------~- ti.. . I 11I ~.M. Intcrnational Coimcil for the Exploration of the Sea ' • . J- 1995 / L:25 Ref.C Bjolog!caI,Occanography ommlttce , ' ' ' ' , , ' DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSI)ORT OF MESOZOOI)LANKTON DURING TIDAL CYCLES AT A I?JXED STATION IN ,TUE NORTHERN GERMAN \VADDEN SEA .' ' " by Michael R. Gcorgc • • Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste Hafentörn, 25761 Büsum - Gcmlany ABSTRACT In thc northern Genrian \Vadden Sea sampies of mesozooplankton ,verc takeri at an anehor station in a tidal ehannel at intervals of 1 h over 24 h; Species eomposition arid quaritities ehanged during the tidal eyclc. Summation of the mimber of individuals per taxonomie group shO\ved that the speeies eoinposition differed with the tidal phase. Soine speeies groups, e.g. the eirripede nauplius-Iarvae, eehinoderm larvae and molluse larvae were foimd in higher ablJndanee during flood tide, \vhereas other ·organisms, e.g. cirripede eypds-Iarvae, were more abundarit during the ebb tide. Tidal variations of the various mesozooplankton groups in the \Vadden Sea are discussed in rdation to a direeted transport as an integrated part of Iife strategy of these organisins. INTRODUCTION The sediments of the Wadden Sea are relatively ,vell investigated, in eomparison with the pelagie system. BeealJse of its special hydrographie environmental fadors, it ean bc expeetcd, that the pelagie system has some eharaeteristies, which differ from eoastril \vater bodies. 1'0 qualify and quantify these differcnees and the transport proeesses bet,veen these regions, a German inter-disciplinary project, ealled TRANSWATT (transport, transfer arid trarisformation of biomass elements in the Wadden Sea) has started in 1994, \vhich includes this study. This projeet is mainly eoneerned with eutrophieation and nutrient fllJxes behveen North Sea and Wadden Sea and teITestrial eoastal zones. Quantifieation of plankton, Le. baeterio- myeo-, phyto- arid zooplankton, arid its transport, is an important part of this projeeL The Wadden Sea zooplankton consists of organisms from the North Sea and from braekish water (Fransz 1983), duc to the hydrographical ----- inOuence of the estuaries. Mesozooplankton of the \Vadden Sea near the island Sylt mainly consists of calanoid copepods in terms of abundance and biomass (Hickel 1975, Fransz et al. 1991, Beusekom & DielChristiansen 1993). In the German coastal zone in general the mesozooplankton species assemblage is temporary dominated by planktonic larvae of zoobenthos, i.e. meroplankton, forming the largest part of biomass and abundance. Especially polychaete larvae and cirripede larvae are abundant in \Vadden Sea areas (Martens 1980, Heiber 1988). The mesozooplankton communities are governed by seasonal and tidal variations. Tidal variation of species composition was also described from southem German coast between the Eibe and \Veser estuaries (Giere 1968, Heiber 1988) and for the Dutch \Vadden Sea (Wolf 1973). The main objective of this paper is to verify, if there is a transport of mesozooplankton towards the \Vadden Sea or towards the North Sea in the studied area. MATERIAL and METHOnS Zooplankton was collected in spring (May,12. 14:00 p.m. - May,13. 16:00 p.m.),and in summer (July,16. 11:00 a.m. - July,17. 