This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Chapter 1 Poplar Shoot Cultures: Their Generation and Use in Biotechnology1 Brent H. McCown Introduction Although most biotechnologists would welcome an opportunity to transform a plant, such as poplar, without resorting to in vitro techniqu es (microcu lture), currently microculture is central to any genetic engineering protocol commonly used for plants. Functional microculture methods are more essential to tree biotechnology than to annual crop biotechnology. Unlike annual crops where seed-based technologies can be used for various aspects of biotechnology, many tree selections are don ally propagated. Thus, access to uniform and responsive tissues can most readily be achieved only through in vitro culture. Although the need for microculture is highest in tree biotechnology, optimizing such procedures for wood y perennials is among the most challenging of any in vitro work. Fortunately, a microculture tool that is relatively easy to perfect and is useful for various aspects of tree biotechnology is shoot culture (figure 1A). In this chapter, a shoot culture is defined as an in vitro culture that: 1) is derived from shoot explants that contain at least 1 preformed meristem (shoot-tip or node); new shoots are derived solely from preformed meristems (apical or nodal) and adventitious meristem generation is avoided; and 2) remains actively growing through most or all of the culture cycle; the culture can be maintained indefinitely by subculturing shoot explants. Since poplar has become the model species for tree biotechnology, detailed aspects of poplar microculture have been extensively reviewed (Ahuja 1987; Chun 1993; Douglas 1986; Ernst 1993). This chapter examines the various uses of shoot cultures to complement tree ' Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds. Dillon, M.C.; Carman , R.C.; Eskew, L.G ., tech. eds. 1997. Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 326 p. biotechnological efforts and summarizes major factors and challenges involved in establishing shoot cultures of trees, especially poplar. Use of Shoot Cultures in Tree Biotechnology The responsiveness, stability, and reproducibility of shoot cultures are particularly suitable for tree biotechnology. However, the complex physiological growth cycles of woody perennials is a major limiting factor. The phase change and mid-seasonal growth cycles are of interest. The vegetative life cycle is exemplified by strong juvenile and adult phases, the former is typified by rapid vegetative growth and the latter by flowering (Hackett 1987). As a woody plant progresses through the juvenile and into the adult phase, its tissue responsiveness to microculture manipulation usually decreases markedly (Bonga 1987; Francelot et al. 1987; Hackett 1987). Strong physiological changes accompany seasonal growth cycles (e.g., spring flush, bud set, and dormancy) and confound this progressive life cycle change. For microculture, the most responsive tissues are usually obtained from the spring flush growth. Shoot cultures of trees are a powerful research tool because, once established, they suspend these progressive changes in a more or less permanent condition equivalent to the juvenile phase and the spring flush of growth. Thus, a well-established shoot culture will provide a tissue source that typically is more responsive to various biotechnological manipulations than most other sources, excluding embryonic materials that are usually unsuitable for clonal crops. Besides providing responsive tissues, shoot cultures stop progression through life and seasonal cycles. Plant shoot growth is essentially suspended while plants are maintained as shoot cultures. For example, shoot cultures of a birch clone (Betula populifolia cv. 'Whitespire') and a poplar clone (Populus tremula cv. 'Erecta') have been maintained continuously for more than 15 years without noticeable 5 Section 1 In Vitro Culture Figure 1A. Steps in establishing a shoot culture of a Populus alba hybrid clone. Nodal and tip explants are taken from actively growing shoots, sterilized, and placed in culture. New shoot growth is rapidly subcultured until uniform and continuous growth is obtained. Figure 1B. Microcuttings (center) are harvested from mature shoot cultures and rooted/ acclimated ex vitro to produce young plants for testing and evaluation. 6 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. Poplar Shoot Cultures: Their Generation and Use in Biotechnology changes in their shoot growth characteristics (Deborah D. McCown, Knight Hollow Nursery, Middleton, WI, USA, personal communication). Plants derived from these cultures appear to begin their ex vitro growth at the same lifecycle stage (i.e., as a seedling-like plant). Thus, shoot cultures can supply tissues of relatively uniform and reproducible physiology throughout the year. A second aspect of stability and reproducibility is genetics. Because shoot culture depends on growth from preformed meristems (apical or nodal) of subcultured explants, any single cell mutations and other aberrations rarely develop into aberrant shoots. Mutated shoots should appear at a rate approximately equal to the rate that such aberrant shoots appear in source plants grown ex vitro. Some plant genotypes, especially those that are chimeric in character, may be inherently genetically unstable, whether grown as shoot cultures or in the field. However, a vast majority of plants are genetically stable when maintained properly (i.e., without adventitious shoot generation) as shoot cultures. For example, no aberrant shoots have been seen in the long-term shoot cultures of the poplar and birch clones mentioned previously. Because of their responsiveness, stability, and reproducibility, shoot cultures are an excellent tissue source for various in vitro manipulations. For poplar, shoot cultures provide useful source tissues to establish cell I callus I nodule cultures (McCown et al. 1988), protoplast cultures (Chun 1985; McCown 1985; Russell and McCown 1986; Smith and McCown 1983), and genetic engineering. Tissues from shoot cultures were proven adaptable to vector (Confalonieri et al. 1994; DeBlock 