SOIL ORGANIC CARBON FRACTIONS AND CARBOHYDRATE HYDROLASE ACTIVITY IN A FOREST ECOSYSTEM FOLLOWING PRESCRIBED BURNING AND THINNING by DESSY ACHIENG OWITI A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences in the School of Graduate Studies Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Normal, Alabama 35762 December 2014 Submitted by DESSY ACHIENG OWITI in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE specializing in PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE. Accepted on behalf of the faculty of the Graduate School by the Thesis Committee: Dr. Elica M. Moss Dr. Zachary Senwo Dr. Irenus Tazisong Major Advisor Dr. Regine Mankolo Dean of the Graduate School Date ii Copyright by DESSY ACHIENG OWITI 2014 iii I dedicate this thesis to my family and everyone who contributed in making it a success. iv SOIL ORGANIC CARBON FRACTIONS AND CARBOHYDRATE HYDROLASE ACTIVITY IN A FOREST ECOSYSTEM FOLLOWING PRESCRIBED BURNING AND THINNING Owiti, Dessy, M.S., Alabama A&M University, 2014. 81 pp. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Irenus Tazisong United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service applied prescribed thinning and burning for forest restoration and regeneration following the detrimental southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Z) epidemic at Bankhead National Forest. Fire regimes were imposed as: frequent fire (every 3 years), infrequent fire (every 9 years), and unburned control. This study evaluated the impact of prescribed burning and thinning on: (I) labile organic carbon fractions, (II) carbohydrate hydrolases activities, and (III) potential carbon mineralization and components of dissolved organic matter. Soils were collected from 0 to 10 cm depth in three replicates. Labile organic carbon was isolated using the density method whereas carbohydrate hydrolases activities were determined as described in Methods in Soil Enzymology, and Methods of Soil analysis, Part 2: Microbiological and biochemical properties. Microbial biomass carbon ranged from 618 ± 318 (light thin + burn) to 1335 ± 91 g kg-1(reference plot). Heavy thin + burn treatment (1334 ± 650 g kg-1) insignificantly increased particulate organic carbon content compared to the reference plot (667 ± 160 g kg-1). Light fraction carbon was 63.26% more in light thin treated plot than in the reference plot. Correlation analysis revealed a significant negative relationship between amino acid with xylanase and invertase. Particulate organic carbon and light fraction carbon were significantly correlated with amylase, β-glucosidase and NAGase. v Irrespective of treatment, enzyme activity was in the order, xylanase > invertase > cellulase > NAGase > β-glucosidase > amylase. Protein content was not detected despite an appreciable amount of amino acid content in soil. KEY WORDS: carbon enzymes, microbial biomass, light fraction, potential carbon mineralized, dissolved organic matter. vi TABLE OF CONTENT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL.......................................................................................ii ABSTRACT AND KEY WORDS......................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES..............................................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................................................................xii CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1 Rationale..................................................................................................................4 Research Objectives.................................................................................................5 CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................6 Microbial Biomass Carbon......................................................................................8 Particulate Organic Matter.......................................................................................9 Light Fraction.........................................................................................................10 Cellulase and Beta- D- glucosidase.......................................................................13 Invertase.................................................................................................................14 N-acetyl-β-D- glucosidase.....................................................................................14 Xylanase.................................................................................................................15 Amylase.................................................................................................................16 vii Potential Carbon Mineralized................................................................................17 Dissolved Organic Matter......................................................................................19 CHAPTER 3 - MATERIALS AND METHODS..............................................................21 Study Site...............................................................................................................21 Experiment Design.................................................................................................23 Soil Sampling and Analysis...................................................................................24 Objective 1: Determine the Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Labile Organic Carbon Fractions......................................................................................25 Objective 2: Study the Impact of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Carbohydrate Hydrolases Activities......................................................................27 Objective 3: Evaluate the Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Potential Carbon Mineralization and Components of Dissolved Organic Matter.....................................................................................................................32 Statistical Analysis.................................................................................................37 CHAPTER 4 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.............................................................38 The Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Labile Organic Carbon Fractions in a Forest Ecosystem............................................................................40 The Impact of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Carbohydrate Hydrolases Activities in a Forest Ecosystem............................................................................48 The Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Potential Carbon Mineralization and Components of Dissolved Organic Matter ............................62 CHAPTER 5 - CONCLUSION.........................................................................................69 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................72 VITA...................................................................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest............................................23 2a. Soil properties used................................................................................................39 2b. Soil properties used................................................................................................41 3. Correlation analysis between enzyme activities and labile carbon fractions.........61 4. Correlation analysis between enzyme activities and soil properties......................62 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Map of the Bankhead National Forest showing treatment stands..........................22 2. Microbial biomass carbon content at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest.............................................42 3. Particulate organic carbon content at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest.............................................44 4. Picture of extracted light fraction carbon from soil...............................................46 5. Light fraction carbon content at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................47 6. Cellulase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................49 7. Beta-Glucosidase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest.............................................51 8. Invertase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................52 9. NAGase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................54 10. Xylanase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................55 11. Amylase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................57 12. A comparison between enzyme activities subjected to various treatments at Bankhead National Forest......................................................................................58 x 13. A comparison between enzyme activities subjected to various treatments at Bankhead National Forest......................................................................................60 14. Potential carbon mineralized at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................64 15. Phenol content at 0-10 cm soil depth as impacted by various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................65 16. Hexose content at 0-10 cm soil depth as impacted by various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................66 17. Amino acid content at 0-10 cm soil depth as impacted by various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest..............................................................68 xi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisory committee members Dr. Zachary Senwo, Dr. Regine Mankolo, Dr. Elica Moss and especially Dr. Irenus Tazisong for serving as the chairperson for the committee, and whose dedication led to the accomplishment of this work. I also wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. Fritz Ntoko and Garret Hayzer who assisted me in interpreting data using software and assisted with partial editing of this work. I would also like to thank my professors, staff, graduate students, and my laboratory colleagues in the department of Soil and plant science for their contributions in making this work a success. Funds for this project came from the department of Biological and Environmental Sciences through NSF CREST- CFEA award# 1036600 xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Reforestation was employed at Bankhead National Forest (BNF) in the 1930s and 1960s, whereby hardwood stands were replaced with fast growing loblolly pine stands (Pinus taeda L.) to improve the forest economic yields (Gaines and Creed, 2003). The subsequent density increase of loblolly pine stands (Pinus taeda L.) contributed substantially to the infestation of southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Z) at epidemic levels (Gaines and Creed, 2003). The epidemic peaked in 2000 and continued at very high levels through 2001, causing mortality of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and consequently, large areas of standing dead trees, that were a public safety hazard and a fire hazards (Gaines and Creed, 2003). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service began silvicultural treatments (prescribed thin and prescribed low intensity, low frequency understory burn) in the forest. The aim was to reduce the beetle infestation, reduce fuel loads, increase general forest productivity to enhance plant and animal diversity, and to gradually replace existing pine stands with native hardwood plants such as dry and xeric oak forest, dry mesic oak and oak pine forest (Gaines and Creed, 2003). 1 In the extensively managed pine plantations in southern USA, the effect of using prescribed fire as a management technique can be assessed directly through tree mortality, growth, radial increment yield and rotation time (Boerner et al., 2000). In contrast, in less intensively managed forest, determining the degree to which the less clear-cut goals of longer-term conservation projects have been achieved is difficult (Boerner et al., 2000). Successful restoration and regeneration of a terrestrial ecosystem’s structure and function highly depends on the efficacy of nutrient cycling, and carbon is one of the elements involved in that cycle. Maintaining its stock is vital for forest productivity for two main reasons. (i) it is a major element of dry mass biomass of most soil organisms and a principal component of soil organic matter (Wagner and Wolf, 1998; Nave et al., 2010). (ii) It is assimilated by soil organisms that mediate degradation processes and facilitate nutrient distribution (Wagner and Wolf, 1998; Wander, 2004). The microbes use it for energy production and for the synthesis of cellular constituents necessary for growth, survival and reproduction (Wagner and Wolf, 1998). Assessing soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and the activities of enzymes that catalyze their degradation may provide insight into how silvicultural treatments influence nutrient cycling and subsequently, terrestrial ecosystem's productivity. Soil organic carbon is a heterogeneous mixture of organic carbon substances that can be partitioned into fractions such as: labile, intermediate and recalcitrant pools (González-Pérez et al., 2004; Wander, 2004). The labile carbon fractions are characterized by rapid mineralization and lack of protection by soil colloids (Wander, 2004). These characteristics render them highly sensitivity to soil changes (Wander, 2004). 