This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. A Monitoring System for Research Natural Areas in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States 1 Charles T. Scott2 Lucy E. Tyrrel1 3 Marie-Louise Smith4 David T. Funks Abstract-Research Natural Areas (RNAs) are designated by the USDA Forest Service to protect ecosystems that are representative of the region or contain unique or distinctive flora or fauna. Because RNAs can serve as benchmark ecosystems, a long-term monitoring system was developed to assess a wide range of ecosystem attributes and processes. Monitoring within the study area is stratified by Ecological Landtypes (ELT), which are units that integrate soils, landform, and vegetation. Plots are located systematically within each ELT. Subplots within plots are used to assess live trees, snags, logs, and tip-up mounds, vegetative structure, understory vegetation, ground cover, and soils. Observations also are collected at the plot level, e.g., topographic characteristics, and at the ELT level, e.g., gap transects, wetlands, and surveys of presence of flora and fauna. Manuals were developed to guide planning, data collection, and analysis. This system was designed to be comprehensive and integrated and should have wide applicability for monitoring natural areas and lands managed for other objectives, as well as for ecosystem management research. Resumen-Las areas naturales de investigacion (RNAs) estan disenadas por el servicio forestal de estados unidos para proteger ecosistemas representativos de la region 0 que contienen especies de flora y fauna Unicas. Tomando en cuenta que los RNAs puede servir como ecosistemas de referencia, los autores desarrollaron un sistema de monitoreo a largo plazo para evaluar una gama amplia de atributos y procesos del ecosistema. El monitoreo es estratificado por tipos ecologicos de tierras (ELT), las cuales integran unidades de suelo, paisaje y vegetacion. Las parcelas de muestreo estan ubicadas sistematicamente dentro de cada ELT. Se establecieron submuestras dentro de las parcelas de muestreo para evaluar arboles vivos, tocones, lenas y ramajes; estructura de la vegetacion; sotobosque; cobertura del suelo y suelos. A nivel de parcela de muestreo se evaluaron caracteristicas topograficas y a nivel de elt se evaluo la presencia de flora y fauna. Se han desarrollado manuales Ipaper presented at the North American Science Symposium: Toward a Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem Resources, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1-6,1998. 2Charles T. Scott is Project Leader, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 359 Main Rd. Delaware, OH 43015-8640. Telephone: (740) 368-0101; Fax: (740) 3680152; e-mail: 3Lucy E. Tyrrell is Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, located in Rhinelander, WI. Headquarters is in St. Paul, MN. e-mail: ltyrell/ 4Marie-Louise Smith is Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station located in Durham, NH. e-mail: msmithi 4David T. Funk is retired, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station located in Durham, NH. e-mail: USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 para coleccion de los datos y analisis. Este sistema integra do , deberia tener amplia aplicacion para monitoreo de areas naturales protegidas y tierras manejadas para otros objetivos, asi como para la investigacion de manejo de ecosistemas. Managing National Forests and other public lands has become increasingly complex due to increasing demand for products from this valuable resource and calls for greater participation by the public in decisions affecting it. As a result, we need a better understanding of the land and how it changes over time. Resource monitoring helps ensure that the responses to management practices are within the expected range of effects and can be sustained. Sound management of ecosystems requires a knowledge of the effects of natural- and human-caused change. Repeated observations over time can separate natural effects from human ones, and distinguish effective management practices from less effective or harmful ones. The ability to gather this type ofinformation is at the core ofland stewardship and ecosystem management. Resource monitoring has been conducted for many years on various ecosystem components. Sustainable harvests of forests have been monitored with timber surveys. Wildlife has been monitored on project areas, e.g., bird censuses. Often, ecosystem components are monitored without consideration of the ecosystem as a whole, and monitoring often is conducted independently-even on the same area. Because few conclusions can be drawn with respect to interactions between and among resources, a comprehensive, integrated system of monitoring is needed. The USDA Forest Service is required to monitor the effects of its actions over time as mandated by the National Forest Management Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. One way to separate the effects of natural and human influences is to compare the results of various ecosystem management practices against similar ecosystems on a Research Natural Area (RNA) managed to maintain natural processes without removing physical resources. This study was initiated on RNAs in the Eastern Region of the USDA Forest Service to assess ecosystem status, change, and differences among various management practices. The monitoring program was designed to be comprehensive, integrated across ecosystem components, and applicable to forests and related ecosystems in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. 