This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Assessing the Impacts of Timber Harvest on a Northern Arizona Rare Plant, Clematis hirsutissima yare arizonica, Through Canopy Manipulation and Matrix Demographic Analysis Edward Bennett Smith 1 Abstract; - In a study of the demographics of a rare plant, the Arizona Leather 'Flower (Clematis hirsutissima var. arizonica), we assessed the effects of canopy cover on Clematis survival and reproduction. Varying amounts of ponderosa pine canopy cover or shading were removed (branches, poles, and saplings) from some plots, while artificial shading was added to other plots in the Coconino National Forest. Results indicate that experimental removal of canopy had detrimental effects on seed production, while shade addition in previously low-shaded areas had a positive effect on seed production. These changes may be stochastic, but matrix analysis shows that all plots had eigenvalues below 1.0 (0.129-0.931), indicating that they are not growing, and are in long-term decline. These findings are important, because there are only 1500 extant plants of this southernmost subspecies, and more than half the population exists in areas of current or planned timber sales. Factors besides tree canopy that may be affecting Clematis' survival include climate, fire, insects, forest floor depth, introduced ungulates, and other ecosystem variables and their interactions. The U.S.D.A. Forest Service should continue to protect this plant's habitat and monitor its demography, and if possible, expand studies into other landscape processes that may have affected the reproductive biology of this plant. INTRODUCTION its existence on lands under its control. The author and Dr. Joyce Maschinski continued a long-term demography study on plots of Arizona leatherflower within the Lake Maty timber sale area. Demographic studies quantify the change of individually mapped plants from state to fate, so that comparisons can be made of the eigenvalues, fitnesses or growth rates of different samples over time intervals. Demographic analysis using matrices is very useful because the source of a plant's decline can be pinpointed very accurately. Plant populations are divided by age-, size- or stage class, and the relative contributions from these classes, or elasticity analysis, can be quantified, and the class or classes that are diminishing or not contributing to the plants overall fitness can be identified. If the particular class does not contribute to the overall fitness of the plant, for instance the seedling stage, then experiments can be designed to increase the survival of plants in this stage. Experimental results from The process of listing plants as threatened or endangered takes up to ten years, compared to animals, which take 2-5 years (Phillips, pers. comm.). The scientific and political processing necessary for listing therefore may take too long to protect a plant before numbers of individuals drop below minimum viable populations. The Arizona leatherflower (Clematis hirsutissima var. arizonica, fig. 1) is a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Setvice categOly two (C2) plant, for which there is insufficient data to decide between listing or not listing. In the interim, the U.S. Forest Service manages this plant as 'sensitive' so as not to jeopardize 1 Master's degree candidate at Northern Arizona University. Flagstaff, Arizona. USA. 348 Figure 1. - Clematis hirsutissima var. arizonica. these manipulations could be quantified with the matrix model, and management decisions could be based on the analysis of these data. Examples of this type of model analysis have been done for several species, including the effects of prescribed fire on a tropical savanna grass, testing spatial and temporal variation of a perennial bunchgrass, predicting growth of temperate deciduous forest stands, and for conserving an endangered animal species. juveniles have neither wide leaves nor reproductive structures. Canopy cover for the plots was detennined with a spherical densitometer and a photometer, and plots were divided into subgroups of 'high', 'medium' or' low' canopy, with the 'high' canopy intercepting the greatest amount of solar radiation. For each subgroup, half the plots were randomly designated as controls, and half as experimental, in which the canopy or degree of shading was manipulated. In early spring 1992, the plots with 'high' and 'medium' canopy levels were altered by removing branches or small trees surrounding the plots (reduced 5-25%), and during the summer of 1992, plots of 'low' canopy cover were altered -by the additi~n of 85-95% shade structures (fig. 2 and fig. 3). Control plots provide baseline data and comparisons for the experimental plots. MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty 2.3 m2 (square meter) plots were established in the summer of 1991, encompassing 401 of the approximately 1500 extant plants in Arizona. Plants were identified on an x-y axis grid within each plot, and measurements taken on each plant for the number of stems, number of flowers, number of flowers eaten, and number of flowers that set seed. Plants were identified as seedling (1), juvenile (2), or reproductive development stage, based upon leaf motphology and presence of flowers. Seedlings and young ramets have characteristically wide, flattened !cotyledons, although it is vety difficult to differentiate between them. Reproductive plants have flowers or seec:iheads, and Matrices TIle transition matrices were constructed from the raw data collected over the two field seasons. TIle columns represent the 'state' or condition of the plants in 1991, while the rows represent the 'fate' or condition of the plants in 1992. The entries 349 Control Experimental within the matrix are proportions of plants that went from one state to the corresponding fate. The stages for the plants were delineated as follows: High shade (n =12) 1991 1992 x =89.3% 1991 89.3% Cover 1992 Stage 1 Seedlings or new ramets Stage 2 Juveniles, nonreproductive 94.5% 65 -75% Shade Removal Stage 3 Reproductive, <9 stems 1991 Stage 4 Reproductive, 9-25 sterns Stage 5 Reproductive, >25 sterns Medium shade (n =12) 1991 1992 x =55.6% 55.6% 1992 The transition matrices were analyzed using Eigenfmder in the MacMathTM package. The eigenvalues (A) give the growth rates for the group of plots as indicated. This is a complex distillation of how each stage class contributes to the overall fitness of the group of plants (Caswell, 1989). Unfortunately, it is not possible to compare the eigenvalues from only one transition matrix to another, rather two or more years are necessmy for comparisons of spatial, temporal or experimental variability (Moloney, 1988). Sensitivity analysis is used to identify the most important stage(s) changes that are contributing to a plant's growth or decline (A). 56.8% 35 -25% Shade Removal Cover Low shade (n =16) '. 1991 1992 1991 1992 x = 9.2% 9.2% 7.13% 85 - 95% Cover Shade Removal Figure 2. - Experimental design for canopy manipulation (Maschinski, 1990). Figure 3. - Shade addition was accomplished with portable structures which were covered with pine boughs or wood lath. 350 RESULTS Low Control 93.1 % J.. - 0.931 There were 401 plants sampled from the 40 plots, with 283 adults (70.57%), 84 juveniles (20.95%), and 34 seedlings (8.47%). As is true for many rare plants, this demographic distnbution indicates very low mtes of regeneration Maschinski found that the number of flowers that set seed in low canopy cover experimental plots increased from 162 in 1991 to 385 in 1992 (q'= 7.48, <pO.05), indicating that the addition of shade significantly improved the potential for sexual reproduction Also, there was a high canopy removal treatment effect on the number of flowers that set seed (fig. 4). Plots that had high canopy cover reduced through thinning had significantly lower numbers of flowers that set seed (-100 in 1991 decreased to 44 in 1992), compared to controls (37 in 1991 increased to 79 in 1992; F=2.76. p<O.I). The eigenvalues presented in figures 5 and 6 indicate that all sampled plots are in general decline (J... < 1.0), which is further evidenced by the lack of plants in the earlier stages, and general lack of larger, reproductive plants. An eigenvalue of 1.0 indicates a group of plants that is neither declining nor increasing, whereas an eigenvalue greater than 1.0 would indicate growth. 2 2 1--=-1-.------ ...------+-0-.9-31-0-1 3 3 Q,.?LL _.....Jl_1.:.1.~ 2 ~~.t!.. __ ... State Fate ..-1 0.04444 0.04444 Hioh Control J..- 0.662 State 1 2 Fate 1 0. 0366Z _9.~ 0.09091 1-'0.01818 0.12713 0.03636 0.65454 2 3 2 3 0.71111 _1 0.16667 0.65483 ~!l.~J.l:!!1J.J~.!!!i!!l.!!!!..t.:: 1 ..':..Q:~~?__. 3 l ___.._. __ . _..._._._._..__.... ___ ._ _.__.._. __ _ 2 3 0.08333 3 ~~~.!!l_(_. ___ .. __ ... __ ..~_:' .. State 93.8% Low EXDerimental J..- 0.646 State 1 2 Fate 1 0.04167 ~~ __ I -__--" -.---~ _ _ _l Fate 1 1 ... _Jl_~2~ 2 3 ______ _______ _ __ . _. ____ 0.06667 0.09333 0.17333 0.01333 0.53333 t!i9!!....Experimental 88.4% ~~ _.. _--._'-' State 1 2 3 Fate 1 3 2 3 0.02326 0.11628 0.09302 0.02326 0.h2791 Figure 5. - These transition matrices were constructed from data for the 1881 (state) and 1882 (fate) data. The numbers within each cell represent the proportion 0 fplants from each specified canopy class that went from one state to another. Each matrix represents plants from 6 - 8 plots, and does not include any recreltment, either sexual or aseuxal. In these 3 x 3 matrices, stages 1 and 2 represent the seedling and Juvenile stages, respectively, as in the 5 x 5 matrices, but stages 3, 4, and 5 have betm lumped into one reproductie stage, 3 (as explained in text). the A. values are the dominant eigenvalues, or overall growth rates for the group of plots. The overall percentage of living plants remaining in 1992 is given in the upper right had corner. For ease of comparison, and to keep as many cells as possible filled with values, these 3 x 3 matrices are preferable to the 5 x 5 matrices. Number of Flowers That Set Seed Low Canopy Experimental (LE) & High Canopy Experimental (HE) Medium Control Fate 60 en • 84.4% 5 1 5 LE Set Seed Medium EXDerimental SiatB- 50 Gi en 4 2 0.04444 0.04444 3 0.04444 0.57778 0.08889 4 0.02222 0.02222 'C GI GI Ie - 0.578 &~ 70 1 Ie = 0.499 3 88.0% -"4 -~-5 Fate 1 -~_ 2 0.06667 O~0~333~R1J_n ________:.