This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Evaluation and Review of Field Techniques Used to Study and anage Gopher rtoisesl Russell L. Burke2 and James Cox3 Of the approximately 107 genera and 267 species of North American reptiles, two species of tortoises have received a relatively large amount of scientific attention. Organizations dedicated to the conservation and protection of the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) (The Gopher Tortoise Council) and the desert tor toise (G. agassizi) (The Desert Tortoise Council) attest to heightened levels of amateur and scientific interest in these species. Past bibliographies (Diemer 1981, Douglass 1975, Douglass 1977, Hohman et al. 1980) together record over 775 different publications concerning the genus, and more have been published since then. Compared to most other reptile species, an exceptional diversity of techniques has been employed, and many field methods have been developed and used to study their status and biology. The gopher tortoise is a large terrestrial turtle (15-37 cm carapace length, 3.6-5.0 kg) that exhibits low rates of juvenile recruitment, extreme 'Paper presented at symposium, Management of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Small Mammals in North America. [Flagstaff, AZ,July 7 9-2 7, 1988.) 2ResearchAssociate. Tall Timbers Research Station, Route 1, Box 678, Tallahassee,Florida, 323 12. 3Biologist,Nongame Wildlife Program, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, 620 S. Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399- 1600. Abstract.-This paper reviews methods used to census gopher tortoises as well as techniques for demographic, reproduction, and movement studies. We also evaluate a refinement for line transect estimates of gopher tortoise abundance. In situations where dense vegetation structure may hinder abilities to locate burrows along transects, Fourier series estimators of abundance can be used to overcome the problem. However, our results indicate that many transects may be needed to provide precise estimates of gopher tortoise abundance over large areas. The collection of vegetation data along transects may also be helpful in evaluating habitat preference in this species. adult longevity, and persistent use of a small number of burrows, often in a loose aggregation of 10 to 15 individuals. As a result, tortoises display a social system that involves individuals who may have interacted regularly for decades (Douglass 1976, Landers et al. 1980, McRae et al. 1980).Tortoises were once a common feature of the upland habitats of the southeastern coastal plain (Auffenberg and Franz 19821, but the species is now less common and appears on several state and federal lists of rare or endangered species (Lohoefener and Lohrneier 1984, Wood 1987).The principal forces driving these population declines are rapid urbanization, certain forest management practices, and human predation (Diemer 1986). Gopher tortoise burrows are important to a large wildlife community, and 332 other species have been documented to use tortoise burrows at least occasionally (Jacksonand Milstrey in press). Included among the several rare species that rely heavily on tortoise burrows are the Florida mouse (Podomysfloridanus), Florida and dusky crawfish frogs (Ramareolata aesopus and R. areolata sevosa), sand skink (Neoseps reynoldsi), Florida pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus), and eastern indigo snake (Dyrnarchon corais couperi). In this paper we review techniques used in field research on the gopher tortoise community. We also discuss future areas of research and analyze the use of Fourier series estimators (Burnham et al. 1980) in line transect censusing techniques. In doing so we suggest appropriate methods for future work, standardize some techniques, bring some lesser known techniques to the fore, and suggest refinements to commonly used methods. Estimating Population Size Burrow Count Transects Burrow-count transects are currently the most widely used method for estimating the size of local gopher tortoise populations, though some tortoise populations do not dig burrows (Auffenberg 19691, while others may use seven or more burrows per individual (McRae et al. 1980).Burrows are particularly amenable to transect analysis since they are stationary and generally visible in many of the open areas occupied by gopher tortoises. Transects also require little equipment, can be used to cover relatively large areas in a short time, and can be used to estimate abundance over a large area using random or stratifiedrandom sampling procedures. A conversion factor (Auffenberg and Franz 1982) is used to relate the number of different tortoise burrows to the number of gopher tortoises in an area. The dimensions of reported transects ranges from 100 to 250 m in length to 7 to 10 m in width (Auffenberg and Franz 1982, Cox et al. 1987, Lohoefener and Lohmeier unpub. rep.). Lohoefener (in press) points out that strip transect burrow counts assume that all burrows are detected within a strip. Breininger et al. (in press), however, expressed concern that dense vegetation could make strip-transect estimates unreliable unless the