2 As a result, they often hold as a potential index for assessing the impact of manipulative treatments on soil organic matter quality, quantity, and subsequently nutrient cycling (Wan et al., 2001; Fynn et al., 2003; Andersson et al., 2004; AcostaMartinez and Harmel, 2006). Although most studies unanimously report a decrease in SOC immediately post prescribed burning and/or thinning, reports on the long-term effects vary tremendously. Some investigators have reported a decrease in SOC after burning and/or thinning treatment application (Pietikainen, 1995; Bird et al., 2000; Johnson and Curtis, 2001; Fynn et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2009;). Reduction in carbon inputs results from the volatilization or vegetation removal after burning and/or thinning may cause SOC depletion (Pietikainen, 1995; Bird et al., 2000). Increased SOC has been attributed to the incorporation of burned plant biomass in soil (Nobles et al., 2009). In other cases, the increase has been because of rapid decomposition of organic matter due to ameliorated soil properties such as increased pH, readily available substrate, and nutrient released from organic matter decomposition (Pietikainen, 1995; Andersson, 2004; Saarsalmi et al., 2004). Other investigators observed no statistically significant effect of thinning/harvesting treatments on SOC, a possible indication that treatments had a neutral effect (Johnson and Curtis, 2001). Differences in vegetation, topography, and timing or depth of soil sampling may explain variations in reports (Wan et al., 2000; Johnson and Curtis, 2001; Fynn et al., 2003). Different thinning intensity, time since harvest and fire regimes (e.g. frequency, intensity, season of fire and time since fire) could explain variations in reports (Johnson and Curtis, 2001). 3 Enzymes, primarily of microbial origin, are important indices for assessing the impact of perturbations such as prescribed burn and/or thin (Bandick and Dick, 1999). They are important because they account for carbon cycling by catalyzing the degradation process (Bandick and Dick, 1999; Rietl and Jackson, 2012). They reflect the impact of management practices on the activity of diverse microbial assemblages (Rietl and Jackson, 2012). Due to their sensitivity, they respond rapidly to environmental changes attributed to management practices (Eivazi and Bayan, 1996; Chanders et al., 1997; Bandick and Dick, 1999; Acosta-Martinez et al., 2007; Hamman et al., 2008). The initial negative response of enzyme activities immediately post burn and/or thin treatments have been associated with decreased microbial biomass (Pietikäinen and Fritze, 1995; Andersson et al., 2004). The depletion may also be because of changes in substrate availability due to altered soil organic matter quantity and quality (Bandick and Dick, 1999). On the contrary, the long-term effects of burning and thinning treatment vary. Rationale The widespread adoption of slash and burn clearing practices alter not only the highly efficient nutrient-conserving mechanisms that characterize a forest, but also the patterns of SOM cycling and enzymatic activities within the ecosystem (Garcia-Montiel et al., 2000). Considering the role of forest ecosystems on global biogeochemical cycles, elemental transformation and enzyme activity are primary in predicting nutrient availability, as well as air, soil and ground water quality. 4 Shortly after burn clearing in a forest, significant depletion of SOM occurs, and thus may affect the enzyme activities that are primarily responsible in nutrient cycling. The long-term effects of repeated burn and clearing in forest ecosystems are scanty. This study will bridge this knowledge gap by providing an understanding of SOM transformations and microbial processes in a repeatedly burned and thinned forest ecosystem. Research Objectives Prescribed fire and logging treatments applied to forest ecosystem are considered to have short and long-term effects on biological, chemical and physical properties that influence the soil nutrient cycles essential to long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems. While our understanding of carbon forms and the microbial ecology responsible for carbon cycling in agro-ecosystems have improved, more research needs to be done on forest ecosystems. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: 1. Determine the effect of prescribed burning and thinning on labile organic carbon fractions in a forest ecosystem. 2. Study the impact of prescribed burning and thinning on carbohydrate hydrolases activities in a forest ecosystem. 3. Evaluate the effect of prescribed burning and thinning on potential carbon mineralization and components of dissolved organic matter. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Fire is a powerful and instantaneous modifier of the environment with potential to influence nutrient cycles in ecosystems (Wan et al., 2001). In addition, fire can influence plant growth as well as species composition and activity (Wan et al., 2001; Nobles et al., 2009). Under intense fire, nutrient cycling can be diminished due to microorganism mortality; reduced enzyme activity; and nutrient loss through volatilization, oxidation, leaching and soil erosion (Poff, 1996; Gutknecht et al., 2010). Prescribed fires are often less intense and severe because they are carried out under high humidity, low temperature and low wind speeds (Poff, 1996). Depending on the intensity, prescribed thinning applications can cause beneficial or detrimental effects on nutrient cycling and, consequently, nutrient productivity. The treatment may alter substrate inputs, organic matter turnover, soil microbial communities and the microclimate conditions that drive plant and microbial processes (Poff, 1996; Nave et al., 2010; Geng et al., 2012). Detrimental effects from thinning can result from erosion, displacement, compaction, biomass export and leaching (Poff, 1996). The treatment may induce beneficial results by enhancing microclimate conditions such as increased soil temperature and moisture (Poff, 1996; Maassen et al., 2006). 6 Increased temperature and moisture are often as a result of increased direct sunlight and higher throughfall (Poff, 1996; Maassen et al., 2006). In addition to intensity and severity, the frequency of burning and thinning treatments greatly influences the efficacy of management techniques in restoring and regenerating forest ecosystems (Wang et al., 2012). Prescribed thinning and a low intensity, understory prescribed burn are often applied by forest management personnel to improve terrestrial ecosystems (Hubbard et al., 2004). Application of these techniques are postulated to mitigate wild fires by fuel reduction and also to restore degraded forest by improving productivity, wildlife habitat and maintaining species composition (Wade and Lunsford, 1989; Pietikainen et al., 1995; Hubbard et al., 2004). Burning has also been used in forest to raise soil pH, cation concentrations, and to prevent soil acidity (Viro, 1974; Macadam, 1987; Pietikaine and Fritze, 1994). At the Bankhead National Forest, management techniques were adopted to counteract the negative impact induced by the pest invasion. In this study we assessed the impact of those management techniques, repeated burning and thinning, on the transformation of various soil organic matter fractions. We evaluated potential carbon mineralized (PCM), quantified the availability of dissolved organic matter components (DOM) and assessed the quantity of labile carbon fractions. The labile carbon fractions assessed were light fraction carbon (LFC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and particulate organic carbon (POC). The dissolved organic matter components evaluated in this study were phenol, hexose, amino acids and proteins. 7 Microbial Biomass Carbon Soil microbial processes facilitate nutrient cycling and productivity through processes such as degradation of organic residue, transformation of soil organic matter, mineralization and immobilization of nutrients, and formation and stabilization of soil aggregates (Nsabimana et al., 2004; Bonglovanni and Lobartini, 2006; Yang et al., 2010). Microbial biomass is the living component of soil organic matter and it typically comprises of 1-5% of total organic matter content, 2-3% of soil carbon and 3-5 % of soil nitrogen (McGill et al., 1986; Nsabimana et al., 2004). Quantification of microbial biomass following perturbations is essential for three main reasons. (i) Microorganisms mediate the conversion of plant nutrients from stable organic forms to available mineral forms over long periods (McGill et al., 1986). (ii) In the short term, microbial biomass carbon serves as a source and sink of mineral nutrients and organic substrates (McGill et al., 1986). (iii) Microbial biomass carbon has a fast turnover rate and therefore responds rapidly to changes in soil management practices (Nsabimana et al., 2004). Changes resulting from disturbances such as thin and burn treatments are often the consequences of direct or indirect effects (Pietikainen and Fritze, 1995; Williams et al., 2012). Direct effects of treatments include (i) heat induced death, (ii) mortality due to toxic compounds produced during combustion, and (iii) radiation from the sun following plant cover removal (Andersson et al., 2004; González-Pérez et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2012; ). Indirect effects following treatment applications are often because of changes in environmental and edaphic factors (Andersson et al., 2004; Mahía et al., 2006). 8 Examples of such changes include modifications of moisture, temperature, pH, and substrate quality and quantity (Pietikainen and Fritze, 1995; Thibodeau et al., 2000; Andersson et al., 2004; Mahía et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2012). The responses of MBC to prescribed treatments are inconsistent. Some studies have reported an increase, a decrease and others no change in MBC (Pietikainen and Fritze, 1995; Eivazi and Bayan, 1996; Maassen et al., 2006; Chatterjee et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2012; Geng et al., 2012). The inconsistency has been attributed to frequency, severity and intensity of treatments, time since treatments applications, and reduced or increased organic biomass inputs following treatments applications (Pietikainen and Fritze, 1995; Eivazi and Bayan, 1996; Wang et al., 2012). Particulate Organic Matter Particulate organic matter described as organic matter suspended in water is an important carbon and energy source (Cambardella and Elliott, 1992). Particulate organic carbon (POC) is a labile fraction component of soil organic carbon (SOC) hence, the impact of prescribed burn and/or thin on SOC quantity will affect its availability. Forest management can also result in no change, a decrease or an increase in SOC and ultimately POC ( Pietikainen & Fritze, 1995; Bird et al., 2000; Johnson and Curtis, 2001; Andersson et al., 2004; Saarsalmi et al., 2004; Maassen et al., 2006; Giai & Boerner, 2007; Chatterjee et al., 2008; Nave et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2012; Geng et al., 2012;). Decreased or unaltered SOC following fire may be due to heat effect. Destructive combustion of organic compounds begins at about 200oC, below that temperature organic matter is not destroyed (Poff, 1996). 9 Decrease in SOC may be because of volatilization or vegetation removal after burning and/or thinning (Pietikainen & Fritze, 1995; Bird et al., 2000). Effect of fire on SOC has also been attributed to time since fire application and the soil sampling depth (Wang et al., 2012). Nave et al. (2010) observed no change in SOC after harvesting treatment and inferred that forest floor carbon was more vulnerable to decline following harvest treatment than mineral soil carbon. Light Fraction Light fraction (LF) is described as organic matter with a density less than 2.0 g cm-3(Gregorich and Janzen, 1996). It is comprised primarily of partially decomposed organic residues with fast decomposition rates. Chemically it is very close to plant litter and has appreciable amounts of microbial and microfaunal debris (Spycher et al., 1983; Janzen et al., 1992; Gregorich and Janzen, 1996; Golchin et al., 1997). The LF accounts for about 0.1 to 0.3% of total weight in cultivated soils, of which there is about 3 to 10% in grassland and forest soils (Gregorich and Ellert, 1993). The LF functions as a short-term reservoir of nutrients and a source of readily metabolized organic matter (Gregorich and Ellert, 1993). It is enriched in carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen, constituting approximately 30-40% of total soil organic carbon and nitrogen (Gregorich and Ellert, 1993). During nitrogen mineralization, microbes rely heavily on LF as the energy source and plants rely on it for nutrients (Wander et al., 1994). During LF decomposition, other products that influence soil aggregate stability are also released (Six et al., 1998). 