MICROSATELLITE GENETIC DIVERSITY BETWEEN AND WITHIN FOUR HYBRIDIZING RED OAK SPECIES, AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS by FETUN DESTA A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences in the School of Graduate Studies Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Normal, AL 35762 March 2014 Submitted by Fetun Desta in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE specializing in Molecular Biology in BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Accepted on behalf of the Faculty of the Graduate School by the Thesis Committee: Major Advisor Dean of the Graduate School Date ii Copyright by FETUN DESTA 2014 iii MICROSATELLITE GENETIC DIVERSITY BETWEEN AND WITHIN FOUR HYBRIDIZING RED OAK SPECIES, AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS Desta, Fetun, M.S., Alabama A&M University, 2014, 50pp. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Khairy Soliman, Ph.D. Genetic diversity between four red oak species, northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), southern oak (Quercus falcata), scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) and black oak (Quercus velutina), and diversity within these species were studied. Eight microsatellite loci were used to detect genetic characteristics of red oak species in the Bankhead National Forest of the Cumberland Plateau in Northwest Alabama. The highly polymorphic microsatellite markers have been reported to be applicable in genetic diversity studies of closely related species such as red oak species. Due to their extensive hybridization, oak species have been known to defy the biological species concept. Beyond morphology, genetic evidence of extensive hybridization between red oak species is still scarce. Species differentiation was detected based on the total number of alleles (AT) comparisons between species. An observed heterozygosity (Ho) comparison indicated there was no significant difference in heterozygosity between the four red oak species. The mean number of the observed heterozygosity was lower than the mean number of the expected hetrozygosity in all species resulting in positive values of mean inbreeding coefficients (Fis) in all species. Since significant levels of inbreeding are not expected in outcrossing and wind pollinated oaks, the heterozygote deficiency detected in this study seems to deviate from the expectation and may require further examination. iv KEY WORDS: hybridization, introgressive hybridization, microsatellites v TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL .............................................................................................ii ABSTRACT ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................viiii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ viiiiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................... ixx CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………….…......................7 2.1 2.2 2.3 CHAPTER 3 The process of hybridization ........................................10 Hybridization between oak species .............................. 12 Molecular Marker Application .....................................14 MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................. 21 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Sample Collection ........................................................ 21 DNA Extraction ............................................................ 22 DNA Quantification ..................................................... 26 Polymerase Chain Reaction.......................................... 26 Data Analysis ............................................................... 28 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 35 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 40 VITA vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. Characteristics and adaptations of the four red oak species……….4 Table 3.1. Amount of samples per species collected from eight sites ………21 Table 3.2. Analyzed DNA samples and corresponding sites………………...23 Table 3.3. PCR Protocol......................................................................................... 27 Table 3.4. Primer names, 5’3’ sequences and annealing temperatures .................. 28 Table 4.1. Microsatellite loci and their allele size ranges. ..................................... 30 Table 4.2. Microsatellite allelic genetic diversity between the four red oak species ................................................................................................... 31 Table 4.3 Distribution of alleles differentiation between sites……………...32 Table 4.4. Microsatellite genetic diversity between the four red oak species per locus, and within species ................................................................. 33 Table 4.5. Anova results for number of alleles comparison between species ........ 34 Table 4.6. Anova results for observed heterozygosity comparison between species ................................................................................................... 34 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1. Bordered region in map is location of Bankhead National Forest in Alabama. Letters A-H are clusters where samples were collected from. ...................................................................................................... 25 viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Khairy Soliman, for giving me the opportunity to do this research. I would also like to thank Dr. Soliman for the guidance and support he has given me throughout this research. I would like to thank my advisory committee, Dr. Yong Wang, Dr. Andrew Scott, and Dr. Luben Dimov for the constructive feedback they have offered me during my proposal defense and through the times when I needed their advice. I would like to thank our lab manager, Timley Watkins, for being there to share her expertise in the many lab procedures and troubleshooting problems with equipment. I would also like to thank the Bankhead National Forest service staff for guiding me through different sites during the sample collection process. Finally, I would like to thank the NSF for funding CREST projects which allowed this research to go on. ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Ability of a population to respond to environmental changes can be severely impacted by reduced genetic diversity (Moran, 2010). Continued adaptability and evolution of forest tree populations facing natural or human-induced population changes depend on maintenance of genetic diversity (Buchert et al., 1997). Therefore, effective management of forest populations for sustainable forestry require assessment of distribution of genetic variation at compositional, functional, and structural levels (Grant, 2010). Genetic composition relates to the number and type of alleles and genotypes present in a population (Grant, 2010). While genetic structure implies heterozygosity and allelic distribution within and among populations, genetic function refers to fitness (Geber and Griffin, 2003; Grant, 2010). Heterozygosity measures genetic variation of a locus in a population and refers to the frequency of individuals that have different alleles in the two chromosome sets for the particular locus (Griffiths, 2005). Studies have suggested a direct correlation between heterozygosity levels and fitness of populations, which indicates that a loss in heterozgosity is linked to reduced population fitness through inbreeding depression (Reed and Frankham, 2003). Chances of a population maintaining viability, and more individuals surviving environmental changes are enhanced by genetic diversity and the presence of more alleles in the population which increases the likelihood of some of those alleles being associated with 1 beneficial phenotypes (Grant, 2010; Hanski, 1999). Ecological Consequences of genetic diversity affect ecosystems significantly in relation to processes such as disturbance recovery, species competition, population structures, and fluxes of resources (Hughes et al., 2008). For extensively hybridizing species such as oaks, natural hybridization plays a huge role in maintaining genetic variation within species (Curtu et al., 2007). It is believed that hybridization can increase not only genetic diversity but also, as a result enhance adaptive potential in oaks due to beneficial introgression such as high heat and drought tolerance allow adaptive responses to environmental