This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Environmental Stress Influences Aboveground Pest Attack and Mycorrhizal Mutualism in Pifton-Juni per Woodlands: Implications For Management in the Event of Global Warming Catherine Gehring and Thomas Whitham 1 Abstract.-In this paper, we summarize our findings on the relationships between abiotic environmental stress, herbivory, mistletoe parasitism, and mycorrhizal colonization in pinon pine and one-seeded juniper. We compared trees growing in two very different environments - the nutrient and water stressed ash and cinder fields of the San Francisco volcanic field in northern Arizona, and the sandy loam soils of nearby areas. We found that levels of moth herbivory in pinons (Pinus edulis) were 100-fold higher, and levels of mistletoe parasitism in junipers (Juniperus monosperma) were three-fold higher on trees growing in the stressful cinder soils than in the sandy loam soils. Ectomycorrhizal colonization of pinon roots was two-fold higher in trees growing in the cinder soils than in the sandy loam soils, but was significantly reduced on cinder-site trees that experienced chronic insect attack. Similar mycorrhizal reductions were observed in junipers that experienced severe mistletoe infestation. Simulated moth herbivory significantly reduced mycorrhizal colonization of pinons growing in the cinder soils, but not of pinons in the sandy loam soils. These results indicate that environmental stress influences three important parameters in pinon-juniper woodlands: 1) the likelihood that a tree will experience herbivore or parasite attack, 2) the abundance of mycorrhizal mutualists on a plant, and. 3) the degree of mycorrhizal reductions that result from biotic stresses such as herbivory. The importance of environmental stress in these interactions suggests that global warming could cause significant increases in pest attack and complex changes in levels of mycorrhizal mutualisms. Furthermore, because these interactions in pinons are associated with host plant genetics, pinon trees growing in stressful environments may possess unique stress-tolerant genotypes that are important to conserve. INTRODUCTION environmental stress in this interaction is still unclear (Gehring and Whitham 1994a). Pifton pines (Pinus edulis) and one-seeded juniper Vuniperus monosperma) grow in a variety of environments in northern Arizona that vary markedly in environmental stress. In particular, these tree species are community dominants in many of the nutrient and water-stressed cinder environments that have resulted from geologically recent eruptions of the San Francisco volcanic field. The degree of environmental stress (e.g. nutrient and water stress) experienced by plants can have important effects on a plant's susceptibility to herbivore attack (White 1969, 1974, 1976, 1984), and on the abundance of mycorrhizal mutualists present on a plant's root system (Meyer 1973). Herbivores and mycorrhizae are also known to interact with one· another, although the role of 1 Catherine Gehring is a postdoctoral research asSOCiate, and Thomas Whitham is a Professor. Both are in the Department of Biological SCiences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. 30 By comparing levels of mycorrhizae and herbivory in pifions and junipers in stressful cinder environments to those growing in nearby less stressful noncinder areas consisting of sandy loam soils, we can better understand the effects of environmental stress on this widespread vegetation type. In addition, because pmons and junipers are attacked by different types of pests, and have different types of mycorrhizal mutualists (ectomycorrhizae in pmons and vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizae in junipers), it is of particular interest to determine the effect of environmental stress on these trees and their associated taxa. This information could allow us to make better predictions about the potential impacts of human-caused stresses such as global warming on pinon-juniper communities. In this paper, we review some of our recent research on the effects of environmental stress on pmon pine and address the following questions: 1) Do pmons and junipers growing in stressful cinder environments and less stressful sandy loam environments differ in herbivore or parasite attack?,2) Do pmons growing in cinder and sandy loam environments differ in mycorrhizal colonization?, and 3) Do herbivores and parasites interact with mycorrhizae, and is this'interaction influenced by environmental stress? Although the data we used to address these questions have largely been published separately elsewhere, we bring them together here to allow a more complete synthesis of our results regarding environmental stress, and to facilitate ~omparisons between pmons and junipers growing in the same environment. In spite of differences between pmons and junipers in types of mycorrhizae and vesicular-arbuscular (ectomycorrhizae mycorrhizae, respectively), and major pests (insects vs. mistletoes, respectively), we find that environmental stress results in similar impacts on these trees, mycorrhizal mutualists, and pests. We use our data on patterns associated with environmental stress to make predictions about the potential effects of global warming on pest attack rates and levels of mycorrhizal mutualism in pmon-juniper woodlands, and to argue that pinons growing in stressful environments possess unique stress-tolerant genotypes that are important to conserve. Table 1 - Soil parameter COI1Y,)Clrisons between cinder and noncinder soils.1 ~Vllue Cinder 4.45 Nonclnder 12.20 .0001 5.61 9.39 .0001 Nitrite mineralization (ppm) .60 5.86 .0001 Ammonium mlnerallzltlon (ppm) -.84 2.47 PhosphIte (ppm) Soli moisture (% water) 1 Values are the means of four cinder and four noncinder shes in northern Arizona. .054 Data are from Gehring and Whitham (1994b). compared differed substantially in soil nutrient and moisture levels (Gehring and Whitham 1994b)(Table 1). Soil from the cinder sites averaged 63% lower levels of phosphate, 40% lower levels of soil moisture, and 70-90% lo~er nitrogen mineralization rates than s~ils from the nearby limestone-derived sandy loam sites. Two of the same sites (one cinder and one noncinder) have been shown to differ in the same nutrients (Mopper et al. 1991), as well as many others (e.g., magnesium, potassium, calcium), with the cinder sites always possessing the lower values (Cobb et al., in review). The lower levels of soil nutrients and moisture in the cinder soils have been associated with a 23% reduction in pmon shoot growth (Gehring and Whitham 1994b), a 66-90% reduction in pmon cone production (Christensen and Whitham 1991), and a 15% increase in tree water potentials (Mopper et al. 1991) relative to pmons growing in sandy loam soils. HERBIVORY AND MISTLETOE PARASITISM INCREASE WITH PLANT STRESS Our results suggest that environmental stress leads to increased susceptibility to moth herbivory in pmon pines and to increased susceptibility to mistletoe parasitism in one-seeded juniper. Piflon pines growing in cinder soils from four different sites in northern Arizona experienced an average shoot mortality due to the stem- and cone-boring moth (Dioryctria albovittella) of 7% while pmons at four nearby sandy loam sites experienced less than 0.05% shoot mortality (Gehring and Whitham 1994b) (fig. 1A). Considering that these insects selectively destroy a tree's terminal shoots thereby turning trees into shrubs, even relatively low levels of damage can have dramatic impacts on a tree's architecture and cone production (Whitham and Mopper 1985). A similar pattern was observed by Mopper et al. (1991) for one cinder site and one sandy loam site, and the data presented here suggest that this pattern is a general one. NUTRIENT AND MOISTURE STRESS ACROSS EXTREME SOIL TYPES The four stressful cinder environments and the four less stressful noncinder environments that we 31 Piftons at Sunset Crater vary in susceptibility to moth attack; resistant trees experience chronically low levels of moth attack while susceptible trees growing nearby experience chronically high levels of moth herbivory (Whitham and Mopper 1985). Furthermore, resistant and susceptible pi:ii.ons differ genetically in both allelic frequency and heterozygosity (Mopper et al. 1991). Our data suggest that resistant and susceptible trees may also be present at cinder sites other than Sunset A. o Pinyon 10 ~s 7.5 Crater. Although we have no genetic data for these other sites, trees at these sites varied ten-fold or more from one another in level of moth herbivory. Based upon our genetic studies of other sites, these findings suggest that some of these trees were resistant while others were susceptible (Gehring and Whitham, unpub. data). Juniper trees showed a similar pattern with regard to environmental stress - junipers growing in the cinders of Sunset Crater had higher levels of mistletoe parasitism than junipers growing at a nearby noncinder site (Gehring and Whitham 1992) (fig. IB). The mistletoe, Phoradendron juniperinum removes water, minerals, and carbon from its host plant (Hull and Leonard 1964, Ehleringer et al. 1985, Marshall and Ehleringer 1990) causing branch die-back and increased water stress in heavily infested plants (Ferrell 