transects were narrow. The thick oak scrub (Quercus spp.) vegetation common on many of their study sites, for example, would have prohibited surveyors from seeing burrows more than a few meters from transect lines. A possible method of correcting this problem (Cox et al. 1987, Lohoefener in press) is to take perpendicular distance measures from transect lines to observed gopher tortoise burrows. Perpendicular distances can be used in Fourier series density estimators (or other estimators) (Burnham et al. 1981) to account for differences in the detectability of burrows due to vegetation or the size of the burrow. To look at this problem in more depth, we compared strip transects and line transects by establishing 12 transects (250 m by 20 m) in each of three areas containing gopher tortoise populations. The areas selected had noticeable differences in vegetative structure. The first site was a mixed longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), turkey oak (Quercus laevis) habitat on a private ranch; the second site was an early successional sand pine scrub (P. clausa) forest on private timber lands; and the third site was a mature longleaf pine forest in the Apalachicola National Forest. The starting points and directions of transects within these areas were randomly selected. Perpendicular distances from burrows to transect lines were measured to the nearest 0.25 m, and only burrows detected from the transect line were recorded (i.e., burrows located while measuring perpendicular distances to burrows seen from the transect line were ignored). Burrow densities for each of the three areas were estimated directly using the number recorded on transects and Fourier series estimators obtained from perpendicular distance data (table 1). Fourier series estimators were calculated using the TRANSECT program developed by Laake et al. (1979) and are presented in table 1 for the three sites. Vegetation structure appeared to influence the estimate of burrow density on the early successional site (Site 2), but the Fourier series estimate of density was no different than the estimate provided by direct computations on the other sites. The early successional site had a very thick shrub component that made it difficult to locate burrows several meters from the transect line. Ten meters was probably too wide a transect width in this particular setting. The direct computation of burrow density from transect data on Site 2 is only half the density estimate developed by the Fourier series estimate. The level of variation observed among transects (whether they be strip or line transects) within a site can be used to estimate the number of additional transects needed to attain a higher level of accuracy for the estimate of density (Burnham et al. 1981). To increase the precision of our estimates by lo%, for example, an additional 24 transects would be needed for Site 1,40 for Site 2, and 78 for Site 3. Such an analysis can help determine whether additional surveys are needed, given the level of accuracy desired. For some questions, levels of accuracy of 20-30% may be acceptable. Detecting small burrows of juvenile tortoises in transect sampling can be particularly difficult even in fairly open habitats (Douglass 1978). This problem weakens the reliability of transect data in estimating the abundance of juveniles. Fourier series estimators again could be used, in conjunction with an estimate of burrow size, to gauge detectability of small burrows, but extremely large samples are probably needed to obtain an accurate detectability function and estimate of abundance for smaller tortoises. Point-Center Burrow Counts Tortoises often form small colonies of aggregated burrows (McRae et al. 19801, and H. Mushinsky and E. McCoy (Pers. comm., University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida) use a point-center method (Cottam and Curtis 1956) to estimate the size of tortoise colonies. The approximate center of the aggregation of burrows is estimated, and the center point of the census station is placed there. The distance from the center point to several tortoise burrows is determined, and a burrow density estimate is derived using standard point-center calculations (Cottam and Curtis 1956). If the abundance of tortoises over a large area is desired, all aggregations should be located. Other Indirect Estimates of Density In some situations (e.g., intensive colony analysis or preparation for population relocation), complete burrow counts are needed. We have used teams of 6 to 12 inexperienced field assistants, spaced at arm's length, to traverse an area and search intensively for burrows. Later searches by a more experienced researcher did not reveal any previously undiscovered burrows, except for a few cryptic hatchling burrows. Trained dogs and aerial searches by helicopter (Humphrey et al. 1986) have also been used to locate gopher tortoise burrows. Gopher tortoises often defecate in or near their burrows, and a motivated dog can detect and locate the resulting olfactory source. Scats and carcasses are also important field sign used as indices of desert tortoise populations (Berry and Nicholson 1984, Woodman and Berry 1984). Regularly used