Selected References: Fire Effects in the Southwest by L. J.

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Selected References: Fire Effects in the Southwest
compiled by
L. F. DeBono, J. H. Dieterich, W. W. Covington, and M. J. Zwolinski
Agee, James K. 1973. Prescribed fire
effects on physical and hydrologic
properties of mixed-conifer forest
floor and soil. Report 143. Davis:
Water Resources Center, University of California. 57 p.
Ahlstrand, G. M. 1979. Preliminary
report on the ecology of fire study,
Guadalupe Mountains and
Carlsbad Caverns National Parks.
In: Genoways, H. H.; Baker, R. J .,
eds. Biological investigations in
the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas. National Park
Service Proceedings and Transactions Series No.4. 2 p.
Ahlstrand, G. M. 1982. Response of
Chihuahuan desert mountain
shrub vegetation to burning. Journal of Range Management. 35:
Ahlstrand, Gary M. 1980. Fire history
of a mixed conifer forest in the
Guadalupe Mountains National
Park. In: Stokes, Marvin A.; Dieterich, John H., tech. coords. Proceedings of the Fire history workshop; 1980 October 20-24; Tucson,
AZ. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-81. Fort
Collins, CO: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 4-7.
Albertson, F. W.; Weaver, J. E. 1945.
Injury and death or recovery of
trees in prairie climate. Ecological
Monograph. 15:393-433.
Albini, Frank A. 1975. An attempt
(and failure) to correlate duff removal and slash fire heat. Gen.
Tech. Rep. INT-24. Ogden, UT:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.
Albini, Frank A. 1976. Estimating
wildfire behavior and effects. Gen.
Tech. Rep. INT-30. Ogden, UT:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.
Aldan, E. F.; Brown, H. G. II. 1971.
Geologic soil groupings for the
pinyon-juniper type on National
Forests in New rvlexico. Res. Note
RM-197. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Forest
and Range Experiment Station.
4 p.
Alexander, M. 1977. Introduction to
soil microbiology. New York: John
Wiley and Sons. 467 p.
Alexander, M. 1982. Most probable
number method for microbial
populations. In: Page, A. L.;
Miller, R. H.; Keeney, D. R., eds.
Methods of soil analysis. Part 2.
Chemical and microbiological
properties. 2d ed. Agronomy No.
9. Madison, WI: American Society
of Agronomy, Soil Science Society
of America: 815-830.
Alexander, Martin E.; Hawksworth,
Frank G. 1975. Wildland fires and
dwarf mistletoes: a literature review of ecology and prescribed
burning. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-14.
Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Rocky Mountain Forest and Range
Experiment Station. 12 p.
Allen, Craig D. 1988. Twentieth century changes in the ecology of the
Jemez Mountains landscape, New
Mexico. Abstract in: Bulletin of the
Ecological Society of America.
69(2): 55.
Allen, E. B.; Allen, M. F. 1980. Natural re-establishment of vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizae following
stripmine reclamation in Wyoming. Journal of Applied Ecology.
17: 139-147.
Allen, E. B.; Allen, M. F. 1988. Facilitation of succession by the nonmycortophic colonizer Salsola kali
(Chenopdiaceae) on a harsh site.
Effects of mycorrhizal fungi.
American Journal of Botany. 75:
Allen, M. H.; Berry, R. W.; Gill, D.
[and others]. 1968. Guide to prescribed fire in the Southwest.
Southwest Interagency Fire Council. 58 p.
Alonso, Ramon. 1967. Desert grassland mesquite and fire. Tucson:
University of Arizona. 164 p.
Ph.D. dissertation.
Althaus, Irene A.; Mills, Thomas J.
1982. Resource values in analyzing
fire management programs for
economic efficiency. Gen. Tech.
Rep. PSW-57. Berkeley, CA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Pacific Southwest Forest
and Range Experiment Station.
9 P·
Andariese, Steven W. 1982. Time response graphs for understory production following fall prescribed
burning in Arizona ponderosa
pine on basalt soils. Flagstaff:
Northern Arizona University
School of Forestry. 42 p. M.S. thesis.
Andariese, Steven W .; Covington, W.
W. 1986. Changes in understory
production for three prescribed
burns of different ages in ponderosa pine. Forest Ecology and Management. 14: 193-203.
