Taft College Academic Senate Minutes Attendees Monday, December 2, 2013 Cougar Conference Room

Taft College Academic Senate Minutes
Monday, December 2, 2013
Cougar Conference Room
Attendees: President Tony Thompson, Vice President David Layne, Secretary Linda West,
Jennifer Altenhofel, Kanoe Bandy, Eric Bérubé, Paul Blake, Adam Bledsoe, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez,
Chris Chung-Wee, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Tori Furman, Greg Golling,
Gary Graupman, Jessica Grimes, Daniel Hall, Vicki Herder, Brian Jean, Craig Johnson, Julián Martinez,
Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Joseph Polizzotto, Denise Romero, Jeff Ross, Sonja Swenson, Susan Vaughan
The meeting was called to order at 12:16 p.m.
Public Commentary
Review of November 4, 2013 Senate Minutes
A motion was made by Jeff Ross and seconded by Michelle Oja to approve the minutes as presented.
The motion carried.
New Faculty Position Requests
Tony Thompson
Tony Thompson reported the new faculty position ranking sheets and presentations were submitted to
Dr. Maloney. She expressed her respect for the position of the Senate and stated our recommendations
will carry a heavy weight. She will be consulting with Mark Williams regarding the final hiring decision.
Tony stated we will probably be informed of the decision in January.
IT Update
Adrian Agundez
Adrian Agundez reported a 5-Year Technology Master Plan was completed and includes a schedule for
updating classroom computers and equipment. He stated he has received a commitment from Dr.
Maloney for an allocation of $100,000 a year to fund upgrades. Adrian stated that as we continue to
grow, that amount will need to be increased.
Upcoming IT projects include:
A Banner upgrade is scheduled for December 13th through the 15th. Banner will not be available
during that time.
New HDMI projectors will be installed in the G area classrooms during the winter break.
Serban Sound & Communications will be on campus during the winter break to correct issues in
the Technical Arts building.
A question was asked regarding IT service hours and Adrian stated service was available until 7 p.m. on
Monday through Thursday.
Jennifer Altenhofel expressed her concern regarding inoperable computers in T15. Although she
reported the problem at the beginning of the semester, the computers have not been repaired. Another
reported issue is that automatic updates on laptops are scheduled at times when students are working.
Adrian stated he would look into the issues.
Accreditation Update
Eric Bérubé
The accreditation site visit is scheduled for the Fall 2015 semester. Eric Bérubé reported that the writing
of the self-study is on schedule. He said he was surprised to learn that the college will be evaluated
under the new 2014 accreditation standards, which haven’t been published. The accrediting commission
requested a copy of our SLO status report. Vicki Herder reported that the information contained in the
report is two years old and that we’ve made a lot of progress in the past two years.
Curriculum & General Education Committee Update
David Layne
David Layne reported the committee is continuing to work on getting pieces of the TMC through the
approval process. In addition, the committee is still wrestling with proposed changes to ENGL 1500.
Engineering Program Update
Paul Blake
Paul Blake reported the TC Engineering Program will start in the Fall 2014 semester with one or two
course offerings and continue to add one or two courses each year. The program relies heavily on
existing math, physics, and chemistry courses. Program specific courses are currently working their way
through the curriculum approval process. The program will allow students to complete lower division
course requirements before transferring to 4-year schools. The program links closely with CSU,
Bakersfield’s engineering program and currently proposed CA C-ID Model Curriculum guidelines.
Strategic Planning Committee Update
David Layne
David Layne reported that the consulting group retained to assist in developing the Educational Master
Plan would be visiting the campus on Thursday and Friday of this week. The campus-wide instructor
hearing is scheduled for Thursday.
Assignment of “Incomplete” Grades – English, Math, Reading
Tony Thompson
Tony Thompson reported on the problems associated with the assignment of Incomplete (I) grades in
sequential courses such as English, Math, and Reading. Continuing students typically enroll in
subsequent semesters before grades are entered in the current semester. Once grades are entered,
students who do not meet course prerequisites are dropped from the appropriate course. Incomplete
grades can present a problem, since they allow a student to delay completing the prerequisite course.
According to the Taft College Catalog, the “I” may be made up no later than one semester following the
end of the term in which the instructor assigned it, unless a petition for a time extension is granted.
(Summer semester does not count.) Tony reminded those in attendance that faculty has the prerogative
of requiring the incomplete work be completed in a shorter period of time. He requested those in Math
and English to require students to complete work no later than the last day to withdraw in the following
semester. This practice will allow those students who do not meet prerequisites to be withdrawn from
the appropriate course prior to the drop deadline.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled during the Spring 2014 In-Service session.
Respectfully submitted by
Linda West, Academic Senate Secretary