burrows often have several well-defined trails leading to foraging areas and other burrows (Ernst and Barbour 1972). We have used these trails to find burrows hidden in extremely dense vegetation. number of tortoises associated with those burrows can be difficult. It seems logical that the number of tortoise burrows would be positively correlated with the number of gopher tortoises in an area, but the precise nature of this relationship is poorly understood. Complicating factors include the level of human disturbance, soil type, and factors that influence gopher tortoise activity patterns kg., time of day, season, and weather conditions). Most researchers have used a correction factor of 0.614 times the number of "active" and "inactive" burrows to estimate tortoises abundance from burrow counts. This conversion factor is based on information presented in Auffenberg and Franz (1982) that was derived from longterm data on the occupation rates of 122 burrows. Burrow activity was defined by Auffenberg and Franz (1982) in the following manner: active (burrow) if the soil of Activity Patterns and Correction Factors for Burrow Counts Although estimates of gopher tortoise burrow abundance are relatively easy to collect, calculating the the burrow had been recently disturbed by the tortoise, inactive if the soil were undisturbed but the burrow appeared to be maintained, and old if the mouth had been washed in or covered with debris (1982:96) (italics ours). Little experience is needed to learn to make these distinctions, but different investigators' classifications may vary, increasing the imprecision of tortoise abundance estimates. The precision is also affected by the activity level of tortoises. During warm periods tortoises may move amorlg several burrows during a day; during cooler periods a tortoise may stay in a burrow for several weeks. R. Stratton (Pers. comm.) suggests that it is possible to determine whether a burrow is occupied (i.e., active) by the direction of foot tracks on the burrow apron. Stratton was able to identify correctly 14 of 15 occupied burrows using this technique, but he incorrectly identified 19 unoccupied burrows as being occupied. I. J. Stout (Pers. cornm., University of Central Florida, Orlando Florida) has successfully used a "sewer snake" to determine if a burrow is occupied. When extended to the end of the burrow, the sound of the end of the wire tapping a tortoise shell is distinctive. Other methods include "feeling" for tortoises using long PVC pipes (Pers. comm., J. Diemer, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Wildlife Research Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida) and listening for tortoises using either a flexible garden hose (Pers. comm., D.B. Means, Coastal Plains Institute, Tallahassee, Florida) or an electronic "ear" to amplify breathing sounds (Pers. comrn., D. W. Speake, Alabama Cooperative Research Unit, Auburn, Alabama). Several small twigs stuck vertically into the soil at the burrow mouth can also be used to determine if a burrow is occupied (Hallinan 1923, Beiinger et al. in press). If properly spaced, one or more twigs will be knocked over the next time a tortoise passes. Direction of travel can be determined by uniquely marking the top of each twig (or using a "Y" shaped stick) and noting which di- rection the twig falls. The twigs can be resurveyed 1-3 days after placemen t. Some recent studies involving total cdony capture (Doonan 1986, Stout et al. in press, Fucigna and Nickerson in press, Linley 1986, R.L. Burke unpublished data), using a miniature underground television camera (Burke pers. obs., Breininger et al. in press, Spillers and Speake 1986) or other techniques have provided reliable determinations of the number of tortoises per burrow. These studies (table 2) have reported a wide variation in the appropriate correction factor, from 4% of active and inactive burrows (Speake 1983?) to 75% (Doonan 1986). Breininger et al. (in press) suggest that an appropriate correction factor must be determined on a case-bycase basis. They recommended that at least 20 active and inactive burrows be surveyed by other methods kg;., by camera techniques, trapping, or by stick placement at the mouth of the burrow) to establish an accurate correction factor for a site. Capture Techniques Gopher tortoises spend most of their time in burrows (McRae et al. 19801, which makes it difficult to observe or capture animals above ground. It is not known how much time gopher tortoises spend in above ground activities, but the congener desert tortoise is inactive for about 98% of its life (Nagy and Medica 1986). Once inhabited burrows are located, tortoises may be captured and counted directly by any of several methods. The methods vary in terms of time and resource expenditures required and the degree to which habitat conditions are disturbed. Trapping Many researchers use a version of bucket trapping similar to that origi- nally reported by Agassiz (1857). This fairly non-disruptive technique involves burying a smooth sided plastic bucket (usually a five-gallon size) immediately in front of the burrow, and covering the trap loosely with a cloth or a sheet of heavy paper. The trap is