This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Plot Designs for Ecological Monitoring of Forest and Range 1 Hans T. Schreuder2 Paul H. Geissler3 Abstract-Given the need of governments today for extensive data on natural resources for use in national planning, the U.S. Forest Service has changed its policy from periodic inventory of the timber resources of the U.S.A. to annual inventories of its much broader ecological resources. Consequently, the design of the sample units used in assessment must be reconsidered. We propose a change, to be implemented gradually over time, from the standard circular primary unit to a long rectangular one. The advantages are: more useful data can be provided for both management and monitoring purposes; special interest surveys can be accommodated better; assessment is cost efficient because remote sensing can be used more extensively and, consequently, access to private land and effect of trampling are minimized. Because of the large number of variables to be measured for large-scale and management purposes, the fact that several are best measured on photos, and the fact that several variables require more than one visit in a season, the need for averaging one plot per day and additivity of estimates should be revisited. It is well known that different sampling units (plots) are optimal for different sets of variables. For example, variable radius plot (VRP) designs have been used for a long time in Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) because timber volume was the primary interest. For that objective, probabilistically selecting more large trees relative to small trees was clearly more efficient. Similarly, if interest is in the number of trees with equal interest in each tree, fixed-area plot designs are optimal, because each tree has an equal probability of selection. In large-scale surveys such as FIA where a large number of variables are measured, a compromise is needed. Although different designs are optimal for different variables, it is more efficient to assess them all on the same plots, rather than conduct separate surveys, because it allows the association between combinations of variables to be assessed. Circular plots are favored internationally because for a given area, the length of the boundary is minimal relative to plot area and because variable radius plot (VRP) sampling requires a sweep around the center point for efficient sampling. Ipaper presented at the North American Science Symposium: Toward a Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem Resources, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1-6,1998. 2Hans T. Schreuder is a Mathematical Statistician for the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO 80526, U.S.A. Phone: (970) 498-1294; Fax: (970) 498-1010; e-mail: hschreuderl 3Paul H. Geissler 180 The increased extensive need for information for management and planning and the dramatic improvements in remote sensing and geographic positioning systems suggest that a change in plot design may be desirable. In the U.S.A. there is increased interest in measuring a broad range of ecological and health variables, in assessing the association between them, and in modeling forest and range processes. Accomplishing this is more feasible now with the highly accurate lasers and geographic positioning systems (GPS units) which have become available for land surveys. Combining this new instrumentation with improved plot design and remote sensing, especially low al ti tude photography and videography, allows for quicker, more reliable measurement and better yet cheaper information. At the same time, ground access and trampling of the sample plot are minimized. There is a need for closer coordination between mapping and sampling, including the ability to provide map-type da ta using techniques such as small-area estimation (Moeur and Stage (1995). It is also critical to maintain continuity with current inventory and monitoring efforts and to preserve comparisons with previous surveys. There also are needs for specialized surveys, coordinated with other major surveys, and a need to use data from these surveys for local forest management. Clearly, a compromise among the designs that are optimal for assessing the different variables and objectives is clearly needed. Review of Literature According to the SPAM (1997) report, Ernest Haeckel coined the term "ecology" in 1866 to define the study of the multifaceted struggle for existence as presented in "The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin according to Kingsland (1991). Allaby (1994) defined ecology as the study of the interrelationships among organisms, and between them and all living and non-living aspects of the environment. It is clear then that effective monitoring for ecological purposes requires measurement of attributes associated with these interrelationships at the same or essentially the same locations. As this has rarely been done in the past, it is pertinent to begin by describing plot-sampling methods used in various