and climate changes (Moran, 2010). The utilization of molecular markers in genetic diversity studies has advanced through the years, but it seems that, despite these advancements, much remains to be explored due to the fact that inferring accurate phylogenies remain challenging (Sang, 2002). Few universal molecular markers such as RFLPs, RAPDs, AFLPs, and SSRs have been relied upon for genetic diversity studies. Each marker has its own advantages and drawbacks. Identifying an appropriate strategy and employing an appropriate molecular marker depend on the nature and extent of the study and the availability of resources as some markers are much more demanding and costly than others. For example, although non-PCR based RFLPS are more demanding in terms of costs and labor, PCR based SSRs require prior knowledge of DNA sequences which can be a drawback in their application. PCR technology as given rise to a widespread utilization of microsatellite markers to study conservation and evolutionary biology, and to analyse genetic composition of populations (Balloux and Lugon-Moulin, 2002). The extent of allele sharing between related populations can also be analysed using the highly polymorphic microsatellite markers (Muir and Schloetterer, 2005.), 2 Microsatellite markers have been utilized for estimation of genetic differentiation, and effect of hybridization on allelic frequencies among closely related species (Roy et al., 1994). It has been noted that microsatellite markers are appropriate for detecting genetic variations in oak because of their high levels of polymorphism (Aldrich et al., 2003; Kampfer et al., 1998; Steinkellner et al., 1997). Oak (Quercus) is a genus that is part of the Fagacea family (Aldrich et al., 2003a). Red oak (Quercus section Lobatae) is one of the oak subgenus that is native to the range that extends from North America to Central America and the northern areas of South America, constituting approximately 200 species (Kashani and Dodd, 2002; Jensen, 1997). Along with other oak subgenus native to North America, it is one of the most economically important hardwoods of the region (Romeo-Severson et al., 2003). Due to its adaptive tendencies (Table 1.1) to exist in a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, oak is considered a good model for genomic exploration of adaptive significance (Jones, 1986; Rampant et al., 2011, USDA and NRCS, 2006). The success of the genus Quercus has been attributed to its high levels of phenotypic plasticity (Jensen et al., 1984; Jensen et al., 1988) and genetic variation (Dodd and Kashani, 2003; Guttman and weigt, 1988; Kremer and Petit, 1993). These same attributes are also responsible for posing difficulties in estimating genetic differentiation between species, genetic architecture of populations, and defining definite taxonomic relationship among species (Kashani and Dodd, 2002). Recent reports also suggest a decline in oak recruitment (Aldrich et al., 2005) which has been linked to competition from other species due to decreased fire frequencies and other factors such as increased deer herbivory (McDonald et al., 2002; Moran, 2010; Spitech, 2004). 3 Table 1-1. Characteristics and adaptations of the four red oak species. Northern Red Sothern Red Scarlet Scientific name Quercus rubra L. Flowering monoecious monoecious monoecious monoecious Fruit acorn acorn acorn acorn Leaves Quercus falcata Quercus coccinea Black Quercus velutina dark green leaves, dark green to pale deeply cut, bristle lathery, shiny, toothed and green leaves with tipped leaves dark green pointed tipped pointed bristle with pointed leaves, up to 10” lobes, 7-11” long tipped lobes and lobes, 3-6” long long rounded bases, 49” long Growth (ft) 65-98 60-80 60-80 60-80 Bloom Time May April-May April-May April-May Distribution south eastern Canada, extends from eastern United States southward and westward up to Minnesota, Nebraska, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama extends from New extends from extends from York southward main southSouthern up to northern westward to New Ontario southFlorida, westward York, Ohio, ward to across gulf states, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio, Arkansas Missouri, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Georgia, Texas, Georgia, Alabama Alabama, Florida humid and humid regions, moderate Adaptation mesic slopes, well drained uplands, temperate well drained, dry climates, upland cool moist soils in uplands, dry, sandy soils hills, dry to north, and warm, sandy, clay soils medium moist soils moisture, moist, elsewhere well drained soils The significance of genetic diversity studies on populations such as red oak species relates to the identifications of genetic properties of adaptive significance and 4 quality enhancement of forest management to improve health and productivity by conserving genetic variation (Rampant et al., 2011). Inferences from such studies can also be made on determinants of gene flow and genetic drift based on the knowledge of population genetic structure (Epperson, 1990; Loveless and Hamrick, 1984; Montalvo et al., 1997; Slatkin and Barton, 1989). Beyond morphological identification, understanding the impact of gene flow in oak species can play a critical role from management stand point beacause cryptic introgression may influence the efforts of forest managers interested in promoting certain traits (Moran et al., 2012). Oak species, known for their natural inclination to hybridize, often defy the concept of biological species based on genetic isolation (Burger, 1975; Curtu et al., 2007). The ecological species concept based on adaptive zone or niches where conspecific organisms interact has been proposed to be applicable to oaks (Valen, 1977). This concept is believed to compensate for the discrepancies of reproductive isolation criteria that the biological species concept presents (De Queiroz, 2007; Valen, 1977). According to population studies, patterns of hybridization follow paths of either hybrid zone formation or occurrence of gene flow from species to species (introgression) (Anderson, 1953; Rushton, 1993). Either way, morphological intermediacy becomes the manifestation of hybridization where either intermediate characters or combinations of suspected parental characters are expressed by the presumed hybrids (Phipps, 1984; Rushton, 1993). Cryptic introgression might also occur without any bearing on morphology (Dodd & Afzal‐Rafii, 2004; Moran, 2010). Though oak hybridization is a welldocumented phenomenon, extensive studies and genetic analysis on oak hybrids have not been conducted (Rushton, 1993). Also, despite evidence of ecological divergence 5 driven by selection, extensive studies in reproductive barriers and their influence in the rate of gene flow in oak species are lacking (Abadie et al., 2012). The primary objective proposed at the beginning of this study was to detect the genetic diversity between and within four red oak species based on microsatellite markers. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction based on nuclear and chloroplast microsatellites was the secondary objective proposed. The primary objective has been met using fragment analysis technology performed by an ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). All four red oak species were studied and analyzed. Due to time and resource constraints, chloroplast DNA analysis was not included in this study. The hypotheses tested are: 1 Genetic diversity based on microsatellite markers differs between the four red oak species. 2 There is significant genetic variation within each species between individuals based on microsatellite markers. 