This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Forest Cover and Natural Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in North America 1 Christopher D. Geron 2 Abstract-Forest inventory data is important in deriving emission estimates of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) at hourly to annual temporal and tens of square meter to global spatial resolutions. We discuss methods used to adapt remotely sensed data and forest inventories to BVOC emission estimation. Databases employed include USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) and Canadian Ministry of Forests (British Columbia) data, which we use to estimate canopy coverage at species level resolution. The plot level data is also used to speciate 1.1 kilometer gridded remotely sensed classifications of vegetation cover, foliar mass, and leaf area. Developing ecosystem-level emission rates for vegetation categories in existing remotely sensed databases is also discussed. We compare resulting emission and canopy cover estimates from the different approaches at county levels. Due to assumptions made ofthe composition of the forest cover-types, emission estimates can vary by more than an order of magnitude for the different approaches. We discuss techniques to combine temporal and biophysical measures from remote sensing data with vegetation species information from the survey data. Potential improvements to forest inventories for these and similar applications relating to air pollution exposure are discussed. Tropospheric or low level ozone (0 3 ) is a major constituent of smog and is responsible for billions of dollars in crop and forest loss and respiratory health effects each year. To aid in understanding and controlling this problem, the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO) mandates that emission models and inventories of tropospheric ozone precursors including volatile organic compounds (VOC), the oxides of nitrogen (NOx ), and carbon monoxide (CO) be developed for Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.A. Sources include mobile (e.g. automobiles, aircraft), point (e.g. fossil fuel powered utility plants), area (agricultural or small dispersed industrial sources such as refinishing, refueling, and printing operations), and biogenic or natural sources. The largest source ofVOC in North America is natural or biogenic in origin. In the U.S. biogenic VOC (BVOC) emissions exceed those from all other sources combined. Emissions from forests are estimated to account for at least 90% of these BVOC emissions, with crops and rangeland vegetation accounting for the balance (Lamb et al. 1993). Annual estimates of anthropogenic VOC for the U.S. are approximately 20 tg yr-1, while corresponding estimates ofBVOC are approximately 40 tg yr-1. Furthermore, BVOC Ipaper presented at the North American Science Symposium: Toward a Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem Resources, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1-6,1998. 2Christopher D. Geron is with the National Risk Management Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, USA. e-mail: 126 tend to be more reactive than most anthropogenic VOC and are therefore more important on a per molecule basis in 0 3 production. Here I present a brief overview on the use of forest inventory and remote sensing classifications for use in estimating BVOC emissions in North America. Methods Thelandcover characteristics data used to estimate BVOC emissions in North America are constructed from several independent databases. Forest density in the United States (fraction of forest cover per 1.1 km grid cell) is taken from the database of Zhu and Evans (1994). Since it is based on optical measurements from satellite at two different (30 m and 1.1 km) scales, this dataset provides estimates offorest canopy fractions for areas usually not covered by other sources, such as small woodlots, riparian zones, forested urban regions, and the semi-arid western woodlands with less dense canopy cover. The percentage of tree species present within each grid cell is determined from the forest survey data described in Geron et al. (1994). Additional data for forests in the eleven westernmost conterminous United States and Alaska, including those for the National Forests and Parks, have also been compiled and added to this data. This information yields crown cover percentages by species level (compared to genus level coverage of Geron et al. 1994) to be consistent with species level emission data discussed later in this paper. Desert, rangeland, grassland, shrubland, and agricultural areas by crop type, are allocated to the remaining portions of the grid cells from the Agricultural Census and the North American Land Cover Classification (NALCC). Growing season peak foliar biomass densities are derived from the methods of Geron et al. (1994). However, for