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Rainfall and Masked Bobwhites in
Sonora, Mexico
Gustavo Camou L.\ William P. Kuvlesky Jr. 2 , and Fred S. Guthery3
Abstract.-We analyzed rainfall records (1956-94) from Rancho El
Carrizo, Sonora, Mexico, and related rainfall to population behavior of masked bobwhites (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi). Annual
rainfall averaged 37.1 ± 11.77 em (SD) and ranged between 17.1
and 68.7 em during the 39 years of record. Drought periods (<37.1
em annual rainfall) averaged 2.2 ± 2.05 years in duration, whereas
rainy periods averaged 2.1 ± 1.45 years. Masked bobwhites
persisted through a 7-year drought during 1970-76, when annual
rainfall averaged 24.6 ± 6.71 em and ranged between 17.1 and 34.6
em. These birds are particularly dependent on July (9.5 ± 13.89
em) and August precipitation (10.4 ± 15.96 em) for nesting and
brood-rearing activities. Populations declined in 13 of 14 years
when the 3-point moving average for June-August precipitation
was <20 em. Conversely, populations increased in 11 of 13 years
when the moving average was >20 em. Although rainfall is
beyond management control, management can take steps to
minimize the impact of drought on masked bobwhite populations.
Resumen.-Analizamos registros de lluvia de plazas largos
mantenidos en el Rancho El Carrizo, Sonora, Mexico, y lluvia en
relaci6n con la conducta de la poblaci6n de codorniz mascarita
(Colinus virginianus ridgwayi). Lluvia anual por regia general fue
37.1 ± 11.77 em (SD) y extendio entre 17.1 y 68.7 em durante 39
afios de registro. Plazos de sequia (<37.1 em lluvia anual)
promedio 2.2 ± 2.05 afios en duraci6n nientras plazos de lluvia
promedio 2.1 ± 1.45 afios. Poblaciones de codorniz mascarita
persistieron durante una sequia de 7 afios durante 1970-76,
cuando lluvia anual premedio 24.6 ± 6.71 em y extendio entre 17.1
y 34.6 em. Estas aves dependen de la lluvia particularmente en
Julio (9.5 ± 13.89 em) y Agosto (10.4 ±15.96 em) para actividades
de nido y cria. Poblaciones de codorniz mascarita declinaron en
13 de 14 afios cuando el3-punto promedio m6vil para la lluvia de
Junia-Agosto fue <20 em. Al contrario, las poblaciones
aumentaron en 11 de 13 afios cuando el promedio m6vil fue >20
em. Aunque lluvia anual esta fuera del control de manejo, el
manejo puede tomar pasos para minimizar los impactos de sequia
en las poblaciones de codorniz mascarita.
Rancher, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Senior Biologist, Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, Sasabe, AZ
Professor and Bollenbach Chair, Department of Forestry, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
The recruitment rate of quails in semiarid, subtropical environments is
governed to a large degree by the pattern (timing) and amount of precipitation in a particular year. Precipitation influences the productivity of
Gambel's quail (Callipepla gambelii) (Swank and Galliziol1954, Smith and
Gallizioli 1965, Heffelfinger et al. 1998), California quail (C. californica)
(Francis 1970, Bottsford and Brittnacher 1992), scaled quail (C. squamata)
(Wallmo 1956, Campbell et al. 1973), Mearns quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae)
(Brown 1979), and northern bobwhites (Lehmann 1953, Kiel1976, Rice et
al. 1993). Rainfall also influences annual production of the endangered
masked bobwhite (Tomlinson 1972). Our purpose is to analyze the properties of rainfall on Rancho El Carrizo, Sonora, Mexico, based on long-term
records maintained by ranch management. This ranch supports one of the
few remaining populations of masked bobwhites in the wild. We relate
these rainfall properties to long-term records of masked bobwhite dynamics on the ranch. Our goal is to provide information that might be useful in
continuing efforts to preserve masked bobwhites for future generations.