10 The LF will first be determined to assess the characteristic and quality of active soil organic matter before and after fire and thinning disturbance. This is important because the composition of the LF can be used as an important indicator of soil fertility and quality index. Forest management may modify SOC fraction degradation rates by altering enzyme activities (Chatterjee et al., 2008). Studies of enzymatic activities in soil samples are useful tools for assessing the functional diversities of soil microbial communities or soil organic mass turnover (Baldrian, 2009). Measuring enzyme activities in soils has a long tradition in connection with evaluating soil fertility and quantifying processes in natural and semi natural ecosystems. This approach may permit evaluation of the status of changed ecosystems (e.g., by soil pollution, soil management, global change) while providing insights into the functional diversities of the soil microbial communities. In fertile soils, heterotrophic microorganisms are supplied with detritus from plants and other biomass rich in carbon and nutrients that are required for cell maintenance and growth. Incapable of directly transporting these large molecules into the cytoplasm, the heterotrophic microorganisms rely on the activities of a myriad of enzymes that they synthesize and release into the immediate environment. The extracellular enzymes that are released can depolymerize organic compounds. The generated soluble low-number oligomers and monomers that are recognized by cell wall receptors are transported across the outer membrane into the cell (Burns and Wallenstein, 2011). Soil is an inherently hostile environment for the extracellular enzymes. 11 As soon as the latter leaves the cells, they are exposed to denaturation, degradation, and inactivation through both biotic and abiotic mechanisms. This might make the breakdown of organic macromolecules seem like an impossible task at first glance. It is conceptually wrong to assume a simple relationship between a single enzyme activity and microbiological activity in soils. The need to measure the activities of a large number of enzymes and to combine these measured activities in a single index has been emphasized to provide information on soil microbial activities (Nannipieri et al., 2003). However, most of the assays used to determine soil microbiological activities present the same problem in measuring potential rather than real activities (Nannipieri et al., 1990). Indeed, assays are generally made at optimal pH and temperature and at saturating concentration of substrate. Furthermore, synthetic rather than natural substrates are often used, and soils are incubated as slurry (Nannipieri et al., 1990). In this study, we assayed six carbohydrate hydrolases to evaluate the long-term impact of prescribed thinning alone or in combination with triennial burning. The enzymes assayed were β-glucosidase, invertase, xylanase, amylase, Nacetyl-glucosaminidase and cellulase. The hydrolysis products of the enzymes are fundamental sources of energy for microorganisms (Eivazi & Bayan, 1996). Carbohydrate hydrolases such as cellulase, amylase, xylanase and chitinase are enzyme systems comprised of multiple enzymes: endo- and exo-enzymes (Deng & Popova, 2011). The endoenzymes undertake endohydrolysis of complex carbohydrates (Deng & Popova 2011). 12 Ultimately, the released mixtures of di-and oligosaccharides are subsequently hydrolyzed by exoenzymes into monosaccharide (Deng & Popova 2011). Cellulase and Beta-glucosidase In the early 1980s, the only enzyme confirmed to be involved with the cellulose component of lignocellulosic biomass were those of the “cellulase system” (Platt et al., 1984). Cellulose, the most abundant polysaccharide compound in the biosphere, is hydrolyzed by a cellulase system. The system comprises of endocellulase (endo-1, 4-βglucanase [EC]) and two exocellulase: namely cellobiosidase (exo-1, 4-βglucanase [EC]) and β- glucosidase (Deng et al, 2011). β- glucosidase [EC] is also known as gentiobiase, cellobiase, emulsin, elaterase, aryl-β-glucosidase, β-glucoside glucohydrolase, arbutinase, amygdalinase, p-nitrophenyl β-glucosidase, primeverosidase, amygdalase, limarase, and salicilinase (Deng & Popova 2011). β-glucosidase activity is the final step of cellulose degradation. It hydrolyzes the cellobiose (two glucose units) into monosaccharide compounds (glucose) by cleaving βglucosidic linkages from non-reducing terminal ends (Eivazi and Bayan, 1996; Boerne et al., 2000; Deng and Popova, 2011). This hydrolysis is important as cellubiose, is an inhibitor of “cellulase” depolymerizing enzymes (Morais et al., 2004). β-glucosidase the most predominant enzyme is also involved in hydrolysis of β-D-glucopyranoside and a broad variety of glycosides (Boerner et al., 2000; Berrin et al., 2003; Acosta- Martinez et al., 2007). β- glucosidase is also important due to its potential in industrial scale conversion of cellulose to glucose (Cai et al., 1998). 13 The activity of the enzyme is considered an indicator for biomass turnover because it exhibits a wide substrate specificity. It hydrolyzes nitrophenyl-β-xylopyranoside, nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside, nitrophenyl-α-arabinopyranoside, cellubiose, lamimaribiose and lactose (Berrin et al., 2003; Zanoelo et al., 2004). Berrin et al. (2003) reported that the physiological function of β-glucosidase depends on the source and substrate specificity. Langston et al. (2006) summarized their importance in industrial processes, environmental processes and pharmacology. Invertase Invertase (β-D- fructoguranoside fructohydrolase [EC]) catalysis results in the release of monosaccharide from disaccharide and soluble oligosaccharide (Deng and Popova, 2011). It cleaves sucrose, one of the most abundant soluble sugars in plants, releasing glucose and fructose. (Frankenberger and Johanson, 1983; Deng and Popova, 2011). Invertase is partially responsible for the breakdown of plant litter in soils (Frankenberger and Johanson, 1983). In soils under grasslands, the activity of invertase may be partly associated with light fraction however, in most soils the activity occurs in the heavy fraction (Ross, 1983). N-acetyl-β-D- glucosidase Chitin is the second most abundant amino polysaccharide found in soils and is derived from the exoskeletons of invertebrates (insects and arthropods) and fungal hyphae (Wongkaew and Homkratoke, 2009; Deng & Popova, 2011). 14 It is hydrolyzed by two enzyme systems: Endochitinolytic and exochitinolytic systems (Brzezinska, 2009; Deng & Popova, 2011). Endochitinolytic also called chitinase or β-1, 4-poly-N-acetylglucosaminidase [EC] and exochitinolytic [EC] also called N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (Deng & Popova, 2011). Chitinase randomly hydrolyzes 1, 4-β linkages in chitin and chitodextrins, while N-acetyl-β-D glucosaminidase (NAGase) hydrolyzes the terminal non-reducing end (Deng & Popova, 2011). The products are free N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) units impregnated with easily mineralized (low molecular weight) carbon and nitrogen rich compounds (Brzezinska, 2009; Deng & Popova, 2011). In this study, we assayed the activity of N-acetyl-β-D glucosaminidase (hereafter referred to as NAGase). Availability of the latter in soils depends on microclimate, microorganism abundance and other substrate quality and availability (Sinsabaugh et al., 1992). Chitin is intermediate in its resistance to microbial metabolism and therefore, its synthesis is only induced when other labile C and N sources are absent. The latter is the reason why it is more abundant in environments that are poor in nutrients (Hanzlikova & Jandera, 1993; Brzezinska, 2009). Xylanase Xylanase (1, 4-β-D- xylan xylanohydrolase. EC enzyme system is composed of β-xylanase, β-xylosidase, α-L- arabinofuranosidase, α-glucuronidase, acetylxylan esterase and hydroxycinnamic acid esterases (Deng and Popova, 2011). The enzyme is classified under family 10 and 11 of glycosyl hydrolases. 15 It catalyzes endohydrolysis of β-1, 4-xylosidic linkages in hemicellulose, the second most abundant renewable polysaccharide in nature besides cellulose (Anand et al., 1990; Kandeler et al., 1999; Hu et al., 2008; Deng and Popova, 2011). The end products of the hydrolysis are short chains of oligomers, xylobiose and xylose (Deng and Popova, 2011). Xylose is also called wood sugar or aldopentose (Deng and Popova, 2011). Xylanase is mainly produced by fungi when readily available compounds are exhausted, (Kandeler et al., 1999). Its industrial uses include Kraft - pulp bleaching, food baking, and animal feed preparation (Hu et al., 2008). In the environment, it plays an important part in materials and energy circulation, fruit maturation, seed germination, and fungus parasitization (Hu et al., 2008). Amylase Amylases system include: endo- and exoamylases that synergistically hydrolyze starch (Deng and Popova, 2011). Endoamylases also called α-amylases randomly hydrolyze α-1, 4- glycosidic linkages yielding dextrins, oligosaccharides and monosaccharides. Exoamylases, which include β and γ-amylase, hydrolyze the same linkage but only from the non-reducing ends of the chain releasing β-maltose and β-Dglucose (Deng and Popova, 2011). In soils, β-amylase is the most active, and catalyzes the degradation of the heavy fraction organic material rather than the light fraction (Ebregt and Boldewijn, 1977; Ross, 1983). The enzymes also exist intracellularly in plants and can be released into soils during litter formation (Ebregt and Boldewijn, 1977). Like most enzymes, amylase is primarily of microbial origin, particularly bacteria and fungi (Ebregt and Boldewijn, 1977). 16 Some amylases are found in acidophilic, alkalophilic and thermoacidophilic environment (Ebregt and Boldewijn, 1977). Like other extracellular enzymes, amylase activities in soils have been reported to be inhibited by soil clay minerals (Ross, 1983). Ross (1983) reported a significant decrease in activity of β-amylase in five clay minerals (three monominerallic clay fractions from soil and two top soils from tussock grasslands) in unbuffered aqueous suspension of the clay minerals. The decrease was partly because of the instability of the enzymes in water and in buffered clay suspensions, in which adsorption of the enzymes was generally incomplete (Ross, 1983). According to their results, the influence of clay minerals on inhibition of α-amylase activity was in the order muscovite < allophane < illite < montmorillonite. In the presence of clay fractions from soils, the order was muscovite < mica-vermiculite < mica-beidellite (Ross, 1983). In soils with high C content, amylase activity has been reported to be higher than other enzyme activities (Pancholy et a., 1973; Balota et al., 2004). The significance of enzymes in biotechnology includes its application in food, fermentation, textile and paper (Mishra and Behera, 2008). Potential Carbon Mineralized Soil microorganisms play a dominant role in soil organic matter degradation. Their respiration is usually limited by bioavailability of organic matter that depends on chemical and physical availability of the organic matter (Ahn et al., 2009). Chemical availability is determined by the chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM). This the ability of microbial exoenzymes to break organic polymers into smaller units that can be in dissolved form and passed through microbial cell walls (Ahn et al., 2009). 