Nitrogen and Groundwater Kevin Masarik Center for Watershed Science and Education The Issue: Nitrate is the most widespread groundwater contaminant in Wisconsin’s groundwater and agricultural sources are the largest source. Impacts from agriculture on groundwater and surface waters have been largely buffered by the lag time between current land-use and water quality. As more data becomes available the unintended consequences are more noticeable (increasing concentrations in rivers and streams and municipal wells, widespread nitrate contamination in groundwater). Tangible costs associated with it: • • • Cost of water treatment to remove agricultural chemicals that cause health effects. • Municipal Water Supplies • Private wells Costs associated with treating health problems associated with drinking water. Costs of disposing of locally produced nitrogen sources (manure, bio-solids, industrial sludge) while sending money out of the state and the United States to import industrially produced nitrogen from out of state using fossil fuels. WI Well Water Viewer • • • Select county, township or section to view water quality summaries at different scales. Select from 14 water quality parameters. Use the groundwater quality summary statistics tool to see statistics of well water data for user defined areas (number of samples, median, maximum, percent unsafe). Factors affecting nitrogen loss to groundwater • Amount of nitrogen applied Within our control – As a function of crop type – Nitrogen application rate relative to economic optimum • Nitrogen use efficiency • Percent of land base in production Out of our control • Geology • Soil Type • Precipitation / Climate Nitrate Concentration Generalized Nitrate Leaching Potential 0 Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates Forest/ Prairie/ CRP Alfalfa Soybean Corn Potato CornSoybean Masarik, UW-Extension Nitrate Concentration Generalized Nitrate Leaching Potential 0 Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates Forest/ Prairie/ CRP Alfalfa Soybean Corn Potato CornSoybean Masarik, UW-Extension Water quality as a function of crop N recommendations Medium Inputs No Inputs Amount of nitrogen applied Water Quality/ Nitrate Concentration Good Poor High Inputs What UWEX Nutrient Guidelines Do and Don’t Do: – Do save farmers money by ensuring nitrogen is not over applied. – Do allow farms to maximize profitability while holding everyone accountable to some standard – Do prevent fields from being treated as dumping grounds for manure and other bio-solids – Do help prevent excessively high concentrations of nitrate in groundwater – Don’t prevent nitrate from leaching into groundwater – Don’t ensure groundwater quality meets drinking water standards – Don’t ensure that groundwater quality in areas that already apply at economic optimum rates will get better over time Masarik, UW-Extension Nitrate Concentration GW NO3-N = f(Crop N Requirements, Excess N, Soils, Geology) 0 Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates Forest/ Prairie/ CRP Alfalfa Soybean Corn Potato CornSoybean Masarik, UW-Extension Comparing Land-use Impacts Corn1 (per acre) Prairie1 (per acre) Septic 2 System Total Nitrogen Inputs (lb) 169 9 20-25 Nitrogen Leaching Loss (lb) 36 0.04 16-20 Amount N lost to leaching (%) 20 0.4 80-90 1 Data from Masarik, Economic Optimum Rate on a silt-loam soil, 2003 2 Data from Tri-State Water Quality Council, 2005 and EPA 625/R-00/008 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 20 lbs 20 acres 20 acres Comparing Land-use Impacts 20 lbs/septic system x 1 septic systems = 20 lbs 1/36th the impact on water quality 0.44 mg/L Assuming 10 inches of recharge - 36 lbs/ac x 20 acres = 720 lbs 16 mg/L Masarik, UW-Extension Water table Stream Water table Stream 36 lbs/ac x 20 acres = 720 lbs 20 lbs/septic system Masarik, UW-Extension Comparing Land-use Impacts 20 acres 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs 36 lbs/ac x 20 acres = 720 lbs 20 acres 36 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs/septic system x 36 septic systems = 720 lbs Using these numbers: 36 septic systems on 20 acres (0.55 acre lots) needed to achieve same impact to water quality as 20 acres of corn Masarik, UW-Extension Water quality as a function of watershed area in production of a high input N crop 50% Percent of land base in production 0% Water Quality Nitrate Concentration Low High 100% Water quality as a function of Nitrogen Use Efficiency Studies show efficiency typically about 30-50% (Cassman et. al. 2002) Less nitrogen than economic optimal results but with same or greater yield. Fertility-research based economic optimal nitrogen application Economic optimal nitrogen application results in greater yield. Increased nitrogen application results in increase in yield without an increase in efficiency. More Less Water Quality Nitrate Concentration Increased nitrogen application results in increase in yield but nitrogen use efficiency decreases. Amount of N loss Less More How much nitrogen does it take to raise groundwater nitrate 1 ppm? The actual amount will vary based on the amount of recharge. For Wisconsin this is likely somewhere between 6 and 10 inches depending on where you live. For Spring Green we will assume that nitrogen not taken up by the plant will mineralize and nitrify. 8 in. 1 kg 2.2 lbs 18.1 lbs N 1 ft. 28.32 liters 1 g = per acre 12 in. 1 ft3 1000 mg 1000 g 1 kg 10 mg NO3-N 43,560 ft2 1 acre liters Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L) 1 2 3 4 Inches of Recharge N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 10 15 20 30 40 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6 17.0 20.4 23.7 27.1 30.5 33.9 4.5 9.0 13.6 18.1 22.6 27.1 31.7 36.2 40.7 45.2 6.8 13.6 20.4 27.1 33.9 40.7 47.5 54.3 61.1 67.8 9.0 18.1 27.1 36.2 45.2 54.3 63.3 72.4 81.4 90.5 lbs of Nitrogen per acre 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.6 4.1 4.5 0.7 1.4 2.0 2.7 3.4 4.1 4.7 5.4 6.1 6.8 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.1 9.0 1.1 2.3 3.4 4.5 5.7 6.8 7.9 9.0 10.2 11.3 2.3 4.5 6.8 9.0 11.3 13.6 15.8 18.1 20.4 22.6 Least Willingness to implement Most Most Potential to improve water quality Least Water Quality/ Nitrate Concentration Good/Low Poor/High Masarik, UW-Extension Price ($ per lb of nitrogen) 1.2 1 Nitrogen Fertilizer Costs (1960-2012) Anhydrous ammonia Nitrogen solutions (30%) 0.8 0.6 Urea 44-46% nitrogen Ammonium nitrate Sulfate of ammonium 0.4 0.2 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Nitrogen Fertilizer Pricing Form Cost per ton Cost per lb of nitrogen Anhydrous Ammonia (82% N) $783 $0.48 Nitrogen Solutions (30% N) $373 $0.62 Urea (44-46% N) $554 $0.62 Ammonium Nitrate (35% N) $506 $0.73 Sulfate of Ammonium (21% N) $451 $1.07 Source: Agricultural Prices for March 2012, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA.