ICES C.M. C.M. 1994/G:38 COASTAL AND FJORD RESOURCES OFF FINNMARK AND TROMS COUNTIES, NORWAY, BASED ON THE 1992 SURVEY. by J.E. Eliassen 1, J.H. Sundetl, E. Berg2 and S. Skreslet3 1 Norwegian Institute ofFisheries and Aquaculture, P.O. Box 2511, N-9002 Troms0 2 Norwegian College ofFisheries Science, University ofTromse, 9002 Troms0 3 Nordland College, 8000 Bode 2 • 1. ABSTRACT In 1992 an acoustic survey in fjords and shelfareas offFinnmark and Troms, two eounties in northern Norway, was made to estimate the total biomass of eod, haddoek, saithe, redfish species and herring to be 876.000 tannes. The total biomass of eod was ealeulated to 112.000 tannes. Based on otolith struetures abOlit 1/3 ofthe eod (34.000 tonnes) was identified as North East Aretic eod. The remaining, dominant fraction of78.000 tonnes was coastal eod which form loeal stocks, aeeording to taggirig experiments performed in 1986 - 92. The biomass of other fish species were; haddoek: 78.000 tannes; herring: 470.000 tomies; eapelin: 10.000 tannes; saithe: 181.000 tannes and redfish: 25.000 tannes. • 2. INTRODUCTlON 2.1 Background From 1973 40.000 tannes of eoastal eod has been added to the Norwegian quota ofNorthEastem Artic eod. This quota, whieh is still an agreement and used by The International Couneil for the Exploration ofthe Sea (ICES), is set on the basis ofthe arinual Norwegian landings of cod in the ICES stiüistieal areas 06 and 07 (Nordland, Tnmdelag, Mere and Romsdal eounties) during the whole year, pluss the landings in area 00 (Lofoten) in the fourth and fifth quarters (Figure 1). Based upon these area settings, there are no eoastal eod landings North ofLofoten. However, the eoastal areas in Finnmark, the northemmost county in Norway, seem to contain loeal populations of eod, aeeording to JAKOBSEN (1987) who tagged about 10.000 cod eaught on Ioeal spawning grounds in the fjords. To evaluate the abundanee ofthe fish resOlirees in north Norwegian fjords and shelfareas, in 1991 Fiskeriforskning initiated a program on the eoastal resources ofnorth Norway, with funding from The Royal Norwegian Ministry ofFisheries. The planning was based on investigations made sinee 1985 by the Norwegian College for Fisheries Scienee at the University ofTromso. The college has used the RN "Johan Ruud" (33 m) to investigate the distribution and sizes ofwild fish populations in some fjords in the county ofTroms. The investigations were made before and during the release oftagged eodlings reared from sexual produets stripped from parent eod from the same fjords, to study enhaneement effeets on loeal eod stocks. The methods included genetieal separation of sub-populations of eod, haddoek, : whiting and blue whiting. In 1992 Fiskeriforskning started the work at sea in the eoastal areas of Finnmark and Trams. The main objeetive was to evaluate the distribution and stock biomass ofthe most common eommercial fish species and deep sea prawn. Most ofthe effort was alloeated to eod and haddoek, but saithe, redfish, herring and capelin were also of important targets. 2 3 .. 2.2 Terms of reference The following tenns ofreference were given to the participants: 1) Assess the abundance arid stock" composition of cod, haddock, saithe, redfish, herring and . capelin in coastal areas of Troms and Finnmark in 1992. 2) Give priority to an assessment of cod, with an emphasis on coastal cod. Separation of parameters versus age is essential. 3) Estimate the stock biomass for the five other species listed above. 4) Estimate maturity ogive, length and weight by age, and spawning stock biomasses of cod. 5) Establish isopleth diagrams for temperature for some main trancects. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS All material given in this report was sampled during a cruise using the RIV "Johan Ruud", a 33 m stern trawl-rigged research vessel. All fjords and proximal shelfareas within the 12 n. mile fishing border from the Russian border, Finnmark County, to Senja, Troms County were investigated during the period from 24 August to 3 October 1992 (Figure 2 and 3). The authors were gathered in two periods, in Hammerfest 24 - 31 January and in Bodo 24 -29 May 1993. 3.1 Survey areas and routes . . The investigation occurred in the ICES statistical areas 03,04 and the northemmost part if05 (Figure 1). These areas have been subdivided by the the Norwegian Directorate ofFisheries (NDF). It was attempted to visit all sub-areas comprising fjords and shelfareas inside the 12 n. roile border. About 5200 nautical mHes were sailed and the coverage is presented in Figure 2 and 3. In order to focus on differences between fjords and shelf areas, and study possible gradients from west to east along the coast, we have grouped some ofthe ICESINDF sub-areas into larger units. These units will be referred to by names given in Figure 6. The 1992 survey had a maximum limit of 40 days with the RIV "Johan Ruud". During the cruise we tried to survey all the major fjords, fjord branches and sounds using overlapping triangular transects when going in and out ofthe fjord, to get the best possible coverage ofthe areas (MACLENNAN & SIMMONDS 1992). Parts ofthe major areas to be visited were planned before the cruise, while some ofthe cruise tracks were planned iri detail during the actual cruise to get the best possible coverage. 3 3.2 Acoustic methods The acoustie integration method onboard RJV "lohan Ruud" was based upon the Bergen Echo Integration (BEI) system using a Sun Spare 2 work station receiving information from an EK 500 Simrad echosounder with a huH mounted 38 kHz split beam transducer. The instrument settings made integrations for each 1.0 n. mHe. The method ofFOOTE et al. (1983) combined with a Simrad Lobe program was used for the calibration ofthe acoustie system. Cruising speed during integration was 9.0 knots. The TS-values used were: TS = 20.0 log 1- 68 TS = 20.0 log 1- 71.9 TS = 19.1 log 1- 74 - cod, haddock, saithe and redfish: - herring: - capelin: 3.3 Identification To identifY acoustie targets, fishing was performed when possible. Trawl sampling was standard procedure, but the large variations in the bottom topography required alternative procedures. Pelagic trawling presented few problems, while demersal tfCiwling in some places was impossible due to the bottom. In some cases jigging was performed to identifY targets. In total of293 fishing stations, comprising 133 demersal trawl tows, 143 pelagic trawl tows and 17 jigging stations, each lasting for approximately half an hour, were taken during the 1992 survey (Figure 4 and 5). Demersal trawling was done on bottom ranging from about 25 to about 450 m depth. Pelagic trawling was made according to echo signals, in discrete depths ranging from the surface to 10 m above the bottom. The demersal trawl was a 1300 mesh REFA Finnsnes prawn trawl with 35 mm mesh size and equipped with rubber bobbins. The pelagic trawl was a 10 fathoms Harstad-trawl, with a codend having 10 mm meshes (knot to knot). The trawling speed was 2.0 knots. For the jigging we used three hand-operated jiggs, each equipped with six hooks. Length, weight, sex and stage ofmaturity were recorded for each individual fish specimen, and age determined from otoliths stored in a freezer before being broken and read in laboratory. 3.4 Judging and biomass estimations Biomass figures were calculated by combining: i) ii) iii) iv) v) CPUE-data from the survey trawl catches, the fish length measurements, the aged fish material, the acoustie integrated data, the judging. 4 5 The judging was done at sea and the age read in laboratory. During the judging we tried to include the listed faetors, in addition to coloured screen prints. All integrated and judged data were stored on magnetic tapes. 3.5 Age determination, growth and types of otoliths 3.5.1 eod 4.037 otoliths of eod were taken for determination oftype and age. The agening was made by identification ofannual growth rings (1 hyaline pluss 1 opaque zone equals a year) in the otoliths, in aeeordanee with procedures used by the Institute ofMarine Research, Bergen. We discriminated between North-East Arctic and eoastal cod by the method developed by ROLLEFSEN (1933, 1934). • 3.5.2 Haddock A total of3.509 otolihs ofhaddock were sampled. During the age determinations we attempted to distinguish between coastal and Nort-East Arctic haddoek, as for eod, with no sucess. The technique for reading age from haddock otoliths was calibrated against procedures established by the Institute for Marine Research, Bergen (Agotnes, pers.comm.). 4. RESULTS 4.1 Biomass assessments The total standing biomass in Troms and Finnmark was in 1992 calculated to be 876.000 tonnes (Table 1). More than half ofthis was herring (470.000 tonnes) and about on fifth was saithe (181.000 tonnes). eod and haddock were found to be about 112.000 and 78.000 tonnes respectively, and redfish about 25.000 tonnes. As expected wery Httle capelin (10.000 tonnes) was registered at this time ofthe year. There were rather large variations between areas in the species distribution between areas and the composition of species within areas (Table 1). For all species the largest biomass was found in Finnmark, and except for herring and redfish, the largest fractions were found in eastern Finnmark, area 03. 5 6 4.2 Cod 4.2.1 Classification of stocks by otholiths Coastal eod dominated over NE Aretic eod in all fjords and sheifareas from Malangen to Tana. In the fjords coastal eod eonstituted 86 to 98 % (Tables 3-8). In shelf areas the proportions were Iower, 79 % at Western Troms, 46 % at Sieppen and 73 % at Varanger (Tables 9 - 11). 4.2.2 Age, length and weight relationships in coastal cod In some fjords and shelf areas eoastal eod 3 years and younger, and 6 years and oider, were represented by numbers Iower than 10 specimens. The numbers of4 and 5 year old eoastal eod was higher than 10 in all areas (Tables 3-11) arid provide the best material for eomparisons between areas. The age distributions ofeoastal eod were not uniform. For iristanee, in Malarigen, UlIsfjord and Lyngen 5 year old eod expressed the strongest mode, while 4 year old eod expressed the strongest mode in Balsfjord (Tables 3 and 4). 4 year old eod in Malangen, Balsfjord, Ulisjord, LYngt:m and Kvrenangen was on an average smaller than 45 em, and between 45 and 50 em in fjord farther east (Table 11). In the shelf areas Vest-Troms, Loppa-Soroya, Räsa, HjeImsoy, Sieppen, 0sthavet and Varangerfjord, the average lengths of4 year old eoastal eod was larger than 50 em. Thus, there was a gradient in length inerease from the fjords to the shelf (Figure 7). In 5 year old coast al eod, average lengths larger than 60 em were reeorded iri Sieppen, 0sthavet and Varanger in eastern Finnmark, while they were smalier in shelf areas in the western part (Table 11). In general, the average length at age inereased from west to east along the eoast (Figures 7 arid 8). The average weight of 4 year old coastal eod was Iarger than 1.2 kg in all sheif areas, arid was lower than 1.0 kg in all fjords from Malangen to Revsbotn (Table 12). 