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Genetic variation within populations has been reported to be much higher than between populations in oak species (Dodd et al., 2002, Hamrick and Godt, 1989). Interspecific hybridization is believed to be an important source for genetic variation for the outcrossing, long lived and wind pollinated oaks (Dodd et al., 2002), suggesting gene flow to be accountable for the low interspecific differentiation (Craft et al., 2002; Moran, 2010). The significance of gene flow in population dynamics lies upon the maintenance of genetic diversity, which prevents the inability of populations to respond to environmental changes due to depleted diversity and strong selection (Moran, 2010). On the other hand, fitness at local environment in wind pollinated and dispersed forest species such as oaks may be attributable to local adaptation of functional loci in the face of extensive gene flow at neutral loci, causing heterozygotes for the particular functional loci to be more disadvantaged at parental environment than the homozygotes (Mimura and Aitken, 2010; Moran, 2010). Despite the well-known biological species concept controversy oaks present due to the widespread interspecific hybridization, their maintenance of species morphological and ecological distinctness is suggestive of some reproductive barriers (Coyne and Orr, 2004; Moran, 2010). Hybridization isolates the novel taxon from the parental type due to the formation of new genetic combinations of semi-compatible genes (Tovar-Sanchez and Oyama, 2004). The concept of biological species explained through reproductive isolation is challenged by hybridization (Mallet, 2005). It can be difficult to morphologically identify plant hybrids due to the fact that ancestral genetic 7 polymorphisms and mutations can lead to the appearance of hybrids (Mallet, 2005). Sympatric populations of closely related species exhibit unfixed genetic differences, therefore requiring statistical techniques to detect hybridization, and genetic markers can provide evidence for both hybridization and introgression (Mallet, 2005). The role of hybridization as a widespread evolutionary phenomenon ranges from speciation to the introgression of essential phenotypic traits between species (Martinsen et al., 2001). In plants, up to 25% of species are known to hybridize with at least one other species (Mallet, 2005), and up to 50 – 75 % of angiosperms are estimated to have arisen from hybridization (Martinsen et al., 2001). While it has been realized that introgression is a powerful evolutionary force (Anderson, 1949; Stebbins, 1959), its impact has been classified in a number of different ways. One defined extreme consequence is increased reproductive isolation through selection for conspecific mating (Howard, 1986). The other extreme implies genetic disintegration (O’Brien and Mayr, 1991) through the merging of hybridizing species (Martinsen et al., 2001). The role of introgression in adaptive evolution has also been explained as hybrids acting as evolutionary filters (Harrison, 1986) through which beneficial genes pass and negative genes do not (Martinsen et al., 2001). Molecular studies have suggested the asymmetrical patterns of introgression (Barton and Hewitt, 1985; Orive and Barton, 2002) seem to follow the rout of adapted alleles spreading from species to species (Barton and Hewitt, 1985; Whitney et al., 2006) through fit hybrids (Broyles, 2002; Borge et al., 2005). Explaining the concept of plant speciation has been a major challenge in botanical studies (Rieseberg and Willis, 2007) due to the high rate of interspecific gene flow (Morjan and Rieseberg, 2004). Defining species has been a point of arguments and taxonomic conflicts where more than twenty concepts on species exist based on 8 empirical and operational definitions (Agapow et al., 2004; Mayden, 1997). Despite their differences, primarily due to secondary defining properties of a lineage, there exists a primary defining common property in all species concepts which treats species simply as lineages that evolve separately (De Queiroz, 1999). Processes that lead to speciation such as mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection have genotypic, phenotypic, and behavioural effects that give rise to diverging lineages with distinguishable and fixed characters and mate recognition systems that make them unrecognizable to each other (De Queiroz, 1999). Since all of these changes do not take place at the same time or in a particular order, and since the different concepts of species subscribe to different aspects of these changes to define species category, problems of conflicting views arise (De Queiroz, 1999). Unlike other clads within which speciation is divergent, hybridization is believed to account for a large portion of plant speciation events (Soltis & Soltis, 2009). Morphologic and biologic based concepts on species have faced serious challenges in plant systematics (Soltis and Soltis, 2009). Although widely used in plant taxonomy, the morphological based application, which assembles morphologically similar individuals that differ from other assemblages, is considered to be subjective (Rieseberg and Willis, 2007), and also to be overlooking autopolyploid speciation (Soltis and Soltis, 2009). The application of biological concept (Mayr, 1942), which defines species as reproductively isolated, and interbreeding populations, has almost been abandoned in plants systematics studies due to high levels of interspecific hybridization (Soltis and Soltis, 2009). For example, entities joined by hybrid zones with semipermeable reproductive barriers cannot be distinguished as conspecific or as different species, prompting the idea of a gene by gene application to define species (Barton and Hewitt, 1985; Harrison, 1993). Other applications such as the evolutionary 9 concept (Wiley, 1978), and variety of phylogenetic approaches (Judd et al., 1999) have also been proposed, but they are not straight forward, and do not seem to fully account for hybrid-derived lineages (Soltis and Soltis, 2009). The ecological concept on species (Valen, 1997) has made headway in explaining the extensively hybridizing oak species which are known to defy biological species concept based on reproductive isolation (Burger, 1975; Curtu et al., 2007). Under the ecological concept, different species are constituted in differences in ecology, and hybridizing species and species involved in gene exchanges while maintaining ecological distinctions are tolerated (Mayden, 1997). 2.1 The process of hybridization The definitions of hybridization and hybrids have varied, many contrastingly, since systematic studies began centuries ago (Harrison, 1993). For example, the prevailing perspective of Nineteenth Century biologists, who established distinction between “varieties” and “species,” was that hybrids were products of crosses between “species” and not “varieties,” and hybrids represented sterility (Harrison, 1993). This Nineteenth Century view was challenged when Darwin, in 1872, pointed out that the distinction between “varieties” and “species” may be subjective based on external appearances (Darwin, 1859; Harrison, 1993). Contrastingly, other literature on plant and animal breading defined hybrid simply as offspring of genetically distinct parents where the parents exhibited differences in one or more traits. By this definition, every individual of the next generation would be considered a hybrid since every individual in sexually reproducing species is a unique genotype (Harrison, 1993). A more objective approach defines hybridization as interbreeding of individuals from different 10 populations or groups with distinguishable heritable characters where the populations are distinct for the character. This approach excludes applications of subjective judgments on species concepts, taxonomic categories, and relative fitness of hybrids (Cracraft, 1983; Harrison, 1990; Harrison, 1993; Nixon and Wheeler, 1990; Woodruff, 1973). In order to further scrutinize the variety of definitions of hybridization and understand the process, it is beneficial to also look into the occurrence and historical explanations of hybrid zones. While hybrid zones have roughly been explained as narrow regions where hybrids are produced through the meeting and mating of genetically distinct populations, at the genetic level, most literature defines them as clines or a set of clines between hybridizing parapatric taxa for morphology or gene frequency at one or more loci (Barton and Hewitt, 1985; Hewitt, 1988). The primary and secondary zones, in principle, have been used to explain the ways that hybrid zones originate (Hewitt, 1988). Primary and secondary zones mainly differ in the evolution of the differences between the hybridizing taxa where primary refers to continuous distribution and secondary refers to differences while geographically isolated (Hewitt, 1988). Although clines have been restricted by many to secondary zones, a difficulty in distinguishing between a primary and secondary contact has been reported (Woodruff, 1973) since differences may have originated continuously even if the clines may have occurred at secondary contact (Barton and Hewitt, 1985). Stable clines at loci responsible for barriers to neutral gene flow and reproductive isolation become the result of hybrid zones which are formed when equilibrium between the effects of dispersal and selection (Harrison, 1993) occurs (Barton and Bengtsson, 1986; Bierne et al., 2003; Hewitt, 1988). It is apparent that the nuisance nature of hybrid zones poses 11 difficulties in defining species because of the ambiguity it creates about the status of the diagnosable distinct parental populations accommodated by the variable species concepts (Harrison, 1993; Nixon and Wheeler, 1990). In spite of the differences of opinions in which species concept to apply when it comes to hybridization and hybrid zones, it is clear that hybrid zones provide information on the degrees of divergence between populations (Harrison, 1993), the level of gene flow between populations (Hewitt, 1985), and the range of genotypes present, allowing analysis of genetic variation between the hybridizing taxa (Barton and Hewitt, 1985). 