17 Physical ability refers to the physical location of SOM, if bound within mineral aggregates or sorbed within small pores (Ahn et al., 2009). Potential carbon mineralized (PCM) is a measure of the bioavailability of soil organic matter. There are various methods to quantify PCM but soil incubation is a more direct approach (Ahn et al., 2009). The carbon mineralized during incubation serves as a proxy for total PCM (Ahn et al., 2009). Measured carbon mineralization rates have ranged from less than 0.007 to 35.6% of total soil carbon when varying incubation times (12-800 days), soil temperature and soil moisture conditions were used (Ahn et al., 2009). Assessing the PCM pool is essential in modeling soil carbon dynamics and ecosystem response to changing environmental factors (Ahn et al., 2009). Management practices can alter microbial respiration through the short- and long- term effects on soil physical, chemical, and biological properties (Wang et al., 2012). The practice may alter soil moisture, nutrient availability and microbial activity (Wang et al., 2012). Prescribed fire can reduce or increase soil carbon mineralization by altering the release of labile carbon materials from microbial biomass, and affecting the quality of substrate needed for microbial growth (Wang et al., 2012). Harvesting or thinning may increase microbial respiration, decrease mineralization or have no impact at all (González-Pérez et al.,2004; Maassen et al., 2006; Nave et al.,2010). Potential carbon mineralized (PCM) was analyzed to assess the general microbial mineralization activity during organic matter transformation. This was to determine how mineralization was influenced by various treatments. 18 Dissolved Organic Matter Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the organic matter that can pass through 0.45micrometer filter (Thurman, 1985). Litter layer and the upper, organic-rich mineral horizons are the main sources of DOM in soils whereas the deeper mineral horizons are the major sinks (Kalbitz and Kaiser, 2007). Organic compounds released from roots are also sources of DOM; they include exudates, mucilage and muciges (Kalbitz and Kaiser, 2007). Dissolved organic matter is the most active of all labile organic matter because of its mobility (Chantigny, 2008). It contributes substantially to terrestrial ecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycles; it serves as an energy source and a potential source of nitrogen to heterotrophic microorganisms (Yano et al., 2000). Biodegradation of the DOM is important in its role in nitrogen cycle than in the carbon cycle (Qualls and Haines, 1992). That is because it prevents the long-term net loss of nitrogen from the ecosystem or loss via runoffs and leaching (Qualls and Haines, 1992). Given that most of the reduction in DOC is due to abiotic reactions and not mineralization, DOC can be a fundamental contributor to the total carbon accumulated and subsequently soil carbon storage (Kalbitz and Kaiser, 2007). Large accumulation of DOM in terrestrial ecosystems are possibly due to mineralization and stabilization by sorption to Fe and Al oxides/ hydroxides and clay minerals or stabilization through (co-) precipitation by polyvalent cations (Kalbitz and Kaiser, 2007). Dissolved organic matter constitutes various compounds such as phenols, hexoses, free amino acids and proteins. The easy degradable carbohydrates (hexose), protein and amino acids are great sources of carbon and nitrogen. 19 They are assimilated by soil organisms for energy and development purposes. Phenols are carbohydrates released into the soil following degradation of polyphenolic plant metabolites such as tannins and lignin (Guggenberger et al., 1989). Phenols have functions that slightly vary from other carbohydrates. Examples include: (i) binding of proteins, (ii) metal complexion, (iii) interference with sorption of inorganic anions such as phosphate, and (iv) exerting allelopathic effects on microorganisms and plants (Herbert and Bertsch, 1995; Zsolnay, 2003). An increase of up to 85% of dissolved organic matter components post prescribed burn has been reported by González-Pérez et al. (2004). The impact of prescribed thin varies depending on time since treatment application. The impact of management practices on the quality and quantity of labile carbon fractions, PCM and enzymes activities are often a foreshadow of future soil organic carbon dynamics and ultimately nutrient cycling (Wan et al., 2001; Fynn et al., 2003; Andersson et al., 2004; Acosta-Martinez and Harmel 2006; Chatterjee et al., 2008). 20 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Site The study site was the Bankhead National Forest (BNF) in Northwest Alabama. The BNF is located on the southern Cumberland Plateau and extends through Lawrence, Winston, and Franklin counties (34o30’ N, 87o30’ W), covering 73,078 ha (Fig. 1). Soils at the research sites are classified as Typic Hapludults of the Sipsey series in the USDANCRCS preliminary soil map of Lawrence County (Nobles et al., 2009). Such soils are fine-loamy, siliceous, semi active, thermic Typic Hapludults (Nobles et al., 2009). The native vegetation at the BNF consists predominantly of oak and oak-pine woodlands. The predominant pine species include Virginia (Pinus virginiana Mill.) and loblolly (Pinus teada L.) pines. Predominant oak species include scarlet (Quercus coccineacata Michx.), black (Quercus velutina Lam.), and white (Quercus alba L.) oaks (Gaines & Creed, 2003). The average annual temperature is 13oC, with the highest temperatures occurring between June and August and the lowest between November and February (Nobles et al., 2007). 21 Precipitation averages 147 cm yr-1 with a udic soil moisture regime; the highest precipitation occurs between September and February while low precipitation occurs between March and August (Nobles et al., 2007). Fig. 1. Map of the Bankhead National Forest showing treatment stands. 22 Experiment Design The experimental design for the forest soil study was a two-factor, randomized complete block design. There were 9 treatments each replicated four times. A total of 36 sample units in four blocks. The treatments comprised of three burning patterns (no burn, every 3- year burn and every 9-year burn cycles) and three levels of thinning (no thin, thin to 17.22 m2 ha-1 [75ft2 acre-1] basal area, and to 11.46 m2 ha-1 [50ft2 acre-1] basal area) (Table 1). Table 1. Treatment applications at the Bankhead National Forest. Treatment Number Treatment code Application 1 T1 Control, No Burn, No Thin 2 T2 9 Year Burn, No Thin 3 T3 3 Year Burn, No Thin 4 T4 No Burn + Heavy Thin† 5 T5 No Burn + Light Thin* 6 T6 3 Year Burn + Heavy Thin† 7 T7 3 Year Burn + Light Thin* 8 T8 9 Year Burn + Heavy Thin† 9 T9 9 Year Burn + Light Thin* †Heavily thinned sites to 11.46 m2 ha-1 (50 ft2 acre-1) *Lightly thinned sites to 17.22 m2 ha-1 (75 ft2 acre-1) This study was carried out on block one because at the time of soil sampling block one had received 3 cycles of triennial burns (every 3 years burn). 23 In addition, data obtained from the plots subjected to the novennial burns (every 9-years burn) were excluded. The plots were 9-year burn (T2), 9 year burn + heavy thin (T8), and 9 year burn + light thin (T9) plots. The triennial burn treatments were performed by the BNF staff in winter. First application was in 2005, second application in 2009 and third application in 2012. The nature of the prescribed fire combined with winter burns resulted in low intensity and severity burn, surface temperatures during fire ranged between 149o C and 204o C (Nobles et al., 2009). The thinning treatments were carried out by privately owned companies in August and September of 2005 (Table 1). Thinning was implemented to release native hardwood species such as oak by removing competing loblolly pine species (Nobles et al., 2009). Cut pine trees were skidded to a landing at the edge of the treatment area, where treetops and branches were removed (Nobles et al., 2009). The bulk of the thinning slash was accumulated in the landing areas however, small residual amounts of slash produced during harvesting and tree removal processes were left in situ (Nobles et al., 2009). The reference site, located at the Sipsey Wilderness area, had been converted to loblolly pines in the 1960s and has not received any burn or thinning treatment since the conversion (Nobles et al., 2009). Soil Sampling and Analysis The upper soil layer is the most influenced by burning and thinning and contains the highest composition of microbial biomass, microbial activity and labile carbon (Wan et al., 2001). 24 Soils used in this study were collected in October of 2012, with an auger (10 cm i.d.), from the 0 to 10 cm depth in three replicates after removing the residue from the soil surface. The soils were air-dried, ground, and passed through a 2 mm sieve and stored in plastic bags until used. Soil pH was measured in water at a soil to solution ratio of 1:2, and the filtered extract was used for electrical conductivity (EC) measurements, using an Orion conductivity meter (model 160). The pH and EC reported were temperature compensated at 25oC. Total C, N and S in the soil were determined by dry combustion method using a vario Max CNS analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH). Inorganic NH4+ and NO3- content of the soil were determined using an ammonium-nitrate analyzer (Timberline instrument, model no. TL-2800). Elemental content (P, Mg, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) were assessed using an inductive coupled plasma (ICP) analyzer. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was determined using the summation method whereas percent base saturation was determined by dividing the summation of the total number of cations by the CEC and multiplying the result by 100. Objective 1: Determine the Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Labile Organic Carbon Fractions Measurement of biologically active carbon fractions, such as light fraction carbon (LFC), particulate organic carbon (POC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) reflects changes in soil quality and productivity. These fractions provide an assessment of soil carbon changes induced by management practices, such as burning and thinning. 25 The LFC was isolated by flotation in a dense liquid (Gregorich and Janzen, 1996). Procedure used was the one described by Ding et al. (2002). In brief, approximately 25 g of air-dried soil was weighed into 250 mL centrifuge bottles, and 70 mL of NaI solution (1.7 g mL-1) was added. The mixture was shaken for 1 hr to release LF entrapped within aggregates and centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 15 min (Gregorich and Janzen, 1996). The suspended material was then filtered under suction using a 0.2 μm filter paper. The LF material retained on the filter paper was rinsed with 100 mL of a 0.5 M CaCl2 and 0.5 M MgCl2 followed by a final rinse with 200 mL of deionized water. Rinsing of the LF with CaCl2 and MgCl2 was done to prevent any remnant biological toxicity, because of sodium saturation of the ion-exchange sites in the LF (Ding et al., 2002). The filter paper containing the LF was transferred into a drying pan placed in an oven and dried at 70oC for 24 hr. After 24 hr of drying, the LF was measured and then stored in a desiccator until analyzed. The LF was analyzed for total C, N, and S using the vario max CNS analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH). There are two main reasons for using a solution with density 1.7 g mL-1 twofold. (i) It allows the use of less toxic inorganic media, which offers advantages of safety and convenience over organic solvents. (ii) Contamination of the LF with mineral and organo-mineral materials is prevented. The POC was determined by dispersing 10 g soil with 30 mL of 5 g L-1 sodium hexametaphosphate for 16 hrs and the solution filtered through 0.05 mm sieve (Cambardella and Elliott, 1992). The particles and solution that passed through the filter were dried at 50oC for 4 days and organic C concentration determined using CNS analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH). 