Contents Ecology

Plenary Paper
The Magnificent High-Elevation Five-Needle White Pines: Ecological Roles and Future Outlook..........................2
Diana F. Tomback, Peter Achuff, Anna W. Schoettle, John W. Schwandt, Ron J. Mastrogiuseppe
Synthesis of Lower Treeline Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis) Woodland Knowledge, Research Needs, and
Management Considerations.......................................................................................................................... 29
Robert E. Means
Native Ectomycorrhizal Fungi of Limber and Whitebark Pine: Necessary for Forest Sustainability?....................37
Cathy L. Cripps, Robert K. Antibus
Extended Abstracts
The Relationship Between Whitebark Pine Health, Cone Production, and Nutcracker Occurrence
Across Four National Parks.............................................................................................................................. 45
Lauren E. Barringer, Diana F. Tomback, Michael B. Wunder
Monitoring Limber Pine Health in the Rocky Mountains and North Dakota........................................................47
Kelly Burns, Jim Blodgett, Marcus Jackson, Brian Howell, William Jacobi, Anna Schoettle,
Anne Marie Casper, Jennifer Klutsch
Long-Term Monitoring of High-Elevation White Pine Communities in Pacific West Region National Parks.........51
Shawn T. McKinney, Tom Rodhouse, Les Chow, Penelope Latham, Daniel Sarr, Lisa Garrett, Linda Mutch
Altered Species Interactions and Implications for Natural Regeneration in Whitebark Pine Communities..........56
Shawn T. McKinney, Diana F. Tomback, Carl E. Fiedler
Determining Clark’s Nutcracker Use of Whitebark Pine Communities in Regard to Stand Health in
Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park.....................................................................................................61
Jennifer D. Scott, Diana F. Tomback, Michael B. Wunder
Limber Pine Health in the Canadian Rockies........................................................................................................63
Cyndi M. Smith, David Langor, Colin Myrholm, Jim Weber, Cameron Gillies, Jon Stuart-Smith
Regeneration and Survival of Whitebark Pine After the 1988 Yellowstone Fires..................................................66
Diana F. Tomback, Anna W. Schoettle, Mario J. Perez, Kristen M. Grompone, Sabine Mellmann-Brown
Seed Dispersal in Limber and Southwestern White Pine: Comparing Core and Peripheral Populations..............69
Diana F. Tomback, Sheridan Samano, Elizabeth L. Pruett, Anna W. Schoettle
Sugar Pine Seed Harvest by Clark’s Nutcracker: Annual Use of a Transient Resource in Crater Lake
National Park, Oregon..................................................................................................................................... 72
Taylor J. Turner, Diana F. Tomback, Bradley Van Anderson, Michael Murray
Pre-Dispersal Seed Predator Dynamics at the Northern Limits of Limber Pine Distribution................................74
Vernon S. Peters
Clark’s Nutcracker Demography and Habitat Use in Bridger-Teton National Forest—Preliminary Analyses........75
Taza Schaming
Mountain Pine Beetle Dynamics
Plenary Paper
Mountain Pine Beetle in High-Elevation Five-Needle White Pine Ecosystems.....................................................78
Barbara Bentz, Elizabeth Campbell, Ken Gibson, Sandra Kegley, Jesse Logan, Diana Six
Extended Abstracts
Health of Whitebark Pine Forests After Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks...........................................................85
Sandra Kegley, John Schwandt, Ken Gibson, Dana Perkins
Protecting Whitebark Pines Through a Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic With Verbenone—Is It Working?.........94
Dana L.Perkins, Carl L. Jorgensen, Matt Rinella
The Use of Verbenone to Protect Whitebark Pine From Mountain Pine Beetle...................................................96
Sandra Kegley, Ken Gibson
Plenary Paper
Conservation Genetics of High Elevation Five-Needle White Pines...................................................................... 98
Andrew D. Bower, Sierra C. McLane, Andrew Eckert, Stacy Jorgensen, Anna Schoettle, Sally Aitken
Molecular Genetic Variation in Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) in the Inland West.......................... 118
Mary F. Mahalovich, Valerie D. Hipkins
Extended Abstracts
Genetic Variation of Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) Provenances and Families From Oregon and
Washington in Juvenile Height Growth and Needle Color............................................................................. 133
Jim Hamlin, Angelia Kegley, Richard Sniezko
A Sugar Pine Consensus Map: Comparative Mapping Between the Pinus Subgenus Pinus and the
Subgenus Strobus.......................................................................................................................................... 140
Kathleen D. Jermstad, Andrew J. Eckert, Bohun B. Kinloch Jr., Dean A. Davis, Deems C. Burton,
Annette D. Mix, Jill L. Wegrzyn, David B. Neale
A Population Genetic Model for High-Elevation Five-Needle Pines: Projecting Population
Outcomes in the Presence of White Pine Blister Rust................................................................................... 145
Schoettle, A.W., Klutsch, J.G., Antolin, M.F., Field, S.
