This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Critical Habitat, Predator Pressures, and the Management of Epicrafes monensis (Serpentes: Boidae) on the Puerto Rico Bank: A Multivariate Analysis1 Abstract.- Epicrates monensis is a endangered boa endemic to the Puerto Rico Bank. Principal components analysis, based on data collected during five years of study and 200 captures of this species, was used to identify predator, prey, and habitat variables critical to survival of the snake. Management recommendations are discussed. Peter 9. Tolson2 Epicrates monensis is a small (ca. < 1 m snout-vent length) semi-arboreal boid snake (fig. 1)that exhibits an extremely disjunct distribution on the Puerto Rico Bank. The Mona boa (E. m. monensis) is endemic to Isla Mona, a large island in the Mona Passage between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico (Schmidt 1924).The other subspecies, the Virgin Islands boa (E.m. granti), is found on scattered islands and cays from La Cordillera eastward through the Virgin Islands, including St. Thomas, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda (Stull1933; Nellis et al. 1984; Mayer and Laze11 1988).The boa is apparently absent from Puerto Rico and the other large islands on the bank. Judging from the present distributions, the historical range of Epicra tes monensis encompassed virtually the whole length of the Puerto Rico Bank. Today, unfortunately, the snake is endangered (USFWS 1980) and absent from far more islands on the bank than it is resident-doubtless the result of a long history of extirpation. It is improbable that the decline of the boa can be traced to a single causative factor; more likely the survival of the snake at certain localities is due to a complex series of biotic, environmental, and stochastic 'Paper presented at symposium, Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America. (Flagstaff, AZ July 19-21, 1988.) lPeter J. Tolson is Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles, Toledo Zoological Society, 2700 Broadway, Toledo, O H 43609. interactions. The rarity of the snake has made habitat analysis difficult; one cannot define critical habitat if the snake cannot be observed. Prior to my work, fewer than 13 specimens of the boa had been encountered, and habitat descriptions were largely anecdotal with no attempts to quantify those factors important in determining population levels (Div. of Fish and Wildlife, USVI 1983; USFWS 1984,1986). The parameters dictating the distribution and abundance of animal species within a habitat are often diverse. They include not only the physical structure of habitat, such as vegetational composition and spatial he terogeniety (Rotenberry and Wiens 19801, but also species composition (Matthews 1985; Moulton, 1985) and other aspects of community structure which are less easily defined, such as competition (Cody 1974) or predation pressure. In the West Indies, particularly on the Puerto Rico Bank, utilization of a particular habitat by the endemic herpetofauna is not only dependent on the structural attributes of vegetative cover and the composition of the endemic animal communities, but also on the number and severity of feral and exotic animal introductions that have occurred. Colonizations (accidental or otherwise) of the roof rat, Rattus rattus, the house cat, Felis catus, and the mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus, have profoundly influenced the survival and distribution of endemics on Figure 1 .- Epicrates monensis granti. Above-adult female, Cayo Diablo, Puerto Rico. Below-juveniles born at the Toledo Zoological Gardens 14 July 87. the Puerto Rico Bank (Barbour 1917, 1930; USFWS 1986; Div. of Fish and Wildlife, USVI 1983). Principal components analysis (PCA) is a multivariate statistical technique that has been used by community ecologists to model distributions of animal populations in a multidimensional habitat space defined by a correlation matrix of habitat variables (See Wiens and Rotenberry 1981 and Matthews 1985).My current work with Epicrafes monensis utilizes PCA to correlate the abun- dance of the boa with certain critical elements of habitat structure and indices of population densities of preferred prey species and predators. Compilation of such data is extremely important in establishing the critical dimensions of the boa niche, the identification of suitable release sites for snakes born in captivity, and the selection of likely search localities for surveys of previously undescribed populations of the snake. By using PCA, we also hoped to extract independent patterns of covariation, such as the degree of niche overlap with Alsophis, which might explain certain distributional anomalies of the boa populations. lsla Mona t------------1 5 km Methods Study Areas 1 67'55' Cayo Icacos La Cordillera Cayo Lobos ~ 8 - This study is based on habitat analysis of 24 different localities on the following islands and cays of the Puerto Rico Bank: Buck Is., Cas Cay, Cayo Diablo, Cayo Icacos, Cayo Lobos, Congo Cay, Great St. James Cay, Isla Mona, Outer Brass Cay, Salt Cay, Saba Cay, and Steven Cay from February 1986 through April 1988. Some islands had several plots. Sites were chosen at random without regards to presence or absence of boas, but an attempt was made to select sites so that sampling included the full spectrum of habitat available to the boa. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the location of ~ sampling 1 ~ plots included in the shrdy. Cayo Diablo Vegetational Profiles of Study Sites Figure 2.-Location of sampling plots in Puerto Rico. Above-plots on lsla Mona. Below-plots on La Cordillera. Subtropical dry forest is the habitat where E. monensis is most commonly observed, particularly on Isla Mona and St. Thomas. It is characterized by small (< 5 m) deciduous trees with small, coriaceous or succulent leaves and thorns, spines, and secondary defensive compounds (Ewe1 and Whitrnore 1973).Examination of the consisted of CassythialOpuntia tangles. Ficus-dominated forest was present on Mona 1 and Congo 2. Guinea grass, Panicum maximum, dominated the transect on Buck 2 and Acacia macracantha on Buck 3. A basic summary of the vegetation of the smaller cays is given in Heatwole et al. (1981). Figures 4 through 7 illustrate four typical vegetational types at transect sites: Coccoloba grove (Buck 11, mixed palm/shrubland (Diablo 2) OpuntialCassythin tangles (Diablo 3) and grassland (Buck 2). present range of the boa indicates that it matches the occurrence of dry subtropical forest on the Puerto Rico Bank (Ewe1 and Whitmore 1973). This is most apparent on St. Thomas, where E. monensis is restricted to the dry eastern end of the island despite presumably suitable habitat elsewhere (Nellis et al. 1984).Common tree species include Burseria simaruba, Cephalocerekts royenii, Pictetia aculeata, Bucida buceras, Guaiacum officinale,Leucaena glnuca, Tamarindis indica, Melicoccus bijugatus, Acacia ssp., and Capparis cynophallophora (Little and Wadsworth 1964). In addition, on our dry forest plots ( a s , Icacos 1, Congo 1, Outer Brass 1, and Gt. St. James I), we encountered many Byrsonima lucida, Euphorbia petiolaris, and Metopium toxiferum. On Buck 1, Diablo 1, Gt. St James 3, and Mona 2 the vegetation consisted of tree species with compound trunks, primarily Coccoloba uvifera, Hippomane mancinella, and Thespesia populnea. Sabal palm groves were present on Outer Brass 2 and Salt 2. Salt-tolerant shrublands primarily composed of Suriana and Tournefortia just above the high tide line was the dominant vegetation on Diablo 2, while Diablo 3 primarily I Outer Brass Is Figure 4.-Coccsiobcl uvffera habitat on Buck 1. Geornorphology and Topography of Study Sites Geomophology of the various islands and cays studied varied considerably, from the steep-sided metamorphic topography of St. Thomas and associated cays (Heatwole et al. 1981) to the cemented dune structure of La Cordillera (Kaye 1959a). Isla Mona is composed primarily of a Pleistocene limestone plateau surrounded by sheer cliff (Kaye 1959b). In fact, most islands of the bank have significant limestone deposits, with varying amounts of metamorphic rock, in- Figure 5.-Mixed Cocos and scrubland habitat on Cayo Diablo. The vegetation at the center of the island is primarily Cassyfhia vine growing over Opuntia cactus. 2 ' 7 ) Congo cay Figure 6,- Aromatic beachfront shrubland, primarily Suriaaa and Tourneforfia, near Diablo 2. Buck Is 90 Cay U. S. Virgin Islands Figure 3.-Location of sampling plots, U.S.Virgin Islands. Figure 7.-Guinea grass, Panicum maximum, habitat on Buck 2. cluding gneiss and basalt, present as well. The cays of La Cordillera are exceedingly low, with maximum elevations under 15 m. In the Virgin Islands the cays are of moderate elevation with eroded limestone hills approaching 50-300 m in height. An overview of the geology of the Virgin Islands is given in Schuchert (1935). The climate of the Bank is essentially subtropical to tropical. Temperatures of the coastal areas range from overnight lows of ca. 15' C to daytime highs approaching 35 " C. Rainfall, especially on Puerto Rico, is geographically variable (Briscue 1366). Areas within the range of E. monensis typically receive < 750 mm of rainfall per year. Sampling Techniques The presence or probable absence of the boa on a particular cay was determined by active searching of all habitat types during surveys (carried out independently of habitat analysis) from April 1983 to September 1987. Typically 2 weeks or more were spent searching larger islands and three to five days for smaller cays. Only 1 night was spent on Cayo Lobos, as the native vegetation was all but completely destroyed by human activity and all densely vegetated areas could be searched repeatedly in a single night. Our experience with multiple recaptures of the same individual indicates that the snakes forage every night under most circumstances. Within each 24-hour period 4 hours per night were spent