disciplines. Schreuder (1978) showed that a combination of sampling methods applied at a given point in a forest provides highly efficient and unbiased estimates of number of trees (N), using a fixed area plot centered at the point and oftotal basal area (G) using VRP sampling. The sum of tree diameters can also be estimated without bias but inefficiently using a VRP sample on the fixed area plot with the above estimates ofN and G. This approach was based on one suggested by Fender USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 and Brock (1963) who proposed estimating future G by counting trees after displacing an angle gauge by an amount that depended on an estimate of expected increment. Burnham et al. (1980) noted that quadrats are often used to sample ant colonies, termite colonies, animals living in the soil, some species of insects, birds and small animals; but Seber (1986) considers transects to be easier to locate and more effective than quadrats, which tend to be affected more by animals moving at the boundary. However, he acknowledges that in dense shrub and rough terrain transects make it difficult for the observer to observe birds at the same time as walking quietly. Burnham et al. (1980) contend that strip transects are often not appropriate for sampling mobile animals such as birds but line transects or variable-width transects may be. Strip transects are used extensively in counting animal pellets. They are also used in preference to quadrats when sampling from the air because of ease of location and more reliable covariate values are available for use in computing adjustments with ground sampling values in ratio and regression estimation (Seber 1982, 1986, 1992). Schreuder and McClure (1991) suggested modifying FIA sampling procedure to improve detection of change in a forest and identify possible causes. If additional sample plots were established and paired with all or a subset of the existing plots, then potential cause-effect relationships could be identified with the latter and hypotheses formulated while the former could be used to test these hypotheses. To generate descriptive statistics, detect change in these statistics over time and analyze data to identify potential cause-effect relationships, Schreuder and Czaplewski (1993) proposed a multi-level sampling frame consisting of wall-towall digital satellite map generated every 1-4 years to monitor such variables as forest fragmentation and habitat corridors, strips or large cluster of plots on aerial photography and/or videography to monitor disturbance and change in the aerial extent of variables such as forest cover and land use, clusters of ten 0.1 ha plots measured on the aerial photography or videography every 1-4 years for some variables such as tree mortality and field measurements on the ground every 4-16 years for variables such as ecological health and wood volume. Olsen and Schreuder (1997) state that data from FIA and NRI (the Natural Resources Inventory conducted by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the USDA) can be used to identify potential cause-effect relationships, useful cause-effect hypotheses to be tested, and supplementary data sets to be collected to more clearly establish potential relationships. Additional key information such as soil quality should be collected to improve the chances of identifying possible cause-effect hypotheses. Clearly these objectives call for various sampling efforts to obtain the desired information. Goebel et al. (1998) showed that multidisciplinary information can and should be collected with a common plot design even though it was realized that the FIA plot design used (in combination with transects) was not necessarily the best plot. Schreuder et al. (1997) discuss the possibility of combining mapped and statistical information in a more comprehensive package supplementing the USFS Region 6 vegetation inventory and monitoring system (Max et al. 1996). It is clear that additional information must be collected in USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 follow-up surveys by keying in on relevant information obtained in that system. Near-continuous information is needed on weather and possibly pollution variables to develop meaningful models to understand relationships and processes in the ecoregions and to assess the impact of management practices on them. However, instrumentation capable of providing this is not yet readily available. Both FIA and NRI are going to annualized inventories, where a subset of existing plots will be measured in each state each year, probably 20% in the case ofFIA. Both will be collecting much more ecologically based information than in the past. Although we focus on plot design for forestry purposes, i.e. National Forest Systems (NFS) or FIA needs, this proposal should be useful for NRI purposes too since FIA and NRI should be integrated and ultimately merged into one national resource inventory. Methods Although it is clear that the 1-ha circular FIA plot subsampled by 4 1/60 ha circular subplots has wide acceptance