12:00 noon) of 1994. Hourly sampling over aperiod of at least 24 hours was done at a fixed station in the main stream of a tidal channel (Hever) in the northern (Schieswig-Hoistein) German Wadden Sea, on board of RV "Victor Hensen". Co-ordinates of the anchor position in spring and summer were 54°28,7 N / 08°40,7 E. A quantity of 30 litres of surface sea water per .sample was taken, using a 301 water boUle. The sampie was screened through a 160jlm mesh sieve, in order to coHect mesozooplankton of the size fraction 200jlm - 2mm. Immediately after collection the plankton was preserved in a 1% buffered formalin solution. In the laboratory quantitative and qualitative analyses were undertaken, using a stereo mlcroscope. The abundance of selected main zooplankton groups during tidal cyde were represented by hourly frequency distributions (Fig.l, Fig.2). Only mesozooplankton groups were taken into consideration, that were continuously present. One daily tidal cyde consists of two Oood and two ebb tides. '1'0 study a possible transport of organisms into the Wadden Sea or towards the North Sea, or the presence of organisms in the same water column, the counted individuals·m-3 per sampie of the two Oood phases and ehb phascs were added separatcly. The resulting two sums, consisting of an equal sampie number (12 sampies, total number of sampies: 24), were opposed to each other (Table 1, Table 2). The extra sampies (>24) of euch experiment (Muy,12. 14:00-16:00 und July,17. 8:00 + 9:00) were disregardcd. Thrce assumptions were made to explain the resulting differences between the sum of individuals per Oood tide and ebb tide: (i) If the sum of Oood sampies minus sum of ebb sampies is positive, some zooplankton organisms are retained in the Wadden Sea, (ii) if the 2 • • . diffefence is negative, there must be a transport towards the North Sea, and (iii) if ihere is no differencc or only a slight one, the organisms cxhibit a uniform distribution in this arca. A high differcnce indicatcs a relation behveen abundan,ce of the zooplankton group and tidal cycle. '1'0 compare zooplankton with constantly high densities arid zooplankton with low densities, the proportional differencc of outflowing number in relation to inflowing number, is also displayed (Table 1, Table 2). RESULTS • Frcqucney distributions of, seleeted mesozooplankton groups (Fig.l, Fig.2), during iidal eycles, demoristrated tidal ehanges in abundariee. In May the number of individuals'in-3 per sampie showed variations of up to a fivefold qlmntity in terms of cirripede nauplius-:larvae (l000-4833 ind. 'm-3 ) and to a tenfold quantity in the ease of cirfipede eypris-Iarvrie (367-3833 ind.·m-3 ). The highest abuildance of eypris-larvae was recorded at low tide, just after dic onset of f100d tide (Fig.l). The cirripede nauplii reached the highest numbers in the middle of ebb tide in this tidal ehanneI. Calanoid copepods, both adults and sub-adult copepodites, revealed the highest abundance (2900-3100 ind.·m-3 ) during the night hours (22-23:00, Fig.l). Hydrozoans, gastropod larvae arid echinoderm larvae reached their maximum (567, 667 and 900 irid.·m-3 ) short before high tide. " , . " In July the ealarioi~ eopepods (Fig.2), rriainly consisting of adults and copepodites of AcaTtia spp.; CeJltropages halllatus and to a lower extent .of Tel/IOTa IOllgicorJlis and Pseudocalallus elongatlts, sho\vcd generally an extreme high abundance (mean: 10551 ind.·m-3 )in comparison with May (rnean: 1364 ind.·m-3 ). Again the maximum (17867 ind.·m-3 ) in number - in surfaee sampies - was reachcd dufing night hours (23-0 1:00, Fig.2). The included rotifers c1early revcalcd the highest abundance (up to 8533 irid.·m-3 ) in the f100d phases. Cirripede larvae, especially the eypris-: larvae, were not abundant like in May. The cirripede nauplii only showcd a slightly higher number during f100d tides. The polyehaete larvae (max.: 14700 ind.