5 year old eod were on an average Iarger thari 2.0 kg in Sieppen, 0sthavet and Varanger (Table 12), i.e. the three eastemmost shelf areas. Thus, as for lengths, there were gradients with inereasing weight seawards and eastwards. In the western part ofthe investigated region, the Iength inerements of eoastal eod in . Malangen and UlIsfjord deereased after reaehing 4 years, in eontrast to eod from Balsfjord arid Lyngenfjord where the growth rate was sustained after that age (Figure 9). In the eastern-most fjords the length inerements also deereased after an age of 4 years, but the eod was then Iarger than in the western fjords. The highest growth rate was reeorded in Varanger (Figtire 9), and the eoastal eod in this fjord grew at the same rateas eod from eoastal and sheif areas (Figure 10), or NE Aretic eod iri the 0sthavet area and the Barents Sea (Figure 11). Length inerements of eoastal eod on the sheif was equal to NE Aretie eod in the same areas and in the Barents Sea, while the Iength inerease for eoastaI eod in fjords were smaller (Figures 11 and 12). 6 • 7 4.2.3 l\'laturity at age Some ofthe coastal cod started to mature sexually at an age of3 years, both in fjords and in . shetfareas (table 13). 50% maturity was reached between ages of 4 and 6 years and 100% maturity between 6 arid 9 years. The differences between areas in the investigated region was unsysterriatic, with no seaward or eastward gradients. The percent maturity was not positively related to growth in coastaI eoel, as demoristrated in Malangen and Ullsfjord where length inerements deereased after an age of4 years (Figure 9). At that age few eod had matured in Malarigen, while more thein 50% häd matUred in UlIsfjord (Table 13). In Lyngen where a high growth rate was maintained between 4 lind 6 years (Figure 9), larger proportions of each age group had matured than in Ullsfjord where the groWth was slower. • NE Arctic cod seem to mature at a later age than coastal eod, starting at an age of 4 years in most areas (table 14). However, the significance ofthis feature may be doubted, beeatise the number of observations are very few, especially for young fish. 4.2.4 Stock assessment In 1992, on the eoast from western Troms to eastern Finnmark, we reeorded a total of 88 million eoastal and North-East Aretic eod whieh amounted to a biomass of 112.000 tonnes (Tables 1, 15 and 16). A fittle more than the half(60.000 tonnes) ofthis biomass was found in eastern Finnmark (area 03), and approximately 25 % eaeh (25.000 and 27.000 tonnes) in western Finnmark and Troms, respeetively. Some ofthe fjords, i.e. Varanger, Porsanger, Revsbotn arid Lyngen, had signifieantly more eod than other fjords. However, there were in generalIarger amounts ofeod in the shelfareas than in the fjords (Table 15). Abundance and biomass of coastal cod The proportion of eoastal eorl was 63 mill fish amounting to totaliy 78.000 tonnes (Tables 17 and 18). The spawning stock of eoastal eod was 26 mill fish anlountirig to 52.000 tonnes. Most of the eoastaI eorl were fOlJlid in the fjords. Abundance and biomass ofNorth-East Arctic cod A total of25 mill North-East Aretic eod were reeorded and amounted to about 35.000 tonnes (Tables 21 and 22). Contrary to the eoastal eod the lärger proportion was found in the shelf . areas, but they were also abundant in Porsanger and Varanger. 7 8 4.3 Haddock 4.3.1 Age, length and weight relationships in haddock The haddock caught during the investigation were mainly young fish aged 1-4 years (Tables 23 - 27).2 year old haddock dominated in a majority ofthe areas, especially in the eastern fjords (Table 25). This age group was the only one represented by more than 10 specimens in all areas. The average Iength of2 year old haddock was larger than 35 cm in fjords from Malangen to Revsbotn, Le. in the western part of the investigated region (Table 28). The age-group had lower average lengths in fjords farther to the east arid in the shelf areas. 3 year old haddock were on an average longer than 42 cm to the west of Sieppen and srnaller to the east. The length frequency distributions of2 year old haddock were unimodal and were rather uniform in shelf areas, displaying a modal maximum in the 30-35 cm class interval. The Tanafjord had very small 2 year old haddock compared to other fjords (Figtire 14 and 'fable 28). In sheif areas haddock 4 years and older diffen:id in Iengths but were smaller than haddock from the Barents Sea, but those were caught 4-6 months Iater (Figure 15). The average Iengths ofhaddock from fjords in the western part ofthe investigated region were not markedly different from Barents Sea haddock; hut this was not the ease for haddock in the fjords farther to the east (Figure 16). Except for the area named Vest Troms, the average weights of2 year old haddoek were higher than 004 kg in areas to the west ofHjelmsoy. The 3 year old haddock were heavier than 0.75 kg (Table 29) and they weighed less in Hjehnsoy and areas farther to the east, compared to the western areas. 4.3.2 l\faturity at age Exeept for in the Altafjord, the haddoek started to mature as two year old flsh in Revsbotn and areas farther west (Table 30). Farther east the maturatiori started in 3 or 4 year old fish. 100% maturity was recorded in 4-6 year old fish, but this observation is based on fewer specimens. 4.3.3 Stock assessment \Ve reeorded about 174 million haddoek whieh amounted to about 78.000 toeines (Tables 31 and 32). This is equal to the biomass of coastal eod. The ratio between NE Afetic haddoek and NE Aretic eod was mueh higher than what is found in the Barents Sea. Most ofthe haddock (42.000 tonnes) was found in Eastern Finnmark (Table 1), whieh is slightly more than what was found in western Finnmark (19.000) and Trams (17.000 tonnes). 8 9 4.4 Saithe, redfish, herring and capelin 4.4.1 Length distributions in saithe Saithe caught in the fjords were mainly smaller than 50 cm (Figures 17 - 20). Larger saithe were mainly present in shelf areas from Sleppen and west-wards. . 4.4.2 Stock assessments of saithe The total biomass for saithe (181.000 tonnes) was rather evenly distributed between Troms, western Finnmark and eastern Finnmark (Table 1). Most ofthe biomass was found in shelf areas. • 4.4.3 Length distributions in redfish Length measurements of 4076 redfish (Sebastes sp.) clearly show that the strongest length mode in the fjord catches decreased from about 40 cm in Malangen to less than 10 cm in Revsbotn (Figures 21-22). The redfish were also smaller than 40 cm in fjords from Porsanger to Varanger (Figures 22-23). The length range was larger in the shelfareas (Figures 24-25). 4.4.4 Stock assessments of redfish The total biomass ofredfish was 25.000 tonnes, with about 15.500 tonnes (60 %) in western Finnmark 6.000 tonnes in eastern Finnmark and 3.500 tonnes in Trams. 4.4.5 Length distributions in herring • The length ofherring varied between 5 and 35 cm, with a rather specific length distribution in each ofthe areas, and with no systematic geographical trend (Figures 26-30). 4.4.6 Stock assessments of herring There was a rather large standing stock ofherring - 470.000 tonnes - in the Finnmark and Troms areas (Table 1). Western Finnmark had about 75 % ofthis biomass (about 355.000 tonnes), while eastern Finnmark had a biomass e10se to 90.000 tonnes. A rather'small biomass was found in Troms. The highest concentrations were found off north-eastern Varanger, Magemy, at Revsbotn, Loppa and Silda. 9 10 . 4.4.7 Length distributions in capelin The length distributions of eapelin in Porsanger and Varanger were bimodal, with modes around 9 and 14 em (Figure 31). 4.4.8 Stock assessments of capelin Approximately 9.800 tonnes of eapelin were recorded, mainly restrieted to eastem Finnmark. i.e. Varanger, Porsanger and offNordkapp. Qnly small amounts were found in other areas (Table 1). 5. DISCUSSION The 1992 survey show that the fjords and shelf areas had considerable fisheries resources. There were large standing biomasses of cod, haddock, saithe, redfish, herring and eapelin, amounting to a total of876.000 tonnes from the Russian border to Senja in the Troms county. However, there were large regional differences. . 5.1 Cod and haddock The otolith material clearly indieates the existenee of eoastal eod in eoastal waters outside the eounties ofTroms and Finnmark, living tagether with North-East Aretic eod. The fjords and sheltered shelfwaters have larger proportions ofcoastal cod than open shelfwaters. Some of the fjords may have distinct stocks of eod, like in Malangen where the stationarity of eoastal eod has been demonstrated by a tagging experiments (ELIASSEN unpubl.). This investigation clearly indicates regional differences in growth of cod and haddoek eaught in different areas. These differenees may be due to genotypical differenees due to selfreeruitment within eaeh area, or to phenotypieal modifieation of imported genotypes, due to partieular ecologieal conditions working on the level of individuals. The available material does not permit any diseussion of such problems, whieh must be solved by appropriate. methods in the future. Most ofthe eod reeorded in 1992 were loeated in the near-shore areas ofthe Barents Sea shelf, being more abundant there than in the fjords. A large proportion ofthe shelf eod was identified as eoastal eod with a growth that did not differ markedly from that ofNE Aretie eod found in the same areas. In fjord areas the eoastal eod was an order of magnitude more abundant than NE Aretie eod. The growth in eoastal eod was slower in the fjords than in the shelf areas. Tbis does not seem to be related to the lower environmental temperatures in fjords, eompared with shelf areas near by, beeause the growth rates were higher in the cold fjords ofFinnmark than in the warmer fjords ofTroms. 