Cone and Seed Insects Associated with Pifton Pine F. Jose

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Cone and Seed Insects
Associated with Pifton Pine
Jose F. Negron 1
Abstract.-This paper summarizes current biological information on insects
that feed in cones and seeds of pinon pine, Pinus edulis Engelm. Evidence
indicates that there is a need for additional studies relating the biology and
potential impacts of cone and seed insects in pinon pine.
Pifion nut harvest holds a potentially significant commercial value (Schwab 1993; Norwick et
al. 1993) in this forest type. Indeed, as a result of a
request by the Southern Pueblos Governor's
Council, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has initiated a Pilot Woodlands Management Program. As
part of this program the BIA is cooperating with
the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest
and Range Experiment Station in a series of nut
production studies (Schwab 1993).
Information on insect associates of cone and
seed of pifton pine, Pinus edulis Engelm. is limited,
and even less is known about their impacts on cone
crops. Little (1943) indicated that cone and seed insects destroy large portions of marketable crops
yearly; first year strobili are attacked mostly by gall
midges (Cecidomyiidae) and second year strobili
by cone moths and cone beetles (Little 1943,1944).
The limited available information is scattered in
the literature. Little (1943) and Keen (1958) summarized the available information to date. Since
then there have been no further attempts to compile available information into a comprehensive
treatment. This paper will: 1) summarize known
biological information on insects reported on cones
and seeds of pifton pine and 2) discuss considerations for future strategies for additional entomological research on cone and seed insects of pinon
pine and their impacts. A summary of available information on impacts and monitoring of insects affecting cones and seeds of other coniferous seed
production systems is pesented in Appendix 1.
Such information can serve as foundation for similar studies in pifton pine.
1. Ernobius montanus Fall (Coleoptera:
An obiida e).
Most beetles in this beetle's family feed on dry
vegetable materials, under bark on dead trees, in
seeds or stems of plants, or as larvae on fungi
(Borror et al. 1981). Species that inhabit cones are
all in the genus Ernobius. Ernobius nwntanus Fall has
been reported from various hosts in southern California including Coulter pine, Pinus coulteri D. Don;
Jeffrey pine, Pinus jeffreyi Grev & Balf.; pinon pine;
singleleaf pifton, Pinus nwnophylla Torr.& Frem.; and
ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Laws. (Hedlin et
al. 1980). Adult beetles are 3-5 mm long, slender,
and reddish to dull-brown. Larvae are white,
scarabaeiform, and have well developed legs (Keen
1958). Keen (1958) also states that larvae feed in
old, dry cones and dead twigs. During the winter
larvae can be found on that year's cone crop.
Emergence is from July to August.
Another species in this group, Ernobius punctulatus (LeConte), feeds in mature or dead cones of
Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco;
knobcone, Pinus attenuata Lemmon; Monterrey
pine, Pinus radiata D. Don; and ponderosa pine
(Hedlin et al. 1980). Hedlin and Stickland (1959)
stated that this insect feeds only in rn.qture and
dead cones and that it is not important in seed
production but may affect cones in storage prior to
seed extraction. Hedlin et al. (1980) state that reports of this insect killing cones are probably in error and that the species is a scavenger in dead
1Research Entomologist, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.
cones. Ernobius granulatus LeConte was originally
reported by Allen and Coyne (1956) as a herbivore
of living cones of longleaf pine, Pinus palustris Mill.
However, Ebel (1964) demonstrated that it was also
a secondary invader of dead cones. Two other species in the genus, however, are known to attack
healthy, green cones of various conifers. Ernobius
conicola Fisher infests dry cones but also attacks
green cones of Monterey cypress, Cupressus macrocarpa Gordon, in coastal California (Frankie 1973).
Ruckes (1958) demonstrated that Ernobius
melanoventris Ruckes attacks green cones of Jeffrey
pine in California. Ernobius bicolor White has been
reported infesting year-old, older cones, and stored
cones of black spruce, Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P'
(Schooley 1983).
Since little biological information is known
about E. montanus and considering that the genus
displays variability in its habits, it is important to
clarify this insect's role in pinon pine.
