This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Management Dean L. Urban 1 Abstract - Landscape ecology is an interdisciplinary field that embraces spatial heterogeneity and pattern in ecosystems. Of several key concepts in ecosystem management, landscape ecology has much to say about scaling issues and "the natural range of variability" as this applies to the dynamics of landscape pattern. Over a sufficiently large area, dynamic habitat pattern-a consequence of biotic processes, environmental constraints~ and disturbances-exhibits a scaled equilibrium over an area that is sufficiently large to maintain a constant distribution of habitats of all types and ages. This area that incorporates the full range of landscape variability for habitats and their resident meta populations is the "unit pattern," and to maintain this pattern is the ideal goal of ecosystem management. Simulation studies suggest that this fanciful ideal will rarely be met in real systems, but these studies can provide useful predictions of the natural range of variability one might expect for a system, given the scaling parameters of its disturbance regime and successional dynamics. This approach can be extended to incorporate explicit spatial considerations, environmental gradients, and more realistic ecological details. Meeting this challenge will require the integration of landscape models into research and management. Uncertainty in dealing with landscapes from an ecosystems perspective calls for creative research using "experiments" provided by management activities, coupled with aggressive efforts to educate ourselves and the public about this changing perspective. INTRODUCTION Here I address the question, What does landscape ecology offor to sustainable ecosystem management? This is a natural Landscape ecology is a rapidly evolving field that crosses a bewildering spectrum of disciplinaty boundaries. Although the field is still defining itself (Wiens 1992), its hallmark as a discipline is its focus on spatial heterogeneity and pattern (Risser et al. 1984, Utban et al. 1987, Thmer 1989, Turner and Gardner 1991). Specifically, landscape ecology is concerned with (1) detecting and characterizing pattern; (2) explaining how pattern develops; (3) discovering its implications to populations, communities, and ecosystems; and (4) describing how pattern changes through time. As in other fields, there is a healthy interaction between those interested in more academic or theoretical issues in landscape ecology, and those driven by more practical issues related to land management. question, as the goals of ecosystem management (Behan 1990, Kessler et al. 1992) overlap substantially with the principle concerns of landscape ecology. There is a special resonance on scaling issues and in characterizing the natural range of variability in large-scale systems. I focus here on vegetation pattern on ,landscapes, but most of my arguments could be extended readily to animal metapopulations in habitat mosaics. Landscape ecology offers no simple recipe for managing ecosystems; yet, it does offer some useful insights as to how we might approach this task. Three general insights provide an outline to the remainder of this paper: (1) An ideal approach to sustainable landscape management aims to preserve landscape pattern as a stationary distribution of patch types. This ideal is not likely to be met except in simple systems. 1 Forest Sciences Department, Colorado State University, Fort Col/ins, CO 80523 127 pattern as summarized by spatial statistics (autocorrelation and power spectra). In very simple cases, this inference wOIked quite well. But when they introduced a range of distuIbance patch sizes, or allowed these patches to overlap, inferences ultimately were degraded and processes were not derivable from pattern The message here is important: pattern does not map 1: 1 with generating processes, and so for complex (i.e., real) systems the logical coupling whereby we emphasize pattern as the key to underlying processes should not be over-interpreted. This is a crucial point, as an implicit working hypothesis in landscape (or ecosystem) management seems to be, Save the pattern and you'll save the process as well. Nonetheless, it is pattern that we know best, and for which we have the most readily available data (e.g., maps and surveys). And so, it is still reasonable to attempt to base a management strategy on maintaining landscape pattern (2) Pattern-based approaches can be extended by explicitly considering the agents of pattern formation on landscapes. (3) Landscape (ecosystem) managers must invest heavily in models, especially spatial simulators, as tools for exploring alternative scenarios for systems that cannot be manipulated easily. Pattern and Process in Ecology , .... .,' Much of ecology today laOors under the "pattern-process paradigm," which might be loosely stated as: Ecological processes generate patterns, and by stUdying these patterns we can make useful inferences about the underlying processes. There is an implicit concession here that it is actually the processes we are most concerned about, but these are often too difficult (perhaps for logistical ;reasons) to study directly. Thus, we measure the result of these. processes, and infer the rest Landscape ecology labors under an additional onus, in that we recognize that pattern constrains ecological processes, providing a feedback between generating process, resultant pattern, and constrained process (Turner 1989). To my knowledge, landscape ecologists have not explicitly considered the extent to which ecological processes can be inferred from measured pattern in this feedback relationship. To be fair, the discipline has probably invested more in descnbing pattern and its implications than in explaining how pattern actually develops. I digress about pattern and process for this simple reason: I believe we may limit ourselves by emphasizing pattern itself, and we should be investing more effort to understand how ecological processes work. Much (most?) of our theory is about pattern; much less so, about processes. For example, we have a "law" about the relationship between stand biomass and density (the -312 thinning law), but the precise reasons for this law--the processes generating it-are somewhat debatable (Weller 1987). Likewise, species-area relationships are readily observable patterns in nature, but the underlying processes-and there are several-are not always obvious (Conner and McCoy 1979). The list of examples could go on: we observe log-normal distributions of species abundances (why?), and so on A few studies have looked into the inference of process from pattern, and results suggest we should not push such inferences too far. Cale et al. (1989) studied a simple model of two populations to determine whether the generating processes (competition and reproduction) could be inferred from observed pattern (species abundance). Even in their model, they found that it was difficult to infer the relative importance of the underlying processes: patterns were not isomorphic (different processes could generate similar patterns), the modeled processes sometimes yielded patterns that appeared random, and in a few cases the pattern suggested an inference which was simply incorrect. In another study, Moloney et al. (1992) used a simple distuIbance model to assess whether distuIbance parameters (patch size) could be inferred from the resultant PATTERN PRESERVATION AS A MANAGEMENT GOAL The ideal goal in managing a landscape based on its pattern may be to maintain a statistically stationary pattern over time. This, of course, requires that the reference pattern be defmed beforehand, in tenns relevant to the management objectives (timber classes, habitat types, or whatever). The notion of a "stable" landscape (or ecosystem) as a statistically stationaty pattern (however defmed) is as fundamental to ecology as the pattern-process paradigm itself (Watt 1947). This concept has been rediscovered repeatedly by ecologists recently (Bonnann and Likens 1979, Shugart and West 1981, UIban et al. 1987, Turner et al. 1993). The "Unit Pattern" as a Model System In his seminal paper, Watt (1947) emphasized the relationship between demographic processes (establishment, growth, and mortality) and forest pattern (distribution of forest age classes or seral stages). Watt defined the "unit pattern" as the basic entity of the forest community-a full representation of the pattern in all its phases (fig. 1). The unit pattern is a two-levelled depiction of a forest: at a fine scale, each patch-scale element of the community is undergoing continual change, yet at a larger scale the distribution of patch types--the pattern-is stationary. This depiction was later developed as the "shifting-mosaic steady state" for northern hardwood forests (Bonnann and Likens 1979); it was further extended by Shugart (1984), and has been illustrated in a statistical framewoIk by Smith and UIban (1988). While Watt's focus was the plant community, this same logic extends to landscapes or ecosystems. Indeed, Whittaker's (1953) redefinition of the "climax" as a stationary distribution of various successional stages and edaphic types is as appropriate a model for landscape pattern as any defmition more recent landscape ecologists have proposed (UIban et al. 1987). To apply 128 so 10 Bare Oxo1" Rubw Bare Rubus (cz) Gap Oxalis (b) Figure 1. - Watt's concept of the unit pattern: (a) idealized successional pattern and (b) this pattern as a distribution in space "when the old wood is left to itself" (Watt 1947:14). So if this strategy is so simple, why don't we do it already? The fact is, the strategy is simple but actually fulfilling this the unit pattern concept more fully to landscapes, it merely must be extended to include the primaty agents of patch fonnation on landscapes. These agents are biotic processes (e.g., demographics and competition), abiotic constraints (edaphic pattern, topographic constraints), and disturbances (see below). Two implications of the unit pattern are pertinent here. First, a sample of a system (landscape or ecosystem) smaller than the unit pattern is an inadequate representation of the system in the sense that it cannot represent all of its phases. Secondly, in a constant environment and over a sufficiently large area, a system will show a steady state of definite proportions among constituent phases, with the area in each phase in proportion with the duration of the phase. This latter notion (Watt's "phasic equilibrium") is the exact goal of sustainable management. Thus, an obvious goal in managing an ecosystem (or landscape) is simply to preserve the unit pattem This strategy is neither profound nor novel. Indeed, one of the basic tenets of timber management in forestIy is to maintain a statiOnaIy age distnbution across cutting units, as this ensures sustained yield. This is the so-called" fully-regulated forest" in modem forestIy (Davis 1966), or the "nonnal forest" for Gennan foresters of centuries ago. strategy is much less simple. The area required to stabilize a distribution of habitat types can be estimated by simulation, in a way exactly analogous to constructing a cumulative variance curve to estimate a minimum sample size in study design. Shugart and West (1981) 'and Urban et al. (1987) provided heuristic examples whereby they estimated the land area needed to ensure stationarity for systems driven by episodic disturbances (fig. 2). In many cases, the temporal variability was such that the implied unit pattern was much larger than the area available as bounded reserves (e.g., National Forests or Patks). That is, the ideal goal can probably be realized for vety few systems. Indeed, the example of the nonnal forest is perhaps one of vety few cases where the goal of stationarity can be met in a real system, and only then if there are no latger-scale disturbances acting on the system. Thmer et al. (1993) used a simulation model to further explore the idea of landscape-scale variability for systems driven by disturbances. In their model, the landscape vegetation (which grows deterministically on a featureless landscape) has a recovety time t indexing the rate of succession, and the 129 8 7 ..... - N E 6 ~ 0 .J ...... c( ..- WILDFIRE 5 UJ a: c( WINDTHROW 4 .. UJ 0 Z c( .... TREEFALL m 3 a: :l .... ~ c 2 t t 1 STAND WATERSHED t PARKS 0 0 1 2 3 4 7 5 6 2 FOCAL -AREA [LOG(m )] 8 9 10 Figure 2. - Landscape equilibrium as a function of disturbance scale and containing area (from Urban et at 1987). The diagonal, a 60:1 ratio which was found to be sufficient to statistically stabilize results from a forest succession model, is used to illustrate approximate transition from equilibrium to inherently nonequilibrium systems. disturbance has a recurrence interval r and a spatial extent or size s. TIley normalized scaling parameters into two ratios: a temporal scaling parameter T (= r/t), and a spatial parameter S (= sM, where A is total landscape area). This way, any disturbance regime can be normalized temporally (its recurrence interval relative to system recovery time) and spatially (its size relative to the containing area). In simulations of various disturbance regimes, they found that landscape dynamics fell into a few qualitative domains in the scaling parameter space (fig. 3): (1) Systems with relatively small disturbances exhibited more-or-less equilibrium conditions regardless of disturbance frequency; the disturbance events were simply absorbed by the landscape. (2) Systems driven by large, infrequent disturbances showed nonequilibrium dynamics wherein the landscape reflected each disturbance event as a perturbation. (3) Systems driven by large, frequent disturbances exhibited a quasi-equilibrium in which the landscape was quite dynamic but remained within stable bounds. Note that only in the restricted case of small, frequent disturbances are the conditions of the unit pattern met; in no other case is a stationary distribution of patch types expected. And note that this example is itself a simple case: a simple model with no topographic or edaphic complexities, and unifonn disturbances. Turner et al.' s model experiments offer some guidelines of what we might expect from a system, given the scaling parameters of its disturbance regime and successional dynamics. Clearly, for many systems the expectation is not a stationary landscape pattern The recent Yellowstone fires underscore this conclusion for a system which has never shown a stationary configuration over the past several centuries (Romme 1982). Certainly, designs for a regulated forest become rather 130 c Q) GI ES- Q)li ES- equilibrium ~J: ~ ~ ~:E ~ o(J quasiequilibrium ~.5 ~ (J Q) -~ IEJ···································· 1j -~ Q) Urne a: a: ...... ... .E ..... Q) ............ IDZJ Q) (J Q) (J c c CIS CIS ......... .c =- JLJ time ... .E Q) ~ ~ ro~ .c ~ ............ ............... :l_ ]! nonequilibrium . _. . _. ._. ________________________________ J:~:_~ oS- ~ J:~ time __________________________________ ~ large small large small ~ Disturbance Size/Landscape Extent Disturbance Size/Landscape Extent Figure 3. - Landscape dynamics under varying disturbance regimes normalized by temporal and spatial scale (modified from Turner et at 1993). (a) Domains in which landscape dy~amics can be viewed as equilibrium, quasi-equilibrium, and nonequilibrium. The dotted lines in the figure arbitrarily separate domains that grade into one another. (b) Typical dynamics one might expect from a system in each of these domains, i.e., their natural ranges of variability. Biotic Processes superfluous for landscapes driven by large, episodic distutbances such as hurricanes. Turner et al. (1993) discuss several natural and human-modified landscapes relative to their scaling parameters. Biotic processes include plant demography (dispersal, establishment, growth, and mortality) and competition It is important to note that even in a perfectly homogeneous environment, demographic processes over time would gererate spatial reterogeneity. Indeed, the mechanism of pattern formation via plant growth and mortality was tOO basis of Watt's (1925, 1947) seminal ideas on pattern and process in plant communities. Plant dispersal can act as an agent of pattern fonnation, particularly when coupled to differential rates of other population processes (especially mortality). This mechanism is addressed in a huge literature on diffusive instabilities in diffusion-reaction systems (e.g., Okubo 1980, Kareiva 1990). Competition figures prominently in the generation of vegetation pattern Because this differential success depends strictly on the environmental context of competition, it is necessaty to consider these effects with reference to local patterns of abiotic constraints (see below). EXTENSIONS TO PATTERN MANAGEMENT The pattern-based approach provides useful insights about the feasibility of maintaining a particular landscape in a steady-state condition. This conceptual framework can also be used to suggest guidelines for "rescaling" systems to effect their qualitative dynamics (Urban et al. 1987). Rescaling a fire regime via smaller, less intense, prescribed burns that might be sustained within a bounded region is a familiar example in current practice. The pattern-based approach can be extended further by considering explicitly the mechanisms that generate landscape pattern, and using these extensions as a further guide to managing complex landscapes. Abiotic Constraint Real landscapes are patterned by spatially heterogeneous features including soil catenas, topography, and other environmental gradients. Many of these aspects of landscape pattern are addressed in classical gradient analysis (Whittaker 1967, Gauch 1982). A long tradition of gradient analysis has identified two predominant axes of vegetation pattern on landscapes: temperature (often indexed as elevation) and relative moisture (often indexed as slope aspect or exposure, or soil depth). These features provide a template on which other pattern-forming processes act. Gosz (1992) has advocated using gradient analysis as a framework for exploring scenarios of landscape change. Agents of Pattern Formation Landscape pattern is generated by the interplay of three general agents: biotic processes, abiotic constraints, and disturbance. The first two are coupled inseparably in vegetation pattern, while disturbance can sometimes be decoupled and overlaid onto the system, depending on one's frame of reference (Allen and Starr 1982, Urban et al. 1987). 131 most xeric site, only the most drought-tolerant species can smvive, and it characterizes the sere at all ages. On less xeric sites, there is a classical pattern of species replacement, from the fastest-growing/most intolerant, to successively slower-growing but more tolerant species. On a mesic site, the species with the fastest growth rate dominates in early succession, while the most shade-tolerant species ultimately dominates old-growth (" climax") stands. In general, the succession is from the fastest-growing species for a given soil-moisture regime, to the next-fastest/next more tolerant for that site, and so on, to the most shade-tolerant species that can persist I under that particular soil moisture regime. Because of life-history trade-offs (premise 3), seral patterns dictated by available light are related to spatial patterns in soil moisture. Thus, explanations of vegetation dynamics in time (succession) must be interpreted with respect to their position in space, along environmental gradients. Austin and Smith (1989) link these arguments more explicitly to classical gradient analysis. Disturbance Our thinking about distuIbance has evolved considerably over the past few years, from earlier notions of disturbances as events from "outside the system" that disrupted things and were therefore "bad," to an acceptance of these events as a natural and integral component of the system (pickett and White 1985). A consideration of the spatial and temporal scaling of disturbance regimes has led to a further elaboration of disturbance as a component of ecosystems, in which a system can be referenced at two levels of organization (and hence, two scales). At a lower level, disturbances are "outside" and disruptive while at a higher level, they are incorporated into the system-they are "inside" and not distuIbing at all (Allen and Starr 1982, O'Neill et al. 1986, Urban et al. 1987). This two-level depiction of disturbance lends itself nicely to an extension of the unit pattern concept from stands to landscapes. By this strict ~efinition, a landscape has a stationary pattern at that spatial scale that can II average away II the perturbations associated with individual