10 11 Tins may indicate that the feeding coriditions were possibly less favourabie for cod in the fjords, compared to shelf areas, and better in the east than in thc west. . ; This is contrary to haddock which grew faster in the western fjords arid shelf areas, thari in eastern areas. It is diflicult to suggest explanations for these differences. However, bath capelin and hemng wen~ more abundant inn Finnmark than in Troms, and mighi somehow be more available to cod than to haddock, for instance when these prey species seck cold water. There was no systematic dominance of any yearclass of cod, indicating that the recruitment to .. the fjord stocks has not varied much in the period 1986-91.. However, there was a marked decline of eod aged 7 years and older, in all fjords ancl shelf areas, exeept in Porsanger where the decline was less pronouncect. We have considered that the decline could be due to fishing arid natural mortality, but have no iriformation which supports such explanation. On the other hand thc fishing pressure in ihe fjords may be regarded as rather moderate, due to the low quotas which has been set for the eod during the last years, arid this also applies for the fjords and near coastal area quotas. It seems more likeIy that the decline was related to sexual maturation, becätise 100% inatUnty was reeorded in yearclasses 6-8 years old. 1fthis is a valid assumption, it remains to explain where ihe sexiiciIly mature cod go. an During this investigation, the haddock in the fjords and the shelf areas eonsisted mostly of immature fish. At the age of 100% sexual maturity, Le. 4-6 years, thc abundance of older fish declined markedly. In the exploited stock ofNE Arctic haddock, 4 arid 8 year old fish display modes in the age frequency distribution (ANON. 1992), but these yearclasses were absent in most ofthc sampIes from the investigated areas. This is important observation ofno covariation of the yearelasses between the Barents Sea arid thc near-shofe shelf arid fjord areas. The sexually mature fish may have stayed elsewhere in September when thc , investigation was made. However, they mayas weIl have been present arid integrated in our acousiic methods, but eseaped from OUf sarnpling gear. an Ideritification arid aeousiic integration offlsh in fjords and near-shore shelfareas have some major limitations: • i) Sampling by pelagic and clemersal trawling may be difflcult e10se to or at the bottom alorig steep slopes frequently met with in fjords and sheltered sheIf areas. Fishing with trawls was mostly done over level bottom in the median paris offjord basins and iroughs on the shelf. ii) The aeoutic method has some weaknesses regarding presize registratians along the slopes due to the side-Iobes and the blind zones. NE Afctic eod aged i -3 years was in general weakly represented in the investigated area, in relation to 4 and 5 year old fish whieh were sexually maturirig yearclasses, probably terininating with 100% matunty ai an age of 6-7 years. ANON (1992) reports that 1-3 year . old NE Arctie eod reeorded in the Norwegian aeoustie surveys and the Rtissian aeoustie trawl surveys are not iess mimerous than 4 and 5 year old fish. Thus, the investigated areas were probably not nursery habitats for the youngest NE Arctie eorl when the investigation was made. On the other harid, the eoastal eod mirigled with NE Areiie in eoastal areas, to a larger extent in near-shore shelf ares than in the fjords. 11 12 5.2 Saithe, redfish, herring and capelin Herring constituted the dominant biomass in Trams and Finnmar~ amounting to more than 50 % ofthe total biomass. The populations found in different areas were not uniform, as the size differences indicate age frequency differences. However, it may be possible that schools selecting different size compositions have been present in most fjords and that the sampling has been rather randorn, selecting different size groups in different areas. All the herring prabably belong to the stock ofNorwegian spring spawners whichhas it northem limit of distribution in the southem Barents Sea. The presence and distribution ofherring in this area may have influenced the distribution of predators Iike cod, saithe and haddock. Thus, absence of a different distribution pattern ofherring in other years, may also cause a different distribution ofpredators. Saithe constituted the second largest biomass, larger than that of cod, both in Troms, western and eastem Finnmark. Most ofit was was fish smaller than 50 crn, i.e. prabablyadolescent fish. The redfish presented in this investigation is a mixture ofthree Sebastes species, S. marinus, S. mentella and S. viviparus. Thus, it is difficult to make any comments on the stock structures. • Capelin occurred mostly in the eastem areas and consisted ofboth a fraction of small immature fish and larger fish which probably would enter the spawning stock in 1993. In conclusion, it may be stated that the two counties ofTrams and Finnmark in 1992 had considerable resources bound to their coastal waters. • 12 13 12 REFERENCES ANON, 1992. Report ofthe Arctic Fisheries Working Group. Int. Coun. Explor. Sea. Coun Meet. Assess. 1. 1993. 169 pp. BERG, E. 1991. Forvaltning av en fjordressurs av torsk (Gadus morhua L.) som beskattes med garn. Fiskerikandidatoppgave, Norwegian College for Fisheries Science, Univ. ofTroms0. 110 pp (in Norwegian). FOOTE, K.G., KNUTSEN, H.P. and VESTNES, G. 1983. Standard calibration ofecho sounders and echo integrators with optimal copper spheres. Fisk. Dir Skr. Sero Havunders. 17: 335-346. JAKOBSEN, T. 1987. Coastal cod in Northem Norway. Fisheries Research: 223-234. MACLENNAN, D.N. & E.J. SIM:MONDS. 1992. Fisheries acoustics. Chapman & Hal1., London. 325 pp. ROLLEFSEN, G.1933. The otholits ofcod. FiskDir. Skr. Sero Havunders. 4 (3): 4-18. 13. TABLES AND FIGURES 33 tables and 31 figures are presented. • 13 LI I . I I I I ---1 , i I , . ! (J ..... I , I I -- ""' '..:.,.·Ul I II I I i! II I - , • ! .- I : __--+-----=3-=--- ---t------!-&..-.:...-.---r-----L.--r------+-__ 03 37 02 : , 08 I _---=l.o'---f---------- - 41 Figure 1. Geographical distribution of sea areas for use in the fisheries statistics. After: The International Council tor the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries (NDF). 14 ....... • I J~ ILu I'JU !'U r-··-·-- .. OMHÄUE -------- I JU IlJ u I cJ U IlJ" /lu 11 J~ -tfH IH""Ur Ob \fi 1'1 IB \~ 20 LI IlJ(,.OYUK llu Nt AI LkUIi,d,.. OMHÄUE 37 Itl~IIH' LL .... - UANft. " -_._-- _._. NYLHUtd·d h / ('IiUttNtN 36 LI. 06 07 OB 09 11 IO,..,.. .....vll .... 32 ]) 34 2'1 2B 29 35 lJ1 70 U 26 Ot-.-mAlJE OJ ------- ~.t1H~ UtUHH( H OMI~Ä{)t: 04 <' 22 " 23"'lJH1 ~KAut h 1.0 Fig 2. I / OMHÄUl O~ SUlVey and integration route during the coastal research cruise along tha coast off Northern Norway, autumn 1992. 11," b. ',lI J ,I J,,- ---' I "·_----- +_-----_.- ';.··----:..;"-" H" J.--=-r· r -, J~. .,.- .tU· , • U- Jl- JP' 11" OMHÄDE 12 04 05 06 :n IU \<J LU 21 22 13 14 15 \6 I--+----y-----i-----r-----+----t - - - - 1 - -_ _ "'htr,t .. 22 23 U'ltlll I." J - - - - - t - - - - - - j - - - - - - ''" ..... 09 • 0\ lUV OMHÄOE 03 OMRÄOE 04 Fig 3. lt,·, J-. ·.,.t Survey and integration route during the coastal research cruise along the coasl oft Northern Norway, aulumn 1992. .'," U" 111" I'J U IU U " I JU OMI<AllE ]lJ 06 19 luLlOJOK l' .-,- :n. 20 Ht Al 22 24 ("HUN~t,., -------1t----ir.----1:-:----1r---I~---f-----t---- U ..... OMHÄDE TI ,.,<-Nu,.,,.,,,., • Itl~IlH' (,Nu.."t" Q7 21. . 32 33 27 28 34 08 09 35 29 OMf~ÄDE 01. /j 23>·/ 22 ~JI<I ~IlAllth Fig. 4. "lvk'Jt.~. h üMHÄOE ! Trawl and jigging stations along tha coast off { Northarn Norway during tha autumn 1992 survay. .Ä Oamersa1 trawl stalion. X Palagic trawl station. • Jigging stalion. 11 • 11- 11" 11' - -----~- ----- - .. ~.,~.- O' . IU" 11" "" OMI<ÄOE 12 UI. 05 Oll 13 . ,ul l n_ 11 LU ------ .' - - -- --- - ,---- --- N~Üra. _.- L1 23 25 10 ~l .A \L . t ,,..tN I~ 14 U \ lti \u,t b" ------_. \ . A- 11 O'} __ . - - - -_._- '\ - - -- --' ,." \ , I "UHU." ....., t".t H OU \ {J'J I .' i '\ 01. ..... 10" OMI~Ä[)l OJ OMHÄll[ 01. - Fig.5. on 1 I Trawl and jigging stations along tha coast Northarn Norway during tha autumn 1992 sUlVay, \ 1 '/).',1 4..tI " /', t1 _ .A Damarsal trawl station. X Palagic trawl station. • Jigging station. 1 . f ., I \ I , i _I KYSTRES2.XLS Table 1. , COASTAL RESOURCES; FINNMARK AND TROMS 1992 (TONNES) AREA AREA NO. COD HADDOCK HERRING CAPEUN SAITHE REDFISH MAINAREA03 VARANGER(VA) 03VA02 12751 3056 2253 3859 1749 530 VARANGER(VA) 03VA0301 9354 6555 3188 81 1316 1006 VARANGER(VA) 03VA08 2534 361 38352 0 172 284 VARANGER(VA) 03VA07 5557 . 4382 1088 0 5280 236 VARANGER(VA) 03VA0613 4037 7689· 10186 0 18069 315 TANA(TA) 03TA05 2520 2897 3692 0 2335 986 NORKYNOST(NY) 03NY12 3236 5827 10000 0 22861 1102 03NYll 4063 4257 0 0 8185 1018 NORKYN VEST(NY) LAKSEFJORD(LA) . 03LA25 2056 861 2466 0 9 298 NORKAPP(NK) 03NK10 5894 2026 10008 938 6419 77 PORSANGER(PO) 03P024 7979 3891 8667 4820 881 128 EASTERN FINNMARK AAEA 03 SUM 59981 41802 89900 9698 67276 5980 MAINAREA04 MAGER0Y(MA) HJELMSOY·INGOY (HI) ROLVSOY·SOA0Y(RS) REVSBOTN(RE) SOROY(SO) OMA. 12 + 23 LOPPHAVET(LO) SILDA(SI) STJERNOY(ST) ALTA(AL) SUM WEST-FINNMARK 04MA26 04Hl2425 04RS13 04RE14 04S01223 04LOll O4SI04 04ST05 04AL15 85133 SUM FINNMARK AREATROMS ARNOY(AR) OMA. 03 ... 10 VANNOY(VN) OMR. 02 + 09 NORDVESTBK (NB) . KVJENANGEN·NORDA.(KN) LYNGEN(LY) ULLSFJORD(UL) BALSFJORD(BA) MALANGEN(ML) MALANGSGA.(MG)30+31 +3S COD HADDOCK HERRING CAPELIN SAITHE REDF/SH 4735 3910 48969 39 2950 2813 4401 3211 3562 o 20808 951 2466 1987 26516 o 6346 409 2427 3064 62020 o 11332 105 3043 2166 5758 o 8582 133 4024 1962 104112 7053 o 6091 1739 1523 101034 666 16 1296 240 2006 1066 o 660 3395 1136 472 2412 o 186 50 25152 19360 355449 55 58251 15575 04AR03 04VN02 O4NBOl 04KN27 O4LY29 04UL28 05BA39 05MA40 OSMG30 61162 445349 9753 125527 21555 COD HADDOCK HERRING CAPELIN SAITHE REDFISH 9 21919 3689 6890 12447 734 17 9824 3733 4551 o 1518 1456 1009 o o 4298 167 691 742 2 1185 95 1700 558 1715 2945 o 2233 21 1093 160 o 5647 160 1266 87 8365 1052 26 39 271 140 651 145 562 o 818 358 o 9284 5794 7272 o SUM TROMS 27336 16730 24502 54 55247 3469 SUM04 TROMS AREA04SUM AREA05SUM 18361 43513 8975 10287 29647 6443 15997 371446 8505 28 83 26 45106 103357 10141 2695 18270 774 77892 469851 9807 180774 25024 875817 AREA 03 + 04 + 05 SUM SUM ALL SPECIES+AREAS 112469 '. '.' ".' ",~, ,,~ 19 .' ., 1 I" 11' /I" /0" I~ Hr" • I,'" :-;.I'_"_ _---.:I:y..'" ;:IÜ_·_ _ ~II_"_ _--:.;.11°_1 N o \ (Hi ,'" IIJ" IU IlJ 20 21 IU" I'j" 1----1---- 18 IY 20 22 21 23 13 14 15 ,,, .. t ._ 'U(.l.lnbK It( Al(,Huh .. • t'~ltH (..Hu,""dH () '/ ou OIJ ou 0 1.000r ...,(_ 03 35 (I . 03 OMRÄOE 04 . 0," ..... "'-OMHÄIJE ()~ Fig; 6. e .Area distribution in the coastal cod /' North East Artic cod investigations. e Ta~e 2. Langth (ern) and weight (g)at ,aga ofCoastal cod an'd NOl1h- East ArCtlC ccd at different areas along the cosSt. CoastaJ arid N-E Arctic cöd ara saparatad by tha otolith-structure. Areacode 0540 ,- Malangen ..... Coastal.cod ' Aga years No. .... 1 2 3 4 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ".12 •···· •• Langth Waight .. .. (ern) ..... (gram); 12 45 19 12 90 19 6 1 20,8 28,2 36,1 43.4 46.9 52,1 51,0 55,0 ","'s-_,._".,",'~~')O..'>''''~.- , 'W'".,,"~ .".'w.•..•.,,,". ......... " ".•..•.. ......... N:-E Arctic.cod ......" •• . . .N M..• Biomass No. Length Weight .Biomass ._." (kg) . - ",' . '" {em)... (gramk , ... , (kg) 81 212 45& 833 1.0 9,6 8.6 10,0 95.5 28.9 8.4 1,6 1061 1523 1393 1640 2 4 40,5 47.5 620 1116 1,2 4,5 . 102.5 98,0 .•. ··.0 •...•.. ...... Total.· •. 244 .. ·....... '._". ~/ .. ... 98, ..... ,... .' .% " 2 1 24,2 12100 9950 .. . . ' ........ 10,0 ..... .... .... .. . ......, ...... ... , . '" n ,-,- ........ 1 2 3 90 No. Biomass Length Waight . {ern) ..", (grarn) ......... ,(ka) 18 20.8 25,8 34.4 41,8 47.3 58,0 55.0 80,5 73.5 71 124 64 5 4 5 6 7 1 8 2 9 2 10 11 12 ..... ". '. Total. 