Ta College May 2013 Outstanding Faculty of the Year Geoffrey Dyer Every year EOPS honors a full-time faculty member at The EOPS End of The Year Luncheon. The award is selected by student voting. Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President of Taft College, presented Geoffrey Dyer with the Outstanding Faculty Award. 2012‐2013 EOPS Outstanding Faculty of the Year Inside this issue : * Outstanding Faculty of the Year Geoffrey Dyer began his education as a student at Bakersfield College and is a strong believer in the California Community College system. In 2003, he published his first book of poetry and continues to publish his work in small journals and anthologies. He has been teaching at Taft College since 2007. In that time, he has learned more from his students than they will ever know. He has been nominated by Phi Theta Kappa students as a recipient of the One Professor Award. He is the faculty adviser to the Taft College Literary Magazine Club, which annually publishes A Sharp Piece of Awesome. * Outstanding Staff of Year * Outstanding Graduate Award * 2012-2013 EOPS Graduate * Student of Months * Important Information and Announcements INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE: Writing isn't punishment or a necessary evil. Writing is using language to express ourselves and our ideas. Writing is art. Writing is fun. Don't write because you have to! Write because you get to. Most Supportive Staff Award Joanna Dumbrigue Every year EOPS also honors a full-time staff member at The EOPS End of The Year Luncheon. The award is selected by student voting. Kal Vaughn, Board of Trustee Member, presented Joanne Dumbrigue with the Most Supportive Staff Award. What follows is her Biography. I have worked at Taft College in the position of Financial Aid Outreach Clerk since November 2010. In my current position, my responsibilities include increasing and promoting awareness of financial aid to students, parents’, staff and the general public in a variety of settings and act as a liaison between the college and higher educational institutions and Kern County high schools. Previous to my employment at Taft College, I was employed with the Kern High School District for 12 years working at Arvin High School and Ridgeview High School in various responsibilities ranging from Instructional Aide to Finance Clerk. I was born and raised in Bakersfield, California. I attended Arvin High School and graduated Bakersfield College in 2002 with an Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies. I graduated from California State University, Bakersfield in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Literature. I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Educational Counseling at CSUB. I hope to continue contributing to the growth and success of students. May Birthdays Yesenia Ayala Amber Dean Deyanira Garcia Miyokang Kumangi Nancy Landreth Erica Miller Monique Moreno Anabel Nunez Anhely Perfecto Raul Romo Ariana Sanchez Allisa Tweedy Susan Wagner EOP Student Alumni Michelle Beasley Michelle was the keynote speaker for the Luncheon. She did a fantastic job in encouraging our students to never give up using her own life experiences. What follows is her speech: “Persistence: Never Give Up” Whenever I have listened to speeches in the past, I notice the speaker usually quotes from famous people, so I thought I would do the same: Leonardo di Vinci said: “Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.” Thomas Carroll once said: “When you start something, finish it.” Most of you know who Leonardo di Vinci is, but I doubt any of you know who Thomas Carroll is. He is my father and as a child he gave me many valuable lessons in life. Those simple words carried me through my education. When I was 17, I graduated from high school and was off to college. I choose to go to Santa Rosa Junior College. I soon realized I was too young, too immature, and not ready to be away from home. 6 months later I failed all my classes and returned home. I later enrolled in Santa Monica Junior College. But being at home didn’t make me ready for college either; I failed out of Santa Monica. I began to think maybe this is the one thing I couldn’t finish. Our parents had simple rules after we graduated from high school; “you either go to school or you work.” So I went to work at Wells Fargo Bank. I hated it. I didn’t like working from 9-5, I didn’t like being stuck in a building all day, but the one thing I hated the most was training the kids who were headed to management positions. They would be given management positions, just because they had a degree. I remember thinking some of these people were complete idiots, but they had what I didn’t: a college degree. I realized then and there that I just needed to apply myself. I decided to try and finish school this time. I went back to Santa Monica and successfully completed my GE. In the winter 1991, I transferred to CSUB as an EOP student and received my degree in Child Development in 1994. I hadn’t given up, I kept going, I was persistent. In 1999, after 6 years of working in child care I wanted to make a move to elementary education. I needed to earn my teaching credential. I applied to the University of La Verne (ULV) and was accepted. I was excited and I was ready for school, but life never goes as planned. I found out I was pregnant with my second child and happily postponed my education. In 2001 I thought I was ready again, but no, I wasn’t. I was having my third child. Finally, in 2003 I began my teaching credential at ULV. I remember my first class, we had to stand in a circle and say why we wanted a teaching credential and what we expected out of this program. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I remember saying I had been trying to start this program for four years but kept getting pregnant and how happy I was that I wasn’t pregnant and finally working on my credential. A week later, I found out that I was pregnant. I failed my very last semester at ULV because I kept being hospitalized due to my pregnancy. I was happy and blessed to have a beautiful healthy baby, but I was a little sad to have failed my classes. A year later I re enrolled and successfully completed those courses. I remained at Laverne and began working on my Master’s Degree in Education and completed it in 2006 with a 3.96 GPA. I am not encouraging nor recommending that you take the long road to your degree as I did. The purpose of my story is the fact that when I finally got serious and started my education I was determined to finish it. I refused to give up. I was persistent. As you leave Taft College and began your careers or continue your education at a University remember that; in life you can do anything just don’t give up. I leave you with a quote from Michael Jordan, “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” Outstanding Graduate Award Kathy Mixon Michael Long, Board of Trustee Member, presented the award for Outstanding Spring 2013 Graduate Award to Kathy Mixon. The following is her bio: “From the ashes rises the phoenix.” This phrase may sound dramatic, but it couldn’t describe my life better. It was just three years ago that a failed back surgery forced me to stop working, sell my home, and travel 1,600 miles to seek a skilled surgeon to restore my quality of life. I was a 47 year old unemployed, single woman that rarely ventured out into public, and was in indescribable pain. In the blink of an eye, I had gone from being a successful bookkeeper to receiving Social Security Disability. There are no adversities that cannot be overcome. In 2010, I had my fourth and fifth surgeries that added 2lbs. of metal to my spine. I decided to put my recovery time to good use, and I chose Taft College to get my AS Degree in Accounting. As soon as I was able to sit in a chair, I signed up for online classes. Being successful in my classes helped motivate me to be successful in my recovery. I gained the motivation to return to the work force instead of being on government aid for the rest of my life. With the encouragement of my family and the EOPS Staff at Taft College, I not only achieved making the President’s List three times, the top 1% in academic achievement two times, but am also a Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society member. This is my last semester at Taft College. This Spring I will be a proud 50 year old grandma, college graduate and ready to return to the work force. I am living proof that no matter what cards life deals you, nothing is impossible and it is never too late to make positive changes in your life. Taft College Graduation Procedures Spring 2013 May 23 Academic requirements must be completed. May 24 Rehearsal for commencement is at 5:45 p.m. at Taft Union High School Football Stadium - all graduates must be present if participating in commencement. Directly following rehearsal will be commencement. Graduates will need to report for commencement dressed in cap and gown. Please call Sandi Graham at (661)763-7708 if you are unable to attend commencement. May 24 Commencement begins at 7:00 p.m. NOTE: Students wishing to participate in the commencement ceremony must maintain enrollment requirements for graduation in order to remain eligible to participate. EOPS Appreciates Your Support The staff at EOPS and CARE would like to give a special thank you to Brock McMurray, Vice-President of Student Services, for all the support he has provided the programs throughout the past years. Starting July 1, 2013 Brock will be the Executive Vice President, Administrative Services/Chief Financial Officer. We congratulate him and wish him well! Graduates were recognized at the EOPS End of the Year Awards Luncheon “Celebrating Excellence.” Brock McMurray, addressed our candidates for graduation while Dr. Dena Maloney presented the graduates with the EOPS Graduation Certificates. 