Oils as Caloric Supplements for Swine.
151. Ellis, William Wesley. Tissue-Chemistry and Attempted Experimental
Production of White Muscle Disease.
1958 - Masters
Bhannasiri, Tim. The Effect of Antibiotics on Semen Production.
153. Kennick, Walter Herbert. Effect of Varying Dietary Protein and Energy
Levels on Carcass Quality in Swine.
154. Ratarasarn, Sucheep. The Oxygen Consumption of Different Strains of
Spatrisano, Joseph Anthony. Texture Preferences in a Baby Pig Creep
Stout, Floyd Madison. The Effect of Antibiotic Growth Stimulants on
Feed Ration.
Blood and Carcass Constituents in Swine.
1959 - Doctors
157. Eapen, Kochukaleekal John. The Influence of Dietary Carotene Levels
on Semen Phosphatases in Farm Animals.
158. Kennick, Walter Herbert. Estimation of the Percentage of Fat and Lean
in the Edible Portion of Steer Carcasses.
159. Manning, Robert Leroy. Electrocardiographic Data from Normal Hereford Cattle.
SEE Animal Husbandry
Dairy and Animal Husbandry
SEE Mechanical Engineering
1950 - Masters
160. Tanner, William Scott. Some Microbiological Studies of Non- and Partially Precooked Frozen Foods With Particular Reference to the Presence of Coliform Staphylococci and Salmonella Groups,
1951 - Masters
Coldwell, Arthur Lawrence. Factors Related to Resistance of Certain
Bacteria to Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.
162. Johns, Elvy Earl, Jr. Some Effects of Certain Insecticides and Herbicides
on Soil Bacteria.
163. Parker, Richard Bennett. Nutritional Requirements of BacteriophageSensitive and Bacteriophage-Resistant Strains of Lactic Streptococci.
- Masters
Evenson, Margery Ann. The Nutrition of Brucellae : Utilization of Trace
Minerals for Growth.
165. MacGregor, Dugal Roy. The Oxidation of Glutamic Acid and Related
Compounds by Brucella abortus.
Mills, Herman Erwin. Effect of Added Available Nitrogen on Carbon
Dioxide Evolution from Soil Treated with Sawdust and Other Organic
1952 - Doctors
167. Anderson, Arthur Wallace. Effect of Variation in Composition of Milk
on Growth of Lactic Acid Starter-Culture Bacteria.
168. Miller, Donald Duane. Fundamental Factors Affecting Germicidal Activities of Certain Hypochlorite and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.
1953 - Masters
169. Aspitarte, Thomas Robert. The Determination of Microbial Activity in
Soils by a Turbidimetric Method.
Cahill, Gwendolyn. Incidence and Control of Bacteriophage in Oregon
Dairy Plants.
171. Estabrooks, Ray Gilbert. Development of Rapid Staining, Microplating
and Counting Techniques for Bacteria in Food Products.
172. Fletcher, Donal Warren, Jr. Effects of Aldrin, a Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticide, on Soil Microorganisms and Their Activities Related
to Soil Fertility.
173. Noller, Eric Charles. Observations on the Multiplication and Inhibition
of a Phage Infecting Streptomyces griseus.
1953 - Doctors
174. Lu, Kuo Chin. Objective Methods for Determining End-Point in Flax
1954 - Masters
Ingalsbe, Carol Koenekamp. Studies on Host Specificity of Actinophage.
Keesling, James Worth. Influence of Carbon : Nitrogen Ratio on Microbial Respiration by Pure and Mixed Cultures in Soil and Synthetic
177. Okano, Yoko. The Nitrogen Metabolism of Selected Streptomyces
Roberts, Jack Ellsworth. Counting of Soil Molds by Microplating.
Smith, Vincent Norris. Prevention of Bacteriophage Lysis of Lactic
Acid Bacteria in Industrial Fermentations.
180. Trosper, Frances Ramona. Tissue Culture Studies of the Inhibition of
Lee Influenza Virus by Isopropyl Biguanide.
1955 - Masters
181. Hamilton, Archie Young. The Inhibitory Activity of Derivatives of
Salicylamide Against Two Species of Dermatophytes.
182. Hannesson, Gudlaugur. Factors Related to Growth Stimulation and Inhibition of Lactic Streptococci.
1955 - Doctors
Butterworth, Earl McKenzie. Role of the Citric Acid Cycle in the Me-
tabolism of Streptomyces Species.
184. MacGregor, Dugal Roy. The Mechanism of Bactericidal Action of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.
185. Soike, Kenneth Fieroe. Inhibition of the Development of Lee Influenza
Virus by Canavanine and Isopropyl Biguanide.
1956 - Masters
186. Damsky, Leon Joseph. Ammonia and Nitrate Nitrogen Transformations
in Semi-arid Soils of Northeastern Oregon.
187. Edwards, Elizabeth Joan. 1, 2-Cyclohexanedione and 2, 8-Dithio-6-Oxypurine as Inhibitors of Lee Influenza Virus.
188. Folston, Beverly Jeannine. A Study of Nutritional Factors Influencing
Phage Duplication.
189. Hays, Helen Alford. Sporicidal Properties of Sodium Hypochlorite,
lodophors, and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.
190. Klungsoyr, Sigrid. Utilization of Phosphorus During the Synthesis of
Streptomyces griseus phage.
191. Watkins, Sprague Hammond. Destruction of Lactic Acid Streptococcus
Bacteriophage by Various Bactericidal Agents.
1956 - Doctors
192. Parker, Richard Bennett. Nutritional Factors in Milk Affecting Growth
of Lactic Acid Streptococci and Lactobacilli.
193. Roberts, Jack Ellsworth. Chemical and Microbial Investigations on the
Transformation and Persistence of the Insecticides Aldrin and Dieldrin
in Soil.
1957 - Masters
194. Duggan, Dennis Edward. Production and Preservation of Concentrates
of Lactobacillus acidophilus for Therapeutic Use.
195. Parrish, Gordon Lee. Preservation of Mixed Strain Lactic Acid Starter
Cultures by Freezing.
196. Skaar, Roger Wayne. A Sanitary and Bacteriological Study of Farm
Bulk Milk Supplies in Linn County, Oregon.
1958 - Masters
197. Bowen, James Milton. Inhibition of the Development of Lee Influenza
Virus by Lupulon.
198. Buckley, Patricia Myers. A New Volumetric Method for Measuring the
Growth of HeLa Cells.
199. Fortney, Kenneth Frederick. The Germicidal Properties of Trichlorocyanuric Acid.
Stern, Maxine Lois (Hirsch). Studies on the Biosynthesis of Strepto-
myces griseus Phage.
201. Yusha, Alexander. Fungistatic Agents in HeLa Cell Cultures.
1958 - Doctors
202. Chandra, Purna. Nitrogen Transformation and Losses in Walla Walla
Silt Loam Soil as Influenced by Wheat Straw and Nitrogenous Fertilizers.
Sandine, William Ewald. The Physiology and Taxonomy of the Carbon
Dioxide-Producing Lactic Acid Streptococci.
204. Stern, Ivan Julius. Comparative Metabolism of Carbohydrates in the
1959 - Masters
205. Deeney, Anne O'Connell. The Incidence, Nutrition and Some Metabolic
Studies of a Radiation Resistant Microorganism.-A joint thesis with
Hugh Deeney.
206. Deeney, Hugh Jerome. The Incidence, Nutrition and Some Metabolic
Studies of a Radiation Resistant Microorganism.-A joint thesis with
Anne Deeney.
207. Rash, Kenneth Edward, Jr. The Taxonomy of Recently Isolated Radiation-Resistant Microorganisms.
208. Roa, Pedro Dante. Effect of Certain Fumigants on Nitrification and
Other Soil Microbial Activities.
Seitz, Eugene Walter. Cultural and Physiological Characteristics of
Chromobacterium violaceunn Bergonzini.
1959 - Doctors
210. Aspitarte, Thomas Robert. Availability of Nitrogen in Ammoniated Bark
Used as a Soil Amendment.
Nordan, Harold Cecil. Joint major, see number 999.
1943 - Masters
211. Hardie, Waldo Richard. The Metabolism of Creatine in Guinea Pigs.
1944 - Masters
212. Rathkey, Arthur Stanley. Alkaline Phosphomonoesterase Levels in the
Blood of Guinea Pigs (Cavia Cabaya) on a Diet Deficient in an AntiStiffness Factor.
213. Schocken, Victor. A Comparative Study of the Effects of an AntiStiffness Factor and Alpha Tocopherol upon the Creatine Excretion of
Guinea Pigs Raised on an E-free Diet.
Zill, Leonard Peter. Changes in the Distribution of Plasma Proteins in
Guinea Pigs Raised on a Diet Deficient in the Anti-Stiffness Factor.
1945 - Masters
215. Riggs, Thomas Rowland. A Growth Factor for Lactobacillus gayoni
216. Simonsen, Donald Howard. Tissue Metabolism of Guinea Pigs Deficient
in the Anti-Stiffness Factor.
1946 - Masters
217. Freed, Anna May. Changes in the Distribution of Total, Diffusible, and
Non-diffusible Calcium in the Plasma of Guinea Pigs Raised on a Diet
Deficient in the Anti-Stiffness Factor.
1947 - Masters
Brewster, Dwaine Archie. Adenosinetriphosphatase Activity in the Liver
During Askerol Deficiency.
1948 - Masters
219. King, Tsoo E. The Influence of Glutamic Acid and Propionic Acid upon
Pantothenic Acid Metabolism in Micro-organisms.
220. Newman, Alex. Alloxan Diabetes as a Possible Means of Studying Intermediary Metabolism.
1948 - Doctors
221. Bubl, Edward Charles. The Availability of the Isomers and Some Analogues of Tyrosine in Replacing Dietary Phenylalanine in the Nutrition of the Growing Rat.
1949 - Masters
222. Lundeen, Berta Barbara. Excess Amino Acid Feeding as Affecting the
Growth Rate of Rats.
223. Nishi, Hiroshi. The Influence of Pantothenic and Glutamic Acid on the
Level of Total Acetobacter suboxydans Activity in Various Rat Tissues.
1949 - Doctors
224. Fang, Sheng-chung. Physical, Chemical and Biological Investigations of
the Barcelona and the Du Chilly Filbert Nuts.
Fels, Irving Gordon. The Role of Methionine and Sulfate in Selenate
226. King, Tsoo E. A New Conjugate of Pantothenic Acid.
1950 - Masters
227. Hull, John Walter. An Evaluation of Microbiological Assays for p-Amino
Benzoic Acid.
228. Jaworski, Ernest George. The Synthesis of C" Labelled 2,4-Dichlorophrenoxyacetic Acid.
229. Kean, Chester Eugene. Fungal Amylases in the Acetone-Butanol Fermentation.
230. Labbe, Robert Ferdinand. Studies on the Biosynthesis of Biotin.
231. Lindsay, Leanor Locher. Some Chemical Studies of a Pantothenic Acid
232. Lindsay, Rex Devon. The Synthesis and Testing of Some Analogs of
Pantoic Acid and Beta-Alanine.
233. Magee, Robert Allen. A Critical Evaluation of Some Aspects of the
Gravimetric Procedure of Hop Analysis.
1950 - Doctors
Pierce, Raymond Trussell, Jr. Physiological and Physical Properties of
the Antithiamine Factor in Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum (L.)
235. Terriere, Leon C. The Source of Liver Glycogen in Rats Studied With
the Aid of Deuterium.
- Masters
236. Leveque, Phillip Edwin. The Use of Corynebacterium xerose for Betaalanine Assay.
Schubert,. John Rockwell. The Cystine and Methionine Contents of Alfalfa as Influenced by Sulfur Fertilization.
1951 - Doctors
238. Labbe, Robert Ferdinand. Tracer Studies of Pyruvic Acid Metabolism
in Yeast.
239. Nygaard, Agnar Petter Bernhoft. New Nutrilities for
gayoni 8289 and Leuconostoc mesenteroides 10100.
Snipper, Lawrence Paul. A Comparison of Intact Protein with Amino
Acid Mixtures in Protein Nutrition.
1952 - Masters
241. Beaudreau, George Stanley. The Use of P32 in the Study of Phosphate
Compounds in Gladiolus Leaves.
242. Davis, James Wendell. The Formation of Radioactive Lysine and Histidine from CH3C"OOH and CH3C"OCOOH in Yeast.
243. Stewart, Charles Jack. Chemical and Biochemical Studies of the Lactobacillus bulgaricus Factor.
1952 - Doctors
244. Jaworski, Ernest George. The Metabolism of C14 Labelled 2,4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid in Bean Plants.
245. Kodras, Rudolph. A Chick Growth Inhibitor in Alfalfa.
1954 - Masters
246. Jolley, Russell LaGrange, Jr. Studies on Biosynthesis and Metabolic Func-
tion of Coenzyme A.
1954 - Doctors
247. Beaudreau, George Stanley. The Enzymatic Activity in a Particulate
Fraction from Seedings of Black Valentine Beans, Phaseolus vulgaris.
248. Hauge, Jens Gabriel. Studies on Oxidative Dissimilation in Acetobacter
249. Moore, Joseph Eli. The Biological Activity of Certain Derivatives of
250. Rogers, Dexter. N-D-glucosylglycine in Purine Biosynthesis.
1955 - Masters
251. Akers, Thomas Jefferson. A Study on the Effect of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on the Metabolism of Aspartic Acid and Glutamic Acid in
the Bean Plant, Phaseolus vulgaris, Variety Black Valentine.
252. Kuehl, LeRoy Robert. Biochemical Studies on a Plant Virus.
1955 - Doctors
253. Davis, James Wendell. Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Biosynthesis of
Amino Acids in Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
254. McGinnis, Arthur James. Nutritional and Metabolic Studies on the Blowfly, Phormia regina (Meig.)
255. Stewart, Charles Jack. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Pantetheine
Analogs and Derivatives.
1956 - Masters
256. Dunning, Robert Lewis. Chromatographic Analysis and Biosynthesis of
Peppermint Oil Terpenes.
257. Hoskins, Dale Douglas. Metabolic Studies on the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera.
258. Kawasaki, Elwell Hachiro. Dissimilation of Nonnitrogenous Compounds
by Acetobacter pasteurianum.
1956 - Doctors
259. Freebairn, Hugh Taylor. Oxidation and Phosphorylation by Subcell Particles from Representative Members of the Plant Kingdom.
260. Kitos, Paul Alan. Terminal Oxidation Pathways in Acetobacter suboxydans.
261. Sharkey, Hubert Joseph. The Synthesis of Beta-Alanyl Peptides.
1957 - Masters
262. Uyeda, Kosaku. The Metabolism of C14 Carboxyl Labeled-Benzoic and
Phenyl Acetic Acids in Musca domestica.
1957 - Doctors
263. Cummins, Joseph Thomas. The Biological Oxidation of Sorbitol.
1958 - Masters
264. Forbusch, Isabella Allie May. The Utilization of Hexoses by Bakers'
265. Jones, Dallas Eugene. Certain Chemical and Sense-Perceptible Changes
Resulting from the Gamma Irradiation of Meats and Model Systems.
1958 - Doctors
266. Jolley, Russell LaGrange, Jr. Glucose Catabolism in Fetal and Adult
Mammalian Heart.
1959 - Masters
267. Smith, Norman Lee. The Thiobarbituric Acid Test in Irradiation-Sterilized Beef.
1959 - Doctors
268. Gregg, Charles Thornton. Oxidative Phosphorylation and Respiratory
Control in Insect Mitochondria.
SEE Nematology
Plant Anatomy
Plant Ecology
Plant Morphology
Plant Pathology
Plant Physiology
Systematic Botany (Taxonomy)
SEE ALSO Education
1950 - Masters
269. Jesseph, Edna M. Status of Business Education Supervision in the Secondary Schools of Oregon.
1951 - Masters
270. Reep, Dorothy Nadine. A Program for Work-Experience in Office
Training in Secondary Schools.
271. Scholtus, Jay Liberty. Follow-up Study of Oregon State College Secretarial Science Graduates, 1938-48.
272. Spitznogle, Lee Ray. An Analysis of the Drop-Outs of Oregon Second-
ary School Students from First-Year Gregg Shorthand Simplified
1952 - Masters
273. Cleveland, Claudia Buck. Evaluation and Supervision of Student Teachers in Business Subjects.
274. Henry, 'Gilbert Edward. Supervision of High School Student Body
Finances in the High Schools of Oregon.
275. Orem, Elizabeth Bryant. Business Office Survey of Representative Portland Firms.
276. Smith, Edith Theodora. Secretarial Science Courses Offered by Colleges
in the Northwest.
1953 - Masters
277. Borigo, Lucille Schraeder. Follow-up Study of Lincoln County Graduates
Who Have Had Secondary Business Training.
1954 - Masters
278. Rycraft, Marion Grover. The Role of the High School Business Teacher
in Job Placement.
1955 - Masters
279. Borrevik, Clara Emigh. Office Practice Courses in Representative High
Schools of the Pacific Northwest.
1958 - Masters
Shotts, Phyllis Heilig, Shorthand Offerings in the Oregon Secondary
Public Schools.
SEE Forest Products Chemistry
1944 - Masters
281. Pittam, William. The Extraction of Tannin from Waste Western Hemlock Bark.
282. Rieck, Henry George, Jr. Industrial Fuel from Controlled Pyrolysis of
Sawmill Wastes.
1945 - Doctors
283. Jorquera, Guido Alfonso. Concentration Processes for Low Grade Chilean
Phosphates and the Preparation of Utilizable Products Therefrom.
1946 - Masters
284. Ervin, Harold Oscar. The. Production. of Agricultural Sulfur from Spent
Iron-Oxide Gas Purifying Material.
1947 - Masters
285. Fillmore, William Willett. The Preparation of Grease from the Light
Metal Soaps of Maphthenic Acid Type Petroleum Derivatives.
286. Rynning, Delroy Finlay. The Flow Characteristics of Commercial
Powdered Catalysts.
1948 - Masters
287. Adamson, Robert Wallace. Preparation and Evaluation of Greases with a
Synthetic Oil Base.
288. Blair, Thomas Bruce. Investigation of Some of the Variables in Codeposition of Copper and Zinc from an Acid Sulfate Bath.
Centers, James Owen. Operating Characteristics of a Type B Federal Air
290. Frey, John Stanley. The Flow Characteristics of Flowing Vapors through
an Agitated Fluid Catalyst Bed.
291. Frisbie, Harold Raymond. Use of Combination Feeds as Filter Aids in
the Separation and Recovery of Yeasts.
292. Guenther, Lloyd Mathew. The Apparent Viscosity of Fluidized Solids by
the Falling Ball Method.
293. Henshaw, Tom Bernard. The Vacuum Stripping of Carbon Disulfide
from Aromatic Absorption Oil.
294. McCullough, John Price. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Low-Boiling
Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Oxygen.
295. Nichols, Gayle Howard, Jr. The Flow Characteristics of Commercial
Powdered Catalysts. Study II.
296. Ross, John Daryl. Concentration of Chromite Sands in a Wet Cyclone
297. Ross, Richard Charles. Growth of Mycelial Micro-organisms on Sulphite
Waste Liquor.
298. Scott, Harold Huffman. Apparent Viscosity of Fluidized Solids by Rotating Cylinder Viscometer.
299. Walten, Ray Daniel, Jr. Application of the Humphrey Spiral Concentrator
to Oregon Gold Tailings.
1949 - Masters
300. Bollen, Walter Michael. Effect of Turbulence on the Heat Tranfer Coefficient Distribution Around a Cylinder Normal to Air Flow.
301. Goffard, Joseph William. Factors Influencing Settling Rate of Powdered
Strontium Mineral in Iron Removal From Commercial Caustic.
302. Levenspiel, Octave. Heat Transfer in Fluidized Systems.
303. McClintock, John Leighton, Jr. Assembly and Trial Operation of an
All-Purpose Pulp Digester.
Olsen, Joseph Kent. Hydrogenation of Solvent Extracted Douglas Fir
305. Pehrsson, Alfred Hildger. Solvent Extraction of Lignin with Dioxane.
306. Stipe, Chester Randolph, Jr. Electrolytic Hydrogenation of Coos Bay
307. Subba-Ratnam, Chaluvadi Venkata. Products Obtained by Destructive
Distillation of Douglas Fir Bark.
1949 - Doctors
308. Simon, Robert Haskell. Heat Transfer in Beds of Fluidized Solids.
309. Smith, Allen Nathan. An Application of Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic
Acid to the Removal and prevention of Boiler Scale.
1950 - Masters
310. Amos, Lawrence Connell. Electrolytic Preparation of Fluorocarbons.
Miller, Jack Marion. The Production of Ferrate Solutions and Salts.
312. Olson, Raymond Lloyd. Heat Transfer Between Gas and Solid in Beds
of Fluidized Solids.
313. Witcraft, Gilbert Merle. The Dioxane Extraction of Lignin from Wood.
314. Zapp, George Michael, Jr. The Effect of Turbulence on Local Heat
Transfer Coefficients Around a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream.
1951 - Masters
Beutler, John Albert, Jr. Solution of a Non-linear Problem in Transient
Heat Conduction Involving Temperature-Dependent Thermal Properties.
316. Braun, Frederick William, Jr. Pressure Drop in Annuli Containing Plain
and Transverse Fin Tubes.
317. Bruns, Lester Everett. Considerations of the Feasibility of Vapor Recompression Evaporation in the Northwest.
318. Strandberg, Roy Alfred. Separation of the Principal Isotopes of Hydrogen.
1952 - Masters
Grover, Shamsher Singh. Heat Transfer Between Immiscible Liquids for
Concurrent Flow.
320. Lockwood, Robert Addis. Convective Mass Transfer from Pure Liquid
Stationary Drops to a Flowing Liquid.
1952 - Doctors
321. Levenspiel, Octave. Bed-Wall Heat Transfer Coefficients in a Fluidized
1954 - Masters
Stein, Richard Ballin. The Thermal Conductivity of Boron.
323. Van Blaricom, Lester Oscar. Design and Operating Characteristics of
a New Type, Continuous, Agitating Cooker and Cooler as Applied to
the Processing of Freestone Peaches.
1955 - Doctors
324. Rice, William Harold. The Weldability of Ductile Iron.
1956 - Masters
325. Johnson, James Carl. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of the Binary Systems:
Benzene-Ethylene Dichloride, Ethyl Acetate-Benzene, and Ethyl Acetate-Ethylene Dichloride.
1956 - Doctors
326. Weinstein, Norman Jacob. Diffusion in Binary Liquid Mixtures.
1957 - Masters
327. Gunn, Charles Lloyd. The Purification of Boron in an Atomic Hydrogen
328. McCluer, Henry Karl. Heat Transfer from Finned Tubes Under Moderate Scaling Conditions.
329. Wang, Ruey-Hsi. Thermal Conductivity of Emulsions Made Lip of Two
Immiscible Liquids.
1957 - Doctors
330. Ambrose, Tommy W. Local Shell-Side Heat Transfer Coefficients it
Baffled Tubular Heat Exchangers.
1958 - Masters
331. Gurushankariah, Mysore Shamanna. Local Shell-Side Heat Transfer
Coefficients in the Vicinity of Baffles in Tubular Heat Exchangers.
332. Jones, Alva Merle. Drag Coefficients for Flat Plates, Spheres, and Cylinders Moving at Low Reynolds Numbers in a Viscious Fluid.
333. Stockett, Alan Lee. Testing Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data with Thermodynamic Relations.
1958 - Doctors
334. Finnigan, Jerome Woodruff. Pressure Losses and Heat Transfer for the
Flow of Mixtures of Immiscible Liquids in Circular Tubes.
335. Schnautz, John Adelbert. Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Mass Transfer from Plates, Cylinders, and Spheres in Air Streams.
1959 - Masters
336. Bodine, James Elmer, Jr. Construction and Test of a Solar Furnace.
337. Faruqui, Azimuddin Ahmad. Effect of Upstream Disturbances on the
Rate of Heat Transfer From a Short Section of Heated Pipe.
338. Lee, Kyu Sung. Local Shell-Side Heat Transfer Coefficients and Pressure Drop in a Tubular Heat Exchanger with Orifice Baffles.
339. Miller, Richard Linn. An Improved Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Still.
SEE ALSO Agricultural Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Colloid Chemistry
Forest Products Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
1943 - Masters
Ezell, Albert Iven. Preparation and Properties of the Acetyl, Benzoyl,
and Methyl Derivatives of Soda Lignin.
341. Southworth, Hugh Alexander. The Mechanism of the Sulfonation of
Lignin as Revealed by Its Reaction with Methyl Hypochlorite.
1944 - Masters
Cole, Leland 'Gordon. Energy Relations of Certain Organic Compounds
from the Heats of Combustion.
343. Jackson, Walter Ernest. Nutritional Requirements of the Golden Hamster
(Cricetus auratus).
344. Pederson, Raymond LeRoy. Microbiological Assay of Nictoinic Acid in
Natural Materials.
1945 - Masters
345. Heim, Charles Carroll. A Rapid Method of Determining Alkalies in
346. Hoag, Edward Horine. The Use of Lactobacillus arabinosus in the Assay
of Pantothenic Acid.
347. Konrad, Ferdinand Power. The Synthesis of 2 Methyl-l, 4 dihydroquinazoline.
1947 - Masters
348. Antar, Mohamed Farid. The Role of Labile Methyl 'Groups of Choline
in Detoxification of Pyridine.
1949 - Masters
349. Raacke-Fels, Ilse Dorothea. Organic Oxidations With Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Molybdaks.
1949 - Doctors
350. McCullough, John Price. The Thermodynamics and Molecular Structure
of Some Cyclic Compounds.
1950 - Masters
351. Ruggles, Judson Gilbert. The Preparation of d-Arginine Hydrochloride
from Salmon Testes.
1951 - Masters
352. Holm, Charles Hawthorne. Removal of Iodine from Aqueous Solutions
by Sparging.
353. Shoemaker, Robert Sidney. Recovery of Electrolyte from Waste Aluminum Reduction Carbonaceous Pot Linings.
354. Whipple, Francis Oliver. The Sodium Eylenesulfonate Pulping of Northern Black Cottonwood.
1952 - Masters
355. Miner, Frend John. The Separation of Aluminum and Zirconium by Ion
356. Moser, James Howard. Colorimetric Determination of Calcium with
Ammonium Purpurate.
357. Nelson, Harry Martin. The Rate of Alcoholysis of o-Nitroacetanilide.
358. Odell, Norman Raymond. The Synthesis of C14 Carbonyl Labeled 3(Parachlorophenyl) -1, 1-dimethylurea.
359. Reinoldson, Fred David. Effect of pH on Viscosity of Gelatin Solutions
in Alcohol-Water Systems.
360. VanMeter, Wayne Paul. Crystallographic and X-Ray Diffraction Investigation of Several Organic Compounds.
1953 - Masters
361. Ferguson, William Sidney. The Quantitative Recovery of Plutonium
from Laboratory Residues.
1954 - Masters
Snyder, Robert Gene. The Infrared Absorption of Some Hydrazine
1956 - Doctors
363. Snyder, Robert Gene. The Vibrational Spectrum of Polyoxymethylene.
1957 - Masters
364. Abrahams, Thomas Lee. Preparation of Hydroxy Analogues of Several
Amino Acids.
365. Breshears, Samuel Robert. Aminolytic and Related Reactions of 2,6,
SEE Family Life and Home Administration
Household Administration
1943 - Masters
366. Ebeling, Dick Winfield. The Effect of High Temperatures on Structural
1946 - Masters
367. Ervast, Frederick William. The Economic Selection of Large Outlets
Through High Gravity Dams.
368. Guldemann, Eugene Josslyn. The Discharge Coefficients of a Narrow
Notch Weir.
1947 - Masters
369. Masson, Donald Leslie. Precise Mine Surveying.
1948 - Masters
370. Moyer, Paul Edwin. Development of Public Highways for Transporting
Natural Resource Products.
1949 - Masters
371. Chowdhury, Mahir Uddin. The Control of Seepage Under Dams on
Pervious Foundations.
372. Fisk, 'Garry Lee. Economics of Municipal Refuse.
373. Whitsell, Wilbur John. Variations in Quality of Water in a Typical
River Cross-Section.
1950 - Masters
374. Klein, Andrew Mattley. Treatment of Pressed Board Wood-Waste
1950 - Masters
375. Liu, David Cheng-tso. Correlation of Methods for Solving Indeterminate
376. Rice, Elbert Floyd, Jr. Model Studies on Siphon Spillways.
1951 - Masters
377. McReary, Ronald. Design of Bridge and Culvert Waterway Areas for
Runoff from Small Watersheds.
Ritchie, Dwight Dameron. "Lite Rock" in Structural Concrete.
Sanders, John Patrick. Mix Design for Mechanically Compacted Concrete
380. Shoemaker, Roy Hopkins, Jr. Model Studies of the Feeder Flume and
Spillway at the Malad River Hydroelectric Plant, Idaho.
Staten, Warren Spencer. The Penetration of Sulfite Waste Liquor
Through Asphalt Membranes.
382. Weiss, Edwin Victor. Model-Prototype Correlation of Cofferdam Closure
with Tetrahedrons.
1952 - Masters
383. Lazarides, Orestis Paul. The Application of American Highway Standards to Highways in Turkey.
384. Neu, Harold Wesley. Accuracy, Range, and Convenience of Certain
Methods and Devices Used in Measurement of Irrigation Water.
1953 - Masters
385. Haq, Shafiqul. Design and Construction of Earth Dams.
1954 - Masters
386. Anvick, Theodore Emerson. Load Characteristics of End-Matched Tongue
and Grooved Timber Decking.
387. Westgarth, Warren Cyril. Significant Factors Governing Municipal
Water Consumption.
1955 - Masters
388. Chalker, Raymond Lloyd. Investigation of Elastic Behavior of a ThinShelled Spherical Dome Roof.
389. Holbeck, Herbert John. Thixotropic and Plastic Characteristics of Primary Sewage Sludge.
390. Horstkotte, Daniel Kenneth. Effectiveness of Special Washers as Anchorage of Prestressing Wire.
1955 - Doctors
Rice, Elbert Floyd, Jr. Hydraulic Characteristics of Siphon Spillways.
1956 - Masters
392. Rosebraugh, Vernon Hart. Reservoir Design Criteria.
393. Zarosinski, Donald James. Structural Framing of Large Field Houses.
1956 - Doctors
394. Shoemaker, Roy Hopkins, Jr. An Analysis by Model Studies of the Design of a Surge-Control Spillway for a Long Flume.
1957 - Masters
Arliss, Dean Ray. The Effect of a Variable Draft Tube Flow Area on
the Performance of a Reaction Turbine.
396. Olson, Bertel Orlando. Subbase Design Criteria for Secondary Roads.
397. Pailthorp, Robert Eugene. Removal of Beet Color From Waste by Treatment with Trickling Filters.
398. Peyton, Harold Ray. Shrinkage and Strength of Steam-Cured Haydite
Masonry Unit Concrete Mixers.
1958 - Masters
399. Nathanson, Stephen Hayward. Creep Characteristics of a Light-Weight
Aggregate Concrete.
Polvi, Robert Leo. Prediction of Runoff from Rainfall Records for
Selected Pacific Slope Basins.
401. Rotz, Julius Von. Membrane Analogy for Two-Way Slabs.
1959 - Masters
402. Hickerson, Wallace Wayne. Broad-Crested Weir Design by Abrupt Contraction, Free-Streamline Analogy.
403. Reinikka, Everett Arnold. Plastic Behavior of Cover Plated Aluminum
and Steel Beams.
404. Whitney, Gerald Lowell. Winter Design Criteria for Waste Water Stabilization Lagoons in Western Oregon.
SEE ALSO Household Administration
1944 - Masters
405. Vernon, Rae Portman. A Study of the Homemaking Departments in
Eight Oregon School Districts.
1945 - Masters
406. MacCloskey, Ruth Hudson. Designing and Evaluating Simplified Selfhelp Clothing for Children.
1946 - Masters
407. Loe, Edna Mae. The Selection and Care of Table Appointments for a
Home Management House.
1947 - Masters
Jenkins, May. The Clothing Needs of Girls Attending Grossmont Union
High School, Grossmont, California.
409. Rose, Carlene. Development and Use of Fibers, Weaves, Designs, and
Colors in Mexican Textiles.
1948 - Masters
Singh, Justina Arjun. The Adaptation of American Clothing Designs
for the Preschool Child of Northern India.
1949 - Masters
411. Hughes, Marguerite Rowena. Types of Wool Fabrics Used in Women's
Apparel Since 1900.
412. Neely, Aleene. Significance to the Consumer of the Labeling of Rayon
and Cotton Piece Goods in 1948.
1950 - Masters
Botsford, Mildred Harris. Characteristics of Ancient Peruvian Textiles
in the Collections at Oregon State College and the Seattle Art Museum.
414. Brinkman, Margaret Elizabeth. Some Selected Contemporary Textile Designers of the United States and Their Contributions.
415. Grant, Phyllis Emogene. Performance of Some Crease-Resistant Finishes Applied to Rayon Fabrics.
416. Ledbetter, Nellie Marie. Home Sewing Practices of Married Graduates,
School of Home Economics, Oregon State College.
417. Moser, Ruth Annetta. A Survey of Handicrafts in Oregon.
418. Potter, Margaret Schow. The History of Sericulture in Utah.
1951 - Masters
419. McGinnis, Dorothy Ellen. Historic Velvets.
420. Sherman, Mabel Alyce. An Experimental Study of the Unit Arrangement for Clothing Laboratories at Oregon State College.
1953 - Masters
421. Meyer, Dorothy Babcock. A New Method of Making Slipcovers for
422. Olson, Lillian Evelene. Factors Affecting California's Contribution in
Women's Wearing Apparel.
423. Wells, Vera Lucile. A System Designed for Classifying and Cataloging
Historic Textiles for the School of Home Economics of Oregon State
424. Wright, Evelynne Frances. Selection and Use of Clothing by Girls Attending Walla Walla College During 1951-1952.
1954 - Masters
425. Johnson, Dorma Lee. Practices of Corvallis High School Graduates in
Selecting Women's Outer Garments as a Basis for High School and
Adult Clothing Courses.
426. McGuire, Hazel Irene. An Evaluation of Techniques Used in Making
Children's Clothing.
1955 - Masters
427. Frazier, Manette Egbert. Home Sewing Practices of Graduates in Home
Economics from the University of Utah.
428. Lawrence, Dorothy Jean. Adaptations for American Folk Dance Costumes from Authentic European Folk Dress.
1956 - Masters
429. Cushman, Alice Anne. Conditions and Attitudes Related to Positions in
Business in the Pacific Coast States Held by Home Economics Graduates.
430. Ladendorff, Mildred Berniece. A Method of Textile Designing for
Beginning Students.
431. Petersen, Gerda Katherine. The Adequacy of the Subteen School Dress
Sizes in the Willamette Valley.
1957 - Masters
432. Dippenaar, Susara Johanna. Plans for a University Clothing Department
in South Africa.
433. Huntzicker, Jane. The Effectiveness of Selected Methods of Clothing
Construction Used in Teaching First Year Students at Yakima Senior
High School.
434. MacFarlane, Ada Berneice. The Adequacy of the Alberta High School
Fabrics and Dress Course to Meet Student Needs.
Miller, Nancy Marie. The Attitudes Toward Their Clothing of a Se-
lected Group of Eight to Twelve-Year-Old Girls.
436. Rhodes, Wanda Mae. Uses of Modern Sewing Machines.
1958 - Masters
437. Browne, Gertrude Vilate. A Historic Chinese Textile as a Source of
Inspiration for Color Schemes, Line, and Design Motifs in Women's
438. Huber, Frances Gertrude. Homemakers' Problems in the Use of Good
Design in Decorating and Furnishing the Home.
439. Nelson, Nona Jean. The Influence of Swedish, Danish, and Finnish Textiles on Contemporary American Fabrics.
440. Zielinski, Jean Dawson. A Study of the Fabrics and Symbolic Designs
of Vestments of the Roman Catholic Church.
1959 - Masters
441. Baumer, Aleen May. Development of a Basic College Clothing Construc-
tion Course Based on Opinions of Home Economics Graduates of
Oregon State College.
442. Buckwalter, Barbara. Some Physical Properties Related to Service443.
ability and Warmth of Wool and Acrylic Blankets.
Mitchell, Gwendolyn Lounsbury. The Understanding of Textile Terminology by Advanced Homemaking Students in Western Oregon High
Sangutai, Pimol. A Comparison of Certain Methods of Determining the
Fiber Composition of Blends of Wool with Acrylic Fibers and Nylon.
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1947 - Masters
Gill, Philip. Some Quantitative Aspects of the Chromatography of the
Permanganate Ion.
1951 - Doctors
446. Osborn, Robert Otto. The Use of Surf ace Active Agents in the Bleaching of Sulfite Wood Pulps.
1953 - Doctors
447. Whipple, Francis Oliver. Lyotropic Numbers of Divalent Anions and
Cations as Revealed by Coagulation Effect on Gelatin and Agar Sols.
SEE Business Education
SEE Electrical Engineering
SEE Electrical Engineering
SEE ALSO Animal Husbandry
Dairy Husbandry
1959 - Masters
448. Larsen, Leland Murray. Attempts to Improve Utilization of Barley by
Swine Through Enzymes.
SEE ALSO Dairy and Animal Husbandry
Dairy Manufacturing
Dairy Technology
1943 - Masters
449. Byers, John Harkness. A Study with High and Low Fat Rations for
Dairy Cows.
1951 - Masters
450. Berger, Paul Carson. The pH of Bull Semen and the Vagina of Cows as
Related to Fertility.
451. Young, James Orville. Some Causes of the Variation in the Riboflavin
Content of Cow's Milk.
1952 - Masters
452. Cornett, John Anthony, Jr. A Method of Manufacturing Brick Cheese
Under Oregon Conditions.
1953 - Masters
453. Abbott, Robert Arthur. The Organization of Artificial Insemination
Centers for Dairy Cattle.
454. Dent, William Elmer. Nutritional Studies of Copper and Cobalt in Cattle
in the Oregon Coastal Region.
455. Pearce, Sidney John. Factors Affecting the Breaking of Milk and Cream
Emulsions by Surface-Active Agents.
1954 - Masters
456. Bateman, John Victor. The Fermentation Losses, Changes in Bacterial
Flora, and Acidity of Grass Silage Preserved with Dried Molasses
Beet Pulp, and Sodium Metabisulfite.
457. Kamm, Leonard Maurice. The Effect of Bacteria on the Fructose Index
of Semen of Dairy Sires.
458. Magill, Benjamin Fulton. The Relationship of Pre-Ejaculation Stimulation to Some of the Physiological and Morphological Characteristics
of Semen from Identical Twin Bulls.
1954 - Doctors
459. Byers, John Harkness. The Influence of Carotene Levels in Dairy Cattle
Rations on Reproductive Behavior, Feed Utilization, and Other Physiological Processes.
Dalal, Sam Hormasji. Some Properties of the Fat Globule Interface as
Related to Lipolysis in Milk and Cream.
1956 - Masters
461. Sprowls, Rober Garrett. Some Effects of Various Levels and Ratios of
Calcium and Phosphorus in Rations of Dairy Cows.
1956 - Doctors
462. Bateman, John Victor. Some Chemical and Bacteriological Changes, Nu-
trient Losses, Digestibility, and Productive Value of Grass Silages
Made With and Without Preservatives.
Chesnutt, Clarence, Jr. The Nutritive Value for Dairy Cattle of Irrigated
Pasture Herbage Under Normal Rotational Grazing, Strip Grazing,
and Green Soiling Methods as Measured by Digestibility Studies and
Animal Performance.
1957 - Masters
464. Riley, Leonard William III. An Evaluation of the Pheophytin Method
for Determining the Dry Matter Digestibility of Forages Consumed
by Ruminants.
Siddhijai, Prayul. The Effect of Low Carotene Feed Upon Semen Evaluation and Fertility of Dairy Bulls.
SEE ALSO Dairy and Animal Husbandry
Dairy Husbandry
Dairy Technology
1947 - Masters
466. Lu, Kenneth Kao-Chao. Condensing Whole Milk with a Vacreator.
1948 - Masters
467. Johnson, Clarence Everet. Adjustment of the Ratio of Fat to Nonfat
Solids by Means of Nonfat Dry Milk in the Manufacture of Cheddar
Cheese From High-Fat Content Milk.
468. Rowe, Gordon Aken. Problems Involved in Marketing Milk Produced in
Central Oregon.