377. ,-". 72 152 378 710 1063 1828 1350 4465 4100 '. 90 ,. . ,' . ,., .'. ". .. " . ,""", " ... ' . - , , , . : . , •••• -•• 11' •.•.• .' . " o " ~, ~~ ...... " 38,0 43,1 53.4 60.3 58,5 8.2 1 120,0 450 769 1528 2058 1660 .. 17240 , . . 17,2 . ,..•'."","" .62 ,. ,.'~"_""~' "." '''.'~'''''''''''-''<21 '~'" ' 2,3 13,1 15.3 10.3 3.3 . . 40 .... 79 ,. 10 .,C·" 21 ... No. Length 8iomass W~ight .... •. ' (cm) •.~. (Qram) ",,-...' .,(kg) . 5 17 10 5 2 ,.,.,,~.,. ". ~.~ 1;3 13,6 26,8 88,0 68,1 9,1 1,4 8,9 .·.. 225 I ... . ..... .. .. ............ N,;;:,E Arctic tod ..... . .,. """ ,r . ..... ' ,.•. '." "..,· .......... 6 . ...... ....' 2 ,'."', e .. ~' , Aga years - 227 1 .......·6 . 98 "". ... 2 Areacode 0539 ., - BaJsfjord ...... " . Coastal cod ........... ... " I·····, ,.,..... ... .,.% . ". "",' ",. , Length (ern) and welght (9) at age' of Coastal cod and North-East AretlC ccd at different areas along the coast. CoastaJ N-E Aretic eod are separated by the otolith-structure. iable 3. and Areacede 0428 - Ullsfjerd Ceastal ced ." .. , .. , Age years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total 0/0 '-." Weight .. (gram) 34 54 39 53 164 12 3 2 1 2 18,9 26.6 33,0 39,7 42.5 50,4 60,3 55,5 60.0 92,0 65 177 345 670 803 1317 2153 1710 2380 7885 No. , Biomass , ..' ..... ,-",~" Length Weight ., (crn) .", (gram) " 1 15 16 36,0 50,4 53,3 364 92 . .. ' - ";.",, _,c ... _"._~,..., 236 '. 32 ,85 8 ,..' .•; ... ''''-,- Age years No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26 64 64 41 91 26 2 . .. .. . '.-'" , ,,,,. 57 189 455 766 1385 2343 2763 19.2 27,6 36,1 42,4 51,4 61,8 65,S 74,5 67,8 3810 5101 , , '.,.- .. -" ".' 7,6 20,4 "~'.- .. ,", .. ' " , , ..,. _. .. ........ ," ·.w~. N-E Arctic ced ... Length Weight " (em) , . (gram), " 0,5 18,2 24.5 . """ 43 . '" w. Biomass .. (kg) 1 23,0 100 0,1 1 2 42,0 54.0 550 1576 0.6 3,2 2 1 63.5 58,0 2732 1880 5.5 1,9 2 73,0 7,4 3704 . . .· 295 ,..~, 9 94 ! •..• 3. ,".'. . .~' (kg) ,16 ['''''''' 22 .'. .- ' .' __ , Biomass .,.'" .. ,,-'. ,'. "'-. No. 1.5 12,1 29,1 31.4 126,1 60,9 5,5 '" : . ,'. , Biomass Length Weight (crn),_. (gram), " . (kg) 2 4 320. 97 , .. 460 1216 1532 .. . , " 0/0 No. .. (kg) 2,2 9,6 13,4 35.5 131,8 15.8 6.5 3,4 2.4 15.8 Areacede 0429 - Lyngenfjerd Ceastal,ced . Total ". ,'><."- _", '''. N-E Arcticced -,., .- .' Length ., (crn) ,.,.",. , -' ." ,", . , .. " . 19 ... ,,6 • Length (ern) and weight (g) at agä of Coastal cod and North-East ATetie ccd at different aress along the cOaSt. COaStaJ N.;.E Arctic cod are separated by lhe otolith-stnicture. Table 4. , and Areacode 0427 - Kvcenangen ..... ...,.",..,....".Coastal . cod ............... '''''''''',' ". "". ".:-,'"-,,,J''l'' .,,"".... "••.• '.-,",:~". ,~ H', '"',,' ",.""~.,-"-",,,,, ''', .., N-E Arctic cod ..... ,," . ""'" Aga . , No. Length Weight Biomass No. Length Weight Biomass . . years ...., ................ (ern) " (gram) . " " (kg) .. " .,", (ern) ...... {gram)... " H . (kg) 1 2 3 15 74 60 39 51 41 11 7 8 2 4 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 19.2 27,5 34.7 44.3 56,1 63,1 62,4 63,9 69.5 79,0 0,9 13.5 23.5 31,7 87,2 99,7 25,3 18.9 23,S 8,2 62 183 392 812 1709 2431 2296 2703 2941 4080 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 21.0 29,8 37,5 51,0 62,3 74.0 71,0 83 219 480 1250 2092 3623 2940 0,2 0,9 1.0 5,0 6.3 3,6 2.9 1 82,0 4510 4,5 , 1.....111 ,0 .•.•15500,...... ,,' 15.5 ••..••••·,'W. .. '.' •••• ",'C" .•.•. '.' . .18·,,, ..... .......... " . , . 348 . .. ".~· ....,,, ...... , .. _.24 .·.309 ........ " ..... Total .. % •.... .' 95 . • 94 ._.. 5 .. "" ...... ',' 'C'.,., ...',.""w •. ......7 ~'."".'. ' . H ,,~ .• 4' " N'" ••• .v,...... Areacode 040~, 0405,0413 - Loppä!S0r0ya N;...E Arctic cod .....",.Coastal cod No. • 10 13 29 13 27 12 2 2 3 Length Weight ,(ern) ",,, ( 'rarn) •. , 19,5 60 29,0 42.2 ?Q,7 57,3 64,1 73,8 69,0 63,0 228 695 1221 1784 2414 3635 3445 2346 58,5 1620 Weight Biomass ( ram) _"o' ... (kg) 100 0,2 0,4 3.6 8,4 6,8 8,7 7,2 36,0 45,4 370 4 4 3 2 2 60,9 61,5 76,5 . 74.0 2098 2280 4345 3585 1 908 1,6 139 ... 18 23 , 35 20 Tabla 5. Langth (ern) and waight (g) at age of Coastal eod and North-East Aretic cod at different areas along the coast. COaStBJ arid N-E Arctic c6ct are separated by tha otolith~structure. Areacode 0415 - Altafjord Coastal cod . . ,~ ... '",' .' .""".. >11' __"'."_" ~".-.., Waight '. (gram) Biornass .... ,lkg) 15 58 21 13 18 12 3 18,7 29.2 37,8 45.4 51.8 56.8 60.0 58 225 465 817 1404 1786 2163 0.9 13,0 9.8 10.6 25,3 21.4 6.5 1 58,0 2195 2.2 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,141. % ... 89. . .... . " ... ,,,,,. ,,,' .. .' '. 90 87 Areacode 0414 - Revsbotn ., ...., . ," Coastal.cod ................. Aga yaars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total % No. Langth (ern) .... :,., " 19 39 16 15 11 1 20,4 27,8 34,9 45,0 57,8 65,4 74,0 1 85,0 9 Weight (gram) 44 No. '~'.' 147 340 840 1867 2638 4000 0,4 2,8 13,3 13,4 28,0 29,0 4,0 5370 5,4 ··93 ....' . ". _.,.. .. c,,,,,,,-.,_ ~ .. ,.. " ........ . " ". Langth " (ern) Waight ,... (gram) Biornass (kg) '.' 3 4 5 2 2 2 21.7 35.9 38,8 .48.3 58.5 58.0 85 375 508 1024 1965 1725 0,3 1.5 2.5 2.0 3.9 3.5 ..,·.·s··.·.,,- No. .."" ...... 4 3 2 .. ". . ., • .. ........ ; ' . N~E Arctic cod .. , -.,. ... " Langth Waight Biornass (ern) ._. (gram) _'" '" (kg) 60,5 58,7 52,0 .,... .96 ...,.,9 .,.' ... ' ..... 86 .7 24 14 13 .' '. , " ' ' .' .. .. .. , '. . , " '. ..18 ~. 11 .. , (kg) 'f'--,'" .. N~E Arctic cod,. . ,~ Biornass , 111 . . ,. Total _.". ..,,' -".', Langth (ern) Aga yaars -•• : -.... " ~."'_.,"' . 7,7 5,2 3,3 1928 1717 1670 ~,,,~ ..,..,... ".~- ",._~< .. _•. ,-<'~ .., . . . ., •••• y ',", 16 ,.14 .. " <•. • Length (ern) and waight (9) at aga ot Coastal cod and North-East Aretie eod at different ,areas along the coast. CoastaJ and N.:e Are:tie cöd ara separated by the otolith-strueture. Tabla 6. , Areacoae 0324 - Porsanger ,'''' .. ........" Coastal cod "-",,,-, " - ,-,.,' ",~ ,->- .. ,."-.,,'..,,',,,-, "",."~"',,,, ~ • :,~" ","'~' ", "',," ","", N-E Arctic cod ~ ~ , " ' <' " ",,", Length Weight Biomass Age No. , years I " , "':""'"(ern) ... (Qram)_, .• "<~, (kg) 19.3 3 65 28,0 15 205 376 67 3~,4 46,3 1014 23 1236 36 ~9,2 54,7 47 1683 55,7 1626 12 2068 58.6 8 58,6 2025 9 10 1941 10 14 57.9 11 1846 9 56.3 1860 ~, 13 1,.1 60.0 " Total, 245 ',,'"", "~", .. ,, ..'.,. .%., 87, . .. ,. ...'. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • ".' ",~" " ""'''', Age .years No. ,< ,,,.~ ".""'~ ,~.,.- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 1 18 60 34 41 47 8 ..Coastal cod,. Length Weight .' (ern)... .(gram) 18,0 40 30,3 37,4 47,0 53.4 • ' •••• ."", 60,4 » •. " '. .... • •• ~.e. "'" ,. , " '" , Total .e % " ''''.. .., ," ".' , ,"'.~'" .,209,.,..,.. ".",.",,,, 92,.· .... " '~." " .. r "'''''~' ' 39,1 49,6 53,5 60,2 55,0 54,0 556 1101 1348 1925 1450 1660 No. ",. 4,3 29,3 32,7 58,6 73,6 16,4 ",- ,,'. ,,-,,"'~')~ " 8,9 8.8 5,4 11.6 1,5 1,7 , ,""""",~". '. , " , ,. . ' 38 .'.. ' .~~,·, .... J2 "., d~~'P"'.':'._;.' r ·.'L~", "'" ' .. " .. ,,-•...,_ .. '~, ,.,." .._. Length Weight Biomass ., ',. (em) ,.,' (gram) .. '~"W" (kg) , 39,7 3 4 3 1 4 3 623 1653 1750 1250 2913 2097 54.8 56.0 51,0 63,0 61,3 """··'~"'V. . "'" H 215 >".18." ........"." .',.. ,.,,, ....."" .... ,87 "."",.. 8 ,'''''' , .... .'.... "., , , ... .. cod . N.:..E Arctic . ' ,., " .. " 8 9 10 11 ,.",12 " " ",'?' , Biomass ,.(kg) 0,0 239 489 961 1430 1566 2044 54,8 .... "',"', '.' ", ", Length Weight Biomass "(em) ..... ,(gram),,.,_ '. (kg) 0.2 3,1 25.2 16 23,3 8 44,5 4 79,1 6 19,5 1 16.5 1 20,3 27.2 16,6 ,1.9 . .. w.,,277 I" 36" 88 .,.13 .. ,., Areacode 0325 ~ Laksefjord ',. No. , . 25 '" 1.9 6.6 5,3 1.3 11,7 6,3 .,,,,-" ~"",' "",,, . ,..~33 ".' .. .13 a~d North- EaSt AretlC: _00 C::~ , different areas along tha coast. Coastal and N-E Arctie cod are separat?d by the . Length (ern) and 'fl(3ignt, (tll <'.t aga or soastal cod Table 7. .''\ :.,' c .• ·· _: ...... . ot61ith-strueture. Areacode 0305 - Tana Coastal cod .... Aga years . 4 6 30 55 32 5 35 6 7 8 9 53 1 2 3 Weight " . (ern) ..... (gram) -50 18.0 27,6 36,0 49,2 54.3 59,1 61,0 58.5 59,3 10 2 4 10 11 Biomass w~ (kg) .,. . . . . .' .... '0 • • ,"-'-jf."';::' Aga years No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 39 171 54 a 1 3 1 9 10 11 12 Total % . Length Waight . (ern) ..., (gram) , 17,0 26,4 40.9 53,7 61,0 64,4 70,5 69,0 63,2 82,0 29 8 4 ' 324 73 ......... .. . ',' '" Biomass (ern) 2 3 10 8 35.0 41 ~7 49.8 66,6 370 700 1184 2824 0,7 2,1 11.8 22,6 1 2 72,0 61,0 3230 2290 3,2 4,6 1 65.0 2440 , . .. .... , (kg) ,'" 2,4 , ""', ~~., '" '." No. .,." . ....• " Length .' . 48 "".' 15 •.. "'.,...."-.,-_._ ....... . .." . ~" 34 6 3 1 3 Waight q 26 . Biomass .. (ern) ..... (gram) . ~'" (kg) 0,4 9.9 42,6 56,6 11,7 7,6 3,5 13,4 200 396 907 1665 1953 2330 3540 4453 ..' ,"" 311 121. _ 68 ... 27 .. " 28,5 35,1 45,6 55,5 60.2 64.0 73.0' 79,5 2 25 47 , . . .... '.' .,,~, (kg) 0.6 6,6 112,4 n,4 63,2 19,8 14,0 3,2 7,4 6.7 170 657 1432 2180 2479 3508 3200 2473 6660 ,,", Weight (gram) '" Biomass 44 ".,,--,~, ... , . . ...... ........ N-.:E Arctic cod . ~.~. "0·' -~ N-:-E Arctic cod .. . 27 11. •• Areacode 0302 - Varanger .,'." '.' Coastal cod " oC •• ~ ~,~. 272 ,.~, .._,,85 • • •H ',>,'-, Length 'V" 56,4 110,3 24.7 3,6 8,4 . " .~ No. 37,~ .' 227 .' 89 ". 0.3 6,5 24,3 218 442117B" 1611 2082 2471 1775 2105 . 12 Total % .. '. " Length No. . ..........,." •. :,' ',' .",-•. . ~ ~"~.,,,,-A>." .._.",' .. .... .- . .. 146 32 • Tabla 8. . Length (ern) and waight (9) at aga of Coastal cod and North-East AretlC cod at different are:as~Jong the cClast. CoastaJ alld N-E Afetic C6d ara separated by the otoHth-structure. Areacode0401,0402,0403,0409,0410.0530, 0531.0535 7',Westem ,Trams ...• N-E Arctic cod "Coastal cod ".'~, Aga No. Length Weight Biomass No. Weight .,." aars ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • 9 10 11 12 :,' .. , 1 3 6 21 54 20 2 2 3 (crn) 17,0 27,7 41.0 52,3 49,5' 63,0 65,0 60,0 89,0 86,0 ( ram) (k ) 35 230 0,0 0.7 4.2 27,0 81,2 54,5 5.4 3,9 22,0 693 1286 1504 2727 2675 1960 7343 5140 I·"""'·..."···..,..·..... ·,, - ( farn) 3 10 7 9 1 48,8 52,3 58,4 64.8 71.0 1123 1339 1891 2601 2710 1 99,0 9380 3,4 13,4 13.2 23,4 2,7 , 9,4 5,1 Total . 66 ..%".. ..·~24 Areacode 0411.0412 - RAsa Length ,.~. (ern) Weight ( ·ram). 13 35 39 59 22 2 31,5 45,4 54,4 58,8 . 63.2 66,5 296 875 1507 1909 2499 2895 3 1 87.0 66,0 7643 2760 Biomass 3.9 30.6 58.8 112,7 55,0 8,8 '0'" ...% ,', No. (k") 22,9 2,8 292 .' ." ~..'~ ...__ 63 27. Length (ern) Weight (ram) 46,3 53,8 58,8 59.8 78.5 96.0 975 1459 1917 2036 5845 8670 c.>' Biomass (k' ) ",' 8 35 38 10 2 1 7,8 51,1 72.9 20.4 11.7 8,7 Length (ern) and weight (g) at aga of Coastal ~od ami ;'icnh-c:ast Aretic cod at different areas along the coast. Coastal and N-E Aretic cod are separated by the table 9 ~ otolith~structure. ~, Areacode 0425, 0425, 0426 - ,. Hjelms0Y ...,' ..... .. Aga yaars ' No. ..•. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total % , " ....,N 7 E Arctic cod ........... ". Weight (Qram) Biomass (kg) No. 18.2 28.2 39.3 52,5 57,5 65,7 68.0 69,3 48 193 549 1301 1780 2710 2667 3050 0.5 3,1 23.0 43.0 60,5 48.8 8.0 9,2 62.0 2220 161 ,,72 __ .' 9 11 6 23 7 2 4 2 4 8 10 31 21 12 3 1 1 1 .... "' ... Total % ..,. ..... Ceastat ced , ", ., .",' " Biomass No. Length Waight .... (kg) ..... (ern) . ,. (Qrarn) '" 33 0,1 1,7 8,4 51,6 50,0 35,6 15,9 5,1 3,7 4,2 216 843 1665 2380 2963 5307 5050 3660 4230 , 93 46 '. . . .' ..., . Biomass '.~ (kg) 1,7 5.1 8.3 33.8 19,8 5,8 10,7 8,0 ~.176 ~ ...•... .. ' 198 1,- 64 .. -", . 68 '" 28. .... ,,- .'. 16,8 28,9 45,3 57,1 63,9 68,1 84,3 85,0 73,0 79,0 " 189 464 1377 1468 2824 2915 2683 4010 n.o ,,~.44 28 .•. · · ' V · .... . .. "',.' • '" .... '. ' N'::'"E Arctic ced ,. 93 ·.... 32 . '. Areacode 0310 , 0311 , 0312 -... Steppen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Weight (Qram) 28.4 37,1 53.0 55,7 67,0 70,0 66,8 ." . , .. ". ' Langth .......... (ern) . . ', 2,2 . No. ..., Langth .... (ern) 1 Aga years ~ Coastat.cod _.',,_'. . .......,. 11 16 42 33 34 18 3 3 .' ., ....... .. . ' ... . Langth Waight Biomass (kQ) ,(ern)" (Qrarn)" '., 7 7 36 40 14 3 3 1 .. 111 '"'' 54., 30,7 43,9 55,0 62,8 70,6 BO,7 BO,7 97,0 259 721 1440 2122 2963 4547 5577 7910 1,8 5,1 51,8 84.9 41,5 13,6 16,7 7.9 ... . .. .,' ' ,- ... ., 223 56 • Table i O. Lsngth (ern) and weight (g) at age of Coastal rod and North-East AIC!:cC~d at different areas along the coast. CoastaJ and N-E Aretic cod are separated by the otolith-structure. Areacode 0301, 0303, 0306, 0307, 0308, 0313 - 0sthavet Coastal cod N-E Arctic cod Age • No. Length years 1 1 2 18 3 75 4 27 5 18 6 18 7 2 8 9 4 10 11 12 Total 163 % 70 (ern) 14.0 28,5 41,4 54,9 64,6 68,6 68,S Weight {gram) 20 195 680 1626 2582 3098 2415 78,5 4100 Biomass No. (~) 0,0 (ern) 3,5 51.0 43.9 46,5 55,8 4,8 1 5 8 34 13 4 3 1 16,4 1 222 68 29 Length 70 30 27.0 32,8 47,6 54,1 60,3 59,0 68,3 69,0 65,0 Weight (gram) 150 302 956 1383 1936 1895 3030 3010 2530 Biomass (kg) 0,1 1.5 7,7 47,0 25,2 7,6 9,1 3,0 2,5 104 32 TOlENG.XlS Table 11. Length (ern) at age (year) tor Coastal eod trorn the survey during the auturnn ot 1992. Age (year) Area w o 1 Malangen 0504 Weat - Trom. (1) Balafjord 0539 Ullafjord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 Loppa - Ser"ya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raaa, 0411,0412 Altafjord 0415 Revabotn 0414 I Hjelma"v -(3) Sleppen (4) r,nafjord 0305 Poraanger 0324 "ath,vet (5) Labefjord 0325 V,ranger 0302 (1) inelude. (2) Inelude. (3) inelud•• (4) Inelude. (5) inelude. 20,8 17,0 I' 20,6 18,9" 19,2 19,5 19,2 2 28,2 27,7 25,8 26,6 27,6 29,0 27,5 31,5 I' 18,7 29,2 I",' 20,4 27,6 . 18,2. 28,2 I: 16,6 28,9 1-" 18,0 27,6 I: 19,3- 28,0 I 14,0 28,5 18.0 30,3 17.0 26,4 3 36,1 41,0 34,4 33,0 36,1 42,2 34,7 45,4 37,6 34,9, 39,3 45,3, 36,0 34,4, 41,4 37,4 40.9 4 43,4 52,3 41,8 39,7 42,4 SO,7 44,3 54,4 45,4 45,0 52,5 57,1 49,2 46,3' 54,9 47,0 53.7 5 46,9 49,5 47,3 42,5 51,4 57,3 56,1 58,8 51,8 57,8 57,5 63,9 54,3' 49,2' 64,6 53,4 61.0 6 7 52,1 63,0 58,0 SO,4 61,8 64,1 63,1 63,2' 56,8 65,4 65,7 68,1 59,1 54,7 68,6' 57,8 64,4 51,0 65,0 55,0 60,3 65,5 73,8 62,4 66,5 60,0 74,0 68,0' 84,3 61,0 55,7 68,5 60,4 70.5 8 9 10 11 55,0 102,5 98,0 60,0 89,0 86,0 80,5 73,5 55,5 60,0 92,0 67,6, 74,5 69,0 63,0 58,5 63,9 69,5 79,0 87,0 66,0 58,0 85,0 69,3 62,0 85,0 73,0 79,0 58,5 59,3 58,6 58,6, 57,9 56,3 78,5 69.0 63.2 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 0404,0405,0413 0424,0425,0426 0310,0311,0312 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Page 1 82.0 12 13 14 15 111,0 I Ir I: , GO,O' < ; .. 1/,_ _' I ... -.....-.-'.". TOVEKT.XLS Table 12. Weight (gram) at age (year) tor Coastal cod trom the surveyduring the autumn of,1992. Age (year) Area w .... Malangen 0504" Wllt - Troma (1)'~ Bal'fjord 0539 Un,fjord 0428 lyngenfjord 0429 Loppa - Scnoya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raa•• 0411,0412 Altatjord 0415 nev.bOtn 0414 ' Hjelmaoy; (3) ~ steppen (4) Tlnafiord 0305 Poraanger 0324 0.thavet (5); lak.efjord 0325 r0302 Vlra 1 81 35 72 65, 57 60 62. 4' 2 3 212 230' 152" 177 189 228 183 296 225 147 193, 216; 218, 205 195 239 170 455 833 1061 693 1286 i 1504 378 345 455 695 392875 465 340 549 843 442 376·; 680 489 657 5" 710 1063\ 670! 803 766 1385 1221 1784 812 1709 1501' 1909 817 1404 840 1867' 1301 1780 1665,2380 1176 1611 1014 1236, 1626 2582 961'; 1430 1432' 2180: 6, 1523; 2727" 1828 1317' 2343 2414 2431: 2499 1786; 2638' 2710: 2963 2082 1683 3098 1566 2479, 7, 8 9; 1393 1640: 2675 1960 7343 1350 4465.4100; 2153 1710 2380 2763 3810 3635' 3345 2346 2296; 2703 2941 2895', 7643 2163 2195 5370 4000 2667 3050 5307 5050 3660 2471 1775 2105", 1626 2068 2025-, 2415 4100 2044 3508 3200 2473 (1) lnclude. 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) lnclude. 0404,0405,0413 ~ (3) Include. 0424,0425,0426 (4) lnclude. 0310,0311,0312 (5) Include. 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Page I' 13, 14 15 7885 5101 1620, 4080 2760 15500 2220' 4230 1941 1846 6660 1860 OA 05 Malangen ~ CI: Vest Trams r-- 04 r-- 03 fo- :±: t- z 02 Q r-- ~ ~a: • 0.3 0.2 - I- 0.1 01 n 20 40 70 85 25 r 40 66 70 85 0.4 00 Alta ~ ~ ~ HJelmsey r-- 0.3 0.4 r--r-- 0.3 0.2 ~ i t- 0.2 0.1 25 n 40 56 Cl 70 85 0.3 ~ r-- r-I- 02 ~ r-- r-- I- I"- t- I- 0.1 0.1 ~ t- 25 40 rn 70 .5.5 Lerqltl. 7. 5C5 0sthavet r-- ~ 02 Fig. 40 03 Tana er; ~ 20 cm JT 8.5 2/5 40 55 70 ~5 langth. an Length frequency distribution of 4 year old coastal cod. 32 0.5 0.4 Melangen Vest Trams 04 03 • 0.2 0.1 0.1 n I 25 40 55 0.4 70 85 25 55 70 85 r-- Alte 0.3 iACI HJelmS0Y 0.3 I-- 0.2 0.2 ...0 ~ ~ r- 0.1 25 40 55 r-- 0.1 t-T- r-r--- r 70 85 0.4 25 40 85 .-- r--- 0·3 CD ~ ~ lI: ~ 02 02 >- ~ f--- r- r--- 0.1 0.1 r- h I 25 40 55 70 85 Lengltl. cm Fig. 8. 70 0sthavet ~ 03 ~ h 55 04 Tana § r-- r-- a: ~ 25 40 55 70 n '35 Length. cm Length frequency distribution of 5 year old coastal cod. 33 70 60 E 50 ü .c. Öl c j 40 30 20 • Lyngenfjord • UlIsfjord • Balsfjord • Malangen -'----....----r---""-"T----r-_-r-_ _ 2 3 4 5 • 6 70 60 E 50 ü :ECD c Q) ....l e 40 30 • 20 -L---..-----r----.--_----._ _--r- _ _ 2 3 4 5 6 Varanger • Tana • Laksefjord • Porsanger Age. years Fig. 9. Average total length related to age in coastal cod from fjords in the western (upper graph) and eastern part (lower graph) of the investigated region. 34 • 80 70 60 E <.) .c 50 Öl c: <I) .-.J 40 30 • Varanger • 0sthavet • Sleppen • Räsa 20 2 3 4 5 6 Age. years Fig. 10. Average total length related to age in coastal cod from four areas in the eastern part of the investigated region. 35 • F1g. 11. Average total length related to age 1n coastal and NE Arctic cod from fjords and ahelf waters in tWQ eastern parts of the invest1gated region, campared with average length of NE Arctic cod extracted fram Anon. (1992 ) . 36 • o NE Arctic cod. Barents Sea 8 NE Arctic cod. Vest Trams • Coastal cod. Vest Trams • Coastal cod. Malangen 80 70 60 E <..> .c 60 CD c Q) .....J 40 30 • 20 2 3 6 4 6 o NE Arctlc cod. Barents Sea NE Arctlc cad. Räsa • Coastal cod. Räsa • Caastal cod. Aftafjord 8 80 70 60 E <..> .c 50 CD C <l> .....J 40 30 20 2 3 4 5 6 Age. years Fig. 12. Average total length related to age in coastal and NE Arctic cod from fjords and shelf waters in two western parts of the investigated region, compared with average length of NE Arctic cod extracted from Anon . (19 92 ) . 37 ,r • 80 g NE Arctic cod. Va ranger • Coastal cod, Varanger e NE Arctic cod. Porsanger • Coastal. cod. Porsanger 70 60 E (.) .c 50 Öl c j 40 30 20 -'----,----.----,.----r---.--_ 2 3 4 5 6 Aga, yaars Fig. lJ. Average total length related to age in coastal and NE Arctic cod from two fjords in the eastern part of the investigated region. 38 COASTMA.XLS Table 13. . Percent maturity at aga (yaar) tor. Coastal cod tram the surveyduring the autumn ot 1992. I: , Age (year) l' 2 3: 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 100 100 0 3 11 59 85 86100 Malangen 0504 I.' 0 ; 0 0 33 57 80 100 100 100 100 100' We.t - Troms (1) 0, I; 0 100 Bal.fjord 0539 17 55 59' 80 100 100,100 0 0 5 53 75 75 100 100 100 100 UII.qord 0428 100 100 2 34 84 100 100' Lyngenfjord 0429 I: 0 0 100 Loppa - Seroya (2) . , 0 0 3 8 70 92 100 100 100 86,100 100 0 Kvenlngen 0421 0 o 23 78 95 100 0 9 72 90 100 100 100 100 RaBlI041',0412 0 2 10 46 83 92 100, 100 Altaqord 0415 100 0 0 5 31 93 100 100 n.v.botn 0414 0 0 7 15 68 72 67 100 100 (3) 0 0 0 42 8 86 100 100 100 100 Sleppen (4) 0 0 4 22 71 92 100,100100 ' Tanaqord 0305 0: 0 1 17 64', 94 100 100 100' 93 100 Poraang.r 0324 100 0 0 8 59'89 94 100 100 ".thavlt (5) , 0 0 Laka.fjord 0325 8 47 85 98 100 6, 41 72' 63 100' 100100 100 I' 0 0 Varanger 0302 Area " (1) Inelud•• 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) Inelude. 0404,0405,0413 (3) Inelud•• 0424,0425,0426 (4) Inelud•• 0310,0311,0312' (5) Inelud•• 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 14 15 N 244 113 377 364 320 112 100 309 174 141 111 161 93 227 245 163 209 324 Tol N =4407 othol. Coa.tal eod = 83,1 "" N-E AreUe eod = 16,3 "" Page t NACOMAXLS Table 14. . . Percent maturity at aga (yaar) tor North-East Arctic cod trom the survey during the autumn 01 1992. Age (year) Area Malangen 0504 We.t - Trom. (1) Bal.fjord 0539 UII.tjord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 Lopp. - Soroya (2) Kven.ngen 0427 R•••• 0411,0412 AJta'lord 0415 Rev.botn 0414 o. Hjelm.oy (3) Sleppen (4) r.natjord 0305 Poraanger 0324 "Ithavet (5) Lak.etjord 0325 V.r.nger 0302 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~, 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 33 70 71 100 78 0 31 70 80100 0 47 94 100 0 50 0 50 75 100 100 0 50100 100 100 0 57 79 96 100 100 0 o 50 50 100 100 0 33 9 29 50 100 0 33 78 100 100 100 0 30 88 100 100 0 0 50 83 100 100 13 15 38 50 100 100 33 75 100 100 100 4 21·· 79 67 100 100 (1) inelude. 0530,0531,0535.0401,0402.0403.0409.0410 (2) Include. 0404.0405,0413 (3) Inelude. 0424.0425,0426 (4) Ineludea 0310.0311,0312 (5) Ineludea 0306.0307,0308.0313.0301.0303 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 N 6 30 39 32 9 18 18 94 18 9 64 111 27 36 70 18 121 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tot. N = 4407 olbo&. Coa.tal eod = 83.7 % N-E Aretie eod = 16,3 % Pago 1 • • BIOM-TOT.XLS lable 15. Biomass (tonnes) ofCoastal cod and N-E Artic cod in each yearcJass trom the sUNeyduring the autumn of 1992 . Aga (year) Area Malangen 0540 ", West - Troms (l) I· Balstjord 0539 I, UIJstjord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 I Loppa - Ser0ya (2)' I· Kvenangen 0427. Raasa 0411,0412 Aftatjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 " Hjelmsey (3), 1 Sleppen (4) Tanatjord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) ; Laksefjord 0325 Varanger 0302 ;, TOTAL " I; p ...... . . 1 3 4 6 10 19 30 4 19 9 14 5 1 7 107 2 28 268. 2 7 5 6 8 31 57 302 85 28 5 46 3108', 5381 7927 224 74 668 586 59 15 43 51 76 336 343 43. 