INTERNATIONAL EARTH OBSERVATION INITIATIVES AND PROGRAMS: THE CONTEXT FOR GLOBAL URBAN MAPPING Martin Herold a and Christiane C. Schmullius a a ESA GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office, Dep. of Geography, FSU Jena, Loebedergraben 32, 07743 Jena, Germany,, KEY WORDS: global, urban, mapping, monitoring, GOFC-GOLD ABSTRACT: Besides the dominant focus of urban remote sensing research on local and regional scales, the URS2005 conference offers a special session on “Global Observation of Urban Areas”. This session was jointly initiated by the GOFC-GOLD (Global observations of forest and land cover) emphasizing that coordinated, consistent, and operational urban mapping and monitoring has to consider the evolving efforts in international coordination and cooperation for land observations at global scales. Recent developments again emphasize the need for sustained, harmonized, and validated earth observation products, i.e. in UNCED’s Agenda 21, UNFCCC and the Kyoto protocol, the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg 2002 and the related Group of Earth Observations (GEO) formed in 2003 that has evolved to a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), the European Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative, as well as, the GCOS implementation plan calling on land cover. These developments aim at long term goals but have to start and evolve from an international cooperation and consensus building efforts, both in on the strategic level and in implementation activities. These developments will set the frame for global urban observations with its main focus on continuity and consistency in earth observations that best fits user requirements. 1. INTRODUCTION The persisting dynamic urban change processes, especially the tremendous worldwide expansion of urban population and urbanized area, affect and drive natural and human systems at all geographic scales. Urbanization is the trigger for a variety of other land change processes in natural and semi-natural environments. Any operational efforts tailored at sustainable and desirable future development have to consider urban dynamics as one of the key human-induced processes for understanding and managing our fast changing world. Earth observation has been focused on mapping, monitoring and understanding these urban phenomena for many years, however, with more emphasize on local to regional scales. Global mapping of human settlements faces particular challenging due to spatial and spectral heterogeneity of urban environments, as well as, their small and fragmented spatial configuration. In fact, there is large disagreement between urban land represented in different global land cover products (Fig.1, see also Schneider et al., 2003). Different reasons can be mentioned: challenges in mapping urban areas with coarse scale earth observation systems, different definitions of “urban” and varying mapping standards, issues with integrating different data sources, problems in precise geo-location of spatial datasets, and the importance of up -date information since urban areas are quickly evolving. Thus, global urban mapping can, in most cases, currently only marginally deliver what is needed to approach the multitude of challenges resulting from continuous urbanization and population growth. The recent proliferation of new sources of data and tools for data processing, analysis and modeling has provided and opened up avenues for significant progress towards global observations of urban patterns and dynamics. Due to the heterogeneity of global urban characteristics, the key issue is to combine earth observation indicators for characteristics and change in human settlements. Sensors like MODIS or LANDSAT give spectral evidence for built -up areas and the land cover configuration within urban environments; night-time observations by DMSP are a strong indicator of populated areas and population distribution; SAR measurements emphasize the threedimensional characteristics of urban surfaces; thermal IR data contain information about energy fluxes and local climatic conditions. São Paulo Shanghai Figure 1: Comparison and agreement of urban land in three different global land cover products: IGBP DIS (urban areas from Digital chart of the world), MODIS land cover (urban areas from MODIS (2000), DMSP (1994/95) and ancillary data), and GLC2000 (urban areas from DMSP (1994/95)). Other key projects and programs have been looking at representative urban agglomerations world wide to monitor spatio-temporal urban dynamics. The overall goal of earth observation is the mapping, monitoring, and analysis of urban form and processes towards sup port and improvement of urban modeling, management and planning efforts, and advances in understanding urban phenomena. Sustainable development activities benefit from the resulting better data, knowledge, and information, if the int egrated framework includes a better integration and communication of the earth observation results, and works towards general acceptance of new and innovative techniques in approaching urban dynamics. In parallel to developments of data availability and scientific research on their analysis, integration, and application, several international