• __ • J Iriternational Couricil for the Exploration of the Sea Shellfish Committee CM. 1995/K: 44 Aerial surveys, biomass estimates, and elimination of the musseI popuiation (Myti/us edulis L.), in the Danish Wadden Sea, 1991-1994. by Per Sand Kristerisen Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Charlottenlund Castle, DK-2920 Charlottenlund. 1. • • . Abstract . In 1991 and 1993, the Porest änd Nature Agericy and Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, perfonneci aeroplane photo survey cf all the gullies in the Danish Wadden Sea, to identify areas with rllUssels (M. edulis). The main areas with musseIs were fciund in Ho Bight in the northern part of the Danish Wadden Sea~ From 1991 to 1993 a decrease of mtissel bed areas were obSeivect. The total area with rllUssel bects registered in 1991 in the Wadden Sea was 10.92km2 , arid in 1993 only 8.67 krit2 • The subtidal areas increased from 1.8 km2 in 1991, to 2.5 km2 in 1993, and the intertidai area decreased from 9.1 km2 in"1991, to 6.2 km2 iri 1993. . To verify the aeroplane observation, simples of musseIs were collectoo in the beds in 1991, 1992 and 1993. The densities (nci./m2) of musseIs in Ho Bight varied considerably thl-oughout the investigation between 0 and 3 800 mussels/m2, and the biomass varieci between okg and 63.9 kg per m2• The biomass in the sampIes was in 1991 in average 7,1 ±6,0 kg per m2 (mean +2 SE; n ,14). The biomass in the sampIes in 1992 was in average 17,0 ±10,3 kg per m2 (mean +2 SE) and in 1993 in average 19,5 ± 7,8 kg per m2 (meaß ±2 SE; n=32). The total biomass of musseIs in the Dänish Wadden Sea increased over seven years from 15500 metric tonnes in 1988, to 90 000 me~c tonnes in September 1993. Iri September 1994 the standing stock (subtidal and iritertidal) iri the Danish Wadden Sea was 117 000 metric tonnes. In the period 1991-1994, 4 628 metrlc tonneS of musseIs (~ 5 cin in shelllength) were fished anilUally in the Danish Wadden Sea~. .. ' . Eiders, herring gulls änd oystercatchers in the Danish Wadden Sea feect primarilyon musSeIs and rriay consume up to 16000 metric tonnes of musseIs annually (equal to ;,,'17 * 10& bird days)~ . " . The elimiriaticin of musseIs (Z=M+ F) from 1991 to 1993 is estimated to be as high . as 60 000 metric tonnes, or 20000 memc tonnes annually. 3/4 consuITloo by the birds (M) and 1/4 catched by the fishermen (F). . an 1 .. .. 2. • • Introduction. In 1961-65, Theisen (1968) performed an experimenW traIlsplantatIon of musseis in the Danish Wadden Sea, similar to what has been undertakeri in the Dutch and German Wadden Sea for decades. His investigations did not result in culture of musseis in the Danish Wadderi Sea. So, today transphmtation arid culture of musseis or other marine bivalve species is prohibited according to the legislation for protection of the Danish Wa.dden Sea. Only fishing on the riatural stockS of mussels may take place in the Dariish Wadden Sea. . The Danish \Vadden Sea haS been 'exploited by oommercial fishirig of musseis (Mytilus edulis L.) for the last 16 years (Fig. 1). The landings from 1979-1994 varied annually between a few hundred tennes (1979-1982) to more than 27000 metric tonnes in 1985. Unefficial figures for the landings in 1985 iridicated values of 75000 metric toimes (Krlsterisen, i994, information given by mussei fishermen). A total of 90 000 metric torines of musseis were larided from the Danish Wadden Sea between 1983 and 1987. . ,The intensive fishery of musseis, and the destruction of a large number of intertidal mussei beds during the ice winter 1986/87 resulted in a collapse of the mussei stock in the Danish Wadden Sea in spring 1987. During the summer and.autu.mn 1987 a large spat-fall took place iri the Ho Bight (Mtinch-Petersen and Kristensen, 1987 andMunksgaard, 1989). The 87cohort ofmussels in the subtidal bects had reached the fish~ng size in the summer 1990 (shell length ~ 5 cm; arid > 90% of the musseis suitable for fishirig)~ The fishery of musseis in the Danish Wadden Sea hasali the years beeri secondary compäred to the main fishing area for iriusse~s in Denmark, Limfjorderi, where the annual laridings the last five years have beeri around 100 000 metric tonnes (Kristerisen, 1994). The mussei stock in the Danish Wadden Sea was assessed for the first time in the autuIrin 1986 (Munch-Petersen and Kristensen, 1987), followiiig the comprehensive fishery in the years 1983-1986 (Fig. 1). The areas with mussei beds were identified by use of aerial photos (black and white pictures). Since the photos were not taken .w~th the purj>ose to distinguish mussel beds, problems with the interpretation arose (Munch-Peü~rsen and Kristensen; 1987 arid Munksgaard; 1989). . , In 1988, the Darush Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research irivestigated the use of aerial photos iri coleurs io. quantlfy areas with inteItidal musseI beds in the Danish Wadderi Sea (Munch-Petersenand Kristensen, 1989)~ The pictüres were" analysis, and the biomass . (kg/m2) of musseis within the mussei beds eStlmatect. There was a weak correlation between the grey tone vä!ues, and the biomass of musseis in the investigated area. However, use.of aerial photos in colour to detect the mUssei bects and their size was more useful, than the aerial photos in black and white used in the assessment in 1986 (Murich-Petersen and Kristensen, 19~9). In the alltumn 1990 it was decided to peiforril