1949 - Masters
469. Konar, Mahima Ranjan. The Relationship of Carotene Butter Color to
Some Chemical Changes Occurring in Butter During Storage.
470. Young, Jameson. Trends in the Production Methods and Utilization of
Milk in the United States and Certain Foreign Countries.
1951 - Masters
471. Streiff, Robert Peter. Developing a Technique for Modified Swiss Cheese
1956 - Masters
472. McDaniel, Fred Bruce. The Influence of Acidity Control During the
Manufacturing Process on the Market Quality of Cottage Cheese.
473. Twigg, Kenneth William. Sherbet Studies Using Orange and Cranberry
- Doctors
474. Narula, Prem Nath. The Distribution of Nitrogen Compounds in Goat's
1957 - Masters
475. Mhatre, Nagesh Shamrao. Dilatometric Studies on Milk Fats.
1957 - Doctors
476. Chuan, Chi-K. Characterization of Rennin.
SEE Dairy Husbandry
SEE ALSO Dairy Manufacturing
Food and Dairy Technology
1958 - Masters
477. Erickson, David Rae. Efficiency of Certain Flavone-Type Compounds as
Antioxidants for Dairy Products.
478. Zottola, Edmund Anthony. Effect of Certain Manufacturing Methods on
the Physical Characteristics of Butter.
SEE ALSO Agricultural Education
Business Education
General Science
Guidance and Personnel
Health Education
Home Economics Education
1943 - Masters
Bailey, Warren Hutchinson. Forest Education Projects in Secondary
Schools with Recommendations for Grants Pass.
480. Dean, Georgia Washburn. A Comparative Study of Consumer and Producer Biology Courses in a High School.
481. Garber, Frederica Kershaw. A Study of Attitudes and Conditions of
the Retired Teachers of Portland, Oregon.
482. Johnson, Lyle Herbert. Factors Associated with Dishonesty in Junior
High School Students.
483. McMillan, Alva Lowell. A Proposed Vocational Guidance Program for
the High School of Commerce, San Francisco.
484. Mann, Isabel Tyson. Changes in Vocational Interest of Oregon City
High School Students.
Phillips, Bryce Charles. A Study of the Education of 1033 Migrant
Children in Five Government Labor Camps in California in 1941.
486. Robinson, Clifford Ellis. A Proposed Biology Course for Oregon's High
487. Shoemaker, Vernal Patten. Some Basic Science Concepts of Prospective
Elementary Teachers in Oregon.
488. Swenson, Martin Arnold. The Construction and Use of Stereographic
Transparencies in Human Physiology.
489. Whittaker, Patricia Coan. A Survey of the Small Oregon High School
As A Community Recreational Center.
490. Winston, Mabel Whittenberg. A Study of Financial Aids for Undergraduate Women Students, Oregon State College, 1930-1940.
1943 - Doctors
491. Ritchie, Myles Houston. An Investigation of Audio-Visual Education
with Emphasis on British Columbia.
1944 - Masters
492. Barry, Lillyan Audrey. Adjustment of the School Curriculum to the
Needs of the Mentally Handicapped.
493. Carlson, Betty May. A Survey of Intramural Programs for Women in
Small Colleges and Universities.
Noel, Helen Covey. The Work of the Deans of Women in the California
Junior Colleges.
495. Rowe, Kathryn Eldoris. Improvement of Spelling Through Typewriting.
496. Winslow, Marjorie Curtis. Plans for Teaching Medical Terminology in
Gregg Shorthand.
1945 - Masters
Hollenbeck, Irene. A Handbook of Selected Instructional Procedures for
Teaching Biology.
498. Rudesul, Ethel Madeline. Business Management of Newspapers in the
Larger High Schools of California.
1946 - Masters
499. Binns, Mary Anderson. Planning a Program in Homemaking to Include
the Teaching of Moral Behavior.
500. Brown, Elizabeth Bennett. A Program for In-Service Training of Policewomen in Portland, Oregon.
501. Chown, Eleanor Eakin. A Preliminary Study of a Counseling Program
for Veterans in the Portland Area.
502. Clark, Bernard Dale. A Proposed Community-School Educational Program Applicable to Certain Rural Areas in Western Oregon.
503. Freeman, Alice Lee. Evaluation of the Counseling Program of the Hazen
Foundation Pacific Area Conferences.
1947 - Masters
504. Colburn, Alonzo Bert. A Course of Study in Chemistry Which Meets
Adolescent Needs.
Elliott, Edward Carl. A Plan for a Consolidated School Unit Involving
Certain Districts in Morrow and Umatilla Counties.
506. Lloyd, Dorothy Schwarzkopf. Educational Background for General News
507. Milliken, Margaret Jean. A Proposed Plan for Evaluating Semi-Public
Camps in the State of Oregon.
1947 - Doctors
508. Eby, George Samuel. Training Aids Plan Based on Army Experience
with Applications to Oregon.
509. Osgood, William Cyril. An Adult Education Program for Orissa, India.
510. Wentworth-Rohr, Ralph John. The Counseling of Overseas Veterans and
the Implications for Education.
1948 - Masters
511. Cooprider, Harold Arthur. The Predictive Value of the Stanford Scientific and the Engineering and Physical Science Aptitude Tests.
512. Elliott, Dorothy Evelyn. Adult Education Through the Tax-supported
Agencies of Umatilla County, Oregon.
513. Flood, Elizabeth O'Brien. The Management of Student Exchanges in the
Portland, Oregon, High Schools.
514. Funk, Charles Elmer. War Veterans Working Toward Graduation in the
Oregon High Schools.
Gill, Percy Margaret. Analysis and Methods of Teaching the Basic
Techniques of Team Sports for Girls.
Ireland, Margaret Jane. English Placement Procedures in Land-grant
517, Kupper, Charles Parnell. Adaptation of Teaching Procedures to Student
Individual Differences in Oregon High Schools.
518. LaClair, Joseph Vincent. The Teacher's Part in Community Organizations in the First Class High School Districts of Oregon.
519. Lewis, Donald Edward. A Comparison of the Vocabularies of Talk and
Take an Expert Shorthand Speed Course with The Basic Vocabulary
of Business Letters.
520. Martin, Alfreda Bernetta. Desirable Skills and Traits of Office Workers
as Determined by Corvallis Businessmen.
Petit, Cecil Earle. A Unit on Atomic Energy for Inclusion in Existing
Price, Kenneth Bertran. A Guidance Program for the Schools of the
High School Courses.
Stuart, Kenneth Albert. Legislation Influencing Salaries and Retirement
of Oregon Teachers Since 1937.
524. Tyszkowski, Walter. Some Characteristics of 132 Physically Defective
Students at Oregon State College.
525. Waples, Genevieve Wilda. Prediction of Student Deficiencies in Surgical
Nursing with Methods for Correction.
526. Zacur, Charles Paul. The Counseling Services in the Secondary Schools
of Oregon.
1949 - Masters
527. Baldock, Edgar Chatterton. A Study of Counseled Veteran Students
Suspended from Oregon State College 1946-1947.
528. Brady, Beth Bryant. Some Fears of College Students.
Bullard, Maurice Leslie. An Approach to a Technique in Vocational
Chase, Leslie Milton. A Critical Examination of the Organization for
Handling Juvenile Delinquents in the Portland Public Schools.
531. Chase, Mildred Rosine. Case Studies of Forty Exceptional Children.
532. Cunliffe, Gerald Robert. The Personal Problems of Corvallis High
School Students as a Basis for Curriculum Improvement.
533. Hopkins, Albert Benjamin. Teacher Certification in Oregon Since 1933.
534. McFadden, Gilbert Casper Francis. The Development of Methods of
Study Courses in State Colleges and Universities.
535. Martinson, Norman Harry. Guidance Suggestions for Prospective Men
High School Teachers of Physical Education Based on Current Practices in Oregon.
536. Saum, James Arthur. Occupations That Require Licensure in Oregon.
537. Thompson, Thomas Sanford. Apprenticeship Training in the State of
538. Woodward, Robert Myron. Orientation of Teachers Prior to School
Opening the First Class Districts of Oregon.
1950 - Masters
539. Carmichael, Jack Winston. Ecology in High School Biology Courses in
the Eleven Western States.
540. Chapman, Wayne Haven. Student Attitudes Affecting Enrollment Shifts
in High School Industrial Arts Courses.
541. Crews, Graydon Talmadge. Survey of the Need in Public Schools for
Guidance Services Originating at Oregon State College.
542. Dolmyer, William H. Success of the Albany High School Program of
Studies as Indicated by School-Leavers (1945-1949).
543. Echlin, Charles Ellery. The Implications of the Curriculum for Work
Experience Programs in Secondary Education.
544. Edwards, Hugh Wilson. The Place of the Career Day Program in the
Guidance Services.
545. Funkenbusch, Walter William. Techniques for Sectioning Mathematics
Students in the Sault Sainte Marie Residence Center.
546. Hageman, Doris Elizabeth. The Spelling Ability of High-School Pupils.
547. Heintzinan, Wendell Joseph. In-Service Training Program for Business
Teachers in Oregon Secondary Schools.
548. Keenan, Mary Teresa. Adjustment Problems of Albany High School
Students as Determined by the Moony Test.
549. Kempf, Eugenia Catherina. Mathematics Requirements for Selected Occupations in Oregon.
550. Ludwig, Harold William. The Place of Instrumental Music in the Curriculum of Elementary Schools of Portland.
551. Murphy, Katherine Frances. Typewriting for High School Students in the
Portland Public Schools.
552. Pierson, LeRoy Richard. Guidance Needs in the Public High Schools of
Portland, Oregon.
553. Scovell, Ora Frances. Educational Aspects of the Public Health Program.
554. Skiens, Marie Simmons. Social Adjustment Problems of Some Eighth
Grade Pupils.
555. Stephens, Mildred Benson. The Reading Abilities of Students in Methods
of Study Classes.
556. Still, Dean Leeper. Mathematics Preparation of High School Teachers
Based on College Programs and Teacher Experience.
557. Young, Clara Ann Budlong. Counseling in Secondary Schools of Oregon
by Teachers of Physical Education for Girls.
1950 - Doctors
558. Bennion, Hugh Clark. An Appraisal of the Oregon State College Counseling and Testing Bureau.
559. Martin, Wayne Stephen. Guidance Values of Industrial Arts in Secondary Education.
1951 - Masters
560. Alexander, William Maxfield. Changes in Attitude Toward Civic Responsibility Through a Course in American National Government.
561. Barnes, Harry Reed. Intramural Participation of Fraternity Men at Oregon State College Since 1929.
562. Bloomquist, Gilbert Ruben. Education and Training of the Blind for
Selected Enterprises.
563. Boufford, Marjorie Johnson. A History of Nursing in Oregon.
564. Emigh, Bill Roy. Adjustment Problems of a Group of Seventh and
Eighth Grade Pupils.
565. Goheen, Edna Laura. The Fears of 200 High School Pupils.
566. Inskeep, Eugene Laughlin. Effects of the Rural School District Law on
Secondary Schools of Umatilla County.
567. Larsen, Verna Christine. The Effectiveness of the Teacher-Training
Program at Oregon State College.
568. McKeel, Willis Newton, Jr. Analysis of Variability of Graders and
569. Mason, Thomas Francis, Jr. A Proposed Intramural Athletic Program
for Ventura Junior High School.
570. Menefee, Donald Franklin. A Program of Conservation for Arizona
Schools, Grades 7-12.
Miller, Willard Wayne. Methods in Making Lesson Assignments in the
Union High Schools of Oregon.
572. Neilson, Donald Wilbert. Methods in Evaluation of Science Courses
Practiced by Secondary Schools of Northern California.
573. Olson, Bennie Thelan. Audio-Visual Programs in Secondary Schools in
574. Petersen, Harold Ernest. The Status of Boxing in the Physical Education Program of Oregon High Schools.
575. Peterson, Wilbur John. Music Appreciation and Theory Courses in
Class B High Schools of Oregon.
576. Pfrehm, Blanche Oleson. Remedial Reading in the Second Grade.
577. Sayles, Thomas Byers. The Cooperative Teaching-Materials Library in
Cowlitz County, Washington.
578. Smithson, John Lane. Occupational Information Concerning the Lumber
Industry in Oregon.
579. Wells, Thomas Alphonse. Student Government.
580. Younce, Earl Sanford. Health Services in the Public High Schools of
Portland, Oregon.
Ziegler, Robert George. A Physical Science Survey Course for High
1951 - Doctors
582. Ashbaugh, James Hawthorne. Analysis of Factors Involved in Juvenile
Delinquency in Benton County.
583. Derthick, Charles Henry. Interview Manual for Student Personnel
584. Lange, Erwin Fred. The Effects of the Rural School District Law on
Financing Oregon's Schools 1947-49.
Schorling, Horace Oren. Survey of Industrial Arts Supervision in Selected States.
586. Taylor, Louie Sheets. The Training, Experience, and Professional Status
of Personnel Responsible for Industrial Arts Teacher Education in the
United States.
1952 - Masters
Alkire, Leota Lundy. Personnel Organizations and Services in Small
Colleges in the North-Central Area.
588. Anderson, Murl Wayne. The Status of Interschool and Intramural Athletics in the Junior High Schools of Oregon.
589. Bowers, Kathryn. A Follow-up Study of Tenth-Grade Pupils in a 6-4-4
590. Cummins, Ernie Lee. Selection and Storage of Physics Equipment in
Oregon High Schools.
591. Debois, Lillian Evangelyn. Attention as a Subject of Study in Educational Psychology.
Drlica, Karl Francis. The Teachers' Union in a Typical Prefecture in
Occupied Japan.
Faul, Duane Fremont. Opinions of the McMinnville High School Program from Follow-up of School-Leavers.
594. Gray, Allan Williamson. A Field Manual of Oregon Geology for Oregon
595. Henkle, Charles Van. Influence of Audio-Visual Workshops Upon Teaching Practices.
596. Jean, Clarence Virgil. A Follow-up of Former High School Students of
Vocational Agriculture in Oregon.
597. Jensen, John Theodore. Follow-up Study of Drop-Outs from Hillsboro
Union High School.
598. King, Jesse Wayne. Short Courses in Industrial Arts for Their Hobby
599. Meyer, Charles Arthur. An Evaluation of the Central Point, Oregon,
High School by a Survey of Its Drop-Outs and Graduates.
600. Moe, Harold William. The Scholarship of Athletic Award Winners.
601. Oas, David Evan. A Brief Basketball Screening Test to Classify Boys
into Homogeneous Groups for Instructional Purposes.
Oliver, Robert Jackson. Multi-sensory Teaching Aids in Secondary Mathematics in Oregon.
603. Zertanna, Robert Edward. Adjustment Problems of Trades Apprentices
as Indicated by the Mooney Problem Check List.
- Doctors
604. Coberly, Zoral Harold. History and Trends of Graphic Arts Education.
605. Schwalm, Ray Alvin. The Philosophy and Organization of IndustrialArts Teacher Education.
606. Waian, Elian Leo. Guidance Practices in the Elementary School.
607. Wilson, John Abraham Ross. The Counselor in Canadian Secondary
1953 - Masters
Climer, Jack. High School Driver Education and Training Program in
609. Drynan, Thomas Johnston. Reclassification and Redistricting of Schools
in the Oregon School Activities Association.
610. Dungan, Robert Maurice. Boys' Intramural Sports Programs in the
First Class High School Districts of Oregon.
611. Fuller, William Arthur, Jr. The Success of Carl Raymond Gray Scholarship Students at Oregon State College.
612. Fullerton, George Simmons. The Nature of Injuries to Athletes Reported by Oregon Class A High Schools.
613. Gilkey, Richard William. Preparation of Photographic Teaching Aids
for Secondary Schools in Oregon.
614. McKalip, William Ward. Comparison of Problems of Athletes and NonAthletes as Indicated by the Mooney Problem Check List.
615. Morrison, Carl Eugene. Consolidation of Selected School Districts in
Central Polk County, Oregon.
616. O'Connell, Forrest Lester. Adjustment Problems of Technical Institute
617. Peden, William Frederick. The Undergraduate Major Curriculum for
Professional Physical Education for Men Students at Oregon State
Shotts, Stanley Arthur. Safety Education and Practices in Oregon Elementary Schools.
619. Smith, Barbara Ruth. Pilot Project for Public School Camping in the
State of Oregon.
620. Wheeler, Lyle Mary. The Adjustment Problems of High School Students
in Astoria, Oregon.
621. Young, Donald Edmundson. The Grade Placements of Pupils in Grades
Three to Seven in One School.
1953 - Doctors
622. Buschman, William Owen. An Algebra Placement and Diagnostic Examination for Portland State Extension Center.
623. McCoy, Robert Arnold. A Course of Study for Secondary School Crafts.
624. Menegat, Paul Anthony. History of Trade and Industrial Education in
1954 - Masters
625. Berry, Joseph Howard. The Selection of Contract Students for the
Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Program at Oregon State
Blair, Ruth Margaret. The System of Education in Germany for the
Churchill, Robert Claude. Intramural Athletic Programs for Boys in
American Exchange Teacher.
the Class "B" High Schools of Oregon.
628. Gluth, Harold Clarence. Factors Affecting Grades of Transfer Students
in Engineering.
629. Hess, Ruth Eleanore. Evaluation of the Y-Teen Club in Oregon High
630. Reed, Henry Judson. Adjustment Problems of a Seventh Grade Class in
an Elementary School.
631. Ruark, Henry Clay, Jr. Audio-Visual Programs in Institutions of Higher
Education in Oregon.
632. Spelbrink, Perry Norbert. High School Physical Science as Preparation
for College Sciences.
1954 - Doctors
633. Anderson, Eric Dean. Current Practices in the Organization and Administration of Guidance Services in Ninety-Four Selected Secondary
634. Fagan, Raymond Edward Benedict. College Preparation for Teaching
Manipulative Activities in the Elementary School.
635. Johnson, Alfaretta Clara. Evaluation of Different Educational Procedures in the Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
636. McDevitt, Margaret Rose. Discovering Maladjustment in Children
Through Their Free Drawings.
637. Morris, Harold White. A History of Indian Education in the United
Spurlock, Clark Paul. Education and the United States Supreme Court.
639. Wood, Paul Hudson. Student Personnel Services in Pacific Coast Schools
of Ministerial Training.
640. Woodell, Marshall Elton. School Insurance in Oregon.
641. Woodward, Robert Myron. The Role of the Business Education Teacher
in Guidance in Secondary Schools West of the Mississippi River.
1955 - Masters
642. Barkhurst, Myrl Ross. A Comparative Study of School Success of Migrant and Resident Secondary School Students at Myrtle Creek,
643. Lee, Myrtle Emily. Child Development Learnings of High School Seniors.
644. McMurtrey, Violet. Teacher-Parent Cooperation as a Factor in Assisting
the Child to Adjust in Kindergarten.
645. Talbert, Ray Louis. Employer Demands for High School Leavers.
1955 - Doctors
646. Boaden, Richard William. Interpersonal Attitudes Toward StudentTeaching.
647. Champion, Mary I. Carter. Needs of Oregon State College Freshman
648. Gaynor, Alta Isabelle. Student Councils in Selected Elementary Schools.
649. Palmer, Harold Oscar. Tachistoscopic Training for Beginning Typing
Students in a Secondary School.
650. Raeppel, Josephine Eugenia. Some Traits of Certain Student-Elected
College Leaders.
651. Thompson, Matthew Roy. Objectives of a Twelve-Year Mathematics
Program for Elementary and Secondary Schools.
652. Weir, Thomas Stephen. A Graphic Arts Program at the Collegiate Level.
1956 - Masters
Salser, Carl Walter, Jr. Business Education Concepts Held by Selected
Secondary School Administrators in the Northwest.
1956 - Doctors
Caldwell, Mack Maurice. The Education and Educational Needs of Town
and Country Ministers in Oregon.
655. Colasuonno, Thomas Matthew. Occupational Factors Encountered by
17-20 Year Old Youths in Retail Trade Occupations in Portland,
656. Dubbe, Marvin Clarence. Subjects Which One Hundred Selected College
Students Found Difficult to Discuss with Their Parents and Reasons
for Their Difficulties.
657. McCall, Horace Fillmore. Organization and Procedures of Supervision
in the Alberta Public Schools.
658. Miller, Harold J. An Analysis of Selected Industrial Training Programs.
659. Morris, James Madison. Guides to Educational Television Programming
and Their Application to the State of Oregon.
Peisner, Earl Frederick. The Validity of the Leiter International Performance Scale in Measuring the Intelligence of Selected Superior
661. Pierson, Leroy Richard. High School Evaluation of Students' Chances
for Success in College.
662. Turner, Hester Hill. Principles and Philosophy of Tort Liabilities of
Public School Teachers.
1957 - Masters
663. Dixon, Henry William. Some Administrative Problems Involving Transient Studies on the West Coast.
664. Ferguson, Arthur Edwin. Proposed Consolidation of the Elgin-Imbler
School Districts in Union County, Oregon.
665. Fries, Henry William. Relationships Between Grades in Technical Mathematics and in Certain Other Technical Subjects in the Mechanical
Technology Curriculum at the Erie County Technical Institute.
666. Jordan, Mary Edna. A Proposed Campcraft Program for Boys and
667. Valenti, Paul Bartholomew. History of Basketball at Oregon State
College from 1928 through 1949.
668. Wills, Clayton Stanley. Administrators' Judgments on the Vocational
Agriculture Program in Selected Willamette Valley High Schools.
1957 - Doctors
669. Crews, Graydon Talmadge. Selected Factors in Relation to College Success for Science Majors at Oregon State College.
670. Lumpkin, Margaret Catherine. Camp Counseling Success as Related to
Certain Measured Attitudes Toward Campers.
671. McArthur, William Dean. Speed of Various Neuro-Muscular Responses
in Children Ages Seven to Thirteen.
1958 - Masters
Booth, Herbert Kenneth. Interscholastic Athletic Policies in Oregon
Secondary Schools.
673. Lehman, Alice Ethel. An Analysis of the Performance of Junior High
School Girls in Fourteen Physical Fitness Tests.
674. Palmberg, Walter Henry. Attitudes of Freshman Men Students Toward
Physical Education at Oregon Technical Institute.
675. Peterman, Bernice Almeta. Neuromuscular Responses of Senior High
School Girls.
676. Pitney, Elvan McClure. Selection of Vocational Agricultural Students
in Certain Oregon Schools.
677. Vaillancour, Richard Lee. Evaluation of the Physique, Developmental
Level, and Basal Metabolism of Two Hundred Selected Individuals by
the Application of the Wetzel Grid Technique.
- Doctors
Rice, Charles Mason MacDougall. Methods and Materials for Teaching
Photography in the Secondary Schools.
679. Skornicka, Joseph Edward. The Function of Time and Rhythm in In678.
strumental Reading Competency.
680. Thaw, Richard Franklin. 'Teaching Load of Teachers of Science in
681. Wales, Bertram Edwards. The Development of Adult Education in British Columbia.
1959 - Doctors
682. Martin, Clyde Melvin. The Adequacy of Selected Procedures Developed
for Administering the Evaluative Criteria Study in Oregon.
1943 - Masters
683. Bruns, Robert Albert. Introduction to the Tensor Analysis of Electrical
1946 - Masters
684. Giffin, Bertrand Lee. Development of a Flashover Detector and Analyzer
for Transmission Structures.
1947 - Masters
685. Johnson, Jerome Hugo. The Electrical Aspects of the Pasteurization of
Wine by Dielectric Heating.
686. Michael, Robert Ray. An Electronic Tachometer for Measuring the
Relative Angular Displacement of Rotating Machines.
687. Swanson, Wendell Verner. Electronic Pulse Generator for Thyratron
1948 - Masters
Bailey, Merle Parker. Electric Load Growth in Southwestern Oregon.
Kanzler, Harrell Walter. Determination of Equivalent Reactance of Synchronous Generators for Incremental Changes in Load. (Joint thesis
with John N. Kuvallis.)
690. Kuvallis, John Nicholas. Determination of Equivalent Reactance of Synchronous Generators for Incremental Changes in Load. (Joint thesis
with Harrell W. Kanzler.)
1949 - Masters
691. Chen, Shee-ming. Corona and Space Charge Phenomena at Frequencies of
40 to 160 Cycles Per Second. (Joint thesis with Chi-yung Lin)
692. Engle, John Franklin. A Balanced, Three-Phase Liquid Loading Rheostat. (Joint thesis with Alan Kellogg Johnson.)
693. Johnson, Alan Kellogg, A Balanced, Three-Phase Liquid Loading Rheostat.
694. Lin, Chi-yung. Corona and Space Charge Phenomena at Frequencies of
40 to 160 Cycles Per Second. (Joint thesis with Shee-ming Chen)
695. Stanley, Clarence Blair. Radio Transmission Characteristics in Oregon
of Medium and Very-High Communication Frequencies.
696. Thurman, Harry Lyle. Dynamic Impedance Characteristics of a MovingCoil Loudspeaker Motor Element.
1950 - Masters
697. Craine, Lloyd Bernard. The Plate Load Impedance Characteristics of a
Push-Pull Audio Amplifier.
698. Dowerah, Tarun Chandra. Power System Engineering and Related Developments in the Northwest U.S.A.
699. Hunnicutt, Alan Lee. Broadcast Engineering Measurements.
700. Laughlin, James William. Capacitor-Excited Induction Generator.
701. Moulton, Clifford Harold. Signal Distortion by Directional Broadcast
702. Reed, Wallace James. An Analysis of Several Propagation Surveys in
the Very High Frequency Region for Industrial Radio Communication.
1951 - Masters
703. Burdic, William Samson. A Direct-Reading Radio Frequency Wattmeter.
704. Burger, Vernon Tilleson. A Method of Determining Static Characteristics of Power Output Tubes with Positive Grids.
705. Denyer, Russell Hall. Ignition Power Conversion Equipments in Pacific
Northwest Electro-Chemical Plants.
706. Gehrig, Edward Harry. Series-Capacitor Compensation for SynchronousCondenser Reactance.
707. Oman, Henry. Change in Aircraft Limiter Resistance During Blowing
and Its Effect on Current Division Between Parallel Limiters.
708. Tweeddale, Allen Lemuel. Determination of Service Bases for Design of
Intertoll Plant.
1952 - Masters
709. McLeod, Dale Lloyd. Power Transformer Differential Relay Protection
as Affected by Magnetization Inrush Current.
1952 - Doctors
710. Hu, Ming-Kuei. Electric Impulse Discharge Phenomena Between Various Types of Electrodes.
711. Hu, Yueh-Ying Sun. The Analysis of High Frequency Electrical Phenomena on Finite Parallel Conducting Planes.
712. Siukola, Matti Solmu Olavi. Economic and Technical Aspects of a Proposed Television System for Finland.
1953 - Masters
Craine, Lloyd Bernard. Planned Industrial Education and Experience for
Young Engineers at the San Francisco Naval Shipyard.
1953 - Doctors
714. Johnson, Jerome Hugo. Development of By-Product Power in the Columbia Basin Reclamation Project.
1954 - Masters
715. Olsen, Edgar Howard. Planning and Executing a Power Distribution
System Voltage Changeover.
716. Trammell, John Jay. An Electronic Voltage Regulator for Synchronous
1955 - Masters
717. Perpinias, Anthony Emmanuel. A Critical Survey of the Electric Power
Supply in Greece. (Joint thesis with Anthony George Syriotis)
Syriotis, Anthony George. A Critical Survey of the Electric Power
Supply in 'Greece. (Joint thesis with Anthony Emmanuel Perpinias)
1956 - Masters
719. Biegel, Elmer Carl. An Electronic Parallel Inverter with Polyphase
Sinusoidal Output Voltage.
720. Eliades, James. A Phase-Sensitive Magnetic Amplifier for Two-Phase
Servo Motor Control.
721. Maxwell, John Edward. Static Nonlinear Circuit Elements Applied to
Impedance Relaying.
722. Saran, Gurdip Singh. Surge Phenomena at Transition Points on Transmission Lines.
1956 - Doctors
723. Wiedow, Carl Paul. Influence of Surface Conditioning on the Ionization,
Breakdown, and Tracking Over Solid Dielectrics.
1958 - Masters
724. Engle, John Franklin. An Advanced Planning Study for A Rural Electric
Friddell, Harold Gene. Factors Determining the Probability of Radar
726. Hongsumalya, Vidhurn. Uses of Electricity in Poultry and Dairy Production and Grain Processing.
727. Hunnicutt, Alan Lee. A Digital Account Numbering System for Electric
728. Kodama, Shinzo. Characteristics of the High-Gain Fast-Response Voltage Magnetic Amplifier.
729. Mesecar, Roderick Smit, Jr. Radio Noise Characteristics of Direct Current Point-to Plane Corona.
1959 - Masters
Churchill, Thomas Lynn. Characteristics of Corona Under Alternating
Current Condition.
731. Schuh, Robert Paul. Network Synthesis by a Matrix Transformation.
1944 - Doctors
Ritchie, Calvin Leslie. Louse Control in Relation to Typhus Fever.
1946 - Masters
Ball, Eldon Edward. Seasonal Succession of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in
Willamette Valley Trout Streams.
1947 - Doctors
734. Anderson, Ernest Clifford. The Anopheline Mosquitoes of Oregon with
Suggestions for Their Control.
735. Post, Richard Lewis. The Thysanoptera of Oregon.
1948 - Masters
Neilson, Chester LaMaunt. Biology of Pleurotropis utahensis Crawford
(Eulophidae, Hymenoptera), a Parasite of Cephus cinctus Norton.
1949 - Masters
737. Dickason, Elvis Arnie. Biology of Meligethes seminulum Lec. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae).
738. Hobbs, Kenneth Rollin. Torysnus festivus n. sp., A Parasite of Dasyneura
sp. (Hymen: Chalcidiodea-Torymidae).
1949 - Doctors
739. Crumb, Samuel Ebb, J r. The Biology and Control of the Insect Vectors
of Potato Viruses in Oregon.
1950 - Masters
740. Chang, Shen Chin. The Speed of Toxic Action of New Insecticides on
Pea Aphid (Macrosiphum pisi Kalt.) Compared with Nicotine Sulfate.
1951 - Masters
741. Chang, Yun Hwa. The Life History and External Morphology of the
Cypress Tip Moth, Argyresthia cupressella Wlsm.
742. Roth, Vincent Daniel. Distribution and Taxonomy of the Genus Cybaeus
in Oregon (Arachnida: Agelenidae).
743. Tanner, Carl Robert. Biology and Habits of the Carrot Rust Fly, Psila
rosae (Fab.) in Oregon (Diptera: Psilidae).
1951 - Doctors
744. Underhill, Raymond Alden. Life History and Habits of Leperisinus californicus Swaine and Leperisinus oregonus Blackman with a Revision
of the Genus Leperisinus of North America North of Mexico.
1952 - Masters
745. Amen, Clark Richard. The Transfer of Ringspot Viruses by the Pea
Aphid, Macrosiphum pisi (Kltb.).
Olney, Vernon William. Habits and Control of the Willamette Mite,
Eotetranychus willamettei (McGregor) and Related Species in Hood
River Valley.
1952 - Doctors
747. Chang, Shen Chin. The Effect of Successive Treatments of DDT on
Individual Susceptibility in the American Cockroach and the Large
Milkweed Bug.
748. Hobbs, Gordon Andrew. The Role of Bees in Pollinating Alfalfa in
Southern Alberta.
1953 - Masters
749. Bishop, Guy William. The Life History and Habits of a New Species of
Seed Midge, Dasyneura Sp., Which Attacks Ladino Clover.
750. Downing, Ralph Strang. The Effect of Concentration on the Toxicity of
Acaricides to the Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus bimaculatus
H arvev.
1953 - Doctors
751. Dobson, Richard Cecil. The Western Oak Bark Beetle Pseudopityophthorns pubipennis (Lec.), in the Central Willamette Valley of Oregon.
752. Gentner, Louis Gustave. The Species of Chaetocnema North of Mexico
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
- Doctors
753. Holmes, Neil Devlin. Ecology of the Wheatstem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus
1955 - Masters
754. Adlerz, Warren Clifford. Biology of the Soft Brown Scale,
hesperiduin Linn., and Control of Soft Scales on Holly.
755. Cram, William Thomas. The Morphology of the Reproductive System of
Black Vine Weevil, Brachyrhinus sulcatus (F.).
756. Forbes, Albert Ronald. The Root Maggot Complex (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in Cruciferous Crops of the Pacific Northwest.
757. Steinhauer, Allen Laurence. Biological Studies of the Vetch Bruchid
Bruchus brachialis Fahraeus in Oregon.
758. White, Grant Melvin. The Influence of Certain Respiratory Inhibitors
and Other Chemicals on the Integrated Metabolism of the Gray Garden
Slug, Deroceras reticulatum (Muller).
1955 - Doctors
Nielson, Mervin William. A Revision of the Genus Colladonus (Homoptera Cicadellidae).
1956 - Masters
760. Areekul, Sutharm. The Comparative Internal Larval Anatomy of Several
Genera of Scarabaeidae.
761. Raine, John. The Biology of the Bramble Leafhopper, Ribautiana tenerrima (Herrich-Schaffer).
1956 - Doctors
762. Hobbs, Kenneth Rollin. A Review of the Genus Torymus for Oregon
and California (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae).
Siverly, Russell Emmett. The Biology and Temperature Developmental
Time Relationships of Several Species of Muscoid Flies.
1957 - Masters
Burts, Everett C. The Biology of the Brown Orchard Mite, Bryobia
arborea Morgen and Anderson (Acarina: Tetranychidae) on Stone
Fruit Trees in The Dalles, Oregon, Area.
765. Gilmore, James Eugene, Jr. Biology and Control of the Black Cherry
Aphid Myzus cerasi Fab. in the Willamette Valley.
766. Pierce, John Rayner. Biology of the Alder Bark Beetle, Alniphagus
aspericollis (LeConte) in the Willamette Valley.
Tunnock, Archie, Jr. Factors Affecting the Evaluation and Use of Grain
Protectants for Insect Control.
1958 - Masters
768. Anderson, Norman Herbert. The Distribution and Biology of Some
Anthocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Pacific Northwest.
769. Monroe, Ronald Eugene. Studies on the Mode of Action of Synergized
Bayer 21/199 and Its Oxygen Analog in the House Fly, Musca domestica L.
1958 - Doctors
770. Adlerz, Warren Clifford. Factors Affecting Aphid Transmission of Bean
Yellow Mosaic Virus.
771. Ellertson, Floyd Elroy. Biology of Some Oregon Rain Beetles (Pleocoma
spp.) Associated with Fruit Trees in Wasco and Hood River Counties.
Jerath, Manohar Lal. Systematics of Larval Aphodiinae with Notes on
the Biologies of Several Species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
773. Savos, Milton George. The Bionomics of the Garden Symphylid, Scutigerella imaculata (Newport).
774. Steinhauer, Allen Laurence. Factors Affecting the Protein and Free
Amino Acid Composition of Blood of the American Cockroach Periplaneta americana (L).
Workman, Ralph Burns, Jr. Biology of the Onion Maggot, Hylemya
antiqua (Meigen), under Field and Greenhouse Conditions.
1959 - Masters
776. Nelson, Robert LeRoy. Aphid Transmission of Three Strains of Cucumber Mosaic Virus.
777. O'Brien, Joseph Francis. Interspecific Competition Among Four Species
of Grain Beetles at Three Temperature and Moisture Levels.
778. Ryan, Roger Baker. Some Environmental Factors Affecting Development
and Emergence of the Douglas-fir Beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae
Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), in the Laboratory.
779. Tonks, Norman Vincent. Biology of the Leafhopper Macropsis fuscula
Zett. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae).
1959 - Doctors
780. Burts, Everett C. The Biology of the Blister Mites, Eriophves spp., of
Pear and Apple in the Pacific Northwest.
781. El-Haidari, Haidar Saleh. The Biology of the Filbert Aphid, Myuocallis
coryli (Goetze), in the Central Willamette Valley.
SEE ALSO Household Administration
1952 - Masters
782. Benjamin, Dayton. Attitudes of One Hundred Thirty Single College Men
Toward Certain Aspects of Parenthood.
783. Eldredge, Evelyn Buell. The Use of Visual Aids by Home Demonstration
1953 - Masters
Nichols, Addreen. Planning a Willamette Valley Dwelling to Meet the
Needs of a Couple Past Middle Life.
785. Novotny, Mildred Elizabeth. Plans for the School Laundry Laboratory
Based on Family Needs.
1954 - Masters
786. Nygren, Maie Anabel. Planning a Single-Family Rental Unit for the
Typical Family in the Middle-Income Bracket in Fallon, Nevada.
787. Russell, Mary Alice. The Responses of Sixteen Nursery School Children
to Standards Set by Adults in the Nap Room.
1955 - Masters
788. Lundy, Joan. Student Responses in the Nursery School Laboratory as
Related to Reported Childhood Experiences.
1956 - Masters
Griffith, Agnes Elizabeth. Selected Responses of Five Infants to a Succession of Child Directors in Home Management Houses.
1957 - Masters
790. Hobart, Jean Graham. Some Factors Associated with Students' Performance as Child Directors in Home Management Houses.
1958 - Masters
Bliss, Leora Bentley. A Survey of State Regulations Relating to Certification of Teachers in Nursery Schools and Day Care Centers.
1958 - Doctors
792. Tebor, Irving Benjamin. Selected Attributes, Interpersonal Relationships,
and Aspects of Psychosexual Behavior of One Hundred College
Freshman Virgin Men.
1946 - Masters
793. Nelson, Elton Glen. Effect of Kind, Amount and Placement of Fertilizers
on Yield and Quality of Fiber Flax.
1947 - Masters
794. Groenveld, Menno. Some Agronomic Practices of the Vegetable Seed
Industry of Oregon.
795. Whitesides, Jess Willard. Primordial Development in Alta Fescue and
Related Factors.
1948 - Masters
Becker, Manning Henry. Joint major ; see number 7.
796. Freed, Virgil Haven. Some Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Soil
Fumigants for Weed Control.
797. McNeal, Francis Harrison. The Effect of 2,4-D on Growth and Development of Small'Grain and on Certain Annual Weeds.
1949 - Masters
798. Williams, David Henry. Chemical and Physical Properties of Seeded,
Semi-Seeded and Seedless Hops Grown on the Same Plant.
1951 - Masters
799. Kosesan, Willy Henry. Factors Influencing Pre-emergent Weed Control
with Chemicals in Vegetable Crops.
Strunk, Robert Ernest. Some Factors Influencing Yield and Quality of
Grass Seed
1951 - Doctors
801. Hunt, Oliver Joseph. An Investigation Involving the Sampling of Morphological Characters for Use in Estimating Disease Resistance and
Sample Size in Hops.
802. Richardson, Grant Lee. Some Studies on the Causes of Sod-binding in
Alta Fescue, Festuca elatfor Var. Arundinacea (Schreb.) Wimm.
1952 - Masters
Batchelder, Fred Charles. Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Treatments on Malting Quality of Hannchen Barley.
Buckovic, Richard Grant. Some of the Morphologic and Agronomic
Factors Associated with Pod Dehiscence in Lotus corniculatus.
805. Cooper, Duahne William. Forage Yield as Influenced by Fertilizer
806. Furtick, William Ralph. Renovating Alta Fescue for Seed Production.
807. Jordan, 'Gilbert LeRoy. The Chemical Control and the Utilization of
Anacharis densa.
1953 - Masters
808. Bayer, David Edmon. Some Factors Influencing the Chemical Control of
Annual Grasses in Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
809. Calhoun, Wheeler, Jr. Hybridization Techniques on Subclover Trifolium
subterraneum Linn.
810. Hall, William Elliott. Determination of Milling Quality of F3 Generation
Winter Wheat Hybrids by the Micro-Milling Process.
811. Livingston, Kenneth Hubert. Composition of and Production from an
Improved and an Unimproved Hill Pasture.
Miller, Jonas William. The Effect of Growth Regulating Compounds on
Winter Wheat Varieties.
813. Sutherland, Melvin LaVerne. The Factors Influencing the Effectiveness
of Aryloxy Alkanol Esters and Hemiesters as Herbicides.
1953 - Doctors
Schudel, Harold Lester. Factors Affecting Vegetable Seed Production in
the Willamette Valley, Oregon.
1954 - Masters
815. Matches, Arthur Gerald. Comparison of Growth Stage With Calendar
Date as a Basis for Harvesting Twelve Irrigated Pasture Grasses.