searching likely foraging sites such as vine tangles, terminal branches of trees, palm crowns, and beachfront vegetation. During the daylight hours, refugia sites such as debris piles, termite nests, and palm axils were examined. After capture, the time, capture height, habitat description, ambient temperature, refugium temperature, and cloaca1 temperature of each snake were recorded. Later, sex, body mass, snout-vent length (SVL), and caudal length (CL) were recorded. The snakes were examined for reproductive condition, presence of injuries, and parasite infestation. Snakes were marked using the technique of Brown and Parker (1976) and released at the point of capture. Habitat variables recorded included both physical and biological parameters (table 1).Predator density estimates include indices of abundance for likely predators of E. monensis: the roof rat, Rattus rattus, the pearlyeyed thrasher, Margarops fuscatus, and the Puerto Rican racer, Alsophis portoricensis. Rattus densities were estimated using removal trapping over a 3-day span on 100-m transects with Victor snap traps spaced every 5 m. Presence of Felis catus was determined by direct observation. Because of the extreme wariness and trap-shy nature of the Felis on study plots, only their presence or absence was recorded. Prey density data includes of population densities for Anolis cristatellus and Ameiva exsul. Anolis, Alsophis, Ameiva, and Margarops were counted by having two observers slowly walk the transects and counting the individuals of each species observed within a 5 m distance on each side of the transect line. On Cayo Diablo, independent estimates of Ameiva and Anolis cristatellus populations were gathered by surveys of 5 m2 quatrats. Anolis cristatellus perch heights were measured with a metric tape except on Cayo L o b s and Salt Cay. Canopy height was estimated for each habitat with the help of a metric tape. Vegetative composition was determined by subjective stratified sampling using 10 m2quadrat plots (Clarke 1986);plant samples were taken for species identification from each island. Vegetation coverage data indicates the percentage composition of five different classes of vegetation: trees (trunk circumference at shoulder height > 25 cm), palms, Qpuntia cactus, shrubs and small trees (trunk circumferences < 25 cm), and grasses. Vegetation structural data includes the number of dominant plant species, the height of the canopy, and the continuity of the vegetation (a measure of the difficulty for the boa to crawl from one plant to another without going to the ground). Plants were identified by David W. Nellis and the author. I attempted to use continuously distributed standarized environmental variables whenever possible. Absence of a particular predator or prey species on a given a sample plot did not always indicate its absence from the island on which the plot was situated. Only male Anolis perch heights were used for the statistical analysis, as female and juvenile A. cristatellus tend to frequent the ground under all circumstances (Kiester et al. 1975).Mean male Anolis perch height data were pooled for each island for character 16 of the PCA data matrix, as some plots were completely devoid of Anolis. Statistical Analysis Principal components analysis was performed using the Statistical Analysis System "SAS" release 5.16 (SAS Institute 1985).Significant habitat components, which included both biotic and structural variables of the collecting localities (e.g. those which accounted for > 10%of the total variance in the data), were clustered on the basis of their association within the PCA data matrix. The second step of the analysis compared the relative abundance of E. monensis at each collecting locality with habitats described by the significant axes of the principal components. Regression analysis, ANOVA, and descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, etc.) were performed using Statview 512) on an Apple Macintosh Plus. Results tributes of vegetation are all important contributors to variance in the PCA patterns. Factor patterns for the first six principal components are given in table 1. Principal component I accounts for 23.4% of the variance. This component clusters habitats with high shrub and palm densities, low numbers of single trees, vegetational continuity, and low canopy heights. Important biotic charasteristics of this space include Felis presence and low Ratfus, Margarops, and Alsophis densities with high Anolis perch heights. Principal component II accounts for an additional 17.0%of the variance observed. This axis describes sites having low grass density, high compound tree densities, canopy height > 3 m ,and high Ameiva densities. Principal component I11 accounted for '3.1.2%of the variance and suggested an association between low Ameiva density, low compound tree density, low grass density, high shrub density, and canopy height > 3 m. Factor IV accounted for another 10.7%of the variance and clustered high Alsophis and