now, it is also true that this configuration has its origin in timber sampling. It is therefore likely that other plots shapes and sizes will replace it at some time, because of changes in objectives and technology. However, transitioning from the existing plot to a new one over time is important so we do not lose the ability to estimate change in critical parameters (mortality, growth, etc.). Hence we use as our starting point the FIA plot. The suite of variables to be measured by natural resource agencies has not yet been defined for range and forest health and soil quality variables. Consequently, we will focus on a set of variables fitting the 5 categories described earlier, treat those as the sole complete set of attributes to be measured, and indicate how we expect these variables to be measured. The fact that more than one visit in a season is required for animal populations offers opportunities for additional measurements of forest health variables such as change in the chemical content of foliage. Proposed parameters of interest (measurable and useful): 1. Forestry a. Trees: Number of trees, tree basal area, length, diameter, and frequency of down woody material, tree mortality and regeneration, number of diseased and insect-infested trees, removals by species. b. Understory: number, mortality, height, % seedlings, % saplings, % mature shrubs by species. c. Forbes, grasses: number of species, aerial extent. 2. Soil a. Depth of organic matter, depth ofA horizon, soil series, soil quality (SQ), pH b. Other characteristics: erosion rate, slope and aspect. 3. Animals, relative abundance of a. Birds b. Small ground vertebrates (mammals, reptiles, and amphibians) c. Ground insects 4. Water quality, depth, and extent. Given the numerous attributes to be measured, cost constraints, and the fact that some variables can be obtained 181 accurately from photos and others not, and different plot configurations are efficient for different variables, it is likely that some ensconced ideas in FIA should be dropped. Specifically, the idea of additive estimates (acreage at time 2 does not have to add to acreage at time 1 + change in acreage over the time period) and I-day plots on average may have to change. With the tremendous improvement in both remote sensing and geograp=:': positioning systems, it is highly probable that, in future, areas will be estimated much more reliably than they are now. Similarly, when assessing biodiversity and other ecological conditions, it is clear that much more time will have to be spent on each primary sampling unit (psu) to collect all the needed information. Proposed Approach Either the current FIA plot with the annular circular subplots or the current Region 6 Current Vegetation System (CVS) plot (Max et a1. 1996) can provide useful information for both large-scale and management objectives. Both are currently used and transitioning to the new plot needs to allow for both. As indicated earlier, aerial photography should play more ofa role in inventorying and monitoring. Besides being used for direct measurement of some of the variables directly, it can also be used for testing purposes to determine how remote sensing can be used for more difficult to measure variables. The proposed plot design is shown in Fig. 1 with further elaboration in Fig. 2. Briefly, we plan transitioning from the A.FIA Plot B.CVS Plot C. Proposed 1 ha Plot (40 x 250 m) d!!!1 "'1" ""i~~;~r~· (~m~;12tY8~'s=~~; " ~bo D. Proposed Plot Superimponsed On FIA And CVS Plots Figure 1.-FIA. 182 CVS and Proposed Plot Designs. B.CVS A. FIA c. Drift Fence D. Stohlgren Biodiversity o Meters 50 Figure 2.-Subplot Designs. current circular plot to a plot for which the information can be better tied to remote sensing information. It is useful to think ofthe psu as a population in its own right for management purposes. For example plots are often classified into condition classes of interest such as biodiversity classes, timber productivity classes, erosion-control classes, etc. to assess where treatment needs to be applied when. A lowaltitude or video picture of each plot is taken annually to serve as a permanent record over time. The current FIA and CVS plots are compact. Although they can be established in the field faster than long rectangular plots, they are less efficient for estimation. Because of spatial correlations, adjacent compact subplots tend to be similar. Measuring them duplicates much of the work already done and yields relatively little new information. Long subplots also spread out the observation area reducing the effect of spatial correlation. To increase the precision of the estimates for large areas, one seeks to make the plot estimates as similar as possible. To do this, one includes as much as the variability as possible within the plot, thus increasing efficiency. However, long plots have a large perimeter which increases the number of decisions required on 'boundary' trees- are they 'in' or 'out'? Long plots are advantageous for remote sensing, especially low-level aerial photography and