earth observation initiatives are currently evolving. The general goal is continuity and consistency in providing high quality data in support of sustainable and desired future development. GOFC-GOLD (Global observations of forest cover and Global observations of land dynamics, is technical panel of Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS, and provides the interface between the strategic and the implementation level. GOFC-GOLD provides a communication and cooperation platform for actors involved in global earth observation including data producers (e.g. space agencies, land cover facilities), the scientific community, and data users (FAO, UNEP, global modeling community etc.). As part the activities, GOFC-GOLD jointly organized a special session on “Global Observations of Urban Areas” at the URS2005 conference. The overall goal of this special session is to provide a forum for researchers to communicate and discuss issues and challenges in coarse scale urban mapping and monitoring with respect to the recent strategic developments in the global earth observation arena. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of current strategic developments and their requirements, and a summary of previous global urban mapping and monitoring activities and related challenges to set the frame for the special session and related discussions. 2. INTERNATIONAL LAND OBSERVATION INITIATIVES AND PROGRAMS This section describes the main strategic developments and documents on global earth observations of land that have become available or started with the last year. Previous activities, e.g. the CEOS Global Urban Monitoring by the Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS), are not described. Thus, all the described initiatives are very active and emphasize the importance of earth observation as basis for accurate and timely land surface data on global scales. These current activities show that there many activities that ultimately result further improvements in the global earth observation arena. 2.1 Group on Earth Observation (GEO) and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Figure 2: The “big picture” in global earth observations: organizations and agencies involved in defining requirements, strategies and implementation activities. The Group of Earth Observations (GEO, was a direct follow up of the World Summit on Sustainable Development held 2002 in Johannesburg that called for strengthened cooperation and coordination among global observing systems and research programmes for integrated global observations. GEO emerged in 2003 from a consensus among governments and international organizations that, while supporting and developing existing Earth observation systems, more can and must be done to strengthen global cooperation and Earth observations. The GEO vision was formulated in the Washington Declaration adopted at the Earth Observation Summit of 2003. Since this declaration in 2003, the GEO process has resulted in a variety of Earth Observation Summits, the latest 6th Group on Earth Observations meeting took place in Brussels, Belgium on 1415th February 2005. The GEO process has outlined a framework document calling on Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). While not legally binding, this document marks a crucial step in developing the 10-Year Implementation Plan for the creation of a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained Earth observation system or systems. Table 1: GEOSS earth observation objectives for urban mapping on global scales Global earth observation Societal benefit requirements referring to urban area areas Disasters Human infrastructure Health Urban heat island and air quality Population density Land cover Energy Land use and land cover Urban extent Climate Land cover Water Land use Industrial water demand Population density Ecosystems Population density Agriculture Land cover Population density Given the current draft of the GEOSS implementation plan (Dec.2004) global urban mapping is mentioned in several circumstances (Table 1). Several aspects of urban mapping are described that several areas of societal benefit. It should be noted that some of these observation requirements are benefitial to several of these areas and are not mentioned twice. Urban extent and land use/land cover maps are considered to be not yet widely available or not yet adequately monitored globally but could be within two to ten years. One parameter not mentioned in Table 1 is transportation infrastructure that also is called on in the GEOSS implementation plan. Most of the urban mapping features (e.g. urban extent, land use and land cover etc.) are considered to be not yet widely available or not yet adequately monitored globally but could be within two to ten years. The GEOSS plan also emphasizes the need for integrative analysis of the earth observation mapping products, i.e. gaps exist in the integration of relevant existing observation systems, for example, integrating the global urban land observations with data that characterizes the built environment, chemical emission, and with indicators of environmental quality, health and disease. Transportation infrastructure is also mentioned as additional mapping objective with a strong link to urban areas. 