315 Approach _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A team of researchers, National Forest System specialists, and cooperators was formed to develop an integrated monitoring system. The team decided on a comprehensive monitoring program that: • integrates key ecosystem components • crosses many spatial scales • provides for different temporal scales • is comprehensive and well documented • is simple and efficient. This monitoring program is one of many initial efforts to address the need. Little is known about what constitutes the best ecosystem indicators, the most cost-effective sampling and plot designs are, or the best method for analyzing the results to provide information upon which to base management decisions. However, research is being conducted on these problems, and experience is accumulating. Monitoring for management purposes provides an opportunity for researchers to collaborate with resource managers to develop an effective monitoring system. The team developed a sampling design and a field guide that were field tested in three areas within the region. The methods were refined and the resulting monitoring program was written in draft form as a three-volume set: Overview and Planning Guide (Tyrrell and others 1999), A Catalog of Field Methods (Smith and others 1999), and Field Data Recorder Use and Programming (Scott 1999). While the sampling and plot designs chosen are applicable to many ecosystems, they are optimal for none. Much information is provided to the planner, but much is left to be decided, for example, which attributes to include, frequency of observation, and number of plots. The planning guide does provide some guidance on making those decisions. Monitoring Program An effective monitoring pro~am must be developed by first setting the monitoring objectives. The following steps draw heavily from "Vegetation monitoring in a management context", an unpublished guide developed in 1995 by The Nature Conservancy in cooperation with the Forest Service: 1. Set broad objectives. 2. Set time and cost constraints. 3. Assemble and evaluate existing data. 4. Set specific objectives. 5. Select attributes. 6. Select sampling and plot designs. 7. Plan field work. 8. Train personnel. 9. Collect data. 10. Enter and store data. 11. Assess and interpret data. 12. Evaluate objectives and monitoring program. 13. Decide on future management. This process provides feedback on both the monitoring plan and the original management plan. The monitoring system itself must be evaluated to ensure that it is providing 316 the appropriate kind of information at the appropriate level of detail. Ifit is not, the program must be modified and monitoring continued. If the management objectives are met, no change is required. If they are not met, the management activities must be modified to meet the objectives or the objectives must be modified, Attributes When selecting attributes, a number of factors should be included. The key factor should be the attribute's ability to answer the questions (specific objectives). As a means of helping the planner identify attributes, we arranged them in two ways-by spatial scale and broad resource category. For spatial scale, attributes are listed in groups based on whether the attributes are to be measured at the Study Area level, the ELT level, or the Plot level. We also grouped the attributes into five resource categories: general characteristics of the study area, plants, animals, water, and physical environment. Each of these was then divided into subcategories (Table 1). This monitoring system is admittedly strongest for plants-this is a function of the objectives of the team, the history of resource surveys, and the nature of the resource component. For example, methods for developing population statistics for streams and watersheds need work. Finally, this list is meant to be used as catalog from which to choose based on the objectives and type of monitoring being conducted. Similarly, not all components of the design would be used in most applications. However, guidance is given on the priority of each attribute: important (core), costly, and special studies only. Design When developing a sampling design, the basic building block was assumed to be the ELT within a study area; thus, the ELT was chosen to stratify the study area. ELTs are defined based on soils, landform, rock type, geomorphic process and plant associations and are 10's to 100's of hectares in size (Avers and others 1993). A simple grid system is recommended to cover the ELT at a rate based on the target sample size (Fig. 1). The Canopy Gap Survey and surveys of herbs and small mammals using pitfall tra ps or drift fences are conducted along the grid lines connecting plots, because these phenomena are assumed to operate at the ELT scale. Bird Surveys are conducted at plot locations to relate the results with local habitat information. Plant information is collected on a plot with nested subplots (Fig. 2). The Overs tory plot is large at 0.125-ha (20-m) radius to sample enough trees to classify the plot and to use in modeling relationships between resource components. However, a smaller plot can be used if population estimates are the primary focus. Four Understory (3-m radius) and four Vegetative Structure (5-m radius) subplots are located in the off-cardinal directions within the Overstory plot. Four Ground Layer (1 m 2 ) subplots surround each Understory subplot. A soil pit is dug just outside the Overstoryplot. Because ecosystems are so complex, we made the design flexible enough to easily add new attributes. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 Table 1.-Five resource categories, their components, and examples of their attributes. General Characteristics of the Study Area: Location Attributes, such as Stand and Plot Number Measurement Attributes, such as UTM coordinates, and Measurement Date Ownership and Land-use History Plants: Canopy Gaps, such as transect length, gap length, gap width Floristic Survey of the ELT, including species and abundance class Ground Layer, such as percent cover by herbaceous species, rock, and leaf litter Shrubs and Vines, such as species and cover or counts by basal diameter class Tree Regeneration, such as species, seedling height class, and sapling diameter Vegetative Structure, such as percent occupancy by life form by height class Overstory, such as species, diameter, distance, and azimuth Live Trees, such as crown class and damage Snag Trees, such as fragmentation class and height class Logs, such as length, diameter, and decay class Tip-Up Mounds, such as length