~ 0.17333 0.49333 0.013~4 _. _ _ _ _____.2. ___ 40 --11---- -----,.9:.Q?§.!E-e.--- ~ GI 0 == 30 u:: 20 Hiah Experimental State 1 Fate 1 10 Year 83.7% 4 5 2 0.02326 0.11628 0.02326 3 0.09302 0.48837 0.02326 4 0.02326 0.02326 5 0.02326 0 1991 Ie - 0.494 1992 Figure 6. - Transition matrices for the data presented in a 6 stage format, which is how the data were collected. The A. values are the dominant eigenvalues, or overall growth rates for the group of plots. The overall percentage of living plants remaining in 1982 is given in the upper right had corner. Note that many cells are empty below the diagonal, indicating a severe lack of plants in these transition stages. Figure 4. - Plots that had high canopy cover reduced through thinning had significantly lower numbers of flowers that set seed compared to controls, and the addition of shade Significantly improved seed set in low canopy cover plots. 351 Depth of Forest Floor DISCUSSION Logging and fire exclusion have drastically changed the character of the canopy of these forests. The litter layer has also presumably changed, the depth of which is a function of leaf deposition rates, fire frequency, and decomposition rates. Natural fire frequency disruption through suppression could have slowed the litter decomposition and nutrient mineralization processes, limiting the amount of nutrients available to growing and mature plants, and making it more difficult for seedling establishment. While a thick litter layer has the 'mulch effect' of moderating moisture loss and s~owing soil temperature change, it also has a significant effect on the amount of precipitation available to plant roots by interception and subsequent evaporation The low eigenvalues, and paucity of plants in the earlier stages of growth indicate that the plant is having trouble reproducing, sexually and asexually. It has been previously noted that presumably mammalian herbivory accounts for the loss of significant numbers of flowers and seeds within some plots. It has also been noted that many insects frequent these plants, and that up to 90% of once-viable seeds are parasitized by some unknown weevil or beetle (Maschinski, 1989). The plant's decline may be in response to the periodic drought of 1988-89, but one would expect a quick rebound to such a transient change in precipitation. With the record-breaking rainfall we have had over the last two years, observations from another field season should test this hypothesis. Insects Since there is an abundance of insects that utilizes these plants, and the number of seeds parasitized by insects may be significant, the suppression of fire may have a positive impact on any populations of insects that ovelWinter in the soil, allowing them to maintain imbalanced, epidemic numbers. Perhaps frequent fire in the past maintained insect populations at stable levels that allowed. higher levels of Clematis reproduction than is observed today. Further study is warranted in this area. Elk tracks were noticed around some of the manunalian-herbivore impacted plots. The management of this introduced species remains controversial, as some believe elk wmbers are out of control. While there was a natural population of Merriam's elk, many believe its range was closer to the Mogollon Rim, and did not frequent the areas now inhabited by the larger herds of Rocky Mountain elk. This increased grazing pressure from large herds of elk (and cattle) may result in elk having to consume less desirable plants like Clematis, which is in the Ranunculaceae family. This family contains several poisonous genera (Cimcifuga or bugbane, Aconitum or monkshood, Delphinium, Anemone and Columbine), which are nonnally avoided by ungulates. to Fire . Clematis grows under a ponderosa pine canopy, which is fire-tolerant. Perhaps Clematis is fire-tolerant or even fire-dependent, relying on periodic removal of the chaff, composed of old stems, to allow a higher rate of photosynthesis, and to eliminate competition from grasses, forbs and pine trees. A similar demographic study on a tropical Andropogon grass in Venezuela showed dramatically different eigenvalues for unburned (0.2762) versus burned plots (1.2524). Most of this discrepancy was shown to be due to the growth, survival and reproduction in the two smallest size classes, which were shown by elasticity analysis to be the two most important classes to population growth (Silva et alia, 1991). Analysis of fire scars in northern Arizona has shown that some forests experienced bum frequencies of 2-15 years (Covington and Moore, 1992), indicating that fire may have played a critical role in maintaining this ecosystem. Fire played a role in the thinning of trees, so that there were fewer but larger trees per acre. This could have affected water relations in the soil, as fewer young, fast-growing trees may have reduced competition for available