videography. Numerous variables, e.g. mortality of trees, can be measured with high degree of reliability on remote sensing imagery. However, sampling subplots on the ground is desirable at this time to verify the remote sensed measurements and adjust them by regression estimation if necessary. There is an increased emphasis on biodiversity such as iden ti ty of species present and species richness . Particularly in regards to maintaining rare native species and detecting exotic species while they still can be eradicated if necessary. Rare species are a major component of biodiversity but traditional forest inventories have ignored them. For example, Stohlgren et a1. (1998) reported that almost half of the prairie plant species had less than one percent foliar cover. To observe rare species, it is important to search as large and diverse an area as possible. Maximizing the heterogeneity within a plot is also desirable for this reason. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 In transitioning, the three CVS or FIA subplots contained within the 40 x 250-m primary sampling units serve a useful role in change estimation as the plot design changes. If estimates of change based on them and measurement of all or part of the new psu are insufficiently reliable for the FIA standards set, the other subplots in the original CVS or FIA plots would have to be remeasured too. Mter transi tioning to the proposed psu, we then have a set of 40 x 250 m rectangular plots for which low-altitude photography or videography coverage should be acquired annually as a permanent record over time. On the ground, the 250 m long center axis of these plots are permanently established and marked in an unobtrusive way and serve as starting points to subsample the psu in various ways for various attributes. The 10 x 40 m center area is used only for benchmarking purposes and to protect against excessive trampling as now often occurs since the center is the focal point of all current sampling efforts in both FIA and CVS. For large-scale government planning estimation and analyses purposes, all 6 subplots are subsampled at a low intensity. Research is needed on how best to do this. The primary interests being how to meet national and regional objectives set for precision of the estimates and how to attain sufficient precision at the plot level to enable reliable equations to be established in conjunction with remote sensing information for predicting the parameters associated with covariates that can be measured on the photography. Because of the large number of variables to be collected, different sets of variables may have to be measured on different subplots to avoid excessive trampling and disturbance on the subplots. Although some variables can be measured more accurately and completely on aerial photography, these should also be sampled on the ground to document their accuracy or precision. All 6 subplots are subsampled at a high intensity on federal lands. Research is also needed here, the primary interests being to establish meaningful interactions between the variables of interest and to determine the need Figure 2 includes a proposed biodiversity plot of Stohlgren et al. (1995, 1998) for comparison with the FIA and CVS plots. Important features of Stohlgren's approach include a relatively long rectangular plot with subplots, observations with four different sized subplots to observe biodiversity at different scales. Percent cover and vegetation height is only measured on the smallest subplots, but the presence of species is recorded for all subplots. We recommend the long rectangular 1-ha plot (250 m x 40 m) for future inventory (Fig. 1c). This is an easy plot to photograph from the air, encompasses 3 out of the respectively 4 or 5 subplots of the FIA and CVS plots and with proper laser instrumentation should be easy to establish on the ground. It is divided into 640 x 40 m subplots which can be measured or subsampled for various variables as indicated in Fig. 2. A center 10 x 40 m subplot is primarily used for plot establishment purposes. Down the middle of the long plot we also have a 250 m long transect which is divided into 6 40-m segments that can be measured or subsets of which can be measured for the variables indicated in Fig. 2. The transects should be a vital part of the plot design, which they are not with the current FIA plot. As a first step in increasing the efficiency of the plots, we consider maintaining the same subplot design, and arranging the subplots in 40 x 250 m plots. This design accommodates the current plot designs best for change detection while spacing out the subplots to be used after transitioning to increase efficiency. This approach presumes that boundary issues are more important for measurements made on the smaller subplots and that matching ground and air measurement are more important for the plot and larger subplots. Longer and narrower plots (25 x 400 m or 20 x 500 m) may be even more desirable in the future but do not allow for transitioning as well as 40 x 250 m plots since fewer of the CVS or FIA subplots can be accommodated. Table 1 summarizes some of the attributes of the current FIA and CVS plot designs, the plot design we propose and longer narrower plots for the sake of interest). Table 1.