2.2 Integrated Global Observations of Land (IGOL) The Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS has been established in 1998. Its main objective is the definition, development and implementation of an Integrated Global Observing Strategy. IGOS brings together efforts of a number of international agencies concerned with global environmental issues, research, and observing systems. IGOS theme documents are a primary source of requirements for the development of GEOSS. However, the IGOS-Partnership (IGOS-P) has not yet considered many observational needs relating to many aspects of the land, such as sustainable economic development, natural resources management, conservation and biodiversity, ecosystems (functioning, services), biogeochemical cycling, multilateral environmental agreements (development, implementation), mandatory reporting and monitoring. A new IGOS theme is currently being proposed on Integrated Global Observations of the Land (IGOL). The main components of the new theme are: land cover and land use, human settlement and population, managed ecosystems, agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, natural ecosystems, conservation, biodiversity, sustainable use, soils, biogeochemical cycles, and elevation. In terms of global urban mapping, IGOL emphasizes the need of coordinated global urban observations with the fundamental focus on reliable and spatially explicit settlement and population databases, transportation infrastructure information, and understanding urban change processes. Furthermore, there are plans for an IGOS working group specifically tailored at socioeconomic data issues relevant to IGOS themes. 2.3 Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES ) The objective of this initiative is to "establish by 2008 a European Capacity for Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES)" ( GMES, as joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA), aims to support Europe's goals regarding sustainable development and global governance, in support of environmental and security policies, by facilitating and fostering the timely provision of quality data, information, and knowledge. As part of the GMES an “Urban Services ” section ( has been established. The objectives do not especially refer to global scale urban mapping. GMES p riorities in urban mapping are set on local and regional scales to assist urban management and security. 2.4 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA , ) is an UN initiated international work program designed to meet the needs of decision makers and the public for scientific information concerning the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being and options for responding to those changes. Being tailored at ecosystems, the observation requirements focus on mixed patterns of human use and ecosystems which emphasizes on the spatial extent of urban areas. A further focus is on urbanization processes and population growth as driver of ecosystem change on different spatial and temporal scales. 2.5 Global Climate implementation plan Observing Systems standardized mapping using the FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). 3. GLOBAL MAPPING AND MONITORING ACTIVITIES (GCOS) In support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS, has completed an implementation plan in October 2004 to outline the requirements and actions to provide appropriate data base in the implementation of the UNFCCC objectives and the Kyoto protocols . The focus of this implementation plan is on climate but specifically calls on land cover and changes (and use) as important terrestrial variable to be derived from earth observation. 2.6 GTOS-Coastal implementation plan The GTOS implementation plan on coastal zones ( emphasizes the importance of urban areas in this environment since about half of the world population lives within 200 km from the coast. The IGOS Coastal theme already puts a priority on urbanization in coastal zones. Coastal GTOS implementation plan specifies several aspects, i.e. the rate of change in population, urbanization, and land use in coastal environments. The report discusses “best available global datasets” and their current limitations and prospects including the DOE Landscan Ambient Population, the DMSP Night-time data, the global Landsat mosaics, the ESA GLOBCOVER product and the MODIS land cover/urban product and vegetation continuous fields datasets. 2.7 UN Global Land Cover Network (GLCN) The Global Land Cover Network (GLCN, launched by FAO and UNEP, is an international coordinated effort with the objective to provide direction, focus, guidance and standards for harmonization of land cover mapping and monitoring at national, regional and global levels. The initiative is based on the recommendations of the Agenda 21 for coordinated, systematic and harmonized collection and assessment of data on land cover and environmental conditions. GLCN aims at generating essential data needed for sustainable development, environmental protection, food security and humanitarian programmes of the United Nations, and of other international and national institutions. The major objectives of this initiative are on harmonization and standardization of