1974, Knutson 1983). The difference between sites in mistletoe parasitism was largely due to higher levels of mistletoe infestation in female treesfemale trees at Sunset Crater had three-fold higher levels of mistletoe parasitism than male trees at Sunset Crater or than male or female trees at the noncinder site (Gehring and Whitham 1992) (fig. IB). The higher levels of mistletoe parasitism on female junipers at the stressful site could be due to a preference by avian mistletoe seed dispersal agents for female trees (Gehring and Whitham 1992). Female junipers possess two potential food resources -mistletoe berries and juniper berries, and birds may thus spend more time on female trees than male trees, and deposit more mistletoe seeds there. However, our finding that male and female junipers growing in the less stressful environment did not differ in mistletoe parasitism, even though they possessed a similar avifauna and abundant berries, is not consistent with this hypothesis. A second hypothesis to explain the difference between sexes in mistletoe parasitism is that mistletoe growth and survival is greater on female trees than male trees in the stressful cinder environment (Gehring and Whitham 1992). Female junipers may be less resistant to mistletoe attack than male junipers if they are under greater stress as are females of several other dioecious plant species (Stark 1970, Hikmat et al. 1982, Freeman and MacArthur 1982). The male-biased sex ratio (1.56 males for every female) at the stressful site is consistent both with the hypothesis that female junipers are under greater stress in that environment, and with studies of biased sex ratios a Q) ---e>= ~ CD ... ::J: en 0 0 oJ:: 0 ~ 0 ::E 5 .s:::. en - 2.5 b 0 B. E til ;::: (f) -;; E ...caca --en a.. Juniper 1.5 1.0 Q) 0 CD Q ) 0 ;:: a; u; :i en ~ - 0.5 0 male female Cinder male female Noncinder Figure 1A.-Level of stem- and cone-boring moth herbivory on pinon pines growing in cinder and sandy loam soUs. Values are means ± S.E. and represent the average of four cinder and four sandy loam sites in northern Arizona. Different ~etters above the bars denote significant differences at p < 0.05 and were adapted from Gehring and Whitham (19Mb). Figure 1 B.-Level of mistletoe parasitism on male and female junipers at one cinder and one noncinder site. Data are means ± 1 S.E. and were adapted from Gehring and"Whltham (1992). Different letters above the bars denote significant differences atp < 0.05. 32 in junipers and other plant species (Freeman et al. 1976). Experimental studies demonstrate that the increased susceptibility of piftons to moth herbivory described here is, at least in part, caused by environmental stress. Moth-susceptible pinons at the Sunset Crater site that received supplemental nutrients and water to experimentally reduce environmental stress, prod uced significantly higher levels of defensive resins (60% increase) and suffered significantly less moth herbivory (9% reduction) relative to untreated control trees (Cobb et al., in review). These results provide observational and experimental support for the plant stress hypothesis (White 1969, 1974, 1976, 1984) which predicts that herbivore performance will be higher on stressed plants. Mutualistic Effects of Ectomycorrhizae 1.25 § ... 1.00 .c 0) ~ '0 0 .c c =sCD CD en Figure 3.-Shoot weight of pinon seedlings grown in cinder solis with lower (80 or less) or higher (150 or more) numbers of ectomycorrhizal roots. Data are means ± 1 S.E. and were adapted from Gehring and Whitham (1994b). Different letters above the bars denote significant differences at p < 0.05. environments where soil fertility is low and the need for enhanced nutrient and moisture uptake is greatest (Meyer 1973). Although we do not have comparable data for the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of juniper, similar relationships between soil fertility and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization were found by Boerner (1986) and Van Noordwijk and Hairiah (1986). However, other researchers have observed no significant correlation between ectomycorrhizal colonization and soil fertility (e.g., Lee and Lim 1989, McAfee and Fortin 1989), and the results of studies that monitored changes in ectomycorrhizal colonization following nutrient supplementation are similarly variable, suggesting that other factors are also important (e.g., Gagnon et al. 1987, Arnebrant and Soederstroem 1990, MacFall et al. 1990, Termorshuizen and Ket 1990) . Although cinder and noncinder site PIDons differed in ectomycorrhizal colonization, data from seedling studies in the greenhouse demonstrate that ectomycorrhizae