an investigatiori of the mussei stock, and to ascertain the impact on the musseI stock from mussel fishing in Ho Bight (iIjeIting Stream only). The purpose waS to fuld the siZe of the ßmssel beds by aenal photo surveys, arid to assess the biomass of musseis in the nmsseI beds. Secondly, to evaluate the annual production (P) of musseIs in the Danish Wadden Sea, for which figures from the literature (Asmus, 1987) was üsed. The estimate was based on the estimated stariding stock (B) in this investigation. For the third, to evaluate the importance of F (the fishing inortality) and M (the bird predation, assumed to be 50% of the totaI mörtaIity) for declineslincreases in the standing stock of musseis in the Danish Wadden Sea~ 2 . , I 3. , • t l\laterial and methods. In Ho Bight, with the two tidal gullies Hjerting Stream and Hobo Deep several mussei spats settled in the summer 1987. (1:funch-Petersen.and.Kristensen, .1987 and Munksgaard, 1989). . . In Hjerting Stream, the. rilUssel. areas were divided into three seetors with a total biomass ofmussels ofaround 15700 rrietrie tonnes in the May.1991 (Tab. 3). The three areas were different in extent, and in size of the mussei stoekS (Fig.2 and .Tab. 3). Seetor 1: Seetor 2: Seetor 3: 3.1. Fishing: 1. Oetober - 31. April eaeh year•. Fishing: 15. July - 1. Oetober each year. ". . .Fishing: No fishirig Estimating the size of the musseI beds. All gullies in the Danish.Wadden Sea were photographed in 1991 and in 1993. The intertidal mussei beds, which were farthest away from the gullies, were not photographed, because they are of no interest in the management of the fishery of musseis. The aeroplane photo survey was carried out by a eonsultant company (Jan Kofod Winther, Luftfoto). Photographing was only successful at low tide, when there were no wind, no clouds, and only if the sun was high on the sky, whieh only happens few times during the summer time. . , A Cessna 172 plane was used. The flying altitude was 4 500 feeds (-1 350 m). A camera model 500 ELX Hasselblad was used (ler:ts: 40 mm, Zeiss, distagon). The films used, were kodak aeroehrome or kodak ectochrome. Slides were made from the negatives; 56 mm x 56 mm. Afterwards, paper pictures were made of the slides, 200 mm x 200 mm. . . An overView picture was eonstrueted by use of all the paper pictures, to form a map ofthe Wadden Sea , and to distinguish the potential mussei beds. Areas with mussei beds were distinguished by their eolour (dark areas), from areas with sand (light coloured). Sampling of musseis on the assumed mussei beds in the feIt was conclusively used to verified the aeroplane observations. . Bach aerial photo covered about one minute of are = 1 852 m. Bach sUde or paper picture therefore coveci 1 852 * 1852 m2 = 3429904 m2 • Both in 1991 and1993 a'building of specifie size could be distinguish on the paper pietures. From those, the scale in 1991 was estimated to 1:10000, and in 1993 to 1:9481. From the map constructed from the paper pictures, the feit verified areas with mussei beds, were cut out in tracing paper. The pieees representing mussei beds were all weighed on a Mettler PM 4600 Delta Range weight (accuraey: 0.01 g equal to one heetare (10 000 m2 Two cut pieces of tracing paper (10 * 10 cm2 for the 1991 pictures, and 9.5.. * 9.5 cm2 for the pictures from 1993) were used to transform one m2 of mussei bed to weight. ». 3 •• • •• J' 3.2. , • oe musSeIs (no.lrit% and kg/ni~. . Mtissels were sarnpled from 32 different sampling stations regularly spaced and stratified in the three sectors 1, 2 and 3 (Fig.2). Within a frame of 0.25 ri12 all musseis and shells of mussels were collected by a diyer. At sampling, the diver judged the area covered with musseis within the vicinity of the sampling station (- 100 x 100 m) in the intertidal mussei beds. The sampies were weighed on asteelyard weight (accuracy: 0.25 kg). A raridom subSampie arOund 3 kg (at least 150 live musseis) was talcen from the gross sampie and frezen for later analysis. . .. , . . In the laboratory the subsampies were sorted in fractions of live musseis, and shells of different bivalves and gastroPcids, and invertebrntes. The fraction of live musseIs in the sampleswaS determined~ and used to estimate the density of musseis on the sampling station; in niIinbers, and the biomass of live wet weight of mussels1m2• The shelliength of the mussels was measufed in mm. Data analysis was carried out in EXCEL 5.0 and SAS (plot and'GLM. ' routines). The sampling stations in the subtidal mussel beds were spaced randomly arid repreusoo serited both areas with, and without musseis, arid the average density of musseis . directly, to estimate the biomass of musseis in the various beds. . The density of musseis measured for the musSeI beds in the Hjerting Stream have been uSed to estimate the stock size in the three other tidal areas iri the Danish Wadden Sea (Knude Deep, Juvre Deep and Lister Deep). was 3.3 • Density and biomass Sampling by dredge. In Septeinber 1994 all musse! beds identified in the 1993 aeroplane photo suivey in the three tidal areaS in the Danish Wadden Sea were drerlged by a commerdal vessel to collect sarriples of inussels. The purpose was to determine the biomass (kg/m2) or"the mussel stocks in the entire Danish Wadden Sea. Secondly, to compare the dredging technique with the diver sainpling technique used in, the stock sUrVey the previous years in Hjerting