Anolis densities with Felis absence and low palm density. Components V-VI were less significant in the PCA (e.g. each accounted for < 10 % of the variance) but added some interesting ecological information to the habitat analysis. Principal component V clustered high Rattus density with low Mmgarops density; principal component VI grouped high Margarops density with low Anolis density. Habitat Utilization by Epicrates monensis Multivariate Analysis of Habitats The PCA indicates that biotic factors, plant composition, and structural at3Theuse of trade and company names is for the benefit of the reader; such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of any service or product b y the U. S. Department of Agricutture to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. The vegetational profiles of climax plant communities (and E. monensis collection localities) in the dry forest may differ considerably depending on island size, geology, geomorphology, rainfall, and history of human or feral mammal disturbance. However, most dry forest habitats on the Bank are structurally simple, with usually only two to five dominant plant species (table 2). Captures and sightings of the Mona boa have been limited to three distinct localities: dry plateau forest adjacent to Uvero and Pajaros (Campbell and Thompson 1978; Rivers et al. 1982) Coccoloba uvifera groves of Pajaros (M. Frontera, Pers. Cornm.), and Cwos groves and nearby vegetation adjacent to Playa Sardinera (C. Rodriguez pers. comm.). The Virgin Islands boa has been encountered repeatedly on only two islands: St. 'Thomas and &yo Diablo. All specimens from St. Thomas were captured on the east end sf the island near Red Hook. Two specimens were found beneath a limestone slab during construction of the Vessup Bay Estates housing subdivision, another was taken from a stone wall, and a third was found as a roadkill near Smith Bay. R. Thomas captured a specimen crawling in a viney tangle ca. 2.4 rn high (Sheplan and Sshwartz 197'4). 'The Red Hook area is dominated by xeric forest composed primarily of Burseria, Crofon, and Acacia. No habitat data is available for E. m. granfi on Tortola. I have received reports that the boa was present in the palm forest of Outer Brass Island (J. LaFlace pers. comm.) but I was unable to find ~t there even after five trips to the island. Virgin Islands residents also report the boa as inhabiting Great St. James Is. (D. Neilis pers. comm.), Great Carnanoe: Necker Is., and Virgin Gorda, (Mayer and Lazell 19881, but these sightings have not been confirmed by biologists. Grant (1932) mentioned anecdotally (he did not capture the holotype himself) that "the boa is found on rocky cliffs on Tortola and Guana Islands." On Cayo Diablo, Coccoloba uvifera is the habitat most commonly associated with foraging E. monensis. Of the 79 active snakes we captured, 51 were found in Coccoloba, ten in Caesalpinea, nine on Cassythia, seven in Suriunn, and two in Opuntia. Twentythree percent of the snakes were ac- tive at heights > 2 m. Of these, 67% had SVLs > 400 mm. Seventy-five percent of juvenile snakes (under 300 rnm SVL) foraged at heights < 1.5 m, but regression analysis indicated that these differences were not statistically significant. Of the 149 inactive snakes taken from refugia, 43% were in Cocos or Sabal a d s , 36% were in termite nests, and 21% were under rocks or debris. Fifty-one percent of snakes taken from termite nests were females; over half of these were gravid. Gravid females use termite nests or sun-baked debris to thermoregulate and may elevate their body temperatures to over 33"C. Prey Density and Epicrates monensis Distributions The greatest concentrations of Epicrates monensis are in areas (particularly Coccoloba groves) with Anolis densities > 60 Anolis/100 m2. This Anolis/Epicrates association is reinforced by PCA (see below). My field logs indicate that the greatest success in finding foraging Epicrates occurs when observations of sleeping Anolis are > 12 lizards/h. Numerical counts of sleeping Anolis and the times between sightings are regularly noted in my field book as a rough guide to potential hunting success in a study locality. Anolis cristatellus is the primary prey species of E. monensis, and the mean foraging height of the snake (x = 1.356, SD = 1.079 N = 54) is close to the mean perch height of sleeping Anolis (x males = 1.816 m, SD = 0.993, N = 17; x females = 1.323 m, SD = ,681, N = 14; x juveniles = 1.417 m, SD = 0.169, N = 5). High Ameiva densities are also a common component of localities with high boa densities, although I observed only one instance of a boa feeding on Ameiva, which are strongly diurnal. Feral Mammal Abundance and Epicrates msnensis Distribu8isns Of the 10 islands surveyed for this study, only three were completely devoid of rats: Cayo Diablo, Cayo Icacos, and Steven Cay. These islands have high Ameiva and Anolis densities, but only Diablo Cay harbors a population of the boa. It also has the highest densities of