2013 Senior Survey Exit Report Employment-Related Outcomes Intended primary activity next year: Working (FT or PT) (% all grads) Applied for at least one job (% of all graduates) Had at least one job interview (% of those that applied for a job) Received at least one job offer (% of those that applied for a job) I have accepted a position with a former COOP employer (% of those that applied for a job) Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 100% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 92% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 100% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 82% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 45% I have accepted a job that is "somewhat" or "closely" related to my area of study (% of those that applied for a job) Average annual salary for those accepting job offers Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 73% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Average Salary $55,250 Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 8% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 0% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 0% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 0% Graduate School Outcome (% of all respondents) Intended primary activity next year: School (FT or PT) Applied to graduate school At least one acceptance to graduate school Will be attending graduate school in the fall Degree aspirations (lifetime): Any postsecondary degree Degree aspirations (lifetime): PhD Degree aspirations (lifetime): Professional PhD, Law, or Medical Degree aspirations (lifetime): Master's Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 25% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 0% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 0% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 25% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 92% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 75% Overall Satisfaction Overall, how satisfied are you with your undergraduate education? % "Very satisfied" or "Satisfied" Would you recommend Drexel University to others? % saying "Yes" Satisfaction (% “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied”) Satisfaction: Quality of Instruction in major Satisfaction: Quality of courses in major Satisfaction: General Education (Gen Ed) quality Satisfaction: Having classes available when you need them Satisfaction: Someone at school concerned for me as individual Satisfaction: Academic advisor interested in my progress Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 92% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 92% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 50% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 45% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 58% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 75% Satisfaction: Fellow students Satisfaction: COOP experiences useful for career development Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 83% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 64% What did you most like about your Drexel Experience? (% in top 3) COOP Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 42% Experience with faculty Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 33% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 25% Program curriculum Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 33% Philadelphia Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 8% Relationships and networking: The Drexel community Quarter system Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 17% Research experiences Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 0% Career preparation Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 33% LEARNING GAINS: "Assess your level of proficiency in each area" (%saying highest rating: "this is area of particular strength for me") Effective writing Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 42% Effective verbal communication Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 42% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 42% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 42% Communicate appropriately with different audiences Contribute original ideas, strategies, solutions Critically analyze and solve complex problems Uphold ethical standards in the workplace Use appropriate technologies Work effectively with others from diverse backgrounds Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 58% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 75% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 67% Number of respondents Con. Mgmt (12) Percentage 42%