1955 - Masters
Goetze, Norman Richard. Some Factors. Affecting the Chemical Control
of Holcus lanatus in Agrostis tennis Sibth.
817. Johnson,. Malcolm Julius. A Determination of the Combining Ability -of
Certain Inbred Lines of Corn, Zea may_r L.
818. Nandpori, Karam Singh. Effect of Different Plant Populations and
Nitrogen Levels on the Yield of Corn Silage and Grain.
819. Veblen, Thomas Clayton. The Effects of Different Fertilizers on the
Protein, Kernel Size Distribution, and Yield of Hannchen Barley.
1955 - Doctors
820. Valassis, Vlassios Thomas. Some Factors Affecting the Establishment
and Growth of Improved Forage Species on Laughlin-Like Soils in
Western Oregon.
1956 - Masters
821. Clark, George William. Winter Hardiness in Common Wheat as Measured by Cold Chamber Tests.
Hall, Frederick Columbus. Use of Oak Woodlands (Quercus garryana)
for Farm Forestry and'Grazing in the Willamette Valley.
823. Patterson, Lloyd Leonard. Effects of Various Soaking and Freezing
Treatments as Factors in Determining Winter Hardiness of Selected
Wheat Varieties.
1956 - Doctors
824. Renney, Arthur James. Some Effects of CMU (3-parachlorophenyl '1,
1-dimethylurea) as a Preemergence Herbicide on Peppermint, Potato
and Grain Crops.
1957 - Masters
825. Black, Donald Stephen. Some Factors Affecting Smooth Bromegrass,
Bromus inermis Leyss., Seed Production in the Klamath Basin.
826. Chilcote, David Owen. The Effect of 2,4-D Formulations and Rates on
the Yield and Quality of Hannchen Barley.
- Doctors
827. Eckert, Richard Edgar, Jr. Vegetation-Soil Relationships in Some Arteznisia Types in Northern Harney and Lake Counties, Oregon.
1958 - Masters
828. Puri, Yesh Pal. The Effect of Fertilizers on the Yield and Quality of
Fiber Flax Produced Under Irrigation.
1958 - Doctors
829. Dunn, Samuel Jefferson. Seed-Head Development in Tall Fescue as
Influenced by Date of Application of 3 Chloro IPC.
830. Furtick, William Ralph. The Effects of CIPC, Monuron and 2,4-D
Herbicides on Yield, Crude Protein and Nitrate Nitrogen Content of
Four Forage-Crop Species.
831. Nandpuri, Karam Singh. Inheritance of Plant Height, Date of Heading,
and Tillering in Three Wheat Crosses.
1959 - Masters
832. Conrad, Carol Eugene. A Comparative Study of Selected Methods for
Sampling Vegetation.
833. del Pozo, Jenaro. Determination of the Adsorption and Movement of 2,
3,6-Trichlorobenzoic Acid in Soil as Influenced by Soil Type and
Water Percolation.
834. Johnson, Walter Van-Gale. Forage Utilization Estimates in Relation to
Ecological Units in the Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon.
835. Kumler, Marion Lawrence. Effect of Spacing and Date of Planting on
the Tillering of Spring Barley Varieties.
SEE ALSO Fisheries
Wildlife Management
1944 - Masters
836. Lindzey, James Shotwell. A Study of the Columbian Black-Tailed Deer
Odocolieus hemionus Columbianus
(Richardson) and Its Habitat in
1947 - Masters
Chatelain, Edward Frank. Food Preferences of the Columbian Black-tail
Deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus Richardson, on the Tillamook
Burn, Oregon.
838. Uhlig, Hansgerd. Experimental Feeding on Ring-Necked Pheasants in the
Willamette Valley, Oregon.
1948 - Masters
839. Chambers, John Stanley. The Collecting and Conditioning of Salmonoid
Fishes for Toxicity Tests.
840. Lewis, John Hammond. Extension Education in the Wildlife Conservation Field.
841. Long, Jay Bass. Development of a Rodent Control Program on a South
Pacific Military Base.
842. Morris, Robert Wharton. Experiments on the Larval Culture of the
Native Oyster, Ostrea lurida Carpenter.
Scott, Robert Falcon. Results of a Ring-Necked Pheasant Liberation on
Eliza Island, Washington.
844. Seghetti, Libero. Investigations of Some Specific Diseases and Parasites
of Wildlife.
845. Wallis, Orthello Langworthy. Trout Studies and a Stream Survey of
Crater Lake National Park, Oregon.
846. Wilcomb, Maxwell Jeffres. Fox Populations and Food Habits in Relation
to Game Birds in the Willamette Valley, Oregon.
1949 - Masters
847. DeWitt, John William, Jr. The Effect of Kraft Mill Effluents on
Nymphs of Callibactis sp. (Ephencroptera) and Acroneuria Pacifica
848. Galbreath, Donald Samuel. A Plan for the Management of the Ringnecked Pheasant in Western Washington Based on a Field Study.
849. Nelson, Daniel James. The Mortality Factors of Winter Released Ringneck Pheasants on Eliza Island, Washington.
Salter, Robert Linwood. Survival and Increment of an Early Spring
Release of Ring-Necked Pheasants on Eliza Island, Washington.
1950 - Masters
Corthell, Robert Ashley. Comparative Winter Survival of Wild and
Game Farm Pheasants on Eliza Island, Washington.
852. Hoffman, Russell Raymond. A Pheasant Nesting Study With Controlled
Predation on Eliza Island, Washington.
853. Robinson, Rollo Smith. The Native Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarkii, of
the Bonneville Basin and the Green River Tributaries of Utah.
854. Williams, Frederick Arthur. A Plan for Improving Hunter-Farmer Relationships Based on the Orenco Game Management Project.
1951 - Masters
855. Coats, James Lee, A Trial Introduction of the European Partridge of
Danish Stock Into the Willamette Valley.
856. Watt, Phyllis Ruth. The Effects of Certain Marine Fishes in the Diets
of Mink.
1952 - Masters
857. Carter, Glenn David. Factors Affecting Survival of Ring-Necked
Pheasants on the Deschutes Irrigation Project of Oregon.
858. Hansen, Charles 'Goodman. Comparative Winter Survival of Wild Game
and Game Farm Pheasants with Predator Control Practices on Eliza
Island, Washington.
859. Rieck, Carroll Adelbert. Black-tailed Deer Investigations on a Closed
Area in Western Oregon.
860. Wick, William Quentin. The Winter Mortality and Movement of Wild
and Game-Farm Ring-necked Pheasants on Eliza Island, Washington.
1953 - Masters
861. Barron, William Darlington. Use of Salt in Managing Mule Deer and
Domestic Animals on Range Lands of Central Oregon.
862. Breese, Wilbur Paul. Rearing of the Native Pacific Coast Oyster Larvae,
Osterea lurida Carp., under Controlled Laboratory Conditions.
863. Madden, Elwood. Landowners' Opinions on the Establishment of Pheasants on a New Central Oregon Irrigation Project.
864. Pasquale, Nicholas. Rearing of the Native Oyster Larvae, Ostrea lurida
Carp., in Concrete and Wooden Tanks Under Controlled Conditions:
865. Saltzman, William Ordway. A Preliminary Study of Certain Chemical
Factors That May Be Involved in the Delayed Mortality of Rainbow
Trout Following Liberation.
1954 - Masters
866. Phillips, Richard Edward. Survival of Game Farm Juvenile Ring-Necked
Pheasants on Eliza Island, Washington.
867. Wustenberg, Donald William. A Preliminary Survey of the Influences
of Controlled Logging on a Trout Stream in the H. J. Andrews
Experimental Forest, Oregon.
868. Yadon, Vernal Lee. Ecological Aspects of the Valley Quail in the Madras
Area of Central Oregon.
1955 - Masters
869.. Black, Hugh Clark. Salt Use by Mule Deer in the Deschutes National
Forest of Central Oregon.
870. Bohl, Wayne Herold. The Survival of Juvenile Ring-Necked Pheasants
on Eliza Island, Washington, during 1952.
871. Davis, Kenneth Gene. The Role of Certain Feed Supplements in the
Rations of Ranch-Raised Mink.
872. Hansen, Edward Lee. Survival of the Pronghorn Antelope in South
Central Oregon During 1953 and 1954.
873. Hewston, John Guthrie. Some Factors Affecting the Hatching of Northern Pike Eggs Under Hatchery Conditions.
874. Nelson, Otto Christian. A Field Study of the Sage Grouse in Southeastern Oregon with Special Reference to Reproduction and Survival.
875. Vorderstrasse, Roger Ernest, Hunting Deer with Bow and Arrow in the
McDonald Forest, Oregon.
1956 - Masters
876. Dermid, Jack Franklin. Techniques Useful in Photographing Wild Birds
and Mammals.
877. Hartwell, Harry Deane. The Comparative Survival of Nine Groups of
Juvenile Ring-Necked Pheasants on Eliza Island, Washington.
878. Hopkins, Theodore Louis. The Toxicity of Several Chlorinated Hydrocarbon and Organic Phosphorus Insecticides to Field Mice Belonging
to the Genera Peromyscus and Microtus.
1959 - Masters
879. Anderson, Carl Frederick, Jr. Nocturnal Activities of the Columbian
Black-Tailed Deer,
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus
Affecting Spotlight Census Results in the Oregon Coast Range.
880. Dealy, John Edward. The Influences of Logging Practices on Columbian
Black-Tailed Deer in the Blue River Area of Oregon.
881. Gohain, Armada Charan. Climographic Comparisons of the Chukar Partridge Habitats in India and Western United States.
882. Park, Edwin Clyde. The Use of the Set Camera as a Technique in Wildlife Photography.
SEE ALSO Fish and Game Management
1948 - Masters
883. Bond, Carl Eldon. Fish Management Problems of Lake of the Woods,
1949 - Masters
884. Haydu, Eugene Peter. The Effects of Kraft Mill Waste Effluents on
King and Silver Salmon.
1951 - Masters
885. Warren, Charles Edward. The Flagellate Bodo lens (0. F. Muller) as
Food for Larvae of the Native Pacific Coast Oyster.
886. Watson, Gerald Harvey. Bacteria as Food for the Larvae of Native
Pacific Coast Oyster, Ostrea lurida, Carpenter.
1952 - Masters
887. Deschamps, Gene. Bio-indices of Pollution in the Willamette River.
888. Hilliard, Douglas Keith. The Effects of Herbicides and Related Compounds on Fish.
889. Noble, Richard Earl. The Willamette River Fishes as Biological Indicators of Pollution.
1954 - Masters
890. Davison, Robert Chalmers. Some Effects of Low Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen Upon Juvenile Silver Salmon.
891. Ziebell, Charles Daniel. Stream Pollution in the South Santiam River,
Oregon, as Measured by Biological Indicators.
1955 - Masters
892. Becker, Clarence Dale. Larval Setting and Survival of Young Oysters,
Ostrea lurida Carp., under Laboratory Conditions.
893. Horton, Howard Franklin. Some Physical and Mechanical Factors Important in Reducing Delayed Mortality of Hatchery-Reared Rainbow
894. Jones, Benjamin Franklin. The Avoidance Reactions of Chinook Salmon,
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), and Coho Salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), to Paper Mill Effluents.
Kerns, Orra Edwin, Jr. The Effects of Experimental Herbicide Treatments on the Fish Environment in Siltcoos Lake, Oregon.
896. Larmie, Fred Mose. A Survey of Thirty-One Cascade Mountain Lakes of
Oregon With Reference to the Game Fish Populations.
897. Leman, Bernard Dale. A Biological Study of Pollution in Rickreall
Creek, Oregon.
898. Linn, DeVon Wayne. Delayed Mortality of Hatchery-Reared Rainbow
Trout in Relation to Five Chemical Factors Encountered in Transporting Waters.
1956 - Masters
899. McNeil, William John. The Influence of Carbon Dioxide and pH on the
Dissolved Oxygen Requirements of Some Fresh-Water Fish.
900. Oakley, Arthur Leo. Farm Fish Pond Production as Influenced by Climatic Conditions.
1957 - Masters
901. Chapman, Donald Wallace. Studies on Age, Growth, and Migration of
Steelhead Trout, Salmo gairdneri gairdneri, in the AlseaRiver, Oregon.
902. Fryer, John Louis. Toxicity of Some New Herbicides to Fish.
903. Whitmore, Cecil Marion. Avoidance Reactions of Some Salmonid and
Centrarchid Fishes to Low Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen.
1958 - Masters
904. Boonbrahm, Mek. Reactions of Various Fishes to Gonadotropic Stimuli.
905. Conrad, John Francis. Effects of a Diet Containing Salmon Viscera Upon
Growth and the Incidence of Kidney Disease in Chinook Salmon
906. Herrmann, Robert Bernard. Growth of Juvenile Coho Salmon at Various
Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen.
907. Kendle, Earl Raymond. Limnology of Selected Oregon Farm Fish Ponds.
908. Klavano, Wayne Conrad. Age and Growth of Fish from Oregon Farm
909. Messersmith, James David. Food Habits of Smolt Steelhead Trout,
Salmo gairdneri gairdneri Richardson, in the Alsea River, Oregon.
910. Webb, William Edward. Preliminary Studies to Determine the Nature of
the Principal Toxic Constituents of Kraft Pulp Mill Waste.
1959 - Masters
911. Andrews, Rupert Earle. Factors Influencing the Seaward Migration of
Smolt Steelhead Trout, Salmo gairdneri gairdneri Richardson, in the
Alsea River, Oregon.
Bali, John Merton. Scale Analyses of Steelhead Trout, Salmo gairdneri
gairdneri Richardson, from Various Coastal Watersheds of Oregon.
913. Chadwick, George Grete. The Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus acu912.
leatus L., as a Bioassay Fish.
914. Lewis, Robert Hill. Effects of Selected Aquatic Herbicides on Fishes.
915. Wagner, Harry Henry. The Size and Location of Escape Ports for
Bypassing Salmonid Fish at a Screened Diversion Canal.
916. Wyatt, Bruce. Observations on the Movements and Reproduction of the
Cascade Mountain Form of Cutthroat Trout.
SEE ALSO Dairy Technology
Food Industries
Food Technology
1959 - Masters
917. Bautista, Flordeliza Ramirez. Changes in the Nitrogenous Constituents of
Beef as Induced by Pre-Heating and Irradiation and Storage for
Eighty Days.
SEE ALSO Food and Dairy Technology
Food Technology
Foods and Nutrition
1944 - Masters
918. Madsen, Herbert Stanford. Effect of Replacement Sugars on Viscosity of
Fruit Preserves.
1944 - Doctors
919. Litwiller, Earl Milo. Nitrogen Deficiency in Relation to Spoilage of the
Blueberry, Vaccinium ovatum.
920. Yang, Ho-Ya. Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic Studies of the
Principal Pigments in Evergreen Blackberries and Alicante Bouschet
SEE ALSO Food and Dairy Technology
Food Industries
Foods and Nutrition
1947 - Masters
Stino, Charles Ramzi. Some Losses Occurring when Handling and Storing Frozen Peas.
922. Wahl, Max Ernst. Investigation on the Preparation of the Making of a
Bland Syrup from Pear Waste.
1947 - Doctors
923. Lau, Shiu Chi. The Potentialities of Certain Chemical Compounds as
Food Preservatives.
1948 - Masters
924. Bhatt, Prafull Harikrishna. Changes in Pectinous Materials in Dehydration of Onions.
925. Date, Waman Bhaskar. The Effect of Dehydration Methods upon Physical Characteristics of Apples.
926. Harnik, George William. A Preliminary Investigation on Methane Gas
Production from Pear Waste.
927. Lambrecht, William Anthony. Methane Production by Anaerobic Fermentation of Pear Waste.
928. Parpia, Husain Ali Bhimjee. Canning of Fish in Oil Spiced According
to Indian Taste.
Steinberg, Maynard Albert. The Effect of an Alkaline Process on Certain
Water-Soluble Vitamins in Peas and Spinach.
930. Thomas, Kuryan Valanjattil. Comparison of Processing Methods for
1949 - Masters
931. Aref, Moustafa. The Viscosity of Pectin Extracts of Loganberries and
Peaches as Related to the Quality of the Frozen Product.
932. Balsara, Darius Shapurji. Prevention of Mold Spoilage of Eggs Under
Conditions in Warmer Areas.
933. Bam, Sharatchandra Govind. Color Measurement and Its Relation to
Grading of Canned and Frozen Green Beans.
934. Chan, Sung Tsu. Problems in Production of Canned and Bottled Watermelon juice.
935. Devlin, Kenneth Arthur. Determination of Yield, Maturity and Vitamin
C in Single-Harvest Bush Snap Beans.
936. Erfan, Mahmoud. A Study of the Effect of Break-Point Chlorination on
the Quality of Frozen Apples.
Filz, William Francis. A Method of Preparing Fruit Concentrates for
Use in Enology.
938. Hu, Kwoh Hsien. The Dehydration of Whole Salted Fish.
939. Lundeen, Glen Alfred. Effects of Ingredients and Preparation Procedures
Upon Commercial Type Frozen Fruit Puree Desserts.
940. Rasheed, Ahmed Adel. Quality of Frozen-Defrosted Meat From Protamone-Fed and Thiouracil-Fed Hogs.
941. Roghani, Maruf Shah. Canning of the Juice of the Bitter Orange (C.
Sistrunk, William Allen. The Effects of Some Edible Acids and Calcium
Chloride Upon the Quality of Processed Sweet Potatoes.
1950 - Masters
Dalal, Sam Hormasji. Objective Color Grading of Apricot Nectar by
Photoelectric Tristimulus Reflection Meter.
944. Duggan, Kenneth Everett. Pilot Plant Production of Methane by Anaerobic Fermentation of Pear Waste.
945. Johnston, Melvin Roscoe. Quality Changes of Frozen Dungeness Crab
Meat During Zero Storage.
946. Lorant, George John. The Effect of Physical and Chemical Agents on the
Storage Characteristics of Raw Vegetables and Fruits. (Joint thesis
with Jean App)
947. Mathers, John Hamilton. Processing Treatments to Extend the Storage
Time of Frozen Pink Salmon.
948. Ng, Keng Chock. Method of Refining and Stabilizing Malayan Coconut
Shen, Chih Ping. Evaluation of the Quality of Packaged Frozen Peas.
950. Walker, Wilfrid Allan. Comparison of Certain Mycostatic Agents Used
With Various Packaging Films in Refrigerated Preservation of Em949.
peror Grapes.
1950 - Doctors
951. App, Jean. The Effect of Physical and Chemical Agents on the Storage
Characteristics of Raw Vegetables and Fruits. (Joint thesis with
George John Lorant)
952. Human, Theunis Paddle. The Retention of Vitamin C and Development
of Color in Synthetic Jellies and Marmalade.
953. Stino, Charles Ramzi. The Effectiveness of Certain Chemicals in Reducing the Processing Time and Temperature of Canned Meat.
1951 - Masters
954. Arat, Mehmet Arif. Quality Evaluation of Canned Bush Snap Beans
Grown in Oregon.
955. Brock, James Richard. Comparison of Taste Test Scores with Peroxide
Values of Frozen Pink Salmon.
956. Gupta, Gopi Nath. Spectrophotometric Techniques for Evaluation of
Frozen Pink Salmon.
957. Henney, Edward Nathan. Diffusion Rate of Dye in the Preparation of
Maraschino Cherries.
958. Hyde, Ronald Burns. Studies Involving Proteolysis by Filbert Extracts.
959. Osman, Hussein Osman Ahmed. Effect of Different Preparation Treat-
ments on the Flavor and Ascorbic Acid Content of Mexican Lime
Juice After Frozen Storage.
960. Shah, Jayantilal Nemchand. Color Estimation of Frozen Strawberries by
Reflectionmeter, Spectrophotometer and Visual Grading.
961. Yao, Ka-Teng. Variation in the Sugar and Acid Content of Frozen Marshall Strawberries Grown in Different Areas of the Pacific Northwest.
962. Yu, Teh-Chu. The Formol Titration as a Laboratory Aid in Food Analysis.
1951 - Doctors
963. Parpia, Husain All Bhimjee. Investigation of Proteolysis Brought About
by Extracts from Filbert Nuts.
1952 - Masters
Strong, William Kenneth. Some Factors Influencing the Maintenance of
Quality of Turkey Pieces in Retail Meat Display Cases.
Cain, Robert Farmer. The Effect of Temperature and Length of Storage
Shewfelt, Albert Lorne. Effect of Isolation Procedures of Sunflower
1952 - Doctors
on Palatability, Color, and Vitamin Changes in Canned Citrus and
Tomato Products.
Pectin Upon Gel Characteristics.
1953 - Masters
967. Einarsson, Hjalti. Expression of Oil from Dried Fish Meal.
968. Helgason, Jon Halldor. Application of the Maryland Shear Press in Determining the Texture of Canned Whole Kernel Corn.
969. Higby, William King. The Effects of Various Calcium and Pectin Treatments on Canned Elberta Peaches.
970. Loranger, Fernand. Quality Evaluation of Canned Whole Kernel Corn
Grown in Oregon.
971. Siegele, John Louis. Radio-Frequency Blanching of Vegetables.
972. Varseveld, George Wallace. Flocculating Agents as Aids for Rapid Pectin
Determinations in Preserve Manufacturing.
973. Yue, Thomas Tah-Yu. Objective Determination for the Consistency of
Tomato Juice.
1953 - Doctors
974. Lundeen, Glen Alfred. Effects of Added Antioxidants on the OxidationReduction Potentials of Fruit and Vegetable juices.
975. Osman, Hussein Osman Ahmed. The Validity of Peroxide Values and
Optical Densities as Measures of the Quality of Frozen Chinook
Shah, Jayantilal Nemchand. Relationship Between Visual Grades and
Instrumental Color Determinations of Frozen Strawberries.
977. Wiley, Robert Craig. Relation of Fresh Fruit Quality Factors to the
Canning Quality of the Italian Prune.
1954 - Masters
978. Kitson, John Aidan McCreery. Rapid Sugar Extraction Procedures for
the Analysis of Fresh and Processed Fruits.
979. Narula, Prem Nath. The Comparative Effect of Cations and Anions on
the Firming of Brined Cherries.
Pettit, Lynne Archer. The Rehydration of Blue Lake Beans as Influenced
by Treatments Preceding Dehydration.
981. Thompson, Wallace Hayes. Objective Methods of Determining Maturity
in Sweet Corn for Processing.
982. Wood, Edmond Harvey. Methods of Evaluating Quality of Marshall
Strawberries for Manufacture.
1955 - Masters
983. Athanassiadis, Constantine Menelaos. Controlling Secondary Fermentation
with New Preservatives.
984. Kalle, Gurudutt Pandurang. The Effect of Reducing Microorganisms on
the Rate of Color Development in Cured Meat.
985. Tinsley, Ian James. Methods for Presenting Raspberry and Strawberry
Samples to the Hunter Color and Color-Difference Meter.
1955 - Doctors
986. Aref, Moustafa. The Nature of the Flavors of Filbert Nuts, (Corylus
Siegele, John Louis. Pigments in Green Beans and Their Qualitative and
Quantitative Changes During Processing and Storage.
1956 - Masters
988. Schnautz, John Adelbert. Effectiveness of Certain Spices in Protecting
Beef from Gaining Flavors from Gamma Radiation.
989. Teeny, Fund Mikhail. Potato Sugar as a Sweetener for Some Food Products.
1956 - Doctors
Pettit, Lynne Archer. The Effect of Certain Psychological and Environmental Factors on Flavor Preference Testing.
991. Rahman, Abdul Razzaq Abdul. Histological and Histochemical Investigations of the Effect of Certain Chemicals Upon the Quality of Dehydrated Peas.
Suri, Balwant Rai. Chemical and Physical Changes in Isolated Beef
Muscle Tenderized by Infusion with Sodium Chloride.
1957 - Masters
993. Caspar, John Nicholas. Controlling Fermentation with Vitamin K.
994. Sato, Kunito. Effect of Holding Time at 72° F. on the Heat Resistance
of Bacterial Spores (P.A. 3679).
1958 - Masters
995. Matches, Jack Ronald. The Effects of Lupulon on the Thermal Reduction Rate of Bacterial Spores (P.A. 3679).
1958 - Doctors
Tinsley, Ian James. The Degradation, in Model Systems, of the Anthocyanin of the Marshall Strawberry.
1959 - Masters
Steele, Wilbert Francis. Some,Factors Affecting the Softening of Brined
998. Thompson, Robert Hugh. Changes in the Nitrogenous Constituents of
Beef as Induced by Pre-heating, Irradiation and Storage for Two
Hundred Days.
1959 - Doctors
999. Nordan, Harold Cecil. Role of Glucose and Amino Acids in the Growth
of the Bacterium P.A. 3679.
1000. Sistrunk, William Allen. Effect of Field and Processing Factors on the
Texture of Blue Lake Green Beans.
SEE ALSO Food and Dairy Technology
Food Industries
Food Technology
1943 - Masters
1001. Carpenter, Phyllis May. Requirements for Vitamin C as Affected by
Finley, Jessie Louise. The Thiamine Content of Whole Wheat Muffins.
1003. Norris, Rita. The Use of the School Lunch in a Health and Nutrition
Program for the Eugene Senior High School.
1004. Perkins, Jeanne Lina. The Effect of Different Levels of Thiamine Intake
on Urinary Excretion of Thiamine.
1944 - Masters
1005. Ashe, Maude. Home Dehydration and Use of Green Beans, Swiss Chard,
Zucchini Squash, and Bell Peppers.
Milling, Edith Muriel. The Effect of Fibre on the Utilization of Thiamine.
1945 - Masters
1007. Davey, Bessie Louise. Urinary Excretion of Riboflavin by Human Subjects on Controlled Diets.
1008. Hawkins, Camille Palmer. Thiamine Intake of Healthy Pre-School Children as an Indication of Requirement.
1009. Holmes, Alyce Hahn. Reconstitution Characteristics of Snap Bean Varieties with Some Ascorbic Acid Values.
1946 - Masters
Prentiss, Marion Gary. Utilization of Riboflavin by Human Beings on
Controlled Diets Supplemented with Meat, Milk Products, and Synthetic Riboflavin.
1948 - Masters
1011. Baker, Dinah Skinner. The antitoxidant Effect of Edible Flours Derived
from Oil Press Cakes in Certain Fat-containing Food Mixtures.
1012. Spurling, Dorothy. Reasons for Failure of a Group of Pregnant Women
to Meet Recommended Food Allowances.
1013. Timmons, Gayle Curinne. Food Plans for Two-Member Veterans' Fainilies at Oregon State College.
1949 - Masters
1014. Wu, Mei-ling. The Ascorbic Acid Content of the Blood Serum of Adolescent Subjects.
1949 - Doctors
Davey, Bessie Louise. The Ascorbic Acid Requirements of Older Adolescents.
1950 - Masters
1016. Woo, Sang Won. The Thiamine Values of Brown, Partially Milled, Enriched, Converted, and White Rices.
1950 - Doctors
1017. Cox, Mary Elizabeth Willard. The Determination of Thiamine in the
Blood of Human Subjects.
1951 - Masters
1918. Louhi, Hellin Anna-Maija. Daily Thiamine Excretions and the Relationship to Creatinine Excretions in Four Adults on Controlled Diets.
1951 - Doctors
1019. Jooste, Martha Elizabeth. Cake Structure and Palatability as Affected
by Emulsifying Agents and Baking Temperatures.
1020. Wu, Mei-ling. The Concentration of Riboflavin in the Serum and Urine
of Human Subjects on a Controlled Diet.
1954 - Masters
1021. Robins, Barbara Ann. Formula, Dough Mixing Methods, and Keeping
Qualities of a Sweet Yeast Roll Mix.
Strauss, Marianne. The Effect of Ingredient Variation on Chemically-
Leavened Batter and Dough Products.
1023. Veal, Emagene Faye Ellidge. The Effect of Mixing at Selected Speeds
and Temperatures on the Physical Properties and Baking Behavior of
Doughs Made from a Northwest Wheat Flour.
1956 - Doctors
1024. Valassi, Kyriake Vlassios. The Effect of Mixing Speed on the Physical
Properties of Cake Batters With and Without Fat and Emulsifier.
1957 - Masters
Stirniman, Ann Clare. Serum Cholesterol Concentrations of Women on
a Controlled Diet.
1957 - Doctors
1026. Morley, Nina Hope. Distribution of Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide in
Various Fractions of Blood of Human Subjects.
1958 - Masters
1027. Ruiz, Virginia Tongko. Strawberry Pectin Jellies.
1959 - Masters
1028. Pescador, Josephine Organo. A Method for Determining Free and Total
Cholesterol in the Red Cell and White Cell-Platelet Fractions in 0.04
Milliliters of Human Blood.
SEE ALSO Forest Management
1946 - Masters
1029. DeMoisy, Ralph Gordon. A Plan for Equipping United States Army
Engineer Forestry Companies.
1947 - Masters
1030. O'Leary, John Elmer. Timber Transportation Costs in the California
Pine Region.
1956 - Masters
Wallis, James Richard. The Fifty-Foot Chord Definition for Forest Road
1958 - Masters
1032. Barbieri, John Gillick. Forest Road Location and Design in the DouglasFir Region.
1033. Dane, Charles Wesley. Sample Roughness Coefficients for Use in Determining Maximum Flow in Western Oregon Steams.
SEE Entomology
SEE ALSO Forest Engineering
Forest Products
Forest Products Chemistry
1947 - Masters
1034. Brady, Roy. A Regional Plan of Fire Protection for Private Industry
in the Douglas-Fir Region.
1950 - Masters
1035. Horne, Gerard Fowler. A Management Plan for the Bear Creek Watershed of the City of Drain, Oregon.
1036. Newport, Carl Allen. Diameter Yield Tables Versus Site-Index Yield
Tables for Western Hemlock.
1037. Ruth, Robert Harvey. Cutting Plans and Logging Costs in a 100-YearOld Stand of Sitka Spruce and Western Hemlock.
1951 - Masters
1038. Howell, Wade Hampton. The Efficiency of Plots of Various Sizes and
Shapes in Cruising Second-Growth Douglas-Fir.
1039. Robinson, Walter Lee. Application of Western Hemlock Yield Tables
for Oregon and Washington to Stands in Alaska and British Columbia.
1952 - Masters
1040. Mason, Nicholas Victor. Cutting Priority in Old Growth Stands of the
Douglas-Fir Region.
1041. Voorhies, Ray Van. Aerial Photographs as an Aid in Preparing a Management Plan for the Blodgett Tract.
1953 - Masters
Kallander, Rudolph Martin. Problems of Rehabilitating the Tillamook
1043. Leech, Raymond Hugh. Control of Undesirable Trees by Application of
Herbicides During Dormant Season.
1044. Walters, Russell Smith. Possibilities of Afforesting Grass-Land Slopes
of the McDonald Forest.
1954 - Masters
1045. Bever, Dale Nestrud. Evaluation of Factors Affecting Natural Reproduction Establishment of Forest Trees in Central Western Oregon.
1046. Gartz, Jack Frederick. A Management Plan for the McDonald Forest.
1047. Leahy, Peter Michael. The Effects of Some Soaking Treatments on the
Germination of Douglas-Fir Seed.
1955 - Masters
1048. Ford, Barrie. The Significance of Visable Pathological Indicators in Estimating the Extent of Decay in a Spruce-Balsam Forest.
1049. Keiser, David Frederick. The Errors of Some Common Cubic-Foot Log
1050. Mounteer, Robert Wesley. Forest Regeneration in the Willamette Valley
1956 - Masters
Collins, Dana Huntley. A Method of Forest Soil-Site Quality Investigation.
1052. Heuschkel, Dexter Gouldin. Tests of Some Chemical Herbicides in Con-
trolling Brush, Weed Trees, and Grasses on the McDonald Forest.
1957 - Masters
1053. Finnis, John Michael. Direct Seeding of Douglas Fir with Special Reference to Survival.
1054. Johnson, Norman Elden. Ambrosia-Beetle Infestation of Down Coniferous Timber in Benton County, Oregon.
1055. Rossheim, John David. The Relationship of Aspect and Topographic
Position to the Occurrence of Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Damage in
Western Oregon and Southwestern Washington.
1958 - Masters
Berntsen, Carl Martin. Growth and Behavior of 29- to 32-Year-Old Red
Alder, Conifer, and Mixed Stands.
1057. Helland, Marvin LeRoy. A Proposed Plan for the Administration of
Timber Sales by the Oregon State Board of Forestry.
1058. Hooven, Edward Frank. The Relationship of the White-footed Deer
Mouse to Reforestation by Direct Seeding in the Tillamook Burn.
1059. Jones, Hobart Bowen. Progress in Chemical Control of Certain Weed
Trees, Shrubs, and Grasses on Forest Lands of Western Oregon.
1060. Lavender, Denis Peter. Factors influencing the Germination and Survival
of Douglas-Fir Seeds and Seedlings in the Tillamook Burn.
1061. Merriam, Lawrence Campbell, Jr. Forest Management Procedures for
the Timbered Lands of the Oregon State Highway Commission.
1062. Paine, David Philip. Preparation of Aerial Tree Volume Tables for
Old-Growth Ponderosa Pine.
1063. Richardson, James Hollins. Comparative Efficiency of the Wedge Prism
Method and the Circular Plot Method in Estimating Volumes of
Douglas-Fir Stands.
1064. Yerkes, Vern Patterson. Successional Trends of Lesser Vegetation Following Clearcutting in Old-Growth Douglas-Fir Stands.
1959 - Masters
1065. Lukert, James Louis. The Effects of Pruning on the Growth and Development of a Douglas-fir Plantation.
1066. Sabhasri, Sanga. Invasion of Brush Species into Small Stand Openings
in the Douglas-fir Forests of the Willamette Foothills.
SEE ALSO Forest Management
Forest Products Chemistry
1946 - Masters
Succar, Jorge Rahme. A Suggested Plan for the Manufacture of Plywood in Peru.
1947 - Masters
1068. Graham, Robert Douglas. The Effect of Refining Time and Hot-Pressing
Conditions on the Properties of Lodgepole Pine Fiberboard.
1948 - Masters
1069. Wagg, John William Bruce. The Formation of Resin Canals in the
Wood of Douglas-fir as Influenced by Environment.
1949 - Masters
1070. Cheng, Chi-shan. A Preliminary Investigation of the Soaking Treatment
of Black Cottonwood and Red Alder Fence Posts in Pentachlorophenol.
1950 - Masters
1071. Mangan, John William. Some Factors Affecting Lumber Requirements
of Western Oregon Farms.
1072. Raphael, Harold James. The Influence of Depth of Immersion on End
Penetration in Douglas Fir Heartwood when Cold-Soaked in Pentachlorophenol.
1951 - Masters
1073. Johnson, James Wendell. The Relationship Between Shear and Diagonal
Web Stresses in Laterally Loaded Wood Panels.
1074. McKimmy, Milford D. An Analysis of Head-Sawing Operations at Representative Large Fir Sawmills.
1075. Stermitz, Robert Eugene. The Relationship between Log Characteristics
and Lumber Grade Recovery in Second Growth Douglas Fir.
1952 - Masters
1076. Benson, Donald Dunbar. An Analysis of Deterioration in Farm Structures.
1077. Parks, Walter Howard. Formation of Quality Classes for Second-Growth
Douglas-Fir Logs Based on Lumber Grade Recovery.
1953 - Masters
1078. Coggan, William George. The Effect of Moisture Content on the Flexural Properties of Several Commercial Hardboards.
1954 - Masters
1079. Burnet, Don. An attempt to Recover Cedarwood Oil From Western
Juniper by Destructive Distillation.
1958 - Masters
1080. Patterson, Thomas Joseph. The Effect of Formation Variables on the
Properties of Wood Particle Moldings.
1081. Van Vliet, Antone Cornelis. The Strength of Second Growth DouglasFir in Tension Parallel to Grain.
1959 - Masters
Strause, David Allen. Specific Gravity and Percent Summerwood Variation in a Young Douglas-Fir Clone and Use of Uniformity Trial in
Predicting Specific Gravity From Increment Cores.
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1947 - Masters
1083. Kroll, Robert Louis. Carbonization Products from Scholler Lignin.
1948 - Masters
1084. Plankinton, Robert. Some Aspects of the Swelling of Cellulose Pulp
in Sodium Hydroxide Solutions and the Influence of Wetting Agents
1948 - Doctors
1085. Graham, Harold Morton. The Chemical Composition of the Extractives
from Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britt.).
1949 - Masters
1086. Kiefer, Harry John. The Constituents of Douglas-fir Bark Extractives
(Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britt.).
1950 - Masters
Frost, Thomas Rogers. Production of Levulinic Acid from Cellulose.
- Doctors
1088. Hubbard, James Kenneth. The Constituents of the Extractives from Ponderosa Pine Bark (Pinus ponderosa, Laws.).
1089. Jennings, Jack Hall. Variations in the Cellulose Chain-Length Distribution. Resulting from Different Pulping and Bleaching Operations.
1951 - Masters
1090. Hergert, Herbert Lawrence. The Chemical Nature of Douglas Fir Cork.
1952 - Masters
Smith, James Edward. The Nature of the Chemical Constituents of
Incense Cedar, Libocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Bark.
1092. Tokos, George Mike. The Nature of the Chemical Constituents of Grand
Fir Bark (Abies grandis Lindl.),
- Doctors
1093. Kiefer, Harry John, Jr. The Chemical Composition of the Bast Fibers
of Douglas Fir Bark, Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Poir.) Britt.
1953 - Masters
1094. Becker, Edward Samuel. The Chemical Nature of the Extractives from
the Bark of Red Alder, Alnus rubra, Bong.
1954 - Masters
1095. Fahey, Michael Duncan. Composition of the Volatile Oil From the Foilage and Terminal Branches of Sierra Juniper, Juniperus occidentalis,
1954 - Doctors
1096. Hergert, Herbert Lawrence. The Chemical Nature of the Extractives
from White Fir Bark, Abies concolor (Engelm.) Gord.
1097. Smith, James Edward. The Chemical Nature of the "Lignin" of the
Bark of Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga meneiesii (Mirb.) Franco.
1955 - Doctors
1098. Mater, Jean. Condensation Reactions of Bark Phenolic Acid.
1957 - Doctors
1099. Becker, Edward Samuel. The Chemical Nature of the Extractives from
the Bark of Shasta Red Fir, Abies magnifica var. shastensis Lemm.
1100. Fahey, Michael Duncan. Organic Chemistry of Bark Phenolic Acid.
1959 - Masters
1101. Holmes, George William. An Improved Holocellulose Procedure.
SEE ALSO Forest Engineering
Forest Management
Forest Products
1944 - Masters
1102. Hawkes, Carl Lough. Extension Methods for a County Forester.
1103. Tower, Gordon Eugene. Development of a guide to Order-Giving for
Supervisory use in Lumbering.
1945 - Masters
1104. Dahl, Harold Anthony. A Socio-Economic Plan of Management for the
Powder River Working Circle.
1105. Forbes, Robert Hall. The Use of Sand and Water Cultures in DouglasFir Nursery Practice.
1947 - Masters
Collins, Duane Francis. Potential Timber Values as Compared to Grazing
Values of the Oregon State College Foothill Pasture Lands.
SEE Fish and Game Management
Wildlife Management
1945 - Masters
1107. Wickert, Mary Lorene. Certain Effects Produced in Guinea Pigs Deficient in an Anti-Stiffness Factor.
1954 - Doctors
1108. Love, Chaille Mosely. Human Biology for the Liberal Arts Students.
1955 - Doctors
1109. Postl, Anton. The Value of Laboratory Work in the Natural Sciences
for Students in Programs of General Education.
1947 - Masters
1110. Johnson, Kermit Milton. The Selection and Training of Supervisory
1111. McIntyre, Ethel Mae. Observations on the Purchase, Inspection, and
Preparation of Vegetables for Group Feeding at Certain Army Air
1112. Runkle, A'leen Elizabeth. The Source and Promotion of a Fashion Trend.
1948 - Masters
1113. Yang, Edith Leong. A Proposed Farmstead Plan for an Irrigated Area
in Central Oregon.
1949 - Masters
1114. Monroe, Melvin Candee. Educational, Economic and Sociological Prob-
lems Encountered in Training the Light Aviation Sections of the
Oregon National Guard.