Rancho El Carrizo is located about 25 km south of Benjamin Hill,
Sonora. The plant community on the ranch is classified as summer-active
savanna grassland (Shreves 1951, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1975). The
owners of Rancho El Carrizo began maintaining daily rainfall records in
1956. A rain gauge at ranch headquarters was checked after each rainfall
event and the quantity of rain was recorded in a logbook. We summarized
these data by month and year using simple descriptive statistics.
Since 1968, biologists from various agencies, with assistance from ranch
personnel and private individuals, have followed population trends of
bobwhites on Rancho El Carrizo with call-counts of breeding males. Calling activity starts between 25 June and 15 July, peaks between 10 and 24
August, and ends between 14 and 20 September (Tomlinson 1972). Biologists attempted to conduct call-count surveys during the peak calling
period. The standard 32-km call-count route (1.6 km between listening
stops) was used when possible. In some years, rainfall made all or portions of the call-count routes inaccessible. Observers listened for 3 minutes
at each stop and recorded the number of different males calling and the
total number of calls. Although sampling intensity varied somewhat
among years, we regard the number of different males heard calling as the
known-minimum population of calling males. We take this known minimum as an index of population abundance, subject to qualifications dis-
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
-.-·.· ·,.
cussed later. We used 3-point moving averages of summer (June-August)
rainfall and the abundance index to analyze comparative trends in rainfall
and populations. The moving averages assisted in identifying patterns in
the data. We interpolated missing values (n = 5) for counts during 1968-97
as the average of the preceding and subsequent count.
Rainfall Patterns and Trends
During 1956-94, annual precipitation averaged 37. 1 em (SO= 11.77 em)
and ranged between 17.1 and 68.7 em. No temporal trend in the quantity
of annual rainfall was apparent (figure 1). Mean monthly rainfall showed
distinct trends with peaks occurring in July and August (53.5% of average
annual precipitation occurred during these months). A second, lower peak
occurred in December- January (16.8% of average annual precipitation).
Months with higher averages were associated with higher absolute variability in the average. For example, the standard deviation was 13.89 em
for the July mean (9.5 em) and 15.96 em for the August mean (10.4 em). All
months except April and May showed considerable variability in rainfall
Figure 1. Trend
in total annual
Rancho El Carrizo,
Sonora, Mexico,
MEAN: 37.1 em
SO: 11.77 em
RANGE: 17.1-68.7 em
among years. Extremely low rainfall characterized these 2 months for the
period of record.
Droughts (years with <37.1 em of precipitation) averaged 2.2 ± 2.05
years in duration, whereas rainy years averaged 2.1 ± 1.45 years. The
probability of drought (as defined) was 0.51 ± 0.081. The longest drought
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
recorded lasted 7 years (1970-76), whereas the longest rainy periods lasted
4 years (figure 1).
Quail Behavior and Dynamics
The known minimum population of calling males ranged between 0
and 77 and averaged 23.3 ± 22.10 (n = 25). Calling behavior was associated
with monthly rainfall peaks in July and August. Based on our analysis of
data collected during 1968-71 (Tomlinsoi7 1972), intensity of calling (y =
different males heard/ 20-stop route) could be described as a cubic polynomial function of Julian day (figure 2) (n = 14, r2 = 0.84, P < 0.01). The
estimated equation was
y = 1966.03- 29.965x + 0.1501x2 - 0.000246x3
where x =Julian day. This equation indicated the peak calling rate
occurred on 19 August (Julian day 231) and that >90% of peak calling
intensity would be observed during 9-28 August inclusive. The empirical
records showed peak calling (3 highest rates) during 8 August through 22
August. In general, then, the second, third, and fourth weeks of August
seem to contain the period of peak calling activity; call-counts should be
conducted during this time. Counts conducted before or after this period
could be adjusted to the peak standard based on the equation we· derived.
