Protoplast Isolation and Culture Chapter4 Julie Russell Kikkert

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Protoplast Isolation and Culture1
Julie Russell Kikkert
Protoplasts are cells without cell walls. In plants protoplasts are usually liberated by tissue digestion with cellulases and pectinases purified from wood-rotting fungi. To
keep the plasma membrane from bursting during protoplast isolation, an isotonic or slightly hypertonic medium
is used. Because of the lack of external constraints on the
membrane, protoplasts are spherical (figure 1B). One use
of plant protoplasts is to isolate single cells for physiological studies. In Populus (poplar), protoplasts have been used
to study reactions of the photosynthetic pathway
(Dalakishvili et al. 1989; Mgaloblishvili et al. 1988; Sanadze
et al. 1986, 1990).
Mter the demonstration of totipotency of tobacco protoplasts by Takebe et al. (1971), many laboratories began
developing protocols to regenerate plants from herbaceous
and woody plant protoplasts to use in genetic engineering. Protoplasts were considered essential for gene transfer because the cell wall is usually impermeable to DNA.
Several protoplast-based genetic engineering techniques
emerged, including protoplast fusion, DNA microinjection,
electroporation, and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated
gene transfer. Today, other methods, such as Agrobacteriummediated gene transfer and biolistics, are available to transform cells within intact tissues. Still, protoplasts are 1
method that has proven valuable for genetic engineering
To obtain transgenic plants, the genetically altered protoplasts must regrow their cell walls, divide, and regener-
Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds.
Dillon, M.C.; Carman, R.C.; Eskew, L.G., tech. eds. 1997.
Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology
of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 326 p.
ate into whole plants. Figure 1 shows the steps involved
and table 1lists reports of poplar protoplast isolation and
culture. Woody plants were once considered difficult to
regenerate from protoplasts, but breakthroughs occurred
in the mid-1980s with Populus spp. protoplasts as one of
the first succesful genera (McCown 1988; McCown and
Russell1987; Russell and McCown 1986a,1986b). Critical
to this success was the use of juvenile or juvenile-like source
tissues, such as in vitro grown plants (shoot cultures) or
embryogenic cell cultures (McCown 1988), and optimum
protoplast isolation and culture conditions (Russell1993).
Currently, whole plants have been regenerated from a wide
range of poplar species and hybrids (table 1, section D).
~chapter compares reports of plant regeneration from
poplar protoplasts and highlights the important common
success factors. For a more thorough description of general protoplast culture, refer to reviews by Kirby et al.
(1989); Rashid (1988); and Russell (1993).
Key Factors
Numerous factors affect the isolation and culture of protoplasts. A variety of poplar genotypes have been successfully cultured by several laboratories. When the procedures
are compared, the following common features emerge.
Protoplast Isolation
The source tissue is a common and important factor in
successful poplar protoplast culture. In 10 of the 12 reports
listed in table 1, section D, the protoplast source was leaves
from shoot cultures. Further, most of the shoot cultures
were from nonseedling trees, which allowed researchers
to work with already proven clone varieties. In woody
species, shoot cultures yielded higher numbers of protoplasts with better viability than did leaves from greenhouse- or field-grown plants (Smith and McCown 1982).
In addition to being juvenile, shoot cultures are aseptic,
adapted to tissue culture conditions, and maintain genepc
and physiological tissue uniformity (McCown 1988). To
Protoplast Isolation and Culture
Figure 1. Stages in the culture of protoplasts through plant regeneration for Populus alba x P grandidentata. A) Leaves from
shoot cultures are the source tissue. B) Newly isolated protoplasts plated in liquid medium with a polyester screen
disc for support (openings in the screen are 150 11m). C) Cell divisions approximately 2 weeks after protoplast
isolation . D) Protoplast-derived calli developing on the screen disc (ruler markings represent 1 mm). E) Shoot
regeneration. F) Shoot multiplication. G) Harvest and rooting of micro cuttings that are ready for transfer to the
greenhouse. For detailed procedures, see Russell and McCown (1988) .
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Section I In Vitro Culture
Table 1. Reports of protoplast isolation and culture in Populus species, which are categorized by the most advanced
protoplast development for a given report.