26 Microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was determined on a 15-g oven-dry basis according to the chloroform fumigation extraction method. A method used to quantify the total MBC from cells vulnerable to lysis by chloroform (Horwath and Paul, 1994). In brief, a 50 mL beaker containing 20 g of fresh soil and another beaker containing 30 mL chloroform and boiling chips were placed in a desiccator. The desiccator was evacuated by attaching it to vacuum until the chloroform started to boil. The vacuum was stopped and the desiccators vented slowly. The procedure was repeated three times and the fourth time the desiccator was not vented. The desiccator was sealed off and stored in the dark for 24 hrs. The procedure was repeated for the control samples except no chloroform was used. The desiccators were evacuated after 24 hours to ensure all chloroform fumes had been removed. Subsequently, fresh soil of approximately 0.2 g was added to each sample and mixed thoroughly. Each sample was then transferred into a French bottle and an uncovered vial containing 20 mL of 1M NaOH was placed in each French bottle. The French bottles were tightly sealed and incubated at room temperature (25oC) for 10 days. On the 11th day, the vials containing NaOH were removed from the bottles and MBC determined by measuring CO2 absorbed in NaOH. That was done by back titrating NaOH with 2 M BaCl2 and 1 M HCl. 27 Objective 2: Study the Impact of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Carbohydrate Hydrolases Activities. Artificial substrates were used for all enzyme assays because of the limited solubility of the native substrates (Deng and Popova, 2011). All substrates used were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Sigma-Aldrich INC Saint Louis MO USA) β- glucosidase and N-Acetyl-β- glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity The activity of β- glucosidase was analyzed using a method described by Eivazi and Tabatabai (1988). The reagents were prepared as follows. Stock solution of modified universal buffer (MUB). The solution was prepared by mixing 12.1 g of Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (THAM), 11.6g of maleic acid, 14.0g citric acid, and 6.3g of boric acid (H3BO3) in about 800 mL of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The solution was adjusted to 1 L with 0.5M NaOH and stored under 4oC. Modified universal buffer (pH 6.0). A 200 mL MUB stock solution was titrated with HCl (0.5M) to a pH of 6.0 and the volume adjusted to 1L with Deionized water. p-Nitrophenol-β- D-glucosidase (PNG) (50 mM). This solution was prepared by dissolving 0.753 g of PNG (sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) in about 40 mL of MUB pH 6.0 and adjusted to 50 mL with the same buffer. The solution was stored under 4oC until used. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) (0.5 M). An amount of 73.5 g of CaCl2.2H2O was dissolved in deionized water and the final volume adjusted to 1 L. 28 Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (THAM) buffer (100 mM, pH 12). A 12.1g of THAM was dissolved in 800 ml of deionized water. The pH was adjusted to 12 by titration with 0.5 M NaOH and the volume adjusted to 1 L with deionized water. Standard p-nitrophenol solution (10 mM). An amount of 1.391 g of p-nitrophenol was dissolved in 800 mL of deionized water and the solution adjusted to 1 L. The solution was stored in the dark at 4oC until used. Procedure. Briefly, for each soil sample, 1g of soil was weighed into an Erlenmeyer flask and mixed with 0.2 mL of toluene. The soil was left to sit under a fume hood for 15 minutes. Subsequently, 4 mL MUB (pH 6) solution and 1 mL of PNG solution were added to the soil. The flask was covered with a rubber stopper, the soil suspension mixed thoroughly and incubated at 37oC for an hour. After incubation, 1 mL of 0.5 M CaCl2 solution and 4 mL of 0.1M THAM buffer was added to the soil suspension. The solution was mixed thoroughly and then filtered using Whatman paper No. 42. The yellow color intensity of the filtrate was measured using a spectrometer at 405 nm. The amount of pnitrophenol released was calculated by reference to a calibration curve developed with standards containing 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 nmol of p- nitrophenol. The procedure for the controls was similar to the samples except the substrate was added after termination of the reaction using THAM buffer (pH 12). The procedure for analyzing N-acetyl-β- glucosaminidase (NAGase) was similar to the one described in βglucosidase assay with exception of the substrate and buffer used. The substrate used was ρ- nitrophenyl- N- acetyl-β-D-glucopyanoside; acetate buffer (100 mM, pH 5.5) was used in place of MUB (pH 6.0). 29 Invertase, cellulase, amylase and xylanase activities Analysis of the activities of invertase, cellulase, amylase, and xylanase was carried out according to the procedure described by Deng and Tabatabai (1994). The protocol used involved the release of reducing sugars after hydrolysis of artificial substrates. The substrates were 10% sucrose (invertase), 2% carboxymethyl cellulose (cellulose), 2% starch (amylase), 1.2% xylan (xylanase) and 1.5% chitin (chitinase). A gram (1 g) of soil was weighed and mixed with 0.2 mL toluene in a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The flask was placed under a fume hood for 15 minutes after which 20 mL of the respective substrate solution was added. A rubber stopper was used to cap the flask and the solution mixed thoroughly before incubating for 24 hrs at 30oC. The solution was mixed thoroughly once again following incubation then transferred into a centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 17,000g for ten minutes at 4oC. The supernatant was filtered through a Whatman paper No.42 and the filtrates used for quantification of reducing sugars. Quantification of the released reducing sugar in soil extract was performed using the Somogyi-Nelson colorimetric method as described by Deng and Tabatabai (1994). Reagents were prepared as follows. K- Saturated cation- exchange resin. This resin was prepared by adding 1M KCl to analytical grade cation exchange resin (AG 50W-X8, 20 to 50 mesh, hydrogen form) then shaking the mixture for 15 minutes (Sigma-Aldrich INC Saint Louis MO USA. 44504100G). The KCl solution was decanted and the procedure repeated two more times before washing thoroughly with distilled water. 30 Used resin was regenerated by washing the resin with three-column volume of NaOH, five column volume of DI water, three column volume of HCl, five column volume of distilled water, three column volume of KCl and then finally ten column volume of distilled water. Somogyi reagent 1. This was prepared by dissolving 30 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), 19.755 g of sodium potassium tartrate (C4H4KNaO6.4H2O), and 180 g of anhydrous Sodium Sulfate (Na2SO4) in 800 mL of boiled DI water. After the salts dissolved, the volume was adjusted to 1 L using distilled water. Solution was stored at room temperature until used. Somogyi reagent 2. This was prepared by dissolving 45g of anhydrous Na2SO4 and 5 g of Cupric sulfate (CuSO4. 5H2O) in 200 mL of boiled distilled water. The solution was adjusted to 250 mL with distilled water and stored at room temperature until used. Nelson reagent. This was prepared by dissolving 25 g of ammonium molybdate (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O) in 450 ml of distilled water, dissolving 3 g of sodium arsenate (Na2HAsO4.7H2O) in 25 mL distilled water then adding this solution and 21 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) into the ammonium molybdate solution. Acid was added into 450 mL solution first then 25 mL solution was added second to prevent the solution mixture from becoming cloudy, the latter interferes with absorbance readings. The solutions mixture was then stirred in a 55oC water bath for 25 minutes after which it was poured and stored in a brown bottle covered with foil paper. After cooling, a rubber stopper was placed on the brown bottle. Glucose standard solution (5.0 mM). This was prepared by dissolving 0.009 g of glucose in 1 L of distilled water. The solution was stored in a cooler at 4oC. 31 Procedure. An aliquot of the filtrate (about 10 mL) was transferred into centrifuge tubes containing 3 g of K- saturated cation exchange resin. The solution was shaken vigorously for 30 minutes, and then 1 mL of each sample solution transferred into a 15 mL test tube and adjusted to 6 mL with DI water. A 2 mL freshly prepared Somogyi 1 and 2 (4:1v/v) reagent solution was added to the test tube solution and mixed thoroughly. The test tubes were heated in boiling water bath for 20 minutes then cooled to room temperature. A 2 mL solution of Nelson reagent was added and mixed thoroughly, the mixture allowed to stand for 45 minutes in order for the color (green) to develop and stabilize. The color absorbance was read at 710 nm using a Genesys 10 UVspectrometer. Dilutions were made for all samples that have absorbance values exceeding the 300 nM glucose standard. The 300 nM glucose standard was prepared by constructing a calibration curve. Glucose standard (5.0 mM) solution of the amount 1 mL was diluted with acetate buffer to 100 mL in a volumetric flask to yield 50 nmol glucose mL-1. Aliquots of the amount 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 mL were transferred into 15 mL volumetric flasks and volumes adjusted to 6 mL using DI water. The absorbance readings were used to construct a calibration curve. Controls for all enzymes were analyzed with the same procedure except the substrates were excluded. The controls correct for the background reducing sugars present in the soil and those generated from the native substrates of the enzyme reaction (Deng and Popova, 2011). The reducing sugars quantified are those released after the artificial substrates have been hydrolyzed. The reducing sugars quantification results were used to calculate enzyme activity. 32 Objective 3: Evaluate the Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Potential Carbon Mineralization and Components of Dissolved Organic Matter Potential carbon mineralization There are various methods for quantifying PCM but soil incubation is a more direct approach for the quantification of PCM ((Ahn et al., 2009). The carbon mineralized during incubation serves as a proxy for total PCM (Ahn et al., 2009). The potential carbon mineralization (PCM) was determined using a modified method by Haney et al. (2004). In brief, 10 g of soil was moistened with water to bring the soil to field capacity. The soil was placed in French bottles containing beakers with 20 ml of 1 M NaOH to trap evolved CO2. Soil was incubated in the bottles at 25oC for 10 d. On the 10th day, the vials containing NaOH were removed from the bottles. PCM was determined by measuring CO2 absorbed in NaOH. That was done by back titrating NaOH with 2 M BaCl2 and 0.1 M HCl. Component of dissolved organic matter The constituents of dissolved organic matter: phenols, hexoses, amino acids and proteins were analyzed using the method described by Chantigny et al. (2008). Water extractable organic matter was used in assessing phenol, hexose, protein and amino acid concentrations in soil. The extraction was done by preparing a homogeneous slurry mixture of 5 g of moist soil and 10 mL of 5 mM CaCl2 solution in a 50 mL centrifuge tube. The solution was centrifuged at 12,000 g for 10 minutes to reduce clogging during filtration. 33 The supernatant was filtered through a vacuum filter unit with a 0.4µm- polycarbonate filter then the filtrate transferred in a glass vial and stored at 4oC until analyzed. Determination of phenol. Reagents and solutions were prepared as follows. A saturated Na2CO3 solution was prepared by dissolving 216 g in 1 L of deionized water. Stock standard solution was prepared by dissolving 100 mg of 2-hydrobenzoic acid in a liter of deionized water. Working standards 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg L-1 of diluted 2hydrobenzoic acid were prepared from stock solution dilution. The procedure used to determine phenol concentration is as follows. A 0.7 mL of the water extractable dissolved organic matter was mixed with 50 µL of folin-Ciocalteu`s reagent in a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube and left to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature. A 100 µL of saturated Na2CO3 solution and 150 µL of deionized water were added to the solution and mixed thoroughly. In case of a precipitate formation, the solution was centrifuged for 2-3 minutes at 2000 g and absorbance read immediately. Absorbance was read at 725 nm against a blank. Samples developed a blue color when phenols were present. The blank was colorless. A calibration curve was prepared and phenol concentration calculated in mg L-1 2hydroxybenzoic acid equivalent. The standard solution was prepared with the same procedure as the one described for sample solution. A blank was prepared following the same procedure as sample but deionized water was used in place of the extracted dissolved organic matter. Determination of hexoses. Reagents and solutions used were prepared as follows. Anthrone- sulfuric acid reagent was prepared by dissolving 0.2 g of anthrone (analytical grade) in 100 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid. 34 The solution was left to stand for an hour at room temperature before use. It was also prepared fresh every day. Stock standard solution was prepared by dissolving 100 mg of glucose in a liter of deionized water. Working standards 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 mg L-1 of diluted glucose were prepared from stock solution. The procedure used to quantify hexose was as follows. A 1mL of extracted dissolved organic matter sample solution was mixed with 2 mL of anthrone-sulfuric acid reagent. The solution was vortexed and left to stand for 15 minutes at room temperature. A sufficient amount of standard or anthrone-treated sample was transferred to a glass cuvette and the absorbance read at 625 nm against the blank. A calibration curve was prepared and phenol concentration calculated in mg L-1 glucose equivalent. The standard solution was prepared using the same procedure as the one described for sample solution. A blank of the same volume as the sample was used. Determination of free amino acids. Reagents and solutions were prepared as follows. Acetate buffer (pH 5.5) was prepared by dissolving 54 g of Na acetate trihydrate in 40mL of deionized water then adding 10 mL of glacial acetic acid. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 5.5 with NaOH. Ninhydrin reagent prepared by dissolving 2 g of ninhydrin and 0.3 g of hidrindantin in 75 mL of 2-hydroxy ethanol. The solution was purged with N2 for 30 min after which 25 mL of acetate buffer (pH5.5) was added. Solution was prepared fresh daily with limited air exposure. The dilutant was prepared by mixing equal amounts of 95% ethanol and deionized water. Stock standard solution was prepared by mixing 1000 µmol leucine solution in a liter of deionized water. Working Standards 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µmol L-1 of diluted 2-hydrobenzoic acid were prepared by diluting the stock solution 35 Amino acid concentration in soil was determined according to the ensuing procedure. Dissolved organic matter sample solution of the amount 2 mL was mixed with 1.25 mL of the ninhydrin reagent in 10 mL glass tubes. The tubes were capped with Teflon-lined screw caps and kept in 95oC water bath for 25 minutes. The tubes were cooled to room temperature in another water bath, and then 4.5 mL of dilutant was mixed with the cooled solution. A sufficient amount of standard or treated sample was transferred to a glass cuvette and absorbance read at 570 nm against a blank. A calibration curve was prepared and amino acid concentration calculated in µmol L-1 leucine equivalent. The standard solution was prepared with the same procedure as the one described for sample solution. Deionized water of the same volume as sample was used as a blank. Protein. Three reagents and solutions used in the analysis were prepared as follows. Stock standard solution was prepared daily by dissolving 100 mg of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in a liter of deionized water. Working standards 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg L-1 of diluted BSA were prepared by diluting the stock solution. The purchased Bradford protein reagent was stored in refrigerator until used Subsequently, protein was quantified as follows. Bradford protein reagent of the amount 0.5mL was added into a spectrophotometer cuvette and mixed with 0.5ml of dissolved organic matter sample solution, standard solution or blank solution. The mixture was left to stand for 5 minutes at room temperature then absorbance read at 620 nm against the blank. A calibration curve was prepared and protein concentration calculated in mg L-1 BSA equivalent. 36 Statistical Analysis Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a turkey test were performed using SAS statistical package software version 9.3 (SAS Institute INC, Cary, NC). The analysis was performed to detect treatment differences on various organic carbon fractions, enzymes activities, and components of dissolved organic matter. Results were considered significant at P < 0.05. A Correlation analysis was also performed using SPSS software to determine whether there was a significant correlation between carbon fractions, enzymes activities, dissolved organic matter components and the physical properties of soil. Data were log transformed if not normally distributed before analysis. 37 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results of the soil properties are shown in Table 2a and 2b. The soil was highly acidic with the pH values ranging from 4.7 ± 0.41 to 5.2 ± 0.52 (Table 2a). Like most forest soils, the CEC was very low ranging from 1.28 ± 0.41 to 3.05 ± 1.75 cmol kg-1 soil (Table 2a). Base saturation was also low, the highest value was 81.0 ± 12.7 and the least value 48.5 ±27.2 (Table 2a). The low pH is an indication of high concentrations of aluminum and hydrogen in soil, which could explain the low base saturation. Soil moisture was also minimal with a high moisture content of 27.2 ± 4.9 and a low of 17.8 ± 8.3 percent (Table 2a). Conductivity was low, the highest conductivity observed was in plots treated with a combination of thin and burn; heavy thin + burn and light thin + burn plots (92.1 ± 20.2 and 105.5 ± 14.0 µs cm-1). The reference plot had the least conductivity at 42.07 ± 2.3 µs cm-1 (Table 2a). The available iron (Fe) concentration was very high compared to copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) content as expected in this low pH soils. Available phosphorus was very low possibly due to precipitation and adsorption in the acidic soil. It ranged from 3.27 ± 0.35 (T 3) to 5.61 ± 1.1 (T 7) mg kg-1 (Table 2a). . 38 Table 2a. Soil properties used. 39 Treatment pH (H2O) % moisture Conductivity µs cm-1 CEC cmol Kg-1 % BS† T1 4.9 ± 0.38 20.8 ± 1.7 42.07 ± 2.3 1.80 ± 0.39 65.7 ± 24.5 0.15 ±0.03 1.9 ± 0.29 77 ± 0 26 4.18 ± 0.84 T3 4.5 ± 0.36 27.2 ± 4.9 61.5 ± 15.3 2.14 ± 0.72 65.7 ± 25.8 0.19 ± 0.09 1.8 ± 0 .07 93 ± 0 25 3.27 ± 0.35 T4 4.7 ± 0.41 22.9 ± 0.5 74.8 ± 24.2 2.76 ± 0.60 81.0 ± 12.7 0.26 ± 0.01 3.8 ± 0 62 72 ± 0 18 5.56 ± 1.6 T5 4.9 ± 0.37 17.8 ± 4.3 66.2 ± 14.2 2.28 ± 1.20 58.1 ± 18.6 0.22 ± 0.1 2.5 ± 1.1 81 ± 0 32 4.21 ± 0.85 T6 5.1 ± 0.48 22.9 ± 4.1 92.1 ± 20.2 1.28 ± 0.41 48.5 ± 27.2 0.22 ± 0.14 1.7 ± 0.38 68 ± 0 23 5.22 ± 1.2 T7 5.2 ± 0.52 21. ± 5.0 105.5 ± 14.0 3.05 ±1.75 77.8 ± 29.3 0.25± 0.01 2.0 ± 0.14 45 ± 0 18 5.61 ± 1.1 Cu Zn Fe P --------------------mg kg-1 Soil -------------------------- †Base saturation Values are means ± standard deviations of three samples per treatment.T1, Reference (no burn no thin); T3, Burn only; T4, Heavy Thin; T5, Light Thin ;T6, Heavy Thin + 3 yr burn; T7, Light Thin + 3 yr burn. Total nitrogen and carbon content were as high as 0.112 ± 0.06 (T 6), and 2.364 ± 0.99 (T 6), and as low as 0.08 ± 0.01 (T 1), and 1.512 ± 0.91 (T 1) percent (Table 2b). Their proportions, as indicated by C:N ratio, were between 19.01 ± 1.46 and 23.72 ± 3.03 (Table 2b), a possible reflection of high mineralization rate in these soils. Ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) concentrations varied. Relative to other plots, light thin + burn had very high concentrations of NH4+ and NO3-, (19.57 ± 27.5 and 21.72 ± 33.66 g kg-1 soil) respectively (Table 2b). The large standard deviations indicate high level of variability in this soil. The Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Labile Organic Carbon Fractions in a Forest Ecosystem Microbial biomass carbon Microbial biomass carbon (MBC) ranged from 618 ± 318 to 1335 ± 91 g Kg-1 (Fig. 2). Treatments had some effect on MBC however this effect was not statistically significant (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2). The reference plot had the highest MBC (1335 ± 91 g Kg1 ) relative to the other treatment plots (Fig. 2). The heavy thinned and the light thinned + burn treatments soils had the least MBC content (675 ± 160 and 618 ± 318 g Kg-1) compared to the light thin, heavy thin + burn and burn only soil (Fig. 2). Microbial biomass carbon quantity may have been reduced following burn and thin treatments because of direct or indirect effect. 40 Table 2b. Soil properties used. Treatment N C S C:N NH4+ NO3- --------------mg kg-1------------- -----------------------------%----------------------- 41 T1 0.080 ± 0.01 1.512 ± 0.91 0.011 ± 0.003 19.01 ± 1.46 6.467 ± 3.59 3.115±0.128. T3 0.096 ± 0.04 1.766 ± 0.47 0.012 ± 0.003 19.43 ± 3.88 7.572 ± 2.74 0.00 ± 0.00 T4 0.102 ± 0.01 2.092 ± 0.17 0.012 ± 0.001 20.52 ± 2.48 5.619 ± 1.08 0.015 ± 0.025. T5 0.094 ± 0.03 2.211 ± 0.65 0.012 ± 0.004 23.72 ± 3.03 4.451 ± 1.45 4.349 ± 2.669. T6 0.112 ± 0.06 2.364 ± 0.99 0.015 ± 0.006 21.54 ± 1.54 3.031 ± 1.83 0.025. ± 0.043. T7 0.102 ± 0.05 1.960 ± 0.83 0.012 ± 0.004 19.27 ± 1.18 19.57 ± 27.5 21.72 ± 33.66 Values are means ± standard deviations of three samples per treatment.T1, Reference (no burn no thin); T3, Burn only; T4, Heavy Thin; T5, Light Thin ;T6, Heavy Thin + 3 yr burn; T7, Light Thin + 3 yr burn. 3000 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn Microbial biomass carbon (g kg-1) 2500 a 2000 1500 1000 a a a a a 500 0 Treatments Fig. 2. Microbial biomass carbon content at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviation. Possible direct effects that may have led to MBC reduction include: (i) heat induced death, (ii) mortality due to toxic compounds produced during combustion, and (iii) radiation from the sun following plant cover removal by burning or thinning (Andersson et al., 2004; Williams et al., 2012; González-Pérez et al., 2004). 42 Indirect effects such as variation in temperature, pH, soil moisture, and the quality/ quantity of substrate may have negatively affected MBC, possibly because of the exposed soil surface exposure resulting from vegetation removal (Pietikäinen and Fritze, 1995; Thibodeau et al., 2000; Fynn et al., 2003; Andersson et al., 2004; Mahía et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2012). Microbial biomass carbon may have been even lower in the burned and thinned plots relative to the control because of temperature variation. Undisturbed vegetation cover may have provided an insulating layer that may have maintained a slightly more suitable environment for microbial activity in the reference plots than in the burned and thinned plots. Microbial growth in soil is controlled by the quantity of labile carbon available (Thibodeau et al., 2000). A possible decrease in labile carbon concentration as a result of reduced organic matter from litter fall or via biomass removal may have negatively influenced MBC (Wang et al., 2012). Our results were in agreement with other reported data (Williams et al., 2012; Maassen et al., 2006). The researchers reported no significant change in soil microbial carbon in infrequently burned sites and no significant change in soil microbial biomass five years post thinning. Particulate organic carbon Figure 3 represents the impact of burning and thinning on particulate organic carbon (POC) content. The POC content in burned only soil was lower than in the heavy thin + burn, light thin + burn, light thin and heavy thin. Some studies also reported decreased soil organic matter after repeated burn applications (Nobles et al., 2009; Williams et al. 2012). 43 The POC concentration in the burn only treatment (762 ± 223 g Kg-1) however was slightly more than the reference plot, 667 ± 160 g Kg-1 (Fig. 3). Although POC content was impacted by treatment application, the impact was not statistically significant (P < 0.05). 2500 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin +Burn Particulate Organic carbon (g Kg-1) 2000 a a a 1500 a 1000 a a 500 0 Treatments Fig.3. Particulate organic carbon content at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviation. 44 Given that POC are fractions of soil organic carbon (SOC), altered SOC quantity may contribute to changes in POC content. Burning causes defoliation, and consequently reduces organic carbon incorporation in soil (Fynn et al., 2003). Reduced organic carbon may explain the reduction in POC. Absence of covering vegetation results in wider variations in soil temperature and moisture (Pietikäinen and Fritze, 1995). A reduction in vegetation cover following burning may have caused an increase in temperature and accelerated POC degradation, which may also explain why POC levels were reduced in the burn treatment more than in other treatments. Thinning residue represents a source for readily decomposable carbon and nitrogen (Thibodeau et al., 2000). The positive effects of thinning treatments on POC levels were still persistent 7 years post thinning as observed in the heavy thin + burn treatment that had the highest POC content (Fig. 3). Thinning treatment may have also induced ameliorated effects on soil and enhanced plant growth, subsequently increasing organic matter input and incorporation in soil. Consequently, POC increased. Our results were consistent with that of Giai and Boerner (2007). They observed insignificant change in SOC quantity after repeated burning (every 4 years), in thinned treatments, and in thin treatments post-burn. Our results were also similar to data reported by Nave et al. (2010). They found no significant change in SOC following harvesting. Maassen et al. (2006) and Geng et al. (2012) also observed no significant change in treatment effect 5 years and 1 year post thinning. 