NRCG Fall Meeting Notes Oct. 22-23, 2004 Missoula, MT Present: Rick Grady, Joe Wulfekuhl, Tom Corbin, Brett Waters, Tom Brandsen, Mike McMeekin, Jim Roessler, Sandy Evenson, Chris Shelton, Bret Ruby, Mark Stanley, Bill Breedlove, Mike Plattes, Rodd Richardson, Tim Murphy, Howard Carlson, Lee Clark, Mike Santucci, John Specht, Bob Cunningham, Bob Rebarchik, John Specht, Scott Keuhn, Pat Mullaney, Greg Greenhoe, Paul Mock, Brian Shiplett, Mark Romey, Tracey Nimlos. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Prevention: Lee Clark--Joint Prevention Workshop with the Great Basin was held this past year. Updated the restrictions/closures plan for the geographic area. Will be discussing how we will handle exemptions for railroads. Complimented the Restrictions Coordinators on the success of restrictions this past fire season. Prevention Teams were hosted this summer in North Idaho, SW MT, NW MT and Eastern MT. Business: Roberta Whitlock--Janie Kurth is new chair. See handout for accomplishments and FY 04 Program of Work. Vacancy announcement for Buying Teams is out now. Fire Use: Paul Mock--Issues of cross billing between agencies and interagency contingency planning for Rx burning were attempted to tackle but died. Need reps from ND, Idaho and S Cent MT. We had a very active fire use year and teams were busy all summer. Goals for the coming year include working on interagency cross billing issues, working with fire use to develop a common understanding, and improving the collaborative approach to fuels treatment. Training: Bob Cunningham—IQCS is the new qualification system the federal agencies will begin using next year. Beta tested the software 3 weeks ago. National train the trainer sessions are scheduled in the Northern Rockies and we will try to get out folks to sessions in other areas earlier. Easy exchange of information between IQCS and other systems should allow this system to talk to NIMS and other system. We will use the existing software for this next field season. Brian Shiplett has the idea of a governing board for qualifications, red cards, and tasks books for contractors. The board would not be made up of government personnel, but rather contractors or individuals who would do the policing of contractors qualifications. Note out to zone training reps to identify candidates for S-420. Working with Ops committee to build a good pool of candidates. Have moved to a more sophisticated scheduling database nationally for training courses, which allows you to view schedules in other geographic areas. Encourage chairs from other committees to attend the training committee meeting next week, 10/28-29 at NRTC. Commends NRCG for taking on tough training issues. Self-certification of contractors was one that was handled well and articulated well. We may still need to do a little work to help them understand the process better. We also need to support our contracting officers with inspecting training records when they are signing up contractors on EERAs. Issue came up of contractors who have lapsed qualifications as squad boss, but still want to teach Standards for Survival. NWCG is taking the stance that you must have someone who is current in his or her qualifications as the lead instructor. Equipment: Rick Grady--The Equipment Committee was able to complete its work plan objectives for 2003. See handout for accomplishments and program of work for FY 04. Operations: Mark Romey—feels there is a disconnect between the committees. Rather than ask the BOD for approval of program of work the Ops committee will ask after this meeting which issues are important to the BOD. Handed out a draft of the NR IMT Recruitment Process, which was a project chartered by NRCG and assigned to the ICs. Passed out paper with 4 recommendations for the NRCG BOD. Some issues talked about at Ops meeting included the AD issue for team members and we need to treat them consistently. MIFF Committee: Tom Corbin—Committee is currently meeting and are still trying to bring in ND and N Id for one operating plan for the whole GA. Greg Greenhoe introduced Howard Carlson as the Northern Rockies Fire Equipment Specialist along with Kevin Erickson who was not present. They will come up with specs for commercial purchase of engines, work with NRCG Equipment and Business committees, work with contractors, contracting officers, LOCAL GOV’T RESPONSIBILITY: Issue came about because of disagreement between federal, state and local agencies as far as what should be paid for and what is the function of local gov’t and what is reimbursable. Agreements differ between counties, agencies, etc. and in some locations there are not agreements in place. Think over changing role with all risk incidents and do we need a more long-term relationship with law enforcement? Current agreement is Forest Service only and we don’t have an interagency agreement. Mike McMeeken offered some recommendations. Decision Item Martha Smith has developed a position description for the local gov’t liaison, which will be distributed to the BOD. We need to take a look at a pool of liaisons and possibly assigning them to IMTs and where will we recruit them. COMMUNITY TRIAGE PROJECT: Project started in 2000 and resumed work on in 2003. We now have data from all the counties and reservations in MT. DES will agree to update this data every spring. What format would NRCG like, database, GIS layers? Could be