WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING BOARD RETREAT August 22, 2015 A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order at 8:45 a.m. by President Billy White for the purpose of the annual Board Retreat. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present. Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance. Retreat Facilitator Dr. Cindra Smith joined the meeting following Closed Session. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. CLOSED SESSION At 8:46 a.m. it was moved by Trustee Vaughn seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, that the Board convene in Closed Session to discuss the District’s position regarding the following matters: A. B. C. D. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS At 9:30 a.m., it was moved by Trustee Campos seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no action was taken during Closed Session. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President White led the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, it was approved to reorder the agenda items to place the original item 9 – Board Review West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 2 and Self-Evaluation of 2014/15 Goals - before Item 7. Dr. Smith requested each meeting participant to share positive experiences related to Board service during the past year. Comments included graduation ceremonies as evidence of the impact of the College; pride in accomplishments; the Superintendent/ President’s leadership; learning more about the culture; student success focus; formalizing the process of participation in decision-making; and understanding the role of the Academic Senate. BOARD REVIEW AND SELF-EVALUATION OF 2014/15 GOALS Dr. Smith noted that the 2015 Board Self-Evaluation was conducted in accordance with Board policy. In July, the Office of the President developed an evaluation form using the Board priorities and tasks adopted in 2014 as criteria. Each Trustee completed the form and the ratings were averaged. The discussion of the results at the workshop completed the annual Board self-evaluation. Average scores in each goal area ranged from 4.2 to 4.93. Of particular note is the continual improvement from 2013 to 2014 to the current year in each category. There were numerous comments which provided qualitative assessments of Board performance. Survey Results: Focus Area 1 – Student Services: 2015 Rating: 4.68 2014 Rating: 4.30 2013 Rating: 4.4 Comments included that student success presentations at every meeting have been very good, and that the presentation on metrics was very helpful. Presentations to the Board on College programs are well done. Board members discussed keeping a balance between workshops, presentations, and tours of programs to ensure they are knowledgeable about and able to monitor student success. Focus Area 2 – Employee Success: 2015 Rating: 4.8 2014 Rating: 4.6 2013 Rating: 4.7 Comments included appreciation for celebrations of employee success and suggestions for ongoing improvement and appreciation for the Academic Senate’s work with the administration in strengthening responsibilities for academic and professional matters. Trustees noted that the MOU with the Taft Police Department has been working well, and is addressing the concern for safety on campus. West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 3 BOARD REVIEW AND SELF-EVALUATION OF 2014/15 GOALS (continued): Focus Area 3 – Institutional Effectiveness 2015 Rating: 4.4 2014 Rating: 4.3 2013 Rating: 4.2 The Board’s role in Accreditation and planning was discussed. Appreciation was expressed for “getting things done” and for the work related to numerous plans. Focus Area 4 – Community Success: 2015 Rating: 4.9 2014 Rating: 4.8 2013 Rating: 4.4 Board members affirmed the value of the West Kern Petroleum Summit and its relationship to Oildorado as a community/college partnership. They also commended the involvement and visibility of Trustees and College leadership in the community, and noted that the Foundation is becoming more effective. Focus Area 5 – Enrollment: 2015 Rating: 4.5 2014 Rating: 4.4 2013 Rating: 4.3 Enrollment trends were discussed which are on track to meet a 1.0% growth target. Focus Area 6 – Sustainable Resources: 2015 Rating: 4.4 2014 Rating: 4.3 2013 Rating: 4.2 Board members commended work done to meet the expectation for plans to transition grant-funded programs to College support, facilities plan, and refinancing of long-term debt. There is still concern about future obligations and resource needs; a workshop will be scheduled to further explore needs and options. Focus Area 7 – Technology: 2015 Rating: 4.2 2014 Rating: 4.2 2013 Rating: 3.7 Trustees appreciated the consistency of reports on technology use, and discussed specific accomplishments related to DegreeWorks and modules in the Banner system. West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 4 BOARD REVIEW AND SELF-EVALUATION OF 2014/15 GOALS (continued): Focus Area 8 – Board Effectiveness: 2015 Rating: 4.7 2014 Rating: 4.4 2013 Rating: 4.5 Trustees noted the value of conference attendance to continue their knowledge and strengthen the Board as a team, particularly national conferences that broaden their perspectives. They discussed seeking more involvement of the Student Trustee. Trustees have been working very well together. The importance of communication to “close the loop” related to ideas was discussed. REVIEW OF BOARD POLICIES, ETHICS AND TRUSTEESHIP Dr. Smith reviewed Board Policy #2200 – Board Duties and Responsibilities. It was agreed that Board Policy #2200 fairly represents the expectations of members of the Board (Trustees) in general and no edits were necessary. Board Policy #2715 – Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice was reviewed. Discussion included that an in-depth review of the policy was conducted at the Board Retreat held in 2014 and the Board remains committed to the policy and maintaining its standards. Board Policy #3050 – Institutional Code of Ethics was also reviewed. It was noted that each employee group had provided input for each of their respective sections. Board members inquired regarding inclusion of the document in new employee orientations. (Copies of BP #2200, 2715 & 3050 attached to official minutes.) ACCREDITATION UPDATE Dr. Maloney reported that the Accreditation Self-Evaluation is a comprehensive and thorough picture of the current status of the College. We have acknowledged we do not meet the standards relative to Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and we have established an actionable plan. This may lead to a sanction from the Commission (ACCJC) as a result of our deficiency in this area. The Commission required colleges to attain specific levels of SLO completion since 2012 and we have not met those measures. Dr. Maloney distributed and reviewed “ACCJA Additional Information Request Based on 2015 Annual Report.” She noted that the College has been placed on a list of colleges that will receive “enhanced monitoring.” The handout outlines the Commission’s requirements that must be met by October 15th. Dr. Maloney noted that some of these requirements are relatively new. She will meet with the appropriate personnel on August 25th to prepare our response. An Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Team, members of which are experts in this area, are scheduled to visit the campus in November to assist in this effort. Overall, Dr. Maloney related that she feels prepared for the Accreditation Team Visit and that plans are well underway to facilitate the logistics for the 12-member group. West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 5 At this point in the meeting Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams, Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle and Associate Vice President of Human Resources Dr. Robert Meteau joined the meeting to serve as resources for the Board in establishment of their 2015/16 Goals. Each reviewed accomplishments in their respective areas during the 2014/15 year, their goals for the 2015/16 year and their desired leadership/support from the Board to achieve those goals. ESTABLISHMENT OF 2015/16 GOALS The Board and retreat participants reviewed the 2015-18 Strategic Action Plan and identified priorities for their 2015-16 goals (draft priorities and tasks attached to official minutes). NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. A budget study workshop is scheduled to take place immediately preceding the regular meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Cougar Room. ADJOURNMENT At 2:23 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Kal Vaughn, Secretary