Stream. Drooge sampIes were talcen at 79 different stations (Tab. 6). Fifty two samples were laken in Grey Deep at Esbjerg, nine in Knude Deep, and twelve in Lister Deep. It was not possible to take dredge samples in Juvre Deep in September 1994. The hauUng speed was two knot, and the hauling time varled between 4 and 159 seconds (Tab. 6). The commercial dredge is 1.8 m wide; arid a haul could therefore be estimated to cover between 7.408 m2 and 294.47 m2• The catch in each haul was jUdgect by the skipper and the research assistant (if there was disagreement between their tWo judgementS an average figure was chosen). A subsample was taken from the gross'catch and frozen to be analySed iri the laboratory. The number oflive musseIs iri the frozensubSample was mcilsured. By unfreezing, the musseIs loase in 3;verage 20% of their wet weight, which has to be added to the musseI weight before the fmctiori of live musseis in the catches can be estimated. The . density (kg) af mussels in total wet weight per m2 was estlmated for each sampIe laken by . ., , dredge. . The biomass of the standing stock of musseIs in each tidal area(4) was estimatoo by rriultiplying the average biemass cf mussels (kg/m2) with the total area cf mussel boos (m2) in each tidal area determined on the aeroplane pictUres from 1993. To estimate the standing stock 4 " , t of mussels in Juvre Deep, the average density-estimates for the mussel beds in Grey Deep, Knude Deep and Lister Deep was used. 3.4. Estimation of food demancIs oe birds•.. The mussel stock in the Danish Wadden Sea is consumed by a number of bird species. The most characteristic mussel eating birds are the oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus), the eider (Somateria mdllissima), and the herring gull (Larus argentatus). Based on figures from the literature the three bird populations consumption of musseIs are estimated. The oystercatcher has a daily average energy demand of 833 kJ/day (GOS5Custrad and Durell, 1987), which is equ3.l to around 38 g AFDW mussel meat (22 kJ/g AFDW of mussel meat; McLusky, 1989). The eider needs 2732 kJ/day (Swerinen, 1976, Nyström and Pehrsson, 1988), which is equal to 124 g AFDW of mussel meat. The herring gull has a daily demand of energy of 1987 kJ/day (Faldborg et al, 1994), which is equal to 90 g AFDW of mussel meat. The energy demands are used to calculate the number of birds (bird days), that can be sustained on the annual production of mussels (50% of P) in the Danish Wadden Sea. 4. Results. 4.1. Estimating tbe area of tbe different musseI beds. Estimates of the area of the different mussel beds in the Danish \Vadden Sea deteeted from the aerial photos are shown in Table 1. In both 1991 and 1993 the largest areas with mussel beds were found in the Hjerting Stream (the fishing sectors). The mussel beds respectively represented 38 % in 1991, and 46 % in 1993 of the total area of mussels in the Danish Wadden Sea (Tab. 1). On the photos, the mussel beds are spaced in groups. The total area of mussel beds in the Danish Wadden Sea is estimated to 10.92 km2 in 1991. The intertidal beds covered 9.13 km2, and the subtidal beds 1.79 km2• The total area (8.67 km2) with mussel beds in 1993 was smaller (21 %) compared to 1991. The size of the intertidal beds was 6.19 km2, and 2.48 km2 were subtidal mussel beds. Conclusively, the total area of intertidal mussel beds deelined from 9.13 km2 in 1991 to 6.19 km2 in 1993, a chance of 32 %. Simultaneously the subtidal beds grow from 1.79 km2 in 1991 to 2.48 km2 in 1993, and with 38%. . The deeline of mussel beds in the Danish Wadden Sea is masking over a large variety of declines and increases in the different tidal areas, and civer differences between the various intertidal and subtidal mussel beds. The biggest chance was found in Juvre Deep among the intertidal mussel beds, which declined ca 64% from 2.69 km2 in 19~1 to only 0.96 km2 in 1993 (Tab. 1). In the fishing seetors in Hjerting Stream; the musseI beds covered 4.14 km2 in 1991 (exclusive the beds in Hobo Deep west of Langli, 1.23 km2) cif which 3.05 km2 were intertidal mussel beds, and 1.09 km2 were subtidal mussel beds (Tab. 1). From 1991 to 1993, the area with intertidal mussel bed' deereased from 3.05 to 2.03 km2 or 33 %. Simultaneously, the subtidal mussel beds increased from 1.09 to 1.98 km2 or 82%. There were not deteeted any intertidal musseI beds in fishing seetor 3, neither in 1991 nor in 1993 (Tab. 1). 5 • • - .. -~- ------~~~~~~~~~~~- ,. From 1991 to 1993 the total area with mussei beds in Ho Bight was reduced by 12%. In tJu~ fishing seetors thereduction wasoilly 3% from 4.14 km2 to 4.01 km2 (Tab.l). In seetor 1, where the fishing from 1991 -1993 annually amounted to 25% of the annual estimated standing stock, the area with mussei beds increased 10%, from 2.78 km2 in 1991 to 3.07 km2 in 1993 (Tab. 1). In seetor 2 (fishing 10% of the annual standing stock) the area with musseis decreased 58 %, and in seetor 3 (without fishing) the area with mussei beds increased 78 % (Tab. 1). 4.2. Densities (no.lm%). ..,.;. rn • (:.. . .. ~. 