Parsing of Context-Free Grammars Bernd Kiefer Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.1/32 Limits of Regular Expressions Assignment: Write a regular expression for fully bracketed arithmetic expressions! Answer: ? Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.2/32 Limits of Regular Expressions Assignment: Write a regular expression for fully bracketed arithmetic expressions! Answer: This is not possible! Regular expressions can only count finite amounts of brackets Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.2/32 Limits of Regular Expressions Assignment: Write a regular expression for fully bracketed arithmetic expressions! Answer: This is not possible! Regular expressions can only count finite amounts of brackets We need a more powerful formal device: context-free grammars Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.2/32 Limits of Regular Expressions Assignment: Write a regular expression for fully bracketed arithmetic expressions! Answer: This is not possible! Regular expressions can only count finite amounts of brackets We need a more powerful formal device: context-free grammars Context-free grammars provide a (finite) inventory of named brackets All regular languages are also context-free, i.e.: for every regular expression, there is a context-free grammar that accepts / derives the same language Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.2/32 Context-Free Grammars A context-free grammar (CFG) consists of: The set of terminal symbols Σ = a, b, c, . . . (the words or letters of the language) The set of non-terminal symbols N = A, B, C, . . . The startsymbol S ∈ N The set of productions (rules) P , where P ∋ r = A → α with α ∈ (Σ ∪ N )∗ (we use greek letters for strings of Σ ∪ N ) Example: A grammar for arithmetic expressions: Σ = { int, +, *, (, ) } , N = {E} , S = E P = { E → E +E, E → E *E, E → (E ), E → int } Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.3/32 The Language of a CFG Given a CFG G, the language L(G) is defined as the set of all strings that can be derived from S Given a string α from (Σ ∪ N )∗ , derive a new string β : Choose one of the nonterminals in α, say, A Choose one of the productions with A on the left hand side Replace A in α with the right hand side (rhs) of the production to get the derived string β If α contains only symbols in Σ, then α ∈ L(G) Example: α = int*(E); choose E → E +E ; β = int*(E +E ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.4/32 Derivations: Formally A string α derives a string β , (α ⇒ β ) α, β ∈ (Σ ∪ N )∗ , if: G there are γ, δ, η ∈ (Σ ∪ N )∗ , A ∈ N such that α = γ A δ , β = γ η δ and A −→ η ∈ P We write α ⇒ β for a one-step derivation G ∗ α ⇒ β is a many-step derivation: α ⇒ α0 ⇒ α1 . . . ⇒ β G G G G ∗ Language L(G) generated by G: L(G) = {s ∈ Σ∗ |S ⇒ s} G The task of a parser: find one (or all) derivation(s) of a string in Σ∗ , given a CFG G Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.5/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S⇒ G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S ⇒ N VP ⇒ G G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S ⇒ N VP ⇒ john VP ⇒ G G G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S ⇒ N VP ⇒ john VP ⇒ john V NP ⇒ G G G G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S ⇒ N VP ⇒ john VP ⇒ john V NP ⇒ john saw NP ⇒ G G G G G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S ⇒ N VP ⇒ john VP ⇒ john V NP ⇒ john saw NP ⇒ G G G G G john saw NP PP ⇒ G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivations: Example Σ = {john, girl, car, saw, walks, in, the, a} N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP P = NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N→john, girl, car V→saw, walks P→in D→the, a S ⇒ N VP ⇒ john VP ⇒ john V NP ⇒ john saw NP ⇒ G G G G G john saw NP PP ⇒ john saw D N PP ⇒ john saw the N PP ⇒ john saw the girl G G G PP ⇒ john saw the girl P NP ⇒ john saw the girl in NP ⇒ john saw the girl in D G G G N ⇒ john saw the girl in a N ⇒ G G john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.6/32 Derivation (Parse) Trees S S NP N V john saw NP N VP NP NP PP D N P the girl in john NP VP VP V saw D N a car PP NP P D N the girl in NP D N a car Encodes many possible derivations PP node in the example can be attached to two nodes: the grammar is ambigous CF Parsers/Recognizers differ in the way the derivation trees are build Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.7/32 Context-free Recognition Task: given s ∈ Σ∗ and G, is s ∈ L(G) ? Two ways to go: start with the start symbol S and try to derive s by systematic application of the productions: top down recognition (goal driven) start with the string s and try to reduce it to the start symbol: bottom up recognition (data driven) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.8/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 0) S → (E ), S → int S ( int + ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 0) S → (E ), S → int S ( E ( int ) + ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(E , 1) S → (E ), S → int S ( ( E S int ) * + S ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 1) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int ( int ) * + S ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(E , 1) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ( int ) * S + S + ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 1) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S int ( int + ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 1) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S int ( int + ( int * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 3) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S int ( int + ( E ( int ) * int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(E , 4) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S ( int ( int + ( E S ) * int * S int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 4) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S ( int E S int ( int + ( int ) * * S int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 6) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S ( int E S int ( int + ( int ) * * S ( E ) int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 6) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S ( int E S int ( int + ( int ) * * S ( E ) int int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 3) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S ( int E S int ( int + ( int ) * * S ( E ) int int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing Idea: Recursively compute all expansions of a nonterminal at some input position E → S +S, E → S *S, expand(S , 0) S → (E ), S → int S ( E S int S ) * S + S ( int E S int ( int + ( int ) * * S ( E ) int int ) ) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.9/32 Recursive Descent Parsing II expand returns a set of possible end positions During expansion of one production Keep track of a set of intermediate positions for the already expanded part Expand the next terminal or nonterminal from every intermediate position If the set of possible intermediate position gets empty, the production fails When a production was successfully completed, the intermediate set is added to the set of end positions May run into an infinite loop with left-recursive grammars, ∗ i.e. grammars where A ⇒ Aβ for some A G Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.10/32 Top Down Parsing: Optimizations For every nonterminal, compute the set of terminals that can occur in the first position Expand only those nonterminals / productions that are compatible with the current input symbol Avoid performing duplicate calls with identical nonterminal/position pair: memoize previous calls use a data structure whose index are tuples consisting of the function arguments the result of the lookup is the result of a previous call with the same arguments (if available) The memoized method has to be strictly functional for this to work Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.11/32 Epsilon Reduction A CFG may contain productions of the form A → ǫ Construct a CFG G′ with the same language as G and at most one epsilon production: S → ǫ for all nonterminals A with A → ǫ ∈ P : mark A as ǫ-deriving and add it to the set Q while Q is not empty, remove a nonterminal X from Q: for all Y → α X β ∈ P , with α or β not empty, add Y → α β to P ′ for all Y → X, if Y is not marked as ǫ-deriving: mark Y as ǫ-deriving and add it to Q if S is ǫ-deriving, add S → ǫ to P ′ add all non-ǫ productions of P to P ′ Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.12/32 Chomsky Normal Form A context-free grammar is in Chomsky Normal Form if: (i) it is ǫ-free, (ii) all productions have one of two forms: • A → a with a ∈ Σ • A → B C with B, C ∈ N Every CFG can be transformed into a CNF grammar with the same language Drawback: The original structure of the parse trees must be reconstructed, if necessary The original and transformed grammar are said to be weakly equivalent Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.13/32 Chomsky Normal Form II Convert an arbitrary CFG into CNF: Introduce new nonterminals and productions Aa → a Replace all occurences of a by Aa Eliminate unary productions A → B : add productions where A is replaced by B in the right hand sides Replace productions with more than two symbols on the right hand side by a sequence of productions: A → R1 R2 . . . Rn ⇒ A → R1 A(1) , A(1) → R2 A(2) , · · · A(n−2) → Rn−1 Rn Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.14/32 Chart Parsing First algorithm independently developed by Cocke, Younger and Kasami (late 60s) Given a string w of length n, use an n × n table to store subderivations (hence chart or tabular parsing) Works for all kinds of grammars: left/right recursive, ambiguous Storing subderivations avoids duplicate computation: an instance of dynamic programming polynomial space and time bounds, although an exponential number of parse trees may be encoded! Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.15/32 CYK Parsing Input: G in Chomsky normal form, input string w1 , . . . , wn Systematically explore all possible sub-derivations bottom-up Use an n × n array C such that ∗ If nonterminal A is stored in C(i, k): A ⇒ wi+1 , . . . , wk G Maintain a second table B, such that if j ∈ B(i, k): ex. A → B C ∈ P, A ∈ C(i, k), B ∈ C(i, j) and C ∈ C(j, k) B enables us to extract the parse trees Implement C and B as three-dimensional boolean arrays of size n × n × |N | and n × n × n, respectively Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.16/32 CYK – The Original For i = 1 to n For each Rj −→ ai , set C(i − 1, i, j) = true For l = 2 to n – Length of new constituent For i = 0 to n − l – Start of new constituent For m = 1 to l − 1 – Length of first subconstituent For each production Ra −→ Rb Rc If C(i, i + m, b) and C(i + m, i + l, c) then set C(i, i + l, a) = true set B(i, i + l, i + m) = true If C(1, n, S) is true, w ∈ L(G) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.17/32 CYK