component of emergency ops plans and PDMs. ALL HAZARD IMTs IN MT: $50,000 was set aside to DES by Homeland Security to explore all hazard IMTs in the state. How do we want to do this and how will it fit with our existing IMTs? Several groups have expressed interest. Problem is that these events occur so seldom that individuals do not maintain their experience, so maybe to maintain quals individuals could be available for fire as well. These teams could be used for incidents that do not have a presidential declaration. John Specht will work with Jim Greene to help develop the proposal. There are 4 Type 3 teams in MT already that are made up mostly of local gov’t employees and may be good models to use. May just need to develop how federal partners can participate without a presidential declaration. National Response Plan, which incorporates the old federal response plan, is being finalized. MT MULTI-AGENCY FIRE HAZARD MITIGATION COMMITTEE: Coordinating the fuels projects in MT at the federal level and soon incorporating the state level as well. Statewide assessment by county is being done for prioritizing fuels project grants and ranking counties by hazard level. Have developed a list of communities by county that are at risk. NASF does not want a list but rather an assessment. The committee will try to bring in the local Fire Chiefs as well as county fire wardens to bridge any disconnects at the county level. County DES coordinators need to be included as well. FEMA and the counties are working on pre-disaster mitigation plans. Trying to combine PDM plans, disaster plans and community fire hazard plans. Prioritized grant applications for hazardous fuels mitigation projects and will submit to Western States Foresters for award. Need to show there is an interagency effort to prioritize these projects. Shift of focus for NRCG from response to pre-disaster mitigation. Are trying to develop a website showing where treatments are occurring on a county-bycounty basis. Will include a data table showing who received what dollars for mitigation projects. Idea is to plan projects that are complimentary to one another. REDEDICATION OF THE AFD: The AFD is managed as an interagency facility even though the FS owns it. June 18-20, 2004, the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) is holding their reunion in Missoula. NSA has asked the agencies to have a rededication of the AFD, which will be 50 years old. Would like to have a ceremony on Sat. June 19, 2004. NSA has invited the president to attend since Eisenhower dedicated the facility in 1954. Would like to have the chair of NRCG play a significant role. Ask that agencies contribute people to work on the rededication committee. ZONE REPORTS: ND—Mike Santucci ND had a pretty active fire season in 2003 starting in April. Governor of ND issued a proclamation, which is still in effect which makes fire restrictions mandatory. Still experiencing hot temperatures and fires. Prevention committee put up 14 billboards around the state funded by all the agencies. Restrictions process went pretty well. Will be offering a separate NFDRS course in Fargo this year because of ways they determine fire danger in ND and only use a small portion of NFDRS. Still developing a Type 3 IMT or at least a pool of individuals. Still working on an interagency annual operating plan for the zone. ND dispatch center may be moving. Working on formalizing interagency crew standards. Issue: qualifying rural fire dept personnel especially ENGB qualifications. Eastern MT—Chris Shelton Put on an interagency rookie school with over 200 participants in Lame Deer. Training schedule is now being finalized. Large fires this year were consolidated into a 7-8 week period. Restrictions coordination is working and developing well. Eastern MT MAC met on a regular basis and really worked well. BLM had a national review this year for MT and the Dakotas. Two issues were east/west block exchange and 3 vs. 4-tier dispatch system. South Central MT—Bill Breedlove Training program continues to be strong with a cornerstone being the engine academy. Are there changes in billing process for county employees attending training at NRTC? Signed off on a 5-year operating plan in the zone. Utilized a number of Type 3 teams. Good overall coordination of restrictions. Found good support from NRCC for receiving IA resources. New fire planning process at the federal level may give us the chance to bring in other agencies. Major fuels project will be occurring in the Boulder River area with a grant from the BLM. Issues: one entity in the zone does not recognize the 6-party agreement. They would like to broaden a separate agreement into all-risk response. Dual typing of equipment was an issue with contractors and a conflict of interest with contractors going out as ADs. Central MT—Bret Ruby The interagency severity requests forced everyone to talk and coordinate and worked quite well. The tie throughout the zone with DNRC and their contacts with the state of Minnesota worked really well. Safety assistance teams were really beneficial and gave good input. Good support from NRCC keeping IA resources staffed up. The coordination between the 3 divisions within the zone continue to work well together, but have no signed agreements and the chances of having a zone operating plan signed is next to impossible. Question is can we allow division plans to substitute