seasonal simulations, biomass density is adjusted by multiplying the peak density by the ratio of NDVI for the time and domain in question to NDVI for peak density. Similar procedures are used to construct vegetation cover databases from 1.1 km and Canadian forest inventory data, although at this point no corresponding remotely sensed forest density data exists for Canada. Therefore, total forest area is restricted to the forest area estimated from the Canadian forest inventory and the NALCC. Mexican land and vegetation cover is also described using the NALCC. Efforts are also underway to assess species composition for Mexican forests. Emission factors are formulated on a leaf biomass basis for individual tree species in mg-carbon g-1 (foliage dry weight) hr-1 and on an areal basis for mixed vegetation categories (e.g. western conifers) in mg-carbon m-2 (land surface area) hr-1. In-depth detail on these approaches can be found in Geron et al. (1994), Guenther (1997), Guenther et al. (1994), Guenther et al. (1995), and Kinnee et al. (1997). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 Results and Discussion In the U.S. forest inventory database, there are currently over 450,000 plots (see approximate locations in Fig. 1) and more than 4.5 million tree records. Although there are over 320 tree species in the FIA databases of the U.S., a large proportion of estimated BVOC emissions can be accounted for by relatively small number of species. This is illustrated in Table 1 where tree species of extensive range, abundance, and high emission factors dominate the relative BVOC emission potential, which is a function ofthese factors. In the eastern U.S., BVOC emissions are controlled by Quercus, Populus, Pinus, and Picea species, which account for an estimated 83% of hourly BVOC emissions under standard conditions of PAR = 1000 mmol m-2 S-l (approximately half of full sunlight) and leaf temperature = 30°C. Pinus, Picea, Pseudotsuga, Abies, Quercus, andPopulus species dominate BVOC emission pot en tial (95%) in the Western U. S . (West of 102° Longitude). Less than 2 percent of the estimated forest canopy area is composed of species for which no current BVOC emission information exists. Areas with highest emissions are those with high components of conifers, (which are high monoterpene and methyl butenol emitters) Quercus (oaks), Picea (spruces) and Populus species (which are high isoprene emitters). Estimated geographical distribution ofBVOC emissions in North America under standard conditions of PAR = 1000 mmol m- 2 S-l and leaf temperature = 30°C is illustrated in Figure 2. Due to current lack of forest inventory data for Mexican and most of Canadian forests in the landcover characteristics database, emission uncertainties in these areas are roughly an order ofmagnitude. Uncertainties in the U.S. are much lowerCwithin ± 50% for isoprene ± 100% for other compounds), largely due to use of the detailed forest inventory. Substituting the 1.1 km forest density data and the western U.S. forest inventory (used in the BEIS3 model) in place of the Biogenic Emissions Landuse Database (BELD) of Kinnee at al. (1997) used in BEIS2 (version 2 ofthe Biogenic Emission Inventory System) yields significant changes in many regions of the western United States. Forest genus classification in the BELD for the western U.S. was estimated by assigning fixed crown cover percentages to species listed in each cover type (Kinnee et al. 1997). In western Washington, Lamb et al. (In Prep.) found that this resulted • Plot location SO'IlJ'Ce: Forest hwerdory and Analysjs. EastwideJV'V EStY4de Fores[ InVEfLtory Dabbase British C o11J1'1lbia Mmis1ry of ForestS Figure 1.-Approximate locations of forest inventory survey plots compiled to date used to estimate BVOC emissions in North America. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 127 Table 1.-Crown cover and emission potentials (under standard conditions) by forest tree genera and region within the U.S. Area is horizontal projected crown area in 106 hectares. %Crn is proportion of total crown area. REP is relative emission potential, which is equal to the product of the basal total BVOC emission rate, biomass density, crown area, and a canopy adjustment factor (to account for shading within the canopy) for each genus relative to the total REP for the region. Cum is cumulative REP for the region. Genus Quercus Populus Pinus Picea Liquidambar Abies Acer Nyssa Thuja Carya Area 32.1 4.18 20.4 4.18 3.78 2.08 12.6 2.56 1.31 6.17 Eastern U.S. %Crn 0.248 0.032 0.158 0.032 0.029 0.016 0.097 0.020 0.010 0.048 REP Cum 0.499 0.141 0.094 0.093 0.059 0.023 0.019 0.010 0.009 0.007 0.499 0.640 0.733 0.826 0.886 0.908 0.927 0.937 0.946 0.953 Western U.S. (including Alaska) %Crn Area REP Genus Pinus Picea Pseudotsuga Abies Quercus Populus Tsuga Juniperus Thuja Alnus 10.1 12.7 8.41 5.60 3.15 2.17 2.43 3.78 0.98 1.32 0.184 0.231 0.153 0.102 0.057 0.039 0.044 0.069 0.018 0.024 0.278 0.234 0.138 0.136 0.104 0.062 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.003 Cum 0.278 0.512 0.651 0.787 0.890 0.953 0.966 0.977 0.988 0.991 , -->. .