Poplar Genetically Engineered for Reproductive Sterility and Accelerated Flowering Chapter28

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Poplar Genetically Engineered for Reproductive Sterility
and Accelerated Flowering1
Richard Meilan and Steven H. Strauss
High-yielding clones of hybrid poplars (Populus) were
recently developed in the northwestern United States. Although many genes are currently available (e.g., those affecting insect and herbicide resistance) for enhancing the
usefulness of these clones (Strauss 1995), a key obstacle to
commercialization of genetically engineered trees is the environmental safety of transgenes. Federal regulators will
likely require development of a strategy to mitigate environmental impacts from release of transgenes into wild
populations. Engineered sterility would help satisfy this
requirement (reviewed in Strauss et al. 1995).
In addition to gene containment, sterility offers other
benefits. Reproductive growth is an energy-requiring process. By interrupting floral development, energy may be
diverted into biomass production. Sterility also reduces
genetic pollution. Selected hybrid cottonwood clones are
planted on a very large scale in the Pacific Northwest of
the United States. Their pollen clouds may potentially af.fect the genetic structure of surrounding wild stands. Planting sterile versions of these clones wo~ld alleviate this
concern. Finally, engineered sterility would reduce the level
of airborne allergens and undesired litter from reproductive tissues.
Because trees have long juvenile periods, accelerating
flowering is essential to verify the effectiveness of introduced sterility-causing transgenes within a reasonable time
Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds.
Dillon, M.C.; Carman, R.C.; Eskew, L.G., tech. eds. 1997.
Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology
of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station. 326 p.
period. To our knowledge, there are no published methods for inducing precocious flowering and seed production in Populus. We include discussion of several techniques
used to promote flowering in other woody angiosperms.
Floral Genes
Flower development occurs in 3 phases: 1) conversion
of a vegetative meristem to an inflorescence meristem; 2)
conversion of an inflorescence meristem to a floral meristem; and 3) emergence of floral organs from the floral
meristem (reviewed in Weigel1995; Yanofsky 1995). Many
genes involved in the initiation of flowering were identified through mutational analysis. Flowering-time genes
from Arabidopsis have been divided into early- and lateflowering categories. Two late-flowering genes that were
recently cloned are CONSTANS (CO) (Putterill et al. 1995)
and LUMIDEPENDENS (Lee et al. 1994). A model showing control of flowering by time-of-flowering genes was
recently proposed by Martinez-Zapater et al. (1994).
Floral homeotic genes, which encode transcription factors and control many aspects of floral development, were
isolated from Arabidopsis, Antirrhinum, and other plant
species. These genes are usually divided into 3 functional
classes: 1) floral meristem identity genes; 2) floral organ
identity genes; and 3) spatial regulators of organ identity
LEAFY (LFY) is an example of a meristem identity gene
from Arabidopsis. It is involved in controlling the transition from an inflorescence to a floral meristem. Its homolog
in Antirrhinum is referred to as FLORICAULA (FLO). Strong
mutations at this locus cause inflorescence initiation within
bract axils resulting in a branchy phenotype with substantial or complete disruption of flower production (Coen et
al. 1990; Huala and Sussex 1992; Weigel et al. 1992).
A second floral meristem identity gene, APETALA1
(AP1), encodes a putative transcription factor containing
the MADS box, which is a highly homologous domain
Poplar Genetically Engineered for Reproductive Sterility and Accelerated Flowering
shared by the yeast transcription factor MCM1, the llGAMOUS gene from Arabidopsis, the DEFICIENS gene from
Antirrhinum, and the human serum response factor S.RF.
APETALA1 is involved in controlling the switch from inflorescence to floral meristems, and is also required for
sepal and petal development (Mandel et al. 1992).
Floral organ identity genes are expressed in the floral
meristem just before the emergence of the primordia whose
development they regulate. These genes are divided into
3 functional groups that are designated A, B, and C. Each
of the 4 floral organs emerges from concentric whorls of
cells in the floral meristem (figure la). The different classes
of floral organ identity genes are expressed in 2 adjacent
whorls (figure lb). The location of their expression dictates the type of floral organ produced. For example, when
an A-function gene is expressed in whorl 1, sepals form;
the combined expression of A- and B-function genes in
whorl 2 produces petals; when B- and C-function genes
are expressed in whorl 3, stamens are produced; and C-
function gene expression in whorl4 results in pistil development. This general model appears valid for a variety of
plant species; however, there are many exceptions and
elaborations on this basic scheme including action of partially redundant genes (e.g., AP1 and CAL in zone A)
(Yanofsky 1995).