for the zone plan when the 6-party agreement is done? Would like to keep the zone together. Issue: conflict of interest with contractors being hired as ADs. Southwest MT—Sandy Evenson Quite a bit of Rx burning was done early in the season. Still having about 1 fire a day. Equipment zone mob board is up and running. Took most of the winter to get the MIDC operating plan put together. Hosted 25 IMTs in the zone and 2 area command teams. Set up the armory and the fairgrounds in Missoula for staging. MIDC was the first dispatch office in the GA to use ROSS. Have grown to like ROSS and thinks it will eventually work really well. Hosted 2 California dispatch teams who were wonderful. They had to learn ROSS but were very helpful. Closures and restrictions worked very well in the zone. Prevention Team worked in the zone most of the season. Bill Swope will be retiring this year, so we need to recruit a new Type 2 IC. Issue: For MAC Group, Air Ops people at AFD were cramped when frequency people were moved in. Northwest MT—Mark Stanley BN/Santa Fe railroad has asked to make a presentation to NRCG this spring on their prevention procedures. ENGB qualifications and task books is a concern for many contractors. Restrictions and coordination worked well and would like to thank Cathy Scofield for all her help. North Idaho—Ken Castro Fire season took off in early August and is still going. A success was hiring a North Idaho MAC zone coordinator. Very heavy aviation use and everything went very well. The single engine airtankers at Grangeville were a big success. Restrictions went smoothly. Work/rest was a problem for support personnel at the offices, i.e. Buying teams, dispatchers. May be looking at doing a review of the dispatch system at Grangeville. Continuing unavailability of contracting officers is a problem. Issue: IMTs came into the geographic area short of critical positions including fire line supervision and fire behavior analysts. NORTHERN ROCKIES COST CONTAINMENT REVIEW: Do we want to get ahead of the power curve and contract for an interagency review? NMAC is asking for documentation re: cost effectiveness of team extensions. It is important to document fires that were caught small and may have a high cost per acre but would have been much more expensive if not caught. Also incorporate savings due to severity resources. Murphy, Swift and Richardson will work on a proposal and how to pay for it. MANAGEMENT OF NR FUMTs: Dick Bahr from the National Park Service National Office submitted a briefing paper on recommendations for management of the 6 FUMTs within the nation. Both Rocky Mountain and Great Basin were in favor of this proposal. There is potential for the SW to sponsor teams as well. Recruitment would be nation wide, but each GACC would have its own vacancy announcement. The 3 GACCs would have to get together for team selections. NR proposes recruitment and selections be done nationally and the GACCs will manage dispatch and oversight. There needs to be standardization of support for the teams, i.e., supplies, computer equipment and who provides this support. There needs to be one set of guidelines for teams in all the GA Mob Guides. Tom Corbin agrees to contact Dick Bahr. ENGINE BOSS QUALIFICATIONS/CONTRACTOR TASK BOOKS: Boils down to these questions: 1. Who initiates task book 2. Who certifies task book 3. How do they document tasks completed before they obtained a task book 4. Who signs off on individual tasks Ask governors to sanction an independent commission to certify, qualify and issue task books and red cards. Proposal is to charter a group to address these questions in a paper and also to work with contractors this winter to work through the process. Rodd and Training committee proposes one position to work with contractors and ADs on training issues. Need short-term, intermediate, and long-term answers. Buying Teams and EERAs worked outside of the dispatch system and that caused problems this summer. Roberta Whitlock will take this problem to the business committee and the Buying Team Coordinator. IS THERE AN AGE minimum for engines and tenders? The national contract has those specifications but NO, they are not being considered for our EERAs. NRCG INFORMATION TASK GROUP: Tracey will begin work on a charter and directors will submit names for individuals to serve on the task group. Names should be submitted to Tracey by Nov. 7 and the charter should be complete by Jan 15. Main focus will be incident information at the geographic area level. CONTRACTOR’S COMMENTS/ISSUES: Tracey and Roberta will organize all the comments from Tuesday afternoon’s meeting and boil down the common issues. A response paper will be written and posted to the NRCG website. OLD BUSINESS: Action Item ACTION ITEM 2001-24 – Review Training MOUs to clean up issues and questions. Assigned to Training Committee Due Date Fall 2002 Action Taken COMPLETED. ACTION ITEM 2002-2 – Should contractors be in leadership positions, i.e., Division Group Sup? Business & Ops Committees Spring 2004 Ops Committee will draft a proposal and have Business Committee review. NRCG will elevate the proposal to NWCG. ACTION ITEM 2003-1 – Contractor representation at NRCG BOD & Committee meetings Business Committe Fall 2003 ACTION ITEM 2003-2 – Interagency coordination of NFP & communities at risk in Montana ACTION ITEM 2003-3 – Complete a work/needs analysis for the Northern Rockies