64 243 708 72 29 15 182 257 178 1069 771 53 115 792 753 1981 1469 134 326 .68 118 183 393 445 134 112 265 125 60 585 1656 2821 1171 168 135 148 276 288 77 61- 286 290 604 624 253 111 143 1466 1290 3318 640 486 729 174 675 3922 4642 1832 628 964 88 247 471 796 574 252 21 98 771 789 1276 2281 529· 381 251 2098. 6691 6799 3973 381 0 192 778 507 57 11 509 295 2486 3621 3669 876 673 311 1913 10962 24245 35156 23594 4161 3786 3 4 (l) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312' (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 . 9 833 123 11 113 548· 104 340 " 10 11 66 28 355 562 13 14 71 303 15+ TOTAL' 651 . • I, 19722 ' ,'. 1052 1266 2945 6211 91 1700 7067 1136 . 2427 8311 13J93 2520 7979 . 21482 " 63 48 44 25 189 .J66 209· 12 " 1 59 ;, 142 70 532 1182 696 557 485 4930 307 2032 1269 62 2056 0 62 0 91 1 , 12751 1124691 ; NUMB-TOT.XLS ", Table i6. .Numbers (xl 000) of Coastal cod and N-E Artic cod in each yearclass trom the sUNey during the. autumn of 1992 Aga (year) Area '. Molangen 0540 West - Troms (1) Bolstjard 0539 UIJst;ord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 Loppa - Serlllya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raaso 0411,0412 AUa1;ord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelmsey (3) Steppen (4) Tana1jord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Laksefjord 0325 Varanaer 0302 TOTAL' 1 37 114 83 154 333 500 65 328 20S 292 152 20 108 5350 50 I; 636 8427 2 3 146 101 322 964 336 201 243" 186 963 565 504 1140 372 301 203 669 747 290 415 841 741 2670 806 801 404 559 478 2051 1287 3085 46 393 1735 3784 9748 18601 4 68 2417 473 363 232 617 225 1099 181 345 992 2356 401 778 4115 530 2529 17721 5 285 3578 323 882 772 1110 230 1478 197 324· 1864 1950 494 1032 2633' 6 56 2907 32 55 329 7 20 84 11 13 19 37 58 92 36 63 182 118 102 325 158 8 9 3 299 10 9 113 30 5 30 234 35 97 183 41 469 44 161 11 237 35 239 236 618 191 57 276 12 33 1355 184 263 1282 288 544 324 97 196 1683. 353 192 19379 9482 1510 1182 1374 609 10 5 11 12 13 3 109 9 59 39 12 16 27 34 359 302 33 46 540 480 33 14 15+ ' TOTAL 724 10907 < 1499 ." 1919 3302 4887 6 1528···· 4070 ,; 1951 2465 7243 7083 2301 7268 18198 1887 11251 88483 6 (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 • Page 1 BIO 1CCOD.XLS Table 17. Biomass (tonnes) of Coastal cod in each yearclass trom the survey during the autumn of 1992. Age (year) Area 1 3 4 6 10 18 23 3 2 31 74 51 43 182 115 64 60 151 61 92 85 79 86 176 11 278 1639 7 4 5 6 3 85 28 40 57 208 369 2077 4629 5546 149 28 4 70 292 280 72 29 62 161 597 257 174 1043 771 53 777 614 1687 1189 61 113 158 367 430 120 886 1713 854 114 466 108 125 239 248 75 87 286 290 604 624 1200 1081 2129 455 282 420 1957 1721 846 338 227 358 568 573 223 503 505 1003 1754 433 1823 3231 4409 3497 132 192 481 699 473 2285 2336 1936 551 436 9198 14783 23832 17996 2564 Malangen 0540 West - Trams (1) Balstjord 0539 Ullstjord 0428 Lyngentjard 0429 Lappa - Sl/lrllJya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411,0412 14 Altatjord 0415 9 Revsbotn 0414 14 Hjelms0Y (3) 5 Sieppen (4) 1 Tanatjord 0305 6 Porsanger 0324 18 0sthavet (5) 2 Lakset;ord 0325 28 Varanger 0302 164 TOTAL (1) Jncludes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403.0409.0410 (2) incJudes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311.0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313.0301,0303 8 9 5 586 833 43 40 15 11 90 157 548 112 104 125 25 111 117 337 166 226 67 9 70 305 468 149 173 2180 2712 Paoe 1 10 66 11 12 13 14 15+ 28 562 71 303 63 31 44 91 59 142 613 491 307 1577 1203 55 0 55 0 91 TOTAL 551 14829 814 1071 2891 5234 1593 4262 985 2189 5815 5807 2108 6222 13286 1858 8479 77994 NU l-CCOD.XLS Table IB. Numbers (xl 000) of Coastal cod in each yearclass from the survey during the autumn of 1992. Aga (yaar) Area Malangen 0540 West - Troms (1) Balstjord 0539 Ullstjord 0428 Lyngentjord 0429 Loppa - S0r0ya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411 ,0412 Altatjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelms0Y (3) Sieppen (4) Tanatjord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Laksetjord 0325 Varanger 0302 TOTAL 1 37 114 83 154 321 417 57 273 205 292 152 20 108 2675 50 636 5594 2 146 322 336 243 963 504 353 203 699 415 474 430 379 478 1007 46 1650 8648 5 3 6 7 4 91 56 20 51 285 643 1637 3167 2005 56 16 4 188 416 279 55 181 283 804 13 565 226 755 329 19 19 1102 472 967 487 291 204 217 179 53 46 545 579 899 322 234 157 177 138 36 841 345 324 237 13 2116 839 1112 ·170 109 471 1090 671 285 59 93 530 306 402 276 1656 577 929 1202 300 2788 1821 1529 1049 63 393 487 496 305 3301 1352 775 202 110 15936 10843 13788 7312 1012 9 8 3 299 10 5 49 41 102 48 6 164 113 20 5 20 234 35 44 11 12 10 5 11 12 13 14 15+ 3 109 9 59 39 6 8 16 27 29 33 263 230 49 98 774 1147 (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Page 1 34 359 302 46 536 480 33 0 33 0 6 TOTAL 697 8465 1352 1751 3258 4288 1445 2654 1726 2391 5242 3269 2044 6370 11163 1776 8218 66110 .. SSB-CCOD.XLS , I ! . ~qble Spawning Stock Biomass (tonnes) of Coastal cod in each yearclass from the sUNey during the autumn of 1992. 19. r' ;,., Aga (year) ". Area 2 Malangen 0540 YJest,~ Troms (1) B"a~stjord 0539 ~.lIstjord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 Loppa - Sercaya (2) Kvenangen 0427 . Raasa 0411,0412 3 ÄltcifjOrd 0415 0414 Hjeimsey (3) Sieppen (4) iönOtjo'rd 0305 ,. Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) icikSefjord 0325 ' Varanaer 0302 Rev'sbotn ,. ;, 11' .. ' •• I . .. : J. I" I·· ~ \. o TOTAL t"', ,. ~ ,. ".; l\. ," 3 9 10 11 24' 5 1 6 123 72 149 586 833 122 1184 3703 5546 4 43 40 210 22 12 161 20 11 8 2 59 349 38 53 90 5 59 730· 771 23 49 1181 1094 61 157 548 36 286 409 120 96 104 114 125 42 638 1541· 854 11 58 198 228 75 25 14 90 562 626 87 111 117 84 162 1448. 328 189 337 166 822 138 728 338 226 67 79 403' 527,' 223 9 9 70 5 86 642 1649 433 305 468 146 1906 3924 3287 132 16 226 594 464 137 958 1393 347 436 149 173 629 657917425 16990 2458 2160 2709 68 28 562 3 4 5 6 "7 8 (, (l) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Poge 1 12 13 14 15+ TOTAL 327 12685 492.537 2011 3176 1173 3358 598 1607 50 303 63 31 44 91 ; 59 142 2773 ~ 2461 1320 570 491 307 1515 1203 55 o 4704 9395 1300 3900 55 o 91 51817' t, , ,-~ ... ~ I SSN-CCOD.xLS • '/ --~table v .. I I 20. . Spawning Stock (in numbers x 1000) of Coastal cod in each yearclass from the sUNey during the autumn of 1992. Aga (yeor) I ' \ Area Molangen 0540 West - Troms (1) Bolsfjord 0539 UlIsfjord 0428 . Lyngenfjord 0429 Loppa - $ereya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Roosa 0411,0412 Attafjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelms0Y (3) Sieppen (4) t anafjord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5)' Lakse'jord 0325 Varonaer 0302 TOTAL 1 2 13 3 2 176 32 6 11 33 48 24 41 153 20 13 215 33 209 0 13 1016 6 4 5 47 7 116 921 2462 2034· 12 227 198 88 435 29 77 527 329 40 662 453 167 168 44 423 807 342 71 141 128 107 301 237 125 813 121 494 58 246 67 250 253 85 519 980 1172 1520 1061 235 415 296 669 639 140 4852 10030 6876 (1) includes 0530,0531 ,0535,0401 ,0402,0403,0409,041 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 " (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 7 17 8 3 9 56 299 113 10 3 24 234 35 3 10 9 6 19 17 47 52 36 39 11 35 22 22 71 110 45 18 64 90 5 33 266 147 231 10 6 11 12 13 14 15+ TOTAL 3 109 6 59 39 6 8 16 27 34 294 266 30 55 124 47 70 939 755 804 ° Pagp. 1 46 469 444 0 30 0 6 201 6170 492 582 1046 1525 516 1675 423 . 730 1420 959 718 2831 4023 979 1944 26234 ~. BI01NEAC.xLS l' FrÖble 21. Biornass (tonnes) of N-E Artic cod in each yearclass from the survey during the autumn of 1992. : Age (year) I I ! Area Malangen 0540 West - Troms (1) Balstjord 0539 UI/stjord 0428 Lyngentjord 0429 Loppa - S0rl/)ya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411,0412 Altatjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelms0Y (3) Sieppen (4) Tanatjord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Laksetjord 0325 Va'ranger 0302 . TOTAL 1 2 J 7 1 5 1 89 104 4 17 6 3 5 4 94 6 299 1031 752 2381 63 31 6 44 2 82 111 26 0 4 15 139 294 280 26 15 5 25 119 770 1108 317 37 40 27 23 7 8 75 11 9 11 12 13 14 15+ TOTAL 355 83 23 73 14 151 2 166 204 290 29 96 249 169 17 340 72 266 209 1189 185 392 738 142 255 1965 2921 986 228 20 113 12 1 268 284 273 527 76 64 275 3460 2390 476 1182 79 28 57 34 17 201 1285 1733 325 237 162 312 274 1764 9462 11324 5598 1597 1946 2233 51 89 9 12 75 10 (." .,'," (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Page 1 83 66 100 66 7 0 7 0 0 100 4893 238 195 54 977 107 2805 151 238 2496 7386 412 1757 8196 198 4272 34475 ~- - NU1-NEAC.xLS Table 22. .Numbers (xl 000) N-E Artic cod in each yearclass tram the survey during the autumn of 1992. Aga (year) Area Malangen 0540 West - Troms (1) Balstjord 0539 Ullstjord 0428 Lyngentjord 0429 Loppa - S0H/)ya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411,0412 Altatjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelms0Y (3) Sleppen (4) Tanatjord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Laksetjord 0325 Varanger 0302 TOTAL 1 0 0 0 0 12 83 8 55 0 0 0 0 0 2675 0 2833 2 3 0 10 0 321 13 0 0 5 0 0 38 0 10 19 0 124 48 56 0 0 267 554 376 330 25 29 0 395 280 297 0 0 85 483 1100 2665 5 6 7 8 17 0 0 780 411 902 57 44 16 78 80 0 17 6 0 143 122 145 13 21 4 520 579 147 20 24 23 0 0 0 752 66 153 1266 1279 333 95 92 0 201 103 153 2294 1104 233 48 19 43 1177 908 151 6878 5590 2170 0 28 7 0 0 19 5 46 0 50 73 59 9 25 95 0 82 498 0 0 0 5 0 49 0 0 4 0 137 143 6 20 0 0 49 408 9 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 23 0 29 0 0 58 0 98 227 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 13 14 15+ 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 27 2442 147 168 44 599 83 1416 225 74 2001 3814 257 898 7035 111 3033 22374 (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 ,. Page J . . . MABAULLY.XLS Table 23. Length (em) and weight (g) at age of haddoek ct djfferent areas along the eoast. Areacode 0540 - Malangen " • Haddock '," .," ,e Age No. years 0 1 3 28 2 31 3 4 19 5 5 3 6 4 7 8 3 9 9 10 11+ ., Total .105 ' Length Weight (em) .• (gram) 24.7 38.1 45.2 50.5 56.4 58.3 57.3 60.7 61.7 " . " " Areacode 0539 -. Balsfjord '."" ." .' Haddock .' . Biomass '.~.'> (kg) 150 571 1010 1430 1950 2073 2058 2610 2580 0.5 16.0 31.3 27.2 9.8 6.2 8.2 7.8 23.2 ' ',' .., . 130.2 • Age years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11+ Total No. .. 10 123 54 5 I ... ~ ,192 .. 24.2 36.6 44.5 SO.4 . .,- 1.7 62.9 55.9 7.1 170 511 1035 1410 .. . " .. ," Biomass '. (kg) Length Weight '" .' (em) .(gram) 0 • "'., .. 127.5 .' Age No. Length Weight Biomass years .' •.... .(em) •. (gram) ....... '.. (kg) 0 1 14.0 24 0.0 1 39 23.4 122 4.8 2 25 491 35.6 12.3 13 3 44.9 969 12.6 4 7 SO.7 1428 10.0 1441 5 2 51.8 2.9 6 1 55.0 1840 1.8 7 8 9 10 11+ Total 1 " .. 89 65.0 . . . . ., . 0" '"., 2583 2.6 ........ , •••• ... , , Areacode 0428 - UlIsfjord "."". Haddock '.,., .... .. ' , " . ' 47.0 . Areacode 0429'.- Lyngenfjord .. Haddock ....... .. Age No. Length Weight (em) . (gram) years 1 14.0 20 0 1 37 23.6 130 33.8 402 2 181 73 42.0 785 3 4 1 60.0 2010 1 54.0 1790 5 1478 2 52.5 6 7 57.5 1769 8 2 9 10 ... ". 11+ 298 ... '" .... Total "'''''V 49 ..•.. " . . , .. Biomass (kg) 0.0 4.8 72.8 57.3 2.0 1.8 3.0 3.5 ., .... . . ,145.2 .- .. " .... ..... ~ ' KVS0ALRE.xLS Tabl e 24 •. Length (em) and weight (g) at age of haddoek at different areas along the eoast. Areacode 0404, 0405, 0413 - Loppa/S0r0ya Are acode.0427 - Kvcenangen Haddock Ag e No. Length Weight years '''.'«''''".~ (em) ( ram) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 58 83 48 13 1 3 ". Haddock" Biomass (k ) Age years No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 20 41 27 21 4 2 2 2 2 1 13,7 23.4 35,5 43,8 50,0 57,0 56,3 26 123 435 857 1320 2880 1317 0.1 7.1 36.1 41.1 17.2 2.9 4.0 60.0 2474 2.5 9 1o 11 + I .11+ Total 110.9 13,9 23,6 35,3 44,5 53,5 56,8 60.0 62.0 63,5 60,5 64.0 31 132 458 934 1567 1955 2080 2380 2565 2455 2520 , 0.3 2.6 18.8 25.2 32.9 7.8 4.2 4.8 5.1 4.9 2.5 . " ", 131 " Length Weight Biomass , ".(em) (gram) .". " .. (kg) . " 210 Total ." '" Are acode 0415 - Altafjord Haddock Areacode 0414 - Revsbotn Haddock Ag e yea rs Age years No. " Length Weight (em) ( ram) Biomass (k ) 23.4 38,6 43,9 53,5 124 619 929 1580 16.2 22.9 21.4 3.2 61.0 65.0 61.0 2730 3380 2590 2.7 3.4 2.6 o 1 131 2 37 3 23 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 + Total o 196 , 11+ Total 72.4 50 1.•·(· ••• ·, "'><"~ No. Length Weight ",'" ,,- (em) .. (gram) 1 15.0 50 21,8 37,6 45,5 52.4 57,8 57.0 64,7 63,3 68.0 66.0 17 78 70 25 5 3 4 10 3 1 " ., Biomass . (kg) 0.1 1.9 43.1 70.8 38.4 10.3 5.8 11.0 27.2 10.2 3.4 109 553 1011 1535 2050 1917 2762 2716 3394 3381 '" 217 '.' ,'. ,109.1 , " • "" '. I.', , 222.0 • po LATAVA.XLS Table 25 Lerigth (em) and weight (g) at age of hciddoek at different areas along the eoast Areacode 0324 - Porsanger Haddock Areacode 0325 - Laksefjord , Haddock Age No. Length Weight (em),~(gram) years . , " , ' 0 1 6 21.5 102 2 160 31.4 347 4 460 3 35.0 4 1 51.0 1280 5 6 7 8 1 65.0 3222 9 10 ..." .., . 11+ .. Total 172""" ~ge No. Length Weight years '. (em). (gram) 0 1 25 21.9 107 2 90 31.7 315 1 3 38.0 560 4 1 53.0 1450 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+ , 117 Total w "",' Biomass . (kg) " • 0.6 55.5 1.8 1.3 3.2 '-. ". ' ," ( ,,62.5 " . " ", ,'" ,', Biomass ,- (kg) 2.7 28.4 0.6 1.5 " " 33.0 Areacode 0305 - Tanafjord Haddock Areacode 0302 - Voranger Haddock ', "', Age No. Length Weight (em) .. (gram) years 0 1 16 19.7 63 2 241 27.1 206 44 37.7 624 3 4 51.6 1505 10 55.0 5 2 1850 6 7 1 52.0 1340 62.3 2547 8 3 9 10 '" ",., ",. 11+ Total 317 Age No. Length Weight Biomass " (em) (gram) (kg) years 0 20.2 79 3.6 1 4S 48.2 2 160 30.5 301 701 63.1 3 90 40.8 4 14 47.6 1079 15.1 5 1 62.0 2290 2.3 6 7 2250 2.3 1 61.0 8 2250 2.3 9 1 64.0 10 ,11 + ,',' ",,' " 312 " , Total "",',, . 136.7 ~ ~ , , • ~ , "" Biomass (kg) " 1.0 49.6 27.5 15.1 3.7 . ",', '," ' '" , , 0,' " 1.3 7.6 , , "- ..-. "- 105.8 , ",',,' 51 ," WTRAHJSL,XLS Table 26. Length (em) and weight (g) at age of haddoek at different areas along the eoast. Areacode 0401, 0402, 0403, 0409,0410,0530,0531, 0535 - Western Troms '" Haddock .. ", ..... , .. .... Age years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 + Total No. . Areacode 0411, 0412 -..... Rosa Haddock .,.,,· ... 'L'.... " •.V,.-' ."., 10 108 215 18 41 14 11 2 2 5 length Weight . (em) (gram) 15.5 38 23.3 118 363 326 812 425 1381 51.0 1596 529 1820 56.2 56.0 1810 57.5 2050 57,4 2074 . 0.4 12.7 78.0 14.6 56.6 22.3 20.0 3.6 4.1 10.4 Areacode 0424, 0425, 0426 - Hjelms0Y . . . . . . . . Haddock Length Weight (em) (gram) 14,7 29 aa 20.4 339 31.8 41.0 708 51.a 1433 1840 56.3 2010 58.5 65.5 3420 2295 11+ . Total 445 . "" '" - ..... _.... ..... _ __.~._ .. .... '. ••••_-.J " 253.7 ." ,,' ' .c'" ." I ... _- Age No. Length Weight Biomass years .,," "" .' (em) .. (gram) "..... (kg) 0 4.1 19.7 59 1 70 212' 27,6 9.5 2 45 3.7 410 9 34.2 3 4 1476 3.0 2 50.5 5 2280 2.3 1 58.0 6 2.9 2850 7 1 65.0 1.7 1660 1 55.0 8 3.2 3150 67.0 1 9 11 + Total . 221.4 --. ... ~- ,', ..... -52 , 130 . " • - 'c 10 .' ~.~ . ..." •..... '"'-":' Biomass (kg) 0.3 9.9 70.5 48.1 58.8 18.4 4.C 6.8 0.0 4.6 - -: .: :':. .:...: ~. ~~ l·.:: I .•. ~"' Areacode 0310, 0311, 0312 - Sieppen .' ......" ... ,.,. '" ..... Hdddock '" ..... '., , -._.-..~ 8 31 70 63 83 10 7 5 2 2 9 . 222.9 '" . -. Length Weight Biomass .....'. (em) .. (gram) .' '.' .,.,(kg) 27 0.2 14.6 21,5 91 2.8 34.9 464 32.5 44.9 930 58.6 1336 110.9 50.8 1648 16.5 54.9 12.4 55,9 1777 2242 11.2 59.0 ' 4.7 2360 63.3 1945 3.9 55.5 No. _ 10 .. 11+ Total 281 ." 210 63.0 years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (kg) . 10 ~ge Biomass .' Age No. years 0 9 1 112 2 208 68 3 4 41 l:; 10 " 6 2 7 2 8 9 2 ~. .... ., , . --." " . ' .. 30.3 • OSTHAVET.XLS Table 27. Length (em) and weight (g) at age of haddoek at different areas along the eoast. Areacode 0301, 0303, 0306, 0307, 0308, 0313 - 0sthavet Haddock Age No. years 0 4 1 18 2 135 '3 89 4 18 5 1 6 7 2 8 9 10 11+ Total 210 • Length Weight (em) (gram) 15.0 35 20.4 96 32.2 387 40,9 752 45,8 1104 50.0 1180 61.5 Biomass (kg) 0.1 1.7 52.2 66.9 19.9 1.2 2465 4.9 147.0 • · ~'~"""'I"f'i"'-'~~ '''.-.e'---'·""""""""'~-"·':"I"':"""~~.~'!:'I't-"~"'UOlO'III\_<"'i'''''*''''''"_'',.!.".-_ ~r.:.:, ,~ ::~ ~ .;-t =: >~ .-. ,;. ... 1 . ~~. .~ :.~ t ... .:l'-_:i',~~M!'1..f 53 , _.' .;. ";- .......... "- :'; - '\,; ~, - ~\ll"~ -'SIlo' HYTOLENG.XLS lable Area 28. Length (ern) at age (year) tor haddoek trom the survey during the autumn ot 1992. Age (year) 9 7 10 11+ 1 3 4 5 6 8 0 2 Malangen 0504 West - Troms (1) Balstjord 0539 UlIst;ord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 ~oppa - Sereya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411,0412 ~"afjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelmsey (3) ~Ieppen (4) Tanafjord 0305 • Porsanger 0324 , ~sthavet (5) L~~sefjord 0325 ru iI' Voranger 0302 ..• 11 . (41" 15.5 14.0 14.0 13.9 13.7 14.6 15.0 14.7 15.0 24.7 23.3 23.4 24.2 23.6 23.6 23.4 21.5 23.4 21.8 20.4 19.7 19.7 21.5 20.4 21.9 20.2 38.1 32.6 35.6 36.6 33.8 35.3 35.5 34.9 38.6 37.6 31.8 27.6 27.1 31.4 32.2 31.7 30.5 45.2 42.5 44.9 44.5 42.0 44.5 43.8 44.9 43.9 45.5 41.0 34.2 37.7 35.0 40.9 38.0 40.8 50.5 51.0 50.7 50.4 60.0 53.5 50.0 50.8 53.5 52.4 51.8 50.5 51.6 51.0 45.8 53.0 47.6 56.4 52.9 51.8 58.3 56.2 55.0 54.0 56.8 57.0 54.9 52.5 60.0 56.3 55.9 57.8 56.3 57.0 58.5 58.0 57.3 56.0 62.0 55.0 59.0 61.0 64.7 65.5 65.0 52.0 50.0 61.5 62.0 60.7 57.5 57.5 63.5 60.0 63.3 65.0 63.3 55.0 62.3 65.0 61.0 ,-./1,' (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Page 1 61.7 57.4 65.0 60.5 64.0 55.5 61.0 68.0 63.0 67.0 66.0 64.0 HYTOVEKT.XLS lable 29. . Weight (gram) at age (year) tor haddock tram the sUNey during the autumn of 1992. Age (year) Area Malangen 0504 West - Troms (1) Balstjord 0539 Ullstjord 0428 Lyngenfiord 0429 Loppa - Sereya (2) Kvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411,0412 Altafjord 0415 Revsbotn 0414 Hjelmsey (3) Sieppen (4) Tenafjord 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Leksefjord 0325 Verenger 0302 0, 38 24 20 31 26 27 50 29 35 1 150 118 122 170 130 132 123 91 124 109 88 59 63 102 96 107 79 2 3 1010 812 969 1035 785 934 857 930 929 1011 708 410 206 624 347 460 387 752 315 560 301 701 571 363 491 511 402 458 435 464' 619 553 339 212 6" 7 10 11+ 9 8 1430 1950 2073 2058 2610 2580 1381 1596 1820 1810 2050 2074 1428 ·1441 1840 2583 1410 1769 2010 1790 1478 1567 1955 2080 2380 2565 2455 2520 1320 2880 1317 2474 1336 1648 1777 2242 2360 1945 1580 2730 3380 2590 1535 2050 1917 2762 2716 3394 3381 1433 1840 2010 3420 2295 1476 2280 2850 1660 3150 1505 1850 1340 2547 3222 1280 1104 1180 2465 1450 2250 2250" 1079 2290 4 5 , (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 . (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 I, Page 1 06 0.5 - Malangen Vest Trams a: r- 04 « ID 0.4 a: ~ 0.3 z ~ 0 i= ~ 0 r-- 0.2 02 a: Cl. 0.1 10 06 20 30 40 50 11 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.5 Revsbotn • Hjelms0y 0.5 04 Cl: « iIl 0.4 a: UJ il. 03 5 0.3 ~ lt 0.2 I- 02 0.1 0.1 10 0.4 - 20 30 40 60 60 Tanafjord 0.7 ~ 0.3 - ~ 5... ~H: 20 30 ~ 40 60 60 0sthavet • r- 0.6 - r-- a:l 10 0.5 ~ 0.4 02 0.3 02 0.1 rr-- 0.1 - tl 10 20 30 40 ...=- 60 60 10 20 30 40 LSr1Qtn. cm Length. cm F1g. 14. 50 60 Length frequency distribution cf 2 year eId haddock. 56 • 70 60 • 50 E (j ~ ~ ....J 40 30 • Barents Sea • 0sthavet . 20 2 3 4 6 • Hjelmsey • Vest Trams 6 yeers Fig. 15. Total length related to age in coasta1 haddock from three shelf areas in the investigated region, compared to Barents Sea haddock caught 4-6 months later, reported by Anon. (1993). 57 ... '- 70 60 E 50 (,) • S ~ -l 40 30 • Barents Sea • Ravsbotn .. Kvaenangen 20 ~--T---'---r---r-~---r-_ • Malangen 2 3 4 5 6 70 1 I 80 ~ t// I 50 ~ ö .c Sc: 3 ~ • /'J!. ~i /*/'- • ./A ~ // ./ .1/;:-I J ~() ~ ?n -- I ~ 10 1 I 2 -3 Ag., Fig. 16. I 4 5 • • Barents Sea Varanger • Tanafjo(i:J 6 ygars Total length related to age in coastal haddock from three fjords in the western area (upper graph) and two fjords in the eastern area (lower graph) in the investigated region, compared to Barents Sea haddock caught 4-6 months 1ater, reported by Anon. (1993) . ... ._" 58 ,----." I,.f\ (,' HYTOMODN.XLS \ libble \li" , ~,~ Percent maturity at age (year) for haddock from the sUNey during the autumn of 1992. Aga (year) JO. , !.. Area Malangen 0504 West - Troms (1) Balsfjord 0539 UlIsfjord 0428 Lyngenfjord 0429 Loppa - S0flitya (2) J:Cvenangen 0427 Raasa 0411,0412 ~"afjord .' (3) ~Ieppen (4) Tanafjord 0305 ~orsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Laksefjord 0325 '" vara'nger 0302 . _ •.• 1' .... , ••••• (!llo,' \' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~jelms0Y "....11 0 0 0415 Revsbotn 0414 ", 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 10 20 7 3 7 11 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 81 28 15 80 38 74 71 65 35 63 24 0 16 0 13 0 14 5 4 90 98 57 80 100 91 69 86 100 80 66 100 100 100 6 100 91 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 39 100 29 8 9 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 100 90 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 11+ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tot. N N 99 100 .• ;,"" (1)' i~cludes 0530,0531 ,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 10 426 89 192 298 131 210 281 196 217 454 130 317 172 267 117 312 =3596 otholits .. Page 1 .. , .. _ ! Bl-HY-TO.XLS ,. ;" Table 31. , Biomass of haddock on each yearclasss from the sUNey during the autumn of 1992. Age (year) , Area Malangen 0540 West - Troms (1) BolStjord 0539 .. ,-- .' Ullstjord 0428 pr Lyngenfjord 0429 L.~ppa - Sereya (2) !Cvonangen 0427 ... , Raasa 0411,0412 Altafjord ,..-,,(-'.. 