Protoplast isolation
P. alba
Source1 tissue
Park and Son 1987
Park et al. 1987
Ito et al. 1986
P. nigra var. charkowiensis
x P. nigra var. caudina
P. deltoides
P. x euramericana
nigra x P. laurifolia
tacamahaca x P. trichocarpa
trichocarpa x P. tacamahaca
Protoplast division
P. alba x P. glandu/osa
Sanadze et al. 1986
Xin et al. 1991
Saito, 1976, 1980a
Park and Son 1986
Jang et al. 1987
Russell and McCown 1986a
Butt 1985
Verma and Wann 1983
Douglas 1982
Youn et al. 1985
Kim et al. 1988
Park and Han 1986
Chun 1985
Cheema 1988
Park et al. 1988
Park et al. 1988
Saito et al. 1987
Ahuja 1983a,b
Ahuja 1983b
Sasamoto et al. 1989
Park and Son 1988
Russell and McCown 1986b, 1988
Ito et al. 1986;
Oji-Paper 1989
Park et al. 1990
Park et al. 1992
Lee et al. 1987
Park and Son 1992
Russell and McCown 1988
Wang et al. 1995
Wang et al. 1991
Russell and McCown 1988
Chupeau et al. 1993
P. alba x P. grandidentata
P. ciliata
P. davidiana
P. glandulosa
P. sieboldii
P. tremula
P. tremuloides
Organogenesis from
protoplast-derived calli
P. alba
Recovery of whole plants from
P. alba x P. glandulosa
P. alba x P. grandidentata
P. nigra var. charkowiensis
x P. nigra var. caudina
somatic hybrid with
Hibiscus sabdariffa
P. glandulosa
P. koreana x P. nigra
somatic hybrid with
P. x euramericana
P. nigra
P. nigra x P. maximowiczii
P. nigra x P. trichocarpa
P. simonii
P. tomentosa
P. tremula
P. tremula x P. alba
C=callus; CS=cell suspensions; L=leaf; SDL=seedlings; SH=shoot cultures
ensure high yields of viable protoplasts, growth conditions
of shoot cultures must be optimum. Lighting conditions
(Sasamoto et al. 1989) and the growth medium (Russell and
McCown I988) are especially important.
A second component of protoplast isolation is tissue
digestion. Table 2 lists the enzymes and treatment times
that have been used for poplars. Cellulase RIO and
Macerozyme RIO were the most commonly used, often in
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Protoplast Isolation and Culture
Table 2. Enzyme treatments used to liberate protoplasts from Populus shoot culture-derived leaves. Only reports in
which whole plants were regenerated from protoplasts are listed.
Enzyme concentration (percent w/v)
Cellulase Cellulase Cellulase Macerase Macerozyme Hemi- Driselase
(Cooper) R1 0
P. alba
(Sasamoto et al. 1989)
P. alba x P. glandulosa
(Park and Son 1988)
P. nigra x P. maximowiczii
(Park and Son 1992)
P. alba x P. grandidentata
P. nigra x P. trichocarpa
P. tremula
(Russell and McCown 1988)
Pectolyase Time
1.5 h
1.8 h
P. x euramericana
(Park et al. 1992)
10 h
P. g/andulosa
(Park et al. 1990)
12 h
P. koreana x P. nigra
(Park et al. 1992)
10 h
P. tomentosa
(Wang et al. 1991)
P. tremula x P. alba
(Chupeau et al. 1993)
combination with Hemicellulase, Driselase, or Pectolyase.
However, the exact concentrations and time of treatment
vary with the genotype and the researcher preferences. The
digestion environment may contain many toxic compounds, such as enzyme impurities and components released after tissue wounding. Thus, digestive time is a
critical factor for good protoplast viability (table 2). Because enzymes are relatively large molecules, they penetrate tissues slowly. To increase penetration, leaf tissue is
usually sliced or chopped before enzyme treatment. However, cell exposure to the enzymes is still not uniform,
which results in over digested cells near the edges of the
cuts and under digested cells in the interior of the leaves.
Russell and McCown (1986a) demonstrated that when
leaves of poplar shoot cultures were processed in an Omnimixer, the epidermis was stripped away and the cells were
more uniformly exposed to the enzymes. The results were
higher protoplast yields and better viability. Leaves processed with an Omni-mixer required only a 4-h digestion,
whereas other labs used a 10- to 16-h digestion (table 2). Park
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
14 h
16 h
and Son (1988, 1992) digested poplar leaf tissue for only 1.8 h,
even though the leaves were sliced with a scalpel. The shorter
digestion may have been possible because the leaves were
placed in fresh enzyme solution 4 times. Thus, toxic components were removed along with the old enzyme solution.
Osmoticum, salts, growth regula tors, and buffers in the
isolation medium are also important for long-term viability
of poplar protoplasts {Park and Son 1992; Chupeau et al.
1993). However, no general recommendations are made here.
Protoplast Culture and Regeneration
Key factors for poplar protoplast culture through sustained division and plant regeneration are listed on tables
3 and 4. One of the most common factors is plating in
liquid medium (10 of the 12 reports) (table 3). Agar or
ctgarose plating generally produces few or no protoplastderived calli (Chupeau et al. 1993; Park and Son 1988, 1992;
Russell and McCown 1986b ). One reason for using liquid
plating is to avoid buildup of toxic exudates around the
Section I In Vitro Culture
Table 3. Conditions for the culture of Populus protoplasts that led to sustained cell division and eventual plant recovery.