Chart Example C 0 john 1 saw 2 the B 3 girl 4 in 5 a 6 car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N C V B D N P D N N 0 john V 1 saw D 2 the N 3 girl P 4 in N D 5 a 6 car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N S V C 1 B 3 D NP N P 6 D NP N S N 0 john NP V 1 saw D 2 the N 3 girl NP P 4 in D 5 a 6 N car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N S V C VP D NP N P 1 B 2 3 5 6 PP D NP N VP S N 0 john NP V 1 PP saw D 2 the N 3 girl NP P 4 in D 5 a 6 N car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N S V S VP D NP N C 1 B NP PP P D NP N 4 5 6 S NP VP S N 0 john PP NP V 1 1 2 3 saw D 2 the N 3 girl NP P 4 in D 5 a 6 N car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N S V S VP D NP N C 1 B NP NP PP P D NP N NP VP S 0 john 1 PP NP V saw D 2 4 4 5 6 NP S N 1 2 3 the N 3 girl NP P 4 in D 5 a 6 N car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N S V S VP D NP N VP NP NP PP P D NP N C 1 B 1 2 3 2,4 4 4 5 6 VP NP S NP VP S N 0 john NP V 1 PP saw D 2 the N 3 girl NP P 4 in D 5 a 6 N car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 CYK Chart Example N S V S VP D NP N S VP NP NP PP P D NP N C 1 B 1 2,4 4 4 5 6 1 2 3 S VP NP S NP VP S N 0 john NP V 1 PP saw D 2 the N 3 girl NP P 4 in D 5 a 6 N car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.18/32 Example Chart S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N →john, girl, car V →saw, walks P →in D →the, a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 N S S S 1 V VP VP(2) 2 D NP NP 3 N NP 4 P PP 5 D NP 6 N 0 john 1 saw 2 the 3 girl 4 in 5 a 6 car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.19/32 Example Chart S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N →john, girl, car V →saw, walks P →in D →the, a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 N S S S 1 V VP VP(2) 2 D NP NP 3 N NP 4 P PP 5 D NP 6 N 0 john 1 saw 2 the 3 girl 4 in 5 a 6 car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.19/32 Example Chart S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N →john, girl, car V →saw, walks P →in D →the, a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 N S S S 1 V VP VP(2) 2 D NP NP 3 N NP 4 P PP 5 D NP 6 N 0 john 1 saw 2 the 3 girl 4 in 5 a 6 car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.19/32 Example Chart S →NP VP|N VP|N V|NP V VP→V NP|V N|VP PP NP→D N|NP PP|N PP PP→P NP|P N N →john, girl, car V →saw, walks P →in D →the, a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 N S S S 1 V VP VP(2) 2 D NP NP 3 N NP 4 P PP 5 D NP 6 N 0 john 1 saw 2 the 3 girl 4 in 5 a 6 car 7 Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.19/32 Encoding Ambiguities Σ = {john, girl, car, sees, in, the, a} S →NP VP, VP→V|V NP|V NP PP P = NP→N|D N|N PP|D N PP PP→P NP S N = {S, NP, VP, PP, D, N, V, P} N→john, girl, car V→sees P→in D→the, a VP NP N V john sees NP D N the girl PP P in NP D N a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.20/32 Describing Chart Parsing Algorithms Parsing algorithm should use original grammars for comparability Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.21/32 Describing Chart Parsing Algorithms Parsing algorithm should use original grammars for comparability They are described using chart items, which consist of a symbol, derived from the grammar a start and end position from 0, . . . , n Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.21/32 Describing Chart Parsing Algorithms Parsing algorithm should use original grammars for comparability They are described using chart items, which consist of a symbol, derived from the grammar a start and end position from 0, . . . , n The symbol of complete items is one of Σ ∪ N Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.21/32 Describing Chart Parsing Algorithms Parsing algorithm should use original grammars for comparability They are described using chart items, which consist of a symbol, derived from the grammar a start and end position from 0, . . . , n The symbol of complete items is one of Σ ∪ N Incomplete chart items encode partially filled rules the symbol is a pair (r, i) of rule and dot position if P ∋ r : A → αβ with |α| = i write alternatively: A → α rβ Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.21/32 Bottom-Up Chart Parsing How, when and which chart items are created or combined characterizes a parsing algorithm or parsing strategy First: A modified variant of Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) algorithm Prerequisites: CFG G, input string w = a1 , . . . , an Data Structures: A n + 1 × n + 1 chart C , where each cell contains a set of (complete or incomplete) chart items A set of chart items A (those must still be treated in some way) Initialization: add all (ai , i − 1, i) to A and Ci−1,i Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.22/32 Bottom-Up Parsing Algorithm while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do check and add(A → X rα, i, j) for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.23/32 Bottom-Up: The Details How to implement A and C efficiently? Implementation of the (n + 1)2 sets in C : Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.24/32 Bottom-Up: The Details How to implement A and C efficiently? Implementation of the (n + 1)2 sets in C : Operations: add single element, contains element Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.24/32 Bottom-Up: The Details How to implement A and C efficiently? Implementation of the (n + 1)2 sets in C : Operations: add single element, contains element P bit vector of size |G| := |Σ| + |N | + P ∋r:A→α |Aα| Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.24/32 Bottom-Up: The Details How to implement A and C efficiently? Implementation of the (n + 1)2 sets in C : Operations: add single element, contains element P bit vector of size |G| := |Σ| + |N | + P ∋r:A→α |Aα| Implementation of the set A: Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.24/32 Bottom-Up: The Details How to implement A and C efficiently? Implementation of the (n + 1)2 sets in C : Operations: add single element, contains element P bit vector of size |G| := |Σ| + |N | + P ∋r:A→α |Aα| Implementation of the set A: Operations: add , get and remove some element Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.24/32 Bottom-Up: The Details How to implement A and C efficiently? Implementation of the (n + 1)2 sets in C : Operations: add single element, contains element P bit vector of size |G| := |Σ| + |N | + P ∋r:A→α |Aα| Implementation of the set A: Operations: add , get and remove some element (priority) queue, stack A is called agenda and can be used to implement search strategies Keep terminal items separate from the chart for space and time efficiency Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.24/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do check and add(A → X rα, i, j) for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it max. |G| × (n + 1)2 if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do check and add(A → X rα, i, j) for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it max. |G| × (n + 1)2 if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do max. |G| check and add(A → X rα, i, j) for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it max. |G| × (n + 1)2 if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do max. |G| check and add(A → X rα, i, j) max. n times for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it max. |G| × (n + 1)2 if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do max. |G| check and add(A → X rα, i, j) max. n times for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do max. |G| times check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 Runtime of CYK Algorithm check and add(X ≡ A → α rβ, i, j) ≡ all operations O(1) if β = ǫ then if (A, i, j) 6∈ C add (A, i, j) to A and C endif else if (A → α rβ, i, j) 6∈ C add (A → α rβ, i, j) to A and C endif while A not empty take an (X, i, j) from A and remove it max. |G| × (n + 1)2 if X ∈ Σ ∪ N for P ∋ r ≡ A → Xα do max. |G| check and add(A → X rα, i, j) max. n times for k ∈ 0, . . . , i − 1 do for all (A → β rXα, k, i) ∈ C do max. |G| times check and add(A → βX rα, k, j) else – incomplete item: X ≡ A → β rY α max. n times for k ∈ j + 1, . . . , n do if (Y, j, k) ∈ C check and add(A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.25/32 CYK – Summary Polynomial complexity: O(|G|2 n3 ) Explores all possible sub-derivations Advantageous for robust parsing: Extract the biggest/best chunks for ungrammatical input That a derivation must start at S is not used at all Average time is near or equal to the worst case May lead to poor performance in practice Two main steps: if (X, i, j) ∈ C, X ∈ Σ ∪ N and A → Xα ∈ P : add (A → X rα, i, j) to C if (A → β rY α, i, j) ∈ C and (Y, j, k) ∈ C : add (A → βY rα, i, k) to C Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.26/32 Predictive Bottom-Up: Earley Parsing Described by J. Earley (1970): Predict Top-Down and Complete Bottom-Up Initialize by adding the terminal items and (S → α, 0, 0) for all S → rα ∈ P Three main operations: Prediction if (A → β rY α, i, j) ∈ C , for every Y → γ ∈ P add (Y → rγ, j, j) to C Scanning if (A → β raj+1 α, i, j) ∈ C , add (A → βaj+1 rα, i, j + 1) to C Completion if (Y, i, j), Y ∈ N and (A → β rY α, j, k) ∈ C , add (A → βY rα, i, k) Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.27/32 Earley Parsing Example john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example john S→ rNP VP saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example john S→ rNP VP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N NP→ rN PP saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example john S→ rNP VP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example N john S→ rNP VP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example NP N john S→ rNP VP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example NP→N rPP NP N saw john S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S→NP rVP NP→N rPP NP N saw john S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S→NP rVP NP→N rPP NP VP N V saw john S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP VP N V saw john S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP VP N V saw john the S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN N V D saw john the S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN N V D saw john girl the r S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN N V D N saw john girl the r S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN N V D N saw john girl the r S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP N V D N P saw john girl in the r P→ rin S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP N V D N P saw a john girl in the r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP NP→D rN N V D N P D N saw a car john girl in the r r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP N→ john S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N N→ rgirl NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP N→ rcar NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP NP→D rN N V D N P D N saw a car john girl in the r r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP N→ john P→ rin S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP N→ rcar NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP→V NP rPP VP PP r S NP→D N PP NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP NP→D rN N V D N P D N saw a car john girl in the r r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP N→ john P→ rin S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP N→ rcar NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example NP S VP→V NP rPP VP PP r S NP→D N PP NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP NP→D rN N V D N P D N saw a car john girl in the r r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP N→ john P→ rin S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP N→ rcar NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example VP NP S VP→V NP rPP VP PP r S NP→D N PP NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP NP→D rN N V D N P D N saw a car john girl in the r r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP N→ john P→ rin S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP N→ rcar NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing Example S VP NP S VP→V NP rPP VP PP r S NP→D N PP NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP→N rPP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→D rN PP NP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP NP→D rN N V D N P D N saw a car john girl in the r r P→ rin NP→ rD N PP N→ john P→ rin S→ rNP VP PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N PP N→ john N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N N→ rgirl PP→ rP NP NP→ rD N NP→ rD N PP VP→ rV N→ rcar NP→ rN VP→ rV NP PP NP→ rN NP→ rN PP N→ rcar NP→ rN NP→ rD N VP→ rV NP NP→ rN PP N→ rjohn N→ rjohn NP→ rN PP V→ rsaw N→ rgirl N→ rjohn N→ rgirl N→ rgirl N→ rcar N→ rcar D→ rthe N→ rcar D→ rthe D→ ra D→ rthe D→ ra D→ ra Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.28/32 Earley Parsing – Summary The number of useless items is reduced Superior runtime for unambiguous grammars: O(n2 ) Valid prefix property Not all sub-derivations are computed Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.29/32 Left Corner Parsing Observation: Earley parsing predicts items that can not succeed Idea: predict only items that can also be derived from the leftmost terminal item Formalization: left-corner relation A >l B ⇐⇒ ∃β : A → Bβ ∈ P, B ∈ Σ ∪ N A >∗l is the transitive closure of >l Reformulation of the prediction step: If (A → β rY α, i, j) and (B, j, k) ∈ C , with B ∈ Σ ∪ N add (C → B rγ, j, k) if C → Bγ ∈ P and Y >∗l C This formulation also avoids the zero-length predictions with the dot in initial position Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.30/32 Left-Corner Example john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example NP→N rPP N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example NP NP→N rPP N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S→NP rVP NP NP→N rPP N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S→NP rVP NP NP→N rPP N V john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S→NP rVP NP NP→N rPP VP N V john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S→NP rVP NP VP→V rNP NP→N rPP VP N V john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→N rPP VP N V john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→N rPP VP N V john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→N rPP VP N V D john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D N P john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP N V D N P john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN PP→P rNP N V D N P D john saw the girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D N girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP NP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D N girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP NP→D N rPP NP NP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D N girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP NP→D N rPP NP NP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP PP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D N girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example NP S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP NP→D N rPP NP NP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP PP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D N girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Left-Corner Example S VP NP S VP→V NP rPP VP S NP→D N rPP NP→D N rPP NP NP S→NP rVP VP→V rNP PP NP PP VP→V rNP NP→D rN PP NP→N rPP VP NP→D rN N V D john saw the NP→D rN PP PP→P rNP NP→D rN N P D N girl in a car Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.31/32 Context-Free Parsing: Summary Context-free grammars provide you with a finite set of infinitely embeddable brackets Two main approaches to CF recognition: top down (goal-driven) and bottom-up (data driven) Storing sub-derivations for re-use (dynamic programming) in a chart lead to a polynomial algorithm with worst case n3 The chart offers a compact (polynomial size) storage for a possibly exponential number of results Earley and Left Corner Parsing improve the average runtime over the naïve CYK algorithm, and have a better worst case complexity for some classes of context-free grammars Introduction to CL - Context-Free Grammars – p.32/32