Forcella (1980) suggested that cone predation
by C. edulis is influenced by the frequency and
magnitude of cone crops. He stated that variability
in cone crop size is caused by cool temperatures
during a 1-2 week interval in late summer 2 years
prior to cone maturation, when the cones are still
in primordial stage. Since the occurrence of these
cool temperatures are erratic in nature, the result is
erra tic cone production.
These variable cone crops do not support high
average beetle populations that can devastate mast
crops, thus allowing viable seed to be available for
regeneration. Forcella (1980) also states that pmon
populations at the edges of its geographic ranges
are more stable in annual cone production. This
host stability supports stable beetle populations
that are able to limit the amount of viable seed
available for regeneration and thereby limit the
range of the tree species.
2. Conophthorus edulis Hopkins
(Coleoptera: Scolytidae), pinon cone
3. Conotrachelus neomexicanus Fall
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Beetles in the genus Conophthorus are commonly referred to as cone beetles. They are bark
beetles that attack cones of pines and are among
the most destructive insects of cones and seeds in
North America. Twelve species are known from
North America and eleven of them attack cones
(Hedlin et al. 1980). Conophthorus edulis Hopkins is
the smallest in the group, ·about 1.25-2.75 mm long.
It is dark colored with a dark red elytra. The only
host for this species is pmon pine and the insect occurs throughout the range of the host in Arizona, .
New Mexico, Colorado (Keen 1958), and Oklahoma
(Forcella 1980). Adult beetles attack second~year
strobili in Mayor June by boring at the base of the
cone, constructing a gallery through the cone axis,
and laying eggs along the way. Larvae, which are
C-shaped, legless, and whitish with amber to
brown heads, feed and develop inside the cone,
pupate in August, and later transform into adults
that overwinter inside the cone. The cone is killed
in the process and falls to the ground or persists on
the tree. Emergence occurs the following spring in
April and May, leaving through small holes on
dead cones, and the cycle begins again (Little 1943,
1944; Keen 1958; Furniss and Carolin 1977). A small
pteromalid wasp, Acerocephala atroviolacea Crawf., has
been reared from cones infested with·C. edulis, and is
thought to be parasitic on the beetle (Keen 1958).
Little (1943, 1944) reported that the larval stage
of an unidentified species of Conotrachelus commonly destroys pinon cones during June and July.
The larval stage of Conotrachelus neomexicanus Fall,
the pine cone weevil, which feeds on the scales and
seeds -of ponderosa pine cones, has been collected
from pinon pine in Mesa Verde, Colorado
(Bodenham et al. 1976), and is probably the species
referred to by Little (1943, 1944). Adults of C. neomexicanus, which are ca 6 mm long and gray-brown,
overwinter in the ground, emerge in the spring,
and feed on new shoots and male flowers. After
mating, the female makes a hole on the tip of a
cone scale, oviposits, and uses frass to cover the
hole. Larvae are 9-10 mm when fully developed
and white to pink with a brown head capsule.
They develop in the cone and destroy it. When larvae complete development they chew an exit hole,
drop to the ground, and pupate. Transformation
into the adult is completed after a few days. The
adult hardens in the pupal cell, emerges, begins to
feed on shoots and later returns to the litter to
overwinter (Bodenham et al. 1976). In certain areas
this weevil may kill much of the ponderosa pine
cone crop, but there are few records of occurrence
(Hedlin et al. 1980). Conotrachelus neomexicanus has
been collected from Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Montana
(Bodenham et al. 1976).
4. Hapleginella conicola (Greene) (Diptera:
Gall (1992) reported records from Connecticut, New
York, Pennsylvania, and Ontario and suggested that
the species is still expanding its range.
The following biological information is taken
from Koerber (1963), Krugman and Koerber (1969),
and Hedlin et al. (1980). Adults are 15-18 mm long
and 4-6 mm wide, reddish brown to dark gray with
whitish pubescence, with a narrow zig-zagged line
across the fore wings, and laterally expanded tibiae
on the hind legs. Eggs are 2 mm long and 1.2 mm
wide, light brown when first laid and turn reddish
brown as the nymphs develop. Leptoglossus occidentalis is univoltine and overwinters as an adult in
protected locations. In the spring, it emerges and
begins feeding on cones and male flowers. Eggs are
laid in rows glued to needles from May to July. After hatching, reddish to orange nymphs feed on
developing cones and seeds, develop through five
ins tars, becoming adults by August. Adults continue feeding until seeking hibernation quarters.