2.2 Hybridization between oak species Although the phenomenon of oak hybridization has been known, extensive studies in the patterns and frequencies of interspecific genetic exchanges between many oak species are scarce (Gonza´lez-Rodrı´guez et al., 2004). Distinguishing oak taxa at species level has primarily been relied upon leaf morphology in the past (Rushton, 1993). However, environmental modifications may prevent morphological application from being an absolute discriminator (Rushton, 1993). Consequently, detecting putative hybrids with intermediate features becomes challenging due to ambiguity and wide variability in parental morphologies (Curtu et al., 2007; Rushton 1993). However, despite extensive introgressive hybridization within the oak taxonomic group, individual species seem to maintain their identities at morphological, genetic and ecological levels (Williams et al., 2001). Introgressive hybridization explains the phenomenon of repeated backcrossing of hybrids to parental species causing the infiltration of germ plasm from species to species (Martinsen et al., 2001). Correlation between hybrids and intermediate morphology seems to be weak, which suggests 12 selection favors individuals with parental phenotypes (Moran, 2010; ValbuenaCarabana et al., 2007). Some literatures have presented contrasting views on the mechanisms responsible for differentiations of hybridizing oaks species. On one hand, ancestral polymorphism instead of gene flow (Muir and Schlotterer, 2005) has been credited for oak species differentiation. However, the ancestral polymorphism theory has been seriously rebutted by a recurrent gene flow explanation, which points out the unevenness of interspecific differentiation across the genome, and the impact of selection leading to increased differentiation at limited loci (Lexer et al., 2006). Due to their complexity exhibited through distinct species with weak reproductive barriers (Curtu et al., 2007; Rushton, 1993; Williams 33), oaks have become model taxon (Valen, 1977; Williams et al., 2001) to address the issues of species concepts (Petit et al., 2003). Mechanisms such as prezygotic barriers, reduced fertility rates of hybrids, and differences in flowering times have been suggested as at least partial reproductive barriers (Moran, 2010; Rushton, 1993). Despite evidence of ecological divergence driven by selection, extensive studies in reproductive barriers and their influence in rate of gene flow in oak species are lacking (Abadie et al., 2012). The literatures in reproductive barrier have classified the mechanisms mainly into pre-and postzygotic with pre-and postmating sub categories (Naisbit et al., 2001; Nosil, 2004; Rundle and Whitlock 2001). While prezygotic barriers refer to temporal, habitat and ecological isolations as well as mechanical and gametic incompatibilities, poszygotic barriers implicate zygotic mortality, habrid inviability and/or sterility and eventual breakdown of f2 generations (Nosil, 2004). When it comes to interspecific reproductive barriers, the mechanisms control the level of gene exchanges between populations that may or 13 may not lead to species isolation (Boavida et al., 2001). Reported reduced fertility in oak hybrids may suggest a postzygotic barrier even though under the right conditions hybrids often seem to develop healthy and produce viable seeds (Moran, 2010; Rushton, 1993; Salvini et al., 2009). Instances of species differentiation in flowering time (Rushton, 1993) may also indicate temporal prezygotic isolation mechanism (Nosil, 2004) allowing species distinctness in oaks (Moran, 2010). 2.3 Molecular Marker Application Varieties of molecular marker systems have been utilized in genetic diversity studies. These systems generate data that allow scoring of total number of alleles across all population at a given locus and per population, calculations of observed and expected heterozygosities, calculations of deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, and Wright’s F-statistics (Grant, 2010; Weir and Cockerham, 1984). The benefit of molecular markers lies on not only their ability to highlight polymorphisms within a nucleic sequence between different individuals, but also being applicable to any part of the genome (coding, noncoding) that do not necessarily produce phenotypic variation (Grant, 2010). Although molecular markers should not be considered as normal genes, but rather as constant landmarks in the genome (Semagn et al, 2006), the inheritance of these markers is easily monitored since they segregate as single genes and are not affected by the environment (Kumar et al., 2009). Although it is impossible to identify a molecular marker that employs all attributes of a perfect marker, the ideal marker should exhibit traits such as polymorphic nature, co-dominant inheritance, frequent occurrence in genome, selective neutral behaviors, high reproducibility, easy 14 access, easy and fast assay, and easy exchange of data between laboratories (Kumar et al., 2009). Each of molecular marker techniques that are widely used for genetic diversity studies come with its own advantages and drawbacks. Identifying a strategy and selecting a marker depend on the type and extent of the study, as well as availability of resources. Molecular markers vary from each other with respect to their polymorphisms, abundances, locus specificity, technical requirements and cost (Agarwal et al, 2008). Marker selection for plant genetic diversity studies has evolved from primarily the traditional chloroplast genome markers to nuclear and eventually to parallel utilization of both. Novel approaches have also recently emerged that seem to have greater potentials that can provide high resolution in defining phylogeny at low taxonomic levels. Appropriate marker selection for a given situation should address issues such as amount of polymorphism requirement, availability of analytical and statistical approaches, and cost and time demand (Grant, 2010; Parker et al., 1998). Molecular marker techniques are typically classified into two major groups: non PCR based ad PCR based (Agarwal et al, 2008). RFLPs are the major non-PCR based molecular markers utilized, while RAPD, AFLP, and Microsatellites (SSRs) are the most widely used PCR-based markers in genetic diversity studies. The methodology of PCR-based markers is based on the use of PCR technology for in vitro amplification of DNA sequence or loci using arbitrarily chosen primers (Kumar et al., 2009). RFLP markers are the most widely used non-PCR based markers. The application of RFLP is based on the special class enzyme, restriction endonucleases, which digests Southern blot DNA for hybridization to a chemically labeled probe in order to detect polymorphisms (Agarwal et al., 2008). The RFLP technique reveals 15 differences in nucleotide sequences between individuals by detecting variations in restricting fragment lengths (Kumar et al., 2009). Due to their abundance in the genome and their co-dominant nature, RFLPs can be advantageous in discriminating homozygous and heterozygous individuals for a trait (Kumar et al., 2009). However, limitations caused by the requirement of large amounts of DNA, time consuming RFLP assays, and expensive radioactive labels that are also hazardous, led to the development of less technically complex PCR-based methods (Agarwal et al., 2008; Kumar et al., 2009). RAPDs are applied in such a way that randomly amplified DNA segments indicate polymorphisms due to alterations of primer binding site as a result of base changes, or insertions or deletions (indels) within amplified regions (Parks et al., 1991; Tingey and Tufo 1993; Williams et al., 1990). While RAPDs are advantageous for their abundance, and requirement of no prior knowledge of the studied genome, their low reproducibility, and their sensitivity to reaction conditions are major drawbacks (Kumar et al., 2009). AFLPs are considered to be intermediate markers between RFLPs and PCR markers, since they couple the power of RFLP with the flexibility of PCR-based technology (Agarwal et al., 2008). Selectively amplified DNA fragment subsets from a mixture of DNA fragments obtained from restriction endonuclease treatment are screened for polymorphisms based on differences in length. Although AFLPs are designed to overcome the low reproducibility of RAPD, and fill the application gap between RFLP and PCR-based techniques, their dominant nature limits their application (Kumar et al., 2009). 