soil water. With more trees in the older age classes, the forest would have had interlocking canopies providing more shade with fewer trees. The character of ponderosa canopy changes with age, to a more patchy, heterogeneous spatial arrangement, allowing light to pass through while maintaining leaves at lower temperatures, thereby reducing evapotranspiration There probably exists an ideal canopy closure level that maximizes plant fitness by maintaining high photosynthetic rates, while minimizing water loss through evapotranspiration and evaporation from the soil and litter. This idea of there existing an ideal overstory canopy composition that is neither too dense nor too sparse is supported by preliminaty analysis of 1993 field data (Maschinski, pers. comm.). CONCLUSIONS It is interesting to note that the effects of the experimental canopy manipulation were statistically significant within one season. The number of flowers that set seed increased in low canopy plots where shade was added, and the number of 'seedlings' decreased in high canopy plots that had canopy removed. Since this variation may be due to other factors, such as El Nifto weather patterns, this demographic study should be continued. Because the eigenvalues are so low, and comparisons among treatments require more years' data, the intensity of this 352 Covington, W. W., Moore, M.M. 1992 Postsettlement changes in natural fire regimes:Implications for restoration of old-growth ponderosa pine forests. in Old growth forest in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain regions. USDA Forest Service Technical Report RM-213. pp 81-99. Crouse, D.T., Crowder, L.B., Caswell, H. 1987. A stage-based population model for loggerhead sea turtles and implications for conservation Ecology 68(5) 1412-23. Galeano-Popp, R. 1988. Clematis hirsutissima Pursh var. arizonica (Heller) Erickson: Preliminary study and sUlVey of the Lake Maty timber sale area Report prepared for the Coconino National Forest, Contract No. 40-8167-8-276. Manders, P. T. 1987. A transition matrix model of the population dynamics of the Clanwilliam Cedar (Widdringtonia cedatbergensis) in natural stands subject to fIre. Forest Ecology and Management. 20: 171-86. Maschinski, I 1993 Report of 1992 research on Clematis hirsUtissima Pursh var. arizonica for Coconino National Forest cost-share studies. Maschinski, I, Phillips, B.G. 1991. Impacts of experimental manipulation of overstory on Arizona Leatherflower (Clematis hirsutissima var. arizonica) demography. Report to Coconino, Kaibab, and Prescott National Forests, U.S. Forest Service. McDougall, W.B. 1973. Seed plants of Northern Arizona. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. p. 181. Moloney, K.A. 1988. Fine-scale spatial and temporal variation in the demography of a perennial bunchgrass. Ecology study should be maintained, and possibly expanded to include some of the Clematis populations in Walnut Canyon, Rio de Flag drainage, and Volunteer Canyon. Logging activity has changed the Southwest landscape to such a degree that sensitive areas, such as Clematis habitat, should be protected until enough infonnation has been gathered to delineate a clear picture of all the long term effects of management activities. Priorities for Further Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain or expand present demography research. Begin prescribed fire or siIIlulated fire studies along with ungulate-exclusionary fencing. Capture and identify insects that impact the plant. Emphasize those insects that forage on seeds quantify samples (% seed heIbivory) from different canopy, experimental, and fire regime plots. Develop stem map from stUmps and current stems. With tree coring, timber sale history and regression from current canopy and site index, develop fire and stand density history to determine forest structure in Clematis habitat for the last 100+ years. Measure predawn and noon water potential values under different canopy levels and treatments to elucidate water stress relations. 69(5): 1588-98. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Padien, OJ. 1992. Plant spatial pattern and nutrient distribution in pinyon-juniper woodlands along an elevational gradient in northern New Mexico. Int. J. Plant Sci. 153: 425-33. Palmer, M.E. 1987. A critical look at rare plant monitoring in the United States. Biological Conservation 39:113-27. ~ Silva, IF., Raventos, I, Caswell, H., Trevisan, M.C., 1991. Population responses to fIre in a tropical savanna grass, Andropogon semibeIbis: a matrix model approach. Journal of Ecology 79:345-56. Sokal, RR., Rohlf, FJ. 1968 Biometrics. W.H. Freeman, San Francisco. Solomon, D.S., Hosmer, R.A. 1986 A two stage matrix model for predicting growth of forest stands in the Northeast. Can. I For Res. 16:521-28. This research was funded by the Arboretum at Flagstaffffransition Zone Horticultural Institute and the Coconino National Forest's Rare Plant Program. REFERENCES Caswell, H. 1989. Matrix Population Models. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA, USA. 45-53, 118-55, 161-227. 353