-Some geometric characteristics of plot designs discussed. Plot/Subplot Plot Area Radius/Dimensions Perimeter Large Subplot Area Radius/Dimensions Perimeter Medium Subplot Area Radius/Dimensions Perimeter Small Subplot Area Radius/Dimensions Perimeter Micro Subplot Area Radius/Dimensions Perimeter FIA cvs 1.000 ha 56.42 m 354m 1.000 ha 56.42 m 354 m 0.101 ha 17.95 m 113 m 25 x 400 m 20 x 500 m 1.000 ha 40 x 250 m 580 m 1.000 ha 25 x 400 m 850m 1.000 ha 20 x 500 m 1040 m 0.076 ha 15.58 m 98m 0.100 ha 25 x 40 m 130 m 0.100 ha 20 x 50 m 130 m 0.100 ha 25 x 40 m 140 m 0.100 ha 20 x 50 m 140 m 0.017 ha 7.32m 46 m 0.020 ha 8.02m 50m 0.020 ha 10 x 20 m 60 m 0.020 ha 10 x 20 m 60m 0.020 ha 10 x 20 m 60m 0.010 ha 5x20 m 50 m 0.001 ha 2.07m 13 m 0.004 ha 3.60m 23m 0.020 ha 10 x 20 m 60m 0.020 ha 2x5 m 60m 0.001 ha 10 x 20 m 20 m 0.001 ha 2x5m 20 m USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 40 x 250 m Stohlgren 0.0001 ha 0.5 x2 m 5m 183 for and assess the effect of management practices on the resource. For cause-effect purposes, a subset of the psu's is measured either completely or sampled at a high intensity. Special monitoring devices could be established on these psu's such as automatic weather and pollution monitoring stations, non-destructive chemical analysis machinery, etc. Special surveys can be accommodated in this scheme too. A representative subset of the psu's would be selected for the "client." The variables of interest can then be remeasured at the government planning or management intensity level, or on a representative subset of the subplots. Before we make more specific recommendations, the following gives a general overview of our thinking relative to advantages of different subplot sizes and shapes (Schreuder et al. 1993: 293-296). • Long rectangular plots are advantageous for low altitude photography measurements and plant biodiversity estimates. • A rectangular plot is easier to fly and interpret and a 1 ha plot is a convenient size to fly and photointerpret. • To assess plant biodiversity (species richness and identification of species), ideally we want to cover as many habitat conditions as possible and as large an area as possible to find rarer species. Boundary issues are relatively less important because one only has to check to see if the occasional species not found in the subplots is in or out of the plot. This suggests that a long narrow plot or transect is desirable. • Circular subplots are advantageous for VRP sampling where boundary issues are important as in regeneration subplots. • Transects are advantageous for traversing a large area to measure scatter or rare objects such as down woody debris. Animals are more difficult to observe than plants. Birds are frequently counted because they are active during the day and are easily observed. However, birds cover large areas and their populations may reflect conditions outside the plot. Many birds migrate, and so their populations will also reflect conditions on the wintering areas. Counts of birds are also influenced by the time of day and the weather. Dawn and dusk are the best times to count birds, but observers often are unable to do this because of the danger in accessing the sample sites at these times. If bird counts are used, the point count method (Ralph et al. 1995) is recommended. Recording the distance to observed birds allows an adjustment for visibility differences (Buckland et al. 1993). As the points should be at1east 250 m apart to avoid counting the same birds, counts should be made at the ends of the 40 x 250 m plot. Additional points can be located 250 m out in each direction so the 4 points form a line, separating the points as much as possible. One solution is to install automatic recorders for a few weeks to record bird calls and those of some amphibians, insects and possibly bats (Peterson and Dorcas 1994). Highly skilled people are required to identify bird calls. Recording their calls allows birds to be identified without requiring an expert to visit the plot. We recommend that one recorder be located at the center point. It should be installed after the vegetation measurements are made and left in place for about 3 weeks. 