16 Microsatellites (simple sequence repeats) are molecular markers that occur in all eukaryotic genome as short tandem repeat motifs. Length variations of these tandem repeats are caused by strand slippage during replication, and account for their polymorphisms, which can be detected by PCR and southern hybridization (Kumar et al., 2009). SSRs are highly advantageous due to their co-dominant nature, high reproducibility, and high variability, which make them highly suitable for distinguishing closely related genotypes (Kumar et al., 2009). Besides cost and requirement of prior knowledge of DNA sequences, major drawbacks of SSRs lie on mutations at primer annealing regions that may cause null alleles, which may also lead to underestimation of heterozygosity (Kumar et al., 2009). Concerns such as high mutation rates, allele size range (Goldstein and Pollock, 1997), and size homoplasy (Bruford and Wayne, 1993) have been raised as constraints that may limit SSRs in inferring phylogenies especially among divergent taxa (Ochieng et al., 2007). Bias caused by the high levels of polymorphism due to high rates of mutation at microsatellite loci in relation with stepwise changes in allele size (Hardy et al., 2003), and homoplasy are to be taken into account in genetic diversity studies. Size homoplasy in microsatellites refers to DNA fragments of identical size but not identical in descent due to convergent mutations that connect the gene copies. Since their genetic divergence is due to random drift, homoplasy may not constraint phylogenetic reconstruction among closely related populations, (Estoup et al., 2002). Genetic diversity studies may also address size homoplasy in microsatellites by accounting for the large amount of variability of SSR loci that can compensate for homoplasious evolution (Estoup et al, 2002). Allele size constraint is also a major factor that plays a critical role in the complex microsatellite mutational mechanism. Studies have 17 suggested that mutational variations seem to be bounded by allele sizes (Bowcock et al., 1994; Feldman et al., 1997; Goldstein et al., 1995; Nauta and Weissing, 1996) that follow a pattern of large size alleles mutating to smaller size and vice versa (Zhivotovsky et al., 1997). Two major models - infinite allele mutation model and stepwise mutation model - have been proposed to address the mutation process of microsatellites. While infinite allele model assumes the birth of unprecedented infinite allelic states from a unique allele produced by each mutation (Anmarkrud et al., 2008; Estoup et al, 2002; Kimura and Crow, 1964), stepwise mutation infers an equal probability of gain or loss of one or small number of repeat motif that will produce distinguishable alleles (Barkley et al., 2009). However, direct mutational mechanism studies on yeast (Henderson and Petes, 1992), and human pedigree (Weber and Wong, 1993) seem to suggest that stepwise mutational model may be the main mutational mechanism of microsatellites (Feldman et al., 1997). Studies have also shown that when microsatellites mutate in stepwise manner, the difficulty in distinguishing effects of mutation from that of migration can be overcome, and evolutionary distances between populations can be inferred since size difference is correlated with genetic distance (Balloux and Goudet, 2002; Goldstein et al., 1995; Michalakis and Excoffier, 1996; Rousset, 1996; Slatkin, 1995). Based on this information, a method of measuring genetic distance in linear relation with time has been demonstrated by taking the squared differences between the means of the two populations, which has the ability to estimate separation time in unbiased manner (Goldstein et al., 1995; Slatkin, 1995; Feldman et al., 1996). There have been notable cases such as one involving eucalyptus microsatellites (Shepherd et al., 2006), with limitations addressed, cross-genera SSRs showed potential in phylogenetic studies such that high transferability has been 18 reported (Ochieng et al., 2007). Their multi genome representation and faster evolution may lead to more informative characters suggesting that SSRs may have more advantages over DNA sequencing in phylogenetic studies (Ochieng et al., 2007). While allozymes, RFLPs, RAPDs, and AFLPs can still be deployed as different approaches for different dimensions of population genetic studies, due to their high variability and rapid mutation rate, microsatellite have proven to be ideal for genetic diversity studies for their ability to allow closely related individuals and populations be distinguished from each other (Grant, 2010). While chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) served as a resource in plant genetic diversity studies in the past, understandings of nuclear DNA capabilities to compensate for the limitations of cpDNA has resulted in the adoption of nrDNA to be as commonly used as cpDNA in plant systematics (Small et al., 2004). Polymorphisms of chloroplast microsatellites provide complementary information to that of nuclear, and form the bases for genetic variation analysis in plant phylogenetic studies (Powell et al., 1995). The value of organelle genomes lies on their simple, uniparental modes of inheritance (Bryan et al., 1999). Recognition of the mutational mechanisms that are responsible for molecular evolution in noncoding sequences can be vital in accuracy of character homology assessment (Kelchner, 2000). The recognition of these multi-dimensional mutational mechanisms as generators of specific mutations can lend itself to the concept of a more conserved and structured chloroplast DNA evolution (Kelchner, 2000). While the conserved and slower evolving cpDNA have been used at lower taxonomic level, even the noncoding regions do not provide complete information at that level, and that is where nuclear DNA (nrDNA) may be able to fill in the information gap (Small et al., 1998; Small et al., 2004). It has been noticed that, although cpDNA can provide easily 19 amplifiable sequences, and orthologous genes that are not complicated by gene family duplication, their limited variability and their tightly linked markers on single nonrecombining molecule that reflect only maternal linkage, restrict their utility at low taxonomic level (Duarte et al., 2010; Naumann et al., 2011; Small et al., 1998). On the other hand, despite their variability, numerous copies of nrDNA gene regions in the nucleus which evolve by tandem duplication events may complicate phylogeny relationships due to their paralogous nature, making it almost impossible to determine orthology from such large copy number (Naumann et al., 2011). However, the primary advantage of nuclear genes over chloroplast DNA for diversity analysis is their elevated rate of sequence evolution, allowing more variation to be detected per unit of sequence yielding greater efficiency in sequencing, making their purpose more acute at lower taxonomic level (Small et al., 2004). 