The process would involve estimating maximum predicted calling for
Julian day 231 (21.3 calling males/20-stop route). Then one would calculate calling rate (yi) for the Julian day (i) in question, find the ratio (21.3 I
Figure 2. Temporal
trends in calling intensity (no./20-stop route)
of male masked bobwhites, Rancho El
Carrizo, Sonora,
Mexico, 1968-71, based
on our analysis of data
collected by Tomlinson
(1972). The vertical bars
represent mean rainfall
for June, July, August,
and September.
Zw ....
yi), and multiply this ratio times the number of different males heard
calling. For example, if a count indicated 10 calling males on 1 August
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
(Julian day 213), we would have yi = 16.1. The count would project to
(21.3/16.1)(10 calling males)= 13.2 calling males on the date of peak
calling activity. Projections such as this probably should be limited to the
period 1 August through 5 September, because calling rates are low
(figure 2) and probably unreliable before and after these dates. The expansion ratio would
Figure 3.
Smoothed trends
(3-point moving
average) of
summer (JuneAugust) rainfall
and the known
minimum number
of masked bobwhite males on
Rancho El Carrizo,
Sonora, Mexico,
apply to any type of call-count; i.e., the ratio is not limited to 20-stop
Smoothed trends for June-August rainfall and the known-minimum
index revealed a complicated relation between the variables. The population index seemed to show a lagged response to summer rainfall
(figure 3). For example, a low in the rainfall trend observed in 1975 was
not reflected by a low in the quail population until about 1980. Likewise, a
peak in the rainfall trend in 1987 was reflected by a peak in the quail
population trend about 1992.
Rainfall in the occupied range of masked bobwhites in Sonora shows
considerable variability among years and within seasons among years.
Annual variability can be gauged by noting that 2 SD's from the mean
encompass 13.6-60.6 em, a span of 47 em. The quantity and variability of
annual rainfall are beyond management control, so management must
apply practices that stabilize the near-ground environment among years,
especially during the critical July-August-September period of reproduction.
We recognize that the lag-effect between smoothed trends in masked
bobwhite abundance and summer rainfall (figure 3) remains hypothetical.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
For the effect to occur, declining populations would need sufficient momentum to continue declining for 5 years after a rainfall trough; likewise,
expanding populations would need sufficient momentum to continue
expanding for 5 years after a rainfall peak. Perhaps a better way to consider the rainfall-population trends is to examine the absolute quantity of
the 3-year moving averages for rainfall. Such an analysis reveals that
populations declined in 13 of 14 years when the moving average for summer precipitation was <20 em. Conversely, populations expanded in 11 of
13 years when the moving average was ~20 em. Thus, quail population
trends may reflect trends associated with a rainfall threshold of 20 em
(figure 3). A threshold effect of rainfall has been observed for northern
bobwhites in Kansas (Robinson and Baker 1955). Threshold averages of
rainfall (~20 em) may permit a level of production in masked bobwhites
that leads to expanding populations (births exceed deaths).
Masked bobwhites have evolved so that their breeding season coincides
with expected seasonal peaks in rainfall (Brown 1989). The correlation
between quail production and rainfall in semiarid environments is
thought to be associated with increases in the availability of nesting cover,
invertebrates essential to laying hens and chicks, and possibly vitamins
and minerals during years with more rainfall. The correlation may also
arise because of the cooling effects of rainfall and vegetation, which would
permit longer laying seasons (Klimstra and Roseberry 1975) and higher
production. Masked bobwhites are particularly vulnerable to shortened
laying seasons, because these birds are limited to about a 70-day reproduction season (Tomlinson 1972), given ideal quantities of summer rainfall.
The reproduction season may be 2-3 months longer for other races of
bobwhites (Roseberry and Klimstra 1984, Guthery et al. 1988).