then disguised with a thin layer of soil. Drainage holes may be drilled in the bottom and sides to prevent accumulation of rainwater, which can drown a captured tortoise. However, in extremely hydric soils, traps should not have holes because water entering from the ground can cause the same problem. In general, traplines should be closed down during periods of heavy rains. Traps should be checked at least daily, and during very hot weather there is a risk of overheating and killing captured animals (Burke 1987, Taylor 1982).It may help to shade exposed traps. Smaller cans and containers may be used for capturing juvenile and subadult tortoises. Bucket trapping is labor intensive, but once traps are in place they are easy to monitor. Up to forty traps may be installed by an experienced person per day, and over 100 traps can be checked and reset if necessary per person per day. We found that over 90% of bucket-trapped tortoises were captured in the first 21 days, suggesting that three to four weeks is required to capture nearly all tortoises. These results are very similar to the results obtained by J. Diemer (Pers. comm., Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Wildlife Research Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida). An absence of signs of above-ground activity after placement of traps helps to indicate whether all occupied burrows in the area have been located and trapped. Martin and Layne (1987) placed standard live mammal traps at the entrance of the burrow to capture tortoises. Snares have also been used by Novotny (1986) and ourselves with some success. They may be set so as to catch the leg of the tortoise and therefore limit possible injury, though Taylor (1982) describes the use of snares to kill pest tortoises. Although snares are inexpensive and easy to set, they are easily evaded and may occasionally injure a noosed animal. Auffenberg (in Plummer 1979)and Recht (1981) described using mechanical and electronic burrow-excluding devices to force tortoises to remain above ground after leaving their burrows. Recht (1981) pointed out that, if such a mechanism was equipped with transmitting apparatus, the tortoise could be captured immediately . Deception "Handbobbing" (Burke 1987, Linley 1986) may entice tortoises to emerge from burrows, apparently by eliciting a territorial response. This technique involves bobbing a clenched fist in short, jerky motions at the mouth of the burrow, which is similar to the head bobbing that tortoise engage in as part of social interactions (Auffenberg 1969). Once a territorial response is initiated, tortoises will attempt to push the intruding hand from the burrow and can be maneuvered into a position to be extracted. Success may be enhanced by striking the ground several times before handbobbing and by tossing a small amount of soil down the burrow. Mirrors can also elicit a territorial response (Legler and Webb 1961). A somewhat similar technique, "tapping," has been used to capture desert tortoises (Medica et al. 1986). Tapping involves lightly rapping on the tortoise's shell with a long stick. This procedure would be difficult to employ successfully where burrows are long and curved. We have used sewer snakes to probe for tortoises at the end of their burrows, but we have not elicited a response by shell tapping. Burrow Excavation and Pulling Digging up the entire burrow with a backhoe or hand shovel is both time consuming and destructive. At one South Florida site, it took an experienced backhoe operator 2.5 hours to excavate one burrow that was over 11 m long and 6 m deep. Most burrows are excavated in less than 45 minutes using a backhoe, which compares favorably to the approximately 30 days of bucket trapping required to remove all tortoises from an area (Diemer et al. in press). When excavating a burrow, a sewer snake or garden hose should be extended to the end of the burrow to keep track of the tunnel path. The entire process is complicated by loose, sandy soils at some sites, and it is difficult to retain burrow structure and avoid potentially dangerous cave-ins. The difficulty of the process may be reduced by using an electronic device to locate the burrow end before digging (see Wolcott 1981).Small commensal species are likely to be buried when a burrow is excavated mechanically, but excavation by hand is extremely labor-intensive (Ernst and Barbour 1972). Taylor (1982)describes the history of a pulling "hook" first reported by Fisher (1917). It is the only simple, quick, and moderately reliable method for capturing tortoises, used principally by tortoise hunters. Pulling requires the use of a long flexible rod attached to a short stout piece of bent wire. The apparatus is fed into the burrow, maneuvered behind the tortoise, and wedged between the rear of the plastron and the flared carapace. Success rate is influenced by a puller's skill and by the length and curvature of the burrow. In regions that have been heavily "pulled" in the past, remaining tortoises are most often found in winding burrows that are particularly difficult to pull (R. Stratton, Pers. comrn.). Taylor (1982) gives details on the procedure, as well as statistics on the damage to captured