disturbance events. ~ r---------------------------------------------~ C) :c ". Interactions and Feedbacks One of the reasons landscapes are complex is that each of these agents of pattern formation interacts with the others. In particular, vegetation pattern cannot be interpreted without reference to demographic processes in the context of environmental gradients. Smith and Huston (1989, see also Huston and Smith 1987) used a simulation model to illustrate this interaction. Their model was an individual-based forest simulator (Shugart and West 1980, Huston et al. 1988) which was simplified to emphasize tree competition for light on sites along a soil moisture gradient. Smith and Huston proceeded from three premises about tree life-history traits, which reflect anatomical, morphological, and physiological trade-offs in plant strategies: (1) a species tolerant of low resource levels (e.g., shade, or low soil moisture) would have a lower maximum growth rate than intolerant forms (i.e., tolerance implies low maximum growth rate); (2) conversely, a species with a high maximum growth rate under favorable resource levels would have less tolerance to reduced resource levels (i.e., high maximum growth rate implies low tolerance) (fig. 4a), and (3) a species cannot simultaneously optimize for tolerance to reduced above- and below-ground resources, i.e., a shade-tolerant tree cannot also be drought-tolerant (although a shade-intolerant tree can be drought-intolerant as well). These three premises imply a species response space (fig. 4b) which Smith and Huston represented with 15 hypothetical species (fig. 5a), In simulations, interactions among these species were sufficient to generate classical successional patterns in species replacement as well as gradient response in space (fig. 5b). These patterns obtain as follows: On the tolerant 3: £ ~------~----~----~--..-...-...~.--------~----~ high -g, ................ .............. ....... e C low Resource Availability ...... tOleranc:··;;·~it .g, combined ......... :c ______ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ ~ high ~ ~ ~ ~ Shade Tolerance ~ ~ low Figure 4. - Response space for tree species life-histories, relative to available light (shade tolerance) and soil moisture (drought tolerance). (a) For either resource, tolerance comes at the expense of reduced maximum growth rate. (b) These trade-offs arrayed along two axes: maximum growth rates increase toward the upper right, while tolerance increases to the opposite corners; no species can be very tolerant of drought and shade simultaneously and so the lower, left corner is devoid of species (after Smith and Huston 1889). 132 1 LOWe ow ~ g OW Wa: a:::J o~ ~!l2 wO o~ z « a: W ....J 2 3 4 e--e--e--e 6 e ~ 7 e 10 e ~ ° ~ HIGH HIGH SHADE TOLERANCE 8 e 11 e 13 e 5 20 \"(8) o ~_________________________~15~ 19 DAY _____1;':";~: 3: b---~-: e 112 e 40 (c) 10 114 e ~115 o ~=!5ii::::=---===_....b::======0115 LOWe 60 (d) 8 Figure 6(a). -Implications of Iife-hiStory trade-offs for succession and gradient response (from Smith and Huston 1989). Hypothetical species invented to span the "triangle" implied by life-history trade-offs (see text and fig. 4b). Distmbance, of course, interacts with the other agents of pattern formation. Fire is a familiar example of a spatially and temporally correlated disturbance regime: fires burn differentially with respect to topography, fuel type, fuel load (forest age or condition), and so on. Thus, distutbances interact with biotic processes and abiotic constraints, as well as with other distutbances (e.g., Knight 1987). Dispersal can generate pattern by itself, but it also may have a secondaIy effect as a local intensifier of patterns generated by other agents. Thus, dispersal may act as a positive feedback mechanism in pattern formation, reinforcing and amplifying initial pattem o 100 ~~~~ __ -L~~~~-....l (f) Implications of Agents of Pattern Formation This discussion of pattern-generating agents in general, and the interplay of biotic processes with abiotic gradients in particular, has implications for managing landscapes for biodiversity. The simulations of Smith and Huston (1989) predicted that a sere includes more species on a mesic site than on a xeric site. This, in tum, suggests that for a landscape characterized by rather unifonnly mesic sites, diversity would be maximized by managing for stands of vatying ages because old stands tend to be dominated by the same species. Conversely, for a landscape of more heterogeneous (and mostly xeric) site conditions, older stands would likely be dominated by a greater variety of species because the seres would have various endpoints; diversity would be increased by maintaining a set of stands on different kinds of sites. Thus, the management prescription in the fonner case is for activity in the time domain; in the latter case, in the spatial domain This prescription is 50 8 2 100 200 300 WET 400 YEAR Figure 6(b). - Successional trends for these species, as simulated for sites along a soil moisture gradient. In general, succession proceeds from the most shade-intolerant/fastest growing, to slower..growing, more tolerant species that can persist under the soil moisture regime on each site, and so proceeds from right to left along the rows in (a). 