Epicrates monensis found anywhere on the bank, > 100 snakes/hc at some localities. Those islands with heavy rat densities (ca. 20 rats/hectare~-Buck Is., Cas Cay, and Salt Cay-have lower Ameiva and Analis densities and apparently no boa populations, despite suitable habitat. Rat densities are not always correlated with low Anolis densities, however. Some islands, such as Outer Brass and Congo, have Anolis densities apparently high enough to support populations of the boa, but their perch heights (table 2) are significantly different from those Anolis inhabiting rat free islands. ANOVA performed on the regression line (y = -5.548~+ 1.127) which plots Anolis perch height vs. rat density on my study islands (Tolson and Campbell in prep) shows a negative correlation (p = .0137) between rat density and Anolis perch height. This is not surprising. Anolis cristatellus resident on rat-infested islands exhibit a typical escape behavior. Male Puerto Rican A. cristatellus escape to the canopy when threatened (Heatwole 1968),but those on Congo Cay, Outer Brass, and Salt Cay all run to the ground when disturbed, even when suitable cover on the ground is lacking. At night, the Anolis are not usually found sleeping exposed on vegetation, but rather under rocks. This is extremely unusual behavior for A. cristatellus (E. Williams pers. comm.). Although one does not often discover E. monensis on islands which are infested with rats, some sympatry does occur. Isla Mona and St. Thomas are islands with moderate rat densities and extant (although apparently dwindling) populations of E. monensis. Interestingly, at localities where Epicrates coexists with Rattus, there are also significant numbers of introduced mammalian predators such as Felis and Herpestes (table 2). Discussion PCA and E. monensis Habitat Utilization The Puerto Rico Bank encompasses a total land area in excess of 9,300 km2, of which 1700+ km2 (or 17.6%)is covered with subtropical dry forest (Ewe1 and Whitmore, 1973). This xeric forest is widely distributed throughout the range of Epicrates monensis, yet the boa, as far as we know, occupies only seven islands of the 243 that make up the banks-effectively exploiting only 0.04% of the land area available to it. PCA helped to identify those factors which seem to define critical boa habitat. Several vegetative parameters which cluster together in the PCA are descriptive of habitat where I or others have encountered E. monensis repeatedly. These include areas with high shrub and palm densities coupled with a low canopy and vegetational continuity. These values describe plot habitat on Diablo 2, Icacos 2, and certain sites within the Red Hook area of St. Thomas. Either high shrub or high palm densities coupled with vegetational continuity and lower canopy are found on Diablo 3, Icacos 3, and Mona 1. Of these two subsets of PC I, boas occur on Diablo 2 and 3, Mona 1, St. Thomas, and almost certainly inhabited Icacos 1 and 3 at one time. In PC 11, habitat correlates include high compound tree density, high canopy height, vegetational continuity, and low grass density. This is a perfect structural and compositional description of Diablo 1, which has the highest population of E. monensis I have ever encountered, and Mona 2-another locality where E. monensis has been observed (Campbell and Thompson 1978).It seems clear from these data that the unifying variable which causes an intersection of these two differinghabitat types is vegetational continuity-an interlockingof the branches of shrubs or the tree canopy. I believe this vegetational characteristic is essential to E. monensis foraging success and survival. It probably not only decreases the search time between encounters with sleeping Anolis while foraging, but it also potentially limits the encounters between the boa and Felis and Herpestes. Fortunately, at least some tracts of subtropical dry forest and Coccoloba have remained relatively undisturbed on the Virgin Islands, Isla Mona, and Puerto Rico and its offshore satellites. Much suitable habitat does exist-even near popula ted areas. While habitats throughout the Bank are presumably underutilized by E. monensis, and suitable areas for reintroduction apparently exist in a number of localities, the extant boa populations are so fragmented and reduced in numbers that it is crucial to protect those areas now supporting the boa. This may be difficult. Historically, vegetation on Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands has been severely disrupted, and 17th-18th century land use patterns on the U.S. Virgin Islands may partially explain the limited distribution of the boa on the east end of St. Thomas and its absence from St. John. Even now enormous pressures exist for continued development on the east end of St. Thomas. Construction around Red Hook seems to have accelerated in recent months, perhaps in response to the decline of interest rates in the United States, and three relatively undeveloped areas on the east end-Red Hook