1115. Strangman, Johnnie Lorenzo. Can Handling Equipment for Food Processing Plants.
1951 - Masters
Cate, Donald Francis. Democracy as Exemplified by the Western Powers
and by the Soviet Union in the Reorientation of Youth in Occupied
1117. Kingsbury, Helen. Attitudes, Opportunities and Environment of Negro
Grade School Children at Couch School.
1953 - Masters
1118. Goodale, Dorothy Louise. A History of the Good Samaritan Hospital of
Portland and Its Place in the Community.
1119. McNett, Aileen Alice Guy. Business-Industry-Education and Education-Business-Industry Days in Selected American Cities from 1946
to 1952.
1954 - Masters
1120. David, Gladys Logsdon. Students' Performance in Theory and Practice
in Obstetrics as Related to State Board Examination Returns.
1121. Davis, Eva Ann. The Importance of Experience in Community Nursing
in a Degree Program of Study.
1122. Hamilton, Jean Esther. Evaluation of Medical and Surgical Nursing
Course Offered at a Three Year Hospital School of Nursing in 1953.
1123. Naumann, Theodor Friedrich. Problems of German Youth Since World
War I.
1955 - Masters
1124. Abadir, Insaf Ibrahirn. A Program of Foster Care and Child Adoption
for Egypt.
1125. Borland, Lois. A Training Program with Young Cleft Palate and BrainInjured Children.
Tugman, Robert Cameron. Academic Achievement and Army Qualification Test Scores Compared on a Basis of Eight Thousand Cases.
1127. Vogel, Barbara Ross. Political, Economic and Educational Aims of the
National Association of Manufacturers' Public Relations Program; A
Case Study in Opinion-Molding.
1957 - Masters
1128. Savage, Charles Henry, Jr. A Classification of Managerial Human Relations Problems.
1129. Schmurr, Leonard William. Behavioral Characteristics Reported by
Teachers in Referring Problem Children to the Multnomah County
Juvenile Court.
- Masters
Fiess, Louise Borin. Desirable Technical Skills and Other Qualifications
for Beginning Office Workers as Suggested by Representative Personnel Interviewers in Portland, Oregon.
1131. Ganiere, Ruth. Comparison of Ward Teaching to Nurses' Proficiency
Reports at Veterans Administration Hospital, Vancouver, Washington.
1959 - Masters
1132. Greisel, Irma Joy. The Anti-Scientific Attitudes Among High School
1133. Keller, Karl William. The Degree of Sensitivity of Ministers of the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to Areas of Social Concern.
1134. Orwig, Bernice Irene. Sociometric Techniques as a Basis for Planning
Student Nurse Rotations Through Clinical Experiences.
1953 - Masters
1135. Crowley, George Richard. Hot Water Emasculation of Tall Fescue
(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)
1136. Pierce, Cecil Durwood. Hereditary and Environmental Factors Affecting
Feed Lot Performance in Beef Cattle.
1953 - Doctors
Burris, Martin Joe. The Response of Genetically Related Groups of
Young Beef Cattle to Administered Male Hormones.
1954 - Masters
1138. de Baca, Roberto Luciano C. Genetic and Environmental Differences in
Important Economic Traits of Crossbred Sheep in Spring Lamb Production.
1139. Nelms, George Estes. Some Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting "Net Efficiency" of Beef Cattle.
- Doctors
1140. MacDonald, Malcolm Allan. A Comparison of Metabolism of Rapidly
and Slowly Gaining Beef Cattle.
- Doctors
1141. Johnston, Elbert Felton. Response of Genetically Different Groups of
Sheep to Hill Pasture Conditions.
1142. Williams, Charles Melville. Changes in Certain Blood Constituents Associated with Growth and Development of Young Beef Cattle.
- Doctors
1143. Nelms, George Estes. Urinary 17-Ketosteroids, Rate of Gain, Feed Efficiency and Certain Blood Constituents of Beef Cattle.
1957 - Masters
Fishler, Donald William. The Relationship of Selected Characters to
Yield of Fiber, Straw, and Seed in Fiber Flax, Linum usitatissimunti L.
1145. Frakes, Rodney Vance. Dry Matter and Protein Heritability Estimates
in Tall Fescue, Festuca arundinacca, Schreb.
1957 - Doctors
Jaff, Akram Hamid. Inheritance of Resistance to Physiologic Races T-8,
T-16, and T-17 of Tilletia Caries (D.C.) Tul. in Hybrids of (27-15 x
Rio-Rex) Selection 53 and Elgin Wheat.
1958 - Masters
1147. Alexander, Graham Irving. The Serum Phosphatases of Beef Cattle as
Indices for Rate and Economy of Gains.
1958 - Doctors
1148. Hudson, Frank Alden. Anesthesia Time as a Measure of Body Fat in
Genetically Different Groups of Lambs.
1149. Nicholson, Hugh Hampson. The Effect of Dietary Factors Upon the
Hormone Content of the Anterior Pituitary.
1150. Pahnish, Otto Floyd. Some Genetic and Environmental Factors Influencing the Weaning Weights of Southwestern Range Cattle.
1151. Price, Donald Austin. Chemical and Cellular Constituents in the Blood
of Genetically Different Lines of Growing Beef Cattle.
1959 - Doctors
1152. Alexander, Graham Irving. The Relation of the Serum Phosphatases to
Growth of Genetically Different Groups of Beef Cattle.
1153. Mason, Robert William. Selection for Body Weight in Synthetic Monoparous Populations of Mice.
1154. Ray, Earl Elmer. The Response of Different Strains of Mice to Administered Testosterone and Stilbestrol.
1947 - Masters
1155. Harper, Herbert Ewing. Preliminary Report on the Geology of the
Molalla Quadrangle, Oregon.
1156. Mundorff, Norman Lloyd. The Geology of Alkali Lake Basin, Oregon.
- Masters
1157. Jones, Stewart McReddie. Geology of Gatun Lake and Vicinity.
1949 - Masters
1158. Dobell, Joseph Porter. The Geology of the Antone District of Wheeler
County, Oregon.
1950 - Masters
1159. Coleman, Robert Griffin. The John Day Formation in the Picture Gorge
Quadrangle, Oregon.
1160. DuBar, Jules Ramon. Cretaceious Faunas from the Northern Flank of
Ochoco Range, Oregon.
1161. Taubeneck, William Harris. Geology of the Northeast Corner of the
Dayville Quadrangle, Oregon.
1951 - Masters
1162. Dawson, John William. Geology of the Birch Creek Area, Dayville
Quadrangle, Oregon.
Nesbit, Robert Allen. The Triassic Rocks of the Dayville Quardangle,
Central Oregon.
1952 - Masters
1164. Brogan, John Philip. Geology of the Suplee Area, Dayville Quadrangle,
1165. Heacock, Robert Leon. Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Upper
Part of the Nye Formation, Yaquina Bay, Oregon.
1166. Shelton-Vazquez, Bert Jack. Geology and Petroleum Prospects of Darien,
Southeastern Panama.
1953 - Masters
1167. Bowers, Howard Edward. Geology of the Tony Butte Area and Vicinity, Mitchell Quadrangle, Oregon.
1168. Conrad, Clarence Frederick. Geology of the Ana River Section Summer
Lake, Oregon.
1169. Deacon, Robert Julian. A Revision of Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene Stratigraphic Units in the Upper Nehalem River Basin, Northwest
1170. Herron, John Emanuel. Stratigraphy of the Miocene Agate Beach Formation in Lincoln County, Oregon.
1171. McIntyre, Loren Bruce. Geology of the Marshall Butte Area and Vicinity, Mitchell Quadrangle, Oregon.
1172. Swarbrick, James Castles. Geology of the Sheep Mountain Area and
Vicinity, Mitchell Quadrangle, Oregon.
1954 - Masters
1173. Bedford, John William. Geology of the Horse Mountain Area, Mitchell
Quadrangle, Oregon.
Irish, Robert James. The Geology of the Juniper Butte Area, Spray
Quadrangle, Oregon.
Schlicker, Herbert G. Columbia River Basalt in Relation to Stratigraphy
of Northwest Oregon.
1955 - Masters
Bartley, Ronald Clark. Geology of the East Evans Creek Area, Trail
Quadrangle, Oregon.
1177. Howard, Conrad Byron. Geology of the White Butte Area and Vicinity,
Mitchell Quadrangle, Oregon.
1956 - Masters
1178. Hogenson, Glenmore Melvin. Geology of the Umatilla River Basin Area.
1179. Waisgerber, William. Later Mesozoic Stratigraphy of the Jim Robertson
Ranch Area, Central Oregon.
1957 - Masters
1180. Harms, James Edward. Geology of the Southeast One-Quarter of Camas
Valley Quadrangle, Douglas County, Oregon.
1181. Moore, James Francis, Jr. Geology of the Northwest Quarter of Camas
Valley Quadrangle, Douglas County, Oregon.
1182. Snook, James Ronald. Geology of the Bald Mountain Area, Richmond
Quadrangle, Oregon.
1958 - Masters
1183. Hampton, Eugene Randolph. Geology of the Southeast One-Quarter of
the Tyee Quadrangle and Part of the Adjacent Sutherlin Quadrangle,
1184. Ogren, David Ernest. Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Rocks of Central
Smith, Raymond Ives. Geology of the Northwest Part of Snow Peak
Quadrangle, Oregon.
1959 - Masters
1186. Jones, Robert Wakeman. Lower Tertiary Foraminifera from Waldport,
Pilcher, Stephen Hathaway. Rock Alteration and Vein Mineralization
at the Buffalo Mine, Grant County, Oregon.
SEE Guidance and Personnel
SEE Guidance and Personnel
SEE ALSO Education
1948 - Masters
1188. Johnson, Leone Sands. An Analysis of Religious Activities at Oregon
State College.
1189. Schwab, Margaret Jo. A Recreation Program for Handicapped Children.
1949 - Masters
Carrillo, Lawrence Wilbert. The Use of a "Caution Factor" to Increase
the Predictive Value of the American Council on Education Psychological Examination.
1950 - Masters
Forrest, Howard Alton. A Follow-Up Study of Corvallis High SchoolLeavers.
1192. Goertzen, Stanley Maurice. College Counseling in Theory and in Prac1193.
tice in the Small Colleges and Universities of the Inland Empire.
State, Mary Stewart. An Approach to Family Relationships Through
Fostering Student-Parent Understanding.
1194. Watkins, Norman Bowring. Guidance Practice
Utah Secondary
1950 - Doctors
1195. Hatch, Raymond Norris. Occupational Information Pertinent to the
Training of Counselors.
1951 - Masters
1196. Casey, Sally Alesse. Directing Parental Cooperation in Teaching Reading.
1197. Furchner, Robert Lee. The Relationship Between Reading" Comprehension
and Academic Performance at the College Level.
1198. Harvey, Morris Eugene. The Effect of Counseling on the Scholastic
Performance of a Selected Group of College Freshmen.
1199. Wade, Imogene Swan. Adjustment Problems of Some Junior High
School Students.
1200. Young, Mary Elizabeth. Group Activities to Help Children in Their Adjustments.
- Doctors
1201. Cheney, Truman McGiffin. Pertinent Data in Individual Analysis for
1952 Masters
1202. Feldman, Cynthia Rose. A Comparison of Three Test Scores Used as
Predictors of College Success.
1203. Wells, Arlen Wesley. An Elementary School Guidance Folder Based
Upon Opinions of Selected Oregon Teachers.
1953 - Doctors
1204. Dresher, Richard H. Factors in Voluntary Drop-Outs in the Public Secondary Schools of Detroit, Michigan.
1205. Durnall, Edward James, Jr. A Comparison of Student Personnel Practices in Junior Colleges for Women.
Ferrier, William Kenneth. Programs for Alcohol Education in the United
States and Canada.
1207. Hitchcock, William Lawrence. Secondary School Counselors and Their
Job in the United States.
1208. McCorkle, David Benson. Homeroom Programs in Selected Secondary
Schools in the United States.
1209. Moore, Viron Alonzo. The Status of Graduate Study Through Extension.
1210. O'Dea, John David. A Demonstration of a Method of Evaluating the
Effects of Counseling.
Simerville, Clara Louise. Pre-retirement Expectancy and Retirement
Reality as Factors in the Adjustment of Oregon State Highway Department Older Employees.
1954 - Masters
1212. Aldridge, Athelstan Arnold. A History of the Guidance Program for
Schools of Alberta.
1213. Ard, Ben Neal, Jr. Needed Research in Selected Areas of Human Sex
- Doctors
1214. Koski, William Arthur. An Analysis of the Army Specialized Training
Program's Physical Fitness Test.
1215. Pukas, Elizabeth Natalia. Pupil-Personnel Practices of School Nurses
in California Public Senior High Schools.
1955 - Masters
1216. Blackburn, Jessie Bailey. The Use of the General Aptitude Test Battery
Recorded Interviews in Vocational Counseling.
1217. Dowd, Charles Almeron. Orientation Services in Oregon Secondary
1955 - Doctors
1218. Peithman, Roscoe Edward. The Preparation of Teachers of Industrial
Arts in the Area of Electricity and Electronics.
Stuart, Brett Randall. Factors in Voluntary Drop-Outs in Selected
Public Secondary Schools in Oregon.
1956 - Doctors
1220. Allen, Alvin. Student Problems and Personnel Services in a Selected
Group of Small Colleges.
Ellis, Edward Norman. The Effectiveness of Culture-Free Tests in
Measuring the Intellectual Characteristics of German Immigrants to
1222. Ennis, George William. Certain Variables Related to the Change in Cultural Interests of Lewis and Clark College Freshmen.
1223. Petersen, Harold Ernest. The Role of the Health Educator in Guidance
Reichert, Nalno Ada. Personal Expenditures of Selected Students in
Five Oregon Senior High Schools.
1957 - Doctors
1225. Cantrell, Dorothy Hugh Blocker. Training Programs for Rehabilitation
Counselors inthe United States.
1958 - Doctors
1226. Eppley, Mary Vineita. The Relationship of Personal Factors and Reading Performance to Academic Achievement of Selected Oregon State
College Students.
1959 - Masters
Hollister, Jack Cecil. Rehabilitation Practices for Tuberculosis Patients
at the Oregon State Hospital.
1959 - Doctors
Bell, Keith Andrew. Parent Recognition of the Problems of Their Secondary School Children in a Selected Oregon Community.
1229. Van Loan, Lillian Schroeder. Historical Perspective of Oregon State
SEE ALSO Education
1949 - Masters
1230. Pukas, Elizabeth Natalia. Development of a Health-Education Program
in the Schools of Nursing in Oregon.
1955 - Masters
1231. Bech, Jack Karl. Analysis of the Administration of the Health Examination in the Public Schools of Oregon.
1232. Jones, Lucile Hall. A School Health Program Evaluation Scale.
1956 - Masters
1233. Wells, John Weston. Neuromuscular Responses in Junior High School
1958 - Masters
1234. Paldanius, Ward Albert. Neuromuscular Responses of Ten Athletes and
Ten Non-athletes in Age Groups 15, 16, and 17 in the North Salem,
Oregon, Senior High School.
1959 - Masters
1235. Presley, Jesse Ferman.
Neuromuscular Responses in Leslie
High School Boys.
SEE Civil Engineering
SEE Family Life and Home Administration
1943 - Masters
1236. Griend, Maurine Augusta Vander. Planning a Combination Homemaking
Room for a Monterey, California, School.
Hirst, Alta. Laboratories, Equipment and Practices Used in Teaching
Foods in Oregon High Schools, 1940.
1238. Woodward, Mary Margaret. A Recommended Educational Program in
Nutrition Based on a Survey of Selected Rural Families in Josephine
County, Oregon.
1946 - Masters
1239. Coleman, Commery Wallace. Optimal Storage in the Unit Kitchen.
Hess, Marion Helen. Family Living of Albany, Oregon, High School
Girls as a Basis for Homemaking Curriculum Development.
1949 - Masters
1241. Reichert, Malno Ada. Some Factors Affecting the Supply of Homemaking Teachers in Oregon.
1950 - Masters
Brunquist, Eleanor. Recommended Equipment for Teaching a Four-Year
Homemaking Program in Oregon Secondary Schools.
1243. Fairbanks, Ellen Zoellin. Preparation of a Motion Picture to Aid in
Teaching Clothing in Junior High School Homemaking Classes.
1244. Hollandsworth, Helen Lorena. An Evaluation of Fifteen Homemaking
Programs in Oregon Based on the Blackwell Rating Scale.
1951 - Masters
1245. Opland, Esther Olive. Oregon Homemaking Teachers' Evaluation of
Their Home Visiting.
1952 - Masters
1246. McDowall, Helen May. An Evaluation of Adult Education for Home and
Family Life in Clackamas County, Oregon.
1953 - Masters
Bigej, Barbara Bethine. Attitudes of Homemaking Teachers Toward
Play Schools as Laboratories for Teaching Child Development.
1248. Golden, Cecilly. The Needs of Adolescent Males for Homemaking Education.
Griffin, Margaret Mary. Community Programs of Adult Education for
Family Living in the Western Region.
1250. Morlan, Mary Alice. Relationships Between Western State Vocational
Homemaking Supervisors and Teachers.
1251. Varseveld, Audrey Louise Ingraham. An Appraisal of Oregon's Future
of America
Organization Based on judgments of
1954 - Masters
Smola, Valeria Marie. Evaluation of Homemaking Departments Built or
Remodeled Since 1948.
1955 - Masters
1253. Tschanz, Emilla Lee. Relative Effectiveness of Two Methods of Teaching Nutrition to Two Classes of Homemaking I Girls.
1254. Turner, Miriam. Attitudes of One Hundred Eighty-five Students Toward
Their Family Relationships.
1956 - Masters
Gilbert, Alberta Rae. Improving Methods of Teaching Clothing to Eighth
'Grade Girls.
1256. Meairs, Pattie Peryle. Factors Influencing a Sense of Responsibility in
a Homemaking Class.
1957 - Masters
1257. Shear, Twyla Maisie. An Appraisal of the Oregon Future Homemakers
of America Program for Degrees of Achievement.
1258. Wasson, Emma Dietz. Enrichment of the Curriculum Through Use of
the School Lunch Program in Selected Salem, Oregon, Elementary
1959 - Masters
1259. Jackson, Eileen Lola. An Appraisal of In-Service Education for Home
Economics Teachers in British Columbia.
SEE Family Life and Home Administration
Household Administration
1946 - Doctors
1260. Kim, Chai Hoon. An Inquiry into the Factors Affecting the Shape of
Bartlett Pear Fruits, with Special Reference to Xenia, Metaxenia, and
1949 - Masters
1261. Driver, James Wesley. A Search for Methods of Prolonging the Life
of Cut Carnations.
1262. Hammers, Lewis Angle. The Pollination Status of Prunus subcordata.
1950 - Masters
1263. Hunter, David. Time of Defoliation as It Affects Subsequent Behavior
of Field-Grown Roses.
1264. Lange, Arthur Herman. Intergeneric and Interspecific Cross-Pollination
Studies of Capsicum, Lycopersicum, Physalis and Solanum.
1265. Staatz, Wallace Thompson. Oxidase Enzymes Systems and Respiration
in Pear Fruit Buds.
1950 - Doctors
1266. Date, Waman Bhaskar. Physical and Biochemical Changes in Pears
During Storage and Ripening.
1952 - Masters
Clarkson, Vernon Albert. Relative Toxicity of Aluminum, Boron, and
Manganese at Various pH Levels to Croft Lilies.
1268. Cremins, William Joseph. Effects of Certain Pollinators on Fruit and
Seed Development in the Highbush Blueberry.
1269. Mellenthin, Walter M. Effects of Soil Temperature on the Root Growth
of Marshall Strawberry Plants.
1270. Parsons, Lysle Harrah. Influences of Certain Transplant and Field
Treatments on Early Yield of Tomatoes.
Porritt, Stanley Wallace. The Production of Carbon Dioxide by Isolated
Fruit Tissues.
1954 - Masters
1272. Garren, Ralph, Jr. Certain Genetical and Morphological Aspects of a
Bicarpellate Form of Garden Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L.
1954 - Doctors
Sidwell, Arthur Plummer. The Effects of Nitrogen Phosphorus and
Potassium Fertilization on the Quality and Chemical Composition of
Pole Beans.
1955 - Doctors
1274. Mack, Harry John. Effects of Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium
Fertilization on the Yield and Chemical Composition of Pole Beans.
Neill, John Wesley. The Street Tree Problem for the Pacific Northwest.
Colgrove, Melvin Samuel, Jr. Growth of the Azalea as Influenced by
Hudson, Leland Wilson. The Inheritance of Resistance to Fruit Crack-
1956 - Masters
Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen.
ing in the Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)
1956 - Doctors
Baggett, James Ronald. The Inheritance of Resistance to Bean Yellow
Mosaic Virus in Phaseolus vulgaris L.
1957 - Masters
1279. Uhe, George, Jr. The Influence of Certain Factors on the Acidity and
Sugar Content of the Jersey Blueberry.
1957 - Doctors
1280. Azzam, Hassan Ahmed. Inheritance of Resistance to Fusarium Root Rot
in Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Phaseolus coccineus L.
1281. Laning, Enos Roland, Jr. Sodium 2,2-Dichloropropionate and Sodium
2,2,3-Trichloropropionate Absorption and Translocation in Certain
Vegetable Crops and Residual Activity in Soil.
1958 - Masters
1282. McNeilan, Ray Arthur. The Combined Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition,
Temperature, and Day Length on Growth of Greenhouse Azaleas.
1958 - Doctors
1283. Nonnecke, Ib Libner. Yield Variability of Sweet Corn and Canning Peas
as Affected by Plot Size and Shape.
1959 - Doctors
Porritt, Stanley Wallace. Effect of Temperature on Physiology and
Storage Quality of Pears.
SEE ALSO Family Life and Home Administration
1943 - Masters
1285. Boyd, Carol Elizabeth. A Study of Family Life Practices of Graduates,
School of Home Economics, Oregon State College : 1918-1922 and 19301934.
1286. Feigenson, Tina Esther. Attitude Changes Resulting from Home Management House Experience.
1287. McCulloch, Margaret Mildred. A Study of Attitudes of Men College
Students Concerning Selected Phases of Income Management During
the First Year of Marriage.
1288. Middleton, Margaret. The Effect of Nursery School Experience on
College Students Attitudes and Practices with Reference to Children.
1289. Mulkey, Willetta Welch. College Students' Attitudes Toward Marriage
During the War Period.
1290. Watkins, Margaret Morcom. A Study of the Attitudes and Practices of
High School Girls Concerning Money Management.
1291. Williamson, Alene Morris. Attitudes of 100 High School Seniors Toward
Preparation for Marriage.
1292. Wise, Julianne. The Development of a Self-rating Scale for Girls Living
in a Home Management House.
1293. Wright, Elizabeth Hughson. A Study of the Attitudes of Five Hundred
Four High School Students Toward Home and Family Life Situations.
1944 - Masters
1294. Murphy, Nita Ellaf red. A Study of Management Practices in Homes of
Selected College Freshmen.
1295. Ware, Margaret Christian. The Influence of Selected Factors in Family
Relationships on the Life Patterns of 160 College Women.
1945 - Masters
1296. Arney, Helen Hulac. Attitudes and Practices of College Women Concerning Problems Involving Family Adjustments During Wartime.
1297. Hockersmith, Ruth George. Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships from
Youth's Point of View.
1298. Lemmon, Inez Rivers. Attitudes and Practices of High School Boys and
Girls Concerning Money Management During War Times.
1946 - Masters
1299. Zimmer, Helen Marie. Housing Arrangements Affecting Certain Home
Management Practices When Preschool Children Are Included.
1946 - Doctors
1300. Chang, Suen-i Wu. Relationship Between Personality of College Students
and Their Attitudes Toward Preschool Children.
1947 - Masters
Alter, Florence Snowbarger. Family Problems of a Limited Group of
College-student Veterans Who Are Parents.
1302. Barooah, Pramila Pandit. Children's Use of and Teachers' Participation
in Selected Play Materials in Nursery School.
1303. Bunting, Pauline. Storage Requirements for the Possessions of Children
in Wyoming Rural Homes (Ten to Fourteen Years of Age).
1948 - Masters
1304. Anderson, Irene Frances. Trends in Teaching Family Relationships in
the Secondary Schools of California.
1305. Clark, Frances Port. The Dominative and Integrative Teacher-Child
Contacts of Seven Nursery School Teachers.
1949 - Masters
1306. Kimel, Helen Maurine. Trends in Teaching Family Relationships in
Kansas High Schools of One Hundred to Five Hundred Enrollment.
1950 - Masters
1307. Carlson, Virginia Margaret. Considerations in Planning a Women's Cooperative Residence Unit at Oregon State College.
1308. Cho, Yong Sock. Attitudes of a Group of College Women Students
Toward Preschool Children in Play Situations.
1309. Pak, Sang In. Attitudes of a Group of College Women Students Toward
the Use of Freedom and Restraint in Directing Preschool Children.
Staton, Maryanne Kennedy. Attitudes of a Group of Oregon High
School Seniors Toward Home and Community Problems.
1951 - Doctors
Liu, Yu-Chen. Interactions Within Chinese-American Families of Portland, Oregon, Resulting from Cultural Differences.
1952 - Masters
1312. Tuller, Margaret Huston. Features of Electric Ranges Needed for Oregon Farm Kitchens.
SEE Civil Engineering
SEE ALSO Industrial Education
1947 -Masters
1313. Barth, George Adams. The Industrial Arts as Adapted to Leisure Occupation.
1948 - Masters
1314. Chambers, George Florent. Sequence and Time Requirements of Industrial Arts Courses in the Junior High School.
1315. Davis, Maurice Walton. The 1940 Status and Post War Outlook of Industrial Education in California Junior Colleges.
1949 - Masters
1316. Boswell, Clifford Edwin. A Study of Handicrafts in Junior Colleges
of the Western States, With Particular Reference to Objectives and
1317. Upton, Deane Taylor. Improvement in the Teaching of Industrial Arts
Through Correlation with Other Areas in the High School.
1951 - Masters
1318. MacLeod, James, Jr. A Follow-up Study of Oregon State College
Graduates in Industrial Administration.
1319. Perrin, Albert Maitland Kitchiner. The Development of Industrial Arts
Education in the Province of Alberta.
1952 - Masters
1320. Blanchard, Russell Hays. Evaluative Criteria for Audio-Visual Materials.
1953 - Masters
1321. DeStefano, Ernest Joseph. A Program for the Coordination of Industrial Arts Personnel in the Pittsburgh, California, City School District.
1322. Lively, Roy James. Blueprint Reading as an Introductory Background
for Mechanical Drawing in Junior High School.
1323. Moreland, Robert Morris. A History of Industrial Arts in Oregon to
1324. Roloff, Arthur Daniel. Building Construction as a Practical Arts Core
for the Sixth Grade.
1954 - Masters
1325. Anderson, Wade Maples. Facilities and Techniques for the Finishing of
Industrial Arts Projects.
1326. Bastow, Paul Gordon. Project Selection for Prospective Industrial Arts
Machine-Shop Teachers.
1327. Bingham, Forrest, Jr. Status and Organization of Industrial Arts
Co-Curricular Activities in Selected High Schools in the San Joaquin
1328. Dawley, Homer Carroll. Procedures of Industrial Arts Teachers in
Providing Supplies in Selected Southern California High Schools.
1329. Ellis, Gerald Edwin. Engineering Drawing as a Predictive Factor for
Success in Engineering Studies.
1330. Hand, Frederick Abraham. Utilizing Pacific Coast Hardwoods in the
Public School Industrial Arts Program.
1331. Harter, Leland Ivor. An Industrial-Arts Program for a Small High
1332. McCaleb, Omer Kennilworth. High School Drawing and Certain Other
Factors Relating to Student Performance in Engineering Drawing.
1333. Nedom, Leroy Edward. An Integrated Industrial-Arts Program for the
Grant Union District Secondary Schools of Sacramento County, California.
1334. Pinson, Lawrence Gale. An Evaluation of the Driver Education and
Training Program in the Olympia, Washington, High School.
1955 - Masters
1335. Aldrich, Leslie Leroy. A Study of Automotive Mechanics Education with
Suggestions for Improving Industrial Arts Automotive Programs in
Oregon Secondary Schools.
Corbett, Arthur Charles. A Mobile Shop Unit for Oregon's Rural
Hall, Henry Osborn. An Evaluation of the Mobile Shop Program of
Kern County.
1338. Macomber, Oliver Wendell. Evaluation of the Driver Education and
Training Program-Porterville (California) Union High School.
1339. Oylear, Clarence Herbert. A Course of Study for Elementary OxyAcetylene Welding.
1956 - Masters
Frie, George O'Dell, Jr. Applications of the Silk Screen Process to
Industrial Arts in Elementary Education.
1341. Rublin, Willard Gordon. Methods of Issuing and Accounting for Supplies in Industrial Arts Shops in Washington.
1342. Stevens, DeWeese. A Comparison of Costs of Graphic Arts with Other
Industrial Arts Areas.
1957 - Masters
1343. Graves, Theodore George. Field Practices as Bases for Evaluating and
Improving a College-Level Air-Conditioning Drafting Course.
1344. Spencer, Julius Dean. An Experimental Approach to Injection Molding
with Polyester Resins for Industrial Arts Classes.
1345. Weidman, Burton Elwin. Industrial Arts as a Medium of Public Relations in Secondary Education.
1958 - Masters
1346. Hayner, John Brooks. Individual Instruction Sheets in Industrial ArtsTheir Value and Extent of Usage.
1347. Hoeye, Wyman Delos. Individual Machine Workstations for Machine
1348. Leduc, Robert Joseph. The History and Present Status of Industrial
Arts in the Public Schools of British Columbia.
1959 - Masters
1349. Johnson, Robert Severt. Techniques of Working Stainless Steel in Secondary School Metal Shop.
SEE ALSO Industrial Arts Education
1943 - Masters
1350. Lane, Irving Eugene. A Study of Text and Reference Material, Used
for Industrial Arts Metalworking, in the Secondary Schools of California.
1351. Magness, Wilbur Carnes. Selected Handcrafts for the High School Industrial Arts Instructor and the Home Shop Hobbyist.
1352. Miller, Joseph Verne. A Study of the Training Methods Used by a
Major Aircraft Industry in Wartime.
1353. Ringold, Howard Wood. Initial Problems of Beginning Teachers of Industrial Arts.
1944 - Masters
1354. Forsea, Harold Lazard. A Survey of Certain Phases of Selected General
Shop Programs in Secondary Schools West of the Mississippi River.
1947 - Masters
1355. Boggess, Jack Clifford. A Contract Plan for Woodworking Instruction
at the Ninth Grade Level.
1356. Schorling, Horace Oren. A Handwork Activity Program for Elementary
Shesler, Franklin B. Freehand Drawing as an Approach to Drafting
Theory at the Secondary School Level.
1358. Tresler, Harold Carl. Methods of Shop Finance Used by Industrial Arts
Instructors of Oregon.
1359. Wake, Selmer Olene. An Investigation of the Need for a College Program in Graphic Arts on the Pacific Coast.
1360. Wells, Wallace Wilder. The Value of Industrial Arts for Secondary
School Girls.
1948 - Masters
1361. Aubol, Quentin Seldon. Minimalic Construction in the Oregon Schools.
1362. Burford, Wesley Roy. Consumer Information Needed by the Prospective
Home Owner.
1363. Buxton, Robert Edward. Implications of the 6-4-4 Plan for the Development of Industrial Arts and Vocational Education.
1364. Martin, Wayne Stephen. An Evaluation of Industrial Arts Programs in
Oregon High Schools in Terms of Nationally Accepted Objectives.
1365. Oliphant, Alva Wayne. Lapidary Work as a Medium of Instruction for
the Industrial Arts Program.
Santee, Donald Frederick. A Survey of Industrial Arts in the Public
Schools of Oregon.
1367. Schwalm, Ray Alvin. A Survey of the Industrial-Arts Graphic-Arts
Area in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Schools.
1368. Van Arsdale, Gordon Duncan. Welding as a Medium of Instruction for
Industrial Arts.
1949 - Masters
1369. Brown, Ronald Alfred. The Contribution of Industrial Arts to the Hobbies of High School Boys in Selected California Counties.
1370. Fox, Nelson Henry. Ceramics as an Experience Area in the Industrial
Arts Program.
1371. Musbach, Charles George. An Analysis of Prefabricated Home Construction for Buyer's Acceptance Objectives.
1372. Webb, Ray Ogden. A Proposed Program of Driver Education and
1950 - Masters
1373. Dettinger, Donald James. A Transportation Unit as a Medium of Instruction for Industrial Arts.
1374. Dunlop, William John. State Supervision of Industrial Arts in Washington.
1375. Feuches, Conrad. The Training and Experience of Industrial Arts Teachers in the San Joaquin Valley.
1376. Mays, William Atkins. Evaluation of Selected Industrial Bulletins and
Other Technical Materials Related to Industrial Arts.
Scott, Russell Perry. Methods Employed by Oregon High Schools in
Checking and Maintaining Shop Tools.
1378. Siegner, Clarence Vernon. Community Resources as a Means of Teaching
Related Information in Industrial Arts.
1951 - Masters
1379. Ackley, Philip Jackson. The Storage of Large Woodworking Projects
During the Assembly and Finishing Stages.
1380. Avey, Cloyce Keith. Relationships Between the Programs of Vocational
Agriculture and Industrial Arts.
1381. Bakke, Wilhelm. A Study of the Leisure Time Craft Program for Soldiers at Fort Lewis.
1382. Bushong, Fred Thomas. A Survey of the Teaching of Mechanical Draw-,
ing in the junior High Schools of Illinois.
1383. Close, Charles Wayne. Evaluation of In-Service Training Techniques by
Industrial Arts Teachers of Selected California Schools.
1384. Ferry, Francis Richard. Model Airplane Construction and Flying in the
Industrial Arts Program. (Joint thesis with Robert Llewellyn Nicholson)
1385. Gamett, LaVell Clarence. Proposal for Reorganizing the Industrial Arts
Program at Brigham Young University.
1386. Gardner, Royal Willard. A Comparison of Related Information for Industrial Arts Classes with a National Survey of Standards.
1387. Gerard, John Caryll. A Follow-up Study of Industrial Arts Education
Graduates of Oregon State College Since 1940.
1388. Locke, Robert Charles. The Role of Industrial Arts in Adult Education in Selected California Counties.
1389. Nicholson, Robert Llewellyn. Model Airplane Construction and Flying
in the Industrial Arts Program. (Joint thesis with Francis Richard
Saling, Neil Edmund. The Technical and Professional Preparation of
the Industrial Arts Teachers in Oregon.
1391. Woodward, William Kenneth. Dissemination of Occupational Information Through Industrial Arts in the Secondary Schools of Oregon.
1952 - Masters
1392. Davidson, John Taylor. Cooperative Buying in Industrial Arts on a
Tri-County Basis.
1393. Foster, Milton Morris. Tort Liability Affecting the Industrial Arts
1394. Godard, Lauren Francis. Selected Phases of England's Arts and Crafts
Program Applied to Industrial Arts in the United States.
1395. Loveless, Austin Gudmund. Content and Teaching Methods for Beginning
Drawing in the Junior High Schools of Utah.
1953 - Masters
1396. Turney, Wilbur Leland. A Proposed Driver Education Program for the
Kern County, California, Union High School District.
1397. Wheeler, Ralph Roswell. An Industrial Arts Program for the Elementary
Schools of Calaveras County, California.
1955 - Masters
1398. McCauley, Versel Dean. The Professional and Experience Background
of Oregon Public School Administrators.
1952 - Masters
1399. Weatherbee, Lyle Eugene. An Evaluation of Industrial Engineering
Practices in the Greater Portland Area.
1954 - Masters
1400. Huffman, Howard Lloyd. The Analysis of Present Plywood Gluing Techniques and a Method for the Development of Synthetic Data.
1401. Waage, Everett Nels. Analysis of Payroll Systems to Determine Minimum Unit Costs.
1955 - Masters
1402. Chakraborty, Bhubaneswar. Mental Activity
Standards in Clerical
Taylor, Rulon Ellison. The Application of Industrial Engineering SelfImprovement Techniques to Furniture Manufacturing.
1956 - Masters
1404. Hayner, Charles Truman. The Application of Industrial Engineering
Self Improvement Techniques to Purchasing Procedures.
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1948- Masters
1405. Eddy, Lowell Perry. The Dissolution of Gold 'by Selenic Acid.
1948 - Doctors
1406. Schreyer, James Marlin. Higher Valence Compounds of Iron.
1952 - Masters
1407. Ralphs, Delbert Lloyd. The Mechanism of Carrying Plutonium. III on
Lanthanum Fluoride.
1408. Smith, Robert Clifford. Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Liquid Hydrogen Sulfide.
1952 - Doctors
1409. Evans, Ersel Arthur. Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Acetic Anhydride and Anhydrous Acetic Acid.
1953 - Masters
1410. Mickelsen, John Raymond. Coloring Glass With Gold Selenate.
1955 - Masters
1411. Leonard, Lawrence Stuart. A Rapid Determination of the Alkali Metals.
1955 - Doctors
Svadlenak, Rudolf Eldo. The Ortho-Para Hydrogen Conversion on Iron
Oxide-Zinc Oxide Catalysts.
1956 - Masters
1413. Beam, Chester Ronald. Distribution of Lanthanum Between Aqueous
Thiocyanate and Isophorone.
1414. Johnson, Leroy Franklin, Jr. Isotopic Exchange Reactions of Sulfur
1956 - Doctors
1415. Mickelsen, John Raymond. Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Liquid Hydrogen Sulfide.
1958 - Masters
1416. Bingham, Wallace Karl. Determination of Alkali Metals in Insoluble
Compounds by Reduction with Calcium Hydride.
1417. Dartau, Roland 'George. Thallous Complexes in Bromide Solutions.
1418. Pakulak, Jack Metro, Jr. Differential Spectrophotometric Determination
of Titanium.
1958 - Doctors
1419. Kupka, Frank. Organic Cation Exchange Reactions of Calcium Montmorillonite.
1957 - Masters
1420. Moore, Shirley Tuttle. Appraisal of Food Cost Control Records in
Selected Hospitals as a Basis for a System in a Two Hundred-Bed
SEE Forest Engineering
1945 - Masters
1421. Pomeroy, David. Orthogonal Polynomials.
1947 - Masters
1422. Smith, Walter Lawrence. On the Solution of Vector Equations.
1948 - Masters
1423. Goman, Edward 'Gordon. The Extension of Gibbs' Vector Products to
Stalley, Robert Delmer. Summation and Tables of Finite Sums.
1425. Young, Frederick Harris. Summation of Divergent Infinite Series by
Arithmetic, 'Geometric, and Harmonic Means.
1948 - Doctors
1426. Eves, Howard Whitley. A Class of Projective Space Curves.
1949 - Masters
Ericksen, Jerald LaVerne. Trihedral Curves.
1428. Smith, Newton Birrel. 'Generalized Difference Operators With Applications to Physical Systems.
1949 - Doctors
1429. Price, James Ferris. Systems of Rational Differential Equations.
1950 - Masters
1430. Harvey, Laurence Alfred. The Operational Solution of Vector Differential Equations.
1431. Oeder, Robert Donald. Errors in Linear Nonhomogeneous Algebraic
1432. Rickard, LaVerne Edwin. Fourier Analysis of Non-sinusoidal Waves.
1433. Smith, Orville Dale. An Elementary Approach to Hyperbolic 'Geometry.
1951 - Masters
Cherry, Ivan Jackson. Bordered Triangles.
1435. Harper, Paul Eugene. Index and Zeros of a Function of a Complex
1436. Hoggatt, Verner Emil, Jr. Hyperbolic Trigonometry Derived from the
Poincare Model.
1437. Nickel, James Alvin. Toroidal and Bipolar Harmonics.
1438. Pearson, Patricia Margaret. Cyclotomy in the Galois Fields.
1439. Whitbeck, Walter Franklin. An Alternate Interpretation of Some Fundamentals of the Tensor Calculus.
1440. Wirshup, Arthur D. Geometrical Aspects of Certain First Order Differential Equations.
1952 - Masters
1441. Banks, Dallas Odell. Solutions of Linear Systems with Random Coefficients.
1442. Brown, Robert Wallace, Sr. Solvability of Equations by Radicals.
1954 - Masters
1443. Bredemeier, Richard Baillie. Cayley's Absolute and the Non-Euclidean
1444. Cone, Donald Harry. Difference Expressions for the Three-Dimensional
Laplacian Operator.
