Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) Seedling Growth and Maternal Plant Stand Position A. L. Hild B. Christensen A. Maier Abstract—Little is known of maternal plant influence upon seedling characteristics of native shrubs. This study examined influence of maternal Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) stand position on emergence and growth of seedlings. Seedlings from maternal plants in upslope, core, and downslope positions were grown in a common greenhouse setting. Percent germination, height, and canopy volume of seedlings differed among three maternal plant positions. Emergence of downslope and core-derived seed occurred later than that of upslope-derived seed. Canopy volume and height of seedlings from downslope plants were less than that of core- and upslope-derived plants after 14 weeks of growth. These results indicate that seed collection from different positions within a stand can produce seedlings with divergent growth characteristics. Heritable differences that depend on seed source plant position offer potential for more refined revegetation efforts when using Wyoming big sagebrush seed. Little is known of the relative influences of genetics and environment upon seedlings, although maternal plants may have great impact (Roach and Wulff 1987). Maternal plants may undergo selective change via environmental constraints (Lacey 1991). Within-population variation has been documented for many herbaceous species (Antonovics and Schmitt 1986; Ducousso and others 1990; Keeler 1978; Linhart 1988; Plantenkamp and Shaw 1993). Seedling variability may derive from both environmental and genetic constraints that limit maternal plant individuals. Shrubland ecotones between shrub stands and adjacent grasslands may provide variable environmental constraints that alter inheritance of propagules. Ecotones may thus become a source of genetic variability within shrub stands through differential selection. Levin (1995) has suggested that outlier plants that are distant from conspecifics may offer variability in the gene pool that can enhance population viability. Differences in growth form of hybrid sagebrush in transition zones between subspecies distributions have been documented (Freeman and others 1999, this proceedings). In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. A. L. Hild is Assistant Professor of Rangeland Ecology and B. Christensen and A. Maier are Graduate Students in the Department of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-3354. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Phenotypic display of seedling variability within stand positions has not been examined for native shrub stands. We examined the seed crop of three Wyoming big sagebrush stands with respect to maternal plant positions central or peripheral to the stand. Seedlings grown in a common greenhouse setting displayed differential growth depending on stand position of maternal plants. Methods _______________________ Study Site Research sites are located at USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Labs (LARRL), near Miles City, Montana, at 46° 22' N latitude and 105° 5' west longitude. Annual precipitation averages 33.8 cm annually, with approximately 60% received from mid April to mid September. Air temperatures range from –10 to 24 °C in January and July, respectively. Three stands of Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) were selected; each stand lies on a gentle (<10%) slope with northern aspect. Within each of these three Wyoming big sagebrush stands, three relative stand positions were identified as upslope periphery, downslope periphery, and core positions. Upslope and downslope positions were recognized as topographic positions at the margins of each stand. Core positions were then located intermediate to upslope and downslope positions and at the center of the stand. We sampled soil cores from each position at two depths (surface 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) in each of three stands. All positions in the three stands were located on clay loam soils deeper than 50 cm with comparable soil moisture content in surface and subsoil samples. Stands were approximately 3 km apart from one another. Data Collection Within each position, 10 mature flowering sagebrush plants were randomly selected and marked for study. These plants (maternal plants) were used as seed sources for 2 consecutive years (1996 and 1997). We measured height, width of canopy in two perpendicular measures, basal diameter, and distance to nearest sagebrush neighbor for each parental plant. In December 1996 and again in December 1997, inflorescence was removed from each parental plant and transported to the University of Wyoming for germination studies. Inflorescences were allowed to air dry, separated into twigs, leaves, and flower portions. 287 Biomass of each portion was recorded as well as biomass of 20 randomly selected seeds from each maternal plant for planting. Following the second year of inflorescence collection, spring 1998, all parental plants were harvested for aging. In April 1997 and April 1998, we planted 20 seeds from each maternal plant in a common greenhouse setting. Seeds were placed on a commercial germination media (2:1:1 parts peat moss, vermiculite, and pearlite, respectively), watered and placed under growth lights. For maternal plants that produced fewer than 20 seeds, we planted all available seeds. After planting, we recorded number of seeds planted from each maternal plant, days to seedling emergence, and percent emergence. Because our goal was to obtain seedlings from each parent, we replanted seeds of parent plants that did not have successful seedlings on May 13-15, 1997, and June 1-3, 1998, and again recorded days to emergence. Growth of individual seedlings of each successful maternal plant was documented for 26 weeks after emergence. Beginning 5 weeks after emergence, we recorded the height and number of leaves of each seedling. After week nine, seedlings had sufficient growth to cause leaf counts to be difficult. Consequently, height, canopy dimensions, and number of branches were recorded, beginning week 14 after emergence. Canopy of seedlings was recorded as height, two perpendicular widths of the crown, and total branch