45 Light fraction carbon Figure 4 shows light fraction (LF) isolated from soils. It is difficult to visually and physically distinguish the LF from different treatment plots, but chemically, LFC was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by treatment (Fig. 5). The fraction was 63.26% more in the light thin treated plot than in the reference plot (Fig. 5). Harvesting may change soil organic carbon balance by altering climatic conditions such as temperature and moisture that drive plant and microbial processes (Maassen et al., 2006). Fig. 4. Picture of extracted light fraction carbon from soil. This fraction was isolated using NaI solution of density 1.56 g/cc Immediately post light thin treatment in 2005, incorporation of charred wood and herbaceous residue may have increased LFC composition (Nobles et al., 2009) in the treatment plots than the reference plot. 46 Light fraction carbon may have remained elevated 7 years later due to enhanced plant growth that continue to supply organic matter through fallen leaves and dead wood. Burn alone and heavy thin + burn treatments reduced LFC content more than the light thin and light thin + burn treatment. Light fraction carbon concentration (g Kg-1) 1500 a Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin +Burn 1000 ab ab ab ab 500 b 0 Treatments Fig. 5. Light fraction carbon content at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviation. 47 Heavy thin may have generated more fuel for fire thus organic matter combustion was probably more. That may explain why heavy thin + burn treatment had the least LFC composition (Fig. 5). The LFC in the light thin treatment was statistically different from the control but not from the other treatment. The impact of treatment on the LFC was in the order of light thin > heavy thin > light thin + burn > burn only > heavy thin + burn > reference. Other studies have also reported insignificant change on active carbon post burn and thinning treatments (Nobles et al., 2009; Maassen et al., 2006). We inferred that burn and thin treatments positively altered LFC content because the reference plot had the least LFC content. The Impact of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Carbohydrate Hydrolases Activities in a Forest Ecosystem Cellulase Activity Cellulase activity was highest in the reference site relative to the site treated by burn and thin (Fig. 6). Cellulose composition may have declined post burn and thin treatments because of organic matter loss via volatilization, oxidation, biomass removal and reduced litter input (Maasen et al., 2006; Nobles et al., 2009; Geng et al., 2012). In addition, the acidic nature of the soil, low moisture, and low organic matter quality and quantity (Tables 2a and 2b) may have contributed substantially to the reduced cellulase activity. Heavy thin + burn treatment had the greatest impact on cellulose activity compared to the other treatment (Fig. 6). Despite the high sensitivity of cellulase to heavy thin + burn treatment, cellulase activity was not significantly different between treatments. 48 The insignificant difference of cellulase activity between treatments may be due to high variability (standard deviation) observed among the treatments, especially in burn only and heavy thin treatment soils (Fig. 6). Thinning intensity is an important factor as it may induce beneficial or detrimental effects on nutrient cycling, depending on the quantity of organic matter removed and how much slash is added (Geng,et al., 2012). Cellulase activity (µmol g-1 soil 24hr-1) 1500 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn a 1000 a a a a 500 a 0 Treatments Fig.6. Cellulase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. 49 Heavy thin alone or the post-burn heavy thin treatments may have caused high organic matter losses and ultimately reduced cellulose and the ensuing cellulase activity. Availability of organic matter controls decomposition of substrates because organic matter is a precursor for enzyme synthesis (Bandick and Dick, 1999; Kaiser et al., 2010). Often the type of organic matter influences cellulase activity more so than the quantity of organic matter (Bandick and Dick, 1999; Balota et al., 2004). Beta-glucosidase Activity Beta-glucosidase activity ranged from 190 and 284 µmol g-1 soil hr-1, with the least activity in the reference plot and the highest activity in the light thin only plot (Fig 7). Generally, burn and thin treatments stimulated β-glucosidase activity. Due to high variability within treatments, treatment effect on β-glucosidase was not statistically significant (P < 0.05). Sites treated with heavy thin only or heavy thin + burn exhibited the least β-glucosidase activity compared to burn only, light thin only and light thin + burn sites (Fig. 7). Studies conducted by Rietl and Jackson (2012) and Eivazi and Bayan (1996) found a decrease in activities of β-glucosidase following repeated burn (every 6 years). They attributed the decrease in β-glucosidase activities to a decrease in soil moisture and soil organic matter content. Our results are consistent with findings by Boerner and Brinkman (2003) who reported that triennial burns showed no significant change in the enzymes activity post fire. They concluded that organisms responsible for the production and activity of β- glucosidase were less susceptible to disruption by fire. 50 Maassen et al. (2006) and Geng et al., (2012) also observed no significant change in βglucosidase activity following thin treatments. Beta-glucosidase activity (µmol g-1 soil hr -1) 600 a Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn 400 a a a a a 200 0 Treatments Fig.7. Beta-Glucosidase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. 51 Invertase Activity Figure 8 shows the effects of treatments on invertase activity. Invertase activity was highest in burn only treatment soils and least in heavy thin treatment soils. However, invertase activity was statistically insignificant (P < 0.05) (Fig. 8) between treatments. 4000 Invertase activity (µmol g-1 soil 24hr-1) Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn 3000 a 2000 a a a a a 1000 0 Treatments Fig.8. Invertase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. 52 Invertase cleaves sucrose, one of the most abundant soluble sugars in plants, releasing glucose and fructose (Frankenberger and Johanson, 1983; Deng and Popova, 2011). The increase in substrate availability may have stimulated the synthesis and release of invertase in the burn treated plots. Invertase is associated with microorganisms whose activities have been reported to increase with increased temperature (Mahía et al., 2006). Increased temperature during and after burn treatment application may have stimulated invertase synthesis by microorganisms and the subsequent increased activity. Vegetation cover may be reduced post fire, and subsequently, the exposed soil surface may increase in temperature due to the penetrating sun (Poff, 1996). That may cause the proliferation of invertase producing organisms. N-Acetyl-β- glucosaminidase Activity N-Acetyl-β- glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity was highest in heavy thin and light thin treatments, 248.28 ± 73.66 and 242.73 ± 152.54 µmol g-1 hr-1 respectively (Fig 9). Relative to other treatments, the combined treatment of heavy thin + burn had the least influence on NAGase activity (Fig. 9). NAGase is one of the enzymes involved in the breakdown of chitin, a cell wall component of both fungi and arthropods (Boerner et al., 2006). Its activity depends on temperature and the type of chitinous substrate hence, they are more abundant in nutrient impoverished environments and areas with reduced labile carbon and nitrogen availability (Boerner et al., 2006; Brzezinska et al., 2009). Vegetation removal and reduced organic matter input post thinning + burning may have caused a tremendous decrease in nutrient and labile carbon, resulting to high activity. 53 Our results do not support the findings of Rietl and Jackson ( 2012) and Eivazi and Bayan (1996) who observed a decreases in NAGase activity following repeated burn (every 6 years). Treatment application did not affect NAGase activity significantly. Similar findings had been reported by Giai & Boerner, (2007) following repeated burn (every 4 years) and thin applications. 600 NAGase activity (µmol g-1 soil hr-1) Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin +Burn a 400 a a a a a 200 0 Treatments Fig. 9. NAGase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. 54 Xylanase Activity Xylanase activity was highest in the reference (no burn, no thin) plot compared to all other treatments (Fig. 10). Substrates may be lost via oxidation during burning or lost after thinning due to biomass export and reduced organic matter inputs. 8000 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn Xylanase activity (µmol g-1 soil 24hr-1) a 6000 a a a 4000 a a 2000 0 Treatments Fig. 10. Xylanase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. 55 Heavy thin alone or in combination with burn, had a negative impact on xylanase activity when compared to burn alone and light thin treatment. Possibly because higher amount of organic matter was lost in the heavy thin + burn treatment. Availability of labile carbon and nitrogen controls decomposition of substrates (Kaiser et al., 2010 ). The treatment means ranging from 3244 to 5223 µmol g-1 were statistically insignificant (P < 0.05) (Fig. 10). Maassen et al. (2006) also reported insignificant change in xylanase activity following thin treatment. Amylase Activity The light thin + burn treatment had a stimulatory effect on amylase activity relative to the reference (no burn no thin), burn only and heavy thin only treatments (Fig. 11). The amylase activity was significantly higher in light thin + burn treatment compared to the reference, burn only and heavy thin treatment plots. Statistically the impact of Light thin + burn treatment on amylase did not differ significantly to that of light thin and heavy thin + burn treatments. (Fig. 11). The impact of treatment effect on amylase activity was in the order burn > reference > heavy thin > light thin > heavy thin + burn > light thin + burn. Of all the enzymes assayed, amylase activity responded to treatment effect significantly. This is not unusual as enzymes have different functions and not all resources they utilize are likely to change in the same way as a result of treatment (Geng et al., 2012). The high activity of amylase in light thin + burn treated plot may be attributed to the incorporation of incompletely burnt plant material in soil. 56 Incompletely burnt material may have introduced more starch into the soil resulting in high amylase activity in this treatment. The negative impact of heavy thin, burn and reference treatments on amylase activity could be as a result of deposition of complex plant material that may have been slow in decomposition. 200 Amylase activity (µmol g-1 soil 24hr-1) Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin HeavyThin+Burn Light Thin+Burn a 150 ab 100 50 ab b b b 0 Treatments Fig. 11. Amylase activity in soil at 0-10 cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. 57 Other possible explanations are the loss of available starch compounds via combustion, or direct heat effect on microbes that synthesize the enzyme. Evaluating multiple enzyme activities shows the different biochemical reactions in soil (Acosta Martinez and Harmel, 2006). Microorganisms are the main source of enzymes in soil (Acosta -Martinez et al., 2007). Comparing activities of multiple enzymes might provide a better picture of microbial structure and the changes in several substrate decomposition processes. The activities of xylanase, cellulase, amylase and invertase were compared as illustrated in fig. 12. 8000 6000 4000 2000 In v as e yl A m er ta se se an a X yl el lu la se 0 C enzyme activity (µmol g-1 soil 24hr-1) Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn Enzymes Fig. 12. A comparison between enzyme activities subjected to various treatments at Bankhead National Forest. Error bars are standard deviations. 58 Relative to other enzymes, activities of xylanase and invertase were the highest in all treatments. These observations were expected as both enzymes degrade compounds that are less complex than cellulose and starch. Invertase degrades sucrose a soluble sugar in plants and xylanase is involved in hemicellulose degradation (Deng and Popova, 2011; Frankenberger and Johanson, 1983; Anand et al., 1990; Deng and Popova, 2011; Kandeler et al., 1999; Hu et al., 2008). The activities of β- glucosidase and NAGase were also compared. β- glucosidase showed less activity in all treatments (Fig. 13). NAGase activity has been associated with availability of nitrogen, its activity is highest in areas with low nitrogen availability (Rietl and Jackson, 2012). The high NAGase activity could be an indication that the sites are nutrient impoverished. The enzymes’ responses to various treatments were inconsistent. Heterogeneity of enzyme response to treatment can be attributed to the fact that enzyme have different functions and not all resources they utilize will likely change in the same way following treatment application (Geng, et al., 2012). Altered substrate availability may favor the growth of certain microbial groups over others due to different nutrient demands and growth characteristics of specific microbial groups, thereby causing microbial community shifts. The response of enzymes to heavy thin treatment was uniform across all enzymes Correlation analysis was performed to assess the relationship between enzyme activity and labile carbon fractions. Xylanase and invertase had a significant negative correlation with amino acid (Table 3). Particulate organic carbon and light fraction carbon significantly correlated with amylase, β-glucosidase and NAGase (Table 3). 