
Robert Lewis Jr.
Sidney Draggan
Keynote Speech .................................................................................................................... 1
A Welcome Reunion .............................................................................................................. 2
Subject I
Global Environmental Change
Thomas J. Stohlgren
Thomas Brydges
Marfa de Lourdes de Bauer
Thomas F. Malone
Luis Manuel Guerra
Global Change Impacts in Nature Reserves in the United States ......................................... 5
Ecological Change and the Challenges for Monitoring ....................................................... 10
Algunos Aspectos del Cambio Global Desde la Perspectiva Mexicana .............................. 11
Global Change and the Prospects for Humanity in the Knowledge Age ............................. 16
Comunicacion Ambiental y Recursos Naturales ................................................................. 22
Subject II
Science and Technology Applications
H. Todd Mowrer
Charles A. Troendle
Gerhard Hunner
Spatial Data Infrastructure and Geostatistical Analysis of Forest Canopy-Hydrologic
Interactions, at the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, USA ................................... 25
Robin M. Reich
C. Aguirre-Bravo
M. Kalkhan
Vanessa A. Bravo
Spatially Based Forest Inventory Approach for Ejido el Largo, Chihuahua, Mexico ........... 31
Rafael Moreno-Sanchez
Celedonio Aguirre-Bravo
Anita Hoover
Johnell Geddes
Frederick Couch
Design and Implementation Strategy for the Creation of a Basic GIS Infrastructure
for Supporting Forest Ecosystem Resources Inventorying, Monitoring and
Management ................................................................................................................... 42
Fabian Islas Gutierrez
Gerardo H. Terrazas Gonzalez
Juan Islas Gutierrez
Evaluacion de Diferentes Modelos Auxiliares en Inventarios de Recursos Naturales:
Estimacion de Areas ....................................................................................................... 47
Francisco Moreno Sanchez
Diego D. Reygadas Prado
Determinacion de la Degradacion Inducida por el Hombre en el Estado de Tlaxcala ........ 54
Gerardo H. Terrazas Gonzalez
David C. Bowden
Kenneth Burnhamm
Evaluation of Projection Methods to Predict Wetland Area Sizes ....................................... 58
Timothy J. McConnell
Aerial Sketch Mapping Surveys the Past, Present and Future ........................................... 59
Eduardo Javier Trevino Garza
Aplicacion de la Percepcion Remota en los Inventarios de Areas Subtropicales ............... 63
Ignacio Galindo
Ramon Solano
Real Time AVHRR Detection of Forest Fires and Smoke in Mexico Between
January and June 1998 .................................................................................................. 68
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Mark E. Jensen
Tim McGarvey
Patrick Bourgeron
James Andreasen
Iris Goodman
ECADS-A Multi-Resource Database and Analytical System for Ecosystem
Classification and Mapping ............................................................................................. 76
Keith Reynolds
Mark Jensen
James Andreasen
Iris Goodman
Knowledge-Based Approach to Watershed-Scale TMDL Assessment ............................... 81
Charles T. Scott
Scott D. Klopfer
Standard Forest Sampling Designs and Their Analysis Using TabGen .............................. 87
Jose Navar
Necesidades de Monitoreo para el.Manejo Forestal Sustentable de los
Bosques de Coniferas del Norte de Mexico ................................................................... 90
Juana Ma. Castro Servin
Estudio de los Suelos Forestales del Desierto de los Leones Distrito Federal ................... 98
Marisela C. Zamora Martinez
Inventario y Monitoreo del Recurso Micologico en los Bosques T emplados .................... 103
Beatriz Silva Torres
Francisco Moreno Sanchez
Diego Reygadas Prado
Area Natural Protegida Cerro de la Estrella Descripcion y Diagnostico ............................ 107
Francisco Becerra-Luna
Inventarios Integrados y Monitoreo en Ecosistemas Forestales. Caso de Estudio:
Ex-Lago de Texcoco ..................................................................................................... 111
Reynaldo Valenzuela RUlz
Evaluacion Participativa como Parte Integral del Muestreo de los Recursos Naturales ... 118
Christopher D. Geron
Forest Cover and Natural Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in North America ........ 126
Ben H.J. de Jong
Some Methodological Approaches to Estimate and Monitor Carbon Mitigation
in the Forestry Sector ................................................................................................... 130
Klaus Janz
Reidar Persson
Information for Forest Sector Policy ......................................................................... '" ...... 139
William T. Sexton
Robert C. Szaro
Implementing Ecosystem Management Concepts at Multiple Organizational Levels ....... 145
Carlos Mallen-Rivera
Propuesta para la Proteccion, la Restauracion y el Manejo de la Region de
Huayacocotla, Veracruz ............................................................................................... 157
Subject III
The Evolving Complexity of Inventorying and
Monitoring Forest Ecosystems
W.E. Frayer
Complexity of Sampling Multiple Resources ..................................................................... 163
Albert Abee
Reducing Barriers to Assessing Sustainability in the U.S ................................................. 166
Carlos Rodriguez Franco
Mexican Experiences in Forest Monitoring Research ....................................................... 172
Hans T. Schreuder
Paul H. Geissler
Plot Designs for Ecological Monitoring of Forest and Range ............................................ 180
Miguel Caballero Deloya
EI Inventario Forestal de Mexico: Evolucion y Perspectivas ............................................. 186
James R. Gosz
International Long-Term Ecological Research: a Role in Research, Inventorying
and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem Resources ................................................................... 190
Thomas Owens
USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program ........................................................................ 199
Robin M. Reich
Vanessa A. Bravo
Integrating Spatial Statistics With GIS and Remote Sensing in Designing
Multiresource Inventories .............................................................................................. 202
W.E. Frayer
Inventories of U.S. Wetlands ............................................................................................. 208
Gretchen G. Moisen
Thomas C. Edwards, Jr.