The AGAMOUS (AG) gene is an example of a C-function floral organ identity gene. Mutations in AG cause the
conversion of stamens to petals and carpels into new flowers (Bowman et al. 1989). AG and AP1 are also examples
of spatial regulators. AP1 is involved in activating AG
expression and is subsequently down-regulated by AG,
which results in a loss of AP1 expression in whorls 3 and 4.
Because mutations in some floral homeotic genes impair fertility at early stages of floral differentiation in male
and female flowers, they are attractive targets for engineering sterility. Recently, 3 floral homeotic genes were
cloned from Populus trichocarpa and identified as putative
homologs of FLO/LFY (PTFL), DEFICIENS (PTD), and AG
(PTAG) (Sheppard et al.1996). These genes are being used
in our ongoing efforts to engineer sterile poplars.
Several floral-specific genes were isolated from highly
differentiated floral tissues such as anthers and pistils. Most
encode structural or catalytic proteins essential for pollen
or carpel function. Examples include stylar transmitting
tissue-specific genes (Wang et al. 1993), anther tapetumspecific genes (Goldberg 1988), and genes expressed in both
pistils and anthers (Gasser et al. 1989). Although these promoters can be used to engineer sterility for transgene containment, they may not enhance vegetative growth because
they are expressed late in flower development.
Engineering Sterility
One primary strategy for engineering sterility involves
the expression of cytotoxin genes in a floral tissue-specific
fashion resulting in organ-specific ablation or disruption
of tissues. Another primary strategy relies on suppression
of floral genes that are essential to produce fertile gametes.
Tissue Ablation
Stamens Carpels
Figure 1. a) Arrangement of concentric whorls of cells in
the floral meristem. b) The A-8-C model showing the overlapping zones of expression of the
floral organ identity genes (adapted from Coen
and Meyerowitz 1991 }.
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTA-297. 1997.
Many tissue-specific promoters currently in use were
isolated from tobacco. The most commonly employed male
reproductive tissue-specific promoter is TA29 (Goldberg
1988). This promoter, which directs expression exclusively
in the tapetum of the anther, was used to engineer sterility
in tobacco and oilseed rape (Mariani_ et al. 1990). Without
the tapetum, microspore development is arrested. In a similar approach, female sterility was achieved using the
Section V Biotechnological Applications
stigma-specific STIG1 promoter, also from tobacco
(Goldman et al. 1994).
Other useful promoters were characterized from genes
involved in gametophytic self-incompatibility. These include promoters from SLG, an S-locus glycoprotein gene
(Thorsness et al. 1991), and SLR, an S-locus-related gene
(Hackett et al. 1992). Both promoters are expressed principally in stigmatic and stylar tissues but are also expressed
in pollen to variable degrees. These provide organ-specific ablation when fused to cytotoxin genes.
Some occurrences of instability in transgene expression
are reported. For example, Denis et al. (1993) demonstrated
that when male-sterile rapeseed (Brassica napus) containing a tapetal-specific promoter was fused to a ribonuclease
gene, it frequently reverted to a fertile state. This instability was associated with temperatures greater than 25 °C. If
sterility is an important aspect of gene containment for
regulatory purposes, it is critical to demonstrate that sterility is maintained under a range of conditions and developmental stages. This could be achieved by carefully
selecting transformed lines for stable expression, using
redundant constructs (discussed below), or using
trans genes flanked by expression stabilizing matrix-attachment regions (reviewed in Spiker and Thompson 1996 ).
Many floral homeotic genes are floral-specific, required
for floral meristem/ organ development, and expressed
either as the floral meristems emerge or before floral organ primordia develop. Because of their early and frequent
floral-specific expression, floral homeotic gene promoters
are probably best suited for engineering sterility while also
enhancing vegetative growth. The APETALA3 promoter
fused to DTA (see below) gave organ-specific ablation of
petals and stamens in Arabidopsis (Day et al. 1995).