133 borne of a consideration of how biotic arid abiotic agents interact to generate patterns in species diversity (see also Gosz 1992 for similar conclusions). This prescription is an example of how we might add an explicit consideration of pattern-generating mechanisms to enrich a management strategy based on pattern by itself. This· extension is still amenable to the approach of predicting the qualitative dynamics of a reference area (management unit, forest, patk) given the scaling parameters of its successional dynamics, abiotic template, and distwbance regime (following Turner et al. 1993). Likewise, this approach could be extended further to consider even more detailed (realistic) biotic processes, multiple environmental gradients, and various distUIbances (including management), and so embrace more fully the agents of pattern formation on landscapes. In general, the approach remains the same but the simulations become more complicated. Because of this complexity, these extensions demand a new set of tools for researchers and nuptagers alike. In general, ecosystem management is not an optimization problem. Part of the reason for this is implicit in the concept of "natural range of variability." The goal to maintain a system in some semblance of normalcy seems inconsistent with a simultaneous goal to maximize any particular aspect of the system But a second reason problem with optimization is that we simply lack the tools: we do not have, and in the future we are not likely to have, modeling tools that reconcile disparate ecosystem attributes in a common currency. A model that provides useful predictions about wildlife habitat is not likely to have much to say about water quality~ a stand yield model will likely be m~t on butterfly diversity. While our policy goal may transcend "multiple use" to embrace the full complexity of ecosystems, our best models focus on single (or a very few) uses and will likely remain so. The ultimate tool for ecosystem management might be some sort of marriage between geographic information systems (GIS), ecological simulators, and decision support models (e.g., Covingtonet al. 1988, van Voris et al. 1993). Ecological models would provide a means to assess alternative management prescriptions or other dynamic scenarios (e.g., climate change). A GIS would serve as a framework for data storage, manipulation, and display (e.g., storing stand smvey data and highlighting stands meeting user-specified· criteria). A user interface incorporating decision support tools would allow a researcher or manager to move interactively among all components of the system. This goal implies new technological developments, and new training for resource managers and basic scientists as well. But ecosystem management seems to call for new tools and approaches, and we would do ourselves a disseIVice to ignore this challenge. MODELS IN ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT Accounting for landscape pattern in space and time is an obvious challenge, and it seems equally obvious that models will play a crucial role in this approach. Behan (1990) has emphasized that the conceptual model, hence computerized tools, of multi~le-use management are qualitatively different from that of su's.tained-yield approaches of single-commodity management. I wQuld argue that the challenges of landscape ecology and ecosystem management will require still another generation of modelfug tools. Consider the sorts of models I've used here as illustrations: these range from fairly detailed, nonspatial simulators (Smith and Huston 1989) to simpler but spatial simulators (Turner et al. 1993). The current trend seems to be toward simulators that are spatially explicit and incorporate a wealth of ecological detail (Baker 1989, 1992~ Sklar and Costanza 1991). These are new kinds of models, and we're only now learning how to use them cleverly~ there are computational as well as ecological issues to resolve. Appropriately, there is a great diversity of approaches being pursued, which will ensure that a variety of useful and robust models will become more available to end-users. These simulation models are used in a different way than optimization models used in planning (e.g., FORPLAN). In planning models, an objective function is specified and the best solution is computed based on the specified constraints. By contrast, landscape simulators are used in an exploratory mode: Is this scenario betterlworse than this alternative scenario? Does this management prescription maintain more old-growth than the alternative? Will this cutting pattern generate more edge over the long run? If we do this, what will happen to wildlifo habitat? Will water quality suifor? What might happen if we try this instead? These are not really questions about optimization CONCLUSIONS As with the nascent field of landscape ecology, ecosystem management is new and exciting. It is also uncertain, simply because we don't really know what we're doing~ we have no historical precedent, and no real frame of reference by which to judge our success. Because of this uncertainty, we