Habitat management for the masked bobwhite probably should focus
on conserving rainfall prior to and during the reproduction season. Mechanical brush management should be practiced to reduce the height and
density of brush and to fracture the soil surface; the latter outcome promotes infiltration instead of runoff on soils that have been grazed over the
long term. We have seen striking increases in the production of herbaceous plants in association with rangeland discing or aerating in Sonora.
The herbaceous plant communities that develop after rangeland renovation need to be grazed at light rates because of the low rainfall typical of
masked bobwhite range. We have observed satisfactory maintenance of
herbaceous cover through use of a base herd of mother cows grazed in a
rapid rotation format. The base herd may be supplemented with stockers
to take advantage of the forage produced during years with high rainfall
during the growing season. Such a plan permits revenue from livestock
while maintaining rangeland vegetation in a condition that fosters the
production and survival of masked bobwhites.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
A diverse group of individuals, organizations, and agencies has contributed to the preservation of masked bobwhites since a wild population was
rediscovered in Sonora in 1964. This group has maintained independent
observations and records on masked bobwhites, or environmental features
important to these birds, for more than 4 decades. We thank R. Tomlinson,
S. Dobrott, W. Shifflett, S. Gall, M. Goddard, R. Engel-Wilson, S. Gallizioli,
J. Levy, S. Levy, D. Ellis, J Goodwin, F. Salazar-Garza, 0. Camou-Cubillas,
0. Camou-Lourdes, C. Camou-Cubillas, A. Camou-Cubillas, and D.
Brown for contributions to the biology and management of masked bobwhites. A. Hirales provided Spanish translations.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bollenbach Endowment, Game Bird
Research Fund, and Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station provided
financial support for preparation of this manuscript.
Bottsford, L. W, and J. G. Brittnacher. 1992. Detection of environmental
influences on wildlife: the California quail as an example. Pages 158-169
in D. R. McCullough and R. H. barrett, eds. Wildlife 2001: Populations.
Elsevier Applied Sciences, New York, N.Y.
Brown, D. E. 1979. Factors influencing reproductive success and population densities in Montezuma quail. J. Wildl. Manage. 43:522-526.
Brown, D. E. 1989. Arizona gamebirds. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. 307p.
Campbell, H., D. K. Martin, P. E. Perkovich, and B. K. Harris. 1973. Effects
of hunting and some other environmental factors on scaled quail in
New Mexico. Wildl. Monogr. 34. 49p.
Francis, W. J. 1970. The influence of weather on population fluctuations in
California quail. J. Wildl. Manage. 34:249-266.
Guthery, F. S., N. E. Koerth, and D. S. Smith. 1988. Reproduction of northern bobwhites in semiarid environments. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:144-149.
Heffelfinger, J, R., F. S. Guthery, R. J. Olding, C. L. Cochran, Jr., and C. M.
McMullen. 1998. Influence of precipitation timing and summer temperatures on Gambel's quail production. J. Wildl. Manage. 62:Jn press.
Kiel, W. H. 1976. Bobwhite quail population characteristics and management implications in south Texas. Trans. North Amer. Wildl. and Nat.
Resour. Con£. 41:407-420.
Klimstra, W. D., and J. L. Roseberry. 1975. Nesting ecology of the bobwhite
in southern Illinois. Wildl. Mongr. 41. 37p.
Lehmann, V. W. 1953. Bobwhite population fluctuations and vitamin A.
Trans. North Amer. Wildl. Con£. 18:199-246.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998
Rice, S.M., F. S. Guthery, G. S. Spears, and S. J. DeMaso. 1993. A precipitation-habitat models for northern bobwhites on semiarid rangeland. J.
Wildl. Manage. 57:92-102.
Robinson, T. S., and R. H. Baker. 1955. Climate and bobwhite quail in
Kansas-1951-1954. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 58:353-359
Roseberry, J. L., and W. D. Klimstra. 1984. Population ecology of the bobwhite. Southern Ill. Univ. Press, Carbondale. 259p.
USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-5. 1998