Mountain, Cabrita Point, and Water Point-all have projects in progress that do not involve federal funding. The management authority on St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands-the Division of Fish and Wildlifehas no control over such development. In contrast, Puerto Rican islands with populations of Epicrates monensis are in no imminent danger of development. Cayo Diablo is part of the Reserva Forestal de La Cordillera, and Isla Mona is likewise a Forest Preserve (although it was once proposed to develop the island as a deep-water oil port). A problem does exist, however, with habitat destruction on isolated cays caused by campers and fishermen (Heatwole and Mackenzie 1967). Coccoloba trees in the larger groves-areas where the greatest densities of E. monensis are found-are often used as firewood by visitors. A survey done in 1987 of damage to Coccoloba stands on Cayo Diablo showed that many trees sustained some sort of damage caused by human activity, primarily machete cuts and burns from fires started at the bases of the trees. Effects of Feral Mammals My analysis shows that Rattus and Felis are a primary influence on community composition on the Puerto Rico Bank. Felis presence is associated with low Alsophis, Margarops, and Rattus density (table 1: PC I); Felis absence is associated high Anolis and Alsophis densities in PC IV (table 1). Clearly the presence of Fdis in E. monensis habitat is a mixed blessing. Cats present a great danger to Epicrates because they hunt at night. Several instances of cat predation of Epicrates have been reported on St. Thomas (D. Nellis pers. comm.) In fact, in April and May of 1988 two E. monensis were rescued from cats on St. Thomas and were incorporated into the captive breeding program at the Toledo Zoological Gardens. In contrast, however, on islands where boas and rats coexist-Isla Mona and St. Thomas-there are also significant populations of Felis. Cats feed on Rattus and may keep rat populations at levels low enough to permit survival of the boa. Their apparent adverse affect on Alsophis and Margarops density-two potential predators of E. monensis-may also be of some small benefit in certain circumstances. Weiwandt's (1977) observation of cat predation of Alsophis on Isla Mona corroborate the PC I linkage of cat presence with low Alsophis density. I cannot be certain whether Rattus affectboa populations by acting primarily as a constraint on their resource levels or by direct predation. Although I have been unable to demonstrate that rats forage on boas, I have every reason to suspect that they do. Rattus is known to prey on lizards (Whitaker 1978).While surveying for boa populations on the Bank I found habitat (Congo Cay, Outer Brass Cay) which provides optimal foraging opportunities for the boa (e.g. vegetation associated with population densities of > 60 Anolis/ 100 m2on rat-free islands) but had no or few boas and were virtually over- run with rats at night. Rats may also affect boa populations by preying on Anolis directly or by influencing their perching behavior, (indicated by the negative correlation between rat density and Anolis perch height (table 1: PC I) or selection of sleeping sites. If lizards rarely rest in the canopy at night but rather seek refuge sites on the ground, there would be potentially disastrous consequences for boa foraging success. Rattus also apparently affect Margarops density (table 1: PC V). There can be little doubt that the Indian mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus, threatens Epicrates mmonensis directly as well, but I believe the risk to Epicrates is sometimes exaggerated. Herpestes predation on endemic West Indian snakes is well documented (Maclean 1982), but the mongoose is a stictly diurnal, terrestrial predator; Epicrates monensis is nocturnal and arboreal. Herpestes poses the greatest danger to the diurnal West Indian racers, genus Alsophis, and are directly responsible for the extinction of Alsophis sancticrucis on St Croix and the extirpation of A. portoricensis from St. Thomas and St. John. In contrast, I have found Epicrates monensis abroad during the daylight hours on only two occasions over a period of several years. It seems that Herpestes would have the greatest chance of capturing Epicrates when the latter is resting in some moderately accessible location during the day-in loose sections of termite nests, for example. Feral pigs G u s scrofa) may also threaten the Mona boa to some degree, either by eating them or by destroying vegetation, such as terrestrial bromeliads, that may act as snake refugia. I have no data on the magnitude of this threat. Natural Predators The Puerto Rico Bank has no extant species of native mammalian predators, but two nocturnal avian predatory species may pose a limited threat to Epicrates monensis. The yellow-crowned night heron, Nyctanassa violacea, and the Puerto Rican screech owl, Otus nudipes, are two potential predators of the boa. While populations of Otus are declining