enhance seedling growth in both soil types. We observed a significant positive correlation between ectomycorrhizal abundance (total # of ectomycorrhizal roots) and shoot weight for seedlings grown in both cinder and noncinder soil types (Gehring and Whitham 1994b). For example, in cinder soils, the shoot weight of seedlings with high numbers of ectomycorrhizae 60~---------------------' 50 40 "iii N :c ... ...o g. 30 b 20 E -e w 10 o Cinder High # of Ectomycorrhizae Ectomycorrhizae on Pinyon o 0.25 0 Environmental stress was also significantly associated with ectomycorrhizal colonization in pinon pines. Pinons growing in four cinder environments had, on average, two-fold higher levels of ectomycorrhizal colonization than pinons growing in four sandy loam soil sites (Gehring and Whitham 1994b) (fig. 2). This result is consistent with the hypothesis that ectomycorrhizae are most important to plants growing in stressful (5 0.75 en 0.50 0) ECTOMYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION IN PINON INCREASES WITH PLANT STRESS c o ~ N "2 o b Noncinder Figure 2.-Levels of ectomycorrhizal colonization of pinons growing In cinder and sandy loam soils. Values are means ± 1 S.E. and represent the average of four .cinder and four sandy loam sites. Different letter above the bars denote significant differences at p < 0.05. Data were adapted from Gehring and Whitham (1994b). 33 (150 or more) was approximately 44% higher than the shoot weight of seedlings with lower numbers of ectomycorrhizae (80 or less )(fig. 3). This positive relationship between ectomycorrhizae and shoot growth suggests that any environmental factor that reduces ectomycorrhizae could negatively affect pifton growth. Ectomycorrhizae on Pinyon Pine 100 JS :2 c t:: "~ o ... (,) JS "- ~ C E A. Moth Herbivory B. Scale Herbivory Susceptible Susceptible Control Moth Removal Susceptible Susceptible Control Scale Removal 75 50 0..2 ~ 8 25 HERBIVORES AND MISTLETOE PARASITES NEGATIVELY AFFECT MYCORRHIZAE IN PINONS AND JUNIPERS tft o In both piftons and junipers, we observed a between significant negative relationship mycorrhizal colonization and pest attack In mature piftons, ectomycorrhizal colonization of trees resistant to moth attack was approximately 30% greater than ectomycorrhizal colonization of mothsusceptible trees in the cinder soils of Sunset Crater (Gehring and Whitham 1991). Removal of moths from susceptible trees resulted in a rebound in ectomycorrhizal colonization demonstrating that the moth was responsible for the mycorrhizal reductions in susceptible trees (fig. 4A). Younger piftons that experienced severe herbivory by a needle-feeding scale insect also suffered significant reductions in ectomycorrhizal colonization that were eliminated following insect removal (Del Vecchio et al. 1993)(fig. 4B). A similar negative relationship between pest attack and mycorrhizal colonization is found in one-seeded juniper even t~ough junipers have a different type of mycorrhizal mutualist and are hypothesized to be better adapted to arid conditions than pifton pines. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of juniper roots was 30% lower in trees with high mistletoe densities than in trees with low mistletoe densities (Gehring and Whitham 1992) (fig. 4C). The consistent nature of these results suggests that even the mycorrhizae of more dry-adapted species will decline following pest attack To assess the importance of environmental stress to the interactions between mycorrhizae and aboveground pests, we simulated herbivory at a sandy loam site and compared the mycorrhizal responses of trees at this site to trees experiencing the same type of simulated herbivory at a cinder site. Our results indicate that environmental stress is an important component of the interactiontrees at the cinder site experienced declines in ectomycorrhizal colonization while those at the sandy loam site did not (Gehring and Whitham, in prep.). These findings suggest that environmental Vesicu lar-arbuscu lar Mycorrhizae on Juniper ... C 0 80 .5 0 60 ~ (,) as ~~ "2 U) ~o C. Mistletoe Parasitism b a as 1ii 40 '3 N ('):2 "r;; t:: 20 ~ ~oo g ~ E 0 High Mistletoe Low Mistletoe Figure 4.