·m-3 ), mostly bClonging to the spionid family, ncarly reaehed the same doininarice as the calanoid copepods (Fig.2). The abundance was slightly highcr during f100d tides. Hydrozoans, mainly consisting of Obelia spp., Rathkea oc/opuliciaia rind Bougaillvillia ra11l0Scl, showed a threefold increase (mean: 729 ind.·m-3 ) in comparison with the tidal cyclc iri May (rnean: 233 ind.·m-3 ). . The ealculated differences betweeri fload and ebb tides, dtiring the spring experiment, areshown in Table 1. The results revealed, ihat of ealanoid copepods~ cirripcde nauplius-Iarvac, polychaetc larvae, eehinoderm larvae, gastropod larvae, bivalvc larvae, cyphonautes-Iarvae of bryozoans and in hydrozoans, more individuals entcred the \Vadden Sea with the flood phascs, than rifterwards left during the cbb phases. In contrast to these firstly mcntioned organisms, in other rriesozooplarikton grouiJs, as 3 .. the cirripede cypris-Iarvae, the trochophore-Iarvae of polychaetes and the harpacticoid copepods; more individuals leave the \Vadden Sea, than enter it. In calanoid copepods, in polychaete larvae and in hydrozoans the number of inflowing and outflowing individuals is not distinct, meaning, that they are probably distributed in a homogeneous way in this part of the Wadden Sea. A small iriput of organisms into the \Vadden Sea can be seen in echinoderm larvae, in larvae of molluscs and in the cyphonauteslarvae of bryozoans, which do belong to the meroplankton. The most remarkable difference by number can be seen in cirripede larvae. Over 50% of the entered cypris-Iarvae were missing in the ebb tide and therefore remained in the Wadden Sea, but 38% more nauplius-Iarvae of the cirripedes, than entered the \Vadden Sea, were carried out. The harpacticoid copepods, not representing high densitics in surface sampies, seemed to showastrang offshore directed transport (Table 1, see also discussion). The species composition of the second tidal experiment in summer 1994 (16.-17. July) differed from that of spring. As a consequence, some more species groups were included in Table 2 (ctenophore larvae, appendicularians, rotifers, Noctiluca), others (echinoderin and bryozoan larvae) were left out, because of neglectable low abundance. The data revealed a more than doubled total number of mesozooplankton organisms in summer. This was also displayed in the absolute difference in number of individuals per tidal phase (Table 2). The second tidal experiment showed a different pattern, in tidal distribution of zooplankton groups, from that of May. Cladocerans (Podoll and Evadne . species), which were always found in low densities, seemed to be transported towards the open sea. With the exception of the cladocerans, all main taxonomic groups exhibited positive values of numerical difference, meaning the entering of organisms into the Wadden Sea was stronger, than towards the North Sea. The highest difference is demonstrated by the rotifers. 61,22% of the inflown individuals were missing in the ebb tide. A strong iriput towards the Wadden Sea was also recognized in cirripede cypris-Iarvae and trochophore-Iarvae. Referring to the cirripede larvae the transport direction was in agreement with the first experiment. Trochophore-Iarvae were also transported into the Wadden Sea in summer, in contrast to spring. The abundance of hydrozoans, the ctenophore larvae, the mollusc larvae, thc polychaete larvae and cirripede nauplius-larvae was slightly higher during the flood lides, meaning that about 20-35% of these organisms remain in the Wadden area. The most important holoplanktonic groups, Iike the appendicularians, the calanoid copepods and the dinoflagellate Noctillica scintillans, revealed an approximately