Ex Situ Gene Conservation in High Elevation White Pine Species in the United States—A Beginning............... 147
Richard A. Sniezko, Anna Schoettle, Joan Dunlap, Detlev Vogler, David Conklin, Andrew Bower,
Chris Jensen, Rob Mangold, Doug Daoust, Gary Man
Comparison of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Pacific Coast Whitebark Pine
Across Multiple Markers................................................................................................................................ 150
Andrew D. Bower, Bryce A. Richardson, Valerie Hipkins, Regina Rochefort, Carol Aubry
The U.S. Forest Service’s Renewed Focus on Gene Conservation of Five-Needle Pine Species.......................... 151
Dr. Robert D. Mangold
Geographic Patterns of Genetic Variation, Population Structure and Adaptive Traits in Pinus aristata,
Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine.................................................................................................................. 152
Anna W. Schoettle, Betsy A. Goodrich, Valerie Hipkins, Christopher Richards, Julie Kray
Disturbance Ecology and Climate Change
Plenary Paper
Disturbance Ecology of High-Elevation Five-Needle Pine Ecosystems in Western North America..................... 154
Elizabeth M. Campbell, Robert E. Keane, Evan R. Larson, Michael P. Murray, Anna W. Schoettle, Carmen Wong
Fire and High-Elevation, Five-Needle Pine (Pinus aristata & P. flexilis) Ecosystems in the Southern
Rocky Mountains: What Do We Know?......................................................................................................... 164
Jonathan D. Coop, Anna W. Schoettle
Modeling Climate Changes and Wildfire Interactions: Effects on Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis)
and Implications for Restoration, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA....................................................... 176
Rachel A. Loehman, Allissa Corrow, Robert E. Keane
Extended Abstracts
Fuel and Fire Behavior in High-Elevation Five-Needle Pines Affected by Mountain Pine Beetle........................ 190
Michael J. Jenkins
Influence of Fire on Mycorrhizal Colonization of Planted and Natural Whitebark Pine Seedlings:
Ecology and Management Implications......................................................................................................... 198
Paul E. Trusty, Cathy L. Cripps
Climate Change Response of Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the Nevada NSF-EPSCoR Project
( 203
Franco Biondi, Scotty Strachan
Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) Assisted Migration Trial................................................................................. 205
Sierra C. McLane, Sally N. Aitken
Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) In Cascadia: A Climate Change Prognosis...................................................... 206
Sierra C. McLane
Establishment Patterns of Whitebark Pine Following Fire in the Canadian Rockies........................................... 207
Brendan Wilson
Blister Rust: Ecology and Assessment
Plenary Paper
A Natural History of Cronartium ribicola............................................................................................................. 210
Brian W. Geils, Detlev R. Vogler
Extended Abstracts
Monitoring White Pine Blister Rust Infection and Mortality in Whitebark Pine in the Greater
Yellowstone Ecosystem.................................................................................................................................. 218
Cathie Jean, Erin Shanahan, Rob Daley, Gregg DeNitto, Dan Reinhart, Chuck Schwartz
Limber Pine Forests on the Leading Edge of White Pine Blister Rust Distribution in Northern Colorado.......... 222
Jennifer G. Klutsch, Betsy A. Goodrich, Anna W. Schoettle
Valuing the Forest for the Trees: Willingness to Pay for White Pine Blister Rust Management.......................... 226
James R. Meldrum, Patricia A. Champ, Craig A. Bond
Annual Observations of Conspicuous Canker Activity on Whitebark Pine (2003 to 2007)................................. 235
Michael P. Murray
Re-measurement of Whitebark Pine Infection and Mortality in the Canadian Rockies...................................... 238
Cyndi M. Smith, Brenda Shepherd, Cameron Gillies, Jon Stuart-Smith
Can Microscale Meteorological Conditions Predict the Impact of White Pine Blister Rust in
Colorado and Wyoming?............................................................................................................................... 242
Jacobi, William R., Betsy A. Goodrich, Holly S.J. Kearns, Kelly S. Burns, Brian W. Geils
Histological Observations on Needle Colonization by Cronartium ribicola in Susceptible and