0415 Rovsbotn 04 J4 Hjolmsey (3) Sieppen (4) ' l'i . ~ T~nafjord 1 2 2 78 665 3557 9 22 79 2 19 279 2J 308 539 60 214 97 531 106 150 26 599 401 2916 J424 3798 28 1358 38 3458 306 8374 70 703 116 1049 2J 3677 27704 0 0305 Porsanger 0324 0sthavet (5) Laksofjord 0325 Voranger 0302 TOTAL 9 4 7 5 6 8 40 38 J35 30 38 48 4097 2470 1563 3J2 J27 827 3 5 18 5 9 14 7 11 8 248 135 155 164 158 1125 2J J2 19 13 118 10 67 J831 260 214 114 J20 J8 22 17 21 533 142 80 153 377 14J 127 1794 579 176 190 976 1220 710 1348 1184 37 209 4J1 101 20J 79 370 2495 88 50 38 73 73 74 1344 327 17389 14223 3958 3281 2622 2076 28J3 3 J53 J054 25 70 220 8J6 224 894 138 966 J763 1450 753 J15 7354 . (I) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 ' (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Pagl' ; 10 11+ TOTAL 8J 47 128 0 562 14672 87 J60 558 3750 69J 4128 472 3064 7946 12110 2897 3891 18987 861 3056 77892 NU-HY-TO.xLS Table 32. Numbers (xl 000) of haddock on each yearclasss from the sUNey during the autumn of,1992. Age (year) Area 1 13 Malangen 0540 5636 West - Troms (1) 74 Balstjord 0539 12 Ullstjord 0428 ,. 146 Lyngenf;ord 0429 t:,A Loppa - $ereya (2) . 677 2333 Kvenangen 0427 488 Raasa 0411.0412 1066 855 AUaf;ord 0415 239 Revsbotn 0414 4557 H;elmsey (3) I·· Sleppen (4) 24136 I. 444 Tanaf;ord 0305 Porsanger 0324 373 0sthavet (5) 3188 Laksef;ord 0325 654 Varanger 0302 1468 TOTAL 677 45681 0 -.,.' .~. 2 3 137 151 9799 1298 26 45 155 68 694 280 1177 874 492 261 1144 961 242 149 1083 955 8602 2490 17915 3537 6592 1207 9965 250 21638 9779 2232 89 3485 1917 85397 24293 4 6 7 5 14 19 94 25 2967 ·1548 859 172 2 13 3 6 7 4 4 718 127 65 65 14 89 3 1371 158 120 51 7 13 42 347 69 55 1252 315 88 56 802 428 428 273 28 55 62 2260· 75 150 26 303 32 10601 2381 1672 1031 8 9 15 62 15 399 2 8 64 8 51 7 139 428 82 62 (3) includes 0424,0425,0426 (4) includes 0310,0311,0312 (5) includes 0306,0307,0308,0313,0301,0303 Paue J 11+ TOTAL 484 22739 164 240 1144 64 32 '. 34 7 42 55 428 32 32 958 1078 (1) includes 0530,0531,0535,0401,0402,0403,0409,0410 (2) includes 0404,0405,0413 10 14 46 0 6197 1357 4956 1279 2985 17414 48101 8681 10712 37090 3001 7271 173814 Areacode • Melangen 70 - 60SO~ 1j 30-t 40 20 10 1 1 I 0-----r-.: "" N .. "" "" ..,"" N"" '" ~. ",' 0') ""..... lengltl (ern) Areaeode 0539 • ~ . N "" .... "" "'""" Ballflord N ~ 74 60I I SOI 4O~ )30 ~ z 20 7 10 - 0----- "" N"" ..... 0') "" N .. '" length (em) AreaC:Ode 0428 • UlIsIJord . • "" '"" N -56 25 - 20- f 15 z 10 5 i i + 0.;..1---_~ ..... "" ..... "" N"" ...."" "" ... ... "" . '" '"""" N "" .... N length (em) Areac:ode 0427 - KVOInangen N ~3O 16 14· 12 - f z 10 - 9• 6 ~ 4 - 2 0 "" """ ~"" "" N"" "" N"" "" ... ... '"" N ",' 0') ",' 0') Lenglh (em) N "" .... "" .... ..... "" "".. "'" N IX> Figur 17. Length distribution of saithe (Pollachius virens) from various areas off the coast and the tJords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. I I N ~ 118 62 • Areacode 0414 • Ilevsbotn N .36 Ja 25 57 0-------length (crn) Areacode 0324 • Porsanger N.74 50454035 ~ i ~~ 15 ~ 10 7 5 ~ 0-----Lenglh (crn) Areacode 0325 • Tanatjord N .251 140 120 ~ , 100 - • f z BOI 60 7 4O~ I 20- 0: \l) ~ ..\l) - \l) ~ \l) ..... N \l) ..,N length (Crn) Figur 18. Length distribution of saithe (Pollachius virens) from various areas off the coast and the tJords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 63 Areaeode 0401, 0402, 0403, 0409, 0410, 0530, 0531, 0535. West·Troms N.235 120 - 100 i 80· J 60· I 40· i 20- 0----__ I '"N ,,''" '" '" '"~. ~'" '"....: '" LellQll1 (crn) N ~ M Areaeode 0411, 0412, 0423 • ROsa N • 67 Ja25 - f z 2015 ~" 10 ... 5~ 0-"- - - - ' - - _ Length (cm) Areaeode 0424, 0425, 0426 • HJelmsey N • 89 35 30 25 J: 10 5 o-L- '" N _ '"N ,,''" M M ,,' ...'" '"N Lenglh (cI1\) '" Figur 19. Length distribution of saithe (Pollachius virens) fram various areas off the coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Trams in August-October 1992. 64 • Areacode 0310, 0311, 0312 - Sieppe" N• 86 40 35 30 I: _ j tsl I 10 - I 5 - 0-:-----~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g + ~ oe LengItl(ern) Areacode 030 I. 0303, 0306, 0307. 0308, 0313 _ 0sttlavet 60- so- f z 4030 - ' 20~ 10 ~ o -'- - - - _ lenght (ern) • Figur 20. Length distribution of saithe (Pollachius virens) from various areas off the coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 65 Areacode 0540 • MOlongen 0.-- _ ..., ..... '" ..., ..., N ..., ..., ...,....: ..., ........ ... ",' L;~gth (C,;,) ..., ..,+ ~ ..,....: Areacode 0539 - BalsIJord 30 25 .:. ~. f 15 z 10 • 7 : ~ 5 o 75 125 175 22.5 275 325 375 425 475 525 575 Length (cm) Areacode 0428 - UlIsIJord N.I39 70-;- ~f soI 1:rt 40 z ! 10 0'-'--__ • .., ...,..... Length (crn) Areacode 0429 - Lyngenflord N.24S 70 - i ~~ 50~ ! z!l 40 30 ~ 1 20-I .. 10 o ~.". .., '" Length (crn) ..,..... ... ..... ...,+ ..... on Figur 21 - Length distribution of redfish (Sebastes sp.) from various areas off ihe coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 66 Areocode 0427 • KValnangen N -11~ 60I 50:- f z 4O~ 11 30 . 20 0--1 10 ~ 75 125 17 5 225 275 32.5 375 42.5 475 52.5 57.5 lengt!'l (ern) AreocOde 0415 -Alta N~6S 30 25 - f • z 2015· 5 0 75 125 175 225 275 32.5 37.5 425 475 525 "...."" ~ 575 lerigt!'l (ern) Areocode 0414 • Revsboln ,,, -'" 25 f20 z 15 10 5 • 0 ..., ..., " ~ ..., " ""~ ..., """e-. .... ..,N ..," "" .... N l.~(ern) .... Areacode 0324 • Porsanget ...,. ..... .... N -115 4035 30· .! 25 - 5 20 :- z 15 - "" I::: 5 ::: .... N "" '" ..: ..., ...,N"" .. ..,..: L;~(em) ""N.... ...,..... .... "" N "" . "...,"" Figur 22. Length distribution of redfish (Sebastes Sp.) from various areas off the coast arid thc fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-Octot>er 1992. 67 Areacode 0325 • Leksetjord N -173 30 -, 70 i 60- ~ SO ~ :i 40 • JOt 20~ I 10· o ..., ~ ..., ...... ..., f:! ..., '"'" ..., ..., .., ...., ....., ..,'" N . ,., ...... N Length (ern) Areocode 0325 • TenQ170rd N -567 140 7 120 • i 100 • j i Z SO; • 60I 4020: o '"'" ..., '" N ..., '" ...... ..., ..,N ..., ....., ....., ..,...:: N L~~gIh (e~ ...... Areacode 0302 • Verenger ..., ...,N ,J, '"..., N-6J6 <:SO • f t I ISO Z 100 + I sol I o .... ..,'" Length (cm) ...., ...., N ...... ..., ...,...... + Figur 23. Length distribution of redfish (Sebastes sp.) from various areas off the coast arid the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August·OCtober 1992. 68 Areacode O401.1M02, 0403, 0409, 0410. 0sJ0. 0531, 05J5. West·Troms N·4J2 140 120 • 100 I: 40 20 C length (c:rn) Areocode 0404, 0405, 0413 • Loppo.Sereya N.l46 454(J~ 35 ,,, Ja - ! ~ 2S T 20 i 15 7 10 t , 5 o ., ., ".., N le"gth (c:m) Areocode 041 J. 04 J2. 0423 • R6sa N .197 70 .60 f~ 40 z 30 z.: 10 0 "'" ., ~ Areocode 0424, 0425, 0426 • HJe/msey 180 160 '40 - '" ...; '" ~ ., ., " ~ ., ...; '" ., ., ..,N ..,..... length(C:rn) ., ... N ., "... ., .,N . ..... '" '" Figur 24. Length distribution of redfish (Se bastes sp.) from various areas off the coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-Ociober 1992. 69 N ~ 336 Areocode 0310. 0311. 0312 • Sieppen 200 180 160 - 140 ~ 120- J 100 806O~ 4O~ 20 o '" ...: '" "" ...: '" ..... '" ",,' M '" N .... M on on '"..,. ...: + N '" ...: on length (Cm) Areocode 0301. 0303. 0306. 0307. 0308. 0313. 011t1avet so- N ~ 157 454035 - f~ z = 2015 10 5 o '" ...: '" N ..... '" on /:i on ...: "" '" N M length (cmj ..,.....'" on N .... ..... '" .... on N '" + on ...: '" Figur 25. Length distribution of redfish (Sebastes sp.) from various areas off the coast and the tJords in Finnmark and Trams in August-üetaber 1992. 70 Na 197 9080 - 70- J:t 40-I 3O~ I 2O~ I 10 .. o ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ L~(ern) Areocode 0534 • Balsflord Na 321 90607' 70 ~ f z 00- ~ 5J 40- 302010 ~ 0---Leng!h (ern) Areacode 0425 • Ullsflord 147' I 12 - ! 10 ~ J :1 4 - 21 oLl • --'_ _ Areocode 0429 - lyngen/lofd 115J N • 363 t J 100. 0-I' ; 5J': : i ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ L~(c:m) Figur 26. Length distribution of herring (Clllpea harengus) from variousareas off the coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 71 Areocode 0427 • KVCBnangen 12· I 10 .. I 8l f I 6 .. Z I 4,;, I 2· 0 1 0<'> .... 0- = ~ Iengtl'l (ern) 72 N .es Areocode 0325 • Tonoflord N =205 70 60- SO- j j 40 ~ 30 • 207 10 ~ o ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LengIh(Cm) FigUI 28. Length distribution of herring (Clupea harengus) from various areas off the coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 73 Areaeode Q4(W, CWOS. 0413 - Loppa·S.r.ya N• 224 9080~ 70: 60: f~ f z 40 ~ 3020~ 10 ~ o ------~ ~ ~ =~ _ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lengfh (cm) Areaeode 041 1.0412.0423. ROsa N. 139 8070- - f 60~- 40- z 30 ~ 2010 ~ 0--- ~ ~ ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lengltl (emJ Areaeode 0424, 0425, 0425 - H/elmtey N• 331 Areacode 0310. 031 I. 0312 - Sleppen N. 61 200 - 180 160 : ! § Z 140 ~ 120 100· 7 ao ~ 604020" 0-'-- ~­ ! 454035 • 30- ~ 25 - z 20 15 • 10 - 5- o ~ ~ ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lengltl CemJ Figur 29. Length distribution of herring (Clupea harengus) from various areas off the coast and the tJords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 74 • Areaeode 030 I. 0303. 0306, 0307, 0308, 0313 • l2!sttlavet 100 90 80 Na 135 70 i 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 "" .... 0- -- :::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ Lenglh (ern) Figur 30. Length distribution of herring (Clupea harengus) from various areas off the coast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-October 1992. 75 . Areocode 0324 • Porsanger 6050~ 40: J:i 10 ~ :) 7 8 ~O 9 " 12 13 14 lengtll (ern) 15 16 17 18 19 ~ ~ 20 Areacode 0302 • Varanger 14 12 - 10 - f 6j8~ z 4 I 2- 0-·---~ ~ ~ ~ 2 = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R lengtll (ern) Figur 31. Length distribution of eapelin (.'-tal/orus villosus L.) from various areas off the eoast and the fjords in Finnmark and Troms in August-Getober 1992. 76 Appendix 1 • Figur 32 ~n c..k"'t,, : ).r.::.. k\; ~~ L"'-b !o( ~,!,k",<" ~ :-"{ -l':;~'-AC - rec~~hl Jc..L. e) 77 Table 33. (1..~ STALVII<,BOTN, First capture = First release I I Number tagged Time of recapture I Year ~- Period Number recaptured D E 32 20 6 6 - - 33 27 5 - 1 - 21 12 6 2 1 - 15 10 3 - 2 12 5 .6 1 7 7 - 9 7 2 - - - - 1 1 - - - - - 130 100,0 89 68,5 22 21,5 9 6,9 ~~cl July-Dec 1269 Ju1y-Dec 1269 Jan-June I Third Ju1y-Dec I I Forth I I Fifth I I I 874 Jan-June Ju1y-Dec 511 .. Jan-June July-Dec 234 SUM (number) % i I C . ! I B Jan-June Second Recapture site versus area A Jan-June First • rl) , - ! , - 4 3,1 - I - !I - I 0,0 Recapture site versus area I - - - i I I :hange in distribution during the year Period Number recaptured Jan-June I: July-Des B C 0 75 (%) 45 (60,0) 20 (26,7) 9 (12,0) 1 (1,3) (0) 55 44 (80,0) 8 (14,5) - 3 - (0) (5,5) (0) (%) 78 ::. _~: '''::O}' ,t.., ...:..-:.._ .. E A I -- > ••- -- -. .".. N ..-; . . . . . ,..,... ~.~ " "'vo ... ~ - I j I I I 1 I ,i I I