equal abundance in Oood and ebb tides, probably duc to a completely mixed distribution in the studied area. 4 • • • • DISCUSSION . . The attempt to describe a qualiiative transport of orgariisms from or irito the \Vadden Sea may not yet be interprcted quantitatively. For this aim a continuous .plankton recording over a coinplete tidal eyele would be necessary, in addition to biomass estimates. Also thc water transport and its vCiocity riced to be investigaied. A possiblc lateral transport of zooplankton organisms in this study is disregarded. Nevertheless, the data rcveal a distinguished reaction to tidal eycles in each taxonomie group. In some meroplariktonie larvae the adaptations of their life eycles to environmental conditions seem to rcsuIt in an active use of tidal eurrents to bc transported into other regions. This is most obviously the ease in cirripede larvac. Thc eypris-Iarvae, just before their metamorphosis to a benthic organism and not feeding (Luther 1987), are transported into the Wridden Sea, whefe the possibility to find an adequate substrate to seitle dowri, is mueh higher near the, coast. In contrast to. this, eirripede ririuplius-Iarvae, in the phase of distribution of their spceies arid feedirig, are transported to offshore waters~ A high abundance facilitates the distribution and the probability of survival in this developmental stage. In siudies of other regions, e.g. the Duteh Wadderi Seri, similar, supporting resuIts were established. Wolf (1973) assumed an aetive swimmirig of cypris-Iarvae as, the only explanation for thc continuing presence of groups, i.e. patehy oceurrence; of these types of larvae, even in tidal currents with aceompanying high turbulence. In eirripedes the eggs are kert \vithin the sheH, until grown-up nauplii are released (Luther 1987). As pelagie eggs usually undergo a high mortality, keeping the eggs in a 'safe cover and releasing lrirvrie; which are, able to swim, mriy result in a higher survival rate, without increasirig the reproductive effoit. Larval release of the nauplii in the cirripede genus Semiblilalllls, \vas found to bc coupled with phytoplankton blooms, meaning the availability of food, and ,vas stimulated by a high concentratiori arid elose coritact of the diatom Skelelollema ,(Starr el aL 1991). All these results demoristrate rionrandom distribution pattern of meroplanktoniC larvae, Iike in the case of cirripedes, but all behaviouf, weil ridapted to the environmcntal conditions. The role of thc harpacticoid copepods iri the Wadden Sea; up to riow, remairis unelear. Beeause of hydrographie conditions, as the strong turbulerice, also meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods werecontiriuously found in plankton sampies (Giere 1968, Heiber 1988, own data). As they are relatively aburidant, it is ·intei-esting to kno\v, whether they also feed in the water eolumri arid therefore also rriay play ari important role in trophie relatioriships iri the pCIagie system of this area. After Bouwmari (1983) meiobenthie hrirructicoid copepods are consumed by polyehaetes, shrimps and f1atfishes~ The observed transport of harpacticoid copepods to offshore regions in the spring experiment rriay not rcflcct normal conditions. A transport of coastal meiobenthic copepods to\vards the North Sea by tidal cycles would mean a loss of individuals into deeper a 5 .,' water. The summer experiment in contrast showed a reversed transport of harpacticoid copepods into the Wadden Sea. The high percentage of benthos larvae and the obvious seasonal transport of meroplanktonic larvae in and out of the \Vadden Sea led to the conclusion, timt this coastal zone mayaiso servc as a nursery area for benthic organisms, similar as it is al ready described for fish larvae and juveniles. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The TRANSWATT project, conducted by Dr. K.-J. Hesse, is financed by the BMBF (German Ministry for Education and Sciencc) under the code number 03F0130A. For reviewing the manuscript, I thank Prof. Dr. F. Colijn. REFERENCES Beusekom, J.van and Dicl-Christiansen, S. 1994: A synthesis ofphyto- and zooplankton dynamics in the North Sea environment. WWF International Report, pp. 1-146. Bouwman, L.A. 1983: The meiofauna of the Ems estuary. In: Dankers, N.; Kühl, H. & Wolff, WJ. (eds.) Invertebrates of the Wadden Sea. Rep. 4 Wadden Sea Working Group, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 153-157. Fransz, H.G. 1983: List ofthe zooplankton species ofthe Wadden Sea. In: Dankers, N.; Kühl, H. & Wolff, W.J. (eds.) Invertebrates of the Wadden Sea. Rep. 4 Wadden Sea Working Group, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 12-23. Fransz, H.G.; Colebrook, J.M.; Gamble, J.C. and Krause, M. 1991: The zooplankton ofthe North Sea. Neth. J. Sea Res., 28 pp. 1-52. .. Giere, O. 1968: Die fluktuationen des marinen Zooplanktons im Elbe-Astuar. Beziehungen zwischen Populationsschwankungen und hydrographischen Faktoren im Brackwasser. Arch. Hydrobiol., SuppI. XXXI (3/4), pp. 379-546. Heiber, W. 1988: Die Faunengemeinschaft einer großen Stromrinne des Wurster Wattengebietes (Deutsche Bucht). Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Dynamik in Abhängigkeit von Gezeiten und Jahreszyklus und Folgerungen zu Austauschprozessen zwischen Wattenmeer und offener See. Dissertation: AlfredWegener-Institut Bremerhaven, Universität Bonn, pp. 1-398. Hickel, W. 1975: The mesozooplankton in the wadden sea of Sylt (North Sea). Helgoländer Meeresunters., 27 pp. 254-262. Luther, G. 1987: Seepocken der deutschen Küstengewässer. Helgoländer Meeresunters., 41 pp. 1-43. Martens, P. 1980: Beiträge zum Mesozooplankton des Nordsylter Wattenmeers. Helgoländer Meeresunters., 34 pp. 41-53. Starr, M.; Himmelman, J.H. and Therriault, J.-C. 1991: Coupling of nauplii release in barnacles with phytoplankton blooms: a parallel strategy to timt of spawning in urchins and musseis. J. Plankton Res., 13 (3), pp. 561-571. Wolf, P. de 1973: Ecological observations on the mechanisms of dispersal of barnacle larvae during planktonic life and settling. Neth. J. Sea Res., 6 (1-2), pp. 1-129. 6 • • .. 'fable 1: Summation of flood and ebb phases by number of individuals I m3 of mairi mesozooplarikton groups, during a 24 hour tidal cycle experiment iri May 1994; (+) means transport into \Vadden Sen, (-) means transport towards North Sen, (%) percentage ofindividuals from flood, which lack in the ebb tide and remain in the \Vadden Sea .- taxonomie group • calanoid copcpods harpacticoid copcpods cirripcdc eyprislarvae cirripede naupliuslarvae polychactelarvae troehophore-Iarvae cchinodcnn larvae bivalve larvae gastropod larvae eyphonautes-larvae of bryozoans hydrozoans L individuals of2 L individuals of 2 inflow phascs 16600 533 absolute diffcrcnce +400 -867 +2,41 -162,66 9533 20401 +10868 +53,27 36366 26300 -10066 -38,27 17734 19368 4332 8334 3000 1301 .. 2532 18301 17266 5432 10432 3701 1633 +567 -2102 +1100 +2098 +701 +332 +3,10 -12,17 +20,25 +20,11 +18,94 +20,33 +303 +10,69 outflow phases . 16200 1400 " -'-~" " ,~." ,'" .. ' 2835 in% " .- Table 2: Summation of flood and ebb phases by number of individuals I m3 of main mesozooplarikton groups, duririg a 24 hour iidal cycle experimerit in July 1994 (further explariatioris see above rind in text) ~ ..