Two widely used cytotoxin genes are Bamase, an extracellular ribonuclease isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
(Hartley 1988) and the diphtheria toxin subunit A (DTA)
gene from Corynebacterium diphtheriae (causative agent of
diphtheria) (Palmiter et al. 1987). The latter encodes an
ADP ribosyl transferase, which interrupts protein synthesis by covalently modifying eukaryotic elongation factor
2 (EF-2). With the B subunit of the toxin deleted, it is unable to enter cells autonomously. Although it is a very effective cytotoxin used successfully to engineer
reproductive sterility in plants (Day et al. 1995; Koltunow
et al. 1990; Mariani et al. 1990; Thorsness et al. 1991 ), its
commercial application may be controversial because of
its origin. However, the use of Barnase is technically complicated because, unlike DTA, its encoded protein is toxic
to eukaryotic cells. Therefore, it is necessary to include a
gene encoding an inhibitor in gene constructs that contain
Bamase. Barstar encodes a protein that specifically forms
a complex with the Bamase gene product to inactivate it
to protect the transformation vectors (e.g., Agrobacterium
tumefaciens) from its ribonuclease activity (Hartley 1988).
Many other cytotoxin genes are available that can be
used to avoid some of these obstacles. For example, the
taxA gene from Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces an exotoxin that, at the molecular level, has the same mode of
action as DTA (Lory et al. 1988). Another class of cytotoxin,
ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs), interferes with protein synthesis by altering the large subunit of ribosomal
RNA (rRNA). Castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis) are a
rich source of ricin, which is a representative member of a
large class of plant-derived RIPs. This protein catalyzes
the cleavage of an adenine base from an exposed loop near
the 3'-end of 28S eukaryotic rRNA (position 4,324 in rat).
This loop is known as the sarcin loop because a-sarcin, a
cytotoxin from Aspergillus, cleaves the phosphodiester linkage between a guanosine and adenosine directly adjacent
to the site where ricin acts (Stripe et al. 1992).
Known as co-suppression, transgenes can inhibit their
own expression and that of homologous native genes
(Flavell 1994). Recently, it was shown that untranslatable
versions of transgenes are more efficient at suppression
(Smith et aL 1994). Gene silencing can also be achieved by
constitutively expressing the transgene in antisense orientation (reviewed by Mol et al. 1994). A disadvantage of
the suppression strategy is that the native gene or a highly
homologous equivalent is usually needed for efficient suppression, whereas the promoters employed in the ablation
approach typically function across diverse classes of plants.
To help ensure that sterility remains stable throughout
the life of the plant, building in some redundancy would
be prudent (Strauss et al. 1995). This approach could involve targeting multiple genes for suppression. For example, a transcriptional fusion of a floral meristem identity
gene, such as PTFL, with a floral organ identity gene, such
as PTAG, could provide strong suppression. Because PTAG
is a C-function floral homeotic gene, it controls both pistil
and stamen development. If PTFL function is some how
restored in the transgenic plants or allows occasional production of fertile organs, as in strong LEAFY mutants of
Arabidopsis, both male and female flowers will remain sterile by virtue of PTAG suppression.
Reversible Sterility
Restoring fertility may be desirable so that valuable
transgenic lines could be used in further breeding. For
completely sterile trees, it will be necessary to use an inducible promoter (Mett et al. 1993; Weinmann et al. 1994)
that stimulates production of a cytotoxin inhibitor, such
as Barstar (Mariani et al. 1992), a site-directed recombinase
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Poplar Genetically Engineered for Reproductive Sterility and Accelerated Flowering
to remove or deactivate sterility transgenes (Kilby et al.
1993 ), or antisense versions of cytotoxin genes.
Early Flowering
The long juvenile period of trees severely impedes study
of their reproductive biology. Confirmation that engineered
trees are sterile requires an examination of their flowers.
Surprisingly, little effort has been directed toward developing methods to induce early flowering in Populus. However, several techniques were used to accelerate flowering
in other woody angiosperms, which hopefully can be
adapted for poplars. In addition, ectopic expression of floral regulatory genes was reported to accelerate flowering
in several species including poplar.
