Action Plan Resulting from the Piiion-Juniper Symposium INTRODUCTION Restore to health deteriorating ecosystem conditions in the piilon-juniper. As a follow-up to this symposium, a p u p of participants and other intellested people met to develop th~saction plan The meeting was held on May 6 in the New Mexico State Land Office. The intent of the plan is to ide* actions organizations could undertake to improve the management of piilon-juniper ecosystems in New Mexico for ecosystem sustainability and social needs. GOALS Develop industry and uses of the piiion-juniper system in an environmentally conscientious way, with a balance of cultural needs. Be able to describe the existing condition, the potential condition for a sustainable system, and the desired future condition for the piiion-juniper. Also have the management tools needed for moving toward the desired hture condition. The individual goals for the action plan are: Provide for optimum use of the resources available from New Mexico's piiion-juniper ecosystems. Provide for sustainable use of the ecosystem while maximizing biological diversity, maintaining or improving soil productivity and water quality, and protecting cultural needs. Balance management and use to sustain the system and meet human needs. An increased understanding of the piiion-juniper from a historical, biological, and cultural standpoint to allow for the development of sustainable management practices for piilon-juniper woodlands. An understanding of how we got to the current conditions in the piilon-juniper. (10) A way to express the value of resources, such as soil and water quality is being lost due to lack of management. (11) Better public understanding of the value of the resources associated with piiion-juniper. Optimize use while protecting resources with an emphasis on watershed condition. Harvest as much of the piiion nut crop as can be utilized without a negative impact on the ecosystem. (12) Better management understanding of the value of the resources associated with piiion-juniper. (13) A better understanding of why some areas are more productive than others. RECOMMENDED ACTION ACTION GROUPIAGENCY (1) Initiate research to increase our knowledge of energy flows i n the pinon-juniper ecosystems. Research Topics (a) Needs and roles of pinon jays and other seed eating birds? (b) Needs and roles of small mammals? (c) Needs and roles of soil biology? (d) Needs and roles of cryptogamic crusts? (e) The importance of dead and down material in nutrient cycling? (f) Is there a symbiotic myconhizal relationship in pinon-juniper woodlands? (g) Frequency and role of fire in different pinon-juniper habitat types? (h) Factors that affect seed production and reproduction, including competition? (i) Roles in the hydrologic cycle, especially ground water? (j) The impacts of higher nut removal efforts on energy flows and material cycles? (k) What are the energy and material flow relationships with higher and lower ecosystem scales? (I) The effects of herbivore use on nutrient cycling? (m) Roles of pinon-juniper trees in the carbon cycle? (n) What are the potential impacts of increased pinon-juniper management and utilization on social and cultural values of traditional communities? Forest Service1 Universities (2) Initiate additional research to develop more and better ecosystem restoration techniques. Research Topics (a) Potential for use of organic amendments? (b) Reforestation techniques? (c) Optimum times and prescriptions for using fire to control pinon-juniper in grasslands and woodland tree densities in woodlands? (d) Optimum times and prescriptions for using chemicals to control pinon-juniper in grasslands and tree densities? (e) How will harvesting techniques and restoration methods affect soils, water, vegetation, animals, and cultural resources? (f) Proper thinning, pruning, and other silvicultural prescriptions? (g) Most appropriate grasses and forbs for seeding under trees and in interspaces? (h) Effects of restoration methods on neo-tropical migratory bird populations? Forest Service1 Universities (4) Develop recommended management practices to move piiion-juniper ecosystems toward several desired future conditions. (a) lnclude access management. (b) Institute a free use permit that explains how to harvest nuts and proper behavior in the woodlands or woodland etiquette. Implement an Anti-Fuelwood Poaching Campaign. (5) Implement an inventory and market analysis for alternative woodland products. (6) (a) Determine system's tolerance for harvesting nuts, wildings, and Christmas trees. Implement an inventory and market analysis for pinon nut products. (7) (8) Implement a piAon nut crop forecasting and record service. Develop pinon nut shelling machine. (9) Develop pinon nut storage methods. (3) (10) Establish a clearing house for pinon-juniper information. (a) Develop spatial and tabular data storage capabilities. (b) Establish a geographic information system coordinator. (c) Include information on all pinon-juniper resources. (d) lnclude lists of experts. (e) lnclude lists of references. 111) Develop intensive nut production practices for private lands. 112) Develop a "green product" line marketing campaign. (13) Establish criteria for bonded warehousing of pinon nuts to facilitate third party financing of crop purchases. (14) Publish nutritional analyses of pinon nuts and comparisons with foreign pine nuts. (IS) Set aside "Pinon Nut Harvest Areas" and actively manage them for pinon nut production. Land Management Agencies Land Management Agencies and Pinon Nut Industry Universities, Rural Economic Project Universities, Rural Economic Project Forest Service Forest Service Equipment Development Center Forest Service Tree Seed Laboratory State Forester New Mexico State University Rural Economic Project Agricultural Research ServiceRlniversities Agricultural Research ServicelUniversities Land Management Agencies