•. ,.." taxonomie group • hydrozoans ctenophore larvae gastropod larvae bivalve larvae I polychaete larvae troehophores cladoccmns ealanoid copepods harpacticoid copepods appendicularians cirripcde cyprislarvae eirripcde naupl.larVae rotifcrs Noctiluca/flagellatcs . L individuals of 2 L individuals of 2 inflo\v phascs 10733 2033 6667 18033 127933 2967 867 137233 8033 absolute difference +2500 +500 +2300 +6000 +30100 +1333 -200 +133, +3067 14633 1367. 16833 2300 +2200 +933 +13,07 +40,58 15367 20333 +4967 +24,43 +12000 +205933" +61.22 +5,37 outflo~.v phases 8233 1533 4367 12033 97833 1633 1067 137100 4967 in % +23,29 +24,59 +34,50 +33,27 +23.53 +44,94 -23,08 +0,10 +38,17 " 1%00 3832900"" ,', 7600 3626967 7 . Ind.lm3 \000 t--..,------,-----.., -----..,-------1 . ..' s \000 1500 I()(H) [ij 00..,. ",,;TIm .•..• m···· m I Q lI)'drozoa I t--4------I-----4-----_I_------1 +---+------+-----+------t------j +---1------4-----+------1-----., ~ iil mn .m "\""',1 mrmJr;lL" . m rn [1 .... Mfilrni] I Q Echinodrnnala , 5000 4500 4lHJO JSOO 3OIH) +---\---fH!]-I-----+-----+-----J t--4----fi·"HXli-t-----+-----+-----J .>. +--4----t·i~.]- & l H i ' H - - - - - 4 - - - = - = - - _ I _ - - - - - j . } t---j----fil-mWf-fi1--l·~,JI+-----+--f{'il,.fi·1__llii}--+___lhl--__l .... ;Hi1t---:::-.."",,;-;;;:;;'t--IM·{':;~H~':t-=--+--t ~:]-~---I ..~:: \ :1t 201H) IIT 1--: I i J~ V } ;::; i ) ;~~ { 1 5 0 0 ' :HlJ--fUKH-·\kiH·.··· ".' ~~ i ~~ ~l:: :::: .. i!~ J~: ;~ :*i~: -mf-:Mt-,,,,.-f/lr-ftl-fHr I()(HJ \ {i; .,.> ; :t II:;' : ~ ~~ .::; ;~ < .:,::: j } 500 ;; :~: 2."'"' +::::------f1---li':\ ti / ~~: ;~ ~'.' ~. o llill Cirriprdia, NaupL I • ~ '::' ;,~~ ~, :~ t~ :~ 4OOO+--4------1-..:-..-~-_1_----_1_-----j 30tH) + - - - + - - - - - - - R.•,•. - - - - f - - - - - f - - - - - - l t---j-------tl----_I_----_I_-----j 2.'00 +--4-------fi'lii--:::-.....,...-4------h..r------j 3500 2()(HJ t-. t +-~_+_----_t;1h. . -f*"~_+_-----fIJ-----l . .....-l, .•. ;*': ". ~ - I\:~ .........._.,~'- N· ','U'W•;. ",.tI':at:;,~j .• " '. m, ~.•~,lt=. .,:,-:· ..."....;;".....,-I11..-j ja Cln·iprd;'" <-'ypr" , : : i---+----. . --""'.. ~ o 3500 ii M rn b1i =~~ m:~ ;i ; ' , ": lr ii llfWlmf )1U(lt."l$"U·C'lI-..l""j'h"U::;t;:U +-.........- + - - - - - - 1 - - -.........- - + - - - - - _ 1 _ - - - - - - 1 .1000 +---+-----f.~H::::--- .........- _ I _ - - - - _ I _ - - - - - - - - t I +-"".(.--I!"'t-Nh"".-m~-{"tm@.r1.I---......-i!lH!Jtm,•.HEH··~ m'•. I: li~l_tl'.LJ ~-"~,.~: u. Ii.~' ,,!.. o , ... .•' ., • I. • . ..' ::: CI Coprpoda I Calanoida ..... ..,.[ ~ ~l -KiI-*,.!H l-f.~it;- li(~Hi1HI': ~ I t -jD<~~~l.jSl~~~~~A.cl..jIiil/4iJlll.jW4JI'1.I-.w...tl:ii4ß~I~AM4l~~ Time of sampling HT LT HT LT -----'1 Tidal cJcle HT Fig.l: Hourly variation or the abundance (individuals/m3 ) in mesozooplankton groups during a tidal cycle experiment (27 h) in the northcrn German \Vadden Sea (Hever, 12.-13.5.94), LT= low tide, HT= high tide, shaded areas symbolize nood phascs. ., . .~: 1113 lIydrozoa , .....: ID Cirri(M'dia, Cypri" .... " ':' 8SJJ, ' • N-----t------K\1--t--mt,·.~K1---+-----l -t----It\::1:i( ::;:1-M-----t-..-----IllHI::HNf-M-I;}-{iI-_+----_l ~: ", 1111 Rolaloria .·.1 " ( : f] . . I 17861' ... c' I LlICop;.podalCalanoida • I :~. .1 ~,. ",,,, ~" < -&.,H~il-IDH!iHtRm-l]-rn-i,+-m"1:]::t .::. ~~ ,} '~ ::~ ~:: " ~~ ,~ \ " :::' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~,:f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ - ~ LT HT LT HT Time or suinpling I Tidal cJcle LT Fig.2: Hourlyvariation of the abundance (iiidividuals/m3 ) iri meso- zooplankton groups during a iidal cycle experiment (26 h) in the northern German \Vadden Sen (Hever, 16.-17.7.94).