and width Site Index, such as species, total height, and age Fauna: Bird Surveys, such as counts by species and sex Reptile, Amphibian, and Small Mammal Surveys, such as counts by species Water: Lake Survey, such as lake area, depth, turbidity, pH, and temperature Stream Survey, such as stream order, channel sinuosity, and bed material Wetland Survey, such as seasonality and soil inundation Physical Environment: Climate, such as mean annual temperature and precipitation Deposition Chemistry, such as pH, nitrates, and sulfates Soil Profile, such as soil horizon depths, textures, and colors Landform, such as slope, aspect, elevation, and terrain position Data Collection The Northeastern Region of the USDA Forest Service purchased TMDR data recorders and APG++ software from Sprengnether Instruments for use on all of its National Forests. APG++ is an application generator, that is, it is used on a desktop PC to. develop data collection forms, database, and error checks which are then downloaded to the data recorders for data collection. The data are then uploaded as text files for processing. Applications for this monitoring program were developed for the full list of resource components described here except water and deposition chemistry. The Field Data Recorder Use and Pro- gramming volume describes how to alter the software for specific applications. However, because the applications generator was not available in time, data recorders were not used as part of the field test. Field Test During the summer of 1994, a field test of the monitoring program was conducted in RNAs and actively managed areas on three National Forests-one each in Illinois, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Much was learned regarding the clarity of instructions, field logistics, and the time and cost involved in collecting the data. The manual was then revised and the remaining information was included in the planning guide. All attributes were tested except water and deposition chemistry. Planning Guide On the basis of the revised manual and field experience, we developed a planning guide. The target audience for the guide is the survey planner, though portions of the field guide are written for field crews. The planner works wi th the land manager to identify the objectives. He or she then develops the survey design, selects the attributes, and is responsible for training, data collection, analysis, and reporting. The planning guide describes: Figure 1.-Grid of plot locations and grid lines for Canopy Gap Survey across two Ecological Landtypes within a study area. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 Monitoring objectives Types of monitoring Resource components and attributes 317 Plot Design 2 0.125 ha Plot (20 m radius) 1 m Ground Cover Subplot • " ' - Soil Pit 0.00283 ha Understory Subplot (3 m radius) 0.00785 ha Vegetative Structure Subplot (5 m radius) Distance from Plot Center to Understory Plots 13.0 mat 45, 135,225 & 315 degrees = Figure 2.-Plot cluster design for vegetative and soils data. Monitoring steps to follow Case studies Time and cost information from case studies Bibliography Glossary With access to the Catalog ofField Methods and the Field Data Recorder Use and Programming guide, the survey planner should have much of the guidance needed to plan and conduct the monitoring program required to meet management objectives. Acknowledgments The development of this monitoring program was a cooperative effort of Region 9 of the National Forest System, North Central Research Station, and the Northeastern Research Station. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts Linda Parker, Thomas E. DeMeo, Beth Shimp, and Marella Brakke. We also thank our reviewers: Vic Rudis, Gary Brand, and Doug Powell, all with the USDA Forest Service. of Literature Cited Summary This program was designed for monitoring portions of National Forests in the Northeastern United States but is general enough to be applicable elsewhere. The design and list of attributes is long so that survey planners can choose the components and attributes that meet their needs. By measuring the core set of attributes, the monitoring program also can provide a means for ensuring consistency between different locations within an organization or between agencies. They may not always choose to measure the same set of additional attributes, but when they do, they are measured according to the same standards. The three-volume set will be a useful starting point for survey planners to design and implement monitoring. The field guide alone i~ a rich resource for planners. The use of the data collection software is not integral to the monitoring program, but we recommend the use offield data recorders because they provide an opportunity to edit data in the field where changes are best made. 318 Avers,PeterE.,Cleland,David T.;McNab, W.Henry;Jensen,Mark E.; Bailey, Robert G.; King, Thomas; Goudey, Charles B.; Russell, Walter E. 1993. National hierarchial framework of ecological units. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 20 p. Scott, Charles T. 1999. Planning and field method options for ecosystem monitoring: Volume III-Field data recorder use and programming. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC- St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. In press. Smith, Marie Louise; Tyrrell r Lucy E.; Scott, Charles T.; Parker, Linda; Funk, David T.; DeMeo, Thomas E.; Shimp, Beth; Brakke, Marella. 1999. Planning and field method options for ecosystem monitoring: Volume II-A catalog offield methods. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC- St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. In press. Tyrrell, Lucy E.; Funk., David T.; Scott, Charles T.; Smith, Marie Louise; Parker, Linda; DeMeo, Thomas E.; Brakke, Marella; Shimp, Beth. 1999. Planning and field method options for ecosystem monitoring: Volume I-Overview and planning guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC- St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. In press. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999