The insects feed directly on seeds by piercing
through cone scales. The entire contents of young
seeds are removed if feeding occurs before the seed
coat hardens, which subsequently collapses and
turns gray-brown. After the seed coat hardens, contents may be removed, but the seed coat does not
collapse. A microscopic hole can be detected. On
mature seeds, tissues shrink, turning white and
spongy. Damage can be detected by radiographs.
Seed losses up to 41 % and 26% have been reported from Douglas-fir and western white pine,
respectively, but no other impact data seems to be
available (Hedlin et al. 1980).
Adults of this species are small shiny black
flies about 1 mm long. Larvae are colorless to
whitish maggots, elongated, and ca 2 mm long.
Larvae are active from the fall through spring,
feeding in scales and seeds and destroying
cones. Pupation occurs in April and adults
emerge from late April to mid-July. A second
generation may occur in late summer (Keen
1958). Hosts include white fir, Abies concolor
(Gord & Glend.) Lindl.; Shasta red fir, Abies
magnifica Lemm.; Jeffrey pine; ponderosa pine;
and perhaps loblolly pine, Pinus taeda L.; red
pine, Pinus resinosa Ait.; shortleaf pine, Pinus
echinata Mill.; sugar pine, Pinus lambertiana
Dougl.; and pinon. It has been reported from
southern British Columbia, Washington, Oregon,
California, Baja California, the central and
southern Rocky Mountains and south to Mexico,
Arkansas, the Lake States, and the Northeast. It
damages cones of firs in late summer but it a ppears to be of secondary nature in red pine
(Hedlin et al. 1980). Its role in pifton pine is unknown.
5. Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann,
(Hemiptera: Coreidae), the western
conifer seed bug.
, I found no published records of this insect in
pmon, but its occurrence in pmon has been
brought to my attention by Dr. Scott Cameron,
Texas Forest Service (personal communication).
Koerber (1963) reported feeding damage to
seeds of Douglas-fir caused by this species. Krugman and Koerber (1969) later reported similar
damage to ponderosa pine seeds. It also has been
reported from grand fir, Abies grandis (Dougl.)
Lindl.; incense-cedar, Libocedrus decurrens Torr.; Jeffrey pine; knobcone pine; lodgepole pine, Pinus
contorta Dougl.; and western white pine, Pinus
monticola Dougl (Hedlin et al. 1980). Debarr (1967)
reported that Leptoglussus corculus (Say), a related
species, causes similar damage to slash pine, Pinus
elliottii Engelm., and longleaf pine; a later report
indicates that the insect attacks all species of southern pines (EbeI1980).
Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann is widely distributed throughout the west from Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan south to
Mexico and from Nebraska west to the Pacific Coast
(Hedlin et al. 1980). McPherson et al. (1990) reported
records from Illinois and Michigan. More recently,
6. Xiela spp. (Hymenoptera: Xyelidae), pine
catkin sawflies.
This genus includes 16 known species from the
United States and Canada (Hedlin et al. 1980). No
species has been reported from pifton, but two
species, Xiela concava Burdick and Xiela deserti
Burdick, have been reported from singleleaf pifton
(Burdick 1961). Adults of this genus generally feed
on pollen from a variety of tree species; larvae,
however, are restricted to developing male flowers
of pines, hence the name pine catkin sawflies.
Adults are usually under 5 mm long and vary in
color from yellow to black, often with markings,
transparent wings, and a well defined ovipositor
on the females. Eggs are oval-elongated and white.
Larvae are yellowish-white, ca 7 mm long with
rudimentary abdominal prolegs. Adults emerge in
the spring and feed on pollen of anemophillus
plants. When male pine flowers begin to enlarge,
oviposition occurs in them. After hatching, larvae
above average cone crops sustained 50% and 80%
predation whereas two stands with below average
crops sustained only 20% and 17% predation. He
suggested that irregularities in cone production
may have selective advantages by maintaining low
herbivore populations during years of small cone
crops and ensuring satiation of the jnsect and seed
survival in years of bumper crops.
feed on pollen by attacking a few of the basal
sporophylls allowing apical ones to complete
development. After 2-4 weeks, mature larvae drop
to the soil and burrow in, forming an earthen cell
where they remain as prepupa for 1 or 2 seasons
prior to pupation and emergence (Burdick 1961;
Greenbaum 1974; Hedlin et al. 1980). Pollen
production is probably not affected significantly by
these insects (Hedlin et al. 1980).