59 600 Enzyme activities (µmol g-1 soil hr-1) Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn 400 200 G lu co s N A G id as e as e 0 Enzymes Fig. 13. A comparison between enzyme activities subjected to various treatments at Bankhead National Forest. Error bars are standard deviations. This correlation between POC, LFC with amylase, β-glucosidase and NAGase suggests that these carbon fractions are a key to the activity of these enzymes in this forest. Availability of nitrogen controls decomposition of substrates and may stimulate enzyme synthesis and activity (Kaiser et al., 2010). A study conducted by Badiane et al. (2001) at forest fallows in semi-arid tropical regions showed a significant positive relationship between organic carbons with β-glucosidase amylase activity. 60 However, Badiane et al. (2001) found no correlation between carbon content with chitinase and xylanase activity. Table 3. Correlation analysis between enzyme activities and labile carbon fractions. MBC PCM POC LFC Phenol Hexose Amino acid Cellulase 0.264 -0.045 -0.22 -0. 213 -0.143 0.153 -0.28 Xylanase 0.297 -0.227 -0.303 -0.220 -0.393 -0.056 -0.567* Invertase 0.175 0.151 0.306 0.419 -0.267 0.301 -0.544* Amylase -0.095 -0.355 0.477* 0.243 0.083 0.137 -0.055 β-Glucosidase 0.439 0.454 0.633** 0.602** 0.222 0.325 -0.005 NAGase 0.314 0.378 0.491* 0.201 0.163 0.099 0.478* *, **, ***, Significant at P ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001; MBC, microbial biomass carbon, PCM, potential carbon mineralized; POC, particulate organic carbon; LFC, light fraction carbon. No correlation existed between pH and the enzymes studied (Table 4). The lack of correlation between enzyme activity and soil pH is not surprising because the pH of this soil was well below the optimal pH level for the activities of these enzymes. Similarly, only β-glucosidase and NAGase activity positively corrected with soil moisture content, total carbon, total nitrogen and total sulfur content (Table 4). The relationship between the enzymes and soil moisture suggests that the enzymes were particularly sensitive to changes in moisture content as affected by treatment. 61 Studies conducted by Rietl and Jackson (2012) and Eivazi and Bayan (1996) observed a decrease in activities of β-glucosidase. The authors attributed the decrease to reduced soil moisture and soil organic matter nutrient availabilities. Table 4. Correlation analysis between enzyme activities and soil properties. pH % moisture C:N N C S NH4+ NO30.005 Cellulase -0.107 -0.077 0.079 -0.317 -0.256 -0.352 0.014 Xylanase -0.262 -0.160 0.276 -0.405 -0.304 -0.320 -0.221 -0.16 Invertase 0.114 0.417 0.035 -0.312 0.332 0.304 -0.164 -0.183 Amylase 0.398 -0.099 0.181 0.211 -0.308 0.179 -0.010 -0.163 β-Glucosidase 0.106 0.558* -0.298 0.746** 0.709** 0.706** NAGase -0.055 0.482* -0.125 0.583* 0.579* -0.063 -0.111 0. .609** -0.081 -0.133 *, **, ***, Significant at P ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 The Effect of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Potential Carbon Mineralization and Components of Dissolved Organic Matter Potential carbon mineralized Potential carbon mineralized was suppressed in the heavy thin + burn and light thin + burn but increased in the heavy thin, burn only, and light thin plots compared to the control (Fig. 14). Carbon mineralization is a function of soil microorganisms’ population and type. 62 Thinning may have provided more fuel during the burning process and as a result a more intense heat may have affected the microorganisms available, thus suggesting why these treatments had little carbon mineralized. In addition, reduced forest floor organic matter and vegetation annual litter fall may be the reason for the low carbon mineralized. Potential carbon mineralize in the burn only plot was higher than the control suggesting that the fire intensity may not have been high due to low fuel. As a result the microbial population would not have been affected as in the case of heavy thin + burn or light thin + burn. More so, fire may increase carbon mineralization due to the release of labile organic material and nitrogen availability (Andersson et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2012). Thinning facilitates carbon mineralization by increasing substrate availability via litter input and by inducing ameliorated soil properties such as moisture. Soil incubation is a method used to quantify potential carbon mineralized. The soil respiration reflects the amount of carbon mineralized and the latter serves as a proxy for total potential carbon mineralized (Ahn et al., 2009). Perturbations may alter soil respiration through effects on the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Additionally, reduced soil respiration in the burned + thinned treatments may be attributed to low moisture (Andersson et al., 2004). Dissolved organic matter components Phenol concentration was highest in light thin treatment and least in the burn only and heavy thin treatment plots (Fig 15). Light thin + burn and heavy thin + burn treatments also increase the phenol content in soil compared to the control (Fig. 15). 63 500 a Potential carbon mineralized (g Kg-1) 400 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn a a a 300 a a 200 100 0 Treatments Fig. 14. Potential carbon mineralized at 0-10cm soil depth following various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different. The error bars are standard deviations. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P < 0.05). Despite the variation of phenol content between treatments, the variation was not statistically significant (P < 0.05) (Fig.15). Phenol is a byproduct of tannins and lignin (Guggenberger et al., 1989) degradation. 64 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin HeavyThin+Burn Light Thin+Burn a 4 a a 2 -1 Phenol concentration (mg L 2-hydroxybenzoic acid equivalent) 6 a a a 0 Treatments Fig.15. Phenol content at 0-10 cm soil depth as impacted by various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Error bars are standard deviations. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P < 0.05). Heavy thin + burn treatment significantly impacted hexose content compared to light thin and light thin + burn. Although the hexose content in the light thin and light thin + burn treatment plots were greater than in the reference, burn only and heavy thin plots, the differences were not statistically significant (Fig. 16). Major sources of dissolved organic matter are fresh fallen litter, organic matter on the forest floor and root exudates, all of which contain high concentrations of hexose (Qualls and Haines, 1992; Kalbitz and Kaiser, 2007). 65 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin HeavyThin+Burn Light Thin+Burn Hexose concentration (mg L-1 glucose equivalent) 300 a a 200 ab 100 ab ab b 0 Treatments Fig.16. Hexose content at 0-10 cm soil depth as impacted by various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Error bars are standard deviations. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P < 0.05). Light thin and light thin + burn had positive effects on hexose possibly because plant biomass was incorporated in soil (Johnson and Curtis, 2001). Intensive biomass removal may be detrimental to hexose availability because fresh litter fall and root exudation plummets. The subsequent burn treatment reduces forest floor organic matter and depletes hexose concentration even more. 66 Relative to other forms of nitrogen, the quantities of free amino acids in soil are low (Tisdale et al., 1985). The heavy thin plot had significantly higher amino acid concentration relative to all other plots (Fig. 17). Increased organic matter accumulation post heavy thinning may have resulted to increased degradation and the ensuing release of amino acid compounds. Reference and burn only treated sites had the least amino acid concentration. Concentration of amino acid was significantly less by 71.57% and 72.83% in the reference and burn only plots compared to the heavy thin + burn plot (Fig. 17). The concentrations of amino acids in light thin and light thin + burn treated plots were not significantly different (P< 0.05) from heavy thin + burn, reference and burn only treatments (Fig. 17). Protein content was below detection limit in the treatment plots. The low protein content and high amino acid content could be an indication of rapid degradation of protein resulting to release of amino acid derivatives. High amino acid concentration may also mean that they may be an important substrate for nitrifying bacteria and a source of NH4+ (Tisdale et al., 1985). 67 6000 Reference Burn Heavy Thin Light Thin Heavy Thin+Burn Light Thin+Burn Amino acid concentration (umol L-1 Leucine equivalent) a 4000 2000 b bc c bc c 0 Treatments Fig.17. Amino acid content at 0-10 cm soil depth as impacted by various treatment applications at Bankhead National Forest. Error bars are standard deviations. Bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P < 0.05). 68 CONCLUSION The soils used in this study are very acidic in nature and very poor in nutrient content. The available Fe concentration was almost 20 times higher than the available P concentration. The high available Fe concentration was possibly due to low soil pH because Fe is more readily available at low pH than at high pH. The electrical conductivity (a measure of the salt content) ranged from 42.07± 2.3μs cm-1 to 105.5 ±14.0μs cm-1. The base saturation was less than 90% in this soil. The labile carbon fraction in this soil, represented as microbial biomass carbon (MBC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and light fraction carbon (LFC), responded differently to treatment. The microbial biomass content was higher in the reference plot than in the other treatment plots. This suggests that burning, thinning and a combination of burn and thin negatively affected MBC, although this impact was not statistically significant. The POC had an opposite trend to MBC. Thinning and burning increased POC content compared to the reference, although the degree of increase between treatments was not statistically significant. A similar trend was also observed for LFC except the light thin treatment was significantly different from the control. Cellulase activity was highly suppress by the heavy thin + burn treatment. 69 β-D-glucosidase activity ranged from 190 to 284 µmol g-1 soil hr-1, with the least activity in the reference plot and the highest activity in the light thin plot. Generally, burn and thin treatments stimulated β-glucosidase activity. Increased temperature during and after burn treatment application may have stimulated invertase producing organisms thus increasing invertase activity. The impact of Light thin + burn treatment on amylase activity was statistically significant compared to amylase activity in reference, burn only and heavy thin treatment plots. Statistically, the impact of Light thin + burn treatment on amylase did not differ significantly to the effect of light thin and heavy thin + burn treatments. Relative to other enzymes, xylanase and invertase activities were the highest in all treatments. Correlation analysis performed to assess the relationship between enzyme activity with labile carbon fractions and soil properties revealed that some relationships do exist. Xylanase and invertase had a significant negative correlation with amino acid. Particulate organic carbon and light fraction carbon significantly correlated with amylase, β-glucosidase and NAGase. No correlation existed between pH and the enzymes studied. The lack of correlation between enzyme activity and soil pH is not surprising because the pH of this soil was well below the optimal pH level for the activities of these enzymes. Similarly, only activities of β-glucosidase and NAGase positively corrected with soil moisture content, total carbon, total nitrogen and total sulfur content. Carbon mineralization is a function of soil microbial diversity and type of substrate involved. Potential carbon mineralize in the burn only plot was higher than the control suggesting that the fire intensity may not have been high due to low fuel. 70 Thus, microbial population would not have been affected as in the case of heavy thin + burn or light thin + burn potential carbon mineralized was suppressed. Phenol, a component of dissolved organic matter, ranged from 1.537 to 3.00 mg L-1 hydroxybenzoic acid equivalent. 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