1991 the densit)r (range) of rritissels, in the three fishing seetors in Hjerting stream were between 0 arid 1 000 per m2• The highest density (- 3 800 mussels1m2) of musseis was found in sainpling station 31 (an intertidal mussei bed) in fishing seetor 1, and in Sampling station 13 in fishing sedor 3 (a subtidal mussei bed). Both samplirig station 1 and 26 (seetor 1, subtidal beds) showed a density of musseis of max~ 2000 per m2 • I{\ all other stations the maXimum riumber of musseis was ca 1 500 per m2 • Iri seetor 1; four sampling stations were without musseis, and iri seetor 2 all sampling . stations had musseis. In seetor 3, 4 sampling stations were without any rriussels. The smallest number of mussds per m2 was found in August 1992 and iri July 1993 in sampie station 12 (seeter 3), and in October 1991 in sampling station 22 (sector 1), where only 150 musseis per m2 were found. The density of musseIs in the mussei beds varied, both from seetor to seetor, and from sampling station to sampling station, within the seetors. So, there was rio disiinct pattern for the variation, whether the mussei beds were intertidal or subtidal; fished or'not . fished. 4.3. • _. - Biomass (total wet weight) (kg/m%)~ To estimate the biomass of musseis, it was rieeessary t6 estimate the density (kg) of musseis + shells per m2 from all the sampling stations, and to estimate the fraction of mussels in the sanipies. The biomass varied (range) betweeri 0 kg and 63.9 kgtm2 in the 1991, 1992 and 1993 sampies. The targest biomass was found in sampling station 31 in fishing seetor i in September 1993 (63.9 kg/m 2). • • , The average biomass estimated from each survey in the different fishing seetors are shown in Table 2. From 1991 to 1993 there was an increase in the average biomass of musseis in all three seetors. The annual average biomass iri all three sectors was in 1991, 7.1 + 6.0 kglm2 (mean +2 SE). In 1992 the estimated annual average biomass increased to 17.0 + 10.3 kg/m2 (mean ± 2SE)j and in 1993 to ca 19.5 + 7.8 kg/m2 (mean + 2 SE)~ , Table,6 show the biomass estimated from the dredge sampling in all four tidal areas in the Danish :Wadden Sea. An average biomass figure from Grey, Knude, arid Lister Deeps is used, to estimate the standing stock of musseis in Juvre Deep. The catch efficiency of tbe dredge is assumed to be 100% in the biomass estimations~ The biomass in the four different tidal areas väried bet'Yeen ca 1.6 kg/m2 (in Grey Deep South of Esbjerg) and 14.2 kg/m2 (in Ho Bight North of Esbjerg, in the fishing seetors) (Tab. 6). 6 " 4.4. f Estimations of the standing stock. Estimates of the standing stock is achieved by niultiplying the monthly average biomass (kg/m2) for each fishing sector, with the estimated area (in m2) of each fishing seetor determined from the aeroplane pi~tures; in Hjerting Stream. The estimations are shown in . Table 3. . . The standing stock estimations are based on biomass estimations from between 1 and 16 observations in the different sectors in Ho Bight (not all sampling stations were visited at each survey)..Monthly figures from the surveyed fishing seetors are used in the none surveyed fishing sectors to estimate the biomass of musseIs in those sectors (Tab. 3). The estimations of the standing stock are only valid if the ~mpling stations are' randomly distributed within the musseI beds deteeted from the aenal photos. Tbis is the case for the subtidal mussel beds. However, the aSsumption of randomized samplirig can not be validated for the intertidal beds. Tbe coverage of niussels within beds in the intertidal musseI beds varied between 5 and 100%. In average 65 % of the beds were covered with musseIs (65 +36%; mean +2 SE; n = 25) from 1991-1993.To compensate for the coverage of musseIs an average coverage figure of 0.65 was used in the estimate of the biomass in the intertidal mussel beds, although zero sampling stations was observed. Consequently, the stariding stock in September 1993 may be reduced, from totally 93 296 metric tonnes to totaily 76 753 metric tonnes in all three seetors in Hjerting Stream (Tab. 3)... :.'. In a11 three sectors an increase in the standing stock was observed from 1991 to 1993. In seetor 1, the standing stock increased, as a year average, from 8 600 metrlc tonnes in 1991, to 42 000 metric tonnes in 1992, and to 48 500 metric tonnes in 1993 (Tab. 3). The annual standing stock was in 1993 10 700 metric tonnes in seetor 2, and 7 000 metric tonnes in seetor 3 (Tab. 3). Estimations of the musseI stocks in the three fishing sectors in Hjerting Stream (exclusive Hobo Deep) based on the dredge surveys in September 1994, and with an assumed catch efficiency of 100%, indicate a standing stock of musseIs of 56 857 +23 100 metric tonnes (mean +2 SE) (Tab. 6). The standing stock of musseIs in the entire Danish Wadden Sea was estimated to 116 879 + 54 894 metnc tonnes (mean +2 SE) in September 1994 (Tab. 6). 5. , Fishing or' mussels, 1991~1994. In 1991 and 1992 the annual grass catches in the two fishing seetors (l and 2) were respectively 6 905 metric tonnes and 6 344 metnc torines. The net catches were respeetively 5 539 metric tonnes and 5 040 metric tonnes (Tab. 4). . A chance in the regulation in 1993, resulted in a smaller gross catch of only 5031 metric tonnes, and a net catch of only 3 267 metne tonnes (Tab. 4), which only was 60% of the annual net catches in 1991 and 1992. In 1994 the gross catches increased compared to the catches in 1993, with ca 1 337 metrie tonnes. to 6 368 metric tonnes (Tab. 4). Tbe net catches in 1994 were 4 635 metrie tonnes, or 42% higher thari in 1993. Tbe largest exploitation of the standing stock was in 1991, when 29% of the stock in Hjerting Stream (sector 1, 2 and 3 combined) was fished. (Tab. 4). The average exploitation ofthe standing stock in 1992 amounted to only 8% in alt three sectors, and in 1993 only 5%. 