tortoises. Techniques for Studying Tortoise Demography and Reproduction Estimates of Population Structure Using Burrow Width Alford (1980) and Martin and Layne (1987) have demonstrated that a simple mathematical relationship exists between the width of a burrow and the size of the resident tortoise. Thus, on the basis of a burrow census, burrow widths, and a reliable correction factor, it is possible to estimate population size and evaluate demographic structure (A1ford 1980, Sauer and Slade 1987).The relationship between burrow width and size of occupant may be slightly biased, however, since small tortoises can occupy large burrows but the obverse is impossible. Marking Techniques and Determining Sex and Age Marking tortoise shells is an easy way to follow the fate of individuals over long periods of time. Techniques for marking marginal scutes of turtles have been reviewed by Ferner (1979) and Plummer (1979). Based on variation in the shell dimensions of 183 adult tortoises of known sex, McRae et al. (1981) developed a discriminate equation that can be used to determine accurately the sex of adult tortoises from north Florida and south Georgia. The applicability of the technique to tortoises from other areas, and to smaller size classes, is untested (Wester 1986). Graham (1979) reviews four agedetermination techniques: mark/recapture, records of captive specimens, examination of long bone sections, and scute ring counts. Of these, only scute ring counts have been reported for gopher tortoises. W. Auffenberg (Pers. comm., Florida State Museum, Gainesville, Florida) suggested that a pencil rubbing of the plastron was an accurate way both to record true scute rings and to avoid counting false rings. This has been confirmed by L. Landers (unpub. data, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Florida). Additional methods of counting and recording scute rings are given by Galbraith and Brooks (1987). Landers et al. (1982) demonstrated that, in southern Georgia, age can be accurately estimated by carefully counting plastron scute rings. Germano and Fritts (in press) used mark/recapture data to show a high correlation between age and scute ring counts of 17 known-age desert tortoises (less than 25 years old) from Nevada. They propose microscopic examination of thin scute sections can help determine age of older tortoises. However, Berry (in press) presents data from 190 desert tortoises from 11 study sites in which scute rings were not annual. Ring deposition varied from 0 to 3 rings per year. Berry and Woodman (1984) discuss the use of shell wear classes for age determination of adult desert tortoises. Studies of Tortoise Reproduction Indirect indications of reproductive activity include swelling of the subdentary glands and recent evidence of gravidity. Auffenberg (1966) and Rose (1970) suggested that the subdentary glands produce pheromones important to courtship and mating behavior, and Landers et al. (1980) used the swollen condition of these glands in some captured tortoises as an index to sexual activity. Although the clutch size of gravid tortoises can be determined by radiography (Turner et al. 19861, field methods are limited to palpation and weight loss. T. Linley (Pers. comm.) uses palpation to estimate clutch sizes for gravid females with well calcified eggs. Turner et al. (1986) also regularly weighed transmit tered desert tortoises and used sudden weight loss to indicate oviposition. Given the fairly predictable nature of tortoise nest location (Hallinan 19231, it is surprising that so few field data have been collected on nest predation, nest microclimate, sex of offspring, time of emergence, etc. Auffenberg and Iverson (1979) in north Florida, and Landers et al. (1980)in south Georgia, provide estimates of predation rates and nest viability, but more information is needed to construct accurate estimates of nesting success over time, one of the more critical portions of tortoise life cycles (Diemer 1984). Marshall (1987) and Douglass and Winegarner (1977) also report preliminary studies on nest predation using sign at a small number of regularly visited nests. Camera traps may be particularly useful in egg predation studies, allowing precise identification of timing and predator. R.L. Burke and M. Noss (pers. obs.) attempted to detect soil disturbance due to egg laying by burying a layer of colored gravel in 46 burrow mounds before oviposition season. No activity was detected, however. Careful use of an egg probe (Hallinan 1923) may facilitate rapid searching of large numbers of burrow mounds for egg clutches. Movement Studies In addition to studies employing direct observation and capture-recapture techniques (e.g., Auffenberg and Iverson 1979, Douglass and Layne 1978, McRae et al. 1980, Landers et al. 1980), various remote sensing devices have been used to monitor tortoise movements. String trailers (see Ferner 1979 and Plummer 1979)have been used for daily movement and path length studies (Pers, comm., W. Auffenberg, Florida State Museum, Gainesville, Fl., McRae et al. 1980). Tortoises too small for radio transmitters may be tracked using a metal detector to locate small pieces of different metals attached to their