1445. Glahu, Thomas Leroy. An Error Bound for an Iterative Method of Solving Fredholm Integral Equations.
Rall, Louis Baker. Error Bounds for Iterative Solutions of Fredholm
Integral Equations.
1954 - Doctors
1447. Fredrickson, Elvy Lennea. Application of the Schmidt Theory to Nonlinear Integral Equations.
1955 - Masters
1448. Bachelor, Gilbert Arthur. Systems of Operational Equations.
1449. Clark, David Linus. The Algebra and Topology of Binary Relations.
1450. Hilzman, John. The Frechet Differential in Normed Linear Spaces.
1451. McFarland, James Edward. An Operational Continued Fraction Solution
to a Second Order Equation in Banach Space.
Riddell, Walter Coleman. On the Intrinsic Solution of the Dirichlet
1453. Tucker, Richard Ray. The Convergence of Aitkens a'-Process.
1955 - Doctors
1454. Brock, Robert Lewis. A New Mathematical Theory of Detection by
Electronic Instruments.
1455. Thompson, Gene Thomas. On Bateman's Method for Solving Linear Integral Equations.
1956 - Masters
1456. Amos, Donald Edward. A Two-Dimensional Analog of the Dougall
1457. Defenbach, Jean Marie. A Review of Several Classical Measure Functions.
1458. Dyche, Chester Wayne. On Multiple Point Taylor Series Expansions.
1459. Luehr, Charles Poling. Some Analytical Properties of Bi-vectors.
1460. Wheelock, James Dickinson. Multivariate Interpolation.
1956 -Doctors
Carpenter, James Floyd. On the Doppler Frequency Spectrum Presented
to a Moving Radar System by Reflection from a Rough Plane Earth.
1462.. Hoggatt, Verner Emil, Jr. The Inverse Weierstrass p-Function: Numerical Solution, Related Properties and Applications.
1463. Rall, Louis Baker. The Quadratic Formula in Banach Space.
1957 - Doctors
1464. Anselone, Philip Marshall. Convergence of the Wick-Chandrasekhar
Approximation Technique in Radiative Transfer.
1465. Clark, David Linus. The Distribution of Linear Functionals on Stochastic Processes.
1466. Kratzke, Albert William. First Passage Time Distributions in Electronic Receivers.
1467. Nickel, James Alvin. Plane Wedge Flow of a Homogeneous Incompressible Isotropic Reiner-Riviin Fluid.
1958 - Masters
1468. Brown, James Russell. A Structure Theory of Modules with a, Special
Reference to Those Defined by the Cauchy Convergence Criterion.
1958 - Doctors
1469. Brown, Robert Wallace. Solution of a Nonlinear Equation Arising in a
Discontinuous Control Problem.
1470. Hilzman, John. Application of a Frechet Differential to the Approximate Solution of the Volterra Integral Equation.
1959 - Masters
1471. Gutzler, Charles Houston. An Iterative Method of Wegstein for Solving
Simultaneous Nonlinear Equations.
1472. Jirka, Robert James. An Iterative Method for Finding a Solution to a
Zero-Sum Two Person Rectangular Game.
1473. Kohfeld, John Jacob. A Constructive Proof of the Fundamental Theorem
of Algebra.
1474. Laxdal, Albert Lee. A Mechanization of Quine's Canonical Form.
1475. Riggle, Everett Cramer. An Alternating Gradient Method for Solving
Linear Systems.
1959 - Doctors
Rio, Sheldon Theodore. On the Hammer Topological System.
1943 - Masters
1477. Zilka, Thomas Jones.Construction and Operation of an Instrument
Flight Trainer.
1946 - Masters
1478. Arents, Chester Abbo. Intergranular Corrosion and Diffusion in 24S
Aluminum Alloy Sheet as Related to Heat Treatment.
1479. Hunt, Edwin. Exact Solution Charts for the ' Airplane Climb Equation.
1480. Summers, Robert Edward. Organization of a School for Training Naval
1947 - Masters
Bullwinkle, Benjamin Bales, Jr. The Influence of Silicon on the Subcritical Austenitic Transformation in Gray Cast Iron.
1482. Burns, Henry Lee. Fundamental Design Principles of Pressure Regulat-
ing Valves.
1483. Harrison, Charles William. An Apparatus for Determining the Ignition
Temperatures of Organic Substances.
1484. Lind, Edward Raymond. Simplified Method of Determining the Acoustical Coefficient of Absorption of Materials.
1485. Skinner, William James. Economics of Personal Airplane Operation.
1948 - Masters
1486. Adams, Edward Erick. The Determination of Ignition Temperatures of
Organic Materials.
Bailey, Charles Ogden. Determination of Stresses in Riveted Lap Joints
by the Photoelastic Method.
1488. Berlin, Edgar David. The Effect of the Forming Properties of Aluminum
Alloy 75S on Aircraft Construction.
1489. Carter, Robert Verne. Installation and Calibration of a Dynamometer
Test Cell.
1490. Cooper, William Eugene. Construction of Electric Strain Gage Indicating
1491. Fanger, Carleton George. Construction of a Model of a High Speed
Wind Tunnel.
1492. Fauerso, Walter Eric. Strength and Corrosion Resistance Properties of
a New Aluminum Solder.
1493. Jones, Lester Robert. Analysis and Performance of a Conventional High
Speed Compression-Ignition Engine Adapted to Gas Fuel Utilization.
1494. Kizilkaya, Sevket. Refrigeration and Cold Storage Plant Design for
Turkey. (Capacity Thirty Tons Clear Ice.)
1495. Liik, George. Alternate Heating Possibilities for an Isolated Dude Ranch.
1496. McLean, Corwin Duncan. Development of an Engine Test Procedure for
Determining the Preignition Characteristics of Motor Fuels.
1497. Marshall, Thomas 'George. Temperature Effects on the Mechanical Properties of Welds in Three Typical Structural Steels.
1498. Ozipek, Kamran Abdurrahim. Special Design Features of a Steam Heating Installation in Istanbul, Turkey.
1499. Parker, Howard Wesley. The Electrolytic Polishing of Metals and Its
Application to Metallographic Specimens.
1500. Rutherglen, John Alfred. Modern Railway Motive Power Trends in the
Shields, Edward, Jr. Design of Wind Tunnel for Oregon State College
Aeronautical Laboratory.
1502. Wintler, John Townsend. Analysis of Airline Operating Costs and
1949- Masters
1503. Anderson, Donald Evans. Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagram
From Modified End-Quench Method.
1504. Balasunder, Seth. Constitution and Age-Hardening Properties of Cu-Zr
1505. Bryant, Stanley Leroy. The Effect of Humidity on the Ignition Temperatures of Some Organic Materials.
Caldwell, Allan Linwood. Solutions of the Two-Dimensional, Subsonic
Flow About an Airfoil.
1507. Cehrs, Charles Harold. Application of Electrical Resistance Strain Gage
to an Elastic Calibrating Device.
1508. Culbertson, James Francis. Space Heating With Electric Radiant Panels.
1509. Gayer, 'George Frederick William. Comparison of European and American
Heavy Machinery Design, Manufacturing, and Economics Influencing
Licensing Agreements.
Glass, Robert Gilbert. Characteristics of An Absorption Type Dehumidifier.
1511. Gwin, George Andrew, Jr. The Effect of Vacuum Annealing on the
Impact Properties of Structural Steel Plate.
1512. McRae, Jerald Oliver. Some Experiments on the Solid-Phase Bonding
of Leaded Brass.
1513. Mingle, John 'Glenn, Jr. Mixture Control Testing of a Spark-Ignition
Engine With Anti-Detonant Admission.
1514. Peterson, Roy Stanley. Heat Utilization in a Sewage Disposal Plant.
1515. Proctor, Robert Swope. Analysis of Operating Parameters on Surface
Ignition in Spark Ignition Engines.
1516. Reinhart, William Arthur. A Device for Measuring Inflammability Limits
and Flame Propagation Rates in Fuel Gases.
1517. Seshadri, Erode Venkataramanan. Performance of Spark-Ignition Engine
With Admission of Some Internal Knock-Suppressing Coolants.
1518. Wheelock, Clifford Warren. Metallographic and Physical Properties of
Some Cold Drawn Wires.
1519. Whitcomb, Carroll Card, Jr. A Comparison of a Special Cored Brake
Drum with One of Conventional Design.
1950 - Masters
1520. Christensen, Harvey DeVon. Investigation of the Stress Distribution
in Chain Links.
1521. Dennison, Robert Francis. Use Properties of Automotive Antifreeze
1522. Hitsman, Arthur Ellwood. Design Properties of Irving-Type Open-Grid
Steel Bridge Flooring.
1523. Holstege, Conrad Johan Marie. Heat Transmission Coefficient of Boil1524.
ing Ammonia in an Inclined Tube.
Kelly, Mark Warburton. Numerical Solutions of Two-Dimensional, Compressible Flow About an Airfoil.
Kleint, Roderic Emil. System of Zirconium-Tantalum Alloys-Zircon-
ium Rich Portion.
1526. Lockwood, Raymond Marshall. Design of a Helicopter With a Jet-Propelled Rotor.
1527. Peavy, Bradley Adelbert, Jr. Determination of Film Coefficient for
Boiling Ammonia.
Phillips, Wayne Ellsworth. Analysis of a Problem in Remote Radiation
Saul, Adolf Theodore Regis. The Present Status of the Residential Heat
1530. Viggers, Robert Frederick. The Magnesium-Zirconium Alloys.
1531. Wagner, Wayne Alan. The Effect of Magnesium Additions on the Microstructure and Certain Physical Properties of Cast Iron.
1951 - Masters
1532. Bennett, Wayne. A Mechanical Method for Determining the Internal
Damping of Materials.
1533. Bowman, Lyle O. Corrosion and Freezing Protection for Automotive
Cooling Systems.
1534. Brandenburg, Norman Robert. Pozzolanic Properties of Oregon Volcanic
1535. Fox, John Charles. Power and Economy of an Automatically Variable
Compression Ratio Engine.
1536. Graf, Sam Edlefsen. Development and Application of a Vibratory Cavitation Tester.
1537. Horton, Raynor Eugene. Factors Affecting the Properties of Pumice
Concrete Masonry Units.
1538. Lee, Fred Cheong. A Direct-Reading Instrument for the Measurement
of Gasoline Flow in Engine Fuel Systems.
1539. Reynolds, Ralph Kerr. A Continuous-Process Radio-Frequency Food1540.
Blanching Pilot Plant.
Selliken, Joseph Hartvig. Fatigue Properties of Zirconium.
1952 - Masters
1541. Bone, Harold Kenneth. Load-Distributing Properties of Open-Grid Steel
1542. Brown, Millard Leroy. Design of an Absorption Refrigeration Unit for
Domestic Air Conditioning Service.
1543. Hays, Donald Frank. Stress Distribution About a Square Hole in a
Uniaxial Tension Plate.
1544. Hazarika, Indra Nath. A Study of Pulping Processes in the United
States with Possibilities of Application to Indian Woods.
1545. Honegger, Harry Harkenrider. Design and Construction of an Automatic
Recording Dilatometer.
1546. Houser, Donald Wilfred. Improved Part-Loan Economy Using High
Compression and Lean Mixtures with the Humphreys Variable Compression Ratio Engine.
1547. Jackson, Harry James. Low and High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Annealed Zirconium.
1548. Kemper, Robert Schooley, Jr. The Zirconium-Silver System.
1549. Liu, Shou Ying. Bearing Qualities of Various Ferrous Metals When
Tested Against Micarta Under Water Lubrication.
1550. Moore, Edward Harry. Design and Construction of an Improved Conductor Vibration Recorder.
1551. Powne, Robert Edney. An Improved Separator for Use in the Field
Distillation of Peppermint Oil.
1552. Robidart, Charles Martin. Stability of Some Commercial Lubricating Oil
Addition Agents in an Internal Combustion Engine.
Schlappi, Herman Casper. Stress Distribution in Models Subjected to
Dynamic Loading.
1953 - Masters
1554. Arents, Chester Abbo. A Dynamic Procedure for Evaluating Resilient
1555. Hyde, Paul Elmer. Determination of Temperature Gradients in Clay
Soil Surrounding a Heat Pump Ground Coil.
1556. Lockwood, Raymond Marshall. Pulsejet Ejectors.
1557. Lynch, James Edward. High-Pressure Steam Service for O.S.C. Engineering Laboratory.
1558. Merklin, Eldon Oren. Selection and Testing of Pyrometers for HighTemperature Gas Flow.
Ott, Roland Elwood. Air Conditioning McNary Hydroelectric Powerhouse With Heat Pumps.
1560. Pouderoux, Pierre. Water Table Analogue for Compressible Flow Stu1559.
Reiber, Emerson Francis. The Design and Calibration of a High-Speed
Dynamometer for Small 'Gas Turbine Applications.
1562. Robins, Charles Samuel. Characteristics of a Capillary Air Washer.
1563. Stone, Etric Lee. Isothermal Transformation of Aluminum Bronze.
1564. Teshima, Yoshio. Mechanical and Stress-optical Properties of Photoelastic Materials.
1953 - Doctors
1565. Armstrong, Aasa William. Tentative Equilibrium Diagram for the
Nickel-Rich End of the Nickel-Zirconium System.
1954 - Masters
1566. Boubel, Richard William. The Application of Paramagnetism to the
Measurement of Oxygen in Engine Exhaust Gases.
1567. Peterson, Reuben William. The Effect of Operating Variables on Piston
Ring Wear as Determined by Radioactive Tracers.
1568. Skene, Emerson Matthew. The Tools of the Radar System Engineer.
1955 - Masters
English, Richard Arthur. A Design Study of an All-Year Solar-Ener-
gized Residential Air-Conditioning System.
1570. Gregg, 'Gale B. The Suspension Drying of Sawdust.
1571. Johnson, Linwood Eugene. The Effect of Oil Viscosity on Piston Ring
Wear as Determined by Radioactive Tracer.
1572. Yavruyan, Masis. The Application of Air Entrainment to Concrete in
the Corvallis Area.
1956 - Masters
1573. McKee, Laird Wesley, The Effect of the Antiknock Fluid Content in
'Gasoline on Piston Ring Wear as Determined by Radioactive Tracer.
1574. Meador, Henry Thomas. The Effects of Low Sump Temperatures and
Engine Starting on Piston Ring Wear.
1575. Olson, Donel Rudolph. The Effect of Detonation on Piston Ring Wear.
Presley, LeRoy Lawrence. An Investigation of the Performance of
Sharp-Edged Jet Engine Inlets at Zero Forward Velocity.
1957 - Masters
Chatterjee, Krishna Chandra. Design and Construction of an Extensometer for High Temperature Tensile Testing.
Croeni, Jack George. Creep Tests on Single Strand Aluminum Alloy
Conductor Wire.
1579. Noyes, Roy Barnes. Heat Losses in the Permeable Wall Furnace.
1958 - Masters
Claudson, Tommie Tucker. Emissivity Data for Uranium Dioxide.
1581. Gerard, Thomas John. Creep Strength of Aluminum Alloy Conductor.
1582. Heacock, Harold Wendall. An Experimental Determination of Coefficients for the Contraction and Diffusion of Submerged jets in :Series.
1583. Riggs, James Lear. A Qualitative Study of Recirculation in Cooling
1959 - Masters
1584. Balch, Robert Lyle, Jr. An Experimental Nondestructive Method for
Determining the Buckling Load of a Column With Arbitrary End
1585. Hugelman, Rodney Dale. A Multichannel Single Frequency Radio Control
1586. McLellan, Dale Lawrence. The Application of Statistical Techniques to
Piston Ring Wear as Influenced by Gasoline Additives and Jacket
1587. Newton, John Francis, Jr. An Application of the Newtonian Boundary
Condition to Supersonic Jets Exhausting into a Hypersonic Stream.
1588. Prasad, Prem. Creep Tests on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Conductors.
1589. Rasmussen, Maurice Lee. The Effect of a Canard Surface on the Total
Lift of an Unswept Wing in Subsonic Flow.
1590. Rayl, Stephen Christopher. The Method of Characteristics for Irrotational Flow of a Semi-Perfect Gas.
1591. Schmitz, Bruce Wayne. An Analytical Study of the Effect of Characteristic Engine Performance Parameters on the Payload Capabilities of
Various High Performance Missiles.
1592. Tschang, Pin-Seng. An Exact Method of Determining the Spreading of
a Supersonic Jet Exhausting into a Supersonic Free Stream.
1593. Welty, James Richard. Physical Properties of JP-5 Fuel at Elevated
SEE Chemical Engineering
SEE Civil Engineering
SEE Zoology
1953 - Masters
1594. Beh, John Logan. The Proposed Pelton Dam : A Resource Development
1954 - Masters
1595. Danyluk, Apolinaryj Paul. Kings Valley: Resources Utilization, Problems and Development.
1596. Oliszewski, Casimir. Water Utilization and Development in the Willamette River Basin.
1955 - Masters
1597. Baker, David William. The Climate of the Willamette Valley 1900-1953.
1598. Northam, Ray Mervyn. Rural Settlement and Resources of the Alsea
1956 - Masters
1599. Christensen, Hal Samuel. Titanium Metal as the Basis of a Potential
Industry in the Pacific Northwest.
Gilmore, Larry Bruce. The Baker Valley: Its Resources, Development,
and Potentials.
1601. Hawn, Barbara Jean. The Historical Geography of Tin Mining, Seward
Peninsula, Alaska.
1602. Lance, James Davis. Appraisal of Recreation Potentials in the Lower
Little North Santiam Basin.
1603. Larson, Robert Thomas. Natural Gas as a Basis for Resource Development in the Pacific Northwest.
1957 - Masters
1604. Baron, Adalbert Martin. The Resources of Hood River County ; Inventory and Prospect.
Booth, Charles William. The Lewis River Hydroelectric Resource; Its
Development and Implications.
1606. Newton, Ivan Leon. The 'Gathering Industry West of the Cascades.
1958 - Masters
1607. Dolan, Bob. Resources for Recreation in the Upper Rogue River Valley.
Hall, Norman Reese. Industrial and Human Resources of the Sweet
Home, Oregon, Area.
1609. McGuire, Carroll Philip. Resource Bases in the Economy of Albany,
1610. Richards, Wayne Elliott. A Survey of the Resources of Union County.
1611. Severtson, Dale. The Role of Columbia River Transportation in Pacific
Northwest Resource Development.
Tschirley, Paul Richard. The Resource Potential for Recreation in the
Stehekin Watershed.
1959 - Masters
Brisbois, Alfred LeRoy. Dry Climates of Central and Eastern Oregon.
1614. Nelson, Jean Emily. The Role of Transportation in the Development of
New Zealand's Resources.
1954 - Masters
1615. Mulvey, Roland Hugh. Oogenesis in Several Free Living and Plant Parasitic Nematodes.
1956 - Doctors
Caveness, Fields Earl. Thermal and Chemotherapeutic Measures Against
Nematode Pests of Economic Plants.
SEE Foods and Nutrition
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1943 - Masters
1617. Clarke, Ray Allen. A Microdetermination of Hydroxyl and Acetate Content of Sugars and' Glycosides.
1618. Holaday, Duncan Asa. The Relationship Between Pantothentic Acid and
Vitamin G.
Isensee, Robert William. The Extraction of Menthol from Peppermint
Oil (Mentha piperita Linne.).
1620. Schink, Chester Albert. A Study of the Acidic Constituents of the Hulls
of English Walnuts (Juglans regia L.)
1943 - Doctors
1621. Dimick, Keene Paul. The Constitution of a New Fructosan Isolated from
Yucca mohavensis, Sarg.
1945 - Masters
Griffith, Arvon Meredith. The Preparation of 2-Acetyl-3-Nitrobenzoic
1945 - Doctors
1623. Graham, Bruce. Amino Alcohols Derived from Pyrimidines.
1946 - Masters
1624. Ross, Laurids Edward. A Dietary Factor Essential for Guinea PigsThe Identification of the Active Factor in the Low-Melting Fraction
Obtained From Cane Juice.
Schrader, Paul Gordon. Characterization of Settled Tar Produced by
Carbonization of Douglas Fir Sawdust in a Batch Retort.
1947 - Masters
1626. Davies, Irven Wilfred, Jr. 2-Nitro-1, 3-indandione and Its Use as a
Reagent for the Identification of Organic Bases.
1627. Wang, Chih Hsing. The Preparation of 1,2-Diacetylbenzine and Several
of Its Derivatives.
1628. Weiser, Mortimer. Proximate Analysis of Douglas Fir Bark and Characterization of the Petroleum Ether Extract.
1947 - Doctors
Schink, Chester Albert. The Synthesis and Testing of Some Analogues
of Pantoic Acid and Pantothenic Acid.
Follette, Wallace. Synthesis of 3-Chloro-3-Methylphthalide.
1948 - Masters
1631. Harris, Darrell Sinclair. 2-nitro-1, 3-indandione and Its Use as a Reagent for the Identification of Organic Bases.
1632. Lackey, Homer Baird. Constituents of the Petroleum Ether Extractives
from Sierra Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis, Hooker.)
1633. Paulsen, Donald Earl. The Synthesis of Certain Vinyl Ketones.
1634. Rydalch, Eva Ann. The Determination of the Approximate Molecular
Weight, Particle Size, and Homogeneity of Some Soda Lignins.
1948 - Doctors
Clarke, Ray Allen. The Synthesis of Amino Alcohols Derived from
1636. Isensee, Robert William. The Synthesis of a New Amino Alcohol Derived
from Quinazoline.
Tomisek, Arthur John. The Synthesis and Properties of 3-(4-Quinazolyl) -4-Quinazolone.
1949 - Masters
1638. Culbertson, Harry Madison. The Oxidation of Glucose and Methyl Glucoside by Nitrogen Dioxide.
1639. Gallaher, Homer Sumner. Metal Pyridine Complex Salts Cobaltous and
Nickelous Pyridine Salts of Benzoic, Phenylacetic and Hydrocinnamic
1640. Hubbard, James Kenneth. The Distribution and Properties of the Tannin
in Douglas Fir Bark (Pseudotsuga taxifolia, Britt.)
1641. Spencer, Carl Edward. Preparation of C" Labeled Formaldehyde and
1642. Stearman, Roebert Lyle. Norvaline and the Metabolism of Escherichia
1643. Yen, Shou-Hsuan. P-xylene as a Starting Material in the Preparation of
P-toluic Acid, Terephthalic Acid and Their Derivatives.
1950 - Masters
1644. Bush, David Clair. Heats of Formation of Certain Nickel-Pyridine
Complex Salts.
1645. Dorward, Donald Lyle. Preparation and Decomposition of a C-14 Labeled
Mannich Base.
1646. Feng, Tse Chen. Methylation Studies of Certain Quinazolinedione
Carboxylic Acids.
1647. Joncich, Michael Joseph. The Reaction of N-Bromosuccinimide (1) With
1648. Murray, Joseph. Preparation of C-14 Labeled Isopropyl Phenylcarbamate.
1649. Rogers, Charles Junior. Heats of Formation of Certain Cobalt Pyridine
Complex Salts.
1950 - Doctors
1650. Naff, Marion Benton. Synthesis of Several Aminoquinazolines and Their
Sulfa Derivatives.
1651. Wang, Chih Hsing. The Synthesis of an Amino Alcohol Derived from
2,4-Quinazolinedione-5-Carboxylic Acid.
1951 - Masters
1652. Couch, Bennerd Yancy. An Improved Synthesis of Guanine Hydrochloride.
1653. LaPore, Richard Francis. An Application of the Mannich Reaction in the
Preparation of a Substituted Ketooctalin.
1654. Sheppard, Dorothy Louise. Decarboxylation Studies on a-methyl-a-phenylcaproic Acid and Some of Its Derivatives.
1951 - Doctors
Culbertson, Harry Madison. The Infrared Spectra of Quinazoline and
Its Derivatives.
Geiszler, Adolph Oscar. The Rearrangement of a,a-Disubstituted Cyclic
Siegle, John Carl. A Study of the Properties of the 2- and 4-Methyl
Substituted Quinazolines.
1952 - Masters
Carle, Don Wayne. The Preparation of Nickel (II) Thiocyanate Complex Compounds with Certain Organic Bases and the Determination of
Their Heats of Formation.
Dille, Kenneth Leroy. The Hydrolysis of Desoxyribonucleic Acid Derived
from Salmon Sperm.
Schaeffer, William Donald. Mannich Reactions Involving the Use of
Acetaldehyde, Monochloroacetaldehyde, and Dechloroacetaldehyde.
1952 - Doctors
Miller, Kenneth Leron. The Chemistry of Perillaldehyde and Certain
of Its Derivatives.
1662. Robins, Roland Kenith. The Chlorination of Certain Purinones with
Phosphorus Oxychloride in the Presence of Tertiary Amines.
1953 - Masters
1663. Buhler, Donald Raymond. The Synthesis of 2-Cu Labeled DDT.
1953 - Doctors
1664. Bush, David Clair. Applications of the Mannich Reaction.
1665. Coad, Peter. Chemical Studies on Dehydroquercetin.
1666. Cormack, James Frederick. Evaluation of Fungal Amylases for Saccharifying Fermentation Mashes.
1667. Roberti, Philip Carl. Certain Aspects of Oxidative Cleavage of Naphthalenes.
Rogers, Charles Junior. Addition of Hydrogen Bromide to Unsymmetrical
1954 - Masters
1669. Cho, Arthur Kenji. Hydrogenation of Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga taxifolia, Britt., Wax.
Costa, Albert Bernard. The Preparation and Heats of Formation of
Some Nickel and Cobalt Complex Salts with Certain Organic Bases.
1954 - Doctors
1671. LaPore, Richard Francis. The Robinson-Mannich Base Synthesis Applied
to Substituted Acetoacetic Esters.
1672. Ledeen, Robert Wagner. The Migratory Group in the Para-Claisen
1673. Teranishi, Roy. The Mechanism of the Para-Claisen Rearrangement.
1674. Thomas, Richard Clarence, Jr. The Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino
Acids in Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
1955 - Masters
1675. Decker, Jack Leeland. A Study of the Condensation of the a- and 9Amino-pyridines with Pyruvic Acid and Certain Aldehydes.
1676. Dickinson, Robert Hanmore. The Addition of Hydrogen Bromide to 3Methylcyclohexene.
Reed, Donald James. Biosynthesis of Leucine in Bakers' Yeast.
1678. Seklemian, Haig Vernon. Heats of Formation of Cobalt (H) and Nickel
(II) Dipyridine Salts of Fatty Acids.
1679. Stephenson, John Louis. The Rearrangement of 1,1-Dimethyl-2-Oxo-1,
1680. Thews, Albert William. The Ring Enlargement of Certain Imidazoline
1955 - Doctors
Dille, Kenneth Leroy. The Syntheses of Certain 2, 6, and 2, 9 Substituted Purines and Their Corresponding Aza Analogs.
1682. Fowlks, William Louis. Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydroxybutanedione and
Certain Derivatives of dl-2-deoxytetrose.
1683. Magoon, Eugene Franklin. Possible Paths for the Alpha Blocked Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement.
1684. Noble, Ernest Pascal. The Carbohydrate Metabolism in Penicillium
digitatum, Saccardo Using Radioactive Isotopic Tracers.
1685. Odell, Norman Raymond. A Synthesis of 6-n-Propyl-7-Methyltetralin5-C14.
1686. Smith, Victor Herbert. The Preparation of Some Tetrahydropyrimidines
and Related Compounds of Possible Biological Interest.
1956 - Masters
1687. Daly, John William. The Synthesis of Certain 6- and 9- Substituted
Purines of Biological Interest.
1688. Gregg, Charles Thornton. The Contribution of Alternate Pathways of
Glucose Metabolism to Biosynthesis in Bakers' Yeast.
1689. Parsons, Raymond Edward. The Application of the Schmidt Reaction to
the Preparation of Certain f2-Amino Acids and Diamines.
1956 - Doctors
1690. Buhler, Donald Raymond. Isotopic Tracer Studies of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Fruits.
1691. Willits, Charles Haines. Infrared Spectrum of Purine and Certain Substituted Purine Derivatives.
1957 - Masters
Sutherland, Melvin LaVerne. The Preparation of Certain 6-Alkylamino
and 6-Dialkylaminopurines.
1693. Vachananda, Sookapracha. The Aminolysis of 2,4-Dichloro and 2,4Dichloro-6-Methyl-Pyrimidines.
1957 - Doctors
1694. Bialy, Jerzy Josef. Degradation Studies on Cellular Constituents Isolated
from Streptomyces griseus Utilizing C-14 Labeled Carbohydrates.
1695. Nyberg, David Dolph. The Synthesis of Canaline, Canavanine, and Related Compounds.
1696. Reed, Donald James. The Application of Radioactive Tracer Techniques
to the Elucidation of the Interrelations Between Glucose Metabolism
and Amino Acid Biosynthesis in Penicillium digitatum Saccardo.
1958 - Masters
1697. Cook, Mina Gertrude. Preparation and Identification of 3- and 6- Broinophtholonic Acids.
1698. Dupzyk, Ronald Jene. A Study of the Thermal Stability of Benzyl 2,4Dimethyl-6-Propenylphenyl Ether.
1699. Imel, Arthur Madison. The Synthesis of 4-Oxo-3, 3-Dinethyl-3, 4-Dihydrophenanthrene.
1700. Lower, Stephen Kent. The Synthesis of Certain 7-Substituted Triazolopyrimidines.
1959 - Masters
1701. Barbour, Royal Dae. Carbohydrate Metabolism in Sugar Beet Roots.
1702. Bechtolt, Sidney Glenn. The Proof of Structure of Certain 2,6,8-Substi1703.
tuted Purines.
Ellestad, George Alfred. Determination of Molecular Weights of Certain
Organic Bases by the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Their 2-Nitro-
1, 3-Indandionates.
1704. Lewis, Roger Norman. The Condensation Products of 2-Amino, 6-Methyl
Pyridine with Benzaldehyde and Pyruvic Acid.
1705. Roubal, William Theodore. The Chemical and Physical Properties of 2
and 3-Bromomethyl Cyclohexanes.
1706. Wang, Samuel Shan-tying. Preferential Amination of 2,6-Dichloropurine.
1959 - Doctors
1707. Brokke, Mervin Edward. Chemistry of the 9-Methoxypsoralenes.
1708. Esse, Robert Carlyle. Synthesis of Certain Substituted Psoralenes and
Related Compounds.
1709. Olafsson, Patrick Gordon. A Study of the Jacobsen Rearrangement of
SEE Geology
1946 - Masters
1710. Karsh, Max Leon. The Role of Detoxification in the Resistance of the
Male Rat to Evipal (Sodium Methyl-Cyclohexenyl-N-Methyl Barbiturate).
1951 - Masters
Stirland, Gordon Byron. Formulation of Pharmaceuticals for the Diabetic.
1953 - Masters
Stanton, Hubert Coleman. The Pharmacology of Xanthydrol: I: Toxicity.
1954 - Masters
1713. Aragones, Erlinda Negre. A Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation of
Ephedra viridis Cov. Found in Oregon.
1955 - Masters
Seid, Ruth. Extractives From the Bark of Sitka Spruce, Picca sitchensis
(Bongard) Carriere.
1956 - Masters
1715. Chan, Frank Tim. The Influence of Sodium Cholate on Glycoside Biosynthesis in Digitalis purpurea, L.
1959 - Masters
1716. McClure, David Albert. The Metabolic Effects of Analogues of Arterenol in Conjunction with Various Mono-Amine Oxidase Inhibitors.
SEE ALSO Chemistry
1943 - Masters
1717. Madigan, Edward John. A Study of the Reaction Between Liquid Chlorine, Liquid Sulfur Dioxide, and Water.
1718. Peterson, Jack W. Microdetermination of Hydroxyl Content of Organic
1943 - Doctors
1719. Baker, Elton Murray. A Study of the Transformation of Hydrazine
Cyanate to Semi-carbazide.
1944 - Masters
1720. Englert, Robert Dixon. A Study of the Utilization of Scholler Lignin
Through Chemical Modification by Reaction with Certain Ammonia
Type Nitrogen Compounds.
1947 - Doctors
Cole, Leland Gordon. The Apparent Energies of the Nitrogen-Nitrogen
and the Carbon-Carbon Bonds and the Determinations of the Heats of
Combustion of Hydrabenzene and Hippuric Acid.
1722. Evans, William Harrington. A Study of Complex Formation in Solutions of Nickel and Nitrate Ions and Nickel Ions and Hydrazine.
1948 - Masters
1723. Rawlings, Floyd, Jr. The Production of Chromic Acid by the Electrolysis
of Sodium Chromate Solutions.
1948 - Doctors
Shearer, William Norman. The Effect of Small Quantities of Non-electrolytes and Electrolytes upon Structure and Setting Time of Gelatin
1949 - Masters
1725. Hrostowski, Henry John. The Paramagnetism of Potassium Ferrate.
1726. Person, Willis Bagley. Heat Capacities of Certain Cycloparaffins.
1727. Weber, Horst Lowien. Characterization of Some Hydrazine Compounds
by X-Rays.
1950 - Masters
1728. Palmer, Ray Frederick. A Direct Current Method for the Measurement
of the Electrolytic Conductance of Solutions.
1729. White, Horace Frederick. Heat of Combustion of 1-4 Dioxane with a
Supplementary Note on the Combustion of Trioxane.
1950 - Doctors
1730. Humphrey, George Louis. Heats of Combustion of Some Cyclic Hydrocarbons.
1951 - Masters
1731. Allenson, Douglas Rogers. Magnetic Properties of Fluorescent Silver
1732. Borchers, Curtis Edward. Separation of Some Common Phenols by
Chromatographic Adsorption.
Smith, William Alton, Jr, A Method of Analysis for Tritium as Hydrogen Gas.
1951 - Doctors
1734. Bupp, Lamar Paul. The Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide on Iron Oxide
1735. Johnson, Rowland Edward. Exchange Reactions in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide.
1736. Sweeny, Keith Holcomb. Ferromagnetic Compounds of Manganese with
Group V-A Elements.
1952 - Masters
1737. Bennett, Clifton Francis. The Correlation of Adsorption Coefficients and
Chromatography of Some Oil Soluble Dyes.
1738. James, Roger William. Effect of Solvent on the Adsorption of Some
Aliphatic Organic Acids on Charcoal, Alumina, and Silica.
1739. Theisen, Floyd Earl. Studies on the Thermal and Optical Coagulation
of F-Centers in KC1.
Turrell, George Charles. The Dipole Moment of Trioxane Vapor.
1952 - Doctors
1741. Karasek, Francis Warren. The Infrared Absorption of Phthalocyanine
and Related Compounds.
1953 - Masters
1742. Pearson, David Petri. The Infrared Absorption of Some Hydrazine
1743. Thompson, Milton Avery. The Thermal Stability of F-Centers in Sodium
1953 - Doctors
1744. Herber, Rolfe. Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide.
Smith, William Alton, Jr. Chemical Properties of Color Centers in
Alkali Halides.
1954 - Masters
1746. Inami, Yonemaru Harry. Infrared Absorption and Force Constants of
the Isotopic Nitrate Ions, N1'O,- and NO3-.
1747. Neilson, George Francis, Jr. A Study of the Photoconductivity of Color
Centers in Alkali Halides.
1954 - Doctors
1748. Masters, Burton Joseph. Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Liquid Sulfur
1749. Nelson, Harry Martin. The Infrared Spectrum of Porphin.
1750. Turrell, George Charles. Determination of the Vibrational Lifetime of
Carbon Monoxide by the Spectrophone Method.
1955 - Masters
1751. Asher, Delman Robert. Isotope Exchange Reactions in Selenium Oxychloride.
1752. Doherty, Patrick Earl, High Temperature Solubility of Sulfur Dioxide
in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid.
1753. Gile,
Herman Schuyler. The Application of Some Ion Exchange Theories
to the Absorption of Trace Elements.
Potter, Norman Douglas. Radiochlorine Exchanges in Acid Chloride
1956 - Masters
Siegel, Richard Harold. Sorption of Ammonia by Homoionic Bentonite
1956 - Doctors
1756. Fredericks, William John. An Investigation of Solid Alkali Halide
Spalaris, Constantine Nicholas. Adsorption Properties of Virgin and
Steele, Warren Cavanaugh. The Infrared Absorption and Force Con-
Irradiated Graphite.
stants of the Borate Ion.
1957 - Masters
1759. Watson, Lindon Richard. Influence of Divalent Cations on Color Center
1958 - Masters
1760. Holboke, Lawrence Edwin. Adsorption Isotherm Studies of Unsupported
Organic Films.
1958 - Doctors
1761. Burge, David Edwin. Catalysis of the Isotopic Exchange Reaction Between Thionyl Chloride and Liquid Sulfur Dioxide.
1762. Jones, Walter Denny. Vibrational Relaxation Time Studies on Carbon
Monoxide by the Infrared Spectrophone Method.
1763. Thompson, Milton Avery. Titanium and Zirconium as Electrodes for
Primary Cells.
1959 - Doctors
1764. Crawford, Roger Allen, An Electron-Diffraction Investigation of the
Molecular Structure of Gaseous Pentafluorosulfur Hypofluorite (SOFA).
1765. Hardtke, Fred Charles, Jr. Photoconduction Fatigue in Colored Potassium Chloride.
1766. Montan, Donald Noel. Vibrational Relaxation Phenomena in Triatomic
1943 - Masters
1767. Anderson, Hubert Waterbury. A Study of Friction Between Steel Surfaces at Ultra-Slow Speeds.
1947 - Masters
1768. Forbes, Stuart Gordon. A Coincidence Geiger Counter for Laboratory
and Demonstration Purposes.
1948 - Masters
1769. Byers, Cleo Clifford. Design and Construction of a Constant Potential
X-ray Voltage Supply.
1770. Crews, Robert Wayne. Construction and Test of a Cloud Chamber for
Use with a Geiger Counter.
1949 - Masters
Esterly, Henry Norcross. A Multi-Phase Variable Frequency Audio
1772. Hagen, Jack Ingval. The Production of Large Single Halide Crystals
for Optical Use.
1773. Holland, Ralph. A Device for Focusing Electrons in an Electrostatic
1774. Johnson, Robert Homer. Antenna Lecture Demonstration Apparatus.
1775. Larson, Richard Ross. A Photoelectric Cell and Allied Equipment for
Student Determination of Planck's Constant.
1776. Trolan, J. Kenneth. Conversion of a Model D B S Loran Indicator to
a Fixed Time-Base Oscilloscope.
1777. Wang, Tao-fang. Thermocouples for Infrared Spectrometry.
1949 - Doctors
1778. Jewell, William Ray. A Technique for Measuring Internal Friction in
Vibrating Reeds.
1950 - Masters
1779. Astley, Eugene Roy. The Design and Construction of Apparatus for
Probe Measurements in Gases.
1780. Brock, Robert Lewis. A Harmonic Wave Analyzer for the Audio Frequencies.
1781. Conrad, Werner. Color Negatives and Color Prints.
1782. Gibson, Gilbert H. The Design and Operation of a Kerr Cell.
1783. Hendricks, Henry Wallace. A Relatively Simple Device for Recording
Radiation Intensities in the Ultraviolet Portion of the Spectrum.
1784. Lawrence, Robert Windle. Transmission Factors of Antimony Black
in the Region, One to Six Microns.
1785. Maillard, William Charles. A Laboratory Apparatus for Measuring the
Speed of Light.
Martilla, Arthur Henry. An Improved Form of Breaker-Type D.C.
1787. Pearson, Maynard Dean. Penetration into the Rarer Medium in Total
1788. Peoples, Samuel Ray. A Slotted Line for Ultra-High-Frequency Measurements.
Riley, Jack Carter. The Effect of Magnetic Field on the Upper Frequency Limit of a Triode Oscillator.
1950 - Doctors
1790. Trolan, J. Kenneth. Extension of the Experimental Field-Current Law
to Regions of High Fields and Large Currents.
1951 - Masters
1791. Davis, Monte Vincent. Low Pressure Striations in Argon and Helium
'Glow Discharges.
1792. Fry, Willis Edmond. A Portable, 750 Kilovolt, Van de Graaff Generator.
1793. Holm, Dale Marvin. The Design and Construction of a Neutron Detector.
1794. Jenne, Everett Knowlton. A Device for Investigating Wave Phenomena
by Means of Sound.
1795. Wang, Chee Tao. Demonstration Apparatus for Alpha-Ray Scattering.
1796. Woodbridge, David Davis. Summer Frontal Rains in Oregon.
- Doctors
1797. Forbes, Stuart Gordon. Cross Section Measurements for the Production
of Activities by 14-Mev Neutrons.
