This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. The Potential Effects of Increased Temperatures and Elevated Ambient Carbon Dioxide on Loblolly Pine Prod uctivity: Results From a Simulation Model David Arthur Sampson 1 Abstract ' - Loblolly pine forests of the southeastern United States represent vast, economically and biologically important land base. General circulation models predict increased temperatures for this region. We used the process model BIOMASS in conjunction with empirical field data to explore "potential" loblolly pine productivity simulated under increased temperatures, increased C02 concentration, and two treatments in low and high productivity sites. a Simulation output suggested a net increase in stand productivity under a doubling of ambient C02 (700 ppm) and a four degree Celsius increase in dair temperatures. Low productivity sites increased from 3.5 to 5.7 Mg C ha- yea(1 while high productivity sites increased from 7.7 to 11.6 Mg C ha- 1 yea(1 in control plots. This represented a 63% and 51 % increase in net carbon flux for low and high sites, respectively. A doubling of CO2 under ambient temperatures in control plots increased net carbon gain by 93% and 52% for low and high sites, respectively. Maintenance respiration (Rm) accounted for a 26% loss in net carbon available for growth for low sites. Gross carbon fixed increased by approximately 18% for high sites in fertilized plots resulting in a 14% increase in net carbon gain. INTRODUCTION 1986; Keyes and Grier 1981). Biochemically sensitive algorithms that intetpret photosynthesis based solely on the kinetics of Rubisco are available (Farquhar et al. 1980) and must be used if growth models are to be capable of prediction under elevated CQ2 (Reynolds and Acock 1985). Additionally, tissue respiration has been modeled (Ryan 1990; Kinerson 1975). However, the mechanisms determining carbon partitioning are still poorly understood (Cregg et al. 1993, Sprugel et al. 1991), and the influence of resource availability on carbon assimilation and allocation has not been congruently elucidated (Nadelhoffer et aI, 1985, Keyes and Grier 1981). Quantifying caIbon partitioning among tissue components remains a major impediment to modelling forest productivity. The formidable task of assessing and incorporating the role of sink strength on carbon partitioning at the biochemical level makes empirical surrogates to these biochemical processes Models incorporating theoretical and empirical algorithms to simulate growth are used to examine the processes influencing forest productivity. These process models may be mechanistic; rate equations that characterize the biophysics of carbon fIXation and caIbon partitioning are used in a time-step model based on field experiments (e.g. McMurtrie et al. 1992). Factors that control or influence photosynthesis and respiration detennine the amount of carbon fixed (Larcher 1983), while differences in partitioning of the flXed carbon depend at least in part on sink strength (Cannell 1985) and resource availability (Gholz et al. 1 David Arthur Sampson is a research associate in forest ecophysiology in the Department of Forestry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. 337 practical. The role of resource availability on caIbon assimilation and partitioning can be examined in empirical investigations. Data are available on the growth response of young and mid-rotation loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands to nutrient amendments (NCSFNC 1993, NCSFNC 1991). The effects of soil water availability on loblolly pine growth and phenology remain unknown, however studies are underway to address these uncertainties. Nutrient availability and soil water deficit are the primaty resource-limiting factors influencing loblolly pine production in the Southeast (NCSFNC 1993, Teskey et al. 1987). Low nutrient availability and soil water stress are key factors causing suboptimal levels of leaf area index (LA!) (Colbert et al. 1990; Gholz 1986; Vose and Allen -1988). Nutrient amendments increase LA! and canopy N content (Vose and Allen 1988). Higher leaf area increases the interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and, therefore, the amount of catbon fixed (Cannell 1989), reflected in increased stemwood growth increment (Vose and Allen 198~). Elevated canopy N content would be expected to increase photosynthesis (Zhang and Allen, in review) and, therefore, production per unit LA!. In addition to limiting LA!, water stress may reduce loblolly pine production by promoting early stomatal closure (Teskey et al. 1987; Bongarten and Teskey 1986). The role of resource availability on caIbon allocation to branches and roots at the stand level remains unknown. Catbon allocation to foliage, stems, branches, and roots will detennine the relative contribution of these components to total stand autotrophic maintenance respiration (Rm). Rm may account for almost 60% of gross caIbon fixed in loblolly pine forests (Kinerson 1975). For loblolly