Chemical Approaches
The most successful inductive treatments for woody
angiosperms have been the triazole growth retardants,
which includes compounds such as paclobutrazol and
uniconazole. These chemicals specifically inhibit the enzymatic conversion of ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid
in the gibberellic acid biosynthetic pathway (Rademacher
1989). Besides producing short-statured plants, triazole
also accelerates flowering. Paclobutrazol, the most widely
used triazole, stimulated flowering in apple (Malus spp.)
(Tukey 1983; Volz and Knight 1986), pear (Pyrus nivalis)
(Williams and Edgerton 1983), cherry (Prunus cerasus)
(Edgerton 1986), clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (Martin and
Dabek 1988), and eucalypts (Eucalyptus nitens and E.
globulus) (Griffin et al. 1993; Moncur and Hasan 1994;
Moncur et al. 1994).
Other growth inhibitors, such as daminozide (Alar®,
B-9®, SADH) and chlormequat (CCC, Cycocer~), can stimulate flowering. Daminozide has been used for this purpose
in apple (Batjer et al. 1963; Luckwill and Silva 1979). There
is also an unpublished report of daminozide causing precocious flowering in aspen (Li 1995, personal communication, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695
USA). Chlormequat has led to enhanced yields in grape
(Vitis vinifra) (Bravdo et al. 1992).
lating flowering in white spruce (Picea glauca) (Pharis et
al. 1985) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) (Wheeler and
Bramlett 1991). A related technique, scoring (cutting completely through the bark around the trunk with a sharp
knife without removing any bark), has been used to stimulate flowering, especially in apple (Veinbrants 1972). Wire
girdles were also used .with some success to stimulate flowering in aspen. This method involves encircling selected
branches or the main stem with tightly twisted, steel wire.
The wire is adjusted as the plant grows to avoid killing
parts distal to the wire. This technique is best applied in
the spring or early summer (Li 1995, personal communication, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695
Root Growth Control
Confining root growth can lead to precocious flowering
in peach trees (Prunus persica) (Richards and Rowe 1977).
Copper treatment of pots or of fabric used to envelop roots
prevents root circling and penetration. This form of restriction leads to development of more root tips, which frequently seems beneficial, especially in conjunction with
nitrogen fertilization (Proebsting 1995, personal communication, Horticulture Dept., Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR 97331 USA). A similar effect may be achieved
by root pruning or wrenching, which can also lead to a
more densely branched root system. Similarly, Li (1995,
personal communication, North Carolina State, Raleigh,
NC 27695 USA) has stimulated aspen flowering by growing seedlings in small pots and cutting the roots of potted
plants with a large knife in 2 or 3 directions tangential to
the stem.
Shoot Training
Fruit tree growers have induced early flowering by training the shoots to grow horizontally. With this technique, it
is important to keep the whole shoot horizontal including
the leader. If the leader is removed, damaged, or allowed
to resume upright growth, the shoot reverts to a juvenile
state (Pharis 1995, personal communication, Biology Dept.,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4).
After testing a variety of shoot training techniques, Denby
et al. (1988) showed that 2 techniques, angle training and
spindle training, increase yield and induce precocious
flowering in pear (cv. 'Anjou').
Physical Methods
Phloem Restriction
Girdling (removing a swath of bark around the entire
stem) stimulated flowering in certain tree species (Eris and
Barut 1993; Wesoly 1985), but this treatment ultimately
results in tree death. Incomplete, overlapping girdles provide a less severe alternative that was effective for stimu-
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Cultural Conditions
Eucalyptus occidentalis End I. flowers precociously at less
than 1 year of age when grown under a photoperiod of at
least 16 h (Bolotin 1975). In addition, photoperiod may
modify responses to other environmental factors. For ex-
Section V Biotechnological Applications
ample, the stimulation of flower bud formation in Camellia japonica by exposure to high temperatures is enhanced
by long photoperiods (Bonner 1947). Birch (Betula
verrucosa) (Longman and Wareing 1959), Japanese larch
(Larix leptolepis), and blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) (Robinson
and Wareing 1969) were all stimulated to flower by long
Nutritional Status
Improved nutritional status is often considered a flowerinducing treatment. With tea crabapple (Malus hupehensis)
seedlings, Zimmerman (1971) reduced the time to first
flowering from 3 years to 9lh months by growth under
continuously "favorable conditions" in a greenhouse. This
method included weekly treatments with 20-20-20 (N-PK) water soluble fertilizer. Aldwinckle (1975) obtained
nearly identical results with apple watered weekly with
15-6.4-12.4 fertilizer supplemented with trace elements,
in addition to the incorporation of a slow release 17-10.87.3 fertilizer (Osmocote®) in the upper layer of the soil
every 2 to 3 months. Also, the form of supplied nitrogen
is apparently important. Grasmanis and Edwards (1974)
showed that when ammonium was supplied to liquidcultured apple, a significantly greater flowering response
occurred than when trees received nitrate as their sole
nitrogen source.