Resistant Seedlings of Whitebark Pine and Limber Pine............................................................................... 243
Jeffrey Stone, Anna Schoettle, Richard Sniezko, Angelia Kegley
Genetic Resistance to Blister Rust
Plenary Paper
Past and Current Investigations of the Genetic Resistance to Cronartium ribicola in High-elevation
Five-needle Pines........................................................................................................................................... 246
Richard A. Sniezko, Mary F. Mahalovich, Anna W. Schoettle, Detlev R. Vogler
Extended Abstracts
Preliminary Overview of the First Extensive Rust Resistance Screening Tests of Pinus flexilis and
Pinus aristata................................................................................................................................................. 265
Anna W. Schoettle, Richard A. Sniezko, Angelia Kegley, Kelly S. Burns
Status of White Pine Blister Rust and Seed Collections in California’s High-Elevation White Pine Species........ 270
J. Dunlap
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Applications in White Pine Blister Rust Resistance Screening....................... 271
Sam Hendricks, Wendy Sutton, Jeffrey Stone, Richard Sniezko and Angelia Kegley, Anna Schoettle
Molecular Dissection of White Pine Genetic Resistance to Cronartium ribicola................................................ 272
Jun-Jun Liu, Richard Sniezko
Rust Resistance in Seedling Families of Pinus albicaulis and Pinus strobiformis and Implications
for Restoration............................................................................................................................................. 2735
R. A. Sniezko, A. Kegley, R. Danchok, J. Hamlin, J. Hill, D. Conklin
Restoration and Management
Plenary Paper
Strategies, Tools, and Challenges for Sustaining and Restoring High Elevation Five-Needle White
Pine Forests in Western North America......................................................................................................... 276
Robert E. Keane, Anna W. Schoettle
Investigating the Optimality of Proactive Management of an Invasive Forest Pest............................................ 295
Craig A. Bond, Patricia Champ, James Meldrum, Anna Schoettle
Exploring Whitebark Pine Resilience in the Crown of the Continent.................................................................. 303
Stacey A. Burke, Michael S. Quinn
Inoculation and Successful Colonization of Whitebark Pine Seedlings With Native Mycorrhizal
Fungi Under Greenhouse Conditions............................................................................................................ 312
C. L. Cripps, E. Grimme
The Proactive Strategy for Sustaining Five-Needle Pine Populations: An Example of its
Implementation in the Southern Rocky Mountains....................................................................................... 323
Schoettle, A.W., Goodrich, B.A., Klutsch, J.G., Burns, K.S., Costello, S., Sniezko, R.A.
Extended Abstracts
Whitebark and Limber Pine Restoration and Monitoring in Glacier National Park............................................. 335
Jennifer M. Asebrook, Joyce Lapp, Tara Carolin,
Restoration of Whitebark Pine Forests in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA................................................. 338
Robert E. Keane
No Free Lunch: Observations on Seed Predation, Cone Collection, and Controlled Germination of
Whitebark Pine from the Canadian Rockies................................................................................................... 348
Adrian Leslie, Brendan Wilson
Highlights of the Forest Health Protection Whitebark Pine Restoration Program.............................................. 355
John Schwandt
Whitebark Pine Direct Seeding Trials in the Pacific Northwest........................................................................... 357
John Schwandt, Kristen Chadwick, Holly Kearns, Chris Jensen
Guidelines for Whitebark Pine Planting Prescriptions........................................................................................ 362
Glenda L. Scott, Ward W. McCaughey, Kay Izlar
Limber Pine Seed and Seedling Planting Experiment in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada....................... 365
Cyndi M. Smith, Graeme Poll, Cameron Gillies, Celina Praymak, Eileen Miranda, Justin Hill
Restoration Planting Options for Limber Pines in the Southern Rocky Mountains............................................. 375
Anne Marie Casper, William R. Jacobi, Anna W. Schoettle, Kelly S. Burns
High Elevation White Pines Educational Website............................................................................................... 376
Anna W. Schoettle, Michele Laskowski