pine the order of contribution to total Rm has been estimated as; branches· > foliage> stems> roots (Kinerson 1975). At present no data are available on the effect of chronic, elevated CO2 and elevated temperatures on the growth and phenology of mature trees. Short-tenn exposure to a doubling of CO2 may decrease stomatal conductance by 40010 (Morison 1985). Increased ambient CO2 does significantly increase photosynthesis in loblolly pine branch chamber experiments when water is not limiting (Teskey, personal communication). Increased temperatures will increase dark respiration. Unfortunately, the complexity of these interactions cannot be easily resolved in standard factorial experiments which makes simulation modelling necessary. The objective of this paper is to examine the potential effect of increased ambient CO2 and increased temperatures on loblolly pine productivity in a high and low site under two treatments using computer simulations. Questions addressed include: 1) can we expect increased net C assimilation if a 4° C increase in mean annual temperature and a doubling of ambient CO2 occurs?, 2) to what extent will maintenance respiration offset any expected gain due to elevated CO2?, and 3) will fertilization decrease, maintain, or increase forest production over control sites in a hotter, higher CO2 environment? We used the process model BIOMASS parameterized for loblolly pine to address these questions. METHODS We parameterized the process model BIOMASS version 12.0 for loblolly pine forests. A complete review of the model has been described elsewhere (McMurtrie et al. 1992). Model descriptions includ~ in this paper represent source code changes made to BIOMASS version 12.0 during model parameterization, and specific model characterization to clarify process level interactions. BIOMASS was written to explore the mechanistic factors influencing radiata pine (P. radiata) growth response to various water and fertilization treatments at a physiological process level (McMurtrie and Landsburg 1992). BIOMASS was developed using empirical data from the Biology of Forest Growth (BFG) experiment (see McMurtrie and Landsburg 1992; Benson et al. 1992; Linder et al. 1987). Study Locations Simulations used in this analyses were based on empirical data from two fertilization trials of mid-rotation loblolly pine plantations of the North Carolina State Forest Nutrition Cooperative (NCSFNC). The low site was established on the Piedmont of South Carolina on a Cecil soil series coinciding with a low site potential and the high site was established on the upper coastal plain of North Carolina on a Leaf soil series corresponding to a high productivity site (Table 1). 1\\'0 treatments (control and fertilized) were replicated twice with fertilized plots receiving a one-time application of 200 Kg N ha- 1 + 50 kg P ha- 1 in 1987. Simulations presented are for the 1988 growth year (l January through 31 December). Table 1. - Initial stand characteristics for two mid-rotation loblolly pine plantations. Projected peak leaf area index data are for control plots of the growth year. Basal Stand Site Index Age Area Density (m) Peak LAI (stems ha"1) Base age 60 (m2 m-2) Site (years) m 2 ha"1 Low 14 21 238 18 2.0 High 10 20 244 21 2.4 338 functions. In a similar fashion a threshold sum of mean soil temperatures detennines the initiation of the fll'St flush of root development. A maximum threshold for stemwood growth rate detennines initiation of the second flush for roots. A minimum threshold in the rate change from time t, to t + 1 controls the termination of each rate function Daily relative growth rates for foliage, stems, branches, and roots are tenned component tissue activity levels (surrogate for sink strength). All component tissue activity levels are zero during the donnant season During a growth period one or more of the activity levels will be greater than zero. Model Parameterization We parameterized BIOMASS using data from several sources. Input parameters were defmed as model run-time conditions, initial stand chamcteristics and growth parameters that vaty in time and space, and process parameters. Run-time conditions set run-constant model parameters. Initial stand structure parameters were derived from stand inventory data. Published equations were used to derive estimates of, for example, initial standing branch and bole biomass and soil water content. We obtained process parameters (eg. tissue respiIation rates, maximum photosynthesis, and optimum temperatures for photosynthesis) and growth parameters from unpublished data, from the literature, or from personal communication. Each simulation was run on a daily time step. Daily mean soil and air temperatures were estimated from daily minimum and maximum air temperatures. Leaf area index (LAI) for each plot was estimated from litter-trap, data (Vose and Allen 1988). The maximum minus the minimUm LA!, converted to mass • units, provided an estimate of the yearly foliage production The empirical estimate of foliage