have to plan on learning as we go, using our management decisions as experiments from which to learn With careful planning and the aid of models, these experiments can be as controlled and well-replicated as resources allow. Presumably, models will minimize the incidence of "unpleasant surprises" in management experiments, but we must also retain the flexibility to learn from our mistakes and take corrective action: this is the essence of adaptive management. But this is also the scientific method, and a partnership whereby managers helped perfonn experiments with researchers certainly would be to everyone's advantage. A basic appreciation of landscape dynamics, and hence of ecosystem management as practiced on landscapes, leads to the conclusion that old-fashioned notions of "the constancy of nature" are not likely to apply to real landscapes (Botkin 1990). 134 Huston, M., D.L. DeAngelis, and W.M. Post. 1988. New computer models unify ecological theol)'. BioScience 38:682-691. Huston, M.A. and T.M. Smith. 1987. Plant succession: life histol)' and competition Am. Nat. 130:168-198. Kareiva, P. 1990. Population dynamics in spatially complex environments: theol)' and data. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London B 330:175-190. Kessler, W.B., H. Salwasser, C.W. Cartwright, and J.A. Caplan 1992. New perspectives for sustainable natural resources management. Ecol. Applic. 2:221-225. Knight, D.H. 1987. I Parasites, lightning, and the vegetative mosaic in wilderness landscapes. Pages 59-83 in M.G. Turner (ed.), Landscape heterogeneity and disturbance. Springer-Verlag, New YOlk Moloney, K.A., A. Morin, and S.A. Levin 1992. lnteIpreting ecological patterns generated through simple stochastic processes. Landscape Ecol. 5:163-174. Okubo, A. 1980. Diffusion and ecological problems: mathematical models. Springer-Verlag, New York. O'Neill, R.V., D.L. DeAngelis, J.B. Waide, and T.F.H. Allen 1986. A hierarchical concept of the ecosystem. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ. Pickett, S.T.A., and P.S. White (eds.). 1985. The ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Academic Press, Orlando, FL. Risser, P.G., J.R. Karr, and R.T.T. Forman 1984. Landscape ecology: directions and approaches. Special Publ. No.2, TIL Natural Hist. Surv., Champaign Romme, W.H. 1982. Fire and landscape diversity in subalpine forests of Yellowstone National Park. Ecol. Monogr. 52:199-221. Shugart, H.H., and D.C. West. 1980. Forest succession models. BioScience 30:308-313. Shugart, H.H., and D.C. West. 1981. Long-term dynamics of forest ecosystems. Am. Scientist 69:647-652. Sklar, F.H., and R. Costanza. 1991. The development of dynamic spatial models for landscape ecology: a review and prognosis. Pages 239-288 in M.G. Turner and R.H. Gardner (eds.), Quantitative methods in landscape ecology. Springer-Verlag, New Yolk. Smith, T.M. and M. Huston. 1989. A theOl)' of the spatial and temporal dynamics of plant communities. Vegetatio 83:49-69. Smith, T. M., and D. L. Urban 1988. Scale and resolution of forest structural pattern Vegetatio 74:143-150. Turner, M.G. 1989. Landscape ecology: the effect ofpattem on process. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 20:171-197. Turner, M.G., and R.H. Gardner (eds.). 1991. Quantitative methods in landscape ecology. Springer-Verlag, New Yolk. Turner, M.G., W.H. Romme, R.H. Gardner, R.V. O'Neill, and T.K. Kratz. 1993. A revised concept of landscape equilibrium: distwbance and stability on scaled landscapes. Landscape Ecol. (in press). UIban, D.L., R.V. O'Neill, and H.H. Shugart. 1987. Landscape ecology. BioScience 37:119-127. This presents an educational challenge to ecosystem managers: we need to convince the public (and perhaps ourselves) that it is acceptable for nature to behave erratically, for landscapes not to look the same year after year. We have been reasonably successful in retraining the public about the role offIre in natural ecosystems, and so there is reason to be optimistic about the role of education in ecosystem management. But novelty is not always welcome, and so we must be aggressive in pursuing the change to the new, ecosystems perspective. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. BSR-9013888 and Cooperative Agreement CA8000-1-9004 with the National Park Service. I appreciate Dan Binkley's helpful if skeptical discussion and comments on this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Allen, T.F.H., and T.B. Starr. 1982. Hierarchy: perspectives for ecological complexity. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. Austin, M.P., and T.M. Smith 1989. A new model for the continuum concept. Vegetatio 83:35-47. Baker, W.L. 1989. A review of models of landscape change. Landscape Ecol. 2:111-133. Baker, W.L. 1992. The landscape ecology of large distwbances in the design and management of nature reselVes. Landscape Ecol. 7:181-194. Behan, R.W. 1990. Multiresource forest management: a parndigmatic challenge to professional forestIy. J. ForestIy 88:12-18. Bonnann, F.H., and G.E. Likens. 1979. Pattern and process in aforested ecosystem. Springer-Verlag, New York. Botkin, D.B. 1990. 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