1952 - Masters
1798. Day, John Arthur. A Comparison of the Air Pollution Problem in Los
Angeles County, California, and Multnomah County, Oregon.
1799. Golden, Vernon Edgar. The Effect of Pressure on the Wave Length of
Plasma Oscillations in Argon and Nitrogen.
1800. Greer, James Albert. The Ratio of Secondary to Primary Electrons for
1801. Havill, Jerry Ramonxen. The Solidus Curve of the Zirconium Tantalum
1802. Newbold, John Edward. A Method for Determining the Travel Times of
Artificial Seismic Waves.
1952 - Doctors
1803. Crews, Robert Wayne. Charged Particle Observations of Li + T Reactions.
1804. Decker, Fred William. The Measurement of the Optical Thickness of
Atmospheric Ozone.
1805. Pearson, Maynard Dean. Reflection of Microwaves from Metal-Plate
Media. (Joint thesis with S. R. Peoples)
1806. Peoples, Sam Ray. Reflection of Microwaves from Metal-Plate Media.
(Joint Thesis with Maynard Dean Pearson)
1953 - Masters
Bates, David James. Measurements on the Magnetic Field of the Oregon
State College Cyclotron.
1808. Kunz, Peter Dale. An Electric Integrating Sodium Chloride Cell.
1809. Tynes, Arthur Richard. A Procedure for Spectrographic Analysis of
Plant Ash.
1954 - Masters
1810. Barbour, John Percy. The Effect of Plasma Volume on the Frequency
of Plasma Oscillations.
1811. Bennett, Robert Allen. A Survey Meter for the Absolute Determination
of Thermal Neutron Flux Densities.
1812. Brick, Rowan O. Reflection and Transmission of Microwaves in Prisms
of Wood, Sulfur, and Sodium Chloride.
Carpenter, James Floyd. An Optical Method for Determining the Thickness of Thin Metallic Films.
1814. O'Halloran, Thomas Alphonsus, Jr. Changes of the Internal Friction in
Copper After Cold Working.
Strickland, Jean Leslie. A Scale Model of an Oscillator for a 37-Inch
1816. Wallace, Charles Edward. A Device for Measuring the Static Piezoelectric Effect in Rochelle Salt Crystals.
1954 - Doctors
1817. Nelson, Donald John. Plasma Oscillations at Microwave Frequencies in
A Static Magnetic Field.
1955 - Masters
1818. Chambers, James Elwood, Jr. An Ion Source for the Oregon State College Cyclotron.
1819. Grundhauser, Frank Jacob. The Fabrication and Calibration of an Evaporated Luminescent Screen for Application in a Miiller-Type Field
Emission Microscope.
1820. Larson, Milton Byrd. Effect of Vibration Frequency on the Internal
Friction of Cold-Worked Copper.
1821. Mahon, Harold Patterson, Jr. Design of an Electrostatic Deflector for
the Ion Beam of the Oregon State College Cyclotron.
1822. Perry, Richard Lee. Measurements of Changes of Photoelectric Probability Factor Due to Surface Contamination of Aluminum.
1823. Perry, William Douglas. The Electron Energy Distribution in the
Crookes Dark Space of a Glow Discharge.
1824. Pope, Joseph Horace. An Experimental Investigation of an Electromagnetic Phenomenon Known as "Whistlers."
1825. Sommerfeldt, Raymond Walter. Spectrographic Analysis for Silver of
Rainwater from Cloud Seeding.
1826. Stanley, Glenn Marvin. Electrical Earth-Currents at Corvallis, Oregon,
and at College, Alaska.
1827. Walton, Richard Bruce. Temperature and Pressure Distribution Within
a Hilsch Vortex Tube.
1955 - Doctors
Barnes, George. Field Emission Studies With Rhenium Wire.
1829. Byers, Cleo Clifford. Radiative Capture Cross Sections for the Neutrons
in a Critical Sphere of U-235 Metal.
1830. Holm, Dale Marvin. The Determination of the Elastic Scattering Cross
Section for Triton Bombardment of Tritium.
1956 - Masters
1831. Allen, Earl Wayne. Electrostatic and Magnetic Focussing of the Ion
Beam in the Oregon State College Cyclotron.
1832. Anderson, Merlin Frank. The Effect of Cold-Working Upon the Internal
Friction of Annealed Polycrystalline Copper.
1833. Bates, Howard Francis. The Correlation of Microseism Activity at Corvallis, Oregon, with Various Meteorological Phenomena.
1834. Falk, Edward Daniel. The Effect of Annealing Temperature Upon Internal Friction for Polycrystalline Copper.
1835. Glasgow, Dale William. Methods for the Determination of Fast and
Slow Neutron Flux Densities.
1836. Lewellen, John Wesley. A Simple Alternating Current Device for Measuring the Hall Effect in Semi-Conductors.
1837. Ohh, Sekyu. Range of Usefulness of Bethe's Semiempirical Nuclear
Mass Formula.
1838. Pike, Julian McKendree. A Method of Three-Dimensional Precipitation
Analysis by Use of Radar.
1839. Ronne, James Sayre. A Piezoelectric Thin-Sectioning Attachment for a
Standard Microtome.
1956 - Doctors
1840. Davis, Monte Vincent. Resonance Capture of Neutrons by Uranium Cylinders.
1841. Woodbridge, David Davis. The Effects of Time-Varying Impulses on a
Ballistic Galvanometer.
1957 - Masters
1842. Beecroft, Robert Isaiah. Some Phenomena in Photographic Emulsions in
Strong Electric Fields.
1843. Etters, Richard David. Adsorption of Light in the Wave Length Band
from One to Twenty-five Microns in Germanium as a Function of
1844. Larson, Harold Vincent. An Investigation of the Bragg-Gray Principle
with Fluorescent X-Rays.
1845. Petersen, Edward Leland. Characteristics of an N02-Filled Geiger
Mueller Tube.
1846. Woodruff, Rollin Smith, The Effect of Time Under Pressure on the
Internal Friction of Annealed Polycrystalline Copper.
- Doctors
Day, John Arthur. The Effect of Size and Time on the Fusion of Three
to Twenty Micron Water Droplets.
1958 - Masters
1848. Coleman, Lamar William. Internal Friction of Zirconium as a Function
of Annealing Conditions.
1849. Hershman, Arthur Lee. Analysis of Microwave Back-Scattering from
1850. Hunsucker, Robert Dudley. Weather Radar Observations of Atmos1851.
pheric Bright Layer Phenomena.
Skinner, John George. The Photoelectric Current from the Light Emergent Side of Thin Silver Films as a Function of Thickness.
Stephan, Lester Arthur. Cyclotron Vacuum System Characteristics.
1958 - Doctors
1853. Pike, Julian McKendree. Mountain Waves with Neutral Thermodynamic
1959 - Masters
Sutton, Robert William. Design Criteria, Construction, and Evaluation
of a Medium-Power Weather Radar System.
1959 - Doctors
Bettler, Philip Charles. The Activation Energy for Surface Migration
of Tungsten Atoms on Tungsten.
1950 - Masters
1856. Runner, Dwight Kenneth. The Structure and Development of the Storage Root of Humulus lupulus L.
1952 - Masters
1857. Packard, Patricia Lois. A Key to the Deciduous Woody Plants of Northwestern Oregon in Winter.
1954 - Doctors
Miller, Robert Harold. Anatomy and Morphology of Humulus lupulus L.
Grillos, Steve John. Structure and Development of the Bark of Douglasfir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.
1956 - Doctors
1959 - Doctors
1860. Assavesna, Sukhum. Morphology and Anatomy of Phormium tenax
1948 - Doctors
1861. Merkle, John. An Analysis of the Plant Communities of Mary's Peak,
Western Oregon.
1950 - Masters
1862. Byrd, Nathan Lemuel. Vegetation Zones of Coastal Dunes Near Waldport, Oregon.
1951 - Masters
Miller, Bonita June. Certain Ecological Aspects of Cultivated Hill Pastures in Kings Valley, Oregon.
1951 - Doctors
1864. Roach, Archibald Wilson. Phytosociology of the Nash Crater Lava
Flows, Linn County, Oregon.
1952 - Doctors
1865. Heusser, Calvin John. Pollen Profiles from Southeastern Alaska.
1953 - Masters
1866. Owen, Herbert Elmer, Jr. Certain Factors Affecting Establishment of
Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Lambert) Britt. Seedlings.
1956 - Doctors
1867. McKell, Cyrus Milo. Some Characteristics Contributing to the Establishment of Rabbitbrush, Chrysothamnus spp.
1868. Mason, John Leslie. Effect of Chelate Compounds on the Iron Nutrition
of the Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L.
1957 - Doctors
1869. McLachlan, Jack Lamont. Some Aspects of the Autecology of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Born, et FIah. studied under Cultural Conditions.
1870. Owen, Herbert Elmer, Jr. Racial Variations in Seedling Development of
Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.
1958 - Doctors
Irgens-Moller, Helge. Genetic Variations in Length of Active Growth
Period Among Races of Douglas-Fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)
1959 - Doctors
Stanton, Frank Webster. Autecological Studies of Bitterbrush Purshia
tridentata, (Pursh) DC.
- Masters
1873. France, Ernilie Margaret. Plant Materials for High School Biology
1950 - Doctors
Jones, Leo Edward. Fruit Bud Development and Gametogenesis in
Pistacia vera L.
1952 - Masters
1875. Dalton, Charles Eddison, Jr. The Growth of the Sporophyte of Porella
navicularis, Lindb., in vitro.
1876. Martin, Richard William. The Megagametophyte Development of Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. var. Pinnatifidum Lecoq and Lamotte.
1954 - Masters
1877. McLachlan, Jack Lamont. A Field and Culture Study of Some FreshWater Algae.
1878. Sayre, Richard Martin. Factors Affecting the Germination of Seeds of
the Dwarf Mistletoe Arceuthobium campylopodum f. typicum (Engeln.)
1956 - Masters
1879. Assavesna, Sukhum. Megagametophyte Development in Leucocrinum
montanum Nutt.
1959 - Masters
Sripleng, Aksorn. Seed Morphology of Convolvulus arxensis L.
1947 - Doctors
1881. Braun, Alvin Joseph. Phytopathora Root Rot of Guayule.
- Masters
1882. Park, Jai Young. Growth and Variability of Forces pini in Culture.
1951 - Masters
1883. Holloman, Arthur, Jr. Selection by Laboratory Assay of Fungicides for
Field Control of Botrytis gladiolorum Timmermans.
1884. Tanrikut, Selahattin. Physiologic Specialization and Physiology of
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, (Lib.) Masse.
1951 - Doctors
1885. Helton, Audus Winzle. Chemotherapy of Stone Fruit Viruses.
1952 - Masters
1886. Palm, Elmer Thurman. The Effects of Certain Mercurial Fungicides on
Gladiolus Plants.
1953 - Masters
Fulcher, Aaron Darrel. The Relationship Between Snow Breakage in
Douglas-Fir Poles and Infection by Forces subroseus (Weir) Overh.
1953 - Doctors
Barnes, George Lewis. Herbicidal Agents as Possible Aids for Roguing
Diseased Seed-Potato Plants.
1889. O'Rielly, Henry James. Physiological Changes Induced in Peach Foliage
by the Western X Disease Virus.
1890. Porter, Clark Alfred. Cytological and Histological Changes Induced by
Western Cucumber Mosaic.
1891. Torgeson, Dewayne Clinton. Epiphytology and Etiology of a Phytophthora-Induced Root Rot Disease of Chamaecyparis in Oregon.
1892. Yale, John Wesley, Jr. Etiology of Beet Seedling Necrosis as a Basis for
1954 - Masters
1893. Buddenhagen, Ivan William. A Phytaphthora-Induced Disease of English
Holly, Ilex aquifolium L.
1954 - Doctors
1894. Dobie, Norman Dale. Thermo-Aerosol Fumigation to Increase the Fungitoxicity of Chloropicrin in Storage House Disinfestation.
Heinis, Julius Leo. Cherry Latent Viruses as Expressed on Cherry,
Peach, and Cucumbers.
1896. Horner, Chester Ellsworth. Disease Cycle and Control of Peppermint
Rust Caused by Puccinia menthae Pers.
Stace-Smith, Richard. Rubus Viruses in British Columbia and Their
Relationship with the Aphid Vector Amphorophora rubi Kaltenbach.
1898. Wilks, Jack Morton. The Identity and The Relationship of the Viruses
Causing Western X Little Cherry and Kootenay Little Cherry.
1955 - Doctors
1899. Corden, Malcolm Ernest. Pathogenic Causes of Premature Decline and
Death of Alsike Clover, Trifolium hybridum L., in Central Oregon.
1900. Wooley, Paul Henry. Physiologic Specialization and Etiology of Red
Stele Disease, Phytophthora fragariae Hickman, of Strawberries, and
Attempts at Control.
1956 - Masters
1901. Engelhardt, Norman Thain. The Significance of Yellow Stain Associated
with Heart Rot in Alpine Fir, Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.
1956 - Doctors
1902. Deep, Ira Washington. The Potential Usefulness of Certain Antibiotics
in the Control of Crown Gall.
1903, Fenwick, Harry Selwyn. The Disease Cycle and Control of the Dwarf
Bunt Fungus, Tilletia contraversa Kahn, in Union County, Oregon.
1904. Leach, Charles Morley. Fungi Associated with Oregon-Grown Clover
1905. Raymer, William Bruce. The Identity and Host Relations of the LateBreaking Virus.
1906. Snow, Gordon Franklin, Ring Spot and Bean Mosaic Viruses from
1907. Wiedman, Harold Willis. Factors Influencing Development and Control
of Root Rot of Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., in the Willamette Valley
of Oregon.
1908. Williams, Harold Edward. Cross Protection in Stone Fruits with the
Ring Spot Virus Complex.
1957 - Doctors
1909. Buddenhagen, Ivan William. Natural and Induced Variability in Phytophthora cactorum (L. and C.) Shroet. and Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands.
Pratt, Michael John. Occurrence, Behavior, and Control of Verticillium
albo-atrum Reinke and Bert. in Small Fruits.
1911. Trione, Edward John. The Physiology and Pathology of Phytophthora
lateralis on Native Chamaecyparis lawsoniana.
1958 - Doctors
1912. Hartstirn, Walter. Correlation of Strain Reactions of Ring Spot Virus
of Stone Fruits with Prune Dwarf, Sour Cherry Yellows, and Peach
Stunt Symptoms.
1913. Palm, Elmer Thurman. Effect of Mineral Nutrition on Invasiveness of
Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. and Development of Clubroot.
1959 - Masters
1914. Hosford, Robert Morgan, Jr. Black Root of Radish Caused by Aphanomyces raphani Kendrick, in Oregon.
1915. Patil, Suresh Siddheshwar. A Root Rot Disease of Fuchsia Caused by
Phytophthora parasitica.
1916. Tolmsoff, Walter John. The Influence of Quantity of Inoculum on the
Severity of Verticillium Wilt.
1959 - Doctors
1917. Maier, Charles Robert. Streptomycin Absorption and Translocation by
Hops (Humulus lupulus L.), and Effects of Streptomycin on the Hop
Downy Mildey Disease.
1918. Powelson, Robert Loran. Etiology and Epiphytology of Strawberry
Fruit Rot Caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers.
1953 - Masters
1919. Aldrich, Franklin Dalton. Some Factors Affecting the Growth of Anacharis densa (Planchon) Victorin in Siltcoos Lake, Oregon.
1953 - Doctors
Nicol, Frank Duey. The Pathology and Physiology of White Pocket
Rot in Port Orford Cedar, Chamacyparis lawsoniana (Murr.) Parl.
1954 - Masters
1921. Coney, Harold Melvin. A Comparison of the Effects of Thiourea and
Formamidine Disulfide on the Growth of Resting Tubers of Solanusn
1954 - Doctors
1922. Aldrich, Franklin Dalton. Some Metabolic Effects of d-Camphorsulfonic
Acid in Higher-Plant Tissues.
1956 - Doctors
Mills, Ira Kelly. Some Physiological Effects Induced in the Cowpea,
Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi, by Two Strains of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus.
1947 - Masters
1924. Chu, Chi-Hon. Relationship of Riboflavin Level in the Diet to Perosis
of Chicks.
1951 - Masters
Stotts, Chester Ervin. The Relation of Weight, Color, Specific Gravity
and Time of Oviposition of Chicken Eggs to Their Hatchability.
1955 - Masters
1926. Johnson, Oran Leander. Genetical and Environmental Relationships Between Growth and Egg Production in the Leghorn Fowl.
SEE Electrical Engineering
SEE Farm Crops
SEE Civil Engineering
SEE Education
General Science
SEE Business Education
1943 - Masters
1927. Swarner, Lawrence Robert. The Effect of Organic Matter on the Available Moisture Holding Capacity of Soil.
1943 - Doctors
1928. Pang, Tse-Sung. Relation of Zinc Fertilization to the Zinc Content of
the Crops and Soil, and the Response of the Crops to Zinc Fertilization.
1947 - Masters
1929. Joseph, Harrietann. Chemical Changes in Alkali Soils during Reclamation.
1947 - Doctors
1930. Jordan, James Verdun. Optimum and Critical Concentrations of Boron in
Oregon Soils.
1949 - Masters
1931. El-Samie, Ahmed Gamal Abd. Laboratory Investigations of Factors Affecting Permeability of Some Owyhee Project Soils.
1932. Lugo-Blanco, Julio Jose. Evaporation as an Aid in Calculating Irrigation
Requirements for Crops.
1950 - Masters
1933. Bhaskar, Timiri Deendyol. Availability of Different Forms of Phosphate
Fertilizers in Two Red-Hill Soils.
1934. Engibous, James Charles. Soil Moisture Retention Characteristics of
Certain Oregon Soils as Related to Mechanical Composition and Organic Matter Content.
1950 - Doctors
1935. Alban, Lawrence Arthur. Potassium-Supplying Power of Certain Major
Oregon Soils.
1951 - Masters
1936. Appleton, Leonard Roald. Effects of Cultivation and Organic Treatments
on Some Physical Properties of Western Oregon Soils.
1937. Hilton, Harold Loyd. Antidotes for Benzene Hexachloride Residues in
1952 - Masters
1938. Dull, Elwood Wesley. Characteristics and Use Capabilities of Douglas
Area Soils.
1953 - Masters
1939. Ramage, Carroll Herbert. The Effects of Variation in Rate and Time of
Application of Nitrogen on Wheat on Trashy and Clean Fallowed Soil.
1940. Ward, Robert Earl. The Effect of Calcium, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in
Pasture Fertilization of an Oregon Coastal Soil.
1941. Williams, Lewis Harrigfeld. Phosphorus Requirement of Red Hill Soils
as Shown by Greenhouse and Chemical Tests.
1953 - Doctors
1942. El-Samie, Ahmed Gamal Abd. Determination of Irrigation Frequencies
and Amounts by Soil Moisture Sampling and Gypsum Electrical Resistance Blocks.
Shih, Shui Ho. The Effect of Sawdust on the Up-Take of -Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, and Potassium by Strawberry Plants.
1954 - Masters
1944. Goertzen, Jack Oliver. The Effect of Dried Sulfite Waste Liquor and
Lime on Certain Properties of Two Western Oregon Soils.
1945. Kirsch, Richard Kneale. Readily Available Manganese in Some Oregon
Soils and Its Relation to Certain Other Soil Factors.
1955 - Masters
1946. Lowry, Gerald Lafayette. The Relationship of the Survival of DouglasFir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, Seedlings to Certain Soil
and Other Site Characteristics on the Tillamook Burn.
1956 - Masters
1947. Dryness, Christen Theodore. The Effect of Logging and Slash Burning
on Certain Physical Properties of Forest Soils.
Stevenson, David Stuart. Percolation of Soil Water as Related to Con-
sumptive Use.
1949. Twersky, Marvin. Comparison of Techniques for Calibration of Gypsum
and Fiberglas Electrical Resistance Units for Soil Moisture Measurement.
1956 - Doctors
1950. Chinn, Clarence Edward. Techniques for Evaluating Certain Physical
Properties of Soil Moisture.
1951. Douglass, John Franklin. Morphology and Genesis of the Condon, Morrow, and Walla Walla Series of the Mid-Columbia Basin, Oregon.
1952. Pope, Alexander. The Release of Exchangeable and Nonexchangeable
Potassium from Several Western Oregon Soils.
1957 - Masters
1953. Andre, Johnnie Edgar. Effect of Thinning Douglas-Fir on Soil Moisture, Temperature and Nitrogen Relations.
1954. Lin, Clara Ju-Yuan. The Relationship Between Cation Exchange Capacity, Total Bases, and Exchange Acidity in Certain Oregon Soils.
1955. Perrier, Eugene Raymond. The Electric Balance Technique for Measuring the Mass and Charge of Clay Particles.
1956. Sayegh, Antoine Hanna. Some Chemical Characteristics of the Saline
and Alkali Soils in the Baker Valley Area, Oregon.
1958 - Masters
1957. Al-jibury, Falih Khidir. Variations of Moisture Retention Properties and
Bulk Densities of Soils Between and Within Soil-Mapping Units in
Central Oregon.
1958. Cooper, Dale Edward. The Effect of Phosphorus, Potassium, and Magnesium on the Yield and Chemical Composition of Subterranean
1959. Davidson, James Melvin. Turbidimeter Technique for Measuring the Stability of Soil Aggregates in a Water-Glycerol Mixture.
1960. Floyd, Richard Thomas, Jr. Drainage Studies on Dayton, Amity, and
Willamette Soils in the Willamette Valley, Oregon.
1961. Theisen, Arthur Albert. Distribution and Characteristics of Loess-like
Soil Parent Material in Northwestern Oregon.
1958 - Doctors
1962. Kirsch, Richard Kneale. Interrelationships Among Iron, Manganese, and
Molybdenum in the Growth and Nutrition of Tomatoes Grown in Nutrient Solution.
1963. Webster, Gordon Ritchie. Ratios of Ion Activities in Dilute Equilibrium
Solutions from Soils as Related to Several Chemical Properties and
Lime Requirement.
1959 - Masters
1964. Chao, Tsun-Tien. Effect of Type of Clay and Cation Saturation on Ion
Ratios in Equilibrium Solutions of Hydrogen and Aluminum Systems.
1965. Gardner, Ernest Hugh. The Fertilization of Irrigated Grass and GrassClover Pasture Swards with Emphasis on the Rate and Frequency of
Nitrogen Applications.
1966. Urie, Dean Howard. Soil-Site Relationships in Second Growth DouglasFir Stands in the Central Oregon Coast Range.
1967. Yamamoto, Mutsuo. Relation of Sulfate Contents Before and After
Incubation of Soils to Crop Responses to Sulfur.
1968. Yungen, John Alfred. Crop Response to Sulfur and the Sulfur Supplying
Power of Several Southern Oregon Soils.
SEE Civil Engineering
1949 - Doctors
1969. Alter, Alvin Ray. A Taxonomic and Ecologic Study of the Flora of
Monument Peak Oregon.
1970. Baker, William Hudson. A Taxonomic and Ecologic Comparison of the
Floras of Iron and Fairview Mountains in Oregon.
1955 - Doctors
1971. Clarkson, Quentin Deane. Cytotaxonomic Studies in Iris, Section Apogon
Baker, Subsection Californicae Diels.
1957 - Masters
1972. Barkley, Theodore Mitchell. A Revision of the Western North American
Species of the Genus Senecio Allied with Senecio integerrimus Nuttall.
1958 - Doctors
1973. Ishimoto, Toshio Tom. Systematic Considerations as Influenced by Cer-
tain Ecological Factors Related to Plant Distribution on Serpentine
Soil in Central California.
1959 - Masters
1974. Dennis, LaRea June. A Taxonomic Study of the Vascular Flora on Ashland Peak, Jackson County, Oregon.
1959 - Doctors
1975. Head, Serge Conrade. Plant Taxonomy and Ecology of the East Eagle
Creek Drainage of the Wallowa Mountains, Northeastern Oregon.
SEE Clothing, Textiles, and Related Arts
SEE Industrial Arts Education
Industrial Education
1945 - Masters
Schnautz, John Otto. Incidence of Udder Infections in Dairy Cows and
the Efficiency of Several Treatments.
1947 - Masters
1977. Chapman, Merwyn Pierce. Studies of Immunity to Coccidiosis in Domestic Rabbits.
1950 - Masters
1978. Barto, Paul Brown. The Agglutination Test in Vibrio Fetus Infections in
Oregon Cattle and Sheep.
1951 - Masters
1979. Babcock, William Edward. Variations in Time and Dosage of Eimeria
tenella for Immunity Production in Chickens.
1980. Osebold, John William. Epizoology of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Infection in Turkeys.
1952 - Masters
Sullivan, James Frederick. Lungworms in Oregon Swine.
1953 - Masters
1982. Bone, Jesse Franklin. The Anatomy and Histopathology of the Ovaries
of Infertile Cattle.
1959 - Masters
1983. Smith, Dean Harley. The Incidence of Leptospira Agglutinins in the
Sera of Oregon Swine.
SEE Education
SEE ALSO Fish and Game Management
1957 - Masters
1984. Batchelor, Ronald Frank. An Evaluation of the Use of Salt in the Management of Big Game Animals in Northeastern Oregon.
1985. McGilvrey, Frank Byron, Jr. The Activities of the Idle Males on the
Breeding Ground of the Alaska Fur Seal on St. George Island, Alaska.
1986. Yoakum, James Donovan. Factors Affecting Mortality of Pronghorn
Antelope in Oregon.
1958 - Masters
1987. Compton, Horace Orville. The Effects of Predation on Pronghorn Antelope Numbers in South Central Oregon.
1988. Dinges, Willie Ray. Techniques in Marking Pronghorn Antelope for
Field Identification.
1989. Gillam, Harry Lloyd. Winter Foods in the Ringneck Pheasant on the
Wilson Game Management Area.
1990. Jones, Walter Guy. The Mink Food Fishery of Oregon in 1953 and 1954.
SEE Forest Products Chemistry
SEE Forest Products
1943 - Masters
1991. Shearer, Gilbert Marshall. A Study of Marine Isopods of the Coos Bay
1943 - Doctors
1992. Graf, William. Natural History of the Roosevelt Elk.
1944 - Masters
1993. Livezey, Robert Lee. A Comparative Vertebrate Ecology of Typical and
Atypical Oak Areas.
1945 - Masters
1994. Lamfrom, Hildegard. Phosphorus Distribution in the Muscle During a
Deficiency of the Anti-Stiffness Factor.
1947 - Masters
1995. Weimar, Virginia Lee. Blood Picture in Guinea Pigs Deficient in AntiStiffness Factor.
1948 - Masters
Cutress, Bertha Dana. The Distribution of Osmiophilic Lipoid in the
Developing Rat Ovary.
1997. Vincent, Walter Sampson, Jr. The Localization of Ribo-nucleic Acid in
the Ovary of the Prepubertal Rat.
1948 - Doctors
1998. Storm, Robert MacLeod. The Herpetology of Benton County, Oregon.
1949 - Masters
Beatty, Myrtle Dee. Osteogenesis in the Golden Hamster.
Cutress, Charles Ernest. The Oregon Shore Anemones (Anthozoa).
2001. Dumas, Philip Conrad. Habitat Distribution of the Birds of Southeastern
2002. Merriam, Robert William. Localization of Alkaline Phosphatases in the
Developing Rat Ovary.
2003. Reish, Donald James. The Intertidal Polychaetous Annelids of the Coos
Bay, Oregon Region.
2004. Retzlaff, Ernest Walter. The Histology of the Adrenal Gland in the
Alligator Lizard (Gerrhonotus multicarinatus).
2005. Reischel, Rudolph Edward, Jr. Valves of the Illeum-Caecum-Colon Region
of the Golden Hamster.
2006. Roest, Aryan Ingomar. Mammals of the Oregon Caves Area.
2007. von Borstel, Robert Carsten. Effect of Nucleic Acid and Nuclease on the
Cellular Proliferation in the Chick Embryo Otic Vesicle.
2008. Walker, Kenneth Merriam. Distribution and Life History of the Black
Pocket Gopher, Thomomys niger Merriam.
2009. Yancey, Robert Maxwell. Animals of the Subalpine Forest of the McKenzie Pass Area.
1949 - Doctors
2010. Evenden, Fred George, Jr. Habitat Relations of Typical Austral and
Boreal Avifauna in the Willamette Valley, Oregon.
1950 - Masters
2011. Adams, Herbert 'Gerald. Population Studies of Water Birds at Tule Lake
and Lower Klamath Lake, California.
2012. Alexander, Claude Gordon. The Proteocephalid Cestode in the Trout of
2013. Berrian, James Henry. Factors Affecting Growth of the Immature Rat
Ovary in Vitro, with Special Reference to Ribonucleotides.
2014. Bratz, Robert Davis. Avifaunal Habitats in the Central Coast Mountains
of Western Oregon.
Gallaher, Harold Vernon. Hemopoiesis in the Golden Hamster (Cricetus
2016. Pimentel, Richard Anthony. Vertebrates of the Middle Oregon Coast
2017. Ritland, Richard Martin. Habitat Occurrence and Comparative Densities
of the Douglas Squirrel, Tamiasciurus douglassii, in Benton, Polk, and
Yamhill Counties.
Sowell, Robert Rowland. Taxonomy and Ecology of the Nudibranchiate
Mollusca of the Coos Bay, Oregon, Region.
2019. Walters, Roland Dick. Habitat Occurrence and Notes on the Life History
of the Dusky-Footed Wood Rat, Neotoma fuscipes Baird.
1951 - Masters
2020. Adams, Frank William. The Histological Differentiation of the Placenta
from Implantation to Term in the Golden Hamster (Cricetus auratus
2021. Dunlap, Delpha Deane. A Survey of the Helminth Parasites of Leptocottus aumatus aumatus Girard.
2022. Dunlap, Donald Gene. Intra- and Interspecific Variation in Rana of the
Central Oregon Cascades and Adjacent Lowlands.
2023. Gregoire, Earl Helminth. Parasites of Eopsetta jordani (Lockington).
2024. Hill, Marvin Francis. Flame Photometric Analysis of Total Sodium,
Potassium and Calcium in the Fetal 'Golden Hamster (Cricetus
2025. McGowan, John Arthur. The Early Embryology of the Nudibranch
Archidoris montereyensis MacFarland.
2026. Purdy, Donald Mills. Prenatal Studies in the Golden Hamster (Cricetus
auratus Waterhouse) with Special Reference to Prenatal Mortality,
Growth and Amniotic Fluid Volumes.
2027. Twohy, Donald Wilfred. The Growth, Sexual Development and Incidence of Infection of Malacobdella grossa in the Razor Clam, Siliqua
2028. Van Arsdel, William Campbell, III. The Ossification of the Middle and
Internal Ear of the Golden Hamster (Cricetus auratus).
1951 - Doctors
2029. Bennington, Elwin Everett. The Life History of the Salmon Poisoning
Fluke, Troglotremasalmincola(Chapin).
1952 - Masters
2030. Burns, William Chandler. The Life Cycle of Metagonintioides oregonensis
Price (Trematoda; Heterophyidae).
2031. Davis, Darrell Lawrence. Urinary Sodium in Guinea Pigs on Diets Deficient in Anti-Stiffness Factor.
2032. Ferguson, Denzel Edward. The Distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles
of Wallowa County, Oregon.
2033. Giesler, John Calvin. Summering Birds of the Cape Arago Region, Coos
County, Oregon.
2034. Yonce, Lloyd Robert. The Ileo-cecal and Apico-basal Valves of the
Hamster Cecum (Cricetus auratus).
1952 - Doctors
2035. Bratz, Robert Davis. The Distribution of Biota in Oregon.
2036. Hawbecker, Albert Claude. The Natural History of the Nelson Antelope
Ground Squirrel (Ammospermophilus nelson).
Hemphill, Donald Vincent. The Vertebrate Fauna of the Boreal Areas of
the Southern Yolla Bolly Mountains, California.
2038. Pimentel, Richard Anthony. Studies on the Biology of Triturus granu2037.
losus Skilton.
1953 - Masters
2039. Beyerlein, Lydia. The Gross and Microscopic Structure of the Hamster
Eye With Special Reference to Accommodation.
2040. Birge, Wesley Joe. Metencephalic Development and Differentiation Following Experimental Lesions in the Early Chick Embryo.
2041. Eddy, Richard Hewes, Jr. Summer Bird Habitats in the Corvallis Area,
Willamette Valley, Oregon.
1953 - Doctors
2042. Dumas, Philip Conrad. Sympatric Ecological Relations of Plethodon
dunni and Plethodon vehiculum.
1954 - Masters
2043. Aldrich, Lewis Eugene, Jr. A Survey for Tritrichomonas foetus (Ried-
muller) in Alberta.
2044. McIntyre, David Ralph. Urinary Potassium in Guinea Pigs on Diets Deficient in Anti-Stiffness Factor.
Tether, Robert Sloat. Joint Major: see number 141.
2045. Thatcher, Vernon Everett. Helminth Parasites of the Pacific Terrapin,
Clemniys marmorata (Baird and Girard).
1954 - Doctors
2046. Freiburg, Richard Eighme. Studies on the Biology of Two Ambystomid
and Five Plethodontid Salamanders of Western Oregon.
2047. Lehmann, Donald Lewis. The Trypanosomes of the Amphibia.
2048. McCauley, James Elias. Some Hemiurid Trematodes of Oregon Marine
2049. Roest, Aryan Ingomar. A Contribution to the Natural History of the
Sparrow Hawks, Falco sparverius.
1955 - Masters
2050. Knight, Robert Arthur. The Life Cycles of Allassogonoporus vespertilionis Macy and Acanthatrium oregonense Macy (Trematoda : Lecithodendriidae).
Sturges, Franklin Wright. Habitats and Distributions of Land Vertebrates on the Corvallis Watershed, Mary's Peak, Benton County,
2052. Thi-Hue, Simone Truong. Spectrophotometric Determination of Nuclear
Desoxyribonucleic Acid in Selected Tissues of Taricha (Triturus)
Granulosa granulosa Skilton.
2053. Tibbitts, Forrest Donald. Studies
in the Reproduction, Growth, and
Development of the Chinchilla.
1955 - Doctors
Birge, Wesley Joe. An Analysis of Differentiation and Regulation in
the Mesencephalon of the Chick Embryo.
2055. Hill, Marvin Francis. Flame Photometric Analysis of Sodium, Potassium,
and Calcium in the Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) From
Birth to the Fourteenth Postnatal Week.
2056. Olson, Andrew Clarence, Jr. Parasites of the Grunion Leuresthes tennis
2057. Walker, Kenneth Merriam. Distribution and Taxonomy of the Small
Pocket Gophers of Northwestern Oregon.
1956 - Masters
2058. Weaver, Morris Eugene. The Effect of Sodium Malonate on Mitotic
Rate in the `Germinal Epithelium of Rat Ovaries Grown in Vitro.
1956 - Doctors
2059. Cohen, Nathan Wolf. The Reproductive System of the Male Neotenic
Dicarnptodon ensatus (Eschscholtz).
2060. Hansen, Charles 'Goodman. An Ecological Survey of the Vertebrate Animals on Steen's Mountain, Harney County, Oregon.
2061. Humphrey, Donald Glen. The Chromosomes of the Northwest Ambystomid Salamanders.
1957 - Masters
2062. Ching, Hilda Lei. The Morphology of
Oxytrema silicula (Gould).
2063. Clothier, Galen Edward. The Histology of the Digestive Tract of the
Chimaeroid Fish, Hydrolagus colliei (Lay and Bennett).
2064. Wilkes, Stanley Northrup. The Parasitic Copepods of the Long-Jawed
Rockfish, Sebastodes alutus (Gilbert).
1957 - Doctors
2065. Ferguson, Denzel Edward. The Geographic Variation and Distribution of
the Long-Toed Salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird.
2066. Sturges, Franklin Wright. Habitat Distributions of Birds and Mammals
in Lostine Canyon, Wallowa Mountains, Northeast Oregon.
1958 - Masters
2067. Foster, Jack. Diurnal Fluctuations in Metabolic Rates in the Crayfish,
Astacus trowbridgi Stimpson.
2068. Stanley, Hugh Palmerlee. The Histology of the Male and Female Reproductive Tracts of Nutria Myocastor coypus (Molina).
1958 - Doctors
Tibbitts, Forrest Donald. The Development, Histology and Circulatory
Pattern of the Chinchilla Placenta.
1959 - Masters
2070. Goertz, John William. Habitat Requirements and Ecological Relationships
of Microtus oregoni (Bachman), Microtus townsendii (Bachman), and
Microtus montanus (Peale) in Benton County, Oregon.
2071. Johnson, Oliver William. A Study of Temperature Acclimation in the
Salamanders Plethodon dunni Bishop, Plethodon vehiculusn Cooper, and
Aneides ferreus Cope.
2072. Moore, Robert Emmett. Population and Home Range Studies of Peromyscus maniculatus gambelii in the Strawberry Mountains, Grant
County, Oregon.
2073. Porter, Kenneth Raymond. Experimental Crosses Between Rana aurora
aurora Baird and Gerard and Rana aurora cascadae Slater.
1959 - Doctors
2074. Van Arsdel, William Campbell, III. Lead Selection, Cardiac Axes and the
Interpretation of Electrocardiograms in Beef Cattle.
2075. Weaver, Morris Eugene. Surface Motility Phenomena Accompanying
Division of Tissue Cells in Vivo.
Number following author's name indicates item number, not page number.
Assavesna, Sukhum, 1860, 1879.
Astley, Eugene Roy, 1779.
Athanassiadis, Constantine Menelaos, 983.
Aubol, Quentin Seldon, 1361.
Avey, Cloyce Keith, 1380.
Azzam, Hassan Ahmed, 1280.
Abadir, Insaf Ibrahim, 1124.
Abbott, Robert Arthur, 453.
Abrahams, Thomas Lee, 364.
Ackley, Philip Jackson, 1379.
Adams, Charles C., Jr., 118.
Adams, Edward Erick, 1486.
Adams, Frank William, 2020.
Adams, Herbert Gerald, 2011.
Adamson, Robert Wallace, 287.
Adlerz, Warren Clifford, 754, 770.
Akers, Thomas Jefferson, 251.
Alban, Lawrence Arthur, 1935.
Aldrich, Franklin Dalton, 1919, 1922.
Aldrich, Leslie Leroy, 1335.
Aldrich, Lewis Eugene, Jr., 2043.
Aldridge, Athelstan Arnold, 1212.
Babcock, William Edward, 1979.
Baca, Roberto Luciano C. de, 1138.
Bachelor, Gilbert Arthur, 1448.
Baggett, Tames Ronald, 1278.
Bailey, Charles Ogden, 1487.
Bailey, Merle Parker, 688.
Bailey, Warren Hutchinson, 479.
Baird, Stephen Sydney, 95.
Baker, David William, 1597.
Baker, Dinah Skinner, 1011.
Baker, Elton Murray, 1719.
Baker, William Hudson, 1970.
Bakke, Wilhelm, 1381.
Balasunder, Seth, 1504.
Balch, Robert Lyle, Jr., 1584.
Baldock, Edgar Chatterton, 527.
Baldwin, Roger Edwin, 2.
Bali, John Merton, 912.
Ball, Eldon Edward, 733.
Balsara, Darius Shapurji, 932.
Bam, Sharatchandra Govind, 933.
Banks, Dallas Odell, 1441.
Barbieri, John Gillick, 1032.
Barbour, John Percy, 1810.
Barbour, Royal Dae, 1701.
Barker, Randolph, 39.
Barkhurst, Myrl Ross, 642.
Barkley, Paul Weston, 56.
Barkley, Theodore Mitchell, 1972.
Barnes, George, 1828.
Barnes, George Lewis, 1888.
Barnes, Harry Reed, 561.
Baron, Adalbert Martin, 1604.
Barooah, Pramila Pandit, 1302.
Al-Jibury, Falih Khidir, 1957.
Allen, Alvin, 1220.
Allen, Earl Wayne, 1831.
Allenson, Douglas Rogers, 1731.
Aller, Alvin Ray, 1969.
Aller, Florence Snowbarger, 1301.
Alexander, Claude Gordon, 2012.
Alexander, Graham Irving, 1147, 1152.
Alexander, William Maxfield, 560.
Alkire, Leota Lundy, 587.