9. Cydia colorana (Kearfott) (Lepidoptera:
Olethreutidae), pinon seedworm.
7. Chionodes periculella (Busck)
(Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).
For many years, species in this group were
placed in the genus Laspeyresia, but Brown (1979)
placed them in the genus Cydia. The genus includes 12 North American species, whose larvae
feed exclusively on conifer seeds. The group has
not been extensively studied but limited biological
information has been published for some species.
Merkel (1963, 1967) studied the distribution and life
history of Cydia anaranjada (Miller) on slash pine in
the South; Coyne (1968) described the life history
of Cydia ingens (Heinrich) in longleaf pine in the
Gulf Coast; Tripp (1954) did the same for Cydia
strobilella (Linnaeus) (=Cydia youngana (Kearfoot»
on various species of spruce, Picea spp., in Ontario
and Quebec; and Frankie and Koehler (1971) described the biology and life history of Cydia cupressana (Kearfoot) in Monterey cypress in California.
Hedlin (1967) described the habits of Cydia piperana
(Kearfoot) in ponderosa pine and indicated that up
to 50% of the seed crop could be destroyed by this
insect in British Columbia. Biological accounts of
Cydia toreuta (Grote), which attacks various species
of pine, have been published by Lyons (1957), Kraft
(1965), and Ciesla and Bell (1966). Abrahamson and
Kraft (1965), working in Upper Michigan, indicated
that populations of C. toreuta are negatively influenced by heavy rainfall in May and June and perhaps positively influenced by high temperatures
during the same time of the year. Higher populations are also correlated with larger cone crops.
Kraft (1968) also indicated that open-grown trees
with branches extending to the ground, lowdensity stands, and south-facing cones harbor
more attacks by this insect. Intraspecific competition and parasitism were important mortality factors.
All Cydia species have similar biologies. Adults
have wingspans of 10-20 mm, are usually metallic
gray with silver bands, and are active in the spring.
Eggs are commonly laid in overlapping masses on
cone scale surfaces or on cone stalks. Larvae, which
are 10-15 mm when fully developed and white to
Adults in the family to which this species belongs are generally small moths with narrow fore
wings and wider hind wings. The group appears to
be of little importance in terms of impacts on cone
and seed. Little is known about this particular species, but it is known to mine in cones of pin.on,
ponderosa pine, and Douglas-fir (Hedlin et al.
1980). The biology and larval characters of a related
species, Chionodes sabinianae Powell, have been described by Burdick and Powell (1960). Chionodes
sabinianae attacks Digger pine, Pinus sabiniana
Dougl., in California. The genus, however, displays
variable feeding habits and species are known to
feed on a variety of hosts (Burdick and Powell
1960). Therefore, no generalizations can be made
until additional studies on the biology of this group
are conducted.
8. Eucosma bobana Kearfoot (Lepidoptera:
Olethreutidae), pinon cone borer.
Larvae of this insect, which are pinkish and ca
15 mm long when full grown, feed on scales and
seeds of second year cones of pifton and single leaf
pifton. Adults, which have tan forewings marked
with dark red to black-brown patterns and a narrow white border (Powell 1968), lay eggs on scales
near the tip of the cone during June and July. Larvae feed during summer and fall, overwinter as
pupae in the cone or in ground litter, and adults
emerge the following spring (Hedlin et al. 1980).
Little (1943, 1944) indicated that Eucosma bobana
Kearfoot was an important mortality factor of second year pifton cones. This insect occurs from central Texas to the western part of the Mojave desert
in California and north to northern Utah and central Nevada (Powell 1968). Forcella (1978) indicated
a significant positive correlation between amounts
of cone predation by E. bobana and abundance of
the previous year's cone crop. Two stands with
Gehring and Whitham 1991; Mopper et al. 1991;
Mopper et al. 1990).
cream in color, bore between scales and attack
seeds by feeding on their contents, leaving frass
within. After consumption of a seed, a silk tunnel is
constructed to the next seed. This behavior continues until fully developed larvae bore into the cone
axis for overwintering. Larvae construct tunnels to
the cone surface and place a covering with host
material and then return to the cone axis. Pupation
is in the spring on the cone axis followed shortly
thereafter by adult emergence. Some species are
reported to have an extended diapause. Degree of
host specificity also varies among species. Good information on geographic distributions and hosts is
available for some species but apparently not for
Cydia colorana (Kearfoot).