2012-2013 EOPS Graduates What follows are the names of the graduates and presenters in the picture from left to right Marisol Gallardo, Amber Dean, Karla Contreras, Jennifer Ryle, Nancy Landreth, Liliana Salas, Edgar Padilla, Dr. Dena Maloney, Karlene Hernandez, Mayra Perez, Michael Long, Maria Valdez, Rodolfo Noriega, Kal Vaughn, Tammie Mason, Lourdes Gonzalez, Kathy Mixon, Amelia Sandoval, Marisela Cabezas, Yesenia Ayala, Brock McMurray, Erica Miller, Deyanira Garcia, Roberto Mariscal, Claudia Garcia, Andy Reyes and Bethany McWhorter EOPS Student of the Month Awards Rodolfo Noriega Rodolfo has been on either the Vice President’s or the President’s list since he first started studying at Ta College, and he has earned degrees in both Business Administra on and Social Science. He plans to transfer to CSUB in the fall where he will con nue studying Business Administra on with a concentra on in Human Resources. Nancy Gipson Nancy is finishing her degree in Administra ve Services this semester, and she is the first person in her immediate family to complete a college degree. She has been on the President’s list each semester since she started at Ta College, and she plans to transfer to CSUB where she will specialize in Phlebotomy and return to working in the medical field. Tonya Pantalion As the president of our Honor’s Society, Phi Theta Kappa, Tonya has managed to maintain an excellent grade point average during her me at Ta College, which has kept her on the President’s list since day one. She plans to transfer to CSUB where she will complete a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, with an emphasis in emergency and trauma. EOPS Student of the Month Awards Kathy Mixon Although she’s experienced hardship during the past few years, Kathy decided to stay posi ve and return to school to complete a degree in Accoun ng. While recovering from back surgery, Kathy has managed to maintain an excellent grade point average, and her scholas c achievements have earned her a spot on the President’s list numerous mes. Kathy will graduate this semester as a Phi Theta Kappa Honor’s Society Member. Juana Espinoza Juana plans to complete degrees in both Criminal Jus ce and Social Science. She has been able to maintain an outstanding GPA during her me at Ta College, and this has earned her a spot in the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She plans to transfer to CSUB to con nue her educa on in Criminal Jus ce. Ginger Booker Ginger has been on both the President’s and Vice President’s list during her me at Ta College, and she has now transferred to CSUB to pursue a degree in psychology with an emphasis on gender studies. She hopes to use her exper se in this field to counsel women and children who need help becoming independent. EOPS Student of the Month Awards Liliana Salas Liliana has earned a spot on the Vice President’s list in consecu ve semesters, and she is also a Phi Theta Kappa Honor’s Society member. She has already been accepted to CSU Los Angeles, where she plans to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Television, Film, and Media Studies in hopes of someday being able to create movies for Disney Pixar Anima on. Mayra Perez In addi on to being a volunteering her me as a T.A. for the Head Start Program at Jefferson Elementary, Mayra has managed to earn a spot on the President’s or Vice President’s list each semester during her me at Ta college. She is currently working towards a degree in Administra ve Services, and she plans to con nue her educa on in pursuit of a degree in Child Development. Monica Cisneros– Campos As a first genera on college student, Monica was able to juggle the demands of a full‐ me student‐athlete. In addi on to making the Vice President’s list, Monica contributed to the success of our Women’s Soccer Team this year. She is gradua ng this semester with a degree in Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Math and Science, and she plans to transfer to either CSU Bakersfield or CSU Fresno to pursue a math degree in hopes of becoming a University Professor. EOPS Academic Excellence Non-Graduate Grant Recipients To be considered for an Academic Excellent Grant a student must first be and EOPS student in good standing and must submit a Community College Scholarship Application. Students are then chosen based on their overall GPA and their unmet financial need. From Left to Right: Mariana Diaz, Ariana Freeny, Tammy Bresette, Stephanie Dargusch, Rebecca Levy, Rachel Sasi, Laura Martin, Tonya Pantalion, Jose Salcedo, and Brenda Valenzuela. EOPS/CARE Visit us at: EOPS/CARE website: www.ta college.edu/tcwp/eops/ EOPS/CARE Facebook: Eops Care Spring 2013 EOPS Counseling/Advising Contact Dates 3rd EOPS Counseling/Advising Contact………………………4/15– 5/24 Spring 2013 Taft College Academic Calendar May 17-23…………………..Final Examinations May 23………………………Spring Semester Ends. Last day to complete your classes May 24………………………Commencement June 6………………………..CSUB Transfer Specialist on campus EOPS/CARE Staff Lourdes Gonzalez Coordinator/Counselor (661) 763-7830 lgonzalez@taftcollege.edu Alex Castro Secretary/ Advisor (661) 763-7723 acastro@taftcollege.edu Chris Flachmann Advisor (661)763-7858 cflachmann@taftcollege.edu