-The relationship between moth (A) and scale (8) herbivory and ectomycorrhizal colonization In pUlon pine, and the relationship between mistletoe parasitism and vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal colonization In juniper (C). Graphs A and 8 demonstrate that ectomycorrhlzal levels Increased following herbivore removal In pinons, while Graph C shows that veslcular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of juniper roots Is lower In heavily mistletoe parasitized trees; Values are means + 1 S.E. and different letters above the bars denote significant differences at p < 0.05. Data were adapted from Gehring and Whitham 1991, 1992, and Del Vecchio et aI., 1993). stress not only influences the responses of mycorrhizae and herbivores individually, but also influences the interactions between the two. Trees growing in more benign environments may be able to retain their mycorrhizae following herbivory or other pest attacks while trees growing in more stressful environments cannot. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Our findings, summarized in Table 2, have several potential implications for the management 34 Table 2 - Summary of interactions among environmental stress, pest attack, and myconhizal colonization in pinyons and junipers. Higher Environmental Stress Lower Environmental Stress Factor Pinyon Juniper Pinyon Juniper pest attack high moth herbivory high mistletoe parasitism ( Q > d) low moth herbivory low mistletoe parasitism no data low ectomycorrhizal colonization no data hi~ levels of mislletoe no elfec1 of simulated herbivory on ectomyconhizae no data myconflizae mycon11izae·pest Interaction :!toonizalion ectomycorrhizal natural or simulated herbivory causes declines in ectomycorrhizae parasitism associated with declines in vesicular-arbuscutar mycorrhizae of pmon-juniper woodlands. First, our results suggest that pmons and junipers are more likely to experience attack by three different pests as environmental stress increases. This finding is especially noteworthy because these pests exhibit the same patterns even though they have different lifestyles and feeding modes; a parasitic mistletoe that feeds from the xylem sap, a scale insect that feeds from the mesophyll of needles from juvenile plants, and a stem- and cone-boring moth that attacks mature trees. These results have implications for broad issues associated with global climate change. For' example, if environmental threats such as global warming cause soil in more benign environments to become warmer and drier (two characteristics of the stressful environments we studied), our findings suggest that trees growing in warmer conditions would experience increased susceptibility to attack_by a variety of pests and would, as a result, suffer reduced rates of growth and reproduction. Ayres' (1993) observation that the rate" of increase of moth populations on mountain birch trees was 2.9-fold higher on trees growing in a greenhouse warmed by only one degree Celsius relative to controls supports this hypothesis. Ayres (1993) predicted that global warming of only 2 to 4 degrees would lead to outbreaks of many insect herbivores if insects are generally more sensitive to temperature increases than their host plants. However, we believe that plant-herbivore responses to global warming are likely to be more complex than this. For example, 75% of the 450 studies reviewed by Waring and Cobb (1992) reported significant herbivore responses to plant stress. These responses varied from positive to negative to nonlinear and depended upon the types of plants (e.g., flowering plants vs. conifers) and "the resource requirements of the herbivores involved (Waring and Cobb 1992). ( Q = d) Second, our data suggest that the mycorrhizae of pifton-juniper woodlands are also likely to be affected by global climate change, although the response of mycorrhizae is less clear. Our finding that pmons growing in stressful cinder environments have higher ectomycorrhizal levels than piftons growing in sandy loam soils leads us to predict that mycorrhizal colonization would increase with global warming. We found that pmons growing in sandy loam soils had 33% higher levels of ectomycorrhizal colonization during a drier year than a moister year, supporting this hypothesis (Gehring and Whitham, unpub data). However, we have shown that pests such as herbivores and mistletoes have a negative effect on mycorrhizae and have hypothesized that the densities of these pests were likely to increase with global warming. Therefore, any increases in mycorrhizae observed in response to the increased abiotic stress of warmer, drier soil could be offset by decreases in mycorrhizal colonization in response to increased pest attack The mycorrhizae of some herbaceous species, especially grasses, have been shown to be reduced· by herbivory (e.g., Bethlenfalvay et al., 1988, reviewed by Gehring and Whitham 1994a) suggesting that pifton-juniper community understory species may exhibit similar complicated relationships with environmental stress and parasite attack Third, the negative association we observed between