Cydia colorana has been reared from cones of pinon pine in California (Hedlin et al. 1980), but I
found no other information about this insect.
11. Frankliniella occidentalis
(Perg.)(Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Little (1943) reported this insect on pifton and
indicated that they occur on mature staminate
cones apparently feeding on pollen. This species is
widely distributed throughout the Western United
States and north to British Colulllbia and Alaska
(Furniss and Carolin 1977).
Although there is some information on insects
affecting cones and seeds of pifton pine in North
America, there still is a considerable lack of knowledge of the biology of a number of species and impacts from all species. Table 1 presents a summary
of the species discussed above along with the type
of damage, time of year in which the damage occurs, and the known distribution of the insect.
10. Dioryctria albovittella (Hulst)
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), the stem- and
cone-boring moth.
Members of the genus Dioryctria are commonly
referred to as coneworms. They are widely distributed across North America and are probably the
most injurious lepidopterans affecting cones and
seeds of conifers in North America. Larvae feed on
the insides of cones, and frass is usually evident on
the outside. Other parts of the host such as shoots
and boles are also targets of cone worm activity.
Little (1943, 1944) reported that two species unidentified of Dioryctria attacked second year cones
Dioryctria albovittella (Hulst) attacks pinon
and singleleaf pinon. This species has been reported from Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and
Colorado (Furniss and Carolin 1977). Adult
moths, which are active from July to September,
have a 23-30 mm wingspan with fore wings gray
and white with white and dark markings; hind
wings are nearly white. Larvae are active in May
and June. They are apparently abundant enough
to significantly impact seed production (Hedlin
et al. 1980). Studies by Whitman and Mopper
(1985) indicate that herbivory by this insect can
affect trees' architecture, growth rate, reproductive output, and sexual expression. These actions
could result in loss of normal cone-bearing ability. This insect has been the subject of various
studies that focus on biological interactions with
avian seed dispersal agents, mycorrhizal mutualism, and genetic aspects of community ecology
in pifton pine (Christensen and Whitham, 1991;
Meaningful work has been conducted in the
area of life tables and crop monitoring systems in
conifers (Appendix 1). It seems desirable to conduct
similar studies in pifton pine. This effort could
provide invaluable data relating roles of biotic and
abiotic factors that affect nut prod uction.
Significant efforts also have been placed on developing strategies for managing insects affecting
cones and seeds, primarily through the use of insecticides. In the case of pifton pine, the most desirable product is edible seed for human
consumption, which will present challenging
questions regarding the management and protection of cone crops from damaging insects.
Efforts are also being directed into developing
prescribed burns and pheromone-based strategies
for managing key cone and seed insects in other
conifer systems (Miller 1978; DeBarr et al. 1992; de
Groot et al. 1991). If management of key insect
herbivores becomes an iss ue in pifton, these· are the
kinds of strategies were future research emphasis
should be placed. Intensive management of some
conifer orchards, particularly in the South, has resulted in very productive systems; however, these
systems are so manicured that they often seem to
have more communality with an agricultural commodity than a forest product. This management
approach may coincidently eliminate refugia for
na tural enemies of cone and seed insects. With the
Table 1.-Specles, type of damage, time of the year In which damage occurs, and geographic distribution of insects associated with pirion
pine, Pinus edulls Engelm.
Geographic distribution
Time of year
Type of damage
Emobius montanus j
Conophthorus edulis2
Conotrschelus neomexics1
Hap/eginells' conico/s
Leptoglossus occidentS/is
Xie/s concsva3 and Xiela
Chionodes periculella
Larvae feed internally on cone
Larvae feed internally on cone
Larvae feed internally on cone
Fall and Winter
Southern California
Range of pirion in AZ, NM, CO, and OK
AZ, NM, CO, NE, SO, and MT
Larvae feed on scales and seeds
Fall and Spring
Adults and nymphs feed directly
on seeds
Larvae feed on pollen
Spring, Summer,
and Fall
Spring-early summer
Apparently early
Summer and fall
Reported from southern British Columbia, WA, OR.