on the bank (IUCN 1981) those of the heron seem quite stable. I have repeatedly observed herons foraging at night in boa habitat on both Isla Mona and Cayo Diablo. Examination of the debris beneath heron rookeries on Cayo Diablo has revealed numerous fragments of Anolis and Ameiva skin and skeletal materials, usually ribs, vertebrae, and jaw elements. No snake remains have been found, but my coworkers and I are continuing to investigate this potential problem. I also found that Anolis densities and perch heights are reduced (table 2) on plots with high pearly-eyed thrasher densities. In PC I (table 1) high Anolis perch heights are associated with low thrasher density. These birds also prey on Anolis, and are so common in some areas they could easily depress Anolis population numbers. Principal component VI (table 1) couples high thrasher density with low Anolis density. Two arthropods are potential predators of E. monensis: the land crab Gecarcinus and the hermit crab Caenobita clypeatus. Searches of terrestrial refugia for Epicrates have revealed that these snakes are nearly always absent from areas occupied by Gecarcinus and Caen~bita.This is especially true in termite nests. Snakes only occupy areas of the nest that are inaccessible to crabs. If weathering or disturbance causes a section of termite nest to become habitable for crabs it is abandoned by Epicrates, despite their prior use of the refugium for several past field seasons. In hundreds of examinations of refugia over the past five field seasons, I found Epicrates in association with Caenobita on only one occasion: I found a gravid female thermoregula ting under a discarded tarpaulin in the midst of several Caenobita on 7 September 1987. Evidence for preda- tion by the aforementioned species is strictly circumstantial, but the fact remains that over 17%of the Epicrates captured have obvious wounds, scars, or partially amputated tails. This is strong evidence that some form of natural predation is occurring. Climatic/Stochastic Events The apparent extirpation of the snake from the majority of the islands on the Bank relate not only to the arrival of European man on the Bank and the habitat destruction which followed, but also to climatic, eustatic, and stochastic events, many of which had profound influences on habitat. During the late Pleistocene several climatic and eustatic events occurred that apparently set the stage for the decline of E. monensis on the Bank. Foremost among these was a dramatic change in the climate of Puerto Rico. From a relatively xeric climate, Puerto Rico became progressively more mesic during the late Pleistocene. Today, over 81% of Puerto Rico's vegetation is classified as moist or wet forest (Ewe1 and Whitmore 1973). Pregill(1981) and Pregill and Olson (1982) describe the effect this climatic change had on the xericadapted Puerto Rican herpetofauna. This extreme climatic shift may have resulted in the extirpation of E. monensis on Puerto R i ~ oIn . ~addition, sea levels rose nearly 100 m about 8,00040,000 years ago and separated the Virgin Islands from one another and from Puerto Rico, transforming what was a contiguous land mass into a scattered series of islets and cays spread over nearly 400 km. Many of these cays now have extremely low elevations (Heatwole and Mackenzie 1967). 41t is unclear why E. monensis is absent from the dry forest in southwestern Puerto Rico. Habitat in the Guanica forest seems quite suitable for the boa: perhaps brtf-~er survey work will result in its discovery there. The fragmentation of E. monensis into several small demes may have left several populations without the genetic resources to survive changing environments, and doubtless allowed stochastic processes such as disease, prey fluctuations, or storms to extirpate many isolated populations. I assume that the influences of random events on the present distribution of the native herpetofauna complicates the multivariate analysis by introducing more variance into the correlation matrix. These factors may explain the absence of snakes from islets with suitable habitat, as some of these islands may have inadequate food resources or lower probabilities of recolonization. Management Recommendations The forces threatening Epicrates monensis are complex. Solutions for the recovery of the boa will not be simple, but I am optimistic about the chances of success. My management recommendations are summarized below. Saving Boa Habitat This may be impossible on St. Thomas, but with luck the boa may coexist with man (as it now does) at some relatively developed localities. Continued protection of Isla Mona and La Cordillera are absolutely necessary. Continued protection and management should be extended to those cays now protected by the Division of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Virgin Islands-particularly Congo Cay, Outer Brass Cay, Salt Cay, Savana Island and Steven Cay-as these sites might eventually be utilized for reintroduction programs. The