7 • • a , .' The anmial average exploitation rate from 1991 io 1994 was 11 %of the standing stock in all three sectors. The exploitation rate from 1991 - 1994 did not result in a redtiction in the standing stock of musSeIs in Hjerting Strearn. Contrary, the standing stock increased more then 3 times, from 16000 metric tonnes in May 1991 to 57 000 metric tonnes in September 1994. When an average production index (pIß) of 0.4 (Asmus, 1987) for both sub- and intertidal mussei beds are used (cohort 1987), the standing stock in 1994 of 117 000 metric tonnes in the entire Danish Wadden Sea produced around 36 500 metric tonnes of imissels. This is eight times the amount of musseis fished (13% OfPl994) in 1994, which ieaves 16000 metric tonnes of musseis for the birds (44 % of Pl994 ). . 6. • • .. Estimates of bird predation of musseIs in Danish 'Vadden Sea. An accesslble biomass of musseis of 16 000 m~mc tonnes wet weight gives 1 440 metric tonnes of AFDW (9 % the wet weight) of mussei meat for birds to feect on in 1994 (Tab. 5). . An oyste~tcher has a daily demand ~f crinsumption energy of 38 g AFDW of mussei meat (see chapter 3.4). 1}1is gives a potential number öf oystercatchers, which may be sustained by the mussei prOduction of38 * 106 bird days, or more then 100 000 oystercatchers , per day. , If dders were the only mussei consuming bird species in the Wadden Sea, there would be food enough for 11.6 * 106 eider days. Eiders have, a daily energy need, which is more then . three tlmes as high as for the oystercatcher, or 124 g AFDW of mussei meat. The number of eiders which daily can nourish on musseis may be 32 000. " Herring gulls feed on the intertidal mussel beds. They have a daily consumption energy need of 90 g of AFDW of mussei meat, which gives 16 "* 106 bird days annually for herririg gulls. The daily number of herring gulls irre 44 000 individuals. The figures above are basect on the assumption that the birds live on musseis alone, which is not the case. Additional, all three species are present simultaneously in the Wadden Sea. A separation in the feecting niche can be observed companng eiders, oystereatchers and herring gulls reducing the competition for musseis. . The ornithologists have counted the number of all three species of birds in the Danish Wadden Sea. The latest counts observed, as a monthly mean, 19 500 oystercatchers, and 22 411 eiders (only from August to March=8 month). The counts ofherring gulls observed 13 428 individuals (Laursen et al, 1994 and DAFNA, 1993). . If, the oystercatcher had to nourish on musseis alone, consumption of 270 metric toimes of AFDW of mussei meat could be expected annually, equal to 3 005 metric tonnes of live musseis (assumption: 9% ofmussels are AFDW of meat). The eider stock(both serleritary and migratory eiders) could consume (m 245 dayslyear) 681 metric tonnes of AFDW of mussei meat, which is equal to 7 565 metric tonnes of live rilUssels. The herring gulls could consuine 44i metric tonnes of AFDW of mussei meat, equal to 4 901 metric tonnes of live musseis (Tab. 5). If al1 three species of birds wem living on musseis alone, they could consume 15 471 metric tonnes of live musseis. ßased on these calculations, the TAC=F=10 000 memc tonnes is an appropriate amount of musseis to be fished in 1995, leavin"g enough foOd in form of musseis for birds in a 8 • 'I « f the Danish Wadden Sea, and without a decrease in the size of the standing stock (B). 7. Discussion and conclusions• .Not all mussel beds were photographed in'1991 in 1993~ However, all beds important for the fishery have been photographed in both:years..The.observedchances in the areas between 1991 and 1993 are based on the mussel beds importantfor the fishery, detected on the photos... . . The subtidal areas with musseis in the three fishing sectors increased from 1991 to 1993 by 82%. Additional, the intertidal area decreased by 33%. It is difficult, to interpret, if the fishing had positive or negative impact on the size and distribution of beds in the fishirig sectors. Other factors, such as predation from different species of birds and invertebrates, and ice winter destruction of especially the intertidal mussel beds, may be important too. The large variation in density of musseis observed at the sampling stations, reflects the variation in number of musseis in place and time, caused. by variation in the fishery intensity and variation in predation and settling of new spat. Spat fall was observed during the three years of investigation. However, they "disappeared" shortly after settlement. The densities of mussels can very considerably even within relatively small areas. Laursen and Egerrup (1992) found densities of musseis between 80 and 180 per square (20x20 cm) within an area of2 m2, which is equivalent to 2 000 and 4 500 musseis per m2 • Their finding is in accordance with the densities found in this investigation~ . The dredge survey technique of the mussel stock (swept area) is just as useful, as using a diver, sampling the mussels within a frame, and assessirig the coverage proportion of musseis at each sampling station. There are sources of errors using both techniques. Measuring the dredge Iength after four seconds of dredging introduce errors. No navigation system to day can record such smalI distances. The