CA, Baja California, central and southern Rockies,
south to Mexico, AR, the Lake States, and the Northeast
Southern British Columbia south to Mexico, and from
central NE west to the Pacific Coast
Larvae mine in cones
Eucosma bobana
Larvae feed on scale and seeds
Cydia colorana2
Oioryctria albovittella2
Frankliniella occidentalis
Larvae feed on seeds
Larvae feed internally on cones
Feed on mature male flowers
Spring, Summer,
and Fall
No information found
Central TX to western part of Mojave desert in CA and
north to Northern UT and central NV
CA, NV, southern 10, UT, CO, AZ, NM, western TX
Throughout Western US, north to British Columbia
and Alaska
j Reported to attack pinon pine among other hosts
2 Reported to attack only pinon pine
3 Reported from singleleat pinon but not from pinon
Shearer 1989). Scholwater and Sexton (1989) indicated that the major factor in losses of seed in
Douglas-fir in western Oregon was unexplained
developmental failure. Early-season damage b)
Lepesoma lecontei (Casey), a weevil attacking
conelets, accounted for 40-70% of the insect related
damage. The weevil was also shown to cause developmental failure, therefore its impacts could be
even more severe.
Working with southern pines, Fatzinger et al.
(1980) indicated that without insect control strategies the potential average yield of seed can be reduced to only 8-12%. Various estimates of impacts
by seed and cone insects have been obtained from
southern pines. These estimates range in mortality
from 2-47% during the first year of staminate cone
development and from 1-78% for second year
staminate cones (Fatzinger 1984).
Mattson (1968) reported that a complex of five
insect species accounted for the loss of 34-83% of
annual cone samples of red pine in seed prod uction areas in the United States. Mattson (1971) indicated that cone crops of red pine vary widely from
year-to-year and that the quantity of insect damaged cones increases unless limited by food availability, suggesting that crop size is an important
factor in regulating insect populations. More recently, Katovich et al. (1989) studied seasonal losses
of seeds and cones and their causes in a red pine
plantation and in a seed orchard. In the seed orchard, cone insects were very destructive in the
developmental period between the 11th and the
15 month during the first year of the study but
insignificant during the second year. Radiographs
recent emphasis on ecosystem management, it is
desirable to maintain much of the natural cover in
these sites so that refugia for natural enemies is
preserved. Little work has been conducted on
natural enemies and biological control of insects affecting cones and seeds.
The idea proposed by Forcella (1980) that pifton
pine populations on the edges of its geographical
distribution have more stable cone crops deserves
more attention. Studies to assess cone crop periodicity, size, and quality could be established in
stands on the fringes of the geographic range of
pifton pine. If the hypothesis were true, and sizeable cone crops of good quality nuts could be produced, then it would help to identify suitable sites
in which to attempt nut production enhancement
and management activities.
Impacts and Monitoring of Cone and Seed
Insects in Conifers
Insects play a significant role in the development and survival of cones and seeds of a number
of coniferous species. Shearer (1984) indicated from
a study in Montana that V3 of the Douglas-fir and ~
of the western larch, Larix occidentalis Nutt., seeds
were destroyed by insects. In a five year study in
Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington frost
and insects were the major causes of cone and seed
losses in 1985-87 in western larch Genkins and
The use of life table approaches and the
development of inventory-monitoring systems for
flowers and cones of coniferous species has been
used extensively and provides us with alternatives
to address some of these questions. DeBarr and
Barber (1975) working in Florida with slash pine,
quantified losses to different factors and
determined when losses occurred. They state that
life tables are particularly useful for this task
because they provide a methodology to determine
the interval of time in which losses occur, provide
for direct accounting of losses, and provide for the
study of interacting mortality factors instead
focusing only on individual effects. Fatzinger et al.