shells. Radio telemetry (Legler 1979)of gopher tortoises has been used by Burke (19871, Fucigna and Nickerson (in press), McRae et al. (19801, Stout et al. (in press), J. Diemer (unpublished data, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Wildlife Research Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida) and others. Radios are attached to anterior of the carapace on females (to avoid interference with copulation) and either the anterior or posterior of males. Dental acrylic is typically used to fix the transmitter on the shell, and the entire device is covered in silicone sealant for additional protection. Other researchers (eg., Stout et al. in press) have used machine screws or wire to attach the radio to the shell. Antennae are usually glued along the shell or left dragging. Auffenberg and Iverson (1979) used a series of microswitches and sensors buried along, and extending into, numerous tortoise burrows to correlate inner-burrow movements with microhabitat environmental conditions. Commensal Studies General methods for trapping reptile and amphibian species are reviewed by Campbell and Christman (1982) and Vogt and Hine (1982). Crawfish frogs may be seen at night sitting in the mouth of the burrow (Hallinan 1923), and are sometimes captured in bucket traps, small mammal traps, and funnel traps set for other species (Franz 1986).General marking techniques for reptiles and amphibians are reviewed by Ferner (1979). Day et al. (1980) give a general review of capture and marking techniques for mammals, birds and reptiles, and Mengak and Guynn (1987) compare different trapping methods for small mammals and herpetofauna. Eisenberg (1983) describes successful placement of traps for Florida mice. As described above, digging up the burrow by hand is the only known way reliably to capture all burrow commensals, especially invertebrates. W. Auffenberg (Pers. comm., Florida State Museum, Gainesville, Florida) and Milstrey (1986) have used vacuum systems to sample invertebrates in burrows. Milstrey (1986) and Woodruff and Klein (in prep.) also describe various small, baited pitfall traps for capturing invertebrates. Butler et al. (1984) describes a C02 trap that is useful for collecting ticks and fleas. Vegetation Analysis A small number of researchers has attempted to characterize gopher tortoise habitat using quantitative methods. Breininger et al. (in press), Marshall (19871, and Wester (1986) related gopher tortoise densities to vegetation structure, while Auffenberg and Iverson (1979) analyzed the relationship between tortoise densities and a single vegetative component, herbaceous ground cover. Quantitative vegetation sampling has become a standard element in survey techniques used for other groups (e.g., breeding bird censuses, James and Shugart 1970), and these techniques should be more widely applied to tortoise research. We collected vegetation data at 50 m points as part of the transect study described above. Percent canopy cover (trees > 5 m), percent shrub cover, percent ground cover, percent wiregrass (Aristida stricta) cover, and the relative percent of deciduous trees to coniferous trees were measured using methods described in Cox et al. (1987). These five variables were selected based on published information about gopher tortoise habitat preferences (Campbell and Christman 1982, Diemer 1986),but several other variables could also be considered. A principal components analysis was performed on the vegetation data using a "varimax" rotation procedure (Wilkinson 1980).The density (per ha) of active and inactive gopher tortoise burrows along each of the 32 transect segments was then plotted against the transectfsvegetation score on the first principal component axis. This procedure helps gauge the degree to which variation in tortoise density along transects \ Gable 3.-Factor loadings for 6 habitat variables measured along transects. Weightings and contrasts were derived from a "varimax" principal component (PC) analysis N i lkinson 1983). Variable PC 1 Canopy cover 0.809 Shrub cover -0,896 -0.832 Ground cover Deciduous/conifer0.090 ous overstory Percent wiregrass 0.607 Percent variance explained by axis 50.5% PC2 -0.278 0.171 0.044 0.900 0.550 24.4% / relates to variation in vegetation structure. The average values for vegetative samples recorded along transects was used to compute principal component scores. Too few samples were collected to produce a very precise evaluation between burrow density and vegetation structure, so the effort should be considered only as an example of the application of vegetation data collected along transects. Principal component analysis of vegetation data accurately projected the differenceswe casually observed among sites. The first principal component axis explained 50.5% of the variation among samples and largely contrasted decreasing canopy cover and wiregrass percentages with increasing shrub and ground cover (table 3). High positive scores along this axis indicate decreasing percentages of canopy cover and wiregrass, increasing amounts of shrub cover Figure 1 .-Gopher tortoise burrow density estimates plotted along first principal component axis. High positive scores along PC1 have low canopy cover and relatively high levels of herbaceous ground cover and shrubs. 