aboveground pests and belowground mutualists emphasizes the importance of stud~g both components of the plant (shoot and root systems) in concert. Assessment of damage to aboveground tissues alone does not give us a complete understanding of the impacts of aboveground pest attack For example, aboveground herbivory has negative effects on pifton ectomycorrhizae in cinder soils, but not in 35 Second, because plant genetics plays a role in pifton drought tolerance and resistance to insect herbivory, environmentally stressful areas such as Sunset Crater are important to conserve because of the unique plant genotypes they possess. For example, Sunset Crater and other cinder sites may contain some of the most drought-tolerant and insect-resistant pifton genotypes. These stresstolerant genotypes could be commercially important for outplanting in arid areas, and could serve as adapted gene pools in the event of global warming and pifton die-back Thus, although it is important to preserve the center of a species distribution, where its growth and reproduction is greatest, the conservation of more extreme boundary populations under greater biotic and abiotic stress may be of equal importance. sand y loam soils, s ugges ting that the effects of aboveground herbivory on belowground processes can vary with environmental stress and may not be easily predicted. The same is likely to be true for other aboveground stressors such as grazing, some fires, etc. Finally, the patterns of increasing herbivory and mycorrhizal reductions on trees growing in cinder soils have additional management implications because they are associated with host plant genetics. Mopper at al. (1991) found genetic differences both between pinons growing in cinder and noncinder soils, and between moth-resistant and moth-susceptible piftons growing in the cinders. Furthermore, Cobb and Whitham (1994) observed an association between growth and genotype in piftons growing in the cinders, and found that the slowest growing genotypes were significantly less abundant in mature trees than juvenile trees suggesting that selection had favored the fastest growing genotype. These differences suggest that the abilities of pinons at Sunset Crater to survive and to resist herbivory are likely to be genetically based. These results have two additional implications for the management of pifton-juniper woodlands. First, these genetic data combined with data on the associations between pinon community members and pinon insect resistance, argue that there is a genetic basis to pifton community structure that links community members. We have already described linkages between mycorrhizal mutualists and insect-resistant and insectsusceptible piftons. In addition, Christensen and Whitham (1991, 1993) found that moth herbivory on insect-susceptible trees had significant impacts on the birds and mammals dependent upon pifton seeds for food. Thus, through its negative effect on the cone production of genetically susceptible trees, moth herbivory caused a shift in the balance between birds and mammals. At stressed sites with high levels of moth herbivory, the majority of the pifton crop was harvested by mammals, who act as seed predators, rather than by birds who are important seed dispersers (Christensen and Whitham 1991, 1993). Such plant genetics-based linkages between diverse taxa in pifton-juniper woodlands may make this community more susceptible to environmental perturbations than other communities where members are less tightly linked or are loose assemblages of species. Therefore, management decisions that affect one community member (e.g., pifton pine) may have repercussions on the entire community dependent upon that species. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work reviewed here was supported by USDA grants 91-37302-6224 and 92-37302-7854, DOE grant DE-FG03-94ER61849, and NSF grant BSR-9107042. The authors thank the U.S. Forest Service for access to the study sites. LITERATURE CITED Arnebrant, K., Soederstroem, B. 1990. The influence of nitrogen fertilization on ecotmycorrhizal mycelial colonization and infection. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 28: 21-25. Ayres, M.P. 1993. Plant defense, herbivory, and climate change. In: Biotic Interactions and Global Change. P.M. Kareiva, J.G. Kingsolver, and R.B. Huey, eds., Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, MA, pp. 75-94. Bethlenfalvay, G.J., Thomas, R.S., Dakessian, 5., Brown, M.S., Ames, R.N. 1988. Mycorrhizae in stressed environments: effects on growth, endophyte development, soil stability, and soil water. 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