length. In week 12 seedlings were transplanted from six-pac pots into plastic-lined PVC tubes (16 cm diameter x 100 cm tall) containing a soil mix of 2:1 parts potting soil and washed masonry sand to allow for deep root growth, and monitoring was continued. After seedlings were 1 year old, they were removed from PVC containers and planted into a field setting. Experimental Design Data for parental plants were subjected to analysis of variance (SAS 1997) appropriate to a randomized block design; with each stand as a block and parental position (downslope, core, and upslope) treatments. Seedling data were assessed for treatment (maternal plant stand position) effects among weeks in a repeated measures analysis (weeks = 5, 6, 7, and 9 for number of leaves; 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 18, 22, and 26 for seedling height; 14, 18, 22, and 26 for seedling canopy width, and branch lengths). Results are reported as F ratio probabilities and all data were assessed for conformance to assumptions of the analysis of variance. Results ________________________ Maternal Plants Maternal plants did not differ in canopy size or basal diameter by position. Upslope position parental plants were shorter (P <0.03) than core or down-position plants (mean heights were 45.5, 55.5, and 53.6 cm for upslope, core, and downslope parental plants, respectively). Additionally, as might be expected, distance to nearest neighboring sagebrush plants was least between core plants (P <0.01 mean distance 46.2 cm), farthest between downslope parental plants (mean distance 134.4 cm); upslope plants were intermediate in distance (77.4 cm) to nearest neighboring sagebrush and not different than core-position plants. Biomass of inflorescence, biomass of 20 seeds, and number of seeds planted did not differ between positions in either year of the study (P >0.66 and 0.25, respectively). Total inflorescence biomass of maternal plants was greater in 1996 than in 1997 collections (P <0.01) with means of 13.0 and 8.8 g per maternal plant, respectively. Number of successful parental plants (producing at least one seedling) was not different by position or year (table 1). Seedlings In 1997 and 1998, 130 and 338 seedlings, respectively, were monitored. Both number and percent emergence of seedlings differed between years depending on position (position by year interaction P <0.01 and 0.01 for number and percent emerged, respectively). Total number of seedlings and percent emergence (table 1) were both greater for downslope and core positions in 1998 than from upslope positions. In 1997, number and percent emergence did not differ between positions, and emergence was less than 25% for any position in both years. Core-position seedlings emerged later than did downslopeposition seedlings in both years (P <0.02). Core seedlings emerged 17.1 days after planting while the mean number of days to emerge were 13.5 and 14.9 for downslope and upslope positions, respectively. In 1997, branch length increased with week (P <0.01) but did not differ by position (P >0.74). Seedling heights in 1997 differed (P <0.01) by position after week nine. Seedlings derived from downslope maternal plants were shorter than seedlings derived from maternal plants in the other two positions. Additionally, canopy volume of Table 1—Successful maternal plants and seedling emergence by position in 1997 and 1998. Downslope Successful maternal plants (total) Percent germination (mean)* Seedlings emerged (total) 12 3.6a 23 1997 Core 12 7.7a 66 Upslope Downslope 7 7.6a 41 19 25.4b 155 1998 Core 15 24b 145 Upslope 6 6a 38 *Mean within years with the same letters do not differ, P >0.05, LSD. 288 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Figure 1—Canopy volume of seedlings derived from maternal plants in three stand positions by week after emergence. Means within a position with the same lower case letters, or within a week with the same upper case letters, do not differ, P >0.05, LSD. downslope-derived seedlings was less (P <0.01) than that of seedlings from the other two positions by week 18 following their emergence (fig. 1). Growth of the second cohort of seedlings continues to be monitored in 1998. Discussion _____________________ This study is limited by the growth of seedlings in a controlled greenhouse rather than in a field setting. However, the common growth environment restricts the possibility that seedling growth differences noted here are the result of environmental conditions. Thus, our study supports the notion that differences noted in seedling growth may derive from genetic inheritance. Production of seedlings from core and downslope maternal plants was much greater in 1998 although their success varied greatly by year. Additionally, reduced canopy of downslope-derived seedlings relative to seedlings from maternal plants in the other two positions suggests the existence of within-stand variation. Explanations of the differences in growth of seedlings are difficult to tie to biological constraints on maternal plants, yet the presence of growth differences by position suggests that growth potential of seedlings within a stand may provide variety within stand gene pools. Future genetic studies are needed to verify our results. However, these growth differences may result in an array of relative competitive abilities of sagebrush seedlings. Given the possible genetic differences of seed by virtue of maternal plant locations within sagebrush populations, seed collection efforts for specific goals may be enhanced. It remains to be seen, however, whether greenhouse growth trends are persistent under competitive field conditions. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Acknowledgments ______________ This study was funded by USDA-ARS Cooperative Agreement No. 58-5434-7-103. We thank Dr. Rod Heitschmidt and the staff of the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Lab in Miles City, Montana, for providing access to the research sites and facilitating our sampling efforts. Especially helpful were the many students who assisted with greenhouse activities. References _____________________ Antonovics, J.; Schmitt, J. 1986. Parental and maternal effects on propagule size in Anthoxanthum odoratum. 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