211 and ground cover, and increasing ratios of deciduous to coniferous trees. The second principal component axis explained an additional 24.4% of the sample variance and is weighted by decreasing amounts of wiregrass cover and the ratio of deciduous to coniferous trees (table 3). A plot of burrow densities against the first principal component shows a general trend of increasing burrow density with decreasing principal component value (fig. 1).Areas with greater burrow densities generally had a lower percentage of canopy cover, but higher percentages of shrub and ground cover, than areas with lower densities. The regression line drawn through the points has an adjusted r2 of 0.37 ( ~ ~ 0 . 0 5 ) . Future Directions Burrow-count transects are efficient for estimating burrow density, but they may not produce sufficiently accurate estimates of gopher tortoise densities. The relationship between burrow density and tortoise density is poorly understood, and studies analyzing the relationship between burrow occupancy and burrow activity class are needed to strengthen abundance estimates. Whether transects are appropriate will depend on the questions being addressed. The combined effects of variation in occupancy rates and variation in burrow counts among transects may easily produce estimates of tortoise abundance that span an order of magnitude. For example, a 95-confidence interval for the density of active and inactive burrows on our second study area (using the Fourier series estimate from table 1)is 3.32612.55 burrows per ha. If the occupancy rate of 20 active and inactive burrows was followed for a week on this site and determined to be 0.60 +0.20 for any one day, then a 95-confidence interval for the estimated density of tortoises on the site could range from 0.69 to 12.4 tortoise per ha. Clearly this is too large a range for some, if not most, ecological questions. Many more transects and more precise occupancy rates would be needed to correct these problems. Fourier series estimators should be used when transects are conducted in areas with a dense shrub component. Some strip-transect estimates of gopher tortoise densities in thick, scrubby areas may have underestimated density. Indeed, Breininger et al. (in press) found high tortoise densities on areas with thick shrub levels that traditionally might not have been considered appropriate gopher tortoise habitat. Repeated samples of burrow activity over time should be used to estimate site-specific correction factors, rather than rely on a single generalized correction factor. This can be easily done, requiring only a return visit to 20 or more randomly chosen burrows. As such data accumulate, they may lead to a more appropriate correction factor. Additional studies of the commensal community are also needed since very little is known of the interactions that occur among commensal species. Certain mutualistic relationships may be critical to the survival of many of these species and be important in efforts to relocate components of the burrow community (e.g., Diemer et al. in press). Video camera techniques (Breininger et al. in press, Spillers and Speake 1986) offer a great potential for investigating burrow ecology. Additional studies of the early life cycles of gopher tortoises may also be worth pursuing, particularly in terms of conducting management for this species. The critical survival period in the gopher tortoise life cycle occurs during the first few years of life (Diemer 1984). If nesting success and hatchling survival can be effectively manipulated through management activities, such activities would need to be conducted fairly infrequently to enhance population size over many years. Acknowledgments The authors appreciate the suggestions of W. Auffenberg, D. Breininger, R. Franz, L. Landers, J. Layne, H. Mushinsky, I. J. Stout, an anonymous reviewer, and especially K. Berry and J. Diemer. D. Bentzein, J. Dudley, P.K. Harpel-Burke, T. Linley, M. Noss and R. Stratton provided vital field assistance and insightful comments. J. Layne, B. Woodruff and D. Wood provided in press manuscripts. Literature Cited Agassiz, Louis. 1857. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. 452 p. Little, Brown, and Go. Alford, Ross A. 1980. Population structure of Gopherus polyphemus in northern Florida. Journal of Herpetology 14(2):1??-182. Auffenberg, Walter. 1966. On the courtship of Gopherus polyphemus. Herpetologica 22(2):113-1I?. Auffenberg, Walter. 1969. Tortoise behavior and survival. 38 p. Rand McNally, Chicago. Auffenberg, Walter, and Richard Franz. 1982. The status and distribution of the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus). p. 95-126. In: R. B. Bury (ed.). North American tortoises: Conservation and ecology. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Research Report 12, 126 p. Washington, D.C. Auffenberg, Walter, and John B. Iverson. 1979. Demography of terrestrial turtles. p. 541-569. In: M. Harless and H. Morlock (eds.). Turtles: Research and perspectives. 718 p. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 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