Ambrose, Tommy W., 330.
Amen, Clark Richard, 745.
Amos, Donald Edward, 1456.
Amos, Lawrence Connell, 310.
Anderson, Arthur Wallace, 167.
Anderson, Carl Frederick, Jr., 879.
Anderson, Donald Evans, 1503.
Anderson, Eric Dean, 633.
Anderson, Ernest Clifford, 734.
Anderson, Hubert Waterbury, 1767.
Anderson, Irene Frances, 1304.
Anderson, Merlin Frank, 1832.
Anderson, Murl Wayne, 588.
Anderson, Norman Herbert, 768.
Anderson, Wade Maples, 1325.
Andre, Johnnie Edgar, 1953.
Andrews, Rupert Earle, 911.
Anglemier, Allen Francis, 144, 150.
Anselone, Philip Marshall, 1464.
Antar, Mohamed Farid, 348.
Anvick, Theodore Emerson, 386.
App, Jean, 951.
Appleton, Leonard Roald, 1936.
Aragones, Erlinda Negre, 1713.
Barron, William Darlington, 861.
Barry, Lillyan Audrey, 492.
Barth, George Adams, 1313.
Bartley, Ronald Clark, 1176.
Barto, Paul Brown, 1978.
Bastow, Paul Gordon, 1326.
Batchelder, Fred Charles, 803.
Batchelor, Ronald Frank, 1984.
Bateman, John Victor, 456, 462.
Bates, David James, 1807.
Bates, Howard Francis, 1833,
Baumer, Aleen May. 441,
Bautista, Flordeliza Ramirez, 917.
Bayer, David Edmon, 808.
Beam, Chester Ronald, 1413.
Beatty, Myrtle Dee, 1999.
Beaudreau, George Stanley, 241, 247.
Bech, Jack Karl, 1231.
Bechtolt, Sidney Glenn, 1702.
Becker, Clarence Dale, 892.
Becker, Edward Samuel, 1094, 1099.
Arat, Mehmet Arif, 954.
Ard, Ben Neal, Jr., 1213.
Areekul, Sutharm, 760.
Aref, Moustafa, 931, 986.
Arents, Chester Abbo, 1478, 1554.
Arliss, Dean Ray, 395.
Armstrong, Asa William, 1565.
Arney, Helen Hulac, 1296.
Ashbaugh, James Hawthorne, 582.
Ashe, Maude, 1005.
Asher, Delman Robert, 1751.
Aspitarte, Thomas Robert, 169, 210.
Becker, Manning Henry, 7.
Bedford, John William, 1173.
Beecroft, Robert Isaiah, 1842.
Beh, John Logan, 1594.
Bell, Keith Andrew, 1228.
Bell, Ralph Rogers, 61.
Benedict, Russell Archie, 30.
Benjamin, Dayton, 782.
Bennett, Clifton Francis, 1737.
Bennett, Robert Allen, 1811.
Bennett, Wayne, 1532.
Bennington, Elwin Everrett, 2029.
Bennion, Hugh Clark, 558.
Benson, Donald Dunbar, 1076.
Bentley, Leora, SEE Bliss, Leora (Bentley).
Berger, Paul Carson, 450.
Berlin, Edgar David, 1488.
Berntsen, Carl Martin, 1056.
Berrian, James Henry, 2013.
Berry, Joseph Howard, 625.
Bettler, Philip Charles, 1855.
Beutler, John Albert, Jr., 315.
Bever, Dale Nestrud, 1045.
Beyerlein, Lydia, 2039.
Bhannasiri, Tim, 152.
Bhaskar, Timiri Deendyol, 1933.
Bhatt, Prafull Harikrishna, 924.
Bialy, Jerzy Jozef, 1694.
Biegel, Elmer Carl, 719.
Bierge, Wesley Joe, 2040, 2054.
Bigej, Barbara Bethine, 1247.
Bingham, Forrest, Jr., 1327.
Bingham, Wallace Karl, 1416.
Binns, Mary Anderson, 499.
Bird, Floyd Weston, 106.
Bishop, Guy William, 749.
Black, Donald Stephen, 825.
Black, Hugh Clark, 869.
Blackburn, Jessie Bailey, 1216.
Blackwell, Robert Leighton, 126.
Blair, Ruth Margaret, 626.
Blair, Thomas Bruce, 288.
Blanchard, Russell Hays, 1320.
Bliss, Leora Bentley, 791.
Bloomquist, Gilbert Ruben, 562.
Boaden, Richard William, 646.
Bodine, James Elmer, Jr., 336.
Boggess, Jack Clifford, 1355.
Bold, Wayne Herold, 870.
Bollen, Walter Michael, 300.
Bond, Carl Eldon, 883.
Bone, Harold Kenneth, 1541.
Bone, Jesse Franklin, 1982.
Boonbrahm, Mek, 904.
Booster, Dean Emerson, 78.
Booth, Charles William, 1605.
Booth, Herbert Kenneth, 672.
Borchers, Curtis Edward, 1732.
Borigo, Lucille Schraeder, 277.
Borland, Lois, 1125.
Borrevik, Clara Emigh, 279.
Boswell, Clifford Edwin, 1316.
Botsford, Mildred Harris, 413.
Boubel, Richard William, 1566.
Boufford, Marjorie Johnson, 563.
Bowen, James Milton, 197.
Bowers, Howard Edward, 1167.
Bowers, Kathryn, 589.
Bowman, Lyle 0., 1533.
Bowman, Quentin Groves, 66.
Boyd, Carol Elizabeth, 1285.
Brady, Beth Bryant, 528.
Brady, Roy, 1034.
Brandenburg, Norman Robert, 1534.
Bratz, Robert Davis, 2014, 2035.
Braun, Alvin Joseph, 1881.
Braun, Frederick William, Jr., 316.
Bredemeier, Richard Baillie, 1443.
Breese, Wilbur Paul, 862.
Breshears, Samuel Robert, 365.
Brewster, Dwaine Archie, 218.
Brick, Rowan 0., 1812.
Brinkman, Margaret Elizabeth, 414.
Brisbois, Alfred LeRoy, 1613.
Brock, James Richard, 955.
Brock, Robert Lewis, 1454, 1780.
Brogan, John Philip, 1164.
Brokke, Mervin Edward, 1707.
Brown, Elizabeth Bennett, 500.
Brown, James Russell, 1468.
Brown, Millard Leroy, 1542.
Brown, Robert Wallace Sr., 1442, 1469.
Brown, Ronald Alfred, 1369.
Browne, Gertrude Vilate, 437.
Brunquist, Eleanor, 1242.
Bruns, Lester Everett, 317.
Bruns, Robert Albert, 683.
Bryant, Elizabeth Jean, SEE Orem,
Elizabeth (Bryant).
Bryant, Stanley Leroy, 1505.
Bubl, Edward Charles, 221.
Buckley, Patricia Myers, 198.
Buckovic, Richard Grant, 804.
Buckwalter, Barbara, 442.
Buddenhagen, Ivan William, 1893, 1909.
Buell, Bruce Edward, 86.
Buhler, Donald Raymond, 1663, 1690.
Bullard, Maurice Leslie, 529.
Bullwinkle, Benjamin Bales, 1481.
Bunting, Pauline, 1303.
Bupp, Lamar Paul, 1734.
Burdic, William Samson, 703.
Burford, Wesley Roy, 1362.
Burge, David Edwin, 1761.
Burger, Vernon Tilleson, 704.
Burnet, Don, 1079.
Burns, Henry Lee, 1482.
Burns, William Chandler, 2030.
Burris, Martin Joe, 1137.
Bunts, Everett C, 764, 780.
Buschman, William Owen, 622.
Bush, David Clair, 1644, 1664.
Bushong, Fred Thomas, 1382.
Butterworth, Earl McKenzie, 183.
Buxton, Robert Edward, 1363.
Byers, Cleo Clifford, 1769, 1829.
Byers, John Harkness, 449, 459.
Byrd, Nathan Lemuel, 1862.
Cadmus, Walter George, 115.
Cahill, Gwendolyn, 170.
Cain, Robert Farmer, 965.
Caldwell, Allan Linwood, 1506.
Caldwell, Harvey Wilbur, 38.
Caldwell, Mack Maurice, 654.
Calhoun, Wheeler, Jr., 809.
Campbell, John Carl, 75.
Cantrell, Dorothy Hugh Blocker, 1225.
Carle, Don Wayne, 1658.
Carlson, Betty May, 493.
Carlson, Virginia Margaret, 1307.
Carmichael, Jack Winston, 539.
Carpenter, James Floyd, 1461, 1813.
Carpenter, Phyllis May, 1001.
Carrillo, Lawrence Wilbert, 1190.
Carter, Glen David, 857.
Carter, Robert Verne, 1489.
Casey, Sally Alesse, 1196.
Caspar, John Nicholas, 993.
Cate, Donald Francis, 1116.
Caveness, Fields Earl, 1616.
Cehrs, Charles Harold, 1507.
Centers, James Owen, 289.
Chadwick, George Grete, 913.
Chakraborty, Bhubaneswar, 1402.
Chalker, Raymond Lloyd, 388.
Chambers, John Stanley, 839.
Chambers, George Florent, 1314.
Chambers, James Elwood, Jr., 1818.
Champion, Mary I. Carter, 647.
Chan, Frank Tim, 1715.
Chan, Sung Tsu, 934.
Chandra, Purna, 202.
Chang, Shen Chin, 740, 747.
Suen-I Wu, 1300.
Chang, Yun Hwa, 741.
Tsun-Tien, 1964.
Chapman, Donald Wallace, 901.
Chapman, Merwyn Pierce, 1977.
Chapman, Wayne Haven, 540.
Chase, Leslie Milton, 530.
Chase, Mildred Rosine, 531.
Chatelain, Edward Frank, 837.
Chatterjee, Krishna Chandra, 1577.
Chen, Shee-ming, 691.
Chen, Tsu-Fang, 82.
Cheney, Truman McGriffin, 1201.
Cheng, Chi-Shan, 1070
Cherry, Ivan Jackson, 1434.
Chesnutt, Clarence, Jr., 463.
Chilcote, David Owen, 826.
Ching, Hilda Lei, 2062.
Chinn, Clarence Edward, 3, 1950.
Cho, Arthur Kenji, 1669.
Cho, Yong Sook, 1308.
Chowdhury, Mahir Uddin, 371.
Chown, Eleanor Eakin, 501.
Christensen, Hal Samuel, 1599.
Christensen, Harvey DeVon, 1520.
Chu, Chi-Hon, 1924.
Chuan, Chi-K, 476.
Churchill, Robert Claude, 627.
Churchill, Thomas Lynn, 730.
Clark, Bernard Dale, 502.
Clark, David Linus, 1449, 1465.
Clark, Frances Port, 1305.
Clark, George William, 821.
Clarke, Ray Allen, 1617, 1635.
Clarkson, Quentin Deane, 1971.
Clarkson, Vernon Albert, 1267.
Claudson, Tommie Tucker, 1580.
Clauss, James Kilbourn, 84, 101.
Cleveland, Claudia Buck, 273.
Climer, Jack, 608.
Close, Charles Wayne, 1383.
Clothier, Galen Edward, 2063.
Coad, Peter, 1665.
Coats, James Lee, 855.
Coberly, Zoral Harold, 604.
Coggan, William George, 1078.
Cohen, Nathan Wolf, 2059.
Colasuonno, Thomas Matthew, 655.
Colburn, Alonzo Bert, 504.
Colburn, Jerry Lee, 49.
Coldwell, Arthur Lawrence, 161.
Cole, Leland Gordon, 342, 1721.
Coleman, Commery Wallace, 1239.
Coleman, Lamar William, 1848.
Coleman, Robert Griffin, 1159.
Colgrove, Melvin Samuel, Jr., 1276.
Collins, Dana Huntley, 1051.
Collins, Duane Francis, 1106.
Compton, Horace Orville, 1987.
Cone, Donald Harry, 1444.
Conklin, Frank Sidney, 57.
Conrad, Carol Eugene, 832.
Conrad, Clarence Frederick, 1168.
Conrad, John Francis, 905.
Conrad, Werner, 1781.
Conroy, Robert Leland, 16.
Cook, Mina Gertrude, 1697.
Dale Edward, 1958.
Cooper, Duahne William, 805.
Cooper, William Eugene, 1490.
Cooprider, Harold Arthur, 511.
Corbett, Arthur Charles, 1336.
Corden, Malcolm Ernest, 1899.
Cormack, James Frederick, 1666.
Cornett, John Anthony, Jr., 452.
Corthell, Robert Ashley, 851.
Costa, Albert Bernard, 1670.
Couch, Bennerd Yancy, 1652.
Coney, Harold Melvin, 1921.
Couston, John William, 50.
Cox, Mary Elizabeth Willard, 1017.
Craine, Lloyd Bernard, 697, 713.
Cram, William Thomas, 755.
Crawford, Roger Allen, 108, 1764.
Cremins, William Joseph, 1268.
Crews, Graydon Talmadge, 541, 669.
Crews, Robert Wayne, 1770, 1803.
Croeni, Jack George, 1578.
Crowley, George Richard, 1135.
Crumb, Samuel Ebb, Jr., 739.
Culbertson, Harry Madison, 1638, 1655.
Culbertson, James Francis, 1508.
Cummins, Ernie Lee, 590.
Cummins, Joseph Thomas, 263.
Cunliffe, Gerald Robert, 532.
Cushman, Alice Anne, 429.
Cutress, Bertha Dana, 1996.
Cutress, Charles Ernest, 2000.
Dahl, Frederick Henry, 25.
Dahl, Harold Anthony, 1104.
Dahmen, Jerome John, 130.
Dalal, Sam Hormasji, 460, 943.
Dalton, Charles Eddison, Jr., 1875.
Daly, John William, 1687.
Damsky, Leon Joseph, 186.
Dane, Charles Wesley, 1033.
Danyluk, Apolinary Paul, 1595.
Dartau, Roland George, 1417.
Date, Waman Bhaskar, 925, 1266.
Davey, Bessie Louise, 1007, 1015.
David, Gladys Logsdon, 1120.
Davidson, James Melvin, 1959.
Davidson, John Taylor, 1392.
Davies, Irven Wilfred, Jr., 1626.
Davis, Darrell Lawrence, 2031.
Davis, Eva Ann, 1121.
Davis, James Wendell, 242, 253.
Davis, Kenneth Gene, 871.
Davis, Maurice Walton, 1315.
Davis, Monte Vincent, 1791, 1840.
Davison, Robert Chalmers, 890.
Dawley, Homer Carroll, 1328.
Dawson, John William, 1162.
Day, John Arthur, 1798, 1847.
Day, Wylie Ford, 123.
Deacon, Robert Julian, 1169.
Dealy, John Edward, 880.
Dean, Georgia Washburn, 480.
deBaca, Roberto Luciano C., SEE Baca,
Roberto Luciano C. de
Debois, Lillian Evangelyn, 591.
Decker, Jack Leeland, 1675.
Decker, Fred William, 1804.
Deeney, Anne O'Connell, 205.
Deeney, Hugh Jerome, 206.
Deep, Ira Washington, 1902.
Defenbach, Jean Marie, 1457.
del Pozo, Jenaro, 833.
DeMoisy, Ralph Gordon, 1029.
Dennis, LaRea June, 1974.
Dennison, Robert Francis, 1521.
Dent, William Elmer, 454.
Denver, Russell Hall, 705.
Dermid, Jack Franklin, 876.
Derthick, Charles Henry, 583.
Deschamps, Gene, 887.
DeStefano, Ernest Joseph, 1321.
Dettinger, Donald James, 1373.
Devlin, Kenneth Arthur, 935.
DeWitt, John William, Jr., 847.
Dickason, Elvis Arnie, 737.
Dickison, Robert Hanmore, 1676.
Dille, Kenneth Leroy, 1659, 1681.
Dimick, Keene Paul, 1621.
Dinges, Willie Ray, 1988.
Dippenaar, Susara Johanna, 432.
Dixon, Henry William, 663.
Dobell, Joseph Porter, 1158.
Dobie, Norman Dale, 1894.
Dobson, Richard Cecil, 751.
Doherty, Patrick Earl, 1752.
Dolan, Bob, 1607.
Dolmyer, William H., 542.
Dorward, Donald Lyle, 1645.
Doughty, Robert Edward, 77.
Douglass, John Franklin, 1951.
Dowd, Charles Almeron, 1217.
Dowerah, Tarun Chandra, 698.
Downing, Ralph Strang, 750.
Dresher, Richard H., 1204.
Driver, James Wesley, 1261.
Drlica, Karl Francis, 592.
Drynan, Thomas Johnston, 609.
DuBar, Jules Ramon, 1160.
Dubbe, Marvin Clarence, 656.
Duggan, Dennis Edward, 194.
Duggan, Kenneth Everett, 944.
Dull, Elwood Wesley, 1938.
Dumas, Philip Conrad, 2001, 2042.
Dungan, Robert Maurice, 610.
Dunlap, Delpha Deane, 2021.
Dunlap, Donald Gene, 2022.
Dunlop, William John, 1374.
Dunn, Samuel Jefferson, 829.
Dunning, Robert Lewis, 256.
Dunsdon, Rollin Orel, S.
Dupzyk, Ronald Jene, 1698.
Durnall, Edward James, Jr., 1205.
Durst, Dorothy Elizabeth, 87.
Dyche, Chester Wayne, 1458.
Dyrness, Christen Theodore, 1947.
Eapen, Kochukaleekal John, 157.
Ebeling, Dick Winfield, 366.
Eby, George Samuel, 508.
Echlin, Charles Ellery, 543.
Eckert, Richard Edgar, Jr., 827.
Eddy, Lowell Perry, 1405.
Eddy, Richard Hewes, Jr., 2041.
Edwards, Elizabeth Joan, 187.
Edwards, Hugh Wilson, 544.
Egbert, Mannette, SEE Frazier,
Manette (Egbert).
Einarsson, Hjalti, 967.
Eldredge, Evelyn Buell, 783.
El-Haidari, Haidar Saleh, 781.
Eliades, James, 720.
Ellertson, Floyd Elroy, 771.
Ellestad, George Alfred, 1703.
Elliott, Dorothy Evelyn, 512.
Elliott, Edward Carl, 505.
Ellis, Edward Norman, 1221.
Ellis, Gerald Edwin, 1329.
Ellis, William Wesley, 151.
El-Samie, Ahmed Gamal Abd, 1931, 1942.
Emigh, Bill Roy, 564.
Engelhardt, Norman Thain, 1901.
Engibous, James Charles, 1934.
Engle, John Franklin, 692, 724.
Englert, Robert Dixon, 1720.
English, Richard Arthur, 1569.
Ennis, George William, 1222.
Eppley, Mary Vineita, 1226.
Erfan, Mahmoud, 936.
Ericksen, Jerald LaVerne, 1427.
Erickson, David Rae, 477.
Ervast, Frederick William, 367.
Ervin, Harold Oscar, 284.
Esse, Robert Carlyle, 1708.
Estabrooks, Ray Gilbert, 171.
Esterly, Henry Norcross, 1771.
Etters, Richard David, 1843.
Eteel, Nat Rudy, 70.
Evans, Ersel Arthur, 1409.
Evans, William Harrington, 1722.
Evenden, Fred George, Jr., 2010.
Evenson, Margery Ann, 164.
Eves, Howard Whitley, 1426.
Ezell, Albert Iven, 340.
Fagan, Raymond Edward Benedict, 634.
Fahey, Michael Duncan, 1095, 1100.
Fairbanks, Ellen Zoellin, 1243.
Falk, Edward Daniel, 1834.
Fallan, Edmund, 116.
Fang, Sheng Chung, 1, 224.
Fanger, Carleton George, 1491.
Faruqui, Azimuddin, Ahmad, 337.
Fauerso, Walter Eric, 1492.
Faul, Duane Fremont, 593.
Feigenson, Tina Esther, 1286.
Feldman, Cynthia Rose, 1202.
Fels, Ilse Dorothea Raacke, 349.
Fels, Irving Gordon, 225.
Feng, Tse Chen, 1646.
Fenwick, Harry Selwyn, 1903.
Ferguson, Arthur Edwin, 664.
Ferguson, Denzel Edward, 2032, 2065.
Ferguson, William Sydney, 361.
Ferrier, William Kenneth, 1206.
Ferries, Clarke Hunter, 40.
Ferry, Francis Richard, 1384.
Feuches, Conrad, 1375.
Fiess, Louise Borin, 1130.
Fillmore, William Willett, 285.
Filz, William Francis, 937.
Finley, Jessie Louise, 1002.
Finnigan, Jerome Woodruff, 334.
Finnis, John Michael, 1053.
Fishier, Donald William, 1144.
Fisk, Garry Lee, 372.
Fletcher, Donald Warren, Jr., 172.
Flood, Elizabeth O'Brien, 513.
Floyd, Richard Thomas, Jr., 1960.
Follette, Wallace, 1630.
Folston, Beverly Jeannine, 188.
Forbes, Albert Ronald, 756.
Forbes, Robert Hall, 1105.
Forbes, Stuart Gordon, 1768, 1797.
Forbusch, Isabelle Allie, 264.
Ford, Barrie, 1048.
Forrest, Howard Alton, 1191.
Forsea, Harold Lazard, 1354.
Fortner, Leland Upton, 36.
Fortney, Kenneth Frederick, 199.
Foster, Jack, 2067.
Foster, Milton Morris, 1393.
Fowler, William Young, III, 51.
Fowlks, William Louis, 1682.
Fox, John Charles, 1535.
Fox, Nelson Henry, 1370.
Frakes, Rodney Vance, 1145.
France, Emilie Margaret, 1873.
Frazier, Manette Egbert, 427.
Fredericks, William John, 1756.
Fredrickson, Elvy Lennea, 1447.
Freebairn, Hugh Taylor, 259.
Freed, Anna May, 217.
Freed, Virgil Haven, 796.
Freeman, Alice Lee, 503.
Freiburg, Richard Eighme, 2046.
Frey, John Stanley, 290.
Friddell, Harold Gene, 725.
Frie, George O'Dell, Jr., 1340.
Fries, Henry William, 665.
Frisbie, Harold Raymond, 291.
Frost, Thomas Rogers, 1087.
Fry, Willis Edmond, 1792.
Fryer, John Louis, 902.
Fulcher, Aaron Darrel, 1887.
Fuller, William Arthur, Jr., 611.
Fullerton, George Simmons, 612.
Funk, Charles Elmer, 514.
Funkenbusch, Walter William, 545.
Furchner, Robert Lee, 1197.
Furtick, William Ralph, 806, 830.
Galbreath, Donald Samuel, 848.
Gallaher, Harold Vernon, 2015.
Gallaher, Homer Sumner, 1639.
Gamett, LaVell Clarence, 1385.
Ganiere, Ruth, 1131.
Garber, Frederica Kershaw, 481.
Gardner, Ernest Hugh, 1965.
Gardner, Royal Willard, 1386.
Garren, Ralph, Jr., 1272.
Gartz, Jack Frederick, 1046.
Gayer, George Frederick William, 1509.
Gaynor, Alta Isabelle, 648.
Gehrig, Edward Harry, 706.
Geiss, Almon Lewis, 131.
Geiszler, Adolph Oscar, 1656.
Gentner, Louis Gustave, 752.
Gerard, John Caryll, 1387.
Gerard, Thomas John, 1581.
Gibson, Gilbert H., 1782.
Giesler, John Calvin, 2033.
Giffin, Bertrand Lee, 684.
Gilbert, Alberta Rae, 1255.
Gile, Herman Schuyler, 1753.
Gilkey, Richard William, 613.
Gillam, Harry Lloyd, 1989.
Gilmore, James Eugene, Jr., 765.
Gilmore, Larry Bruce, 1600.
Gill, Percy Margaret, 515.
Gill, Philip, 445.
Gish, Norville Ray, 21.
Glahn, Thomas Leroy, 1445.
Glasgow, Dale William, 1835.
Glass, Robert Gilbert, 1510.
Gluth, Harold Clarence, 628.
Godard, Lauren Francis, 1394.
Goertz, John William, 2070.
Goertzen, Jack Oliver, 1944.
Goertzen, Stanley Maurice, 1192.
Goetze, Norman Richard, 816.
Goffard, Joseph William, 301.
Gohain, Armada Charan, 881.
Goheen, Edna Laura, 565.
Golden, Cecilly, 1248.
Golden, Vernon Edgar, 1799.
Goman, Edward Gordon, 1423.
Goodale, Dorothy Louise, 1118.
Graf, Sam Edlefsen, 1536.
Graf, William, 1992.
Graham, Bruce, 1623.
Graham, Harold Morton, 1085.
Graham, Robert Douglas, 1068.
Grant, Phyllis Emogene, 415.
Graves, Theodore George, 1343.
Gray, Allan Williamson, 594.
Gray, James Robert, 46.
Green, Stanley Adair, 60.
Greer, James Albert, 1800.
Gregg, Charles Thornton, 268, 1688.
Gregg, Gale B., 1570.
Gregoire, Earl, 2023.
Greisel, Irma joy, 1132.
Griend, Maurine Augusta Vander, 1236.
Griffin, Margaret Mary, 1249.
Griffith, Agnes Elizabeth, 789.
Griffith, Arvon Meredith, 1622.
Grillos, Steve John, 1859.
Groenveld, Merino, 794.
Grover, Shamsher Singh, 319.
Grundhauser, Frank Jacob, 1819.
Gruzensky, Paul Milnore, 88.
Guenther, Lloyd Mathew, 292.
Guill, Albert Pembrooke, 89.
Guldemann, Eugene Josslyn, 368.
Gunn, Charles Lloyd, 327.
Gupta, Gopi Nath, 956.
Gurushankariah, Mysore Shamanna, 331.
Gustafson, Richard Frank, 22.
Gutzler, Charles Houston, 1471.
Gwin, George Andrew, Jr., 1511.
Hageman, Doris Elizabeth, 546.
Hagen, Jack Ingval, 1772.
Hale, Otho Marion, 142.
Hall, Frederick Columbus, 822.
Hall, Henry Osborn, 1337.
Hall, Norman Reese, 1608.
Hall, William Elliott, 810.
Hamilton, Archie Young, 181.
Hamilton, Jean Esther, 1122.
Hammers, Lewis Angle, 1262.
Hammill, Kenneth Howard, 96.
Hampton, Eugene Randolph, 1183.
Hand, Frederick Abraham, 1330.
Hannesson, Gudlaugur, 182.
Hansen, Charles Goodman, 858, 2060.
Hansen, Edward Lee, 872.
Haq, Shafiqul, 385.
Hardie, Earl Eugene, 138.
Hardie, Waldo Richard, 211.
Hardtke, Fred Charles, Jr., 1765.
Harms, James Edward, 1180.
Harnik, George William, 926.
Harper, Herbert Ewing, 1155.
Harper, Paul Eugene, 1435.
Harris, Darrell Sinclair, 1631.
Harrison, Charles William, 1483.
Harter, Leland Ivor, 1331.
Hartstirn, Walter, 1912.
Hartwell, Harry Deane, 877.
Harvey, Laurence Alfred, 1430.
Harvey, Morris Eugene, 1198.
Hatch, Raymond Norris, 1195.
Hauge, Jens Gabriel, 248.
Havill, Jerry Ramonxen, 1801.
Hawbecker, Albert Claude, 2036.
Hawkes, Carl Lough, 1102.
Hawkins, Camille Palmer, 1008.
Hawn, Barbara Jean, 1601.
Haydu, Eugene Peter, 884.
Hayner, Charles Truman, 1404.
Hayner, John Brooks, 1346.
Hays, Donald Frank, 1543.
Hays, Helen Alford, 189.
Hazarika, Indra Nath. 1544.
Heacock, Harold Wendall, 1582.
Heacock, Robert Leon, 1165.
Head, Serge Conrade, 1975.
Heim, Charles Carroll, 345.
Heinemann, Wilton Walter, 143.
Heinis, Julius Leo, 1895.
Heintzman, Wendell Joseph, 547.
Helgason, Jon Halldor, 968.
Helland, Marvin LeRoy, 1057.
Helton, Audus Winzle, 1885.
Hemphill, Donald Vincent, 2037.
Hendricks, Henry Wallace, 1.783.
Hendricks, Roland Anthony, 67.
Henkle, Charles Van, 595.
Henney, Edward Nathan, 957.
Hennigh, David Edgerton, 9.
Henry, Gilbert Edward, 274.
Henshaw, Tom Bernard, 293.
Henson, Keith Turner, 79.
Herber, Rolfe, 1744.
Hergert, Herbert Lawrence, 1090, 1096.
Herrmann, Robert Bernard, 906.
Herron, John Emanuel, 1170.
Hershman, Arthur Lee, 1849.
Hess, Marion Helen, 1240.
Hess, Ruth Eleanore, 629.
Heuschkel, Dexter Gouldin, 1052.
Heusser, Calvin John, 1865.
Hewston, John Guthrie, 873.
Hickerson, Wallace Wayne, 402.
Higby, William King, 969.
Hill, Marvin Francis, 2024, 2055.
Hilliard, Douglas Keith, 888.
Hilton, Harold Loyd, 1937.
Hilzman, John, 1450, 1470.
Hirst, Alta, 1237.
Hitchcock, Glen Henry, 139.
Hitchcock, William Lawrence, 1207.
Hitsman, Arthur Ellwood, 1522.
Hoag, Edward Horine, 346.
Hobart, Jean Graham, 790.
Hobbs, Gordon Andrew, 748.
Hobbs, Kenneth Rollin, 738, 762.
Hockersmith, Ruth George, 1297.
Hoeye, Wyman Delos, 1347.
Hoffman, Russell Raymond, 852.
Hogenson, Glenmore Melvin, 1178.
Hoggatt, Verner Emil, Jr., 1436, 1462.
Holaday, Duncan Asa, 1618.
Holbeck, Herbert John, 389,
Holboke, Lawrence Edwin, 1760.
Holland, Ralph, 1773.
Hollandsworth, Helen Lorena, 1244.
Hollenbeck, E. Irene, 497.
Hollister, Jack Cecil, 1227.
Holloman, Arthur, Jr., 1883.
Holloway, William Herbert, 132.
Holm, Charles Hawthorne, 352.
Holm, Dale Marvin, 1793, 1830.
Holmes, Alyce Hahn, 1009.
Holmes, George William, 1101.
Holmes, Neil Devlin, 753.
Holstege, Conrad Johan Marie, 1523.
Honegger, Harry Harkenrider, 1545.
Hongsumalya, Vidhurn, 726.
Hoobler, Sharon Quinten, 10.
Hooven, Edward Frank, 1058.
Hopkins, Albert Benjamin, 533.
Hopkins, Theodore Louis, 878.
Horne, Gerard Fowler, 1035.
Horner, Chester Ellsworth, 1896.
Horstkotte, Daniel Kenneth, 390.
Horton, Howard Franklin, 893.
Horton, Raynor Eugene, 1537.
Hosford, Robert Morgan, Jr., 1914.
Hoskins, Dale Douglas, 257.
Houser, Donald Wilfred, 1546.
Howard, Conrad Byron, 1177.
Howell, Wade Hampton, 1038.
Hrostowski, Henry John, 1725.
Hu, Kwoh Hsien, 938.
Hu, Ming-Kuei, 710.
Hu, Yueh-Ying Sun, 711.
Hubbard, James Kenneth, 1088, 1640.
Huber, Frances Gertrude, 438.
Hudson, Frank Alden, 1148.
Hudson, Leland Wilson, 1277.
Huffman, Howard Lloyd, 1400.
Hugelman, Rodney Dale, 1585.
Hughes, Marguerite Rowena, 411.
Hull, John Walter, 227.
Human, Theunis Paddle, 952.
Humphrey, Donald Glen, 2061.
Humphrey, George Louis, 1730.
Hunnicutt, Alan Lee, 699, 727.
Hunsucker, Robert Dudley, 1850.
Hunt, Edwin, 1479.
Hunt, Oliver Joseph, 801.
Hunter, David, 1263.
Huntzicker, Jane, 433.
Hyde, Paul Elmer, 1555.
Hyde, Ronald Burns, 958.
Imel, Arthur Madison, 1699.
Inami, Yonemaru Harry, 1746.
Ingalsbe, Carol Koenekamp, 175.
Inskeep, Eugene Laughlin, 566.
Inskeep, John Jerry, 4.
Ireland, Margaret Jane, 516.
Irgens-Moller, Helge, 1871.
Irish, Robert James, 1174.
Isensee, Robert William, 1619, 1636.
Ishimoto, Toshio Tom, 1973.
Jackson, Eileen Lola, 1259.
Jackson, Harry James, 1547.
Jackson, Walter Ernest, 343.
Taff, Akram Hamid, 1146.
James, Roger William, 1738.
Jaworski, Ernest George, 228, 244.
Jean, Clarence Virgil, 596.
Jenkins, May, 408.
Jenne, Everett Knowlton, 1794.
Jennings, Jack Hall, 1089.
Jensen, John Theodore, 597.
Jenson, Clifford Leo, 80.
Jerath, Manohar Lal, 772.
Jernstedt, Gordon Keith, 31.
Jernstedt, Maurice Luther, 41.
Jesseph, Edna M., 269.
Jewell, William Ray, 1778.
Jirka, Robert James, 1472.
Johns, Elvy Earl, Jr., 162.
Jolley, Russell, LaGrange, Jr., 246, 266.
Joncich, Michael Joseph, 1647.
Jones, Alva Merle, 332.
Jones, Benjamin Franklin, 894.
Jones, Carl Trainer, 113.
Jones, Dallas Eugene, 265.
Jones, Hobart Bowen, 1059.
Jones, Leo Edward, 1874.
Jones, Lester Robert, 1493.
Jones, Lucile Hall, 1232.
Jones, Robert Wakeman, 1186.
Jones, Stewart McReddie, 1157.
Jones, Walter Denny, 1762.
Jones, Walter Guy, 1990.
Johnson, Alan Kellogg, 693.
Johnson, Alfaretta Clara, 635.
Johnson, Clarence Everet, 467,
Johnson, Dorma Lee, 425.
Johnson, James Carl, 325,
Johnson, James Wendell, 1073.
Johnson, Jerome Hugo, 685, 1714.
Johnson, Joe Bonner, 117.
Johnson, Kermit Milton, 1110.
Johnson, Leone Sands, 1188.
Johnson, Leroy Franklin, Jr., 1414.
Johnson, Linwood Eugene, 1571.
Johnson, Lyle Herbert, 482.
Johnson, Malcolm Julius, 817.
Johnson, Norman Elden, 1054.
Johnson, Oliver William, 2071.
Johnson, Oran Leander, 1926.
Johnson, Robert Homer, 1774.
Johnson, Robert Severt, 1349.
Johnson, Rowland Edward, 1735.
Johnson, Thomas Keith, 140.
Johnson, Walter Van-Gale, 834.
Johnston, Elbert Felton, 127, 1141.
Johnston, Melvin Roscoe, 945.
Jooste, Martha Elizabeth, 1019.
Jordan, Gilbert LeRoy, 807.
Jordan, James Verdun, 1930.
Jordan, Mary Edna, 666.
Jorquera, Guido Alfonso, 283.
Joseph, Harrietann, 1929.
Kalberg, Erick Ronald, 17.
Kallander, Rudolph Martin, 1042.
Kalle, Gurudutt Pandurang, 984.
Kamm, Leonard Maurice, 457.
Kanzelm.eyer, James Herbert, 102.
Kanzler, Harrell Walter, 689.
Karasek, Francis Warren, 1741.
Karsh, Max Leon, 1710.
Kawasaki, Elwell Haehiro, 258.
Kean, Chester Eugene, 229.
Keenan, Mary Teresa, 548.
Keesling, James Worth, 176.
Keiser, David Frederick, 1049.
Keller, Karl William, 1133.
Kelly, Mark Warburton, 1524.
Kemper, Robert Schooley, Jr., 1548.
Kempf, Eugenia Catherina, 549.
Kendle, Earl Raymond, 907.
Kennick, Walter Herbert, 153, 158.
Kerns, Orra Edwin, Jr., 895.
Kiefer, Harry John, 1086, 1093.
Kim, Chai Hoon, 1260.
Kimel, Helen Maurine, 1306.
King, Jesse Wayne, 598.
King, Tsoo E., 219, 226.
Kingsbury, Helen, 1117.
Kirsch, Richard Kneale, 1945, 1962.
Kirsch, Theodore Timothy, 83.
Kitos, Paul Alan, 260.
Kitson, John Aidan McCreery, 978.
Kizilkaya, Sevket, 1494.
Klavano, Wayne Conrad, 908.
Klein, Andrew Mattley, 374.
Kleint, Roderic Emil, 1525.
Klungsdyr, Sigrid, 190.
Knight, Robert Arthur, 2050.
Kodama, Shinzo, 728.
Kodras, Rudolph, 245.
Koehmstedt, Paul Leon, 90.
Kohfeld, John Jacob, 1473.
Konar, Mahima Ranjan, 469.
Konrad, Ferdinand Power, 347.
Kosesan, Willy Henry, 799.
Koski, William Arthur, 1214.
Kratzke, Albert William, 1466.
Kroll, Robert Louis, 1083.
Kubeck, Edmund, 111.
Kuehl, LeRoy Robert, 252.
Kumler, Marion Lawrence, 835.
Kunz, Peter Dale, 1808.
Kupka, Frank, 1419.
Kupper, Charles Parnell, 517.
Kuvallis, John Nicholas, 690.
Labbe, Robert Ferdinand, 230, 238.
Lackey, Homer Baird, 1632.
LaClair, Joseph Vincent, 518.
Ladendorff, Mildred Berniece, 430.
Lambrecht, William Anthony, 927.
Lamfrom, Hildegard, 1994.
Lance, James Davis, 1602.
Lane, Irving Eugene, 1350.
Lange, Arthur Herman, 1264.
Lange, Erwin Fred, 584.
Laning, Enos Roland, Jr., 1281.
LaPore, Richard Francis, 1653, 1671.
Larmie, Fred Mose, 896.
Larsen, Leland Murray, 448.
Larsen, Verna Christine, 567.
Larson, Harold Vincent, 1844,
Larson, Milton Byrd, 1820.
Larson, Richard Ross, 1775.
Larson, Robert Thomas, 1603.
Lau, Shin Chi, 923.
Laughlin, James William, 700.
Lavender, Denis Peter, 1060.
Lawrence, Dorothy Jean, 428.
Lawrence, Robert Windle, 1784.
Laxdal, Albert Lee, 1474.
Lazarides, Orestis Paul, 383.
Leach, Alvin Monroe, 71.
Leach, Charles Morley, 1904.
Leahy, Peter Michael, 1047.
Ledbetter, Nellie Marie, 416.
Ledeen, Robert Wagner, 1672.
Leduc, Robert Joseph, 1348.
Lee, Allen, 63.
Lee, Eugene Edward, 91.
Lee, Fred Cheong, 1538.
Lee, Kyu Sung, 338.
Lee, Myrtle Emily, 643.
Leech, Raymond Hugh, 1043.
Lehman, Alice Ethel, 673.
Lehmann, Donald Lewis, 2047.
Leman, Bernard Dale, 897.
Lemmon, Inez Rivers, 1298.
Leonard, Lawrence Stuart, 1411.
Levenspiel, Octave, 302, 321.
Leveque, Phillip Edwin, 236.
Levitt, Arnold Edwin, 92, 103.
Lewellen, John Wesley, 1836.
Lewis, Donald Edward, 519.
Lewis, John Hammond, 840.
Lewis, Robert Hill, 914.
Lewis, Roger Norman, 1704.
Liik, George, 1495.
Lin, Chi-Yung, 694.
Lin, Clar Ju-Yuan, 1954.
Lind, Edward Raymond, 1484.
Lindeborg, Karl Hartvig, 59.
Lindsay, Leanor Locher, 231.
Lindsay, Rex Devon, 232.
Lindzey, James Shotwell, 836.
Linn, DeVon Wayne, 898.
Litwiller, Earl Milo, 919.
Liu, David Cheng-Tso, 375.
Liu, Shou Ying, 1549.
Liu, Yu-Chen, 1311.
Lively, Roy James, 1322.
Livezey, Robert Lee, 1993.
Livingston, Kenneth Hubert, 811.
Lloyd, Dorothy Schwarzkopf, 506.
Locke, Robert Charles, 1388.
Lockwood, Raymond Marshall, 1526, 1556.
Lockwood, Robert Addis, 320.