~~~;~~~~;£~ ~ .... Total Em:issians (mg C/m2fh) 00 1 Do-! 111-2 .2-4 .4-8 .8-10 I Figure 2.-Hourly estimated BVOC emissions from North American Landscape types un_H standard conditions of PAR=1 000 mmol m-2 S-l (approximately half of full sunlight) and leaf temperature= 30°C. 128 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 in isoprene emissions which were 5 to 10 times higher than measured mixed layer fluxes. The BEIS3 landcover data yielded isoprene emissions that were within a factor of two ofthe flux estimates, even though total canopy coverage for the state of Washington was only 8% less than that from BELD. Canopy coverage of high isoprene emitters in the BEIS3 (using the western U.S. forest inventory data) database was only 1-2% for the region on average. Conversely, BEIS3 isoprene estimates for other western regions may be considerably higher than that yielded by BELD. These include portions of California, Colorado, and Utah. Forest density estimates in the agricultural midwestern states is also somewhat higher than that from the BELD, since the Zhu and Evans (1994) data yield estimates of tree cover on small woodlots, transportation and stream corridors, and other noncommercial forest lands. This may result in isoprene emissions being from 10 to 50% higher than BEIS2 emissions. Forest density, and therefore emissions, in the remainder of the eastern U.S. remains largely unchanged due to changes in the landuse databases, since the forest extent estimated from the Forest Density data is similar to that estimated from the forest inventory data compiled thus far. Our current plot coverage of forest inventory data appears to be fairly thorough in terms of regional coverage of major forest types. However, coverage of commercially less valuable forest ecosystems can be sparse. For instance in the semi-arid forest scrubland of central Texas and Oklahoma, little forest survey data currently exists. This introduces considerable uncertainty (roughly an order of magnitude) in BVOC emission estimates for landscapes in this region. Vegetation coverage in desert-chapparral, riparian, and urban environments is also sometimes sparse or lacking. Using remotely sensed indices allows us to estimate greenness of vegetation coverage in these areas, but supporting plot level (ground based) measurements of species abundance and canopy characteristics would improve trace gas flux estimates from these systems considerably. This would also aid researchers in determining which vegetation species to examine for trace gas emissions. Recommendations Caution must be exercised when using generalized forestl landcover classes for estimating BVOC emissions. Since individual tree species within a forest ecotype can have drastically different BVOC emission factors (qualitatively and quantitatively), we recommend that forest inventory data be used to determine amount of crown cover by species within areas where these emissions may be important. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999 However, current forest inventories often stress areas of commercial importance, and neglect areas where timber harvesting may not be economical or feasible. These areas are often very important for trace gas exchange, and include urban forests, wetland forests and riparian zones, and marginally productive (but extensive) semi-arid forests such as those in Central Oklahoma, Texas (see Fig. 1), much of Mexico and portions of Canada. Finally, most parameters relating to foliage amount must be estimated from attributes such as tree diameter, height, and commercial or wood volumetric indices of stocking. If measures of canopy closure from aerial photos (such as that included in the British Columbia inventory) or ground measurement of intercepted solar radiation could be associated with each forest inventory plot, then regional models and inventories of forest trace gas exchange would be greatly improved. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the USDA Forest Service FIA units for their assistance in obtaining and interpreting the Forest Inventory and Analysis Data. Richard Woods of the British Columbia Ministry of Forest Resources was especially helpful in compiling and interpreting the British Columbia Forest Inventory data. Cliff Stanley and Ellen Kinnee of DynTel Inc. was provided invaluable database management in this effort. Pat Meredith provided expert editorial support. Literature Cited Geron, C. D., A B. Guenther, and T. E. Pierce, An improved model for estimating emissions of volatile organic compounds from forests in the eastern United States. J. Geophys. 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