20 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Sample Collection The study was focused on four red oak species from the Bankhead National Forest of the Cumberland Plateau. The four red oak species that were collected are northern red oak, southern red oak, scarlet oak and black oak. Eight collection sites were picked with the help of field guides as diversified representations of the Bankhead National Forest (Figure 1). A total of 217 samples were collected and extraction performed on (Table 3-1). Northern red oak sample were collected from four sites while southern red and black oak samples were collected from six sites, and all scarlet oak samples were collected from one site. Although southern red and black oak samples were collected from six sites, most of the samples for both species came from two sites (Table 3-1). Table 3-1. Amount of samples per species collected from eight sights. Site # of samples Northern # of Samples Southern # of Samples Scarlet # of Samples Black A 29 2 0 5 B 16 9 0 0 C 0 0 46 0 D 0 0 0 17 E 8 19 0 7 F 11 3 0 4 G 0 12 0 4 H 0 3 0 22 Total 64 48 46 59 21 Samples were collected at first contact with juvenile leaves. Selection of samples was based on leaf morphologies. Most juvenile leaves were collected from newly sprouting trees, and trees with branches that were reachable by hand. Trees were separated from each other by few feet to several yards. After collection, samples were immediately placed in a cooler packed with dry ice, until their transfer to -80°C freezer at the laboratory. Out of the 217 samples that extractions were performed on, 128 DNA samples were collected. The rest of the samples did not yield any or sufficient DNA, and did not amplify by PCR reactions. As a result, 32 DNA samples from each of the four species were extracted and analysed (Table 3-2). 3.2 DNA Extraction Dneasy plant mini-kit and Dneasy plant maxi-kit (Qiagen, Valencia CA) were used to perform DNA extractions, although the majority of the samples were extracted using the min-kit. Dneasy plant extraction kits are optimized for leaf tissues which makes them appropriate for DNA extraction of red oak leaves. Protocol for the Dneasy plant Mini-Kit was slightly modified by increasing the amounts of buffer AP1 and AP2 to 600 μl and 195 μl respectively, as suggested by the troubleshooting guide for insufficient yield. Newer version of DNeasy plant mini-kit was also used for a portion of the samples. The newer version is similar in procedure and reaction with the older version. The difference in the two versions is mostly in labeling where buffer AP3/E was relabeled as buffer P3 and buffer AW was partitioned as AW1 and AW2 for the two washing steps. Buffer P3 of the new version is not supplied as concentrate so no dilution with ethanol is necessary (Dneasy Plant Handbook, 2012). Before extraction was performed, a water bath was heated to 65°C. Also prior to extraction, Buffers AP1 22 Table 3-2. Analyzed DNA samples and corresponding sites. Site A Site B Site C Site D Site E Site F Site G Site H 1-N 8-N 86-SC 118-B 39-S 24-N 57-S 184-B 2-N 9-N 87-SC 119-B 41-S 25-N 58-S 185-B 3-N 11-N 88-SC 121-B 42-S 56-S 61-S 187-B 4-N 23-N 89-SC 164-B 44-S 63-S 62-S 188-B 5-N 35-S 90-SC 165-B 47-S 94-N 64-S 197-S 6-N 53-S 91-SC 166-B 48-S 95-N 176-B 198-S 7-N 54-S 100-SC 167-B 51-S 81-B 196-S 199-S 66-N 55-S 101-SC 168-B 72-N 160-N 213-S 200-B 67-N 69-N 102-SC 179-B 75-B 214-S 201-B 68-N 70-N 103-SC 181-B 82-B 215-S 202-B 92-N 71-N 104-SC 183-B 84-B 216-S 203-B 93-N 96-N 105-SC 85-B 217-S 204-B 160-S 97-N 106-SC 98-N 205-B 171-B 161-N 107-SC 117-B 206-B 173-B 193-N 108-SC 158-N 207-B 208-S 109-SC 192-N 209-S 110-SC 210-S 111-SC 211-S 112-SC 212-S 113-SC 114-SC 134-SC 135-SC 136-SC 137-SC 149-SC 150-SC 151-SC 152-SC 153-SC 154-SC 155-SC 23 and AP3/E that may have formed precipitates upon storage were warmed to 65°C to redissolve, and buffers AW and AP3/E were diluted with instructed amount of ethanol to make working solutions (Dneasy Plant Handbook, 2006). Extraction with Dneasy Plant Mini-Kit Leaf tissue was ground to a fine powder using mortar and pestle in a liquid nitrogen bath. Ground tissue (< 100mg) was transferred to a 2ml centrifuge tubes using a metal spatula. (Dneasy Plant Handbook, 2006). Immediately upon transfer, 600μl AP1 and 4 μl RNase were added to each tube containing the ground tissue sample. Then, the tubes were vigorously vortexed until no tissue clumps were visible. The mixtures were then incubated in the prepared 65°C water bath for 10 minutes to allow cell lyses, while mixing by inverting the tube a few times. 195 μl of buffer AP2 was then added to the lysate. Each lysate was then mixed and incubated in ice for 5 minutes, allowing the precipitation of detergent, proteins and polysaccharides. Next, samples were centrifuged at 14,000rpm for five minutes, followed by the transfer of the supernatant from each tube to QIAshredder mini spin column (lilac) placed in 2 ml collection tube. The columns were centrifuged at 14,000rpm for 2 minutes allowing the removal of precipitates and cell debris, although a small amount may pass through and form a pellet in the bottom of the collection tube. Without disturbing the pellet at the bottom of collection tubes, the flow through was transferred to new 2 ml tubes. 1.5 volume of buffer AP3/E was then added to each tube containing the cleared lysate followed by pipetting to mix. 24 Figure 3.1. Bordered region in map highlights the location of the Bankhead National Forest in Alabama. Letters A-H are clusters where samples were collected from. 650 μl of the mixture from each tube was transferred to DNeasy mini spin columns placed in 2 ml collection tubes and centrifuged for one minute at 8,000 rpm. The step was repeated for the remaining samples of the mixture from each tube. Two rounds washing steps were then performed by placing the spin columns in 2 ml collection tubes then adding 500 μl AW buffer, and centrifuging for one minute at 8,000 rpm for the first round and two minutes at 14,000 rpm for the second round. If the previous washing steps had not resulted in dry membranes, then additional step of just centrifugation was performed. The spin columns were then transferred to 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes and 100 μl buffer AE was added to each Dneasy spin column 25 membrane followed by incubation at room temperature for five minutes. Elution step was then performed by centrifuging the tubes for one minute. Elution step was repeated in the same microcentrifuge tube (Dneasy Plant Handbook, 2006). Eluted samples were then stored at -20°C until ready to use. Extraction with Dneasy plant Maxi-Kit Extraction protocol of the Dneasy Plant Maxi-Kit (Qiagen, Valencia CA) is similar with the mini-kit in regards to the flow of the procedures except the maxi-kit was designed to accommodate larger quantities of starting material as the QIAshredder Maxi spin columns and the Dneasy Maxi spin columns come in 50 ml collection tubes. Extraction with the Dneasy plant Maxi-Kit was performed as instructed without modifications (Dneasy Plant Handbook, 2006) 3.3 DNA Quantification Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA) and nano-drop software (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA) were used to perform quantification of extracted DNA. Measurement of Extracted DNA quantity for the samples was used to determine volume of sample solution to make working solution based on C1V1 = C2V2 formula (Grant, 2010). 3.4 Polymerase Chain Reaction Custom labeled fluorescent oligo primer pairs (Table 3-4) were made by Erophins MWG Operon (Huntsville, AL) with each forward primer labeled with (6FAM) fluorescent dye for visualization. Same PCR protocol (Table 3-3) was used for 26 all primers. Master Mix from Promega (Promega, Madison, WI) was used for PCR reactions. Components of the Master Mix for a reaction include, PCR Master Mix 2X, upstream primer, downstream primer, DNA template and nuclease free water (Promega, Madison, WI). PCR was performed in a 25 μl or 12.5 μl reaction volume. Table 3-3. PCR Protocol. Step Phase Temperature (°C) Time (min) 1 Denaturing 95°C 2:00 2 Denaturing 94°C 0:45 3 Annealing Annealing Temp 0:45 4 Extension 72°C 1:00 5 30 cycles Denaturing, Annealing and extension 0:45 6 Extension 72°C 1:00 7 Pause 4°C For ever 8 End 27 Table 3.4. Primer names, 5’3’ sequences, and annealing temperatures. Primer Name 3.5 Primer Annealing Temperature (Ta) quru-GA-1i06 *CAAGCTCCACTGAGTCGTCGGT CTCTCGCTTTGATTTCACTCCA 58ºC quru-GA-1L05 *AAGATGCATGGTATTGTAGCAGG GCTTGTTGCGGTAGGTTA 50ºC quru-GA-2H14 *ATTCGCGAGCGTGCAGT GTGCTCCACGAATGCTCTAGCCA 58ºC quru-GA-1F02 *CCAATCCACCCTTCCAAGTTCC TGGTTGTTTTGCTTTATTCAGCC 56ºC quru-GA-0M05 *CTACAAGTTACATGCCCAATCA CTTTGCGCAGGTCCATTAC 53ºC quru-GA-0C11 *ATACCCAGCTCCCATGACCA TCCCCAAATTCAGGTAGTGT 53ºC quru-GA-0i01 *GGGCTATCAAGTAAGTGCTTAAC ACGCCATCCCTATAACACA 56ºC quru-GA-1G13 *AAAACTCACACAGCCGATTACTA GATTCCATTGTCAACTGCGAAGA 50ºC Data Analysis Fragment analysis was performed using an ABI 3100 genetic analyzer (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). The