production was used to partition simulated net catbon assimilated more precisely. Relative growth rate, and catbon partitioning and storage modules were written to model the seasonal patterns in loblolly pine growth phenology. Empirical data from the Southeast Tree Research Education Site (SElRES) were used to develop the phenology routines (SElRES 1993). Assimilation BIOMASS can use either an empirical model of assimilation based on light absorption, or a biochemical model based on enzyme kinetics. For these simulations we used the biochemical model (Farquhar et al. 198Q). This model interprets C3 photosynthesis from the kinetics of Rubisco. The rate of carboxylation obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and depends on the partial pressures of the competing gaseous substrates, CO2 and 02, and on the ratio of ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) concentration to enzyme active sites. This structure makes the model sensitive to changes in CO2 concentrations. Net caIbon assimilation is predicted from gross photosynthesis minus construction and maintenance respiration Phenological Rates Carbon Pools The closed fonn logistic equation was fit to the growth data and scaled to sum to one for initiation and cessation of stem and branch diameter growth, and leaf area development. The Daily net carbon assimilation enters either active or passive labile carbon pools. The component activity level and net caIbon assimilated detennines movement of carbon into or out of these pools. For example, when the activity level is zero and net assimilation is greater than zero, carbon enters the passive pool to be stored in component tissue. Carbon storage begins with foliage. When the foliage storage reaches maximum capacity, carbon is stored in roots. This process continues with the remaining tissue components and the hieI3IChy of storage is: foliage > roots > branches > stems. If daily net cmbon is negative, an equal amount of carbon is removed from storage beginning with foliage. The carbon removal hierarchy follows the carbon storage ranking. During an active growth period net carbon assimilated enters the active pool. If net carbon assimilated is negative during an active growth period, carbon is removed from storage. Additional catbon proportional to the maximum activity level must be removed from storage to meet the growth demand. Available carbon is partitioned among the tissue components during positive net carbon availability. During an active growth period with positive net carbon availability, carbon is removed from storage at a rate proportional to the sum of the tissue component rates. The foliar nitrogen concentration modifies this carbon flux. fonn of the equation is: RGR =«e(BO+ 81 • T»)I(1 + e(BO + 81 • T») (1) Where: e = 2.71828, RGR Relative growth rate, BO = Scaling parameter, B1 Inflection parameter, and T Year day (1 to 366). = = = The BO and B1 model parameters are estimated from foliar nutrient concentration at the beginning of the growth year. A hypothetical model of the same fonn was used to simulate root activity. The timing of root growth initiation and cessation was approximated using data from Harris et al. (1977). The first derivative of equation 1 provided daily growth rate functions for the foliage, stem, branch, and root phenologies. Day length detennines the initiation of foliage development. A threshold sum of consecutive daily mean air temperatures beginning with the first day of the growth year, along with day length, determines the commencement of stem and branch rate 339 Carbon Partitioning Table 2. - Comparison of net carbon production for temperate coniferous forests from this study with published literature1• Net Carbon production (Mg C ha- 1 year-1) Source The relative component tissue activity levels, when expressed as a fraction of one, detennine the partitioning of net catbon to foliage, stems, branches, and roots. Daily partitioning rates must therefore sum to :zero or one. Carlx)ll flux to foliage must be met first before carlx)ll can be made available to other tissue components. If the demand for foliage production is less than daily net assimilated, cmbon is removed from storage in an amount equal to the deficit. CaIbon storage occurs when daily production become less than net catbon assimilated. Simulated carbon from this study Seven-year-old P. elliottii stand from Florida Twenty seven-year-old P. elliottii stand from Florida Sixteen-year-old P. taeda stand from North Carolina 1 Vogt, 3.5 and 11.6 2.4 8.2 9.8 K. 1991. Model Assl:Imptions The following assumptions pertain to source code changes made during model parameterization. General model assumptions can be found elsewhere (McMurtrie et al. 1992). • Daily root production cabnot exceed one-half of current standing root carbon (see Gholz et al. 1986). • Maximum storage of carbon for stems and branches is 4% of current standing carbon. • Maximum carbon storage in foliage is 14.5 % of current standing carbon (Birk and Matson 1986). • Maximum carbon storage in roots is 14.0 % of current standing carbon (Adams et al. 1986). • Initial root biomass is equivalent to initial foliage biomass (see Gholz et al. 1986). • Root biomass and production refers to fine roots (l mm). • Root sloughing is proportional to needle litter-fall. • No internal acclimation to elevated C02. • A four degree increase in minimum and maximum daily temperatures approximates a four degree increase in mean annual temperatures. 