Role of Fire in the Management of Southwestern Ecosystems 1

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Role of Fire in the
Management of
Southwestern Ecosystems 1
Henry A. Wright2
The role of fire varies greatly
among plant communities depending
on kind, quantity, and continuity of
fuel, fuel moisture, topography, and
frequency of droughts. Because of
lightning and a variety of human activities, fire has been a part of natural
ecosystems since the origin of vegetation on earth. Historically, fire frequencies ranged from 2 to 400 years
in most plant communities in North
America, which created a wide range
of fire intensities and varied vegetative mosaics (Wright 1987).
Without fire a number of undesirable things occur: excessive fuel
buildups (i.e., Yellowstone Park),
dense understories of shrub and
trees in forests that could lead to
catastrophic stand-replacing fires;
decadent shrub and grassland communities; encroachment of shrubs
and trees into grasslands; monocultures of trees that lead to increased
disease and insect damage (i.e.,
lodgepole pine), as well as decreased
wildlife diversity and, ultimately,
uncontrollable fires.
Fire is not a cure-all for our management problems. However, it is
effective and cheap for many land
management problems if used by
people skilled in the use of pre1
Panel paper presented at the conference. Effects of Fire in Management of
Southwestern Natural Resources (Tucson.
AZ. November 15-17. 1988).
scribed fire. In this paper I will highlight the historical role of fire and
management implications for plant
communities in the Southwest.
Semidesert Grass-Shrub
The historical role of fire in the
semidesert grass-shrub community is
somewhat perplexing. Photographs
on the Santa Rita Experiment Station
show grassland communities free of
shrubs that today are dominated by
velvet mesquite with grass understory. What caused the change? According to the early scientists at this
experiment station, the change came
about because of a lack of fire. My
personal feeling is that occasional
fires, in combination with drought,
competition from herbs, rodents, and
lagomorphs, played a significant role
in controlling shrubs in the semidesert grass-shrub type. Also, the semidesert grass-shrub community is a
delicate system (low rainfall and frequent droughts). Thus, I feel that
grazing domestic livestock in combination with all the natural factors
that might have kept much of the
semidesert as a grassland, is too
much for this system to tolerate and
remain in its native state.
Management Implications
Horn Professor and Chairperson of
Range and Wildlife Department. Texas Tech
University. Lubbock. TX 79409.
The southern desert grass-shrub
type is a delicate ecosystem with
wide swings in herbage yields because severe droughts are common.
Moreover, droughts frequently last 2
or 3 years. When moderate to heavy
grazing is imposed on black grama
ranges, grass competition and vigor
of grasses are drastically reduced
(Canfield 1939). These factors favor
high mortality of herbs during
drought years and the eventual establishment of shrubs following wet
years when other climatic factors,
such as soil temperature, are favorable. It appears that use of fire would
compound the existing problems on
black grama ranges and may not
have a place for shrub control on
good ranges.
Our problem is to reclaim poor
rangelands (predominately brush)
and to properly manage our good
rangelands. Poor rangelands cannot
be managed with fire. These rangelands must first be restored using
other reclamation techniques. However, once the rangelands are in good
condition, fire can be used as an effective management tool in special
situations during wet weather cycles
to control burroweed, broom
snakeweed, creosotebush, and young
mesquite trees. Fires can also be used
to suppress cactus species. Most
burning should be done in June, but
only following two previous years of
better than average plant growth.
This is especially important for grasses to recover quickly after burning.
Desirable shrubs that are either
favored or not harmed by fire in-
elude false mesquite, velvet-pod mimosa. Wright baccharis, and fourwing saltbush. Wheeler sotol and
barrel cactus are easily harmed by
fire and should be protected.
Today fire should be used only on
a selective basis, or in combination
with other methods, to achieve specific management objectives in the
semidesert grass-shrub type. Fire
probably has the greatest value to
manage tobosagrass, sacaton, alkali
sacaton, and mixed grama ranges.
Good black grama grasslands appear
to be too delicate to manage with
fire. If fire is used, 3-4 years of rest
might be required after a burn.
Arizona Chaparral
Throughout the world chaparral is
thought of as a fire-induced vegetation type (Shantz 1947), although we
know that much of the chaparral in
Arizona is climax. Arizona chaparral
burns periodically, but has a lower
fire frequency than California chappara!. Burned chaparral areas that
are left to recover naturally seldom
support a reburn for at least 20 years,
and many Arizona chaparral stands,
particularly those that contain shrub
live oak, are 80 to 100 years old
(Cable 1975, Carmichael et al. 1978).
In general, fire helps to keep chaparral communities diverse and productive if fires do not occur more frequently than 20 to 30 years. Many
species (often palatable) are shortlived and must germinate from seed
after a fire.
Management Implications
Fire will often improve the vigor
of chaparral species as well as the
diversity of species and nutrient values for wildlife. Shrub live oak, sugar
sumac, skunkbush sumac, Wright
silktassel, redberry, catclaw mimosa,
Emory oak and yerbasanta resprout
vigorously after fire. Other sprouters
include true mountain mahogany,
western mountain mahogany, and
hair mountain mahogany. Pointleaf
manzanita, Pringle manzanita, deerbrush, desert ceanothus, and Arizona
cypress depend primarily upori seed
for re-establishment. The two manzanita species, deerbrush, desert
ceanothus, yerbasanta, and yellow leaf silktassel are considered fireinduced species (Carmichael et al.
1978). Grasses and forbs appear
prevalent through the fourth year
and disappear by the fourth year.
Fire may not be necessary in some
chaparral communities, but may be
needed every 30 to 50 years in dense
stands of chaparral. Removal of
dense stands of chaparral followed
by the seeding of grasses on slopes
less than 30% will enhance overland
flow to reservoirs and municipalities.
Oak Brush
The oak-brush zone is just above
the pinyon-juniper one of the central
and southern Rocky Mountains. Often it is an understory species in ponderosa pine, particularly in northern
Arizona and New Mexico. Fire frequency in the oak-brush zone is 50 to
100 years, although this is speculative. Most fires in Gambel oak occur
after a buildup of litter and mulch
under the shrub mattes and generally occur during dry periods. Most
fires are spotty and irregular.
Management Implications
Gambel oak is very tolerant to fire,
and fire does not appear to improve
herbage yield or species composition,
unless the areas are reseeded to introduced grasses. For the most part,
these areas should be left untreated
to stabilize soil, retard snowmelt,
and provide browse for deer; Accidently burned areas have been
seeded with intermediate wheatgrass, smooth brome, and fairway
wheatgrass, which increased grass
yields and reduced oak growth.
Historically fire has been the
dominant force controlling the distribution of pinyon-juniper, particularly
juniper, but fire cannot be separated
from the effects of drought and competition. All three forces seem to
have played a complementary role in
limiting the distribution of juniper
before grazing by domestic livestock
was a factor. However, droughts and
competition from grass probably
only served to slow the invasion and
growth of junipers in adjacent grasslands, since the trees are easily established during wet years Oohnsen
1962), especially where shade is present (Meagher 1943 ). Fire, occurring
about every 10 to 30 years (Leopold
1924), kept the junipers restricted to
shallow, rocky soils and rough topography (Arend 1950, Burkhardt
and Tisdale 1969, O'Rourke and
Ogden 1969). For the last 70 years,
however, heavy livestock grazing has
reduced grass competition as well as
fuel for fires. Reduced competition
from grasses has permitted pinyon
and juniper to invade adjacent communities rapidly (Nabi 1978) and the
reduced number of fires, each of a
lower intensity than the fires before
heavy grazing, has left the juniper
invasion unchecked.
Management Implications
In open stands of pinyon-juniper
in the Southwest, fire can be used
effectively to kill pinyon and juniper
trees less than 1.2 m (4ft) tall. Taller
trees are very difficult to kill, even
with hot fires, unless tumbleweeds
have accumulated at the tree bases.
Open stands of tall pinyon and juniper trees are not considered undesirable, but can be eliminated by chaining or dozing followed by burning,
to render the microclimate unfavorable for tree seedlings.
Several management agencies
have tried various techniques (Arnold et al. 1964, Aro 1971) to reclaim
closed pinyon-juniper stands (with
no understory of grasses or shrubs).
Prescribed burning, or some combination of burning with other treatments (followed by artificial seeding
when necessary) is the most effective
procedure to reclaim closed stands of
pinyon-juniper (Aro 1971, Springfield
1976). Without any prior treatment,
burning must be done on hot days
[35° to 38°C (95° to 100"F)] with low
relative humidity and 13- to 32-km/
hr (8 to 20-mi/hr) winds, conditions
considered too hazardous by most
land managers (Arnold et al. 1964).
Thus mechanical treatment followed
by burning is probably the most acceptable technique to reclaim dense
stands of pinyon-juniper, even
though it is expensive. Burning
should be delayed 2 to 3 years after
chaining to assure that most of the
pinyon and juniper seeds have germinated.
Grasses will increase dramatically
following burning and seeding treatments in closed stands of pinyonjuniper. Herbage yields on the Hualapi Indian Reservation in northern
Arizona, seeded with crested
wheatgrass, western wheatgrass,
weeping lovegrass, and yellow
sweetclover, produced 1865 kg/ha
(1650 lb/acre) after treatment compared with 65 kg/ha (60 lb/acre) for
the unburned control (Aro 1971). On
another large-scale burning and
seeding program in pinyon-juniper
woodland, Aro (1971) reported that
forage production increased 560 kg/
ha (500 lb/acre). Pinyon-juniper communities in northern Arizona that
were chained and seeded but not
burned produced 1100 kg/ha (980
lb/ acre) of grasses, forbs, and shrubs
5 to 11 years after treatment, compared with 250 kg/ha (220 lb/acre)
on control plots (Clary 1971). Where
native grasses were present in the
understory, reseeding was not necessary (Aro 1971).
Mixtures of sagebrush and
pinyon-juniper can be burned without prior treatment. Generally thick
stands with 45% to 60% cover are se-
lected for burning and burned into
areas with less shrub cover. Some
areas are left to reseed naturally, but
aerial seeding is usually considered
Pinyon-juniper stands converted
to grassland should be reburned
about every 20 to 40 years. A definite
time is difficult to set because reinvasion of pinyon and juniper is dependent on the kind of initial treatment,
time span between treatments, intensity of the burn, and grazing intensity after the burn. A better guide
would be to reburn when the average
height of pinyon or juniper reaches
1.2 m (4ft).
derosa pine on the Fort Apache Reservation in Arizona gives us a good
example of how we can use fire in
our national forests and keep them
Fire should play a much greater
role in the management of our ponderosa pine forests than it does today, although it is not equally necessary in all associations that support
ponderosa pine. It will take much
time to get p9nderosa pine forests to
the stage ~here they can be easily
managed with fire. But once that
stage is achieved, fire hazards and
suppression costs will be reduced
and investments for cultural treatments will decline yet forests will be
both more productive and attractive.
Historical evidence indicates that
fires have always been an ecological
force in ponderosa pine communities, regardless of whether they were
seral or climax. In Arizona and New
Mexico, the frequency of natural fires
in climax and seral ponderosa pine
communities varied between 4.8 and
11.9 years (Weaver 1951). Fires
thinned the stands, eliminated young
pines and/ or climax mixed-conifer
species including thickets, and kept
the ponderosa pine forests open and
parklike with an understory of herbs
and shrubs (Biswell 1972, Cooper
1960, Hall1976, Weaver 1947).
Management Implications
Many of our ponderosa pine forests are overstocked, stagnate, or
have dense understories of young
trees under mature trees. These
stands pose serious management
problems. They were created because
of lack of fire, but can rarely be restored with fire as the initial treat- ment. Expensive handwork along
with special equipment and pile
burning may be necessary to restore
many stands of ponderosa pine to a
productive state that can be maintained with fire. Management of pon-
Mixed Conifer
Most mixed conifer stands in the
southern Rocky Mountains were established after fire (Moir and Ludwig
1979). Arizona and New Mexico
have the highest frequency of lightning fires in the United States and
Canada (Schroeder and Buck 1970).
The drier, lower elevation habitat
types dominated in climax by white
fir, Douglas-fir, and ponderosa pine
and in seral stages by ponderosa pine
burned about every 5 to 12 years
(Weaver 1951). On cooler, moist sites
such as the white fir-Douglas-fir I
boxelder habitat type, the mean firereturn interval would be longer. In
the White Mountains of Arizona, Dieterich (pers. comm.) estimated the
fire-return interval to be 22 years.
Fires would be either light and erratic due to wet fuels or intense
stand-replacing fires during dry
years because of the heavier fuel
Management Implications
Before Europeans arrived in America, ground fire was most common
in the southern Rocky Mountains
with the occasional crown fire where
there was a combination of heavy
fuels and extreme fire weather conditions. Today many stands have not
been burned for over 100 years and
are vulnerable to major fires such as
those that occurred in Yellowstone
Park this year. In dry, windy
weather, crown fires will kill most
trees because of heavy fuel accumulations and the continuous ladder of
fuel from ground to treetop. Rather
than to let nature take its course during the dry years, we should be
doing prescribed burning where we
have our heaviest downed fuel loads
and burn under conditions to achieve
desired objectives. Otherwise, major
stand-replacing fires will be more
common than they are now, and reestablishment through natural seeding will be a problem in many areas.
Shrub-Grasslands in Texas
There are not reliable historical
records of fire frequencies in the
southern mixed prairie of the Great
Plains grassland because there are no
trees to carry fire scars from which to
estimate fire frequency. However, we
estimate that fires occurred every 5
to 10 years because topography is
level to rolling in the Great Plains
and explorers and settlers were always concerned about the danger of
prairie fires (Wright and Bailey 1982).
Based on my experience in shrubgrasslands, fires occur most often
during droughts that follow 1 to 3
years of above average rainfall when
fuel is abundant. These fires suppress
shrub growth and provide herbaceous competition for new shrub
seedlings. Moreover, rodents and
lagomorphs feed on the young seedlings and resprou ts for metabolic
moisture during all seasons of the
year, which will keep the shrubs
weakened as long as their abundance
is below the threshold level that can
be used by rodents and lagomorphs.
Intermittent droughts further complicate the ability of shrub seedlings to
establish and for shrubs to resprout.
Management Implications
Fires have played a very important role in the Southern Great Plains
to control the cover of shrubs. With
prescribed burning we can use fire to
effectively suppress honey mesquite,
redberry juniper, Ashe juniper, and
cactus species. Other benefits include
increased utilization of coarse grass
species, a shift in composition of
forbs and shrubs that enhance wildlife habitat, removal of dead wood
on the ground, and short-term control of undesirable forbs and annual
grasses. Increased visibility for gathering livestock is another major benefit to ranchers.
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