biomass determinatioris used in this investigation could be optimized weighing the gross catch instead ofjudging the weight. The diver introduce errors in the determination of the coverage proportion, which is assessed at each sampling station. The sampling has to be raridom, which may be difficult, when sampling in the intertidal mussel beds. There is always a certain chance of being subjective, when taking sampies on scattered and exposed intertidal mussel beds. The dredge survey technique is preferable, because it is Iess time consuming and less expensive, compared to survey and sampling by ofa diver. Both teChniques have although, the same degree of precision. From 1983-1987 the fishermen landed 85000 metric tonnes, or calculated as annual average 17 000 metric tonnes, caught in the entire Danish Wadden Sea (no limitations on areas or on TAC were enforced at that time). If the birds only fed on musseis, they would have eaten an estiinated amount musse1s of75 000 metric tonnes in the same period of time (1983-1987). Fishermen and birds have respectively fished and consumed (eliminated) 160 000 metric tonnes, or annually 32 000 metric tonnes. lh of the stock for the fisherrrien (F) and Ih for the birds (M) ( Z=M +F > > P). The result was a collapse in the fishable stock of mussels between 1988 arid 1990. However, the 87-cohort of musseIs settling in the autumn 1987 (15 500 tonnes; Munksgaard 1989) could provide sufficient food for eiders, herring guIIs and oytercatchers in the Danish Wadden Sea. The musseI fishery is often criticized for eliminating the food supply for mussel eating use 9 • • .. .. birds like eiders, oystercatchers, and herring gulls. Although, the estimations in this paper reveal, that the determined regulation of the Danish mussei fishery (ca 11 % of standing stock as annual average), which has been implemented since 1990, has resulted in an increase of the standing stock of musseis in the fishing areas in Hjerting Stream from 16000 metric tonnes in May 1991 (rab. 3) to more than 57000 metric tonnes in September 1994 (rab. 6). The annual production of musseis has obviously been larger than the fishery mortality (F), the mortality by predation (Mp), and the natural mortality (MN) by other courses than predation (P > F + M (M=Mp +MN It is not in"this investigation possible to analyse, whether the fishery and bird predation, at the present level, have positive or negative impact on the mussei stocks in the Danish Wadden Sea. Anyhow; the standing stock of musseis has increased more then three times between 1991 and 1994. Most ofthe intertidal mussei beds have survived due to no appearance of severe ice winters since 1986/87. " The regulation of the mussei fishery for 1995 in the Danish Wadden Sea has resulted in a TAC=10 000 metric tonnes, which is twice as high as the annual TAC for the last three years. A TAC l99S of 10'000 metric tonnes leaves 19 000 metric tonnes for the bird in 1995 (50% of the production P) before a reduction in the stock may occur. The regulation of the mussel fishery has therefore the last five years been carried out in agreement with a wise exploitation ofthe mussei stocks (F=TAC< the annual P), and to secure sufficient food for the different bird stocks in the Wadden Sea. ». • . I • 10 ·1 6. ., Literature. Asmus, H. 1987. Secondary production of an intertidal musseI bed community related to its storage and tumover compartments. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Sero Vol. 39., p 251-266.' ", Fuglene i de danske faivande~' Resultaterne af landsdrekkende optrellinger 1987-1991. MiljoministerietlSkov- og Naturstyrelsen. . . . ... .." ... , . Faldborg, K., K. Th. Jensen and L. Maagaard~ 1994. Dynamics, Growth, Secondary Production and Elimination by Waterfowl of an Intertidal Population of Myti!us edulis L. Ophelia Suppl. 6. p 187-200.' DAFNA, 1993. ~ ~ '. ' Goss-Custard, J.D. and S.E.A. Durell, 1987~ Age-related effects in Oystercatchers, Haema- topus ostralegus, feeding on musse1s, Mytilus edulis. J. Foraging efficiency and interference. J. Anim. Ecol. 56. p 521-536. Kristensen, O.S. 1994. Information on mussellandings from the Wadden Sea in 1987. Kristensen, P.S. 1994. Blämuslingebestanden i det danske Vadehav og blämuslingefiskeri (1991-1993). DFH-rapport nr. 476-1994. pp 56. Kristensen, P.S. 1994. Blämuslingebestanden i det danske Vadehav 1994/1995. Note to the Ministry for Agriculture and Fishery. pp. 6. (unpublished data). • Laursen, K., J. Frlkke and J.C. Salvig, 1994. Survey ofwaterfowls in the Danish Wadden Sea 1980-1991. Numbers, pheriology and distribution related tidal press). cycle arid season. Danish Review of Game Biology. (In to Laursen, M.-L. and M. Egerrup. 1992. Aspekter af prredation, vrekst og produktion pä en littoral blämuslingebanke i det danske Vadehav. Thesis-report to the University of Copenhagen and DIFMAR. pp 78. McLusky, D.S., 1989. The estuarine ecosystem. Chapman and Hall, NY. 215 pp. Munch-Petersen, S. and P.S. Kristensen. 1987. Assessment of the stocks of musseIs in the Danish Wadden Sea. ICES, Shellfish Committee. K: 13. pp 22. Munch-Petersen, S. andP.S. Kristensen. 1989. On theapplicability'ofaerial survey techniques for recording and estimating densities of mussei beds. leES, Shellfish Committee. K:24. pp 16. Munksgaard, C. 1989. Naturovervägningsrapport. Undersogelse af blämuslingebestanden i det danske Vadehav 1988. MiljoministerietlSkov- og Naturstyrelsen. pp 39. . 