Variability in surface fuel loads following various fuel reduction treatments Brandon Collins Gary Roller Inventory methods to sample surface fuel loads are necessary to evaluate the effects of various fuel reduction treatments. There are multiple methods utilized to sample surface fuel loads, with varying levels of accuracy and sampling/processing time required. One of the most robust methods is the planar-intercept method developed by Brown (1974). This method is widely considered to be accurate, repeatable, and can be adjusted to fit various sampling designs in many different environments. However, there is uncertainty as to what the optimal level of sampling may be to capture the inherent variability in surface fuel loads, particularly with respect to sampling following different fuel treatment types (e.g., prescription burning, mastication, piling and burning). This study seeks to both characterize variability in post-treatment surface fuel loads for multiple treatment types and determine optimal levels of sampling to capture the variability in a given treatment type. We selected four different broad treatment types from various HFQLG treatments implemented around the Meadow Valley area on the Plumas National Forest: mastication, commercial thinning combined with biomass harvesting, hand-thinning followed by pile burning, and prescribed burning. We additionally selected untreated areas adjacent to sampled treated areas to serve as controls for comparison among treatment categories. The number of sampled stands within each type is listed in Table 1. The sampling conducted within control areas was only conducted within a small portion of the overall stand, and as such there is no meaningful estimate of the total stand area sampled. A sampling grid of 100 meters by 100 meters was laid out in each treatment stand sampled. At each chosen grid point a 50 meter transect was installed at a random azimuth. Ground and surface fuel characteristics, tree size, canopy cover, and shrub cover were sampled on discrete10 meter sub-sections of the larger 50 meter transect. On each 10 meter sub-transect duff and litter depths were sampled at three random points and fine woody fuels (1, 10, and 100hr timelag classes) were sampled over a random 3 meter portion. Coarse woody fuels (1000hr) were sampled along the entire 10 meter length. Canopy cover was sampled using a densitometer (sight tube) at nine points per sub-transect. Shrub cover was sampled by species, total length, and average height along the entire 10 meter length. Trees with a diameterat-breast height >1 inch to 18 inches were sampled on a 5 meter wide belt transect and trees >18 inches on a 10 meter wide belt transect. Tree characteristics sampled include; diameter, species, total height, height to live crown base, and crown class. Summary fuel load calculations are shown in Table 2. Preliminary analysis indicates that fuel loads varied considerably across all treatment types with a majority of the fuel loads being in the duff and litter classes. Duff, litter, and fine woody fuel loads were highest in commercially thinned stands and control areas, while coarse woody fuel loads were highest in hand-thinned stands. Control areas had the highest total load (33.4 tons/ac.), while masticated stands had the lowest (9.2 tons/ac.). Prescription burned stands had the lowest litter and fine woody fuel loads. We intend to analyze the relationship between tree density and fuel loads, as well as the variability in fuel loads among treatment types. We also intend to analyze potential sampling saturation to answer the question of how many fuel transects would be needed to adequately sample fuel loads in a given area. This will be accomplished by determining the point at which the mean is stabilized and any further sampling is not required. Table 1. Summary of sampling by treatment type and average forest stand structure for sampled stands within the Meadow Valley area. Number Number of Total stand area Basal area Canopy Treatment Type of stands 50m transects sampled (ac.) (ft²/ac) cover (%) Prescription burned 10 41 247 149 47 9 25 225 188 58 8 17 408 151 40 Masticated 5 17 216 82 27 Control (untreated) 7 20 - 336 77 Commercial thinned & biomass harvested Hand-thinned & pile/burned Table 2. Average fuel loads by treatment type Fuel loads (tons/ac) Treatment Type Fine woody Coarse woody Duff Litter (1-100 hr) (1000 hr) Prescription burned Total 1.66 4.94 1.36 3.48 11.45 7.96 9.79 3.52 3.61 24.89 3.86 7.73 1.36 11.69 24.64 Masticated 0.13 5.71 1.70 1.68 9.22 Control (untreated) 8.46 13.99 3.66 7.32 33.43 Commercial thinned & biomass harvested Hand-thinned & pile/burned References Brown JK (1974) Handbook for inventorying downed woody material. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station General Technical Report INT-16,32 p. (Odgen, UT)