P. alba
2.4x10 5
(Sasamoto et al. 1989)
P. alba x P. glandulosa
(Park and Son 1988)
P. alba x P. grandidentata
(Russell and McCown 1988)
P. glandulosa
(Park et al. 1990)
P. koreana x P. nigra
somatic hybrid with
P. x euramericana
(Park et al. 1992)
P. nigra
(Lee et al. 1987)
P. nigra x P. maximowiczii
(Park and Son 1992)
P. nigra x P. trichocarpa
(Russell and McCown 1988)
P. simonii
(ammonium nitrate)
Osmotic urn
0.08 M sucrose
0.6 M mannitol
0.2 M mannitol
0.4 M glucose
0.366 M sucrose
0.046 M mannitol
0.046 M sorbitol
0.046 M xylitol
0.046 M inositol
0.6 M sucrose
0.6 M sucrose
2.4x10 5
0.5x10 4
0.366 M sucrose
0.046 M mannitol
0.046 M sorbitol
0.046 M xylitol
0.046 M inositol
0.2 M mannitol
0.4 M glucose
0.366 M sucrose
0.046 M mannitol
0.046 M sorbitol
0.046 M xylitol
0.046 M inositol
0.4 M glucose
2.5x10 5
(Wang et al. 1991)
P. tremu/a
(Russell and McCown 1988)
P. tremula x P. alba
1.0 J.LM 2,4-D
0.1 J.1M BA
9.0 J.LM 2,4-D
22.2 J.1M BA
1.0 J.1M NAA
0.1 J.1M BA
J.1M 2,4-D
J.1M 2,4-D
(Wang et al. 1995)
P. tomentosa
(Chupeau et al. 1993)
0.366 M sucrose
0.046 M mannitol
0.046 M sorbitol
0.046 M xylitol
0.046 M inositol
0.55 M glucose
1.0 J.1M NAA
0.1 J.lM BA
9.0 J.LM 2,4-D
0.4 J.1M BA
1.0 J.1M NAA
0.1 J.LM BA
13.6 J.tM 2,4-D
1.1 J.1M NAA
0.9 J.1M KT
2.2 J.lM 2,4-D
2.5 J.1M NAA
2.2J.1M BA
1.0 JlM NAA
0.1 J.LM BA
14.0 J.tM 2,4-D
0.05 J.1MTDZ
Protoplasts per mi.
Three basal media formulations have been used for protoplast culture of poplars in an equal number of cases. WPM is a lower
salt and lower chloride medium than MS. KM8P is a complex medium containing numerous vitamins, sugars and sugar alcohols,
organic acids, casamino acids, and coconut water. WPM=Lioyd and McCown (1980); MS=Murashige and Skoog (1962);
KM8P=Kao and Michayluk (1975).
cells (Chupeau et al.1993; Russell and McCown 1986b).
In liquid culture, the medium can be refreshed periodically, thus reducing the concentration of toxic exudates.
Russell and McCown (1986b, 1988) used a floating disc
plating ~ethod, in which the protoplasts were cultured
in contact with a polyester screen at the surface of the
medium (figure 1). The protoplasts adhered to the screen,
which aided in medium replenishment and observation.
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Protoplast Isolation and Culture
Table 4. Plant growth regulators used for shoot regeneration from protoplast-derived calli of Populus.
Concentration in Regeneration Medium (J.lM)
P. alba
(Sasamoto et al. 1989)
P. alba x P. glandulosa
(Park and Son 1988)
P. alba x P. grandidentata
(Russell and McCown 1988)
P. glandu/osa
(Park et al. 1990)
P. koreans x P. nigra
somatic hybrid with
P. x euramericana
(Park et al. 1992)
P. nigra
(Lee et al. 1987)
P. nigra x P. maximowiczii
(Park and Son 1992)
P. nigra x P. trichocarpa
(Russell and McCown 1988)
P. simonii
(Wang et al. 1995)
P. tomentosa
(Wang et al. 199·1)
P. tremula
(Russell and McCown 1988)
P. tremula x P. alba
(Chupeau et al. 1993)
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
6 a-naphthaleneacetic acid
Protoplasts will float only when sucrose is used as the
osmoticum; however, sucrose is toxic (Chupeau et al. 1993)
or not optimal for some genotypes (table 3). Sucrose, glucose, and mannitol were the most commonly used osmotica.
Another apparent requirement for poplar protoplasts,
though not listed on table 3, is culturing under dark con-
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
ditions until colonies have formed. Poplar protoplasts produced anthocyanins and did not divide even when cultured in dim light (Chupeau et al. 1993; Russell and
McCown 1986b). Plating density also affects protoplast
development. With poplars, the optimal densities range
from 0.5 x 104 to 3.0 x 106 protoplasts per ml of culture
Section I In Vitro Culture
medium (table 3). Optimal plating densities vary with the
genotype, culture medium (Russell and McCown 1988),
and culture method.