11 • I • .' Nyström, K.G.K. and O. Pehrsson, 1988. Salinity as a constraint affecting food and habits choice of mussel-feeding diving ducks. Ibis, 130. p 94-110. Swennen, C., 1976. Populatiestructuur en voedsel van de Eidereend (Somateria mollissima) in de Nederlandse Waddenzee. Ardea, 64. p 311-371. Theisen, B. 1968. Growth and mortality of culture musseIs in the Danish Wadden Sea. Meddl. Danm. Fisk.- og Havunders0gelser. 6(3): 47-78. • • 12 " 7. . , Tables and Figures.. _ .' 2 ) Table 1. The areas (m km of the musseI beds in each tidal area of the Danish Wad. den Sea. The area in km2 of each fishing seetor 1, 2 and 3, and the fraction covered with mussei beds in Hjerting Stream are given as weIl. Table 2. ...The average biomass.(total wet weight) of musseIs in kg/m2 of mussei bed. - : no sampling~' (n): number of sampling stations. Table 3. The estimated standing stock of musseIs (in tonnes) in the three fishing sectors in Hjerting Stream, 1991-1993. ' X ': Figures between the apo';' strophes are extrapolated from the estimated monthly stock figures from the other monthly estimations each particular year. The estimations for the intertidal musseI b~s have been correeted with a coverage factor of 0.65. Table 4. Catches and stock of musseIs in the three seetors in Hjerting Stream, 19911993, in tonnes. The annual average figures are from Table 3. The annual exploitation rates are given. ' X ': The areas in 1992 and 1994 are assumed equal to the areas the previous years (1991 and 1993 respeetively). (*: Figures from Munksgaard, 1989). Table 5. The annual food demands for oystercatchers, herring gulls and eiders in the Danish Wadden Sea in fonn of mussei meat. (*: Figures from Laursen et al, 1994 and DAFNA, 1993). Table 6. Estimates of the mussei stock (m tonnes) after dredging in the four tidal areas of the Danish Wadden Sea in 1994. Table 7. Estimates of P 94 (production), F (fishery mortality) and M (mortality due to other causes than fishery and predation in 1994) on basis of the standing stock of musseIs in 1994 <B9J. Three separate scenarios are given for F, 2xF and 3xF (F: The average annual net catch between 1991 and 1994). Figure 1. The landings, VPA and TAC of musseIs (M. edulis L.) in tonnes for the Danish Wadden Sea, 1979-1995. The figures from 1995 only covers the 1. half year of 1995. Figure 2. The investigation sector's 1,2 and 3 in the gully, Hjerting Stream, in the Ho Bight. All sampling stations are shown. .. 13 • • .. ..' Table I. Areas with musseis in 1991 in km2 intertidal subtidal Tidal areas Area with musseis in 1993 .. in km2 intetidal subtidal Grey Deep 5,01 1,09 3.39 1.98 Knude Deep 0.94 0.64 0.99 0,5 Juvre Deep 2.69 none 0.96- none Lister Deep 0,49 0,06 0,85 .- The Wadden Sea 9,13 1,79 6,19 - Sector 1 (ca 8 km2) 2,56 0,22 2,03 1,04 Sector 2 (ca 2 km2) 0,49 0,6 none 0,46 Sector 3 (ca 7,3 km2) none 0,27 none 0,48 Sector 1-3 (17,3 km2) 3,05 1,09 2,03 1,98 .. . • none ' .. - . 2,48 ...., Table 2. • Area May 1991 August October April Sector 1 (17) 0,7 (4) 6,8 (12) 6.2 (11) 19,0 (14) Sector 2 (4) 18,7 (4) - 9,1 (1) - Sector 3 (11) 6,8 (6) 1,4 (8) - 6,0 (8) 14 1992 June September 1993 September June 25,1 (13) 18,5 (16) 22,6 (16) 29,3 (2) 26,1 (4) 13.5 (4) 33,1 (4) 7,6 (6) - 10,9 (7) 18,1 (5) ,, Table 3. Area May 1991 August Sector 1 1946 18904 Oclober 17236 . 1992 June September April 52820 '61299' 1993 September June 69778 56795 69382 .. Sector 2 20383 '15151' 9919 '30193' 31937 28449 6210 15226 Sector 3 1836 378 '1157' 1620 2052 '1826" 5232 8668 Sector 1-3 24155 '34433' "2831Z '84633' '95288' '100063' 68229 93296 The standing stock figures below has been corrected with a coverage factor of 0.65 for the intertidal mussei beds Sector 1·3 '22381' 15701 '18403' '55011' '61937' '65041' 56140 76753 " Year average '18828' '60663' 66447 • Table 4. Area (km2) with musseIs The stock in sector 1-3 in tonnes Fished amount in tonnes: Gross (Iogbook data) Net (account data) Exploitation rates % 1988 1991 1992 1993 1994 1,7* 4,1 '4,1' 4,01 '4,01' 15500· 18828 60663 66447 56857 2560 1161 6905 5539 29 6344 5040 8 5031 3267 5 6368 4635 7 15 8 • 1 • .' Table 5. Bird species Musse( meat Mussei meat demand (100%) demand (100%) Annual bird days* tonnes of AFDW tonnes wet weight Oystercalcher 7117500 270 3005 Herring gull 4901220 441 4901 Eider 5490695 681 7565 All species 17509415 1392 15471 1440 16000 10530 117000 Food (P-1994) available Food (8-1994) available • 16 Oredge sempies tokon In verious mUllel beds In the Ollnish WIldden Seoln Sept. 1994. Ho SIII.ion BiOht I •• mbt.w S'wu," Ca'ch Qr,tdt'. Orntfue inko .pnntf lim. in 'fN'I. "'881,,2 S..ml,1B SllIlnrJIo ·co,,_ '''':IUf I:,achon unllOllßffko lM.et...t kU "'Ofl'M' ky wholo "MI."'" MUCIni,; m•• n 10t.1 mult.l, "01",2 biome.. in lonn•• 1 0 2 31 ~1.'lt2 0 0 0 0 0 2 250 2 14 3,42 2,01 3,312 0,985964912 9,500758250 3 4 0 2 20 2S,928 37,04 0 0 0 0 350 2 12 22,124 3,:M 2,O~ 3,10 0,952095000 0 14,99430944 S 8 0 2 11 20,372 0 0 400 2 8 3,41 '1,10 0 3,312 7 8 D 2 200 7!JlI 2 2 22 13 11.112 40.744 24,016 0 1,42 7.18 18 3:1.3~0 3,11 :I."~ lltJlI 'I 'III.3n :I,~1 ?4!J aoo ~!J.~U'" 3,~ '.:t11 1,850 " l>IlO 2 2 11 3'1 19 0 1,3/6 7,94 'I,!\01 :I.i'~ 3.9 I~ 2 11 16,lJ68 7.1:' I)~. 13 14 4,12 3,19 1/JO 'I 33 01.110 1,29 Hob. 16 250 'I ~iO lfl/,4111 :f.!Ji' o.op fllJI) :.- 13 l/4.