Tracey S. Frescino
Expanding Applications, Data, and Models in a Forest Inventory of
Northern Utah, USA ...................................................................................................... 212
Agustin Gallegos Rodriguez
Raymundo Villavicencio Garcia
Efren Hernandez Alvarez
Antonio Rodriguez Rivas
Carlos Felix Becerra S.
Carlos Alfonso Munoz Robles
Permanent Control Sites for Monitoring Forest Resources in Protected Natural
Areas in the State of Jalisco, Mexico ............................................................................ 219
Paul C. Van Deusen
Industry Perspectives on Implementing and Analyzing an Annual Forest Inventory ......... 230
David E. Busch
Ecological Monitoring for the Northwest Forest Plan: a Comparison to Other
Major Ecosystem Initiatives .......................................................................................... 239
Judy Loo
Canadian Perspectives on Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring .................................... 245
Thomas J. Stohlgren
Measuring And Monitoring Biodiversity in Nature Reserves, Forests, and
Grasslands in the United States ................................................................................... 248
James A. Comiskey
Francisco Dallmeier
Alfonso Alonso
Conservation and Development Approaches to Integrated Inventory and
Monitoring for Adaptive Management ........................................................................... 256
Jose Concepcion Boyas Delgado
Situacion Actual de la Biodiversidad de Mexico ................................................................ 261
Enrique Jurado
Gerardo Cuellar
Mercedes Flores
Ignacio Gonzalez
Biodiversity of Tamaulipan Thornscrub in Relation to Fragmentation ............................... 272
Gilberto Chavez-Leon
Deborah M. Finch
Rapid Assessment of Endemic Bird Areas in Michoacan, Mexico .................................... 276
J. Jimenez
O. Aguirre
H. Kramer
Horizontal and Vertical Stand Structure Analysis of Uneven-Aged
Pine-Juniper-Oak Mixed Forest ecosystem in Northeastern Mexico ............................ 281
Hague H. Vaughan
Building the Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network: the
Canadian Experience ................................................................................................... 282
Jerry F. Franklin
Mark E. Harmon
Frederick J. Swanson
Complementary Roles of Research and Monitoring: Lessons From the
U.S. LTER Program and Tierra Del Fuego ................................................................... 284
James M. Vose
Jose Manuel Maass
A Comparative Analysis of Hydrologic Responses of Tropical Deciduous
and Temperate Deciduous Watershed Ecosystems to Climatic Change ..................... 292
Alejandro Velazquez-Martinez
Ana Rita Roman-Jimenez
Investigaciones a Largo Plazo en Productividad Forestal de Rodales
Naturales de Pinus Patula en Mexico: Long-term Forest Productivity
Studies in Natural Stands of Pinus Patula in Mexico .................................................... 299
Karen L. Oakley
Edward M. Debevec
Eric A. Rexstad
Development of a Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Program in Denali
National Park and Preserve, Alaska (USA) .................................................................. 307
Charles T. Scott
Lucy E. Tyrrell
Marie-Louise Smith
David T. Funk
A Monitoring System for Research Natural Areas in the Northeastern and
Midwestern United States ............................................................................................. 315
Donald S. McLennan
Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification-a Natural System for Ecosystem-Based
Land Management ........................................................................................................ 319
Subject IV
New Approaches to Integrated Inventory and Monitoring of Forest
Ecosystem Resources
Michael A. Huston
Forest Productivity and Diversity: Using Ecological Theory and Landscape
Models to Guide Sustainable Forest Management ...................................................... 329
Raymond L. Czaplewski
Integration of Strategic Inventory and Monitoring Programs for the Forest Lands,
Wood Lands, Range Lands and Agricultural Lands of the United States ..................... 342
Andrew J. R. Gillespie
A Strategic Plan for Forest Inventory and Monitoring in the United States ....................... 349
K. Bruce Jones
Timothy G. Wade
James D. Wickham
Kurt H. Riitters
Curtis M. Edmonds
Characterizing Forest Fragmentation and Vulnerability Based on
Patch Characteristics .................................................................................................... 359
John Lawrence
Ecological Quality Assurance Principles ........................................................................... 367
Sten Folving
Pam Kennedy
Niall McCormick