Protoplasts can be sensitive to the types and concentrations of nitrogen in the culture medium. The usual concentrations of ammonium nitrate in the basal formulations (4.94
mM in WPM; 20.6 mM in MS; 7.4 mM in KM8P) are sometimes toxic and thus, are eliminated or reduced in the protoplast culture medium (Russell and McCown 1988; Russell
1993). In poplars, 7 of the 10 reports of successful culture
were without ammonium ions (NH4·)in the medium (table
3). Similarly, the response to organic nitrogen sources is genotype dependent. When Russell and McCown (1988) added
casein hydrolysate and coconut water to their WPM-based
protoplast medium, the supplements were required for 1
genotype, toxic to another, and neither required nor toxic to
yet another. Organics in the medium lowered the optimal
plating density. Wang et al. (1995) found that either ammonium nitrate or glutamine plus aspartic acid supported low
rates of colony formation, but that a combination doubled
the rates of colony formation. With P. tremula x P. alba, organic nitrogen produced no apparent benefits. Rather, optimal protoplast culture occurred when a low initial
concentration of mineral nitrogen was successively increased
over time (Chupeau et al. 1993).
Plant growth regulators are another important component of the protoplast culture medium. However, the optimal type and concentration varies (table 3). The most
commonly used auxin and cytokinin are 2,4-D {2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and BA (benzyladenine), respectively. Chupeau et al. {1993) were the only group to test
thidiazuron (TDZ) for poplar protoplast culture. TDZ is a
substituted phenylurea with cytokinin-like activity, and
in combination with 2,4-D, was required for sustained
development of protoplast-derived cells of P. tremula x P.
alba. TDZ also reduced the release of exudates from the
cells. In another study, Sasamoto et al. {1989) found that
the optimal growth regulator combination of 1 J.1.M 2,4-D
with 0.1 J1M BA could overcome inhibitory conditions of
osmoticum or ammonium ions to promote cell division
and colony formation.
Plant growth regulators are also important in the medium for organogenesis from the protoplast-derived calli.
The requirements appear to be highly genotype dependent (table 4). Zeatin and BA were commonly used, with
TDZ sometimes required. Standard micropropagation
techniques were used to propagate and move regenerated
plants to the greenhouse and field.
systems have only recently been accomplished for many·
genotypes. Somatic hybridization, which requires protoplasts, has been reported in 3 cases. Saito {1980b) fused
protoplasts of P. x euramericana with those of either the
same species or of Paulownia taiwaniana. Heterokaryons
were identified by differential staining, but were not cultured. In a second report, leaf protoplasts of P. nigra var.
charkowiensis x P. nigra var. caudina were fused with callusderived protoplasts of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Ito et al. ·1986;
Oji-Paper 1989). Plants were regenerated that were poplarlike. Thirdly, protoplasts of P. koreana x P. nigra were fused
with protoplasts of P. x euramericana (Park et al. 1992; Park
and Son 1994). Two of the regenerated plants showed intermediate protein band patterns in SDS-PAGE analysis.
Chupeau et al. (1994) recovered plants after electroporation
of protoplasts with genes encoding resistance to 3 selective
agents; paromomycin, chlorsulfuron, and phosphinothricin.
Standard electroporation techniques developed for herbaceous crops were used. Transgenic plants that expressed the
genes were obtained with relatively high frequency. The
patterns of gene integration were single and clear.
Protoplast-Based Genetic Engineering in
Ahuja, M.R. 1983a. Developmental potential of mega and
normal protoplasts in Populus. In: Potrykus, 1.; Harms,
C.T.; Hinnen, A.; Hutter, R.; King, P.J.; Shillito, R.D., eds.
Proceedings of the 6th International Protoplast Symposium; Basel, Switzerland: Experientia Supplementum.
There are few reports of protoplast-based genetic engineering in poplars. This is because of the availability of
other gene transfer techniques and because regeneration
Several poplar species and hybrids have been cultured
from protoplasts to whole plants. Common requirements
for protoplast culture are the use of shoot cultures as a
source tissue, liquid plating medium, and culture in the
dark. Other important factors for each genotype include
the enzyme concentration and incubation time, the isolation medium, and the protoplast culture medium, including osmoticum, nitrogen, and plant growth regulators.
Growth regulators for plant regeneration from protoplastderived calli are also genotype dependent. Though protoplast isolation and culture must be optimized for each new
genotype, the parameter ranges for poplars are better defined than in the past. The ability to successfully isolate
and culture poplar protoplasts allows for their use in physiological and genetic engineering studies.
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