(I/U In' nt 11 18 12 19 lJOO 12S 2 in km2 2 25 600 450 , 2 4S 250 4(10 40 400 41 600 600 400 North 0'EsbJerg .... irJkm2 4,'" 111 11 1,30 42 43 44 ~.31 48 49 ° 0 0 0.971280997 0 34,!l0'l59ß119 0,981818187 8,1 :>59000 11 0,945331621 !J.d1'~/1!mU O,03/1l1160~0 , ... fllJn:.~.~) l ' ,.:umtJ!""o/ '.!J~O 0.41314'11151 0,940801942 0.11(11253918 O,!I!) 1,1011 0.970930233 1,5OUII561!10 ?:ffW O,f11l~91111()9 t,!.II:J(II'flll!l'l :1.41 1.!1I 'I,IIJ :t,'~(j 2;t.6(j!J9J(J~1 l'l.'I74 3,13 ",l~ 1,511 0.0095101'00 0,891880008 40,3 '1,91 1,06 '1.1116 0.8/8781U19 t,8:J2500660 13 24.010 3,54 2,116 2,412 O,898J0508~ 11.40751914 11 31.404 3.'104 0,000292083 12,410484!17 29,032 03,34 3.09 2,90 2,01 10 4S 1,11 O.!JtJ~ 0.088!>900114 O,?!fl(100431 S,009!>104U 3.11 2 7 0 14.010 3,77 2.'1 2.052 11.010 '1,04 O,8073394S 21.79642147 5 '.55 59,54110205 3.41 '1.41 3.00 2,1104 0,910918919 11 0.20 70,:U2 :t.:fJ 2 2 28 51,050 3.4~ '1,77 2,724 0.1811~6S211 9 " 4 18,668 3,98 3,1 3,72 0.934013301 33.64~549S0 7,400 M9 2.'10 2,112 0.901023411 81,21918213 14 25.02U 11 0 0 0 0 10 10 18.!>2 \8,52 3,30 1.43 3,4 1.IUI 4,00 0.510714200 0,896703291 ß.27290!1!>96 24,700057'19 ;{ 2 50 600 2 51 soo 52 0 2 2 53 JOD 2 54 soo 2 3~,10U 0 4.55 j i '·Coffeetion 10( 10, of welOf by untroellno ,.n,pk•• ca 20'% I 0.054118014 0 13,45063~J5 ll,IXJll9'1~6/~ :iI ~,/(IO(IIlIl" 14.t 7891962 15.SI11I!>714 1.040:.4116 25.1~7432 0,090444441 Me,.,,: 76140.79942 M•••: 10707S,50S1 MilU 4~200,O13/6 /0141 107016 45700 ,."nbor 22 2:1 01 fob/•• g 2~ ,. ••1 .0 25 20 27 i knl:l O.~63 00 28 29 30 2 2 ~OO 7 0 300 0 0 100 2 2 ' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 2 2 2 7 2 2 7 31 32 33 7/JI) 3~ :HIO 3!J 36 37 311 0 50 0 1I 0 0 :IH 11 4" 0 0 ~1 I.im.. in 0 0 4lJO o. 11"110' I",.tI",cI roo " South 11)••1,,_ JC:_'ch lin kU SMlion 0,•.,0.., - " .' Is",.,,, ISIN.. ,I.... IS"tu,JIf' I-nu. 1",,,",,,,,ttI kn 'KOII,w.kO I_U><tkn .nr..1 ",nil rn1 Ir,or.hon IM..,,,...... m •• " 10,.1 muuel. IwllOlrt rt"'''lIflhl Iku"mi' biom... in lonn•• t,..-:In, H 2~,028 3,3~ 1,00 ~,370 0,709753731 17 20 :I1,~M 0 0 0 31.l'" 27,/0 38,m12 289,912 3,1~ I,H9 0 7,768 0 :1,11 0 0 7,91 3,50~ 0 0 O,5!i5 I) 0 0 0,006 1,43!J I) 1,772 1~ 21 156 50 00 15 117 03 30 M 21 I) 0 02.0 125,036 138,9 2,en 216,09~ :1.~5 110,070 110,0/7 :I.Uft 17~,OIl8 0 11 I) 0 J 7,!J 11 I) J,~3 ~,1111 0 :1,111 0 7,3 0 0 1,17 7,12~ O,127~929!l-I 0 O,9~5358fm 5,411)9~8b7 1,~!l71/!)/)3!1 0 0 I) 0,32970291 0 0,701007003 0 :I,IJlJ91n7U.11 0 1,011351151191 H,7039'loIß~;o 0 150 • 89 30,ll!17 118,520 2M,408 102,0/8 11 0 I) 111 11".hll4 11 11 11 ~4 111,41111 11 1)lI,/~8 "11 11 ~9 0 11 "I) 40 1~,1)9 0 Il 0 /) ~ " O,92~782tJl SI 1,208/03177 1,577002833 0 0,971:197110 1,1)/)33~~~1I7 0 ( ') o::: 0 0 O,~99130~:I~ -... I) I,I#W., M):.7 0 O,150~519 0 11 730.1523117 MItI.n: M...... : Min.: Knud. De.p .0' ink012 1,49 71 72 73 74 bO 500 2 2 8 10 300 2 10 600 75 76 77 78 79 roo 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 11 13 10 0 7 200 200 300 500 10,dUR 7,0963 1,1HlI 2,1456 O,79~161J2U , 1.!Jla~5579 18,52 18,57 2,O~U 2,J96~ 0,841432584 n716002~3 2,7334 1,091 1,712 3,~R4 7,:171 2,0544 2,0452 0,751591425 0,816047532 3,3~3 '.257 2,59 1,608 12,17480709 20,]5174111 7,912470027 24,076 20,372 2~,O10 35,108 10,008 12,OO~ :1,447 3,310 2,374 3,711 1,~17 1,50~ 2,702~ O,O0590~OOO :1,108 1,9296 1,7004 3.000 0,001653012 0,581005911 0.1l025M78 O,ßl002~252 1317,59092 142,10570]1 7311 1]10 143 SE 5,842511592 1~,~~567196 7,~OOO61!J7 :I,307~llll 12,89163927 31,14179]78 21524,3492] Moan MIlK.: 30229,691~ Min.: 12819.00695 21~7~ 302:1Il 12819 IC."'h lin kO 51111ion nUlnbor Litt., Oo,p ••• 55 58 51 800 58 001) • 59 0 0 250 60 81 82 83 84 65 00 inkln2 O,nl IrJ"vf\ll' I.,•...t 0 0 10""'I/H ISwfllU 1~"'"111n ISIIlUitlH ,· •••. 11...:1(" Irll":hr,.. 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M,oc;k in .h,v", .""IP A,•• km? 0,96 9,99294128 Totlli , ..ei .,.. • , .... li' b,d, In ."" lJonl.h W,dd,n S.. In 1994: ',19 km2 9593.223628 9!,9:t Melln in tonnes 116879 MlIx,: 162773 Min,: 70986 " 45894 ., ., ~ ~ .u,,7 k..,2 A,." A,oA O,~O 2,61 S'.nding B: 8J.130,49 I,oek :I:':';l',3~~ IUlu,1 tOt1l"'- l1!!1! 10''''''''''''' rio IA""",", lflBlI rlB IAI'''''", 19811 1060a,lJ!l9 ,...... 0,7 lIurn 1999;1, 7n~~, /).0 f. M • , P;(m. ."t ton..,,.. .' IUUh'J. .,. 36679 ""lUH' on r Fllh..v unlnhation b...d (tn P: Sune,io 1 111",tu"".Ii,,njnl!)~1 M Unet. pradalion' Scena,io '1 Scena,kJ 3 tl'u'l"""'''' tt U"rUflOfliIi ,) ,,'. 11m... !ill 11 37416 89 "~i'H "Will) n 111 M (...:•. 1"'.'lthUII' ;llil!l:J :J'F f1!1!M !r,vnU 11/09 :tJ M (.h';1. prndll'ionl ~:fOOO 01 IV 0 Fi,h.,y •• P!o;lalion b...d on B: Ra••'a' pi B: Scenario 1 F M fincl. pfad.tionl Scenario 2 Scena'NI 3 84 V AfDW/b.d/dl" Ikn'. 10.1, 1,0 ky w" w.lyhl 01 mu...II) Bi'd. an ''I.'" foocf dom.nd 0' In 0YI'fWcllcher, • ho"lno CU••nd an oicfOf' per dlY. SClnwJo 1: 50%.' M • 10208 AFDW 18%1 • 1797 ,."""" gi..... 15.4 ..,In. b'd dl,1 ..._102: 50% ."+M· 14070 S••n.,lo 3, 50% .r P+M I t 1945 AFDW 18%' • 117610",.. g"''' .1 13.4.nll. b.d dl" AFDW (8%1 • 956 I....... Oiw.. CI 11.4 mil. b.d dl" 4 96 U!i:lO 1 < 10'«UJ 93 3" "Mt. tI. !ill < 113000 2'r .od. 11 , M f.tlml'" fblrd daYI hing .n mu...I. MIrI.1 Ib...d Oft 11M Inn_ prodvctlon .1 mu... llilli r. M < lU1I9 11 104000 Oll .. Figure 1 The landings, VPA and TAC of M. edulis in the Danish Wad den Sea 140 1 Ä 120 t I g 100 + VPA i :1. 20 o ,. Ä ! A / ." ~, A .. · ,. 'A -.-.0-- TAC --r- 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 _ _ _ _ - _0 _ _ - - • _ 21 ! iI year .: , . Figure 2. T•••"pi.,1 " 22