Moisture Stress
Considerable evidence shows that water stress can
enhance flower initiation in conifers, and that hot, dry
summers generally induce abundant seed crops in conifers and broadleaf species (Philipson 1990). Water
stress was recently used to stimulate aspen flowering
in a greenhouse setting. Potted plants were periodically
allowed to dry down to predawn moisture-stress readings between -6.9 and -9.7 bars (-100 to -140 psi) before
rewatering. This treatment is apparently effective oRly
when applied during shoot elongation (Li 1995, personal communication, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC 27695 USA)
Low temperatures were used to induce precocious flowering in several tree species (reviewed by Jackson and
Sweet 1972) including peach (Prunus japonica) (Lammerts
1943), olive (Olea europaea) (Hackett and Hartmann 1963),
sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) (Moss 1976), and lychee (Litchi chinensis) (Menzel1983). More recently, Moncur (1992)
showed that transferring Eucalyptus lansdowneana seedlings
from a heated greenhouse (24/19 oc, day /night temperatures) to a cold regime (15/10 °C) for 5 to 10 weeks before
returning them to warm conditions (24 I 19 °C) was sufficient to induce floral buds.
Molecular Techniques
Recently, over expression of regulatory genes early in
reproductive development induced early flowering. When
AP1 or LFY (reviewed above) is expressed constitutively
under control of the 355 promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), transgenic Arabidopsis plants flower in
vitro within weeks instead of nearly 2 months (Mandel and
Yanofsky·1995; Weigel and Nilsson 1995). In addition, the
Arabidopsis-derived LFY gene expressed under the control
of 35S in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x P. alba) also simulated flowered in vitro within several weeks (Weigel and
Nilsson 1995).
A MADS box containing a gene of unknown function,
OsMADS1, was recently isolated from rice (Oryza sativa).
When expressed under control of the 355 promoter in tobacco, transgenic plants flowered 8 days earlier than their
wild-type counterparts (Chung et al. 1994). CO, a flowering-time gene (discussed above) from Arabidopsis, is a zinc
finger-containing transcription factor. Transgenic
Arabidopsis plants containing extra copies of CO under the
control of its native promoter flowered significantly earlier than wild-type plants (Putterill et al. 1995). Finally, a
member of the SQUAMOSA binding protein-like gene family (SPL-3) was recently shown to bind to the APl promoter. Constitutive expression of SPL-3 in Arabidopsis
resulted in early flowering (Saedler et al. 1996).
These early flowering genes have 2 important applications. First, they can be used to retransform existing
transgenic plants that contain constructs expected to cause
sterility. If the constructs function properly, induced flowers should be sterile. Second, early flowering genes can be
used to generate tester lines that are maintained in vitro.
These lines can then be transformed with newly developed sterility-causing constructs to rapidly indicate their
use in trees.
Research on floral development over the last decade has
provided a wealth of genes and knowledge on which to
base strategies for modifying plant reproductive development. With the diversity of approaches available, a means
can be established to genetically engineer reproductive
sterility. The primary issues are determining the effectiveness of constructs for inducing stable, bisexual sterility in
a variety of genotypes and environments, and identifying
a reliable method to accelerate flowering for expedient
research. Within the next 5 to 10 years, constructs should
become available that can induce highly stable, male and
female sterility in poplars and other tree species. Introduction of such constructs into commercially valuable geno-
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Poplar Genetically Engineered for Reproductive Sterility and Accelerated Flowering
types will simplify regulatory approval of transgenic varieties and reduce environmental impacts of large-scale tree
farming using engineered clones.
We thank Dr. Ray Seidler and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency for grant support (CR822880-1), and
Will Rottmann, Amy Brunner, Lorraine Sheppard, and
Caiping Ma for their collaborative aid on our poplar sterility project at Oregon State University.
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