0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles q Aerial Image: NAIP 2013 MAP 1 5 3 LOCATOR MAP 1 7 3 3 MAP 2 10 3 3 7 3 7 5 7 5 5 5 3 3 10 3 5 7 7 7 TOWN OF HULL 3 3 7 5 3 5 7 3 “Re W d B a lku ridg e s h Rd ” Cr-HH 0 STEVENS POINT OF CITY STEVENS POINT FLOWAGE 5 3 3 CARSON 7 5 OF TOWN 3 7 3 10 MA P3 7 5 HULL 7 10 7 10 5 10 3 5 5 7 5 5 7 3 3 10 P1 MA 5 3 15 5 5 3 5 5 7 7 3 7 10 7 3 5 3 10 5 7 5 10 10 15 7 Acre-Feet Miles Feet Feet Feet 3 a subsidiary of NewPage Corporation CLUB Open 7 days a week Mon-Fri 2pm-Close Sat & Sun 11am-Close MAP 3 0 0.125 0.25 5 7 5 3 3 7 5 0 250 500 1,000 Feet 5 3 7 3 5 3 5 7 3 Cr - H H 3 7 7 3 0 5 3 5 0.125 3 Volunteer, GPS and sonar survey. Nick Koeller: UWSP Geography Major: GIS and Cartography option. GPS and sonar survey, cartography and community outreach. Bryan Deegan: UWSP Water Resources Major, GIS and Spatial Analysis Minor. GPS and sonar survey, cartography and community outreach. Mason Johnson: Project advisor, Director, UWSP GIS Center. 0.25 Visit the GIS Center on the Web www.uwsp.edu/GIS Miles 5 7 Project lead and associate GIS education and water resources specialist, UWSP. GPS and sonar survey, cartography and community outreach. Project advisor, GIS education specialist, UWSP GIS Center. Douglas Miskowiak: Keith Rice: 3 10 Rapids Propellor and Marine (715) 423-4080 10 3 5 3 10 5 7 3 1602 HWY HH West Stevens Point, WI 7 5 5 3 5 PROJECT VOLUNTEERS q 5 5 715.343.5882 www.excelplumbinginccentralwi.com Paul Meshak www.riverruntackle.com 3 7 0.5 Miles 10 5 3 5 3 7 5 3 The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point GIS Center is a leader in Geographic Information Systems education and research. Our mission is to foster a highly-skilled, multi-disciplinary GIS workforce and to confront challenges important to Wisconsin’s citizens. 7 VISION The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point GIS Center will: • Be a nucleus for innovative educational and research programs in Wisconsin, • Cultivate the careers of traditional students and non-traditional learners and • Provide a GIS support structure for solving critical geographic-based challenges. 5 3 Canoe & Kayak Rental GIS CENTER EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS • GIS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM: The GIS Center offers a professional GIS Certificate and several focal area GIS certificates that students can earn in as little as 1-year. The program embraces the need to expand the use of geospatial technology in Wisconsin by offering an educational program accessible to traditional students, non-traditional learners and professionals continuing their education or starting a new career in GIS. Courses may be taken face-to-face or online. • GIS TRAINING PROGRAM: The GIS Center offers online, face-to-face and customized GIS and GPS training to help professionals learn fundamental GIS workflows or advanced geospatial techniques. 3 7 7 10 7 5 10 3 3 5 7 106 E. Wausau Avenue Wausau, WI 715-845-DIVE (3483) On the Wisconsin River people serving people. Amherst Marine 715-824-5635 amherstmarine.com 7 5 5 3 Maple Island 3 Beach C r -H H 3 7 3 7 LOCATOR MAP 3 WHERE’S THE BEST PLACE TO CAMP ? WHERE’S THE BEST PLACE TO CAMP ? 10 3 5 3 JOIN OUR VIP CLUB TEXT ‘BULL’ TO 71441 Water Power Company Guided Pontoon River Tours 715-344-7128 5 5 3 7 7 RESEARCH and OUTREACH - The Stevens Point Flowage Mapping Project The GIS Center engages in research and outreach activities that honors our mission and vision and promotes the University’s role in Central Wisconsin. The Stevens Point Flowage Mapping Project is a cooperative partnership between the UWSP GIS Center and local non-profit organizations, local governments, businesses, and individuals. In 2013, GIS Center students and faculty completed a 2,800 acre bathymetric survey that documents flowage depths. Over 120,000 data points were collected over a period of two weeks on the water. Students and faculty donated over 200 hours conducting the survey and crafting the map. Thank you to our community partners and friends for supporting the printing and distribution of 6,000 flowage maps to the public. We hope that you use this map to enjoy the Stevens Point Flowage of the Wisconsin River - the nation’s hardest working river. 10 7 7 3 Central Wisconsin Appraisal Service Phone: (715) 344-4597 Email: rick@cwappraisal.com 5 3 5 15 Christine Koeller: 7 WWW.BILLSMUSKYCLUB.COM INFO@BILLSMUSKYCLUB.COM PO BOX 476, SCHOFIELD, WI 54476 Dedicated to excellence… 3 10 944 Main Street Stevens Point, WI 715-344-DIVE (3483) www.divepointscuba.com Rivers Plus Guiding (715) 570-8872 q 3 7 3 10 3 3 q 13028 108 27.6 4.7 1087 VOLUME SHORELINE MAXIMUM DEPTH AVERAGE DEPTH Full Pool Elevation LAKE AREA WITHOUT ISLANDS 3215 Acres LAKE AREA WITH ISLANDS 2776 Acres Under 3 Feet 38.4 Percent Over 20 Feet 0.5 Percent www.riversplusguiding.com LOCATOR MAP 2 5 15 3 3 3 OF TOWN MAP 2 INSET MAP LOCATIONS GPS and Sonar Survey: June-November 2013 Wisconsin River - Portage County, WI City of Stevens Point, Town of Carson and Town of Hull Bathymetric Map STEVENS POINT FLOWAGE 5 3 3 Thank you to our printing sponsors for helping make this map(715) available432-1651 to the community. Special thanks to the North Central Wisconsin Stormwater Coalition for their generous $1500 contribution and their efforts to keep our waters clean! 3 You can get there from here!