classification of cover types, the determination patterns of land-cover and its associated change, projections of human response scenarios, support to integrated global and regional modelling and the global assessment of land cover for international conventions and treaties. The GLCN strategic documents are currently in development and will also address issues of urban mapping and monitoring and related expectations for earth observations, and Previous global activities have applied a variety of data sources, mapping and monitoring strategies and analysis methods to study urban phenomena on gl obal scales (Table 2). The most comprehensive information on global urban dynamics has been derived from statistical datasets describing demographic, socioeconomic and economic indicators of urban characteristics and quality. On global scales, this information usually exists in rather coarse spatial precision, with large time steps for updating, and sometimes the data are not consistently available for specific regions (e.g. developing countries). More detail can be provided by earth observation. Remote sensing data sources for coarse scale urban mapping have been multifaceted: optical data (Schneider et al., 2003), thermal measurements (Hafner and Kidder, 1999), active Radar data (Henderson and Xia, 1997, Grey et al., 2003), and night-time-lights DMSP data (Imhoff et al., 1997, Henderson et al. 2003). The data sources have been used to study a variety of urban phenomena like urban ecosystems (Miller and Small, 2003), urban climates (Voogt and Oke, 2003), urban population (Sutton et al., 1997, Small, 2003, Liu et al., 2005), health and disease (Tatem and Hay, 2004), urban growth and change processes (Phinn et al., 2002, Seto and Kaufmann, 2003, Herold et al., 2003) and others. So far, comprehensive global urban monitoring programs have been using selected rep resentative cities. These urban areas are monitored in high spatial and temporal detail. The observations and analysis provide general assumptions about ongoing processes on coarser scale (Lavalle, et al., 2001, Beckel et al., 2002). 4. CHALLENGES FOR GLOBAL URBAN OBSERVATIONS The initiatives presented in the previous sections emphasize that basic global urban information is still lacking. T he best strategy to overcome these limitations are coordinated international mapping and monitoring efforts which include earth observations as central data source. To be successful, different challenges are mentioned in the strategic documents. Despite a focus on global observations to data products have to be derived, analyzed, and refined a multi-scale context. Urban p henomena can be observed and show specific characteriscs on different levels of spatial and temporal and detail. Linking coarse scale (250-1000 m spatial resolution), fine-scale (20-50 m) and very fine-scale (1-4 m) and in-situ observations should be central perspective in any related activities. Continuity in earth observations on all these scales are essential to support such progress. Currently, coarse scale observations are widely available (e.g. MODIS, MERIS, SPOT VEGETATION) and will so in the future with systems like NPOESS. This level of continuity does not exist for the other scales. As much as spatial and temporal detail, the issue of thematic and semantic accuracy will be of particular importance. In urban mapping (and other fields) data products are often produced as independent datasets with its individual semantic definitions. Issues of harmonization, interoperability, and synergy between different data sources and mapping products are important more than ever. This includes the standardized development of legends (e.g. using the FAO Land Cover Classification System) and flexible thematic definitions (e.g. through continuous rather than discrete mapping products, i.e. urban – rural gradient). Also, ni teroperability and application in general assumes that mapping products are independently validated. community is invited to provide input and evaluate strategies to further improve global urban observations. The themes for this special session reflect the recent developments and requirements: § § § § § § Another essential requirement is the integration of the earth observation mapping and monitoring products with existing socio-economic/demographic information. These data are usually non-spatial data or spatially aggregated. An integration framework is presented in Figure 3. Earth observation measures urban characteristics “bottom up” describing the outcome of various processes at work (from structure to process). Socioeconomic drivers or specific urban models usually follow a “top-down” approach by studying a pre-specified process of urban change and the resulting spatio-temporal patterns (from process to structure). Linking these two using spatial urban theory, spatial analysis and modeling provides an appropriate framework for monitoring, understanding, and modeling urban phenomena. This information is essential to anticipate and forecast future changes or trends of development, describe and assess economic, ecological, and social impacts of urbanization. Ultimately, an comprehensive integration framework will help building the bridge between observation and use and help to develop a common suite of urban indicators and information that use useful to use and support exp lore different policies and scenarios in support of planning and management decisions. Figure 3. Conceptual framework for integration of earth observation data and drivers and factors of urban processes. 