1990; Fillatti et al1987; Riemenschneider and Haissig 1991) and particle-bombardment transformation of Populus (McCown et al. 1991). Conducting routine assays can be hampered by complex secondary compounds (e.g., phenolics or tannins) often present in the tissues of many woody perennials. Protein isolations, DNA extractions, or common assays of gene activity (e.g., the reporter gene GUS) (Vainstein et al. 1993) are frequently difficult with woody perennials. Culture-derived shoots usually contain few interfering compounds and often provide the best source tissue for such assays (Francis 1996). With at least some poplar genotypes, DNA for molecular analyses is more readily obtained from shoot cultures than greenhouse- or field-grown leaves (Francis 1996). However, unlike many other woody plants, there were no compounds interfering with the GUS reporter gene assays detected in poplar leaf tissues, even in tissues collected from field plants (Francis 1996). Shoot cultures also provide the basis for the most widely used method of micropropaga tion in commerce today. Shoot cultures provide uniform microcuttings that can be rooted and acclimated (figure 1B) to produce liners that are handled like seedlings in container and field plantings (Douglas 1986). Micropropagation is particularly useful to provide a multitude of uniform plants in a relatively USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. short time for use in biotechnological tests. Transgene expression in poplar was tested under laboratory conditions (Confalonieri et al. 1994; Francis 1996), in growth chambers/ greenhouses (McCown et al. 1991; Riemenschneider and Haissig 1991; Robison et al. 1994), and in the field (Kleiner et al. 1995) using shoot cultures directly or plants derived from shoot cultures. Finally, shoot cultures provide a convenient way to store selections under evaluation. Cultures can be continuously subcultured and I or maintained under cold storage conditions (Chun 1993). We have routinely maintained more than 100 transformants as shoot cultures, which preserves these unique genotypes and provides a convenient "on demand" source of new plants for further testing or distribution. Generation of Shoot Cultures As previously described (McCown and McCown 1987), new isolations from most woody perennials pass through an in vitro stage called stabilization before reproducible and uniform shoot growth is achieved. Physiological processes of the stabilization phase are not well understood; however, rejuvenation apparently is involved (reviewed in McCown 1986; for poplar example, see Whitehead and Giles 1977). Stabilized shoot cultures are achieved most rapidly when the explant sources are juvenile materials such as collar shoots, adventitious shoots, or rejuvenated plants (Hartmann et al. 1990). However, gradual rejuvenation often can be achieved by repeated subculturing of new shoots (Mullins 1987). Once stabilized, the growth and multiplication rate of the shoot cultures can be optimized in the production phase (McCown and McCown 1987). Shoots can be multiplied by either cytokinin stimulation of axillary bud growth, often in conjunction with the loss of apical dominance (shoot tip removal), or by manually dividing a shoot explant into its component nodes during subculture. Both methods are useful with poplars (e.g., Chun 1993; Sellmer et al. 1989). With Populus, the optimal growth and multiplication regime usually depends on the specific genotype. Although many specific differences and variations are observed, 3 general groups of poplars can be discerned from the literature. 1. Many clones, particularly those in the Leuce (currently termed Populus) section can be successfully cultured as shoot cultures grown on standard MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supplemented with the cytokinin benzyladenine (Sellmer et al. 1989). Auxins are usually not required. 7 Section I In Vitro Culture 2. Some clones, especially those of P. tremula and P. tremuloides species/hybrids, often perform better as shoot cultures on media with a lower salt formulation, such as Woody Plant Media (WPM) (Lloyd and McCown 1980; McCown and Sellmer 1987) or its derivatives (Ahuja 1987; Sellmer et al. 1989}, supplemented with benzyladenine. Again, auxins are usually not required. 3. Other clones, especially those belonging to the Aigeiros and Tacamahaca sections, do not perform particularly vigorously as shoot cultures on any medium so far defined. Some selections may not be amenable to long-term maintenance as shoot cultures (SeUmer et al. 1989). For others, acceptable shoot cultures may be generated using more complex cultural regimes. MS medium supplement~d with cytoki~ins and auxins may be helpful (Whttehead and Giles 1977). For some selections, benzyladenine may be phytotoxic, but naturally-occurring cytokinins~ such as zeatin, may be stimulatory (Ernst 1993). Multistage protocols separating bud stimulation and elongation, each with a separate medium requirement, was useful in other work (Chun 1993; Ernst 1993; Whitehead and Giles 1977). DeBlock (1990) used a buffered medium supplemented with calcium gluconate to overcome shoot-tip necrosis (Sha et al. 1985) problems associated with some poplar clones. Conclusion Although not a comprehensive remedy fo~ the difficu~­ ties associated with working with trees for biotechnological research, shoot cultures are a major and often essential tool. Shoot cultures provide tissues to begin manipulations and offer an effective avenue for moving plant materials from culture to testing or production. For a program beginning work on a selection of poplar, establishing t~e genotype in shoot culture will sensitiz.e researchers to Its idiosyncrasies in the microculture environment. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, HATCH, the UW-Graduate School, and the Plant Biotechnology Consortium. 8 Literature Cited Ahuja, M.R. 1987. In vitro propagation of poplar and aspen. In: Bonga, J.M.; Durzan, D.J., eds. Cell and tissue culture in forestry, Vol. 3. Case histories: Gymnosperms, angiosperms, and palms. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: 207-223. 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