Students Share Ideas Title V Grant (HSI) Newsletter

Title V Grant (HSI)
Climbing the Ladder: New Programs for First Responders
November 2015
Students Share Ideas
ENMU Ruidoso students recently shared their ideas with Juanita Garcia, Title V
Online Services Specialist, on what they thought should be included in the new
Online Student Orientation, a year two activity for the grant. This focus
group activity brought together students representing various student groups
including both PTK and the NSLS leadership groups on campus. Students were
asked what they thought should be included in an online orientation presentation
and how it should be used. They were also asked to share their own personal
experience as a new student and how a the new online orientation could better
prepare them for college. Faculty and staff
also participated in a
separate session
providing their expert
ideas and suggestions.
The information collected from the groups
was both informative
and inspiring. The
online orientation project is currently in development with plans to pilot this Spring
2016. Implementing an online orientation for all students will serve as a venue to
ensure critical information is shared consistently with all incoming students.
Welcome New
We are happy to welcome Ryan Kerr
who recently joined the Title V team as
the EMS Specialist. He will be working
to develop and implement a basic EMT
Certificate and an AAS in Paramedicine. Ryan is a paramedic and nurse
with nine years of experience in the field
of Fire and EMS and holds both a BA in
Sociology and in Emergency Medicine
from the University of Pittsburgh. Continued on next page.
Ryan Kerr
Title V EMS Specialist
WILD 150
Firefighter Fitness
WILD 211
Portable Pumps and
Water Use
WILD 260
Interagency Incidental
Business Management
WILD 270
Basic Air Operations
WILD 294
Wildland Firefighting
Contact Rich Dolphin, Wildland Fire
Specialist @ 575-257-2120
In This Issue
Welcome New Staff
Students Share Ideas
Wildland Fire Spring 2016
Class Schedule
What’s New in Y2
Year 1 Endowment
We l c o m e N e w S t a ff
co n t i n u e d
Ryan is excited about his work on developing a state of the art EMS and paramedic
training program. Welcome Ryan!
Also joining our staff is the new Program Manager, Annie Kalama. Annie comes to us
from Honolulu, Hawaii where she served as an educational specialist for the Hawaii
Department of Education. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and
a Master’s degree in Educational Administration, both from New Mexico State University. Annie joined the team October 1, 2015 and has hit the ground running for Year 2.
Welcome Annie!
A special thank you to all the
community donors who participated in Title V grant efforts to establish an endowment using matching funds
from our U.S. Department of
Education Grant. We have
met and exceeded our first
What’s New in Y2
Pilot and Evaluate YR 1 Wildland Fire
year goal. Through our do-
Time Frame
nors support we collected
the $10,000 needed to
match the Federal funds.
10/15 – 8/16
This puts our first year total
at $20,000. An additional
Hire and Orient EMS Specialist
Develop Online Orientation
Secure approval for overall design of
Pilot Online Orientation
Develop 15 2
ence Courses
10/15 – 12/15
10/15 – 12/15
Develop and pilot Online Advising for
Train Wildland and EMS pilot faculty in
new curricula, instructional tools, and
Quality Matters strategies for online/
hybrid instruction
Purchase equipment and supplies in
preparation for year 3 pilots
Conduct formal year end summative
secured; this is being applied to the second round of
building this endowment.
1/16 – 3/16
Endowment funds are put in
a separate investment ac-
3/16 – 6/16
count created specifically for
this project.
year Wildland Fire Sci-
Develop 6 1st year EMS courses and
solicitation of $1500 was
3/16 – 6/16
Once again, a sincere thank
you is in order to all of our
3/16 – 6/16
contributors as we march
forward to our ultimate goal
of a $250,000 endowment!
3/16 – 8/16
Gari Fails & Mike Walker
Pierre Laroche
3/16- 8/16
Dr. Lynn & Donna Willard
Dr. Amanda Favis, Ruidoso
Animal Clinic
Lincoln County Community
4/16 – 6/16
Otero County Electric Coop
Dr. Karen Becklin
Zia Natural Gas
Brady Barham
8/16 –9/16