10 t..CIS 8 ~ Simulated ~ EmpiriCal Estimate CD >- .~ .c 0 CI 6 ~ >< :J ..J U. z 0 a:a a: 4 (§ ~ w Ien 2 C F LOW SITE C F HIGH SITE Figure 1. - Comparison of simulation output and empirical estimates for annual stem carbon production (Mg C ha-1 yea(1) for two mid-rotation loblolly pine stands of the southeastern United States. C and F deSignate control and fertilizer (one-time application of 200 kg N ha-1 and 60 kg P ha-1) plots for low and high productivity sites. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Simulated net cmbon production was comparable to the literature for southern pine species (Table 2). Additionally, net carbon allocated to stemwood growth was similar to the empirical estimates (Figure 1). CaIbon budgets presented here are likely feasible given the parameterization procedure. Simulation results indicated a net increase in stand productivity under a doubling of ambient CO2 (700 ppm) and a four degree Celsius increase in daily temperatures (Figure 2). Low productivity sites increased from 3.5 to 5.7 Mg C ha- I I year- while hi~ productivity sites increased from 7.7 to 11.6 I Mg C ha- year- I in control plots. This represented a 63% and 51 % ~crease in net carbon flux for low and high sites, respectively (Figure 2). A doubling of CO2 under ambient temperatures in control plots increased net carbon gain by 93% and 52% for low and high sites, respectively (Figure 2). The differences in net catbon gain in the 2x CO2 simulations are not maintained when increased temperatures are imposed. Maintenance respiration (Rm) accounted for a 26% loss in net cmbon available for growth for low sites. High sites under elevated C02 did not change appreciably in net carbon gain with increased temperatures. An increase in gross catbon fixed accounted for the negligible effect of increased temperatures on net carbon gain for high sites in control plots. Gross carbon fixed increased by 8% in these plots. The 8% increase off-set an almost identical increase in Rm between the 2x C02 and the 2x CO2 with the imposed four 340 20 Control Plots i ~ Net Carbon Gain _Rm 24 15 ~ Foliage Stems ~ Branches c=J Roots Rm ':" 1i CI) >- !2"ZZZJ - 20 ';, .c 0 a ~ 16 X ::J ..J u.. z 0 12 aJ a: < 0 I- zw z AI A 2xl A LOW SITE 2xl+4 AlA 2xl A 8 0 2x/+4 Q. ~ 8 HIGH SITE Figure 2. - Simulation output of annual carbon flux (Mg C ha-1 yea(1) for two mid-rotation loblolly pine stands of the southeastern United States. AlA represents ambient CO2 concentrations (360 ppm) and ambient temperatures; 2x1A represents twice ambient C02 with ambient temperatures; and 2x/+4 designates twice ambient CO2 and a plus 4 degree Celsius increase in mean annual temperatures for low and high productivity sites. 4 0 C F F C LOW SITE HIGH SITE Figure 3a. - Simulation output of annual component carbon flux (Mg C ha-1 year-1) for two mid-rotation loblolly pine stands of the southeastern United States. C and F deSignate control and fertilizer (one-time application of 200 kg N ha-1 and 50 kg P ha-1) plots for low and high productivity sites. degree Celsius increase in daily tempemtures (Figure 2). Gross catbon fixed remained unchanged for the 2x CO2 and 2x CO2 plus increased temperature scenario for low sites. The effect of fertilization on total carbon flux and embon partitioning varied by site. Control and fertilized plots for low sites did not differ in either gross catbon fIXed or net embon gain (Figure 3a). Catbon partitioning among foliage, branches, stems, and roots remained unchanged with treatment for these sites. Conversely, gross catbon fixed for high sites increased by approximately 18% in fertilized plots resulting in a 14% increase in net catbon gain The net result of increased catbon availability was increased foliage, stem, branch, and root production when compared to control plots in high productivity sites. Foliage production did not increase in fertilized plots for low sites which can explain the lack of growth response to treatment in these sites (Figure 3a). On a mass basis, foliage, stems, branches, and roots contribute disproportionately to Rm. For instance, foliage may represent 4 to 6% of the standing biomass yet may contribute > 34% of Rm (Kinerson 1975). Stem mass may exceed 65% of standing biomass, and, if we assume a live cell volume of 8 to 10% for bole wood (Ryan 1990), live stem tissue may represent 5.2 to 6.5% of standing biomass yet may contribute only 13% to Rm (Kinerson 1975). Increased foliage and root production mther than increased stem and branch production explained the roughly 4% increase in total Rm in fertilizer plots for high sites (Figure 3b). Data suggest that for these stands the order of contribution to total Rm for loblolly pine systems would be; roots > foliage > branches = stems. 5 ... 'I • >-. o "'0 0 4 'I I::. o Foliage Stems Branches Roots I::. High Site Fertilizer Effect .c o 0'1 ~ 3 Z o ~ 2 CL (J) W 0::: W o z 4.: z w ~ 4: 0 2 -1 o 100 200 300 400 Year Day Figure 3b. - Simulation output of the component maintenance -respiration (kg C ha-1 day-1) difference between control and fertilized plots at 700 ppm C02 concentrations and a plus four degrees Celsius increase in temperature for two mid-rotation loblolly pine stands of the southeastern United States. Simulation data are for the fertilizer (one-time application of 200 kg N ha-1 and 60 kg P ha-1) plots of the high productivity site. 341 Gholz, H.L. 1986. Canopy development and dynamics in relation to primary production. P. 224-242 IN: Fujimori, T. and Whitehead, D. (eds.)., Proc. Crown and Canopy Structure in Relation to Productivity. Forestry and Forest Products Institute, Ibaraki, Japan Harris, W.F.; Kinerson, R.S.; and Edwards, N.T. 1978. Comparison of below-ground biomass of natural deciduous forests and loblolly pine plantations. Pedobiologia. 17; 369-381. Keyes, MR; and Grier, C.C. 1981. Below- and above-ground biomass and net production in two contrasting 40-year-old Douglas-fir staI$. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 11: 599-605. Kinerson, R.S. 1975. Relationships between plant surface area and respiration in loblolly pine. Journal of Applied Ecology. 12: 965-971. Latcher, W. 1983. Physiological plant ecology. Springer-Verlag, New Yorlc Linder, S.; Benson, MJ.; Mey-ers, BJ.; and Raison, R.I. 1987. Canopy dynamics and growth of Pinus radiata. L Effects of irrigation and fertilization during a drought. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17: 1157-1165. McMurtrie, R.E.; and Landsburg, 1.1. 1992. Using a simulation model to evaluate the effects of water and- nutrients on the growth and catbon partitioning of Pinus radiata. Forest Ecology and Management (in press). McMurtrie, R.E.; Leuning, R.; Thompson, W.A.; and Wheeler, A.M. 1992. A model of canopy photosynthesis and water use incoIporating a mechanistic formulation of leaf CO2 exchange. Forest Ecology and Management. 52: 261-278. Morison, 1.LL. 1985. Sensitivity of stomata and water use efficiency to high C02. Plant Cell and Environment. 8: 467-474. Nadelhoffer, K.; Aber, 1.; and Melillo, 1. 1985. Fine roots, net primary production, and soil nitrogen availability: a new hypothesis. Ecology. 66: 1377-1390. NCSFNC. 1993. Six-year growth and foliar nutrient responses of midrotation loblolly pine plantations to Nand P fertilization NCSFNC Report No. 29. College of Forest Resources. North Carolina State University, Raleigh. NCSFNC. 1991. Effects of site preparation, fertilization, and weed control on the growth and nutrition of loblolly pine. NCSFNC Report No. 27. College of Forest Resources. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Reynolds, J.F.; and Acock, B. 1985. Predicting the response of plants to increased catbon dioxide: a critique of plant growth models. Ecological Modelling. 29: 107-129. Ryan, M.G. 1990. Growth and maintenance respiration in stems of Pinus contorta and Picea engelman ii . Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 20: 48-57. SErRES 1993. Southeastern Tree Research and Education Site: Scotland County, North Carolina. Southern Global Change Program, U.S.D.A. Forest Service Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. CONCLUSIONS Simulation output suggested a net increase in stand productivity under a doubling of ambient CO2 (700 ppm) and a four degree Celsius increase in daily temperatures for loblolly pine stands of the southeastern United States. Site potential will likely effect the response of trees to these perturbations, with low sites responding greater than high sites. If fertilizer treatments are used, the response of trees to treatment under elevated CO2 and temperatures may also depend on site potential. Maintenance respiration comprises a latge portion of the caIbon budget for loblolly pine systems. Because foliage, stems, branches, and roots due not col\tnbute proportionately to total Rm, estimates of component biomass production will strongly influence simulated net catbon assimilated in these modelling exercises. LITERATURE CITED Adams, M.B.; Allen, H.L.; and Davey, C.B. 1986. Accumulation of starch in roots and foliage of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.): effects of season, site and fertilization Tree Physiology. 2: 35-46. Benson, M.L.; Landsburg, 1.1.; and Borough, C. 1992. An introduction to the Biology of Forest Growth experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. 52: 317 pp. Birk, E.M.; and Matson, P.A. 1986. Site fertility affects seasonal caIbon reserves in loblolly pine. Tree Physiology. 2: 17-27. Bongarten, B.C.; and Teskey, R.O. 1986. 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