Loe, Edna Mae, 407.
Loh, Shih Kuen, 11.
Long, David Robert, 76.
Long, James Stephen, 68.
Long, Jay Bass, 841.
Loranger, Fernand, 970.
Lorant, George John, 946.
Louhi, Hellin Anna-Maija, 1018.
Love, Chaille Mosely, 1108.
Loveless, Austin Gudmund, 1395.
Lower, Stephen Kent, 1700.
Lowry, Gerald Lafayette, 1946.
Lu, Kenneth Kao-Chao, 466.
Lu, Kuo Chin, 174.
Ludwig, Harold William, 550.
Luehr, Charles Poling, 1459.
Lugo-Blanco, Julio Jose, 1932.
Lukert, James Louis, 1065.
Lumpkin, Margaret Catherine, 670.
Lundeen, Berta Barbara, 222.
Lundeen, Glen Alfred, 939, 974.
Lundy, Joan, 788.
Lynch, James Edward, 1557.
McAlexander, Robert Hubert, 26.
McArthur, William Dean, 671.
McCaleb, Omer Kennilworth, 1332.
McCall, Horace Fillmore, 657.
McCauley, James Elias, 2048.
McCauley, Versel Dean, 1398.
McClintock, John Leighton, Jr., 303,
MacCloskey, Ruth Hudson, 406.
McCluer, Henry Karl, 328.
McClure, David Albert, 1716.
McCluskey, William Harry, 69.
McCollum, Earl Wesley, 72.
McCorkle, David Benson, 1208.
McCoy, Robert Arnold, 623.
McCulloch, Margaret Mildred, 1287.
McCullough, John Price, 294, 350.
McDaniel, Fred Bruce, 472.
McDevitt, Margaret Rose, 636.
MacDonald, Malcolm Allan, 1140.
McDowall, Helen May, 1246.
McEwen, Wesley Charles, 133.
McFadden, Gilbert Casper Francis, 534.
McFarland, James Edward, 1451.
MacFarlane, Ada Berneice, 434.
McGilvrey, Frank Byron, Jr., 1985.
McGinnis, Arthur James, 254.
McGinnis, Dorothy Ellen, 419.
McGlothlin, Robert Seldon, 32.
McGowan, John Arthur, 2025.
MacGregor, Dugal Roy, 165, 184.
MacGregor, Hugh Alton, 64.
McGuire, Carroll Philip, 1609.
McGuire, Hazel Irene, 426.
McIntyre, David Ralph, 2044.
McIntyre, Ethel Mae, 1111.
McIntyre, Loren Bruce, 1171.
Mack, Harry John, 1274.
McKalip, William Ward, 614.
McKee, Laird Wesley, 1573.
McKeel, Willis Newton, Jr., 568.
McKell, Cyrus Milo, 1867.
McKimmy, Milford D., 1074.
McLachlan, Jack Lamont, 1869, 1877.
McLean, Corwin Duncan, 1496.
McLellan, Dale Lawrence, 1586.
McLeod, Dale Lloyd, 709.
MacLeod, James, Jr., 1318.
McLeroy, George Bernard, 134.
McMillan, Alva Lowell, 483.
McMurtrey, Violet, 644.
McNeal, Francis Harrison, 797.
McNeil, William John, 899.
McNeilan, Ray Arthur, 1282.
McNett, Aileen Alice Guy, 1119.
Macomber, Oliver Wendell, 1338.
MacPherson, Donavon Dale, 20.
McRae, Jerald Oliver,
McReary, Ronald, 377.
Madden, Elwood, 863.
Madigan, Edward John, 1717.
Madsen, Herbert Stanford, 918.
Magee, Robert Allen, 233.
Magill, Benjamin Fulton, 458.
Magness, Wilbur Carnes, 1351.
Magoon, Eugene Franklin, 1683.
Mahon, Harold Patterson, Jr., 1821.
Maier, Charles Robert, 1917.
Maillard, William Charles, 1785.
Mangan, John William, 1071.
Mann, Isabel Tyson, 484.
Manning, Robert Leroy, 159.
Marshall, Thomas George, 1497.
Martilla, Arthur Henry, 1786.
Martin, Alfreda Bernetta, 520.
Martin, Clyde Melvin, 682.
Martin, Richard William, 1876.
Martin, Wayne Stephen, 559, 1364.
Martinson, Norman Harry, 535,
Mason, John Leslie, 1868.
Mason, Nicholas Victor, 1040.
Mason, Robert William, 1153.
Mason, Thomas Francis, Jr., 569.
Masson, Donald Leslie, 369.
Masters, Burton Joseph, 1748.
Matches, Arthur Gerald, 815.
Matches, Jack Ronald, 995.
Mater, Jean, 1098.
Mathers, John Hamilton, 947.
Maxwell, John Edward, 721.
Mays, William Atkins, 1376.
Meador, Henry Thomas, 1574.
Meairs, Pattie Peryle, 1256.
Mellenthin, Walter M., 1269.
Menefee, Donald Franklin, 570.
Menegat, Paul Anthony, 624.
Merkle, John, 1861.
Merklin, Eldon Oren, 1558.
Merriam, Lawrence Campbell, Jr., 1061.
Merriam, Robert William, 2002.
Mesecar, Roderick Smit, Jr., 729.
Messersmith, James David, 909.
Metzler, Richard Kenneth, 99.
Meyer, Charles Arthur, 599.
Meyer, Dorothy Babcock, 421.
Meyer, Frederick Gordon, 12.
Mhatre, Nagesh Shamrao, 475.
Michael, Lawrence Wesley, 23.
Michael, Robert Ray, 686.
Mickelsen, John Raymond, 1410, 1415.
Middleton, Margaret, 1288.
Miller, Bonita June, 1863.
Miller, Donald Duane, 168.
Miller, Harold J., 658
Miller, Jack Marion, 311.
Miller, Jonas William, 812.
Miller, Joseph Verne, 1352.
Miller, Kenneth Leron, 1661.
Miller, Nancy Marie, 435.
Miller, Richard Linn, 339.
Miller, Robert Harold, 1858.
Miller, Willard Wayne, 571.
Milliken, Margaret Jean, 507.
Milling, Edith Muriel, 1006.
Mills, Herman Erwin, 166.
Mills, Ira Kelly, 1923.
Miner, Frend John, 104, 355.
Mingle, John Glenn, Jr., 1513.
Mitchell, Gwendolyn Lounsbury, 443.
Mo, Yu Hsuen, 52.
Moberg, Leon Ernest, 24.
Moe, Harold William, 600.
Moreland, Robert Morris, 1323.
Morlan, Mary Alice, 1250.
Morley, Nina Hope, 1026.
Monroe, Melvin Candee, 1114.
Monroe, Ronald Eugene, 769.
Montan, Donald Noel, 1766.
Moore, Edward Harry, 1550.
Moore, James Francis, Jr., 1181.
Moore, Joseph Eli, 249.
Moore, Robert Emmett, 2072.
Moore, Shirley Tuttle, 1420.
Moore, Viron Alonzo, 1209.
Morris, Harold White, 637.
Morris, James Madison, 659.
Morris, Robert Wharton, 842.
Morris, William Robert, 65.
Morrison, Carl Eugene, 615.
Mosen, Arthur Walter, 93.
Moser, James Howard, 100, 356.
Moser, Ruth Annetta, 417.
Moulton, Clifford Harold, 701.
Mounteer, Robert Wesley, 1050.
Moyer, Paul Edwin, 370.
Mulkey, Willetta Welch, 1289.
Mulvey, Roland Hugh, 1615.
Mundorff, Norman Lloyd, 1156.
Murray, Joseph, 1648.
Murphy, Katherine Frances, 551.
Murphy, Nita Ellafred, 1294.
Musbach, Charles George, 1371.
Naff, Marion Benton, 1650.
Nairn, John, 33.
Nakajud, Arb, 53.
Nandpori, Karam Singh, 818, 831.
Narula, Prem Nath, 474, 979.
Nathanson, Stephen Hayward, 399.
Naumann, Theodor Friedrich, 1123.
Nedom, Leroy Edward, 1333.
Neely, Aleene, 412.
Neely, William Vernon, 42.
Neill, John Wesley, 1275.
Neilson, Chester Lamaunt, 736.
Neilson, Donald Wilbert, 572.
Neilson, George Francis, Jr., 1747.
Nelms, George Estes, 1139, 1143.
Nelson, Daniel James, 849.
Nelson, Donald John, 1817.
Nelson, Elton Glen, 793.
Nelson, Harry Martin, 357, 1749.
Nelson, Jean Emily, 1614.
Nelson, Michael, 47.
Nelson, Nona Jean, 439.
Nelson, Otto Christian, 874.
Nelson, Robert LeRoy, 776.
Nesbit, Robert Allen, 1163.
Neu, Harold Wesley, 384.
Newbold, John Edward, 1802.
Newby, Bill Joe, 97.
Newman, Alex, 220.
Newport, Carl Allen, 1036.
Newton, Ivan Leon, 1606.
Newton, John Francis, Jr., 1587.
Ng, Keng Chock, 948.
Nichols, Addreen, 784.
Nichols, Gayle Howard, Jr., 295.
Nicholson, Hugh Hampson, 1149.
Nicholson, Robert Llewellyn, 1389.
Nickel, James Alvin, 1437, 1467.
Nicol, Frank Duey, 1920.
Nielson, Mervin William, 759.
Nishi, Hiroshi, 223.
Noble, Ernest Pascal, 1684.
Noble, Richard Earl, 889.
Noel, Helen Covey, 494.
Noller, Eric Charles, 173.
Nonnecke, Ib Libner, 1283.
Nordan, Harold Cecil, 999.
Norris, Rita, 1003.
Northam, Ray Mervyn, 1598.
Novotny, Mildred Elizabeth, 785.
Noyes, Roy Barnes, 1579.
Nyberg, David Dolph, 1695.
Nygaard, Agnar Petter Bernhoft, 239.
Nygren, Maie Anabel, 786.
Oakley, Arthur Leo, 900.
Oas, David Evan, 601.
O'Brien, Joseph Francis, 777.
O'Connell, Forrest Lester, 616.
O'Dea, John David, 1210.
Odell, Norman Raymond, 358, 1685.
Oeder, Robert Donald, 1431.
Ogren, David Ernest, 1184.
O'Halloran, Thomas Alphonsus, Jr., 1814.
Ohh, Sekyu, 1837.
Okano, Yoko, 177.
Olafsson, Patrick Gordon, 1709.
Oldenstadt, Dennis Lee, 54.
Oldfield, James Edmund, 135.
O'Leary, John Elmer, 1030.
Oliphant, Alva Wayne, 1365.
Oliszewski, Casimir, 1596.
Oliver, Robert Jackson, 602.
Olney, Vernon William, 746.
Oloufa, Mohamed Mohamed, 125.
Olsen, Edgar Howard, 715.
Olsen, Joseph Kent, 304.
Olson, Andrew Clarence, Jr., 2056.
Olson, Bennie Thelen, 573.
Olson, Bertel Orlando, 396.
Olson, Donel Rudolph, 1575.
Olson, Lillian Evelene, 422.
Olson, Raymond Lloyd, 312.
Oltra, Jorge Bravo, 114.
Oman, Henry, 707.
Opland, Esther Olive, 1245.
O'Reilly, Henry James, 1889.
Orem, Elizabeth Bryant, 275.
Orwig, Bernice Irene, 1134.
Osborn, Howard Arthur, 18.
Osborn, Robert Otto, 446.
Osebold, John William, 1980.
Osgood, William Cyril, 509.
Osman, Hussein Osman Ahmed, 959, 975,
Ott, Roland Elwood, 1559.
Ousterhout, William Kimball, 119
Pettit, Lynne Archer, 980, 990.
Owen, Herbert Elmer, Jr., 1866, 1870.
Pfrehm, Blanche Oleson, 576.
Phillips, Bryce Charles, 485.
Phillips, Richard Edward, 866.
Phillips, Wayne Ellsworth, 1528.
Pierce, Cecil Durwood, 1136.
Pierce, John Rayner, 766.
Pierce, Raymond Trussell, Jr., 234.
Pierson, LeRoy Richard, 552, 661.
Pih, Dueh Chang, 13.
Pike, Julian McKendree, 1838, 1853.
Pilcher, Stephen Hathaway, 1187.
Pimentel, Richard Anthony, 2016, 2038.
Pinson, Lawrence Gale, 1334.
Pitney, Elvan McClure, 676.
Pittam, William, 281.
Plankinton, Robert, 1084.
Polvi, Robert Leo, 400.
Pomeroy, David, 1421.
Pope, Alexander, 1952.
Pope, Joseph Horace, 1824.
Porritt, Stanley Wallace, 1271, 1284.
Porter, Clark Alfred, 1890.
Porter, Kenneth Raymond, 2073.
Post, Richard Lewis, 735.
Postl, Anton, 1109.
Potter, Margaret Schow, 418.
Potter, Norman Douglas, 1754.
Pouderoux, Pierre, 1560.
Powelson, Robert Loran, 1918.
Powne, Robert Edney, 1551.
Prasad, Prem, 1588.
Pratt, Michael John, 1910.
Prentiss, Marian Gary, 1010.
Presley, Jesse Ferman, 1235.
Presley, LeRoy Lawrence, 1576.
Price, Donald Austin, 1151.
Price, James Ferris, 1429.
Price, Kenneth Bertran, 522.
Proctor, Robert Swope, 1515.
Pukas, Elizabeth Natalia, 1215.
Purdy, Donald Mills, 2026.
Puri, Yesh Pal, 828.
Oylear, Clarence Herbert, 1339.
Ozipek, Kamran Abdurrahim, 1498.
Packard, Patricia Lois, 1857.
Pahnish, Otto Floyd, 1150.
Pailthorp, Robert Eugene, 397.
Paine, David Philip, 1062.
Pak, Sang In, 1309.
Pakulak, Jack Metro, Jr., 1418.
Paldanius, Ward Albert, 1234.
Palm, Elmer Thurman, 1886, 1913.
Palmberg, Walter Henry, 674.
Palmer, Harold Oscar, 649.
Palmer, Ray Frederick, 1728.
Pang, TseSung, 1928.
Park, Edwin Clyde, 882.
Park, Jai Young, 1882.
Parker, Howard Wesley, 1499.
Parker, Richard Bennett, 163, 192.
Parks, Walter Howard, 1077.
Parpia, Husain Ali Bhimjee, 928, 963.
Parrish, Gordon Lee, 195.
Parsons, Lysle Harrah, 1270.
Parsons, Raymond Edward, 1689.
Parthenis, Alexander John, 128.
Pasquale, Nicholas, 864.
Patil, Suresh Siddheshwar, 1915.
Patterson, Lloyd Leonard, 823.
Patterson, Thomas Joseph, 1080.
Paulsen, Donald Earl, 1633.
Pearce, Sidney John, 455.
Pearson, David Petri, 1742.
Pearson, Maynard Dean, 1787, 1805.
Pearson, Patricia Margaret, 1438.
Pease, Burton Frank, 110.
Peavy, Bradley Adelbert, Jr., 1527.
Peden, William Frederick, 617.
Pederson, Raymond LeRoy, 344.
Pehrsson, Alfred Hildger, 305.
Peisner, Earl Frederick, 660.
Peithman, Roscoe Edward, 1218.
Pennington, Lloyd Drew, 107.
Peyton, Harold Ray, 398.
Quincy, Walter Levi, 34.
Peoples, Samuel Ray, 1788, 1806.
Perkins, Jeanne Lina, 1004.
Perpinias, Anthony Emmanuel, 717.
Perrier, Eugene Raymond, 1955.
Perrin, Albert Maitland Kitchiner, 1319.
Perry, Richard Lee, 1822.
Perry, William Douglas, 1823.
Person, Willis Bagley, 1726.
Pescador, Josephine Organo, 1028.
Peterman, Bernice Almeta, 675.
Petersen, Edward Leland, 1845.
Petersen, Gerda Katherine, 431.
Petersen, Harold Ernest, 574, 1223.
Peterson, Jack W., 1718.
Peterson, Lillian Evangelyn, SEE Debois,
Lillian Evangelyn (Peterson).
Peterson, Reuben William, 1567.
Peterson, Roy Stanley, 1514.
Peterson, Wilbur John, 575.
Petit, Cecil Earle, 521.
Raeppel, Josephine Eugenia, 650.
Rahman, Abdul Razzaq Abdul, 991.
Raine, John, 761.
Rall, Louis Baker, 1446, 1463.
Ralphs, Delbert Lloyd, 1407.
Ramage, Carroll Herbert, 1939.
Raphael, Harold James, 1072.
Rash, Kenneth Edward, Jr., 207.
Rasheed, Ahmed Adel, 1470.
Rasmussen, Maurice Lee, 1589.
Ratarasarn, Sucheep, 154.
Rathkey, Arthur Stanley, 212.
Rawlings, Floyd, Jr., 1723.
Ray, Arliss Dean, 398.
Ray, Earl Elmer, 1154.
Rayl, Stephen Christopher, 1590.
Raymer, William Bruce, 1905.
Reed, Donald James, 1696.
Reed, Henry Judson, 630.
Reed, Wallace James, 702.
Reep, Dorothy Nadine, 270.
Reiber, Emerson Francis, 1561.
Reichert, Malno Ada, 1241, 1224.
Reif, Raymond Roger, 73.
Reinhart, William Arthur, 1516.
Reinikka, Everett Arnold, 403.
Reinoldson, Fred David, 359.
Reish, Donald James, 2003.
Renney, Arthur James, 824.
Retzlaff, Ernest Walter, 2004.
Reynolds, Ralph Kerr, 1539.
Rhodes, Wanda Mae, 436.
Rice, Charles Mason MacDougall, 678.
Rice, Elbert Floyd, Jr., 376, 391.
Rice, William Harold, 324.
Richards, Wayne Elliott, 1610.
Richardson, Grant Lee, 802.
Richardson, James Hollins, 1063.
Rickard, LaVerne Edwin, 1432.
Riddell, Walter Coleman, 1452.
Rieck, Carroll Adelbert, 859.
Rieck, Henry George, Jr., 282.
Rieschel, Rudolph Edward, Jr., 2005.
Riggle, Everett Cramer, 1475.
Riggs, James Lear, 1583.
Riggs, Thomas Rowland, 215.
Riley, Jack Carter, 1789.
Riley, Leonard William, III, 464.
Ringold, Howard Wood, 1353.
Rio, Sheldon Theodore, 1476.
Ritchie, Calvin Leslie, 732.
Ritchie, Dwight Dameron, 378.
Ritchie, Myles Houston, 491.
Ritland, Richard Martin, 2017.
Roa, Pedro Dante, 208.
Roach, Archibald Wilson, 1864.
Roberti, Philip Carl, 1667.
Roberts, Jack Ellsworth, 178, 193.
Robertson, Dean Moore, 98.
Robidart, Charles Martin, 1552.
Robins, Barbara Ann, 1021.
Robins, Charles Samuel, 1562.
Robins, Roland Kenith, 1662.
Robinson, Clifford Ellis, 486.
Robinson, Rollo Smith, 853.
Robinson, Walter Lee, 1039.
Roest, Aryan Ingomar, 2006, 2049.
Rogers, Charles junior, 1649, 1668.
Rogers, Dexter, 250.
Rogers, LeRoy Francis, 55.
Roghani, Maruf Shah, 941.
Roloff, Arthur Daniel, 1324.
Ronne, James Sayre, 1839.
Rose, Carlas Desmond, 148.
Rose, Carlene, 409.
Rosebraugh, Vernon Hart, 392.
Rosenblum, Morton Tully, 19.
Ross, John Daryl, 296.
Ross, Laurids Edward, 1624.
Ross, Richard Charles, 297.
Rossheim, John David, 1055.
Roth, Vincent Daniel, 742.
Rotz, Julius Von, 401.
Roubal, William Theodore, 1705.
Rowe, Gordon Aken, 468.
Rowe, Kathryn Eldoris, 495.
Rowell, John David, 14.
Ruark, Henry Clay, Jr., 631.
Rublin, Willard Gordon, 1341.
Rudesul, Ethel Madeline, 498.
Ruggles, Judson Gilbert, 351.
Ruiz, Virginia Tongko, 1027.
Runkle, A'leen Elizabeth, 1112.
Runner, Dwight Kenneth, 1856.
Russell, Mary Alice, 787.
Ruth, Robert Harvey, 1037.
Rutherglen, John Alfred, 1500.
Ryan, Jack Lewis, 105.
Ryan, Roger Baker, 778.
Rycraft, Marion Grover, 278.
Rydalch, Eva Ann, 1634.
Rynning, Delroy Finlay, 286.
Sabhasri, Sanga, 1066.
Sahota, Joginder Singh, 35.
Said, Nasir, 81.
Saling, Neil Edmund, 1390.
Salser, Carl Walter, Jr., 653.
Salter, Robert Linwood, 850.
Saltzman, William Ordway, 865.
Sanders, John Patrick, 379.
Sandine, William Ewald, 203.
Sangutai, Pimol, 444.
Santee, Donald Frederick, 1366.
Saran, Gurdip Singh, 722.
Sato, Kunito, 994.
Saul, Adolf Theodore Regis, 1529.
Saum, James Arthur, 536.
Savage, Charles Henry, Jr., 1128.
Savos, Milton George, 773.
Sayegh, Antoine Hanna, 1956.
Sayles, Thomas Byers, 577.
Sayre, Richard Martin, 1878.
Schaeffer, William Donald, 1660.
Schink, Chester Albert, 1620, 1629.
Schlappi, Herman Casper, 1553.
Schlicker, Herbert G., 1175.
Schmidt, Richard Wallace, 74.
Schmitz, Bruce Wayne, 1591.
Schmurr, Leonard William, 1129.
Schnautz, John Adelbert, 335, 988.
Schnautz, John Otto, 1976.
Schocken, Victor, 213.
Scholtus, Jay Liberty, 271.
Schorling, Horace Oren, 585, 1356.
Schrader, Paul Gordon, 1625.
Schreyer, James Marlin, 1406.
Schubert, John Rockwell, 149, 237.
Schudel, Harold Lester, 814.
Schuh, Robert Paul, 731.
Schwab, Margaret Jo, 1189.
Schwalm, Ray Alvin, 605, 1367.
Scott, Harold Huffman, 298.
Scott, Robert Falcon, 843.
Scott, Russell Perry, 1377.
Scovell, Ora Frances, 553.
Seghetti, Libero, 844.
Seid, Ruth, 1714.
Seitz, Eugene Walter, 209.
Seklemian, Haig Vernon, 1678.
Selliken, Joseph Hartvig, 1540.
Seshadri, Erode Venkataramanan, 1517.
Severtson, Dale, 1611.
Shah, Jayantilal Nemchand, 960, 976.
Shah, Said Ahman, 27.
Shao, Bing Kun, 5.
Sharkey, Hubert Joseph, 261.
Shear, Twyla Maisie, 1257.
Shearer, Gilbert Marshall, 1991.
Shearer, William Norman, 1724.
Shelton-Vazquez, Bert Jack, 1166.
Shen, Chih Ping, 949.
Shepherd, Maurice Joseph, Jr., 85.
Sheppard, Dorothy Louise, 1654.
Sherman, Mabel Alyce, 420.
Shesler, Franklin B., 1357.
Shewfelt, Albert Lorne, 966.
Shields, Edward, Jr., 1501.
Shih, Shui Ho, 1943.
Shoemaker, Robert Sidney, 353.
Shoemaker, Roy Hopkins, Jr., 380, 394.
Shoemaker, Vernal Patten, 487.
Shotts, Phyllis Heilig, 280.
Shotts, Stanley Arthur, 618.
Siddhijai, Prayul, 465.
Sidwell, Arthur Plummer, 1273.
Siegel, Richard Harold, 1755.
Siegele, John Louis, 987.
Siegle, John Carl, 1657.
Siegner, Clarence Vernon, 1378.
Simerville, Clara Louise, 1211.
Simon, Robert Haskell, 308.
Simonsen, Donald Howard, 216.
Singh, Justina Arjun, 410.
Sistrunk, William Allen, 942, 1000.
Siukola, Matti Solmu Olavi, 712.
Siverly, Russell Emmett, 763.
Skaar, Roger Wayne, 196.
Skene, Emerson Matthew, 1568.
Skiens, Marie Simmons, 554.
Skinner, John George, 1851.
Skinner, William James, 1485.
Skornicka, Joseph Edward, 679.
Smith, Allen Nathan, 309.
Smith, Barbara Ruth, 619.
Smith, Dean Harley, 1983.
Smith, Edith Theodora, 276.
Smith, James Edward, 1091, 1097.
Smith, Newton Birrel, 1428.
Smith, Norman Lee, 267.
Smith, Orville Dale, 1433.
Smith, Raymond Ives, 1185.
Smith, Robert Clifford, 1408.
Smith, Victor Herbert, 1686.
Smith, Vincent Norris, 179.
Smith, Walter Lawrence, 1422.
Smith, William Alton, Jr., 1733, 1745.
Smithson, John Lane, 578.
Smola, Valeria Marie, 1252.
Snipper, Lawrence Paul, 240.
Snook, James Ronald, 1182.
Snow, Gordon Franklin, 1906.
Snyder, Robert Gene, 363.
Soike, Kenneth Fierove, 185.
Soine, Tyler Sylvester, 109.
Sommerfeldt, Raymond Walter, 1825.
Southworth, Hugh Alexander, 341.
Sowell, Robert Rowland, 2018.
Spalaris, Constantine Nicholas, 1757.
Spatrisano, Joseph Anthony, 155.
Spelbrink, Perry Norbert, 632.
Spencer, Carl Edward, 1641.
Spencer, Julius Dean, 1344.
Spitznogle, Lee Ray, 272.
Sprowls, Roger Garrett, 461.
Spurling, Dorothy, 1012.
Spurlock, Clark Paul, 638.
Sripleng, Aksorn, 1880.
Staatz, Wallace Thompson, 1265.
Stace-Smith, Richard, 1897.
Stalley, Robert Delmer, 1424.
Stanley, Clarence Blair, 695.
Stanley, Glenn Marvin, 1826.
Stanley, Hugh Palmerlee, 2068.
Stanton, Frank Webster, 1872.
Stanton, Hubert Coleman, 1712.
Starr, Chris Helmer, 129.
State, Mary Stewart, 1193.
Staton, Maryanne Kennedy, 1310.
Staton, Warren Spencer, 381.
Stearman, Roebert Lyle, 1642.
Steele, Warren Cavanaugh, 1758.
Steele, Wilbert Francis, 997.
Stein, Richard Ballin, 322.
Steinberg, Maynard Albert, 929.
Steinhauer, Allen Laurence, 757, 774.
Stephan, Lester Arthur, 1852.
Stephens, Mildred Benson, 555.
Stephenson, John Louis, 1679.
Stermitz, Robert Eugene, 1075.
Stern, Ivan Julius, 204.
Stern, Maxine Lois (Hirsch), 200.
Stevens, DeWeese, 1342.
Stevens, Dorothy Gertrude, 112.
Stevenson, David Stuart, 1948.
Stewart, Charles Jack, 243, 255.
Still, Dean Leeper, 556.
Stino, Charles Ramzi, 921, 953.
Stipe, Chester Randolph, Jr., 306.
Stirland, Gordon Byron, 1711.
Stirniman, Ann Clare, 1025.
Stockett, Alan Lee, 333.
Stone, Etric Lee, 1563.
Storm, Robert MacLeod, 1998.
Stotts, Chester Ervin, 1925.
Stout, Floyd Madison, 156.
Strain, James Robert, 48.
Strandberg, Roy Alfred, 318.
Strangman, Johnnie Lorenzo, 1115.
Strause, David Allen, 1082.
Strauss, Marianne, 1022.
Streiff, Robert Peter, 471.
Strickland, Jean Leslie, 1815.
Strong, William Kenneth, 964.
Strunk, Robert Ernest, 800.
Stuart, Brett Randall, 1219.
Stuart, Kenneth Albert, 523.
Sturges, Franklin Wright, 2051, 2066.
Subba Ratnam, Chaluvadi Venkata, 307.
Succar, Jorge Rahme, 1067.
Sullivan, James Frederick, 1981.
Summers, Robert Edward, 1480.
Suri, Balwant Rai, 992,
Sutherland, Melvin LaVerne, 813, 1692.
Sutton, Robert William, 1854.
Svadlenak, Rudolf Eldo,
Swanson, Wendell Verner, 687.
Swarbrick, James Castles, 1172.
Swarner, Lawrence Robert, 1927.
Sweeny, Keith Holcomb, 1736.
Swenson, Martin Arnold, 488.
Syriotis, Anthony George, 718.
Talbert, Ray Louis, 645.
Tanner, Carl Robert, 743.
Tanner, William Scott, 160.
Tanrikut, Selahattin, 1884.
Taubeneck, William Harris, 1161.
Taylor, Louie Sheets, 586.
Taylor, Rulon Ellison, 1403.
Tebor, Irving Benjamin, 792.
Teeny, Fuad Mikhail, 989.
Ten Pas, Henry Arnold, 62.
Teranishi, Roy, 1673.
Terriere, Leon C., 235.
Teshima, Yoshio, 1564,
Tether, Robert Sloat, 141.
Thatcher, Vernon Everett, 2045.
Thaw, Richard Franklin, 680.
Theisen, Arthur Albert, 1961.
Theisen, Floyd Earl, 1739.
Thews, Albert William, 1680.
Thi-Hue, Simone Truong, 1052.
Thomas, Kuryan Valanjattil, 930.
Thomas, Richard Clarence, Jr., 1674.
Thompson, Gene Thomas, 1455.
Thompson, Matthew Roy, 651.
Thompson, Milton Avery, 1743, 1763.
Thompson, Robert Hugh, 998.
Thompson, Thomas Sanford, 537.
Thompson, Wallace Hayes, 981.
Thurman, Harry Lyle, 696.
Tibbitts, Forrest Donald, 2053, 2069.
Timmons, Gayle Curinne, 1013.
Tinsley, Ian James, 985, 996.
Tokos, George Mike, 1092.
Tolmsoff, Walter John, 1916.
Tomisek, Arthur John, 1637.
Tonks, Norman Vincent, 779.
Torgeson, Dewayne Clinton, 1891.
Tower, Gordon Eugene, 1103.
Trammell, John Jay, 716.
Tresler, Harold Carl, 1358.
Trione, Edward John, 1911.
Trolan, J. Kenneth, 1776, 1790.
Trosper, Frances Ramona, 180.
Troute, Foye Marion, 28.
Tschang, Pin-Seng, 1592.
Tschanz, Emilla Lee, 1253.
Tschirley, Paul Richard, 1612.
Tucker, Richard Ray, 1453.
Tugman, Robert Cameron, 1126.
Tuller, Margaret Huston, 1312.
Tunnock, Archie, Jr., 767.
Turner, Hester Hill, 662.
Turner, Miriam, 1254.
Turney, Wilbur Leland, 1396.
Turrell, George Charles, 1740, 1750.
Tuttle, Winfield Joseph, 6.
Tweeddale, Allen Lemuel, 708.
Twersky, Marvin, 1949.
Twigg, Kenneth William, 473.
Twohy, Donald Wilfred, 2027.
Tynes, Arthur Richard, 1809.
Tyszkowski, Walter, 524.
Uhe, George, Jr., 1279.
Uhlig, Hansgerd, 838.
Underhill, Raymond Alden, 744.
Upton, Deane Taylor, 1317.
Urie, Dean Howard, 1966,
Uyeda, Kosaku, 262.
Vachananda, Sookapracha, 1693.
Vaillancour, Richard Lee, 677.
Valassi, Kyriake Vlassios, 1024.
Valassis, Vlassios Thomas, 820.
Valenti, Paul Bartholomew, 667.
Van Arsdale, Gordon Duncan, 1368.
Van Arsdel, William Campbell, III, 2028,
Van Blaricom, Lester Oscar, 323.
Van Loan, Lillian Schroeder, 1229.
VanMeter, Wayne Paul, 360.
Van Vliet, Antone Cornelis, 1081.
VanWinkle, Alfred Eugene, 15.
Varseveld, Audrey Louise (Ingraham), 1251.
Varseveld, George Wallace, 972.
Veal, Emagene Faye Elledge, 1023.
Veblen, Thomas Clayton, 819.
Vernon, Rae Portman, 405.
Viggers, Robert Frederick, 1530.
Vincent, Walter Sampson, Jr., 1997.
Vogel, Barbara Ross, 1127.
Voorhies, Ray Van, 1041.
von Borstel, Robert Carsten, 2007.
Vorderstrasse, Roger Ernest, 875.
Vrooman, Charles William, 122.
Waage, Everett Nels, 1401.
Wade, Imogene Swan, 1199.
Wagg, John William Bruce, 1069.
Wagner, Harry Henry, 915.
Wagner, Wayne Alan, 1531.
Wahl, Max Ernst, 922.
Waian, Elian Leo, 606.
Waisgerber, William, 1179.
Wake, Selmer Olene, 1359.
Wales, Bertram Edwards, 681.
Walker, Kenneth Merriam, 2008, 2057.
Walker, Wilfrid Allan, 950.
Wallace, Charles Edward, 1816.
Wallace, Luther Tompkins, Jr., 37.
Wallis, James Richard, 1031.
Wallis, Orthello Langworthy, 845.
Walters, Roland Dick, 2019.
Walters, Russell Smith, 1044.
Walton, Ray Daniel, Jr., 299.
Walton, Richard Bruce, 1827.
Wang, Chee Tao, 1795.
Wang, Chih Hsing, 1627, 1651.
Wang, Ruey-Hsi, 329.
Wang, Samuel Shan-Ning, 1706.
Wang, Tao-Fang, 1777.
Waples, Genevieve Wilda, 525.
Ward, Robert Earl, 1940.
Ware, Margaret Christian, 1295.
Warren, Charles Edward, 8;85.
Warren, Edward Perrin, 136.
Wilson, John Abraham Ross, 607.
Winslow, Marjorie Curtis, 496.
Winston, Mabel Whittenberg, 490.
Wintler, John Townsend, 1502.
Wasson, Emma Dietz, 1258.
Watkins, Margaret Morcom, 1290.
Watkins, Norman Bowring, 1194.
Watkins, Sprague Hammond, 191.
Watson, Gerald Harvey, 886.
Watson, Lindon Richard, 1759.
Watt, Phyllis Ruth, 856.
Weatherbee, Lyle Eugene 1399.
Weaver, Morris Eugene, 2058, 2075.
Weber, Horst Lowien, 1727.
Webb, Ray Ogden, 1372.
Webb, William Edward, 910.
Webster, Gordon Ritchie, 1963.
Woo, Sang Won, 1016.
Wood, Edmond Harvey, 982.
Wood, Paul Hudson, 639.
Woodbridge, David Davis, 1796, 1841.
Woodell, Marshall Elton, 640.
Warrick, Harvey Keith, 43.
Weidman, Burton Elwin, 1345.
Weimar, Virginia Lee, 1995.
Weinstein, Norman Jacob, 326.
Weir, Thomas Stephen, 652.
Weiser, Mortimer, 1628.
Weisgerber, Pius, 44.
Weiss, Edwin Victor, 382.
Wells, Arlen Wesley, 1203.
Wells, John Weston, 1233.
Wells, Thomas Alphonse, 579.
Wells, Vera Lucile, 423.
Wells, Wallace Wilder, 1360.
Welty, James Richard, 1593.
Wentworth-Rohr, Ralph John, 510.
Westgarth, Warren Cyril, 387.
Wheeler, Lyle Mary, 620.
Wheeler, Ralph Roswell, 1397.
Wheeler, Robert Roderick, 145.
Wheelock, Clifford Warren, 1518.
\Vheelock. James Dickinson, 1460.
\Vhipple, Francis Oliver, 354, 447.
\Vhitbeck, Walter Franklin, 1439.
Whitcomb, Carroll Card, Jr., 1519.
White, Grant Melvin, 758.
White, Horace Frederick, 1729.
Whitesides, Jess Willard, 795.
Whitmore, Cecil Marion, 903.
Whitney, Gerald Lowell, 404.
Whitsell, Wilbur John, 373.
Whittaker, Patricia Coan, 489.
Wick, William Quentin, 860.
Wickert, Mary Lorene, 1107.
\Viedman, Harold Willis, 1907.
Wiedow, Carl Paul, 723.
Wilcomb, Maxwell Jeffres, 846.
Wiley, Robert Craig, 977.
Wilkes, Stanley Northrup, 2064.
Wilks, Jack Morton, 1898.
Williams, Charles Melville, 1142.
Williams, David Henry, 798.
Williams, Frederick Arthur, 854.
Williams, Harold Edward, 1908.
Williams, Lewis Harrigfeld, 1941.
Williams, Lloyd Grainger, 146.
Williamson, Alene Morris, 1291.
Willits, Charles Haines, 1691.
Wills, Clayton Stanley, 668.
Wilson, Brewster Anderson, 29.
Wirshup, Arthur D., 1440.
Wise, Julianne, 1292.
Witcraft, Gilbert Merle, 313.
Woodruff, Rollin Smith, 1846.
Woodward, Mary Margaret, 1238.
Woodward, Robert Myron, 538 641.
Woodward, William Kenneth, 1391.
Wooley, Paul Henry, 1900.
Workman, Ralph Burns, Jr., 775.
Wright, Elizabeth Hughson, 1293.
Wright, Evelynne Frances, 424.
Wu, Mei-Ling, 1014, 1020.
\Vu, Szu Hsiao, 120, 137.
Wustenberg, Donald William, 867.
Wyatt, Bruce, 916.
\Vyckoff, Jean Bratton, 45.
Yadon, Vernal Lee, 868.
Yale, John Wesley, Jr., 1892.
Yamamoto, Mutsuo, 1967.
Yancey, Robert Maxwell, 2009.
Yang, Edith Leong, 1113.
Yang, Ho-Ya, 920.
Yao, Ka-Teng, 961.
Yavruyan, Masis, 1572.
Yen, Shou-Hsuan, 1643.
Yerkes, Vern Patterson, 1064.
Yoakum, James Donovan, 1986.
Yonce, Lloyd Robert, 2034.
Younce, Earl Sanford, 580.
Young, Clara Ann Budlong, 557.
Young, Donald Edmundson, 621.
Young, Frederick Harris, 1425.
Young, James Orville, 451.
Young, Jameson, 470.
Young, Mary Elizabeth, 1200.
Young, Ronald Edwin, 58.
Young, Sing Sze, 121.
Young, William Nelson, Jr., 124.
Yu, Teh-Chu, 962.
Yue, Thomas Tah-Yu, 973.
Yungen, John Alfred, 1968.
Yusha, Alexander, 201.
Zacur, Charles Paul, 526.
Zapp, George Michael, Jr., 314.
Zarosinki, Donald James, 393.
Zeagas, George James, 94.
Zertanna, Robert Edward, 603.
Ziebell, Charles Daniel, 891.
Ziegler, Robert George, 581.
Zielinski, Jean Dawson, 440.
Zilka, Thomas Jones, 1477.
Zill, Leonard Peter, 214.
Zimmer, Helen Marie, 1299.
Zottola, Edmund Anthony, 4,78.
No. 1. Oregon State College Serial Publications, 1868-1938,
By Constance E. Lehdo and Hendrine Rozendal,
Oregon State College Library .................................................... No charge
No.2. Oregon State College Serial Publications, 1938-1950,
By Louise Milligan and Donald F. Fuller,
Oregon State College Library ......................................... _....... No charge
No. 3. Forestry Theses Accepted by Colleges and Universities in the
United States, 1900-1952,
By Katherine W. Hughes, Oregon State College Library,
Ray A. Yoder and William I. West, School of Forestry,
Oregon State College ..........................................................................
No. 4. Codices Vindobonenses Hispanici, A Catalog of the Spanish,
Portuguese, and Catalan Manuscripts in the Austrian National
Library in Vienna,
By Walter C. Kraft, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Modern Languages, Oregon State College ...................... ..... _.......
No. 5. Forestry Theses Accepted by Colleges and Universities in the
United States, Supplement 1953-1955, Including Additions
for 1904-1952,
By Katherine H. Osborn, Oregon State College Library,
Louis W. Powell and William I. West, School of Forestry,
Oregon State College .......................................................................... $1.00
No. 6. Theses and Dissertations, 1943-1959, Oregon State College,
By Rodney K. Waldron and Virginia Followell,
Oregon State College Library ........................................... _....... No charge
Copies of these publications may be obtained from: