This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Habitat Associations of Small Mammals in a Subalpine Forest, Southeastern Wyoming1 Martin G. Raphael2 Subalpine forests of spruce, fir, and lodgepole pine cover about 5 million ha, or 38% of forested land in the central Rocky Mountain regionmore than any other forest type (Alexander 1974, USDA Forest Service 1980). Subalpine forest is harvested heavily, accounting for over 90% of total sawtimber volume in this region (USDA Forest Service 1980). These forests also are managed to produce water, and timber harvest practices have been developed that can substantially increase water yield (Troendle 1983, Swanson 1987). The Coon Creek Water Yield Augmentation Pilot Project (Bevenger and Troendle 1984,1987) is a large-scale demonstration of the feasibility and costs/ benefits of increasing water yield through specially designed clearcuts. To evaluate the response of wildlife species to such harvests, studies were initiated to describe the pretreatment structure and composition of the vertebrate community (Raphael 1987b) and, ultimately, to compare responses of vertebrates on the treated watershed and on the unharvested control. The present study summarizes the structure of the small mammal com'Paper presented at Symposium, Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America (Ragstaff, AZ,July 19-21, 1988). 2ResearchEcdogist, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Forestry Sciences laboratory, 222 South 22nd Street, laramie, Wyoming 82070. Abstract.-Mammal capture rates were greatest at sites with mature timber and other old-~rowth attributes. Shrews (both dusky (Sorex moniico\us) and masked (S.cinereus)) and southern red-backed voles (Clethrionomys gapperi) were much more abundant at sites dominated by spruce or fir compared to drier sites dominated by lodgepole pine. Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculafus), in contrast, were most abundant on drier, pinedominated sites. The southern red-backed vole, because of its high abundance and strong association with mature forest, is a good ecological indicator of late seral conditions for forest planning purposes, Figure 1.-Map of study area showing location of study area and distributionof trapping stations. munity, describes habitat associations of the dominant species during the pretreatment phase of the longer term project, evaluates the efficacy of an old-growth scorecard to rate oldgrowth characteristics of stands, and assesses designation of mammals as ecological indicators of old-growth conditions. STUDY AREA Studies were conducted within two watersheds, the Upper East Fork of the Encampment River (911 ha) and Coon Creek (1,615 ha). These adjacent watersheds are part of the Sierra Madre range of southern Wyoming, located about 25 km south of the town of Encampment (fig. 1). Elevations vary from 2,600 to 3,300 m. Soils are 50-150 cm deep and are well drained. Mean annual precipitation is about 100 cm, 70% falling as snow that usually covers the site from late September through late June at depths of 2-4 m in winter. Forest cover is dominated by lodgepole pine (- 60%of land area), and a mixture of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. Pole stands with trees ~ 2 cm 3 d.b.h. occur on 24% of the two watersheds, mature stands occur on 72%, and meadows or rock outcrops cover 4%. est personnel. Also recorded was the presence or absence of permanent streams within 100 m of each sampling station. Small Mammal Trapping Red Squirrel Counts METHODS Vegetation Sampling In each watershed, 90 sampling stations were established at 200-m intervals along N-S lines that were 400 m apart (fig. 1). At each of the 180 stations, an observer measured basal area of each tree species using a 1factor metric reloskop. Canopy cover was estimated from the average of four readings taken at cardinal directions with a spherical densiometer. Slope was measured with a clinometer and aspect was measured with a hand-held compass. All snags >20 cm d.b.h. and 1.8 m tall were counted within a 0.04-ha circular plot centered at the station; cover percentages of shrubs, forbs, grasses, rocks, litter, and bare ground were visually estimated over the same 0.04-ha plot. Hard (class 1,2) and soft [class 3,4,5 (Maser et al. 197911logs also were counted on each plot. Height and d.b.h. of one representative tree were measured at each station with a clinometer and metric d.b.h. tape. All stands on each watershed were assessed by personnel of the Medicine Bow National Forest and assigned an old-growth rating based on canopy structure, d.b.h., tree height, snag size and density, and log size and density (appendix). Possible scorecard values range from 0 (no old-growth characteristics) to 60 (maximum). Stand maps were used to associate a sampling station with the oldgrowth scorecard value for the stand in which the station was located. Habitat types were also assigned to each station based on classifications used by Medicine Bow National For- stations per day and most counts were completed before noon. Three observers visited each sample station twice each year (totaling six visits/station/yr) from 13June to 25 July 1985,18 June to 23 July 1986, and 15 June to 17 July 1987. At each visit, the observer recorded all red squirrels seen or heard within a 100m radius of the station center. All counts were begun within 30 minutes after sunrise; each observer visited 15 To sample shrews, six pitfall traps were installed in a 2 x 3 grid (15-m spacing) centered on each station. Each pitfall trap was a 3-gal plastic bucket buried flush with the ground surface and covered by logs or bark. To capture other small mammals, two 50-cm Sherman livetraps were placed within 2 m of each pitfall station. Mammals were trapped during late summer from 1985 to 1987 (20 ' I August through 26 September 1985,5 August to 11 September 1986, and 4 August to 10 September 1987).Observers checked traps once daily during each of three, 10-day sampling sessions each year. Sampling sessions were separated by four days, encompassing six weeks each year. All captured specimens were identified, toe clipped, sex determined, aged, weighed, and checked for reproductive status (currently breeding or not). Dead animals were assigned a permanent catalog number. Shrews were preserved in 70% ethanol and all other species were frozen for later identification. Data Analysis Total numbers of detections (red squirrels) or first captures (all other species) were calculated at each station over the 3 years. Thus, the total numbers of captures represented the results of 450 trapnights of effort at each of the 180 stations (81,000 total trapnights). Despite efforts to close pitfall traps between sessions, some mammals were captured before the start of each 10-day session. These specimens were retained, but numbers were not included in analyses. To assess habitat associations of the more abundant mammals, I performed a principal components analyses (with varimax rotation) using the SPSS/PC+ program package (Norusis 1988). Principal components analysis derives linear combinations of attributes (in this case vegetation characteristics as listed in table 1). All components with eigenvalues >1.0 were retained for subsequent analyses. The equations were then "solved" for each station, resulting in a set of scores that were interpreted as habitat gradients. I identified these gradients from those original habitat variables most highly correlated with the principal components scores. To relate abundance of the more abundant mammals to habitat features at each station, I performed multiple regressions of capture rates at each station (dependent variable) with the habitat gradients or principal components scores (independent variables). To summarize patterns of co-occurrence of the more common mammal species, I performed an averagelinkage-between-groups cluster analysis [UPGMA (Norusis 1988)l based upon Pearson correlations between abundances of all pairs of species among the 180 stations. Results of the cluster analysis were displayed using a dendrogram showing the relative similarities of all species. The similarity measure, for this display, was rescaled to values ranging from 0 (no similarity) to 25 (maximum similarity). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Vegetation Structure and composition of vegetation (table l) were typical of subalpine forest in the central Rocky Mountains (Alexander 1974; Raphael 1987a, 198%). Vegetation characteristics have been shown to be similar between the two watersheds (Raphael 198%); therefore, no distinction was made between the two watersheds for this study. Principal components analysis resulted in the creation of six synthetic habitat gradients that, together, contained 68% of the total variance from the 19 original habitat variables (table 2). I used the variables that were most highly correlated with values of each gradient to interpret the biological meanings of the gradients (table 2). Mammals Over the 3 years of study and over all sampling stations, observers c a p tured 4,553 individuals of 17 small mammal species and recorded 987 detections of red squirrels (table 3). The most abundant species was the southern red-backed vole, accounting for over 50% of all captures. Other dominant species included masked shrew (15%),deer mouse (15%~)~ red squirrel, dusky shrew (6%),and chipmunks (2 species, 6%). Specific Habitat Associations Masked Shrew Masked shrews were more abundant than other shrews and were captured more frequently in mature lodgepole and spruce/fir sites (table 3) with higher cover of herbs and grasses; they were less abundant on dry, south-facing sites (table 4). Their abundance at each station was modeled (R2= 0.42) by a regression that included gradients 2,1,6, and 4 (in order of their statistical significance) (table 4). Other studies (Negus and Findley 1959, Spencer and Pettus 1966, Brown 1967a, Armstrong 1977) also report this species' preference for moist sites. However, I did not find a strong association with bogs, as reported by Brown (1967a) and Spencer and Pettus (1966). Dusky Shrew Dusky shrews were captured in greater numbers in more moist, mature spruce/fir sites (table 3). They were most strongly associated with dense herbaceous cover and (to a lesser degree) with old-growth attibutes. Unlike the masked shrew, their abundance was positively and significantly correlated with gradient 3 (moist, streamside sites; tables 2,4). Like masked shrews, they were less abundant on southerly, steeper sites. The regression model explained 41% of variance in abundance (table 4). Brown (1967a) captured this shrew in a greater variety of habitats and in drier sites than the masked shrew. Negus and Findley (1959) also reported use of a greater variety of habitats; Spencer and Pettus (1966) found dusky shrews in association with marshy habitats. The association of this shrew with old-growth conditions has not, to my knowledge, been previously reported. Least Chipmunk The abundance of least chipmunk was significantly and negatively correlated with gradient 4 (bareground) and positively correlated with gradient 6 (southerly exposure). Although the regression was statistically significant, it explained only 5% of variance in abundance (table 4); thus, the regression model was not statistically meaningful. None theless, the assoda lions suggested by the model, particularly the preference for open, drier slopes, are in accordance with results of other studies (e.g., Telleen 1978, Clark and Stromberg 1987). Uinta Chipmunk Uinta chipmunks were most abundant on rocky slopes (gradient 51, as also reported by Clark and Stromberg (1987).They were relatively more abundant in younger stands (gradient 2). The regression model explained 17%of the variation in abundance of this species (table 4). Compared with the least chipmunk, this species is reported to be more restricted to subalpine forest habitats (Negus and Findley 1959).Telleen (1978) found an association with closed canopy, open understory habitats. Red Squirrel Red squirrel abundance was somewhat greater on dry, gently sloping sites (gradients 3,5), but only 16%of variation in abundance was explained by the regression model. These squirrels were abundant throughout the study area, which seemed to be comprised of excellent red squirrel habitat; Therefore, variation in vegetation among sites was probably minor in relation to the po- tential variation that would distinguish suitable from unsuitable habitat. Clark and Stromberg (1987) describe red squirrels as widespread throughout coniferous forest habitats of Wyoming. Deer Mouse Deer mice were associated with streamside sites having lower basal area of subalpine fir (gradient 3). Although widespread on the study area, they tended to be more abundant on open, lodgepole-dominated sites and meadows than on spruce/ fir sites. The regression model explained 15%of the variance in deer mouse abundance (table 4). Contrary, to these results, other studies (Brown 1967b, Campbell and Clark 1980, Ramirez and Hornocker 1981) reported associations of deer mice with xeric sites away from streams. The species is known to be abundant on cutover sites (Ramirez and Hornocker 1981, Scrivner and Smith 1984, tolerant of a wide range of ecological conditions (Clark and Stromberg 19871, and omnivorous (Clark 1975). Southern Red-Backed Vole This vole, the most abundant species on the study area, was most abundant in mature spruce/fir stands (table 3). Its abundance was also greater in stands that had more herb and grass cover (gradient 11, on northerly slopes (gradient 61, and on sites with greater basal area of subalpine fir and greater log cover (gradient 3). Its abundance was modeled well by the regression, which accounted for 46% of variation in redbacked vole abundance among sites (table 4). The association of red-backed voles and mature spruce/fir forest is well documented (Ramirez and Hornocker 1981, Allen 1983, Scrivner and Smith 1984).This association may be due, at least in part, to the greater cover of logs and other woody debris that provides protection during critical periods of freezing and thawing (Merritt 1976,1985; Merritt and Merritt 1978, Sleeper 1979)and supports fungi used as food (Williams 1955, Clark and Stromberg 1987, Wywialowski and Smith 1988). Western Jumping Mouse Jumping mice were most abundant in spruce/fir and mature lodgepole habitats (table 3). As reported in other studies (Negus and Findley 1959, Brown 1967b, Clark 1971, Scrivner and Smith 1984, these mice were associated with dense herbaceous or grassy vegetation (gradient 1)along moist streamsides (gradient 3) in more mature stands (gradient 2) (table 4). The regression model accounted for 20% of variation in abundance across all stations. These mice feed primarily on grass seeds and fungi (Jones et al. 1978, Vaughan and Weil1980), which may account for their close association with grassy streamside habitats. General Relationships Moisture and stand maturity were two habitat features that separated patterns of abundance of the various species. This is illustrated most effectively through the cluster analysis based on interspecific correlations of relative abundance (fig. 2). The dendrogram shows two groups: one comprised of the two shrews, two voles, and jumping mouse; and one comprised of the red squirrel, two chipmunks, and deer mouse. The former group is associated with more moist, old-growth conditions (table 4). The latter group is associated with drier, less mature conditions. The association of species with old-growth conditions is of special interest because of concern over identifying species that are ecological indicators of old-growth (USDA Forest Service 1985; Nordyke and Buskirk, these proceedings). The Medicine Bow National Forest, the site of this study, lists the southern red-backed vole as an ecological indicator representing late successional stages in conifer forests. Because the forest uses the old-growth scorecard to rate old-growth conditions, whether or not red-backed vole abundance is related to old-growth index values is of interest. Raphael (1987b)confirmed such a trend based on analyses of the first 2 years of the present study. The trend is even more pronounced when all 3 years are included in the analyses (fig. 3). Southern red-backed voles are increasingly abundant as old-growth scorecard index values increase. Similar trends are evident for masked and dusky shrews (fig. 3). CONCLUSIONS The small mammal community, as sampled in this study, was similar in composition to that described in other studies in subalpine forests of the Rocky Mountain region (cf. Ra- phael1987a). The southern redbacked vole was the most abundant species and can be considered the species most representative of mature spruce/fir forest stands. Stand age and moisture conditions were the two most important generalized gradients that were predictors of summer abundance of the various species. The southern red-backed vole was confirmed as a suitable ecological indicator of old-growth forest; but, two other species, the masked shrew and the dusky shrew, are good candidates as well. thank personnel of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Medicine Bow National Forest, especially the Hayden Ranger District, for their cooperation; Carron Meaney of the Denver Museum of Natural History and Steven Buskirk of the University of Wyoming for technical assistance and use of museum facilities; and Gregory D. Hayward, Graham W. Smith, Mark R. Stromberg, and Richard H. Yahner for comments on the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Christopher Canaday, Anita Kang, Jeffery Waters, Gary Rosenberg, Scott Stoleson, Sandra Spon, Sandra Pletschet, Steven Larson, Lindsay Hall, Thomas Batchelor, Daniel Maltese, and Lisa Smith for their help in the field. I also Alexander, Robert R. 1974. Silviculture of subalpine forests in the central and southern Rocky Mountains: the status of our knowledge. Research Paper RM-12. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station; 88 p. SOMO MIMO SOCI CLGA ZAPR TAH U TAM l PEMA TAU M RELATIVE SIMILARITY Figure 2.-Dendrogram showing relative similarity (Pearson correlations) of abundances of small mammal species across sampling stations. Species are: Sorex monkdus (SOMO), Microtus montanus (MIMO), Sorex cinereus (SOCI), Ciethrionomysgopperi (CLGA), Zapw princeps (ZAPU), Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (TAHU), Tamias minimus (TAMI), Peromyscus mankulatus (PEMA), and T a W umbrinus (TAUM). Allen, Arthur W. 1983. Habitat suitability index models: Southern redbacked vole (Western United States). US. Dept. Int., Fish Wildl. Serv. FWS/OBS-82/10.42.14 p. Anonymous. 1985. Medicine Bow National Forest old growth habitat scorecard. Southwest Habitater 6:2-7. Armstrong, David M. 1977. Ecologi- 10TAUM 8 6, OLD-GROWTH SCORECARD VALUE Figure 3.-Mean abundance of selected small mammal species in relation to old-growth scorecard values. Larger scorecard values indicate greater expression of old-growth conditions. Vertical lines within bars indicate 95% CI of means. See figure 3 for species codes. 365 cal distribution of small mammals in the Upper Williams Fork Basin, Grand County, Colorado. The Southwestern Naturalist 22:289304. Bevenger, Greg S.; Troendle, Charles A. 1984. The Coon Creek water yield augmentation project. p. 240251. In Water for the twenty-first century: will it be there? proceedings of the symposium, 1984 April 3-5, Dallas, TX. Dallas, TX, Southern Methodist University. Bevenger, Greg S.; Troendle, Charles A. 1987. The Coon Creek water yield augmentation pilot project. p. 145-149.In Water for the twenty-first century: will it be there? proceedings of the symposium, 1984 April 3-5, Dallas, TX. Dallas, TX, Southern Methodist University. 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The Coon Creek wildlife project: effects of water yield augmentation on wildlife. p. 173-179. In Troendle, C. A., M. R. Kaufmann, R. H. Harnre, and R. P. Winokur, editors. Proceedings, Management of subalpine forests: building on 50 years of research. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station General Technical Report RM-149. Scrivner, Jerry H.; H. Duane Smith. 1984. Relative abundance of small mammals in four successional stages of spruce-fir forest in Idaho. Northwest Science 58:171-176. Sleeper, Roger A. 1979. Small mammal population fluctuations in relation to snowpack. Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. 134 p. From Diss. Abstr. Int. B Sci. Eng. 40:3047. Spencer, Albert W. and David Pettus. 1966. Habitat preferences of five sympatric species of long-tailed shrews. Ecology 47:677-683. Swanson, Robert H. 1987. Applying hydrologic principles to the management of subalpine forests for water supply. p. 79-85. In Troendle, C. A.; M. R. Kaufmann; R. H. Harnre; R. P. Winokur, editors. Proceedings, Management of subalpine forests: building on 50 years of research. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station General Technical Report RM-149. Telleen, Steven L. 1978. Structural niches of Eufamias minimus and E. umbrinus in Rocky Mountain National Park. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Colorado, Boulder. 152 p. From Diss. Abstr. Int. B Sci. Eng. 39:2115. Troendle, Charles A. 1983. The potential for water yield augmentation from forest management in the Rocky Mountains. Water Resources Bulletin 19:359-373. USDA Forest Service. 1980. An assessment of the forest and range situation in the United States. FS345, Washington, DC, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 631 p. USDA Forest Service. 1985. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Medicine Bow National Forest, Laramie, WY. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Vaughan, Terry A.; Wendy Pearse Weil. 1980. The importance of arthropods in the diet of Zapus princeps in a subalpine habitat. Journal of Mammalogy 61:I 22-124. Williams, Olwen. 1955. Distribution of mice and shrews in a Colorado montane forest. Journal of Mammalogy 36:221-23 1. Wywialowski, Alice P.; Graham W. Smith. 1988. Selection of microhabitats by the red-backed vole, Clethrionornys gappen*.Great Basin Naturalist 48:216-223. Appendix.-Old growth habitat scorecard (Anonymous 1985) used to rate stands in the Rocky Mountain Region. Point values from 1 to 5 are assigned to each category A-L Values are summed over all rows and the grand total is used as the index value. Point value A. Overston/ 3 or more species 3 or more species Spruce and/or Fir <5096 2 species Spruce and/or Fir >50% 2 species Spruce and/or Fir 4 0 % 1 species 100% 3 or more species Spruce and/or Fir ~ 5 0 % 2 species Spruce and/or Fir 930% 2 species Spruce and/or Fir ~5096 1 species 100% 3 or more species 3 or more species Spruce and/or Fir >50% Spruce and/or Fir 4 0 % 2 species Spruce and/or Fir >50% 2 species Spruce and/or Fir <50% 1 species 100% Spruce and/or Fir >50% B. Midstory 3 or more species Spruce and/or Fir >50% C. Understory D. Total Canopy Cover 70%+ E. Overstory, Canopy Cover 50-30% 70-50%or 30-10% 100-70%or 10-1% 70-40%or 20-10% 100-70%or 10- 1% 15'-13' 12'-10' 8'-6' 5'-3' F. Midstory Canopy Cover 40-20% G. Overstory Ave. DBH (Live) 16' + H. Midstory Ave. DBH (Live) 9'+ I. Standing Snags Ave. DBH (Record only those snags above 6' in height.) 16'+ 15'-13' 12'-10' J. Standing Snags #/Acre (Record only those snags above 6' in height and 7' DBH.) 6+ - K. Dead, Down Logs Ave. DBH 16'+ 6-4 - 15"-13' L. Dead. Down Logs #/Acre (Record only those above 7" DBH.) 12 + 12-6 Column Totals 3-1 12'-10' 6-2