5. FOCUS OF THE SPECIAL SESSION With the special on “Global observations of urban areas” the URS2005 conference, GOFC-GOLD is seeking input and discussions to approach these challenges. The science § Tools and methods for mapping and monitoring urban areas on global scales Urban areas and global land cover products Global trends of urban development from earth observation Drivers/factors influencing global urban dynamics Integration of earth observation data in coarse scale urban modelling Economic, ecological and social impacts of urban development Forecasts of future urban developments and prospects in observing urban processes Table 2: Overview of prominent urban mapping and monitoring initiatives and projects with focus on global/regional scales The outcomes of this special session will hopefully results in a synthesis describing prospects and scientific perspectives of global urban observations that can used by organizations like GOFC-GOLD to guide their future directions and efforts. Henderson, M., E. T. Yeh, P. Gong, C. Elvidge and K. Baugh 2003. Validation of urban boundaries derived from global night time satellite imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, 3, 595-609. 6. SUMMARY Herold, M, Goldstein, N. C. & Clarke, K. C. 2003. The spatiotemporal form of urban growth: measurement, analysis and modeling, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 86, 286-302. Urban areas and their dynamics are one of the main drivers of land change on local to global scales. With small and fragmented spatial and spectrally heterogeneous characteristics, their accurate mapping and monitoring has been challenged in the past and certainly has not received as much attention as the global observation of other land types such as forests. Urban mapping requires different earth observation data sources and satellite data analysis approaches than suitable for other land surface types. Different initiatives have provided interesting experiences and explored different strategies for assessment of urban change on global scales. The recent development in the strategic Earth Observation arena specifies the requirements and expectations for global urban monitoring programs. There is consensus that a comprehensive and sustained global urban observatory has to be built on coordinated international actions. Data products have to be harmonized, accessible, validated, and flexible to provide a better match between observations, data products, and user requirements, i.e. as outlined in the UN strategic documents. The establishment of a global urban observatory provides great opportunities to establish successful cases for data integration that is desired in many fields of global earth observation. Synergy of satellite data from different sensors (DMSP, MODIS, SAR etc.), linking observations to socio-economic and demographic information, bridging across and among different scales, and relating empirical measurements, spatial theory and modeling have been proven to a successful in an urban context. These potentials should be further elaborated on for global scale assessments. Basically, the framework exists to improve global urban observations. It is no up to earth observation community to respond to the challenges. Imhoff M.L., Lawrence W.T., Elvidge C.D., Paul T., Levine E. and Privalsky M.V . 1997. Using nighttime DMSP/OLS images of city lights to estimate the impact of urban land use on soil resources in the United States, Remote Sensing of Environment, 59, 1, 105-117. Lavalle C., Demicheli, L. Turchini, M., Casals -Carrasco, P., and Niederhuber, M. 2001. Monitoring megacities: the MURBANDY/MOLAND approach, Development in Practice, 11, 2-3, 350 – 357. Liu, X. Clarke, K.C. and M. Herold 2005. Population Density and Image Texture: A Comparison Study, Photogr ammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, in press. Miller, R. B. and Small C. 2003. Cities from space: potential applications of remote sensing in urban environmental research and policy, Environmental Science and Policy, 6, 2, 129-137. Phinn S., M. Stanford , P. Scarth , A. T. Murray , and P. T. Shyy 2002. Monitoring the composition of urban environments based on the vegetation-impervious surface-soil (VIS) model by subpixel analysis techniques, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23, 10, 4131 - 4153 Schneider A, Friedl MA, Mciver DK, et al. 2003. Mapping urban areas by fusing multiple sources of coarse resolution remotely sensed data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69, 12, 1377-1386 Seto K.C. and Kaufmann R.K. 2003. Modeling the drivers of urban land use change in the Pearl River Delta, China: Integrating remote sensing with socioeconomic data. Land Economics, 79, 1, 106-121. REFERENCES Beckel, L., Kuehnen, A., Siebert, A., Lichtenegger, J., Gampe, F., and Brisson P., 2002. MegaCities, ESA Bulletin-Europoean Space Agency, 110, 81-87. 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