Towards Harmonization for Monitoring Key Forest Variables in Europe Using
Earth Observation Data ................................................................................................ 371
Mark E. Jensen
Roland L. Redmond
Melissa M. Hart
Iris A. Goodman
Terrence M. Sobecki
Assessment of Rangeland Health and Resource Condition Through Ecological
Classification and Predictive Vegetation Modeling ....................................................... 381
Carlos Merenson
Celina L. Montenegro
Primer Inventario Nacional de Bosques Nativos ............................................................... 391
J. Peter Hall
Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management: the Canadian Initiative ......... 394
Ravi Prabhu
The CIFOR Criteria and Indicators Research Program ..................................................... 399
Gil Vera-Castillo
Jesus Dorantes-L6pez
Liliana Gutierrez-Carbajal
Aplicaci6n de Criterios e Indicadores en Ecosistemas de Clima
T emplado en Mexico .................................................................................................... 410
Oscar A. Aguirre Calder6n
Javier Jimenez Perez
Evaluacion y Analisis de la Estructura de Ecosistemas Forestales .................................. 416
William A. Bechtold
Stanley J. Zarnoch
Field Methods And Data Processing Techniques Associated With Mapped
Inventory Plots .............................................................................................................. 421
Eric Landis
Craig Palmer
Global Strategy for Forest Information Exchange ............................................................. 425
William K. Michener
Information Management Challenges to Integrated Inventory and Monitoring
of Forest Ecosystem Resources ................................................................................... 432
James W. Brunt
The LTER Network Information System: a Framework for Ecological Information
Management ................................................................................................................. 435
William K. Michener
The Role of Data and Metadata Archives in Environmental Monitoring and
Research Programs ...................................................................................................... 441
Donald L. Henshaw
Gody Spycher
Evolution of Ecological Metadata Structures at the H. J. Andrews Experimental
Forest Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site ................................................... 445
Octavio S. Magana Torres
Situaci6n Actual de los Sistemas para el Manejo de Informaci6n de Inventario y
Monitoreo Forestales en Mexico ................................................................................... 450
Eda C. Melendez-Colom
The Development of a Data Management System in the Luquillo Experimental
Forest Long-Term Ecological Research (LUQ LTER) Site ........................................... 452
Adam Fenech
Examples of Innovative Information Management for Reporting Forest Data
and Information ............................................................................................................. 460
Audrey Mac Leod
Harvey Berenberg
Brian Cordova
Susan Hua
Matthew Kinkenon
Chuck Liff
Forest Health Monitoring Information Management System ............................................. 473
Harry Hirvonen
Forest Health Assessment: Science to Policy Link-an Interesting Challenge ................. 476
Russell T. Graham
Theresa B. Jain
An Effective and Efficient Assessment Process ................................................................ 481
Juan Manuel Torres Rojo
Problemas Practicos Que Reducen la Eficiencia de los Sistemas de Apoyo a la
Toma de Decisiones Para el Manejo Forestal .............................................................. 487
Subject V
Challenges to Achieving Integration
H. Gyde Lund
Seeing the Trees, Forests, and the Earth ......................................................................... 493
Hugo Manzanilla
Retos Para Lograr el Manejo Integrado y Sustenable de los Ecosistemas Forestales ..... 499
Douglas S. Powell
Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Inventory and Monitoring Into the
Work of a Land Management Agency ............................................................................... 505
Hague Vaughan
Tom Brydges
Some Insights Based on the Canadian Experience .......................................................... 511
Robert B. Waide
Integrating Ecological Data Over Space and Time: Challenges for the Future ................. 512
Carlos Mallen-Rivera
Edmundo Garda-Moya
Hacia una Valoraci6n Total e Integral de los Recursos Forestales ................................... 513
Subject VI
Conclusions and Recommendations
Celedonio Aguirre-Bravo
Symposium Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................. 521