Predictive Services & Smoke Monitoring Units ACTION ITEM 2003-4 – Send memo to Jim Stires to submit the DNRC LACES vs. LCES issue paper ACTION ITEM 2003-5 – Have all Native American crews in the Northern Rockies covered by the MIFF operating plan Rodd Richardson, Tom Boatner, Tim Murphy John Specht Will draft a white paper to post on the NRCG website explaining our expectations of contractors at the meetings and the process for getting items onto meeting agendas. DONE Tracey/Brian Tom Corbin The 2 groups are no longer working together. The Smoke E-board is working on their part. March 2003 Done, no response received. The MIFF committee is still working on this issue. ISSUES IDENTIFIED DURING MAC ACTIVATION: Issue IR flight requests and approvals Team Configuration (e.g. SE Type 1 IMT – 103 people, Type 2 IMT – 72 people) WFSA ICS of the future Review Local Gov’t responsibility Role of NMAC and GMAC w/national resources, i.e. area command teams Assigned to Lead This has been assigned to FS R-4. Rodd will draft letter to Mike Dudley re: our issues Will present at NMAC/GEOMAC mtg in Nov. Is there really a short Type 2 team? IMTs arrived with critical positions unfilled. We will wait to see what develops nationally. Ask at NMAC/GEOMAC mtg. Issues for NMAC/GEOMAC meeting: Type 2 IMTs managing Type 1 incidents, area commands expanding or branching, MAC coordination role to command role & no standards nationally, help to other countries to look at their ICS & standardizing position titles, equivalency with NFPA quals. We will use the safety assistance team reviews, lessons learned meetings, and cost reviews McMeekin, Greene, Murphy, Scofield and Whitlock Take to NMAC/GEOMAC meeting. EXECUTIVE BOARD SESSION: • Action Item: Send summaries of all lessons learned sessions to Tracey and we will talk about on our Dec. Conf call. • Contractor/AD training issues position at NRTC: proposal to create a temporary position to deal with these issues and set procedures for short-term, intermediate and long-term solutions. This position would serve both disseminating information to contractors as well as field offices. Forest Service could sponsor a NTE position. Agrees to contribute: IDL, DNRC, BIA, FS, BLM, FWS, need to ask Bryan Swift. Specht and Greenhoe will finalize position description. John Specht will supervise the position and it will be located at the AFD. • Board agrees to try to establish a governing board for contractors for qualifications, taskbooks, and redcards. It would be similar to the outfitter and guides board in Idaho. The above position will work on this project. Murphy, Shiplett, and Santucci will pursue permissions within the state agencies to pursue. Brian and Tim will get together by Nov. 18th. • NMAC/GEO MAC meeting: Brian Shiplett, Bryan Swift and Rodd Richardson will go. Will coordinate on all the lessons learned issues from the GA. Rodd will follow up with Kevin Ryan to possibly present the products we used for risk rating in 2003. • Proposal is on the board to include a law enforcement liaison full-time on the NRCG Board. The position will have a vote on law enforcement issues. Will make a formal offer to Mike via a letter, which Brian will compose. Mike will need to get an endorsement from the Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association. • AFD Operating Plan: Need to have signatures much sooner this year so funds transfers can take place in June or July. John will be getting final out as soon as possible. If bill goes to states by the 1st of June that is better. • NRCG Committee Liaisons o o o o o o o o Business – Tim Murphy Prevention – Jim Greene Ops – Jim Kelton Fire Use – Rodd Richardson Training – Brian Shiplett Aviation – BLM Equipment – Brett Waters MIFF – Tom Corbin • Spring Meeting Date: April 13-15, 2004 in Belgrade, MT. • Need to select a Deputy IC for Steve Frye’s team and confirm Bob Gilman is moving on to area command. Rodd will talk to Bob Gilman and will call Stanich to see what his plans are. Tim will talk to Wally, and Bryan will talk to Steve. • Decision Item: NRCG will now select Deputy ICs with the expectation that they will become ICs. • Incident Aviation Specialist recommendation from Ops committee is approved. • Ops committee membership proposal is approved with 2 changes. Northern Rockies Fire Operations Office (Specht) will represent USDI and Forest Service, and AFD rep will be smokejumper unit rep. Also need to include the NRCG BOD liaison. • Eastern Area Participation on NR IMTs: Tracey will draft a letter to the EACG thanking them for their participation and support; and John Specht will work with Dave Boyd on a MOU between the two geographic areas. • IMT Management and Recruitment Process draft: Board members will submit comments to Chrisman or Sandman. • Predictive Services Unit: how to fill or reorganize after Stoll retires. Need to see where we stand with NMAC, is it still a mandate to fill these positions. Rodd and Brian will talk to Alice. Then we will develop our needs and develop the staffing from there. • We will write thank you letters to line officer and agency administrators that allowed their employees to participate on teams. • The Missoula Airport has a grant for $700,000 to improve a runway if we can match the funds. Rodd would like an NRCG letter endorsing the need. • Beginning Jan 2004 Tim Murphy will be the new chair and Jim Kelton will be the vice-chair.