Forest Stewardship & Stewardship Incentive Program (SIP) Lorie ~toller' BACKGROUND The purpose of the Forest Stewardship Program is to assist private forest landowners to more actively manage their forest and related resources; to keep these lands in a productive and healthy condition for present and future owners; and to increase the economic and environmental benefits of these lands. In its initial phase, the goal of the Forest StewardshipProgram is to: Place 25 million nonindustrial private forestland (NIPF) acres under forest stewardship management within five years. For purposes of this program, NIFP acreage includes lands owned by any private individual, group, association, corporation, Indian tribe, or other private legal entity, such as Alaska Native Corporations. Further, it includes rural lands with existing tree cover, or suitable for growing k s . The Forest Stewardship Program focuses on providing services to landowners not currently managing their forestland according to a resource management plan that embodies multi-resource stewardship principles. Private nonindustrial forestlands that are managed under existing Federal, state, or private sector financial and technical assistance programs may be eligible for assistance under the program if the landowner agrees to comply with the requirements of the program or if forest resource management activities on such forestlands are expanded or enhanced to meet the requirements of the Forest Stewardship Program Local Government. Soil and water conservation districts. Consulting foresters. Environmental organizations. Forest products industry. Forest landowners. Land-trust organizations. Conservation organizations. State fish and wildlife agency. Any other appropriate interests. The Committee is ongoing to address stewardship planning and implementation concerns and overall program coordination. NEW MEXICO FOREST STEWARDSHIP PLAN New Mexico is also required to have a Statewide Forest Stewardship Plan which seives as the dynamic framework for program implementation. The Plan is action oriented, multi-disciplmary in scope, and concurred in by a majority ~f the State Stewardship Coordinating Committee in wri-. The Plan identifies partnership between the interagencies and organizations and covers the five year period between 1990 to 1995. The Plan also sets the priorities for achieving the goal and objectives identified for the State for each Fiscal Year through 1995. STATE STEWARDSHIP COORDINATING COMMITTEE LANDOWNER REQUIREMENTS To implement the program in New Mexico, the State Forester has been required to establish a State Stewardship Coordinating Committee. The committee is administered by the State Forester and is comprised of individuals representing the following: The Forest Service, Soil Conservation Service, Agricultural Stabilization Service, and Extension Service. NM. ' Stewardship Coordinator, New Mexico State Forestry, Chama, The landowner must own a minimum of 10 NlPF acres. There is no maximum Eligible rural landowners must a p e to abide by a written Forest Stewardship Plan that is developed, for a 10 year lifespan, by a resource professional for the land. The landowner's plan must i d e w and describe the actions that will be taken to protect, manage, and improve the forest resource consistent with the landowner's objectives. The landowner must sign a pledge of intent to abide by the multiresource management. LANDOWNER PLAN REQUIREMENTS Landowner plans may only be developed by State Forestry, the Soil Conservation Service, or by private forestry consultants. The following resource values are to be addressed: Fish and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement, Threatened and Endangered Species, Soil and Water, Wetlands, Recreation and Aesthetics, Forest Management and Timber Harvesting. The above information pertains to the Forest Stewardship Program. In order to encourage private landowners to follow the above program, a cost share incentive program has been developed. This program is called the Stewardship Incentive Program (SIP). STEWARDSHIP INCENTIVES PROGRAM (SIP) BACKGROUND The purpose of the Stewardship Incentive Program is to encourage private landowners to manage their forest lands for economic, environmental, and social benefits; complement and expand upon existing forestry and conservation assistance programs; and to give priority to tree planting, tree maintenance, and tree improvement. A landowner shall own a minimum of 10 but not more than 1,000 NIPF acres in New Mexico. The landowner must agree to manage lands under a Forest Stewardship Plan and to . . mamtam stewardship pmctices for 10 yem. Landowners interested in cost share under SIP apply at the local ASCS office. A paperwork s h d e occurs between agencies, and in the end, the ASCS will arrange for reimbursement payments to be made to the landowners. The entire application procedure for SIP is very similar to the other cost share pmgrams-especially ACP. SIP--3: Forest and Agroforest Improvement SIP--4: Windbreak & Hedgerow Establishment and Maintenance SIP--5: Soil & Water Protection & Improvement SIP--6: Riparian & Wetland Protection & Improvement SIP--7: Fisheries Habitat Improvement SIP--8: Wildlife Habitat Improvement SIP--9: Forest Recreation Enhancement New Mexico will cost share SIP 1 at 75%, while all other practices will be cost shared at a 65% rate. The maximum reimbursement is $10,000 per landowner per Federal Fiscal Year. PROGRESS REPORT Thus far, New Mexico's landowners have been very enthusiastic abobt this cost share progmn In fad, out of the $207,200 allocated to the state for Fiscal Year 1993, there are approximately only $6,000 in funds remaining. A priority system has been developed to determine which applications will receive these remaining funds. The order of priorities will be SIP 1, 2, 3,6,8,4,7,5,andSIP9. New Mexico has approved approximately the following fundslpractice: SIP 1--2,000 or 1% of total funds SIP 2--7,000 or 4% of total funds SIP 3--13,500 or 7% of total funds SIP 4--157,000 or 83% of total funds SIP 5--0 or 0% of total funds SIP 6--0 or 0% of total funds SIP 7--4,000 or 2% of total funds SIP 8--7,000 or 4% of total funds SIP 9-0 or 0% of total funds WHAT'S AVAILABLE TO COST SHARE Information on the state's SIP fbnding for Fiscal Year 1994 will not be received until December 1993 or January 1994. However, future funding is based on accomplishments. We have done well. New Mexico is offering all nine stewardship practices, which are SIP-- 1 : Landowner Forest Stewardship Plan Development SIP--2: Reforestation and Afforestation For further information regardug Forest S t e w d h i p and the Stewardship Incentive Program (SIP) please contact Lone Stoller, Stewardship Coordinator, New Mexico State Forestry, Rt. 1, Box 100, Chama, NM, 87520, or call (505) 588-7831. Thank you.