smaller islands should be off limits to casual visitors to prevent habitat damage and human persecution of the snakes. Predator Eradication on Suitable Offshore Islets Rat control programs should be initiated immediately on those islands with habitat suitable for E. monensis. Preliminary studies of rat eradication using anticoagulant poisons on some small cays near St. Thomas have produced promising results (Division of Fish and Wildlife, USVI 1983).It is critical, however, that time and funding be committed for follow up studies on any islands made the subject for a rat control program. This must be done to ensure that immunity to poisons has not evolved or that populations are being replenished by recolonization from St. Thomas. It is unlikely that Felis or Herpeste will ever be eradicated from larger islands such as Isla Mona or St. Th mas, but Felis control programs nr in force on Mona should be conti~ ued to further reduce populations and should be expanded to inch ' - I Cayo Icacos. It is important to c o ~ vince management authorities tha feral mammal control measures on the Bank must be increased, and quickly. It is a credit to the evolutionary re silience of this little snake that it has survived at all. Few endangered species have been exposed to such a wide range of adverse effects and have still survived. It is my fervent hope that this, and other endemic species of the Caribbean, will not be exterminated in the wake of the living human debris, such as Rattus rattus, that we have allowed to pollute the islands of the West Indies. Captive Breeding for Reintroduction Purposes Captive propagation can figure significantly in the recovery of this snake (USFWS 1986)The current cooperative breeding plan for E. monensis should be expanded to more American Associa tion of Zoological Parks and Aquarium member institu- tions, and Species Survival Plan designation should be sought for the snake immediately to facilitate genetic management of the captive population. For the present, until genetic analysis has been completed, the strategy of deme integrity maintenance should be continued, with St. Thomas founders and La Cordillera founders managed as separate populations. Continuous outcrossing within demes facilitated by a random pair mating scheme should be encouraged. Fortunately, the first captive breeding has already taken place, the proximate factors critical to reproduction have been identified (Tolson and Tuebner 1987), and there is no reason why the captive population cannot be expanded quickly for reintroduction attempts within five years. I firmly believe that we are finally at the point where we can look forward to augmenting boa populations, rather than helplessly watch them decline. Acknowledgments This research was conducted as part of USFWS recovery activities under the support of the Institute of Museum %rvices conservation program (Grant IC-70095-87) and the Toledo Zoological Society. I am extremely grateful to Dr. David W. Nellis, Division of Fish and Wildlife, U.S Virgin Islands, Drs. Eduardo R. Cardona and Jose A. Vivaldi, Departments de Recursos Naturals, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and to Hilda DiazSoltero and Robert Pace of the USFWS Caribbean Field Office for their counsel and logistical support during the execution of this project. I thank Earl W. Campbell 111, Jorge L. Pinero, and Carlos Diez for their assistance in the field, which was often given under difficult conditions. C. Ray Chandler and Earl W. Campbell I11 aided in the statistical analysis. Literature Cited graphy of the Puerto Rican Bank. Barbour, Thomas 1917. Notes on the herpetology of the Virgin Islands. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 30:97-104. Barbour, Thomas 1930. Some faunistic changes in the Lesser Antilles. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 11:73-$5. Briscoe, C.B. 1966. Weather in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Research Paper ITF-3,250 p. Institute of Tropical Forestry, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rics. Brown, William S. and William S. Parker 1976. 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Variable Predator Ratfus density Felis presence Alsophis density Margarops density Prey Anolis density Ameiva density Anolis perch height Coverage Percent cover C trees Percent cover S trees Percent cover palms Percent cover Opuntia Percent cover grasses Structural Vegetational continuity Canopy height Plant diversity Description Rats captured/trap hour Present = 1, absent = 0 Mean no. Alsophis observed/day on transect Mean no. Margarops observed/day on transect Mean no. Anolis/5 m of transect Mean no. Ameiva/5 m of transect Mean perch height in m of male Anolis No.compound trees/no. woody plants No. single trees/no. woody plants No. palms/no. woody plants No. Opuntia/no. woody plants Grassland area/total area Contiguous = 1, high = .75, Moderate = .5 low = .25, absent = 0 >3 m = 1,l-2 m = .5, <1 m = 0 No. of dominant plant species on plot