Selected References: Fire Effects In the Southwest
Anderson, Bertin, W.; Ohmart,
Robert D.; Disano, John. 1979. Revegetating the riparian floodplain
for wild life. In: Strategies for protection and management of
floodplain wetlands and other riparian ecosystems. Gen. Tech.
Rep. W0-12. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service: 318-331.
Anderson, Henry W. 194 9. Does
burning increase surface runoff?
Journal of Forestry. 47: 54-57.
Anderson, Henry W. 1976. Fire effects on water supply, floods and
sedimentation. Proceedings of the
Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference. 15: 249-260.
Anderson, Henry W.; Coleman, G.
B.; Zinke, P. J. 1959. Summer
slides and winter scour ... dry-wet
erosion in sou them California
mountains. Tech. Pap. PSW-36.
Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 12 p.
Anderson, J. E. 1986. Development
and structure of sagebrush steppe
plant communities. In: Joss, P. J.;
Lynch, P. W.; Williams, 0. B., eds.
Rangelands: a resource under
seige: Proceedings of the 2d International Rangelands Congress.
Cambridge, England: Cambridge
University Press: 10-12.
Anderson, Leslie; Carlson, Clinton
E.; Wakimoto, Ronald H. 1987.
Forest fire frequency and western
spruce bud worm outbreaks in
western Montana. Forest Ecology
and Management. 22: 251-260.
Anderson, Linda M.; Levi, Daniel J .;
Daniel, Terry C.; Dieterich, John
H. 1982. The esthetic effects of prescribed burning: A case study.
Res. Note RM-413. Fort Collins,
CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station. 5 p.
Andrade, Edward R.; Sellers, William D. 1988. El Nino and its effect
on precipitation in Arizona and
western New Mexico. Journal of
Climatology. 8:403-410.
Andrews, P. L. 1980. Testing the fire
behavior model. In: Fire and forest
meteorology: Proceedings of the
6th conference; 1980 April22-24;
Seattle, WA. Washington, DC: Society of American Foresters: 70-77.
Andrews, Patricia L. 1986. BEHAVE:
Fire behavior prediction and fuel
modeling system--BURN Subsystem. Part 1. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT194. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Intermountain Research Station.
Andrews, Patricia L.; Rothermel,
Richard C. 1982. Charts for interpreting wildland fire behavior
characteristics. Gen. Tech. Rep.
INT-131. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 21 p.
Anthony, R. G.; Smith, N. S. 1977.
-Ecological relationships between
mule deer and white-tailed deer in
southeastern Arizona. Ecological
Monographs. 47: 255-277.
Arend, J. L. 1950. Influence of fire
and soil on distribution of red cedar in the Ozarks. Journal of Forestry. 48: 120-130.
Amo, Stephen F. 1980. Forest fire history in the northern Rockies. Journal of Forestry. 78:460-465.
Arnold, J. F. 1950. Changes in ponderosa pine-bunchgrass ranges in
Arizona resulting from pine regeneration and grazing. Journal of
Forestry.48: 118-126.
Arnold, J. F. 1964. Zonation of understory vegetation around a juniper
tree. Journal of Range Management. 17: 41-42.
Arnold, Joseph F. 1963. Uses of fire
in the management of Arizona watersheds. Proceedings of the Tall
Timbers Fire Ecology Conference.
-Arnold, Joseph F.; Jameson, Donald
A.; Reid, Elbert H. 1964. The
pinyon-juniper type of Arizona:
effects of grazing, fire, and tree
control. Prod. Res. Rep. 84. Wash256
ington, DC: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, 28 p.
Aro, RichardS. 1971. Evaluation of
pinyon-juniper conversion to
grassland. Journal of Range Management. 24(3): 188-197.
Aston, A. R.; Gill, A.M. 1976.
Coupled soil moisture, heat and
water vapour transfers under
simulated fire conditions. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 14:
Ault, S.C.; Stormer, F. A. 1983. Seasonal food selection by scaled
quail in northwest Texas. Journal
of Wildlife Management 47: 222228.
Axelrod, D. I. 1958. Evolution of the
Madre-tertiary geoflora. Botanical
Review. 24: 433-509.
Axelrod, D. I. 1985. Rise of the grassland biome, central North America. Botanical Review. 51: 163-201.
Baas, J. M.; Haas, G. E.; Ross, D. M.;
Loomis, R. J. 1985. A pilot study of
visitor knowledge and support for
prescribed burning at Grand Canyon National Park. In: Lotan,
James E.; Kilgore, Bruce E.; Fischer, William C.; Mutch, Robert
W ., tech. coords. Wilderness fire:
Proceedings of a symposium and
workshop; 1983 November 14-18;
Missoula, MT. Gen. Tech. Rep.
INT-182. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station: 310314.
Bahre, Conrad J. 1985. Wildfire in
southeastern Arizona between
1859 and 1890. Desert Plants. 7(4):
Baisan, Christopher H. 1988a. Fire
history of Rincon Mountain Wilderness, Saguaro National Monument. Final Report to U.S. Department of Interior, National Park
Service, Saguaro National Monument, Tucson. Unpublished report
on file at Laboratory of Tree-Ring
Research University, Tucson. 82 p.
Baisan, Christopher H. 1988b. Fire
history of a mixed conifer forest,
Black Mountain, Gila Wilderness.
Selected References: Fire Effects in the Southwest
Final Report to U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service. Unpublished report on file at Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson. 10 p.
Baker, Frederick Storrs. 1950. Principles of silviculture. 2d ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
414 p.
Baker, Malchus B., Jr. 1986. Effects of
ponderosa pine treatments on water yields in Arizona. Water Resources Research. 22: 67-73.
Baker, Malchus B., Jr. 1988. Selection
of silvicultural systems for water.
In: Baumgartner, David M.; Lotan,
James E., eds. Ponderosa pine: the
species and its management: Symposium proceedings; 1987 September 19-0ctober 1; Spokane, W A.
Pullman, WA.: Washington State
University Cooperative Extension
Service: 201-211.
Baker, Malchus B., Jr. 1990. Hydrologic and water quality effects of
fire. In: Krammes, J. S.; DeBano, L.
F.; Zwolinski, M. J., tech. coords.
Effects of fire in management of
southwestern natural resources:
Workshop proceedings; 1988 Nov.
14-17; Tucson, AZ. Gen. Tech.
Rep. RM-XXX. Fort Collins, CO:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Forest and Range Experiment Station: 31-42.
Balda, Russell P.; Masters, Nancy.
1980. Avian communities in the
pinyon-juniper woodland. In: DeGraff, Richard M., tech coord.
Management of western forests
and grasslands for nongame birds:
Proceedings of a workshop. Gen.
Tech. Rep. INT-86. Ogden, UT:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station:
Baldwin, J. J. 1968. Chaparral conversion on the Tonto National Forest.
Proceedings of the Tall Timbers
Fire Ecology Conference. 8:
Barnett, T.; Graham, N.; Cane, M.
[and others]. 1988. On the predic-
tion of the El Nino of 1986-1987.
Science. 241: 192-196.
Barney, Milo A.; Frischknecht, Neil
C. 1974. Vegetation changes following fire in the pinyon-juniper
type of west-central Utah. Journal
of Range Management. 27(2):
Barrett, James W. 1979. Silviculture
of ponderosa pine in the Pacific
Northwest: The status of our
knowledge. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW.97. Portland, OR: U.S. Department
of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range
Experiment Station. 106 p.
Barro, S.C.; Conard, S. G. 1987. Use
of ryegrass seeding as an emergency revegetation measure in
chaparral ecosystems. Gen. Tech.
Rep. PSW-102. Berkeley, CA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Pacific Southwest Forest
and Range Experiment Station.
12 p.
Barrow, N. J. 1980. Differences
among some North American soils
in the rate of reaction with phosphate. Journal of Environmental
Quality. 9: 644-648.
Barrows, JackS. 1978. Lightning fires
in southwestern forest. Final Report to U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station, under cooperative agreement 16-568-CA with Rocky
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.
Department of Forest and Wood
Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 154 p.
Barsh, Bob Knight. 1977. Distributions of the Coues deer in pinyon
stands after a wildfire. Tucson:
University of Arizona. 52 p. M.S.
Barth, R. C. 1980. Influence of pinyon
pine trees on soil chemical and
physical properties. Soil Science
Society of America Journal. 44:
Barth, R. C.; Klemmedson, J. 0. 1978.
Shrub-induced spatial patterns of
dry matter, nitrogen, and organic
carbon. Soil Science Society of
America Journal. 42: 804-809.
Bartos, D. L.; Mueggler, W. F. 1981.
Early succession in aspen communities following fire in western
Wyoming. Journal of Range Management. 34: 315-318.
Bass, A.; Deeming, J. E.; Coburn, A.
R. 1988. User needs assessment for
the USDA Forest Service Weather
Information Management System
(WIMS). The Analytical Sciences
Corp. TR-5514-1; Reading, MA.
155 p.
Beaulieu, Jean T. 1975. Effects of fire
on understory plant population in
a northern Arizona ponderosa
pine forest. Flagstaff: Northern
Arizona University School of Forestry. 31 p. M.S. thesis.
Bendell, James F. 1974. Effects of fire
on birds and mammals. In:
Kozlowski, T.T.; Algren, C.E., eds.
Fire and ecosystems. New York:
Academic Press: 73-138.
Benitez-Badillo, G. 1988. Efectos del
fuego en la vegetaci6n herbacea de
un bosque de Pinus hartewegii Lidl.
de Ia Sierra del Ajusco. [Fire effects on herbaceous vegetation in a
Pinus hartewegii Lidl. forest in Sierra del Ajusco.] In: Rapoport, E.
H.; Lopez-Moreno, I. R., eds.
Aportes a la ecologia urbana de la
Ciudad de Mexico. Limusa,
Mexico D.F. (In Spanish).
Berry, J. K.; Reed, K. L. 1987. Computer assisted map analysis: a set
of primitive operators for a flexible approach. In: Proceedings of
the ASPRS-ACSM Convention;
1987 March 29-April3; Baltimore,
Best, T. L.; Smartt, R. A. 1986. Feeding ecology of mourning doves
(Zenaida macroura) in southeastern
New Mexico. The Southwestern
Naturalist. 31: 33-38.
Betancourt, Julio L. 1988. El Nino/
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and
climate of the southwestern U.S.
In: Proceedings of Paleoclimate
Workshop, National Science Foundation and NOAA, 1988 February;
Boston, MA.
Selected References: Fire Effects in the Southwest
Bethlenfalvay, G. J.; Dakessian, S.
1984. Grazing effects on mycorrhizal colonization and floristic composition of the vegetation on a
semiarid range in northern Nevada. Journal of Range Management. 37(4): 212-216.
Bevins, Collin D. 1980. Estimating
survival and salvage potential of
fire-scarred Douglas-fir. Res. Note
INT-287. Ogden, UT. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station. 8 p.
Bewley, J.D.; Black, M. 1982. Physiology and biochemistry of seeds.
Vol. 2. Viability, dormancy and
environmental control. NY: Springer-Verlag. 339 p.
Biswell, H. H. 1969. Prescribed burning for wildlife in California
brushlands. Transactions of the
North American Wildlife and
Natural Resources Conference 34:
Biswell, Harold H. 1973a. A summary of research on smoke and air
pollution from forest and wildland
burning. Proceedings of the Annual Arizona Watershed Symposium. 17: 28-33.
Biswell, Harold H. 1973b. Fire ecology in ponderosa pine-grassland.
Proceedings of the Tall Timbers
Fire Ecology Conference. 12: 69-96.
Biswell, Harold H.; Kallander, Harry
R.; Komarek, Roy [and others].
1973. Ponderosa fire management:
A task force evaluation of controlled burning in ponderosa pine
forests of central Arizona. Misc.
Pub. 2. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station. 49 p.
Biswell, H. H.; Schultz, A. M. 1957.
Surface runoff and erosion as related to prescribed burning. Journal of Forestry. 55: 372-374.
Black, C. A. 1968. Soil-plant relationships. New York: John Wiley and
Sons. 792 p.
Blackburn, Wilbert H.; Bruner, Allen
D. 1975. Use of fire in manipulation of the pinyon-juniper ecosystem. The pinyon-juniper ecosys-
tern: a symposium. Logan, UT:
Utah State University: 91-96.
Blackburn, W. H.; Skau, C. M. 1974.
Infiltration rates and sediment
production of selected plant communities in Nevada. Journal of
Range Management. 27: 476-480.
Blank, F.; Brookshire, D.; Crocker, T.
[and others]. 1978. Valuation of
aesthetic preferences: a case study
of the economic value of visibility.
Final Res. Rep. to Electrical Power
Research Institute. Laramie, WY:
University of Wyoming, Resource
and Environmental Economics
Blydenstein, J. 1957a. The survival of
velvet mesquite (Prosopis juliflora
var.velutina) after fire. Journal of
Range Management. 10:221-223.
Blydenstein, John. 1957b. The survival of velvet mesquite (Prosopis
juliflora var. velutina) after fire.
Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona. 21 p. M.S. thesis.
Bock, Carl E.; Bock, Jane H. 1978. Response of birds, small mammals,
and vegetation to burning sacton
grasslands in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Range Management. 31: 296-300.
Bock, C. E.; Bock, J. H. 1979. Relationship of the collared peccary to
sacaton grassland. Journal of
Wildlife Management. 43: 813-816.
Bock, Carl E.; Bock, Jane H. 1983. Responses of birds and deer mice to
prescribed burning in ponderosa
pine. Journal of Wildlife Management. 47: 836-840.
Bock, C. E.; Bock, J. H. 1987. Avian
habitat occupancy following fire in
a Montana shrubsteppe. The Prairie Naturalist 19: 153-158.
Bock, C. E.; Bock, J. H. 1988. Grassland birds in southeastern Arizona: impacts of fire, grazing, and
alien vegetation. In: Goriup, P ., ed.
Ecology and conservation of
grassland birds. Tech. Pub. 7.
Cambridge, England: International
Council for Bird Preservation.
Bock, Carl E.; Bock, Jane H. 1990. Effects of fire on wildlife in southwestern lowland habitats. In:
Krammes, J. S.; DeBano, L. F.;
Zwolinski, M. J., tech. coords. Effects of fire in management of
southwestern natural resources:
Workshop proceedings; 1988 Nov.
14-17; Tucson, AZ. Gen. Tech.
Rep. RM-XXX. Fort Collins, CO:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Forest and Range Experiment Station: 50-64.
Bock, C. E.; Bock, J. H.; Jepson, K. L.;
Ortega, J. C. 1986. Ecological effects of planting African lovegrasses in Arizona. National Geographic Research. 2:456-463.
Bock, C. E.; Bock, J. H.; Kenney, W.
R.; Hawthorne, V. M. 1984. Responses of birds, rodents, and
vegetation to livestock exclosure
in a semidesert grassland site.
Journal of Range Management. 37:
Bock, Carl E.; Lynch, James F. 1970.
Breeding bird populations of
burned and unburned conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada. Condor.
72: 182-189.
Bock, C. E.; Webb, B. 1984. Birds as
grazing indicator species in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management. 48: 1045-1049.
Bock, J. H.; Bock, C. E. 1986. Habitat
relationships of some native perennial grasses in southeastern Arizona. Desert Plants. 8: 3-14.
Bock, J. H.; Bock, C. E. 1987. Fire effects following prescribed burning
in two desert ecosystems. Final
report on Cooperative Agreement
No. 28-C3-278. Fort Collins, CO:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Forest and Range Experiment Station. 20 p.
Bock, Jane H.; Bock, Carl. E.;
McKnight, J. Robert. 1976. A study
of the effects of grassland fires at
the research ranch in southeastern
Arizona. Journal of the Arizona
Academy of Sciences. 11: 49-57.
Bojorquez-Tapis, Luis Antonio. 1990.
Forest fires in Mexico: causes and
strategies. In: Krammes, J. S.; DeBano, L. F.; Zwolinski, M. J., tech.
Selected References: Fire Effects In the Southwest
coords. Effects of fire in management of southwestern natural resources: Workshop proceedings;
1988 Nov. 14-17; Tucson, AZ. Gen.
Tech. Rep. RM-XXX. Fort Collins,
CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station: 193-196.
Bolander, Donald H. 1982. Chaparral
in Arizona. In: Conrad, C. Eugene;
Oechel, Walter C., tech. coords.
Dynamics and management of
Mediterranean-type ecosystems:
Proceedings of a symposium; 1981
June 22-26; San Diego, CA. Gen.
Tech. Rep. PSW-58. Berkeley, CA:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station: 60-63.
Bolander, Donald. 1987. Chaparral in
Arizona. In: Wagner, Michael R.,
ed. Challenges and opportunities
in chaparral management. Proceedings of the Southwestern Society of American Foresters annual
fall meeting. 1986 November 1214; Prescott, AZ. Society of American Foresters Publication No. SAF
87.10. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona State University and the San
Francisco Peaks Chapter of the Society of American Foresters: 2-6.
Bolin, Susan B.; Ward, Tim J. 1987.
Recovery of a New Mexico drainage basin from a forest fire. In:
Swanson, R. H.; Bernier, P. Y.;
Woodard, P. D., eds. Forest hydrology and watershed management: Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium 1987 August; Vancouver, British Columbia. IAHS
Publ. 167: 191-198.
Bolsinger, Charles L. 1980. California
forests: trends, problems, and opportunities. Resour. Bull. PNW-80.
Portland, OR: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 138 p.
Born, Ted J. 1972. Prescribed burning
in southwestern ponderosa pine:
implications for multiple use management. Tucson: University of
Arizona. 29 p. M.S. Professional
Bradley, R. S.; Diaz, H. F.; Kiladis, G.
N .; Eischeid, J. K. 1987. ENSO signal in continental temperature and
precipitation records. Nature. 327:
Brady, N.C. 1974. The nature and
properties of soil. New York:
Macmillan Pub. Co., Inc. 639 p.
Brandel, K.; Omi, P. N. 1983. An
evaluation of current prescribed
fire reporting practices. In: Fire
and forest meteorology: Preprints
7th Conference; 1983 April25-28;
Ft. Collins, CO. American Meteorology Society and Society of
America Foresters: 7~-80.
Brock, J. H.; DeBano, L. F. 1982. Runoff and sedimentation potentials
influenced by litter and slope on a
chaparral community in central
Arizona. In: Conrad, C. Eugene;
Oechel, Walter C., tech. coords.
Dynamics and management of
Mediterranean-type ecosystems:
Proceedings of a symposium; 1981
June 22-26; San Diego, CA. Gen.
Tech. Rep. PSW-58. Berkeley, CA:
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station: 372-377.
Brock, John H.; DeBano, Leonard F.
1990. Wettability of an Arizona
chaparral soil influenced by prescribed burning. In: Krammes, J.
S.; DeBano, L. F.; Zwolinski, M. J.,
tech. coords. Effects of fire in management of southwestern natural
resources: Workshop proceedings;
1988 Nov. 14-17; Tucson, AZ. Gen.
Tech. Rep. RM-XXX. Fort Collins,
CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station: 206-209.
Brown, A. A.; Davis, K. P. 1973. Forest fire: control and use. 2d ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Co., Inc.; 686 p.
Brown, Albert L. 1950. Shrub invasion of southern Arizona desert
grassland. Journal of Range Management. 3: 172-177.
Brown, David E., ed. 1982. Biotic
communi ties of the American
Southwest--United States and
Mexico. Desert Plants. 4(1-4): 1342.
Brown, David E.; Minnich, Richard
A. 1986. Fire and changes in creosote bush scrub of the western
Sonoran Desert, California. The
American Midland Naturalist.
116: 411-422.
Brown, Harry E.; Baker, Malchus B.,
Jr.; Rogers, James J. [and others].
1974. Opportunities for increasing
water yields and other multiple
use values on ponderosa pine forest lands. Res. Pap. RM-129. Fort
Collins, CO: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 36 p.
Brown, J. K. 1975. Fire cycles and
community dynamics in lodgepole
pine forests. In: Management of
lodgepole pine ecosystems: Proceedings of a symposium; Pullman: Washington State University
Cooperative Extension Service
Publication: 429-456.
Brown, James K. 1985. Fire effects
and application of prescribed fire
in aspen. In: Sanders, Ken; Durham, Jack, eds. Proceedings rangeland fire effects: A symposi urn.
Boise, ID: Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office: 38-47.
Brown, James K.; Simmerman, Dennis G. 1986. Appraising fuels and
flammability in western aspen: A
prescribed fire guide. Gen. Tech.
Rep. INT-205. Ogden, UT: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Intermountain Forest and
Range Experiment Station. 48 p.
Brown, R. L. 1982. Effects of livestock
grazing on Mearns quail in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Range
Management. 35:727-732.
Brown, Thomas C.; Boster, Ron S.
1974. Effects of chaparral-to-grass
conversion on wildfire suppression costs. Res. Pap. RM-119. Fort
Collins, CO: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Selected References: Fire Effects in the Southwest
Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 11 p.
Brown, T. C.; Daniel, T. C. 1986. Predicting scenic beauty of timber
stands. Forest Science. 32: 471-487.
Brown, Thomas C.; O'Connell, Paul
F.; Hibbert, Alden R. 1974. Chaparral conversion potential in Arizona. Part II: An economic analysis. Res. Pap. RM-127. Fort Collins,
CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
Station. 28 p.
Bruner, Allen D.; Klebenow, Donais
A. 1979. Predicting success of prescribed fires in pinyon-juniper
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