ABI genetic analayzer for microsatellite markers analyzes fluorescently labelled PCR products by capillary electrophoresis which separates and sizes alleles by comparison to size standards (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). PCR products were mixed with Hi-Di Formamide-ROX 500 size standard or Hi-Di Formamide-600 LIZ size standard solutions (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) prior to visualization. The GeneMapper software was used for visualization of microsatellite peaks, scoring, and distinguishing of alleles based on fragment sizes (Grant, 2010). The GeneMapper software calls quality alleles, and 28 provides automated analysis of genotyped samples (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). Genepop version 4.2 (Raymond and Rousset, 1995a; Rousset, 2008) was used to compare populations for genetic diversity between the four red oak species. Input files were created from data gathered by the GeneMapper software for data analysis by Genepop. Genepop is a population genetics software that is widely used for data analysis in genetic diversity studies. Genepop computes unbiased estimates for haploid or diploid data based on Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genepop performs exact tests for group differentiation and outputs allelic compositions in each group per locus. Allele size ranges, total number of alleles (AT), and mean number of alleles (A) were scored using Genepop analysis. Option 1 of Genepop on the web was used to perform Hardy-Weinberg exact tests. Option 3 and option 5 of Genepop on the web were used to calculate population differentiation and allele frequencies respectively, allowing calculations of observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He). (Raymond and Rousset, 1995a; Rousset, 2008). ANOVAs were used for statistical analysis to compare between and within species diversity. 29 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS A total of 146 alleles were observed across the eight loci in northern red oak, 142 in southern oak, 136 in scarlet oak and 174 in black oak (Table 4-2). These number of alleles are reflective of the different length in base pair of the particular microsatellite markers exhibited in each species. All loci were also polymorphic with the total number of alleles per locus ranging from 27 to 45 (Table 4-4). This means, 27 is the lowest number of different forms in length exhibited by one microsatellite, and 45 is the highest. The smallest allele size detected was 154 base pairs in locus 1F02, and the largest was 288 base pairs in locus 1i06 (Table 4-1). Table 4-1. Microsatellite loci and their allele size ranges. Locus Repeat Unit Allele Size Range (bp) 0C11 (GA)15 195-224 1F02 (GA)15 154-182 1i06 (GA)23 191-288 1L05 (GA)23 240-274 2H14 (GA)18 207-270 0M05 (GA)20 158-234 0i01 (GA)16 190-220 1G13 (GA)14 165-194 Total number of alleles per species ranged from 136 to 174 (Table 4-2). Mean total number of alleles of the four species was 149.5 (Table 4-2). The mean number of alleles of per species averaged across the eight loci was 18.69 (Table 4-2). Total number of private alleles per species ranged from 14 to 27, with the mean number of private 30 alleles being 18.5 (Table 4-2). Private alleles refer to alleles that were only found in a single species. Effective number of alleles per locus ranged from 11.71 to 15.37 for the four species. Effective number of alleles is a measure of equally frequent alleles it would take to create the same hererozygosity as observed in the population. The highest mean number of allele across the eight loci was 21.75, which was exhibited by black oak. The lowest mean number of alleles of the four red oak species was 17 by scarlet oak. Northern red oak and southern oak had 18.25 and 17.75 mean number of alleles respectively (Table 4-2). Table 4-2. Microsatellite allelic genetic diversity between the four red oak species. Species AT A Ae Private Ho He Fis Northern Red Oak 146 18.25 12.06 16 0.5077 0.9171 0.4459 Southern Red Oak 142 17.75 15.37 17 0.6102 0.9349 0.3228 Scarlet Oak 136 17 11.71 14 0.4505 0.9146 0.5044 Black Oak 174 21.75 12.71 27 0.6308 0.9398 0.3378 18.5 0.5498 0.9266 0.4027 Mean 149.5 18.6875 12.9625 AT = Total number of alleles, A = Mean number of alleles per locus, Ae = Effective number of alleles per locus, Private = private number of alleles, Ho = Observed heterozygosity, He = Expeted heterozygosity. Fis = inbreeding coefficient Mean observed heterozygosity (H0) per species ranged from 0.4505 to 0.6308 with the lowest value coming from scarlet oak and highest value from black oak (Table 4-4). Mean H0 for northern red oak and southern oak were 0.5077 and 0.6102 respectively (Table 4-4). Ho was lower than expected heterozygosity (He) within all the four red oak species indicating heterozygote deficiency. While observed heterozygosity 31 (Ho) refers to the frequency of heterozygote individuals per locus, expected heterozygosity (He) refers to gene diversity which measures genetic variation based on allele frequencies. Inbreeding coefficient values (Fis) of the four species averaged over the eight loci ranged from 0.3228 to 0.5044. (Table 4-2). Inbreeding coefficient (Fis) is a measure of the probability of individuals having identical alleles at a particular locus. High Fis values indicate higher number of homozygotes per locus in the population due to inbreeding. Between sites comparison were also performed for the three species that were collected from different sites. Since all scarlet oak samples were collected from one site, it was not possible to perform site comparison. To avoid sample size bias in site comparison, two sites per species were considered because most DNA samples collected in each of the came from two sites (Table 3-2). P-values were computed based on distribution of alleles between sites per locus. Only one locus was significantly different between sites in northern re oak. Three loci in southern red, four loci in black oaks were significantly different between sites (Table 4-3) Table 4-3. Distribution of alleles differentiation between sites. Locus Northern Southern Black OC11 0.08043 0.8455 0.9954 1F02 0.28121 0.87733 0.00392 1i06 0.13283 0.01985 0.00395 1L05 0.5976 0.21226 0.03061 2H14 0.12261 0.00512 0.53858 0M05 0.14739 0.11839 0.1652 0i01 0.3376 0.13696 0.57355 1G13 0.04588 0.0282 3.00E-05 32 33 12 17 17 20 20 17 20 1F02 1i06 1L05 2H14 0M05 0i01 1G13 Fis 0.9643 0.2222 He 0.931 0.356 0.9434 0.417 0.2258 0.9522 0.7628 0.6 0.55 0.5667 0.9328 0.3925 0.5417 0.9004 0.3984 0.3793 0.9323 0.5931 0.4483 0.7802 0.4254 0.75 Ho 17 17 20 19 16 25 12 16 # of Alleles He Fis 0.9649 0.4818 0.6552 0.9273 0.2935 0.6897 0.9323 0.2602 0.5714 0.9557 0.4021 0.4286 0.957 0.5522 0.6296 0.9188 0.3147 0.5 0.9231 0.9054 -0.195 0.4839 0.9177 0.4728 Ho Southern Red Oak 17 16 21 17 16 16 15 11 24 # of Alleles Fis 0.9506 0.211 He 22 21 24 18 20 27 20 22 # of Alleles He Fis 0.54 0.6786 0.959 0.2934 0.7407 0.936 0.2091 0.5185 0.9601 0.4599 0.5455 0.9394 0.4194 0.4194 0.9403 0.5938 0.9022 0.4279 0.7419 0.9258 0.1986 0.8077 0.9554 0.1546 Ho Black Oak 0.4505 0.9146 0.5044 21.75 0.6308 0.9398 0.3379 0.1154 0.9508 0.8786 0.4194 0.957 0.5618 0.1724 0.8836 0.8049 0.6538 0.9223 0.2911 0.3214 0.923 0.6519 0.5161 0.9022 0.4279 0.6552 0.827 0.2077 0.75 Ho Scarlet Oak Ho = observed heterozygosity, He = expected heterozygosity, Fis = inbreeding coefficient 18.25 0.5077 0.9171 0.4459 17.75 0.6102 0.9349 0.3228 23 0C11 Mean # of Alleles Locus Northern Red Oak Table 4-4. Microsatellite genetic diversity between the four red oak species per locus, and within species. Table 4-5. Anova results for number of alleles comparison between species. Source of Variation Between Groups SS df MS F 106.375 3 35.4583 2.95047 336.5 28 12.0179 442.875 31 Within Groups Total P-value F crit 0.049803 2.94669 8 The difference between Ho and He was the greatest within scarlet oak (table). Black oak exhibited the smallest difference between Ho and He (table). Total number of alleles between species significantly differed (p=0.0498) (Table 4-5). Comparison between species showed that Ho did not significantly differ between species (P=0.14980) (Table 4-6). Table 4-6. Anova results for observed heterozygosity comparison between species. Source of Variation SS df MS Between Groups 0.17472 3 0.05824 1.916689 0.149787 2.946685 Within Groups 0.85079 28 0.030385 Total 1.02551 31 34 F P-value F crit CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION Allele size ranges (Table 4-1) of each of the eight loci conforms to other studies that utilized the same microsatellite primers (Aldrich et al., 2002; Grant, 2010). The eight microsatellite markers, which were developed from northern red oak species proved to be transferrable by amplifying not only in other red oak species considered in this study, but also amplifying in European white oak and chinese chestnut species that were analysed in a different study (Aldrich et al., 2003a). Studies have shown the ability of microsatellite markers for cross species amplification (Soto et al., 2003). Transferability of microsatellites, especially within the same genus or even to some extent across genera within the same family, is one of the attributes that make them attractive in genetic diversity studies by facilitating their use and reducing cost, particularly when working with taxa with low SSR frequency (Oliveira et al., 2006). Although differentiated in regards to total number of alleles per species per locus (p = 0.0498) (Table 4-4), the mean number of alleles per species for the eight loci were similar (northern red = 18.69, southern = 17.75, scarlet = 17, black = 21.75) (Table 43), but black oak seemed to have deviated from the other three species, and appeared to have more genetic diversity than the other three species. Similarity in mean number of alleles between species was also exhibited in a study that amplified white oaks and Chinese chestnut from northern red oak microsatellites (Aldrich et al., 2003). Allelic richness represented as the number of alleles at a locus is a basic measure of genetic diversity in a population (Kalinowski, 2004). Allelic richness is affected by samples size as large samples yield more alleles (Kalinowski, 2004). Equal number of samples 35 per species were considered in this study, so comparison of allelic richness between species is not expected to be biased by sample size. In the same token, private alleles measure genetic distinctiveness, and are also affected by sample size (Szpiech et al., 2008). The extent of allele sharing between the four species was significant. However, northern red, southern red, and scarlet oak species exhibited approximately ten percent private alleles, and black oak exhibited about fifteen percent private alleles (Table 42). Two theories that have been proposed to explain low genetic differentiations in oak species are the ancestral allele polymorphism, and the recurrent gene flow theories (Lexer et al., 2006; Muir and Schlotterer, 2005). Since portions of samples for northern red oak, southern red oak, and black oak were collected from sympatric populations, contribution of gene flow and cryptic introgression due to hybridization in the low differentiation is plausible. Allele sharing due to shared ancestral variation is known to be extensive in closely related species, and has been shown to be evident in oak species (Lexer et al., 2006). Sympatric species were distinguishable during sample collection, which reiterates the maintenance of morphological and ecological integrity of red oak species even though they are known to readily and easily hybridize. Genic differentiation per species per locus between sites, which relates to the distribution of alleles in samples (Raymond and Rousset, 1995a; Rousset, 2008), was low particularly in northern red and southern red oaks, and black oak exhibited significant difference between sites in half of the loci (Table 4-3). Reduced population differentiation between sites of the same species are often explained by the outcrossing, and wind pollinated nature of oaks (Kremer and Petit, 1993). Observed heterozygosity appeared to be lower than expected across all loci that created a mean positive inbreeding coefficient (Fis) values, indicating heterozygote 36 deficiency (Table 4-4). Other studies have also shown relatively higher Fis values than expected in oaks species within which high level of gene flow is common (Grant, 2010; Moran, 2010). Causes that create heterozygote deficiency include inbreeding and population structure (Rousset and Raymond, 1995). Heterozygote deficiencies should be taken with caution when relying on Fis estimates due to the variability of Fis values at different loci (David et al., 2007). As a result, there have been reports of unreasonably large heterozygote deficiency for species that do not exhibit that level of inbreeding (David et al., 2007; Zouros and Foltz, 1984). The outbreeding wind pollinated oak species (Dodd et al., 2002) are not expected to show high level of inbreeding, although population structure may have played a role in causing the deficiency seen in this study. Selection at specific loci that favores homozygotes rover heretozygotes has also been pointed out in other oak species studies in relation to local adaptation of species (Lexer et al., 2006). Although it is difficult to study the extent of local adaptation of specific loci from just neutral microsatellite markers, population structure may have played a role in low levels of heterozyosity since significant portions of species samples were not collected from sympatric populations (Table 3-1). When working with microsatellites, the occurrence of null alleles has also been known to contribute to heterozygote deficiency, resulting in overestimation of homozygotes (Kumar et al., 2009; Moran et al., 2012). Microsatellite null alleles refer to unamplified alleles by PCR at a microsatellite locus due to mutations at primer annealing sites (Dakin and Avise, 2004; Kumar et al., 2009). Therefore, it may be reasonable to take into account the possibility of microsatellite null alleles causing less than expected heterozygosity. In closely related inter-fertile species such as oaks, hybridization may be the mechanism that the problem of heterozygote deficiency can be overcome leading to the introduction 37 of advantageous alleles into the gene pool (Chybicki et al., 2012; Soltis and Soltis, 2009). Intraspecific diversity appeared to be higher than interspecific diversity. Alleles were highly variable between individuals per locus per species. Out of the eight loci considered in this study, 146 alleles were observed in northern red oak, 142 in southern red oak, 136 in scarlet oak, and 174 in black oak (Table 4-2). The total number of alleles observed in each species are reflective of the variability that was observed between individuals per locus per species (Table 4-4), which correlates with high intraspecific variability of microsatellite loci in each of the species. Out of the total number of alleles observed in each species, approximately 90% of alleles for northern red, southern red, and scarlet oaks were shared, and black oaks exhibited 85% sharing of alleles (Table 42) which indicates low interspecific differentiation. Three out of the four species expressed over fifty percent heterozygosity, and the remaining one species expressed just below 50% (Table 4-2). On the other hand, comparison between species indicated that, while the number of alleles differed, difference in heterozygosity was insignificant between the four red oak species. This correlates with several studies that have revealed weak gene pool differentiation between oak species (Aldrich et al., 2003b). Low variability of molecular markers, ancestral polymorphisms, and introgressive hybridization have been reported to contribute to poor resolution of species (Aldrich et al., 2003b). Microsatellites, due to their highly polymorphic nature, prove to be powerful markers in this regard and in this study with each locus exhibiting high variability. Oak genetic diversity studies have reported low level interspecies differentiation between oak species (Bodénès et al., 1997; Craft and Ashley 2006), particularly red oak species (Aldrich et al., 2003b). Overall black oaks expressed more 38 diversity than the other three species, and seem to have deviated in similarity from the other species in terms of having more alleles per locus, more private alleles, and exhibiting more allelic differentiation between sites per locus. 39 REFERENCES Abadie, P., Roussel, G., Dencausse, B., Bonnet, C., Bertocchi, E., Louvet, J. M., ... & Garnier-Géré, P. (2012). Strength, diversity and plasticity of postmating reproductive barriers between two hybridizing oak species (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl.). Journal of evolutionary biology, 25(1), 157-173. Agapow, P. 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