(1980) also used a life table approach to survey
mortality factors in flowers and cones in five
species of southern pines. His studies indicated
that most losses occurred during the first year of
strobili development, and identified key mortality
Bramlett and Godbee (1982) developed an inventory-monitoring system for southern pine orchards. Their system uses total flower counts on
selected sample trees and periodic visits to sample
branches to estimate potential crop yield and survival of the flower crop. Actual seed production
from sample trees is obtained and used to evaluate
orchard-level productivity and performance.
Bramlett (1987) demonstrated how an inventorymonitoring system can be used in combination
with life tables of cone survival and cone analysis
to obtain orchard efficiency values. These values
can be used to quantify degrees of protection
achieved through use of pesticides. Huffman (1988)
used the system developed by Bramlett and Godbee (1982) to monitor cone crops of eastern white
pine, Pinus strobus L., and of shortleaf pine, and
found the system to be a valuable tool for monitoring changes in orchard productivity. Fatzinger et al.
(1988, 1990) developed an inventory-monitoring
system for southern pines which incorporate pest
surveys that quantify their impacts and the time in
which they occur. The system uses sample clusters
of female strobili in the southeastern quadrant of
sample trees. Estimates of cone crop condition and
size are obtained three times a year; subsamples
are taken when losses are more severe to document
causes. Computer programs have been developed
with the system that also provide information on
orchard productivity. Fleming et al. (1990) developed methodology for monitoring jack pine crops
of and provided cost estimates of sampling with
different precision levels. Stratified random sampling based on relative crown height with equal
stratum width was found to be cost effective and
of seeds indicated some damage caused by seed
bugs. In the plantation, although insect damage
was less, the most damaging insect was the seedworm Cydia torueta.
Werner (1964), working with white spruce,
Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, in interior Alaska indicated that insects destroyed 3-6% of the seed crop
in 4 of a 5 year study. In the remaining year the
damage was 50% and most of it was caused by
Hylemya anthracina (Czerny), the spruce cone maggot (reported then as Pegohylemyia sp.). Hedlin
(1973) indicated that insects caused considerable
seed loss in white spruce in British Columbia. The
most injurious species were H. anthracina and the
seed moth, C. strobilella. More recently, Fogal (1990)
also working with cone crops of white spruce,
found that damage by all insects combined was
negatively correlated with the size of the cone crop,
but in the case of individual insect species, the relationship was not true. Fogal and Larocque (1992)
studied strobili and seed development as affected
by insect damage in farmlands and plantations.
They reported seed losses to insects of 23 % in
farmlands and 29% in plantations.
Working in Idaho with grand fir, Kulhavy and
Schenk (1976) indicated that insects destroyed 6%
and 18.2% of the cone crop in a moderate and a
hig~ cone production year, respectively. The most
destructive insect was Dioryctria abietella (Denis and
In jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb., de Groot
(1986), reported that insects contributed to the loss
of ca 1 % of the flowers and 4.9% of the cones. He
also indicated that most flower losses were due to
abortion while most cone losses were due to red
Flores-Flores and Diaz-Esquivel (1988)
working with Pinus cembroides Zucco in Coahuila,
Mexico indicated that Conophthorus cembroides
and Leptoglossus occidentalis accounted for 51 % of
the cone mortality. Working with another species
of mexican pinon, Pinus nelsonii Shaw, in
Tamaulipas, Mexico, Sanchez-Ramos et al. (1989)
indicated that the same insects accounted for the
loss of 25.3% of the seed.
From these studies it is apparent that insects are
important mortality factors for cones and seeds of
numerous conifer species. The same phenomena is
likely to be true in pinon. As such, there is a need
for additional studies relating the biologies and
impacts of these arthropods on pinon cone crops.
Additionally, tree species have evolved strategies to
assure the reproductive success of part of their seed
crop by preventing total consumption of the seeds.
These strategies are not yet completely understood.
operationally feasible. Recently de Groot and Turgeon (1991) concisely described the procedures of
cone crop monitoring in conifer seed orchards in
A usable system should provide flexibility in
sampling methodology so that it is adequate for
varying objectives and budgets, provides information for management decisions, and produces a
life-table of long-term predictions (Fatzinger et al.
1990). These studies have set a sound foundation
from which a life table based monitoring system for
pifton pine cone crops can be developed that will
help us develop a better understanding of factors
regulating cone crops. Identification of these regulators could lead to the development of successful
management strate gies.
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