184 Small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians have smaller home ranges and do not migrate. Thus their populations more closely reflect conditions on the plot, although they are more difficult to observe. However, drift fences can be used to direct animals moving· through an area to a spot where they can be observed (Corn 1994). Pitfall traps are commonly used, but it is impractical to check them daily. An automated camera can be left in place for a few weeks to record animals. We suggest two drift fences in the end 40 x 40 m subplots where drift fences are typically 5 m to 15 m long, 50 cm wide and buried 20 cm in the soil. Because of the cost o(the camera, a single drift fence in a central subplot may be used. We suggest a drift fence with three 15-m spokes, with a back turn at each end to turn animals back towards the center, and an automated camera in the middle (Fig. 2c). They should be installed after the vegetation measurements are made and left in place for about 3 weeks. Pitfall traps can also be used to observe ground insects. The traps are 600 ml (one pint) plastic containers buried flush with the ground with ethylene glycol in the bottom to preserve insects falling in. They also can be left on the plot for a few weeks. The insect populations reflect conditions on the plot. A great variety of species at different trophic levels can be captured easily and well-established protocols exist for doing this. Specimens are taken back to the laboratory for identification. Although species identification is difficult, it is feasible if only selected taxa are identified. We recommend 4 pitfall traps in each of the 40 x 40 m subplots. Again, they should be installed after the vegetation measurements are completed and left in place for about 3 weeks. To indicate the implementation opportunities we give examples below of how to collect the necessary information for the variables enumerated on above. The actual subsampling schemes to be used should be investigated to determine what the optimum might be relative to efficiency, accuracy of estimation, correlations with the aerial photo plot information, etc.: We have six 40 x 40 m subplots subsampled as follows for the attributes: 1. For government planning information: a. Use circular subplots- say a 0.017 ha subplot (1/24 acre) in each of the subplots for number of trees, basal area, number of insect and disease infected trees, removals, and mortality. b. Use two 40-m transects in each of the subplots for length, diameter, and frequency of down woody material and for number of species of forbes and grasses. These might, for example, be located at the 10- and 30-m points along the center axis in each of the subplots. These can also be used for measuring erosion rates and slopes. 2. For management purposes- use one or two of the corresponding CVS or annular FIA subplots for each of the 6 subplots. Similarly use 4 or more transects in each of the 6 subplots for the down woody material. These transects can also be used to measure erosion rates and slopes. 3. For tree regeneration, understory vegetation, counts of forbes and shrubs, depth of the organic matter layer and A horizon and pH we recommend use of a larger number, smaller subplots in each of the 40 x 40 m USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 subplots. For example we might sample five 0.001 ha subplots (2.07 m radius) per 40 x 40 m subplot for government planning purposes and ten for management purposes. 4. Obtain soil quality and soil series measurements from a series of respectively 5 and 10 cores for government planning and management purposes in each of the six 40 x 40 m subplots. How to best do that in a nonor essentially non-destructive manner will soon be decided upon. 5. Animal relative abundance is measured by traps and recorders left on the plot for 3 weeks: a. Small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians are sampled by a 3-spoked 15 m drift fence with an automatic camera in one of the central 40 x 40 m subplots. b. Ground insects are sampled by 4 pitfall traps in each of the 40 x 40 m subplots. c. Calling birds, bats and insects are sampled by an automatic audio recorder located at the central point. Traditionally, only a single visit is made to a psu. However, it is very difficult to obtain repeatable animal observations with one visit, because counts are influenced by weather, time of day, and other factors. Leaving recording equipment in the field for a few weeks would sample animals at all times, day and night, and under varying weather conditions, making the observations much more repeatable. An important advantage of automatic recorders is that nocturnal and shy animals can be observed. Similarly, additional useful ;"'formation such as change in chemical content of foliage could be measured if more than one visit per season was acceptable in either FIA or similar natural resources surveys. Literature Cited Ailaby, M. 1994. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York. 415 pp. Buckland, S.T., Anderson, D.R Burnham, KP. and Laake, J.L. 1993. Distance sampling: Estimating abundance of biological populations. Chapman and Hall, New York. Burnham, KP.,Anderson, D.R andLaake,J.L.1980. Estimation of density for line transect sampling of biologic a I populations. Wildlife Monographs No. 72. Corn, P. S. 1994. Straight-line drift fences and pitfall traps. In Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians. p.109-117 Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. Fender, D.E. and Brock, G.A 1963. Point center extension: a technique for measuring current economic growth and yield of merchantable forest stands. J. 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